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The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “The Scholars are the Inheritors of the Prophets”
(Sunan At-Tirmidhi Vol. 5 p.2685)
1.What is Al Fitrah Page 2
2. The Natural Instincts of Men and Women Page 2
3. The Instinct of Accepting Monotheism Over Polytheism Page 2
4. The Instinct to Distinguish Between Good and Evil Page 3
5. The Instinct of Waiting to Imitate one’s Parents Page 3
6. The Instinct to Love, Power and Prestige Page 3
7. The Instinct of Being Attracted to the Opposite Sex Page 4
8. The Instinct of Wanting to be Loved Page 4
9. The Instinct of wanting to Imitate One’s Parents Page 4
10. The Instinct to Love Children Page 5
11. The Instinct of Being Inquisitive And Loving Knowledge Page 5
12. The Instinct of Ghairah (Jealously), and having A Sense of Honor Page 5
13. The Instinct of wanting to Defend Oneself Page 6
14. The Instinct of Loving Wealth and Hating Death Page 6
15. The Instinct of Loving Delicious Foods And Drinks Page 7
16. The Instinct of Wanting to Take Revenge Page 7
17. The Instinct of Covering Ones Nakedness Page 7
18. The Instinct of Loving and Hating for The Sake of ALLAH Page 8
19. Islam and Our Natural Instincts Page 8
20. The Shaitaan and Our Natural Instincts Page 8
21. The Kafirs and Natural Instincts Page 9
22. Sahaaba and Natural Instincts Page 9
Abu Huraira said about our beloved Prophet: “On the night Allah’s apostle was taken to
the journey (Al-Isra Wal-Miraaj), two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were
presented to him at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Gabriel said
“Praise be to Allah who guided you to Al-Fitrah (the right path) if you had taken the cup
of wine, your nation would have gone astray.”
(Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg.338)
The Holy Prophet said on another occasion when asked about drinking of milk, he said:
“There is no substance that is effective as food or drink more than milk”.
(Sunan Abi Dawud (English translation) Vol. 3 pg.1055 NO.3721)
Anas reported that some of the companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw) asked his wives
about what he performed in private. Someone among them said, “I will not marry
women, someone else said, “I will not eat meat” another one said, “I will not lie down in
bed”. He the Prophet(saw) Praised Allah and Glorified Him and said: “What has happened
to these people that they say so and so, whereas I observe prayer and I sleep too, I
observe fast and I suspend observing them, I marry women also, and he who turns away
from my Sunnah, he has no relation with me.”
(Sahih al Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg No.1. Sahih-Muslim, English translation Vol 2
pg 703 N0.3236)
The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be
punished with the same piece of iron in the hell fire”.
Narrated by Jundab: The Prophet (saw) said: “A man was inflicted with wounds and he
committed suicide and so Allah said: “My salve has caused death on himself hurriedly so,
I forbid paradise for him”
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) vol.2, pg.251 No.335)
Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Holy Prophet(saw) said: “He who commits suicide by
strangling himself, shall keep on doing so in the hell-fire(forever) and he who commits
suicide by stabbing himself, shall keep on stabbing himself in the hell-fire(forever)”.
(Ibid (Vol.2) pg.252 No.446)
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “No child is born except according to his true and
upright nature (Islam). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian
(Sahih Muslim) (English translation) Vol. 4 pg.1398)
Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib once said to the Prophet (saw), “O Allah’s Apostle! Did you
benefit Abu Talib with anything as he used to defend you fervently, take care of you and
become angry for you?” The Prophet replied: “Yes he is in the most shallow part of the
fire and had it not been for me he would have been in the lowest part of the fire”
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol. 8 pg.147)
Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri reported: “Verily the Messenger of Allah(saw) said, “The least
tormented of the inhabitants of the fire would be he who would wear two shoes of fire
and his brain would boil on account of the heat of the shoes”
(Sahih Muslim(English translation) Vol 1. Pg.139
Ibn Abbas reported the Prophet (saw) said: “Among the inhabitants of the fire Abu Talib
would have the least suffering and he would he wearing two shoes (of fire) which would
boil his brain”
(Ibid pg.139)
Aisha (the Mother of the Believers) said: “O messenger of Allah, the son of Jud’an
established ties of relationship, fed the poor. Would that be any avail to him? He (the
Prophet) said: “It would be of no avail to him as he did not ever say: ‘O my Lord pardons
my sins on the day of Resurrection’ “.
(Ibid Vol.1 pg.139)
The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Be mindful of Allah and HE will protect you (from
Shaitaan). Be mindful of ALLAH and you will find HIM in front of you”
(Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “One who fights under the
banner of a people who are blind to the cause for which they are fighting, (i.e. do not
know whether their cause is just or unjust) who get flared up with Asabya, calls people
to fight for their Asabiya. And supports his kith and kin (i.e. fights not for the cause of
Allah but for the sake of his asabiyya) if he is killed (in this fight) he dies as one
belonging to the days of Jahiliyiah (the pre-Islamic days of ignorance).
(Sahih Muslim (English trans.) Vol. 3 pg.1030
On authority of Abu Huraira who said that the messenger of Allah(saw) said that Allah
Glorified and Exalted be He said: “Pride is My Cloak and Greatness My Robe, and he who
competes with me in respect of either of them I shall cast him into Hell-Fire”
(Sunnan Abu Dawud (English trabs.) vol. 3, pg.1141 No.4079)
The Prophet said: “On the day of Resurrection, Allah will hold the whole earth and hold
the heaven with his right hand and say, ‘I am The King, where are the Kings of the
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) vol.9 pg.355)
The Prophet advised his companions by saying: “He who can afford to marry should
marry, because it will help him refrain from looking at other women, and save his private
parts from committing illegal sexual relation; and he who cannot afford to marry is
advised to fast as fasting will diminish his sexual power”.
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol. 3 pg.71-72 No.129)
Anas reported that some of the companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw) asked his wives
about what he performed in private. Someone among them said, “I will not marry
women, someone else said, “I will not eat meat” another one said, “I will not lie down in
bed”. He the Prophet(saw) Praised Allah and Glorified Him and said: “What has happened
to these people that they say so and so, whereas I observe prayer and I sleep too, I
observe fast and I suspend observing them, I marry women also, and he who turns away
from my Sunnah, he has no relation with me.”
(Sahih al Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg No.1.; Sahih-Muslim, English translation Vol 2
pg 703 N0.3236)
The Prophet(saw) said: “When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says, ‘Verily I
love so and so; you should also love him’, and Gabriel begins to love him. Then
he(Gabriel) makes an announcement in the heaven saying, ‘Allah loves so and so, you
should also love him’, and then the inhabitants of the heavens (the angels) also begin to
love him and then there conferred honour upon him in the earth; and whenever Allah
dislikes a servant of His, HE calls Gabriel and says, ‘I dislike so and so you should also
dislike him’, and then Gabriel also dislikes him and then makes an announcement
amongst the inhabitants of heaven, ‘Verily ALLAH dislike so and so, so you should dislike
him’, and thus they also dislike him. Then he becomes the object of wrath of the earth
(Sahih Muslim (English translation) Vol. 4 pg1385 No.6373)
Narrated by Saeed bin Al-Musaiyyab from his father who said: “when the time of death of
Abu Talib approached, Allah’s Apostle(saw) went to him and found Abu Jahl bin Hisham
and Abdullah bin Abi Umayyia by his side. Allah’s Apostle said to Abu Talib, ‘O uncle! Say:
None has the right to be worshipped except Allah (La
ilaha illAllah), a sentence with which I shall be a witness i.e. intercede for you before
Allah’. Abu Jahl and Abdullah ibn Umaiyya said, ‘O Abu Talib! Are you going to denounce
the religion of your father Abdul Muttalib?’, Allah’s Apostle kept on inviting Abu Talib to
say ‘Laa ilaha illAllah’ (i.e. None has the right to Worshipped except Allah) while they Abu
Jahl and Abdullah kept on repeating their statement till Abu Talib said as his last
statement that he was on the religion of his father Abdul Muttalib and thus he refused to
say ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah’ (La ilaha illAllah).
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol.2 pg.248 No.442
The Prophet said: “Marry women who are loving and affectionate. Woman who are able
to have children because it is by these women that my followers will supersede the
followers of the other prophets in number on the Day of Judgment”
(Sunnan Abu Dawud English trans. Vol.2 pg.545 No.2046)
On the authority of Ma’qil ibn Yasar who said: “a man came to the Prophet(saw) and said,
‘I have found a women of noble rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children.
Should I marry her? He(saw) said:‘No’. He (the man) came to him again but the Prophet
prohibited him. He came to him the third time and the Prophet said: ‘Marry women who
are loving and very fertile, for I shall out number the peoples by you’.
(Ibid Vol.2 pg545)
Ibn Abbas reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Any man who commits the crime
of incest must be put to death and any man who cohabits with an animal both him and
the animal must be put to death”.
(Sunnan Ibn Majah No.2564 also Naylul Awthaar Vol. 7 pg.118)
The Holy Prophet said: Your children at times make you become tight-fisted and
(Musnad Ahmadibn Hanbal vol.4 pg.172)
Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted
knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
(Al-Mujadilah 58:11)
Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of
understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah's Signs and Verses).
(Az-Zumar 39:9)
O assembly of Jinn’s and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the
heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except
with authority (from Allah)! Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn’s
and men) deny?
(Ar-Rahman 55:33-34)
The Sahabi Sa’id ibn Ubada said: “If I saw a man with my wife I would strike him
(behead him) with the blade of my sword”. This news reached Allah’s Messenger (saw)
who then said, “You people are astonished at sa’ad’s Ghayrah (jealousy), by Allah I have
more Ghayrah than he, and ALLAH has more Ghayrah than I, and because of ALLAH’s
Ghayrah HE has made unlawful shameful deeds and sins”.
(Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 9 pg.378 No.512)
The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Allah has a sense of jealousy, Ghayrah, which is provoked
when a believer does something which Allah has prohibited”.
(Sahih al Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 7 pg.111 No.150)
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “I entered Paradise and saw a palace and asked,
‘Whose palace is this?’ They (the angels) replied, ‘This palace belongs to Umar bin Al-
Khattab’. I intended to enter it and nothing stopped me except my knowledge about your
sense of Ghayrah (self-respect) O Umar”. Umar then said, “O Allah’s Messenger, let my
father and mother be sacrificed for you! O Allah’s Prophet! How dare I think of my
Ghayrah (self-respect) being offended by you”!
(Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Bol.7 pg113 No.153)
Narrated Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (Mother of the Believers) who said: “I never felt
such Ghayrah (jealousy) of any of Allah’s Apostle’s wives as I did of Khadijah because
Allah’s Apostle used to remember and praise her abundantly and because it was revealed
to Allah’s Apostle that he should give her (Khadijah) the good tidings of her having a
palace of silver and gold in paradise”.
(Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 7 pg.115 No.156)
‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ ‫سول‬ ‫ر‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫لى‬ ‫ص‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫لم‬ ‫س‬ ‫و‬ :‫عن‬ ،‫ان‬ ‫وب‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ : « ‫شك‬ ‫و‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫األم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫داعى‬ ‫ت‬
‫كم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ك‬ ‫داعى‬ ‫ت‬ ‫لة‬ ‫األك‬ ‫ى‬ ‫إل‬ ‫ھا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ع‬‫ص‬ ‫ق‬ » ‫ومن‬ ‫لة‬ ‫ق‬ ‫حن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئذ؟‬ ‫وم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ :، ‫قال‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ائ‬ ‫ق‬
: « ، ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫تم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ئذ‬ ‫وم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫یر‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ك‬
‫كم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ول‬ ‫ثاء‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ثاء‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ك‬ ،‫یل‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نزعن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ول‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫من‬ ‫صدور‬ ‫م‬ ‫عدوك‬ ‫ة‬ ‫ھاب‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬ ،‫كم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬
‫ن‬ ‫قذف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ول‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫كم‬ ‫لوب‬ ‫ق‬ ‫وھنال‬ » ‫ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫سول‬ ‫ر‬ ، ‫هلل‬ ‫وما‬ ‫وھن؟‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ :، ‫قال‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ائ‬ ‫ق‬ : «
‫حب‬ ،‫یا‬ ‫دن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫یة‬ ‫راھ‬ ‫وك‬ ‫موت‬ ‫ال‬ »
On the authority of Thawban the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “All the people of the
world will soon summon one another to attack you as people gather around a table when
invited to part take of its meal” Someone asked, ‘will that be because of our small
numbers at that time?’ He (the Prophet) replied: “No, you will be numerous at that time
but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take
fear from the breast of your enemies and cast “wahn” into your hearts”. Someone asked
‘What is “wahn” O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied “Love for the world and dislike of
[Sunan Abu Dawud (4/111) No. 4297, Musnad Ahmad (2/359) No. 8698]
The Holy Messenger of Allah said: “On the night of Mi’raj (ascension) when I stood at the
gate of paradise, I observed that the bulk of those who entered it were poor people. The
rich people had been refused entry. Thereafter people condemned to hell were ordered to
be flung there in, and I noticed that the majority of those who entered it were women”.
(Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.6 pg.354 No.373)
On the authority of Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri relates that the Holy Prophet said: “A debate took
place between the Heaven and the Hell. The Hell said, “In me shall enter the tyrant and
arrogant persons” and the Heaven said,” In me shall enter the weak and the poor
people”. Allah decided the issue by saying, “You are Heaven, my mercy through you, I
shall have mercy on whomsoever I please; and you are Hell, a place of punishment,
through you I shall chastise whomsoever I like. It is incumbent upon me to fill both of
(Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Bol.6 pg.354 No.373)
The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Allah’s servant will not be given the privilege of entering
the paradise on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about four things: 1. His life span,
how he passed it, 2. His knowledge for what purposes did he use it, 3. His wealth, how
did he earn it and in what ways did he spend it and 4. His body, for what things did he
exhaust it”.
(At-Tirmidhi No.2417)
The Holy Messenger(saw)said: “Let the slave of Dinar and the Dirham, of Qatifah and
Khamisa (i.e. money and luxurious clothes) perish (in his misery) because he is pleased if
these things are given to him and if not he becomes miserable and frustrated”.
[Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.4 pg.88 No.137]
The Messenger of Allah said: “Anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should not
harm his neighbor, and anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should entertain
his guest generously and anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should say what
is good or keep quite”.
(Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.8 pg.29 No.47)
'A'isha reported that Quraysh were concerned with the case of a Makhzumi woman who
had stolen something and they said, "Who will speak to the Messenger of Allah (SAW)
about her?" They said, "Who is bold enough to do it except Usama ibn Zayd, the beloved
of the Messenger of Allah?" Usama spoke to him and the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,
"How can you intercede when it is a case of one of the legal punishments of Allah
Almighty?" Then he stood up and spoke and said, "Those before you were destroyed
because when a noble among them stole, they let him be, but when the weak among
them stole, they carried out the legal punishment on them. By Allah, if Fatima the
daughter of Muhammad were to steal, I would cut off her hand."
[al-Bukhari (3475) and Muslim (1688)]
On the authority of Abu Matar who said: “I saw Ali Ibn Abi Talib approached by a boy and
they spoke for a short while. Then he bought from the boy a robe costing three dirhams.
Its length was from the wrist to the ankles. He, Ali then wore it and made the following
du’a, ‘All praise is due to Allah who has blessed me with this garment which I used to
beautify myself in front of others and cover my aura (nakedness)’. It was said to
him ‘What you just recite was it from yourself or from the Prophet (saw)’. He, Ali said,
‘This du’a I heard it from the Messenger of Allah when he was putting on his garments’ “.
(At-Tirmidhi Hadith No.3555)
The Holy Prophet said: “Any one who goes to a soothsayer and believes in him, or enters
a woman in the anus has rejected faith in what was revealed to Muhammad”.
(Musnad Ahmad Vol.1 pg.86)
Anas bin Malik (RA) reported: The Prophet (SAW) said, "There are three qualities
whoever has them, will taste the sweetness of Iman (faith): To love Allah and His
Messenger (SAW) more than anyone else; to love a slave (of Allah) only for (the sake of)
Allah; and to abhor returning to infidelity after Allah has saved him from it as
he would abhor to be thrown into the fire (of Hell)." [Al-Bukhari (21) and Muslim (43)]
They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Islam, this Qur'an, and
Prophet Muhammad SAW) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even
though the disbelievers hate (it).
(As-Saff 61:8)
He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of
truth (Islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though
the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah
and in His Messenger Muhammed SAW) hate (it).
(As-Saff 61:9)
On the authority of Abu Huraira (RA) the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "The Last Hour
would not come until there would arise about thirty impostors, liars, and each one of
them would claim that he is a messenger of Allah."
[al-Bukhari (3609) and Muslim (157)]
Narrated By Thawban: The Apostle of Allah (SAW) said: Allah, the Exalted, folded for me
the earth, or he said (the narrator is doubtful): My Lord folded for me the earth, so much
so that I saw its east’s and west’s (i.e. the extremities). The Kingdom of my community
will reach as far as the earth was folded for me. The two treasures, the red and the white,
were bestowed on me. I prayed to my Lord that He may not destroy my community by a
prevailing famine, and not give their control to an enemy who annihilates them en masse
except from among themselves. My Lord said to me: Muhammad, if I make a decision, it
is not withdrawn; and I shall not destroy them by a prevailing famine, and I shall not give
their control to an enemy, except from among themselves, who exterminates them en
masse, even if they are stormed from all sides of the earth; only a section of them will
destroy another section, and a section will captivate another section. I am afraid
about my community of those leaders who will lead astray. When the sword is used
among my people, it will not be withdrawn from them till the Day of Resurrection, and
the Last Hour will not come before the tribes of my people attach themselves to the
polytheists and tribes of my people worship idols. There will be among my people thirty
great liars each of them asserting that he is (Allah's) prophet, whereas I am the Seal of
the Prophets after whom (me) there will be no prophet; and a section of my people will
continue to hold to the truth (will continue to dominate) and will not be injured by those
who oppose them, till Allah's command comes."
[Abu Dawud, Book 30, Hadith #4239]
And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind
and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of
deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone
with their fabrications.
(Tafseer Qurtubi, Vol.7, Page 67) (Al-An'am 6:112)
(And this is in order) that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline
to such (deceit), and that they may remain pleased with it, and that they may commit
what they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.).
(Al-An'am 6:113)
Imran bin Hussein said Allah Apostle (saw) said: “The best of my followers are those
living in my generation (i.e. my contemporaries) and then those who will follow them and
then those who will follow them”
(Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 5 pg.2 No.2)
Miqdad ibn Amr said to the Holy Prophet: “ O Messenger of Allah commands us with what
Allah has ordained because you have our full support wholeheartedly. By Allah we will
never say to you what Bani Israel said to Musa (i.e. you and your lord go and fight while
we site and relax). But instead we say to you; you and your Lord go and fight and we
shall be with you fighting for the cause of Allah. For by the one who has sent you with the
truth if you march towards the highest mountains we shall march with you until we all
reach it”.
(Seerah an-Nabawiyya by Ibn Hisham Vol 1. Pg.614 & Musnad Ahmad Vol.1 pg.390)

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Natural Instincts

  • 1. 1 NATURAL INSTINCTS By SHAIKH ABDULLAH FAISAL EDITED BY ABU HAFIZA The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “The Scholars are the Inheritors of the Prophets” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi Vol. 5 p.2685) 1.What is Al Fitrah Page 2 2. The Natural Instincts of Men and Women Page 2 3. The Instinct of Accepting Monotheism Over Polytheism Page 2 4. The Instinct to Distinguish Between Good and Evil Page 3 5. The Instinct of Waiting to Imitate one’s Parents Page 3 6. The Instinct to Love, Power and Prestige Page 3 7. The Instinct of Being Attracted to the Opposite Sex Page 4 8. The Instinct of Wanting to be Loved Page 4 9. The Instinct of wanting to Imitate One’s Parents Page 4 10. The Instinct to Love Children Page 5 11. The Instinct of Being Inquisitive And Loving Knowledge Page 5 12. The Instinct of Ghairah (Jealously), and having A Sense of Honor Page 5 13. The Instinct of wanting to Defend Oneself Page 6 14. The Instinct of Loving Wealth and Hating Death Page 6 15. The Instinct of Loving Delicious Foods And Drinks Page 7 16. The Instinct of Wanting to Take Revenge Page 7 17. The Instinct of Covering Ones Nakedness Page 7 18. The Instinct of Loving and Hating for The Sake of ALLAH Page 8 19. Islam and Our Natural Instincts Page 8 20. The Shaitaan and Our Natural Instincts Page 8 21. The Kafirs and Natural Instincts Page 9 22. Sahaaba and Natural Instincts Page 9
  • 2. 2 Ch.1: WHAT IS AL-FITRAH? Abu Huraira said about our beloved Prophet: “On the night Allah’s apostle was taken to the journey (Al-Isra Wal-Miraaj), two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were presented to him at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Gabriel said “Praise be to Allah who guided you to Al-Fitrah (the right path) if you had taken the cup of wine, your nation would have gone astray.” (Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg.338) The Holy Prophet said on another occasion when asked about drinking of milk, he said: “There is no substance that is effective as food or drink more than milk”. (Sunan Abi Dawud (English translation) Vol. 3 pg.1055 NO.3721) Anas reported that some of the companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw) asked his wives about what he performed in private. Someone among them said, “I will not marry women, someone else said, “I will not eat meat” another one said, “I will not lie down in bed”. He the Prophet(saw) Praised Allah and Glorified Him and said: “What has happened to these people that they say so and so, whereas I observe prayer and I sleep too, I observe fast and I suspend observing them, I marry women also, and he who turns away from my Sunnah, he has no relation with me.” (Sahih al Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg No.1. Sahih-Muslim, English translation Vol 2 pg 703 N0.3236) Ch.2. THE NATURAL INSTINCTS OF MEN AND WOMEN The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the hell fire”. Narrated by Jundab: The Prophet (saw) said: “A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide and so Allah said: “My salve has caused death on himself hurriedly so, I forbid paradise for him” (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) vol.2, pg.251 No.335) Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Holy Prophet(saw) said: “He who commits suicide by strangling himself, shall keep on doing so in the hell-fire(forever) and he who commits suicide by stabbing himself, shall keep on stabbing himself in the hell-fire(forever)”. (Ibid (Vol.2) pg.252 No.446) Ch.3 THE INSTINCT OF ACCEPTING MONOTHEISM OVER POLYTHEISM Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “No child is born except according to his true and upright nature (Islam). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian (pagan)” (Sahih Muslim) (English translation) Vol. 4 pg.1398) Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib once said to the Prophet (saw), “O Allah’s Apostle! Did you benefit Abu Talib with anything as he used to defend you fervently, take care of you and become angry for you?” The Prophet replied: “Yes he is in the most shallow part of the fire and had it not been for me he would have been in the lowest part of the fire” (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol. 8 pg.147)
  • 3. 3 Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri reported: “Verily the Messenger of Allah(saw) said, “The least tormented of the inhabitants of the fire would be he who would wear two shoes of fire and his brain would boil on account of the heat of the shoes” (Sahih Muslim(English translation) Vol 1. Pg.139 Ibn Abbas reported the Prophet (saw) said: “Among the inhabitants of the fire Abu Talib would have the least suffering and he would he wearing two shoes (of fire) which would boil his brain” (Ibid pg.139) Aisha (the Mother of the Believers) said: “O messenger of Allah, the son of Jud’an established ties of relationship, fed the poor. Would that be any avail to him? He (the Prophet) said: “It would be of no avail to him as he did not ever say: ‘O my Lord pardons my sins on the day of Resurrection’ “. (Ibid Vol.1 pg.139) Ch. 4 THE INSTINCT TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN GOOD & EVIL The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Be mindful of Allah and HE will protect you (from Shaitaan). Be mindful of ALLAH and you will find HIM in front of you” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi) Ch.5 THE INSTINCT TO LOVE ONE’S COUNTRY Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “One who fights under the banner of a people who are blind to the cause for which they are fighting, (i.e. do not know whether their cause is just or unjust) who get flared up with Asabya, calls people to fight for their Asabiya. And supports his kith and kin (i.e. fights not for the cause of Allah but for the sake of his asabiyya) if he is killed (in this fight) he dies as one belonging to the days of Jahiliyiah (the pre-Islamic days of ignorance). (Sahih Muslim (English trans.) Vol. 3 pg.1030 Ch.6 THE INSTINCT TO LOVE HONOUR, POWER AND PRESTIGE On authority of Abu Huraira who said that the messenger of Allah(saw) said that Allah Glorified and Exalted be He said: “Pride is My Cloak and Greatness My Robe, and he who competes with me in respect of either of them I shall cast him into Hell-Fire” (Sunnan Abu Dawud (English trabs.) vol. 3, pg.1141 No.4079) The Prophet said: “On the day of Resurrection, Allah will hold the whole earth and hold the heaven with his right hand and say, ‘I am The King, where are the Kings of the earth?” (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) vol.9 pg.355)
  • 4. 4 Ch.7 THE INSTINCT OF BEING ATTRACTED TO THE OPPOSITE SEX The Prophet advised his companions by saying: “He who can afford to marry should marry, because it will help him refrain from looking at other women, and save his private parts from committing illegal sexual relation; and he who cannot afford to marry is advised to fast as fasting will diminish his sexual power”. (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol. 3 pg.71-72 No.129) Anas reported that some of the companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw) asked his wives about what he performed in private. Someone among them said, “I will not marry women, someone else said, “I will not eat meat” another one said, “I will not lie down in bed”. He the Prophet(saw) Praised Allah and Glorified Him and said: “What has happened to these people that they say so and so, whereas I observe prayer and I sleep too, I observe fast and I suspend observing them, I marry women also, and he who turns away from my Sunnah, he has no relation with me.” (Sahih al Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol.7 pg No.1.; Sahih-Muslim, English translation Vol 2 pg 703 N0.3236) Ch.8 THE INSTINCT OF WANTING TO BE LOVED The Prophet(saw) said: “When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says, ‘Verily I love so and so; you should also love him’, and Gabriel begins to love him. Then he(Gabriel) makes an announcement in the heaven saying, ‘Allah loves so and so, you should also love him’, and then the inhabitants of the heavens (the angels) also begin to love him and then there conferred honour upon him in the earth; and whenever Allah dislikes a servant of His, HE calls Gabriel and says, ‘I dislike so and so you should also dislike him’, and then Gabriel also dislikes him and then makes an announcement amongst the inhabitants of heaven, ‘Verily ALLAH dislike so and so, so you should dislike him’, and thus they also dislike him. Then he becomes the object of wrath of the earth also”. (Sahih Muslim (English translation) Vol. 4 pg1385 No.6373) Ch.9 THE INSTINCT OF WANTING TO IMITATE ONE’S PARENTS Narrated by Saeed bin Al-Musaiyyab from his father who said: “when the time of death of Abu Talib approached, Allah’s Apostle(saw) went to him and found Abu Jahl bin Hisham and Abdullah bin Abi Umayyia by his side. Allah’s Apostle said to Abu Talib, ‘O uncle! Say: None has the right to be worshipped except Allah (La ilaha illAllah), a sentence with which I shall be a witness i.e. intercede for you before Allah’. Abu Jahl and Abdullah ibn Umaiyya said, ‘O Abu Talib! Are you going to denounce the religion of your father Abdul Muttalib?’, Allah’s Apostle kept on inviting Abu Talib to say ‘Laa ilaha illAllah’ (i.e. None has the right to Worshipped except Allah) while they Abu Jahl and Abdullah kept on repeating their statement till Abu Talib said as his last statement that he was on the religion of his father Abdul Muttalib and thus he refused to say ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah’ (La ilaha illAllah). (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Vol.2 pg.248 No.442
  • 5. 5 Ch.10 THE INSTINCT TO LOVE CHILDREN The Prophet said: “Marry women who are loving and affectionate. Woman who are able to have children because it is by these women that my followers will supersede the followers of the other prophets in number on the Day of Judgment” (Sunnan Abu Dawud English trans. Vol.2 pg.545 No.2046) On the authority of Ma’qil ibn Yasar who said: “a man came to the Prophet(saw) and said, ‘I have found a women of noble rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He(saw) said:‘No’. He (the man) came to him again but the Prophet prohibited him. He came to him the third time and the Prophet said: ‘Marry women who are loving and very fertile, for I shall out number the peoples by you’. (Ibid Vol.2 pg545) Ibn Abbas reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Any man who commits the crime of incest must be put to death and any man who cohabits with an animal both him and the animal must be put to death”. (Sunnan Ibn Majah No.2564 also Naylul Awthaar Vol. 7 pg.118) The Holy Prophet said: Your children at times make you become tight-fisted and cowards”. (Musnad Ahmadibn Hanbal vol.4 pg.172) Ch.11 THE INSTINCT OF BEING INQUISITIVE AND LOVING KNOWLEDGE Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do. (Al-Mujadilah 58:11) Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah's Signs and Verses). (Az-Zumar 39:9) O assembly of Jinn’s and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)! Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn’s and men) deny? (Ar-Rahman 55:33-34) Ch.12 THE INSTINCT OF GHAIRAH AND HAVING A SENSE OF HONOUR, SELF RESPECTS The Sahabi Sa’id ibn Ubada said: “If I saw a man with my wife I would strike him (behead him) with the blade of my sword”. This news reached Allah’s Messenger (saw) who then said, “You people are astonished at sa’ad’s Ghayrah (jealousy), by Allah I have more Ghayrah than he, and ALLAH has more Ghayrah than I, and because of ALLAH’s Ghayrah HE has made unlawful shameful deeds and sins”. (Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 9 pg.378 No.512)
  • 6. 6 The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “Allah has a sense of jealousy, Ghayrah, which is provoked when a believer does something which Allah has prohibited”. (Sahih al Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 7 pg.111 No.150) The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “I entered Paradise and saw a palace and asked, ‘Whose palace is this?’ They (the angels) replied, ‘This palace belongs to Umar bin Al- Khattab’. I intended to enter it and nothing stopped me except my knowledge about your sense of Ghayrah (self-respect) O Umar”. Umar then said, “O Allah’s Messenger, let my father and mother be sacrificed for you! O Allah’s Prophet! How dare I think of my Ghayrah (self-respect) being offended by you”! (Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Bol.7 pg113 No.153) Narrated Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (Mother of the Believers) who said: “I never felt such Ghayrah (jealousy) of any of Allah’s Apostle’s wives as I did of Khadijah because Allah’s Apostle used to remember and praise her abundantly and because it was revealed to Allah’s Apostle that he should give her (Khadijah) the good tidings of her having a palace of silver and gold in paradise”. (Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 7 pg.115 No.156) Ch.13 THE INSTINCT OF WANTING TO DEFEND ONESELF ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ ‫سول‬ ‫ر‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫لى‬ ‫ص‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫لم‬ ‫س‬ ‫و‬ :‫عن‬ ،‫ان‬ ‫وب‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ : « ‫شك‬ ‫و‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫األم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫داعى‬ ‫ت‬ ‫كم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ك‬ ‫داعى‬ ‫ت‬ ‫لة‬ ‫األك‬ ‫ى‬ ‫إل‬ ‫ھا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ع‬‫ص‬ ‫ق‬ » ‫ومن‬ ‫لة‬ ‫ق‬ ‫حن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئذ؟‬ ‫وم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ :، ‫قال‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ائ‬ ‫ق‬ : « ، ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫تم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ئذ‬ ‫وم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫یر‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ك‬ ‫كم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ول‬ ‫ثاء‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ثاء‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ك‬ ،‫یل‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫نزعن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ول‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫من‬ ‫صدور‬ ‫م‬ ‫عدوك‬ ‫ة‬ ‫ھاب‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬ ،‫كم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫قذف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ول‬ ‫هلل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫كم‬ ‫لوب‬ ‫ق‬ ‫وھنال‬ » ‫ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫سول‬ ‫ر‬ ، ‫هلل‬ ‫وما‬ ‫وھن؟‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ :، ‫قال‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ائ‬ ‫ق‬ : « ‫حب‬ ،‫یا‬ ‫دن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫یة‬ ‫راھ‬ ‫وك‬ ‫موت‬ ‫ال‬ » On the authority of Thawban the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “All the people of the world will soon summon one another to attack you as people gather around a table when invited to part take of its meal” Someone asked, ‘will that be because of our small numbers at that time?’ He (the Prophet) replied: “No, you will be numerous at that time but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear from the breast of your enemies and cast “wahn” into your hearts”. Someone asked ‘What is “wahn” O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied “Love for the world and dislike of death.” [Sunan Abu Dawud (4/111) No. 4297, Musnad Ahmad (2/359) No. 8698] Ch.14 THE INSTINCTS OF LOVING WEALTH AND FEARIING POVERTY The Holy Messenger of Allah said: “On the night of Mi’raj (ascension) when I stood at the gate of paradise, I observed that the bulk of those who entered it were poor people. The rich people had been refused entry. Thereafter people condemned to hell were ordered to be flung there in, and I noticed that the majority of those who entered it were women”. (Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.6 pg.354 No.373) On the authority of Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri relates that the Holy Prophet said: “A debate took place between the Heaven and the Hell. The Hell said, “In me shall enter the tyrant and arrogant persons” and the Heaven said,” In me shall enter the weak and the poor people”. Allah decided the issue by saying, “You are Heaven, my mercy through you, I shall have mercy on whomsoever I please; and you are Hell, a place of punishment,
  • 7. 7 through you I shall chastise whomsoever I like. It is incumbent upon me to fill both of you”. (Sahih Bukhari(Arabic/English) Bol.6 pg.354 No.373) The Holy Prophet (saw) said: “Allah’s servant will not be given the privilege of entering the paradise on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about four things: 1. His life span, how he passed it, 2. His knowledge for what purposes did he use it, 3. His wealth, how did he earn it and in what ways did he spend it and 4. His body, for what things did he exhaust it”. (At-Tirmidhi No.2417) The Holy Messenger(saw)said: “Let the slave of Dinar and the Dirham, of Qatifah and Khamisa (i.e. money and luxurious clothes) perish (in his misery) because he is pleased if these things are given to him and if not he becomes miserable and frustrated”. [Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.4 pg.88 No.137] Ch.15 THE INSTINCTS OF LOVING DELICIOUS FOODS AND DRINKS The Messenger of Allah said: “Anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should not harm his neighbor, and anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should entertain his guest generously and anybody who believes in Allah and the last day should say what is good or keep quite”. (Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol.8 pg.29 No.47) Ch.16 THE INSTINCTS OF WANTING TO TAKE REVENGE 'A'isha reported that Quraysh were concerned with the case of a Makhzumi woman who had stolen something and they said, "Who will speak to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) about her?" They said, "Who is bold enough to do it except Usama ibn Zayd, the beloved of the Messenger of Allah?" Usama spoke to him and the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "How can you intercede when it is a case of one of the legal punishments of Allah Almighty?" Then he stood up and spoke and said, "Those before you were destroyed because when a noble among them stole, they let him be, but when the weak among them stole, they carried out the legal punishment on them. By Allah, if Fatima the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, I would cut off her hand." [al-Bukhari (3475) and Muslim (1688)] Ch.17 THE INSTINCTS OF COVERING ONES NAKENESS On the authority of Abu Matar who said: “I saw Ali Ibn Abi Talib approached by a boy and they spoke for a short while. Then he bought from the boy a robe costing three dirhams. Its length was from the wrist to the ankles. He, Ali then wore it and made the following du’a, ‘All praise is due to Allah who has blessed me with this garment which I used to beautify myself in front of others and cover my aura (nakedness)’. It was said to him ‘What you just recite was it from yourself or from the Prophet (saw)’. He, Ali said, ‘This du’a I heard it from the Messenger of Allah when he was putting on his garments’ “. (At-Tirmidhi Hadith No.3555)
  • 8. 8 The Holy Prophet said: “Any one who goes to a soothsayer and believes in him, or enters a woman in the anus has rejected faith in what was revealed to Muhammad”. (Musnad Ahmad Vol.1 pg.86) Ch.18 THE INSTINCT OF LOVING AND HATING FOR THE SAKE ALLAH / 3 QUALITIES / 3 CHARACTERISTICS Anas bin Malik (RA) reported: The Prophet (SAW) said, "There are three qualities whoever has them, will taste the sweetness of Iman (faith): To love Allah and His Messenger (SAW) more than anyone else; to love a slave (of Allah) only for (the sake of) Allah; and to abhor returning to infidelity after Allah has saved him from it as he would abhor to be thrown into the fire (of Hell)." [Al-Bukhari (21) and Muslim (43)] Ch.19 ISLAM AND OUR NATURAL INSTINCTS They intend to put out the Light of Allah (i.e. the religion of Islam, this Qur'an, and Prophet Muhammad SAW) with their mouths. But Allah will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it). (As-Saff 61:8) He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammed SAW) hate (it). (As-Saff 61:9) Ch.20 THE SHAITAAN AND OUR NATURAL INSTINCTS 30 LIARS / 30 DAJJAL On the authority of Abu Huraira (RA) the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "The Last Hour would not come until there would arise about thirty impostors, liars, and each one of them would claim that he is a messenger of Allah." [al-Bukhari (3609) and Muslim (157)] Narrated By Thawban: The Apostle of Allah (SAW) said: Allah, the Exalted, folded for me the earth, or he said (the narrator is doubtful): My Lord folded for me the earth, so much so that I saw its east’s and west’s (i.e. the extremities). The Kingdom of my community will reach as far as the earth was folded for me. The two treasures, the red and the white, were bestowed on me. I prayed to my Lord that He may not destroy my community by a prevailing famine, and not give their control to an enemy who annihilates them en masse except from among themselves. My Lord said to me: Muhammad, if I make a decision, it is not withdrawn; and I shall not destroy them by a prevailing famine, and I shall not give their control to an enemy, except from among themselves, who exterminates them en masse, even if they are stormed from all sides of the earth; only a section of them will destroy another section, and a section will captivate another section. I am afraid about my community of those leaders who will lead astray. When the sword is used among my people, it will not be withdrawn from them till the Day of Resurrection, and the Last Hour will not come before the tribes of my people attach themselves to the polytheists and tribes of my people worship idols. There will be among my people thirty great liars each of them asserting that he is (Allah's) prophet, whereas I am the Seal of the Prophets after whom (me) there will be no prophet; and a section of my people will
  • 9. 9 continue to hold to the truth (will continue to dominate) and will not be injured by those who oppose them, till Allah's command comes." [Abu Dawud, Book 30, Hadith #4239] CH.21 THE KAFIRS AND NATURAL INSTINCTS And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications. (Tafseer Qurtubi, Vol.7, Page 67) (Al-An'am 6:112) (And this is in order) that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to such (deceit), and that they may remain pleased with it, and that they may commit what they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds, etc.). (Al-An'am 6:113) Ch.22 The SAHAABA AND NATURAL INSTINCTS Imran bin Hussein said Allah Apostle (saw) said: “The best of my followers are those living in my generation (i.e. my contemporaries) and then those who will follow them and then those who will follow them” (Sahih Bukhari (Arabic/English) Vol. 5 pg.2 No.2) Miqdad ibn Amr said to the Holy Prophet: “ O Messenger of Allah commands us with what Allah has ordained because you have our full support wholeheartedly. By Allah we will never say to you what Bani Israel said to Musa (i.e. you and your lord go and fight while we site and relax). But instead we say to you; you and your Lord go and fight and we shall be with you fighting for the cause of Allah. For by the one who has sent you with the truth if you march towards the highest mountains we shall march with you until we all reach it”. (Seerah an-Nabawiyya by Ibn Hisham Vol 1. Pg.614 & Musnad Ahmad Vol.1 pg.390)