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MySQL Proxy
                                   The complete tutorial
                                    Jan Kneschke,
         Presented by,
MySQL AB® & O’Reilly Media, Inc.

                                       Senior software Engineer,
                                    Giuseppe Maxia,
                                       Community Team Leader,

                                   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
                                   Unported License.
Raise your hand
 Who has heard of MySQL Proxy ?
 Who has tried out MySQL Proxy ?
 Who runs MySQL Proxy in production ?
 Who wrote scripts for MySQL Proxy ?
 Who runs MySQL Proxy from svn ?
 Who runs another MySQL Proxy like
  application ?
Raise your hand

 Who has read the quot;getting startedquot;
 Who has read the datacharmer blog
    Basic principles
    Lua scripts
    Proxy for a single backend
    Proxy for multiple backends
    Wizardry (all over)
Proxy (< latin quot;procuratioquot;)

= Someone taking care of someone
else's interests

A server proxy is something acting on
behalf of another server
 Content
  • Caching (increase TTL)
  • Off Loading (SSL, compression)
 Backends
  • Load Balancing
  • Fail Over
 Auditing
Proxies for http
    Squid, Varnish, ...
    SSL Off-Loading in hardware
    DNS round robin
And for MySQL?
    Load Balancing for Scale Out
    Fail Over on Maintenance, Host Failure, ...
    Tracing of Evil Queries
    Patching Evil Queries
    Connection Pooling
Proxies for MySQL
 no MySQL awareness
  • tcp-level solutions
 not transparent
  • Continuent(tm) uni/cluster
  • sqlrelay
 around 2007
  • home grown solutions
Grow your own
 REST to SQL (nytimes)
  • uses HTTP features
 MySQL transparent
  • Protocol in the forge
  • implement server and client side
  • MySQL Proxy, dormando, DBI::MySQLServer
    programming language
    add/remove w/o huge changes
Database problems

             • broken?
             • missing feature?
             • not flexible?
Solving database problems

 traditional way

                    1. file a bug report
                    2. wait
Solving database problems
 Open source way


               compile    source
Solving database problems

 creative (shortsighted) way

        bring the
        logic at
Solving database problems

 creative (enlightened) way

                        set the logic
                        at server
                        level (stored
Solving database problems

 creative (more enlightened) way

                set the logic
                at protocol
                level (proxy)
what can you do with MySQL Proxy
    create new commands
    filter queries (deny specific queries)
    collect statistics on usage
    implement usage quotas
    execute shell commands
    create customized logs
    implement server-side pivot tables
    start/stop a MySQL server remotely
what can you do with MySQL Proxy
    play movies (seriously!)
    make coffee (really?)
    load balancing servers
what can you do with MySQL Proxy

Let us show you ...
basic principles
basic principles

      CORE           Lua script
       connection         function
       read query       function

       read result      function

                    Perl ?
      Why not ...

      • SMALL ( < 200 KB)
      • DESIGNED for
        EMBEDDED systems
      • Widely used (lighttpd)
      lighttpd, like MySQL
      Proxy, was created by
      Jan Kneschke

      Very popular among
      game writers
Proxy - Lua overview
           global              Lua script



Using Lua Files

function read_query(packet)
 if packet:byte() == proxy.COM_QUERY
  local query = packet:sub(2)
  print(quot;Hello world! Seen query: quot;
     .. query )
injecting queries
injecting queries
injecting queries

function read_query(packet)
  -- ...
  proxy.queries:append(2, query1 )
  proxy.queries:append(1, packet )
  proxy.queries:append(3, query2 )

  return   proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY

injecting queries

function read_query_result(inj)

  if == 1 then
    return -- default result
    -- do something
    return proxy.PROXY_IGNORE_RESULT
working with results

 • return the original result
 • return a fake result
 • return an error
 • alter the original result
 • return something different

• Put a Proxy in between
• use a sensible script to see
  what's going on (e.g.
  tutorial-packets.lua or


debugging scripts



chained proxy: double features



    pivot tables



              fake packets
Slides and example scripts
Lua basics
Lua types

• nil        a   =   nil
• number     b   =   1
• string     c   =   'abc'
• table      t   =   { a,b,c }
             f   =   print
• function
             u   =   some_C_struct
• userdata
Lua comments
     -- simple comment

Lua comments
  -- simple comment

Numbers and strings
• nil = no value (false)
• number = floating point
• '5' =/= 5          a = nil

                   b = 5; c = '5'
                   print (b == c)
                   print (b == c +0)
Numbers and strings
• conversion on demand

       a = 5 ; b = '5'

       print(type(a), type(b))
       number string
       print(type(a .. quot;quot;))
Numbers and strings
• conversion on demand

      a = 5 ; b = '5'


• smart quoting

  a   =   'Hello'
  b   =   quot;Worldquot;
  c   =   quot;Can'tquot;
  d   =   [[Don't say quot;Helloquot;]]
  e   =   [=[quot;d'ohquot; [[braces]]!]=]
• associative arrays
• can be used as arrays
• can create complex structures
                t1 = {10, 20, 30 }
                t2 = {
                  a = 'abc',
                  b = 2,
                  c = { 3, 4}
• can be assigned to variables
• new functions can override existing

                   function f (x)

• containers to exchange data
    between Lua and host language
•   can have quot;tag methodsquot;
• normal assignments
     b = get_num() -- func return
•   multiple assignments
     a,b = 3,2

• multiple return values
    function x ()
      return 1, 'OK'
  a, b, c = x()
    -- a = 1, b = 'OK', c = nil
statement blocks

• if
    if condition then
•   while
    while condition do
statement blocks

• for
  for var = 1, 10 [,step] do

• for
  for n,v in pairs(table_var) do
sample function
• read_query
1 function read_query(packet)
2   if packet:byte() ~=
3     proxy.PROXY_COM_QUERY
4   then
5     return
6   end
7   local query = packet:sub(2)
8   print('received ' .. query)
9 end
some details

   == equals
   ~= not equal



   'abc' .. '123'   == 'abc123'
using tables

t = {}
t[1] = 'a' --First element 1, ! 0
t[2] = 'b'
table.insert(t, 'c')
-- or t[ #t +1 ] = 'c'

t = {'a', 'b', 'c' }
t = {1 = 'a', 2 = 'b', 3 = 'c'}
print (t[2])
using tables

sizes = {}
sizes['john'] = 'XL'
sizes['paul'] = 'M'
sizes['fred'] = 'L'

sizes = {
  john = 'XL',
  paul = 'M',
  fred = 'L',
using tables

sizes = {
   john = 'XL',
   paul = 'M',
   fred = 'L',
using tables

for i, v in ipairs(t) do
  print (i ..' -> ' .. v)

for name,size in pairs(sizes) do
  print(name .. ' ' ..
        'wears' .. ' ' ..
/* C / C++ */
int a = 0;
   a ? quot;truequot; : quot;falsequot;);

-- Lua
print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;)

-- Lua
a = false
print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;)

a = nil
print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;)
Finding text

query = 'SELECT id FROM t1'

local cmd, column =

if cmd then
  -- do something with query
finding text

• Regular expressions
• similar to Perl/PHP, but simpler
 •   % instead of 
 •   (captures)
 •   [character classes]
 •   ^$+-?*
 •   no alternation (a|b)
 •   no modifiers /i
finding text (Proxy way)

local tk =

local tokens = tk.tokenize(query)

if tokens[1].token_name ==
    'TK_SQL_SELECT' then
  -- do something with query
finding text (Proxy way)

-- each token is a table

token = {
   token_name = 'TK_SQL_SELECT',
   text       = 'select',
   token_id   = 204

-- files are objects

local fname = '/tmp/test.txt'
assert(fh =,'r'))

for line in fh:lines() do

-- files are objects

local fname = '/tmp/test.txt'

assert(fh =,'w'), 'oops!')
for x = 1, 100 do
    fh:write('new row ' .. x)
MySQL Proxy recipes
cookbook: returning a simple dataset
cookbook: returning a simple dataset
function simple_dataset (header, message)
proxy.response.type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK
proxy.response.resultset = {
    fields = {
        {type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, name = header
    rows = {
        { message}
return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
cookbook: returning a full dataset
cookbook: returning a full dataset
function make_dataset (header, dataset)
  proxy.response.type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK

  proxy.response.resultset = {
      fields = {}, rows = {}}
  for i,v in pairs (header) do
            {type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, name = v}
  for i,v in pairs (dataset) do
      table.insert(proxy.response.resultset.rows, v )
  return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
cookbook: returning a full dataset
return make_dataset(
  {'command', 'description' },       -- the header
  {                                  -- the rows
    {'FOO', 'removes the database'},
    {'BAR', 'drops all tables'},
    {'FOOBAR', 'makes the server explode'},
cookbook: returning an error
cookbook: returning an error
function error_result (msg, code,state)
  proxy.response = {
      type        = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_ERR,
      errmsg      = msg,
      errcode     = code,
      sqlstate    = state,
  return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
cookbook: returning a non dataset result

                  ok. you
                  42 lines
cookbook: returning a non dataset result
function affected_rows (rows,id)
  proxy.response = {
      type           = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK,
      affected_rows = rows,
      insert_id      = id,
  return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT
cookbook: debug messages

              got that
              blah, blah

cookbook: debug messages
local DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') or 0

function read_query (packet )
 if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end
 print_debug('inside read_query', 2)

function print_debug(msg, level)
 level = level or 1
 if DEBUG >= level then
     print (msg)
cookbook: verbose level at run time
local DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') or 0

function read_query (packet )
 if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end
 local vlevel=query:match('^VERBOSE=(%d)$')
 if vlevel then
     DEBUG = vlevel+0
     return simple_dataset('verbose',vlevel)
cookbook: keep info inside a session


my variable value
                    my variable value     my variable value
cookbook: keep info inside a session
 nothing to do :)
 Proxy scripts have session scope by default
local tot_q = 0

function read_query (packet )
  if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end
  tot_q = tot_q + 1
  print('queries ' .. tot_q)
cookbook: share info among sessions


           my variable value
cookbook: share info among sessions = or 0

function read_query (packet )
  if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end = + 1
  print('queries ' ..
cookbook: rerouting traffic
cookbook: rerouting traffic
 (1) do

 sudo iptables -t nat 
   -s ! -p tcp 
   --dport 3306 -j 
   REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
cookbook: rerouting traffic
 (1) undo

 sudo iptables -t nat 
   -s ! -p tcp 
   --dport 3306 -j 
   REDIRECT --to-ports 4040

• all hooks
• session bandwidth
• user bandwidth
• blocking commands
source: 010_all-hooks.lua

function read_query (packet)
    print_access('inside read_query t' .. packet:sub(
    proxy.queries:append(1, packet)
    return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY

function read_query_result (inj)
    print_access('inside read_query_result t' ..
read_query and read_query_result


  function           MySQL
read_query           Proxy

                                          if a query is passed directly to the

                                          server, its result is NOT evaluated

                                          by read_query_result
read_query and read_query_result



                                                         only if a query is

                                                         added to the query
     query queue

                                                         queue, its result is

                                                         evaluated by
source: 010_all-hooks.lua

sample output
/usr/local/sbin/mysql-proxy --proxy-lua-script=all-
 1 inside connect_server
 2 inside read_handshake
 3 inside read_auth
 4 inside read_auth_result
 5 inside read_query
 6 inside read_query_result
 7 inside read_query
 8 inside disconnect_client
more examples
 live
read more

                      online Lua
read more
read more

                                                            Let's talk!

                                                   Slides and example scripts

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite
300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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MySQL Proxy tutorial

  • 1. MySQL Proxy The complete tutorial Jan Kneschke, Presented by, MySQL AB® & O’Reilly Media, Inc. Senior software Engineer, MySQL Giuseppe Maxia, Community Team Leader, MySQL This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
  • 2. Raise your hand  Who has heard of MySQL Proxy ?  Who has tried out MySQL Proxy ?  Who runs MySQL Proxy in production ?  Who wrote scripts for MySQL Proxy ?  Who runs MySQL Proxy from svn ?  Who runs another MySQL Proxy like application ?
  • 3. Raise your hand  Who has read the quot;getting startedquot; article?  Who has read the datacharmer blog posts?
  • 4. Agenda Overview  Basic principles  Lua scripts  Proxy for a single backend  Proxy for multiple backends  Wizardry (all over) 
  • 5. Proxy (< latin quot;procuratioquot;) = Someone taking care of someone else's interests A server proxy is something acting on behalf of another server
  • 6. Proxies  Content • Caching (increase TTL) • Off Loading (SSL, compression)  Backends • Load Balancing • Fail Over  Auditing
  • 7. Proxies for http Squid, Varnish, ...  SSL Off-Loading in hardware  perlbal  DNS round robin 
  • 8. And for MySQL? Load Balancing for Scale Out  Fail Over on Maintenance, Host Failure, ...  Tracing of Evil Queries  Patching Evil Queries  Connection Pooling 
  • 9. Proxies for MySQL  no MySQL awareness • tcp-level solutions  not transparent • Continuent(tm) uni/cluster • sqlrelay  around 2007 • home grown solutions
  • 10. Grow your own  REST to SQL (nytimes) • uses HTTP features  MySQL transparent • Protocol in the forge • implement server and client side • MySQL Proxy, dormando, DBI::MySQLServer
  • 11. Transparency programming language  connectors  authentication  add/remove w/o huge changes  flexibility 
  • 12. Database problems • broken? • missing feature? • not flexible?
  • 13. Solving database problems  traditional way 1. file a bug report 2. wait
  • 14. Solving database problems  Open source way modify source code new compile source code
  • 15. Solving database problems  creative (shortsighted) way bring the logic at application level
  • 16. Solving database problems  creative (enlightened) way set the logic at server level (stored routines)
  • 17. Solving database problems  creative (more enlightened) way set the logic at protocol level (proxy)
  • 18. what can you do with MySQL Proxy create new commands  filter queries (deny specific queries)  collect statistics on usage  implement usage quotas  execute shell commands  create customized logs  implement server-side pivot tables  start/stop a MySQL server remotely 
  • 19. what can you do with MySQL Proxy play movies (seriously!)  make coffee (really?)  sharding  load balancing servers 
  • 20. what can you do with MySQL Proxy Let us show you ...
  • 22. basic principles PROXY CORE Lua script function connection function function hook read query function hook read result function hook
  • 23. ?? Lua { Perl ? PHP? Why not ... Javascript? [whatever]?
  • 24. Lua • SMALL ( < 200 KB) • DESIGNED for EMBEDDED systems • Widely used (lighttpd) lighttpd, like MySQL Proxy, was created by Jan Kneschke
  • 25. Lua Very popular among game writers
  • 26. Proxy - Lua overview global Lua script context connect_server read_handshake session context session context session read_auth context session context session context session context session read_auth_result context read_query read_query_result disconnect_client
  • 27. Using Lua Files /usr/local/sbin/mysql-proxy --proxy-lua-script=/path/name.lua IMPORTANT! THE SCRIPT DOES NOT START UNTIL THE FIRST CLIENT CONNECTION
  • 28. intercepting function read_query(packet) if packet:byte() == proxy.COM_QUERY then local query = packet:sub(2) print(quot;Hello world! Seen query: quot; .. query ) end end
  • 31. injecting queries function read_query(packet) -- ... proxy.queries:append(2, query1 ) proxy.queries:append(1, packet ) proxy.queries:append(3, query2 ) return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY end
  • 32. injecting queries function read_query_result(inj) if == 1 then return -- default result else -- do something return proxy.PROXY_IGNORE_RESULT end
  • 33. working with results • return the original result • return a fake result • return an error • alter the original result • return something different (affected/retrieved)
  • 34. debugging • Put a Proxy in between • use a sensible script to see what's going on (e.g. tutorial-packets.lua or tutorial-states.lua)
  • 35. debugging server proxy client diagnostics text
  • 36. debugging scripts server proxy proxy diagnostics text client diagnostics text
  • 37. chained proxy: double features server proxy proxy pivot tables loops
  • 38. testing server proxy client e.g. fake packets connectors
  • 39. DOWNLOAD MATERIAL Slides and example scripts
  • 41. Lua types • nil a = nil • number b = 1 • string c = 'abc' • table t = { a,b,c } f = print • function u = some_C_struct • userdata
  • 42. Lua comments -- simple comment print(1) --[[ print(2) print('hello') --]] print(3)
  • 43. Lua comments -- simple comment --[=[ print(1) --[[ print(2) print('hello') --]] print(3) --]=]
  • 44. Numbers and strings • nil = no value (false) • number = floating point • '5' =/= 5 a = nil b = 5; c = '5' print (b == c) false print (b == c +0) true
  • 45. Numbers and strings • conversion on demand a = 5 ; b = '5' print(type(a), type(b)) number string print(type(b+0)) number print(type(a .. quot;quot;)) string
  • 46. Numbers and strings • conversion on demand a = 5 ; b = '5' print(type(tostring(a))) string print(type(tonumber(b))) number
  • 47. strings • smart quoting a = 'Hello' b = quot;Worldquot; c = quot;Can'tquot; d = [[Don't say quot;Helloquot;]] e = [=[quot;d'ohquot; [[braces]]!]=]
  • 48. tables • associative arrays • can be used as arrays • can create complex structures t1 = {10, 20, 30 } t2 = { a = 'abc', b = 2, c = { 3, 4} }
  • 49. functions • can be assigned to variables • new functions can override existing ones function f (x) print(x) end g=f g(10)
  • 50. userdata • containers to exchange data between Lua and host language • can have quot;tag methodsquot;
  • 51. statements • normal assignments a=3 b = get_num() -- func return • multiple assignments a,b = 3,2
  • 52. statements • multiple return values function x () return 1, 'OK' end a, b, c = x() -- a = 1, b = 'OK', c = nil
  • 53. statement blocks • if if condition then statements end • while while condition do statements end
  • 54. statement blocks • for for var = 1, 10 [,step] do statements end • for for n,v in pairs(table_var) do statements end
  • 55. sample function • read_query 1 function read_query(packet) 2 if packet:byte() ~= 3 proxy.PROXY_COM_QUERY 4 then 5 return 6 end 7 local query = packet:sub(2) 8 print('received ' .. query) 9 end
  • 56. some details == equals ~= not equal string.byte(packet) packet:byte() string.sub(packet,2) packet:sub(2) 'abc' .. '123' == 'abc123'
  • 57. using tables t = {} t[1] = 'a' --First element 1, ! 0 t[2] = 'b' table.insert(t, 'c') -- or t[ #t +1 ] = 'c' t = {'a', 'b', 'c' } t = {1 = 'a', 2 = 'b', 3 = 'c'} print (t[2]) b
  • 58. using tables sizes = {} sizes['john'] = 'XL' sizes['paul'] = 'M' sizes['fred'] = 'L' sizes = { john = 'XL', paul = 'M', fred = 'L', }
  • 59. using tables sizes = { john = 'XL', paul = 'M', fred = 'L', } print(sizes['john']) XL print(sizes.paul) M
  • 60. using tables for i, v in ipairs(t) do print (i ..' -> ' .. v) end for name,size in pairs(sizes) do print(name .. ' ' .. 'wears' .. ' ' .. size) end
  • 61. WATCH OUT! /* C / C++ */ int a = 0; printf(quot;%snquot;, a ? quot;truequot; : quot;falsequot;); false -- Lua a=0 print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;) true
  • 62. WATCH OUT! -- Lua a = false print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;) false a = nil print ( a and quot;truequot; or quot;falsequot;) false
  • 63. Finding text query = 'SELECT id FROM t1' local cmd, column = query:match(quot;(SELECT)%s+(%w+)quot;) if cmd then -- do something with query end
  • 64. finding text • Regular expressions • similar to Perl/PHP, but simpler • % instead of • (captures) • [character classes] • ^$+-?* • no alternation (a|b) • no modifiers /i
  • 65. finding text (Proxy way) local tk = require('proxy.tokenizer') local tokens = tk.tokenize(query) if tokens[1].token_name == 'TK_SQL_SELECT' then -- do something with query end
  • 66. finding text (Proxy way) -- each token is a table token = { token_name = 'TK_SQL_SELECT', text = 'select', token_id = 204 }
  • 67. I/O -- files are objects local fname = '/tmp/test.txt' assert(fh =,'r')) for line in fh:lines() do print(line) end fh:close()
  • 68. I/O -- files are objects local fname = '/tmp/test.txt' assert(fh =,'w'), 'oops!') for x = 1, 100 do fh:write('new row ' .. x) fh:flush() end fh:close()
  • 70. cookbook: returning a simple dataset
  • 71. cookbook: returning a simple dataset function simple_dataset (header, message) proxy.response.type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK proxy.response.resultset = { fields = { {type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, name = header }, rows = { { message} } } return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end
  • 72. cookbook: returning a full dataset
  • 73. cookbook: returning a full dataset function make_dataset (header, dataset) proxy.response.type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK proxy.response.resultset = { fields = {}, rows = {}} for i,v in pairs (header) do table.insert( proxy.response.resultset.fields, {type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, name = v} end for i,v in pairs (dataset) do table.insert(proxy.response.resultset.rows, v ) end return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end
  • 74. cookbook: returning a full dataset return make_dataset( {'command', 'description' }, -- the header { -- the rows {'FOO', 'removes the database'}, {'BAR', 'drops all tables'}, {'FOOBAR', 'makes the server explode'}, } )
  • 76. cookbook: returning an error function error_result (msg, code,state) proxy.response = { type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_ERR, errmsg = msg, errcode = code, sqlstate = state, } return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end
  • 77. cookbook: returning a non dataset result ok. you changed 42 lines
  • 78. cookbook: returning a non dataset result function affected_rows (rows,id) proxy.response = { type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK, affected_rows = rows, insert_id = id, } return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end
  • 79. cookbook: debug messages got that query, blah, blah proxy terminal screen
  • 80. cookbook: debug messages local DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') or 0 DEBUG = DEBUG + 0 function read_query (packet ) if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end print_debug(packet:sub(2),1) print_debug('inside read_query', 2) end function print_debug(msg, level) level = level or 1 if DEBUG >= level then print (msg) end end
  • 81. cookbook: verbose level at run time local DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') or 0 DEBUG = DEBUG + 0 function read_query (packet ) if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end local vlevel=query:match('^VERBOSE=(%d)$') if vlevel then DEBUG = vlevel+0 return simple_dataset('verbose',vlevel) end end
  • 82. cookbook: keep info inside a session proxy script my variable value my variable value my variable value
  • 83. cookbook: keep info inside a session  nothing to do :)  Proxy scripts have session scope by default local tot_q = 0 function read_query (packet ) if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end tot_q = tot_q + 1 print('queries ' .. tot_q) end
  • 84. cookbook: share info among sessions proxy script my variable value
  • 85. cookbook: share info among sessions = or 0 function read_query (packet ) if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then return end = + 1 print('queries ' .. end
  • 87. cookbook: rerouting traffic (1) do sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -s ! -p tcp --dport 3306 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
  • 88. cookbook: rerouting traffic (1) undo sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -s ! -p tcp --dport 3306 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
  • 89. Examples • all hooks • session bandwidth • user bandwidth • blocking commands
  • 90. all_hooks.lua source: 010_all-hooks.lua function read_query (packet) print_access('inside read_query t' .. packet:sub( proxy.queries:append(1, packet) return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY end function read_query_result (inj) print_access('inside read_query_result t' .. inj.query) end
  • 91. read_query and read_query_result client query result function read_query_result function MySQL read_query Proxy if a query is passed directly to the query server, its result is NOT evaluated result by read_query_result SERVER
  • 92. read_query and read_query_result client query result function read_query_result MySQL function only if a query is Proxy read_query added to the query query queue queue, its result is query query query evaluated by result read_query_result SERVER
  • 93. all_hooks.lua source: 010_all-hooks.lua sample output /usr/local/sbin/mysql-proxy --proxy-lua-script=all- hooks.lua 1 inside connect_server 2 inside read_handshake 3 inside read_auth 4 inside read_auth_result 5 inside read_query 6 inside read_query_result 7 inside read_query 8 inside disconnect_client
  • 95. read more online Lua documentation
  • 98. Q&A Let's talk! Slides and example scripts This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.