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C++ 프로그래머를 위한 C#
신규개발3본부 개발1실 GTR팀 성능연구유닛
2010/2011, 마비노기2
2006/2009, 마비노기 영웅전
테크니컬 디렉터
2004/2005, 마비노기
2003/2004, 프로젝트 T2
2001/2003, Oz World
[ɡ̊ɪm̚ ʨæːsɤk̚]
/ɡim ɟɛːzʌɡ/
Visual Studio .NET Rainer
.NET Framework 1.0 C# 1.0
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Everett
.NET Framework 1.1, C# 1.2
Visual Studio 2005 Whidbey
.NET Framework 2.0, C# 2,0
.NET Framework 3.0 WinFX
Visual Studio 2008 Orcas
.NET Framework 3.5, C# 3.0
Visual Studio 2010 Dev10
.NET Framework 4.0, C# 4.0
Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Visual Studio .NET Rainer
.NET Framework 1.0 / C# 1.0
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
C# 1.0 – Managed Code
Common Type System
Visual Studio® .NET
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Common Type System
Primitive Types
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Primitive Types
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
// C#
const int constant = 0;
readonly int readOnlyField;
// C++
static const int constant = 0;
const int readOnlyField;
mutable int mutableField;
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Field (cont.)
Field ≠ variable
default(T) if not initialized
• null if reference type
• 0 if value type
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Member function with CV-qualifier
class Object
String ToString() const
return const_cast<Object*>(this)
virtual String ToString();
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Method (cont.)
// C#
void CallByRef(ref int value);
bool TryGetValue(out int value);
// C++
void CallByRef(int& value);
bool TryGetValue(/*out*/int& value);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Get Method/Set Method ≠ reference to type
// C#
variable = obj.PropertyName;
obj.PropertyName = value
// C++
variable = obj->get_PropertyName();
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Property (cont.)
Indexed property ≠ index operator []
int this[int index]
get { return array[index]; }
set { array[index] = value; }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Property (cont.)
Implementation: lazy evaluation class
class Property<typename T>
operator T() const;
Property& operator=(const T&
Property& operator=(const
Property& value);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Property (cont.)
VC 7.1 or higher: property extended storage-
class modifier
virtual TypeName get_PropertyName();
virtual void set_PropertyName(const
TypeName& value);
Name, put=set_PropertyName))
TypeName PropertyName;
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Multicast delegate
// C#
obj.EventName += someDelegate;
obj.EventName -= someDelegate;
if (obj.EventName != null) obj.EventName();
// C++
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Finalizer ≠ destructor
// C#
// C++
Pointer<Object> keepAlive(value);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Classes (cont.)
Prevent R6025 – Pure virtual function call
__forceinline void Release()
if (--referenceCounter == 0)
delete this;
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Classes (cont.)
Type initializer a.k.a. static constructor
class Static : … ;
Pointer<Static> _static;
if (_static == NULL)
new Static), Pointer<Static>(NULL));
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Classes (cont.)
Sealed class
template <typename T>
class Sealed
friend typename T;
Sealed() { }
~Sealed() { }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Lightweight – Value types
Default constructor / finalizer
• NEVER let contain unmanaged resources
Expert only
• Box/Unbox cost
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Value types
string[] Enum.GetNames()
TEnum[] Enum.GetValues()
TEnum Enum.Parse(string s)
bool Enum.TryParse(
string s, out TEnum @enum)
TEnum TEnum.MaxValue { get; }
TEnum TEnum.MinValue { get; }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Virtual inheritance
template <>
class Task<void> : public Object,
public virtual IAsyncResult,
public virtual IDisposable
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Closures or managed functors
Calling conventions:
• cdecl
• stdcall
• fastcall
• thiscall
• function object
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Delegates (cont.)
template <typename TResult TPARAMS>
class delegate<TResult(PARAMS)> …
#define DELEGATE_TPARAMS , typename T1
#define DELEGATE_PARAMS T1 arg1
#define DELEGATE_ARGS arg1
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
template <typename T>
class CustomAttribute
static const int get_Value() { return
value; }
static int value;
#define CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(Type, _v) 
int CustomAttribute<Type>::value = _v
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
using directive (C#) ≈ using directive (C++)
Assemblies are referenced.
#include directive (C++)
package / import declarations (Java)
#define directive
defines a symbol
assigns a value to a symbol
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Everett
.NET Framework 1.1 / C# 1.2
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
C# 1.2 – Bug Fix
IDisposable interface
• IEnumerator interface
foreach (object obj in collection)
// TEnumerator enumerator =
// collection.GetEnumerator();
// if (enumerator is IDisposable)
// enumerator.Dispose();
Visual Studio® .NET 2003
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Visual Studio 2005 Whidbey
.NET Framework 2.0 / C# 2.0
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
C# 2.0 – Generic
Partial Classes
Nullable Types
Anonymous Methods
Static Classes
Property Accessor Accessibilities
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Visual Studio® 2005
• List<T> std::vector<T>
• Queue<T> std::queue<T>
• Stack<T> std::stack<T>
• LinkedList<T> std::list<T>
• Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
std::map<Key, T>
• HashSet<T> std::set<T>
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
IEnumerable<T> Where<T>(
IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T, bool> predicate)
if (source == null) yield break;
foreach (T value in source)
if (!predicate(value)) continue;
yield return value;
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Partial Classes
// Generated.Designer.cs
partial class Generated : ICloneable
{ … }
// Generated.cs
partial class Generated : IDisposable
{ … }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Nullable Types
Nullable<T> where T : struct
Coalescing operator ??
int? nullable = null;
int value = nullable ??
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Anonymous Methods
// C# 2.0
Func<Type, bool> predicate =
// nested type in C# 1.2
delegate(Type value)
return value == default(Type);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Static Classes
Classes which are both abstract and sealed.
public static class Helper
public static int GetHash(object obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Property Accessor
// C# 1.2
public Type PropertyName
{ get { return field; } }
internal void SetPropertyName(Type value)
{ fieldName = value; }
// C# 2.0
public Type PropertyName
get { return fieldName; }
internal set { fieldName = value; }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
string Covariance() …
Func<object> function =
new Func<object>(Covariance);
void Contravariance(object arg);
Action<string> action =
new Action<string>(
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Delegates (cont.)
// C# 1.2
Action action =
new Action(obj.MethodName);
// C# 2.0
Action action = obj.MethodName;
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Visual Studio 2008 Orcas
.NET Framework 3.5 / C# 3.0
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
C# 3.0 – LINQ
Implicitly Type Local Variables and Arrays
Object Initializers
Collection Initializers
Extension Methods
Anonymous Types
Lambda Expressions
Query Keywords
Auto-Implemented Properties
Partial Method Definitions
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Visual Studio® 2008
Implicitly Type Local
Variables and Arrays
// C# 2.0
Dictionary<string, object> dict =
new Dictionary<string, object>();
Type[] types = new Type[]
{ typeof(int) };
// C# 3.0
var dict =
new Dictionary<string, object>();
var types = new[] { typeof(int) };
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Object Initializers
// C# 2.0
SomeKeyValue pair = new SomeKeyValue();
value.Name = “anonymous”;
value.Value = null;
// C# 3.0
var value = new SomeKeyValue()
Name = “anonymous”,
Value = null,
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Collection Initializers
// C# 2.0
List<int> list = new List<int>();
// C# 3.0
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Extension Methods
static class ComponentExtensions
static void DoSomething(
this IComponent component,
T arg) { … }
ComponentExtensions.Do(component, arg);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Anonymous Types
foreach (var value in from row in table
select new
Type = row.GetType(),
Hash = row.GetHashCode(),
Console.WriteLine(“{{ Type = {0}, Hash = {1} }}”,
value.Type, value.Hash);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Lambda Expressions
// C# 2.0
Func<Type, bool> predicate =
delegate(Type value)
return value == default(Type);
// C# 3.0
Func<Type, bool> predicate =
value => value == default(Type);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Query Keywords
var q = from c in categories
join p in products
on c.ID equals p.CID
orderby c.ID,
p.Price descending
group p.Price by c.ID into g
let cid = g.Key
where Predicate(cid)
select g.Average();
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Query Keywords (cont.)
var q = categories
c => c.ID, p => p.CID,
(c, p) =>
new { c = c, p = p })
.OrderBy(_ => _.c.ID)
.ThenByDescending(_ => _.p.Price)
.GroupBy(_ => _.c.ID, _.p.Price)
.Select(g =>
new { g = g, cid = g.Key })
.Where(_ => Predicate(_.cid))
.Select(_ => _.g.Average());
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
// C# 2.0
public Type PropertyName
get { return fieldName; }
internal set { fieldName = value; }
// C# 3.0
public Type PropertyName
{ get; internal set; }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Partial Method
// Generated.Designer.cs
partial class Generated
Generated() { OnInitialized(); }
partial void OnInitialized();
// Generated.cs
partial class Generated
partial void OnInitialized() { … }
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
More LINQ with System.Interactive – Getting Started by Bart De Smet
Reactive Extensions
Task Parallel Library ∈ .NET Framework 4.0
Observer Design Pattern
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Task Parallel Library
• ConcurrentBag<T>
• ConcurrentQueue<T>
• ConcurrentStack<T>
• ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>
tbb::concurrent_hash_map<Key, T>
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Task Parallel Library
// C# 3.0
callback, state);
// C# 4.0 or Rx
action, state);
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
Observer Design Pattern
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
More LINQ with System.Interactive – Getting Started by Bart De Smet
Observer Design Pattern
(Further reading)
Duality of IEnumerable<T> / IObservable<T>
Reactive Framework Finally Explained
More LINQ with System.Interactive series
VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx

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The Future of Platform Engineering
The Future of Platform EngineeringThe Future of Platform Engineering
The Future of Platform Engineering

NDC 2011, C++ 프로그래머를 위한 C#

  • 1. C++ 프로그래머를 위한 C# ㈜넥슨 신규개발3본부 개발1실 GTR팀 성능연구유닛 김재석
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. 책임연구원 2010/2011, 마비노기2 2006/2009, 마비노기 영웅전 테크니컬 디렉터 2004/2005, 마비노기 2003/2004, 프로젝트 T2 2001/2003, Oz World [ɡ̊ɪm̚ ʨæːsɤk̚] /ɡim ɟɛːzʌɡ/
  • 5. Agenda Visual Studio .NET Rainer .NET Framework 1.0 C# 1.0 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Everett .NET Framework 1.1, C# 1.2 Visual Studio 2005 Whidbey .NET Framework 2.0, C# 2,0 .NET Framework 3.0 WinFX Visual Studio 2008 Orcas .NET Framework 3.5, C# 3.0 Visual Studio 2010 Dev10 .NET Framework 4.0, C# 4.0 Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • 6. Visual Studio .NET Rainer .NET Framework 1.0 / C# 1.0 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 7. C# 1.0 – Managed Code Common Type System Classes Structures Enumerations Interfaces Delegates Attributes Directives Visual Studio® .NET VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 8. Common Type System Primitive Types Field Method Property Event VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 10. Field // C# const int constant = 0; readonly int readOnlyField; // C++ static const int constant = 0; const int readOnlyField; mutable int mutableField; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 11. Field (cont.) Field ≠ variable default(T) if not initialized • null if reference type • 0 if value type VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 12. Method Member function with CV-qualifier class Object { public: String ToString() const { return const_cast<Object*>(this) ->ToString(); } virtual String ToString(); }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 13. Method (cont.) // C# void CallByRef(ref int value); bool TryGetValue(out int value); // C++ void CallByRef(int& value); bool TryGetValue(/*out*/int& value); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 14. Property Get Method/Set Method ≠ reference to type // C# variable = obj.PropertyName; obj.PropertyName = value // C++ variable = obj->get_PropertyName(); obj->setPropertyName(value); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 15. Property (cont.) Indexed property ≠ index operator [] int this[int index] { get { return array[index]; } set { array[index] = value; } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 16. Property (cont.) Implementation: lazy evaluation class class Property<typename T> { operator T() const; Property& operator=(const T& value); Property& operator=(const Property& value); }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 17. Property (cont.) VC 7.1 or higher: property extended storage- class modifier virtual TypeName get_PropertyName(); virtual void set_PropertyName(const TypeName& value); __declspec(property(get=get_Property Name, put=set_PropertyName)) TypeName PropertyName; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 18. Event Multicast delegate // C# obj.EventName += someDelegate; obj.EventName -= someDelegate; if (obj.EventName != null) obj.EventName(); // C++ obj->add_EventName(someDelegate); obj->remove_EventName(someDelegate); obj->raise_EventName(); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 19. Classes Finalizer ≠ destructor GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(this); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); // C# GC.KeepAlive(value); // C++ Pointer<Object> keepAlive(value); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 20. Classes (cont.) Prevent R6025 – Pure virtual function call __forceinline void Release() { if (--referenceCounter == 0) { Finalize(); delete this; } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 21. Classes (cont.) Type initializer a.k.a. static constructor namespace { class Static : … ; Pointer<Static> _static; } … if (_static == NULL) { _static.CompareExchange(Pointer<Static>( new Static), Pointer<Static>(NULL)); } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 22. Classes (cont.) Sealed class template <typename T> class Sealed { private: friend typename T; Sealed() { } ~Sealed() { } }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 23. Structures Lightweight – Value types Default constructor / finalizer • NEVER let contain unmanaged resources Expert only • Box/Unbox cost VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 24. Enumerations Value types string[] Enum.GetNames() TEnum[] Enum.GetValues() TEnum Enum.Parse(string s) bool Enum.TryParse( string s, out TEnum @enum) TEnum TEnum.MaxValue { get; } TEnum TEnum.MinValue { get; } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 25. Interfaces Virtual inheritance template <> class Task<void> : public Object, public virtual IAsyncResult, public virtual IDisposable { … }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 26. Delegates Closures or managed functors Calling conventions: • cdecl • stdcall • fastcall • thiscall • function object VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 27. Delegates (cont.) #define DEFINE_DELEGATE(TPARAMS, PARAMS, ARGS) template <typename TResult TPARAMS> class delegate<TResult(PARAMS)> … #define DELEGATE_TPARAMS , typename T1 #define DELEGATE_PARAMS T1 arg1 #define DELEGATE_ARGS arg1 DEFINE_DELEGATE(DELEGATE_TPARAMS, DELEGATE_PARAMS, DELEGATE_ARGS); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 28. Attributes template <typename T> class CustomAttribute { public: static const int get_Value() { return value; } private: static int value; }; #define CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(Type, _v) int CustomAttribute<Type>::value = _v VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 29. Directives using directive (C#) ≈ using directive (C++) Assemblies are referenced. #include directive (C++) package / import declarations (Java) #define directive defines a symbol assigns a value to a symbol VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 30. Visual Studio .NET 2003 Everett .NET Framework 1.1 / C# 1.2 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 31. C# 1.2 – Bug Fix IDisposable interface • IEnumerator interface foreach (object obj in collection) // TEnumerator enumerator = // collection.GetEnumerator(); { } // if (enumerator is IDisposable) // enumerator.Dispose(); Visual Studio® .NET 2003 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 32. Visual Studio 2005 Whidbey .NET Framework 2.0 / C# 2.0 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 33. C# 2.0 – Generic Generics Iterators Partial Classes Nullable Types Anonymous Methods Static Classes Property Accessor Accessibilities Delegates VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx Visual Studio® 2005
  • 34. Generics System.Collections.Generic • List<T> std::vector<T> • Queue<T> std::queue<T> • Stack<T> std::stack<T> • LinkedList<T> std::list<T> • Dictionary<TKey, TValue> std::map<Key, T> • HashSet<T> std::set<T> VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 35. Iterators IEnumerable<T> Where<T>( IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate) { if (source == null) yield break; foreach (T value in source) { if (!predicate(value)) continue; yield return value; } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 36. Partial Classes // Generated.Designer.cs [CLSCompliant] partial class Generated : ICloneable { … } // Generated.cs [Serializable] partial class Generated : IDisposable { … } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 37. Nullable Types Nullable<T> where T : struct Coalescing operator ?? int? nullable = null; int value = nullable ?? default(int); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 38. Anonymous Methods // C# 2.0 Func<Type, bool> predicate = // nested type in C# 1.2 delegate(Type value) { return value == default(Type); }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 39. Static Classes Classes which are both abstract and sealed. public static class Helper { public static int GetHash(object obj) { return obj.GetHashCode(); } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 40. Property Accessor Accessibilities // C# 1.2 public Type PropertyName { get { return field; } } internal void SetPropertyName(Type value) { fieldName = value; } // C# 2.0 public Type PropertyName { get { return fieldName; } internal set { fieldName = value; } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 41. Delegates string Covariance() … Func<object> function = new Func<object>(Covariance); void Contravariance(object arg); Action<string> action = new Action<string>( Contravariance); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 42. Delegates (cont.) // C# 1.2 Action action = new Action(obj.MethodName); // C# 2.0 Action action = obj.MethodName; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 43. Visual Studio 2008 Orcas .NET Framework 3.5 / C# 3.0 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 44. C# 3.0 – LINQ Implicitly Type Local Variables and Arrays Object Initializers Collection Initializers Extension Methods Anonymous Types Lambda Expressions Query Keywords Auto-Implemented Properties Partial Method Definitions VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx Visual Studio® 2008
  • 45. Implicitly Type Local Variables and Arrays // C# 2.0 Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Type[] types = new Type[] { typeof(int) }; // C# 3.0 var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var types = new[] { typeof(int) }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 46. Object Initializers // C# 2.0 SomeKeyValue pair = new SomeKeyValue(); value.Name = “anonymous”; value.Value = null; // C# 3.0 var value = new SomeKeyValue() { Name = “anonymous”, Value = null, }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 47. Collection Initializers // C# 2.0 List<int> list = new List<int>(); list.Add(1); list.Add(2); // C# 3.0 var list = new List<int> { 1, 2 }; VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 48. Extension Methods static class ComponentExtensions { static void DoSomething( this IComponent component, T arg) { … } } ComponentExtensions.Do(component, arg); component.DoSomething(arg); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 49. Anonymous Types foreach (var value in from row in table select new { Type = row.GetType(), Hash = row.GetHashCode(), }) { Console.WriteLine(“{{ Type = {0}, Hash = {1} }}”, value.Type, value.Hash); Console.WriteLine(value); } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 50. Lambda Expressions // C# 2.0 Func<Type, bool> predicate = delegate(Type value) { return value == default(Type); }; // C# 3.0 Func<Type, bool> predicate = value => value == default(Type); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 51. Query Keywords var q = from c in categories join p in products on c.ID equals p.CID orderby c.ID, p.Price descending group p.Price by c.ID into g let cid = g.Key where Predicate(cid) select g.Average(); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 52. Query Keywords (cont.) var q = categories .Join(products, c => c.ID, p => p.CID, (c, p) => new { c = c, p = p }) .OrderBy(_ => _.c.ID) .ThenByDescending(_ => _.p.Price) .GroupBy(_ => _.c.ID, _.p.Price) .Select(g => new { g = g, cid = g.Key }) .Where(_ => Predicate(_.cid)) .Select(_ => _.g.Average()); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 53. Auto-Implemented Properties // C# 2.0 public Type PropertyName { get { return fieldName; } internal set { fieldName = value; } } // C# 3.0 public Type PropertyName { get; internal set; } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 54. Partial Method Definitions // Generated.Designer.cs partial class Generated { Generated() { OnInitialized(); } partial void OnInitialized(); } // Generated.cs partial class Generated { partial void OnInitialized() { … } } VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 55. Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx More LINQ with System.Interactive – Getting Started by Bart De Smet
  • 56. Reactive Extensions Task Parallel Library ∈ .NET Framework 4.0 Observer Design Pattern VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 57. Task Parallel Library System.Collections.Concurrent • ConcurrentBag<T> tbb::concurrent_vector<T> • ConcurrentQueue<T> tbb::concurrent_queue<T> • ConcurrentStack<T> tbb::concurrent_stack<T> • ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> tbb::concurrent_hash_map<Key, T> VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 58. Task Parallel Library (cont.) System.Threading.Tasks // C# 3.0 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( callback, state); // C# 4.0 or Rx Task.Factory.StartNew( action, state); VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 59. Observer Design Pattern VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx More LINQ with System.Interactive – Getting Started by Bart De Smet
  • 60. Observer Design Pattern (Further reading) Duality of IEnumerable<T> / IObservable<T> Reactive Framework Finally Explained More LINQ with System.Interactive series VS .NET VS .NET 2003 VS 2005 VS 2008 Rx
  • 61. Q&A