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100 MCQs in
Ayman Abu Mehrem, MD
Assistant Consultant
Department of Pediatrics
King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al-Ahsa
Question 1
An infant has the following findings at 5
minutes of life: pulse 130 bpm, cyanotic
hands and feet, good muscle tone, and a
strong cry and grimace. This infant Apgar
score is:
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
E. 10
Question 2
Jaundice is most likely to be physiologic in
a term infant in which of the following
A. Jaundice at 12 hours of age
B. Serum bilirubin level increasing less than 5
mg/dL/24 hours in the first 2-4 days
C. Direct serum bilirubin greater than 2 mg/dL
D. Jaundice at 13 days of age
E. Serum bilirubin level 15 mg/dL at 7 days of
Question 3
Which of the following is most appropriate
for treating hyperbilirubinemia (11.2 mg/dL)
in a 3-week-old, breast-fed infant with
normal growth and development?
A. Phototherapy
B. Exchange transfusion
C. Phenobarbital
D. Replace breast milk by formula for 48 hours
E. None of the above
Question 4
Newborns are obligate nasal breathers for
the first few months after birth. Of the
following, the most common cause of
neonatal nasal obstruction is:
A. Choanal atresia
B. Craniofacial malformations
C. Intranasal encephalocele
D. Lacrymal cyst
E. Mucosal inflammation
Question 5
A term newborn appears dusky at rest, but becomes
pink with crying. Attempts to pass a catheter
through each nostril have failed. Physical
examination of the infant reveals other congenital
anomalies. Of the following, the most likely clinical
syndrome in this infant is:
A. Apert syndrome
B. CHARGE association
C. Crouzon syndrome
D. Pfeiffer syndrome
E. Treacher-Collins syndrome
Question 6
The following are accepted definitions Except
The neonatal period is the first 28 days of life
of a newborn of any gestational age
Small for gestation infants have a birth weight
less than 10th
Infancy refers to the 1st
year of life
The fetal period is from the 12th
week of
gestation to delivery
The perinatal mortality rate is the number of
stillbirths and neonatal deaths per 1000 total
Question 7
The maternal serum screening test or
“quadruple test” is done between 14 and 22
weeks gestation. It includes all of the
following Except
A. Alpha-fetoprotein
B. β-hCG
C. Unconjugated pregninolone
D. Inhibin–A
E. Unconjugated esteriol
Question 8
Neonatal hypercalcemia is associated with
all of the following Except
A. Williams syndrome
B. Subcutaneous fat necrosis
C. Blue diaper syndrome
D. Familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia
E. Primary hyperparathyroidism
Question 9
The single greatest risk factor for
necrotizing enterocolitis is
A. Prematurity
B. Patent ductus arteriosus
C. Indomethacin therapy
D. Polycythemia
E. Hypoxic-ischemic insult
Question 10
You are called to the delivery of a boy at 42 weeks’ GA
with thick meconium-stained fluid and type II
decelerations. The obstetrician rapidly delivers the
baby and hands him to you. The boy hypotonic,
cyanotic, apneic, and bradycardic. The most
appropriate action is to
A. Stimulate the infant to breath
B. Administer epinephrine
C. Provide positive-pressure bag-and-mask
D. Intubate and provide positive-pressure ventilation
E. Intubate and apply negative-pressure suction
Question 11
You are called to see one-hour-old term baby in
normal newborn nursery with ambiguous
genitalia. Your plan includes all the following
A. Inform the parents that their baby’s genitalia
are incompletely developed, and you need to do
some investigation to identify their baby’s
B. Advise the parents to use unigender name
C. Urgent chromosomal analysis
D. Pelvic ultrasound
E. Serum electrolytes with daily monitoring
Question 12
Incidence of respiratory distress syndrome
increases with all of the following Except
A. Prematurity
B. Maternal diabetes
C. Black race
D. Male gender
E. Cesarean section delivery
Question 13
Normal findings in a newborn baby includes
all of the following Except
A. A mongolian blue spot
B. A strawberry nevus
C. Vaginal blood loss
D. Lanugo hair
E. Erythema toxicum
Question 14
The pharmacologic effects of caffeine in the treatment
of apnea of prematurity include stimulation of the
medullary respiratory center, increased sensitivity to
carbon dioxide, and enhanced diaphragmatic
contractility. Of the following, caffeine exerts most of
its effects by
A. Antagonism of prostaglandin activity
B. Blockage of adenosine receptors
C. Enhancement of catecholamine secretion
D. Stimulation of phosphodiesterase
E. Upregulation of gamma-amino-butyric acid
Question 15
When clinical zinc deficiency occurs in term and
preterm infants, almost all affected infants are
exclusively breastfed and receiving breast milk that
has substantially lower-than-average zinc content.
Of the following, the most common clinical
manifestation of zinc deficiency in infants is
A. Alopecia
B. Diarrhea
C. Failure to thrive
D. Irritability
E. Rash
Question 16
Assisted reproductive technology is
associated with significant risks to the fetus
and the mother. Of the following, the
greatest risk to the fetus is related to
A. Cesarean section
B. Gestational diabetes
C. Maternal pre-eclampsia
D. Multiple gestations
E. Placental abruption
Question 17
A term male newborn has severe intrauterine
growth restriction, triangular face with broad
forehead and pointed chin, leg length asymmetry,
fifth finger clinodactyly, and cryptorchidism. Of the
following, the most likely genomic imprinting
disorder in this infant is
A. Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
B. Angelman syndrome
C. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
D. Prader-Willi syndrome
E. Silver-Russell syndrome
Question 18
A preterm newborn has multiple fractures of long
bones, wormian skull, dark blue sclera, and beaked
nose. Osteogenesis imperfecta type II is suspected.
Genetic molecular tests are ordered for confirmation
of the diagnosis. Of the following, the genetic mutation
in this infant is most likely to involve the
A. ADAMTS2 gene
B. Collagen 1A1 gene
C. Fibrillin-1 gene
D. Filamin B gene
E. Transforming growth factor receptor 1 gene
Question 19
Of the following, the nasal maldevelopment
most likely to be associated with
holoprosencephaly is:
A. Cepocephaly
B. Choanal atresia
C. Nasal agenesis
D. Piriform aperture stenosis
E. Proboscis lateralis
Question 20
Regarding the head of a newborn infant
(multiple choices)
A. A cephalohematoma will resolve within the
first 24 hours of life
B. Caput is due to edema of the presenting
part of the head
C. A cephalohematoma is due to bleeding into
the skin
D. Overlapping of the skull bones is a normal
E. A cephalohematoma should be drained
Question 21
The most prevalent clinical manifestation of
late-onset group B Streptococcus disease is
A. Arthritis
B. Cellulitis
C. Meningitis
D. Osteomyelitis
E. Pneumonia
Question 22
In contrast to “classic” bronchopulmonary dysplasia
(BPD), the “new” BPD in the more contemporary
clinical setting is characterized by different
histopathologic findings on examination of the lung
tissue. The most striking abnormality in the lungs of
infants who have new BPD is
A. Decrease in alveolar septation
B. Diffuse leukocytic infiltration
C. Epithelial squamous metaplasia
D. Hypertrophy of airway smooth muscle
E. Lung parenchymal fibrosis
Question 23
Several risk factors during prenatal, perinatal, and
postnatal development have been proposed as
predictors of cerebral palsy in preterm infants. Of
the following, the highest rate of cerebral palsy
among preterm infants is associated with
A. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
B. Necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery
C. Parenchymal brain injury
D. Sepsis or meningitis
E. Severe retinopathy of prematurity
Question 24
A 1700-g infant is born at 36 weeks’ gestation
complicated by severe oligohydramnios. The Apgar
scores are 3 and 5 at 1 and 5 min respectively. The baby
required intubation as part of the resuscitation and
continued MV to improve the ABGs. At 1 hour of age,
the baby showed acute deterioration with cyanosis,
bradycardia, and hypotension. The most likely
diagnosis of this acute change is
A. Patent ductus arteriosus
B. Intraventricular hemorrhage
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Pneumothorax
E. Severe respiratory distress syndrome
Question 25
A healthy newborn baby boy may
(one incorrect)
A. have erythema of the umbilical skin
extending on to the abdomen
B. produce breast milk
C. have a single palmar crease
D. have an umbilical hernia
E. vomit blood if breast feeding
Question 26
A 14-day-old preterm infant, whose birthweight was
980 g at an estimated gestational age of 27 weeks, is
receiving full enteral feedings of fortified human milk.
The infant is breathing spontaneously in room air and
has no evidence of cardiac, renal, or intracranial
abnormalities. Of the following, the most desirable
goal of enteral nutrition in this infant is to achieve
A. Fetal rate of body weight gain
B. Fetal rate of crown-heel length gain
C. Fetal rate of head circumference gain
D. Intrauterine body composition
E. Normal blood urea concentration
Question 27
The interruption in the transfer of nutrients from the
mother to the fetus that occurs following birth can
be minimized by early administration of parenteral
nutrition in VLBW neonates within the first 24 hours
after birth. Of the following, the most common
metabolic consequence of early parenteral nutrition
with amino acids is
A. Hyperammonemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Increase in blood urea nitrogen values
E. Metabolic acidosis
Question 28
A 3600-g, breast-fed female, 42 weeks’ GA, is noted to
have persistent hyperbilirubinemia at 2 weeks of age.
On examination, the infant has not gained weight
since birth and has decreased tone, an umbilical
hernia, and an anterior fontanel measuring 4 x 6 cm.
The most likely diagnosis is
A. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
B. Gilbert disease
C. Biliary atresia
D. Hypothyroidism
E. galactosemia
Question 29
Fractured clavicle (multiple choices)
A. occurs more frequently in infants of
diabetic mothers
B. requires treatment with a sling
C. is associated with Erb’s palsy
D. causes an asymmetric Moro reflex
E. is not painful
Question 30
Minimal enteral feeding, also called gut priming or
trophic feeding, is designed to improve gastrointestinal
function and is used frequently in the nutritional
management of VLBW neonates. The most accurate
statement regarding minimal enteral feeding is that it
A. Increases plasma concentrations of
gastrointestinal hormones
B. Is best avoided in infants weighing 500 to 600 g
C. Is contraindicated in the presence of assisted
D. Is contraindicated in the presence of indwelling
umbilical catheters
E. Prevents necrotizing enterocolitis
Question 31
The only inborn error of metabolism
associated with neonatal hyperammonemia
that is X-linked in inheritance is
A. Hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia
B. Isovaleric acidemia
C. Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
D. Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
E. Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
Question 32
A 750-g black female experienced respiratory distress
after a preterm delivery at 27 wks’ gestation. Pregnancy
was uncomplicated, but labor was abrupt and therefore
the mother did not receive steroid or penicillin therapy.
The baby required intubation and MV with 100% O2. The
possible causes of respiratory distress include
(multiple choices)
A. Pneumothorax
B. Respiratory distress syndrome
C. Patent ductus arteriosus
D. Group B streptococcal sepsis
E. Transient tachypnea
Question 33
The patient in Question 32 was also treated
with endotracheal instillation of exogenous
surfactant. This is likely to be beneficial by
(multiple choices)
A. Preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia
B. Reducing the incidence of pneumothorax
C. Reducing mortality
D. More rapid improvement of RDS
E. Preventing oligouria
Question 34
Approximately 10% of infants born with
congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) have
significant heart defects. The most common
congenital heart defect associated with CDH is
A. Aortic arch obstruction
B. Tetralogy of Fallot
C. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
D. Transposition of the great arteries
E. Ventricular septal defect
Question 35
Contemporary management of gastroschisis is
associated with a 10% to 25% incidence of
postoperative intestinal and related
complications. The most common
postoperative complication of surgical repair of
gastroschisis is
A. Abdominal compartment syndrome
B. Enterocutaneous fistula
C. Necrotizing enterocolitis
D. Renal ischemia
E. Short bowel syndrome
Question 36
Amniotic fluid volume varies substantially at
each week of human gestation, as reflected in
the wide range of normal values. The largest
variation in amniotic fluid volume occurs at the
gestational age of
A. 26 to 27 weeks
B. 29 to 30 weeks
C. 32 to 33 weeks
D. 35 to 36 weeks
E. 38 to 39 weeks
Question 37
You wish to determine the incidence and
natural course of necrotizing enterocolitis in
preterm neonates. Of the following, the best
study design to address this question is a
A. Case-control study
B. Descriptive observational study
C. Prospective cohort study
D. Randomized clinical trial
E. Systematic meta-analysis
Question 38
The most common fetal cause of
polyhydramnios is
A. Decreased absorption of amniotic fluid due to
gastrointestinal atresia
B. Decreased fetal swallowing from neuromuscular
C. Excessive transudation of fluid from an
abdominal wall defect
D. Increased fetal lung fluid secretion associated
with gestational diabetes
E. Increased fetal urine output from hydrops
associated with anemia
Question 39
A 4-week-old, A-positive, African-American former
40-week’s-gestational age infant was born to an O-
positive mother and experienced hyperbilirubinemia
requiring 2 days of phototherapy in the NB nursery
after birth. The infant appears apathetic and
demonstrates pallor, a grade 2/6 ESM, and a HR 175
bpm. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Anemia of chronic disease
B. G-6-PD deficiency
C. Hereditary spherocytosis
D. Sicle cell anemia with hemolytic crisis
E. ABO incompatibility with continued hemolysis
Question 40
The following predispose a baby to be small
for gestational age (multiple choices)
A. Placental insufficiency
B. Twin pregnancy
C. Congenital infection
D. Maternal diabetes
E. Alcohol consumption
Question 41
The small for gestational age newborn baby
is at increased risk of (multiple choices)
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Polycythemia
C. Hypothermia
D. Hypothyroidism
E. Cardiac abnormalities
Question 42
A term infant is born with Apgar score 5 and 7
at 1 and 5 min respectively. The infant has a
HR 170 bpm and demonstrates pallor with
hepatosplenomegaly. A Kleihauer-Betke test
was positive. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Erythroblastosis fetalis
B. Hereditary spherocytosis
C. Chronic feto-maternal transfusion
D. ABO incompatibility
E. Blackfan-Diamond syndrome
Question 43
The twin-twin transfusion is unique to twins
that are
A. Dizygotic, dichorionic
B. Dizygotic, monoamnionic
C. Dizygotic, monochorionic
D. Monozygotic, dichorionic
E. Monozygotic, monochorionic
Question 44
The amino acids derived from swallowed
amniotic fluid are important for fetal
gastrointestinal development. The amino
acid considered conditionally essential for
normal growth and maturation of the fetal
gastrointestinal tract is
A. Alanine
B. Citrulline
C. Glutamine
D. Leucine
E. Valine
Question 45
Respiratory distress syndrome is
exacerbated by the following Except
A. Hypothermia
B. Acidosis
C. Hypoxia
D. Meconium aspiration
E. Withholding enteral feeds
Question 46
The most important determinant of
endotracheal tube resistance is
A. Airflow velocity
B. Biofilm coating
C. Gas density
D. Tube curvature
E. Tube diameter
Question 47
Bilirubin conjugated in the liver and secreted into bile
can be deconjugated in the gut, then reabsorbed into
the bloodstream, resulting in enterohepatic bilirubin
circulation. The enzyme most responsible for
contributing to enterohepatic bilirubin circulation is
A. Beta-glucuronidase
B. Bilirubin hydrogenase
C. Bilirubin oxidase
D. Biliverdin reductase
E. Uridine diphosphoglucuronate
Question 48
The most widely used and accurate method
for estimating amniotic fluid volume is by
A. Determination of dye dilution by timed
B. Palpation of the fetus by the Leopold maneuver
C. Palpation of the uterus for fundal height
D. Ultrasonographic measurement of the amniotic
fluid index
E. Ultrasonographic measurement of the largest
vertical pocket
Question 49
A NB female has a ventricular septal defect,
cleft lip and palate, imperforate anus. All of
the following tests would be appropriate
A. Karyotype analysis
B. TORCH titer
C. Renal US
D. Cranial US
E. Skeletal survey
Question 50
A 2700-g, 36-wk’s-GA white male is born after 22 hrs of
premature rupture of the amniotic membranes. The
Apgar scores are 3 and 5. He immediately experienced
respiratory distress and cyanosis requiring ET
intubation and MV with 100% O2. Vital signs are T:
C, HR 195 bpm, mean BP 22 mm Hg. WBC 1500/ μL,
platelets 59,000/ μL. The next most appropriate
treatment for this baby is to administer
A. Surfactant by aerosol
B. IV ampicillin and gentamicin/cefotaxime
C. IV steroids
D. IV acyclovir
Question 51
The patient described in Question 50 is most
likely suffering from
A. Respiratory distress syndrome
B. Diaphragmatic hernia
C. Congenital pneumonia with sepsis
D. Pneumothorax
E. TORCH infection
Question 52
Transient tachypnea of the newborn
(multiple choices)
A. occurs in 15% of full-term babies
B. can be diagnosed if onset occurs up to 48
hours post delivery
C. is caused by delayed absorption of fetal
lung fluid
D. is more common in babies delivered by
cesarean section
E. cannot be clearly differentiated from early
Question 53
A baby presents in heart failure at 5 days of
age. The baby is not centrally cyanosed. The
differential diagnosis includes
(multiple choices)
A. Atrial septal defect
B. Fallot’s tetralogy
C. Hypoplastic left heart
D. Coarctation of the aorta
E. Tricuspid atresia
Question 54
A well baby has difficulty sucking. Causes
for this could be (multiple choices)
A. Micrognathia
B. Dystrophia myotonica
C. Cleft palate
D. Prader-Willi syndrome
E. Bulbar palsy
Question 55
The causes for failure to pass meconium in
the first 24 hours of life include
(multiple choices)
A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Hyperthyroidism
C. Hirschsprung’s disease
D. Hiatus hernia
E. Galactosemia
Question 56
Polycythemia in the neonatal period is
associated with the following Except
A. Trisomy 21
B. The donor twin in a twin-twin transfusion
C. Maternal diabetes
D. Intrauterine growth restriction
E. Respiratory distress
Question 57
A preterm baby of 30 week’s gestation is
intubated and ventilated. On the 2nd
day of
life he suddenly deteriorates. The differential
diagnosis includes (multiple choices)
A. An intraventricular hemorrhage
B. A blocked endotracheal tube
C. A pulmonary hemorrhage
D. Pneumonia
E. Self-extubation
Question 58
The blueberry muffin appearance in infants
with TORCH infections most likely
A. Dermal erythropoiesis
B. Palpable purpura
C. Metastatic hepatic tissue
D. Viral lesions
E. None of the above
Question 59
Necrotizing enterocolitis presents with
(multiple choices)
A. A distended abdomen
B. Blood-stained feces
C. Septicemia
D. Bilious vomiting
E. Perforation of small bowel
Question 60
When a newborn fails to achieve or sustain the normal
decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance at birth, the
result is hypoxemic respiratory failure or persistent
pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Of the
following, the mediator most responsible for normal
pulmonary vascular transition at birth is
A. Asymmetric dimethylarginine.
B. Endothelin-1
C. Leukotriene
D. Nitric oxide
E. Thromboxane
Question 61
The triggering mechanism that has become
the standard of care in neonatal
synchronized ventilation involves
A. Airflow trigger
B. Esophageal probe
C. Pressure trigger
D. Surface capsule
E. Thoracic impedance
Question 62
The clinical and ultrasonographic feature
most consistent with the compensated
phase of fetal hypoxemia is
A. Abnormal biophysical profile
B. Absent fetal weight gain
C. Diminished cardiac ventricular compliance
D. Increased diastolic flow in middle cerebral
E. Lost fetal heart rate variability
Question 63
Harlequin color changes is a sign of
A. Congenital ichthyosis
B. TORCH infection
C. Erythroderma
D. Normal physiology
E. Spinal cord trauma
Question 64
The risk of developing necrotizing
enterocolitis is increased in
(multiple choices)
A. Breast-fed babies
B. Asphyxiated babies
C. Premature babies
D. Infants who have the umbilical artery
E. Infants who have had no milk feeds
Question 65
A 2-day-old is noted to have conjunctival
and retinal hemorrhage. The most likely
etiology is
A. Child abuse
B. Maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
C. Maternal idiopathic thrombocytopenic
D. Force of birthing process
E. Forceps delivery
Question 66
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) has many of the
characteristics of an ideal selective pulmonary
vasodilator and, therefore, is used widely in the
treatment of PPHN. Of the following, the lung
disease most resistant to iNO is
A. Bacterial pneumonia
B. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
C. Idiopathic PPHN
D. Meconium aspiration syndrome
E. Respiratory distress syndrome
Question 67
The most common cause of nutritional
intrauterine growth restriction is maternal
A. Chronic disease
B. Drug addiction
C. Hypertension
D. Infection
E. Malnutrition
Question 68
Fetal undernutrition can have long-term effects
on the occurrence of chronic adult diseases, a
phenomenon described as fetal programming.
Of the following, in addition to coronary heart
disease and hypertension, the most common
chronic adult disease attributed to fetal
programming is
A. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Malignancy
D. Osteoporosis
E. Retinal degeneration
Question 69
A baby with Apgar scores of 1 and 2 at 1 and
5 minutes, respectively, appears hyperalert
and has hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
and mydriasis. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Stage I hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
B. Stage II hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
C. Stage III hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
D. Kernicterus
E. Intraventricular hemorrhage
Question 70
The most typical inspiratory-to-expiratory
time used with high-frequency oscillatory
ventilation is
A. 1:2
B. 1:3
C. 1:4
D. 1:5
E. 1:6
Question 71
Maternal chorioamnionitis is most likely to
prevent the occurrence or severity of
A. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
B. Cerebral palsy
C. Cystic periventricular leukomalacia
D. Intraventricular hemorrhage
E. Respiratory distress syndrome
Question 72
The clinical manifestation most predictive of
intestinal necrosis in necrotizing
enterocolitis is:
A. Abdominal tenderness
B. Bloody stools
C. Erythema of the abdominal wall
D. Gastric residuals
E. Hemodynamic instability
Question 73
A 2-week old preterm neonate (30 weeks) is
experiencing recurrent episodes of apnea. The infant is
well-oxygenated in room air between episodes and has
no clinical or radiographic evidence of lung disease.
Mechanical ventilation using the strategy of volume
guarantee is started. The most appropriate positive
end-expiratory pressure in this infant is
A. 0 cm H2O
B. 3 cm H2O
C. 5 cm H2O
D. 8 cm H2O
E. 10 cm H2O
Question 74
Many identifiable factors contribute to
human preterm birth. Of the following, the
largest single category of causes associated
with human preterm birth is
A. Idiopathic preterm labor
B. Multiple gestation pregnancy
C. Placental abruption
D. Prenatal infection
E. Substance abuse
Question 75
The most likely syndrome in an infant who has
thrombocytopenia and thumb anomalies is
A. Down syndrome
B. Fanconi syndrome
C. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
D. Thrombocytopenia with absent radius
E. Turner syndrome
Question 76
Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus is a rare disorder
of genomic imprinting. Its clinical presentation
includes intrauterine growth restriction, failure to
thrive, hyperglycemia, and dehydration. Of the
following, the imprinting defect in transient neonatal
diabetes mellitus is most likely to involve
A. Chromosome 6
B. Chromosome 7
C. Chromosome 11
D. Chromosome 15
E. Chromosome 21
Question 77
The plasma constituents most commonly
implicated in the pathogenesis of
transfusion-related acute lung injury are
A. ABO alloantibodies
B. Anti-IgA antibodies
C. Anti-neutrophil and anti-HLA antibodies
D. Anti-T agglutinins
E. Inflammatory interleukins
Question 78
The first time the human fetus demonstrates
swallowing ability is by the gestational age of
A. 11 weeks
B. 13 weeks
C. 15 weeks
D. 17 weeks
E. 19 weeks
(Sucking at 18-20 weeks)
Question 79
The function that plays a major role in
regulation of the amniotic fluid volume is
A. Fetal lung fluid secretion.
B. Fetal swallowing
C. Fetal urine formation
D. Intramembranous absorption
E. Transmembranous flux
Question 80
Direct-reacting hyperbilirubinemia on the
day of life suggests all of the following
A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Galactosemia
C. Neonatal hepatitis
D. Byler syndrome
E. Gilbert disease
Question 81
The ventilator variable most influential in
avoiding atelectasis in mechanically
ventilated neonates is
A. Inspiratory time
B. Peak inspiratory pressure
C. Positive end-expiratory pressure
D. Tidal volume
E. Ventilator rate
Question 82
Nearly all preterm neonates are most likely
to have passed meconium by the postnatal
age of
A. 48 hours
B. 96 hours
C. 144 hours
D. 192 hours
E. 240 hours
Question 83
The most accurate statement regarding
gastrointestinal development and enteral
feeding in preterm infants is that
A. Diluted milk empties more slowly from the stomach than
does undiluted milk
B. Feeding intolerance is largely due to immaturity of mucosal
function rather than motor function
C. Gastric emptying is influenced by the temperature of the milk
D. Large feeding volumes induce maturation of motor patterns
of the gut more effectively than small feeding volumes
E. Motor function develops earlier in the stomach/small
intestine than in the rectum/anal canal
Question 84
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
(multiple choices)
A. is secondary to low prothrombin
B. can present up to 6 months of life
C. is treated with protamine sulphate
D. is prevented by administering vitamin E to
all newborn babies
E. can result in intracerebral hemorrhge
Question 85
The most critical determinant
of ventilator-induced lung injury in preterm
neonates is excessive
A. Airway pressure
B. Gas flow
C. Oxygen concentration
D. Tidal volume
E. Time constant
Question 86
The postmenstrual age at which preterm
infants who have stable cardiopulmonary
status and no neurologic abnormalities are
likely to be introduced to oral feeding is
closest to
A. 28 weeks
B. 30 weeks
C. 32 weeks
D. 34 weeks
E. 36 weeks
Question 87
All of the following are problems of an infant
of a recently diagnosed diabetic mother
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Intrauterine growth restriction
D. Hypomagnesemia
E. hyperbilirubinemia
Question 88
The most critical factor in the development
of respiratory distress syndrome in the
preterm neonate is
A. Immature composition and biophysical function
of surfactant
B. Leaking epithelium/endothelium barrier from
lung injury
C. Low lung gas volume with susceptibility to
D. Low surfactant lipid pool size
E. Saccular versus alveolar stage of lung
Question 89
A newborn baby has profound
thrombocytopenia. The causes include all of
the following Except
A. Cytomegalovirus infection
B. Autoimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia
C. Maternal ingestion of warfarin
D. Alloimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia
E. Gram-negative septicemia
Question 90
The high-frequency ventilator variable most
likely to influence oxygenation is
A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio
D. Mean airway pressure
E. Tidal volume
Question 91
A severely hydropic infant is about to be
delivered. Complications to be prepared for
include all of the following Except
A. Pulmonary hypoplasia
B. Abdominal ascites
C. Polycythemia
D. Heart failure
E. Laryngeal edema
Question 92
You are called to see a tow-day-old jittery
baby. The causes to consider are
(multiple choices)
A. Maternal diabetes
B. Fetal alcohol syndrome
C. Maternal hyperparathyroidism
D. Maternal thyrotoxicosis
E. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Question 93
The distribution of surfactant in the lungs is
most efficient when surfactant is administered
A. After a period of mechanical ventilation
B. As an aerosolized preparation
C. At a slow rate of infusion
D. At birth in the presence of fetal lung fluid
E. Using a smaller volume of the drug
Question 94
Infants at risk of hyperinsulinemic
hypoglycemia include all of the following
A. Infants with nesidioblastosis
B. Infants of diabetic mothers
C. Infants with galactosemia
D. Infants with leucine sensitivity with
E. Infants with Beckwith-Wiedemann
Question 95
Neural tube defects
A. Occurs with frequency of 2 per 10,000 births
B. Have a genetic predisposition
C. Result from abnormal development of the
neural tube at 3-4 months’ gestation
D. Can be detected antenatally by low maternal
serum alpha-fetoprotein levels
E. Are treated with folic acid
Question 96
Metabolic bone disease of prematurity
(multiple choices)
A. Is associated with chronic respiratory distress
B. Is prevented by administration of vitamin D
C. Is less severe in infants fed with breast milk
compared to formula-fed infants
D. Can result in spontaneous fractures
E. Is caused by a substrate deficiency
Question 97
The most common limb defect associated
with amniotic bands is
A. Amputation of digits
B. Congenital arthrogryposis
C. Preaxial polydactyly
D. Proximal syndactyly
E. Single bones in extremities
Question 98
The aromatic amino acid most likely to be
detected by tandem mass spectrometry is
A. Citrulline
B. Leucine
C. Methionine
D. Phenylalanine
E. Valine
Question 99
Hydrops fetalis is associated with
(multiple choices)
A. Beta-thalassemia
B. Diaphragmatic hernia
C. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
D. OA materno-fetal blood group
E. Turner syndrome
Question 100
The blood constituents most implicated in
the pathogenesis of transfusion-associated
graft versus host disease are
A. Anti-neutrophil antibodies
B. Anti-T agglutinins
C. Donor-derived lymphocytes
D. Erythrocytic RhD antigens
E. Inflammatory interleukins
Neonatologymcqs 100403011632-phpapp02

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  • 1. 100 MCQs in Neonatology By Ayman Abu Mehrem, MD Assistant Consultant Department of Pediatrics King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al-Ahsa
  • 2.
  • 3. Question 1 An infant has the following findings at 5 minutes of life: pulse 130 bpm, cyanotic hands and feet, good muscle tone, and a strong cry and grimace. This infant Apgar score is: A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 E. 10
  • 4. Question 2 Jaundice is most likely to be physiologic in a term infant in which of the following situations: A. Jaundice at 12 hours of age B. Serum bilirubin level increasing less than 5 mg/dL/24 hours in the first 2-4 days C. Direct serum bilirubin greater than 2 mg/dL D. Jaundice at 13 days of age E. Serum bilirubin level 15 mg/dL at 7 days of age
  • 5. Question 3 Which of the following is most appropriate for treating hyperbilirubinemia (11.2 mg/dL) in a 3-week-old, breast-fed infant with normal growth and development? A. Phototherapy B. Exchange transfusion C. Phenobarbital D. Replace breast milk by formula for 48 hours E. None of the above
  • 6. Question 4 Newborns are obligate nasal breathers for the first few months after birth. Of the following, the most common cause of neonatal nasal obstruction is: A. Choanal atresia B. Craniofacial malformations C. Intranasal encephalocele D. Lacrymal cyst E. Mucosal inflammation
  • 7. Question 5 A term newborn appears dusky at rest, but becomes pink with crying. Attempts to pass a catheter through each nostril have failed. Physical examination of the infant reveals other congenital anomalies. Of the following, the most likely clinical syndrome in this infant is: A. Apert syndrome B. CHARGE association C. Crouzon syndrome D. Pfeiffer syndrome E. Treacher-Collins syndrome
  • 8. Question 6 The following are accepted definitions Except The neonatal period is the first 28 days of life of a newborn of any gestational age Small for gestation infants have a birth weight less than 10th centile Infancy refers to the 1st year of life The fetal period is from the 12th week of gestation to delivery The perinatal mortality rate is the number of stillbirths and neonatal deaths per 1000 total births
  • 9. Question 7 The maternal serum screening test or “quadruple test” is done between 14 and 22 weeks gestation. It includes all of the following Except A. Alpha-fetoprotein B. β-hCG C. Unconjugated pregninolone D. Inhibin–A E. Unconjugated esteriol
  • 10. Question 8 Neonatal hypercalcemia is associated with all of the following Except A. Williams syndrome B. Subcutaneous fat necrosis C. Blue diaper syndrome D. Familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia E. Primary hyperparathyroidism
  • 11. Question 9 The single greatest risk factor for necrotizing enterocolitis is A. Prematurity B. Patent ductus arteriosus C. Indomethacin therapy D. Polycythemia E. Hypoxic-ischemic insult
  • 12. Question 10 You are called to the delivery of a boy at 42 weeks’ GA with thick meconium-stained fluid and type II decelerations. The obstetrician rapidly delivers the baby and hands him to you. The boy hypotonic, cyanotic, apneic, and bradycardic. The most appropriate action is to A. Stimulate the infant to breath B. Administer epinephrine C. Provide positive-pressure bag-and-mask ventilation D. Intubate and provide positive-pressure ventilation E. Intubate and apply negative-pressure suction
  • 13. Question 11 You are called to see one-hour-old term baby in normal newborn nursery with ambiguous genitalia. Your plan includes all the following Except A. Inform the parents that their baby’s genitalia are incompletely developed, and you need to do some investigation to identify their baby’s gender B. Advise the parents to use unigender name C. Urgent chromosomal analysis D. Pelvic ultrasound E. Serum electrolytes with daily monitoring
  • 14. Question 12 Incidence of respiratory distress syndrome increases with all of the following Except A. Prematurity B. Maternal diabetes C. Black race D. Male gender E. Cesarean section delivery
  • 15. Question 13 Normal findings in a newborn baby includes all of the following Except A. A mongolian blue spot B. A strawberry nevus C. Vaginal blood loss D. Lanugo hair E. Erythema toxicum
  • 16. Question 14 The pharmacologic effects of caffeine in the treatment of apnea of prematurity include stimulation of the medullary respiratory center, increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide, and enhanced diaphragmatic contractility. Of the following, caffeine exerts most of its effects by A. Antagonism of prostaglandin activity B. Blockage of adenosine receptors C. Enhancement of catecholamine secretion D. Stimulation of phosphodiesterase E. Upregulation of gamma-amino-butyric acid receptors
  • 17. Question 15 When clinical zinc deficiency occurs in term and preterm infants, almost all affected infants are exclusively breastfed and receiving breast milk that has substantially lower-than-average zinc content. Of the following, the most common clinical manifestation of zinc deficiency in infants is A. Alopecia B. Diarrhea C. Failure to thrive D. Irritability E. Rash
  • 18. Question 16 Assisted reproductive technology is associated with significant risks to the fetus and the mother. Of the following, the greatest risk to the fetus is related to A. Cesarean section B. Gestational diabetes C. Maternal pre-eclampsia D. Multiple gestations E. Placental abruption
  • 19. Question 17 A term male newborn has severe intrauterine growth restriction, triangular face with broad forehead and pointed chin, leg length asymmetry, fifth finger clinodactyly, and cryptorchidism. Of the following, the most likely genomic imprinting disorder in this infant is A. Albright hereditary osteodystrophy B. Angelman syndrome C. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome D. Prader-Willi syndrome E. Silver-Russell syndrome
  • 20. Question 18 A preterm newborn has multiple fractures of long bones, wormian skull, dark blue sclera, and beaked nose. Osteogenesis imperfecta type II is suspected. Genetic molecular tests are ordered for confirmation of the diagnosis. Of the following, the genetic mutation in this infant is most likely to involve the A. ADAMTS2 gene B. Collagen 1A1 gene C. Fibrillin-1 gene D. Filamin B gene E. Transforming growth factor receptor 1 gene
  • 21. Question 19 Of the following, the nasal maldevelopment most likely to be associated with holoprosencephaly is: A. Cepocephaly B. Choanal atresia C. Nasal agenesis D. Piriform aperture stenosis E. Proboscis lateralis
  • 22. Question 20 Regarding the head of a newborn infant (multiple choices) A. A cephalohematoma will resolve within the first 24 hours of life B. Caput is due to edema of the presenting part of the head C. A cephalohematoma is due to bleeding into the skin D. Overlapping of the skull bones is a normal finding E. A cephalohematoma should be drained
  • 23. Question 21 The most prevalent clinical manifestation of late-onset group B Streptococcus disease is A. Arthritis B. Cellulitis C. Meningitis D. Osteomyelitis E. Pneumonia
  • 24. Question 22 In contrast to “classic” bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), the “new” BPD in the more contemporary clinical setting is characterized by different histopathologic findings on examination of the lung tissue. The most striking abnormality in the lungs of infants who have new BPD is A. Decrease in alveolar septation B. Diffuse leukocytic infiltration C. Epithelial squamous metaplasia D. Hypertrophy of airway smooth muscle E. Lung parenchymal fibrosis
  • 25. Question 23 Several risk factors during prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal development have been proposed as predictors of cerebral palsy in preterm infants. Of the following, the highest rate of cerebral palsy among preterm infants is associated with A. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia B. Necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery C. Parenchymal brain injury D. Sepsis or meningitis E. Severe retinopathy of prematurity
  • 26. Question 24 A 1700-g infant is born at 36 weeks’ gestation complicated by severe oligohydramnios. The Apgar scores are 3 and 5 at 1 and 5 min respectively. The baby required intubation as part of the resuscitation and continued MV to improve the ABGs. At 1 hour of age, the baby showed acute deterioration with cyanosis, bradycardia, and hypotension. The most likely diagnosis of this acute change is A. Patent ductus arteriosus B. Intraventricular hemorrhage C. Hypoglycemia D. Pneumothorax E. Severe respiratory distress syndrome
  • 27. Question 25 A healthy newborn baby boy may (one incorrect) A. have erythema of the umbilical skin extending on to the abdomen B. produce breast milk C. have a single palmar crease D. have an umbilical hernia E. vomit blood if breast feeding
  • 28. Question 26 A 14-day-old preterm infant, whose birthweight was 980 g at an estimated gestational age of 27 weeks, is receiving full enteral feedings of fortified human milk. The infant is breathing spontaneously in room air and has no evidence of cardiac, renal, or intracranial abnormalities. Of the following, the most desirable goal of enteral nutrition in this infant is to achieve A. Fetal rate of body weight gain B. Fetal rate of crown-heel length gain C. Fetal rate of head circumference gain D. Intrauterine body composition E. Normal blood urea concentration
  • 29. Question 27 The interruption in the transfer of nutrients from the mother to the fetus that occurs following birth can be minimized by early administration of parenteral nutrition in VLBW neonates within the first 24 hours after birth. Of the following, the most common metabolic consequence of early parenteral nutrition with amino acids is A. Hyperammonemia B. Hyperglycemia C. Hyperkalemia D. Increase in blood urea nitrogen values E. Metabolic acidosis
  • 30. Question 28 A 3600-g, breast-fed female, 42 weeks’ GA, is noted to have persistent hyperbilirubinemia at 2 weeks of age. On examination, the infant has not gained weight since birth and has decreased tone, an umbilical hernia, and an anterior fontanel measuring 4 x 6 cm. The most likely diagnosis is A. Crigler-Najjar syndrome B. Gilbert disease C. Biliary atresia D. Hypothyroidism E. galactosemia
  • 31. Question 29 Fractured clavicle (multiple choices) A. occurs more frequently in infants of diabetic mothers B. requires treatment with a sling C. is associated with Erb’s palsy D. causes an asymmetric Moro reflex E. is not painful
  • 32. Question 30 Minimal enteral feeding, also called gut priming or trophic feeding, is designed to improve gastrointestinal function and is used frequently in the nutritional management of VLBW neonates. The most accurate statement regarding minimal enteral feeding is that it A. Increases plasma concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones B. Is best avoided in infants weighing 500 to 600 g C. Is contraindicated in the presence of assisted ventilation D. Is contraindicated in the presence of indwelling umbilical catheters E. Prevents necrotizing enterocolitis
  • 33. Question 31 The only inborn error of metabolism associated with neonatal hyperammonemia that is X-linked in inheritance is A. Hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome B. Isovaleric acidemia C. Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency D. Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency E. Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
  • 34. Question 32 A 750-g black female experienced respiratory distress after a preterm delivery at 27 wks’ gestation. Pregnancy was uncomplicated, but labor was abrupt and therefore the mother did not receive steroid or penicillin therapy. The baby required intubation and MV with 100% O2. The possible causes of respiratory distress include (multiple choices) A. Pneumothorax B. Respiratory distress syndrome C. Patent ductus arteriosus D. Group B streptococcal sepsis E. Transient tachypnea
  • 35. Question 33 The patient in Question 32 was also treated with endotracheal instillation of exogenous surfactant. This is likely to be beneficial by (multiple choices) A. Preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia B. Reducing the incidence of pneumothorax C. Reducing mortality D. More rapid improvement of RDS E. Preventing oligouria
  • 36. Question 34 Approximately 10% of infants born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) have significant heart defects. The most common congenital heart defect associated with CDH is A. Aortic arch obstruction B. Tetralogy of Fallot C. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return D. Transposition of the great arteries E. Ventricular septal defect
  • 37. Question 35 Contemporary management of gastroschisis is associated with a 10% to 25% incidence of postoperative intestinal and related complications. The most common postoperative complication of surgical repair of gastroschisis is A. Abdominal compartment syndrome B. Enterocutaneous fistula C. Necrotizing enterocolitis D. Renal ischemia E. Short bowel syndrome
  • 38. Question 36 Amniotic fluid volume varies substantially at each week of human gestation, as reflected in the wide range of normal values. The largest variation in amniotic fluid volume occurs at the gestational age of A. 26 to 27 weeks B. 29 to 30 weeks C. 32 to 33 weeks D. 35 to 36 weeks E. 38 to 39 weeks
  • 39. Question 37 You wish to determine the incidence and natural course of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates. Of the following, the best study design to address this question is a A. Case-control study B. Descriptive observational study C. Prospective cohort study D. Randomized clinical trial E. Systematic meta-analysis
  • 40. Question 38 The most common fetal cause of polyhydramnios is A. Decreased absorption of amniotic fluid due to gastrointestinal atresia B. Decreased fetal swallowing from neuromuscular disorder C. Excessive transudation of fluid from an abdominal wall defect D. Increased fetal lung fluid secretion associated with gestational diabetes E. Increased fetal urine output from hydrops associated with anemia
  • 41. Question 39 A 4-week-old, A-positive, African-American former 40-week’s-gestational age infant was born to an O- positive mother and experienced hyperbilirubinemia requiring 2 days of phototherapy in the NB nursery after birth. The infant appears apathetic and demonstrates pallor, a grade 2/6 ESM, and a HR 175 bpm. The most likely diagnosis is A. Anemia of chronic disease B. G-6-PD deficiency C. Hereditary spherocytosis D. Sicle cell anemia with hemolytic crisis E. ABO incompatibility with continued hemolysis
  • 42. Question 40 The following predispose a baby to be small for gestational age (multiple choices) A. Placental insufficiency B. Twin pregnancy C. Congenital infection D. Maternal diabetes E. Alcohol consumption
  • 43. Question 41 The small for gestational age newborn baby is at increased risk of (multiple choices) A. Hypoglycemia B. Polycythemia C. Hypothermia D. Hypothyroidism E. Cardiac abnormalities
  • 44. Question 42 A term infant is born with Apgar score 5 and 7 at 1 and 5 min respectively. The infant has a HR 170 bpm and demonstrates pallor with hepatosplenomegaly. A Kleihauer-Betke test was positive. The most likely diagnosis is A. Erythroblastosis fetalis B. Hereditary spherocytosis C. Chronic feto-maternal transfusion D. ABO incompatibility E. Blackfan-Diamond syndrome
  • 45. Question 43 The twin-twin transfusion is unique to twins that are A. Dizygotic, dichorionic B. Dizygotic, monoamnionic C. Dizygotic, monochorionic D. Monozygotic, dichorionic E. Monozygotic, monochorionic
  • 46. Question 44 The amino acids derived from swallowed amniotic fluid are important for fetal gastrointestinal development. The amino acid considered conditionally essential for normal growth and maturation of the fetal gastrointestinal tract is A. Alanine B. Citrulline C. Glutamine D. Leucine E. Valine
  • 47. Question 45 Respiratory distress syndrome is exacerbated by the following Except A. Hypothermia B. Acidosis C. Hypoxia D. Meconium aspiration E. Withholding enteral feeds
  • 48. Question 46 The most important determinant of endotracheal tube resistance is A. Airflow velocity B. Biofilm coating C. Gas density D. Tube curvature E. Tube diameter
  • 49. Question 47 Bilirubin conjugated in the liver and secreted into bile can be deconjugated in the gut, then reabsorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in enterohepatic bilirubin circulation. The enzyme most responsible for contributing to enterohepatic bilirubin circulation is A. Beta-glucuronidase B. Bilirubin hydrogenase C. Bilirubin oxidase D. Biliverdin reductase E. Uridine diphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase
  • 50. Question 48 The most widely used and accurate method for estimating amniotic fluid volume is by A. Determination of dye dilution by timed amniocentesis B. Palpation of the fetus by the Leopold maneuver C. Palpation of the uterus for fundal height D. Ultrasonographic measurement of the amniotic fluid index E. Ultrasonographic measurement of the largest vertical pocket
  • 51. Question 49 A NB female has a ventricular septal defect, cleft lip and palate, imperforate anus. All of the following tests would be appropriate Except A. Karyotype analysis B. TORCH titer C. Renal US D. Cranial US E. Skeletal survey
  • 52. Question 50 A 2700-g, 36-wk’s-GA white male is born after 22 hrs of premature rupture of the amniotic membranes. The Apgar scores are 3 and 5. He immediately experienced respiratory distress and cyanosis requiring ET intubation and MV with 100% O2. Vital signs are T: 35.7˚ C, HR 195 bpm, mean BP 22 mm Hg. WBC 1500/ μL, platelets 59,000/ μL. The next most appropriate treatment for this baby is to administer A. Surfactant by aerosol B. IV ampicillin and gentamicin/cefotaxime C. IV steroids D. IV acyclovir E. HFOV
  • 53. Question 51 The patient described in Question 50 is most likely suffering from A. Respiratory distress syndrome B. Diaphragmatic hernia C. Congenital pneumonia with sepsis D. Pneumothorax E. TORCH infection
  • 54. Question 52 Transient tachypnea of the newborn (multiple choices) A. occurs in 15% of full-term babies B. can be diagnosed if onset occurs up to 48 hours post delivery C. is caused by delayed absorption of fetal lung fluid D. is more common in babies delivered by cesarean section E. cannot be clearly differentiated from early pneumonia
  • 55. Question 53 A baby presents in heart failure at 5 days of age. The baby is not centrally cyanosed. The differential diagnosis includes (multiple choices) A. Atrial septal defect B. Fallot’s tetralogy C. Hypoplastic left heart D. Coarctation of the aorta E. Tricuspid atresia
  • 56. Question 54 A well baby has difficulty sucking. Causes for this could be (multiple choices) A. Micrognathia B. Dystrophia myotonica C. Cleft palate D. Prader-Willi syndrome E. Bulbar palsy
  • 57. Question 55 The causes for failure to pass meconium in the first 24 hours of life include (multiple choices) A. Cystic fibrosis B. Hyperthyroidism C. Hirschsprung’s disease D. Hiatus hernia E. Galactosemia
  • 58. Question 56 Polycythemia in the neonatal period is associated with the following Except A. Trisomy 21 B. The donor twin in a twin-twin transfusion C. Maternal diabetes D. Intrauterine growth restriction E. Respiratory distress
  • 59. Question 57 A preterm baby of 30 week’s gestation is intubated and ventilated. On the 2nd day of life he suddenly deteriorates. The differential diagnosis includes (multiple choices) A. An intraventricular hemorrhage B. A blocked endotracheal tube C. A pulmonary hemorrhage D. Pneumonia E. Self-extubation
  • 60. Question 58 The blueberry muffin appearance in infants with TORCH infections most likely represents A. Dermal erythropoiesis B. Palpable purpura C. Metastatic hepatic tissue D. Viral lesions E. None of the above
  • 61. Question 59 Necrotizing enterocolitis presents with (multiple choices) A. A distended abdomen B. Blood-stained feces C. Septicemia D. Bilious vomiting E. Perforation of small bowel
  • 62. Question 60 When a newborn fails to achieve or sustain the normal decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance at birth, the result is hypoxemic respiratory failure or persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Of the following, the mediator most responsible for normal pulmonary vascular transition at birth is A. Asymmetric dimethylarginine. B. Endothelin-1 C. Leukotriene D. Nitric oxide E. Thromboxane
  • 63. Question 61 The triggering mechanism that has become the standard of care in neonatal synchronized ventilation involves A. Airflow trigger B. Esophageal probe C. Pressure trigger D. Surface capsule E. Thoracic impedance
  • 64. Question 62 The clinical and ultrasonographic feature most consistent with the compensated phase of fetal hypoxemia is A. Abnormal biophysical profile B. Absent fetal weight gain C. Diminished cardiac ventricular compliance D. Increased diastolic flow in middle cerebral artery E. Lost fetal heart rate variability
  • 65. Question 63 Harlequin color changes is a sign of A. Congenital ichthyosis B. TORCH infection C. Erythroderma D. Normal physiology E. Spinal cord trauma
  • 66. Question 64 The risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis is increased in (multiple choices) A. Breast-fed babies B. Asphyxiated babies C. Premature babies D. Infants who have the umbilical artery catheterized E. Infants who have had no milk feeds
  • 67. Question 65 A 2-day-old is noted to have conjunctival and retinal hemorrhage. The most likely etiology is A. Child abuse B. Maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia C. Maternal idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura D. Force of birthing process E. Forceps delivery
  • 68. Question 66 Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) has many of the characteristics of an ideal selective pulmonary vasodilator and, therefore, is used widely in the treatment of PPHN. Of the following, the lung disease most resistant to iNO is A. Bacterial pneumonia B. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia C. Idiopathic PPHN D. Meconium aspiration syndrome E. Respiratory distress syndrome
  • 69. Question 67 The most common cause of nutritional intrauterine growth restriction is maternal A. Chronic disease B. Drug addiction C. Hypertension D. Infection E. Malnutrition
  • 70. Question 68 Fetal undernutrition can have long-term effects on the occurrence of chronic adult diseases, a phenomenon described as fetal programming. Of the following, in addition to coronary heart disease and hypertension, the most common chronic adult disease attributed to fetal programming is A. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease B. Diabetes mellitus C. Malignancy D. Osteoporosis E. Retinal degeneration
  • 71. Question 69 A baby with Apgar scores of 1 and 2 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively, appears hyperalert and has hyperactive deep tendon reflexes and mydriasis. The most likely diagnosis is A. Stage I hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy B. Stage II hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy C. Stage III hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy D. Kernicterus E. Intraventricular hemorrhage
  • 72. Question 70 The most typical inspiratory-to-expiratory time used with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation is A. 1:2 B. 1:3 C. 1:4 D. 1:5 E. 1:6
  • 73. Question 71 Maternal chorioamnionitis is most likely to prevent the occurrence or severity of A. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia B. Cerebral palsy C. Cystic periventricular leukomalacia D. Intraventricular hemorrhage E. Respiratory distress syndrome
  • 74. Question 72 The clinical manifestation most predictive of intestinal necrosis in necrotizing enterocolitis is: A. Abdominal tenderness B. Bloody stools C. Erythema of the abdominal wall D. Gastric residuals E. Hemodynamic instability
  • 75. Question 73 A 2-week old preterm neonate (30 weeks) is experiencing recurrent episodes of apnea. The infant is well-oxygenated in room air between episodes and has no clinical or radiographic evidence of lung disease. Mechanical ventilation using the strategy of volume guarantee is started. The most appropriate positive end-expiratory pressure in this infant is A. 0 cm H2O B. 3 cm H2O C. 5 cm H2O D. 8 cm H2O E. 10 cm H2O
  • 76. Question 74 Many identifiable factors contribute to human preterm birth. Of the following, the largest single category of causes associated with human preterm birth is A. Idiopathic preterm labor B. Multiple gestation pregnancy C. Placental abruption D. Prenatal infection E. Substance abuse
  • 77. Question 75 The most likely syndrome in an infant who has thrombocytopenia and thumb anomalies is A. Down syndrome B. Fanconi syndrome C. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome D. Thrombocytopenia with absent radius syndrome E. Turner syndrome
  • 78. Question 76 Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus is a rare disorder of genomic imprinting. Its clinical presentation includes intrauterine growth restriction, failure to thrive, hyperglycemia, and dehydration. Of the following, the imprinting defect in transient neonatal diabetes mellitus is most likely to involve A. Chromosome 6 B. Chromosome 7 C. Chromosome 11 D. Chromosome 15 E. Chromosome 21
  • 79. Question 77 The plasma constituents most commonly implicated in the pathogenesis of transfusion-related acute lung injury are A. ABO alloantibodies B. Anti-IgA antibodies C. Anti-neutrophil and anti-HLA antibodies D. Anti-T agglutinins E. Inflammatory interleukins
  • 80. Question 78 The first time the human fetus demonstrates swallowing ability is by the gestational age of A. 11 weeks B. 13 weeks C. 15 weeks D. 17 weeks E. 19 weeks (Sucking at 18-20 weeks)
  • 81. Question 79 The function that plays a major role in regulation of the amniotic fluid volume is A. Fetal lung fluid secretion. B. Fetal swallowing C. Fetal urine formation D. Intramembranous absorption E. Transmembranous flux
  • 82. Question 80 Direct-reacting hyperbilirubinemia on the 10th day of life suggests all of the following Except A. Cystic fibrosis B. Galactosemia C. Neonatal hepatitis D. Byler syndrome E. Gilbert disease
  • 83. Question 81 The ventilator variable most influential in avoiding atelectasis in mechanically ventilated neonates is A. Inspiratory time B. Peak inspiratory pressure C. Positive end-expiratory pressure D. Tidal volume E. Ventilator rate
  • 84. Question 82 Nearly all preterm neonates are most likely to have passed meconium by the postnatal age of A. 48 hours B. 96 hours C. 144 hours D. 192 hours E. 240 hours
  • 85. Question 83 The most accurate statement regarding gastrointestinal development and enteral feeding in preterm infants is that A. Diluted milk empties more slowly from the stomach than does undiluted milk B. Feeding intolerance is largely due to immaturity of mucosal function rather than motor function C. Gastric emptying is influenced by the temperature of the milk D. Large feeding volumes induce maturation of motor patterns of the gut more effectively than small feeding volumes E. Motor function develops earlier in the stomach/small intestine than in the rectum/anal canal
  • 86. Question 84 Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (multiple choices) A. is secondary to low prothrombin B. can present up to 6 months of life C. is treated with protamine sulphate D. is prevented by administering vitamin E to all newborn babies E. can result in intracerebral hemorrhge
  • 87. Question 85 The most critical determinant of ventilator-induced lung injury in preterm neonates is excessive A. Airway pressure B. Gas flow C. Oxygen concentration D. Tidal volume E. Time constant
  • 88. Question 86 The postmenstrual age at which preterm infants who have stable cardiopulmonary status and no neurologic abnormalities are likely to be introduced to oral feeding is closest to A. 28 weeks B. 30 weeks C. 32 weeks D. 34 weeks E. 36 weeks
  • 89. Question 87 All of the following are problems of an infant of a recently diagnosed diabetic mother Except A. Hypoglycemia B. Hypocalcemia C. Intrauterine growth restriction D. Hypomagnesemia E. hyperbilirubinemia
  • 90. Question 88 The most critical factor in the development of respiratory distress syndrome in the preterm neonate is A. Immature composition and biophysical function of surfactant B. Leaking epithelium/endothelium barrier from lung injury C. Low lung gas volume with susceptibility to overdistention D. Low surfactant lipid pool size E. Saccular versus alveolar stage of lung development
  • 91. Question 89 A newborn baby has profound thrombocytopenia. The causes include all of the following Except A. Cytomegalovirus infection B. Autoimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia C. Maternal ingestion of warfarin D. Alloimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia E. Gram-negative septicemia
  • 92. Question 90 The high-frequency ventilator variable most likely to influence oxygenation is A. Amplitude B. Frequency C. Inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio D. Mean airway pressure E. Tidal volume
  • 93. Question 91 A severely hydropic infant is about to be delivered. Complications to be prepared for include all of the following Except A. Pulmonary hypoplasia B. Abdominal ascites C. Polycythemia D. Heart failure E. Laryngeal edema
  • 94. Question 92 You are called to see a tow-day-old jittery baby. The causes to consider are (multiple choices) A. Maternal diabetes B. Fetal alcohol syndrome C. Maternal hyperparathyroidism D. Maternal thyrotoxicosis E. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • 95. Question 93 The distribution of surfactant in the lungs is most efficient when surfactant is administered A. After a period of mechanical ventilation B. As an aerosolized preparation C. At a slow rate of infusion D. At birth in the presence of fetal lung fluid E. Using a smaller volume of the drug
  • 96. Question 94 Infants at risk of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia include all of the following Except A. Infants with nesidioblastosis B. Infants of diabetic mothers C. Infants with galactosemia D. Infants with leucine sensitivity with hyperammonemia E. Infants with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
  • 97. Question 95 Neural tube defects A. Occurs with frequency of 2 per 10,000 births B. Have a genetic predisposition C. Result from abnormal development of the neural tube at 3-4 months’ gestation D. Can be detected antenatally by low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels E. Are treated with folic acid
  • 98. Question 96 Metabolic bone disease of prematurity (multiple choices) A. Is associated with chronic respiratory distress B. Is prevented by administration of vitamin D C. Is less severe in infants fed with breast milk compared to formula-fed infants D. Can result in spontaneous fractures E. Is caused by a substrate deficiency
  • 99. Question 97 The most common limb defect associated with amniotic bands is A. Amputation of digits B. Congenital arthrogryposis C. Preaxial polydactyly D. Proximal syndactyly E. Single bones in extremities
  • 100. Question 98 The aromatic amino acid most likely to be detected by tandem mass spectrometry is A. Citrulline B. Leucine C. Methionine D. Phenylalanine E. Valine
  • 101. Question 99 Hydrops fetalis is associated with (multiple choices) A. Beta-thalassemia B. Diaphragmatic hernia C. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia D. OA materno-fetal blood group incompatibility E. Turner syndrome
  • 102. Question 100 The blood constituents most implicated in the pathogenesis of transfusion-associated graft versus host disease are A. Anti-neutrophil antibodies B. Anti-T agglutinins C. Donor-derived lymphocytes D. Erythrocytic RhD antigens E. Inflammatory interleukins