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Norm Violation Of Social Norms
I will be violating the societal norm of moving out of people's way while out in public. Since many people expect others to be polite, many people
might think it's rude to run into other people. This norm is there to make sure that people do not run into each other all the time, and to influence
people to be polite to each other. I plan to not move out of anyone's way at some of the posher stores at the Eastwood mall such as Macy's,
JCPenny's, Forever 21, and Kohl's. I also plan to enact this same experiment at a Giant Eagle in Warren since the conditions are not as nice there.
There could be a multitude of reactions from both stores. Negative reactions probably will include negative comments, eye rolls, glares, rude
comments, and scoffs. There might also be neutral reactions where people might not even care that I didn't get out of their way. I also expect some
positive reactions such as the person moving politely out of my way, respectful inquiries for me to move out of the way, etc. I believe the most
common reaction I will receive throughout this experiment will be negative. I expect a lot of glares, scoffs, and rude comments. The norm violation
took at two different locations; a variety of stores in the Eastwood mall and my local Giant Eagle. The stores I went into at the mall were on the
richer side, and the Giant Eagle I performed my experiment at was in a more run–down part of town. There were quite a few people in both locations.
In the mall, I easily came across at least 100 people. At Giant Eagle, I came across approximately 50 people. There were a variety of people observing
at both locations– people of all ages, genders, social statuses, and financial backgrounds. However, there were more people that seemed to be of a
higher social and economic status than those at my local Giant Eagle. I went to the Eastwood mall first, and walked around making sure I didn't
politely move out of anyone's way. Walking through the JCPenny, I nearly ran in to a multitude of people who did not move out of my way until the
very last second. A lot of the people in the previous scenario followed up with glares, scoffs, and rude comments. However, quite a few of the people
reacted very neutrally. For example, they
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Violation Of Social Norms Paper
Social norms, expected behaviors that are acceptable within society, have continued to be an important part of peoples' everyday lives whether they
are intentional or automatic. The violation of a social norm was studied through field research, a method used to collect data that occurs outside of the
laboratory (Conley, 2011, pgs. 58–61, 91–92). At Weis, a grocery store in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I attempted to buy one grape from the
produce department. I approached the check–out counter and tried to purchase this item. As I did this, I received many reactions from customers, the
cashier, as well as a manager of the store. There were many different ages and races present, providing me with a variety of responses. One example is more content...
At the grocery store, I violated the social norm of purchasing the whole bag of grapes displayed, not just one individual grape. When I did this, I felt
awkward because I was going against societies expectations of me. I also received repercussions as I violated the norm because I did not fit in and
began to separate myself from the crowd of conformists. I experienced an array of reactions throughout this incident. The manager was called over,
customers were curious and annoyed, and the cashier became very confused and aggravated. They were surprised I was breaking the unwritten rules
of society. Two different types of norms include mores and folkways. Mores are formal outlined norms that result in severe punishment when violated.
A few examples of mores are laws, religion, and plagiarism. Folkway norms are unwritten expected behaviors society holds to keep it systematic and
predictable (Conley, 2011, pgs. 91–92). Examples of folkway norms include waiting in lines, walking on the right side of the sidewalk, and my field
research study of buying the entire bag of grapes or similar produce, instead of just one. Different punishments for violating these norms are
comprised of positive and negative sanctions. Positive sanctions, or rewards, encourage the conformity of social norms. Some examples include
getting a raise in your job for hard work or receiving an A+ on a test for studying. Negative sanctions are the discouragement or punishment used
because of a violation of a social norm. Examples of this include putting someone in prison or intentionally not speaking to someone for a period of
time. In my field research I experienced a negative sanction of hearing adverse comments about my actions. Another concept is culture, a set of beliefs,
traditions, and practices that are not a part of the natural world. Two types of culture are material culture and nonmaterial culture.
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Consequences Of Violating A Norm
Social norms are behaviors, feelings and cognitions that a certain group has deemed as acceptable. People raised in a certain society or in a certain
culture usually behave accordingly to those norms. These set of rules help guide people's actions by letting them know what behavior is
considered appropriate and making them think twice before violating them. Most people want to fit in and when someone violates a social norm
they may be seen as different or as an outcast. That is why the majority is motivated to behave consistently with these beliefs, even if it goes
against their personal believes (Chang, Koban, 2013). Consequences of violating a norm might just be getting weird looks but in more extreme
situations people might get ostracized and even bullied. I have been out in public many times and have caught someone picking their nose or
pulling out a wedgie. People violating social norms can be funny or perhaps a little gross sometimes but it can also be highly uncomfortable and
annoying. The last time I went to go watch a movie in theatres my experience was completely ruined by a group of girls sitting behind me.
Throughout the whole movie the girls would not stop talking. I was instantly in a bad mood and made a causal attribution that their behavior was due
to them being rude and inconsiderate people. However, looking back maybe I should have made a situational attribution. We were watching a scary
movie and talking was probably their way of coping with the fear. In
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Violating Social Norms
Violating Social Norms Have you ever wondered why we hold the doors for those behind us? How about the reason we use utensils when we eat?
What about why we always stand facing the doors in the elevator? These are all examples of what are known as social norms. According to Dr.
Ward social norms are "basic rules of society that help people know what is and is not appropriate to do in any situation." These basic rules of
society are usually unwritten and unspoken and many of us pick up on them over time. Although, some social norms are very common throughout
many cultures, there is a lot of them that vary depending on which culture you are apart of. For example, here in America, a major social norm that
we have is when eating, the polite thing to do is to use spoons and forks, instead of digging in with your hands. For instance, we would not eat
spaghetti with our hands but we would use a fork. In some Thiland cultures it is considered rude to put most foods in your mouth with a fork. Then
there is also some cultures such as Chile in which it is impolite to use your hands for anything, even foods such as french fries, they use forks while
eating. When we were assigned to break a norm and evaluate how it was viewed, I knew right away what I wanted to do. Growing up I was always
raised to be polite at the dinner table and my family was always very formal while eating. We always prayed before anybody touched any of their food,
put our napkins on our laps, and always, I
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Violate Social Norms
In a matter of time, women will eventually attain the same status as men in terms of social deviance and criminality. It can be broken down into
positive and negative context based on society and people's perception. For example, as the world becomes progressive women will try to retain
more power or will seek more power. But it will make them to violate social norms which will label women as criminal. History shows us that time
to time our powerful women figure did violet laws in their timeperiod to prove a point. For example one hand Margaret Sanger was seen as a criminal
during her time since she initatited the idea of birth control. Other hand there was Razor gang leader Matilda Devine from Austrilia who had over 79
convictions. She begin
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Violate Social Norm
Within the last few weeks I decided to take part and violate a social norm. Recently I decided to switch out the hard drive in my iMac so the
performance would improve on it. I invited my close friend over to keep my company and if he wanted to help he could. He is not too computer
savvy as I am, which lead to numerous questions. As he opened the flood gate and started firing questions at me I start to stand close to him. After
his third question I moved from one spot and move a lot closer to him. I not sure how far we were from each other, but I started to feel
uncomfortable myself as I am sure he was wondering what in the world was going on. He reacted by leaning backwards in the opposite direction and
then just flat out told me that I was
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Explain Why It Is Important To Break Social Norms
Remember, these people will always like you, to some degree, no matter what. Even if you break social norms or are awkward about it, they'll forgive
you, still give you their information, and hang out with you. So take advantage of this and ask!
Better this, than never asking and never getting a chance to hang out.
It'll always work. You justneed the courage to
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Before I Violated This Norm
) Before I violated this norm, I felt perfectly fine riding elevators because I knew what was acceptable and appropriate. While I was violating the
norm, I felt extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed because I knew better, but this was my assignment and I had to do it. After I violated this
norm, I understood more about folkways because I experienced them first hand. It was extremely difficult for me to violate the fourth Way in front of
strangers, but simple in front of my friends because that is my personality.
H) I learned that it is very hard to break a habit on purpose that you were raised to not break, but I also learned that I can persevere through
uncomfortable situations. I learned that social research is imperative to sociology because
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The Labeling Theory Of Violating Social Norm
The authors states that there was an assumption that person with deviant behavior are the one who violating social norm. However, recent theory about
labeling reject that theory. Labeling theory define that people who are labeled as having abnormal behavior,in truth, just reflected what society expect
them to be, not what they really did. In some cases, people who get labeled might adjust themselves to the labeled they assigned to, depending on the
society and environment where the behavior take place. Therefore, it should be assume that people surround the labeled person commit themselves by
providing the environment that suitable for encourageing the deviant behavior of the subject too. The speaker supports the labeled theory by giving
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Violating Social Norms
The social norm I violated was leaning or being near the sides or corners of an elevator. I volunteered in a hospital during my spring break so I
decided to violate the elevators social norm, because I have to constantly take the elevator. In my nature, I am very timid, so violating a social
norm required guts and perseverance. When I entered the elevator, I stood in the middle of the elevator while everyone else were leaning on the
sides or corners. After a quick few seconds of standing in the middle of the elevator, the nurses were not taking their eyes off of me and were
murmuring. The doctor literally asked me if I was feeling okay and politely asked me to go to the volunteer office right away so I can be sent for a
checkup with one of the doctors. The patient stared at me for a few moments and looked away because he looked really ill. While walking out of the
elevator, the two nurses continued to murmur and constantly looked at me until I was gone from their more content...
I have heard many crazy stories of people who has a psychological disorder escaped from their rooms and unusually wander around the hospital floors.
In addition to being embarrassed, I also did not doubt that the people in the elevator believed I came from the psychological disorder's department
wearing a volunteer's uniform.
The people who saw me while violating this norm was two nurses, a doctor, and a patient. The two nurses gossiped loudly about other nurses that
work in their assigned floors, so I knew they would be the first ones to gossip about me. The doctor seemed mature, so he didn't make my unusual
behavior a big
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Violating Social Norms In American Culture
In sociology, the term "norms" can be described by a set of objectives where someone does to another person in a society that is normal to do in a
culture or a country. There are many variants of types of norms in different countries, depending on what you are located has different norms. Just like
shaking somebody's hand, or making eye contact while talking to another person is proper etiquette in the American culture. In other countries like
Vietnam, it is disrespectful to touch someone's shoulder while talking to them. In American culture, that is allowed because we see it as a respectful
interaction. An example of violating a social norm is, how president Trump expresses himself and what he is thinking of each major topic, whether it is
the election more content...
He finds ways to exempt himself from the public through social media. He expresses everything to the world, not just the positives. As the
president, he is supposed to be a protector of the country but people on social media portrays him as a threat to the country we live in. The norms
in this article that should be followed is expressing how good the United States is while also doing it with class. There are no downing other
countries with negative language. President Trump being on social media is the opposite of what that norm is supposed to be done. Throughout the
article, it shows that Trump on social media is provoking countries like North Korea. "I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night. Asked
him how Rocket Man is doing," (King, paragraph 8). He wants to provoke and make fun of another political leader in North Korea's dictator, Kim
Jong Un. Basically, Trump wants to see how much North
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Social Norm Violation Experiment
During the social norm violation experiment, my partner and I found that by violating simple social norms people can react either calmly or highly
confused. The social norm we chose to violate was asking for someone else's seat in class and at lunch. My partner and I believed that most of the
participants would react either confused or just give up their seat to be nice. To follow through with the experiment, my partner went up to ten different
students while either in lunch or in class and politely asked to switch seats. I observed the whole situation, I watched the difference in each person's
body language, tone, attitude, and their answer. Most of the time, whenever my partner asked a student for their seat, they looked at her confused at
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Violate Social Norm
The social norm I violated was leaning or being near the sides or corners of an elevator. I volunteered in a hospital during my spring break so I
decided to violate the elevators social norm because I have to constantly take the elevator. In my nature, I am very timid, so violating a social
norm required guts and perseverance. Before entering the elevator, I saw two nurses, a doctor, and a patient. The two nurses gossiped about other
nurses that work in their assigned floors, so I knew they would be the first ones to notice my actions. When I entered the elevator, I stood in the
middle of the elevator while everyone else were leaning on the sides or corners. After a quick few seconds of standing in the middle of the
elevator, the nurses were not taking their eyes off of me and were murmuring. The doctor literally asked me if I was feeling okay and politely asked
me to go to the volunteer office right away so I can be sent for a checkup with one of the doctors. The patient stared at me for a few moments and
looked away because he looked really ill. While walking out of the elevator, the two nurses continued to murmur and constantly looked until I was gone
from their more content...
While performing the action, I felt extremely embarrassed because the doctors and nurses that perceive an unusual behavior in the hospital
automatically think those people have some sort of psychological disorder. I have heard many crazy stories of people who has a psychological
disorder escaped from their rooms and unusually wonder around the hospital floors. In addition to being embarrassed, I also did not doubt that the
people in the elevator believed I came from the psychological disorder's department wearing a volunteer's
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Violate Social Norm
Sociology Report I will violate a social norm of attire by wearing formal attire to school, a place where casual clothing is worn. I will violate the
norm by wearing a blouse, a big fancy skirt and heels to school. The clothes I will wear will be different from my usual attire. The norm acts as a
mechanism of social control, because it will be unpredictable and unexpected. In my school people typically wear clothing like jeans, leggings
and casual dresses so I will be going against social norms. Normally people do not wear the clothing that I will be wearing. If I wear formal attire
to school then people will ask questions about my attire. I think the major reaction will be people asking questions about my outfit and commenting
on my outfit. Others may notice the change of usual attire, but may not comment. I predict that most people will ask questions or may be confused
or surprised. Some people may assume I am attending a fancy or formal event. I will violate the norm at my school, which is La Plata High School
in La Plata, MD. I will be in classrooms and hallways, where I will be observed. A lot of people will be observing since most people in my school
will be observing. Teachers, administrators, classmates, strangers and many other people attending the school will be observing my attire. Students that more content...
There were many people staring. People that I do know and people that I don't know were staring. There was not a lot of interactions that occurred. In
some classes, people made comments while in other classes there weren't any comments made. A teacher and a few students complimented my outfit.
A student asked if my outfit was inspired by the clothing that was worn in the 1950s. Another student complimented my shoes. A teacher said she
liked my outfit and also said "pretty in pink" referring to the skirt I wore. There were not any punishments for violating a social norm of
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Violation Of Social Norms
At a very early age, children learn about social norms to help them become proper citizens in society. Examples of some social norms that students
learn are: "do not yell in the library," "do not speak unless spoken to," "do not talk to strangers," and "close the door when you use the restroom." As
you grow older, these rules become unspoken because everyone knows how to act like a proper individual in society. The textbook definition of a social
norm is something that is a rule of behavior that society accepts. (Bicchieri) Since everyone knows these unsaid rules of society, what would happen
when someone decides not to follow these rules? What would people think and react? In this paper, I discuss my violation of the social norm "don't talk
to strangers" and discuss what I learned from this experiment.
The social norm that I chose to violate was initiating conversation and talking to strangers on public transportation. By doing this I deviated from the
unspoken rule which says that you should not talk to strangers and that you should not interact with others on public transportation because of the
possibility of them harming or assaulting you. From doing this activity, I learned that power dynamics exist in every situation and that by violating a
social norm I, as a young woman, put myself in a vulnerable position. I chose to make this decision to talk to strangers on public transport because it
seemed relatively safe and within my zone of comfort, considering
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Risk of Violating Social Norms
Risk of Violating Social Norms When people break established rules in their community, others around them would have negative judgment on
them. In the movie, Witness, directed by Peter Weir, James McFee and Paul Schaeffer remove detective John Book from their group because he is
violating their actions, which is killing a man in the public restroom. In the article "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: Separation of Society and
State" by Peter McWilliams, individuals in the society do not care much about those who are not following the laws that government has made.
However, if group members do not follow the society's rules, societies do not need those people, judge them differently, and punish them on their
own ways, based on the levels of violation. In the article "Freedom of Expression," Emily West describes the penalty of violating expressive
boundaries of the community as serious as social ostracism. Furthermore, friends can be considered as strangers if they break their rules and act
differently. Based on the movie Witness, the articles "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: Separation of Society and State" and "Freedom of
Expression," and my personal observation, there are three risks in committing actions that break social norms: social exclusion, losing respect and
being considered as stranger In some societies, the punishment for those people who are violating social rules is to exclude those people from the
societies. Individuals in the community do not want those
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Social Norms And Norm Violations
When researching the topic of social norms and norm violations, there is an ongoing list. This is because almost everything we do in society is
based on these social norms. If/when these are broken it can be punished as little as someone giving a dirty look, or as large as severe jail time.
Social norms come into existence when a society does a specific task over and over until it becomes a normal occurrence. One of the biggest concerns
is the war on drugs. Marijuana use is harshly punishments yet causes little to none negative effects. On the other hand, we have tobacco which there are
barely any laws on yet it is killing thousands of Americans.
There are so many drugs in our society and over time their roles have changed. Almost 4,000 years ago marijuana was. This discovering turned into
medicines to help people. Tobacco on the other hand was found almost immediately when Christopher Columbus discovered North America, when he
got there he saw how Native Americans used tobacco and brought it back to the states. Some very important people at the time saw how tobacco
could cause serious medical issues such as lung damage. King James I, the czar of Russia, and Turkish rulers, and rulers of China all set very harsh
punishments to those using tobacco. Turkish rulers went as far as sentencing those to death. As we can see the roles of these drugs have changed
dramatically over time. In the beginning marijuana was a form of medicine, and anyone caught using tobacco was under
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Norm Violation Essay
In my Norm Violation assignment I chose to break the common dining etiquette norm of eating with your hands. Since eating with your hands is only
deviant behavior in certain dining situations, I chose to break this norm at a local sit–down restaurant in Eugene, CafГ© Soriah. I went to the
downtown restaurant with a group of friends for an afternoon meal without telling them of my Norm Violation assignment. Being the only informed
one in the experiment seemed like the best way to get the most candid reactions from my peers. When I arrived to the restaurant I immediately noticed
several social norms that everyone at the establishment was following. The customers and the staff were well dressed, and everyone was conducting
himself more content...
Nevertheless, we all ordered and continued on with our meal, and the beginning of the Norm Violation Experiment. I chose to order a salad and
an entrГ©e that normally required silverware to eat. This way I could be sure that I was blatantly violating the social norm. Once I got my salad
and started eating it with my hands I instantly drew quizzical glances from many people in the restaurant, and even harsher reactions from my
peers I was sitting with. My peers, who were horrified that I would ever embarrass them in this kind of public setting gave me harsh words of
criticism and told me to act my age. Other diners had changed their quizzical looks to scorns. Along with the initial berating, I also had my plate
taken away from me by my peers since I could apparently not be trusted to behave appropriately. The meal continued and I was served my entrГ©e,
which was fish and rice. After eating my appetizer with my hands our table had gathered the attention of several customers and staff at the restaurant.
Once I started to eat with my hands for the second time the reaction from those around me was much swifter and harsher. Not only did my peers
scorn me, but I also received criticism by other people dinning near our table. The third time I tried to eat with my hands I was approached by a
management member of the staff and told that I would need to leave if I continued
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Norm Violation Of Social Norms

  • 1. Norm Violation Of Social Norms I will be violating the societal norm of moving out of people's way while out in public. Since many people expect others to be polite, many people might think it's rude to run into other people. This norm is there to make sure that people do not run into each other all the time, and to influence people to be polite to each other. I plan to not move out of anyone's way at some of the posher stores at the Eastwood mall such as Macy's, JCPenny's, Forever 21, and Kohl's. I also plan to enact this same experiment at a Giant Eagle in Warren since the conditions are not as nice there. There could be a multitude of reactions from both stores. Negative reactions probably will include negative comments, eye rolls, glares, rude comments, and scoffs. There might also be neutral reactions where people might not even care that I didn't get out of their way. I also expect some positive reactions such as the person moving politely out of my way, respectful inquiries for me to move out of the way, etc. I believe the most common reaction I will receive throughout this experiment will be negative. I expect a lot of glares, scoffs, and rude comments. The norm violation took at two different locations; a variety of stores in the Eastwood mall and my local Giant Eagle. The stores I went into at the mall were on the richer side, and the Giant Eagle I performed my experiment at was in a more run–down part of town. There were quite a few people in both locations. In the mall, I easily came across at least 100 people. At Giant Eagle, I came across approximately 50 people. There were a variety of people observing at both locations– people of all ages, genders, social statuses, and financial backgrounds. However, there were more people that seemed to be of a higher social and economic status than those at my local Giant Eagle. I went to the Eastwood mall first, and walked around making sure I didn't politely move out of anyone's way. Walking through the JCPenny, I nearly ran in to a multitude of people who did not move out of my way until the very last second. A lot of the people in the previous scenario followed up with glares, scoffs, and rude comments. However, quite a few of the people reacted very neutrally. For example, they Get more content on
  • 2. Violation Of Social Norms Paper Social norms, expected behaviors that are acceptable within society, have continued to be an important part of peoples' everyday lives whether they are intentional or automatic. The violation of a social norm was studied through field research, a method used to collect data that occurs outside of the laboratory (Conley, 2011, pgs. 58–61, 91–92). At Weis, a grocery store in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I attempted to buy one grape from the produce department. I approached the check–out counter and tried to purchase this item. As I did this, I received many reactions from customers, the cashier, as well as a manager of the store. There were many different ages and races present, providing me with a variety of responses. One example is more content... At the grocery store, I violated the social norm of purchasing the whole bag of grapes displayed, not just one individual grape. When I did this, I felt awkward because I was going against societies expectations of me. I also received repercussions as I violated the norm because I did not fit in and began to separate myself from the crowd of conformists. I experienced an array of reactions throughout this incident. The manager was called over, customers were curious and annoyed, and the cashier became very confused and aggravated. They were surprised I was breaking the unwritten rules of society. Two different types of norms include mores and folkways. Mores are formal outlined norms that result in severe punishment when violated. A few examples of mores are laws, religion, and plagiarism. Folkway norms are unwritten expected behaviors society holds to keep it systematic and predictable (Conley, 2011, pgs. 91–92). Examples of folkway norms include waiting in lines, walking on the right side of the sidewalk, and my field research study of buying the entire bag of grapes or similar produce, instead of just one. Different punishments for violating these norms are comprised of positive and negative sanctions. Positive sanctions, or rewards, encourage the conformity of social norms. Some examples include getting a raise in your job for hard work or receiving an A+ on a test for studying. Negative sanctions are the discouragement or punishment used because of a violation of a social norm. Examples of this include putting someone in prison or intentionally not speaking to someone for a period of time. In my field research I experienced a negative sanction of hearing adverse comments about my actions. Another concept is culture, a set of beliefs, traditions, and practices that are not a part of the natural world. Two types of culture are material culture and nonmaterial culture. Get more content on
  • 3. Consequences Of Violating A Norm Social norms are behaviors, feelings and cognitions that a certain group has deemed as acceptable. People raised in a certain society or in a certain culture usually behave accordingly to those norms. These set of rules help guide people's actions by letting them know what behavior is considered appropriate and making them think twice before violating them. Most people want to fit in and when someone violates a social norm they may be seen as different or as an outcast. That is why the majority is motivated to behave consistently with these beliefs, even if it goes against their personal believes (Chang, Koban, 2013). Consequences of violating a norm might just be getting weird looks but in more extreme situations people might get ostracized and even bullied. I have been out in public many times and have caught someone picking their nose or pulling out a wedgie. People violating social norms can be funny or perhaps a little gross sometimes but it can also be highly uncomfortable and annoying. The last time I went to go watch a movie in theatres my experience was completely ruined by a group of girls sitting behind me. Throughout the whole movie the girls would not stop talking. I was instantly in a bad mood and made a causal attribution that their behavior was due to them being rude and inconsiderate people. However, looking back maybe I should have made a situational attribution. We were watching a scary movie and talking was probably their way of coping with the fear. In Get more content on
  • 4. Violating Social Norms Violating Social Norms Have you ever wondered why we hold the doors for those behind us? How about the reason we use utensils when we eat? What about why we always stand facing the doors in the elevator? These are all examples of what are known as social norms. According to Dr. Ward social norms are "basic rules of society that help people know what is and is not appropriate to do in any situation." These basic rules of society are usually unwritten and unspoken and many of us pick up on them over time. Although, some social norms are very common throughout many cultures, there is a lot of them that vary depending on which culture you are apart of. For example, here in America, a major social norm that we have is when eating, the polite thing to do is to use spoons and forks, instead of digging in with your hands. For instance, we would not eat spaghetti with our hands but we would use a fork. In some Thiland cultures it is considered rude to put most foods in your mouth with a fork. Then there is also some cultures such as Chile in which it is impolite to use your hands for anything, even foods such as french fries, they use forks while eating. When we were assigned to break a norm and evaluate how it was viewed, I knew right away what I wanted to do. Growing up I was always raised to be polite at the dinner table and my family was always very formal while eating. We always prayed before anybody touched any of their food, put our napkins on our laps, and always, I Get more content on
  • 5. Violate Social Norms In a matter of time, women will eventually attain the same status as men in terms of social deviance and criminality. It can be broken down into positive and negative context based on society and people's perception. For example, as the world becomes progressive women will try to retain more power or will seek more power. But it will make them to violate social norms which will label women as criminal. History shows us that time to time our powerful women figure did violet laws in their timeperiod to prove a point. For example one hand Margaret Sanger was seen as a criminal during her time since she initatited the idea of birth control. Other hand there was Razor gang leader Matilda Devine from Austrilia who had over 79 convictions. She begin Get more content on
  • 6. Violate Social Norm Within the last few weeks I decided to take part and violate a social norm. Recently I decided to switch out the hard drive in my iMac so the performance would improve on it. I invited my close friend over to keep my company and if he wanted to help he could. He is not too computer savvy as I am, which lead to numerous questions. As he opened the flood gate and started firing questions at me I start to stand close to him. After his third question I moved from one spot and move a lot closer to him. I not sure how far we were from each other, but I started to feel uncomfortable myself as I am sure he was wondering what in the world was going on. He reacted by leaning backwards in the opposite direction and then just flat out told me that I was Get more content on
  • 7. Explain Why It Is Important To Break Social Norms Remember, these people will always like you, to some degree, no matter what. Even if you break social norms or are awkward about it, they'll forgive you, still give you their information, and hang out with you. So take advantage of this and ask! Better this, than never asking and never getting a chance to hang out. It'll always work. You justneed the courage to Get more content on
  • 8. Before I Violated This Norm ) Before I violated this norm, I felt perfectly fine riding elevators because I knew what was acceptable and appropriate. While I was violating the norm, I felt extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed because I knew better, but this was my assignment and I had to do it. After I violated this norm, I understood more about folkways because I experienced them first hand. It was extremely difficult for me to violate the fourth Way in front of strangers, but simple in front of my friends because that is my personality. H) I learned that it is very hard to break a habit on purpose that you were raised to not break, but I also learned that I can persevere through uncomfortable situations. I learned that social research is imperative to sociology because Get more content on
  • 9. The Labeling Theory Of Violating Social Norm The authors states that there was an assumption that person with deviant behavior are the one who violating social norm. However, recent theory about labeling reject that theory. Labeling theory define that people who are labeled as having abnormal behavior,in truth, just reflected what society expect them to be, not what they really did. In some cases, people who get labeled might adjust themselves to the labeled they assigned to, depending on the society and environment where the behavior take place. Therefore, it should be assume that people surround the labeled person commit themselves by providing the environment that suitable for encourageing the deviant behavior of the subject too. The speaker supports the labeled theory by giving Get more content on
  • 10. Violating Social Norms The social norm I violated was leaning or being near the sides or corners of an elevator. I volunteered in a hospital during my spring break so I decided to violate the elevators social norm, because I have to constantly take the elevator. In my nature, I am very timid, so violating a social norm required guts and perseverance. When I entered the elevator, I stood in the middle of the elevator while everyone else were leaning on the sides or corners. After a quick few seconds of standing in the middle of the elevator, the nurses were not taking their eyes off of me and were murmuring. The doctor literally asked me if I was feeling okay and politely asked me to go to the volunteer office right away so I can be sent for a checkup with one of the doctors. The patient stared at me for a few moments and looked away because he looked really ill. While walking out of the elevator, the two nurses continued to murmur and constantly looked at me until I was gone from their more content... I have heard many crazy stories of people who has a psychological disorder escaped from their rooms and unusually wander around the hospital floors. In addition to being embarrassed, I also did not doubt that the people in the elevator believed I came from the psychological disorder's department wearing a volunteer's uniform. The people who saw me while violating this norm was two nurses, a doctor, and a patient. The two nurses gossiped loudly about other nurses that work in their assigned floors, so I knew they would be the first ones to gossip about me. The doctor seemed mature, so he didn't make my unusual behavior a big Get more content on
  • 11. Violating Social Norms In American Culture In sociology, the term "norms" can be described by a set of objectives where someone does to another person in a society that is normal to do in a culture or a country. There are many variants of types of norms in different countries, depending on what you are located has different norms. Just like shaking somebody's hand, or making eye contact while talking to another person is proper etiquette in the American culture. In other countries like Vietnam, it is disrespectful to touch someone's shoulder while talking to them. In American culture, that is allowed because we see it as a respectful interaction. An example of violating a social norm is, how president Trump expresses himself and what he is thinking of each major topic, whether it is the election more content... He finds ways to exempt himself from the public through social media. He expresses everything to the world, not just the positives. As the president, he is supposed to be a protector of the country but people on social media portrays him as a threat to the country we live in. The norms in this article that should be followed is expressing how good the United States is while also doing it with class. There are no downing other countries with negative language. President Trump being on social media is the opposite of what that norm is supposed to be done. Throughout the article, it shows that Trump on social media is provoking countries like North Korea. "I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night. Asked him how Rocket Man is doing," (King, paragraph 8). He wants to provoke and make fun of another political leader in North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Un. Basically, Trump wants to see how much North Get more content on
  • 12. Social Norm Violation Experiment During the social norm violation experiment, my partner and I found that by violating simple social norms people can react either calmly or highly confused. The social norm we chose to violate was asking for someone else's seat in class and at lunch. My partner and I believed that most of the participants would react either confused or just give up their seat to be nice. To follow through with the experiment, my partner went up to ten different students while either in lunch or in class and politely asked to switch seats. I observed the whole situation, I watched the difference in each person's body language, tone, attitude, and their answer. Most of the time, whenever my partner asked a student for their seat, they looked at her confused at Get more content on
  • 13. Violate Social Norm The social norm I violated was leaning or being near the sides or corners of an elevator. I volunteered in a hospital during my spring break so I decided to violate the elevators social norm because I have to constantly take the elevator. In my nature, I am very timid, so violating a social norm required guts and perseverance. Before entering the elevator, I saw two nurses, a doctor, and a patient. The two nurses gossiped about other nurses that work in their assigned floors, so I knew they would be the first ones to notice my actions. When I entered the elevator, I stood in the middle of the elevator while everyone else were leaning on the sides or corners. After a quick few seconds of standing in the middle of the elevator, the nurses were not taking their eyes off of me and were murmuring. The doctor literally asked me if I was feeling okay and politely asked me to go to the volunteer office right away so I can be sent for a checkup with one of the doctors. The patient stared at me for a few moments and looked away because he looked really ill. While walking out of the elevator, the two nurses continued to murmur and constantly looked until I was gone from their more content... While performing the action, I felt extremely embarrassed because the doctors and nurses that perceive an unusual behavior in the hospital automatically think those people have some sort of psychological disorder. I have heard many crazy stories of people who has a psychological disorder escaped from their rooms and unusually wonder around the hospital floors. In addition to being embarrassed, I also did not doubt that the people in the elevator believed I came from the psychological disorder's department wearing a volunteer's Get more content on
  • 14. Violate Social Norm Sociology Report I will violate a social norm of attire by wearing formal attire to school, a place where casual clothing is worn. I will violate the norm by wearing a blouse, a big fancy skirt and heels to school. The clothes I will wear will be different from my usual attire. The norm acts as a mechanism of social control, because it will be unpredictable and unexpected. In my school people typically wear clothing like jeans, leggings and casual dresses so I will be going against social norms. Normally people do not wear the clothing that I will be wearing. If I wear formal attire to school then people will ask questions about my attire. I think the major reaction will be people asking questions about my outfit and commenting on my outfit. Others may notice the change of usual attire, but may not comment. I predict that most people will ask questions or may be confused or surprised. Some people may assume I am attending a fancy or formal event. I will violate the norm at my school, which is La Plata High School in La Plata, MD. I will be in classrooms and hallways, where I will be observed. A lot of people will be observing since most people in my school will be observing. Teachers, administrators, classmates, strangers and many other people attending the school will be observing my attire. Students that more content... There were many people staring. People that I do know and people that I don't know were staring. There was not a lot of interactions that occurred. In some classes, people made comments while in other classes there weren't any comments made. A teacher and a few students complimented my outfit. A student asked if my outfit was inspired by the clothing that was worn in the 1950s. Another student complimented my shoes. A teacher said she liked my outfit and also said "pretty in pink" referring to the skirt I wore. There were not any punishments for violating a social norm of Get more content on
  • 15. Violation Of Social Norms At a very early age, children learn about social norms to help them become proper citizens in society. Examples of some social norms that students learn are: "do not yell in the library," "do not speak unless spoken to," "do not talk to strangers," and "close the door when you use the restroom." As you grow older, these rules become unspoken because everyone knows how to act like a proper individual in society. The textbook definition of a social norm is something that is a rule of behavior that society accepts. (Bicchieri) Since everyone knows these unsaid rules of society, what would happen when someone decides not to follow these rules? What would people think and react? In this paper, I discuss my violation of the social norm "don't talk to strangers" and discuss what I learned from this experiment. The social norm that I chose to violate was initiating conversation and talking to strangers on public transportation. By doing this I deviated from the unspoken rule which says that you should not talk to strangers and that you should not interact with others on public transportation because of the possibility of them harming or assaulting you. From doing this activity, I learned that power dynamics exist in every situation and that by violating a social norm I, as a young woman, put myself in a vulnerable position. I chose to make this decision to talk to strangers on public transport because it seemed relatively safe and within my zone of comfort, considering Get more content on
  • 16. Risk of Violating Social Norms Risk of Violating Social Norms When people break established rules in their community, others around them would have negative judgment on them. In the movie, Witness, directed by Peter Weir, James McFee and Paul Schaeffer remove detective John Book from their group because he is violating their actions, which is killing a man in the public restroom. In the article "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: Separation of Society and State" by Peter McWilliams, individuals in the society do not care much about those who are not following the laws that government has made. However, if group members do not follow the society's rules, societies do not need those people, judge them differently, and punish them on their own ways, based on the levels of violation. In the article "Freedom of Expression," Emily West describes the penalty of violating expressive boundaries of the community as serious as social ostracism. Furthermore, friends can be considered as strangers if they break their rules and act differently. Based on the movie Witness, the articles "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: Separation of Society and State" and "Freedom of Expression," and my personal observation, there are three risks in committing actions that break social norms: social exclusion, losing respect and being considered as stranger In some societies, the punishment for those people who are violating social rules is to exclude those people from the societies. Individuals in the community do not want those Get more content on
  • 17. Social Norms And Norm Violations When researching the topic of social norms and norm violations, there is an ongoing list. This is because almost everything we do in society is based on these social norms. If/when these are broken it can be punished as little as someone giving a dirty look, or as large as severe jail time. Social norms come into existence when a society does a specific task over and over until it becomes a normal occurrence. One of the biggest concerns is the war on drugs. Marijuana use is harshly punishments yet causes little to none negative effects. On the other hand, we have tobacco which there are barely any laws on yet it is killing thousands of Americans. There are so many drugs in our society and over time their roles have changed. Almost 4,000 years ago marijuana was. This discovering turned into medicines to help people. Tobacco on the other hand was found almost immediately when Christopher Columbus discovered North America, when he got there he saw how Native Americans used tobacco and brought it back to the states. Some very important people at the time saw how tobacco could cause serious medical issues such as lung damage. King James I, the czar of Russia, and Turkish rulers, and rulers of China all set very harsh punishments to those using tobacco. Turkish rulers went as far as sentencing those to death. As we can see the roles of these drugs have changed dramatically over time. In the beginning marijuana was a form of medicine, and anyone caught using tobacco was under Get more content on
  • 18. Norm Violation Essay In my Norm Violation assignment I chose to break the common dining etiquette norm of eating with your hands. Since eating with your hands is only deviant behavior in certain dining situations, I chose to break this norm at a local sit–down restaurant in Eugene, CafГ© Soriah. I went to the downtown restaurant with a group of friends for an afternoon meal without telling them of my Norm Violation assignment. Being the only informed one in the experiment seemed like the best way to get the most candid reactions from my peers. When I arrived to the restaurant I immediately noticed several social norms that everyone at the establishment was following. The customers and the staff were well dressed, and everyone was conducting himself more content... Nevertheless, we all ordered and continued on with our meal, and the beginning of the Norm Violation Experiment. I chose to order a salad and an entrГ©e that normally required silverware to eat. This way I could be sure that I was blatantly violating the social norm. Once I got my salad and started eating it with my hands I instantly drew quizzical glances from many people in the restaurant, and even harsher reactions from my peers I was sitting with. My peers, who were horrified that I would ever embarrass them in this kind of public setting gave me harsh words of criticism and told me to act my age. Other diners had changed their quizzical looks to scorns. Along with the initial berating, I also had my plate taken away from me by my peers since I could apparently not be trusted to behave appropriately. The meal continued and I was served my entrГ©e, which was fish and rice. After eating my appetizer with my hands our table had gathered the attention of several customers and staff at the restaurant. Once I started to eat with my hands for the second time the reaction from those around me was much swifter and harsher. Not only did my peers scorn me, but I also received criticism by other people dinning near our table. The third time I tried to eat with my hands I was approached by a management member of the staff and told that I would need to leave if I continued Get more content on