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Nymphetamine Mondlicht, the Gothic
Girl with a strange behaviour.
by Daragott
Nymphetamine Mondlicht is a 22 years old Alternative Model and
Photographer from Germany. She is always looking for new
models – whether female or male who want to have some great
pictures. You can contact her anytime.
Hello Nymphetamine Mondlicht, first, thank you for this great
pleasure you give me to accept this interview for X-centric
Magazine; to start this interview off, please tell me, how would
you describe yourself?
Nymphetamine- Hi X-centic, first thank you for inviting me to
this interview. I feel very honored and I liked to take time to
answer these questions. To my person: "Nymphetamine
Mondlicht" is my artist name. The name "Nymphetamine" comes from the song of Cradle of Filth.
I love this song. The "Mondlicht" stands for my love to the night. Especially nights when the moon is
shining clearly. I´m an 22 years old girl. In the moment, I live with my boyfriend in Berlin, Germany.
There, I'm a trainee. Personally, I would describe myself as a nice, open-minded, sometimes
complicated, but always good-humored girl. But like everyone I´m not perfect and I have sometimes a
little strange behaviour.
X-centic- Where did you grow up and what kind of kid were you?
Nymphetamine- I grew up in a little village. Until I was 19 years old, I lived with my parents. After
that I started my education in the great city of Berlin. As a child I was totally different from today. I
would say, as a child I was not really self-confident and did not have my own opinions. Today, it is in
a totally other way: I represent my point, go with self-confidence through my life and make my way.
X-centic- Tell me about your family.
Nymphetamine- I love my family!!! I would do anything for
them, because I know, that they would do the same for me.
My parents are my most beloved and the most important
people in my life. My family – especially my parents – is
supporting me in every situation. Mostly here, in Berlin, it is
really great to know, that there is somebody who loves you
and is proud about you.
X-centic- Who in your family are you closest to and why?
Nymphetamine- Definitly my mum. She isn´t only my mum, she is also my best friend. I can talk to
her about everything. She always tells me her opinion and stands by my side, doesn´t matter in which
situation. I just love her. After that, there is my daddy. In his eyes, I´m his little princess. But I don´t
feel close to my parents, I also feel close to my lovely boyfriend. I met him on the WGT 2010 in
Leipzig. He is my big love and he stands to me.
He always builds me up when I´m down.
X-centic- You are an Alternative, Gothic and Cyber Model/Photographer. Let’s s talk first about
modeling. How old were you when you start to do modeling?
Nymphetamine-I´ve started my hobby late. It was in March, 2011 – I´ve been 20 years old.
X-centic- How was the reaction of your parents and friends when you decided to do modeling?
Nymphetamine- My parents are always excited when they see pictures of her daughter.
Many of my friends like my style, too. Some of them also think, that it is brave that I do modeling.
X-centic- Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen?
Nymphetamine- Which girl doesn´t dream of beautiful and sexy pictures of itself? My boyfriend is an
amateur photograph for years. He is the reason why I started modeling. To say the truth, he needed a
“victim” for some of his ideas.
X-centic- Do you want to do a career into modeling?
Nymphetamine-To be honest, no!!! I love my job more than anything else. Modeling is just a hobby,
a little satisfaction of me. I really like, to realize ideas and to improve creativity.
X-centic- What is your modeling background?
Nymphetamine- The most important thing for me is to have fun.
Meeting nice people to create projects together. Most importantly
creating great and beautiful pictures.
X-centic- What attracts you in the modeling industry?
Nymphetamine- Actually, I don´t work in the modeling industry,
because I don´t take money for my shootings. I do just work TFP
(Time For Pictures).
X-centic- What motivates you to do your best on a photo
Nymphetamine- Definitly, my urge for perfectionism, that the
work becomes a good picture, which both, model and photograph,
can live with.
X-centic- What kind of campaigns would really you like to do?
There are many campaigns, which I would like to do. Pictures on cemeteries, old ruins and lost places.
I love these hard opposites. For example, a lost place, but a nice dress. The difference between old,
rotten and beautiful, young, really attracts.
X-centic- What has been your favorite modeling experience so far?
Until now, all my shootings and photographs were great. Just everyone – photograph or model – has
done an amazing work. The atmosphere fited.
X-centic- You're a photographer too, tell me how did you start doing photography?
Nymphetamine- My second passion, I also owe my boyfriend.
I got a camera to Christmas from him.First, I just shot items. But this became boring very soon. Then,
I started to look for models under my friends, who had the interest to work together with me. This was
in March, 2012. In November 2012, I started with concert-photography.
X-centic- Was it an idea of yours or did anyone suggest it?
Nymphetamine- As I said, my boyfriend was responsible.
X-centic- What got you interested in it?
Nymphetamine- In the photography I´m most interested in working together with great people, who
also enjoy the hobby. Who are also satisfied in being creative and realizing ideas.
X-centic- What are the common elements of
your photography style? How would you
describe your shooting style as photographer?
Nymphetamine- I photograph persons, who are
also alternative as me, figurently, Gothic, Cyber
or Lolita. But also things like cosplay or fantasy
or horror…
X-centic- Who do you consider to be an
influence on your work as a photographer?
Nymphetamine- Oh, really good question.
First, I would name my boyfriend, because he
has been my mentor until now.
Otherwise, I really like the work of Martin Black or Heilemania.
They just know how to set the models in the right light.
X-centic- What are the most important things you have learnt from your work experience as model?
Nymphetamine- Definitely the charme and the different posings.
X-centic- And for the last question, why not something funny: What's the worst pick up line you've
heard from a guy?
Nymphetamine- Haha… I really do have something in my mind. A guy asked me on the street
whether I would like to earn some cash for pictures, because he thought I´m erotic.
In this moment I was speechless.
Nymphetamine- At the end…I would like to use this moment for thank all. I would like to thank for
the great support of my hobby.
Especially I would like to thank the photographers and the models, I already worked with. It was a
great honor to me. I also would like to thank my “fans” for liking what I do and who I am. You are
just awesome!
Thank you for answering my questions, it was a great to me and to all my readers to know you more!
Nymphetamine Mondlicht wants to thank all the photographers for the work:
de Rais Fotografie (
Vanessa Vogl (
Flämingspaziergang (Model Kartei)
Grüne_Fee (Model Kartei)
Photo Illusion (Model Kartei)
Bloody Art (Model Kartei)
Berlin Tribut HN (Model Kartei)
VKuki (Fotocommunity)
You can meet and contact Nymphetamine Mondlicht on Facebook:
Bianca Nieves, The first interview of
Bianca started site modeling a while ago, the reason
why she started site modeling is to achieve her dreams
and goals. That is why she started a like page too as
Bianca hopes to become a singer and a model as she
get older; she is starting to get into acting again. She
goes to auditions and she has a Youtube channel,
She's trying as hard as she can and she hopes many of
you can help with this.
Her biggest goal is to Inspire people. Not for the fame
or the money, just to say she is a role model to some
one. Now, let's see what she can tells about her.
Hello Bianca Nieves, first, thank you for this
opportunity you give me to accept this interview for X-centric Magazine; to start this
interview off, please tell me, how would you describe yourself?
Bianca Nieves- I would describe myself as a very open minded person, I accept
everyone and everything. A very peaceful and caring person, I love animals and people
and helping anyone I can. It makes me feel better about myself and hopefully I do the
same for the people I help. I can be a little controlling as well, I hate when things are not
in my control it is like a pet peeve of mine. I am very expressive about my emotions and
my style and I am very nice but I say what is on my mind.
X-centic- Tell us about yourself. Your life, your family, your school/job
Bianca Nieves- I am a freshmen in Highschool, my life is pretty busy and fun. I am in
two singing groups and plus I do site modeling on the side and try to get myself out there
with my youtube videos and modeling. I hang around with my boyfriend just about every
day. I like to keep myself away from my family and keep busy. I do not get along with
my family, I never have, I have three older siblings and two younger siblings and we all
don’t really get along with each other. They are too judgemental and fake to me so I
respect them until I get out of my house. School was never too bad for me until the 8th
grade things started getting heavier with school life and home life which ended up with
my depression and anxiety to worsen but other than that I have always had good grades
and I have never done anything to bad in school I stay in school because I want to get far
with my life,, so I do what needs to be done with school. About a job, I might start
working at the fast food place Diary Queen in my town if all goes well but if things do
not work out I am going to keep applying to places.
X-centic- How was your childhood?
Bianca Nieves- My childhood wasn’t the best I had to grow up fast and things were a
little hard with money and family issues.
X-centic- How would your friends describe you?
Bianca Nieves- Funny, Perverted, Weird, cute, and sweet
X-centic- Who in your friends are you
closest to and why?
Bianca Nieves- I am closest to about four
friends of mine. One of them being my
boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been
together for almost two years now and he
has been my rock. He is my soulmate and
he makes me who I am and loves me no
matter how weird I am.
My three friends Andriana, Liz, and Jasmine have truly been here by my side for a long
time and I tell them everything I possible can trust them with. They don’t judge me and
they help me through some bad times in life.
All of my closest friends have been through a lot including my boyfriend and they are
some of the strongest people I know.
X-centic- On starting to do model: when and how did you start modeling?
Bianca Nieves- I started when I was 13 years of age an old friend of mine started it first
and she thought it would be a great idea for me because of the way I am and my look. I
have also been to an audition in the 4th grade so I thought it would help me get where I
wanted to go and took the chance and because of my old friend I am here to day.
X-centic- Why u want to be a model?
Bianca Nieves- I want to be a model for the reasons that we look up to some of the most
awful people and the most hypocritical people and I want people to look up to me, I want
people to be inspired by me. I do not want them to feel low on themselves I want them to
look at my art/pictures and think “wow, I can do that.” or “I am beautiful, I don’t need all
this makeup or to hurt myself.” It is such a good feeling when you hear people say they
look up to you and that they stopped cutting or their eating disorder because of you or
that they are more confident.
X-centic- Do you want to do modeling as a career?
Bianca Nieves- Of course I do, I always wanted it since I was 5.
X-centic- What attracts you in the modeling industry?
Bianca Nieves- That it is your art and sometimes your ideas, that people are paying
attention to me and they look up to me. You get beautiful clothes and your hair and
makeup get done and you meet new people and go around the world.
X-centic- How will you achieve your goals?
Bianca Nieves- Get good grades, get away from my family, have support, save up
money, keep taking photo’s and youtube videos, go to college, get well known and keep
inspiring people.
X-centic- How is it being a model on Facebook?
Bianca Nieves- It is really cool, you meet so many people and it is a way to get well
known. People look at your art and talk to you.
X-centic- What qualities do you look for a site modeling on Facebook?
Bianca Nieves- Good
models, poses, friendly
people, friendly site owner,
their rules and the amount
of friends they have.
X-centic- Let's look back
at how you started
modeling, tell me about
how you began?
Bianca Nieves- An old
friend started site modeling
before I did when I was 13
and I have been to an
audition in 4th grade so I
went for it and I am here
X-centic- What was your
first time in front of a
camera for a shooting?
Bianca Nieves- I always
liked being in front of the
camera but my first actual
photo shoot was last year
during the summer. It was
X-centic- Who was the
photographer for your first
photo shoot and did you
feel comfortable in front of
the camera? Nervous?
Stressed? Relax?
Bianca Nieves- I am
honestly not even sure who
my first photographer was
but I was nervous and
uncomfortable. He shot
everyone who was in the
X-centic- What was your
first impression when you
had your first photo
shooting and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn't expect?
Bianca Nieves- That he was a good photographer but he made everyone do the same
moves, my second photo shoot was better than my first. I expected my first photo shoot
to be more exciting than it was.
X-centic- How did your parents and friends take your posing for Modeling?
Bianca Nieves- My friends and family never seem excited for me but I had my
boyfriends support.
X-centic- How would you describe your style?
Bianca Nieves- My style would be fun, creative, sailor like, it is a mix of everything. It
can be taken as so many stereotypes but nothing preppy. More like grunge, sailor, hipster,
punk, rock, metal, cute. etc.
X-centic- What are the most important things you have learnt from your work experience
as model?
Bianca Nieves- That it is so much fun! Can be busy and stressful and people always
criticize you no matter what.
Thank you so much. I am so thankful for this!
Thank you for answering my questions, it was a great to me and to all my readers to
know you more!
You can meet Bianca on her different profiles:
Zhara Altmodel, behind the pictures
Her name is Sara Granados, he's from Costa Rica, I'm
23 years old, Studying styling, She's practicing
alternative modeling since a few time, Her biggest
inspiration is the metal music, even though she's
amateur in this art, Sara try hard to improve her work
into modeling.
Hello Zhara Altmodel, first, thank you for this
opportunity you give me to accept this interview for
X-centric Magazine; to start this interview off, please
tell me,How would you describe yourself? Tell me
about yourself.
Zhara- Well, first I want to thank you for the
opportunity to make this interview, this is very
important for me. I can say I'm friendly but sometimes
I'm introvert. I love the metal music; really that is my passion. Also I love the beauty and
fashion therefore I'm studying it.
X-centric- What sort of childhood you had?
Zhara- My childhood was the best part of my life, even though I grew in a rural zone I
always had what I needed and I was very very happy. My parents were very loving and
they took care of my very well . From their I learned the humility and to value all what I
have in my life.
X-centric- What has disappointed you in your childhood?
Zhara- I really have to say… nothing! all in my childhood was perfect and I enjoyed
every day all my adventures.
X-centric- How did you start to do modeling? Who convinced you to become a model?
Zhara- I began modeling when my boyfriend bought a semi professional camera and he
needed a model to practice photography, I accepted but I felt shame, then he said me that
I had to lose the fear and practice more. One month later we make the application in x-
centric models and I was accepted.
Right now I'm an amateur model thanks to
my boyfriend (Gerardo Cerdas)
X-centric- How was the reaction of your
family and close friends when you decided
to do modeling?
Zhara- All my family members were
very happy because they like a pictures.
and my friends were surprised because
they didn't know this part of me.
In generally, I had a positive critical.
X-centric- Do you plan on making
modeling a full time career?
Zhara- Yes, I would like to practice modeling full time because it is something what I
like a lot. It make me feel different because I can learn a lot and improve my work.
X-centric- How would you describe your style?
Zhara- My style generally is related with the music, I love to wear t-shirt of different
metal bands.
But I love the pin up style too,because, this is full of glamour.
Even though I don't have many resources like dress and accesories I always try to look
different and explode all the street art.
X-centric- You live in Costa-Rica. How is it there for a young girl who want to become a
Zhara- Well, really it's very difficult because there's not many support in this kind of art.
For example the majority of alternative models from Costa Rica had to go out from the
country to succeed.
X-centric- Who is your favorite female model and why?
Zhara- My favorite model is Marilyn Monroe because she was a recognized pin up
model, also she was a very famous actress in hollywood and a singer.
In fact she was a person who made a combination of different arts, and for this reason she
is my favorite.
X-centric- Would you like to add something else?
Zhara- Yes, I want to thank to all people who always support me. Also to x-centric
models because it is the first agency where I was accepted. And I can't forget to thanks to
my photographer (Gerardo Cerdas) without him this wouldn't be possible. And I really
love his work.
Thank you for answering my questions.
Photographer: Gerardo Cerdas
You can meet Zhara on her different profiles:
Lola Loomerez, Flight By Broken Wings
Lola is born in October 24, 1996 and wanted to model ever since she was little. She also
sing, dance and act. She's comfortable in her own skin and she won't let the haters define
her. Recently, she took a 3 month break from site modeling. But now she's back and she's
demanding to be heard!
Hello Lola, to start this interview off, please tell me, How would you describe yourself?
Tell me about yourself.
Lola- Well, I’ve been through a lot in the past year. Bad relationships, broken trust, and
just the day in day out drama. I never let what’s happened in the past bring me down. I’m
a strong person, I’ll defend you to the end if you need it.
X-centric- Tell us about your childhood, your family.
Lola- Well I moved to Iowa when I was 7 from Chicago.
All of my brothers and sisters are older than I am, by
atleast 20 years. My parents are older, so sometimes the
generation gap causes conflicts and we don’t see eye to
eye. But when it all comes down to it they’re always there
for me.
X-centric- Do you receive support from your friends and
Lola- It really depends. Sometimes my parents are
supportive and tell me I can do it and other times they tell
me I’m wasting my time. My friends too, well it all
depends on the friend. My best friends Quanita and Chase always tell me no matter what
they’ll always believe in me.
X-centric- On starting to do model: when and how did you start modeling?
Lola- I started sitemodeling last August, someone I randomly facebook added and
became friends with started doing it. I was always interested in it so I thought I would try
X-centric- Did you always want to be a model?
Lola- Yes, I’ve always been more attracted to the scene/emo modeling though. More
than traditional.
X-centric- Do you want to do modeling as a career?
Lola- It’s a toss up between modeling and music. Both are equally important to me. But
if I make it in one, I’m sure I can do the other.
X-centric- What attracts you in the modeling industry?
Lola- All the potential in aspiring models. Also with sitemodeling I love making new
friends, so that is another thing that does.
X-centric- How long do you want to
keep on doing modeling?
Lola- Until I’m told I’m too old
really. Modeling gives me a sense of
belonging. I live in a small town, and
my style is untraditional, modeling
makes me feel good about myself, so
why stop a bad thing?
X-centric- What do you dislike
about modeling?
Lola- I don’t like how some site
owners are unprofessional and don’t
communicate with their models. It
makes me feel like I don’t get to
know the face behind the screen, I’m
not sure why it bothers me, but I
guess it’s because I like to connect
with people.
X-centric- Who is your model
inspiration and why?
Lola- I would have to say Katie
Babyfayce. She’s just so pretty and
her pictures are like perfect.
X-centric- Do you have something else you would like to add?
Lola- Yes, never let the past affect what your present self wants to do. If I allowed that to
happen I wouldn’t be doing this interview right now.
You can meet Lola on her different profiles on the Web: – facebook profile – music like page!/pages/Lola-Loomerez/143283255847882?fref=ts –
sitemodeling like page – The offical Youtube channel
Haru Insanity, The beginning
Haru Insanity is a aspiring model, photographer and musician. She hope u guys will like
what she has to show and to say.
Hello Haru Insanity, to start this interview off, tell me something about your personality,
tell us h ow was your childhood?
Haru Insanity- My childhood was filled my tough love
and abuse i'v had many struggles in life due to my mixed
race and my personality an the choices I have made.
X-centic- How would your friends describe you?
Haru Insanity- my friends would probly say imma
sarcastic laid bak gamer chick that is an awkward turtle
who is kinda shy but blunt loud but also quit and a really
good friend.
X-centic- How did you start to do modeling? Who
convinced you to become a model?
Haru Insanity- I started modeling when I applied to x-
centric an haven't stoped since an nobody convinced me to
model tbh ppl told me that I'm to short and fat to model.
X-centic- How was the reaction of your parents and friends when you decided to do
Haru Insanity- my mom was happy an said it would be good for me an my dad said no
I'm to short an fat lol my dads a dick.
X-centic- What qualities do you look for a site modeling on Facebook?
Haru Insanity- Tbh I'm very picky with sites now and I'm currently not looking for new
sites but when I do look I look for models that are already pro or models that obviously
show they could make it in the world as models.
X-centic- So, what exactly is your personal style?
Haru Insanity- my personal style is a mash up of many styles because there multiply
sides to my personality the styles I would say they would be are kawaii grunge
grunge/punk and goth.
X-centic-What aspects of the modeling career attract
you most?
Haru Insanity- The fact that's its a form of art an
good way to express ur self as a child growing up
modeling has always been one of the careers I wanted
to get into.
X-centic- What do you not like about doing
Haru Insanity- So far nuthing lol
X-centic- What brand do you use for make up
Haru Insanity- Currently maybellen
X-centic- What are your future goals, dreams and plans?
Haru Insanity- To basicly be in the world of art and do all that I love which is model ,
photography an music.
You can meet Haru on her different profiles:

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Nymphetamine mondlicht digital magazine

  • 1.
  • 2. Nymphetamine Mondlicht, the Gothic Girl with a strange behaviour. by Daragott Nymphetamine Mondlicht is a 22 years old Alternative Model and Photographer from Germany. She is always looking for new models – whether female or male who want to have some great pictures. You can contact her anytime. Hello Nymphetamine Mondlicht, first, thank you for this great pleasure you give me to accept this interview for X-centric Magazine; to start this interview off, please tell me, how would you describe yourself? Nymphetamine- Hi X-centic, first thank you for inviting me to this interview. I feel very honored and I liked to take time to answer these questions. To my person: "Nymphetamine Mondlicht" is my artist name. The name "Nymphetamine" comes from the song of Cradle of Filth. I love this song. The "Mondlicht" stands for my love to the night. Especially nights when the moon is shining clearly. I´m an 22 years old girl. In the moment, I live with my boyfriend in Berlin, Germany. There, I'm a trainee. Personally, I would describe myself as a nice, open-minded, sometimes
  • 3. complicated, but always good-humored girl. But like everyone I´m not perfect and I have sometimes a little strange behaviour. X-centic- Where did you grow up and what kind of kid were you? Nymphetamine- I grew up in a little village. Until I was 19 years old, I lived with my parents. After that I started my education in the great city of Berlin. As a child I was totally different from today. I would say, as a child I was not really self-confident and did not have my own opinions. Today, it is in a totally other way: I represent my point, go with self-confidence through my life and make my way. X-centic- Tell me about your family. Nymphetamine- I love my family!!! I would do anything for them, because I know, that they would do the same for me. My parents are my most beloved and the most important people in my life. My family – especially my parents – is supporting me in every situation. Mostly here, in Berlin, it is really great to know, that there is somebody who loves you and is proud about you. X-centic- Who in your family are you closest to and why?
  • 4. Nymphetamine- Definitly my mum. She isn´t only my mum, she is also my best friend. I can talk to her about everything. She always tells me her opinion and stands by my side, doesn´t matter in which situation. I just love her. After that, there is my daddy. In his eyes, I´m his little princess. But I don´t feel close to my parents, I also feel close to my lovely boyfriend. I met him on the WGT 2010 in Leipzig. He is my big love and he stands to me. He always builds me up when I´m down. X-centic- You are an Alternative, Gothic and Cyber Model/Photographer. Let’s s talk first about modeling. How old were you when you start to do modeling? Nymphetamine-I´ve started my hobby late. It was in March, 2011 – I´ve been 20 years old. X-centic- How was the reaction of your parents and friends when you decided to do modeling? Nymphetamine- My parents are always excited when they see pictures of her daughter. Many of my friends like my style, too. Some of them also think, that it is brave that I do modeling. X-centic- Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen? Nymphetamine- Which girl doesn´t dream of beautiful and sexy pictures of itself? My boyfriend is an amateur photograph for years. He is the reason why I started modeling. To say the truth, he needed a “victim” for some of his ideas. X-centic- Do you want to do a career into modeling? Nymphetamine-To be honest, no!!! I love my job more than anything else. Modeling is just a hobby, a little satisfaction of me. I really like, to realize ideas and to improve creativity.
  • 5. X-centic- What is your modeling background? Nymphetamine- The most important thing for me is to have fun. Meeting nice people to create projects together. Most importantly creating great and beautiful pictures. X-centic- What attracts you in the modeling industry? Nymphetamine- Actually, I don´t work in the modeling industry, because I don´t take money for my shootings. I do just work TFP (Time For Pictures). X-centic- What motivates you to do your best on a photo shooting? Nymphetamine- Definitly, my urge for perfectionism, that the work becomes a good picture, which both, model and photograph, can live with. X-centic- What kind of campaigns would really you like to do? Nymphetamine- There are many campaigns, which I would like to do. Pictures on cemeteries, old ruins and lost places. I love these hard opposites. For example, a lost place, but a nice dress. The difference between old, rotten and beautiful, young, really attracts. X-centic- What has been your favorite modeling experience so far? Nymphetamine- Until now, all my shootings and photographs were great. Just everyone – photograph or model – has done an amazing work. The atmosphere fited. X-centic- You're a photographer too, tell me how did you start doing photography? Nymphetamine- My second passion, I also owe my boyfriend. I got a camera to Christmas from him.First, I just shot items. But this became boring very soon. Then, I started to look for models under my friends, who had the interest to work together with me. This was in March, 2012. In November 2012, I started with concert-photography.
  • 6. X-centic- Was it an idea of yours or did anyone suggest it? Nymphetamine- As I said, my boyfriend was responsible. X-centic- What got you interested in it? Nymphetamine- In the photography I´m most interested in working together with great people, who also enjoy the hobby. Who are also satisfied in being creative and realizing ideas. X-centic- What are the common elements of your photography style? How would you describe your shooting style as photographer? Nymphetamine- I photograph persons, who are also alternative as me, figurently, Gothic, Cyber or Lolita. But also things like cosplay or fantasy or horror… X-centic- Who do you consider to be an influence on your work as a photographer? Nymphetamine- Oh, really good question. First, I would name my boyfriend, because he has been my mentor until now.
  • 7. Otherwise, I really like the work of Martin Black or Heilemania. They just know how to set the models in the right light. X-centic- What are the most important things you have learnt from your work experience as model? Nymphetamine- Definitely the charme and the different posings. X-centic- And for the last question, why not something funny: What's the worst pick up line you've heard from a guy? Nymphetamine- Haha… I really do have something in my mind. A guy asked me on the street whether I would like to earn some cash for pictures, because he thought I´m erotic. In this moment I was speechless. Nymphetamine- At the end…I would like to use this moment for thank all. I would like to thank for the great support of my hobby. Especially I would like to thank the photographers and the models, I already worked with. It was a great honor to me. I also would like to thank my “fans” for liking what I do and who I am. You are just awesome! Thank you for answering my questions, it was a great to me and to all my readers to know you more! Nymphetamine Mondlicht wants to thank all the photographers for the work: de Rais Fotografie ( Vanessa Vogl ( Flämingspaziergang (Model Kartei) Grüne_Fee (Model Kartei) Photo Illusion (Model Kartei) Bloody Art (Model Kartei) Berlin Tribut HN (Model Kartei) VKuki (Fotocommunity) You can meet and contact Nymphetamine Mondlicht on Facebook:
  • 8. Bianca Nieves, The first interview of BrokenBee Bianca started site modeling a while ago, the reason why she started site modeling is to achieve her dreams and goals. That is why she started a like page too as well. Bianca hopes to become a singer and a model as she get older; she is starting to get into acting again. She goes to auditions and she has a Youtube channel, She's trying as hard as she can and she hopes many of you can help with this. Her biggest goal is to Inspire people. Not for the fame or the money, just to say she is a role model to some one. Now, let's see what she can tells about her. Hello Bianca Nieves, first, thank you for this opportunity you give me to accept this interview for X-centric Magazine; to start this interview off, please tell me, how would you describe yourself? Bianca Nieves- I would describe myself as a very open minded person, I accept everyone and everything. A very peaceful and caring person, I love animals and people and helping anyone I can. It makes me feel better about myself and hopefully I do the same for the people I help. I can be a little controlling as well, I hate when things are not in my control it is like a pet peeve of mine. I am very expressive about my emotions and my style and I am very nice but I say what is on my mind. X-centic- Tell us about yourself. Your life, your family, your school/job Bianca Nieves- I am a freshmen in Highschool, my life is pretty busy and fun. I am in two singing groups and plus I do site modeling on the side and try to get myself out there with my youtube videos and modeling. I hang around with my boyfriend just about every day. I like to keep myself away from my family and keep busy. I do not get along with my family, I never have, I have three older siblings and two younger siblings and we all don’t really get along with each other. They are too judgemental and fake to me so I respect them until I get out of my house. School was never too bad for me until the 8th grade things started getting heavier with school life and home life which ended up with my depression and anxiety to worsen but other than that I have always had good grades and I have never done anything to bad in school I stay in school because I want to get far with my life,, so I do what needs to be done with school. About a job, I might start
  • 9. working at the fast food place Diary Queen in my town if all goes well but if things do not work out I am going to keep applying to places. X-centic- How was your childhood? Bianca Nieves- My childhood wasn’t the best I had to grow up fast and things were a little hard with money and family issues. X-centic- How would your friends describe you? Bianca Nieves- Funny, Perverted, Weird, cute, and sweet X-centic- Who in your friends are you closest to and why? Bianca Nieves- I am closest to about four friends of mine. One of them being my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now and he has been my rock. He is my soulmate and he makes me who I am and loves me no matter how weird I am. My three friends Andriana, Liz, and Jasmine have truly been here by my side for a long time and I tell them everything I possible can trust them with. They don’t judge me and they help me through some bad times in life. All of my closest friends have been through a lot including my boyfriend and they are some of the strongest people I know.
  • 10. X-centic- On starting to do model: when and how did you start modeling? Bianca Nieves- I started when I was 13 years of age an old friend of mine started it first and she thought it would be a great idea for me because of the way I am and my look. I have also been to an audition in the 4th grade so I thought it would help me get where I wanted to go and took the chance and because of my old friend I am here to day. X-centic- Why u want to be a model? Bianca Nieves- I want to be a model for the reasons that we look up to some of the most awful people and the most hypocritical people and I want people to look up to me, I want people to be inspired by me. I do not want them to feel low on themselves I want them to look at my art/pictures and think “wow, I can do that.” or “I am beautiful, I don’t need all this makeup or to hurt myself.” It is such a good feeling when you hear people say they look up to you and that they stopped cutting or their eating disorder because of you or that they are more confident. X-centic- Do you want to do modeling as a career? Bianca Nieves- Of course I do, I always wanted it since I was 5.
  • 11. X-centic- What attracts you in the modeling industry? Bianca Nieves- That it is your art and sometimes your ideas, that people are paying attention to me and they look up to me. You get beautiful clothes and your hair and makeup get done and you meet new people and go around the world. X-centic- How will you achieve your goals? Bianca Nieves- Get good grades, get away from my family, have support, save up money, keep taking photo’s and youtube videos, go to college, get well known and keep inspiring people. X-centic- How is it being a model on Facebook? Bianca Nieves- It is really cool, you meet so many people and it is a way to get well known. People look at your art and talk to you. X-centic- What qualities do you look for a site modeling on Facebook? Bianca Nieves- Good models, poses, friendly people, friendly site owner, their rules and the amount of friends they have. X-centic- Let's look back at how you started modeling, tell me about how you began? Bianca Nieves- An old friend started site modeling before I did when I was 13 and I have been to an audition in 4th grade so I went for it and I am here now.
  • 12. X-centic- What was your first time in front of a camera for a shooting? Bianca Nieves- I always liked being in front of the camera but my first actual photo shoot was last year during the summer. It was awesome! X-centic- Who was the photographer for your first photo shoot and did you feel comfortable in front of the camera? Nervous? Stressed? Relax? Bianca Nieves- I am honestly not even sure who my first photographer was but I was nervous and uncomfortable. He shot everyone who was in the competition. X-centic- What was your first impression when you had your first photo shooting and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn't expect? Bianca Nieves- That he was a good photographer but he made everyone do the same moves, my second photo shoot was better than my first. I expected my first photo shoot to be more exciting than it was. X-centic- How did your parents and friends take your posing for Modeling? Bianca Nieves- My friends and family never seem excited for me but I had my boyfriends support.
  • 13. X-centic- How would you describe your style? Bianca Nieves- My style would be fun, creative, sailor like, it is a mix of everything. It can be taken as so many stereotypes but nothing preppy. More like grunge, sailor, hipster, punk, rock, metal, cute. etc. X-centic- What are the most important things you have learnt from your work experience as model? Bianca Nieves- That it is so much fun! Can be busy and stressful and people always criticize you no matter what. Thank you so much. I am so thankful for this! Thank you for answering my questions, it was a great to me and to all my readers to know you more! You can meet Bianca on her different profiles: 93&type=3
  • 14. Zhara Altmodel, behind the pictures Her name is Sara Granados, he's from Costa Rica, I'm 23 years old, Studying styling, She's practicing alternative modeling since a few time, Her biggest inspiration is the metal music, even though she's amateur in this art, Sara try hard to improve her work into modeling. Hello Zhara Altmodel, first, thank you for this opportunity you give me to accept this interview for X-centric Magazine; to start this interview off, please tell me,How would you describe yourself? Tell me about yourself. Zhara- Well, first I want to thank you for the opportunity to make this interview, this is very important for me. I can say I'm friendly but sometimes I'm introvert. I love the metal music; really that is my passion. Also I love the beauty and fashion therefore I'm studying it. X-centric- What sort of childhood you had? Zhara- My childhood was the best part of my life, even though I grew in a rural zone I always had what I needed and I was very very happy. My parents were very loving and they took care of my very well . From their I learned the humility and to value all what I have in my life. X-centric- What has disappointed you in your childhood? Zhara- I really have to say… nothing! all in my childhood was perfect and I enjoyed every day all my adventures.
  • 15. X-centric- How did you start to do modeling? Who convinced you to become a model? Zhara- I began modeling when my boyfriend bought a semi professional camera and he needed a model to practice photography, I accepted but I felt shame, then he said me that I had to lose the fear and practice more. One month later we make the application in x- centric models and I was accepted. Right now I'm an amateur model thanks to my boyfriend (Gerardo Cerdas) X-centric- How was the reaction of your family and close friends when you decided to do modeling? Zhara- All my family members were very happy because they like a pictures. and my friends were surprised because they didn't know this part of me. In generally, I had a positive critical. X-centric- Do you plan on making modeling a full time career? Zhara- Yes, I would like to practice modeling full time because it is something what I like a lot. It make me feel different because I can learn a lot and improve my work. X-centric- How would you describe your style? Zhara- My style generally is related with the music, I love to wear t-shirt of different metal bands.
  • 16. But I love the pin up style too,because, this is full of glamour. Even though I don't have many resources like dress and accesories I always try to look different and explode all the street art. X-centric- You live in Costa-Rica. How is it there for a young girl who want to become a Model? Zhara- Well, really it's very difficult because there's not many support in this kind of art. For example the majority of alternative models from Costa Rica had to go out from the country to succeed. X-centric- Who is your favorite female model and why? Zhara- My favorite model is Marilyn Monroe because she was a recognized pin up model, also she was a very famous actress in hollywood and a singer. In fact she was a person who made a combination of different arts, and for this reason she is my favorite. X-centric- Would you like to add something else?
  • 17. Zhara- Yes, I want to thank to all people who always support me. Also to x-centric models because it is the first agency where I was accepted. And I can't forget to thanks to my photographer (Gerardo Cerdas) without him this wouldn't be possible. And I really love his work. Thank you for answering my questions. Photographer: Gerardo Cerdas You can meet Zhara on her different profiles:
  • 18. Lola Loomerez, Flight By Broken Wings Lola is born in October 24, 1996 and wanted to model ever since she was little. She also sing, dance and act. She's comfortable in her own skin and she won't let the haters define her. Recently, she took a 3 month break from site modeling. But now she's back and she's demanding to be heard! Hello Lola, to start this interview off, please tell me, How would you describe yourself? Tell me about yourself. Lola- Well, I’ve been through a lot in the past year. Bad relationships, broken trust, and just the day in day out drama. I never let what’s happened in the past bring me down. I’m a strong person, I’ll defend you to the end if you need it. X-centric- Tell us about your childhood, your family. Lola- Well I moved to Iowa when I was 7 from Chicago. All of my brothers and sisters are older than I am, by atleast 20 years. My parents are older, so sometimes the generation gap causes conflicts and we don’t see eye to eye. But when it all comes down to it they’re always there for me. X-centric- Do you receive support from your friends and family? Lola- It really depends. Sometimes my parents are supportive and tell me I can do it and other times they tell me I’m wasting my time. My friends too, well it all
  • 19. depends on the friend. My best friends Quanita and Chase always tell me no matter what they’ll always believe in me. X-centric- On starting to do model: when and how did you start modeling? Lola- I started sitemodeling last August, someone I randomly facebook added and became friends with started doing it. I was always interested in it so I thought I would try it. X-centric- Did you always want to be a model? Lola- Yes, I’ve always been more attracted to the scene/emo modeling though. More than traditional. X-centric- Do you want to do modeling as a career? Lola- It’s a toss up between modeling and music. Both are equally important to me. But if I make it in one, I’m sure I can do the other. X-centric- What attracts you in the modeling industry? Lola- All the potential in aspiring models. Also with sitemodeling I love making new friends, so that is another thing that does.
  • 20. X-centric- How long do you want to keep on doing modeling? Lola- Until I’m told I’m too old really. Modeling gives me a sense of belonging. I live in a small town, and my style is untraditional, modeling makes me feel good about myself, so why stop a bad thing? X-centric- What do you dislike about modeling? Lola- I don’t like how some site owners are unprofessional and don’t communicate with their models. It makes me feel like I don’t get to know the face behind the screen, I’m not sure why it bothers me, but I guess it’s because I like to connect with people. X-centric- Who is your model inspiration and why? Lola- I would have to say Katie Babyfayce. She’s just so pretty and her pictures are like perfect. X-centric- Do you have something else you would like to add? Lola- Yes, never let the past affect what your present self wants to do. If I allowed that to happen I wouldn’t be doing this interview right now. You can meet Lola on her different profiles on the Web: – facebook profile – music like page!/pages/Lola-Loomerez/143283255847882?fref=ts – sitemodeling like page – The offical Youtube channel
  • 21. Haru Insanity, The beginning Haru Insanity is a aspiring model, photographer and musician. She hope u guys will like what she has to show and to say. Hello Haru Insanity, to start this interview off, tell me something about your personality, tell us h ow was your childhood? Haru Insanity- My childhood was filled my tough love and abuse i'v had many struggles in life due to my mixed race and my personality an the choices I have made. X-centic- How would your friends describe you? Haru Insanity- my friends would probly say imma sarcastic laid bak gamer chick that is an awkward turtle who is kinda shy but blunt loud but also quit and a really good friend. X-centic- How did you start to do modeling? Who convinced you to become a model? Haru Insanity- I started modeling when I applied to x- centric an haven't stoped since an nobody convinced me to model tbh ppl told me that I'm to short and fat to model. X-centic- How was the reaction of your parents and friends when you decided to do modeling? Haru Insanity- my mom was happy an said it would be good for me an my dad said no I'm to short an fat lol my dads a dick. X-centic- What qualities do you look for a site modeling on Facebook? Haru Insanity- Tbh I'm very picky with sites now and I'm currently not looking for new sites but when I do look I look for models that are already pro or models that obviously show they could make it in the world as models.
  • 22. X-centic- So, what exactly is your personal style? Haru Insanity- my personal style is a mash up of many styles because there multiply sides to my personality the styles I would say they would be are kawaii grunge grunge/punk and goth. X-centic-What aspects of the modeling career attract you most? Haru Insanity- The fact that's its a form of art an good way to express ur self as a child growing up modeling has always been one of the careers I wanted to get into. X-centic- What do you not like about doing modeling? Haru Insanity- So far nuthing lol X-centic- What brand do you use for make up products? Haru Insanity- Currently maybellen X-centic- What are your future goals, dreams and plans? Haru Insanity- To basicly be in the world of art and do all that I love which is model , photography an music. You can meet Haru on her different profiles: