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National Farmers Union e-newsletter                                

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                   Issue Number 72                                                                                    May 30,

                    In this issue...
                    NFU Urges Congress
                    to Roll Back Cuts to
                    Ag Programs
                                               NFU President Roger Johnson urged Congress to restore funding to
                    NFU to Congress:           certain agriculture programs that were severely cut in the U.S. House of
                    GIPSA Rule Should Go       Representatives agriculture appropriations bill. In a letter to the House
                    Forward                    Appropriations Committee, Johnson said that the long-term costs of the
                                               cuts outweigh the short-term benefits. Under the proposed
                    NFU VP of                  appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2012, agriculture's budget will have
                    Government Relations       been cut 26 percent in the last two years.
                    Praises Community
                    Wind Projects at           "Fiscal responsibility should not entail cutting costs to realize short-term
                    Conference                 savings that result in increased long-term expenses," said Johnson. "NFU
                                               members know the importance of balancing a budget and prioritizing
                    Vote for Your Favorite     expenditures but we believe the proposed agriculture spending cuts will
                    Foods                      be a serious mistake as we try to emerge from the economic downturn."
                    Save the Date              In addition to making severe cuts to important agriculture and nutrition
                    OwnEnergy/NFU              programs, the appropriations bill contains a rider that would prevent
                    Alliance                   implementation of the proposed GIPSA Rule.

                    See us on Flickr           "The GIPSA rule proposes to restore competition to the livestock and
                                               poultry marketplace and is long overdue," said Johnson. "USDA proposed
                    Biogas East and            the rule in June 2010 to implement provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill that
                    Midwest Conference         called for enforcement the 90-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act. Now
                                               is not the time for further delay."
                    NFU Education

                    NFU Gear                   Funding for agricultural research, rural development, conservation
                                               programs, and nutrition were all cut significantly in the appropriations
                    Farmer's Share             bill, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Food and Drug
                                               Administration were funded well below the levels necessary to fulfill their
                    Price Barometer            important regulatory obligations. Johnson urged Congress to ensure that
                                               funding reductions be proportionate across all federal program areas and
                    Quick Links                that agriculture is not unfairly burdened with cuts.

                          NFU website          NFU President Roger Johnson sent a letter to all 435 members of the
                                               U.S. House of Representatives last week urging them to allow U.S.
                                               Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack to continue
                                               implementing the proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards
                                               Administration (GIPSA) rule. The letter was in response to a letter sent
                                               by some members of Congress to Secretary Vilsack on May 18 asking

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National Farmers Union e-newsletter                      

                                          that the proposed GIPSA rule be scrapped and that a new rule be

                                          "The packer-producer and meat packing industries have been wrongly
                                          arguing that the 110th Congress rejected the provision that was passed
                       Subscribe to Our   in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 under the Livestock
                         e-newsletter     Title," said Johnson. "This action requested by the members of Congress
                                          is unfortunately based on inaccurate information. Members of Congress
                                          were given ample opportunities to propose amendments, vote the bill
                                          down on the floor of each body, and to vote against the conference
                                          report. This bill even overrode two presidential vetoes, requiring a
                                          two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and House. The 110th
                                          Congress strongly supported this bill, including the GIPSA provisions."

                          Take Action!    Johnson called on members of Congress to stand up for family farmers
                                          and slow the decline in the number of livestock operations across the
                                          country. Thirty years ago there were 1.3 million beef cattle operations.
                                          Today there are only 740,000. In 1980, there were 660,000 hog farms.
                                          Today there are only 67,000. Last year alone, approximately 2,300
                                          additional hog producers went out of business.

                      NFU News Releases   "The members of the 112th Congress have the same opportunity to
                                          stand up and support rural America," said Johnson. "They can support
                                          the rulemaking process that more than 60,000 Americans took their time
                                          to comment on in order to have their voices heard. Asking USDA to
                                          re-propose the rule would be telling those Americans that their voices
                                          were not the ones we wanted to hear."

                         Farmers Union    Click here to view PDF of the letter

                            NFU on
                                          NFU Vice President of Government Relations Chandler Goule addressed
                                          attendees of the Windpower 2011 conference in Anaheim, Calif.,
                                          sponsored by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Goule was
                                          one of three panelists on a panel entitled "Community Wind: Power for
                        NFU on Twitter    People."

                                          "NFU has long been an advocate for community wind projects, and with
                                          good reason," said Goule. "Community wind projects produce 2.6 times
                                          as many jobs and 3.1 times as much economic benefit compared to wind
                                          projects with outside ownership."
                          NFU on Flickr
                                          Goule also highlighted NFU's partnership with OwnEnergy, which allows
                                          NFU members to become involved with a community wind project.
                    NFU e-newsletter
                    Staff:                "NFU has teamed up with community wind developer OwnEnergy to build
                                          and operate community wind projects across the country," said Goule.
                    Melisa Augusto,       "Community wind projects are great for rural America because they give
                    Director of           farmers and ranchers an additional revenue stream while simultaneously
                    Communications        producing clean energy. We are very excited about the possibilities for
                                          rural America that are created by community wind, and seek public
                    Tony Jarboe,          policy opportunities to encourage community wind across the U.S."

2 of 8                                                                                                                     6/6/2011 12:37 PM
National Farmers Union e-newsletter                   

                                      NFU is co-sponsoring Roll Call's "A Taste of America" event. Click here to
                                      log on and vote for your favorite foods from around the United States!
                                      Voting is done in an NCAA-tournament-style bracket. See the Round 2
                                      winners and make sure your vote is counted in Round 3 as the field
                                      narrows. Send your favorite cuisine to the next round!

                                      Mark your calendars for two important Farmers Union activities:

                                      Fall Legislative Fly-In
                                      Sept. 12-14, 2011
                                      Washington, D.C.

                                      110th Anniversary Convention
                                      March 4-7, 2012
                                      Omaha, Neb.

                                      Contact Melisa Augusto at for more details

                                      OwnEnergy and National Farmers Union have launched a new website
                                      portal for members! This website allows members to register and log in
                                      to participate in live chats with wind developers, participate in blogs on
                                      various topics related to the industry and learn more about many areas
                                      of wind development in our knowledge center. If you are interested in
                                      wind energy, please log on!

                                      When you sign up with OwnEnergy as an NFU Member, you get access to
                                      these helpful and useful resources:

                                            Access premium content in the OwnEnergy Knowledge Center
                                            Participate in Live Chats with OwnEnergy and other NFU members
                                            Read the Wind Development Blog
                                            Join a wind development specialist each Thursday for a live chat.
                                            Log in anytime 4-6 p.m. EST to have your questions answered

                                      Click here or go to for more information.

                                      Check us out on Flickr! Click here to view and download photos from
                                      NFU's fly-in and other recent events.

3 of 8                                                                                                                  6/6/2011 12:37 PM
National Farmers Union e-newsletter                  

                                      Biogas USA East
                                      June 21-22, 2011
                                      Chicago, United States

                                      Creating a Growing East Coast Market

                                      Join Biogas USA East in Chicago this June as they leverage the huge
                                      potential of landfill gas on the East coast and growing farm/co-digestion
                                      AD projects in the neighboring states. This key event will bring together
                                      leaders of the US biogas industry to examine how to develop
                                      commercially successful biogas projects and address the latest
                                      technological advances in production. For more information visit their
                                      website at

                                      Biogas USA EAST 2011 event features presentations from
                                      leading experts including:

                                      Keynote policies & finance addresses from:
                                      Rachel Goldstein, Team Leader, Landfill Methane Outreach Program
                                      (LMOP), US EPA
                                      Chandler Goule, Vice President of Government Affairs & Head Lobbyist,
                                      Chris Cassidy, National Business Renewable Energy Advisor, USDA
                                      Rural Development
                                      Jon Best, Senior International Account Manager, Renewable Energy,
                                      Cat Power Finance

                                      Utilities' strategies for biogas:
                                      Anthony LaRusso, Manager, Sustainable Gas Group, National Grid
                                      Ronald Kent, Technology Development Manager - Major
                                      Demonstrations, Sempra Utilities
                                      Andrew McVie, Business Development Manager, Terasen Gas

                                      Plus insight analysis & case studies from feedstock producers
                                      and biogas developers:
                                      Douglas Carruthers, Senior Vice President, Organic Resource
                                      Dale L. Doerr, Wastewater Superintendent, Sheboygan Regional
                                      Michael Bakas, Senior Vice President, Renewable Energy, Ameresco
                                      Kelly Sarber, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Management,

4 of 8                                                                                                                 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
National Farmers Union e-newsletter                  

                                      Representing Port of San Diego
                                      Dean Olson, Resource Recovery & Energy Division Director, Will
                                      County Land Use Department
                                      Mark Stoermann, Project Manager, Fair Oaks Dairy Farms
                                      John W. Logan, Director, Brinson Farms

                                      Why attend?

                                           ·   Discover the full market potential for large scale biogas

                                           ·    Identify the challenges and opportunities in developing
                                           profitable biogas projects

                                           ·   Understand the latest legislation and policy developments for
                                           biogas development

                                           ·   Hear the latest developments in agricultural, landfill and
                                           waste biogas

                                           ·   Find out how companies are upgrading biogas for grid
                                           connection and transportation

                                           ·   Hear about cutting edge technologies in anaerobic digestion
                                           and plant optimization

                                           ·    First class networking opportunities: 800+ past attendees

                                           ·    Meet potential investors, clients, partners and suppliers

                                           ·    Have your questions answered by the experts during
                                           interactive sessions

                                      Click here to register for the event. Enter the promo code NFU20 for a 20
                                      percent discount.

                                      2011 ACE Institute 'Opening New Doors'

                                      Please join cooperative educators in Winnipeg, Manitoba July 26-29 for
                                      this year's ACE Institute, themed "Opening New Doors." With an exciting
                                      lineup of speakers, this year's Institute will feature presentation on
                                      educating about the cooperative advantage inside co-ops, within the
                                      classroom and throughout society. New university programs; multi-
                                      stakeholder co-operatives redefining sustainable business and services;
                                      mobilizing people and ideas using social media; investing in co-ops -
                                      come learn and discuss the ideas that make the co-op model effective
                                      and the examples that are reshaping our economy.

                                      Online registration can be found at:

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National Farmers Union e-newsletter                  

                                      Financial assistance can be found at: Ralph Morrison Foundation
                                       or the ACE Scholarship (

                                      Register Now for All-States Anniversary Celebration

                                      All-States Leadership Camp will celebrate 75 years this year. Be a part of
                                      our celebration on Saturday, July 16. Bring your family! All are
                                      welcome. Details and registration (required) on the event can be
                                      found at

                                      All-States Camp Alumni Profile: Audrey Rosenbrock

                                      Being a member of the National Farmers Union Youth Advisory Council in
                                      the 1980s was a prestigious honor for Audrey Rosenbrock. The
                                      experiences from attending All-States Camp in Bailey, Colo., are some of
                                      the greatest memories that she cherishes to this day.

                                      "The people I served with on that council are some of the greatest
                                      people I have ever met. That week was the highlight of my summer!"
                                      said Rosenbrock.

                                      Rosenbrock was the lone representative from Rocky Mountain Farmers
                                      Union (RMFU) and enjoyed meeting people from other states like North
                                      Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas.

                                      "I remember how much fun and energetic the camp counselors and staff
                                      were, especially when we dressed up for each theme night," said

                                      During class sessions, Rosenbrock learned about the importance of
                                      cooperation and teamwork throughout the week of camp activities. The
                                      education from All-States Camp heightened Rosenbrock's confidence and
                                      had a huge impact on her life. It empowered her to listen, learn, and
                                      lead others in her life during college, in her job, and in her community.
                                      Rosenbrock credits her experience on NYAC with her decision to work as
                                      a counselor. She serves as a counselor for a variety of camps, including
                                      Pioneer Camp for senior citizens, All-States Camps, and RMFU youth
                                      camps for many years. Rosenbrock's daughter, Darla, is currently serving
                                      on the NFU Youth Advisory Council this summer.

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National Farmers Union e-newsletter                       

                                      Check out the NFU store on our home page by clicking here or by visiting
                             and following the link to the "NFU Store" on the lower left.
                                      Get discounted Cabela's merchandise with the National Farmers Union
                                      logo or with your state's Farmers Union logo.

                                      Farmer's Share of Retail Food Dollar
                                      April 2011

                                                                                               Retail Farmer's
                                      Product (unit)                                            Price       Share Change
                                      Multi-purpose Flour (5 lbs.).........................$2.99.......$0.97.........+
                                      Bread (Wonder, 1 lb. loaf)..........................$3.99.......$0.19.........+
                                      Wheaties, (15 oz.).....................................$5.29........$0.13........+
                                      Beer, Miller Lite, 6 pack...............................$6.49........$0.04........-
                                      Soda (corn) 2 liter cola..............................$1.09........$0.11........+
                                      Milk (1 gallon, fat free)................................$3.99........$1.69........+
                                      Potatoes (Russet, 10 lbs.)**......................$5.49........$0.73........+
                                      Potato Chips (Lays Classic 13.5 oz.)**.......$3.99........$0.22........+
                                      Cheddar Cheese (1 lb.)**...........................$4.49.......N/A............+
                                      Boneless Ham (per lb.)................................$3.99.......$0.92........+
                                      Bacon (1 lb.)..............................................$4.99.......$0.92.........+
                                      Top Sirloin Steak (1 lb.)...............................$8.49.......$1.93........+
                                      Eggs (1 doz. AA-L).....................................$2.79.......$1.08.........+
                                      Carrots (fresh. 2 lbs.)..................................$3.30.......$1.39.........+
                                      Lettuce (head, 2 lbs.).................................$2.79.......$0.35........-

                                      * Retail prices: based on store brand except where noted from Safeway,
                                      Washington, D.C., April 29, 2011.

                                      ** Potato Farmer's Share reflects March prices.

                                      Change indicates increase or decrease in farmer's share from the
                                      previous month.

                                      View a printable version of Farmer's Share. Taken from "Agricultural
                                      Prices," USDA/NASS.

                                      April 2011

                                                                   Current       Parity        % of
                                      Commodity                     Price         Price        Parity

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National Farmers Union e-newsletter                                   

                                                  Barley (bushel).................4.62...........11.60..........40
                                                  Corn (bushel)...................6.40...........10.40..........62
                                                  Cotton, Upland (lb) ..........0.839..........1.93...........43
                                                  Flaxseed (bushel).............13.20..........27.70.........48
                                                  Oats (bushel)....................3.04...........6.80...........50
                                                  Peanuts (lb).....................0.232..........0.734.........32
                                                  Rice (cwt)........................14.00.........44.30..........32
                                                  Sorghum Grain (cwt).........11.80.........18.30..........64
                                                  Soybeans (bushel)............12.80.........25.80...........50
                                                  Wheat (bushel).................8.18...........16.50..........50
                                                  Cattle (cwt)......................120.00.........275.00.......44
                                                  Hogs (cwt).......................67.10..........150.00........45
                                                  Lambs (cwt)*..................169.00..........318.00.......55
                                                  Eggs, (dozen)...................1.050.............2.47........44
                                                  Milk, All (cwt)...................16.10............49.50........43
                                                  Milk, Mfg. (cwt)*...............N/A..............44.80........N/A

                                                  *Lamb and manufacturing milk prices are one month behind all other
                                                  prices in this analysis.
                                                  ** Egg Prices are Mid-month in this analysis.

                                                  Taken from "Agricultural Prices," USDA/NASS.

                                                                 20 F Street NW, Suite 300
                                                                   Washington, DC 20001


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8 of 8                                                                                                                                  6/6/2011 12:37 PM

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National Farmers Union Newsletter (May 2011)

  • 1. National Farmers Union e-newsletter You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. Issue Number 72 May 30, 2011 In this issue... NFU Urges Congress to Roll Back Cuts to Ag Programs NFU President Roger Johnson urged Congress to restore funding to NFU to Congress: certain agriculture programs that were severely cut in the U.S. House of GIPSA Rule Should Go Representatives agriculture appropriations bill. In a letter to the House Forward Appropriations Committee, Johnson said that the long-term costs of the cuts outweigh the short-term benefits. Under the proposed NFU VP of appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2012, agriculture's budget will have Government Relations been cut 26 percent in the last two years. Praises Community Wind Projects at "Fiscal responsibility should not entail cutting costs to realize short-term Conference savings that result in increased long-term expenses," said Johnson. "NFU members know the importance of balancing a budget and prioritizing Vote for Your Favorite expenditures but we believe the proposed agriculture spending cuts will Foods be a serious mistake as we try to emerge from the economic downturn." Save the Date In addition to making severe cuts to important agriculture and nutrition OwnEnergy/NFU programs, the appropriations bill contains a rider that would prevent Alliance implementation of the proposed GIPSA Rule. See us on Flickr "The GIPSA rule proposes to restore competition to the livestock and poultry marketplace and is long overdue," said Johnson. "USDA proposed Biogas East and the rule in June 2010 to implement provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill that Midwest Conference called for enforcement the 90-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act. Now is not the time for further delay." NFU Education NFU Gear Funding for agricultural research, rural development, conservation programs, and nutrition were all cut significantly in the appropriations Farmer's Share bill, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Food and Drug Administration were funded well below the levels necessary to fulfill their Price Barometer important regulatory obligations. Johnson urged Congress to ensure that funding reductions be proportionate across all federal program areas and Quick Links that agriculture is not unfairly burdened with cuts. NFU website NFU President Roger Johnson sent a letter to all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives last week urging them to allow U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack to continue implementing the proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rule. The letter was in response to a letter sent by some members of Congress to Secretary Vilsack on May 18 asking 1 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 2. National Farmers Union e-newsletter that the proposed GIPSA rule be scrapped and that a new rule be written. "The packer-producer and meat packing industries have been wrongly arguing that the 110th Congress rejected the provision that was passed Subscribe to Our in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 under the Livestock e-newsletter Title," said Johnson. "This action requested by the members of Congress is unfortunately based on inaccurate information. Members of Congress were given ample opportunities to propose amendments, vote the bill down on the floor of each body, and to vote against the conference report. This bill even overrode two presidential vetoes, requiring a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and House. The 110th Congress strongly supported this bill, including the GIPSA provisions." Take Action! Johnson called on members of Congress to stand up for family farmers and slow the decline in the number of livestock operations across the country. Thirty years ago there were 1.3 million beef cattle operations. Today there are only 740,000. In 1980, there were 660,000 hog farms. Today there are only 67,000. Last year alone, approximately 2,300 additional hog producers went out of business. NFU News Releases "The members of the 112th Congress have the same opportunity to stand up and support rural America," said Johnson. "They can support the rulemaking process that more than 60,000 Americans took their time to comment on in order to have their voices heard. Asking USDA to re-propose the rule would be telling those Americans that their voices were not the ones we wanted to hear." Farmers Union Click here to view PDF of the letter Insurance NFU on Facebook NFU Vice President of Government Relations Chandler Goule addressed attendees of the Windpower 2011 conference in Anaheim, Calif., sponsored by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Goule was one of three panelists on a panel entitled "Community Wind: Power for NFU on Twitter People." "NFU has long been an advocate for community wind projects, and with good reason," said Goule. "Community wind projects produce 2.6 times as many jobs and 3.1 times as much economic benefit compared to wind projects with outside ownership." NFU on Flickr Goule also highlighted NFU's partnership with OwnEnergy, which allows NFU members to become involved with a community wind project. NFU e-newsletter Staff: "NFU has teamed up with community wind developer OwnEnergy to build and operate community wind projects across the country," said Goule. Melisa Augusto, "Community wind projects are great for rural America because they give Director of farmers and ranchers an additional revenue stream while simultaneously Communications producing clean energy. We are very excited about the possibilities for rural America that are created by community wind, and seek public Tony Jarboe, policy opportunities to encourage community wind across the U.S." Communications Coordinator 2 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 3. National Farmers Union e-newsletter NFU is co-sponsoring Roll Call's "A Taste of America" event. Click here to log on and vote for your favorite foods from around the United States! Voting is done in an NCAA-tournament-style bracket. See the Round 2 winners and make sure your vote is counted in Round 3 as the field narrows. Send your favorite cuisine to the next round! Mark your calendars for two important Farmers Union activities: Fall Legislative Fly-In Sept. 12-14, 2011 Washington, D.C. 110th Anniversary Convention March 4-7, 2012 Omaha, Neb. Contact Melisa Augusto at for more details OwnEnergy and National Farmers Union have launched a new website portal for members! This website allows members to register and log in to participate in live chats with wind developers, participate in blogs on various topics related to the industry and learn more about many areas of wind development in our knowledge center. If you are interested in wind energy, please log on! When you sign up with OwnEnergy as an NFU Member, you get access to these helpful and useful resources: Access premium content in the OwnEnergy Knowledge Center Participate in Live Chats with OwnEnergy and other NFU members Read the Wind Development Blog Join a wind development specialist each Thursday for a live chat. Log in anytime 4-6 p.m. EST to have your questions answered Click here or go to for more information. Check us out on Flickr! Click here to view and download photos from NFU's fly-in and other recent events. 3 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 4. National Farmers Union e-newsletter Biogas USA East June 21-22, 2011 Chicago, United States Creating a Growing East Coast Market Join Biogas USA East in Chicago this June as they leverage the huge potential of landfill gas on the East coast and growing farm/co-digestion AD projects in the neighboring states. This key event will bring together leaders of the US biogas industry to examine how to develop commercially successful biogas projects and address the latest technological advances in production. For more information visit their website at Biogas USA EAST 2011 event features presentations from leading experts including: Keynote policies & finance addresses from: Rachel Goldstein, Team Leader, Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP), US EPA Chandler Goule, Vice President of Government Affairs & Head Lobbyist, NFU Chris Cassidy, National Business Renewable Energy Advisor, USDA Rural Development Jon Best, Senior International Account Manager, Renewable Energy, Cat Power Finance Utilities' strategies for biogas: Anthony LaRusso, Manager, Sustainable Gas Group, National Grid Ronald Kent, Technology Development Manager - Major Demonstrations, Sempra Utilities Andrew McVie, Business Development Manager, Terasen Gas Plus insight analysis & case studies from feedstock producers and biogas developers: Douglas Carruthers, Senior Vice President, Organic Resource Management Dale L. Doerr, Wastewater Superintendent, Sheboygan Regional WWTP Michael Bakas, Senior Vice President, Renewable Energy, Ameresco Kelly Sarber, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Management, 4 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 5. National Farmers Union e-newsletter Representing Port of San Diego Dean Olson, Resource Recovery & Energy Division Director, Will County Land Use Department Mark Stoermann, Project Manager, Fair Oaks Dairy Farms John W. Logan, Director, Brinson Farms Why attend? · Discover the full market potential for large scale biogas production · Identify the challenges and opportunities in developing profitable biogas projects · Understand the latest legislation and policy developments for biogas development · Hear the latest developments in agricultural, landfill and waste biogas · Find out how companies are upgrading biogas for grid connection and transportation · Hear about cutting edge technologies in anaerobic digestion and plant optimization · First class networking opportunities: 800+ past attendees · Meet potential investors, clients, partners and suppliers · Have your questions answered by the experts during interactive sessions Click here to register for the event. Enter the promo code NFU20 for a 20 percent discount. 2011 ACE Institute 'Opening New Doors' Please join cooperative educators in Winnipeg, Manitoba July 26-29 for this year's ACE Institute, themed "Opening New Doors." With an exciting lineup of speakers, this year's Institute will feature presentation on educating about the cooperative advantage inside co-ops, within the classroom and throughout society. New university programs; multi- stakeholder co-operatives redefining sustainable business and services; mobilizing people and ideas using social media; investing in co-ops - come learn and discuss the ideas that make the co-op model effective and the examples that are reshaping our economy. Online registration can be found at: 5 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 6. National Farmers Union e-newsletter Financial assistance can be found at: Ralph Morrison Foundation ( or the ACE Scholarship ( /ACE_Institute/Scholarships_files/ACE%20Scholarship_EN.pdf) Register Now for All-States Anniversary Celebration All-States Leadership Camp will celebrate 75 years this year. Be a part of our celebration on Saturday, July 16. Bring your family! All are welcome. Details and registration (required) on the event can be found at leadership-camp. All-States Camp Alumni Profile: Audrey Rosenbrock Being a member of the National Farmers Union Youth Advisory Council in the 1980s was a prestigious honor for Audrey Rosenbrock. The experiences from attending All-States Camp in Bailey, Colo., are some of the greatest memories that she cherishes to this day. "The people I served with on that council are some of the greatest people I have ever met. That week was the highlight of my summer!" said Rosenbrock. Rosenbrock was the lone representative from Rocky Mountain Farmers Union (RMFU) and enjoyed meeting people from other states like North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas. "I remember how much fun and energetic the camp counselors and staff were, especially when we dressed up for each theme night," said Rosenbrock. During class sessions, Rosenbrock learned about the importance of cooperation and teamwork throughout the week of camp activities. The education from All-States Camp heightened Rosenbrock's confidence and had a huge impact on her life. It empowered her to listen, learn, and lead others in her life during college, in her job, and in her community. Rosenbrock credits her experience on NYAC with her decision to work as a counselor. She serves as a counselor for a variety of camps, including Pioneer Camp for senior citizens, All-States Camps, and RMFU youth camps for many years. Rosenbrock's daughter, Darla, is currently serving on the NFU Youth Advisory Council this summer. 6 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 7. National Farmers Union e-newsletter Check out the NFU store on our home page by clicking here or by visiting and following the link to the "NFU Store" on the lower left. Get discounted Cabela's merchandise with the National Farmers Union logo or with your state's Farmers Union logo. Farmer's Share of Retail Food Dollar April 2011 Retail Farmer's Product (unit) Price Share Change Multi-purpose Flour (5 lbs.).........................$2.99.......$0.97.........+ Bread (Wonder, 1 lb. loaf)..........................$3.99.......$0.19.........+ Wheaties, (15 oz.).....................................$5.29........$0.13........+ Beer, Miller Lite, 6 pack...............................$6.49........$0.04........- Soda (corn) 2 liter cola..............................$1.09........$0.11........+ Milk (1 gallon, fat free)................................$3.99........$1.69........+ Potatoes (Russet, 10 lbs.)**......................$5.49........$0.73........+ Potato Chips (Lays Classic 13.5 oz.)**.......$3.99........$0.22........+ Cheddar Cheese (1 lb.)**...........................$4.49.......N/A............+ Boneless Ham (per lb.)................................$3.99.......$0.92........+ Bacon (1 lb.)..............................................$4.99.......$0.92.........+ Top Sirloin Steak (1 lb.)...............................$8.49.......$1.93........+ Eggs (1 doz. AA-L).....................................$2.79.......$1.08.........+ Carrots (fresh. 2 lbs.)..................................$3.30.......$1.39.........+ Lettuce (head, 2 lbs.).................................$2.79.......$0.35........- * Retail prices: based on store brand except where noted from Safeway, Washington, D.C., April 29, 2011. ** Potato Farmer's Share reflects March prices. Change indicates increase or decrease in farmer's share from the previous month. View a printable version of Farmer's Share. Taken from "Agricultural Prices," USDA/NASS. April 2011 Current Parity % of Commodity Price Price Parity Crops 7 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM
  • 8. National Farmers Union e-newsletter Barley (bushel).................4.62...........11.60..........40 Corn (bushel)...................6.40...........10.40..........62 Cotton, Upland (lb) ..........0.839..........1.93...........43 Flaxseed (bushel).............13.20..........27.70.........48 Oats (bushel)....................3.04...........6.80...........50 Peanuts (lb).....................0.232..........0.734.........32 Rice (cwt)........................14.00.........44.30..........32 Sorghum Grain (cwt).........11.80.........18.30..........64 Soybeans (bushel)............12.80.........25.80...........50 Wheat (bushel).................8.18...........16.50..........50 Livestock Cattle (cwt)......................120.00.........275.00.......44 Hogs (cwt).......................67.10..........150.00........45 Lambs (cwt)*..................169.00..........318.00.......55 Dairy/Poultry Eggs, (dozen)...................1.050.............2.47........44 Milk, All (cwt)...................16.10............49.50........43 Milk, Mfg. (cwt)*...............N/A..............44.80........N/A *Lamb and manufacturing milk prices are one month behind all other prices in this analysis. ** Egg Prices are Mid-month in this analysis. Taken from "Agricultural Prices," USDA/NASS. 20 F Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. National Farmers Union | 20 F Street NW | Suite 300 | Washington | DC | 20001 8 of 8 6/6/2011 12:37 PM