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By definition, Deaf culture refers to language, values, beliefs,
behaviors, and customs shared by Deaf persons. From the above
definition, one may wonder on the difference between “deaf”
and “Deaf.” The word “deaf” signifies pathology, which is the
clinical term employed in referring to an individual with
hearing inability or impairment. On the other hand, the word
“Deaf” refers to a cultural identity for individuals who identify
themselves as members of the Deaf culture. The members of the
Deaf culture use American Sign Language (ASL) in
Currently, the major issue that is faced by the Deaf culture is
the employment of technology as a hearing aid. Mainly,
members of the Deaf culture have opposed the use of cochlear
implants as hearing aid for deaf children. Their main point of
argument is that the introduction of hearing aids will divert the
children away from the Deaf culture, thus threatening the
existence and the procreation of the culture and identity of the
Deaf culture.
Deaf culture has several personalities that have become the role
models of the culture. One of the examples is Dr. I. King Jordan
a Deaf professor in Gallaudet University, who was the first Deaf
individual to be a University president in the United States. Dr.
I. King Jordan was appointed the president of Gallaudet
University after Deaf students protested pointing out that it was
time for their voices to be heard and represented. This took
place in 1988. Marlee Matlin is also another member of the
Deaf culture who has proven that being Deaf is not a disability.
She has been nominated for several Oscar awards. (MAKE IT
Generally, the members of the hearing society perceive hearing
as a disability. This is evidenced by the fact that whenever a
deaf individual makes a breakthrough in any aspect of life, the
members of the deaf hearing society view it as an overcoming
of a great obstacle. For instance, the fact that Marlee Matlin can
lip-read and talk makes members of the hearing culture to
admire her largely. To ensure integration with the hearing
members and bridging the communication gap between the Deaf
individuals and the hearing individuals, I believe that the
hearing individuals should learn the American Sign Language.
make it one and half- 2 pages
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Instructor Linda Rogers
English 130: Section 1
Interview questions for Deaf subculture
Draft 4
April 3, 2014div
Interview Questions for Deaf subculture
I. Who or what is the subculture?
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community is culturally diverse.
Regardless of our diversity, we have an ingrained connection
from experiencing societal, social, economic, and system
oppression. Being Deaf or Hard of Hearing, we have to
overcompensate for hearing people, the majority society.
· In your own words, what is Deaf Subculture mean?
As stated above
· How do you meet other users of ASL?
Today American Deaf and Hard of Hearing community are
highly diversed culturally and lingustically. In recent years, the
American hearing society is slowly accepting the Deaf
community through historical transitions. During 1880’s a
conference took place at Milan Italy Sign Language was
officially internationally banned. Deaf community became
severely oppressed as a minority group. Many were not allowed
to work as teachers at the school for the deaf, institutionalized,
not allowed to have children or inherit, and viewed inept to
function in society. Milan Conference empowered the hearing
community to economically, socially, culturally and
linguistically oppress the deaf community. Their voice was lost
until the Civil Rights movement during the 1960’s.
Recognition of the legitimacy of ASL was achieved by William
Stokoe, a linguist who arrived at Gallaudet University in 1955
when this was still the dominant assumption.[23] Aided by the
civil rights movement of the 1960s, Stokoe argued
for manualism, the use of sign language in deaf education.[23]
"" l
"cite_note-27" [24] Stokoe noted that signed language shares
the important features that oral languages have as a means of
communication, and even devised a writing system for
ASL.[23] In doing so, Stokoe revolutionized both deaf
education and linguistics.
In the past, we had Deaf Clubs at pizza places before internet
days. Deaf community members work in hearing environments
and would attend to deaf clubs to be connected culturally and
linguistically. Our gatherings provide us a safe haven without
defining our culture or language. During the 1960’s, rubella
epidemic impacted pregnant women and gave birth to millions
of deaf and hard of hearing babies. This significantly impacted
educational approach by establishing mainstreamed public
hearing schools for deaf and hard of hearing children. Some
mainstreamed deaf children were taught Sign Exact English
(SEE) by a hearing educator. Some mainstreamed schools
forbid Sign Language and taught speech only. Other
Mainstreamed schools taught Total Communication approach,
includes Sign Language with English syntax and speech. It took
time for the generational ASL Deaf community members to
accept variety of mainstreamed deaf and hard of hearing
community members.
From the 1980’s until today, computer revolution has
significantly impacted the social realms for the Deaf and Hard
of Hearing community by allowing access to texting, video
phone, Facebook and other technology access to effectively
communicate with hearing people and among other Deaf
community members. The need to have Deaf Clubs slowly
· How well does ASL work to let you communicate?
I was born Deaf because of German Measles/Rubella. My
mother had Rubella while she was pregnant with me. I have no
brothers and sisters. My mother did not find out about my
deafness until I was three years old. She took me to several
doctors and all of them informed her I was simply “slow”.
One day she dropped me off at a daycare for a few hours. When
my mother came back to pick me up, a lady at the daycare told
my mother I am deaf. She had deaf family members. My
mother took me to an audiologist. The audiologist verified I am
deaf. She ordered hearing aids. These hearing aids had huge
ear molds attached with wire cord to a large rectangle box. She
came up to me with a beach ball and said, “Ball”. I was able to
repeat the word. It was the first time I heard a word. I did not
know I the name and object were connected. It took me seven
to eight years to put sentences together and have the ability to
communicate. I had speech therapy from the age of three until
sixteen years old. My parents never learned Sign Language. I
use speech to communicate with my parents. This is normal for
90% of hearing parents who have deaf or hard of hearing
children do not learn Sign Language.
I went to a mainstreamed school that was initially closed classes
for the deaf and hard of hearing only. I learned Signed Exact
English (SEE) and talk at the same time. This was invented by
a hearing parent for deaf children to learn the English syntax.
It was completely different from ASL. In reality, we deaf kids
would not use SEE during recess. We invented our own Signs
to naturally fit us.
During recess a large group of deaf kids, like myself, would go
play with other hearing children. It was very difficult the first
few years because we were the first group of kids being
mainstreamed. We were not accepted by the norm society. In
fact, in Jr. High School, my group of deaf friends was so
ashamed to use Sign Language publicly. They wanted to be
accepted by hearing kids so badly. I was so upset with my deaf
peers for refusing to sign because it is absolutely necessary for
us to communicate! In Jr. High, for the first time, we were
fully mainstreamed with hearing students. It was an extremely
difficult time with the realization that we were behind with
English, Math and with all subjects that were taught by hearing
teachers who never had Deaf students. I personally studied day
and night to catch up with hearing students educationally. I
failed my first semester and did not understand why. My
mother advocated for me working with the hearing
mainstreamed teachers. My parents never learned Sign
Language. However, my mother made sure I retained good
In High School, my parents moved to Northern California to a
special education school that did not have Sign Language
interpreters. I sat in front of all of my High School classes to
grasp what the teacher was talking about. After class and after
school I would meet with all of the teachers and review with
them what was discussed. I had an excellent Special Education
Teacher who was a role model to me by teaching me study skills
and believing in me to be able to succeed in whatever I do! I
was taking college preparation courses.
I was accepted to a private college and attended that college for
two years without an interpreter. I thought I could pursue my
college education without a Sign Language interpreter. I found
out I could not do so. I transferred to California State
University of Northridge at the age of 20. This opportunity
opened up a whole new world for me. I was back with my
people! Deaf and Hard of Hearing from all over the world
attended an orientation. All of us are from various backgrounds
depending on how our parents raised us. Many were taught Oral
communication only (speech only), SEE signers (like myself),
Total Communication using ASL with English order and ASL.
Needless to say, it was an absolute cultural shock for me to be
surrounded by so many Deaf people and be accepted for who I
am. I did not have positive Deaf role model growing up. It was
absolutely phenomenal to see Deaf people as adults, same age
as me and start learning ASL! Initially it was very difficult to
understand the Sign Language interpreters because they were
only using ASL. Eventually and quickly in time through
socialization with my people, I was able to grasp ASL and
utilize ASL interpreters effectively for all of my college
courses. It was a wonderful opportunity to attend parties,
various Deaf dances and gatherings without any struggles as a
whole. With the terrific service and social support, I graduated
with a B.A. in Liberal Arts to become a teacher.
Culturally, we wave or tap on each other’s shoulders to get each
other’s attention. In addition if the floor is wood, we pound our
feet to get the other person’s attention. We turn off and on the
lights to get a group of people or a friend’s attention to Sign
whatever we want to convey. What is culturally ingrained for
all Deaf and hard of hearing people, we pay attention to facial
and body language which conveys a lot of information without
words. We also pay attention to our surroundings based on
what we see, not what we hear. By associating with my people,
we understand and share common experience with our struggles
in the hearing society on wide variety of levels with hearing
family members, social services, school systems and any other
hearing systems.
During the 1990’s the Deaf community became extremely upset
about cochlear implants because the concept of hearing parents
want their deaf children to become hearing. The medical field
was emphasizing to the parents their children will become
hearing. The deaf community perceives it as trying to force a
black child to become a white child. As time passed, deaf
community members now have cochlear implants. There were
some failures because many have been deaf for so long.
However, majority of them have benefited from the surgery. A
deaf friend who is married to a deaf man who was raised by the
school for the deaf, have two deaf children. Their children
when they were 9 months old received cochlear implants. Their
language flourished because they have access to Sign Language
and speech environment. The deaf community looked down at
this family for implanting their deaf children. It depends on the
deaf or hard of hearing child’s hearing loss, area they live in
and support from their family members. It is idea for all of
their family members to learn Sign Language so that deaf and
hard of hearing child can comprehend his or her environment
just like any other hearing children.
Today, we are very fortunate to have closed captioned
television, video phones, and texting and e-mail access! I did
not have access to any of that growing up. My world was very
limited and depended on family members and neighbors to make
phone calls. I can now make phone calls on my own and have
more access to my deaf friends across the world! This
significantly impacted the deaf community in terms of social
means. We used gather together one time per week at our Deaf
clubs because of the lack of contacts. Most deaf people live in
big cities because we have more access to captioned movies,
deaf social services and gatherings. In extreme rural areas, it is
much more challenging for the deaf community to gather
together one time per month. Social services are severely
lacking because of lack of funds. It also depends on the
leadership within the deaf community in rural areas. Often
times deaf community members will go to Sacramento for social
As a whole, social media has made significant strides for the
deaf community. However, we are faced with attitudinal
barriers by hearing people on a daily bases. Hearing people
still think Deaf and hard of hearing people are “Deaf and
Dumb”. In one of my presentations an ASL student asked me,
“What kind of jobs you cannot do?” I looked at her and asked
her, “What kind of jobs you cannot do?” The entire class and
her were a bit dumbfounded and thought about it. They said
you are absolutely right! We also have our own limits! We had
a positive discussion about how all of us have our limits. My
deafness just stands out.
In Chico area, the deaf community meets one time per month if
can. In addition, there is a smaller community in Oroville that
meets once in a while. We do not meet very often because all
of us are spread out in the country. Some members do not want
to associate with the deaf community because they do not want
to be involved. Some just hang out with particular friends and
are content with that.
As a deaf individual who faced so many attitudinal barriers on a
personal level and as an advocate for my people from the
hearing society on a daily bases, has made me stronger as a deaf
woman today. I would not change who I am. I believe in
accepting people for who they are because of my life
experience. My education has also significantly impacted my
life as well. It is a blessing to be part of my people and being
part of the hearing community with wide variety of cultures. As
a whole, all of us need to communicate effectively and remove
our attitude barriers among each other. This requires
perseverance and hard work from all of us as individuals and as
a community.
II. What is the history/background?
· When did you know that you belonged to the deaf culture and
· What do you like most about Deaf culture?
· How did you learn ASL? At what age?
· What activities do you do in Deaf subculture?
III. What are the core beliefs/practices/ideals? What do they
do together? Subculture-specific
· What are the ideals of Deaf culture?
· What has been your philosophy as Deaf culture members?
· How do you practice these ideals?
· How does Deaf subculture survive and grow?
IV. What do others think about them?
· How do you feel being a member of deaf culture?
· How have you been relating with non-members?
V. What are current issues, problems, or concerns that are
affecting the subculture now?
· What would you change in you culture?
· What’s your wish to develop the Deaf culture?
VI. How do social media and media come into play for this
subculture? How are they represented/misrepresented in the
media? How do they use social media for recruitment? What
are the key blogs/websites? How are they portrayed in pop
· How can you relate social media to Deaf culture?
· What’s the positive role or negative role in the general
prospects of this culture?
· How do you used social media as part of your identify with
Deaf culture?
· What is the relationship between the Deaf culture and pop
VII. What is the subculture’s presence on campus? In
Chico? Northern California?
· What is your foreseeable future regarding the deaf culture,
social life and growth?

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  • 1. NEED 2 LINES INTRO ABOUT DEAF CULTURE.. HISTORY 2 LINES By definition, Deaf culture refers to language, values, beliefs, behaviors, and customs shared by Deaf persons. From the above definition, one may wonder on the difference between “deaf” and “Deaf.” The word “deaf” signifies pathology, which is the clinical term employed in referring to an individual with hearing inability or impairment. On the other hand, the word “Deaf” refers to a cultural identity for individuals who identify themselves as members of the Deaf culture. The members of the Deaf culture use American Sign Language (ASL) in communication. Currently, the major issue that is faced by the Deaf culture is the employment of technology as a hearing aid. Mainly, members of the Deaf culture have opposed the use of cochlear implants as hearing aid for deaf children. Their main point of argument is that the introduction of hearing aids will divert the children away from the Deaf culture, thus threatening the existence and the procreation of the culture and identity of the Deaf culture. Deaf culture has several personalities that have become the role models of the culture. One of the examples is Dr. I. King Jordan a Deaf professor in Gallaudet University, who was the first Deaf individual to be a University president in the United States. Dr. I. King Jordan was appointed the president of Gallaudet University after Deaf students protested pointing out that it was time for their voices to be heard and represented. This took place in 1988. Marlee Matlin is also another member of the Deaf culture who has proven that being Deaf is not a disability. She has been nominated for several Oscar awards. (MAKE IT SHORTER) Generally, the members of the hearing society perceive hearing as a disability. This is evidenced by the fact that whenever a
  • 2. deaf individual makes a breakthrough in any aspect of life, the members of the deaf hearing society view it as an overcoming of a great obstacle. For instance, the fact that Marlee Matlin can lip-read and talk makes members of the hearing culture to admire her largely. To ensure integration with the hearing members and bridging the communication gap between the Deaf individuals and the hearing individuals, I believe that the hearing individuals should learn the American Sign Language. NEED PARAGRPH ABOUT READING LIPS ADD PART FROM INTERVIEW make it one and half- 2 pages [Type text] [Type text] [Type text] 1 Instructor Linda Rogers English 130: Section 1 Interview questions for Deaf subculture Draft 4 April 3, 2014div Interview Questions for Deaf subculture I. Who or what is the subculture? The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community is culturally diverse. Regardless of our diversity, we have an ingrained connection from experiencing societal, social, economic, and system oppression. Being Deaf or Hard of Hearing, we have to overcompensate for hearing people, the majority society. · In your own words, what is Deaf Subculture mean? As stated above
  • 3. · How do you meet other users of ASL? Today American Deaf and Hard of Hearing community are highly diversed culturally and lingustically. In recent years, the American hearing society is slowly accepting the Deaf community through historical transitions. During 1880’s a conference took place at Milan Italy Sign Language was officially internationally banned. Deaf community became severely oppressed as a minority group. Many were not allowed to work as teachers at the school for the deaf, institutionalized, not allowed to have children or inherit, and viewed inept to function in society. Milan Conference empowered the hearing community to economically, socially, culturally and linguistically oppress the deaf community. Their voice was lost until the Civil Rights movement during the 1960’s. Recognition of the legitimacy of ASL was achieved by William Stokoe, a linguist who arrived at Gallaudet University in 1955 when this was still the dominant assumption.[23] Aided by the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Stokoe argued for manualism, the use of sign language in deaf education.[23] HYPERLINK "" l "cite_note-27" [24] Stokoe noted that signed language shares the important features that oral languages have as a means of communication, and even devised a writing system for ASL.[23] In doing so, Stokoe revolutionized both deaf education and linguistics. ( ) In the past, we had Deaf Clubs at pizza places before internet days. Deaf community members work in hearing environments and would attend to deaf clubs to be connected culturally and linguistically. Our gatherings provide us a safe haven without defining our culture or language. During the 1960’s, rubella epidemic impacted pregnant women and gave birth to millions of deaf and hard of hearing babies. This significantly impacted
  • 4. educational approach by establishing mainstreamed public hearing schools for deaf and hard of hearing children. Some mainstreamed deaf children were taught Sign Exact English (SEE) by a hearing educator. Some mainstreamed schools forbid Sign Language and taught speech only. Other Mainstreamed schools taught Total Communication approach, includes Sign Language with English syntax and speech. It took time for the generational ASL Deaf community members to accept variety of mainstreamed deaf and hard of hearing community members. From the 1980’s until today, computer revolution has significantly impacted the social realms for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by allowing access to texting, video phone, Facebook and other technology access to effectively communicate with hearing people and among other Deaf community members. The need to have Deaf Clubs slowly disappeared. · How well does ASL work to let you communicate? I was born Deaf because of German Measles/Rubella. My mother had Rubella while she was pregnant with me. I have no brothers and sisters. My mother did not find out about my deafness until I was three years old. She took me to several doctors and all of them informed her I was simply “slow”. One day she dropped me off at a daycare for a few hours. When my mother came back to pick me up, a lady at the daycare told my mother I am deaf. She had deaf family members. My mother took me to an audiologist. The audiologist verified I am deaf. She ordered hearing aids. These hearing aids had huge ear molds attached with wire cord to a large rectangle box. She came up to me with a beach ball and said, “Ball”. I was able to repeat the word. It was the first time I heard a word. I did not know I the name and object were connected. It took me seven to eight years to put sentences together and have the ability to
  • 5. communicate. I had speech therapy from the age of three until sixteen years old. My parents never learned Sign Language. I use speech to communicate with my parents. This is normal for 90% of hearing parents who have deaf or hard of hearing children do not learn Sign Language. I went to a mainstreamed school that was initially closed classes for the deaf and hard of hearing only. I learned Signed Exact English (SEE) and talk at the same time. This was invented by a hearing parent for deaf children to learn the English syntax. It was completely different from ASL. In reality, we deaf kids would not use SEE during recess. We invented our own Signs to naturally fit us. During recess a large group of deaf kids, like myself, would go play with other hearing children. It was very difficult the first few years because we were the first group of kids being mainstreamed. We were not accepted by the norm society. In fact, in Jr. High School, my group of deaf friends was so ashamed to use Sign Language publicly. They wanted to be accepted by hearing kids so badly. I was so upset with my deaf peers for refusing to sign because it is absolutely necessary for us to communicate! In Jr. High, for the first time, we were fully mainstreamed with hearing students. It was an extremely difficult time with the realization that we were behind with English, Math and with all subjects that were taught by hearing teachers who never had Deaf students. I personally studied day and night to catch up with hearing students educationally. I failed my first semester and did not understand why. My mother advocated for me working with the hearing mainstreamed teachers. My parents never learned Sign Language. However, my mother made sure I retained good education. In High School, my parents moved to Northern California to a special education school that did not have Sign Language
  • 6. interpreters. I sat in front of all of my High School classes to grasp what the teacher was talking about. After class and after school I would meet with all of the teachers and review with them what was discussed. I had an excellent Special Education Teacher who was a role model to me by teaching me study skills and believing in me to be able to succeed in whatever I do! I was taking college preparation courses. I was accepted to a private college and attended that college for two years without an interpreter. I thought I could pursue my college education without a Sign Language interpreter. I found out I could not do so. I transferred to California State University of Northridge at the age of 20. This opportunity opened up a whole new world for me. I was back with my people! Deaf and Hard of Hearing from all over the world attended an orientation. All of us are from various backgrounds depending on how our parents raised us. Many were taught Oral communication only (speech only), SEE signers (like myself), Total Communication using ASL with English order and ASL. Needless to say, it was an absolute cultural shock for me to be surrounded by so many Deaf people and be accepted for who I am. I did not have positive Deaf role model growing up. It was absolutely phenomenal to see Deaf people as adults, same age as me and start learning ASL! Initially it was very difficult to understand the Sign Language interpreters because they were only using ASL. Eventually and quickly in time through socialization with my people, I was able to grasp ASL and utilize ASL interpreters effectively for all of my college courses. It was a wonderful opportunity to attend parties, various Deaf dances and gatherings without any struggles as a whole. With the terrific service and social support, I graduated with a B.A. in Liberal Arts to become a teacher. Culturally, we wave or tap on each other’s shoulders to get each other’s attention. In addition if the floor is wood, we pound our
  • 7. feet to get the other person’s attention. We turn off and on the lights to get a group of people or a friend’s attention to Sign whatever we want to convey. What is culturally ingrained for all Deaf and hard of hearing people, we pay attention to facial and body language which conveys a lot of information without words. We also pay attention to our surroundings based on what we see, not what we hear. By associating with my people, we understand and share common experience with our struggles in the hearing society on wide variety of levels with hearing family members, social services, school systems and any other hearing systems. During the 1990’s the Deaf community became extremely upset about cochlear implants because the concept of hearing parents want their deaf children to become hearing. The medical field was emphasizing to the parents their children will become hearing. The deaf community perceives it as trying to force a black child to become a white child. As time passed, deaf community members now have cochlear implants. There were some failures because many have been deaf for so long. However, majority of them have benefited from the surgery. A deaf friend who is married to a deaf man who was raised by the school for the deaf, have two deaf children. Their children when they were 9 months old received cochlear implants. Their language flourished because they have access to Sign Language and speech environment. The deaf community looked down at this family for implanting their deaf children. It depends on the deaf or hard of hearing child’s hearing loss, area they live in and support from their family members. It is idea for all of their family members to learn Sign Language so that deaf and hard of hearing child can comprehend his or her environment just like any other hearing children. Today, we are very fortunate to have closed captioned television, video phones, and texting and e-mail access! I did
  • 8. not have access to any of that growing up. My world was very limited and depended on family members and neighbors to make phone calls. I can now make phone calls on my own and have more access to my deaf friends across the world! This significantly impacted the deaf community in terms of social means. We used gather together one time per week at our Deaf clubs because of the lack of contacts. Most deaf people live in big cities because we have more access to captioned movies, deaf social services and gatherings. In extreme rural areas, it is much more challenging for the deaf community to gather together one time per month. Social services are severely lacking because of lack of funds. It also depends on the leadership within the deaf community in rural areas. Often times deaf community members will go to Sacramento for social events. As a whole, social media has made significant strides for the deaf community. However, we are faced with attitudinal barriers by hearing people on a daily bases. Hearing people still think Deaf and hard of hearing people are “Deaf and Dumb”. In one of my presentations an ASL student asked me, “What kind of jobs you cannot do?” I looked at her and asked her, “What kind of jobs you cannot do?” The entire class and her were a bit dumbfounded and thought about it. They said you are absolutely right! We also have our own limits! We had a positive discussion about how all of us have our limits. My deafness just stands out. In Chico area, the deaf community meets one time per month if can. In addition, there is a smaller community in Oroville that meets once in a while. We do not meet very often because all of us are spread out in the country. Some members do not want to associate with the deaf community because they do not want to be involved. Some just hang out with particular friends and are content with that.
  • 9. As a deaf individual who faced so many attitudinal barriers on a personal level and as an advocate for my people from the hearing society on a daily bases, has made me stronger as a deaf woman today. I would not change who I am. I believe in accepting people for who they are because of my life experience. My education has also significantly impacted my life as well. It is a blessing to be part of my people and being part of the hearing community with wide variety of cultures. As a whole, all of us need to communicate effectively and remove our attitude barriers among each other. This requires perseverance and hard work from all of us as individuals and as a community. II. What is the history/background? · When did you know that you belonged to the deaf culture and how? · What do you like most about Deaf culture? · How did you learn ASL? At what age? · What activities do you do in Deaf subculture? III. What are the core beliefs/practices/ideals? What do they do together? Subculture-specific language/jargon/uniform/dress? · What are the ideals of Deaf culture? · What has been your philosophy as Deaf culture members? · How do you practice these ideals? · How does Deaf subculture survive and grow? IV. What do others think about them? · How do you feel being a member of deaf culture? · How have you been relating with non-members?
  • 10. V. What are current issues, problems, or concerns that are affecting the subculture now? · What would you change in you culture? · What’s your wish to develop the Deaf culture? VI. How do social media and media come into play for this subculture? How are they represented/misrepresented in the media? How do they use social media for recruitment? What are the key blogs/websites? How are they portrayed in pop culture? · How can you relate social media to Deaf culture? · What’s the positive role or negative role in the general prospects of this culture? · How do you used social media as part of your identify with Deaf culture? · What is the relationship between the Deaf culture and pop culture? VII. What is the subculture’s presence on campus? In Chico? Northern California? · What is your foreseeable future regarding the deaf culture, social life and growth?