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“विश्िं पुष्टं ग्रामे अस्ममन्
अनातुरम ्”
-Vishwam Pushtam Grame
Asmin Anaturam-
1st verse - Rudrashukta
A Solution Based on
Diverse Agro- Ecological (DAE)
खेती पंचमहाभूतों की उपासनाहै |
उपासना से उत्पन्न होती फसल प्रसाद बन जाती है, और प्रसाद बााँटा जाता है, बेचा नही |जब ककसान
उपासक बन जाएगा, फसल प्रसाद बन जाएगी| उपभोगता भक्त बन जाएगा, कफर ककसान का घर
मिर्ण मंददर बन जाएगा और नाआपघात होगा ना ग़रीबी और हमारा ये कृ षी प्रधान देश कफर सोने की
चचड़िया बन जाएगा |
Farming is worship of Five elements (Earth, Ether, Air, Water & Fire).
The crop produced by worship becomes a prasad (offering), and prasad is distributed, not
sold. When the farmer becomes a worshiper, the crop will become a prasad. Consumers
will become devotees, then the house of the farmer will become a golden temple and their
will neither be any accident nor the poverty and our India will become again a golden bird.
A destruction model- ‘Mostly Out of Focus’
The Farmer is the only man in our economy:-
Who buys everything at Retail…
Sells everything at Wholesale…
And pays the freight Both ways…
Changing dynamics of IndianAgriculture
Agriculture is the largest unorganised sector in India, with 57 per cent of India's total population and 73 per cent of
India's total employment.
There are around 55 crore farmers in India (NSSO-2009).
Hardly 5-10% farmers are Progressive, Educated, Self-Moving and
innovative. (But sadly, most of them are only just ‘Political Farmer’too).
>40% Rural Youth is out of Farming. Who is going to do thisjob???
Real bottleneck is rest of 90-95%....!!!
Farmers don’t have any vibrant model to organize themselves and link with the market.
o RichBio Diversity
o Arable Land
o Climate
o Fragmented Lands
o Illiteracy
o Lackof TechnologicalInputs
o Poor Infrastructure
• Unsustainable resource use
• Unsustainable regional
o RichBio Diversity :- Approx (46,000plant speciesand86,000 speciesof animalsrecorded)
o ArableLand:-428million acrescultivable land.
o Climate:-Favorableall yeararound (UnlikeUSA,EuropeandChinawhere farming ispossibleonly 5to 6months ayear).
o Fragmentationoflands:-Divisionoflandsthroughgenerations lowersprofitmarginsforfarmers.
o Illiteracy:-Impotentseeds,approachtomoneylendersthan tobanksforloans.
o LackofAgriculturalknowledge:-Traditionalandmonoculturefarmingstillprevailing.
o PoorInfrastructure:-Unavailabilityofmodernfacilitiestosome farmers.
o AgricultureAsa Service/profession(AaaS):- DevelopingofAaaS Modelfortheencouragementandgrowthofagriculturalsector.
o AgroBasedIndustries:-Marketplace&Machineriesfor Agriculture,
o SustainableFarming:-Awarenessandencouragementofsustainablefarmingpracticestogetbetteryieldinlessinvestment.
o Unsustainable resource use-Landsgifted with fertility not utilized amplyduetoFarm Labor failure system. Dependency on
Electricity, fossilfuel andBorewall water whichisdepilating atalarming rate.
o Unsustainable regional development- Regions closeto developed citiesare only focused fordevelopment.
Sustainable Way Of Farming
Permanent, Long-lasting Farming
Sustainable Farming
• To Resolve the Crisis in the Climate, Health / Nutrition & Food Security
• Synergize and create Harmony in Relationship between Man & Nature And Nurture harmonious relationship
with Sunlight, Microbes, Soil, other Ecosystem Services like Insects Pollinating etc.
• Restore and rejuvenate the soil nutrition which indirectly support ecosystem.
• Multi crop and bio diversity is the fundamental for Sustainable farming.
• Its totally self dependent. From seeds to marketing and even selling is self dependent.
• Long lasting, Permanent and sustainable practices requires very less labors.
• Bio diversity cycle makes one waste into others food and require nothing from outside which makes our farm
into self dependent and generates constant income.
1914 1992
Calcium 248.00 mg 47.00 mg
Magnesium 66.00 mg 15.00 mg
Iron 1.50 mg 0.59 mg
Calcium 265.50 mg 19.00 mg
Magnesium 112.00 mg 9.00 mg
Iron 94.00 mg 10.50 mg
Calcium 227.30 mg 99.00 mg
Magnesium 122.00 mg 79.00 mg
Iron 64.00 mg 2.70 mg
Types of Sustainable Farming
NatuEco farming is combination of all these farming methods and they are
interlinked to each other and their sole goal to maintain harmonious ecological
cycle without using any destructive/harmful/synthetic chemical.
1. Permaculture :-A design science created, maintained in Harmony with Nature.
2. Organic Farming:- non-synthetic way of sustainable farming.
3. Biodynamics :- Its is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming,
gardening, food, and nutrition
4. Agro-ecological System:- Using ecological principle in farming.
5. Low-input Farming :- Referred to purchasing few off-farm inputs (usually
fertilizers and pesticides), while increasing on-farm inputs (i.e. manures, cover
crops, and especially management).
Permanent agriculture / permanent culture
• Permaculture: The conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive
ecosystems to create the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems.
Permaculture seeks the harmonious integration of landscape and people
providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and nonmaterial needs in
a sustainable way.
• Bill Mollison and David Holmgren launched permaculture around 1974
Reaction to conventional agriculture:- which brought many problems in Australia;
droughts, eutrofication, wind erosion and loss of fertile topsoil
• By observing the woods in Tasmania, ecological principals were uncovered that
formed the basics for permaculture
• Build ecosystems that integrate humans into their surroundings again.
Permaculture Design = Regenerative Design
Ethics of Permaculture
•Earth Care :- The Earth is a living, breathing entity. Without ongoing care and
nurturing there will be consequences too big to ignore.
•People Care:- If people’s needs are met in compassionate and simple ways, the
environment surrounding them will prosper
•Resource Share :- The output of a system in permaculture should be consumed
and shared with people/community in a fair way
Developed in 1980’s, over 1,000,000 people certified,
active in 140+ Countries, more than 4,000 projects on
the ground
Permaculture Principles
Permaculture Zoning
(Nature Friendly Eco-Service)
A way of Farming to meet human
needs and to Enhance Agro – Ecology.
‘Move from Encroachment &
Encashment to
• Enrichment & Enhancement’
NATUECO Science –
Overcoming the Crisis & More…
•Increasing farm produce
•Balanced Nutrition
•Food Security & Fulfilment of Family Needs First
•Holistic approach towards cow
•Local seeds security
•Manure self sufficiency from farm it self
Natueco Solution in Global Crisis
Prayog Pariwar & Natueco Science
• Evolved by Scientist Late Shri Sripad Dabholkar (1924 – 2001)
• Father of Maharashtra’s Grape Revolution in ‘60’s
• Author of ‘Plenty for All’ which explains Natueco Science and
Prayog Parivar Methodology.
• Natueco is about living a rich life with ease, grace and dignity.
• Natueco promises “Plenty for All” through Resource Literacy.
• Vishwam Pushtam Grame Asmin Anaturam
Observe, understand, honour & fulfil:
• Nature Friendly conditions
• Plant friendly conditions to fulfill Human friendly
needs from within neighborhood resources
Approach of Natueco
• Harvest Daily Solar Energy
• Canopy Management
• Effective Root development
• Fertile Living Soil
• Moisture Retention Capacity of the Soil and Creating
Micro Climate
5 Pillars of Natueco
• Balanced Resource network leads to
primary productivity.
• Enriches and enhances Ecosystem symbiotically
and in turn helps human beings to prosper.
• Maximizes recycling of farm residues and minimizes
use of water.
Balanced networking of
• Our philosophy ‘Vasudev Kutumbakam is possible
only with Biodiversity giving strength to maintain
Joint-Family Culture.
• Based on Science of Co-existence : Creating Biodiversity,
results in self balancing system with no need for
pesticides, not even organic.
• Reduces field temperature by 7 degree by micro-climate
control through multi-tier canopy and live fencing.
Goal of Natueco Science
‘No Wasteland and Waste-mind anywhere on this Earth’
Through Resource Literacy Mission
Networking of Local Neighborhood Resources with best
of latest scientific knowledge, demystified and in local
idioms, as open source.
Move towards truly a Natural Resource Conscious
demonetised society, using “Energy Exchange Metric”
Raise the knowledge level and esteem of farmers,
higher than other respected professions.
To empower farmers to produce & provide nutritionally
holistic balanced diet at appropriate value to the society.
Natueco Farming & P. P. Knowledge Networks make this
possible through peer venture networks.
Provides nutritional, sustenance security while offering
entrepreneurship for sustainable growth.
Demystification of Science - Plant Physiology
• New insights in plant physiology
will increase every successive
produce and obtain higher yields
than previous harvest
• By proper pruning you can manage
higher yield
• Keeping proper distance you can
reduce quantity of seeds and get higher
• 2 Kg seeds will give 30 quintal yield of
• Just 30 Kg seeds @ distance 9' X 6' will
get 100 tons Sugarcane with 17% of
Natueco’s Chemistry with Plants
• By knowing plant
chemistry farmers will
shift to Agro-Ecological
• Multi-tier farming as farming
will become net working
of Sunlight instead of farming
from the land.
• Will increase nutritional value
of the produce leading
to food security as less
quantity will be needed to
feed the world.
Precision of Natueco Science
• Methods to develop keen observation, critical experiments to
achieve Assured, Calculated and Record yields and productivity
in all types of crops.
• When shifting from chemical to Natueco farming, the very first
produce is chemical free with higher production!
• Increased nutritional levels in food
• To Increase the density
• To increase canopy
• To increase diameter
• To increase weight
• To increase the
Natueco Method of Pruning
Four Agriculturally beneficial micro-organisms :
1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
2. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria
3. Disease-producing-fungus destroying bacteria
4. Agri-waste decomposing bacteria
Amrut Mitti is a soil prepared from biomass, Amrut Jal and earth (soil). It is a soil that
contains all the essential
elements that are needed by a plant for its growth and development.
It consists of 50 % of biomass and 50 % of activated mineral top soil.
Timeline: It takes about 110-150 days to prepare Amrut Mitti
Area required: 12 ft X 5 ft
Amrut Mitti - heaps
in the Farm
AMRIT MITTI helps to maintain Plant Biology-
Harmonic Co-existence
• Amrut Mitti takes care of microbes and develop Humus in the soil leading to increased water
holding capacity.
• Leading to disease less crops and more nutrition.
• Surplus water will be available for drinking or more land can be cultivated.
• Will increase the vital energy in the plant, producing vital food for Human beings and no
diseases to any one.
• With more nutritional value in the food, the consumption will reduce, thereby solving the
problem of food scarcity.
• Farming is a Conscious Science Leading Humanity In the direction of inclusive Spiritual
A solution of Water, Jaggery, cow dung and cow urine
contains crores of diverse hermetic microorganisms.
The chemical elements present in Amrut Jal make
the soil fertile and help the micro-organisms to
increase the chemical and physical properties of the
Lab Results
• Highest : Organic Carbon 8.4% (ICAR)
• Highest : Microbial Culture 1 Million/gm (ICRISAT)
• Highest : Protein, Calcium, Iron Vitamin C &
mainly Vitamin B12 in every farm produce.
• Highest Water Holding Capacity of the Soil.
• Highest shelf life of fruits/ vegetables.
• Increased taste and flavor /smell.
Comparative Nutritional Values
Moringa Leaves Results
Sr.No. Parameter Unit Method
KrushiTeerth NIN USDA
Protein g/100g IS7219: 1973, Reaffirmed2010 12.4 7 9.4
*Potassium(asK) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.956.01,Ch-3,Page
4151 260
*Phosphorus(asP) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.986.24,Ch-50,Page
12215 70
Calcium(asCa) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.944.03,Ch-32,Page
544 440
Manganese(asMn) mg/100g AOAC,19thEd.,2012, Method no.984.27, Ch-50,Page
Iron (asFe) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.984.27,Ch-50,Page
24.2 0.85
Sodium(asNa) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no956.01 92 8.1 9
Vitamin B12 mg/100g WI/SAP-HPLC/5/6 1 0
Vitamin C(Ascorbic
mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.985.33,Ch-50,Page
293 220
BottleGourd Results
No. Parameter Unit Method
Protein g/100g IS7219: 1973, Reaffirmed2010 7.81 1.44 NA NA
l s
Potassium(asK) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.956.01,Ch-3,
Page no.13
166 NA 87
*Magnesium(asMg) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.984.27,Ch-
50,Page no.17
12 NA NA
Calcium(asCa) mg/100g AOAC,18th Ed.,2005,Rev.3,2010,
Method no.984.27
15 11.6 NA
Phosphorus(asP) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.986.24,Ch-
50,Page no.13
32 NA 10
Iron (asFe) mg/100g AOAC,18th Ed.,2005,Rev.3,2010,
Method no.984.27
i. Vitami
n s
VitaminB12 mg/100g WI/SAP-HPLC/5/6 3 BDL* NA 0
Vitamin C(Ascorbic
mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.985.33,Ch-50,
293 NA 220
Comparative Nutritional Values
Macronutrient content in Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and farm soil of Bajwada, MP
Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP
Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP
Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP
“Some samples of this compost had up to 100
million plant-growth promoting bacteria
(Siderophore producers) in every gram of the
compost - highest ever measured in any compost
in our lab.”
- Late Dr. O. P. Rupela
Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT, Patancheru, 502324
Crop yield by Natueco Farming
“The method is worth exploring further and
seems to have surprises for we scientists (plant
pathologists, entomologists, soil fertility experts,
agronomists, soil physics, crop physiologists,
environmental economists, and ---?).”
- Late Dr. O. P. Rupela
Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT,
Patancheru, 502324
“I strongly recommend agricultural scientists and
policy makers to visit your farm to believe the
indicated level or productivity that has all potential
of feeding families of small-holder farmers owning
about 1 acre area and having access to 1,000 liter
water per day per 10 guntha.”
- Late Dr. O. P. Rupela
Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT,
Patancheru, 502324
“I believe that if promoted strategically your
technology can potentially feed not only poor of
this country but of most developing countries.”
- Late Dr. O. P. Rupela
Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT,
Patancheru, 502324
“The solution is to enrich our soils with organic
carbon and all the nutrients by practising Natueco-
farming and is possible to increase the food
production with no
dependency on synthetic fertilizers.”
S. K. Naik
Sr. Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR-RCER, RC, Plandu
• The Industrial Agriculture model, based on consumerism, where growth
is GDP statistics, is not making farmers healthy, wealthy or happy.
• Time to consider alternative growth criteria like GNH ?
Gross National Happiness ? (like Bhutan)
• Natueco alternative fulfils GNH, where farming is a way
of life.
A life of happiness based on 5 L’s.
Living, Livelihood, Learning, Laughter & Love
at same place, same time, for ever for every one.
3 Initiatives to make Happy Farmers :
• 1 Guntha : Nutrition Security for Woman & Child
Ganga Maa Mandal in every village home, using wastewater
• 10 Guntha : Sustenance for basic needs of family Home garden
• 100 Guntha ( 1 Hectare ) : Livelihood & Resource Rich Farmer
Market Garden
• Terrace Farming, Urban Farms, Small & Marginal Land and Large
Land Holders.
NatuEco Replicable Model-in all types of soil
OR 1/4TH
Main Road Main Road Main Road
Eco Tourism Cottages
Tank Free
Cow & Fodder Shed
Free Space
Vision to Manifestation
•Double the production with increased nutritional
•In this system each one can be Healthy,
Prosperous and can become a person having
Inner Journey
•This can only come from being one with nature
•Nature Eco-friendly Science leads us to
Co - existence, Spirituality Enlightenment
Natueco can manifest the vision of our sages
“Viswam Pushtam Grame Asmin Anaturam”
Let all the abundance and fulfilment of the universe be in
our habitats.
To put agriculture back to the place that it rightly
belongs – As our culture.
Reinstate the farmer to his noble role as a mediator
between Nature & Human system, worthy of highest
respect for the only non-exploiting vocation.
Farmers successfully practicing Natueco method
Rameshbhai Bhalodia – 250 Acres area, Morbi, Rajkot, Gujarat Contact: 9824409643
Neetu Patel – 8000 Acres area through Stayam NGO at Rajkot, Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Ghogha,
Jasdan , Surendranagar, Morbi, Gujarat
Contact: 9825765619
Shyambhai - Approx 10 Acre Rajkot, Gujarat Contact: 9879500939 Prashant - 20 Acres area at
Porbandar, Gujarat Contact: 9408728949 Nagesh Swami - Satara Maharashtra Contact:
Suresh Desai – 6 Acres area at Bedkihal, Belgaon, Karnataka Contact: 9480448256 Priti Patil - Terrace
Farming at Mumbai Contact: 9819197071
….to count a few
Support- through
Adopt, Research & Promote 3 Tier models of 1G,
10G and 100G farming :
• Farmers grow for ‘Own needs’ of ‘Nutrition First’ –
1Guntha (1000 sq.ft.)
• ‘Food First’ – 10G ( 10,000 sq.ft.) Homestead for
family, then
• ‘Market Gardens’ of 100G (1 hectare) for progressive
needs from High Value crops & Energy crops
24/7 Direct Network access to final consumers
Outsourcing cash to cash cycles to take over risks and
responsibilities other than farm to professional agencies to
create linkages for Market Gardens.
Value addition & insurance of farm produce through Food
Processing Clusters with Solar powered drying,
dehydration, steam processing, distillation, cold storage
at village level.
• to obtain Assured, Calculated, Record yields in all crops
• Can make Agriculture most coveted, Smart vocation/Start-up
for Rural Youth to stop migration to cities.
• Natueco makes Small is beautiful, bountiful ! More viable than
centralised, input intensive farms.
• Precision Agriculture tools for Real time Diagnostics &
Monitoring with Natueco successful Field Practices in
Local Resource constraints
• to obtain Assured, Calculated, Record yields in all crops
• Can make Agriculture most coveted, Smart vocation/Start-up
for Rural Youth to stop migration to cities.
• Natueco makes Small is beautiful, bountiful ! More viable than
centralised, input intensive farms.
• Precision Agriculture tools for Real time Diagnostics &
Monitoring with Natueco successful Field Practices in Local
Resource constraints
• Promote Small, Intensive, Decentralized, low impact, highly
productive diverse, cultivation of small parcels of land.
• Initiate Re-search on using ‘Energy Equivalent Costs & Metric’
for accounting whole life cycle costs of farming, for true de-
monetisation and revaluation of Nature’s Resources
• Facilitate training of Natueco approach & methodology for
‘Regenerative Self-Organizing Soil Infrastructure’
• Support Master trainers for Natueco training programmes
Government Support to Farmers – Financial
1.Provide Access to Land for 1G, 10G, 100G modules
2.Access to assured minimum water of 1000 mtrs/cu daily
3.Daily wage support for 150 days for soil building + 150 days first crop cycle.
4. Food processing cluster for every village
5.Minimum Price Support MSP in case of crop failure proportionate to Whole Plant Biomass Production
as reward for Ecosystem Services in enriching soil, preventing pollution
6.Launch National Living Soil Mission program to include everyone in this core agricultural infrastructure
project, to enrich soil profile of India permanently. Like National highways program of 30kms./day, commit
to create Living Soil Target 1 Cu ft/day with financial incentives per cu.ft
7.Creation of Land Banks through CSR, Trusts and Corporations can adopt vast barren lands and
convert into fertile living soil in 150 days and return the enhanced land to farmers or forests ushering
Evergreen revolution.
Government Support to Farmers through Infra
& Finance
1. Create incentives to become resource literate empowered farmers who can harness directly free
resources available from nature namely sun, water, air, to create abundance with knowledge inputs.
2. Knowledge can set free and empower them to move from subsidies to be autonomous farmers
3. Healthy, wealthy, and happy farmers and Wise villages
•Provide pond, fencing, trenches and contouring of the land for farmer to enable him to focus on soil
enrichment instead of worrying about the financial burden of building such structures in lieu of waiving off
loans every year.
•Buy failure crops and make Amrit Mitti out of the bio mass of such failure crops and provide the same to
the farmer
Publications & Media
‘Scientific Eco Friendly Farming’ Published in 2016
VENALPPACHA-NATUECO farming is Included in the text book of
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan by the Kerala State Government
for the 7 th Standard Children
Publications & Media
Publications & Media
India Book of Records
Documentary film ‘Feeding Roots’
(Film on NATUECO Farming and Life Sketch of Deepak Suchde,
the proponent of the specific natural farming).
Deepak Suchde
Phone: +91-98260 54388, 93295 70960
Natueco ppt

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Natueco ppt

  • 1. “विश्िं पुष्टं ग्रामे अस्ममन् अनातुरम ्” -Vishwam Pushtam Grame Asmin Anaturam- 1st verse - Rudrashukta
  • 3. Model: AMRUT MITTI, AMRUT JAL A Solution Based on Diverse Agro- Ecological (DAE)
  • 4. खेती पंचमहाभूतों की उपासनाहै | उपासना से उत्पन्न होती फसल प्रसाद बन जाती है, और प्रसाद बााँटा जाता है, बेचा नही |जब ककसान उपासक बन जाएगा, फसल प्रसाद बन जाएगी| उपभोगता भक्त बन जाएगा, कफर ककसान का घर मिर्ण मंददर बन जाएगा और नाआपघात होगा ना ग़रीबी और हमारा ये कृ षी प्रधान देश कफर सोने की चचड़िया बन जाएगा | Farming is worship of Five elements (Earth, Ether, Air, Water & Fire). The crop produced by worship becomes a prasad (offering), and prasad is distributed, not sold. When the farmer becomes a worshiper, the crop will become a prasad. Consumers will become devotees, then the house of the farmer will become a golden temple and their will neither be any accident nor the poverty and our India will become again a golden bird.
  • 5. INDIAN AGRICULTURE SCENARIO A destruction model- ‘Mostly Out of Focus’ The Farmer is the only man in our economy:- Who buys everything at Retail… Sells everything at Wholesale… And pays the freight Both ways…
  • 6. Changing dynamics of IndianAgriculture Agriculture is the largest unorganised sector in India, with 57 per cent of India's total population and 73 per cent of India's total employment. There are around 55 crore farmers in India (NSSO-2009). Hardly 5-10% farmers are Progressive, Educated, Self-Moving and innovative. (But sadly, most of them are only just ‘Political Farmer’too). >40% Rural Youth is out of Farming. Who is going to do thisjob??? Real bottleneck is rest of 90-95%....!!! Farmers don’t have any vibrant model to organize themselves and link with the market.
  • 7. INDIAN AGRICULTURESCENARIO STRENGTHS o RichBio Diversity o Arable Land o Climate OPPORTUNITES Exports Agro-basedIndustry Horticulture WEAKNESS THREATS o Fragmented Lands o Illiteracy o Lackof TechnologicalInputs o Poor Infrastructure • Unsustainable resource use • Unsustainable regional development INDIANAGRICULTURAL SWOTANALYSIS STRENGTHS o RichBio Diversity :- Approx (46,000plant speciesand86,000 speciesof animalsrecorded) o ArableLand:-428million acrescultivable land. o Climate:-Favorableall yeararound (UnlikeUSA,EuropeandChinawhere farming ispossibleonly 5to 6months ayear). WEAKNESS o Fragmentationoflands:-Divisionoflandsthroughgenerations lowersprofitmarginsforfarmers. o Illiteracy:-Impotentseeds,approachtomoneylendersthan tobanksforloans. o LackofAgriculturalknowledge:-Traditionalandmonoculturefarmingstillprevailing. o PoorInfrastructure:-Unavailabilityofmodernfacilitiestosome farmers. OPPORTUNITIES o AgricultureAsa Service/profession(AaaS):- DevelopingofAaaS Modelfortheencouragementandgrowthofagriculturalsector. o AgroBasedIndustries:-Marketplace&Machineriesfor Agriculture, o SustainableFarming:-Awarenessandencouragementofsustainablefarmingpracticestogetbetteryieldinlessinvestment. THREATS o Unsustainable resource use-Landsgifted with fertility not utilized amplyduetoFarm Labor failure system. Dependency on Electricity, fossilfuel andBorewall water whichisdepilating atalarming rate. o Unsustainable regional development- Regions closeto developed citiesare only focused fordevelopment.
  • 8. Sustainable Way Of Farming Permanent, Long-lasting Farming
  • 9. Sustainable Farming • To Resolve the Crisis in the Climate, Health / Nutrition & Food Security • Synergize and create Harmony in Relationship between Man & Nature And Nurture harmonious relationship with Sunlight, Microbes, Soil, other Ecosystem Services like Insects Pollinating etc. • Restore and rejuvenate the soil nutrition which indirectly support ecosystem. • Multi crop and bio diversity is the fundamental for Sustainable farming. • Its totally self dependent. From seeds to marketing and even selling is self dependent. • Long lasting, Permanent and sustainable practices requires very less labors. • Bio diversity cycle makes one waste into others food and require nothing from outside which makes our farm into self dependent and generates constant income. (PER 100 GRAMS) Year 1914 1992 Cabbage Calcium 248.00 mg 47.00 mg Magnesium 66.00 mg 15.00 mg Iron 1.50 mg 0.59 mg Lettuce Calcium 265.50 mg 19.00 mg Magnesium 112.00 mg 9.00 mg Iron 94.00 mg 10.50 mg Spinach Calcium 227.30 mg 99.00 mg Magnesium 122.00 mg 79.00 mg Iron 64.00 mg 2.70 mg
  • 10. Types of Sustainable Farming NatuEco farming is combination of all these farming methods and they are interlinked to each other and their sole goal to maintain harmonious ecological cycle without using any destructive/harmful/synthetic chemical. 1. Permaculture :-A design science created, maintained in Harmony with Nature. 2. Organic Farming:- non-synthetic way of sustainable farming. 3. Biodynamics :- Its is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition 4. Agro-ecological System:- Using ecological principle in farming. 5. Low-input Farming :- Referred to purchasing few off-farm inputs (usually fertilizers and pesticides), while increasing on-farm inputs (i.e. manures, cover crops, and especially management).
  • 11. PERMACULTURE Permanent agriculture / permanent culture • Permaculture: The conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems to create the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems. Permaculture seeks the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and nonmaterial needs in a sustainable way. • Bill Mollison and David Holmgren launched permaculture around 1974 Reaction to conventional agriculture:- which brought many problems in Australia; droughts, eutrofication, wind erosion and loss of fertile topsoil • By observing the woods in Tasmania, ecological principals were uncovered that formed the basics for permaculture • Build ecosystems that integrate humans into their surroundings again.
  • 12. Permaculture Design = Regenerative Design Ethics of Permaculture •Earth Care :- The Earth is a living, breathing entity. Without ongoing care and nurturing there will be consequences too big to ignore. •People Care:- If people’s needs are met in compassionate and simple ways, the environment surrounding them will prosper •Resource Share :- The output of a system in permaculture should be consumed and shared with people/community in a fair way Developed in 1980’s, over 1,000,000 people certified, active in 140+ Countries, more than 4,000 projects on the ground
  • 15. NATUECO SCIENCE (Amrit Krishi) (Nature Friendly Eco-Service) A way of Farming to meet human needs and to Enhance Agro – Ecology. ‘Move from Encroachment & Encashment to • Enrichment & Enhancement’
  • 16. NATUECO Science – Overcoming the Crisis & More… •Increasing farm produce •Balanced Nutrition •Food Security & Fulfilment of Family Needs First •Holistic approach towards cow •Local seeds security •Manure self sufficiency from farm it self
  • 17. Natueco Solution in Global Crisis
  • 18. Prayog Pariwar & Natueco Science • Evolved by Scientist Late Shri Sripad Dabholkar (1924 – 2001) • Father of Maharashtra’s Grape Revolution in ‘60’s • Author of ‘Plenty for All’ which explains Natueco Science and Prayog Parivar Methodology. • Natueco is about living a rich life with ease, grace and dignity. • Natueco promises “Plenty for All” through Resource Literacy. • Vishwam Pushtam Grame Asmin Anaturam
  • 19. Observe, understand, honour & fulfil: • Nature Friendly conditions • Plant friendly conditions to fulfill Human friendly needs from within neighborhood resources Approach of Natueco
  • 20. • Harvest Daily Solar Energy • Canopy Management • Effective Root development • Fertile Living Soil • Moisture Retention Capacity of the Soil and Creating Micro Climate 5 Pillars of Natueco
  • 21. • Balanced Resource network leads to primary productivity. • Enriches and enhances Ecosystem symbiotically and in turn helps human beings to prosper. • Maximizes recycling of farm residues and minimizes use of water. Balanced networking of Resources
  • 22. • Our philosophy ‘Vasudev Kutumbakam is possible only with Biodiversity giving strength to maintain Joint-Family Culture. • Based on Science of Co-existence : Creating Biodiversity, results in self balancing system with no need for pesticides, not even organic. • Reduces field temperature by 7 degree by micro-climate control through multi-tier canopy and live fencing. Biodiversity
  • 23. Goal of Natueco Science ‘No Wasteland and Waste-mind anywhere on this Earth’ Through Resource Literacy Mission Networking of Local Neighborhood Resources with best of latest scientific knowledge, demystified and in local idioms, as open source. Move towards truly a Natural Resource Conscious demonetised society, using “Energy Exchange Metric” Raise the knowledge level and esteem of farmers, higher than other respected professions. To empower farmers to produce & provide nutritionally holistic balanced diet at appropriate value to the society. Natueco Farming & P. P. Knowledge Networks make this possible through peer venture networks. Provides nutritional, sustenance security while offering entrepreneurship for sustainable growth.
  • 24. Demystification of Science - Plant Physiology • New insights in plant physiology will increase every successive produce and obtain higher yields than previous harvest • By proper pruning you can manage higher yield • Keeping proper distance you can reduce quantity of seeds and get higher yield • 2 Kg seeds will give 30 quintal yield of wheat • Just 30 Kg seeds @ distance 9' X 6' will get 100 tons Sugarcane with 17% of Sugar
  • 25. Natueco’s Chemistry with Plants • By knowing plant chemistry farmers will shift to Agro-Ecological farming • Multi-tier farming as farming will become net working of Sunlight instead of farming from the land. • Will increase nutritional value of the produce leading to food security as less quantity will be needed to feed the world.
  • 26. Precision of Natueco Science • Methods to develop keen observation, critical experiments to achieve Assured, Calculated and Record yields and productivity in all types of crops. • When shifting from chemical to Natueco farming, the very first produce is chemical free with higher production! • Increased nutritional levels in food
  • 27. • To Increase the density • To increase canopy • To increase diameter • To increase weight • To increase the production Natueco Method of Pruning
  • 29. Four Agriculturally beneficial micro-organisms : 1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria 2. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria 3. Disease-producing-fungus destroying bacteria 4. Agri-waste decomposing bacteria WHAT IS AMRUT MITTI? Amrut Mitti is a soil prepared from biomass, Amrut Jal and earth (soil). It is a soil that contains all the essential elements that are needed by a plant for its growth and development. It consists of 50 % of biomass and 50 % of activated mineral top soil. Timeline: It takes about 110-150 days to prepare Amrut Mitti Area required: 12 ft X 5 ft
  • 30. Amrut Mitti - heaps in the Farm
  • 31. AMRIT MITTI helps to maintain Plant Biology- Harmonic Co-existence • Amrut Mitti takes care of microbes and develop Humus in the soil leading to increased water holding capacity. • Leading to disease less crops and more nutrition. • Surplus water will be available for drinking or more land can be cultivated. • Will increase the vital energy in the plant, producing vital food for Human beings and no diseases to any one. • With more nutritional value in the food, the consumption will reduce, thereby solving the problem of food scarcity. • Farming is a Conscious Science Leading Humanity In the direction of inclusive Spiritual values.
  • 32. AMRUT JAL A solution of Water, Jaggery, cow dung and cow urine contains crores of diverse hermetic microorganisms. The chemical elements present in Amrut Jal make the soil fertile and help the micro-organisms to increase the chemical and physical properties of the soil.
  • 33. Lab Results • Highest : Organic Carbon 8.4% (ICAR) • Highest : Microbial Culture 1 Million/gm (ICRISAT) • Highest : Protein, Calcium, Iron Vitamin C & mainly Vitamin B12 in every farm produce. • Highest Water Holding Capacity of the Soil. • Highest shelf life of fruits/ vegetables. • Increased taste and flavor /smell.
  • 34. Comparative Nutritional Values Moringa Leaves Results Sr.No. Parameter Unit Method KrushiTeerth NIN USDA i. Protein g/100g IS7219: 1973, Reaffirmed2010 12.4 7 9.4 i. Minerals *Potassium(asK) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.956.01,Ch-3,Page no.13 4151 260 337 ii. *Phosphorus(asP) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.986.24,Ch-50,Page no.13 12215 70 112 iii. Calcium(asCa) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.944.03,Ch-32,Page no.4 544 440 185 iv. Manganese(asMn) mg/100g AOAC,19thEd.,2012, Method no.984.27, Ch-50,Page no.17 6.5 42 v. Iron (asFe) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.984.27,Ch-50,Page no.17 24.2 0.85 4 vi. Sodium(asNa) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no956.01 92 8.1 9 i. Vitamins Vitamin B12 mg/100g WI/SAP-HPLC/5/6 1 0 ii. Vitamin C(Ascorbic Acid) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.985.33,Ch-50,Page no.11 293 220 51.7
  • 35. BottleGourd Results Sr. No. Parameter Unit Method Krushi Teerth Market NIN USDA i Protein g/100g IS7219: 1973, Reaffirmed2010 7.81 1.44 NA NA i. Minera l s Potassium(asK) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.956.01,Ch-3, Page no.13 166 NA 87 150 ii. *Magnesium(asMg) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.984.27,Ch- 50,Page no.17 12 NA NA 11 iii. Calcium(asCa) mg/100g AOAC,18th Ed.,2005,Rev.3,2010, Method no.984.27 15 11.6 NA NA iv. Phosphorus(asP) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012, Method no.986.24,Ch- 50,Page no.13 32 NA 10 13 v. Iron (asFe) mg/100g AOAC,18th Ed.,2005,Rev.3,2010, Method no.984.27 1 NA NA NA i. Vitami n s VitaminB12 mg/100g WI/SAP-HPLC/5/6 3 BDL* NA 0 ii. Vitamin C(Ascorbic Acid) mg/100g AOAC,19th Ed.,2012,Method no.985.33,Ch-50, Pageno.11 293 NA 220 51.7 Comparative Nutritional Values
  • 36.
  • 37. Macronutrient content in Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and farm soil of Bajwada, MP Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP
  • 38. Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP Micronutrient content Amrut Mitti, Farmer's soil and Orchard soil of Bajwada, MP
  • 39. “Some samples of this compost had up to 100 million plant-growth promoting bacteria (Siderophore producers) in every gram of the compost - highest ever measured in any compost in our lab.” - Late Dr. O. P. Rupela Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT, Patancheru, 502324
  • 41. “The method is worth exploring further and seems to have surprises for we scientists (plant pathologists, entomologists, soil fertility experts, agronomists, soil physics, crop physiologists, environmental economists, and ---?).” - Late Dr. O. P. Rupela Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT, Patancheru, 502324
  • 42. “I strongly recommend agricultural scientists and policy makers to visit your farm to believe the indicated level or productivity that has all potential of feeding families of small-holder farmers owning about 1 acre area and having access to 1,000 liter water per day per 10 guntha.” - Late Dr. O. P. Rupela Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT, Patancheru, 502324
  • 43. “I believe that if promoted strategically your technology can potentially feed not only poor of this country but of most developing countries.” - Late Dr. O. P. Rupela Principal Scientist (Microbiology), ICRISAT, Patancheru, 502324
  • 44. “The solution is to enrich our soils with organic carbon and all the nutrients by practising Natueco- farming and is possible to increase the food production with no dependency on synthetic fertilizers.” S. K. Naik Sr. Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR-RCER, RC, Plandu
  • 45. • The Industrial Agriculture model, based on consumerism, where growth is GDP statistics, is not making farmers healthy, wealthy or happy. • Time to consider alternative growth criteria like GNH ? Gross National Happiness ? (like Bhutan) • Natueco alternative fulfils GNH, where farming is a way of life. A life of happiness based on 5 L’s. Living, Livelihood, Learning, Laughter & Love at same place, same time, for ever for every one. NATUECO VISION FOR INDIA
  • 46. 3 Initiatives to make Happy Farmers : • 1 Guntha : Nutrition Security for Woman & Child Ganga Maa Mandal in every village home, using wastewater • 10 Guntha : Sustenance for basic needs of family Home garden • 100 Guntha ( 1 Hectare ) : Livelihood & Resource Rich Farmer Market Garden • Terrace Farming, Urban Farms, Small & Marginal Land and Large Land Holders. NatuEco Replicable Model-in all types of soil
  • 49. Main Road Main Road Main Road PathwaysPathways PondPond Pond Eco Tourism Cottages Amrutjal Tank Free Working WellArea Cow & Fodder Shed Godown Free Space UndergroundAmrutjalLine LiveFencing Trenches LiveFencing ONE HECTARE MODEL
  • 50. Vision to Manifestation •Double the production with increased nutritional products •In this system each one can be Healthy, Prosperous and can become a person having Inner Journey •This can only come from being one with nature •Nature Eco-friendly Science leads us to Co - existence, Spirituality Enlightenment
  • 51. Natueco can manifest the vision of our sages “Viswam Pushtam Grame Asmin Anaturam” Let all the abundance and fulfilment of the universe be in our habitats. To put agriculture back to the place that it rightly belongs – As our culture. Reinstate the farmer to his noble role as a mediator between Nature & Human system, worthy of highest respect for the only non-exploiting vocation.
  • 52. SUCCESS STORIES – Farmers successfully practicing Natueco method Rameshbhai Bhalodia – 250 Acres area, Morbi, Rajkot, Gujarat Contact: 9824409643 Neetu Patel – 8000 Acres area through Stayam NGO at Rajkot, Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Ghogha, Jasdan , Surendranagar, Morbi, Gujarat Contact: 9825765619 Shyambhai - Approx 10 Acre Rajkot, Gujarat Contact: 9879500939 Prashant - 20 Acres area at Porbandar, Gujarat Contact: 9408728949 Nagesh Swami - Satara Maharashtra Contact: 9822848432 Suresh Desai – 6 Acres area at Bedkihal, Belgaon, Karnataka Contact: 9480448256 Priti Patil - Terrace Farming at Mumbai Contact: 9819197071 ….to count a few
  • 54. Adopt, Research & Promote 3 Tier models of 1G, 10G and 100G farming : • Farmers grow for ‘Own needs’ of ‘Nutrition First’ – 1Guntha (1000 sq.ft.) • ‘Food First’ – 10G ( 10,000 sq.ft.) Homestead for family, then • ‘Market Gardens’ of 100G (1 hectare) for progressive needs from High Value crops & Energy crops
  • 55. 24/7 Direct Network access to final consumers Outsourcing cash to cash cycles to take over risks and responsibilities other than farm to professional agencies to create linkages for Market Gardens. Value addition & insurance of farm produce through Food Processing Clusters with Solar powered drying, dehydration, steam processing, distillation, cold storage at village level.
  • 56. • to obtain Assured, Calculated, Record yields in all crops • Can make Agriculture most coveted, Smart vocation/Start-up for Rural Youth to stop migration to cities. • Natueco makes Small is beautiful, bountiful ! More viable than centralised, input intensive farms. • Precision Agriculture tools for Real time Diagnostics & Monitoring with Natueco successful Field Practices in Local Resource constraints
  • 57. • to obtain Assured, Calculated, Record yields in all crops • Can make Agriculture most coveted, Smart vocation/Start-up for Rural Youth to stop migration to cities. • Natueco makes Small is beautiful, bountiful ! More viable than centralised, input intensive farms. • Precision Agriculture tools for Real time Diagnostics & Monitoring with Natueco successful Field Practices in Local Resource constraints
  • 58. • Promote Small, Intensive, Decentralized, low impact, highly productive diverse, cultivation of small parcels of land. • Initiate Re-search on using ‘Energy Equivalent Costs & Metric’ for accounting whole life cycle costs of farming, for true de- monetisation and revaluation of Nature’s Resources • Facilitate training of Natueco approach & methodology for ‘Regenerative Self-Organizing Soil Infrastructure’ • Support Master trainers for Natueco training programmes
  • 59. Government Support to Farmers – Financial 1.Provide Access to Land for 1G, 10G, 100G modules 2.Access to assured minimum water of 1000 mtrs/cu daily 3.Daily wage support for 150 days for soil building + 150 days first crop cycle. 4. Food processing cluster for every village 5.Minimum Price Support MSP in case of crop failure proportionate to Whole Plant Biomass Production as reward for Ecosystem Services in enriching soil, preventing pollution 6.Launch National Living Soil Mission program to include everyone in this core agricultural infrastructure project, to enrich soil profile of India permanently. Like National highways program of 30kms./day, commit to create Living Soil Target 1 Cu ft/day with financial incentives per cu.ft 7.Creation of Land Banks through CSR, Trusts and Corporations can adopt vast barren lands and convert into fertile living soil in 150 days and return the enhanced land to farmers or forests ushering Evergreen revolution.
  • 60. Government Support to Farmers through Infra & Finance 1. Create incentives to become resource literate empowered farmers who can harness directly free resources available from nature namely sun, water, air, to create abundance with knowledge inputs. 2. Knowledge can set free and empower them to move from subsidies to be autonomous farmers 3. Healthy, wealthy, and happy farmers and Wise villages •Provide pond, fencing, trenches and contouring of the land for farmer to enable him to focus on soil enrichment instead of worrying about the financial burden of building such structures in lieu of waiving off loans every year. •Buy failure crops and make Amrit Mitti out of the bio mass of such failure crops and provide the same to the farmer
  • 61. Publications & Media ‘Scientific Eco Friendly Farming’ Published in 2016 Malayalam
  • 62. VENALPPACHA-NATUECO farming is Included in the text book of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan by the Kerala State Government for the 7 th Standard Children
  • 64. Publications & Media India Book of Records
  • 65. Documentary film ‘Feeding Roots’ (Film on NATUECO Farming and Life Sketch of Deepak Suchde, the proponent of the specific natural farming).
  • 66. Deepak Suchde Email: Website: Phone: +91-98260 54388, 93295 70960