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NUTR 100 – Diet Analysis Project Template (Parts I, II & III)
Part I: 24-hour Food & Beverage Recall with Predictions
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Dietary Analysis Project-Part I: Food Recall (20 Points)
Rubric Name: Dietary Analysis Project_PartOne
Interview Process
12 points
9 points
6 points
Not Completed
0 points
Score and Feedback
This pertains specifically to 24 hour recall (interview) collected
by the student. Part 1 of assignment.
Interview is complete with times, foods, product names and
portion sizes. (8 pts)
Student has listed the height, weight, age and gender. (4 pts)
Interview is incomplete with some information missing on the
food items and times. (5 pts)
Student has listed the height, weight, age and gender. (4 pts)
Interview is incomplete with most information missing on the
food items and times. (3 pts)
Student has not listed the height, weight, age or gender. (3 pts)
Student has not submitted any work. (0 pts)
9 points
8 points
6 points
4 points
Not Completed
0 points
Score and Feedback
This pertains specifically to 24-hour recall (interview) collected
by the student. Part 1 of assignment.
Predictions are made on the interview and include
appropriate comments on required aspects of the diet. Includes
comments on
food groups and nutrients.
Some predictions are made on the interview and include some
appropriate comments on required
aspects of the diet. Includes comments on either food groups
and nutrients but did not discuss items from both.
Few predictions are made on the interview and include some
appropriate comments on required
aspects of the diet. Lacks discussion on food groups and/or
Student has not submitted any work.
4 points
Overall Score
Level 4
16 or more
Level 3
11 or more
Level 2
1 or more
Level 1
0 or more
Score and Feedback
Overall Score
13 points
Part I of the project is on the right track, but is missing a
portion of the assignment and has some incomplete info in the
diet recall.
For the diet recall, was there any milk with the oatmeal? If so,
please include what kind and how much. Any toppings on the
oatmeal? Include the name of the pizza if applicable, ex. Pizza
Hut. List out the ingredients of the cesar salad. These details
are important for the SuperTracker nutrient report. Please add
them to the diet recall with your Part II submission later this
Nice work completing the predictions table but I do not see your
predictions write-up. Please take a look at the template
instructions again for part 2 of the predictions and include this
information in your Part II submission.
Use this template in conjunction with the Complete Dietary
Analysis Project Instructions. Submit this template when
finished with each Part (there are Parts I, II and III included).
Personal information of person interviewed (please include all):
Gender: Female
Height: 5’5
Weight: 222
Age: 42
Activity level: none
Date/Day of the Week (add rows if needed & divide by
How Much Ate/Drank
(use cups or ounces, tablespoons)
9:12 am
Oatmeal, regular, cooked (no salt or fat added)
1 cup
9:12 am
Bacon, pork cooked
3 medium slices
9:12 am
16 ounces
Salad, grilled chicken, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrots,
no dressing
1 ½ cup
7:25 pm
Pizza, with meat and vegetables, thick crust 1 pizza (5" across
5” across pizza
Salad, Caesar, with dressing
1 cup
7:25 pm
16.9 ounces
3.5 ounces
Predictions (2 parts):
Part 1: Original charts with your predictions
Total Calories
Dietary Fiber
Food Groups
Whole Grains
Vitamins/ Minerals
Saturated fat
Part 2:
Write at least five sentences explaining why you are predicting
what you predict for each category. Please address the
micronutrients in general (if you think overall the 24-hour recall
diet will be too low, adequate/moderate or too high in most
vitamins and minerals) and also specifically address the
mineral, sodium and the sub-categories, saturated fat,
cholesterol and dietary fiber in your write-up. You will lose
points for not addressing all categories noted here.
NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template
Part II: Data Findings and Analysis of Original 24-hour Food
Data Findings & Analysis
Getting Started:
Please submit this Template for Part II, which should include
your completed Part I above and any corrections needed per the
instructors feedback. Also, be sure to submit the Nutrient Intake
Use this template in conjunction with the Complete Dietary
Analysis Project Instructions. Submit this template when
finished with each Part.
· Start with the Daily Food Group Targets. Click on “View by
Meal” (located under the graph on the Food Tracker page). You
will want to copy and paste the Food Groups table into this
document, replacing the example below. You may not be able to
simply copy and paste depending on your computer. You can
also take a screenshot, and then crop the graphic as needed (see
example below).
Food Group Table
· Next, look at the Daily Food Group Graph (next to the word
data and below the daily food group targets). Take a screenshot,
and then crop the graphic as needed (see example below); then
answer the questions and write a summary of your findings per
the instructions below.
Food Group Graph
Food Group Questions:
· What are the total percentages of the target for each food
· Example: Grains are 94%, Vegetables are 151%, Fruits are
111%, Dairy is 53% and Protein is 71% of the targets.
· For grains, what percent is whole and what percent is refined
(hover the arrow over the sections on the chart and it will show
· Example: Whole grains are 65% of total grains
· For dairy, what percent is from milk/yogurt and what percent
is from cheese?
· Example: Milk and yogurt are 80% of dairy intake; cheese is
20% of dairy intake
· For fruit, what percent is from whole fruit and what percent is
from fruit juice?
· Whole fruit is 60% of fruit intake and fruit juice is 40% of
fruit intake.
· Write at least five sentences addressing your findings
regarding the food groups for the diet recall. Address, what
foods from the 24-hour diet recall caused the food groups to be
in these proportions? How can they be improved upon for the
revised diet?
· Next, look at Daily Limits. This is below the graph you were
just looking over on SuperTracker.
As with the above graphs, these charts need to be used in the
final presentation, so save them now (sometimes right clicking
and selecting “save picture as” will work). You may copy and
paste into this template, you may use screenshots (replace the
example below).
Daily Limits Graph
Daily Limits Questions: (please answer them all together in
paragraph form)
· Write at least five sentences summarizing your findings for
daily limits. Address, what foods from the 24-hour diet recall
caused these levels of daily limits? How can they be improved
upon for the revised diet? Include answers to the questions
below as well.
· What are total calories eaten for the day? Are they within 100
calories of the total limit? If not, how can this be achieved with
the revised menu?
· Should added sugar be reduced in order to be lower than the
limit? If yes, how can you revise the menu to meet this target
while meeting other targets?
· How much saturated fat, and sodium were eaten and what were
those limits? If these are above the limits how can they be
improved upon in the revised menu?
The next step is to open the Nutrient Intake Report (just below
the graph, smaller print, next to “Related Links”). You will
need to submit this report with your Part II submission as well
as with the final presentation, so make sure to save it! I strongly
recommend exporting it as a word document so you can edit it
per the requirements for Part III. The report will list the target
(or RDA), average eaten, and the status. Make note of those that
exceed guidelines and those that do not meet the guidelines. For
now, you can assess this as over or under the guideline just
based on the status provided. In your final presentation
submission you will be converting these to percentages.
Remember that for saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium you
want to be below the value, so no need to comment if you fall
below, only if you exceed it.
You now have all the information you need to assess the data
and write up your findings. Keep this information, as you will
need it for the final presentation of your work.
Outcomes of Your Predictions
See if your predictions matched up with the findings. Include
both charts below with your original predictions and findings.
Original Charts with Your Predictions:
Total Calories
Food Groups
Whole Grains
Vitamins/ Minerals
Too Low
Too High
Saturated fat
Analysis Charts with Your Findings:
Total Calories
Food Groups
Whole Grains
Vitamins/ Minerals
Too Low
Too High
Saturated fat
Outcomes of your predictions summary:
(Write at least 5 sentences discussing and comparing your
predictions with the findings. Please summarize which of your
predictions were accurate (or close) and which were not. For
those predictions that were not in line with the findings discuss
why you think your predictions were off)
NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template
Part III: Original 24-hour Food Recall with Revised 24-hour
Final Menu & Analysis
Getting Started:
Please use the provided Template for Parts I, II & III, which
should include your completed Part I & II and any corrections
needed per the instructors feedback. Label all graphs and tables
as “Revised” so it’s easy for me to distinguish between the
original menu data and the revised menu data. IMPORTANT:
before starting Part III take a look at the check list of
requirements for the revised menu at the end of this document.
Date/Day of the Week (add rows if needed):
ORIGINAL 24-hour recall
REVISED 24-hour menu
Original: Food/Condiment/Beverage
How Much Ate/Drank
(use cups or ounces, tablespoons)
(Revised) Daily Food Group Targets (insert screen shot using
revised 24-hour menu you created)
Location Note: the two charts below can be generated using
SuperTracker, located under the Daily Food Group Targets,
select “View By Meal”, they are the last two charts on the
(Revised) Daily Food Group Graph (insert screen shot using
revised 24-hour menu you created)
(Revised) Daily Limits (insert screen shot using revised 24-hour
menu you created)
Fill in the following “Master Comparison Table” to help you
address and compare the following areas:
Target (per SuperTracker)
Original 24-hour recall Menu
Revised 24-hour Menu
Total Calories
Whole Grains
At least 50%
Added Sugars
Saturated Fat
Limit: 2300 mg
<300 mg
Dietary Fiber
>25 g
Revised Menu Questions: (please include at least 8 sentences
addressing these questions)
· Based on your findings what were the areas (food groups,
nutrients etc.) that needed revising from the original menu?
· Were you successful at improving these areas? If so, how did
you improve these areas in the revised menu? If not, why not?
· What were your challenges with revising the menu?
· How did you overcome them?
Checklist of Requirements for Revised Menu:
To be considered a correct, revised menu, the following should
be met: (Use this as a checklist before submitting; part of your
grade will be showing you can meet these targets)
· Total calories should be within 100 calories from the target
calories. For example, if the target calories are 1800 calories,
then your revised menu have calories totaling between 1700-
1900 calories.
· Daily Food Groups Report: Should read OK; it is acceptable to
go over, as long as total calories are +/- 100 calories for the day
and there is balance between the overages (for example, 110%
grains, 110% dairy, 120% vegetables versus 110% fruit, 350%
protein, 200% dairy).
· Graph (Food Group bar graph): Should be at 100% (+/-10%)
for all targets, acceptable to go over as long as total calories are
+/- 100 calories for the day and there is balance between the
overages (for example, 110% grains, 110% dairy, 120%
vegetables versus 110% fruit, 350% protein, 200% dairy).
· For grains, at least 50% should be whole grains. Fruit juice
should not be in excess.
· Daily Limit: Should be within +/- 100 calories of the target.
Added sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium should not
exceed their limits.
· Nutrient Intake Report: There are more nutrients than we are
looking at listed on this report, so only focus on the nutrients
we covered extensively in class (calories, protein grams and %,
carbohydrate grams and %, total fat and %, saturated fat,
cholesterol, dietary fiber and all vitamins and minerals listed).
There are a few extra that we did not cover as extensively in
class, so please do not worry about discussing those (they are:
monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, linoleic acid, alpha-
linolenic acid, omega-3 EPA and omega 3-DHA).
· ***IMPORTANT*** Highlight total calories if the average
eaten is +/- 100 calories of the target, if the number is outside
of the range, write “Less than 100 calories below” or “Greater
than 100 calories above.”
· All macronutrients (carbs, protein and total fat) % Calories
should be within the AMDR target range listed under Target.
Any macronutrient outside of the AMDR should be highlighted
and indicated as “Over” or “Under.”
· Dietary Fiber should be at least 25 grams, anything less should
be highlighted and labeled as “Under”.
· For Saturated fat, anything over 10 percent should be
highlighted and indicated as “Over.”
· For Cholesterol, anything over 300 mg should be highlighted
and indicated as “Over.”
· For Sodium, anything over 2400 mg should be highlighted and
indicated as “Over.”
· For micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), calculate the % of
the target for each and enter it in the status column. To do this,
divide the actual intake by the target and multiple by 100. Type
this percentage in to the Word version of the report next to the
status (for example, OK 105%). This will make it easier for you
to make comments on this for the final presentation. Highlight
any that are less than 80% or greater than 200% of the target. It
may say OK, but we still want to be careful not to go too far
over each day. Only highlight those when greater than 200% or
less than 80% along with their calculated percentage.
Please note: If the person you are creating a menu for has very
high calorie needs (2800 calories or more), you will likely need
to exceed 200% for many of the vitamins and minerals because
you will need a larger amount of total food to meet the calorie
needs. Just make sure that the macronutrients are still within the
AMDR, even at the higher calorie level. If you have a menu
where the calorie needs are 2800 or more you will be graded
based on 300% instead of 200% for the high end of the range.

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NUTR 100 – Diet Analysis Project Template (Parts I, II & III)P.docx

  • 1. NUTR 100 – Diet Analysis Project Template (Parts I, II & III) Part I: 24-hour Food & Beverage Recall with Predictions · Learning Resources · Help Center · System Check Are You Still There? Your session expires after 180 minutes of inactivity, which protects your information in case you've left your device without logging out. Hit a key or click anywhere to stay logged in. Oh, There You Are! View Feedback Top of Form User Submissions Submission Folder Dietary Analysis Project-Part I: Food Recall (20 Points) Rubric Name: Dietary Analysis Project_PartOne Interview Process Excellent 12 points Good
  • 2. 9 points Fair 6 points Not Completed 0 points Score and Feedback This pertains specifically to 24 hour recall (interview) collected by the student. Part 1 of assignment. Interview is complete with times, foods, product names and portion sizes. (8 pts) Student has listed the height, weight, age and gender. (4 pts) Interview is incomplete with some information missing on the food items and times. (5 pts) Student has listed the height, weight, age and gender. (4 pts) Interview is incomplete with most information missing on the food items and times. (3 pts) Student has not listed the height, weight, age or gender. (3 pts) Student has not submitted any work. (0 pts) 9 points Predictions Excellent 8 points Good 6 points Fair 4 points Not Completed 0 points Score and Feedback This pertains specifically to 24-hour recall (interview) collected by the student. Part 1 of assignment.
  • 3. Predictions are made on the interview and include appropriate comments on required aspects of the diet. Includes comments on food groups and nutrients. Some predictions are made on the interview and include some appropriate comments on required aspects of the diet. Includes comments on either food groups and nutrients but did not discuss items from both. Few predictions are made on the interview and include some appropriate comments on required aspects of the diet. Lacks discussion on food groups and/or nutrients. Student has not submitted any work. 4 points Overall Score Level 4 16 or more Level 3 11 or more Level 2 1 or more Level 1 0 or more Score and Feedback Overall Score 13 points
  • 4. Part I of the project is on the right track, but is missing a portion of the assignment and has some incomplete info in the diet recall. For the diet recall, was there any milk with the oatmeal? If so, please include what kind and how much. Any toppings on the oatmeal? Include the name of the pizza if applicable, ex. Pizza Hut. List out the ingredients of the cesar salad. These details are important for the SuperTracker nutrient report. Please add them to the diet recall with your Part II submission later this week. Nice work completing the predictions table but I do not see your predictions write-up. Please take a look at the template instructions again for part 2 of the predictions and include this information in your Part II submission. Use this template in conjunction with the Complete Dietary Analysis Project Instructions. Submit this template when finished with each Part (there are Parts I, II and III included). Personal information of person interviewed (please include all): Gender: Female Height: 5’5 Weight: 222 Age: 42 Activity level: none Date/Day of the Week (add rows if needed & divide by meals/snacks): Time Food/Condiment/Beverage How Much Ate/Drank (use cups or ounces, tablespoons)
  • 5. 9:12 am Oatmeal, regular, cooked (no salt or fat added) 1 cup 9:12 am Bacon, pork cooked 3 medium slices 9:12 am water 16 ounces 1:32pm Salad, grilled chicken, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrots, no dressing 1 ½ cup 7:25 pm Pizza, with meat and vegetables, thick crust 1 pizza (5" across pizza) 5” across pizza 7:25pm Salad, Caesar, with dressing 1 cup 7:25 pm water 16.9 ounces 8:00pm wine 3.5 ounces
  • 6. Predictions (2 parts): Part 1: Original charts with your predictions Total Calories Dietary Fiber Food Groups Macronutrients Micronutrients Veg Fruit Whole Grains Dairy Protein Carbs Fat Vitamins/ Minerals Low x
  • 8. x x Moderate x High Part 2: Write at least five sentences explaining why you are predicting what you predict for each category. Please address the micronutrients in general (if you think overall the 24-hour recall diet will be too low, adequate/moderate or too high in most vitamins and minerals) and also specifically address the mineral, sodium and the sub-categories, saturated fat, cholesterol and dietary fiber in your write-up. You will lose points for not addressing all categories noted here. NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template Part II: Data Findings and Analysis of Original 24-hour Food Recall Data Findings & Analysis Getting Started: Please submit this Template for Part II, which should include your completed Part I above and any corrections needed per the instructors feedback. Also, be sure to submit the Nutrient Intake Report. Use this template in conjunction with the Complete Dietary Analysis Project Instructions. Submit this template when finished with each Part.
  • 9. · Start with the Daily Food Group Targets. Click on “View by Meal” (located under the graph on the Food Tracker page). You will want to copy and paste the Food Groups table into this document, replacing the example below. You may not be able to simply copy and paste depending on your computer. You can also take a screenshot, and then crop the graphic as needed (see example below). Food Group Table · Next, look at the Daily Food Group Graph (next to the word data and below the daily food group targets). Take a screenshot, and then crop the graphic as needed (see example below); then answer the questions and write a summary of your findings per the instructions below. Food Group Graph Food Group Questions: · What are the total percentages of the target for each food group? · Example: Grains are 94%, Vegetables are 151%, Fruits are 111%, Dairy is 53% and Protein is 71% of the targets. · For grains, what percent is whole and what percent is refined (hover the arrow over the sections on the chart and it will show this)? · Example: Whole grains are 65% of total grains · For dairy, what percent is from milk/yogurt and what percent
  • 10. is from cheese? · Example: Milk and yogurt are 80% of dairy intake; cheese is 20% of dairy intake · For fruit, what percent is from whole fruit and what percent is from fruit juice? · Whole fruit is 60% of fruit intake and fruit juice is 40% of fruit intake. · Write at least five sentences addressing your findings regarding the food groups for the diet recall. Address, what foods from the 24-hour diet recall caused the food groups to be in these proportions? How can they be improved upon for the revised diet? · Next, look at Daily Limits. This is below the graph you were just looking over on SuperTracker. As with the above graphs, these charts need to be used in the final presentation, so save them now (sometimes right clicking and selecting “save picture as” will work). You may copy and paste into this template, you may use screenshots (replace the example below). Daily Limits Graph Daily Limits Questions: (please answer them all together in paragraph form) · Write at least five sentences summarizing your findings for daily limits. Address, what foods from the 24-hour diet recall caused these levels of daily limits? How can they be improved upon for the revised diet? Include answers to the questions below as well. · What are total calories eaten for the day? Are they within 100 calories of the total limit? If not, how can this be achieved with the revised menu?
  • 11. · Should added sugar be reduced in order to be lower than the limit? If yes, how can you revise the menu to meet this target while meeting other targets? · How much saturated fat, and sodium were eaten and what were those limits? If these are above the limits how can they be improved upon in the revised menu? The next step is to open the Nutrient Intake Report (just below the graph, smaller print, next to “Related Links”). You will need to submit this report with your Part II submission as well as with the final presentation, so make sure to save it! I strongly recommend exporting it as a word document so you can edit it per the requirements for Part III. The report will list the target (or RDA), average eaten, and the status. Make note of those that exceed guidelines and those that do not meet the guidelines. For now, you can assess this as over or under the guideline just based on the status provided. In your final presentation submission you will be converting these to percentages. Remember that for saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium you want to be below the value, so no need to comment if you fall below, only if you exceed it. You now have all the information you need to assess the data and write up your findings. Keep this information, as you will need it for the final presentation of your work. Outcomes of Your Predictions See if your predictions matched up with the findings. Include both charts below with your original predictions and findings. Original Charts with Your Predictions: Total Calories Fiber Food Groups
  • 13. Sodium Saturated fat Cholesterol Low Moderate High Analysis Charts with Your Findings: Total Calories Fiber Food Groups Macronutrients Micronutrients
  • 15. Sodium Saturated fat Cholesterol Low Moderate High Outcomes of your predictions summary: (Write at least 5 sentences discussing and comparing your predictions with the findings. Please summarize which of your predictions were accurate (or close) and which were not. For those predictions that were not in line with the findings discuss why you think your predictions were off) NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template Part III: Original 24-hour Food Recall with Revised 24-hour Final Menu & Analysis Getting Started:
  • 16. Please use the provided Template for Parts I, II & III, which should include your completed Part I & II and any corrections needed per the instructors feedback. Label all graphs and tables as “Revised” so it’s easy for me to distinguish between the original menu data and the revised menu data. IMPORTANT: before starting Part III take a look at the check list of requirements for the revised menu at the end of this document. Date/Day of the Week (add rows if needed): ORIGINAL 24-hour recall REVISED 24-hour menu Time Original: Food/Condiment/Beverage How Much Ate/Drank (use cups or ounces, tablespoons) Time Food/Condiments/Beverages Amount
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. (Revised) Daily Food Group Targets (insert screen shot using revised 24-hour menu you created) Location Note: the two charts below can be generated using SuperTracker, located under the Daily Food Group Targets, select “View By Meal”, they are the last two charts on the screen. (Revised) Daily Food Group Graph (insert screen shot using revised 24-hour menu you created) (Revised) Daily Limits (insert screen shot using revised 24-hour
  • 20. menu you created) Fill in the following “Master Comparison Table” to help you address and compare the following areas: Target (per SuperTracker) Original 24-hour recall Menu Revised 24-hour Menu Total Calories Whole Grains At least 50% Added Sugars Limit: Saturated Fat Limit: Sodium Limit: 2300 mg Cholesterol <300 mg Dietary Fiber >25 g
  • 21. Revised Menu Questions: (please include at least 8 sentences addressing these questions) · Based on your findings what were the areas (food groups, nutrients etc.) that needed revising from the original menu? · Were you successful at improving these areas? If so, how did you improve these areas in the revised menu? If not, why not? · What were your challenges with revising the menu? · How did you overcome them? Checklist of Requirements for Revised Menu: To be considered a correct, revised menu, the following should be met: (Use this as a checklist before submitting; part of your grade will be showing you can meet these targets) · Total calories should be within 100 calories from the target calories. For example, if the target calories are 1800 calories, then your revised menu have calories totaling between 1700- 1900 calories. · Daily Food Groups Report: Should read OK; it is acceptable to go over, as long as total calories are +/- 100 calories for the day and there is balance between the overages (for example, 110% grains, 110% dairy, 120% vegetables versus 110% fruit, 350% protein, 200% dairy). · Graph (Food Group bar graph): Should be at 100% (+/-10%) for all targets, acceptable to go over as long as total calories are +/- 100 calories for the day and there is balance between the overages (for example, 110% grains, 110% dairy, 120% vegetables versus 110% fruit, 350% protein, 200% dairy). · For grains, at least 50% should be whole grains. Fruit juice should not be in excess. · Daily Limit: Should be within +/- 100 calories of the target. Added sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium should not exceed their limits.
  • 22. · Nutrient Intake Report: There are more nutrients than we are looking at listed on this report, so only focus on the nutrients we covered extensively in class (calories, protein grams and %, carbohydrate grams and %, total fat and %, saturated fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber and all vitamins and minerals listed). There are a few extra that we did not cover as extensively in class, so please do not worry about discussing those (they are: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, linoleic acid, alpha- linolenic acid, omega-3 EPA and omega 3-DHA). · ***IMPORTANT*** Highlight total calories if the average eaten is +/- 100 calories of the target, if the number is outside of the range, write “Less than 100 calories below” or “Greater than 100 calories above.” · All macronutrients (carbs, protein and total fat) % Calories should be within the AMDR target range listed under Target. Any macronutrient outside of the AMDR should be highlighted and indicated as “Over” or “Under.” · Dietary Fiber should be at least 25 grams, anything less should be highlighted and labeled as “Under”. · For Saturated fat, anything over 10 percent should be highlighted and indicated as “Over.” · For Cholesterol, anything over 300 mg should be highlighted and indicated as “Over.” · For Sodium, anything over 2400 mg should be highlighted and indicated as “Over.” · For micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), calculate the % of the target for each and enter it in the status column. To do this, divide the actual intake by the target and multiple by 100. Type this percentage in to the Word version of the report next to the status (for example, OK 105%). This will make it easier for you to make comments on this for the final presentation. Highlight any that are less than 80% or greater than 200% of the target. It may say OK, but we still want to be careful not to go too far over each day. Only highlight those when greater than 200% or less than 80% along with their calculated percentage.
  • 23. Please note: If the person you are creating a menu for has very high calorie needs (2800 calories or more), you will likely need to exceed 200% for many of the vitamins and minerals because you will need a larger amount of total food to meet the calorie needs. Just make sure that the macronutrients are still within the AMDR, even at the higher calorie level. If you have a menu where the calorie needs are 2800 or more you will be graded based on 300% instead of 200% for the high end of the range. -15854088033616