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DIS Architecture and Design                                                                        Fall 2013

New Nordic Design                                                                            3 Credits

                                Lecturer: Henning Thomsen (HT),
                                Course Assistant: TBA
                                Mee ng Loca on: TBA

                                “The world will be studying the Nordic model for years to come.”
                                          (‘The Next Supermodel’, Leader, The Economist, February 2nd-
                                8th, 2013)

                                “Danish architecture has always been influenced by the larger world, but
                                we have managed to translate the foreign architecture into Danish. The
                                same holds true for all the Nordic countries....”
                                                                 c co
                                         (Kay Fisker, editor and professo Arkitekten, 1964)
                                                        ditor nd professor,

                                “... for we have seen design grow from a trade ac vity to a segmented
                                                         sign        f

                                profession to a field for technical research and to what now should be
                                recognized as a new liberal art of technological culture.”
                                           d                a      tec
                                           (Richard Buchanan, professor of design, Design Issues, Vol. 8, No.
                                              chard Buchanan prof
                                2, Spring 1992)
                                     pring 1992
                                “The relevant choice is not an either/or one between local culture and
                                    e           ch
                                global modernity. Ra
                                       moder       Rather it is to design a world hospitable to both, as well
                                as to all other cu
                                                cultures present and to the intermediary levels of cultural
                                development they may represent or become - as well as of a sustainable
                                planetary culture yet to come that transcends and supersedes modernity.”
                                           (Peter Buchanan, writer and cri c, AD Architectural Design,
                                November/December 2012)

                                Course Descrip on: This course inves gates the present state of design
                                in Scandinavia - the New Nordic - as it unfolds just now. Focusing on
                                architecture and design at all scales - from service design, product design,
                                furniture and fashion to architecture, urban design, and infrastructure
                                design, the course relates to local tradi ons and cultures. It also
                                acknowledges the global connec ons and describes how we express
                                and organize ourselves and our communi es in the Nordic region at the
                                beginning of the 21st century.
                                The course will focus equally on Finish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic,
                                and Danish design. The relevance of regional design characteris cs in the
                                globalized world of today will be cri cally evaluated during the course.
                                Furthermore the course will dive into the forma ve beginnings of design
                                in Scandinavia in the late 19th century and the world renowned golden
                                age of democra c Scandinavian Design in the post World War II era, from
                                the 1950s to 1970s, in order to be er understand the present state of
                                design in Scandinavia - the New Nordic.
                                Throughout the course will inves gate the dis nc on between ’making’
                                - how cultural products like architecture and design, but also literature,
                                film, food, etc., come about - and ’iden ty’ - what these cultural products
                                mean to individuals, to communi es, and to society.
                                We will read and study texts on architecture and design issues. We will
                                visit architecture and design in and around Copenhagen and use these
                                as case studies. We will meet prac      oners involved in architecture and

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                       Fall 2013

    New Nordic Design

                                     design and learn how they view the world. We will work on assignments
                                     that try to bridge the gap between the world of thinking and the world of
                                     The course is structured in three sec ons. The first sec on, DEPARTURES,
                                     gives an introduc on to the term New Nordic and furthermore aims to
                                     establish a pla orm for how to talk about and cri cally study design and
                                     cultural products in general. The second sec on, DESIGNS, gives a cursory
                                     introduc on to the design iden       es and histories of the five countries
                                     that form the core of the course: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and
                                                      ludes broa
                                     Denmark. This includes a broad descrip on of the forma ve beginnings
                                                         avia        lat
                                     of design in Scandinavia in the late 19th century as well as the golden

                                              mocra Scandinavia De
                                     age of democra c Scandinavian Design in the post World War II era,

                                     from the 1950s to 1970s a it de

                                                             as developed in the countries we are looking
                                     at. Building on this the seco sec on surveys New Nordic Design as it
                                                          t second
                                     unfolds currently in the Nordic region, looking at New Nordic Design in
                                     all its various s
                                                     scales - from service design, product design, furniture and
                                     fashion to archit
                                                architecture, urban design and infrastructure design. The third
                                      nd      se
                                     and final sec on, DESTINIES, tries to hypothesize what the future might

                                     hold in terms of new prac ces and new posi ons in design in Scandinavia.
                                     ho      t
                                     understand the field of architectural theory. The CHRONOLOGICAL
                                     OVERVIEW aims to sketch out both a theore cal and a cultural overview
                                     of the decades from 1960s un l today. Finally the THEMATIC OVERVIEW
                                     delves deeper into a series of recurring themes that have shaped European
                                     architectural theories in the past five decades.

                                     Learning Objec ves

                                     By the end of this course you should
                                     •be able to orient yourself in the recent Scandinavian landscape of design
                                     •be familiar with the main design development trends in Scandinavia
                                     •understand how design historical and design theore cal perspec ves
                                     can be applied to the study of contemporary cultural products
                                     •understand the importance and fundamentals of cri cal reading and
                                     wri ng
                                     •be able to reflect on the role and task of design and the designer through
                                     the applica on of cri cal thinking

                                     Required Texts
                                     Reading material will be uploaded as individual texts on DIS Forum. Crucial
                                     texts are:

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                       Fall 2013

New Nordic Design

                              Approach to Teaching: The class will meet twice a week and consists of
                              lectures, student presenta ons and class discussions. This course relies
                              heavy on reading. The type of reading you will be required to do in this
                              class moves beyond finding informa on or loca ng an authorʼs purpose
                              or iden fying main ideas (as useful as these skills are). You will be asked
                              to dig deep in to the texts to ferret out meaning, systems of rela onships
                              between ideas, and examine your own response to these ideas and their
                              impact on the world around them.
                                                                    t     q
                              In short, cri cal reading requires that you ques on intensely. For cri cal
                                                             d             te
                              reading, you cannot sit back and wait. These texts are not necessarily

                              easy nor are you expected to swallow the words wit
                                                         o       w           without considera on.
                              True reading demands that you first ac vely listen to the author without

                              projec ng your own agenda. In this sense, you might imagine that you
                                                   enda.         sense yo
                              are engaged in a conversa on with the author and once he/she has
                              completed what he/she wants to say to you, you are in a posi on to speak
                                           t                 s
                              back, to say something of your own something meaningful and thought-

                              read cri cally: to form
                                                        you own,
                              out. If you have no response, y are reading lazily and need to instead,
                                    f      ave              you
                                                 formulate a response. Such response involves analysis,
                                nthesis,          vity
                              synthesis, and crea vity.

                              Expecta on of the Students: I expect you to be fully engaged in the
                              lectur pa
                              lectures, par cipate ac vely in any discussion and be open minded to your
                              fellow students contribu on to class. I hope to establish an environment
                              where we can learn from each other as well as from the texts and cases we

                              engage with and I expect you to ac vely support this approach. Readings

                              must be done before class and should be done with inquisi veness. The
                              ability to frame the appropriate ques ons and to apply cri cal thinking will
                              be valued and the class should form the se ng in which to ac vely exercise
                              this ability. In our discussions in class please aim to make references to our
                              readings, to support the points or ques ons you wish to raise.

                              Evalua on & Grading:
                              The final grade is determined as follows:
                              20%       Ac ve individual par cipa on, in-class presenta ons and
                                        provision of ques on points
                              20%       The InTheMaking assignment (poster presenta on: 400 words
                                        of cri cal wri ng + illustra ons)
                              30%       Mid term exam (essay type)
                              30%       The CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment (essay type and semester
                                        long: 1500-2500 words of cri cal wri ng + illustra ons)

                              T he In The Making assignment is a ten-day long exercise consis ng of a)
                              xxx, b) xxx, c) mapping it through photos, maps, sketches, etc., d) producing

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                         Fall 2013

    New Nordic Design

                                     a poster in A2 format presen ng your findings, and e) presen ng this
                                     poster in a joint class session. The mid-term exam is an essay type exam
                                     that takes place in class and is based on ques ons about the readings.
                                     The CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment consists of a semester long, essay type
                                     cri cal inves ga on of a piece of design from Copenhagen chosen by
                                     student themselves (with guidance from course teacher).
                                     Both in-class and field study a endance and ac ve par cipa on are
                                                           s o
                                     required. For all types of ac vity students on a regular basis will be
                                                       ues    p
                                     asked to prepare ques on points for classes. These should reflect on the
                                     readings carried out and provide the class as a whole with a pla orm for

                                     engaged and informed discussion.
                                              nd ormed discussio

                                     Late papers will not be accepted To be eligible for a passing grade in this
                                           apers             acce
                                     class you must complete all o the assigned work.
                                        ss u        comp         of

                                     Disability and resour statement
                                     Any student who has a need for accommoda on based on the impact of
                                     a disabi
                                       disability sh
                                                  should contact Sean Green ( to coordinate this. In
                                     order to receive accommoda ons, students should inform the instructor

                                     of ap
                                        approved DIS accommoda ons within the first two weeks of classes.

                                     A endance
                                     You are expected to a end all DIS classes when scheduled. If you miss

                                     mul ple classes the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of
                                     Student Affairs will be no fied and they will follow-up with you to make

                                     sure that all is well. Absences will jeopardize your grade and your standing
                                     at DIS. Allowances will be made in cases of illness, but in the case of
                                     mul ple absences you will need to provide a doctor’s note.

                                     Academic Honesty
                                     Plagiarism and Viola ng the Rules of an Assignment
                                     DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual
                                     honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their
                                     own work and credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic
                                     dishonesty will result in a final course grade of “F” and can result in
                                     dismissal. The students’ home universi es will be no fied. DIS reserves
                                     the right to request that wri en student assignments be turned in
                                     electronic form for submission to plagiarism detec on so ware. See the
                                     Academic Handbook for more informa on, or ask your instructor if you
                                     have ques ons.

                                     Electronic devices in the classroom
                                     Feel free to use your laptop for relevant note taking. The use of cell phones
                                     must take place outside of class hours.

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                                       Fall 2013

New Nordic Design
Day       Date           Session   Time           Topic
Fr        Aug 23         1         11:40- 13:00   DEPARTURES
                                                  Danish Michelin starred cuisine, Finnish auteur film, Norwegian crime
                                                  literature, Swedish House Mafia DJ’s and Icelandic light sculptures?
                                                  Cultural products from a bunch of ny countries to the far north invade
                                                  the world stage. Where did that come from and what is all the fuzz
                                                  about? The term New Nordic Design has been applied to the current
                                                  wave of design coming out of Scandinavia and we want to find out what’s
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Tu         Aug 27        2         11:40- 13:00   The thing is...
                                                  How do we talk about things - objects - design? Is there a common

                                                  language that will allow us to study and discuss and understand the
                                                  design of a bridge as well as that of a spoon without becoming

                                                  schizophrenic? The session gives an introduc on to design thinking,
                                                  design talking and the historiography of design.
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Fr         Aug 30        3         11:40- 13:00
                                                  Master narra ves and alterna ve histories
                                                  Design coming from the Scandinavian countries is characterized by a
                                                  certain set of values - humanis c, democra c, organic - or so the master
                                                  narra ve tells us. Recent research suggests that there may be alterna ve
                                                  histories available. Before we go further, we want to understand the
                                                  dilemmas of tradi onal mythologies.
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • Kje l Fjallan: A Historiography of Scandinavian Design, in Scandinavian
                                                  Design: Alterna ve Histories, London, 2012.

           Sep 02 - 07                            Core Course Week

Tu         Sep 10        4         11:40- 13:00   NEW NORDIC DESIGNS - GEOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW

                                                  This part of the course gives a cursory introduc on to the design
                                                  iden es and histories of the five countries that form the core of the
                                                  course: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This will both
                                                  create the pla orm for understanding recent design developments in
                                                  Scandinavia in general as well as survey the regional differences.

                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Fr         Sep 13        5         11:40- 13:00   Iceland
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA
Tu         Sep 17        6         11:40- 13:00   Norway
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Fr         Sep 20        7         11:40- 13:00   Sweden
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Tu         Sep 24        8         11:40- 13:00   Denmark
                                                  Required reading:
                                                  • TBA

Fr         Sep 27        9         11:40- 13:00   Mid-Term Exam

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                               Fall 2013

    New Nordic Design
    Day       Date         Session   Time           Topic
              Sep 28 - Oct 06                       Travel Week

    Tu        Oct 08        10       11:40- 13:00   Going where?
                                                    Contemporary infrastructure design in Scandinavia
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

    Fr        Oct 11        11       11:40- 13:00   Livable ci es
                                                    Contemporary urban design in Scandinavia
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

    Tu        Oct 15        12       11:40- 13:00   Sustainable places
                                                    Contemporary building design in Scandinavia

                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

    Fr        Oct 18        13            bu
                                     11:40- 13:00   Light as is...
                                                    Contemporary interior design in Scandinavia
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

              Oct 19 - 27                           Travel Week

    Tu        Oct 29        14       11:40- 13:00   DESIGNS - IN THE MAKING INTERMEZZO
                                                    In The Making
                                                    Introduc on to the 11-day In The Making assignment
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

    Fr        Nov 01        15       11:40- 13:00   Objec fied

                                                    Film viewing of the Gary Hustwit film about design.
                                                    Required reading:

                                                    • TBA

    Tu        Nov 05        16       11:40- 13:00   Objec fied
                                                    Discussion of film in class.
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

    Fr        Nov 08        17       11:40- 13:00   In The Making
                                                    Presenta on of students In The Making posters
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

              Nov 09 - 17                           Travel Week

    Tu        Nov 19        18       11:40- 13:00   DESIGNS - THEMATIC OVERVIEW CONTINUED
                                                    What to wear?
                                                    Contemporary fashion and tex le design in Scandinavia
                                                    Required reading:
                                                    • TBA

DIS Architecture and Design                                                                                         Fall 2013

New Nordic Design
Day       Date         Session   Time           Topic
Fr        Nov 22       19        11:40- 13:00   Have a seat!
                                                Contemporary furniture design in Scandinavia
                                                Required reading:
                                                • TBA

Tu         Nov 26      20        11:40- 13:00   Product Design
                                                Contemporary product design in Scandinavia
                                                Required reading:
                                                • TBA

Fr         Nov 29      21        11:40- 13:00   I am!
                                                Contemporary brand design in Scandinavia
                                                Required reading:

                                                • TBA

                                                Deadline for hand-in of CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment.
                                                Send by email to no later than Friday 29 May

Tu         Dec 03      22        11:40- 13:00   Helping us along
                                                Contemporary service design in Scandinavia
                                                Required reading:
                                                • TBA
Fr         Dec 06      23        11:40- 13:00   DESTINIES
                                                What does the future hold in terms of new prac ces and new posi ons
                                                in design in Scandinavia?

                                                Back to the future or the reversal?
                                                Where is this heading? Are we witnessing a ny intermezzo in the grande
                                                scheme of globaliza on? Or is New Nordic a term that will s ck with us?
                                                And if so, what good might it be doing?

                                                Required reading:
                                                • TBA

                                                Schedule subject to change with as much no ce as possible.
                                                All future edits to the syllabus will be made on Blackboard only.


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New nordic design - draft_syllabus - fall 2013

  • 1. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design 3 Credits Lecturer: Henning Thomsen (HT), Course Assistant: TBA Mee ng Loca on: TBA “The world will be studying the Nordic model for years to come.” (‘The Next Supermodel’, Leader, The Economist, February 2nd- 8th, 2013) “Danish architecture has always been influenced by the larger world, but te we have managed to translate the foreign architecture into Danish. The same holds true for all the Nordic countries....” c co coun (Kay Fisker, editor and professo Arkitekten, 1964) ditor nd professor, s “... for we have seen design grow from a trade ac vity to a segmented sign f bu profession to a field for technical research and to what now should be rese recognized as a new liberal art of technological culture.” d a tec (Richard Buchanan, professor of design, Design Issues, Vol. 8, No. chard Buchanan prof 2, Spring 1992) pring 1992 lla “The relevant choice is not an either/or one between local culture and e ch global modernity. Ra moder Rather it is to design a world hospitable to both, as well as to all other cu cultures present and to the intermediary levels of cultural Sy development they may represent or become - as well as of a sustainable developme planetary culture yet to come that transcends and supersedes modernity.” lanetary (Peter Buchanan, writer and cri c, AD Architectural Design, November/December 2012) Nov Course Descrip on: This course inves gates the present state of design in Scandinavia - the New Nordic - as it unfolds just now. Focusing on architecture and design at all scales - from service design, product design, furniture and fashion to architecture, urban design, and infrastructure design, the course relates to local tradi ons and cultures. It also acknowledges the global connec ons and describes how we express and organize ourselves and our communi es in the Nordic region at the beginning of the 21st century. The course will focus equally on Finish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Danish design. The relevance of regional design characteris cs in the globalized world of today will be cri cally evaluated during the course. Furthermore the course will dive into the forma ve beginnings of design in Scandinavia in the late 19th century and the world renowned golden age of democra c Scandinavian Design in the post World War II era, from the 1950s to 1970s, in order to be er understand the present state of design in Scandinavia - the New Nordic. Throughout the course will inves gate the dis nc on between ’making’ - how cultural products like architecture and design, but also literature, film, food, etc., come about - and ’iden ty’ - what these cultural products mean to individuals, to communi es, and to society. We will read and study texts on architecture and design issues. We will visit architecture and design in and around Copenhagen and use these as case studies. We will meet prac oners involved in architecture and 1
  • 2. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design design and learn how they view the world. We will work on assignments that try to bridge the gap between the world of thinking and the world of making. The course is structured in three sec ons. The first sec on, DEPARTURES, gives an introduc on to the term New Nordic and furthermore aims to establish a pla orm for how to talk about and cri cally study design and cultural products in general. The second sec on, DESIGNS, gives a cursory introduc on to the design iden es and histories of the five countries that form the core of the course: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and ludes broa br Denmark. This includes a broad descrip on of the forma ve beginnings candinavia avia lat of design in Scandinavia in the late 19th century as well as the golden s mocra Scandinavia De age of democra c Scandinavian Design in the post World War II era, bu from the 1950s to 1970s a it de . he lds ng as developed in the countries we are looking at. Building on this the seco sec on surveys New Nordic Design as it t second unfolds currently in the Nordic region, looking at New Nordic Design in lla all its various s scales - from service design, product design, furniture and fashion to archit a architecture, urban design and infrastructure design. The third nd se and final sec on, DESTINIES, tries to hypothesize what the future might Sy hold in terms of new prac ces and new posi ons in design in Scandinavia. ho t und understand the field of architectural theory. The CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW aims to sketch out both a theore cal and a cultural overview of the decades from 1960s un l today. Finally the THEMATIC OVERVIEW delves deeper into a series of recurring themes that have shaped European architectural theories in the past five decades. a Learning Objec ves Dr By the end of this course you should •be able to orient yourself in the recent Scandinavian landscape of design •be familiar with the main design development trends in Scandinavia •understand how design historical and design theore cal perspec ves can be applied to the study of contemporary cultural products •understand the importance and fundamentals of cri cal reading and wri ng •be able to reflect on the role and task of design and the designer through the applica on of cri cal thinking Required Texts Reading material will be uploaded as individual texts on DIS Forum. Crucial texts are: •TBA 2
  • 3. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design Approach to Teaching: The class will meet twice a week and consists of lectures, student presenta ons and class discussions. This course relies heavy on reading. The type of reading you will be required to do in this class moves beyond finding informa on or loca ng an authorʼs purpose or iden fying main ideas (as useful as these skills are). You will be asked to dig deep in to the texts to ferret out meaning, systems of rela onships between ideas, and examine your own response to these ideas and their impact on the world around them. t q qu In short, cri cal reading requires that you ques on intensely. For cri cal d te reading, you cannot sit back and wait. These texts are not necessarily s easy nor are you expected to swallow the words wit o w without considera on. at True reading demands that you first ac vely listen to the author without bu projec ng your own agenda. In this sense, you might imagine that you enda. sense yo are engaged in a conversa on with the author and once he/she has versa completed what he/she wants to say to you, you are in a posi on to speak hat t s lla back, to say something of your own something meaningful and thought- ead ad respo read cri cally: to form you own, out. If you have no response, y are reading lazily and need to instead, f ave you formulate a response. Such response involves analysis, Sy nthesis, vity synthesis, and crea vity. Expecta on of the Students: I expect you to be fully engaged in the lectur pa lectures, par cipate ac vely in any discussion and be open minded to your fellow students contribu on to class. I hope to establish an environment wh where we can learn from each other as well as from the texts and cases we a engage with and I expect you to ac vely support this approach. Readings Dr must be done before class and should be done with inquisi veness. The ability to frame the appropriate ques ons and to apply cri cal thinking will be valued and the class should form the se ng in which to ac vely exercise this ability. In our discussions in class please aim to make references to our readings, to support the points or ques ons you wish to raise. Evalua on & Grading: The final grade is determined as follows: 20% Ac ve individual par cipa on, in-class presenta ons and provision of ques on points 20% The InTheMaking assignment (poster presenta on: 400 words of cri cal wri ng + illustra ons) 30% Mid term exam (essay type) 30% The CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment (essay type and semester long: 1500-2500 words of cri cal wri ng + illustra ons) T he In The Making assignment is a ten-day long exercise consis ng of a) xxx, b) xxx, c) mapping it through photos, maps, sketches, etc., d) producing 3
  • 4. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design a poster in A2 format presen ng your findings, and e) presen ng this poster in a joint class session. The mid-term exam is an essay type exam that takes place in class and is based on ques ons about the readings. The CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment consists of a semester long, essay type cri cal inves ga on of a piece of design from Copenhagen chosen by student themselves (with guidance from course teacher). Both in-class and field study a endance and ac ve par cipa on are s o required. For all types of ac vity students on a regular basis will be ues p po asked to prepare ques on points for classes. These should reflect on the d readings carried out and provide the class as a whole with a pla orm for s engaged and informed discussion. nd ormed discussio bu Late papers will not be accepted To be eligible for a passing grade in this apers acce accepted. class you must complete all o the assigned work. ss u comp of Disability and resour statement resource lla Any student who has a need for accommoda on based on the impact of a disabi disability sh should contact Sean Green ( to coordinate this. In order to receive accommoda ons, students should inform the instructor o Sy of ap approved DIS accommoda ons within the first two weeks of classes. Policies A endance You are expected to a end all DIS classes when scheduled. If you miss a mul ple classes the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of Student Affairs will be no fied and they will follow-up with you to make Dr sure that all is well. Absences will jeopardize your grade and your standing at DIS. Allowances will be made in cases of illness, but in the case of mul ple absences you will need to provide a doctor’s note. Academic Honesty Plagiarism and Viola ng the Rules of an Assignment DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their own work and credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic dishonesty will result in a final course grade of “F” and can result in dismissal. The students’ home universi es will be no fied. DIS reserves the right to request that wri en student assignments be turned in electronic form for submission to plagiarism detec on so ware. See the Academic Handbook for more informa on, or ask your instructor if you have ques ons. Electronic devices in the classroom Feel free to use your laptop for relevant note taking. The use of cell phones must take place outside of class hours. 4
  • 5. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design Day Date Session Time Topic Fr Aug 23 1 11:40- 13:00 DEPARTURES Danish Michelin starred cuisine, Finnish auteur film, Norwegian crime literature, Swedish House Mafia DJ’s and Icelandic light sculptures? Cultural products from a bunch of ny countries to the far north invade the world stage. Where did that come from and what is all the fuzz about? The term New Nordic Design has been applied to the current wave of design coming out of Scandinavia and we want to find out what’s cooking. Required reading: • TBA Tu Aug 27 2 11:40- 13:00 The thing is... How do we talk about things - objects - design? Is there a common s language that will allow us to study and discuss and understand the design of a bridge as well as that of a spoon without becoming bu schizophrenic? The session gives an introduc on to design thinking, design talking and the historiography of design. Required reading: • TBA Fr Aug 30 3 11:40- 13:00 lla Master narra ves and alterna ve histories Design coming from the Scandinavian countries is characterized by a certain set of values - humanis c, democra c, organic - or so the master Sy narra ve tells us. Recent research suggests that there may be alterna ve histories available. Before we go further, we want to understand the dilemmas of tradi onal mythologies. Required reading: • Kje l Fjallan: A Historiography of Scandinavian Design, in Scandinavian Design: Alterna ve Histories, London, 2012. a Sep 02 - 07 Core Course Week Tu Sep 10 4 11:40- 13:00 NEW NORDIC DESIGNS - GEOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW Dr This part of the course gives a cursory introduc on to the design iden es and histories of the five countries that form the core of the course: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This will both create the pla orm for understanding recent design developments in Scandinavia in general as well as survey the regional differences. Finland Required reading: • TBA Fr Sep 13 5 11:40- 13:00 Iceland Required reading: • TBA Tu Sep 17 6 11:40- 13:00 Norway Required reading: • TBA Fr Sep 20 7 11:40- 13:00 Sweden Required reading: • TBA Tu Sep 24 8 11:40- 13:00 Denmark Required reading: • TBA Fr Sep 27 9 11:40- 13:00 Mid-Term Exam 5
  • 6. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 New Nordic Design Day Date Session Time Topic Sep 28 - Oct 06 Travel Week Tu Oct 08 10 11:40- 13:00 Going where? Contemporary infrastructure design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA Fr Oct 11 11 11:40- 13:00 Livable ci es Contemporary urban design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA Tu Oct 15 12 11:40- 13:00 Sustainable places Contemporary building design in Scandinavia s Required reading: • TBA Fr Oct 18 13 bu 11:40- 13:00 Light as is... Contemporary interior design in Scandinavia Required reading: lla • TBA Oct 19 - 27 Travel Week Sy Tu Oct 29 14 11:40- 13:00 DESIGNS - IN THE MAKING INTERMEZZO In The Making Introduc on to the 11-day In The Making assignment Required reading: • TBA Fr Nov 01 15 11:40- 13:00 Objec fied a Film viewing of the Gary Hustwit film about design. Required reading: Dr • TBA Tu Nov 05 16 11:40- 13:00 Objec fied Discussion of film in class. Required reading: • TBA Fr Nov 08 17 11:40- 13:00 In The Making Presenta on of students In The Making posters Required reading: • TBA Nov 09 - 17 Travel Week Tu Nov 19 18 11:40- 13:00 DESIGNS - THEMATIC OVERVIEW CONTINUED What to wear? Contemporary fashion and tex le design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA 6
  • 7. DIS Architecture and Design Fall 2013 2012 New Nordic Design Day Date Session Time Topic Fr Nov 22 19 11:40- 13:00 Have a seat! Contemporary furniture design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA Tu Nov 26 20 11:40- 13:00 Product Design Contemporary product design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA Fr Nov 29 21 11:40- 13:00 I am! Contemporary brand design in Scandinavia Required reading: s • TBA bu Deadline for hand-in of CPH:DESIGNDOX assignment. Send by email to no later than Friday 29 May 23:59 Tu Dec 03 22 11:40- 13:00 Helping us along lla Contemporary service design in Scandinavia Required reading: • TBA Sy Fr Dec 06 23 11:40- 13:00 DESTINIES What does the future hold in terms of new prac ces and new posi ons in design in Scandinavia? Back to the future or the reversal? Where is this heading? Are we witnessing a ny intermezzo in the grande scheme of globaliza on? Or is New Nordic a term that will s ck with us? And if so, what good might it be doing? a Required reading: • TBA Dr Schedule subject to change with as much no ce as possible. All future edits to the syllabus will be made on Blackboard only. 7