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Topik 2 and 3: Thermal agents – Cold and Heat
Dr. Hafifi, Physiotherapy, FSK, UKM
Learning outcomes
• At the end of the lecture, students should be able to
• Identify the physical properties and the physiological responses of thermal agents.
• Analyse the physiological responses of thermal agents to promote healing.
• Assess the indications, contraindications, and precautions to use thermal agents
• Choose and use the most appropriate thermal agent to obtain desired treatment goals.
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Principles of thermal energy
• Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise the
temperature of a given weight of a material by a given number of
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Number of
• Different materials used as thermal agents and different body tissues
have different specific heats
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Mode of heat transfer
• Conduction
• Heat or Cold pack
• Heat is conducted from the material at the higher temperature to the material at the
lower temperature
• Heat transfer by conduction occurs only between materials of different temperatures
that are in direct contact with each other.
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• Guideline for heat transfer by conduction
• The greater the temperature difference between a heating or cooling agent the faster the rate of heat
transfer. Inflamed area response well with cold packs;
• The larger the area of contact between a thermal agent and the patient, the larger energy required to
transfer. Hot pack at the back requires larger size of hot pack
• The rate of temperature rise decrease in a proposition in proportion to the tissue thickness. Shortwave
diathermy is more suitable for thick muscle area such as gluteus maximus rather than hotpack
Therefore, conductive thermal agents are suited to heat or cooling superficial tissue but not when the goal
is to change the temperature of deeper tissue
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• Convection
• Heat transfer by circulation of a medium of a
different temperature such as fluidotherapy,
whirlpool and blood circulation
• The thermal agent move to heat or cooling
the area. Ice immersion in a bowl for
inflamed ankle will cold the skin more
rapidly compare to cold pack
• Conversion
• Conversion from one type of energy to
another such as ultrasound (US) diathermy
and metabolism
• Involves the conversion of a non-thermal
form of energy such as mechanical, electrical
or chemical energy into heat.
• US cause vibration in the tissue which
generates friction between the molecules to
increase the temperature and produce heat.
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• Radiation
• Heating by radiation involves the direct transfer
of energy from a material with a higher
temperature to one with a lower temperature
without the need for an intervening medium or
contact such as infrared rays (IRR)
• Evaporation
• The evaporation and changes of form from a
liquid to a gas or vapor resulting in decreae of
• Vapocoolant spray is heated by the warm skin
of the body, it changes the liquid form to a
vapor at its specific evaporation temperature.
• Evaporation of sweat, which also acts to cool
the body when it is overheated to help the
body to normalize the normal range
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The sensation test
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Sensory examination
• The evaluation of sensation is highly dependent on the ability and desire of the
patient to cooperate.
• Basic testing should sample the major functional subdivisions of the sensory
• The patient's eyes should be closed throughout the sensory examination.
• Exam in this order
1.Superficial (Exteroceptive) sensation
2.Proprioceptive(deep) sensation
3.Combined cortical sensations.
• If the superficial sensation is impaired then some impairment is also seen in
deep and combined sensations.
• Sensory tests are done from the distal to the proximal direction
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Sensation categories
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Pain Perception
• It is also known as sharp/dull discrimination.
• To test this sensation, the sharp and dull end of any objects like a safety pin, a
reshaped paperclip, or neurological pin is used.
• The sharp and dull end is randomly applied perpendicular to the skin, should not
be applied too close to each other or in a too rapid manner to avoid the
summation of impulses.
• The patient is asked verbally to indicate sharp/dull when a stimulus is felt. All
areas of the body should be tested.
• After testing the instrument should be sterilized or disposed.
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Temperature awareness
• Two test tubes with stoppers are required for this
examination; one should be filled with the cold
water (between 5°C to 10°C) and warm water(
40°C to 45°C).
• It should be taken care that the temperature
should remain within this range for accuracy.
• The test tubes are randomly placed in contact
with the skin area to be tested.
• All skin surfaces should be tested. The patient is
asked to respond hot and cold after each stimulus
Touch awareness
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• A piece of cotton, tissue, used to perceive the
light touch input.
• Needle and blunt things (pinprick test) used to
perceive the sharp and blunt sensations
• Light touch or stroke is applied in the area to be
tested. The patient is asked to indicate where
he/she recognizes that a stimulus has been
Cold therapy
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Hemodynamic Effects
• Initial decrease in blood flow
• Cold applied to skin cause immediate vasoconstriction and reduction of blood
• Persist if the duration of cold application less than 20 minutes
Karunakara RC, Lephart SM, Pincivero DM: Changes in forearm blood flow during single and intermittent cold application, J
Onhop Syons Phys Thet Mar; 29(3):177 -L80, 1999
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• Cold cause vasoconstrictions
• Activation of the cutaneous cold receptors
stimulating the smooth muscle of the blood
vessel walls to contracts
• Cooling also decrease the production of
vasodilator mediators (histamine and
prostaglandins) decrease the vasodilation
• Decrease the tissue temperature also activate
the sympathetic system results in
• Reduce the circulatory rate by increase the
blood viscosity
• Cold reduce temperature and less blood flow to
the injured area
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• Prolonged cold application cause
vasodilation known as ‘Cold Induced
Vasodilation (CIVD)’
• The temperature cycling with alternating
vasoconstriction and vasodilation called
‘hunting response’
• ‘Hunting response’ mediated by axon reflex
in response to pain of prolonged cold or very
low temperature.
• CIVD likely to occur at the distal extremities
with application MORE THAN 15 minutes of
cold below 1 Celsius
• CIVD can be seen with the redness sign due
to increase the oxyhaemoglobin
concentration of the blood
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Neuromuscular effects
• Decreased nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
Decrease nerve temperature results in a decrease of nerve conduction velocity
after 5 minutes of superficial cooling
However, after 20 minutes of cooling NCV take 30 minutes or longer to
recover due to too much reduction in temperature caused by longer duration of
Cold decrease the NCV for sensory and motor nerves
A- delta fibers shows greatest decrease in cindcution after cold application
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• Increased pain threshold
• Decrease the sensation of pain via gate control mechanism, reduction of muscle spasm, or
postinjury oedema
• Cold may provide sufficient sensory input or partially along the spinal cord or decrease pain
• Reducing oedema can alleviate the pain that results in from the compression of nerves or
other pressure-sensitive structures
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• Decreased spasticity
• Due to a decrease of gamma motor neuron
• After prolonged cooling for 10 – 30 minutes due to a decrease in the discharge from
the afferent spindles and Golgi’s tendon
• Decreased metabolic effects
• Cold decrease the rate of all metabolic reactions, including those involved in
inflammation and healing
• The activity of cartilage degrading enzymes, collagenase, elastase, hyaluronidase and
protease is inhibited by decreases in joint temperature
• Cryotherapy is recommended to prevent the reduction of collagen destruction in
inflammatory joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
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Benefits and uses of cold therapy
Briefly describes the effects of cold therapy on the following conditions
• Control of inflammation
• Control of oedema
• Control of pain
• Spasticity modification
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of cold therapy
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Cold hypersensitivity
• Causes the patients to develop skin reaction
• Skin shows more pale or redden compare to
surrounding area
Cold intolerance
• Causes severe pain, numbness and color
changes to patients
Please describes and explain why cryotherapy is
contraindicated for the following conditions?
• Paroxysmal cold cryoglobinuria
• Regeneration of peripheral nerve
• Peripheral vascular diseases
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• Uncommon aggregation of serum proteins in the
distal circulation when exposed to cold
• Causing local ischemia and then gangrene
• May associate with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
(SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Therefore, should check with physician
Raynaud diseases
• Digital Cyanosis due to systemic disorder
• Characterized by sudden pallor, sudden cyanosis and
follow by redness
• Maybe associated with thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
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Superficial main branch
• Applying cold directly over the superficial
main nerve at the lateral knee or the
radial nerve at the posterolateral elbow
may cause nerve conduction block
• Therefore, one should monitor for the
sign and symptoms such as numbness,
tingling or to discontinue therapy
Open wound
• Should not apply to open
wound because it can
delay the wound healing
reducing the circulation or
metabolic rate
• Inspect the skin closely for
deep wound, cuts or
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• Cold can cause increases in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, patient with
hypertension should be careful
• Discontinue therapy if the blood level beyond the safe levels
Patients with poor sensations
• The patient cannot report the discomfort the face. The clinicians should
monitors effectively discontinue therapy if the blood level beyond the safe
When treating very young and very old patients
• Be careful as the young and older one frequently impaired thermal regulations
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Cold pack VS Ice pack
• Filled with gel composed of silica or mixture of saline and
gelatin and covered with vinyl
• Should be cooled for 30 minutes between uses
• Should be cooled for 2 hours or longer before initial uses
• Equipment required
• Various shape of cold pack for different areas of body
• Freezer or specialized cool unit
• Towels or pillow cases for hygiene or insulation
• Made up of crush ice place in plastic bag
• More aggressive cooling than cold packs because ice has
higher specific heat because ice absorbs a large amount
of energy when it melts and changes from a solid to
• More insulation should be used when applying an ice
pack due to aggressive cooling
• Equipment required
• Plastic bag
• Ice chip
• Ice chip machine or freezer
• Towels or pillow cases for hygiene or insulation
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Ice and cold pack therapy
• Easy to use
• Inexpensive materials and equipment
• Short use of clinician time
• Low level of skill required for application
• Covers moderate to large areas
• Can be applied to an elevated limb
• Pack must be removed to visualize the
treatment area during treatment
• Patient may not tolerate of the pack
• Pack may not be able to maintain good
contact on small or contoured areas
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Procedure to apply cold/ice pack
1. Assess the patient if indicated or contraindicated
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Wrap the cold pack with towel
5. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present
6. Place the wrapped pack on the area to be treated and secure it well with elastic bandages or towel
to ensure the good contact with the patient's skin
7. Leave the pack in place for 10-15 minutes to control pain, inflammation and edema
• 10 minutes is the most effective
• 30 minutes for spasticity control
8. Check every 10 to 15 minutes for any sign of adverse effects
9. Provide the patient with bell or other means to call for assistance
10. When the treatment is completed, remove the pack and inspect the treatment area for any signs
of adverse effects such as rash. It is normal for the skin to be red or dark pink after icing
11. Cold or ice pack application can be repeated every 1 to 2 hours to control pain inflammation.
12. Assess the outcome of treatment
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Ice pack provides more intense training
Ice pack is less expensive
Cold pack is quicker
Ice massage
• Ice cups or frozen water popsicles
• Frozen ice cups made by freezing small paper or
Styrofoam cups of water. To use these, the therapist
holds on to the bottom of the cup and gradually peels
back the edge to expose the surface of the ice and puts
it in direct contact with the patient’s skin.
• Wate popsicles are made by placing a stick or tongue
depressor into the water cup before freezing. When
frozen, the ice can be completely removed from the
cup and the stick used as a handle for applying the ice
• Patients can easily make ice cups or popsicles for home
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Ice massage
• Treatment area can be observed
during application
• Can be used for small and
irregular areas
• Short duration of treatment
• Inexpensive
• Can be apply to an elevated limb
• Too time consuming for large
• Requires active participation by
the clinician pr patient
throughout the application
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Procedure of ice massage application
1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present
5. Place towels around the treatment area to absorb any dripping water and to wipe away water on
the skin during treatment
6. Rub the ice over the treatment area using small, overlapping circles. Wipe away any water as it
melts on the skin
7. Continue ice massage application for 10-15 minutes or until the patient experiences analgesia at
the site of application. The ice is either rubbed with pressure for 3 to 5 seconds or quickly stroke
over the muscle bellies to be facilitated. This technique is known as quick icing
8. When the treatment is completed, inspect the treatment area for any signs of adverse effects
such as rash. It is normal for the skin to be red or dark pink after icing
9. Assess the outcome of treatment
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Cold compression/Cryocuff unit
• Controlled cold compression units alternately pump cold water and
air into a sleeve that is wrapped around a patient’s limb
• Normal cryocuff don’t have the pump, but have air vent instead to
drain water into sleeve
• Equipment required:
• Controlled cold compression unit/cooler
• Sleeves for appropriate targeted treatment
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Cold compression/Cryocuff unit
• Allows simultaneous of cold and
• Temperature and compression
force are easily and accurately
• Can be applied to large joints
• Treatment site cannot be
visualized during treatment.
• Expensive
• Usable only for extremities
• Cannot be used for trunk or
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Cold Compression Unit
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The procedure to apply cold
1. Assess the indication and contraindication of the patient
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Prepare the cold compression device
5. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present
6. Cover the limb with a stockinette/towel before applying the sleeve
7. Wrap the sleeve around the area to be treated
8. Elevate the area to be treated
9. Apply cooling for 15 minutes every 2 hour for acute swelling
10. Provide the patient with bell for assistance
11. When the treatment is completed, remove the sleeve and inspect the treatment area
12. Assess the outcome of treatment
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Classroom activities:
Please demonstrates the application of
cold therapy for people with joints swelling
(ankle, knee, elbow, wrist and shoulder)
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Heat Thermotherapy
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Effects of
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Superficial heat
• Uses
• Pain control
• Increase ROM
• Decreased joint stiffness
• Accelerated healing
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• Acute injury or inflammation
• Recent or potential
• Thrombophlebitis
• Impaired sensation
• Infrared radiation of the eyes
• Pregnancy
• Impaired circulation
• Poor thermal regulation
• Edema
• Cardiac insufficiency
• Metal in the area
• Over an open wound
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Adverse effects
• Burns
• Fainting
• Bleeding
• Skin and eye damage
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Classroom activities
please explain the following based on
the notes given:
1) Heat effects
2) Uses
3) Contraindication
4) Precaution
5) Adverse effects
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Application technique of heating therapy
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Heat therapy
• Hot packs
• Paraffin
• Infrared lamps
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Hot pack
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Procedure of hot packs application
1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Position the patient comfortably
5. Wrap the hot pack in six to eight layers of dry towels. Towel should not removed during the treatment
6. Apply the wrapped hot pack and cover it well for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes, check and inspect the area
being treated for excessive redness, blistering, or other signs of burning
7. Provide the patient with bell for assistance
8. After 20 minutes, remove the hot pack and inspect the treatment area. lt is normal for the area to appear
slightly red and to feel warm to the touch
9. Assess the outcome of treatment
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Hot packs
• Easy to use. Inexpensive materials
(packs and towels)
• Short use of clinician's time
• Low level of skill needed for
• Can be used to cover moderate to
large areas
• Safe, as packs start cooling on
removal from the water cabinet
• Readily available for patient purchase
and home use
• Hot pack must be moved to observe
the treatment
• Patient may not tolerate the weight of
the hot pack
• Pack may not be able to maintain
good contact with small or contoured
• Active motion not practical during
• Moderately expensive equipment
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Paraffin wax
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Paraffin wax
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Procedure application of paraffin wax
1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and
inspect the area. Thoroughly was and dry the area to be treated to
minimize contamination of the paraffin
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Position the patient comfortably
5. Applied the wax via either one of these techniques 1) Dip immersion wrap
2) Dip immersion method 3) Paint method
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Dip immersion wrap
1. With fingers apart, dip the hand into the paraffin as far as possible and remove . Advise the patient to avoid
moving the fingers during the treatment because this will crack the paraffin coating. Also, advise the patient
to avoid touching the sides or bottom of the tank because these may be hotter than the paraffin
2. Wait briefly for the layer of paraffin to harden and become opaque
3. Redip the hand, keeping the fingers apart, repeat steps 2 through 5 six to ten times.
4. Wrap the patients 'hand in a plastic bag, wax paper or treatment table paper and then in a towel. The plastic
bag or paper prevents the towel from sticking to the paraffin, and the towel acts as insulation to slow the
cooling of the paraffin. Caution the patient not to move the hand during dipping or during the rest period
because this may crack the coating of paraffin, allowing air to penetrate and the paraffin to cool more rapidly
5. Elevate the extremity
6. Leave the paraffin in place for 10 to 15 minutes or until it cools
7. When the treatment is completed, peel the paraffin off the hand and either replace the paraffin in the
container to melt or discard it
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Dip immersion method
1. With fingers apart, dip the hand into the paraffin and remove.
2. Wait 5 to 15 seconds for the layer of paraffin to harden and become
3. Redip the hand, keeping the fingers apart.
4. Allow the hand to remain in the paraffin for up to 20 minutes and then
remove it.
5. The temperature of the paraffin should be at the lower end of the range
for this method of application because the hand cools less during
treatment than with the dip-wrap method.
6. The heater should be turned off during the treatment so the sides and
bottom of the tank do not too hot.
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Paint method
1. Paint a Iayer of paraffin onto the treatment with a brush.
2. Wait for the layer of paraffin to become opaque.
3. Paint on another layer of paraffin no larger than first layer.
4. Repeat steps 3 through 5 six to ten times
5. Cover the area with plastic or paper and then with towel
6. As with the dip-immersion method, plastic or paper is used to prevent the towel
sticking to the paraffin and the towel acts as insulation to slow down the cooling of
the paraffin
7. Caution, the patient not to move the area during treatment as this may crack the
coating of paraffin allowing air to penetrate and the treatment area cool more rapidly.
8. Leave the paraffin in place for 20 minutes or until cools.
9. When the treatment is completed, paraffin and either replace it in the melt or discard
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• For All Methods:
• When the treatment is complete. Peel off the paraffin and either
replace it in the container to melt or discard it
• Paraffin may be sterilized by heating it to 80 'C ',176 'F) and then
allowing it to cool overnight. Its temperature should be allowed to
return to between 45' and 50 'C (773' to 122'I) before it is used again
for treatment
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Paraffin wax
• Maintains good contact with highly
contoured areas.
• Easy to use.
• Inexpensive.
• Body part can be elevated if using
the dip-wrap method
• Oil lubricates and conditions the
• Can be used by patient at home
• Messy and time-consuming to
• Cannot be used over an open skin
lesion as it may contaminate the
• Risk of cross-contamination if
• Part in dependent position for
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Infrared lamp
1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment
2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area
3. Perform the sensation test
4. Position the patient comfortably
5. Allow the IR lamp to warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes so it will reach a stable level of output
6. Position the patient with the surface of the area to be treated perpendicular to the infrared (IR) beam and
about 45 to 60cm away from the source. e. Remember that the intensity of the IR radiation reaching the
skin decreases, with an inverse square relationship, as the distance from the source increases, and in
proportion to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the beam. Adjust the distance from the source and
wattage of the lamp output so that the patient feels a comfortable level of warmth. Measure and record the
distance of the lamp from the target tissue
7. Apply the IR for 20 minutes. Set the time at the machine. After 5 minutes, check and inspect the area being
treated for excessive redness, blistering, or other signs of burning
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8. Instruct the patient to avoid moving closer to or farther from the
lamp and to avoid touching the lamp since movement toward or away
from the lamp will alter the amount of energy reaching the patient
9. After 20 minutes, remove the IR and inspect the treatment area. lt is
normal for the area to appear slightly red and to feel warm to the touch
10. When the treatment is completed, tum off lamp and dry any
perspiration from the area
11. Assess the outcome of treatment
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Infrared lamp
• Does not require contact of the
medium with patient. This reduces
the risk of infection and possible
discomfort of the weight of a hot
• Also avoids the problem of poor
contact when in highly contoured
• The area being treated can be
observed during the treatment
• Infrared radiation is not easily
localized to a treatment area.
• It is difficult to ensure consistent heat
in all treatment areas because the
amount of heat transfer affected by
the distance of the skin from radiation
source and the angle of the beam the
skin, both of which vary with tissue
and may be inconsistent between
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Classroom activities:
Please demonstrates the application of
heat therapy for people with muscle pain
(neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back,
hamstring, calf)
2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 70
Cameron, M.H (2003). Physical Agent in Rehabilitation From Research To Practice. Saunders
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NO 1163 AEF Topik 2 and 3 Thermal agents 2023.pptx

  • 1. Topik 2 and 3: Thermal agents – Cold and Heat NP1163: ELECTROPHYSICAL AGENT Dr. Hafifi, Physiotherapy, FSK, UKM 1
  • 2. Learning outcomes • At the end of the lecture, students should be able to • Identify the physical properties and the physiological responses of thermal agents. • Analyse the physiological responses of thermal agents to promote healing. • Assess the indications, contraindications, and precautions to use thermal agents • Choose and use the most appropriate thermal agent to obtain desired treatment goals. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 2
  • 3. Principles of thermal energy • Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a given weight of a material by a given number of degrees. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 3 Heat Weight material Number of degrees
  • 4. • Different materials used as thermal agents and different body tissues have different specific heats 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 4
  • 5. Mode of heat transfer • Conduction • Heat or Cold pack • Heat is conducted from the material at the higher temperature to the material at the lower temperature • Heat transfer by conduction occurs only between materials of different temperatures that are in direct contact with each other. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 5
  • 6. • Guideline for heat transfer by conduction • The greater the temperature difference between a heating or cooling agent the faster the rate of heat transfer. Inflamed area response well with cold packs; • The larger the area of contact between a thermal agent and the patient, the larger energy required to transfer. Hot pack at the back requires larger size of hot pack • The rate of temperature rise decrease in a proposition in proportion to the tissue thickness. Shortwave diathermy is more suitable for thick muscle area such as gluteus maximus rather than hotpack Therefore, conductive thermal agents are suited to heat or cooling superficial tissue but not when the goal is to change the temperature of deeper tissue 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 6
  • 7. • Convection • Heat transfer by circulation of a medium of a different temperature such as fluidotherapy, whirlpool and blood circulation • The thermal agent move to heat or cooling the area. Ice immersion in a bowl for inflamed ankle will cold the skin more rapidly compare to cold pack • Conversion • Conversion from one type of energy to another such as ultrasound (US) diathermy and metabolism • Involves the conversion of a non-thermal form of energy such as mechanical, electrical or chemical energy into heat. • US cause vibration in the tissue which generates friction between the molecules to increase the temperature and produce heat. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 7
  • 8. • Radiation • Heating by radiation involves the direct transfer of energy from a material with a higher temperature to one with a lower temperature without the need for an intervening medium or contact such as infrared rays (IRR) • Evaporation • The evaporation and changes of form from a liquid to a gas or vapor resulting in decreae of temperature. • Vapocoolant spray is heated by the warm skin of the body, it changes the liquid form to a vapor at its specific evaporation temperature. • Evaporation of sweat, which also acts to cool the body when it is overheated to help the body to normalize the normal range 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 8
  • 9. The sensation test 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 9
  • 10. Sensory examination • The evaluation of sensation is highly dependent on the ability and desire of the patient to cooperate. • Basic testing should sample the major functional subdivisions of the sensory systems. • The patient's eyes should be closed throughout the sensory examination. • Exam in this order 1.Superficial (Exteroceptive) sensation 2.Proprioceptive(deep) sensation 3.Combined cortical sensations. • If the superficial sensation is impaired then some impairment is also seen in deep and combined sensations. • Sensory tests are done from the distal to the proximal direction 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 10
  • 11. Sensation categories 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 11
  • 12. Pain Perception • It is also known as sharp/dull discrimination. • To test this sensation, the sharp and dull end of any objects like a safety pin, a reshaped paperclip, or neurological pin is used. • The sharp and dull end is randomly applied perpendicular to the skin, should not be applied too close to each other or in a too rapid manner to avoid the summation of impulses. • The patient is asked verbally to indicate sharp/dull when a stimulus is felt. All areas of the body should be tested. • After testing the instrument should be sterilized or disposed. • 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 12
  • 13. Temperature awareness • Two test tubes with stoppers are required for this examination; one should be filled with the cold water (between 5°C to 10°C) and warm water( 40°C to 45°C). • It should be taken care that the temperature should remain within this range for accuracy. • The test tubes are randomly placed in contact with the skin area to be tested. • All skin surfaces should be tested. The patient is asked to respond hot and cold after each stimulus application. • Touch awareness 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 13 • A piece of cotton, tissue, used to perceive the light touch input. • Needle and blunt things (pinprick test) used to perceive the sharp and blunt sensations • Light touch or stroke is applied in the area to be tested. The patient is asked to indicate where he/she recognizes that a stimulus has been applied.
  • 14. Cold therapy 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 14
  • 15. Hemodynamic Effects • Initial decrease in blood flow • Cold applied to skin cause immediate vasoconstriction and reduction of blood flow • Persist if the duration of cold application less than 20 minutes Karunakara RC, Lephart SM, Pincivero DM: Changes in forearm blood flow during single and intermittent cold application, J Onhop Syons Phys Thet Mar; 29(3):177 -L80, 1999 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 15
  • 16. INITIAL REDUCE BLOOD FLOW • Cold cause vasoconstrictions • Activation of the cutaneous cold receptors stimulating the smooth muscle of the blood vessel walls to contracts • Cooling also decrease the production of vasodilator mediators (histamine and prostaglandins) decrease the vasodilation • Decrease the tissue temperature also activate the sympathetic system results in vasoconstrictions • Reduce the circulatory rate by increase the blood viscosity • Cold reduce temperature and less blood flow to the injured area 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 16
  • 17. LATER INCREASE IN BLOOD FLOW • Prolonged cold application cause vasodilation known as ‘Cold Induced Vasodilation (CIVD)’ • The temperature cycling with alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilation called ‘hunting response’ • ‘Hunting response’ mediated by axon reflex in response to pain of prolonged cold or very low temperature. • CIVD likely to occur at the distal extremities with application MORE THAN 15 minutes of cold below 1 Celsius • CIVD can be seen with the redness sign due to increase the oxyhaemoglobin concentration of the blood 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 17
  • 18. Neuromuscular effects • Decreased nerve conduction velocity (NCV) Decrease nerve temperature results in a decrease of nerve conduction velocity after 5 minutes of superficial cooling However, after 20 minutes of cooling NCV take 30 minutes or longer to recover due to too much reduction in temperature caused by longer duration of cooling Cold decrease the NCV for sensory and motor nerves A- delta fibers shows greatest decrease in cindcution after cold application 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 18
  • 19. • Increased pain threshold • Decrease the sensation of pain via gate control mechanism, reduction of muscle spasm, or postinjury oedema • Cold may provide sufficient sensory input or partially along the spinal cord or decrease pain sensation • Reducing oedema can alleviate the pain that results in from the compression of nerves or other pressure-sensitive structures 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 19
  • 20. • Decreased spasticity • Due to a decrease of gamma motor neuron • After prolonged cooling for 10 – 30 minutes due to a decrease in the discharge from the afferent spindles and Golgi’s tendon • Decreased metabolic effects • Cold decrease the rate of all metabolic reactions, including those involved in inflammation and healing • The activity of cartilage degrading enzymes, collagenase, elastase, hyaluronidase and protease is inhibited by decreases in joint temperature • Cryotherapy is recommended to prevent the reduction of collagen destruction in inflammatory joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 20
  • 21. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 21
  • 22. Benefits and uses of cold therapy Briefly describes the effects of cold therapy on the following conditions • Control of inflammation • Control of oedema • Control of pain • Spasticity modification 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 22
  • 23. Contraindication of cold therapy 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 23
  • 24. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 24 Cold hypersensitivity • Causes the patients to develop skin reaction • Skin shows more pale or redden compare to surrounding area Cold intolerance • Causes severe pain, numbness and color changes to patients Please describes and explain why cryotherapy is contraindicated for the following conditions? • Paroxysmal cold cryoglobinuria • Regeneration of peripheral nerve • Peripheral vascular diseases
  • 25. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 25 • Uncommon aggregation of serum proteins in the distal circulation when exposed to cold • Causing local ischemia and then gangrene • May associate with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Therefore, should check with physician
  • 26. Raynaud diseases • Digital Cyanosis due to systemic disorder • Characterized by sudden pallor, sudden cyanosis and follow by redness • Maybe associated with thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 26
  • 27. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 27 Superficial main branch • Applying cold directly over the superficial main nerve at the lateral knee or the radial nerve at the posterolateral elbow may cause nerve conduction block • Therefore, one should monitor for the sign and symptoms such as numbness, tingling or to discontinue therapy Open wound • Should not apply to open wound because it can delay the wound healing reducing the circulation or metabolic rate • Inspect the skin closely for deep wound, cuts or abrasions
  • 28. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 28 Hypertension • Cold can cause increases in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, patient with hypertension should be careful • Discontinue therapy if the blood level beyond the safe levels Patients with poor sensations • The patient cannot report the discomfort the face. The clinicians should monitors effectively discontinue therapy if the blood level beyond the safe levels When treating very young and very old patients • Be careful as the young and older one frequently impaired thermal regulations
  • 30. Cold pack VS Ice pack COLD PACK • Filled with gel composed of silica or mixture of saline and gelatin and covered with vinyl • Should be cooled for 30 minutes between uses • Should be cooled for 2 hours or longer before initial uses • Equipment required • Various shape of cold pack for different areas of body • Freezer or specialized cool unit • Towels or pillow cases for hygiene or insulation ICE PACK • Made up of crush ice place in plastic bag • More aggressive cooling than cold packs because ice has higher specific heat because ice absorbs a large amount of energy when it melts and changes from a solid to liquid • More insulation should be used when applying an ice pack due to aggressive cooling • Equipment required • Plastic bag • Ice chip • Ice chip machine or freezer • Towels or pillow cases for hygiene or insulation 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 30
  • 31. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 31
  • 32. Ice and cold pack therapy ADVANTAGES • Easy to use • Inexpensive materials and equipment • Short use of clinician time • Low level of skill required for application • Covers moderate to large areas • Can be applied to an elevated limb DISADVANTAGES • Pack must be removed to visualize the treatment area during treatment • Patient may not tolerate of the pack • Pack may not be able to maintain good contact on small or contoured areas 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 32
  • 33. Procedure to apply cold/ice pack 1. Assess the patient if indicated or contraindicated 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Wrap the cold pack with towel 5. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present 6. Place the wrapped pack on the area to be treated and secure it well with elastic bandages or towel to ensure the good contact with the patient's skin 7. Leave the pack in place for 10-15 minutes to control pain, inflammation and edema • 10 minutes is the most effective • 30 minutes for spasticity control 8. Check every 10 to 15 minutes for any sign of adverse effects 9. Provide the patient with bell or other means to call for assistance 10. When the treatment is completed, remove the pack and inspect the treatment area for any signs of adverse effects such as rash. It is normal for the skin to be red or dark pink after icing 11. Cold or ice pack application can be repeated every 1 to 2 hours to control pain inflammation. 12. Assess the outcome of treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 33
  • 34. ICE PACK VS COLD PACK 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 34 COLD PACK ICE PACK Ice pack provides more intense training Ice pack is less expensive Cold pack is quicker
  • 35. Ice massage • Ice cups or frozen water popsicles • Frozen ice cups made by freezing small paper or Styrofoam cups of water. To use these, the therapist holds on to the bottom of the cup and gradually peels back the edge to expose the surface of the ice and puts it in direct contact with the patient’s skin. • Wate popsicles are made by placing a stick or tongue depressor into the water cup before freezing. When frozen, the ice can be completely removed from the cup and the stick used as a handle for applying the ice • Patients can easily make ice cups or popsicles for home use 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 35
  • 36. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 36
  • 37. Ice massage Advantages • Treatment area can be observed during application • Can be used for small and irregular areas • Short duration of treatment • Inexpensive • Can be apply to an elevated limb Disadvantages • Too time consuming for large areas • Requires active participation by the clinician pr patient throughout the application 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 37
  • 38. Procedure of ice massage application 1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present 5. Place towels around the treatment area to absorb any dripping water and to wipe away water on the skin during treatment 6. Rub the ice over the treatment area using small, overlapping circles. Wipe away any water as it melts on the skin 7. Continue ice massage application for 10-15 minutes or until the patient experiences analgesia at the site of application. The ice is either rubbed with pressure for 3 to 5 seconds or quickly stroke over the muscle bellies to be facilitated. This technique is known as quick icing 8. When the treatment is completed, inspect the treatment area for any signs of adverse effects such as rash. It is normal for the skin to be red or dark pink after icing 9. Assess the outcome of treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 38
  • 39. Cold compression/Cryocuff unit • Controlled cold compression units alternately pump cold water and air into a sleeve that is wrapped around a patient’s limb • Normal cryocuff don’t have the pump, but have air vent instead to drain water into sleeve • Equipment required: • Controlled cold compression unit/cooler • Sleeves for appropriate targeted treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 39
  • 40. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 40
  • 41. Cold compression/Cryocuff unit Advantages • Allows simultaneous of cold and compression • Temperature and compression force are easily and accurately controlled • Can be applied to large joints Disadvantages • Treatment site cannot be visualized during treatment. • Expensive • Usable only for extremities • Cannot be used for trunk or digits 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 41
  • 42. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 42 Cold Compression Unit
  • 43. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 43
  • 44. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 44
  • 45. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 45
  • 46. The procedure to apply cold compression/cryocuff 1. Assess the indication and contraindication of the patient 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Prepare the cold compression device 5. Position the patient comfortably, elevating the area to be treated if edema is present 6. Cover the limb with a stockinette/towel before applying the sleeve 7. Wrap the sleeve around the area to be treated 8. Elevate the area to be treated 9. Apply cooling for 15 minutes every 2 hour for acute swelling 10. Provide the patient with bell for assistance 11. When the treatment is completed, remove the sleeve and inspect the treatment area 12. Assess the outcome of treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 46
  • 47. Classroom activities: Please demonstrates the application of cold therapy for people with joints swelling (ankle, knee, elbow, wrist and shoulder) 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 47
  • 48. Heat Thermotherapy 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 48
  • 49. Effects of heat 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 49
  • 50. Superficial heat • Uses • Pain control • Increase ROM • Decreased joint stiffness • Accelerated healing 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 50
  • 51. Contraindication • Acute injury or inflammation • Recent or potential haemorrhage • Thrombophlebitis • Impaired sensation • Infrared radiation of the eyes • Pregnancy • Impaired circulation • Poor thermal regulation • Edema • Cardiac insufficiency • Metal in the area • Over an open wound 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 51 Precaution
  • 52. Adverse effects • Burns • Fainting • Bleeding • Skin and eye damage 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 52
  • 53. Classroom activities please explain the following based on the notes given: 1) Heat effects 2) Uses 3) Contraindication 4) Precaution 5) Adverse effects 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 53
  • 54. Application technique of heating therapy 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 54
  • 55. Heat therapy • Hot packs • Paraffin • Infrared lamps 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 55
  • 56. Hot pack 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 56
  • 57. Procedure of hot packs application 1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Position the patient comfortably 5. Wrap the hot pack in six to eight layers of dry towels. Towel should not removed during the treatment 6. Apply the wrapped hot pack and cover it well for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes, check and inspect the area being treated for excessive redness, blistering, or other signs of burning 7. Provide the patient with bell for assistance 8. After 20 minutes, remove the hot pack and inspect the treatment area. lt is normal for the area to appear slightly red and to feel warm to the touch 9. Assess the outcome of treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 57
  • 58. Hot packs Advantage • Easy to use. Inexpensive materials (packs and towels) • Short use of clinician's time • Low level of skill needed for application • Can be used to cover moderate to large areas • Safe, as packs start cooling on removal from the water cabinet • Readily available for patient purchase and home use Disadvantage • Hot pack must be moved to observe the treatment • Patient may not tolerate the weight of the hot pack • Pack may not be able to maintain good contact with small or contoured area • Active motion not practical during treatment • Moderately expensive equipment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 58
  • 59. Paraffin wax 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 59
  • 60. Paraffin wax 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 60
  • 61. Procedure application of paraffin wax 1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area. Thoroughly was and dry the area to be treated to minimize contamination of the paraffin 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Position the patient comfortably 5. Applied the wax via either one of these techniques 1) Dip immersion wrap 2) Dip immersion method 3) Paint method 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 61
  • 62. Dip immersion wrap 1. With fingers apart, dip the hand into the paraffin as far as possible and remove . Advise the patient to avoid moving the fingers during the treatment because this will crack the paraffin coating. Also, advise the patient to avoid touching the sides or bottom of the tank because these may be hotter than the paraffin 2. Wait briefly for the layer of paraffin to harden and become opaque 3. Redip the hand, keeping the fingers apart, repeat steps 2 through 5 six to ten times. 4. Wrap the patients 'hand in a plastic bag, wax paper or treatment table paper and then in a towel. The plastic bag or paper prevents the towel from sticking to the paraffin, and the towel acts as insulation to slow the cooling of the paraffin. Caution the patient not to move the hand during dipping or during the rest period because this may crack the coating of paraffin, allowing air to penetrate and the paraffin to cool more rapidly 5. Elevate the extremity 6. Leave the paraffin in place for 10 to 15 minutes or until it cools 7. When the treatment is completed, peel the paraffin off the hand and either replace the paraffin in the container to melt or discard it 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 62
  • 63. Dip immersion method 1. With fingers apart, dip the hand into the paraffin and remove. 2. Wait 5 to 15 seconds for the layer of paraffin to harden and become opaque. 3. Redip the hand, keeping the fingers apart. 4. Allow the hand to remain in the paraffin for up to 20 minutes and then remove it. 5. The temperature of the paraffin should be at the lower end of the range for this method of application because the hand cools less during treatment than with the dip-wrap method. 6. The heater should be turned off during the treatment so the sides and bottom of the tank do not too hot. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 63
  • 64. Paint method 1. Paint a Iayer of paraffin onto the treatment with a brush. 2. Wait for the layer of paraffin to become opaque. 3. Paint on another layer of paraffin no larger than first layer. 4. Repeat steps 3 through 5 six to ten times 5. Cover the area with plastic or paper and then with towel 6. As with the dip-immersion method, plastic or paper is used to prevent the towel sticking to the paraffin and the towel acts as insulation to slow down the cooling of the paraffin 7. Caution, the patient not to move the area during treatment as this may crack the coating of paraffin allowing air to penetrate and the treatment area cool more rapidly. 8. Leave the paraffin in place for 20 minutes or until cools. 9. When the treatment is completed, paraffin and either replace it in the melt or discard it. 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 64
  • 65. • For All Methods: • When the treatment is complete. Peel off the paraffin and either replace it in the container to melt or discard it • Paraffin may be sterilized by heating it to 80 'C ',176 'F) and then allowing it to cool overnight. Its temperature should be allowed to return to between 45' and 50 'C (773' to 122'I) before it is used again for treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 65
  • 66. Paraffin wax Advantages • Maintains good contact with highly contoured areas. • Easy to use. • Inexpensive. • Body part can be elevated if using the dip-wrap method • Oil lubricates and conditions the skin. • Can be used by patient at home Disadvantages • Messy and time-consuming to apply. • Cannot be used over an open skin lesion as it may contaminate the lesion • Risk of cross-contamination if reused. • Part in dependent position for method 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 66
  • 67. Infrared lamp 1. Assess and check if the patient indicated or contraindicated for the treatment 2. Remove all the jewellery and clothing from the area to be treated and inspect the area 3. Perform the sensation test 4. Position the patient comfortably 5. Allow the IR lamp to warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes so it will reach a stable level of output 6. Position the patient with the surface of the area to be treated perpendicular to the infrared (IR) beam and about 45 to 60cm away from the source. e. Remember that the intensity of the IR radiation reaching the skin decreases, with an inverse square relationship, as the distance from the source increases, and in proportion to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the beam. Adjust the distance from the source and wattage of the lamp output so that the patient feels a comfortable level of warmth. Measure and record the distance of the lamp from the target tissue 7. Apply the IR for 20 minutes. Set the time at the machine. After 5 minutes, check and inspect the area being treated for excessive redness, blistering, or other signs of burning 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 67
  • 68. Continue.. 8. Instruct the patient to avoid moving closer to or farther from the lamp and to avoid touching the lamp since movement toward or away from the lamp will alter the amount of energy reaching the patient 9. After 20 minutes, remove the IR and inspect the treatment area. lt is normal for the area to appear slightly red and to feel warm to the touch 10. When the treatment is completed, tum off lamp and dry any perspiration from the area 11. Assess the outcome of treatment 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 68
  • 69. Infrared lamp Advantage • Does not require contact of the medium with patient. This reduces the risk of infection and possible discomfort of the weight of a hot pack. • Also avoids the problem of poor contact when in highly contoured areas. • The area being treated can be observed during the treatment Disadvantage • Infrared radiation is not easily localized to a treatment area. • It is difficult to ensure consistent heat in all treatment areas because the amount of heat transfer affected by the distance of the skin from radiation source and the angle of the beam the skin, both of which vary with tissue and may be inconsistent between sessions 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 69
  • 70. Classroom activities: Please demonstrates the application of heat therapy for people with muscle pain (neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back, hamstring, calf) 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 70
  • 71. References Cameron, M.H (2003). Physical Agent in Rehabilitation From Research To Practice. Saunders 2023 NP 1163 EPA Thermal Agents 71