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                                                                                          Fall Fly-In                                          Events                                 Transitions
                                                 ThIs                                     Scholarships                                         Page 8                                 Page 15
                                                Issue                                     Page 5

                                                            WFU                                                                      NEWS
   WISCONSIN Farmers Union

     June 2011                                                                       The reasoned voice for family farmers since 1930                                                  Volume 68 | no. 6

Looking                                                                          to the                                  Future
                                                        By Darin Von Ruden      It was a great weekend on a great        is because those who have a stake in           on July 1. This event is going to be a
                                                        WFU President        lake in Northwestern Wisconsin. I had       our current energy policy (providers           great opportunity to learn about farm-
                                                                             some time to clear my head and think        and politicians who receive donations          based renewable energy technologies.
                      just got back from
                      the annual Von
                   Ruden Men’s Fish-
                                                        I                    about family - and also about what’s
                                                                             coming up for WFU and Wisconsin
                                                                                                                         from providers) have an interest in the
                                                                                                                         enormous profits that come from keep-
                                                                                                                         ing things the way they are.
                                                                                                                                                                        The tour will feature local farms and
                                                                                                                                                                        businesses that are active in developing
                                                                                                                                                                        renewables, and discussions with Ger-
                   ing Weekend, and                                             With WFU, I get to travel through-          Our current state leadership has            man farmers about how these ideas are
                   the fishing was good                                      out Wisconsin, and I am continually         shown too little interest in developing        being implemented in Europe.
- lots of good-sized sunfish and a few                                       reminded how exceptional our state is       future technologies or promoting local             There are exciting things happening
crappies. It was a little rainy on Marsh-                                    with its history of combining agricul-      ownership of energy resources. One             in Spain and Germany with community
miller Lake, but that usually makes for                                      tural production with sound land and        provision in the Budget Repair Bill, for       and cooperatively owned wind farms
good fishing and means a little less                                         water stewardship. There is always a        example, allows for selling state owned        and the development of biogas produc-
stress from leaving my farm.                                                 need to balance profitability with re-      heating/cooling/power plants to private        tion. Germany has been able to bring
                                                                             sponsibility in farming, or any busi-       contractors without the need for any           biogas production to a smaller, fam-
                                                                             ness, but our history of preserving nat-    bidding process and without any real           ily farm/cooperative scale, and is now
                                                                             ural resources while also providing for     definition of whether the sale is in the       the world leader in biogas production
  Permit No. 203
  Eau Claire, WI
  U.S. Postage

                                                                             economic opportunity has proven that        public interest.                               with almost 4,000 plants operating and
                                                                             this balance can be achieved.                  Another example is Governor Walk-           1,000 more set to open within a year.
                                                                                I do, sadly, think that some current     er’s decision to stop the conversion of            If I’m still here in 50 years, I want

                                                                             policy proposals at the state level are     Madison’s Charter Street Power Plant           to be able to tell future Von Ruden’s,
                                                                             taking us away from this traditional        from coal to biomass, and instead to           at the annual fishing weekend, that this
                                                                             perspective and vision.                     use only natural gas. This decision may        old man and Wisconsin Farmers Union
 Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America

                                                                                Nowhere is this more apparent than       save money up front, but it undercut the       had the vision to invest in local, sus-
                                                                             in the proposed state policies for meet-    work of numerous private and public            tainable and profitable energy for our
 Wisconsin Division (Wisconsin Farmers Union)

                                                                             ing our future energy needs. With fuel      partners to develop a biomass produc-          still healthy family farms and lakes.
                                                                             and virtually all other input costs up      tion and distribution system that would
                                                                             significantly, farmers remain trapped       have kept energy profits and jobs in ru-
                                                                                                                                                                           Chippewa County June Dairy Days
                                                                             on a familiar cost/price treadmill -        ral Wisconsin.
                                                                             sending our local dollars to support oil       In last month’s WFU newsletter,                 Farmers appreciation
                                                                             company profits, and then hoping that       Daryl Ray (University of Tennessee)                  chicken Dinner
                                                                             the prices we receive for our products      looked at the potential for our farms             Wed. June 15th from 5-9pm
                                                                             will be high enough to cover our costs.     to regain their traditional role as both          at the northern WI State
                                                                                We can get off this treadmill, of        food and energy producers. Doing this                     faIrgroundS.
 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
 Return Service Requested

                                                                             course, and begin planning a future for     will require mixing new and old tech-            Wfu haS a lImIted number of
                                                                             our farms that is based on sustainable      nologies, and a commitment to broad                    tIcketS avaIlable.
                                                                             and locally controlled energy sources.      participation and investment by farm-
 117 W. Spring St.

                                                                             Most people I talk to agree with this vi-   ers. It will also require the political will    tIcketS muSt be pIcked up In the
                                                                                                                                                                             State offIce by June 14.
                                                                             sion of the future, yet we continue to      to push for new public policies.
                                                                             accept our short-sighted dependence            That’s why we are busy getting ready         call uS today at 715-723-5561
                                                                             on oil and coal. Perhaps, in part, this     for the Renewable Energy Road Show                     to reServe yourS!
Page 2                            Farmers union news                                                    WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                                      Fall 2011

Capitol Roundup                                                                          Home Grown Cow teams up
                                                                                         with NFU to provide farmers
                   By Kara Slaughter   Background on Renewable Energy
                                     Purchasing Requirements for Utilities
                                       Under current law, each electric util-            with E-Commerce opportunities
                                            ity has to purchase a certain percentage
                                            of its power from renewable sources                              By John Aikman          concept of knowing where the food on

                   H    ere
                        some of the

                   current topics that
                                            each year. Even though this “Renew-
                                            able Portfolio Standard” (RPS) is cal-
                                                                                                             Home Grown
                                                                                                             Cow CEO
                                                                                                                                     one’s table comes from.
                                                                                                                                        Consumers can browse farms by
                                                                                                                                     product, farm practices, farm size, and
                                            culated on an annual basis, utilities are
                   Wisconsin Farmers                                                                                                 location, thus being afforded transpar-

at the Capitol:
                   Union is following
                                            allowed to “bank” renewable energy
                                            credits for up to four years. Rather than
                                            having to buy exactly 10 percent renew-
                                                                                                             A      t the end of
                                                                                                                    the summer
                                                                                                               last year, I met
                                                                                                                                     ency and choice when it comes to the
                                                                                                                                     meat and cheese on their table. How-
    Tell the Governor to Support            ables each year, utilities can choose to                                                 ever, despite the growing demand for
PACE and Buy Local, Buy Wiscon-
                                                                                                               with Wisconsin
                                            purchase extra renewable credits in one                                                  farm-direct meat from family farms,
                                                                                                               Farmers Union to
                                            year, and then redeem those credits up                                                   many consumers are unsure of how to
    Farmers spoke, and the legislature                                                   introduce a new virtual farmer’s mar-
                                            to four years later in order to meet their                                               find and purchase directly from them.
listened! On Wednesday, May 18, 2011,                                                    ket for meat, poultry and cheese called
                                            renewable energy requirements.                                                           Farms on the other hand are often too
the Legislative Joint Finance Commit-                                                    Home Grown Cow. With the support
                                                The current policy strikes a balance                                                 busy, on too tight a budget or lacking
tee voted to preserve two important                                                      of WFU, Home Grown Cow and NFU
                                            between giving utilities some flexibil-                                                  information about how to attract these
programs for Wisconsin agriculture:                                                      have developed an alliance to alert
                                            ity in when they purchase renewable                                                      customers or engage in Internet Mar-
the Purchase of Agricultural Conserva-                                                   Farmers Union producers about a
                                            credits, and also encouraging new re-                                                    keting.
tion Easements (PACE) program in the                                                     great opportunity to participate in e-
                                            newable energy development by lim-                                                          Home Grown Cow’s features for
Working Lands Initiative, and the Buy                                                    Commerce, and to share with Home
                                            iting the banking of large numbers of                                                    farmers include marketing, credit card
Local, Buy Wisconsin program.                                                            Grown Cow producers the benefits of
                                            credits for use in future years. Nearly                                                  processing, order conveyance and
    The Joint Finance Committee voted                                                    Farmers Union membership.
                                            all states with an RPS have a limit on                                                   shipping facilitation. Both “Farmer”
15-1 to restore the Buy Local, Buy                                                  is a Wiscon-
                                            renewable credit banking through an                                                      and “Eater” are protected by Home
Wisconsin Program, and to fund it at                                                     sin-based web site that provides meat,
                                            expiration date or some other mecha-                                                     Grown Cow’s payment “safety net”
90% of the funding level for the 2009-                                                   poultry and cheese producers with a
                                            nism.                                                                                    which keeps consumers’ billing in-
2010 biennium. The committee also                                                        full-service e-commerce sales channel
                                                Proposed Measure would Diminish                                                      formation safe and protects farmers
voted 16-0 to preserve the PACE pro-                                                     nationwide. It costs nothing for farm-
                                            Utilities’ Annual Renewable Require-                                                     by ensuring customer commitment.
gram and to fund the first round of 16                                                   ers to participate, is available to farm-
                                            ment                                                                                     Farmers can also list pre-order items
PACE contracts from 2010 with up to                                                      ers without Internet access, and opens
                                                Alas, Assembly Bill 146 would al-                                                    well ahead of time to help manage in-
$5.2 million from the Knowles-Nelson                                                     a national marketplace for farmers
                                            low utilities to bank renewable energy                                                   ventory.
Stewardship Fund. The PACE program                                                       and consumers anywhere in the U.S.
                                            credits without any time limit whatso-       to come together.
will remain on the books for the future,    ever. This means that a utility could                                                       Home Grown Cow is live and ac-
but the budget does not allocate any                                                         Home Grown Cow offers meat,
                                            meet its annual renewable requirement                                                    tively recruiting farms to support –
funding for PACE contracts in 2011 or                                                    poultry and cheese producers the op-
                                            by using credits for renewable energy                                                    hence the new relationship with Na-
2012 due to the current budget short-                                                    portunity to list their farms, include
                                            that was generated years, or even de-                                                    tional Farmers Union. The demand
fall.                                                                                    a brief profile on their operation, list
                                            cades, earlier. This defeats one of the                                                  is there and we need as many farm-
    The next step: making sure that the                                                  their products, and set their own price
                                            major purposes of having a renewable                                                     ers as possible looking to add to their
governor signs these provisions of the                                                   for direct purchase by consumers. It’s
                                            portfolio standard, which is to ensure                                                   revenue stream and sell their products
budget proposal into law. Give the                                                       free for farmers to sign-up and farmers
                                            that there will be a reasonably steady                                                   through Home Grown Cow, so we
governor’s office a call today – (608)                                                   can choose how much of the modest
                                            market for renewable energy over the                                                     can begin marketing to consumers in
266-1212 – and ask that the governor                                                     service fee that is built into the retail
                                            course of time. If there is one thing we                                                 earnest and successfully support the
support the Joint Finance Committee’s                                                    price is paid by the farmer and how
                                            don’t need, it is energy markets that are                                                whole group. Once we get going the
bipartisan recommendation to restore                                                     much is paid by the consumer.
                                            even more volatile than they are now!                                                    number of farms and cheese produc-
the PACE program and the Buy Local,                                                          With consumers paying as much as
                                                This bill will be scheduled for a                                                    ers that we welcome and support can
Buy Wisconsin program.                                                                   $28.00/lb for beef in retail stores, and
                                            hearing very soon. If you are interested                                                 be limitless.
    Assembly Bill 146: Devaluing the                                                     a predicted $4.2 billion dollars to have
                                            in testifying at the hearing, please con-    been spent on food, beverages and pet
Renewable Energy Portfolio Stan-            tact me at kslaughter@wisconsinfarm-
dard                                                                                     food online in 2010* there is growing
                                   or 608-514-4541 and I           demand from consumers everywhere
    A bill has been introduced in the       will let you know as soon as the hearing
Wisconsin Assembly that would seri-                                                      for food that comes directly from the          Find Home Grown Cow at NFU’s Al-
                                            is scheduled. All WFU members are            farm. Studies also show that more than
ously diminish the existing state Re-                                                                                                liances page (
                                            encouraged to call or email Assembly         eight in ten consumers say they trust
newable Energy Portfolio Standard.                                                                                                   liances)
                                            representatives and ask them to oppose       smaller scale farms to produce safe nu-      *Global market review of online grocery
The practical effect of the bill would be   Assembly Bill 146. The key message:
that renewable energy markets would                                                      tritious food**. Home Grown Cow is            retailing –forecasts to 2014: Chap-
                                            This bill will make renewable energy         here to help family farms prevent their       ter 4, Consumer dynamics, Jonathan
become more volatile, and very few          markets less stable, and will discour-
new renewable energy projects would                                                      share of the retail dollar from shrink-       Thomas. Just -Food. Bromsgrove
                                            age the development of new renewable         ing even more than it has over recent       **Food and Farming 2004 Roper Public
be constructed in Wisconsin.                energy sources in the state.                                                                Affairs/NOP World
                                                                                         decades and revive the once-common
WFU News | June2010
           Fall 2011                                               Farmers union news                      Page 3

Wisconsin Farmers Union asks legislature to reconsider budget
provision that undermines Credit Unions
L    ast week the Joint Finance Committee passed a
     measure that would make it easier to convert a
credit union directly to a bank. There were no public
                                                          members know that a vote on conversion is
                                                          taking place, and that they have the information
                                                          they need to cast an informed vote.
hearings on this proposal, nor were any credit unions        The new provision only requires a simple
or credit union members given an opportunity to           majority of those present at any given meeting
comment on the proposal.                                  to vote in favor of conversion. It would allow
   “This is a major law change that will undermine        for a very rapid conversion from a credit
the stability of credit unions,” said Wisconsin Farmers   union to a bank, without allowing time for
Union President Darin Von Ruden. “That’s why we’re        members of the credit union to understand
asking lawmakers to remove this proposed change           the implications of conversion, or even know
from the biennial budget, and take time to consider       that the conversion is taking place. In short, it
whether the measure is in the best interest of the        would facilitate the process of investor-owned              Providing high quality organic
state.”                                                   banks taking over the state’s profitable credit
   There are over 220 credit unions in the state of
                                                                                                              certification and grassfed verification
Wisconsin, many of which are headquartered or have           “Credit unions have always been an                services to producers and processors
branches in rural areas and farming communities.          excellent source of loans, financial education,
These communities are often under-served by               and general support for Wisconsin’s farmers
investor-owned banks. “Credit unions are an important     and rural residents,” said Von Ruden. “For
part of a diverse and competitive financial industry in   these reasons, Wisconsin Farmers Union calls
                                                                                                              PO Box 821
rural Wisconsin,” said Von Ruden. “We should not be       upon members of the legislature to safeguard
                                                                                                              122 W. Jefferson Street
making it easier for investor-owned banks to gobble       the future of the state’s credit unions by          Viroqua, WI 54665
up locally-owned credit unions.”                          removing the credit union conversion language
   In cases where conversion from a credit union to       from the omnibus budget package. Creating a         608-637-2526
a bank is appropriate, the existing methods under         new method to disassemble Wisconsin’s credit        Fax: 608-637-7032
current law are workable and have been successfully       unions is unnecessary and unwise.”                  Email:
used by state credit unions in the past. Current state                                              
law contains safeguards to ensure that credit union

  Wisconsin Farmers Union neWs
A publication of the
     Wisconsin Farmers Union
     117 W. Spring Street
     Chippewa Falls WI 54729
Newsletter edited by Amanda Kollwitz
& Cathy Statz
Direct all comments and questions to the
WFU state office.
Layout and design by John Balgaard
Bulk Rate postage paid at Eau Claire, WI

 Janet Nelson             Darin Von Ruden
 District 1               President
 715-455-1755             District 5
 Dennis Rosen
 Secretary                Patty Edelburg
 District 2               District 6
 715-265-4519             715-445-2003
 Wayne Danielson          Richard Keller
 Treasurer                District 7
 District 3               608-437-5122
                          W. Michael Slattery
 Craig Myhre              District 8
 Vice President           920-863-2996
 District 4
 715-983-2167             Mark Liebaert
  Printed by: Leader Printing • Eau Claire, WI
Page 4                     Farmers union news                                                                     WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                                                Fall 2011

 Did You Know?
                                                                                                                            Farmers Union Membership
                                                                                                                                     Saves Money on
 The Live Oak Tree-Farmers                                                                                                             Hotel Stays
 Union’s Organizational Structure                                                 There is now another way that your membership in Farmers Union benefits you
                                                                                  – a special savings of 20% at more than 6,000 hotels across the country.
 By Nick Mahr                             the National Farmers Union. Next,       Farmers Union has partnered with Wyndham Hotel Group to provide this discount to our members, a
 Membership Coordinator                   another camper stands behind with       discount that is not available to the general
                                          her arms wide. These branches

                                                                                  public. Farmers Union members will receive a 20
       rassroots.      Member-driven.     represent the state and local units.    percent discount off the lowest regularly
       Local. It seems every organi-      Then another camper joins the tree      available public rate. This means a savings even
 zation and movement claims these         with her hands out and waving.          compared to services like and Expedia. And the discount extends well beyond Wyndham
 values recently. But to Farmers          Those waving hands represent the
                                                                                  branded hotels to all of the chains in the WHG system – including: Ramada Worldwide, Days Inn,
 Union they are far more than the         leaves. The leaves on the tree rep-
                                                                                  Wingate Inn, Howard Johnson, Travelodge, Super 8, Baymont Inn, Microtel Inns and Suites, Hawthorn
 most recent buzz words. They rep-        resent Farmers Union members, as
                                                                                  Suites and Knights Inn locations.
 resent the structure of the organi-      there are always young and new
 zation, and have since its inception     members to regenerate the orga-                              There are two easy ways to access this Farmers Union discount:
 in 1902.                                 nization. Finally, we add a camper
    Rather than a top-down approach       sitting down in front of our tree                             Online                                                  Toll Free
 to activism, Farmers Union’s poli-       to represent how Farmers Union             Visit the National Farmers Union website at
 cies start with the members and          policy is deeply rooted in rural and look for the link under “Why
                                                                                            should I join” – or go directly to
 gather strength and voice as they        America.                                     
                                                                                                                                            Each hotel chain will be available from the menu.

 grow through the local, county,             While it may not be practical to        The discount code is provided when booking
                                                                                                                                           Please call the State Office for the discount code at
 state, and national level. The Live      pantomime an oak tree when asked                              online
 Oak Tree, the emblem of the Farm-        to explain how Farmers Union            Advance reservations are required to guarantee the discounted rate.
 ers Union, is an excellent symbol        works, the analogy is useful. Espe-
                       of this struc-     cially important is the idea of ener-
                       ture, and is ap-   gy traveling in through the leaves,
                       propriate em-      like ideas flow in from members.
                       blem for many      Another helpful metaphor is that
                       other reasons.     strength is drawn from the trunk,       For more information contact the Wisconsin Farmers Union Office at 715-723-5561 or 800-272-5531.
                       This tree is       much like how National Farmers
                       predominantly      Union provides a unified political
                       found in the       force that positively affects nation-
                       South, espe-       al and international agricultural                                                                                  Hard Cheeses
                       cially in Texas,   policy.                                                                                                            Cottage Cheeses
                       where Farmers         A great example of our com-                                                                                     Sour Creams
 Union originated. Live Oak trees         bined strength is the recent change                                                                                Dairy Dips
 do not lose all their leaves in the      allowing approved state-inspected                                                                                  Yogurts
 winter and their leaves stay green.      plants to sell meat across state                                                                                   and more.
 This emblem also demonstrates            lines. Individual members of a
 how the organization gathers en-         local unit noticed a problem and                      Farmer-owned for over 100 Years.
 ergy from the individual members,        proposed solutions. Their proposal               Converting rBST-free* and certified-Organic**
 represented by the leaves, and           gained support from the state and                     milk from our member-owners into
 channels that into a strong national     national organization. By work-                        value-added dairy food products.
 organization.                            ing in cooperation with our state       *No significant difference has been shown between milk from rBST-treated or non rBST-treated cows.
                                                                                  **Certified Organic by Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA).
    At Farmers Union summer               and national organization, those
 camps, a popular way of teaching         individual members were able to
 this structure is to have the campers    accomplish change. Like the Live                                                    Follow us on
 play the parts of the tree. Starting     Oak Tree, Farmers Union is alive                                                Facebook and Twitter
 with one child standing tall with        and growing, just as the organi-
 her hands at her sides, we explain       zation’s founders hoped it always
 how the trunk of the tree represents     would be.
WFU News | June2010
           Fall 2011   Farmers union news                     Page 5

                               NFU Fall Fly-in
                               Scholarship Opportunity
                               N     ational Farmers Union is organizing a Fall Legislative Fly-In on Septem-
                                     ber 12-14, 2011 in Washington, D.C. Fly-ins allow our members to gather
                               in the nation’s capital and help acquaint members of Congress with the chal-
                               lenges family farmers and ranchers currently face across rural America.
                                  These visits provide an excellent opportunity for producers to tell lawmak-
                               ers firsthand how current government policy has an impact on them and others
                               in their area. Fly-in participants can share a personal story and put a human
                               face on how decisions in Washington, D.C. affect both producers and consum-
                               ers across the United States.
                                  To apply for a Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU) Fly-In scholarship, appli-
                               cants must be a WFU member and a first-time fly-in participant. Those inter-
                               ested should send a 200-250 word essay on why they would like to attend the
                               NFU fly-in and email the essay, along with your name, address, and telephone
                               number to with a subject of “2011 Fall Fly-
                               in Scholarship” or mail to the WFU State Office, c/o Fly-In Scholarship, 117
                               West Spring Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54701.
                                  The winner(s) of the WFU Fly-In Scholarship will be expected to report on
                               their experience at the WFU State Convention in Wausau, Wis., on January
                               27-29, 2012.
Page 6                   Farmers union news                                            WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                     Fall 2011

WFU Welcomes Summer Camp Staff
                     By Cathy Statz                  tration and information systems student at UW
                     Education Director              Eau Claire, and was a key staff person for dairy
                                                     breakfasts last year.
                                                        Char Meier of Cross Plains is back as our

                     S    chool is getting out and
                          summer is coming in,
                      so sign up for camp fun
                                                     Camp Nurse, and Noel Capra of Chippewa Falls
                                                     and Joan Stuart of Colfax are returning as Camp
                                                     Cooks. We’re also pleased to have a number
                      at WFU Kamp Kenwood!           of Senior Campers assisting as Counselors-In-
                      We’ll continue to register     Training during the younger camps and out-
campers throughout the summer, but space is          reach events; Kaia Rubin of Madison and Sarah
                                                                                                        and Big Brothers Big Sisters to our program
limited, so send in your forms today.                Henderson of Eau Claire will be helping out at
                                                                                                        this summer. Maddie Gehrig, a psychology and
   Are you ready to introduce the Farmers Union      various points during the season.
                                                                                                        Spanish major at the University of Minnesota
camp experience to younger kids in the fam-             We are welcoming a number of new staff this
                                                                                                        Morris, is looking forward to returning to her
ily, or want to enjoy a little time away with the    year. After having spent many years as a camper,
                                                                                                        native Chippewa Falls to join us as well.
grandkids? Sign up for Family Camp! Join us          Louie Fisher of Stockholm will be serving as a
                                                                                                           We have a great camp staff with varied skills
August 12-13, immediately following the Ju-          counselor. Jesse Davis and Kristen Yeager both
                                                                                                        and talents this summer! Look for us at dairy
nior 2 Camp. This casual overnight experience        learned about Farmers Union Camp while vol-
                                                                                                        breakfasts and other outreach events around the
is a great way to introduce younger children and     unteering at Kamp Kenwood with the Alpha Phi
                                                                                                        state, and we hope to see many of you at Kamp
grandchildren to the tradition of summer camp.       Omega service fraternity of at UW Eau Claire.
Cost for Family Camp is $65 for one adult and        Jesse is from Green Bay and is studying science
up to two elementary-aged children; addition-        and Spanish. Kristen, who will serve as our camp                    Follow us on
al adults $25 each; additional youth $15 each.       lifeguard, is an education major from Wausau                    Facebook and Twitter
Printable camp registration forms can be found       focusing on science and history. UW River Falls
in the newsletter, online at www.wisconsinfarm-      student Tim Emahiser from Plymouth, Minne- or can be requested from the WFU        sota will bring his experience with Cub Scouts
   We are happy to welcome back
some of last year’s summer camp
staff, as well as to introduce some
new counselors.
   Returning as Assistant Camp
Director is Nick Mahr of Stanley.
Nick has also been working for
WFU as membership coordinator.
He is a former camper and Senior
Youth Advisory Council member,
and has served on staff at the NFU
All-States Leadership Camp in
Bailey, Colorado.
   Joining him are fellow Assistant
Camp Directors Krist Kvalheim
and Mitch Salzwedel, both of Sun
Prairie. Krist is finishing a term
of student teaching in ag educa-
tion, and Mitch is joining us after
a late May paddling trip to Ontario
related to his geology/hydrology/
environmental studies work. Both
are students at UW River Falls and
members of the Collegiate Farmers
Union there. Also returning to staff
is Allison Krosnoski of Glenwood
City. Allison is a business adminis-
WFU News | June2010
                                                                                                                                                                        Fall 2011

                                                                                                  Wisconsin Farmers Union
                                                                                                  2011 Summer Camp Schedule
                                                                                                                           Kamp Kenwood
                                                                                                                                                            Farmers union news


                                                               2011 Kamp Kenwood RegistRation
Camper Name:                                                                        Camp Session (circle): Jr 1/JH 1 Jr 2 Jr 3 JH 2 SEN ACORN FAM
Gender (circle): M F         Age at camp start date:                        Birthdate:                           High School Graduation Year:
Camper Email:                                                       Cabin Buddy (optional):
Parent(s):                                                                        Parent Email:

Day Phone:                                           Eve Phone:                                           Cell:
Diet (circle): Vegetarian Vegan Other Accommodation (please contact us)                                   Household (circle): Farm Rural Small Town Urban
Are you a member of a co-op and/or credit union? (Please list):                                           How did you learn about us?
Amount Enclosed (include at least ½ of camp fee, PLUS WFU family membership ($30) paid in full for non-members):
                                                                                                                                                            Page 7

Remainder to be paid by ():  Parent (before or at camp)  County FU  Co-op (provide name):
Page 8                          Farmers union news                                                                       WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                                                       Fall 2011

                                                                                           Get on the (Biodiesel) Bus!
                                                                                    W      isconsin Farmers Union, in con-
                                                                                           junction with National Farmers
                                                                                    Union and Minnesota and South Da-
                                                                                                                                                  in Sun Prairie, Virent Energy Systems
                                                                                                                                                  in Madison, and more. Whether you
                                                                                                                                                  have a biofuels business idea your-
June 4                                      June 17-19                              kota Farmers Union, will be hosting                           self or are just curious what biofuels
Jackson county Dairy Breakfast              miDWest reneWaBLe energy fair           a “Renewable Energy Road Show”                                are all about, this tour is for you! The
eric anD Lori PruDLick famiLy farm          custer (east of steVens Point)          on July 1, 2011. Tour participants                            tour will start and end in Madison, but
W16657 us HWy 10, osseo                     June 18
                                            Portage county June Dairy BruncH        will have the chance to visit farms                           there will also be the option to hop on
June 4                                      skinner Dairy farm                      and businesses in Wisconsin that are                          the bus at Richland Center.
Vernon county Dairy Breakfast               4909 cLoVer rD, Junction city           producing and using biodiesel and
steVe anD Joann HumfeLD farm                                                        other bio-based transportation fuels.                            Interested? Contact Kara Slaughter
(Wfu memBers)                               June 18
e4798 stafsLien Lane, cHaseBurg             La crosse county Dairy Breakfast        The event will be a great chance for                          for more information or to sign up:
                                            LasH LanD Dairy                         farmers, researchers, entrepreneurs,                          kslaughter@wisconsinfarmersunion.
June 4                                      W1968 DaVis creek rD, minDoro           and public officials to exchange ideas                        com; 608-514-4541.
Barron county Dairy Breakfast                                                       on how to move the bio-based econ-
Brent/tara young & DarryL/                  June 19
BarBara young farm                          LoyaL ffa aLumni Dairy Breakfast        omy forward. It will also be a lot of                               Renewable Energy Road Show:
552 9½ -10½ street, DaLLas                  PauL Bugar trucking                     FUN! There is no cost to participate                                 Date:        July 1, 2011
                                            W2944 state HWy 98, LoyaL               in the tour, and lunch and snacks are                                Time:        8 AM to 3:30 PM
June 5                                                                              included.                                                                         (end time is approximate)
maratHon county Dairy Breakfast             June 19                                                                                                       Cost:       FREE, due to generous
sam anD Jen Zimmermann farm                 marsHfieLD ffa aLumni Dairy Breakfast      The tour will feature visits to Or-
                                                                                                                                                                      support from sponsors.
e2259 county rD Q, ringLe                   seeHafer acres                          ganic Valley in La Farge, Derr Farms
                                            m243 HWy 97, marsHfieLD
June 5
stratforD ffa aLumni June Dairy Breakfast   June 25
country aire BaLLroom                       oZaukee county Breakfast on tHe farm
corner of HWy P anD HWy 97, stratforD       Jim anD sHerri meLicHar farm
                                            3990 WiLLoW Ln, Port WasHington
June 10
Breakfast in tHe VaLLey                     July 11
ec exPo center                              tayLor county Day camP                                                                    would like to invite you to
5530 fairVieW DriVe, eau cLaire             meDforD                                                                                   “A Summer Happening”
June 11                                     July 15
Dane county Breakfast on tHe farm           maratHon county Day camP                                                                       Sunday, August 14
Haag famiLy farm                            maratHon Park, Wausau
6868 BuetHin roaD, Dane
                                            July 13-17                                                                                   11:00 am to 4:00 pm
June 11                                     nortHern Wisconsin state fair
PoLk-Burnett eLectric co-oP                 cHiPPeWa faLLs
73rD annuaL meeting                                                                                                                     WFU Kamp Kenwood
unity scHooL                                July 29                                                                                19161 79th Ave. - Chippewa Falls
1908 HWy 46, BaLsam Lake                    Dane county farmers union Day camP
                                            11am-3Pm, manLey farm Barn
June 11                                     2144 cty t, sun Prairie
sauk county Dairy Breakfast                                                                WFU’s mission of enhancing the quality of life for family farmers, rural
kinnamon riDge Dairy                        July 30                                        communities and all people through educational opportunities will be
s3175 WHite rD, reeDsBurg                   kickaPoo country fair                          visible through the increased awareness of sustainable agriculture and by
                                            organic VaLLey HeaDQuarters                    exploring energy options and practical solutions to our everyday
June 12                                     one organic Way, La farge                      challenges.
stanLey-BoyD tHorP ffa Dairy Breakfast
JoHn anD Laurie Jo LeWanDoWski farm         August 14                                      “A Summer Happening” will provide a day of family fun activities,
n 14085 tieman aVe (cty rD n), tHorP        Wfu summer HaPPening                           education and clean living options for residents across the state at WFU’s
                                            kamP kenWooD                                   Kamp Kenwood, located next to Lake Wissota in Chippewa County.
June 12
st. croix farmers union famiLy Picnic       August 15
J-c croes farm                              Dane county farmers union
2264 200tH st., Deer Park                   Day on tHe farm – noon-6Pm
noon PotLuck, kiDs’ actiVities & sWimming   annuaL Picnic – 6Pm
                                            HincHLey farm
June 15                                     2844 HWy 73, camBriDge
farmers aPPreciation cHicken Dinner
nortHern Wi state fairgrounDs               August 15
5-9Pm                                       cHiPPeWa faLLs cHamBer of commerce
                                            Business after Hours                       *** If you are interested in being a vendor/exhibitor, please contact the State Office @ 800-272-5531
June 15                                     kamP kenWooD
Vernon eLectric co-oP
memBer aPPreciation Picnic                  JAnuAry 27-29, 2012
3-7Pm                                       Wfu state conVention
                                            Wausau, Wi
WFU News | June2010
           Fall 2011                                     Farmers union news                                        Page 9

                                                                         Thanks to our farmers for all of
                                                                         the cooperative work they do!
Dunn Energy Cooperative                                                      St. Croix Electric Cooperative
Energy thru Excellence                                                       A Touchestone® Cooperative
Barron Electric Cooperative                                                  Vernon Electric Co-op
Serving the rural area for 75 years                                          Your Touchstone Energy® Partner -
Medford Cooperative                                                          Vernon Telephone Cooperative
Celebrating 100 years of service!                                            Westby – 608-634-3136
Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative                                            WCCU Credit Union
Your Partner for energy solutions,                       Westby, Viroqua, Richland Center, Reedsburg, Cashton
Lakeland Cooperative Services
Proudly Serving Northwest Wisconsin
Central Wisconsin Cooperative                               Farmer’s Share of Retail Food Dollar
Stratford, Marshfield, Auburndale, Chile                 Did you know that farmers and ranchers receive only 15.8* cents of every food dollar that
                                                                        consumers spend on food at home and away from home?
Taylor Credit Union
Where your money works as hard as you do                 According to USDA, off farm costs including marketing, processing, wholesaling, distribution
                                                         and retailing account for more than 80 cents of every food dollar spent in the United States.
Viroqua Food Cooperative
Your community connection for local food                 Bacon                 Top Sirloin Steak      Bread                 Fresh Carrots       Beer
                                                         1 Pound               1 Pound                1 Pound               3 Pounds            6-Pack Cans
Oconto Electric Cooperative
Co-ops are better
Hixton-Fairchild Farmers Co-op
Greenville Cooperative                                   Retail: $5.49         Retail: $8.49          Retail: $3.89         Retail: $3.30       Retail: $6.49
                                                         Farmer: $0.92         Farmer: $1.85          Farmer: $0.20         Farmer: $1.39       Farmer: $0.04
Citizens Telephone Cooperative, Inc.                     Cereal                Cheddar Cheese         Eggs                  Flour               Boneless Ham
                                                         18 Ounce Box          1 Pound                1 Dozen               5 Pounds            Price per Pound
Your Pathway to the World
Eau Claire Energy Cooperative
Consumers Co-op Oil
Sauk City - 608-643-3301
                                                         Retail: $4.39         Retail: $5.49          Retail: $2.89         Retail: $2.99       Retail: $3.99
Barron Mutual Insurance                                  Farmer: $0.09         Farmer: N/A            Farmer: $0.82         Farmer: $0.98       Farmer: $0.92
715-537-5141                                             Lettuce               Milk                   Potato Chips          Fresh Potatoes      Soda
                                                         1 Head (2 Pounds)     1 Gallon, Fat Free     Lays Classic, 11oz    Russet, 10 Pounds   Two Liter Bottle
Jump River Electric Co-op
Ladysmith ~ Hayward Your Touchstone Energy® Partner
Oakdale Credit Union
We treat you like a member of the family
Organic Valley
                                                         Retail: $2.79         Retail: $4.39          Retail: $3.49         Retail: $5.49       Retail: $1.09
Farmer-Owned                                             Farmer: $0.40         Farmer: $1.67          Farmer: $0.22**       Farmer: $0.78**     Farmer: $0.10
Cochrane Cooperative Telephone                           Farmer’s share derived from USDA, NASS “Agricultural Prices,” 2011.
Serving Buffalo City, Cochrane, and Waumandee            Retail based on Safeway (SE) brand except where noted.
                                                         *Figure according to U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service
Barron Farmers Union Co-op                               **Reflects April 2011 prices.
Propane, Fuel, Oil, Truck stop 715-537-3181
AgStar Financial Services                                                                                                                       May 31, 2011
Page 10            Farmers union news                                  WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                   Fall 2011

          “I can count on WESTconsin!”
          Small businessperson and farmer Ron Meyer knows
          that success is all in the details. There is a bank two
          miles from his house. Yet he chooses to drive the
          extra miles to do business with the staff at                      Federally insured by NCUA

                                                                         (800) 924-0022 |
          WESTconsin Credit Union. View Ron’s full story—
                                                                           Amery | Baldwin | Barron | Hudson | Menomonie
          Member Stories at                            New Richmond | Prescott | River Falls | Spring Valley
WFU News | June2010
           Fall 2011                                                    Farmers union news                                           Page 11

 June Dairy Month Quiz
 (answers located on page 15)
                                                                                              5. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 3 cups of low-fat or
                                                                                                 fat-free milk and milk products every day. On average, how many servings of
                                                                                                 milk products do Americans eat daily?
 Compiled by Diane Tiry with the help of and                       A) 2 B) 1.5 C) 1
 the University of Illinois Extension Website.
 1. How many pounds of milk does a cow produce in one month?                                  6. How many gallons of milk does the average American drink each year?
    A) 1,800 pounds B) 3,000 pounds C) 2,100 pounds                                              A) 5 B) 19 C) 31

 2. How many glasses of milk does a cow produce each day?                                     7. How many girls, ages 9-13, do NOT get enough calcium every day?
    A) 45 B) 90 C) 180                                                                           A) 1 out of 10 B) 5 out of 10 C) 9 out of 10

 3. Which cow breed weighs the most?                                                          8. Which cheese is the most widely purchased and consumed in the world?
    A) Jersey B) Brown Swiss C) Holstein                                                         A) Mozzarella B) Swiss C) Cheddar

 4. Calcium is widely available in milk and milk products like cheese and yogurt              9. Super Bowl Sunday rates as the number one day for consumption of:
    as well as in dark green leafy vegetables like kale. How many servings of kale               A) Cheese curds B) Pizza C) Ham and cheese sandwiches
    would you have to eat to get about the same calcium from a glass of milk?                 10. More than __________ new dairy products are introduced every year.
    A) 3 B) 1 C) 5                                                                                A) 1000 B) 10 C) 100
                                                                                              11. America’s favorite ice cream flavor is:
                                                                                                  A) Butterscotch Revel B) Chocolate C) Vanilla

                                                                                              12. Plastic milk bottles were first introduced in the United States in:
                                                                                                  A) 1965 B) 1967 C) 1969

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Page 12                 Farmers union news                                               WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                       Fall 2011

 Replacing the “buffer” created by world’s starving and hungry
 with a grain buffer
 By: Daryll Ray & Harwood Schaffer                  the issue in the light of the 2007-8 price spike   reduction comes not from cattle feeding and
                                                    and the subsequent developments leading up to      ethanol production, but from reducing the ef-

 T    he issue of high and volatile agricultural a second price spike in early 2011.”
      commodity prices and its causes and im-
                                                 Africa’s Calling, In the has
                                                       The paper makes it clear that the world
 pacts has been the subject of numerous publi- buffer stocks one way or the other.               pe-
                                                                                                       fective demand of people who are living on the
                                                                                                       margin of food insecurity. These numbers do
                                                                                                       not include the 800 plus million food insecure
                                                Will You Answer?
 cations and meetings over the last three years riod before 1996—China is another story—               who are consistently excluded from purchas-
 including Dakar Agricole 2011, a meeting that governments in developed countries held re-             ing grain because they lack the funds to do
 we spoke of in last week’s column. Before serve stocksNCBA Farmer-to-Farmer Program
                                        NFU is working with the of storable grains which became        so or the resources necessary to produce their
                                      to send American farmers & agribusiness professionals to
 continuing with our discussion of that meet- available to the market at times when the price          own food.
 ing, we would like to establish a foundation agricultural development projects in Senegal
                                      do 2-3 week exceeded some pre-determined level. This re-            As McCreary says, “The dynamic is [mor-
 for that discussion by reviewing a paper writ- The Program is sponsored by the U.S.needs of the
                                      and Niger. lease of grain met the demand Agency for              ally] unacceptable.”
                                      International Development.
 ten for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, The pa- consumers and calmed jittery markets, head-                After going through a systematic analysis of
 per, “Protecting the Food Insecure in Volatile ing off a spike like those seen in expenses.
                                          The Program pays all assignment-related 2007-8 and           the reasons why crop markets are vulnerable
 International Markets,” was authored by Ian early 2011. Volunteers should not have to                 to volatility, especially as trade increases, Mc-
 McCreary, an economist and former director            With the eliminationof their own money inan
                                                                   pay any of these policies and       Creary argues for different stock policies for
                                                                   order to participate.
 of the Canadian Wheat Board. By way of dis- increase in international agricultural trade, Mc-         different grains:
 closure, Daryll received and commented on an Creary writes, “as Interested? and consumption
                                                                        production E-mail NFU at          ■ “Maize/Corn - a biofuel set aside program
 earlier draft of the paper.                             
                                                    increases, poor and vulnerable people become       is suggested. Either through variable mandates
    The Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a coali- the buffer for an ever larger pool of cereal pro-         or by bidding production off the market, assur-
 tion of all of the major Canadian churches. The duction and consumption.”                             ances must be provided to the global economy
 paper was commissioned because the churches           The buffer stock that once was a storable       that biofuel production will be adjusted when
 were “alarmed at the realization that sudden grain has now Volunteer Program at
                                                                    become a buffer stock of peo-      food supplies become critically tight.
 food price spikes had the potential to cast mil- ple who are moved out of theNFU/NCBA
                                                                                     demand market        ■ “Wheat - a coordinated fixed quantity
 lions of people into chronic food insecurity.” whenever the price is beyond their reach. The          multilateral reserve representing 1-2% of glob-
 They believed that “such price induced food buffer stock now has a human face. And that               al use is recommended.
 crises quickly overwhelm any of the gains face is hundreds of millions of people who                     ■ “Rice - small regional reserves are recom-
 made by the recent decades of effort to reduce are marginally food-secure and can become              mended. Rice is thinly traded and there would
 hunger in developing countries.”                   food insecure any time the price rises out of      not be confidence that a reserve centrally held
    Specifically, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank their reach. Demand is reduced and the major            by exporters would be available to all in the
 “saw the need to research the
 issue of reserves, in particular,
 the history of cereal stock lev-
 els since the Second World War.
 Early in this sixty year period
 there were deliberate food re-
                                          Planting the Seeds of Cooperation...
 serve policies in place, initial-        Half a World Away                                               Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer
 ly as part of the International                                                                          Program at NFU/NCBA
 Wheat Agreement, and later as
 part of the domestic policies of                                                                         NFU is working with the NCBA Farmer-to-
 the US and the European Com-                                                                             Farmer Program to send American farmers and
 munity. In addition, many devel-                                                                         agribusiness professionals to do 2-3 week agri-
 oping countries also maintained                                                                          cultural development projects in Senegal and
 food reserves. All of these poli-                                                                        Niger. The Program is sponsored by the U.S.
 cies were changed in the 1980s                                                                           Agency for International Development. Volun-
 and it had been widely accepted                                                                          teers work with farmers, producer groups, rural
 that such policies are no longer                                                                         businesses, and service providers to develop
 appropriate. Without prejudg-                                                                            local capacity necessary to enhance food secu-
 ing the case, [the Foodgrains                                                                            rity, increase incomes and economic growth,
 Bank has] sought to re-examine                                                                           and address environmental and natural re-
                                                                                                          source management challenges.
                                                                                                          The Program pays all assignment-related
                                                                                                          expenses. Volunteers should not have to pay
WFU News | June2010
           Fall 2011                                            Farmers union news                                       Page 13

 event of tight supplies.”                              cutting off ethanol production may be the logi-          lack of effectiveness of a properly implement-
    He concludes the Executive Summary: “Re-            cal first step, we think over the longer term it         ed buffer-stock instrument. While it would be
 serve policy, improved information and trans-          makes sense to have a corn reserve sufficient to         difficult to eliminate all political influence, an
 parency, and fair trade rules are only a subset        stabilize corn markets without shutting off the          independent federal-reserve-like board would
 of the planks required to improve global food          production of biofuels. If corn production in            be in a better position to head-off the gradual
 security. A new Food Assistance Convention             the years ahead turns out to respond to the cur-         dilution of purpose that plagued US attempts
 will still be required to guarantee a minimum          rent high price signals with increases as large          in the past, especially the Farmer Owned Grain
 amount of food for emergencies and other set-          as it appears they could be, that would be an            Reserve.
 tings where food assistance is appropriate.            ideal time to set aside a reserve stock of corn.
    “Donors should continue to accept the price         The same holds true for the other grains and the
 risk of commitments under a new Food Assis-            filling of a reserve in a year of high production
 tance Convention and support stockholding to           would have a stabilizing impact on prices that
 cover their risks.                                     farmers receive.
    “Public sector investment in productivity for           The best insurance against excessive volatil-
 smallholder agriculture is also required to in-        ity is to reinstitute a buffer-stock program suf-
 crease the resilience of agriculture globally.         ficient to assure all grain users of a stable flow
    “However, none of these food security pro-          of the products they need. Farmers can be pro-
 grams can be expected to be successful if ce-          tected by instituting a price band that is wide
 real prices continue the erratic volatility of the     enough to give the market plenty of room to                Daryll E. Ray holds the Blasingame Chair
                                                                                                                of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, Institute of
 past four years.”                                      respond to normal changes in supply and de-
                                                                                                                Agriculture, University of Tennessee, and is the
    In the end, he also identifies the need to ad-      mand while enabling farmers around the world            Director of UT’s Agricultural Policy Analysis
 dress the core issue of price volatility.              the opportunity to earn a livelihood from their         Center (APAC). Harwood D. Schaffer is a Re-
    We agree. Where we differ from McCreary             work.                                                   search Assistant Professor at APAC. (865) 974-
 is in the size of the reserves and the use of price        To us, previous shortcomings of buffer re-          7407; Fax: (865) 974-7298; and
 bands and release prices. While in the short-run       serves were due more to political sabotage than;

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Page 14                              Farmers union news                                                      WFU News | June 2010
                                                                                                                                                           Fall 2011

Fresh from Farm to Table
By Amy Czerniak
                                                                                               Buyer’s advantage with Dakota
                                                                                               Pride Cooperative
F   armers markets are places consum-
    ers can purchase directly from the
producer with no middleman to com-
                                                                                               Price, quality and quantity key factors in success
plicate matters. The two original goals
of farmers markets, to bring fresh
fruits and vegetables to consumers and
                                                                                                L    ess than 12 years ago, a brand
                                                                                                     new cooperative was created
                                                                                                to market specialty spring wheats
                                                                                                                                             The 2010 crop production from
                                                                                                                                         Dakota Pride included hard white
                                                                                                                                         spring wheat and non-GMO soy-
to support small family farms, still re-         Wisconsin has a strong background              through the North Dakota Mill and        beans. “One of the most unique ser-
main the base behind current markets.        in farmers markets. The Dane County                Elevator. Within the first five years,   vices we offer is identity preservation
Recent years have shown an increase in       Farmers Market is the largest in the na-           the co-op experienced steady growth      and traceability,” said Barth. “Each
the amount of people selling and shop-       tion and has been rated as a top market            and started working on building an       product’s identity is protected from
ping at Wisconsin’s farmers markets.         by both Good Housekeeping and Food                 international sales market. Two years    the producer to the end user. Assign-
Why?                                         and Wine. There is a waiting list of               ago, Dakota Pride had their first soy-   ment of lot number by product origin
   On average, food travels 1500 miles       nearly five years to become a vendor               bean sale to Japan. This year, Dakota    allows for detailed production, stor-
from field to kitchen. Buying locally        at the Dane County market, but that
                                                                                                Pride Cooperative will export 10,000     age and processing information to
reduces energy emissions that other-         doesn’t mean you can’t get involved or
wise occur in the transportation of that                                                        bushels of soybeans and has attract-     accompany each shipment. This de-
                                             begin your own local farmers market in
food. Some people think more consum-                                                            ed over 200 member-producers with        tailed history of product production
                                             your local area. Because the number of
ers have become aware of the benefits        people wishing to sell goods is grow-              over 100,000 acres available for pro-    offers consumers the ultimate assur-
of purchasing locally grown food due         ing, waiting lists are fairly common,              duction.                                 ance of food safety. It allows the con-
to the recent attention the media has        but may make it easier to find vendors                Executive Director Leland “Judge”     sumer to track their food.”
been giving to local and organic pro-        if you’re interested in starting your own          Barth explained, “Dakota Pride Co-           The Identity Ag processing facility
duce. The idea of eating healthier is        market. In the past ten years, the num-            operative is a cooperative of farmers    in Bloomer opened on Sept. 1, 2010
certainly being promoted and markets         ber of farmers markets in the U.S. has             growing the highest quality, identity-   and is uniquely designed to handle
make it easier to put that idea into prac-   increased from 2,863 to 6,132.                     preserved grains in the world. Right     the Dakota Pride Coop business with
tice. Farmers markets give consumers             Increasing interest has been fueled            now, we have non-GMO soybeans,           specialized sorting and handling
not only the opportunity to get to know      by technology that makes it easier to              hard spring wheat and hard white         equipment. The Bloomer location
producers on a personal level, they also     find, start, and promote farmers mar-              spring wheat. We’re focusing on dif-     specializes in soybeans and gluten
give assurance of food quality and pre-      kets. Go to                  ferent things and will provide market    free. Most important, Identity Ag
serve the local food heritage.               to learn more about the Farmers Mar-               specialty crops grown by co-op mem-      Processing is dedicated to processing
   Reducing the amount of processed          ket Promotion Program, which was                   bers based on buyer specifications.”     non-genetically modified commodi-
food in the diet has been found to im-       created to promote sales directly from                He went on to say that the coop-      ties.
prove health. Food is more nutritious        producers to consumers in agricultural             erative is attempting to build a suc-        Barth concluded, “There’s defi-
and tastes better when it is fresh. The      markets. FMPP awarded over $4.5 mil-               cessful track record with Japan first,   nitely a future need and a strong mar-
existence of farmers markets means           lion in grants in 2009. Additional sup-            which will help to open up potential     ket for growers to be successful using
the general public has better access to      port and information can be found at               markets in other countries like Korea    Dakota Pride. We’re hoping to offer
healthful, quality foods. Markets also                    and Taiwan.                              production contracts as our interna-
promote sustainability, which is de-                                                               Currently, members are able to        tional relationships are strengthened.
fined by Madison’s Research, Educa-             Other websites to check out:
                                                                  grow a wide variety of crops includ-     It’s an exciting time looking at our
tion, Action, and Policy on Food Group
                                                                ing: wheat, soybeans, barley, oats,      projected growth. ”
(REAP) as the methods of growing and
distribution “that protect the environ-                               peas, flax, canola and durum. Dakota         Are you interested in joining Da-
ment and support a high quality of life                                  Pride will work with buyers to select    kota Pride Cooperative? We are look-
in the communities in which food is                  the ingredient characteristics needed    ing for farmers who currently raise
produced, processed, and distributed.”        markets.htm                                       to produce a profitable end product.     soybeans that may be interested in
   Selling goods at farmers markets                    The co-op will identify varieties of     raising about 50 acres of non-GMO
provides a supplemental income for            farmersmarkets.html                               grains and/or oilseeds that buyers       food grade soybeans in 2012 for de-
vendors. Large, commercial farms have                              want. The buyer will then be guar-       livery to Identity Ag Processing in
overshadowed family farms for years,                                                            anteed the highest level of identity     Bloomer, WI. We want to help these
but buying produce directly from ven-           *Amy Czerniak is a Collegiate Farmers           preservation. Producers will grow to     producers with raising the proper va-
                                             Union member attending UW La Crosse with a
dors at the market supports their liveli-    major in communications. She grew up in the
                                                                                                buyer specifications and guarantee       riety, applying the proper agronomic
hood. Studies have found that money          Taylor County Farmers Union Juniors, received      quality from planting through deliv-     practices for their area, and walking
spent in the community tends to stay         the Farmers Union Torchbearer Award and was        ery. The cooperative will clean, store   them thru the entire process of har-
in the community, stimulating the local      elected to both the WFU and National Farm-         and ship all crops using either the      vesting, storage and delivery. If this is
economy. Some studies even estimate          ers Union Youth Advisory Councils. A former
                                                                                                Identity Ag Processing plant in Cass-    something that you would like more
                                             WFU camp staff member, Amy was selected as
that when buying local, 85 to 90 cents       one of two individuals nationwide to serve as a    leton, N.D. or Bloomer, WI.              information on, please contact Judge
of each dollar will likely remain in the     2011 summer intern with the National Farmers                                                Barth at 701-220-9418.
state.                                       Union office in Washington, DC.
WFU June 2011 News
WFU June 2011 News

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WFU June 2011 News

  • 1. InsIde Fall Fly-In Events Transitions ThIs Scholarships Page 8 Page 15 Issue Page 5 WFU NEWS WISCONSIN Farmers Union June 2011 The reasoned voice for family farmers since 1930 Volume 68 | no. 6 Looking to the Future By Darin Von Ruden It was a great weekend on a great is because those who have a stake in on July 1. This event is going to be a WFU President lake in Northwestern Wisconsin. I had our current energy policy (providers great opportunity to learn about farm- some time to clear my head and think and politicians who receive donations based renewable energy technologies. just got back from the annual Von Ruden Men’s Fish- I about family - and also about what’s coming up for WFU and Wisconsin farmers. from providers) have an interest in the enormous profits that come from keep- ing things the way they are. The tour will feature local farms and businesses that are active in developing renewables, and discussions with Ger- ing Weekend, and With WFU, I get to travel through- Our current state leadership has man farmers about how these ideas are the fishing was good out Wisconsin, and I am continually shown too little interest in developing being implemented in Europe. - lots of good-sized sunfish and a few reminded how exceptional our state is future technologies or promoting local There are exciting things happening crappies. It was a little rainy on Marsh- with its history of combining agricul- ownership of energy resources. One in Spain and Germany with community miller Lake, but that usually makes for tural production with sound land and provision in the Budget Repair Bill, for and cooperatively owned wind farms good fishing and means a little less water stewardship. There is always a example, allows for selling state owned and the development of biogas produc- stress from leaving my farm. need to balance profitability with re- heating/cooling/power plants to private tion. Germany has been able to bring sponsibility in farming, or any busi- contractors without the need for any biogas production to a smaller, fam- ness, but our history of preserving nat- bidding process and without any real ily farm/cooperative scale, and is now ural resources while also providing for definition of whether the sale is in the the world leader in biogas production Permit No. 203 Eau Claire, WI U.S. Postage PRSRT STD economic opportunity has proven that public interest. with almost 4,000 plants operating and this balance can be achieved. Another example is Governor Walk- 1,000 more set to open within a year. I do, sadly, think that some current er’s decision to stop the conversion of If I’m still here in 50 years, I want Paid policy proposals at the state level are Madison’s Charter Street Power Plant to be able to tell future Von Ruden’s, taking us away from this traditional from coal to biomass, and instead to at the annual fishing weekend, that this perspective and vision. use only natural gas. This decision may old man and Wisconsin Farmers Union Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America Nowhere is this more apparent than save money up front, but it undercut the had the vision to invest in local, sus- in the proposed state policies for meet- work of numerous private and public tainable and profitable energy for our Wisconsin Division (Wisconsin Farmers Union) ing our future energy needs. With fuel partners to develop a biomass produc- still healthy family farms and lakes. and virtually all other input costs up tion and distribution system that would significantly, farmers remain trapped have kept energy profits and jobs in ru- Chippewa County June Dairy Days on a familiar cost/price treadmill - ral Wisconsin. sending our local dollars to support oil In last month’s WFU newsletter, Farmers appreciation company profits, and then hoping that Daryl Ray (University of Tennessee) chicken Dinner the prices we receive for our products looked at the potential for our farms Wed. June 15th from 5-9pm will be high enough to cover our costs. to regain their traditional role as both at the northern WI State We can get off this treadmill, of food and energy producers. Doing this faIrgroundS. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Return Service Requested course, and begin planning a future for will require mixing new and old tech- Wfu haS a lImIted number of our farms that is based on sustainable nologies, and a commitment to broad tIcketS avaIlable. and locally controlled energy sources. participation and investment by farm- 117 W. Spring St. Most people I talk to agree with this vi- ers. It will also require the political will tIcketS muSt be pIcked up In the State offIce by June 14. sion of the future, yet we continue to to push for new public policies. accept our short-sighted dependence That’s why we are busy getting ready call uS today at 715-723-5561 on oil and coal. Perhaps, in part, this for the Renewable Energy Road Show to reServe yourS!
  • 2. Page 2 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 Capitol Roundup Home Grown Cow teams up with NFU to provide farmers By Kara Slaughter Background on Renewable Energy Government Relations Purchasing Requirements for Utilities Under current law, each electric util- with E-Commerce opportunities ity has to purchase a certain percentage of its power from renewable sources By John Aikman concept of knowing where the food on H ere some of the are current topics that each year. Even though this “Renew- able Portfolio Standard” (RPS) is cal- Home Grown Cow CEO one’s table comes from. Consumers can browse farms by product, farm practices, farm size, and culated on an annual basis, utilities are Wisconsin Farmers location, thus being afforded transpar- at the Capitol: Union is following allowed to “bank” renewable energy credits for up to four years. Rather than having to buy exactly 10 percent renew- A t the end of the summer last year, I met ency and choice when it comes to the meat and cheese on their table. How- Tell the Governor to Support ables each year, utilities can choose to ever, despite the growing demand for PACE and Buy Local, Buy Wiscon- with Wisconsin purchase extra renewable credits in one farm-direct meat from family farms, sin! Farmers Union to year, and then redeem those credits up many consumers are unsure of how to Farmers spoke, and the legislature introduce a new virtual farmer’s mar- to four years later in order to meet their find and purchase directly from them. listened! On Wednesday, May 18, 2011, ket for meat, poultry and cheese called renewable energy requirements. Farms on the other hand are often too the Legislative Joint Finance Commit- Home Grown Cow. With the support The current policy strikes a balance busy, on too tight a budget or lacking tee voted to preserve two important of WFU, Home Grown Cow and NFU between giving utilities some flexibil- information about how to attract these programs for Wisconsin agriculture: have developed an alliance to alert ity in when they purchase renewable customers or engage in Internet Mar- the Purchase of Agricultural Conserva- Farmers Union producers about a credits, and also encouraging new re- keting. tion Easements (PACE) program in the great opportunity to participate in e- newable energy development by lim- Home Grown Cow’s features for Working Lands Initiative, and the Buy Commerce, and to share with Home iting the banking of large numbers of farmers include marketing, credit card Local, Buy Wisconsin program. Grown Cow producers the benefits of credits for use in future years. Nearly processing, order conveyance and The Joint Finance Committee voted Farmers Union membership. all states with an RPS have a limit on shipping facilitation. Both “Farmer” 15-1 to restore the Buy Local, Buy is a Wiscon- renewable credit banking through an and “Eater” are protected by Home Wisconsin Program, and to fund it at sin-based web site that provides meat, expiration date or some other mecha- Grown Cow’s payment “safety net” 90% of the funding level for the 2009- poultry and cheese producers with a nism. which keeps consumers’ billing in- 2010 biennium. The committee also full-service e-commerce sales channel Proposed Measure would Diminish formation safe and protects farmers voted 16-0 to preserve the PACE pro- nationwide. It costs nothing for farm- Utilities’ Annual Renewable Require- by ensuring customer commitment. gram and to fund the first round of 16 ers to participate, is available to farm- ment Farmers can also list pre-order items PACE contracts from 2010 with up to ers without Internet access, and opens Alas, Assembly Bill 146 would al- well ahead of time to help manage in- $5.2 million from the Knowles-Nelson a national marketplace for farmers low utilities to bank renewable energy ventory. Stewardship Fund. The PACE program and consumers anywhere in the U.S. credits without any time limit whatso- to come together. will remain on the books for the future, ever. This means that a utility could Home Grown Cow is live and ac- but the budget does not allocate any Home Grown Cow offers meat, meet its annual renewable requirement tively recruiting farms to support – funding for PACE contracts in 2011 or poultry and cheese producers the op- by using credits for renewable energy hence the new relationship with Na- 2012 due to the current budget short- portunity to list their farms, include that was generated years, or even de- tional Farmers Union. The demand fall. a brief profile on their operation, list cades, earlier. This defeats one of the is there and we need as many farm- The next step: making sure that the their products, and set their own price major purposes of having a renewable ers as possible looking to add to their governor signs these provisions of the for direct purchase by consumers. It’s portfolio standard, which is to ensure revenue stream and sell their products budget proposal into law. Give the free for farmers to sign-up and farmers that there will be a reasonably steady through Home Grown Cow, so we governor’s office a call today – (608) can choose how much of the modest market for renewable energy over the can begin marketing to consumers in 266-1212 – and ask that the governor service fee that is built into the retail course of time. If there is one thing we earnest and successfully support the support the Joint Finance Committee’s price is paid by the farmer and how don’t need, it is energy markets that are whole group. Once we get going the bipartisan recommendation to restore much is paid by the consumer. even more volatile than they are now! number of farms and cheese produc- the PACE program and the Buy Local, With consumers paying as much as This bill will be scheduled for a ers that we welcome and support can Buy Wisconsin program. $28.00/lb for beef in retail stores, and hearing very soon. If you are interested be limitless. Assembly Bill 146: Devaluing the a predicted $4.2 billion dollars to have in testifying at the hearing, please con- been spent on food, beverages and pet Renewable Energy Portfolio Stan- tact me at kslaughter@wisconsinfarm- dard food online in 2010* there is growing or 608-514-4541 and I demand from consumers everywhere A bill has been introduced in the will let you know as soon as the hearing Wisconsin Assembly that would seri- for food that comes directly from the Find Home Grown Cow at NFU’s Al- is scheduled. All WFU members are farm. Studies also show that more than ously diminish the existing state Re- liances page ( encouraged to call or email Assembly eight in ten consumers say they trust newable Energy Portfolio Standard. liances) representatives and ask them to oppose smaller scale farms to produce safe nu- *Global market review of online grocery The practical effect of the bill would be Assembly Bill 146. The key message: that renewable energy markets would tritious food**. Home Grown Cow is retailing –forecasts to 2014: Chap- This bill will make renewable energy here to help family farms prevent their ter 4, Consumer dynamics, Jonathan become more volatile, and very few markets less stable, and will discour- new renewable energy projects would share of the retail dollar from shrink- Thomas. Just -Food. Bromsgrove age the development of new renewable ing even more than it has over recent **Food and Farming 2004 Roper Public be constructed in Wisconsin. energy sources in the state. Affairs/NOP World decades and revive the once-common
  • 3. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Farmers union news Page 3 Wisconsin Farmers Union asks legislature to reconsider budget provision that undermines Credit Unions L ast week the Joint Finance Committee passed a measure that would make it easier to convert a credit union directly to a bank. There were no public members know that a vote on conversion is taking place, and that they have the information they need to cast an informed vote. hearings on this proposal, nor were any credit unions The new provision only requires a simple or credit union members given an opportunity to majority of those present at any given meeting comment on the proposal. to vote in favor of conversion. It would allow “This is a major law change that will undermine for a very rapid conversion from a credit the stability of credit unions,” said Wisconsin Farmers union to a bank, without allowing time for Union President Darin Von Ruden. “That’s why we’re members of the credit union to understand asking lawmakers to remove this proposed change the implications of conversion, or even know from the biennial budget, and take time to consider that the conversion is taking place. In short, it whether the measure is in the best interest of the would facilitate the process of investor-owned Providing high quality organic state.” banks taking over the state’s profitable credit There are over 220 credit unions in the state of certification and grassfed verification unions. Wisconsin, many of which are headquartered or have “Credit unions have always been an services to producers and processors branches in rural areas and farming communities. excellent source of loans, financial education, These communities are often under-served by and general support for Wisconsin’s farmers investor-owned banks. “Credit unions are an important and rural residents,” said Von Ruden. “For part of a diverse and competitive financial industry in these reasons, Wisconsin Farmers Union calls PO Box 821 rural Wisconsin,” said Von Ruden. “We should not be upon members of the legislature to safeguard 122 W. Jefferson Street making it easier for investor-owned banks to gobble the future of the state’s credit unions by Viroqua, WI 54665 up locally-owned credit unions.” removing the credit union conversion language In cases where conversion from a credit union to from the omnibus budget package. Creating a 608-637-2526 a bank is appropriate, the existing methods under new method to disassemble Wisconsin’s credit Fax: 608-637-7032 current law are workable and have been successfully unions is unnecessary and unwise.” Email: used by state credit unions in the past. Current state law contains safeguards to ensure that credit union Wisconsin Farmers Union neWs A publication of the Wisconsin Farmers Union 117 W. Spring Street Chippewa Falls WI 54729 715-723-5561 Newsletter edited by Amanda Kollwitz & Cathy Statz Direct all comments and questions to the WFU state office. Layout and design by John Balgaard Bulk Rate postage paid at Eau Claire, WI WFU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Janet Nelson Darin Von Ruden District 1 President 715-455-1755 District 5 608-634-4695 Dennis Rosen Secretary Patty Edelburg District 2 District 6 715-265-4519 715-445-2003 Wayne Danielson Richard Keller Treasurer District 7 District 3 608-437-5122 715-289-3660 W. Michael Slattery Craig Myhre District 8 Vice President 920-863-2996 District 4 715-983-2167 Mark Liebaert At-Large 715-398-5234 Printed by: Leader Printing • Eau Claire, WI
  • 4. Page 4 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 Did You Know? Farmers Union Membership Saves Money on The Live Oak Tree-Farmers Hotel Stays Union’s Organizational Structure There is now another way that your membership in Farmers Union benefits you – a special savings of 20% at more than 6,000 hotels across the country. By Nick Mahr the National Farmers Union. Next, Farmers Union has partnered with Wyndham Hotel Group to provide this discount to our members, a Membership Coordinator another camper stands behind with discount that is not available to the general her arms wide. These branches G public. Farmers Union members will receive a 20 rassroots. Member-driven. represent the state and local units. percent discount off the lowest regularly Local. It seems every organi- Then another camper joins the tree available public rate. This means a savings even zation and movement claims these with her hands out and waving. compared to services like and Expedia. And the discount extends well beyond Wyndham values recently. But to Farmers Those waving hands represent the branded hotels to all of the chains in the WHG system – including: Ramada Worldwide, Days Inn, Union they are far more than the leaves. The leaves on the tree rep- Wingate Inn, Howard Johnson, Travelodge, Super 8, Baymont Inn, Microtel Inns and Suites, Hawthorn most recent buzz words. They rep- resent Farmers Union members, as Suites and Knights Inn locations. resent the structure of the organi- there are always young and new zation, and have since its inception members to regenerate the orga- There are two easy ways to access this Farmers Union discount: in 1902. nization. Finally, we add a camper Rather than a top-down approach sitting down in front of our tree Online Toll Free to activism, Farmers Union’s poli- to represent how Farmers Union Visit the National Farmers Union website at 877-670-7088 cies start with the members and policy is deeply rooted in rural and look for the link under “Why should I join” – or go directly to gather strength and voice as they America. Each hotel chain will be available from the menu. grow through the local, county, While it may not be practical to The discount code is provided when booking Please call the State Office for the discount code at 800-272-5531 state, and national level. The Live pantomime an oak tree when asked online Oak Tree, the emblem of the Farm- to explain how Farmers Union Advance reservations are required to guarantee the discounted rate. ers Union, is an excellent symbol works, the analogy is useful. Espe- of this struc- cially important is the idea of ener- ture, and is ap- gy traveling in through the leaves, propriate em- like ideas flow in from members. blem for many Another helpful metaphor is that other reasons. strength is drawn from the trunk, For more information contact the Wisconsin Farmers Union Office at 715-723-5561 or 800-272-5531. This tree is much like how National Farmers predominantly Union provides a unified political found in the force that positively affects nation- South, espe- al and international agricultural Hard Cheeses cially in Texas, policy. Cottage Cheeses where Farmers A great example of our com- Sour Creams Union originated. Live Oak trees bined strength is the recent change Dairy Dips do not lose all their leaves in the allowing approved state-inspected Yogurts winter and their leaves stay green. plants to sell meat across state and more. This emblem also demonstrates lines. Individual members of a how the organization gathers en- local unit noticed a problem and Farmer-owned for over 100 Years. ergy from the individual members, proposed solutions. Their proposal Converting rBST-free* and certified-Organic** represented by the leaves, and gained support from the state and milk from our member-owners into channels that into a strong national national organization. By work- value-added dairy food products. organization. ing in cooperation with our state *No significant difference has been shown between milk from rBST-treated or non rBST-treated cows. **Certified Organic by Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA). At Farmers Union summer and national organization, those camps, a popular way of teaching individual members were able to this structure is to have the campers accomplish change. Like the Live Follow us on play the parts of the tree. Starting Oak Tree, Farmers Union is alive Facebook and Twitter with one child standing tall with and growing, just as the organi- her hands at her sides, we explain zation’s founders hoped it always how the trunk of the tree represents would be.
  • 5. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Farmers union news Page 5 NFU Fall Fly-in Scholarship Opportunity N ational Farmers Union is organizing a Fall Legislative Fly-In on Septem- ber 12-14, 2011 in Washington, D.C. Fly-ins allow our members to gather in the nation’s capital and help acquaint members of Congress with the chal- lenges family farmers and ranchers currently face across rural America. These visits provide an excellent opportunity for producers to tell lawmak- ers firsthand how current government policy has an impact on them and others in their area. Fly-in participants can share a personal story and put a human face on how decisions in Washington, D.C. affect both producers and consum- ers across the United States. To apply for a Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU) Fly-In scholarship, appli- cants must be a WFU member and a first-time fly-in participant. Those inter- ested should send a 200-250 word essay on why they would like to attend the NFU fly-in and email the essay, along with your name, address, and telephone number to with a subject of “2011 Fall Fly- in Scholarship” or mail to the WFU State Office, c/o Fly-In Scholarship, 117 West Spring Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54701. The winner(s) of the WFU Fly-In Scholarship will be expected to report on their experience at the WFU State Convention in Wausau, Wis., on January 27-29, 2012.
  • 6. Page 6 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 WFU Welcomes Summer Camp Staff By Cathy Statz tration and information systems student at UW Education Director Eau Claire, and was a key staff person for dairy breakfasts last year. Char Meier of Cross Plains is back as our S chool is getting out and summer is coming in, so sign up for camp fun Camp Nurse, and Noel Capra of Chippewa Falls and Joan Stuart of Colfax are returning as Camp Cooks. We’re also pleased to have a number at WFU Kamp Kenwood! of Senior Campers assisting as Counselors-In- We’ll continue to register Training during the younger camps and out- campers throughout the summer, but space is reach events; Kaia Rubin of Madison and Sarah and Big Brothers Big Sisters to our program limited, so send in your forms today. Henderson of Eau Claire will be helping out at this summer. Maddie Gehrig, a psychology and Are you ready to introduce the Farmers Union various points during the season. Spanish major at the University of Minnesota camp experience to younger kids in the fam- We are welcoming a number of new staff this Morris, is looking forward to returning to her ily, or want to enjoy a little time away with the year. After having spent many years as a camper, native Chippewa Falls to join us as well. grandkids? Sign up for Family Camp! Join us Louie Fisher of Stockholm will be serving as a We have a great camp staff with varied skills August 12-13, immediately following the Ju- counselor. Jesse Davis and Kristen Yeager both and talents this summer! Look for us at dairy nior 2 Camp. This casual overnight experience learned about Farmers Union Camp while vol- breakfasts and other outreach events around the is a great way to introduce younger children and unteering at Kamp Kenwood with the Alpha Phi state, and we hope to see many of you at Kamp grandchildren to the tradition of summer camp. Omega service fraternity of at UW Eau Claire. Kenwood! Cost for Family Camp is $65 for one adult and Jesse is from Green Bay and is studying science up to two elementary-aged children; addition- and Spanish. Kristen, who will serve as our camp Follow us on al adults $25 each; additional youth $15 each. lifeguard, is an education major from Wausau Facebook and Twitter Printable camp registration forms can be found focusing on science and history. UW River Falls in the newsletter, online at www.wisconsinfarm- student Tim Emahiser from Plymouth, Minne- or can be requested from the WFU sota will bring his experience with Cub Scouts office. We are happy to welcome back some of last year’s summer camp staff, as well as to introduce some new counselors. Returning as Assistant Camp Director is Nick Mahr of Stanley. Nick has also been working for WFU as membership coordinator. He is a former camper and Senior Youth Advisory Council member, and has served on staff at the NFU All-States Leadership Camp in Bailey, Colorado. Joining him are fellow Assistant Camp Directors Krist Kvalheim and Mitch Salzwedel, both of Sun Prairie. Krist is finishing a term of student teaching in ag educa- tion, and Mitch is joining us after a late May paddling trip to Ontario related to his geology/hydrology/ environmental studies work. Both are students at UW River Falls and members of the Collegiate Farmers Union there. Also returning to staff is Allison Krosnoski of Glenwood City. Allison is a business adminis-
  • 7. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Wisconsin Farmers Union 2011 Summer Camp Schedule Kamp Kenwood Farmers union news 2011 Kamp Kenwood RegistRation Camper Name: Camp Session (circle): Jr 1/JH 1 Jr 2 Jr 3 JH 2 SEN ACORN FAM Gender (circle): M F Age at camp start date: Birthdate: High School Graduation Year: Camper Email: Cabin Buddy (optional): Parent(s): Parent Email: Day Phone: Eve Phone: Cell: Address/City/State/Zip: Diet (circle): Vegetarian Vegan Other Accommodation (please contact us) Household (circle): Farm Rural Small Town Urban Are you a member of a co-op and/or credit union? (Please list): How did you learn about us? Amount Enclosed (include at least ½ of camp fee, PLUS WFU family membership ($30) paid in full for non-members): Page 7 Remainder to be paid by ():  Parent (before or at camp)  County FU  Co-op (provide name):
  • 8. Page 8 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 Get on the (Biodiesel) Bus! W isconsin Farmers Union, in con- junction with National Farmers Union and Minnesota and South Da- in Sun Prairie, Virent Energy Systems in Madison, and more. Whether you have a biofuels business idea your- June 4 June 17-19 kota Farmers Union, will be hosting self or are just curious what biofuels Jackson county Dairy Breakfast miDWest reneWaBLe energy fair a “Renewable Energy Road Show” are all about, this tour is for you! The eric anD Lori PruDLick famiLy farm custer (east of steVens Point) on July 1, 2011. Tour participants tour will start and end in Madison, but W16657 us HWy 10, osseo June 18 Portage county June Dairy BruncH will have the chance to visit farms there will also be the option to hop on June 4 skinner Dairy farm and businesses in Wisconsin that are the bus at Richland Center. Vernon county Dairy Breakfast 4909 cLoVer rD, Junction city producing and using biodiesel and steVe anD Joann HumfeLD farm other bio-based transportation fuels. Interested? Contact Kara Slaughter (Wfu memBers) June 18 e4798 stafsLien Lane, cHaseBurg La crosse county Dairy Breakfast The event will be a great chance for for more information or to sign up: LasH LanD Dairy farmers, researchers, entrepreneurs, kslaughter@wisconsinfarmersunion. June 4 W1968 DaVis creek rD, minDoro and public officials to exchange ideas com; 608-514-4541. Barron county Dairy Breakfast on how to move the bio-based econ- Brent/tara young & DarryL/ June 19 BarBara young farm LoyaL ffa aLumni Dairy Breakfast omy forward. It will also be a lot of Renewable Energy Road Show: 552 9½ -10½ street, DaLLas PauL Bugar trucking FUN! There is no cost to participate Date: July 1, 2011 W2944 state HWy 98, LoyaL in the tour, and lunch and snacks are Time: 8 AM to 3:30 PM June 5 included. (end time is approximate) maratHon county Dairy Breakfast June 19 Cost: FREE, due to generous sam anD Jen Zimmermann farm marsHfieLD ffa aLumni Dairy Breakfast The tour will feature visits to Or- support from sponsors. e2259 county rD Q, ringLe seeHafer acres ganic Valley in La Farge, Derr Farms m243 HWy 97, marsHfieLD June 5 stratforD ffa aLumni June Dairy Breakfast June 25 country aire BaLLroom oZaukee county Breakfast on tHe farm corner of HWy P anD HWy 97, stratforD Jim anD sHerri meLicHar farm 3990 WiLLoW Ln, Port WasHington June 10 Breakfast in tHe VaLLey July 11 ec exPo center tayLor county Day camP would like to invite you to 5530 fairVieW DriVe, eau cLaire meDforD “A Summer Happening” June 11 July 15 Dane county Breakfast on tHe farm maratHon county Day camP Sunday, August 14 Haag famiLy farm maratHon Park, Wausau 6868 BuetHin roaD, Dane July 13-17 11:00 am to 4:00 pm June 11 nortHern Wisconsin state fair PoLk-Burnett eLectric co-oP cHiPPeWa faLLs 73rD annuaL meeting WFU Kamp Kenwood unity scHooL July 29 19161 79th Ave. - Chippewa Falls 1908 HWy 46, BaLsam Lake Dane county farmers union Day camP 11am-3Pm, manLey farm Barn June 11 2144 cty t, sun Prairie sauk county Dairy Breakfast WFU’s mission of enhancing the quality of life for family farmers, rural kinnamon riDge Dairy July 30 communities and all people through educational opportunities will be s3175 WHite rD, reeDsBurg kickaPoo country fair visible through the increased awareness of sustainable agriculture and by organic VaLLey HeaDQuarters exploring energy options and practical solutions to our everyday June 12 one organic Way, La farge challenges. stanLey-BoyD tHorP ffa Dairy Breakfast JoHn anD Laurie Jo LeWanDoWski farm August 14 “A Summer Happening” will provide a day of family fun activities, n 14085 tieman aVe (cty rD n), tHorP Wfu summer HaPPening education and clean living options for residents across the state at WFU’s kamP kenWooD Kamp Kenwood, located next to Lake Wissota in Chippewa County. June 12 st. croix farmers union famiLy Picnic August 15 J-c croes farm Dane county farmers union 2264 200tH st., Deer Park Day on tHe farm – noon-6Pm noon PotLuck, kiDs’ actiVities & sWimming annuaL Picnic – 6Pm HincHLey farm June 15 2844 HWy 73, camBriDge farmers aPPreciation cHicken Dinner nortHern Wi state fairgrounDs August 15 5-9Pm cHiPPeWa faLLs cHamBer of commerce Business after Hours *** If you are interested in being a vendor/exhibitor, please contact the State Office @ 800-272-5531 June 15 kamP kenWooD Vernon eLectric co-oP memBer aPPreciation Picnic JAnuAry 27-29, 2012 3-7Pm Wfu state conVention Wausau, Wi
  • 9. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Farmers union news Page 9 Thanks to our farmers for all of the cooperative work they do! Dunn Energy Cooperative St. Croix Electric Cooperative Energy thru Excellence A Touchestone® Cooperative Barron Electric Cooperative Vernon Electric Co-op Serving the rural area for 75 years Your Touchstone Energy® Partner - Medford Cooperative Vernon Telephone Cooperative Celebrating 100 years of service! Westby – 608-634-3136 Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative WCCU Credit Union Your Partner for energy solutions, Westby, Viroqua, Richland Center, Reedsburg, Cashton Lakeland Cooperative Services Proudly Serving Northwest Wisconsin Central Wisconsin Cooperative Farmer’s Share of Retail Food Dollar Stratford, Marshfield, Auburndale, Chile Did you know that farmers and ranchers receive only 15.8* cents of every food dollar that consumers spend on food at home and away from home? Taylor Credit Union Where your money works as hard as you do According to USDA, off farm costs including marketing, processing, wholesaling, distribution and retailing account for more than 80 cents of every food dollar spent in the United States. Viroqua Food Cooperative Your community connection for local food Bacon Top Sirloin Steak Bread Fresh Carrots Beer 1 Pound 1 Pound 1 Pound 3 Pounds 6-Pack Cans Oconto Electric Cooperative Co-ops are better Hixton-Fairchild Farmers Co-op Fairchild-Hixton-Humbird Greenville Cooperative Retail: $5.49 Retail: $8.49 Retail: $3.89 Retail: $3.30 Retail: $6.49 Farmer: $0.92 Farmer: $1.85 Farmer: $0.20 Farmer: $1.39 Farmer: $0.04 920-757-6556 Citizens Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Cereal Cheddar Cheese Eggs Flour Boneless Ham 18 Ounce Box 1 Pound 1 Dozen 5 Pounds Price per Pound Your Pathway to the World Eau Claire Energy Cooperative Consumers Co-op Oil Sauk City - 608-643-3301 Retail: $4.39 Retail: $5.49 Retail: $2.89 Retail: $2.99 Retail: $3.99 Barron Mutual Insurance Farmer: $0.09 Farmer: N/A Farmer: $0.82 Farmer: $0.98 Farmer: $0.92 715-537-5141 Lettuce Milk Potato Chips Fresh Potatoes Soda 1 Head (2 Pounds) 1 Gallon, Fat Free Lays Classic, 11oz Russet, 10 Pounds Two Liter Bottle Jump River Electric Co-op Ladysmith ~ Hayward Your Touchstone Energy® Partner Oakdale Credit Union We treat you like a member of the family Organic Valley Retail: $2.79 Retail: $4.39 Retail: $3.49 Retail: $5.49 Retail: $1.09 Farmer-Owned Farmer: $0.40 Farmer: $1.67 Farmer: $0.22** Farmer: $0.78** Farmer: $0.10 Cochrane Cooperative Telephone Farmer’s share derived from USDA, NASS “Agricultural Prices,” 2011. Serving Buffalo City, Cochrane, and Waumandee Retail based on Safeway (SE) brand except where noted. *Figure according to U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service Barron Farmers Union Co-op **Reflects April 2011 prices. Propane, Fuel, Oil, Truck stop 715-537-3181 AgStar Financial Services May 31, 2011 866-577-1831
  • 10. Page 10 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 “I can count on WESTconsin!” Small businessperson and farmer Ron Meyer knows that success is all in the details. There is a bank two miles from his house. Yet he chooses to drive the extra miles to do business with the staff at Federally insured by NCUA (800) 924-0022 | WESTconsin Credit Union. View Ron’s full story— Amery | Baldwin | Barron | Hudson | Menomonie Member Stories at New Richmond | Prescott | River Falls | Spring Valley
  • 11. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Farmers union news Page 11 June Dairy Month Quiz (answers located on page 15) 5. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products every day. On average, how many servings of milk products do Americans eat daily? Compiled by Diane Tiry with the help of and A) 2 B) 1.5 C) 1 the University of Illinois Extension Website. 1. How many pounds of milk does a cow produce in one month? 6. How many gallons of milk does the average American drink each year? A) 1,800 pounds B) 3,000 pounds C) 2,100 pounds A) 5 B) 19 C) 31 2. How many glasses of milk does a cow produce each day? 7. How many girls, ages 9-13, do NOT get enough calcium every day? A) 45 B) 90 C) 180 A) 1 out of 10 B) 5 out of 10 C) 9 out of 10 3. Which cow breed weighs the most? 8. Which cheese is the most widely purchased and consumed in the world? A) Jersey B) Brown Swiss C) Holstein A) Mozzarella B) Swiss C) Cheddar 4. Calcium is widely available in milk and milk products like cheese and yogurt 9. Super Bowl Sunday rates as the number one day for consumption of: as well as in dark green leafy vegetables like kale. How many servings of kale A) Cheese curds B) Pizza C) Ham and cheese sandwiches would you have to eat to get about the same calcium from a glass of milk? 10. More than __________ new dairy products are introduced every year. A) 3 B) 1 C) 5 A) 1000 B) 10 C) 100 11. America’s favorite ice cream flavor is: A) Butterscotch Revel B) Chocolate C) Vanilla 12. Plastic milk bottles were first introduced in the United States in: A) 1965 B) 1967 C) 1969 Agronomy • grAin • EnErgy • LumbEr • HArdwArE • ConvEniEnCE StorE • Auto rEpAir • FEEd Animal Feed & Nutrition The Area Leader for Animal Nutrition We have a balanced feed program for both large & small animals (Available in bag or bulk) Forage Analysis • Ration Balance • Custom Mixes Feed Premier quality on your Farm Bloomington Lancaster Prairie du Chien Arthur (608) 994-2737 (608) 723-2590 (608) 326-8771 (608) 943-8301 Mineral Point Hollandale Black Earth Darlington (608) 987-3100 (608) 967-2212 (608) 767-2581 (608) 776-4046 Agronomy Centers Maximum utilization of your fields and enhanced uniform yields with our agronomy products. We offer a complete line of products: Crop Nutrients • Crop Protection Products • Seed • Lime Services: Custom Application • Precision Ag • Soil Sampling • 590 Plans Fennimore Bloomington Lancaster Platteville (608) 822-3449 (608) 994-3131 (608) 723-7023 (608) 348-2665 Eastman Hazel Green Mt. Horeb Mazomanie (608) 874-4868 (608) 854-2802 (608) 437-5536 (608) 767-3801
  • 12. Page 12 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 Replacing the “buffer” created by world’s starving and hungry with a grain buffer By: Daryll Ray & Harwood Schaffer the issue in the light of the 2007-8 price spike reduction comes not from cattle feeding and and the subsequent developments leading up to ethanol production, but from reducing the ef- T he issue of high and volatile agricultural a second price spike in early 2011.” commodity prices and its causes and im- Africa’s Calling, In the has The paper makes it clear that the world pacts has been the subject of numerous publi- buffer stocks one way or the other. pe- fective demand of people who are living on the margin of food insecurity. These numbers do not include the 800 plus million food insecure Will You Answer? cations and meetings over the last three years riod before 1996—China is another story— who are consistently excluded from purchas- including Dakar Agricole 2011, a meeting that governments in developed countries held re- ing grain because they lack the funds to do we spoke of in last week’s column. Before serve stocksNCBA Farmer-to-Farmer Program NFU is working with the of storable grains which became so or the resources necessary to produce their to send American farmers & agribusiness professionals to continuing with our discussion of that meet- available to the market at times when the price own food. ing, we would like to establish a foundation agricultural development projects in Senegal do 2-3 week exceeded some pre-determined level. This re- As McCreary says, “The dynamic is [mor- for that discussion by reviewing a paper writ- The Program is sponsored by the U.S.needs of the and Niger. lease of grain met the demand Agency for ally] unacceptable.” International Development. ten for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, The pa- consumers and calmed jittery markets, head- After going through a systematic analysis of per, “Protecting the Food Insecure in Volatile ing off a spike like those seen in expenses. The Program pays all assignment-related 2007-8 and the reasons why crop markets are vulnerable International Markets,” was authored by Ian early 2011. Volunteers should not have to to volatility, especially as trade increases, Mc- McCreary, an economist and former director With the eliminationof their own money inan pay any of these policies and Creary argues for different stock policies for order to participate. of the Canadian Wheat Board. By way of dis- increase in international agricultural trade, Mc- different grains: closure, Daryll received and commented on an Creary writes, “as Interested? and consumption production E-mail NFU at ■ “Maize/Corn - a biofuel set aside program earlier draft of the paper. increases, poor and vulnerable people become is suggested. Either through variable mandates The Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a coali- the buffer for an ever larger pool of cereal pro- or by bidding production off the market, assur- Farmer-to-Farmer tion of all of the major Canadian churches. The duction and consumption.” ances must be provided to the global economy paper was commissioned because the churches The buffer stock that once was a storable that biofuel production will be adjusted when were “alarmed at the realization that sudden grain has now Volunteer Program at become a buffer stock of peo- food supplies become critically tight. food price spikes had the potential to cast mil- ple who are moved out of theNFU/NCBA demand market ■ “Wheat - a coordinated fixed quantity lions of people into chronic food insecurity.” whenever the price is beyond their reach. The multilateral reserve representing 1-2% of glob- They believed that “such price induced food buffer stock now has a human face. And that al use is recommended. crises quickly overwhelm any of the gains face is hundreds of millions of people who ■ “Rice - small regional reserves are recom- made by the recent decades of effort to reduce are marginally food-secure and can become mended. Rice is thinly traded and there would hunger in developing countries.” food insecure any time the price rises out of not be confidence that a reserve centrally held Specifically, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank their reach. Demand is reduced and the major by exporters would be available to all in the “saw the need to research the issue of reserves, in particular, the history of cereal stock lev- els since the Second World War. Early in this sixty year period there were deliberate food re- Planting the Seeds of Cooperation... serve policies in place, initial- Half a World Away Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer ly as part of the International Program at NFU/NCBA Wheat Agreement, and later as part of the domestic policies of NFU is working with the NCBA Farmer-to- the US and the European Com- Farmer Program to send American farmers and munity. In addition, many devel- agribusiness professionals to do 2-3 week agri- oping countries also maintained cultural development projects in Senegal and food reserves. All of these poli- Niger. The Program is sponsored by the U.S. cies were changed in the 1980s Agency for International Development. Volun- and it had been widely accepted teers work with farmers, producer groups, rural that such policies are no longer businesses, and service providers to develop appropriate. Without prejudg- local capacity necessary to enhance food secu- ing the case, [the Foodgrains rity, increase incomes and economic growth, Bank has] sought to re-examine and address environmental and natural re- source management challenges. The Program pays all assignment-related expenses. Volunteers should not have to pay
  • 13. WFU News | June2010 Fall 2011 Farmers union news Page 13 event of tight supplies.” cutting off ethanol production may be the logi- lack of effectiveness of a properly implement- He concludes the Executive Summary: “Re- cal first step, we think over the longer term it ed buffer-stock instrument. While it would be serve policy, improved information and trans- makes sense to have a corn reserve sufficient to difficult to eliminate all political influence, an parency, and fair trade rules are only a subset stabilize corn markets without shutting off the independent federal-reserve-like board would of the planks required to improve global food production of biofuels. If corn production in be in a better position to head-off the gradual security. A new Food Assistance Convention the years ahead turns out to respond to the cur- dilution of purpose that plagued US attempts will still be required to guarantee a minimum rent high price signals with increases as large in the past, especially the Farmer Owned Grain amount of food for emergencies and other set- as it appears they could be, that would be an Reserve. tings where food assistance is appropriate. ideal time to set aside a reserve stock of corn. “Donors should continue to accept the price The same holds true for the other grains and the risk of commitments under a new Food Assis- filling of a reserve in a year of high production tance Convention and support stockholding to would have a stabilizing impact on prices that cover their risks. farmers receive. “Public sector investment in productivity for The best insurance against excessive volatil- smallholder agriculture is also required to in- ity is to reinstitute a buffer-stock program suf- crease the resilience of agriculture globally. ficient to assure all grain users of a stable flow “However, none of these food security pro- of the products they need. Farmers can be pro- grams can be expected to be successful if ce- tected by instituting a price band that is wide real prices continue the erratic volatility of the enough to give the market plenty of room to Daryll E. Ray holds the Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, Institute of past four years.” respond to normal changes in supply and de- Agriculture, University of Tennessee, and is the In the end, he also identifies the need to ad- mand while enabling farmers around the world Director of UT’s Agricultural Policy Analysis dress the core issue of price volatility. the opportunity to earn a livelihood from their Center (APAC). Harwood D. Schaffer is a Re- We agree. Where we differ from McCreary work. search Assistant Professor at APAC. (865) 974- is in the size of the reserves and the use of price To us, previous shortcomings of buffer re- 7407; Fax: (865) 974-7298; and bands and release prices. While in the short-run serves were due more to political sabotage than; Feeling Blue over Your Current Insurance Rates? Wisconsin Farmers Union Membership = Insurance Discounts! Exclusive, new program that offers competitive rates while combing enhanced coverage & superior claims handling by experienced farm adjustors! Ed, the “farm kid”, grew up on a farm and “Don-Rick Insurance; a dedicated team whose aim worked at the family farm equipment business. has always been on servicing our growing needs. He is now using that Ag background to give you As all facets of business insurance become more “Better coverage, Better price”! Most farmers complicated in their administration, we will look to are surprised by how little coverage they really Don-Rick for their expertise.” have! It’s time for a free review. Contact Ed to be your personal farm shopper! Chuck Adami, Equity Cooperative Ed Kothbauer, Agent Livestock Sales Association Call Ed today at 608-356-6606 extension 29! Don-Rick Insurance We offer: Farmowners coverage…Farm Auto…Farm Umbrellas…Livestock Protection…Workers Comp…Farm Pollution Liability…Crop Insurance…Health…Life…Disability Income MISSION STATEMENT To offer “old-fashioned” service and “custom-tailored” coverage at an affordable price. We are not out to buy our customers for a year just on price. Our goal is to Earn and Retain our customers with the combination of price, product and service.
  • 14. Page 14 Farmers union news WFU News | June 2010 Fall 2011 Fresh from Farm to Table By Amy Czerniak Buyer’s advantage with Dakota Pride Cooperative F armers markets are places consum- ers can purchase directly from the producer with no middleman to com- Price, quality and quantity key factors in success plicate matters. The two original goals of farmers markets, to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers and L ess than 12 years ago, a brand new cooperative was created to market specialty spring wheats The 2010 crop production from Dakota Pride included hard white spring wheat and non-GMO soy- to support small family farms, still re- Wisconsin has a strong background through the North Dakota Mill and beans. “One of the most unique ser- main the base behind current markets. in farmers markets. The Dane County Elevator. Within the first five years, vices we offer is identity preservation Recent years have shown an increase in Farmers Market is the largest in the na- the co-op experienced steady growth and traceability,” said Barth. “Each the amount of people selling and shop- tion and has been rated as a top market and started working on building an product’s identity is protected from ping at Wisconsin’s farmers markets. by both Good Housekeeping and Food international sales market. Two years the producer to the end user. Assign- Why? and Wine. There is a waiting list of ago, Dakota Pride had their first soy- ment of lot number by product origin On average, food travels 1500 miles nearly five years to become a vendor bean sale to Japan. This year, Dakota allows for detailed production, stor- from field to kitchen. Buying locally at the Dane County market, but that Pride Cooperative will export 10,000 age and processing information to reduces energy emissions that other- doesn’t mean you can’t get involved or wise occur in the transportation of that bushels of soybeans and has attract- accompany each shipment. This de- begin your own local farmers market in food. Some people think more consum- ed over 200 member-producers with tailed history of product production your local area. Because the number of ers have become aware of the benefits people wishing to sell goods is grow- over 100,000 acres available for pro- offers consumers the ultimate assur- of purchasing locally grown food due ing, waiting lists are fairly common, duction. ance of food safety. It allows the con- to the recent attention the media has but may make it easier to find vendors Executive Director Leland “Judge” sumer to track their food.” been giving to local and organic pro- if you’re interested in starting your own Barth explained, “Dakota Pride Co- The Identity Ag processing facility duce. The idea of eating healthier is market. In the past ten years, the num- operative is a cooperative of farmers in Bloomer opened on Sept. 1, 2010 certainly being promoted and markets ber of farmers markets in the U.S. has growing the highest quality, identity- and is uniquely designed to handle make it easier to put that idea into prac- increased from 2,863 to 6,132. preserved grains in the world. Right the Dakota Pride Coop business with tice. Farmers markets give consumers Increasing interest has been fueled now, we have non-GMO soybeans, specialized sorting and handling not only the opportunity to get to know by technology that makes it easier to hard spring wheat and hard white equipment. The Bloomer location producers on a personal level, they also find, start, and promote farmers mar- spring wheat. We’re focusing on dif- specializes in soybeans and gluten give assurance of food quality and pre- kets. Go to ferent things and will provide market free. Most important, Identity Ag serve the local food heritage. to learn more about the Farmers Mar- specialty crops grown by co-op mem- Processing is dedicated to processing Reducing the amount of processed ket Promotion Program, which was bers based on buyer specifications.” non-genetically modified commodi- food in the diet has been found to im- created to promote sales directly from He went on to say that the coop- ties. prove health. Food is more nutritious producers to consumers in agricultural erative is attempting to build a suc- Barth concluded, “There’s defi- and tastes better when it is fresh. The markets. FMPP awarded over $4.5 mil- cessful track record with Japan first, nitely a future need and a strong mar- existence of farmers markets means lion in grants in 2009. Additional sup- which will help to open up potential ket for growers to be successful using the general public has better access to port and information can be found at markets in other countries like Korea Dakota Pride. We’re hoping to offer healthful, quality foods. Markets also and Taiwan. production contracts as our interna- promote sustainability, which is de- Currently, members are able to tional relationships are strengthened. fined by Madison’s Research, Educa- Other websites to check out: grow a wide variety of crops includ- It’s an exciting time looking at our tion, Action, and Policy on Food Group ing: wheat, soybeans, barley, oats, projected growth. ” (REAP) as the methods of growing and distribution “that protect the environ- peas, flax, canola and durum. Dakota Are you interested in joining Da- ment and support a high quality of life Pride will work with buyers to select kota Pride Cooperative? We are look- in the communities in which food is the ingredient characteristics needed ing for farmers who currently raise produced, processed, and distributed.” markets.htm to produce a profitable end product. soybeans that may be interested in Selling goods at farmers markets The co-op will identify varieties of raising about 50 acres of non-GMO provides a supplemental income for farmersmarkets.html grains and/or oilseeds that buyers food grade soybeans in 2012 for de- vendors. Large, commercial farms have want. The buyer will then be guar- livery to Identity Ag Processing in overshadowed family farms for years, anteed the highest level of identity Bloomer, WI. We want to help these but buying produce directly from ven- *Amy Czerniak is a Collegiate Farmers preservation. Producers will grow to producers with raising the proper va- Union member attending UW La Crosse with a dors at the market supports their liveli- major in communications. She grew up in the buyer specifications and guarantee riety, applying the proper agronomic hood. Studies have found that money Taylor County Farmers Union Juniors, received quality from planting through deliv- practices for their area, and walking spent in the community tends to stay the Farmers Union Torchbearer Award and was ery. The cooperative will clean, store them thru the entire process of har- in the community, stimulating the local elected to both the WFU and National Farm- and ship all crops using either the vesting, storage and delivery. If this is economy. Some studies even estimate ers Union Youth Advisory Councils. A former Identity Ag Processing plant in Cass- something that you would like more WFU camp staff member, Amy was selected as that when buying local, 85 to 90 cents one of two individuals nationwide to serve as a leton, N.D. or Bloomer, WI. information on, please contact Judge of each dollar will likely remain in the 2011 summer intern with the National Farmers Barth at 701-220-9418. state. Union office in Washington, DC.