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My Vision And Goals Of My Life
I grew up in an under resourced, underdeveloped community where every day was as difficult as the
last. These hardships shaped me to become the individual I am today. My vision and goals for the
future are specifically influenced by the events that I witnessed and one of these events that took
place in my country of origin, Lebanon. On the night of July 12, 2006, I woke up to the piercing
cries of frightened children as bombs were targeting civilians and destroying the nation's basic
infrastructure. My family decided to head to the mountains in hopes of finding a safe shelter. On our
way, I witnessed buildings collapse and dead bodies scattered on the streets. Suddenly, I heard an
explosion and realize that the vehicle ahead of us had been ... Show more content on ...
During times of war, we decided to seek a better life in the United States. My focus was to purse the
American dream by achieving a higher education and provide a better quality of life for my family.
However, being a first–generation college student, I experienced financial, academic, and
motivational struggles. Conversely, through hard work and dedication, I was able to consistently
earn a competitive GPA. Furthermore, I had to develop excellent organization and time management
skills to find a way to balance work, academics, and personal responsibilities. Although I went
through tough times, I let my hardships serve as a lesson and a reminder for me to stay focused and
motivated to attain my goal.
During my time in college, I volunteered in several settings. These experiences allowed me to gain
exposure to people of various cultures and thus improve my ability to effectively communicate with
individuals from different backgrounds. Volunteering also allowed me to experience the satisfaction
of being able to selflessly give to others without expecting anything in return. Through these
projects, I learned that although we are improving as a community, it is important for every
individual to do their best to give back and support those who are less fortunate in any way possible.
This could be through aiding them in finding shelters, offering them food, and helping them
establish a better
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My Goals In Life
Everyone has a purpose in life whether it is to help save the world or just bring happiness to people
around them everyone has a purpose. My purpose is to help serve the community and give back
through consistency to help protect my family and the families of others. I have three goals that I
would like to achieve in my life. First, I would like to be committed to play college baseball, second
I would like to go to college and graduate with an associates, bachelor, and my masters degree, and
last I would like to eventually become an FBI agent and do my part in protecting or helping
someone who may need help. Those are my three main goals in life and of course I will have mini
goals that are not as big or important but these are the main goals. My personal goal is too be
committed to play college baseball by January 1, 2018. This goal is important to me because I have
played baseball all my life and I have never been the one player that stands out to everyone and is
amazing. I am that one player that will grind an at bat, get a bunt down when needed, and I do not
do anything that pulls people over to the game I am playing in. I am okay with not being that player
because I feel like it makes me work harder and just do my thing when I am on the field. It is
important to me that I play because I feel like I can prove a lot of people wrong by going to a good
baseball school or just play college baseball at all. Also, my parents have poured thousands of
dollars throughout my
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My Personal Goals Of My Life
A time where I achieved a personal goal in my life has to be when I had to take school serious and
bring my grade up so I can have better future for myself. So let 's go back to when I was in High
School after leaving middle I had a bad start back towards the end of middle school I was never the
kid who never did there homework, projects or anything I had to do that I was assigned to do at
home and kept making excuses of why I didn 't do it. After that I got in trouble by my parents we
would later have a talk about why I should focus on my education as a teen I didn 't really care what
they said just went through one ear then out the other. When I first started High School I didn 't do
some homework and even projects assignments again my parents would soon be later be notified
about how my grades were not so great that 's when it all started. When I came home my parents
were waiting for me as we started to talk they were talking about when they were kids they wish
they could have expanded their education since my mom only went to elementary school back when
she a kid back in Mexico since she could not go since she was not able since she was the oldest of 5
siblings so she had to stop going to school because of it. My father never went to school as a kid
since he was very poor growing so he was not able to to learn anything they told me if they had the
opportunity to further their education they wish they could have been something instead of what
they would do my mom wanted
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My Life Goals Essay
While growing up my parents pushed me to be the best person I could be and to this day I still push
myself towards that goal. To reach some of my goals I have put myself into college classes and
part–time PSEO. I want to prepare myself for the future by getting a head start and completing these
courses. By doing this I am going to have to center my life goals around leadership, scholarship,
service and character. Leadership is something that is important in my life. Ever since I was young
I've been a strong leader. I strongly show leadership on the soccer and basketball team. I speak up
for my teammates, pick everyone up when they're down, help people out on the playing grounds and
just being open to anyone. I want my teammates to trust me and I hope they'll always know I'm
going to be there for them, I also do the same to my friends and classmates around me during the
year. I want to see what other kind of leaders are in my class and learn from them. I want to gain a
lot of experience being a strong leader and NHS can do this for me. Being a role model to the
younger students at our school is something I strive to do. I want kids to get into good habits and
have a healthy lifestyle throughout high school. Not only will I learn from being a leader, I will
encourage people to concentrate on what needs to be done so in the end everyone can feel their goal
was accomplished. Service is also an important to me. When I was younger I was involved in Girl
Scouts. My troop often
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My Goals For Life
Who am I? Who do I hope to be? What are my goals for life? These were all questions I was asked
in fifth grade during a project. My answer was, when I am older I want to play in the WNBA, own a
big house, and be super rich. Of course, as times have changed I have gotten older my hopes,
dreams, and goals have quite a bit.
Today, when I am asked about who I am and my answers have changed a lot since fifth grade.
Physically, I am a freshman in college. I play women's basketball, and plan to double major in
business administration and sports management. I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and stand
at five feet and eight inches tall. While all of those aspects make up who I am, they don't really
describe anything about my personality. So, on top of all of those things I am also a hard–worker,
passionate, and very self–motivated. While these characteristics might be a good start for college, I
hope to accomplish much more.
Let's start with who I hope to be. In the future, my biggest hope is being happy. Now, what I think
would make me happy in the future now, might change, just like it has changed since fifth grade. So,
what I think would make me happy would be having a job as the head of marketing for a
professional sports team, preferably basketball, but I am not picky. Another thing I currently get a
lot of happiness from my family, and someday I hope to have a family of my own to come home to.
To me having a successful career means nothing without having
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The Importance Of Goals And My Goals Of My Life
Living in the past, present, and future can be difficult, especially the future. I've imaged a future
where I've achieved my goals. Picturing a future where I'm better at marching at tempo, practicing
and memorizing show music, or going to college and earning my bachelor's, master's, and PhD
degree. Even working my dream job, being a Pediatrician and giving back to my family for all they
have done. All of these are my life goals. High school is only four years. It's a place where
adolescent transform form immature teenagers to mature adults. It a place that can improve your
future dreams or destroy them in a heartbeat. It's a place of endless possibilities. Although it's my
first year here at Savanna high school, I know I want to be in marching band for all four years.
Marching band is one of the most difficult sports I've ever done. From marching on tempo and
keeping the technique precisely to playing the music. One of my long–term goals is to get better at
marching at tempo, memorizing the show music, and practicing my clarinet. I have started to bring
my clarinet home on Wednesdays and Fridays because Wednesday is the only day there is not
practice and Friday is followed by the weekend. Before my sleeping schedule was messed up, but
now I fall asleep at ten o'clock so I'm energized and ready for the long practices after school. I have
gone to all the after school practices and have brought my date book. I write in new information in
my dot book and make adjustments to my
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My Goal In My Life
I would have to say that my life task will be to be a problem solver. In the video "Tom
Kelley(Founder–Ideo) – Do What You Love" the Venn diagram utilized by Jim Collins shows that
with a good balance you can find your life task. Fourteen years ago, I used to work for Hewlett
Packard and like the Venn diagram I was good at it, I was born to do and I got paid to do what I
loved, code and solve problems. The environment was good to work, every Friday after work we
used to gather outside the building to play dominoes. I would say if you asked myself where I saw
me in five or ten years I would have answered that I would be working at Hewlett Packard. But that
was not how it happened my division was the first one to go after the Compaq merger. This is
probably my starting point for my mastery journey.
I moved the family to Orlando, FL and started my own business. I used to put a lot of ours in to it
and it was consuming a lot of time and it was not healthy for the kids or my marriage. It is not until
that life took a good turn and I got the opportunity to work for Florida Virtual School. It is quite a
turnaround since my Mother and Sisters are all educators and I didn't want to follow their footsteps
that is why I studied Computer Science. Since I like to solve problems and find better ways to do the
work after two years working for FLVS I started to play around with BI tools that is when I had the
great Idea to pursue a degree in the subject matter. One of the negative aspects
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My Personal Life Goals
Have you ever woken up one morning and asked yourself, "What am I doing with my life?" This
happened to me one day, and I quickly realized I have lost sight of my goals. Goals help you set a
road map for your life, to accomplish things that are special to you and will help you move through
life. They can be as simple as: wanting to improve your car, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or on
the long term end: wanting to graduate college with a degree in accounting. My first goal, would be
to improve my "clunker car," which is something I have always owned my entire life. A "clunker
car" is usually an older model car that is not in the best condition. Instead of getting a brand new
car, which is expensive, it is cheaper just to fix the little problems in the car. Which can be made up
into smaller goals because they are easier to achieve one at a time. For example, right now there are
no sun visors in my car because the ones I currently have will not stay in the upright position,
instead they move around and will not stay still. Replacing my old sun visors with new ones would
be extremely helpful on those hot sunny summer days to block the sun and they will stay in their
place when you don't need to use them. Secondly, there is a cassette radio player in my car.
Cassettes are very hard to find nowadays, everything is on cds or you can stream music with your
cell phone and play it through the car speakers. To be able to have a cd player would mean no longer
to have to fast
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My Goals For My Life
I am not sure if this is the way I want my life to be. Life tends to change direction very often. What I
plan to do now might not be what I want to do in a few years. Even if my plans do change, I will
always have goals for myself. With hard work and determination I plan to accomplish my goals,
whatever they may be, and live up to my full potential. Also I will be joining the military after I do
my 6 years of law school to have better benefits for me and my family. It will take care of the rest of
my college tuition and my health care. I've learned that it takes hard work and dedication to get into
the NFL. You've got to have discipline, obey and respect the life of football, if don't you won't get
anywhere with it. My father has shown ... Show more content on ...
That's why people always tell me that it isn't easy to be successful, you've got work for it cant just
sit there and think its going to come to you easily. At the end of your Junior year of college, every
player is offered a chance to leave college and sign up for the pro–draft. If you accept, your college
career is over, and you may be drafted to an NFL team. If you decline, you can try again after your
Senior year. Don 't lose hope if you 're not drafted. Its possible at the end to be able to get drafted.
There are many players in the NFL right now that thought they weren't going to make it to the
league because of lack of potential. You got : Victor Crews, Antonio Gates, Wes Welker, Fred
Jackson and many more. These players didn't have the high potential to think they weren't going to
make it to the league because of their background. Was raised in the projects, didn't have the things
other people didn't have, raised by a single mother with 4 or more siblings in a one room house.
Like you just can't give up on your future to where life gets hard and you think you can't do
anything about it. There is a way. Have faith in what you are doing because it's never too late to
build a brighter future for yourself. Most people don't realize how much they have in them to
become an NFL player, it takes pride to get to where you want to make it too. People will inspire
you when you do great things on the
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My Goals In My Life
What I plan to accomplish in my life? Well, there's a few different things, that will make a everyone
see my version of "a bigger picture". At this very moment I am in my freshman year of college. A
small step so far, kind of just testing the water, it's only week 2. Although, this is step 2 of 3, on my
way to my bigger picture. My first goal I plan on accomplishing, is getting a good education, which
will lead me to my second goal that I plan to accomplish. My second goal that I plan to accomplish
will be to obtain a position at my dream job. Last but not least, my third goal I will accomplish will
be, to be known for something life changing. Something that when people hear my name or see my
face they will remember the amazing thing I did, to make a change and/or a difference in the world.
My first accomplishment will be to have an outstanding education. I went to a high school that was
lacking in their education department, for my Freshman and Sophomore year. I strived like no other
student in my class. I then moved and went to a different high school on the other end of the
spectrum, so some would say. I didn't excel as well as I did in the beginning, but I soon realized the
work wasn't the same. The education value was different. I came to this realization and put my best
foot forward and put all my effort and time in to make sure I made the same grades. This time it
would actually mean something to me, because there was a challenge. Graduation day came, and I
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My Personal Goals : My Goals In My Life
I have always been the type of person to write down goals and set out to succeed them one at a time.
I find it very helpful to write down my goals because I am actually looking at them and if I were to
forget, I can always look back at the sheet of paper I wrote them on and resume where I left off. My
list consists of long term goals as well as small, or short term, goals for myself to help reach the
larger goals. I do not like to leave projects unfinished, once I put my mind to it It's going to get
done. If I am really going to do something, I go all out with it and I do it with excellence. I am also
the type of person who does not like to wait until the last minute to get things done. Waiting until
the last minute to get anything ... Show more content on ...
Then, I moved up and started to teach older kids between the ages five and seven, the first and
second graders. The first and second graders were more to my liking, I knew that those two grades
were the perfect grades for me to teach. Although, the highest grades I would ever like to teach are
third and/or fourth grade. My two favorite subjects are reading and math, so those two would be my
preferred content areas. I believe that the identification of my teaching philosophy is important
because it will help me prepare my lesson plans in the future along with coming up with skills on
how I want to teach my students. My teaching philosophy will impact my future students by
teaching them how to be independent and how to make smart decisions on their own by helping
them find their way of doing things. The educational philosophy I most identify with is
progressivism because I have always been the type to believe that schools should not just prepare us
with knowledge, but also with life experience and give the students a mindset that would help them
make the right choice. Students spend about half of their day at school, so I believe teachers should
help prepare them for the real world. The world and education systems are two things that never
stop evolving or changing. Today's schools are different from the past because back then everyone
was segregated. No matter where you went, there was always one of two things;
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My Goals In My Life
Over the last ten years, completing my education has been my most important priority in life. Since
I was a young boy, I've been taught by my parent's and peers that education is equivalent to
knowledge and success in life. In addition, this one of the reasons that motivated me to attend
college at Houston Community College. By attending at this local college, I am able to take the
perquisites that I need in order to gain my Associates' Degree in Process Technology. Taking this
class is important to me because by completing this course I will be able to get my Associate's
Degree since this is the only course that I need to complete my degree plan. By completing this
course I will be able to complete my educational goals, start my new career full of accomplishments
and achieve my life goals. Completing this last course will help me accomplish one of my
educational goals. Attending college has always been one of my major dreams since I was a young
boy because no one from my family had never attended college before. By completing his course, I
will be able to graduate with an Associates' Degree and be the first one of my family to hold a
college degree. After I complete this course, I know that all those sleepless nights of homework and
test reviews will be all worth it because I would have completed my educational goal. Therefore,
getting my Associates' Degree will be one step closer into getting a Bachelor Degree one day and
completing another educational goal in my life.
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My Goals Of Life
Many people go through life so jambacked with tasks to complete, they forget the most important
thing in life is joy. Most likely these people are stressed out and become depressed. In my opinion
the best way to live is to stop worrying about life and live in the present. By living in the present I
will be able to live a peaceful life. Now that the year 2018 is here, I want to slow down emotionally,
physically, spiritually, and have relationships that will make my life enjoyable.
As my high school years are winding down I want to savor all the precious moments and
experiences I have left. I am going to decrease my workload and only focus on the tasks that need to
be completed at the present moment. By doing this I will be able to free up ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the summer I will have to say goodbye to the source of my enjoyment, so my main
focus of this summer will be to dedicate a lot more time to hangout with my high school friends to
put more memories in the book. I will also be trying new things because the source of boredom is
doing the same thing over and over again. By finding new things to do with the people with the
people I love will increase the enjoyment that is necessary to have in life. The biggest challenge I
will be facing is adapting to the college life. In order to enjoy my fall semester I have to get
comfortable with my surroundings and meet new people that I will have fun hanging out with.
College is hard work and will take a lot of time to succeed, so I will need to manage my time to get
my work done before I schedule time to do something fun. Another important thing will be
surrounding myself with things I enjoy like activities, classes and people. In college it seems so easy
to get swamped up in workload that college becomes a stressful and depressing. My goal in the first
semester of college will to make sure that my time in college is enjoyable and not emotionally
draining. Another aspect of college I need to adapt to expanding my relationships with students. In
order to succeed in college I will need to enjoy the people that I am around. This will be difficult
because college is full of students with different
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My Life Goals
After careful contemplation and the usual changing of my thought process I concluded that thinking
and not writing out my goals or vision plan was not beneficial to me. I asked myself, why can't I
have it all instead of having to choose? The question order is what do I want from my career and
then what do I want from my life or for my life? I thought and decided that society has planted a
seed in our heads saying that to accomplish your goals there is a specific order in which things must
be performed and for many this may accurate and lead them to success. My situation is not everyone
else's state of affairs it is truly my own. I am thirty–five years of age on my third marriage and have
four children. My life was hard, some would say horrific but my experiences have brought me much
diversity in the knowledge of the true world and its functions. Today I open my box that society has
handed me tearing through the walls of criticism and obstacles developing my own vision of my life
goals starting from the future and planning backwards to achieve my outcomes. My priority is my
family so I will start with those questions first, what do I want from life? I want nothing from life,
because I know that nothing is handed to you and you must work hard for what you want.
Rephrasing the question what do I want out of life? I want to live a simple life of elderly age with
my husband alongside a lake in a simple but unique crafty shelter. That being known, I can
determine how hard do I
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My Goals For My Life
The year is 2024 and nothing could make this moment any better. After taking a year off to travel
the world, before settling down with a well–paying job and beginning a family, my life is starting to
become worth everything I worked so hard for. I would never change any of the decisions I made
because all the effort I put in and all the obstacles I faced allow me to be who I am today. I am
currently twenty–five years old and am happy to say I finally married "the one". Who knew I would
meet him while touring the beautiful city of Paris? We recently moved into a cozy cabin house right
outside of the city where it is very peaceful, but also close to restaurants, stores, and all the fun
activities here in Monroe, Michigan. I did not end up living someplace warm year–round such as
Florida, Tennessee, or California, which was always my plan when I was younger. Sometimes it is
impossible to leave behind everyone you love just to avoid the horrible weather. Besides that, I have
no complaints about how my life is turning out. I am proud to say that I accomplished my lifelong
dream of becoming a general practice attorney. I was able to earn my undergraduate degree early,
receive my law degree, and passed the bar exam. That continues to be the most exciting moment of
my life. I just began my full–time job and am expecting to have my University of Michigan student
loans paid off in no time. I figured it was time to buy myself a victory gift since I knew I deserved
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My Goals Are Important And Goals In Life
I usually do not ask myself about what lies forward in my future ahead. We do not realize how goals
can be important and exciting in our lives. It is a distinct thought that we do not often ask ourselves
"where am I headed and how will I get there?". Our goals make us who we are and what
distinguishes us from other people. There are moments in our life where we have time to think about
what lies ahead, and when we do, we worry how we are going to pursue to head to the direction.
There are many pathways to endure it, but it depends all on your mindset that you believe. My goals
are all important to me because they give me a long–term vision and I also realize the importance of
the goal and they let me apply this knowledge into my life. I ... Show more content on ...
It builds so much negativity inside that sometimes it can possibly make that person break down a
little. Procrastination is a voluntary delay in a task despite knowing the consequences. It has become
a typical human characteristic. I always stress over the smallest tasks and thoughts because of
procrastination. It would help with building accountability and I will also avoid building up fear
over upcoming deadlines on projects such as this one and hopefully not any more projects.I find
myself demanding to stop procrastinating. People who procrastinate seem to less likely to graduate
and more likely to stress over even the smallest projects assigned. Once I can get past
procrastination, I will be able to harness the fear within me and be able to finish my assignments
more thoroughly and efficiently. The most substantial obstacle is taking no action at all. It is one of
the biggest obstacles to overcome in order to make a change in a new behavior. My strategy to
overcome procrastination is preparing such as gathering supplies, seeking a tool and making a plan.
Avoiding to overanalyze what I need to do and keep it manageable. Tasks become hopeless when
the goal seems far off instead focusing and forming a habit rather than targeting the goal. Breaking
it down to smaller bits of pieces so when completing those tiny victories, you achieve small steps of
motivation. A feeling of gratification. Another way to minimize procrastination is
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My Goal Of Life
Linda was your normal everyday teenager. She did exceptionally well in school, receiving mostly
E's in class, played sports and knew what she wanted to do with her future. She also had two loving
parents who only wanted for her to be happy. They didn't push her and tell her she had to become a
lawyer or anything, they just said that they wanted her to have at least a high school diploma and to
be happy. Linda graduated from high school and married John Travers. She had known John since
she was twelve and immediately said "yes" when he proposed. A year and a half later she had a son
named John and two years after he was born she had a daughter named Janet. She had already
fulfilled her first goal in life; to be a wife and a mother. Her ... Show more content on ...
That was our parent's gift to us. My grandma has influenced my life in other ways as well. When
she was a little girl her mom got her a doll that none of her friends could find in any stores. She
loved this doll because it wore baby clothes and she was able to go buy cute baby clothes from the
store and dress her doll in them. She dubbed her doll "Debbie" and loved her like a sister, Debbie
was her favorite doll. She kept Debbie even after she grew out of playing with her knowing that she
wanted to give it to her daughter later on. Once my mom was old enough Linda passed Debbie on to
her. My mom was not allowed to keep the doll's name though, she had to come up with one of her
own. The real reason that she had to create a different name for the beloved doll was because of a
deceased baby named "Deborah". Linda didn't want to be reminded such a sad time every time her
daughter played with the doll. Though this was the reason behind the name change it served a good
purpose. Because she had named the doll it became more special to her and my mom loved the doll
even more for it. Like my grandmother, my mom kept the doll she had dubbed "Big Momma" long
after she had outgrown her so she could give it to her daughter as her mother had done with her.
When I turned three, my mom gifted the doll to me. I immediately knew what her name would be, I
had been obsessed with the name since before I can even remember. I named the doll "Emma" and
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My Goals In Life
Everyone has dreams and aspirations on what they want to be when they grow up. I remember
changing my ideal career three times as a kid. My heart was for sure set on being a fire fighter, then
video game creator, and lastly a United States Marine. We all have passions and dreams that we
want to achieve and for some they are very much attainable, but for the rest we need to realize it
might not work out. This seems counter intuitive to what society tells us. "Follow your dreams,
chase your heart," but if we're going to be honest not all of us are going to win the American idol
and make it big. Not to push you away from pursuing your dreams, but finding a secure job is a
wider choice. This is something I had to decide when choosing my career, I determined my passion,
and what I was good at, then found a way to pursue both. This process helped me find the career
path as well as the colleges I would need to obtain my goal. Music has always been a big part of my
life, I play five instruments decently and I love the feeling that music gives. In the past, I've played
alongside a professional blue grass player, as well as performed in churches in the San Diego area.
As I get older it's something that I'm going to continue to pursue. Another passion of mine is serving
God in preaching. As a teenager, I helped teach Sunday School classes, the eleven o'clock kid's
church, and even Vacation Bible School during the summer. My two passions in life are music and
preaching, both I can see myself doing years down the line. However, both of my passions won't
provide financial security. Rather than forgetting your dreams, find a career that would enable you
to pursue them. I'm extrovert in nature, and in the past, I've known myself to be decent with
numbers. One day I was talking to a CEO of a foster agency, she told me how if I did the book work
for an agency I can make minimum $80,000 a year. I had a foreknowledge of what book keeping
was, and I decided it would be the perfect job to provide financial security. Once I determined a
career field I had to plan what colleges to attend. To get an accountant degree, and pursue my other
goals along the way I would need to attend two colleges. I spoke to my mom about the best
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My Goals In Life
Why i know that im never going to make it anywhere in life where i can sit back and say im happy. I
am a failure, i lack what is the most nescesary and vital thing to becoming succsesful and happy.
This is drive, the will, the no matter whats coming at me im going to charge full speed right back at
it and beat it with everything i have, and after that pick my head up and look for what is behind that.
This is the story of my life, it can be explained in one sentence. I start and never finish. This is the
hard truth that i think about whenever someone asks me what i want to be when i grow up, who i
really am as a person, or what are your goals in life. I have one dream, one goal in life. That one
goal is the simplest thing to say yet the hardest to master in the world, its to be that person that when
you look at them and what they've done in life you just say to yourself ,that is drive, that is will, that
is what it looks like when one man truly accomplishes everything to his best abilities and can look
back on life and just be proud of everything that he has done. And the best part is that he is just
proud and happy because he knows that he gave it that extra half inch more than anyone else was
willing to go, he went farther up the mountain than any other man. Because when he saw you in the
background starting to fade and weaken. You know what he said to himself? 'I can go further' and
even after he went further and was about to collapse he said 'i can go further'. Even if
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My Goal In Life
Having a purpose in life is an important step in living a life worth living. Yet, many people have a
difficult time trying to find their purpose. I am lucky, I know my reason for living. My purpose is to
serve society through connecting and caring about others to show them love and Christ's love for us.
Almost as vital as a purpose, are goals. Goals give people tangible heights to reach. My personal
goal in live is simple, I just want to be happy. Educational–wise, my long–term goal is to graduate
the UF Levin College of Law with my Juris Doctorate. My career goal is to become a successful
child advocate attorney. My long–term personal goal is to be happy and secure in myself and my
accomplishments throughout my life by not comparing myself to others. This will allow me to live
my life free from regrets and envy. This goal is the most important to me because just as a day
without laughter is wasted, a life not lived happily is futile. Life is short, so I firmly believe one
should be happy in all aspects of life. This goal also relates to my purpose because my biggest
strength is empathy, so I am happy when I get to connect with others and create a bond with them.
Also, as shown by my assessments, I have a strength in winning others over, or "woo". I feel
energized and pleased when I can create new relationships with people that are strangers to me. The
rush over winning others over adds to my happiness. There is a plethora of things that can get in the
way of me being happy. One of my biggest obstacles is my own personality. I truly am my own
worst critic, and I can tend to tear myself down. When I make mistakes, or look at myself too
harshly, I take away from my own happiness. In order to combat this, I will need to confide in my
friends and be honest with them about how I am feeling. I also need to learn to treat myself with
kindness, because I need to remember that I am trying my best. My long–term academic goal is to
graduate in 2024 from the University of Florida Levin College of Law with my Juris Doctorate after
obtaining my bachelor's and master's in sociology. I will do this by studying and working hard while
in undergraduate and graduate school. This is important to me because I want to make my
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My Personal Goals Of My Life
I have been through a lot in my time being here on this planet. Change of dreams, loss of family, life
changing moments, coming to realization of certain things and cutting people out of my life. I would
not be who I am today if I did not go through everything that I have gone through, so in the end, I
am happy I went through those things in life. My personal goal is to honestly just be genuinely
happy with life. I know that is a cliché statement, but that's my goal. I want to live life to my fullest
and love everyone because life is so short, that one day you might not get to see tomorrow. I reach
toward this goal mainly because of losing my cousin to a drunk driver. This happened on August 8,
2012. I remember this day clearly; it was the day of my freshman orientation. My cousin who was a
part of numerous biker groups, was going to go out with a couple of his friends in this group called
the "Slo–Pokes". They were all on crotch rockets going to numerous places around Terre haute,
which their night ended to soon because of one person's decision. My cousin was 22 going on 23
that October. They had just left Show–Me's, none of them had been drinking. But as they were
crossing 13th and college here in Terre Haute, a drunk driver ran a red light and struck my cousin
carrying his body on the front of his truck. If it was not for a train stopping the drunk driver, my
cousins body would've been carried further on that truck. Being only in 9th grade and having that
happen to me
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My Goals For My Life
Mariya McCallister
Some people know what they want and go after it – nothing stands in their way. I am one of those
people. I grew up in Omaha with my mother, who is single, and four sibling. When we lost
everything because my mom lost her job, we were homeless for a while then we moved to bellevue
with one of my mom's associates , hoping for a fresh start. We have always been poor living
paycheck to paycheck hoping to make it by because my mom has always been on her own but we
wanted better but it's hard when your stuck in poverty and that was my mom. I then started
attending Bellevue East High School and working a part–time job at Taco John's to help support my
family because our bills were always getting shut off we ... Show more content on
I grew up in poverty, and I refuse to go through it again. Education is the only way to my dreams,
and I'm willing to use all my strengths to get there, no matter the effort it requires. My mother is my
motivation and my dominant support; she supports my schooling and encourages me to exceed
expectations. For example, one of my weaknesses is my learning disability: I was diagnosed with
ADHD in elementary school, and I started taking medication to control it. My mother, seeing my
potential, later encouraged me to wean off of the medication, use other strategies to deal with my
condition, and now I've learned to cope with my learning disorder. Although it is harder for me to
concentrate than it is for my classmates, I took up the challenge and have proved to myself and my
teachers that I can do just as well as anyone else.
One strength that has helped me is self–motivation. No matter the situation at home or what we are
going through, I continue to strive for my goals, keeping in mind it will pay off later. When we were
evicted and were couch–surfing, I continued to walk to work and school and keep my grades up,
always maintaining As and Bs. I have maintained a GPA of 4.3 and will continue working for good
grades throughout college, no matter where I attend. I will not fail my self–expectations and self–
worth. I am passionate about being a strong role model for my siblings and teaching them to do
things the right
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My Goals In Life
"A goal without a plan is just a wish" – Unknown. There are many days where one can feel the need
to give up, but if you give up nobody can see you accomplish the things that you set your mind
upon. Goals are not something you just say to pass the time they are meant to be a lifetime. They are
meant to help you through life and become something everyone said you couldn't be. Being able to
prove who you are or who you want to be in the world should be a goal for everyone. Even though I
was afraid to be anything I wanted to be, but I had to ask myself, where would this fear take me in
life? Would I receive me into a house? Would it help me be stable in life? The answer, to me, is yes,
but then it's a no. Fear helped me grow. I now understand that with my fear I'm not so scared about
what people think anymore. My goal in life is something that is probably UNSTABLE to most
people, but it is something I find to be SINCERE to me. I want to be an anesthesiologist. The
anesthesiologist has to deal with the most DRAMTIC people ever sometimes. Even though they are
only in a room for like two minutes they can still experience some of the CHAOTIC things that
happen with the other doctors and nurses. But in other situations, they just might be somebody's
hero. Being in the medical field can be very VIVID. There will be times when you will be scared of
life in other words, there will be a memory that you will never forget and could tell it for days.
Other times it will be
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My Purpose And Goals In My Life
Are any questions you focused on in your life deep questions? I think that a lot of the questions I
have concerning my life are deep questions: for example, I wonder if I will finish this program and
graduate. I ask myself if I can have a great career once I obtain a college degree, and be able to
provide for my family like I want. I also think about the fact that I have to repay my student loans
and this has me worried because we have a new President that has made it clear that he does not
care if students have a hardship or not we are supposed to live on nothing in order to pat back our
student loans however, he has done nothing except undo so many programs that have helped
millions of American citizens who are not able to afford insurance and many other things. I worry
about my children and what kind of world they are growing up in as well as I have a desire to give
them the things they want or need. To what extent are you questioning your purpose and goals? A
very large extent: I ask myself about my goals and what I believe to be my purpose in this life
affects my family and myself. I always questioned whether or not what I have planned out for
myself and how it will both help and hinder me and my family. I know that if I want to continue to
get ahead in life I must set goals for myself. Stepping stones to help guide me through what is
possible: I also know that continuing my education will open several opportunities and hopefully,
being financial secured for me. Like
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My Goals In My Life
Ever since I can remember, being a doctor was always what I wanted to be. Although there were
hardships and challenges throughout my life, my ultimate goal never changed. Instead many of the
problems I faced inspired me to work harder towards my goals. I pushed myself to overcome certain
obstacles in order to make those who support me proud as well as myself. Growing up, I did not
have very many role models who were successful in school. In my family graduating from high
school is a big accomplishment because some family members couldn't do that. But, my mom
always pushed me to be "better than the last", meaning achieve more than those older than me. She
was a teen mother and had me a few months after graduating from high school. Because of her
responsibilities to me and the death of her mom, she never had a chance to further her education and
receive a degree. Instead she instilled into me the drive and determination to aim higher than her
accomplishments and strive for college and beyond. However, it was challenging. My mom is a
single mother of 4 girls including me. At times, we struggled to make ends meet or to have a
consistent environment. Sometimes that meant we were all sharing one bed at a family member's
house. Throughout my entire high school career, I slept in one bed with my mom and 3 sisters. It
wasn't easy going to school every day and not being able to have friends over to study or just hang
out. My mom put everything she had into my education and sent me to
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My Goals In Life
My paper will be about my life/goals and what I hope for in my future. I am hoping to be a
successful person in life and accomplish some things that will leave a mark on my generation. I am
a very stubborn person so if someone says I can't do something it fuels me to prove them wrong. I
have a successful family and good influences that surround me. My late great grandfather was a
well known doctor and served in our armed forces. My great aunt is a successful paralegal and
works at a well established law firm in Phoenix, Arizona. My dad along with my grandfather are
very talented welders that both work in management at ESP in Bessemer, Alabama. I currently
participate in baseball and football at Jemison High School. My occupation that has been given to
me is a aircraft technician. I have researched this career and have come to the conclusion that I am
going to try and see if this occupation works out for me. I love to working on things to be able to see
how they work. Therefore, my future career will adhere to my interests.
My personality can be described in many ways. Most of my peers say that I seem like a very
determined individual. This characteristic could help me in my future career. Being the determined
person I am, I will not stop until the job is done. I also work very well with my hands, an example
being that I have fixed cars and motorcycles in the past. These skills were taught to me by my father
and grandfather, to which I am very thankful for.My assessment gave
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My Goal In Life
In the immediate future, I'm determined to finish high school while being in the top ten percent and
go to college to further my education, and to become a physician. The goals I hope to have acquired
soon are receiving scholarships and finding ways to pay for college because I know college is
expensive. I don't want my poor financial condition to impede me from obtaining the education I
strive for. My ultimate goal in life is to positively impact the world as a doctor, but as a highschool
student, I'm currently focused on my local community.
The aspiration for me behind pursuing in the medical field is not just for myself but to serve the
community which has given me so many opportunities. Being the first generation of my family to
attend college in America, I want to be able to have a career that will be beneficial for myself and
others. My mother grew up in a rural part of Nepal where the society rejected the idea that women
could have careers; instead, they believed women were created to stay home, so she never had the
opportunity to go to school. However, my grandparents sent my father to school because they knew
education would open more opportunities for him and improve the quality of life. It brings tears to
my eyes listening to the stories my father tells us of his struggle days about how he had to literally
cross a river to go to school every day. Growing up with my parents, my father, who went to school
and my mother, who didn't, I can clearly distinguish how
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My Life Goals : Life Of Goals And Happiness
Life of Goals and Happiness Helen Keller once stated "when one door of happiness closes another
opens; but often we stare so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that opened for us."
Throughout life many live in the past instead of the moving on and growing. When I think back and
believe to be looking at a closed door it was when I was growing up, opening a door to a
relationship, new opportunities and being able to reach out of my comfort zone. I did not realize
how much of an impact these little things could cause. Growing up and staring at a closed door of
happiness for me was holding on to my childhood. No wanting to leave home for college after being
here for 18 years. The changes I would have to make and the new life challenges I would have to
face. Leaving home which too me is my close knit hometown of family and friends. Wanting to
continue to be "daddy's little girl" twenty four/seven. All the little things growing up has to offer
scared me. Growing up threw more challenges at me to test me and my goals. I can not give up on
my goals it is a baby step to life. Going off to college terrifies me, but to fulfill my dreams of
becoming a vet with a specialization in reproduction would not be achievable, I was showed by my
dream and heart to close the door which, lead moving on to the next. My next door of happiness
after closing the last I chose to "put my big girl panties on" and grow, which lead me to a
relationship.This was more than a door of
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Goals And Success : My Goals To Success In Life
We all live through this life with specific goals we wish to accomplish. Some goals may be more
dramatic than others. We may often determine how we live our lives because of the goals we wish to
achieve. In life, I wish to be successful. With that being said, I hope to be successful by making a
difference in someone's life, have a family, and through my career. One way I wish to be successful
in life is by making a difference in someone's life. I have had an endless amount of people who have
helped me become the person that I am today. As I have grown up, I have had many coaches and
teachers who have showed me ways to make it through life. A person who comes to mind is my
volleyball coach from my freshman year, Katherine Stuckey. Her main goal our freshman year was
to help us realize that in this life, we are going to have tribulations that are going to try to knock us
down. But she taught us that we can't let those problems get ahold of us. With the things she has
taught me, I was able to make it through some of the hardest events that I will have to endure in life.
I hope someday, whether it be as a coach or just a role model, I hope that I can help someone realize
their potential, and help them get through hard times to realize that there is so much good in the
world. Before I die, I hope to be able to make a dramatic difference in someone's life. Having a
family of my own is a priority that I have viewed highly in my life as a key to success. I want to be
able to have
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My Life Goals
When growing up you don't think about things, and how they would affect you in the future. I say
this because most of my family didn't attend college and regretted it. Now, they struggle through life
because of a decision they made in the past; which is why in my family, you try your hardest to
become someone. Growing up is tough, it's not easy. My siblings and I are finding that out for
ourselves. We look at my mothers' life, and what she went through as a guide. She attended college
and now has a career as a paralegal at the law office of Pablo Rocha. My older brother, Julio, works
there as well when he isn't attending class at South Texas College. Striving to become something, he
is aiming to receive a degree in engineering. Gabby, my ... Show more content on ...
A very important lesson I learned was from Gabby was when she taught me how to be independent;
to make money for myself, so I can live a good life. Learning to be independent was very important
to learn because in the end all you really have is yourself. As an example, let's say you're in a
relationship, and it ends up not working out you need to make sure you got yourself to the point
where you will be successful with or without someone. Surprisingly, my little sister taught me
something as well; she taught me how to avoid arguments, that not everything needs a reaction, and
to just listen to what people have to say. These lessons have made my life a lot easier, therefore I am
extremely grateful to have my family because without them I honestly don't know where I'd be. My
home is Weslaco, Texas. It's where I come from, and where I was brought up. It's where my siblings
and I have lived our whole lives. My whole family lives in this city. There really isn't much to do
here except go bowling, shopping, to the movies, or eat. Weslaco is a small city, with a population
over forty thousand. It's so small that everyone is somehow related to each other. Although my city
isn't that big, the people in it are amazing. We have teachers and important people in our city that
always encourages us to dream big and work hard for the things that we want, especially when it's
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My Goals Of My Life
As I look around my house, I see a lot of things that are familiar to me, and a lot of things that warm
my heart. There are family photo albums and a bookshelf full of books. My house brings me much
comfort. When I look around I see family, memories, and lessons that I've learned through my life.
As I took a few moments to envision my future, I ask myself what will my future living
arrangements be like? Will I be married? Will I have children? What will my career be? After high–
school, I plan to attend the University of North Carolina State, where I will major in political
science and minor in African American Studies. When I have graduated from college, I will then go
to law school in hopes of being an attorney. Later in my life, I hope to get married and have at least
two children.
As a child I grew up in a very religious household, I and my mother would go to church most
Sundays. Moreover, this allowed me to have a closer relationship with God, as I continue my
journey through life I plan to continue believing in the faith of God. Both of my parents furthered
their educations at a college or a university, my mother attended Surry Community College and my
father attended North Carolina Central University. My parents have always motivated me to further
my education after high–school this has taught me that education is one of the most valuable things
in my life. Although I value my parent's beliefs and goals, I wish not to carry out some of them. For
example, my father
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My Goal Of My Life
Sweating palms, twitching legs, and a fast pumping heart were taking over my 63– inch and 125 –
pound physical frame. As I stared down the 90–foot runway to the less than 8–inch obstacle that I
had to conquer, the intense clap of the crowd echoed in anticipation of what I would do. They were
aware of the back injury that had sidelined me for a season. There were doubters, including myself,
initially after the injury. I took a deep breath to manage the adrenaline. I began to sprint down the
runway faster than ever before. I hit the board cleanly and the crowd began to cheer with
excitement. I had long jumped over 18 feet, broke a school record, and in doing so, qualified for the
state championships. I knew that I was prepared for this moment of my life. Overcoming that 8–inch
obstacle represented my hard work and dedication. The years I spent pushing myself taught me
perseverance and discipline. These qualities will be vital in helping me to conquer a different
obstacle–achieve my goal of becoming a doctor.
To meet the demands of school, work, leadership positions, and volunteer activities, I have had to
learn to budget my time accordingly. Although I worked over twenty hours a week through most of
college, I tried to learn as much as I could about the goal that I wanted to achieve through
shadowing experiences and other opportunities.
On one particular opportunity, I was shadowing at a community health center in the inner city of
Chicago. With each room, I could not help
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My Personal Goals And My Goals In Life
Everybody in the world has a goal in life. Those goals can be a long–term or a short–term goal. For
me as a person in the world I also have a goal in life. My goal in life is Graduating West Ottawa
High School successfully in about 2 years, getting accepted to a college/university with any kind of
scholarship after high school, and becoming a nurse in my near future. My parents both sacrifice a
part of their life so they can give me an opportunity to achieve my goal in life. They both want
what's best for me and always said to do my best so i can have a good education, a good career, and
a great life.
My first step to accomplish my short term year of graduating High School successfully in about 2
years, is to start scheduling appointments with my school counselor about once a month. Scheduling
appointments with my counselor will help me stay on track about the classes and credits that I still
need to take and earned in order to graduate. The second step for achieving this goal is to take all the
classes required in order to receive my credits and give my best effort to receive a grade better than
a B. This can be done by doing all homework assignments, turning all assignments on time, and
studying for at least 20 minutes a day on the new concept that was taught that day. Being well
organized with a planner will be a great tool to be successful. The planner can help me know when
assignments are due or when a test is coming up. My last step for graduating high school
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My Goals And Goals Essay On Life Goals
Pauline Therese Esteba
Mr. Elliott
English 1013
20 February 2017
Life Goals
Goals are important because goals open a path to where a person is going and wants to achieve in
life. Also, goals can help a person to stay focus on things that I want to have in the future. A goal to
get an education is essential in life for it can lead to a prosperous future. To have a secure life after
college, I will need to get a stable job. Being part of a community, I would want to send awareness
to the young adults on doing the right things. The goals I want to achieve are to earn a college
degree that I am happy to have, have a job that will help me get the life that I want, and to help
young adults to make the right decisions.
My primary goal is to earn a degree that I am happy to have. The degree that I would want to have is
bachelor's in computer science because ever since I was a kid, I have always admired computers.
Growing up I have been more attached to computers, and I am inspired to know more about
computers such as how to solve technical problems or create applications for better efficiency.
Knowing ... Show more content on ...
A degree in computer science would make me happy because I have always loved computers. A job
that can grant me the things that I want and need. Being able to help young adults make the right
decisions are just as important because it can lead to a brighter future. Knowing what I want to
achieve gives me assurance in life, but I can only accomplish it if I work hard for it. Goals are a path
to accomplishing dreams that person desires to have. I believe that anyone can achieve their goals
by being positive through good or bad times, sacrificing something for better future, changing is
also a part of reaching a person's dream. Goals are a reminder to everyone on what they must
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My Life And Future Goals In Life
A common statement some might say to someone of my age is: Anyone under the age of eighteen
cannot possibly experience something that will change their perspective on life; they are simply too
young. Regardless of how old someone is, they can still face experiences that could one day shape
them as a person. I, personally, have participated in an event that has completely impacted my life to
this day, and has helped me discover my future goals in life. This event has made me want to change
the world and I believe has made me a better person. In the summer of 2011, I was given what I
believed was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Since I was a young girl, I only ever wanted to be
around animals, and I dreamt that one day I would be able to be an animal doctor, as I once called
it. So when my mother told me I would be spending two weeks at the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens
Adventure Camp, I was elated. I would be able to work with animals both large and small and be a
part of the park's conservational efforts. Once I was there, the opportunity felt even more like a
dream. I and other campers participated in activities like sleeping beside beluga whales, swimming
with sharks, and meeting one of the veterinarians at the park. Everything was perfect, it seemed,
until the events at the park began to become a bit 'emotional' so to speak. After the first few days at
SeaWorld Orlando, our camp counselor decided it was time to show us the new additions at the
park. She took us
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My Life Goals
Mahatma Gandhi once said The future depends on what you do today. Which can be interpreted
as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I am setting goals now for my
future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend more time with my family, avoid stress, and
break the all–time scoring average in golf, are intended to improve my life in the future. In order to
improve my life in the future, I want to spend more time with my family. Spending more time with
my family now will help give them good memories to remember me by, when I eventually move out
of our house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy, so if I can make them happy now, they
may remember the Good Ol' Days later and become happy. I remember when I was a child
playing baseball with my family watching. It seemed like every game, no matter what, they always
had a happy look on their face, which made me happy. To this day my Dad still talks about when me
and my brothers played baseball, and every time he remembers us he becomes full of joy. In order to
achieve this goal I need to put down the devices, have family nights, like play board games or go
out to eat, and take family vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more
time to spend with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games brings
the whole family together, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations can relieve the
stress of home and work to make the family become
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My Goal In Life
My goal in life has always been to touch and inspire someone, especially when they are at their
most vulnerable point in their life. The best advice a patient has ever given me was, do what makes
me happy. I never truly understood the exact meaning of that statement until I graduated college
and struggled figuring out what I wanted to pursue. I always knew I wanted to work in the health
and medical field; I definitely knew I wanted to work in the healthcare field when I was able to
make multiple sick people smile. I remember having a conversation with a patient and the patient
randomly shouted, you have a smile that truly lights up a room! I thought wow this is not the first
time I am hearing this. I thought is this déjà vu, what is it ... Show more content on
Many individuals do not have the necessary funds to travel to the hospital and even if they are able
to find a hospital it is overcrowded and understaffed. I want to help make a change, I want to help
shape Guinea's healthcare system into a more sufficient and successful one. Having such a strong
passion for Guinea's healthcare system and working with patients drew me into wanting to pursue a
career in nursing. The ability to place myself in patient's shoes and understand their situation and
deliver the best care for them is my strong suit. I always think what if that was me, or my parents, or
a loved one, how would I want the other person on the other end to treat them? I would want them
to treat them the way I would treat my patients, with kindness, love, care, and respect. It was not
until I started working as a CNA that I began to honestly respect nurses and everything they do not
just for patients, but patient's family, and everyone else on a healthcare team. They are very hands–
on, working directly with patients and family, knowledgeable, and have been around for so long that
they are just excellent with what they have to offer. There is something about the nursing profession
and the luxury of working autonomously that I absolutely love. I enjoy working in a team setting; I
love to collaborate and help find solutions. I find that I do my best when I work with a team of
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My Goals In Life
In life we do things. Some we wish we had never done. Some we wish we could replay a million
times in our heads. But they all make us who we are, and in the end, they shape every detail about
us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are today. So just live, live up to
you goals and dreams. Make mistakes make memories, but never second guess who you are. –– If
you have a goal or a dream don't give up when it gets hard, fight till you have accomplished it.
Every goal has its ups and downs and some are harder than others but that is ok because it is your
goal. Your goal makes you, YOU!! –– If I want to accomplish my life time goals I need to work
harder then I normally do to achieve them. These goals are to finish high school with a 4.0 GPA,
find a college that best fits me and my career choice, and I want to become an elementary teacher/ a
I have always wanted to finish high school with the highest grade I could get, a 4.0 GPA. –– To get
to that point I need to take small steps to get there. Those steps include keeping my grades up, and
to do that I need to get all my assignments in on time, and I can't push my homework off till last
minute. Another step I need to take is when I need help or I am stuck I need to ask for help. One
thing that I really struggle with is that school work comes first. When it comes to tests and quizzes I
need to get in a habit of studying every night until the day of the test or quiz. Having a 4.0 is not a
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My Goals In My Life
The big question, What do I want to do with my life? floats through my mind more and more
often as graduation approaches. I have many goals and ambitions I wish to achieve after high
school, but deciding something as important as what career I should pursue has brought me much
uneasiness. These past few months I have struggled to figure out what I am truly passionate about;
however, as I mature I begin to find so much fulfillment in helping others, both mentally and
physically. Growing up with a sizable family is one of my most wonderful blessings. My family and
the environment that I have grown up in has had a tremendous impact on who I am and who I aspire
to be. Both of my parents immigrated from Mexico and became residents approximately twenty–
five years ago. Neither of them graduated high school for distinct reasons. My dad now works
diligently to provide for us and my mom takes care of the house and our needs. They have taught
me to put others before myself and have shaped me into who I am today. My loved ones are one of
my biggest inspirations. I strive to show them the person I can become and the impact that I can
have on others. Ever since I was a small child, I was fascinated with animals and every aspect of
nature. For the longest time, I believed I would aim to go into a field of animal science/research. As
I grow into my own skin I have begun to find different passions within me. Leadership and service
have taken a great role in my high school life and both
... Get more on ...

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My Vision And Goals Of My Life

  • 1. My Vision And Goals Of My Life I grew up in an under resourced, underdeveloped community where every day was as difficult as the last. These hardships shaped me to become the individual I am today. My vision and goals for the future are specifically influenced by the events that I witnessed and one of these events that took place in my country of origin, Lebanon. On the night of July 12, 2006, I woke up to the piercing cries of frightened children as bombs were targeting civilians and destroying the nation's basic infrastructure. My family decided to head to the mountains in hopes of finding a safe shelter. On our way, I witnessed buildings collapse and dead bodies scattered on the streets. Suddenly, I heard an explosion and realize that the vehicle ahead of us had been ... Show more content on ... During times of war, we decided to seek a better life in the United States. My focus was to purse the American dream by achieving a higher education and provide a better quality of life for my family. However, being a first–generation college student, I experienced financial, academic, and motivational struggles. Conversely, through hard work and dedication, I was able to consistently earn a competitive GPA. Furthermore, I had to develop excellent organization and time management skills to find a way to balance work, academics, and personal responsibilities. Although I went through tough times, I let my hardships serve as a lesson and a reminder for me to stay focused and motivated to attain my goal. During my time in college, I volunteered in several settings. These experiences allowed me to gain exposure to people of various cultures and thus improve my ability to effectively communicate with individuals from different backgrounds. Volunteering also allowed me to experience the satisfaction of being able to selflessly give to others without expecting anything in return. Through these projects, I learned that although we are improving as a community, it is important for every individual to do their best to give back and support those who are less fortunate in any way possible. This could be through aiding them in finding shelters, offering them food, and helping them establish a better ... Get more on ...
  • 2. My Goals In Life Everyone has a purpose in life whether it is to help save the world or just bring happiness to people around them everyone has a purpose. My purpose is to help serve the community and give back through consistency to help protect my family and the families of others. I have three goals that I would like to achieve in my life. First, I would like to be committed to play college baseball, second I would like to go to college and graduate with an associates, bachelor, and my masters degree, and last I would like to eventually become an FBI agent and do my part in protecting or helping someone who may need help. Those are my three main goals in life and of course I will have mini goals that are not as big or important but these are the main goals. My personal goal is too be committed to play college baseball by January 1, 2018. This goal is important to me because I have played baseball all my life and I have never been the one player that stands out to everyone and is amazing. I am that one player that will grind an at bat, get a bunt down when needed, and I do not do anything that pulls people over to the game I am playing in. I am okay with not being that player because I feel like it makes me work harder and just do my thing when I am on the field. It is important to me that I play because I feel like I can prove a lot of people wrong by going to a good baseball school or just play college baseball at all. Also, my parents have poured thousands of dollars throughout my ... Get more on ...
  • 3. My Personal Goals Of My Life A time where I achieved a personal goal in my life has to be when I had to take school serious and bring my grade up so I can have better future for myself. So let 's go back to when I was in High School after leaving middle I had a bad start back towards the end of middle school I was never the kid who never did there homework, projects or anything I had to do that I was assigned to do at home and kept making excuses of why I didn 't do it. After that I got in trouble by my parents we would later have a talk about why I should focus on my education as a teen I didn 't really care what they said just went through one ear then out the other. When I first started High School I didn 't do some homework and even projects assignments again my parents would soon be later be notified about how my grades were not so great that 's when it all started. When I came home my parents were waiting for me as we started to talk they were talking about when they were kids they wish they could have expanded their education since my mom only went to elementary school back when she a kid back in Mexico since she could not go since she was not able since she was the oldest of 5 siblings so she had to stop going to school because of it. My father never went to school as a kid since he was very poor growing so he was not able to to learn anything they told me if they had the opportunity to further their education they wish they could have been something instead of what they would do my mom wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Life Goals Essay While growing up my parents pushed me to be the best person I could be and to this day I still push myself towards that goal. To reach some of my goals I have put myself into college classes and part–time PSEO. I want to prepare myself for the future by getting a head start and completing these courses. By doing this I am going to have to center my life goals around leadership, scholarship, service and character. Leadership is something that is important in my life. Ever since I was young I've been a strong leader. I strongly show leadership on the soccer and basketball team. I speak up for my teammates, pick everyone up when they're down, help people out on the playing grounds and just being open to anyone. I want my teammates to trust me and I hope they'll always know I'm going to be there for them, I also do the same to my friends and classmates around me during the year. I want to see what other kind of leaders are in my class and learn from them. I want to gain a lot of experience being a strong leader and NHS can do this for me. Being a role model to the younger students at our school is something I strive to do. I want kids to get into good habits and have a healthy lifestyle throughout high school. Not only will I learn from being a leader, I will encourage people to concentrate on what needs to be done so in the end everyone can feel their goal was accomplished. Service is also an important to me. When I was younger I was involved in Girl Scouts. My troop often ... Get more on ...
  • 5. My Goals For Life Who am I? Who do I hope to be? What are my goals for life? These were all questions I was asked in fifth grade during a project. My answer was, when I am older I want to play in the WNBA, own a big house, and be super rich. Of course, as times have changed I have gotten older my hopes, dreams, and goals have quite a bit. Today, when I am asked about who I am and my answers have changed a lot since fifth grade. Physically, I am a freshman in college. I play women's basketball, and plan to double major in business administration and sports management. I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and stand at five feet and eight inches tall. While all of those aspects make up who I am, they don't really describe anything about my personality. So, on top of all of those things I am also a hard–worker, passionate, and very self–motivated. While these characteristics might be a good start for college, I hope to accomplish much more. Let's start with who I hope to be. In the future, my biggest hope is being happy. Now, what I think would make me happy in the future now, might change, just like it has changed since fifth grade. So, what I think would make me happy would be having a job as the head of marketing for a professional sports team, preferably basketball, but I am not picky. Another thing I currently get a lot of happiness from my family, and someday I hope to have a family of my own to come home to. To me having a successful career means nothing without having ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Importance Of Goals And My Goals Of My Life Living in the past, present, and future can be difficult, especially the future. I've imaged a future where I've achieved my goals. Picturing a future where I'm better at marching at tempo, practicing and memorizing show music, or going to college and earning my bachelor's, master's, and PhD degree. Even working my dream job, being a Pediatrician and giving back to my family for all they have done. All of these are my life goals. High school is only four years. It's a place where adolescent transform form immature teenagers to mature adults. It a place that can improve your future dreams or destroy them in a heartbeat. It's a place of endless possibilities. Although it's my first year here at Savanna high school, I know I want to be in marching band for all four years. Marching band is one of the most difficult sports I've ever done. From marching on tempo and keeping the technique precisely to playing the music. One of my long–term goals is to get better at marching at tempo, memorizing the show music, and practicing my clarinet. I have started to bring my clarinet home on Wednesdays and Fridays because Wednesday is the only day there is not practice and Friday is followed by the weekend. Before my sleeping schedule was messed up, but now I fall asleep at ten o'clock so I'm energized and ready for the long practices after school. I have gone to all the after school practices and have brought my date book. I write in new information in my dot book and make adjustments to my ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Goal In My Life I would have to say that my life task will be to be a problem solver. In the video "Tom Kelley(Founder–Ideo) – Do What You Love" the Venn diagram utilized by Jim Collins shows that with a good balance you can find your life task. Fourteen years ago, I used to work for Hewlett Packard and like the Venn diagram I was good at it, I was born to do and I got paid to do what I loved, code and solve problems. The environment was good to work, every Friday after work we used to gather outside the building to play dominoes. I would say if you asked myself where I saw me in five or ten years I would have answered that I would be working at Hewlett Packard. But that was not how it happened my division was the first one to go after the Compaq merger. This is probably my starting point for my mastery journey. I moved the family to Orlando, FL and started my own business. I used to put a lot of ours in to it and it was consuming a lot of time and it was not healthy for the kids or my marriage. It is not until that life took a good turn and I got the opportunity to work for Florida Virtual School. It is quite a turnaround since my Mother and Sisters are all educators and I didn't want to follow their footsteps that is why I studied Computer Science. Since I like to solve problems and find better ways to do the work after two years working for FLVS I started to play around with BI tools that is when I had the great Idea to pursue a degree in the subject matter. One of the negative aspects ... Get more on ...
  • 8. My Personal Life Goals Have you ever woken up one morning and asked yourself, "What am I doing with my life?" This happened to me one day, and I quickly realized I have lost sight of my goals. Goals help you set a road map for your life, to accomplish things that are special to you and will help you move through life. They can be as simple as: wanting to improve your car, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or on the long term end: wanting to graduate college with a degree in accounting. My first goal, would be to improve my "clunker car," which is something I have always owned my entire life. A "clunker car" is usually an older model car that is not in the best condition. Instead of getting a brand new car, which is expensive, it is cheaper just to fix the little problems in the car. Which can be made up into smaller goals because they are easier to achieve one at a time. For example, right now there are no sun visors in my car because the ones I currently have will not stay in the upright position, instead they move around and will not stay still. Replacing my old sun visors with new ones would be extremely helpful on those hot sunny summer days to block the sun and they will stay in their place when you don't need to use them. Secondly, there is a cassette radio player in my car. Cassettes are very hard to find nowadays, everything is on cds or you can stream music with your cell phone and play it through the car speakers. To be able to have a cd player would mean no longer to have to fast ... Get more on ...
  • 9. My Goals For My Life I am not sure if this is the way I want my life to be. Life tends to change direction very often. What I plan to do now might not be what I want to do in a few years. Even if my plans do change, I will always have goals for myself. With hard work and determination I plan to accomplish my goals, whatever they may be, and live up to my full potential. Also I will be joining the military after I do my 6 years of law school to have better benefits for me and my family. It will take care of the rest of my college tuition and my health care. I've learned that it takes hard work and dedication to get into the NFL. You've got to have discipline, obey and respect the life of football, if don't you won't get anywhere with it. My father has shown ... Show more content on ... That's why people always tell me that it isn't easy to be successful, you've got work for it cant just sit there and think its going to come to you easily. At the end of your Junior year of college, every player is offered a chance to leave college and sign up for the pro–draft. If you accept, your college career is over, and you may be drafted to an NFL team. If you decline, you can try again after your Senior year. Don 't lose hope if you 're not drafted. Its possible at the end to be able to get drafted. There are many players in the NFL right now that thought they weren't going to make it to the league because of lack of potential. You got : Victor Crews, Antonio Gates, Wes Welker, Fred Jackson and many more. These players didn't have the high potential to think they weren't going to make it to the league because of their background. Was raised in the projects, didn't have the things other people didn't have, raised by a single mother with 4 or more siblings in a one room house. Like you just can't give up on your future to where life gets hard and you think you can't do anything about it. There is a way. Have faith in what you are doing because it's never too late to build a brighter future for yourself. Most people don't realize how much they have in them to become an NFL player, it takes pride to get to where you want to make it too. People will inspire you when you do great things on the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. My Goals In My Life What I plan to accomplish in my life? Well, there's a few different things, that will make a everyone see my version of "a bigger picture". At this very moment I am in my freshman year of college. A small step so far, kind of just testing the water, it's only week 2. Although, this is step 2 of 3, on my way to my bigger picture. My first goal I plan on accomplishing, is getting a good education, which will lead me to my second goal that I plan to accomplish. My second goal that I plan to accomplish will be to obtain a position at my dream job. Last but not least, my third goal I will accomplish will be, to be known for something life changing. Something that when people hear my name or see my face they will remember the amazing thing I did, to make a change and/or a difference in the world. My first accomplishment will be to have an outstanding education. I went to a high school that was lacking in their education department, for my Freshman and Sophomore year. I strived like no other student in my class. I then moved and went to a different high school on the other end of the spectrum, so some would say. I didn't excel as well as I did in the beginning, but I soon realized the work wasn't the same. The education value was different. I came to this realization and put my best foot forward and put all my effort and time in to make sure I made the same grades. This time it would actually mean something to me, because there was a challenge. Graduation day came, and I was ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Personal Goals : My Goals In My Life I have always been the type of person to write down goals and set out to succeed them one at a time. I find it very helpful to write down my goals because I am actually looking at them and if I were to forget, I can always look back at the sheet of paper I wrote them on and resume where I left off. My list consists of long term goals as well as small, or short term, goals for myself to help reach the larger goals. I do not like to leave projects unfinished, once I put my mind to it It's going to get done. If I am really going to do something, I go all out with it and I do it with excellence. I am also the type of person who does not like to wait until the last minute to get things done. Waiting until the last minute to get anything ... Show more content on ... Then, I moved up and started to teach older kids between the ages five and seven, the first and second graders. The first and second graders were more to my liking, I knew that those two grades were the perfect grades for me to teach. Although, the highest grades I would ever like to teach are third and/or fourth grade. My two favorite subjects are reading and math, so those two would be my preferred content areas. I believe that the identification of my teaching philosophy is important because it will help me prepare my lesson plans in the future along with coming up with skills on how I want to teach my students. My teaching philosophy will impact my future students by teaching them how to be independent and how to make smart decisions on their own by helping them find their way of doing things. The educational philosophy I most identify with is progressivism because I have always been the type to believe that schools should not just prepare us with knowledge, but also with life experience and give the students a mindset that would help them make the right choice. Students spend about half of their day at school, so I believe teachers should help prepare them for the real world. The world and education systems are two things that never stop evolving or changing. Today's schools are different from the past because back then everyone was segregated. No matter where you went, there was always one of two things; ... Get more on ...
  • 12. My Goals In My Life Over the last ten years, completing my education has been my most important priority in life. Since I was a young boy, I've been taught by my parent's and peers that education is equivalent to knowledge and success in life. In addition, this one of the reasons that motivated me to attend college at Houston Community College. By attending at this local college, I am able to take the perquisites that I need in order to gain my Associates' Degree in Process Technology. Taking this class is important to me because by completing this course I will be able to get my Associate's Degree since this is the only course that I need to complete my degree plan. By completing this course I will be able to complete my educational goals, start my new career full of accomplishments and achieve my life goals. Completing this last course will help me accomplish one of my educational goals. Attending college has always been one of my major dreams since I was a young boy because no one from my family had never attended college before. By completing his course, I will be able to graduate with an Associates' Degree and be the first one of my family to hold a college degree. After I complete this course, I know that all those sleepless nights of homework and test reviews will be all worth it because I would have completed my educational goal. Therefore, getting my Associates' Degree will be one step closer into getting a Bachelor Degree one day and completing another educational goal in my life. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. My Goals Of Life Many people go through life so jambacked with tasks to complete, they forget the most important thing in life is joy. Most likely these people are stressed out and become depressed. In my opinion the best way to live is to stop worrying about life and live in the present. By living in the present I will be able to live a peaceful life. Now that the year 2018 is here, I want to slow down emotionally, physically, spiritually, and have relationships that will make my life enjoyable. As my high school years are winding down I want to savor all the precious moments and experiences I have left. I am going to decrease my workload and only focus on the tasks that need to be completed at the present moment. By doing this I will be able to free up ... Show more content on ... At the end of the summer I will have to say goodbye to the source of my enjoyment, so my main focus of this summer will be to dedicate a lot more time to hangout with my high school friends to put more memories in the book. I will also be trying new things because the source of boredom is doing the same thing over and over again. By finding new things to do with the people with the people I love will increase the enjoyment that is necessary to have in life. The biggest challenge I will be facing is adapting to the college life. In order to enjoy my fall semester I have to get comfortable with my surroundings and meet new people that I will have fun hanging out with. College is hard work and will take a lot of time to succeed, so I will need to manage my time to get my work done before I schedule time to do something fun. Another important thing will be surrounding myself with things I enjoy like activities, classes and people. In college it seems so easy to get swamped up in workload that college becomes a stressful and depressing. My goal in the first semester of college will to make sure that my time in college is enjoyable and not emotionally draining. Another aspect of college I need to adapt to expanding my relationships with students. In order to succeed in college I will need to enjoy the people that I am around. This will be difficult because college is full of students with different ... Get more on ...
  • 14. My Life Goals After careful contemplation and the usual changing of my thought process I concluded that thinking and not writing out my goals or vision plan was not beneficial to me. I asked myself, why can't I have it all instead of having to choose? The question order is what do I want from my career and then what do I want from my life or for my life? I thought and decided that society has planted a seed in our heads saying that to accomplish your goals there is a specific order in which things must be performed and for many this may accurate and lead them to success. My situation is not everyone else's state of affairs it is truly my own. I am thirty–five years of age on my third marriage and have four children. My life was hard, some would say horrific but my experiences have brought me much diversity in the knowledge of the true world and its functions. Today I open my box that society has handed me tearing through the walls of criticism and obstacles developing my own vision of my life goals starting from the future and planning backwards to achieve my outcomes. My priority is my family so I will start with those questions first, what do I want from life? I want nothing from life, because I know that nothing is handed to you and you must work hard for what you want. Rephrasing the question what do I want out of life? I want to live a simple life of elderly age with my husband alongside a lake in a simple but unique crafty shelter. That being known, I can determine how hard do I ... Get more on ...
  • 15. My Goals For My Life The year is 2024 and nothing could make this moment any better. After taking a year off to travel the world, before settling down with a well–paying job and beginning a family, my life is starting to become worth everything I worked so hard for. I would never change any of the decisions I made because all the effort I put in and all the obstacles I faced allow me to be who I am today. I am currently twenty–five years old and am happy to say I finally married "the one". Who knew I would meet him while touring the beautiful city of Paris? We recently moved into a cozy cabin house right outside of the city where it is very peaceful, but also close to restaurants, stores, and all the fun activities here in Monroe, Michigan. I did not end up living someplace warm year–round such as Florida, Tennessee, or California, which was always my plan when I was younger. Sometimes it is impossible to leave behind everyone you love just to avoid the horrible weather. Besides that, I have no complaints about how my life is turning out. I am proud to say that I accomplished my lifelong dream of becoming a general practice attorney. I was able to earn my undergraduate degree early, receive my law degree, and passed the bar exam. That continues to be the most exciting moment of my life. I just began my full–time job and am expecting to have my University of Michigan student loans paid off in no time. I figured it was time to buy myself a victory gift since I knew I deserved it, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. My Goals Are Important And Goals In Life I usually do not ask myself about what lies forward in my future ahead. We do not realize how goals can be important and exciting in our lives. It is a distinct thought that we do not often ask ourselves "where am I headed and how will I get there?". Our goals make us who we are and what distinguishes us from other people. There are moments in our life where we have time to think about what lies ahead, and when we do, we worry how we are going to pursue to head to the direction. There are many pathways to endure it, but it depends all on your mindset that you believe. My goals are all important to me because they give me a long–term vision and I also realize the importance of the goal and they let me apply this knowledge into my life. I ... Show more content on ... It builds so much negativity inside that sometimes it can possibly make that person break down a little. Procrastination is a voluntary delay in a task despite knowing the consequences. It has become a typical human characteristic. I always stress over the smallest tasks and thoughts because of procrastination. It would help with building accountability and I will also avoid building up fear over upcoming deadlines on projects such as this one and hopefully not any more projects.I find myself demanding to stop procrastinating. People who procrastinate seem to less likely to graduate and more likely to stress over even the smallest projects assigned. Once I can get past procrastination, I will be able to harness the fear within me and be able to finish my assignments more thoroughly and efficiently. The most substantial obstacle is taking no action at all. It is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in order to make a change in a new behavior. My strategy to overcome procrastination is preparing such as gathering supplies, seeking a tool and making a plan. Avoiding to overanalyze what I need to do and keep it manageable. Tasks become hopeless when the goal seems far off instead focusing and forming a habit rather than targeting the goal. Breaking it down to smaller bits of pieces so when completing those tiny victories, you achieve small steps of motivation. A feeling of gratification. Another way to minimize procrastination is ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Goal Of Life Linda was your normal everyday teenager. She did exceptionally well in school, receiving mostly E's in class, played sports and knew what she wanted to do with her future. She also had two loving parents who only wanted for her to be happy. They didn't push her and tell her she had to become a lawyer or anything, they just said that they wanted her to have at least a high school diploma and to be happy. Linda graduated from high school and married John Travers. She had known John since she was twelve and immediately said "yes" when he proposed. A year and a half later she had a son named John and two years after he was born she had a daughter named Janet. She had already fulfilled her first goal in life; to be a wife and a mother. Her ... Show more content on ... That was our parent's gift to us. My grandma has influenced my life in other ways as well. When she was a little girl her mom got her a doll that none of her friends could find in any stores. She loved this doll because it wore baby clothes and she was able to go buy cute baby clothes from the store and dress her doll in them. She dubbed her doll "Debbie" and loved her like a sister, Debbie was her favorite doll. She kept Debbie even after she grew out of playing with her knowing that she wanted to give it to her daughter later on. Once my mom was old enough Linda passed Debbie on to her. My mom was not allowed to keep the doll's name though, she had to come up with one of her own. The real reason that she had to create a different name for the beloved doll was because of a deceased baby named "Deborah". Linda didn't want to be reminded such a sad time every time her daughter played with the doll. Though this was the reason behind the name change it served a good purpose. Because she had named the doll it became more special to her and my mom loved the doll even more for it. Like my grandmother, my mom kept the doll she had dubbed "Big Momma" long after she had outgrown her so she could give it to her daughter as her mother had done with her. When I turned three, my mom gifted the doll to me. I immediately knew what her name would be, I had been obsessed with the name since before I can even remember. I named the doll "Emma" and played ... Get more on ...
  • 18. My Goals In Life Everyone has dreams and aspirations on what they want to be when they grow up. I remember changing my ideal career three times as a kid. My heart was for sure set on being a fire fighter, then video game creator, and lastly a United States Marine. We all have passions and dreams that we want to achieve and for some they are very much attainable, but for the rest we need to realize it might not work out. This seems counter intuitive to what society tells us. "Follow your dreams, chase your heart," but if we're going to be honest not all of us are going to win the American idol and make it big. Not to push you away from pursuing your dreams, but finding a secure job is a wider choice. This is something I had to decide when choosing my career, I determined my passion, and what I was good at, then found a way to pursue both. This process helped me find the career path as well as the colleges I would need to obtain my goal. Music has always been a big part of my life, I play five instruments decently and I love the feeling that music gives. In the past, I've played alongside a professional blue grass player, as well as performed in churches in the San Diego area. As I get older it's something that I'm going to continue to pursue. Another passion of mine is serving God in preaching. As a teenager, I helped teach Sunday School classes, the eleven o'clock kid's church, and even Vacation Bible School during the summer. My two passions in life are music and preaching, both I can see myself doing years down the line. However, both of my passions won't provide financial security. Rather than forgetting your dreams, find a career that would enable you to pursue them. I'm extrovert in nature, and in the past, I've known myself to be decent with numbers. One day I was talking to a CEO of a foster agency, she told me how if I did the book work for an agency I can make minimum $80,000 a year. I had a foreknowledge of what book keeping was, and I decided it would be the perfect job to provide financial security. Once I determined a career field I had to plan what colleges to attend. To get an accountant degree, and pursue my other goals along the way I would need to attend two colleges. I spoke to my mom about the best ... Get more on ...
  • 19. My Goals In Life Why i know that im never going to make it anywhere in life where i can sit back and say im happy. I am a failure, i lack what is the most nescesary and vital thing to becoming succsesful and happy. This is drive, the will, the no matter whats coming at me im going to charge full speed right back at it and beat it with everything i have, and after that pick my head up and look for what is behind that. This is the story of my life, it can be explained in one sentence. I start and never finish. This is the hard truth that i think about whenever someone asks me what i want to be when i grow up, who i really am as a person, or what are your goals in life. I have one dream, one goal in life. That one goal is the simplest thing to say yet the hardest to master in the world, its to be that person that when you look at them and what they've done in life you just say to yourself ,that is drive, that is will, that is what it looks like when one man truly accomplishes everything to his best abilities and can look back on life and just be proud of everything that he has done. And the best part is that he is just proud and happy because he knows that he gave it that extra half inch more than anyone else was willing to go, he went farther up the mountain than any other man. Because when he saw you in the background starting to fade and weaken. You know what he said to himself? 'I can go further' and even after he went further and was about to collapse he said 'i can go further'. Even if ... Get more on ...
  • 20. My Goal In Life Having a purpose in life is an important step in living a life worth living. Yet, many people have a difficult time trying to find their purpose. I am lucky, I know my reason for living. My purpose is to serve society through connecting and caring about others to show them love and Christ's love for us. Almost as vital as a purpose, are goals. Goals give people tangible heights to reach. My personal goal in live is simple, I just want to be happy. Educational–wise, my long–term goal is to graduate the UF Levin College of Law with my Juris Doctorate. My career goal is to become a successful child advocate attorney. My long–term personal goal is to be happy and secure in myself and my accomplishments throughout my life by not comparing myself to others. This will allow me to live my life free from regrets and envy. This goal is the most important to me because just as a day without laughter is wasted, a life not lived happily is futile. Life is short, so I firmly believe one should be happy in all aspects of life. This goal also relates to my purpose because my biggest strength is empathy, so I am happy when I get to connect with others and create a bond with them. Also, as shown by my assessments, I have a strength in winning others over, or "woo". I feel energized and pleased when I can create new relationships with people that are strangers to me. The rush over winning others over adds to my happiness. There is a plethora of things that can get in the way of me being happy. One of my biggest obstacles is my own personality. I truly am my own worst critic, and I can tend to tear myself down. When I make mistakes, or look at myself too harshly, I take away from my own happiness. In order to combat this, I will need to confide in my friends and be honest with them about how I am feeling. I also need to learn to treat myself with kindness, because I need to remember that I am trying my best. My long–term academic goal is to graduate in 2024 from the University of Florida Levin College of Law with my Juris Doctorate after obtaining my bachelor's and master's in sociology. I will do this by studying and working hard while in undergraduate and graduate school. This is important to me because I want to make my ... Get more on ...
  • 21. My Personal Goals Of My Life I have been through a lot in my time being here on this planet. Change of dreams, loss of family, life changing moments, coming to realization of certain things and cutting people out of my life. I would not be who I am today if I did not go through everything that I have gone through, so in the end, I am happy I went through those things in life. My personal goal is to honestly just be genuinely happy with life. I know that is a cliché statement, but that's my goal. I want to live life to my fullest and love everyone because life is so short, that one day you might not get to see tomorrow. I reach toward this goal mainly because of losing my cousin to a drunk driver. This happened on August 8, 2012. I remember this day clearly; it was the day of my freshman orientation. My cousin who was a part of numerous biker groups, was going to go out with a couple of his friends in this group called the "Slo–Pokes". They were all on crotch rockets going to numerous places around Terre haute, which their night ended to soon because of one person's decision. My cousin was 22 going on 23 that October. They had just left Show–Me's, none of them had been drinking. But as they were crossing 13th and college here in Terre Haute, a drunk driver ran a red light and struck my cousin carrying his body on the front of his truck. If it was not for a train stopping the drunk driver, my cousins body would've been carried further on that truck. Being only in 9th grade and having that happen to me ... Get more on ...
  • 22. My Goals For My Life Mariya McCallister Some people know what they want and go after it – nothing stands in their way. I am one of those people. I grew up in Omaha with my mother, who is single, and four sibling. When we lost everything because my mom lost her job, we were homeless for a while then we moved to bellevue with one of my mom's associates , hoping for a fresh start. We have always been poor living paycheck to paycheck hoping to make it by because my mom has always been on her own but we wanted better but it's hard when your stuck in poverty and that was my mom. I then started attending Bellevue East High School and working a part–time job at Taco John's to help support my family because our bills were always getting shut off we ... Show more content on ... I grew up in poverty, and I refuse to go through it again. Education is the only way to my dreams, and I'm willing to use all my strengths to get there, no matter the effort it requires. My mother is my motivation and my dominant support; she supports my schooling and encourages me to exceed expectations. For example, one of my weaknesses is my learning disability: I was diagnosed with ADHD in elementary school, and I started taking medication to control it. My mother, seeing my potential, later encouraged me to wean off of the medication, use other strategies to deal with my condition, and now I've learned to cope with my learning disorder. Although it is harder for me to concentrate than it is for my classmates, I took up the challenge and have proved to myself and my teachers that I can do just as well as anyone else. One strength that has helped me is self–motivation. No matter the situation at home or what we are going through, I continue to strive for my goals, keeping in mind it will pay off later. When we were evicted and were couch–surfing, I continued to walk to work and school and keep my grades up, always maintaining As and Bs. I have maintained a GPA of 4.3 and will continue working for good grades throughout college, no matter where I attend. I will not fail my self–expectations and self– worth. I am passionate about being a strong role model for my siblings and teaching them to do things the right ... Get more on ...
  • 23. My Goals In Life "A goal without a plan is just a wish" – Unknown. There are many days where one can feel the need to give up, but if you give up nobody can see you accomplish the things that you set your mind upon. Goals are not something you just say to pass the time they are meant to be a lifetime. They are meant to help you through life and become something everyone said you couldn't be. Being able to prove who you are or who you want to be in the world should be a goal for everyone. Even though I was afraid to be anything I wanted to be, but I had to ask myself, where would this fear take me in life? Would I receive me into a house? Would it help me be stable in life? The answer, to me, is yes, but then it's a no. Fear helped me grow. I now understand that with my fear I'm not so scared about what people think anymore. My goal in life is something that is probably UNSTABLE to most people, but it is something I find to be SINCERE to me. I want to be an anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist has to deal with the most DRAMTIC people ever sometimes. Even though they are only in a room for like two minutes they can still experience some of the CHAOTIC things that happen with the other doctors and nurses. But in other situations, they just might be somebody's hero. Being in the medical field can be very VIVID. There will be times when you will be scared of life in other words, there will be a memory that you will never forget and could tell it for days. Other times it will be ... Get more on ...
  • 24. My Purpose And Goals In My Life Are any questions you focused on in your life deep questions? I think that a lot of the questions I have concerning my life are deep questions: for example, I wonder if I will finish this program and graduate. I ask myself if I can have a great career once I obtain a college degree, and be able to provide for my family like I want. I also think about the fact that I have to repay my student loans and this has me worried because we have a new President that has made it clear that he does not care if students have a hardship or not we are supposed to live on nothing in order to pat back our student loans however, he has done nothing except undo so many programs that have helped millions of American citizens who are not able to afford insurance and many other things. I worry about my children and what kind of world they are growing up in as well as I have a desire to give them the things they want or need. To what extent are you questioning your purpose and goals? A very large extent: I ask myself about my goals and what I believe to be my purpose in this life affects my family and myself. I always questioned whether or not what I have planned out for myself and how it will both help and hinder me and my family. I know that if I want to continue to get ahead in life I must set goals for myself. Stepping stones to help guide me through what is possible: I also know that continuing my education will open several opportunities and hopefully, being financial secured for me. Like ... Get more on ...
  • 25. My Goals In My Life Ever since I can remember, being a doctor was always what I wanted to be. Although there were hardships and challenges throughout my life, my ultimate goal never changed. Instead many of the problems I faced inspired me to work harder towards my goals. I pushed myself to overcome certain obstacles in order to make those who support me proud as well as myself. Growing up, I did not have very many role models who were successful in school. In my family graduating from high school is a big accomplishment because some family members couldn't do that. But, my mom always pushed me to be "better than the last", meaning achieve more than those older than me. She was a teen mother and had me a few months after graduating from high school. Because of her responsibilities to me and the death of her mom, she never had a chance to further her education and receive a degree. Instead she instilled into me the drive and determination to aim higher than her accomplishments and strive for college and beyond. However, it was challenging. My mom is a single mother of 4 girls including me. At times, we struggled to make ends meet or to have a consistent environment. Sometimes that meant we were all sharing one bed at a family member's house. Throughout my entire high school career, I slept in one bed with my mom and 3 sisters. It wasn't easy going to school every day and not being able to have friends over to study or just hang out. My mom put everything she had into my education and sent me to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. My Goals In Life My paper will be about my life/goals and what I hope for in my future. I am hoping to be a successful person in life and accomplish some things that will leave a mark on my generation. I am a very stubborn person so if someone says I can't do something it fuels me to prove them wrong. I have a successful family and good influences that surround me. My late great grandfather was a well known doctor and served in our armed forces. My great aunt is a successful paralegal and works at a well established law firm in Phoenix, Arizona. My dad along with my grandfather are very talented welders that both work in management at ESP in Bessemer, Alabama. I currently participate in baseball and football at Jemison High School. My occupation that has been given to me is a aircraft technician. I have researched this career and have come to the conclusion that I am going to try and see if this occupation works out for me. I love to working on things to be able to see how they work. Therefore, my future career will adhere to my interests. My personality can be described in many ways. Most of my peers say that I seem like a very determined individual. This characteristic could help me in my future career. Being the determined person I am, I will not stop until the job is done. I also work very well with my hands, an example being that I have fixed cars and motorcycles in the past. These skills were taught to me by my father and grandfather, to which I am very thankful for.My assessment gave ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Goal In Life In the immediate future, I'm determined to finish high school while being in the top ten percent and go to college to further my education, and to become a physician. The goals I hope to have acquired soon are receiving scholarships and finding ways to pay for college because I know college is expensive. I don't want my poor financial condition to impede me from obtaining the education I strive for. My ultimate goal in life is to positively impact the world as a doctor, but as a highschool student, I'm currently focused on my local community. The aspiration for me behind pursuing in the medical field is not just for myself but to serve the community which has given me so many opportunities. Being the first generation of my family to attend college in America, I want to be able to have a career that will be beneficial for myself and others. My mother grew up in a rural part of Nepal where the society rejected the idea that women could have careers; instead, they believed women were created to stay home, so she never had the opportunity to go to school. However, my grandparents sent my father to school because they knew education would open more opportunities for him and improve the quality of life. It brings tears to my eyes listening to the stories my father tells us of his struggle days about how he had to literally cross a river to go to school every day. Growing up with my parents, my father, who went to school and my mother, who didn't, I can clearly distinguish how ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My Life Goals : Life Of Goals And Happiness Life of Goals and Happiness Helen Keller once stated "when one door of happiness closes another opens; but often we stare so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that opened for us." Throughout life many live in the past instead of the moving on and growing. When I think back and believe to be looking at a closed door it was when I was growing up, opening a door to a relationship, new opportunities and being able to reach out of my comfort zone. I did not realize how much of an impact these little things could cause. Growing up and staring at a closed door of happiness for me was holding on to my childhood. No wanting to leave home for college after being here for 18 years. The changes I would have to make and the new life challenges I would have to face. Leaving home which too me is my close knit hometown of family and friends. Wanting to continue to be "daddy's little girl" twenty four/seven. All the little things growing up has to offer scared me. Growing up threw more challenges at me to test me and my goals. I can not give up on my goals it is a baby step to life. Going off to college terrifies me, but to fulfill my dreams of becoming a vet with a specialization in reproduction would not be achievable, I was showed by my dream and heart to close the door which, lead moving on to the next. My next door of happiness after closing the last I chose to "put my big girl panties on" and grow, which lead me to a relationship.This was more than a door of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Goals And Success : My Goals To Success In Life We all live through this life with specific goals we wish to accomplish. Some goals may be more dramatic than others. We may often determine how we live our lives because of the goals we wish to achieve. In life, I wish to be successful. With that being said, I hope to be successful by making a difference in someone's life, have a family, and through my career. One way I wish to be successful in life is by making a difference in someone's life. I have had an endless amount of people who have helped me become the person that I am today. As I have grown up, I have had many coaches and teachers who have showed me ways to make it through life. A person who comes to mind is my volleyball coach from my freshman year, Katherine Stuckey. Her main goal our freshman year was to help us realize that in this life, we are going to have tribulations that are going to try to knock us down. But she taught us that we can't let those problems get ahold of us. With the things she has taught me, I was able to make it through some of the hardest events that I will have to endure in life. I hope someday, whether it be as a coach or just a role model, I hope that I can help someone realize their potential, and help them get through hard times to realize that there is so much good in the world. Before I die, I hope to be able to make a dramatic difference in someone's life. Having a family of my own is a priority that I have viewed highly in my life as a key to success. I want to be able to have ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My Life Goals When growing up you don't think about things, and how they would affect you in the future. I say this because most of my family didn't attend college and regretted it. Now, they struggle through life because of a decision they made in the past; which is why in my family, you try your hardest to become someone. Growing up is tough, it's not easy. My siblings and I are finding that out for ourselves. We look at my mothers' life, and what she went through as a guide. She attended college and now has a career as a paralegal at the law office of Pablo Rocha. My older brother, Julio, works there as well when he isn't attending class at South Texas College. Striving to become something, he is aiming to receive a degree in engineering. Gabby, my ... Show more content on ... A very important lesson I learned was from Gabby was when she taught me how to be independent; to make money for myself, so I can live a good life. Learning to be independent was very important to learn because in the end all you really have is yourself. As an example, let's say you're in a relationship, and it ends up not working out you need to make sure you got yourself to the point where you will be successful with or without someone. Surprisingly, my little sister taught me something as well; she taught me how to avoid arguments, that not everything needs a reaction, and to just listen to what people have to say. These lessons have made my life a lot easier, therefore I am extremely grateful to have my family because without them I honestly don't know where I'd be. My home is Weslaco, Texas. It's where I come from, and where I was brought up. It's where my siblings and I have lived our whole lives. My whole family lives in this city. There really isn't much to do here except go bowling, shopping, to the movies, or eat. Weslaco is a small city, with a population over forty thousand. It's so small that everyone is somehow related to each other. Although my city isn't that big, the people in it are amazing. We have teachers and important people in our city that always encourages us to dream big and work hard for the things that we want, especially when it's ... Get more on ...
  • 31. My Goals Of My Life As I look around my house, I see a lot of things that are familiar to me, and a lot of things that warm my heart. There are family photo albums and a bookshelf full of books. My house brings me much comfort. When I look around I see family, memories, and lessons that I've learned through my life. As I took a few moments to envision my future, I ask myself what will my future living arrangements be like? Will I be married? Will I have children? What will my career be? After high– school, I plan to attend the University of North Carolina State, where I will major in political science and minor in African American Studies. When I have graduated from college, I will then go to law school in hopes of being an attorney. Later in my life, I hope to get married and have at least two children. As a child I grew up in a very religious household, I and my mother would go to church most Sundays. Moreover, this allowed me to have a closer relationship with God, as I continue my journey through life I plan to continue believing in the faith of God. Both of my parents furthered their educations at a college or a university, my mother attended Surry Community College and my father attended North Carolina Central University. My parents have always motivated me to further my education after high–school this has taught me that education is one of the most valuable things in my life. Although I value my parent's beliefs and goals, I wish not to carry out some of them. For example, my father ... Get more on ...
  • 32. My Goal Of My Life Sweating palms, twitching legs, and a fast pumping heart were taking over my 63– inch and 125 – pound physical frame. As I stared down the 90–foot runway to the less than 8–inch obstacle that I had to conquer, the intense clap of the crowd echoed in anticipation of what I would do. They were aware of the back injury that had sidelined me for a season. There were doubters, including myself, initially after the injury. I took a deep breath to manage the adrenaline. I began to sprint down the runway faster than ever before. I hit the board cleanly and the crowd began to cheer with excitement. I had long jumped over 18 feet, broke a school record, and in doing so, qualified for the state championships. I knew that I was prepared for this moment of my life. Overcoming that 8–inch obstacle represented my hard work and dedication. The years I spent pushing myself taught me perseverance and discipline. These qualities will be vital in helping me to conquer a different obstacle–achieve my goal of becoming a doctor. To meet the demands of school, work, leadership positions, and volunteer activities, I have had to learn to budget my time accordingly. Although I worked over twenty hours a week through most of college, I tried to learn as much as I could about the goal that I wanted to achieve through shadowing experiences and other opportunities. On one particular opportunity, I was shadowing at a community health center in the inner city of Chicago. With each room, I could not help ... Get more on ...
  • 33. My Personal Goals And My Goals In Life Everybody in the world has a goal in life. Those goals can be a long–term or a short–term goal. For me as a person in the world I also have a goal in life. My goal in life is Graduating West Ottawa High School successfully in about 2 years, getting accepted to a college/university with any kind of scholarship after high school, and becoming a nurse in my near future. My parents both sacrifice a part of their life so they can give me an opportunity to achieve my goal in life. They both want what's best for me and always said to do my best so i can have a good education, a good career, and a great life. My first step to accomplish my short term year of graduating High School successfully in about 2 years, is to start scheduling appointments with my school counselor about once a month. Scheduling appointments with my counselor will help me stay on track about the classes and credits that I still need to take and earned in order to graduate. The second step for achieving this goal is to take all the classes required in order to receive my credits and give my best effort to receive a grade better than a B. This can be done by doing all homework assignments, turning all assignments on time, and studying for at least 20 minutes a day on the new concept that was taught that day. Being well organized with a planner will be a great tool to be successful. The planner can help me know when assignments are due or when a test is coming up. My last step for graduating high school ... Get more on ...
  • 34. My Goals And Goals Essay On Life Goals Pauline Therese Esteba Mr. Elliott English 1013 20 February 2017 Life Goals Goals are important because goals open a path to where a person is going and wants to achieve in life. Also, goals can help a person to stay focus on things that I want to have in the future. A goal to get an education is essential in life for it can lead to a prosperous future. To have a secure life after college, I will need to get a stable job. Being part of a community, I would want to send awareness to the young adults on doing the right things. The goals I want to achieve are to earn a college degree that I am happy to have, have a job that will help me get the life that I want, and to help young adults to make the right decisions. My primary goal is to earn a degree that I am happy to have. The degree that I would want to have is bachelor's in computer science because ever since I was a kid, I have always admired computers. Growing up I have been more attached to computers, and I am inspired to know more about computers such as how to solve technical problems or create applications for better efficiency. Knowing ... Show more content on ... A degree in computer science would make me happy because I have always loved computers. A job that can grant me the things that I want and need. Being able to help young adults make the right decisions are just as important because it can lead to a brighter future. Knowing what I want to achieve gives me assurance in life, but I can only accomplish it if I work hard for it. Goals are a path to accomplishing dreams that person desires to have. I believe that anyone can achieve their goals by being positive through good or bad times, sacrificing something for better future, changing is also a part of reaching a person's dream. Goals are a reminder to everyone on what they must ... Get more on ...
  • 35. My Life And Future Goals In Life A common statement some might say to someone of my age is: Anyone under the age of eighteen cannot possibly experience something that will change their perspective on life; they are simply too young. Regardless of how old someone is, they can still face experiences that could one day shape them as a person. I, personally, have participated in an event that has completely impacted my life to this day, and has helped me discover my future goals in life. This event has made me want to change the world and I believe has made me a better person. In the summer of 2011, I was given what I believed was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Since I was a young girl, I only ever wanted to be around animals, and I dreamt that one day I would be able to be an animal doctor, as I once called it. So when my mother told me I would be spending two weeks at the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Adventure Camp, I was elated. I would be able to work with animals both large and small and be a part of the park's conservational efforts. Once I was there, the opportunity felt even more like a dream. I and other campers participated in activities like sleeping beside beluga whales, swimming with sharks, and meeting one of the veterinarians at the park. Everything was perfect, it seemed, until the events at the park began to become a bit 'emotional' so to speak. After the first few days at SeaWorld Orlando, our camp counselor decided it was time to show us the new additions at the park. She took us ... Get more on ...
  • 36. My Life Goals Mahatma Gandhi once said The future depends on what you do today. Which can be interpreted as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I am setting goals now for my future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend more time with my family, avoid stress, and break the all–time scoring average in golf, are intended to improve my life in the future. In order to improve my life in the future, I want to spend more time with my family. Spending more time with my family now will help give them good memories to remember me by, when I eventually move out of our house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy, so if I can make them happy now, they may remember the Good Ol' Days later and become happy. I remember when I was a child playing baseball with my family watching. It seemed like every game, no matter what, they always had a happy look on their face, which made me happy. To this day my Dad still talks about when me and my brothers played baseball, and every time he remembers us he becomes full of joy. In order to achieve this goal I need to put down the devices, have family nights, like play board games or go out to eat, and take family vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more time to spend with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games brings the whole family together, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations can relieve the stress of home and work to make the family become ... Get more on ...
  • 37. My Goal In Life My goal in life has always been to touch and inspire someone, especially when they are at their most vulnerable point in their life. The best advice a patient has ever given me was, do what makes me happy. I never truly understood the exact meaning of that statement until I graduated college and struggled figuring out what I wanted to pursue. I always knew I wanted to work in the health and medical field; I definitely knew I wanted to work in the healthcare field when I was able to make multiple sick people smile. I remember having a conversation with a patient and the patient randomly shouted, you have a smile that truly lights up a room! I thought wow this is not the first time I am hearing this. I thought is this déjà vu, what is it ... Show more content on ... Many individuals do not have the necessary funds to travel to the hospital and even if they are able to find a hospital it is overcrowded and understaffed. I want to help make a change, I want to help shape Guinea's healthcare system into a more sufficient and successful one. Having such a strong passion for Guinea's healthcare system and working with patients drew me into wanting to pursue a career in nursing. The ability to place myself in patient's shoes and understand their situation and deliver the best care for them is my strong suit. I always think what if that was me, or my parents, or a loved one, how would I want the other person on the other end to treat them? I would want them to treat them the way I would treat my patients, with kindness, love, care, and respect. It was not until I started working as a CNA that I began to honestly respect nurses and everything they do not just for patients, but patient's family, and everyone else on a healthcare team. They are very hands– on, working directly with patients and family, knowledgeable, and have been around for so long that they are just excellent with what they have to offer. There is something about the nursing profession and the luxury of working autonomously that I absolutely love. I enjoy working in a team setting; I love to collaborate and help find solutions. I find that I do my best when I work with a team of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. My Goals In Life In life we do things. Some we wish we had never done. Some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. But they all make us who we are, and in the end, they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are today. So just live, live up to you goals and dreams. Make mistakes make memories, but never second guess who you are. –– If you have a goal or a dream don't give up when it gets hard, fight till you have accomplished it. Every goal has its ups and downs and some are harder than others but that is ok because it is your goal. Your goal makes you, YOU!! –– If I want to accomplish my life time goals I need to work harder then I normally do to achieve them. These goals are to finish high school with a 4.0 GPA, find a college that best fits me and my career choice, and I want to become an elementary teacher/ a photographer. I have always wanted to finish high school with the highest grade I could get, a 4.0 GPA. –– To get to that point I need to take small steps to get there. Those steps include keeping my grades up, and to do that I need to get all my assignments in on time, and I can't push my homework off till last minute. Another step I need to take is when I need help or I am stuck I need to ask for help. One thing that I really struggle with is that school work comes first. When it comes to tests and quizzes I need to get in a habit of studying every night until the day of the test or quiz. Having a 4.0 is not a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My Goals In My Life The big question, What do I want to do with my life? floats through my mind more and more often as graduation approaches. I have many goals and ambitions I wish to achieve after high school, but deciding something as important as what career I should pursue has brought me much uneasiness. These past few months I have struggled to figure out what I am truly passionate about; however, as I mature I begin to find so much fulfillment in helping others, both mentally and physically. Growing up with a sizable family is one of my most wonderful blessings. My family and the environment that I have grown up in has had a tremendous impact on who I am and who I aspire to be. Both of my parents immigrated from Mexico and became residents approximately twenty– five years ago. Neither of them graduated high school for distinct reasons. My dad now works diligently to provide for us and my mom takes care of the house and our needs. They have taught me to put others before myself and have shaped me into who I am today. My loved ones are one of my biggest inspirations. I strive to show them the person I can become and the impact that I can have on others. Ever since I was a small child, I was fascinated with animals and every aspect of nature. For the longest time, I believed I would aim to go into a field of animal science/research. As I grow into my own skin I have begun to find different passions within me. Leadership and service have taken a great role in my high school life and both ... Get more on ...