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     "In war the chief incalculable is the human will, which manifests
      itself in resistance, which in turn lies in the province of tactics.
     Strategy has not to overcome resistance, except from nature. Its
    purpose is to diminish the possibility of resistance, and it seeks to
      fulfil this purpose by exploiting the elements of movement and

                         --Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart

2004 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)
The Two Basic Battles
1. The Battle Against the Earth: Hart’s “Nature”

   "We have severely underestimated the Russians, the extent of the country and the
               treachery of the climate. This is the revenge of reality."

               - German General Heinz Guderian, letter to his wife 1941
                                Open terrain

Observation                            Closed terrain

Closed terrain: mobile forces automatically lighter and 3D air transportable linkage; note
world is URBANIZING rapidly

Open terrain: roads, rural areas where we grow food, prairies require GROUND
FORCES TO CONTROL---we must be able to control these areas...requires 2D
optimization Future Land Forces must FIRST be “powerful against the earth” in terms
of mobility, firepower, survivability, and sustainability--if the earth itself easily smothers
their combat power how can they even begin to think of overwhelming the human
“Amateurs talk tactics; experts talk logistics”

  Training, Equipping, Feeding and Supplying armed men on the
  earth to get a military effect is an un-natural act; destructive violence doesn’t
  grow food or build things

  To create and sustain military force on the earth is a constant battle against
  the earth itself; not only are friendly forces under this vise of need, so are
  enemy forces---if you can strengthen the resiliency of your forces vis-à-vis the
  earth you can focus more efforts against the human enemy for decisive effects

  A corollary to this is if you can weaken the enemy’s hold against the earth by cutting
  his supply lines and/or denying him supplies then he will be struck down by terrain,
  weather, hunger, disease and lack of ammunition if not defeating him outright at least
  preparing him for collapse at the hand of your own human attack
  Examples of exploiting the Battle Against the Earth

* Sherman’s March to the sea in U.S. Civil War destroying Southern infrastructure
he got rid of camp furniture for high 4-7 mph foot mobility
* VC/NVA caches of supplies fed by Ho Chi Minh Trail to fight faster on their feet
* Phyrrus fighting over-extended Hannibal in losing battles to save Rome
* 11th ACR in Vietnam packing M113 Gavin light tracked AFVs with supplies for
bold, x-country, independent operations w/o depending on supply lines
A Land Force that can inter-changeably MANEUVER
at will over the earth has a powerful superiority: it can
 PHYSICALLY exploit opportunities as they arise and
fight faster than the enemy can think/react as per the
            Boyd Cycle “OODA Loop” tactic
                                  4-7 MPH on Foot, SERE skills
                                  gear to live off-land

                               5-30 MPH aided by ATACS carts
                               and pedal eBikes

                             5-600 MPH by air/land/sea vehicles
                             with 30+ days of ammo, food

  Air                 Land
2. The Battle Against Man

"Natural hazards, however formidable, are inherently less dangerous and less
uncertain than fighting hazards. All conditions are more calculable, all obstacles
more surmountable than those of human resistance".

--Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart

            The Two competing 21st Century War Thought-Forms in the West

                           RMA:                                        4GW:
                           Firepower                                   Maneuver


RMA is a failure in Iraq and Afghanistan!

                RMA: Physicality vs. Earth (that’s “2nd Wave”)
                NOT Important! We will mouse-click firepower!
                We will “cherry pick” and avoid problems
                                             Defeat on the Battlefield:
                                             no boots-on-the-ground, tracked
Wheeled Truck Madness: easily blown up       decisive, encircling MANEUVER
can’t MANEUVER x-country, swim, airdrop or fight;
infantry will suffer bloody WWI stalemates in cities: USMC in Fallujah
     IRAQ                            Afghanistan: Taliban/al Queda
                                     escape by C3D2

                                       Kosovo: Serb Army unscathed

    FCS            LAV3STRYKER


War is about whose ideas dominate
                    Defeat the mind of the enemy

                                    VAN CREVALD
                                    4th Generation War is mind warfare

                                                      Make enemy your friend

          COMMAND                      B                            CW

     STRIKE         3D                     2D                   ARB

         12                    50                              24

                               6                   22
 12                      500                                         192
48                                          355
The NLMB is composed of primarily existing equipment innovatively
organized as a self-contained, self-sufficient air/ground combined-arms
multi-dimensional force manned by non-narcissistic thinker/doers with an
accurate view of who they are and the world around them to render
appropriate military actions. In today’s 4th Generation Warfare (4GW)
world the center of gravity is the will of the people; whose ideas dominate
requires persuasion as well as coercion. The NLMB is designed and sized
to control and influence large areas for independent or operations in
conjunction with Special Operations Forces (SOF) while preserving
OPSEC and a zero or minimalist presence deep in contested ground and
territory to avoid alienating civilians into the enemy’s camp. Today’s non-
linear battlefield requires combined 2D/3D air/ground maneuver
synergism to locate, encircle and kill/capture sub-national terror groups
and asymmetric advantage seeking nation-state armies. The NLMB is able
to operate without massive logistics yet provides SOF agile, stealthy
armored air/ground decisive maneuver to finish the job against stubborn
and fleeting enemies--a capability it sorely lacks. The NLMB has the
muscle and cultural warfare (CW) expertise to keep supply lines and
civilian commerce flowing, and be Quick-Reaction Forces (QRFs) in the
absence of friendly nation-state security.
The enemy of freedom-based nation-states realizes that the western way
of war using lots of machines to “send a bullet and not a man”
(Firepower) is not able to MANEUVER into difficult closed terrain or
separate civilians from their fighters. The enemy realizes at close range
under 1000 meters, we are weaker than them with our M16 bullet
shooters versus their AKM bullets, Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs)
and roadbombs. Furthermore, our ponderously large ground forces
require vast amounts of fuel, ammo, food, water resupply ground
vulnerable wheeled truck convoys that are easily ambushed/destroyed.
As a large U.S. presence not gaining decisive results by maneuver,
patrols in vulnerable wheeled trucks that are easily destroyed, we
alienate the civil population by our presence and earn their contempt
because we cannot defend ourselves much less keep them secure to
have peaceful civilian lives. The enemy has learned his number #1
weapon is the bomb be it
projected in a grenade or set off when U.S. forces pass by. To evade our
unmanned aircraft sensor detection and separation walls/barriers
designed to encourage belligerents to stop terror attacks and face their
own problems, the enemy is going underground with tunnels and
sapping. The enemy without any moral restraints can attack in any
direction at any time; the 21st century battlefield is non-linear (NLB).
The NLMB solves the riddle of the 4GW NLB by an austere, logistically
light force structure that doesn’t need to resupply itself at all by ground
truck convoys, it resupplies itself economically by air if it chooses to. The
NLMB however, does not use problem avoidance as an excuse for
weakness; its completely tracked and armored and DOES NOT HAVE ANY
and everybody fights in the NLMB. The NLMB’s light, medium and heavy
tracked armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) have x-country mobility to avoid
road ambushes and are modified to withstand large roadside bombs and
RPG/ATGM attacks to decisively maneuver against the enemy. The NLMB
has an affordable continuous overhead air combat human presence
“Killer Bees” to deny the enemy the ability to sap roads and combat
engineers with anti-tunneling and urban warfare siege engines to prevail
in urban combats. The NLMB on the ground has swarms of “Army Ants”;
all-terrain, stealthy AFVs and RPG/rifle-hand grenade equipped infantry-
sappers that are optimized for the two basic terrain types on earth; 2D
maneuver forces for open and 3D forces for closed terrains. The NLMB
can go deep anywhere in the world to get the enemy and defeat him up
close without harming civilians.
* NLMB does missions that cannot be accomplished by conventional units like the
Army's existing BDEs or recently constructed UoA's or USMC MEUs
* Self-sufficient
* Everyone works, everyone fights
* All teeth, no tail
* No underclass, everyone is a warrior/intel collector
*Everything can move on ground via armored tracks including light aircraft
* No vulnerable rubber-tired wheeled trucks PERIOD
* Can provide continuous air surveillance/attack 24/7/365
* Logistically light; doesn't require huge fuel costs
* Small presence on land does not inflame locals or compromise OPSEC
* No presence on land if operating from RO-RO Commando Carrier
* Low-Cost do-able NOW
* Simple-to-maintain platforms
* Every platform with affordable C4ISR package
* Optimized for non-linear battlefield of weak or subdued nation-state army where
integrated air defenses are not present or suppressed by USAF
* Assumes enemy is all around and no secure Main Supply Routes (MSRs) exist
* Can fight way into a territory and hold a forward operating base for SOF or a
larger force
* Can execute 2D and 3D operational maneuver of brigade-size as spearhead for
larger conventional force or as adjunct to small unit SOFs
U.S. must be able to rapidly air-deploy anywhere in the world
to overcome enemy nation-state Surveillance Strike Complex
observation/fires and/or reach hiding by C3D2 sub-national
terror groups without heavy friendly casualties: Tracked
armored vehicles are needed to boldly 2D and 3D decisively
maneuver since surprise is fleeting in media connected age
C-27J Spartan: “the Baby Herk”

Can carry baseline NLMB M113 Amphigavin and land on
aircraft carrier if modified with tail hook such that a 12-
aircraft squadron could be seabased. C-130J Hercules can do
the former but not the latter. Can carry NLMB A/MH-6 Little
Bird helicopters. With organic C-27Js, all of NLMB can self-
deploy by air and once in their AO do 3D tactical assaults by
parachute airdrop or STOL airland. C-27Js can bulk resupply
NLMB by “fat cow” or fuel blivet refueling. FOBs build around
2,000 foot landing strip for C-27J airlanding operations.
24 x A/MH-6 Little Bird CLOSE/MANEUVER AIR

                         Fireteam                               Attack
                                             Long-Range Air Deployment in
Ground mobile by XM1108 Amphigavins

                             V/TOL from100
                             foot openings

   6 underwing hardpoints for gun and rocket pods
   and small bombs
U-27 CARAVAN can carry
                   3,000 pounds of cargo or 10
                   Paratroopers + 2 crew for 1400
                   miles; 7 hours endurance
                   @ 200 mph

Small underbelly
cargo pod is
U-27 CARAVAN can operate from land or sea...

                             Floats only slightly reduce
                             flight performance and have
   Powerful but fuel         wheels for runway landings
   miserly PT6 turboprop
   engine easy-to-maintain
The Squadron
                                                  of 12 x U-27
                                                  CARAVANs can
                                                  surveil hundreds of
                                                  square miles 24/7/365
                                                  @100 mph faster
                                                  speeds than
                                                  helicopters and
                                                  pounce on detected
                                                  enemies immediately

                                                       FLIR and image intensifier
                                                       360 degree surveillance
                                                       balls already in use on

Attack Pathfinders laser target mark for guided 2.75” Hydra-70mm rockets
Each U-27 CARAVAN can airdrop 10
freefall or static-line Paratroopers or
cargo bundles; an entire rifle squad
                                    can land on very
                                    short 2,000 foot
                                    or less flat surfaces
                                    delivering troops
                                    and supplies and
                                    operating from
                                    austere forward bases
                                    ground troops

Attack Pathfinders survey and
mark assault landing zones (AZs),
ABN-AMPHIB Combat Engineers
improve AZs into 2,000 runways
for C-27J and U-27 airlanding
U-27 CARAVANs on land can be towed on
trailers by XM1108 cargo-carrying Amphigavins
eliminating handicap to work around their need for
landing strips; increases ground maneuver
force flexibility: NLMB air power always remains
“in its hip pocket”

                          XM1108s will
                          need ARIS SPA
                          Amphigavin noses
                          and waterjets
U-27 CARAVANs can with
                                 floats land on sea and land
                                 as amphibians to link up
                                 with the NLMB RO-RO
                                 Commando Carrier as well
                                 as insert/extract SOF small boat
                                 combat swimmer teams
                                 under earth curvature to hide
                                 from enemy radars
armament can fight way through
enemy forces if encountered
to include enemy fighters
using Stinger missiles
U-27 CARAVANs with floats can be LO-LOed onto
 the deck of RO-RO ship decks; wings detach in
 under 1 hour to save space so entire 12 plane
 squadron can be embarked


U-27 CARAVANs could shuttle Soldiers
to RO-RO ships as they sail to the
LOTS destination to off-load the vehicles on board
RO-RO Commando Aircraft and Ground Vehicle
           Carrier Version 1.0

  Current T-AKR RO-RO ships have only a
  V/TOL flight deck; OK if we operate only
  floatplane U-27s and Little Bird helicopters

                    24 x A/MH-6 Little Birds
                    12 x U-27 Caravans
RO-RO Commando Aircraft and Ground Vehicle
           Carrier Version 2.0
Wheel landing gear C-27Js, U-27s with tailhooks in addition
to Little Bird helicopters could operate from the RO-RO
Commando Carrier if a large flight deck were added
                                12 x C-27Js


                    24 x A/MH-6 Little Birds
                    12 x U-27 Caravans
F-35 JSFs with lift-fan STOVL
capabilities could operate from the RO-
RO Commando Carrier; each can carry
JPODs which can each carry 2 SOF
commandos for 600+ mph fast infil/exfil
JPODs: A new capability for Joint Forces
 Cargo and personnel carrying pod attaches to underwing hardpoints of attack

                                                       JSF V/TOL light
                                                       STOVL heavy load

AH-64D Apache

                         AV-8B Harrier II

Vertical Take-Off and Landing strike aircraft can recover Isolated Personnel;
insert/extract SOF personnel
JPOD precision glide/parachute delivery of weapons,
supplies and/or Exfiltration Vehicles to Isolated
Personnel Partial and Full Recovery Option
JPOD with ammunition/weapons
Possible Exfiltration Vehicles
that could be carried by JPODs
  to Isolated Personnel & SOF
                    Powered Parachutes

                       Folding Mountain Bikes

      Small All-Terrain Vehicles
M113 Amphigavin
light tracked AFVs
can swim selves to
shore from RO-RO
port/starboard and
stern ramps

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NLMB: Slides 1 to 32

  • 1. NON-LINEAR MANEUVER BRIGADE "In war the chief incalculable is the human will, which manifests itself in resistance, which in turn lies in the province of tactics. Strategy has not to overcome resistance, except from nature. Its purpose is to diminish the possibility of resistance, and it seeks to fulfil this purpose by exploiting the elements of movement and surprise." --Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart Air Land Sea 2004 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne)
  • 2. The Two Basic Battles 1. The Battle Against the Earth: Hart’s “Nature” "We have severely underestimated the Russians, the extent of the country and the treachery of the climate. This is the revenge of reality." - German General Heinz Guderian, letter to his wife 1941 Open terrain Observation Closed terrain Closed terrain: mobile forces automatically lighter and 3D air transportable linkage; note world is URBANIZING rapidly Open terrain: roads, rural areas where we grow food, prairies require GROUND FORCES TO CONTROL---we must be able to control these areas...requires 2D optimization Future Land Forces must FIRST be “powerful against the earth” in terms of mobility, firepower, survivability, and sustainability--if the earth itself easily smothers their combat power how can they even begin to think of overwhelming the human enemy?
  • 3. “Amateurs talk tactics; experts talk logistics” Training, Equipping, Feeding and Supplying armed men on the earth to get a military effect is an un-natural act; destructive violence doesn’t grow food or build things To create and sustain military force on the earth is a constant battle against the earth itself; not only are friendly forces under this vise of need, so are enemy forces---if you can strengthen the resiliency of your forces vis-à-vis the earth you can focus more efforts against the human enemy for decisive effects A corollary to this is if you can weaken the enemy’s hold against the earth by cutting his supply lines and/or denying him supplies then he will be struck down by terrain, weather, hunger, disease and lack of ammunition if not defeating him outright at least preparing him for collapse at the hand of your own human attack Examples of exploiting the Battle Against the Earth * Sherman’s March to the sea in U.S. Civil War destroying Southern infrastructure he got rid of camp furniture for high 4-7 mph foot mobility * VC/NVA caches of supplies fed by Ho Chi Minh Trail to fight faster on their feet * Phyrrus fighting over-extended Hannibal in losing battles to save Rome * 11th ACR in Vietnam packing M113 Gavin light tracked AFVs with supplies for bold, x-country, independent operations w/o depending on supply lines
  • 4. A Land Force that can inter-changeably MANEUVER at will over the earth has a powerful superiority: it can PHYSICALLY exploit opportunities as they arise and fight faster than the enemy can think/react as per the Boyd Cycle “OODA Loop” tactic 4-7 MPH on Foot, SERE skills gear to live off-land 5-30 MPH aided by ATACS carts and pedal eBikes 5-600 MPH by air/land/sea vehicles with 30+ days of ammo, food Air Land Sea
  • 5. 2. The Battle Against Man "Natural hazards, however formidable, are inherently less dangerous and less uncertain than fighting hazards. All conditions are more calculable, all obstacles more surmountable than those of human resistance". --Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart The Two competing 21st Century War Thought-Forms in the West RMA: 4GW: Firepower Maneuver VS. RMA/TOFFLERIANS 4GW/VAN CREVALD/FEHRENBACHIANS
  • 6. RMA is a failure in Iraq and Afghanistan! RMA: Physicality vs. Earth (that’s “2nd Wave”) NOT Important! We will mouse-click firepower! We will “cherry pick” and avoid problems Defeat on the Battlefield: no boots-on-the-ground, tracked Wheeled Truck Madness: easily blown up decisive, encircling MANEUVER can’t MANEUVER x-country, swim, airdrop or fight; infantry will suffer bloody WWI stalemates in cities: USMC in Fallujah IRAQ Afghanistan: Taliban/al Queda escape by C3D2 SOMALIA Kosovo: Serb Army unscathed FCS LAV3STRYKER
  • 8. NON-LINEAR MANEUVER BRIGADE A COMMAND B CW 300 PATH 60 STRIKE 3D 2D ARB 12 50 24 22 6 22 24 12 6 12 500 192 200 48 355
  • 9. PURPOSE The NLMB is composed of primarily existing equipment innovatively organized as a self-contained, self-sufficient air/ground combined-arms multi-dimensional force manned by non-narcissistic thinker/doers with an accurate view of who they are and the world around them to render appropriate military actions. In today’s 4th Generation Warfare (4GW) world the center of gravity is the will of the people; whose ideas dominate requires persuasion as well as coercion. The NLMB is designed and sized to control and influence large areas for independent or operations in conjunction with Special Operations Forces (SOF) while preserving OPSEC and a zero or minimalist presence deep in contested ground and territory to avoid alienating civilians into the enemy’s camp. Today’s non- linear battlefield requires combined 2D/3D air/ground maneuver synergism to locate, encircle and kill/capture sub-national terror groups and asymmetric advantage seeking nation-state armies. The NLMB is able to operate without massive logistics yet provides SOF agile, stealthy armored air/ground decisive maneuver to finish the job against stubborn and fleeting enemies--a capability it sorely lacks. The NLMB has the muscle and cultural warfare (CW) expertise to keep supply lines and civilian commerce flowing, and be Quick-Reaction Forces (QRFs) in the absence of friendly nation-state security.
  • 10. THE THREAT: FROM ALL DIRECTIONS The enemy of freedom-based nation-states realizes that the western way of war using lots of machines to “send a bullet and not a man” (Firepower) is not able to MANEUVER into difficult closed terrain or separate civilians from their fighters. The enemy realizes at close range under 1000 meters, we are weaker than them with our M16 bullet shooters versus their AKM bullets, Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and roadbombs. Furthermore, our ponderously large ground forces require vast amounts of fuel, ammo, food, water resupply ground vulnerable wheeled truck convoys that are easily ambushed/destroyed. As a large U.S. presence not gaining decisive results by maneuver, patrols in vulnerable wheeled trucks that are easily destroyed, we alienate the civil population by our presence and earn their contempt because we cannot defend ourselves much less keep them secure to have peaceful civilian lives. The enemy has learned his number #1 weapon is the bomb be it projected in a grenade or set off when U.S. forces pass by. To evade our unmanned aircraft sensor detection and separation walls/barriers designed to encourage belligerents to stop terror attacks and face their own problems, the enemy is going underground with tunnels and sapping. The enemy without any moral restraints can attack in any direction at any time; the 21st century battlefield is non-linear (NLB).
  • 11. THE SOLUTION: 2D/3D MANEUVER IN ALL DIRECTIONS BY NLMB FORCE STRUCTURE The NLMB solves the riddle of the 4GW NLB by an austere, logistically light force structure that doesn’t need to resupply itself at all by ground truck convoys, it resupplies itself economically by air if it chooses to. The NLMB however, does not use problem avoidance as an excuse for weakness; its completely tracked and armored and DOES NOT HAVE ANY VULNERABLE RUBBER-TIRED WHEELED TRUCKS. Everybody works and everybody fights in the NLMB. The NLMB’s light, medium and heavy tracked armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) have x-country mobility to avoid road ambushes and are modified to withstand large roadside bombs and RPG/ATGM attacks to decisively maneuver against the enemy. The NLMB has an affordable continuous overhead air combat human presence “Killer Bees” to deny the enemy the ability to sap roads and combat engineers with anti-tunneling and urban warfare siege engines to prevail in urban combats. The NLMB on the ground has swarms of “Army Ants”; all-terrain, stealthy AFVs and RPG/rifle-hand grenade equipped infantry- sappers that are optimized for the two basic terrain types on earth; 2D maneuver forces for open and 3D forces for closed terrains. The NLMB can go deep anywhere in the world to get the enemy and defeat him up close without harming civilians.
  • 12. CAPABILITIES * NLMB does missions that cannot be accomplished by conventional units like the Army's existing BDEs or recently constructed UoA's or USMC MEUs * Self-sufficient * Everyone works, everyone fights * All teeth, no tail * No underclass, everyone is a warrior/intel collector *Everything can move on ground via armored tracks including light aircraft * No vulnerable rubber-tired wheeled trucks PERIOD * Can provide continuous air surveillance/attack 24/7/365 * Logistically light; doesn't require huge fuel costs * Small presence on land does not inflame locals or compromise OPSEC * No presence on land if operating from RO-RO Commando Carrier * Low-Cost do-able NOW * Simple-to-maintain platforms * Every platform with affordable C4ISR package * Optimized for non-linear battlefield of weak or subdued nation-state army where integrated air defenses are not present or suppressed by USAF * Assumes enemy is all around and no secure Main Supply Routes (MSRs) exist * Can fight way into a territory and hold a forward operating base for SOF or a larger force * Can execute 2D and 3D operational maneuver of brigade-size as spearhead for larger conventional force or as adjunct to small unit SOFs
  • 13. U.S. must be able to rapidly air-deploy anywhere in the world to overcome enemy nation-state Surveillance Strike Complex observation/fires and/or reach hiding by C3D2 sub-national terror groups without heavy friendly casualties: Tracked armored vehicles are needed to boldly 2D and 3D decisively maneuver since surprise is fleeting in media connected age
  • 14. C-27J Spartan: “the Baby Herk” Can carry baseline NLMB M113 Amphigavin and land on aircraft carrier if modified with tail hook such that a 12- aircraft squadron could be seabased. C-130J Hercules can do the former but not the latter. Can carry NLMB A/MH-6 Little Bird helicopters. With organic C-27Js, all of NLMB can self- deploy by air and once in their AO do 3D tactical assaults by parachute airdrop or STOL airland. C-27Js can bulk resupply NLMB by “fat cow” or fuel blivet refueling. FOBs build around 2,000 foot landing strip for C-27J airlanding operations.
  • 15. 24 x A/MH-6 Little Bird CLOSE/MANEUVER AIR SUPPORT ATTACK, OBSERVATION & TRANSPORT HELICOPTERS Fireteam Attack Transport Long-Range Air Deployment in C-27Js Ground mobile by XM1108 Amphigavins V/TOL from100 foot openings
  • 16. 12 x U-27 CARAVAN CLOSE/MANEUVER AIR SUPPORT ATTACK, OBSERVATION & TRANSPORT PLANES 6 underwing hardpoints for gun and rocket pods and small bombs
  • 17. U-27 CARAVAN can carry 3,000 pounds of cargo or 10 Paratroopers + 2 crew for 1400 miles; 7 hours endurance @ 200 mph Small underbelly cargo pod is common
  • 18. U-27 CARAVAN can operate from land or sea... Floats only slightly reduce flight performance and have Powerful but fuel wheels for runway landings miserly PT6 turboprop engine easy-to-maintain
  • 19. The Squadron of 12 x U-27 CARAVANs can surveil hundreds of square miles 24/7/365 @100 mph faster speeds than helicopters and pounce on detected enemies immediately FLIR and image intensifier 360 degree surveillance balls already in use on Caravans Attack Pathfinders laser target mark for guided 2.75” Hydra-70mm rockets
  • 20. Each U-27 CARAVAN can airdrop 10 freefall or static-line Paratroopers or cargo bundles; an entire rifle squad
  • 21. U-27 CARAVANs can land on very short 2,000 foot or less flat surfaces delivering troops and supplies and operating from austere forward bases alongside ground troops Attack Pathfinders survey and mark assault landing zones (AZs), ABN-AMPHIB Combat Engineers improve AZs into 2,000 runways for C-27J and U-27 airlanding operations
  • 22. U-27 CARAVANs on land can be towed on trailers by XM1108 cargo-carrying Amphigavins eliminating handicap to work around their need for landing strips; increases ground maneuver force flexibility: NLMB air power always remains “in its hip pocket” XM1108s will need ARIS SPA Amphigavin noses and waterjets
  • 23. U-27 CARAVANs can with floats land on sea and land as amphibians to link up with the NLMB RO-RO Commando Carrier as well as insert/extract SOF small boat combat swimmer teams under earth curvature to hide from enemy radars U-27 CARAVAN’s armament can fight way through enemy forces if encountered to include enemy fighters using Stinger missiles
  • 24. U-27 CARAVANs with floats can be LO-LOed onto the deck of RO-RO ship decks; wings detach in under 1 hour to save space so entire 12 plane squadron can be embarked Ship’s cranes U-27 CARAVANs could shuttle Soldiers to RO-RO ships as they sail to the LOTS destination to off-load the vehicles on board
  • 25. RO-RO Commando Aircraft and Ground Vehicle Carrier Version 1.0 Current T-AKR RO-RO ships have only a V/TOL flight deck; OK if we operate only floatplane U-27s and Little Bird helicopters 24 x A/MH-6 Little Birds 12 x U-27 Caravans
  • 26. RO-RO Commando Aircraft and Ground Vehicle Carrier Version 2.0 Wheel landing gear C-27Js, U-27s with tailhooks in addition to Little Bird helicopters could operate from the RO-RO Commando Carrier if a large flight deck were added 12 x C-27Js LCAC 24 x A/MH-6 Little Birds 12 x U-27 Caravans
  • 27. F-35 JSFs with lift-fan STOVL capabilities could operate from the RO- RO Commando Carrier; each can carry JPODs which can each carry 2 SOF commandos for 600+ mph fast infil/exfil
  • 28. JPODs: A new capability for Joint Forces Cargo and personnel carrying pod attaches to underwing hardpoints of attack aircraft JSF V/TOL light STOVL heavy load AH-64D Apache AV-8B Harrier II Vertical Take-Off and Landing strike aircraft can recover Isolated Personnel; insert/extract SOF personnel
  • 29. JPOD precision glide/parachute delivery of weapons, supplies and/or Exfiltration Vehicles to Isolated Personnel Partial and Full Recovery Option
  • 31. Possible Exfiltration Vehicles that could be carried by JPODs to Isolated Personnel & SOF Powered Parachutes Folding Mountain Bikes Small All-Terrain Vehicles
  • 32. M113 Amphigavin light tracked AFVs can swim selves to shore from RO-RO port/starboard and stern ramps