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newBrandAnalytics Overview
March 2013
Quick Overview
Our Mission
newBrandAnalytics takes
social information
and transforms it in to
operational intelligence
Gain Market Share with nBA
Social Intelligence…
 Location Specific Insight
 Drive to Action
 Competitive Strategy
 Online Engagement
…that drives
 Happier Customers
 Better Online Reputations
 Revenue
 Market Share
Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
The Social World Impacts You
Smart phone use skyrocketing
Comfort with social sites growing
Social feedback growing
Customer feedback spreads like wildfire
84 M visits / month
150 reads/review
58% YoY
Social Intelligence: You Can’t Ignore It
“Traditional surveys tell you
what is important to the
company, while social
feedback tells you what is
important to the guest.”
Lane Cardwell
Restaurant Industry Veteran
Social Guest
Social Media Has the Power To…
newBrandAnalytics – At A Glance
How it Works
• All Relevant Social Sites
• Comment Cards and Survey Data
• Text or Web Forms
• Proprietary Natural Language Processing
• Sophisticated Quality Assurance Network
• Advanced Algorithms for
Grading, Credibility & Theme Extraction
• Persona-based UI
• Alerts, reports, and customized
• Direct to mobile, tablet or PC
Customer Validation
The Most Powerful 10 Minutes of Your Week
Customers Demand a Full Spectrum Solution
Awareness &
listen for
across wide
variety of
respond to
patterns, tr
ends and
root causes
cohorts and
and conduct
ad hoc
Next Steps
<<customize this to the stage of deal>>>
Dive deeper into nBA solutions.
Schedule a demo of your live data.
Proposal preparation & pricing.
Review reference materials.
Check us out at
More Detailed Use Cases
Social Media Has the Power To…
 Back of house social
hall of fame
 Employee shift
 Special awards
 Find vendor changes
in product delivered
 Note size variances
from agreement
 Assess freshness &
Improved Service =
Improved Customer
Improved Food Quality =
Improved Customer
Improved Ambiance =
Improved Customer
 Carpet unsafe floor
 Solve uncomfortable
 Uncover unclean
 Discover lighting
Social Media Has the Power To…
 Add requested
product, menu items
or room amentities
 Uncover location
specific issues
 Drive new offers
 Understand current
location challenges
 Identify new
locations based on
 Compare pricing to
 Identify customers
Improved Food Quality =
Increased Customer
Improved Convenience =
Increased Customer
Improved Value =
Increased Customer
Daily Usage of newBrandAnalytics
 Brand research
 Engagement
 Brand strategy
 Marketing &
 Crisis
 Increase
customer counts
 Tighten service
 Measure
 Benchmark vs.
 Price to value
 Increase revenue
 Be inspired
 Perfect recipes
 Launch product
 Train staff
 Operational
safety and
 Root cause
“The sandwich was tasty, but my fries were limp and cold. Their
server was quick to respond to my request for new fries. I like
this place, I’ll be back.”
Decipher The Feedback
Food- Quality
• Sandwich, tasty: Positive
• Fries, limp, Negative
• Fries, cold, Negative
Overall Experience
• Place, like, Positive
Service - Quality
• Server, quick, Positive
• Will Return, Yes
“The sandwich was tasty, but my fries were limp and cold. Their
server was quick to respond to my request for new fries. I like
this place, I’ll be back.”
Customized to Fit The User
 Pushed Actionable
 Read & Respond
 Location Details
 Personnel
 Operational
 Supply Chain
 Brand Awareness
 Customer Loyalty
 Brand Impact
 Customer
Social Market Intelligence Maturity
• Discover and read
mentions on social
sites about your
brand and location
• Connect with
• Demonstrable
• Recover lost guests
• Alert operators
for action
• Reward on
• Make location
specific changes
• Drive corporate
• Make cross
location changes
• Influence
nBA’s Appeal
Industry Specific
What We Do
newBrandAnalytics transforms the feedback
your customers share through social media
into operational intelligence you can use to
gain a competitive advantage and increase
market share.
Driving Operational Improvement
nBA Product Offerings
Actionable Social
Business Intelligence
Customer Driven
Competitive Intelligence
Strengthening, Customer
Real-time Customer
Ad-hoc Situational
nBA Explore
Customer Use Cases
nBA themes and sentiment analysis shows
a growing trend in WAIT STAFF Rude and
WAIT TIME Long Wait. Drivers of intent to
return did not include service and staff.
Response: Management adjusted the
host/hostess and server greeting of
guests. Retrained staff to be genuine and
Results: Drivers of intent to return
included Service, Wait Staff and
Management as three of the top five
reasons customers would return. And
intent to return increased by 50%.
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. Set new
standard of
The Case of the Friendlier Server
A legendary bakery wanted to
understand what menu items elicited a
emotional response in customers;
discovered calm chowder in bread bowls
mentioned most.
Response: Before, the only option was to
order a half sandwich and cup of
soup, sans bread bowl. The data convinced
bakery to add option of full entrée salad
along with soup in bread bowl.
Results: The new menu addition of the
Bread Bowl Soup and Salad Combo now
represents about 30% of all combos
ordered on a daily basis.
“Having well-defined reports
drive home the passion
customers have for a certain
product makes it easier to
deliver positive memories.”
- Exec. VP of Business
Development & Marketing
Menu Changes that Roll in the Dough
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. A new
01. Sweet Potato Fries (141)
02. Calamari (85)
03. Burger (73)
04. Jambalaya (62)
05. Lettuce Wraps (45)
nBA themes and sentiment analysis shows
a growing trend in DISHES NAMED Sweet
Potato Fries described as hard and small.
Given their standard cooking time chefs
were retrained on of the art of cutting
sweet potato.
After just four weeks, Sweet Potato Fries
emerged as the most frequently
mentioned, and overwhelmingly
positive, dish named in online customer
feedback. Customers described them as
delicious, tasty, and crispy.
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. A new
The Case of Not So Sweet Potato Fries
A theme of slippery floors in FACILITIES
category. Furthermore the problem was
identified by women and close to the
The Results: slippery floor disappeared
from the FACILITIES operational category
and a potential hazard was eliminated.
Simple solution: order a bigger matt
increasing a $5 per month spend to $10
per month
The Case of the Slippery High Heels
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. A new
A negative trend in DISHES NAMED about
Chicken Caesar Salad. With the most of
the negative commentary was during
lunch service.
The Response: retrained the Sous Chef on
the lunch shift address the root source of
the guest sat issue: too much dressing.
The Results: The performance score card
for DISHES NAMED improved, and unit
sales increased over the month after the
operational change.
“The grilled Caesar salad is my
new favorite and lives up to the
restaurant's name. If I don't
have it every week or so, I really
start to crave it!”
The Case of the Overdressed Caesar Salad
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. A new
The Case of “Make Your Own” Pie
“My pizza was outstanding
and the cheese was melt in
your mouth delicious. I
would highly recommend it.”
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. A new
Low scores in MENU performance card
(C-). Customers mention the desire to
make their own pizza pie.
Response: The management team
responded adjusted back of the house
operations to handle custom pizza orders.
Results: Since ‘Make Your Own Pizza’ has
been added to the menu, it now
accounts for 14% of revenue and is the
most popular item.
Food value and pricing comments drove a
fast casual purveyor of wings to review
competitive data showing most offered
wings & sauce for one price.
The results: Unit growth in sales and
dramatic change in consumer sentiment
on pricing and value. Increase positive
sentiment by more than 20%
After years of charging separately for
wing sauce, decided to include it in price
of wings.
Competitive Intel Drives Strategy
1. Identified
2. Adjust
3. Happier
Monitor social feedback
to gauge guest reaction
to removal of 30+ menu
Identified short-term
decrease in sentiment
regarding menu
offerings, but drastic
improvements in speed
of service, food
temperature, and food
Rolled optimized menu out to all
corporate stores
Leverage unsolicited
guest feedback regarding
universal expectations of
included toppings and
side dishes
Guests uniformly disliked
being charged an
additional amount for
sauce for their wings or
fries with their burgers
Introduced bundled wing/wing
sauce and burger/fries options in
all corporate stores. Guest
perception around brand’s value
proposition improved.
Use Social Intelligence to
benchmark regional
service performance
across an enterprise
Service performance was
severely lagging brand
performance in a region.
Host/hostess staff were
continuously seen as
“unfriendly” or
Ops team implemented new
“friendly” points-of-service and
introduced a third-party
reservation system to monitor
hosts greeting guests. Loyalty in
region increased by over 40%.
Translate customer
passion for trademark
dish into revenues via
new combo offering
Daily Reports revealed
emotional response for
clam chowder in bread
bowl – customers wanted
more bread bowl options
Add menu option so customers
could order an entrée salad
along with soup in a bread bowl.
New combo accounts for 30% of
all combos ordered on a daily
Dining Chain
(200+ Units)
Dining Chain
(350+ Units)
Upscale Casual
Dining Chain
(200+ Units)
(40+ Units)
Dynamic Brand
Reaffirm effectiveness of
all-organic beef brand
strategy by measuring
positive brand sentiment
across social landscape
Using our platform to
measure brand
performance and analyze
competitors allows for
confident marketing
Social data yields better
information on customers and
potential locations for growth,
thus rendering time-consuming
focus groups unnecessary
Pricing & Value
Turn negative
commentary about
pricing and value of one
huge fry size into test
opportunity for menu
Discovered sentiment in
Pricing & Value for their
fries was 68% negative,
seems most people don’t
like paying for fries
they’re too full to eat
Due to feedback, testing begins
in a dozen markets to study
percent of positive customer
response to the addition of a
smaller fry size on the menu
Connect with both
positive and negative
reviewers online to
encourage return visits
and recommendations
Tracking verbatim
reviews and intent to
return enables team to
engage with reviewers on
service issues, questions
and/or praise in real-time
Customers appreciate quick
response and typically revise
negative reviews or low star
ratings to reflect satisfaction with
guest recovery effort; usually
results in second trial
Examine top named
dishes and cocktails of
leading national
restaurants to enhance
culinary prestige
Providing a memorable
gourmet experience is
vital when restaurants
compete; menus starting
to get ho-hum reviews
Chefs and culinary staff drew
inspiration and ideas from
competitors’ top trending
ingredients and named buzz-
worthy dishes and cocktails
Fast Casual
(30+ Units &
(1,000+ Units)
Dining Chain
(800+ Units)
(2,000+ Units)
Why You Need nBA
Social World is Here
Smart phone use skyrocketing
Comfort with social sites growing
Customer feedback largely ignored
Customer feedback spreads like wildfire
Loyalty programs not working
Social driving behavior
36% Travelers Consult Review Sites Before Booking
2010 Trip Advisor & Cornell Hospitality Research
Hotels & Social Media
1 Star Increase Allows 11% Price Increase
With same market share, Travelocity & Cornell Hospitality Research
1% Increase Reputation Results in .54% Occupancy
STR with ReviewPro & Cornell Hospitality Research
Understanding guest opinion of
your restaurant has always
 Know what works
 Know what does not work
 Avoid surprises
 Test new ideas.
 Feel new trends.
 Monitor competition.
(Manager Interaction)
Listening to Guests
Social Feedback Explodes onto Scene
Social Media is Game Changing
 Smart phone use skyrocketing
• 46% smartphone usage and climbing
 Comfort with social sites growing
• Yelp has 41M reviews a month
 Customer feedback spreads like
• Average review read by 22,000
Old listening strategies no
longer suffice
 More data is online than you think
• > 20 per location per month or 80,000
per year for average 200 location chain
Social Guest
The Experts on Social vs TGS
Restaurant Industry Veteran
 “Traditional surveys tell you
what is important to the
company, while social
feedback tells you what is
important to the guest.”
Forrester Research, Kerry
Bodine, Author “Outside In”
 Social media is a critical
part of the puzzle, and
companies that skip social
media monitoring are
missing out on a rich source
of customer insights.
Social Guest
Social Revolution = Your Challenge
Hordes of People
Thousands of Reviews
Hundreds of Sites
Typhoon of Information
Unstructured chaos requires
computer processing
Understands yesterday, today and
predicts future
From chaos produce digestible,
deciphered truth
Act, manage, monitor
Top Sources for Online Reviews
Overall star ratings vs. operational grades
Products Summary
Actionable Social Business Intelligence
Your Results:
 Distill Volumes of Data
 Focus & Act Locally
 Think Strategically
 Drive Brand Consistency
 Loyal Customers
Brand Strengthening, Customer Retention
Your Results:
 Build Relationships
 Reward Advocates
 Win Back Unsatisfied
 Build Customer Loyalty
Real-time Customer Feedback
Your Results:
 Fix experience, not the
 Avoid damaging online
 Brand affinity & happier
Customer Driven Competitive Intelligence
Your Results:
 Understand local and
brand level competitive
strengths & weaknesses
 Drive strategy
 Increase market share
Text Analytics as a Service:
Supports Any Unstructured
Immediate, Real-time analysis
Deciphers, Sorts
 Presents Common Themes
 Presents Trends
Allows for Dynamic Query
Drill into Detail Verbatim
Ad Hoc Research & Analysis
Your Results:
 Fast & easy analysis of
trending topics
 Share & distribute in real-
nBA Explore
Survey Reply Analysis
Natural Language Processing of
Unstructured Text Feedback
Unified View of Internal Survey
Results and Social Media
 Intuitive, User Focused Views
 Location Level Performance
 Performance Benchmarks
 Common Themes
 Alerting & Reports
Single View of Customer Sentiment
Your Results:
 One-stop shopping for
customer sentiment
 360 View of customer
nBA Internal
Deep Analysis
 Highly trained analysts
Targeted Research
 Focused on your strategy
Strategic Planning
Competitive Intelligence
Industry Trends
Loyalty Analysis
Data Driven Strategy
Your Results:
 Deep understanding of
brand influencing
customer sentiment
 Actionable insights
 Increased value of data
How It Works
Collecting What’s Yours
Location Specific
 Explores and tracks content
generated for individual
 Geo-location & location
Automatic Harvesting
 Analyze the social web looking
for mentions of your business
 Social media, blogs, forums,
review sites
 Collects comment multiple
times per day
 Automatically identifies new
Known Sources
 Trip Advisor
 Yelp
 Priceline
 Gayot
 Menuism
 Google Local
 Hotels
 Foursquare
 Booking
 Expedia
 UrbanSpoon
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Zagat
 Orbitz
 OpenTable
 CitySearch
 Yahoo Local
 Reddit
 Washington Post
 NY Times
 Many more…
Processing Unstructured Data
Natural Language Processing
 Comments are processed and
keywords are extracted,
creating insights
 Sentiment is evaluated for
each insight
Human Quality Control
 Team of industry experts
accommodate for nuances
 Continuously improve machine
processing with continuous
Categorization – Evaluating Your Business
Deep Level Analysis
 Understand the “why”
 Industry specific best-practice
360 Evaluations
 Performance evaluations of
your products and services
 Explore customer’s
satisfaction with everything
from Personnel to Furniture
to your Bathroom Facilities
Hotel Categorizations
Kid Friendly
Order Accuracy
Food &
Kid Friendly
Portion Size
Food Sickness
Pricing &
Food &
Guest Room
Facilities &
Kid Friendly
Restaurant Categorizations
& Follow-Up
Order Accuracy
Kid Friendly
Menu Variety
Portion Size
Pricing &
Loyalty Program
Facilities &
Kid Friendly
Kid Friendly
Retail Categorizations
Order Accuracy
Progress &
Food &
Kid Friendly
Portion Size
Food Sickness
Pricing &
Offers & Coupons
Facilities &
Kid Friendly
Proven Analysis Framework
Grading Model
 Patent pending algorithm
 Rollup of insights to review
 Grades displayed as letters or
 Comments per review
 Reach of authors comments
 Impact analysis
Creating a Complete Picture
Unsolicited Social Feedback Solicited Text & Mobile Feedback
More Data, More Accurate Together
Author Credibility
 Author authenticity evaluation
based on characteristics and
usage statistics
 Not every author is equally
 Author Details
• Fans
• Friends
• Followers
 Credibility Ranking
Find Most Impactful Reviews
Actionable Data: Current & Historical
Performance Trends
 Understand volume and
 Spot changing sentiment over
 Monitor effect of change
Actionable Themes
 Monitor key trending topics
 Identify operational
 Reinforce exemplary
 Compare your performance
within and across your
locations, categories and
 Understand where to focus
your efforts
Loyalty Analysis
 Watch for your customers’
loyalty trends
 Understand what drives
loyalty in your customer base
Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
Actionable Data: Current & Historical
Performance Trends
 Understand volume and
 Spot changing sentiment
 Monitor effect of change
Actionable Themes
 Monitor key trending topics
 Identify operational
 Reinforce exemplary
 Compare your performance
within and across your
locations, categories and
 Understand where to focus
your efforts
Loyalty Analysis
 Watch for your customers’
loyalty trends
 Understand what drives
loyalty in your customer base
Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
Reporting & Alerts
Online & Mobile Reports
 Any Frequency:
Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily
Completely Customized
 Drive to actionable data
 Delivery to mobile device
 Schedule & assigned
 Role based
 Powerful alerting
• Location, category, source, loyalt
y and any keyword
• Schedule & assign
Hospitality Data
“The room was large, but the bed was hard and the bathroom
dated. I found the staff to be friendly and the location to be
convenient, so I’ll likely go back.”
Decipher The Feedback
Room- Quality
• Room, large: Positive
• Bed, hard, Negative
• Bathroom, dated, Negative
• Location, convenient, Positive
Service - Quality
• Staff, friendly, Positive
• Will Return, Yes
“The room was large, but the bed was hard and the bathroom
dated. I found the staff to be friendly and the location to be
convenient, so I’ll likely go back.”
Hotel Reviews by Age Group
Mobile Phones
How can a poor online reputation further
squeeze potential revenues?
Eleven percent of online commentary about
hotels concerns F&B
The Company
Serving Up
Driving Positive
Reviews &
Empower Their
Improving The
nBA Leadership
Kristin Muhlner
Susan Ganeshan
Lenn Kurtzman
David Murrell
Sagie Davidovich
VP Engineering
Kam Desai
Founder, Product
Zach Boisi
Director, Client Services
Barton Phillips
EVP, Sales
Washington, DC
40 employees
Engineering, QA
Caesarea, Israel
12 employees
Atlanta, GA
80 contractors
A Global Operation
newBrandAnalytics At A Glance
Improving > 4,500
Monitoring more
than 10,000
Major chains &
Self-serve & client
services support
Secure, reliable, r
Driven by
industry experts
for industry
 Food & Beverage
 Hospitality
 Government
 Retail
In 2013
 Healthcare
Customers Solution Industry
The Roadmap
2013 Roadmap & Product Focus
Deliver cost effective mid-
market solution and offer
correlation of finding to other
data types
Lead the user to action in a
step wise approach and
proliferate usage across
customers organization
Enable focused
communications with
influencers, drive guest
recovery and increase new
and repeat customers.
Lead User
Goal Orientation
Advanced Reporting
Reputation Mgt
Loyalty Improvements
Guest Acquisition
Integration & Admin
Automation & Data Quality
Thank you
©Copyright newBrandAnalytics. All rights
reserved. newBrandAnalytics, Social Market Intelligence, Social Business
Intelligence, nBA Insight, nBA Advantage, nBA Connect, nBA Instant are
trademarks or registered trademarks of newBrandAnalytics.

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  • 3. Our Mission newBrandAnalytics takes social information and transforms it in to operational intelligence
  • 4. Gain Market Share with nBA Social Intelligence…  Location Specific Insight  Drive to Action  Competitive Strategy  Online Engagement …that drives  Happier Customers  Better Online Reputations  Revenue  Market Share Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
  • 5. The Social World Impacts You Smart phone use skyrocketing Comfort with social sites growing Social feedback growing Customer feedback spreads like wildfire 47% 84 M visits / month 150 reads/review 58% YoY
  • 6. Social Intelligence: You Can’t Ignore It “Traditional surveys tell you what is important to the company, while social feedback tells you what is important to the guest.” Lane Cardwell Restaurant Industry Veteran Social Guest Feedback Mystery Shoppers Manager Traditional Surveys 1-800 FeedbackComment Cards
  • 7. Social Media Has the Power To…
  • 9. How it Works Collection • All Relevant Social Sites • Comment Cards and Survey Data • Text or Web Forms Processing • Proprietary Natural Language Processing • Sophisticated Quality Assurance Network • Advanced Algorithms for Grading, Credibility & Theme Extraction Presentation • Persona-based UI • Alerts, reports, and customized dashboards • Direct to mobile, tablet or PC
  • 11. The Most Powerful 10 Minutes of Your Week
  • 12. Customers Demand a Full Spectrum Solution Awareness & Monitoring Reputation Management Efficiently listen for feedback across wide variety of sources Rapidly respond to negative feedback Performance Management Uncover underlying patterns, tr ends and root causes Targeted Marketing Identify cohorts and customize messaging Strategic Insight Benchmark against competition and conduct ad hoc analytics
  • 13. Next Steps <<customize this to the stage of deal>>> Dive deeper into nBA solutions. Schedule a demo of your live data. Proposal preparation & pricing. Review reference materials. Check us out at
  • 15. Social Media Has the Power To…  Back of house social hall of fame  Employee shift selection  Special awards  Find vendor changes in product delivered  Note size variances from agreement  Assess freshness & merchandising Improved Service = Improved Customer Experience Improved Food Quality = Improved Customer Experience Improved Ambiance = Improved Customer Experience  Carpet unsafe floor  Solve uncomfortable seating  Uncover unclean Bathrooms  Discover lighting issues
  • 16. Social Media Has the Power To…  Add requested product, menu items or room amentities  Uncover location specific issues  Drive new offers  Understand current location challenges  Identify new locations based on competition  Compare pricing to value  Identify customers expectations Improved Food Quality = Increased Customer Loyalty Improved Convenience = Increased Customer Loyalty Improved Value = Increased Customer Loyalty
  • 17. Daily Usage of newBrandAnalytics  Brand research  Engagement  Brand strategy  Marketing & awareness  Crisis management  Increase customer counts  Tighten service standards  Measure customer experience  Benchmark vs. competitors  Price to value management  Increase revenue  Be inspired  Perfect recipes  Launch product  Train staff  Operational safety and optimization  Root cause discovery
  • 18. Review: “The sandwich was tasty, but my fries were limp and cold. Their server was quick to respond to my request for new fries. I like this place, I’ll be back.” Decipher The Feedback Food- Quality • Sandwich, tasty: Positive • Fries, limp, Negative • Fries, cold, Negative Overall Experience • Place, like, Positive Service - Quality • Server, quick, Positive Loyalty • Will Return, Yes Review: “The sandwich was tasty, but my fries were limp and cold. Their server was quick to respond to my request for new fries. I like this place, I’ll be back.”
  • 19. Customized to Fit The User  Pushed Actionable Alerts  Read & Respond  Location Details  Personnel Highlights  Operational Differences  Supply Chain Issues  Brand Awareness  Customer Loyalty  Brand Impact  Customer Engagement
  • 20. Social Market Intelligence Maturity • Discover and read mentions on social sites about your brand and location • Connect with reviewers • Demonstrable listening • Recover lost guests • Alert operators for action • Reward on operational achievements • Make location specific changes • Drive corporate marketing • Make cross location changes • Influence corporate strategy
  • 23. Overview newBrandAnalytics transforms the feedback your customers share through social media into operational intelligence you can use to gain a competitive advantage and increase market share.
  • 25. nBA Product Offerings Actionable Social Business Intelligence Customer Driven Competitive Intelligence Brand Strengthening, Customer Retention Real-time Customer Feedback Ad-hoc Situational Analysis nBA Explore
  • 27. nBA themes and sentiment analysis shows a growing trend in WAIT STAFF Rude and WAIT TIME Long Wait. Drivers of intent to return did not include service and staff. Response: Management adjusted the host/hostess and server greeting of guests. Retrained staff to be genuine and warm. Results: Drivers of intent to return included Service, Wait Staff and Management as three of the top five reasons customers would return. And intent to return increased by 50%. 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. Set new standard of service The Case of the Friendlier Server
  • 28. A legendary bakery wanted to understand what menu items elicited a emotional response in customers; discovered calm chowder in bread bowls mentioned most. Response: Before, the only option was to order a half sandwich and cup of soup, sans bread bowl. The data convinced bakery to add option of full entrée salad along with soup in bread bowl. Results: The new menu addition of the Bread Bowl Soup and Salad Combo now represents about 30% of all combos ordered on a daily basis. “Having well-defined reports drive home the passion customers have for a certain product makes it easier to deliver positive memories.” - Exec. VP of Business Development & Marketing Menu Changes that Roll in the Dough 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. A new favorite arrives
  • 29. 01. Sweet Potato Fries (141) 02. Calamari (85) 03. Burger (73) 04. Jambalaya (62) 05. Lettuce Wraps (45) DISHES NAMED nBA themes and sentiment analysis shows a growing trend in DISHES NAMED Sweet Potato Fries described as hard and small. Given their standard cooking time chefs were retrained on of the art of cutting sweet potato. After just four weeks, Sweet Potato Fries emerged as the most frequently mentioned, and overwhelmingly positive, dish named in online customer feedback. Customers described them as delicious, tasty, and crispy. 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. A new favorite arrives The Case of Not So Sweet Potato Fries
  • 30. A theme of slippery floors in FACILITIES category. Furthermore the problem was identified by women and close to the restroom. The Results: slippery floor disappeared from the FACILITIES operational category and a potential hazard was eliminated. Simple solution: order a bigger matt increasing a $5 per month spend to $10 per month The Case of the Slippery High Heels 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. A new favorite arrives
  • 31. A negative trend in DISHES NAMED about Chicken Caesar Salad. With the most of the negative commentary was during lunch service. The Response: retrained the Sous Chef on the lunch shift address the root source of the guest sat issue: too much dressing. The Results: The performance score card for DISHES NAMED improved, and unit sales increased over the month after the operational change. “The grilled Caesar salad is my new favorite and lives up to the restaurant's name. If I don't have it every week or so, I really start to crave it!” The Case of the Overdressed Caesar Salad 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. A new favorite arrives
  • 32. The Case of “Make Your Own” Pie “My pizza was outstanding and the cheese was melt in your mouth delicious. I would highly recommend it.” 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. A new favorite arrives Low scores in MENU performance card (C-). Customers mention the desire to make their own pizza pie. Response: The management team responded adjusted back of the house operations to handle custom pizza orders. Results: Since ‘Make Your Own Pizza’ has been added to the menu, it now accounts for 14% of revenue and is the most popular item.
  • 33. Food value and pricing comments drove a fast casual purveyor of wings to review competitive data showing most offered wings & sauce for one price. The results: Unit growth in sales and dramatic change in consumer sentiment on pricing and value. Increase positive sentiment by more than 20% After years of charging separately for wing sauce, decided to include it in price of wings. Competitive Intel Drives Strategy 1. Identified issue 2. Adjust process 3. Happier Customers
  • 34. Menu Optimization Monitor social feedback to gauge guest reaction to removal of 30+ menu items Identified short-term decrease in sentiment regarding menu offerings, but drastic improvements in speed of service, food temperature, and food quality Rolled optimized menu out to all corporate stores Menu Development Leverage unsolicited guest feedback regarding universal expectations of included toppings and side dishes Guests uniformly disliked being charged an additional amount for sauce for their wings or fries with their burgers Introduced bundled wing/wing sauce and burger/fries options in all corporate stores. Guest perception around brand’s value proposition improved. Service Improvement Use Social Intelligence to benchmark regional service performance across an enterprise organization Service performance was severely lagging brand performance in a region. Host/hostess staff were continuously seen as “unfriendly” or “unavailable.” Ops team implemented new “friendly” points-of-service and introduced a third-party reservation system to monitor hosts greeting guests. Loyalty in region increased by over 40%. Experience Enhancement Translate customer passion for trademark dish into revenues via new combo offering Daily Reports revealed emotional response for clam chowder in bread bowl – customers wanted more bread bowl options Add menu option so customers could order an entrée salad along with soup in a bread bowl. New combo accounts for 30% of all combos ordered on a daily basis. USE CASES INITIATIVE USE CASE FINDINGS RESULTCOMPANY Casual Dining Chain (200+ Units) Casual Dining Chain (350+ Units) Upscale Casual Dining Chain (200+ Units) Multi-Concept Brand (40+ Units)
  • 35. Dynamic Brand Study Reaffirm effectiveness of all-organic beef brand strategy by measuring positive brand sentiment across social landscape Using our platform to measure brand performance and analyze competitors allows for confident marketing decisions Social data yields better information on customers and potential locations for growth, thus rendering time-consuming focus groups unnecessary Pricing & Value Assessment Turn negative commentary about pricing and value of one huge fry size into test opportunity for menu diversification Discovered sentiment in Pricing & Value for their fries was 68% negative, seems most people don’t like paying for fries they’re too full to eat Due to feedback, testing begins in a dozen markets to study percent of positive customer response to the addition of a smaller fry size on the menu Guest Recapture Connect with both positive and negative reviewers online to encourage return visits and recommendations Tracking verbatim reviews and intent to return enables team to engage with reviewers on service issues, questions and/or praise in real-time Customers appreciate quick response and typically revise negative reviews or low star ratings to reflect satisfaction with guest recovery effort; usually results in second trial Competitive Benchmarking Examine top named dishes and cocktails of leading national restaurants to enhance culinary prestige Providing a memorable gourmet experience is vital when restaurants compete; menus starting to get ho-hum reviews Chefs and culinary staff drew inspiration and ideas from competitors’ top trending ingredients and named buzz- worthy dishes and cocktails USE CASES INITIATIVE USE CASE FINDINGS RESULTCOMPANY Fast Casual Chain (30+ Units & Growing) QSR (1,000+ Units) Casual Dining Chain (800+ Units) Multi-Concept (2,000+ Units)
  • 37. Social World is Here Smart phone use skyrocketing Comfort with social sites growing Customer feedback largely ignored Customer feedback spreads like wildfire Loyalty programs not working Social driving behavior
  • 38. 36% Travelers Consult Review Sites Before Booking 2010 Trip Advisor & Cornell Hospitality Research Hotels & Social Media 1 Star Increase Allows 11% Price Increase With same market share, Travelocity & Cornell Hospitality Research 1% Increase Reputation Results in .54% Occupancy STR with ReviewPro & Cornell Hospitality Research
  • 39. Understanding guest opinion of your restaurant has always mattered  Know what works  Know what does not work  Avoid surprises  Test new ideas.  Feel new trends.  Monitor competition. Face-to-Face (Manager Interaction) Mystery Shoppers Comment Cards Traditional Surveys 1-800 Feedback Listening to Guests
  • 40. Social Feedback Explodes onto Scene Social Media is Game Changing  Smart phone use skyrocketing • 46% smartphone usage and climbing  Comfort with social sites growing • Yelp has 41M reviews a month  Customer feedback spreads like wildfire • Average review read by 22,000 people Old listening strategies no longer suffice  More data is online than you think • > 20 per location per month or 80,000 per year for average 200 location chain Social Guest Feedback Mystery Shoppers Manager Traditional Surveys 1-800 Feedback Comment Cards
  • 41. The Experts on Social vs TGS Restaurant Industry Veteran  “Traditional surveys tell you what is important to the company, while social feedback tells you what is important to the guest.” Forrester Research, Kerry Bodine, Author “Outside In”  Social media is a critical part of the puzzle, and companies that skip social media monitoring are missing out on a rich source of customer insights. Social Guest Feedback Mystery Shoppers Manager Traditional Surveys 1-800 Feedback Comment Cards
  • 42. Social Revolution = Your Challenge Hordes of People Thousands of Reviews Hundreds of Sites Typhoon of Information Unstructured chaos requires computer processing Understands yesterday, today and predicts future From chaos produce digestible, deciphered truth Act, manage, monitor
  • 43. Top Sources for Online Reviews
  • 44. Overall star ratings vs. operational grades
  • 46. Actionable Social Business Intelligence Your Results:  Distill Volumes of Data  Focus & Act Locally  Think Strategically  Drive Brand Consistency  Loyal Customers
  • 47. Brand Strengthening, Customer Retention Your Results:  Build Relationships  Reward Advocates  Win Back Unsatisfied Customers  Build Customer Loyalty
  • 48. Real-time Customer Feedback Your Results:  Fix experience, not the customer  Avoid damaging online comments  Brand affinity & happier customers
  • 49. Customer Driven Competitive Intelligence Your Results:  Understand local and brand level competitive strengths & weaknesses  Drive strategy  Increase market share
  • 50. Text Analytics as a Service: Supports Any Unstructured Data Immediate, Real-time analysis Deciphers, Sorts  Presents Common Themes  Presents Trends Allows for Dynamic Query Drill into Detail Verbatim Ad Hoc Research & Analysis Your Results:  Fast & easy analysis of trending topics  Share & distribute in real- time nBA Explore
  • 51. Survey Reply Analysis Natural Language Processing of Unstructured Text Feedback Unified View of Internal Survey Results and Social Media  Intuitive, User Focused Views  Location Level Performance  Performance Benchmarks  Common Themes  Alerting & Reports Single View of Customer Sentiment Your Results:  One-stop shopping for customer sentiment analysis  360 View of customer feedback nBA Internal
  • 52. Deep Analysis  Highly trained analysts Targeted Research  Focused on your strategy Strategic Planning Competitive Intelligence Industry Trends Loyalty Analysis Data Driven Strategy Your Results:  Deep understanding of brand influencing customer sentiment  Actionable insights  Increased value of data
  • 54. Collecting What’s Yours Location Specific  Explores and tracks content generated for individual locations  Geo-location & location mentions Automatic Harvesting  Analyze the social web looking for mentions of your business  Social media, blogs, forums, review sites  Collects comment multiple times per day  Automatically identifies new sources Known Sources  Trip Advisor  Yelp  Priceline  Gayot  Menuism  Google Local  Hotels  Foursquare  Booking  Expedia  UrbanSpoon  Facebook  Twitter  Zagat  Orbitz  OpenTable  CitySearch  Yahoo Local  Reddit  Washington Post  NY Times  Many more…
  • 55. Processing Unstructured Data Natural Language Processing  Comments are processed and keywords are extracted, creating insights  Sentiment is evaluated for each insight Human Quality Control  Team of industry experts accommodate for nuances  Continuously improve machine processing with continuous learning
  • 56. Categorization – Evaluating Your Business Deep Level Analysis  Understand the “why”  Industry specific best-practice KPIs 360 Evaluations  Performance evaluations of your products and services  Explore customer’s satisfaction with everything from Personnel to Furniture to your Bathroom Facilities
  • 57. Hotel Categorizations General Experience Guest Room Accessibility Appearance Assortment Availability Cleanliness Comfort Kid Friendly Location Maintenance Quality Size Temperature Volume/Noise Service Appearance Attentiveness Availability Communication Friendliness Knowledge Order Accuracy Speed Food & Beverage Appearance Assortment Availability Kid Friendly Nutrition Portion Size Quality Temperature Food Sickness Pricing & Value Food & Beverage Guest Room Facilities & Amenities Accessibility Assortment Appearance Availability Cleanliness Comfort Kid Friendly Location Maintenance Quality Safety Size Temperature
  • 58. Restaurant Categorizations General Experience Service Accessibility Appearance Attentiveness Availability Communication & Follow-Up Friendliness Knowledge Order Accuracy Speed Food Availability Kid Friendly Menu Variety Nutrition Portion Size Presentation Quality Sickness Temperature Pricing & Value Food Beverage Loyalty Program Facilities & Amenities Accessibility Appearance Assortment Availability Cleanliness Comfort Kid Friendly Location Maintenance Quality Safety Size Temperature Beverages Appearance Assortment Availability Kid Friendly Quality Size Temperature
  • 59. Retail Categorizations General Experience Offering Appearance Assortment Availability Quality Size Service Appearance Attentiveness Availability Communication Friendliness Knowledge Order Accuracy Progress & Resolution Speed Food & Beverage Appearance Assortment Availability Kid Friendly Nutrition Portion Size Quality Temperature Food Sickness Pricing & Value Product Offers & Coupons Loyalty Facilities & Amenities Accessibility Ambiance Appearance Assortment Availability Cleanliness Comfort Kid Friendly Location Maintenance Quality Safety Size Temperature
  • 60. Proven Analysis Framework Grading Model  Patent pending algorithm  Rollup of insights to review  Grades displayed as letters or numerical Insights  Comments per review Impressions  Reach of authors comments  Impact analysis
  • 61. Creating a Complete Picture Unsolicited Social Feedback Solicited Text & Mobile Feedback More Data, More Accurate Together
  • 62. Author Credibility  Author authenticity evaluation based on characteristics and usage statistics  Not every author is equally credible  Author Details • Fans • Friends • Followers  Credibility Ranking Find Most Impactful Reviews
  • 63. Actionable Data: Current & Historical Performance Trends  Understand volume and sentiment  Spot changing sentiment over time  Monitor effect of change Actionable Themes  Monitor key trending topics  Identify operational improvements  Reinforce exemplary performance Benchmarks  Compare your performance within and across your locations, categories and sources  Understand where to focus your efforts Loyalty Analysis  Watch for your customers’ loyalty trends  Understand what drives loyalty in your customer base Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
  • 64. Actionable Data: Current & Historical Performance Trends  Understand volume and sentiment  Spot changing sentiment  Monitor effect of change Actionable Themes  Monitor key trending topics  Identify operational improvements  Reinforce exemplary performance Benchmarks  Compare your performance within and across your locations, categories and sources  Understand where to focus your efforts Loyalty Analysis  Watch for your customers’ loyalty trends  Understand what drives loyalty in your customer base Images are for display purposes only – content and visuals may vary slightly
  • 65. Reporting & Alerts Online & Mobile Reports  Any Frequency: Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily Digest Completely Customized  Drive to actionable data  Delivery to mobile device  Schedule & assigned  Role based Alerts  Powerful alerting • Location, category, source, loyalt y and any keyword • Schedule & assign
  • 67. Review: “The room was large, but the bed was hard and the bathroom dated. I found the staff to be friendly and the location to be convenient, so I’ll likely go back.” Decipher The Feedback Room- Quality • Room, large: Positive • Bed, hard, Negative • Bathroom, dated, Negative Facilities • Location, convenient, Positive Service - Quality • Staff, friendly, Positive Loyalty • Will Return, Yes Review: “The room was large, but the bed was hard and the bathroom dated. I found the staff to be friendly and the location to be convenient, so I’ll likely go back.”
  • 68. Hotel Reviews by Age Group
  • 70. How can a poor online reputation further squeeze potential revenues?
  • 71. Eleven percent of online commentary about hotels concerns F&B
  • 73. Industries Serving Up Actionable Intelligence Driving Positive Reviews & Higher Occupancy Helping Residents Empower Their Voice Improving The Shopping Experience RetailGovernmentHospitalityRestaurant
  • 74. nBA Leadership Kristin Muhlner CEO Susan Ganeshan CMO Lenn Kurtzman CFO David Murrell CTO Sagie Davidovich VP Engineering Kam Desai Founder, Product Zach Boisi Director, Client Services Barton Phillips EVP, Sales
  • 75. Headquarters Washington, DC 40 employees Engineering, QA Caesarea, Israel 12 employees HPN Atlanta, GA 80 contractors A Global Operation
  • 76. newBrandAnalytics At A Glance Improving > 4,500 locations Monitoring more than 10,000 locations Major chains & multi-concepts Rapidly expanding Software-as-a- Service Self-serve & client services support Secure, reliable, r obust Driven by industry experts for industry Current  Food & Beverage  Hospitality  Government  Retail In 2013  Healthcare Customers Solution Industry
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Editor's Notes

  1. Susan:Smart phone use skyrocketingSmart phones topped 1 B users in Q3 2012, a 47% increase from 2011Comfort with social sites growingYelp has 84M unique visitors per mo (Q3, 2012)Social Feedback GrowingComscore 2011 report on Social Media Growth, from 400M Unique Visits in 2007 to more than 1BM in 2011Customer feedback spreads like wildfireAverage review read by 150 people Online reputation mattersEconomists from the University of California, Berkeley foundthat a half-star improvement in online ratings leads to 30-49% increase in thelikelihood a restaurant will be fully booked during peak dining times
  2. Kerry Bodine on Customer Experience Management: To create a complete picture of your customers, you need to conduct three main types of customer research. You need to solicit customers’ input through vehicles like surveys, you need to gather unsolicited feedback that comes in through channels like social media and your contact center, and you need to go out to where your customers live and work to observe and talk with them one-on-one.
  3. Operationalize Service Best Practices:Reward StaffBack of house social hall of fameEmployee shift selectionSpecial awardsSupply Chain OptimizationFind vendor changes in product deliveredNote size variances from agreementAssess freshnessInform on Local IssuesCarpet unsafe floorSolve uncomfortable seatingUncover unclean BathroomsIncrease SalesAdd requested menu itemsUncover location specific menu item issuesStrategy &amp; InvestmentsUnderstand current location challengesIdentify new locations based on competitionAdvice Pricing to Value DecisionsCompare pricing to valueIdentify customers expectations
  4. GM noted staff who were named in social media reviews, popular staff with positive reviews were tallied and kept in a Social Media Hall of Fame – the result 27% increase in positive staff reviewsOwner operator noted that Heidi a career waitress at a high end steak house was the best at service, wine selection and responsiveness according to social media feedback. He decided to use info like this to offer shift selection rewards to staff.One steak house noted decreased popularity in the Tbone steak in social media, despite consistent POS data for the same item. He researched the finding with his vendor and found that the vendor had switched farms, When the vendor switched back to original farm the reviews on Tbone grew again.A chicken fast casual chain found repeated social media comments about dry chicken. Only uncovered this with machine processing. Food quality scores were down from a A- to C+. Learned the supplier was giving chickens on low end of range. Negotiated larger chickens for same price and “dry” reviews disappeared bringing the org back to A- in food quality.One fast casual chain found repeated comments about slippery floor in reviews. They extended carpet and floor issues disappeared.A restaurant in the UK had positive reviews for all their locations except one lagged a bit in Ambiance. The dug into the data to learn that the window seats were uncomfortable, they replaced the pads and fixed the “bottom line”.
  5. Customers of a high end foo foo pizza chain were requesting a plain o’ pepperoni pizza. The owner was hesitant but decided to comply. This is now the most popular item according to POS data and has increased the “kid friendly” rating of the location by almost 10%.A burger/wing place that offered sweet potato fries noticed that in a few of their locations the fries were noted as hard or brick like. They changed the recipe, making all locations stick to specific width when cutting fries and this food item rocketed to the favorite spot in their data.A coffee house that has most of its locations in malls used our data to determine issues with current locations: usually parking and seating, to determine where to put future restaurants.A burger joint in high end part of town decided to open second location. Feedback on the price to value in this new part of town was dramatically different in the social media. Where the original place had scores in the 70 percentile for value, the new one had scores in the 30 percentile. So rather than devaluing the brand the new location switched to smaller portions and decreased price points. As a result the value for these new menu items increased to 66% and overall customer happiness increased along with it.
  6. Mgt &amp; PRUnderstand ops &amp; policy impact to brandConnect with guests Define social strategiesInfluence guest countsManage crisisPublish positive reviewsOperationsImprove store level performanceImprove General Manager performanceMeasure service effectiveness and identify training needsUnderstand service levels per storeMgt &amp; StrategyBenchmark performance vs. competitorsMeasure effectiveness of strategy on guest perceptionDefine new dishesManage price to value perceptionCulinaryFix recipe issuesPerfect new product launchesIdentify faulty equipment or unsafe processTrain and perfect prep and deliveryIdentify cleanliness issuesFix root cause for food sickness
  7. Unlike TGS: Real-time, Top-of-Mind, Competitive, Dynamic, Accurate, StatisticalUnlike Other Social Media: Beyond star ratings, Intuitive, Actionable, Innovative, Industry Specific, Presents Trends
  8. The Context. An executive from a national restaurant chain with American and Asian cuisines noticed a disturbing theme in its DISHES NAMED Social Guest SatisfactionTM category. In a quarterly summary report, he found Sweet Potato Fries, a popular menu item, as a frequently negative topic. They were described as hard and small. The Response. Knowing the fries needed to be of a certain thickness and length given their standard cooking time, the executive issued a memo to all kitchen leads reminding them of the sweet potato cutting instructions.The Results. All kitchens across the US implemented the changed as suggested by the executive. After approximately four weeks, the executive revisited the DISHES NAMED category. The Calamari and Burgers continued their strong performance, but the Sweet Potato Fries emerged as the most frequently mentioned, and overwhelmingly positive, dish named in online customer feedback. Customers described them as delicious, tasty, and crispy.
  9. The Context. A restaurant organization opened a new, high-end pizza concept and received great traditional guest sat feedback. In SGS, however, the MENU performance card was weak (C-). Customers desired the ability to make their own pizza pie (only chef’s selections were available on the menu).
  10. Susan:Smart phone use skyrocketing46% smartphone usage and climbing (source Pew Research Center)Comfort with social sites growingYelp has 41M unique views a month (source Yelp)Customer feedback largely ignored85% of business’ capture, only 5% do anything with it (source Empathica)Customer feedback spreads like wildfireAverage review read by 150 people (source nBA)Loyalty programs not workingOnly 1% of consumers say loyalty program influences buy decision (source Marketing Daily)Social Driving Behavior Half a star increases bookings by up to 50% (source UC Berkley)
  11. Cornell Study makes the case for why hotels need to pay attention to Social Media
  12. Kerry Bodine on Customer Experience Management: To create a complete picture of your customers, you need to conduct three main types of customer research. You need to solicit customers’ input through vehicles like surveys, you need to gather unsolicited feedback that comes in through channels like social media and your contact center, and you need to go out to where your customers live and work to observe and talk with them one-on-one.
  13. Hundreds of people are talking about you, your brand, your food, your service and the overall experience, they talk to friends on Facebook, on Twitter, and to anyone that will listen on social media sitesIts impossible to monitor all this, its like a typhoon of information, you need to find the needle in the haystack to react quickly and you need to find trends over time to set strategyOut of this chaos emerges the digestable, deciphered truth. Its ready for you to react to, its easy to manage and monitor over time and its going to produce more loyal customers and higher revenues for you, if you listen
  14. To fix the experience for customers, operators need to pay more attention to what they say, not how they scored. This graphic shows an analysis of 102,000 reviews posted about two popular hotel chains, you can see that the star ratings tend to be higher than our operational grades, especially for reviews with lower than five stars. This can show how using simple Online Reputation Management tools leaves a lot of data on the table in terms of potential operational improvements. You might miss the reviews you could have used to improve your star rating.  Harvard business school research says that a one-star increase on Yelp can lead to a 9% increase in overall sales. Furthermore, a study by UC-Berkley states a half star increase leads to 30 – 50% increased traffic during peak times.
  15. Intuitive, User Focused ViewsLocation Level PerformanceIndustry Specific ResultsPerformance BenchmarksCustomer Loyalty AnalysisCommon ThemesAlerting &amp; Reports
  16. Communication Made EasyListen &amp; RespondOrganized EffortSystematic EngagementGoal-Oriented Task Management
  17. Mobile Feedback Text via SMSText via web browserActionable AlertsCustomer Friendly Rapid ReactionPerformance Trends
  18. Performance ComparisonCompetitive BenchmarksLocations, categories, sourcesCompare ThemesUnderstand Business DriversComprehensive Review Summary
  19. Decipher and understand text feedback from Guest Satisfaction SurveysDetailed Analysis by Location, Category including Performance Benchmarks Trends ThemesLoyalty AnalysisDetailed Text FeedbackCustom Views Reports
  20. Decipher and understand text feedback from Guest Satisfaction SurveysDetailed Analysis by Location, Category including Performance Benchmarks Trends ThemesLoyalty AnalysisDetailed Text FeedbackCustom Views Reports
  21. Location SpecificSoftware explores and tracks content generated at your individual locationsLocation is mentioned, automatic taggingLocation is not mentioned, geo-coding algorithms pinpoint proper locationAutomatic HarvestingAnalyze the social web looking for mentions of your businessSocial media, blogs, forums, review sitesAssigned automatic harvesting software collects comments from social media sitesSoftware to identifies new sources
  22. Deep Level AnalysisUnderstand the “why” behind your performance metricsEvaluate performance based on industry specific best-practice KPIs360 EvaluationsOperational categories provide performance evaluations of your products and servicesNon-Operational categories explore customer’s satisfaction with everything else from Personnel to Furniture to your Bathroom Facilities