agriculture blocking highs chandlers compensation sunspot cycle lunar cycle agricultural meteorology climate change and sustainable development extreme weather events agrometeorological weather stress environmental stresses crop yield agronomy savi spi ndvi icar advances nadams forecasting monitoring drought climate change climate changing climate adaptation mitigation and adaptation mitigation strategies soil conservation soil shelter belts wind breaks pastures grasses wobble tides predictions astronomical solar-lunar extreme weather agm 601 extreme weather events and future projections astronomical predictions solar-lunar tides future projections india land use planning agrometeorological services utilisation trends present land use planning system of india present farmer agrometeorological services for farmer’s welfare current farmer’s welfare atmosphere near the ground wind profile near the ground laminar and turbulent flows microclimate evapotranspiration measuring actual evapotranspiration actual evapotranspiration techniques of lysimetry in measuring actual evapot et plant influence of microclimate soil and cultural factors instrumentation micrometeorological studies modification of severe storms scientific advances in artificial rain making weather modification for agriculture electric behavior of clouds dissipation of fog and stratus clouds hail suppression modification of weather hazards animal diseases diseases of poultry thermal comfort parasites
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