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My Trip To Florida During My Summer Vacation
During summer vacation my mom's family came to New York from Germany. They came since we decided to go to Florida and spend time as a
family. This was there first time ever coming to America, so we wanted to make this trip enjoyable and never forgetful. In order for us to go to
Florida, we rented a 16–passagner van. The experience for them was like fantasy because we saw all the states entering Florida and they bought
souvenirs from each place.
When we arrived at Florida, the first thing we did was go shopping while our hotel was getting cleaned. We want to many stores such as, Nike,
Adidas, and Old Navy. After a very exhausting trip to the mall we decided to check out our hotel. The hotel was really relaxing as our minds settled.
The next
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My Summer Vacation
I cherish all of the places that I get to travel to and experience. The summer vacation of 20_ _ really struck my attention when something very
alarming happened. My mom, dad, brother, two cousins (Cade and Callie), and my uncle Al, and aunt Kris, and I were all getting ready to board the
subway below the streets of Washington D.C. This was not my first ordeal with the putrid railway; whereas it was my cousin's families first time.
First went Cade then Drayton, next was Callie, and lastly myself who all walked onto the subway. The doors began to close. Beep, beep, beep! As my
family and I walked down the long stretch of the stairs, we heard a lot of chatter. The air was murky and the lights were dim. Our dads paid
instantly and my family and I were on our way. The subway came after waiting a maximum of five minutes! Before we boarded the subway, we
assisted a father with his child in a stroller to exit the train before the doors closed. After that situation, my family and I were very excited to finally
get onto the metro and then visit the monuments. Suddenly, we heard this weird beeping sound, let's just say no one knew what it meant at the time.
First rushed Cade then Drayton, next was Callie and lastly myself who all hustled onto the subway. The doors closed; again, going beep, beep, beep!
From the inside the subway doors, it's ironic seeing your parents trying to reopen the doors, on the other side. It was puzzling and unreal.
"Wait! No!" I screamed.
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
"Hooray!" I shouted, I am so excited about today. Why am I so enthusiastic you may ask, because today is the first day of summer vacation.We were on
our way to the beach Every year me and my family visit the beach for a whole month. So as you can see there is much to be excited about. As we
drove along I could barely wait, I could smell the fresh, salty ocean air. I asked my parents "are we there yet." They replied with one word, yes! This
year in particular is extra exciting because we are going to rent a new beach house. We had arrived as I leapt up out of the car to my dismay the new
beach house wasn't as great as I had anticipated.
My parents and I went for a walk around town. As I was dragged into the Pirate Museum I listened to stories of the pirates and their treasure. The stories
were not at all what I had expected they surprisingly were very interesting. One story in particular was the most interesting about pirates who had
supposedly buried their treasure on this very beach. When we returned home I went outside searched for more about this new found buried
treasure. I felt the hot, dry rough grains of sand on my feet. As I searched I heard someone call out "hey what are you doing." As I looked up I saw
the face of the kid from the beach house down the street. I replied, "I am looking for the buried treasure."The kids name was Joe and he wanted to
help me on my quest. We decided that the next day we would look for clues around town.
The next day we split up and looked for clues I went to learn more from the Pirates Museum and it's workers and he asked around people town and
looked for other places that might help. From my second trip at the museum, I was told much more about the pirates who sailed the deadly ocean
seas. I could practically feel the windy, cold rough seas of the ocean. I learned this city used to be the hideout for the pirates, and that there was
also a map hidden somewhere to lead you to the treasure. Part of the map was kept here in a secret room but the rest was yet to be found. I was
overjoyed with this incredible news and ran quickly to tell Joe. If we found the rest of the map we could find the treasure. I saw my new friend Joe
walking towards me, he had also
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Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation
It was in third part of our summer vacation . We went to the park not far from where we use to live when we were younger I believe it was at least
two or three blocks away from where we all lived. Whenever we went there we would always have to past thru this middle school and we go by the
side of the school but there always these two rottweilers behind a fence barking and barking jumping on the fence trying to come at us but we were
all use to it my little brother Austin was the main the trouble for Paul and me Steven. Any way as we walk there was this alley of the school where the
trees would bridge in to each other creating a beautiful sight with a nice shade with a nice summer breeze that would blow straight into someone.
That monday morning I woke up and my friends and I thought we should play baseball that morning so I asked mom, "Can I go play baseball with my
friends mom?"
Of course she said "Only If you take your two other brothers alright."
"But mom."
"But Nothing. If you want to go you have to take your brothers. Now go wake your brothers if you want to go and tell them breakfast is ready as
well." While cleaning the kitchen before she leaves to work
"Gotcha mom" Man I could never go anywhere with my friends unless my brothers come. I can't believe she doesn't get that I'm a senior and austin is
a 6th grader.
"Come on Austin wake up ? Paul! Wake up man I want to go the park to meet up with my friends."
"Man it's to early can't we go later . It's summer break
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Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Do you know the reason why we have summer vacation? I believe that summer vacation is not just about sleeping in and appreciating the time off, it
includes spending time with your close friends and family, and that is exactly what I did this summer break. There were many fascinating things I did
this summer and in this essay I will tell you a few of things I enjoyed doing.
Spending time with close relatives and is exactly what I did to kickoff my summer even though massive amount of them lived out of the state Indiana
going to Seattle, Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Somehow we accomplished the task to see my whopping 275family members only on my mom's side,
we ended up putting on a huge family reunion more content...
For that rest of the day we went to a restaurant called Puckett's and apparently it is right down the road from Justin Timberlake's recording studio
/private house, All of the kids including me went to his front and touched his door knob and I might of took a sneak peek inside his house. The last
day we were there we visited a beautiful waterfall, even though it was a lovely site the water part was very deadly. The reason why it was deadly
was there were big boulders everywhere you stepped, and there were water moccasins which are venomous snakes that lurked around in the water.
When it was time to live the waterfall a water moccasin was about 20 feet in front of me and my friends, thankfully another guy ran into the water
scaring the snake away making it safe for me and my buddies to get out. Honestly out of the whole entire summer this had to be my favorite vacation.
This next vacation isn't really a vacation it's more of an event but it was fun, hilarious, and relaxing like a vacation. After Tennessee we went seven
days later we went to Detroit, Michigan for this thing called a muck fest. A muck fest is 5k with muddy obstacles that you run into on your way to
the finish line. The race only lasted 2 hours for my mom, dad, and other family members to finish. The best part was when I was able to do the last
three obstacles and get
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
Over summer vacation, my family and I, including my cousins and grandparents, went to Las Vegas. One of my favorite places there was going to
Paris Las Vegas. It was almost sunset and my cousins and I were getting ready to go to Paris Las Vegas. I put on my shoes and was ready to walk
out of our hotel room door right when my mom stopped me and told me to wear a jacket. Even though it was still summer, the nights in Las Vegas
got cold. Once everyone was ready my cousins and I ran to the car. It was almost sunset and my cousin really wanted to see the sunset in the mini eiffel
tower at the hotel. Once we got on the road, we got trapped in a sea of cars, busses, and other vehicles. My cousin clasped her hands over her ears.
The loud city noises blared through the streets. It was hard to imagine that one city in the middle of a desert became one of the most popular resort
cities in the world. As we were driving up to the hotel, we saw a gleaming mini eiffel tower on top of a elegant building. I knew that it was the french
themed hotel, Paris. After getting through the traffic, my dad parked the car in the parking lot at the hotel. We took an elevator up to the 2nd floor,
and when we got there, I was amazed at what stood in front of me. The interior of the hotel looked just like Paris. The roof had been painted with
puffy white clouds that looked so realistic. The ground was paved with smooth, shiny, black stone. There were street lamps that are like the ones in
France. There
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Personal Narrative : My Summer Vacation
Between my sophomore and junior years at college, a chance came up for me to spend the summer vacation working on a ranch in Argentina. My
roommate's father was in the cattle business, and he wanted Ted to see something of it. Ted said he would go if he could take a friend, and he chose me.
The idea of spending two months on the fabled Argentine Pampas was exciting. Then I began having second thoughts. I had never been very far from
New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What would it be like in a strange country? What about the language? And
besides, I had promised to teach my younger brother to sail that summer. The more I thought about it, the more the prospect daunted me. I began
waking up nights in more content...
But one of my professors was urging me to apply to graduate school and aim at a teaching career.
I wavered. The idea of trying to live by writing was scary––a lot more scary than spending a summer on the Pampas, I thought. Back and forth I went,
making my decision, unmaking it.
Suddenly, I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that sinking feeling went through me; it gave me the blues.
The thought of graduate school wasn't what depressed me. It was giving up on what deep in my gut I really wanted to do. Right then I learned another
lesson. To avoid that kind of depression meant, inevitably, having to endure a certain amount of worry and concern.
The great Danish philosopher Sovren Kierkegaard believed that anxiety always arises when we confront the possibility of our own development. It
seems to be a rule of life that you can't advance without getting that old, familiar, jittery feeling.
Even as children we discover this when we try to expand ourselves by, say, learning to ride a bike or going out for the school play. Later in life we get
butterflies when we think about having that first child, or uprooting the family from the old hometown to find a better opportunity halfway across the
country. Any time, it seems, that we set out aggressively to get something we want, we meet up with anxiety. And it's going to be our traveling
companion, at least part of the way, into any new venture.
When I first began writing magazine articles, I was
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My Summer Vacation in Florida Essay
Have you ever been on a vacation? To me a vacation is a time to be with friends or family. When I think of vacations, I think of packing, the flight or
drive, and relaxation. Not only is it very exciting to go on a vacation, but you get closer to the people that go with you.
Linda, my best friend's mom had asked me if I would want to go with their family to Florida. When she asked me I thought she was kidding, but when
she said, "I need to know because if you are I need to get you a airplane ticket," I knew she was serious. I was so excited I could have kissed her. I was
going to Florida with my best friend, Lisa, and her family. The people from Lisa's family that were going were Tina, Randy, Ashley, and Linda. Tina is
Lis'?s sister, more content...
Although the drive was three hours the time went fast before I knew it we were at the airport.
I had never been on an airplane. My stomach felt like I had just eaten rotten fish and I was about to throw up. I was so excited to go, but at the
same time I was scared because I had never been on a plane. We waited in the airport for at least an hour. Finally our flight was called, as I walked
on the plane my heart was about to jump out of my skin. After the flight attendant had went through all the rules and we put our seat belts on the plane
was going to take off. I thought the worst thing about the flight was taking off and landing. I didn?t like taking off and landing because my ears
popped. Other than the fact that my ears popped taking off and landing the flight went smooth, we didn?t crash. When the plane landed, I couldn?t wait
to stand on solid ground again.
When I got off the plane the first thing I saw was a giant palm tree. It wasn?t like the palm trees you see in pictures. This palm tree was kind of ugly
it was about thirty feet tall, the leaves at the top looked like they were dead, and it was leaning to the right. Other than that palm tree it was a beautiful
day. It was ninety seven degrees, but it didn?t feel like Minnesota?s ninety seven degrees because there wasn?t much humidity. Before we could leave
we had to wait for
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How I Will Spend My Summer Vacation
How I will Spend My Summer Vacation
There is an old proverb that goes, 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' I agree. For me, the summer vacation will provide me with a rare
opportunity to take a well–deserved rest after a year of hard work. Last summer, I chose to engage in activities that would help me relax my mind and
recoup not only my health but also my vitality. This summer will be no different. Towards this end, I plan to tour a number of amazing locations, read
at least two interesting and/or informative books, and reflect on my accomplishments and failures so far.
The relevance of visiting places or locations one has never visited before cannot be overstated. In addition to helping relax the mind, travelling also
carries with it some educational value. This summer, I plan to visit two major locations. These include the Niagara Falls and the National Mall and
Memorial Parks. It is important to note that I settled on these two major travel destinations after undertaking a laborious research on the key attractions
on–site. The National Mall and Memorial Parks is an amazing place to visit. According to the National Park Foundation (2012), "the National Mall is
America's front yard where the Washington Monument, WWII and Lincoln Memorials stand." I have to admit that part of my desire to visit the
National Mall and Memorial Parks stems from the great respect I have for Abraham Lincoln. In that regard, the Lincoln Memorial remains one of the
places I plan to
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Planning Your Perfect Vacation Essay
William Vera
Mr. Carli
Process Paper
English 101 at 8am
February 27th, 2011
Planning Your Perfect Vacation
Choosing a destination for your vacation may be the easiest part of planning the whole trip but planning the details of it is the hard part. Some
people have it down to a science and some do it all last minute. When you wait until the last minute to plan your trip it can end up being very
expensive. I prefer to keep it simple and take my time planning my trip, keeping it as stress free as possible. The first step in planning your vacation is
choosing the destination. Make sure that it is somewhere that you and/or your companion are going to enjoy. If you are planning to go out of the
country, don't forget that you more content...
You're going on vacation so pack comfortably
When you have chosen the location and received your passport the next thing you must do is choose the dates that you will be going on your vacation
but you must also make sure that they corresponds with the climate. If you decide to go to a warmer climate then you may want to go between the
months of October and May because the temperatures are not so extreme. If the hot summer months are what you enjoy, then I recommend that you go
on vacation from June through September. On the other hand, if you choose to go to a cooler climate where it snows in the winter months I would go
during the summer.
After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and
travel agents that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through You can book your hotel and flight all
together and pay one low price. I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have many one way stops all across the
country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I recommend the Extended Stay America.
While you are on your vacation make sure you make plenty of time for sightseeing. If you are going to the Caribbean or someplace that has a
beautiful body of water that had lots of ocean life in it then I recommend going diving or snorkeling. This is a great way to get in touch with
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Essay On Summer Vacation
Summer of 2017 was probably my best summer so far. I went to my dream place and somewhere else I have heard so much about! Before this
vacation, I was so excited and I thought this place was going to be all movie stars and celebrities, but I was wrong. Over the summer I went to Los
Angeles, California and Las Vegas Nevada. Now, I am not telling you about two different trips, this was all in one trip. On August fifth, 2017 we
drove two hours to Indianapolis and got on a plane to go to California. The flight was about four hours, three hours and fifty– eight minutes to be exact.
We had first class. My dad and sister sat next to each other and my mom and I sat next to each other. Once we landed at the airport in Los Angeles, we
had to get our suitcases and our rental car. Getting our suitcases took about forty–five minutes and getting the car rental took about an hour and a half.
Once we got to our hotel, it was ten o'clock p.m. their time, Twelve o 'clock a.m. our time. We were all hungry because even though we had food on
the plane, most of us didn't eat it. So we ordered pizza and went to bed. The next day, we went to the Walk of Fame and saw all the movie stars
names on the stars. We also went on some tours, such as TM Z. TM Z was probably my favorite thing we did there, it was so much fun! We also
went to the Chinese Theater museum and went to go see the Hollywood sign, from afar. We also went to this very nice restaurant, my dad enjoyed a
lot. The next few days, we
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An Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Summer vacation is all I heard throughout the last months of school. I had an idea of how I wanted to spend my summer. All the fun I would have,
while with my family. That summer I was in for a big surprise. The worst thing happen you would never think of planning a mourning ceremony
only a few days away from your birthday. I wondered did that happen for a reason, because of the saying "everything happens for a reason whether it's
good or bad." How fast could my day go from having a good time to a death experience.
I was just turning fifteen when I looked death in the eye. You're probably wondering how did I see death. It all started on vacation myfamily took over
the summer. School had just got out, and I wanted to experience something fun. So we decided to traveled to Virginia that year they had a lot of
things we could outdoors. It was a great place where families could spend time together. We had arrived at the hotel we were staying at. It wasn't many
of us, just immediate family. My parents, grandmother, and brother. Other vacations people may be surrounded by their friends and families.
"Nadeya, where do you want to go first." asked my grandmother.
"Umm, I don't know by the water maybe." I said.
"Alright the beach then."
Arriving at the beach, everyone wanted to split up. I decided to go with my grandmother on the boardwalk. It clear we would meet back up when we
were done.
"Let's go there." pointing at a game.
"Ok in order to play this game, you have shoot as
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What Is My Summer Vacation Essay
This summer I did not do very many things, but the things I did do were somewhat interesting. The majority of my summer was spent working
unfortunately. In July I went to Florida with my family for a week. During summer vacation I also hung out with Jared, my boyfriend, and my other
friends whenever I could. For the most part my summer was very boring, but I made the best of it because it was the summer before senior year.
Before last school year ended got a job at the McDonald's in West Point, so I could have my own money and not have to take my parents' all the
time. Another reason I chose to work at McDonald's is because I wanted some sort of work experience before I went to college. Working at
McDonald's, I have learned that in a working environment you must always respect not only the customers, but your employees as well. I also learned
that you can get written up at work more content...
My family and I went on vacation to Florida, the sunshine state. TRAVELING TO FLORIDA was very entertaining not because I had never traveled
south of Virginia before. Even though we were in Florida we did things that we could do here in Virginia, such as going to amusement parks and Dave
& Buster's. One amusement park we went to was Busch Gardens. The Busch Gardens in Florida was similar to the one here in Williamsburg, but
for the most part it was different. The park in Florida had the theme of different African things as opposed to the one in Williamsburg where the
theme of the park is different countries of Europe. My family and I also went to Sea World which was very interesting because all of the rides were
based on different sea creatures. I enjoyed RIDING THE MANTA the most because instead of sitting upright like most roller coasters, you were laid
down on your stomach. For the most part my trip to Florida was very enjoyable and I hope to travel there again in the
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My Summer Vacation At Toronto
Two summers ago in 2014 I took my annual summer vacation to Toronto. I spent two months with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Around that time
everyone had the World Cup fever, rooting for their country or other countries. For much of the beginning of my stay I sequestered myself in my room
surrounded only by my electronic companions. By mid–July I adapted to a daily routine of afternoon wake up, brunch, and returning back to my room
to scroll through Instagram and check my Snapchat. Occasionally I would participate in the family ritual of lounging lazily in the evening in the
family room watching the latest Big Brother episode after the adults' long day of work. On one of those days in about the last week of June my older
cousin, Feben, more content...
That morning I assumed Nylah felt troublesome and Navaeha felt bored as well. They plotted a wicked scheme to have fun. They decided to take
turns popping in and out of my room and robbed me of a half an hour of sweet sweet sleep. I, of course stayed up later than I should have, so they
weren 't fully to blame. I groggily got ready and lumbered with my suitcase down the steps. The little ones finished getting ready and Feben and I
managed to find the missing items. I knew that this trip to Niagara would differ from my other two trips because it had a spontaneous aspect. The sun
shined timidly through the windows as my little cousins finished up getting ready. We finally got loaded in the car by mid–morning on a early August
Saturday. The drive lasted two hours. However, with two energetic little people in addition to traveling on an endless highway it felt like an
eternity. I can 't even remember how many times the phrases "Are we there yet?" and "Can we have candy?" escaped Navaeha and Nylah's mouth.
By the thirty minute mark, I looked up to the welkin and begged God for mercy. About an hour into the trip, we pulled into a parking lot for
bathroom breaks and snack distributions. I stepped out to grab some fresh air and next to me I saw a grand peach tree hovering over my side of the
car. I thought to myself how the peaches probably tasted really good And my appetite suddenly whetted. I grabbed the fruit
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My Vacation
Ever since reality hit me four years ago, I wake up everyday reminding myself to always be grateful for your loved ones. I recall the time my family
and I took a summer vacation to India. It was a trip I will never forget for a particular reason. As the trip to India was coming to an end, it was time to
say our final good–byes to all of our family and friends. On the last sunny day of vacation with drops of sweat running down my face, my mother
decided to visit her family one last time before it was time to head off to the airport. My brother, my father, and I went to my aunt's house in the
mean–time to visit my aunt and uncle one final time. In a small town in India, my aunt and uncle, who are both doctors, own a hospital where they
actually also live at the upper level. The first two floors consists of hospital rooms and on the third floor is where their home is located. We called for
a rickshaw, which is like a taxi in India, and rode in the rickshaw to the hospital. As we arrived at the entrance, we walked upstairs to their house inside
the hospital. With little time left, we sat down and talked with my aunt while my uncle was dealing with patients.
As all sat together in the living room spending quality time together, my aunt brought up the idea that she should take a blood test from my father to
make sure he didn't have any health issues that he wasn't aware of. I refused to allow her to take his blood. My father and I both have a fear of blood
and we black out the
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Essay on My Summer Vacation
When I was ten years old my Father took me to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida during summer vacation. It is one of the most memorable
experiences of my life. It was my first time on an airplane, so I was a little nervous. It felt like forever while we sat in the plane waiting to take off.
Finally, I heard the pilot say "prepare for take off." I'll admit I was a little scared, but as the plane lifted off the runway, I was ok. The plane ride there
was three hours long. It was a little bumpy, but other then that, everything went well. We landed in Orlando. The airport was gigantic. After walking
for a while, we found the baggage claim. It took us a while to find all of our suitcases. We rented a car and drove to more content...
My cousin Audrey saw how many times it went upside–down and decided not go on. Brandon and I made fun of her, but once I was strapped to my
seat, I was having second thoughts myself. We took off in what felt like a fraction of a second. Before I knew it, I was being whipped around sharp
turns and flipped around loops. It was so much fun! When we got off and walked toward the exit, we saw a wall of television screens, which was
showing candid shots of us on the ride. We both looked terrified. It was hilarious. My mom still has the picture. We went on a few more rides and
then stopped to get something to eat. Now it was my turn to pick a ride. We walked to one called Dr. Dooms Fear Fall. We sat down in a row of
four, with our legs dangling. After a few minutes, the voice of Dr. Doom was heard. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember him
saying " Prepare to Die!" All of a sudden we shot up 150 feet into the air and then pushed back down faster then gravity. We thought it was over, but
it shot us up again. It was a very exhilarating experience. The day was coming to an end. Audrey picked the last ride. She chose the Dueling Dragons.
It was a double track, near–miss roller coaster. You had a choice between fire and ice. My Dad and I chose fire, and My Uncle Joe, Brandon and
Audrey chose ice. We started off fast, going down a straightaway, heading right for each other. Then both coasters tore up with a series of twists,
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Summer Vacation
The summer i had was amazing. I did so many different things. I went to camp, went to USA, and went to the beach. I had so much fun. I just hope
next summer is as exciting as this one.
First of all I went to my camp with tons of my friends. (name of camp) was so much fun! I spent money on ______ and me and my friends did so
much different things. The only problem is that i had to wake up early. That was a bummer. Secondly i went to USA. I woke up early, and took a
long bus ride. That wasnt that fun. But i went to really nice places. (list a couple places and explain part of it) Last, i went to the beach with my family. I
got a great tan! I love just sitting in the sand and soaking up the sun. I relaxed and it was really fun spending more content...
Not to say there weren't any warm memories from those summer beach retreats. Surprisingly there are many, but at 16 you kind of gravitate
towards the bad stuff. The melancholy teenager hanging on to anything to give her a thick wall to build around herself. Yes, I would have written
something light and clever and given it a really zingy title. I was well known for my zingy titles. Instead Mrs. Lampo asked us to write not one
silly essay but a collection of private personal ones. I believe it was called a "me book". I cringed as she described the assignment. Now, as a
teacher I can see what she was trying to do. She wanted to get to know us. Who we were, what we liked, how we wrote, how to reach us. The
problem was, I was 16 and she was one of them. A grown up. A teacher. A mom of a kid in our class. She was not to be trusted. How could I write
all these essays on who I was, my strongest influences, the things I was most proud of etc.. Maybe later in the year. Maybe by April or something
when we had a chance to feel each other out. Not now. Not the first week. I can picture her clearly. She was about my mom's age. Short, with short
dark hair. She was always very smartly dressed, much more stylish than my mom and with her toes perfectly pedicured. She always seemed a bit
shifty to me. She had this large mole on her face that I couldn't help but stare at as she lectured. It was about the size of a dime and I swear it got
bigger as the year went on. It has made
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My Summer Vacation
For my summer vacation I went to three main places .In the beginning of summer at the first part I went to Twin Falls Idaho with my Dad . We
rented a car and explored the state .Apart from seeing a bunch of potato farms we saw lots of volcanic rocks and a HUGE canyon it had massive trees
growing out of the rocks and at the bottom of the canyon there was a canoe trial and a golf course .A week later I found me and my family were going
to Poland . The plane trip was around 11 hours ,9 hours to Germany and 2 hours to Poland The plane wasn't really relaxing the passenger in front of
me had his seat pulled back the whole flight so I had no leg space .My sister was also a pain because of the constant nagging .My Grandma had
come to picks us up since we were staying at her house for the next 3 weeks . When we arrived at my grandparents house it's as if i traveled back in
time to the 1940's everything was so outdated and behind, . Since my grandparents lived at a farm I had the urge to explore . I walked around the
massive barn that was hiding behind the house and while exploring I stepped into a massive pile of cow poop .Luckily for my sneakers I only
stepped into it with my toe . I walked into the bathroom to start scrubbing the poop of my sneakers .When I finished that I walked into the kitchen
where everyone was sitting to find out my grandma had a prepared enough food to feed a block full of people.
After a week passed I was getting used to the smell of
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My Summer Vacation
Summer was finally here! I was sitting on my bed thinking of some possible choices we could go to this summer. The only problem was deciding
where to go, should I go to New York and swim in the refreshing blue waters? Or should I go to Adventureland and get on the fun and scary rides? Or
maybe I could go to Disneyland and get inside a real life castle and see all of my favorite disney characters around me?. What am I going to do, all
these places sound fun and amazing. Ugh! I wish I could go to all of them this was a real dilemma!
It was 2:57 p.m and I was sitting at my desk at school trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying ,but how? It was the very last day of
school and I was feeling bored , too bored. When the bell finally rang signaling the end of the day, I got up and rushed out of the room with energy
I didn't know I had. Was this real? Was summer finally here? YES!!!!!!!!!! I was out of the building and I was jumping around and couldn't wait
for my parents to pick me up. Eventually though I saw a silver mini van come into view, my parents were finally here! Once I got home I
immediately asked the options for the places we could go to for vacation. After a while of thinking we narrowed the options down to 3 places. All of
the options sounded fantastic and I couldn't believe they were letting ME decide where we could go! I could either choose to go to New York,
Adventureland, or even Disneyland! The problem was choosing the place we should go to. While I was pondering on which place to go, the phone
suddenly rang.
"Hello?" My mom answered. " Oh, okay. Yes we'll tell her. No It's fine. Have a good time. Bye." " Nathaly?" my mom called
"Yes" I responded.
" Your Aunt ,Uncle, and your cousin won't be at their house this summer they are going on vacation, too. If you still want to go to New York it's fine
it's up to you , you just won't get to visit your relatives there. We were planning on staying at their house when we went to New York, but I guess that's
not an option. We'll figure something out. Okay?"
"That's fine, although I wish I could see them again." I sadly said as tears welled up inside my eyes. I was hoping on being able to go to New York well
that was the original plan,
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  • 4. Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation It was in third part of our summer vacation . We went to the park not far from where we use to live when we were younger I believe it was at least two or three blocks away from where we all lived. Whenever we went there we would always have to past thru this middle school and we go by the side of the school but there always these two rottweilers behind a fence barking and barking jumping on the fence trying to come at us but we were all use to it my little brother Austin was the main the trouble for Paul and me Steven. Any way as we walk there was this alley of the school where the trees would bridge in to each other creating a beautiful sight with a nice shade with a nice summer breeze that would blow straight into someone. That monday morning I woke up and my friends and I thought we should play baseball that morning so I asked mom, "Can I go play baseball with my friends mom?" Of course she said "Only If you take your two other brothers alright." "But mom." "But Nothing. If you want to go you have to take your brothers. Now go wake your brothers if you want to go and tell them breakfast is ready as well." While cleaning the kitchen before she leaves to work "Gotcha mom" Man I could never go anywhere with my friends unless my brothers come. I can't believe she doesn't get that I'm a senior and austin is a 6th grader. "Come on Austin wake up ? Paul! Wake up man I want to go the park to meet up with my friends." "Man it's to early can't we go later . It's summer break Get more content on
  • 5. Narrative Essay About Summer Vacation Summer Vacation Do you know the reason why we have summer vacation? I believe that summer vacation is not just about sleeping in and appreciating the time off, it includes spending time with your close friends and family, and that is exactly what I did this summer break. There were many fascinating things I did this summer and in this essay I will tell you a few of things I enjoyed doing. Spending time with close relatives and is exactly what I did to kickoff my summer even though massive amount of them lived out of the state Indiana going to Seattle, Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Somehow we accomplished the task to see my whopping 275family members only on my mom's side, we ended up putting on a huge family reunion more content... For that rest of the day we went to a restaurant called Puckett's and apparently it is right down the road from Justin Timberlake's recording studio /private house, All of the kids including me went to his front and touched his door knob and I might of took a sneak peek inside his house. The last day we were there we visited a beautiful waterfall, even though it was a lovely site the water part was very deadly. The reason why it was deadly was there were big boulders everywhere you stepped, and there were water moccasins which are venomous snakes that lurked around in the water. When it was time to live the waterfall a water moccasin was about 20 feet in front of me and my friends, thankfully another guy ran into the water scaring the snake away making it safe for me and my buddies to get out. Honestly out of the whole entire summer this had to be my favorite vacation. This next vacation isn't really a vacation it's more of an event but it was fun, hilarious, and relaxing like a vacation. After Tennessee we went seven days later we went to Detroit, Michigan for this thing called a muck fest. A muck fest is 5k with muddy obstacles that you run into on your way to the finish line. The race only lasted 2 hours for my mom, dad, and other family members to finish. The best part was when I was able to do the last three obstacles and get Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation Over summer vacation, my family and I, including my cousins and grandparents, went to Las Vegas. One of my favorite places there was going to Paris Las Vegas. It was almost sunset and my cousins and I were getting ready to go to Paris Las Vegas. I put on my shoes and was ready to walk out of our hotel room door right when my mom stopped me and told me to wear a jacket. Even though it was still summer, the nights in Las Vegas got cold. Once everyone was ready my cousins and I ran to the car. It was almost sunset and my cousin really wanted to see the sunset in the mini eiffel tower at the hotel. Once we got on the road, we got trapped in a sea of cars, busses, and other vehicles. My cousin clasped her hands over her ears. The loud city noises blared through the streets. It was hard to imagine that one city in the middle of a desert became one of the most popular resort cities in the world. As we were driving up to the hotel, we saw a gleaming mini eiffel tower on top of a elegant building. I knew that it was the french themed hotel, Paris. After getting through the traffic, my dad parked the car in the parking lot at the hotel. We took an elevator up to the 2nd floor, and when we got there, I was amazed at what stood in front of me. The interior of the hotel looked just like Paris. The roof had been painted with puffy white clouds that looked so realistic. The ground was paved with smooth, shiny, black stone. There were street lamps that are like the ones in France. There Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative : My Summer Vacation Between my sophomore and junior years at college, a chance came up for me to spend the summer vacation working on a ranch in Argentina. My roommate's father was in the cattle business, and he wanted Ted to see something of it. Ted said he would go if he could take a friend, and he chose me. The idea of spending two months on the fabled Argentine Pampas was exciting. Then I began having second thoughts. I had never been very far from New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What would it be like in a strange country? What about the language? And besides, I had promised to teach my younger brother to sail that summer. The more I thought about it, the more the prospect daunted me. I began waking up nights in more content... But one of my professors was urging me to apply to graduate school and aim at a teaching career. I wavered. The idea of trying to live by writing was scary––a lot more scary than spending a summer on the Pampas, I thought. Back and forth I went, making my decision, unmaking it. Suddenly, I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that sinking feeling went through me; it gave me the blues. The thought of graduate school wasn't what depressed me. It was giving up on what deep in my gut I really wanted to do. Right then I learned another lesson. To avoid that kind of depression meant, inevitably, having to endure a certain amount of worry and concern. The great Danish philosopher Sovren Kierkegaard believed that anxiety always arises when we confront the possibility of our own development. It seems to be a rule of life that you can't advance without getting that old, familiar, jittery feeling. Even as children we discover this when we try to expand ourselves by, say, learning to ride a bike or going out for the school play. Later in life we get butterflies when we think about having that first child, or uprooting the family from the old hometown to find a better opportunity halfway across the country. Any time, it seems, that we set out aggressively to get something we want, we meet up with anxiety. And it's going to be our traveling companion, at least part of the way, into any new venture. When I first began writing magazine articles, I was Get more content on
  • 8. My Summer Vacation in Florida Essay Have you ever been on a vacation? To me a vacation is a time to be with friends or family. When I think of vacations, I think of packing, the flight or drive, and relaxation. Not only is it very exciting to go on a vacation, but you get closer to the people that go with you. Linda, my best friend's mom had asked me if I would want to go with their family to Florida. When she asked me I thought she was kidding, but when she said, "I need to know because if you are I need to get you a airplane ticket," I knew she was serious. I was so excited I could have kissed her. I was going to Florida with my best friend, Lisa, and her family. The people from Lisa's family that were going were Tina, Randy, Ashley, and Linda. Tina is Lis'?s sister, more content... Although the drive was three hours the time went fast before I knew it we were at the airport. I had never been on an airplane. My stomach felt like I had just eaten rotten fish and I was about to throw up. I was so excited to go, but at the same time I was scared because I had never been on a plane. We waited in the airport for at least an hour. Finally our flight was called, as I walked on the plane my heart was about to jump out of my skin. After the flight attendant had went through all the rules and we put our seat belts on the plane was going to take off. I thought the worst thing about the flight was taking off and landing. I didn?t like taking off and landing because my ears popped. Other than the fact that my ears popped taking off and landing the flight went smooth, we didn?t crash. When the plane landed, I couldn?t wait to stand on solid ground again. When I got off the plane the first thing I saw was a giant palm tree. It wasn?t like the palm trees you see in pictures. This palm tree was kind of ugly it was about thirty feet tall, the leaves at the top looked like they were dead, and it was leaning to the right. Other than that palm tree it was a beautiful day. It was ninety seven degrees, but it didn?t feel like Minnesota?s ninety seven degrees because there wasn?t much humidity. Before we could leave we had to wait for Get more content on
  • 9. How I Will Spend My Summer Vacation How I will Spend My Summer Vacation There is an old proverb that goes, 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' I agree. For me, the summer vacation will provide me with a rare opportunity to take a well–deserved rest after a year of hard work. Last summer, I chose to engage in activities that would help me relax my mind and recoup not only my health but also my vitality. This summer will be no different. Towards this end, I plan to tour a number of amazing locations, read at least two interesting and/or informative books, and reflect on my accomplishments and failures so far. The relevance of visiting places or locations one has never visited before cannot be overstated. In addition to helping relax the mind, travelling also carries with it some educational value. This summer, I plan to visit two major locations. These include the Niagara Falls and the National Mall and Memorial Parks. It is important to note that I settled on these two major travel destinations after undertaking a laborious research on the key attractions on–site. The National Mall and Memorial Parks is an amazing place to visit. According to the National Park Foundation (2012), "the National Mall is America's front yard where the Washington Monument, WWII and Lincoln Memorials stand." I have to admit that part of my desire to visit the National Mall and Memorial Parks stems from the great respect I have for Abraham Lincoln. In that regard, the Lincoln Memorial remains one of the places I plan to Get more content on
  • 10. Planning Your Perfect Vacation Essay William Vera Mr. Carli Process Paper English 101 at 8am February 27th, 2011 Planning Your Perfect Vacation Choosing a destination for your vacation may be the easiest part of planning the whole trip but planning the details of it is the hard part. Some people have it down to a science and some do it all last minute. When you wait until the last minute to plan your trip it can end up being very expensive. I prefer to keep it simple and take my time planning my trip, keeping it as stress free as possible. The first step in planning your vacation is choosing the destination. Make sure that it is somewhere that you and/or your companion are going to enjoy. If you are planning to go out of the country, don't forget that you more content... You're going on vacation so pack comfortably When you have chosen the location and received your passport the next thing you must do is choose the dates that you will be going on your vacation but you must also make sure that they corresponds with the climate. If you decide to go to a warmer climate then you may want to go between the months of October and May because the temperatures are not so extreme. If the hot summer months are what you enjoy, then I recommend that you go on vacation from June through September. On the other hand, if you choose to go to a cooler climate where it snows in the winter months I would go during the summer. After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and travel agents that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through You can book your hotel and flight all together and pay one low price. I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have many one way stops all across the country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I recommend the Extended Stay America. While you are on your vacation make sure you make plenty of time for sightseeing. If you are going to the Caribbean or someplace that has a beautiful body of water that had lots of ocean life in it then I recommend going diving or snorkeling. This is a great way to get in touch with
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  • 12. Essay On Summer Vacation Summer of 2017 was probably my best summer so far. I went to my dream place and somewhere else I have heard so much about! Before this vacation, I was so excited and I thought this place was going to be all movie stars and celebrities, but I was wrong. Over the summer I went to Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas Nevada. Now, I am not telling you about two different trips, this was all in one trip. On August fifth, 2017 we drove two hours to Indianapolis and got on a plane to go to California. The flight was about four hours, three hours and fifty– eight minutes to be exact. We had first class. My dad and sister sat next to each other and my mom and I sat next to each other. Once we landed at the airport in Los Angeles, we had to get our suitcases and our rental car. Getting our suitcases took about forty–five minutes and getting the car rental took about an hour and a half. Once we got to our hotel, it was ten o'clock p.m. their time, Twelve o 'clock a.m. our time. We were all hungry because even though we had food on the plane, most of us didn't eat it. So we ordered pizza and went to bed. The next day, we went to the Walk of Fame and saw all the movie stars names on the stars. We also went on some tours, such as TM Z. TM Z was probably my favorite thing we did there, it was so much fun! We also went to the Chinese Theater museum and went to go see the Hollywood sign, from afar. We also went to this very nice restaurant, my dad enjoyed a lot. The next few days, we Get more content on
  • 13. An Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation Summer vacation is all I heard throughout the last months of school. I had an idea of how I wanted to spend my summer. All the fun I would have, while with my family. That summer I was in for a big surprise. The worst thing happen you would never think of planning a mourning ceremony only a few days away from your birthday. I wondered did that happen for a reason, because of the saying "everything happens for a reason whether it's good or bad." How fast could my day go from having a good time to a death experience. I was just turning fifteen when I looked death in the eye. You're probably wondering how did I see death. It all started on vacation myfamily took over the summer. School had just got out, and I wanted to experience something fun. So we decided to traveled to Virginia that year they had a lot of things we could outdoors. It was a great place where families could spend time together. We had arrived at the hotel we were staying at. It wasn't many of us, just immediate family. My parents, grandmother, and brother. Other vacations people may be surrounded by their friends and families. "Nadeya, where do you want to go first." asked my grandmother. "Umm, I don't know by the water maybe." I said. "Alright the beach then." Arriving at the beach, everyone wanted to split up. I decided to go with my grandmother on the boardwalk. It clear we would meet back up when we were done. "Let's go there." pointing at a game. "Ok in order to play this game, you have shoot as Get more content on
  • 14. What Is My Summer Vacation Essay This summer I did not do very many things, but the things I did do were somewhat interesting. The majority of my summer was spent working unfortunately. In July I went to Florida with my family for a week. During summer vacation I also hung out with Jared, my boyfriend, and my other friends whenever I could. For the most part my summer was very boring, but I made the best of it because it was the summer before senior year. Before last school year ended got a job at the McDonald's in West Point, so I could have my own money and not have to take my parents' all the time. Another reason I chose to work at McDonald's is because I wanted some sort of work experience before I went to college. Working at McDonald's, I have learned that in a working environment you must always respect not only the customers, but your employees as well. I also learned that you can get written up at work more content... My family and I went on vacation to Florida, the sunshine state. TRAVELING TO FLORIDA was very entertaining not because I had never traveled south of Virginia before. Even though we were in Florida we did things that we could do here in Virginia, such as going to amusement parks and Dave & Buster's. One amusement park we went to was Busch Gardens. The Busch Gardens in Florida was similar to the one here in Williamsburg, but for the most part it was different. The park in Florida had the theme of different African things as opposed to the one in Williamsburg where the theme of the park is different countries of Europe. My family and I also went to Sea World which was very interesting because all of the rides were based on different sea creatures. I enjoyed RIDING THE MANTA the most because instead of sitting upright like most roller coasters, you were laid down on your stomach. For the most part my trip to Florida was very enjoyable and I hope to travel there again in the Get more content on
  • 15. My Summer Vacation At Toronto Two summers ago in 2014 I took my annual summer vacation to Toronto. I spent two months with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Around that time everyone had the World Cup fever, rooting for their country or other countries. For much of the beginning of my stay I sequestered myself in my room surrounded only by my electronic companions. By mid–July I adapted to a daily routine of afternoon wake up, brunch, and returning back to my room to scroll through Instagram and check my Snapchat. Occasionally I would participate in the family ritual of lounging lazily in the evening in the family room watching the latest Big Brother episode after the adults' long day of work. On one of those days in about the last week of June my older cousin, Feben, more content... That morning I assumed Nylah felt troublesome and Navaeha felt bored as well. They plotted a wicked scheme to have fun. They decided to take turns popping in and out of my room and robbed me of a half an hour of sweet sweet sleep. I, of course stayed up later than I should have, so they weren 't fully to blame. I groggily got ready and lumbered with my suitcase down the steps. The little ones finished getting ready and Feben and I managed to find the missing items. I knew that this trip to Niagara would differ from my other two trips because it had a spontaneous aspect. The sun shined timidly through the windows as my little cousins finished up getting ready. We finally got loaded in the car by mid–morning on a early August Saturday. The drive lasted two hours. However, with two energetic little people in addition to traveling on an endless highway it felt like an eternity. I can 't even remember how many times the phrases "Are we there yet?" and "Can we have candy?" escaped Navaeha and Nylah's mouth. By the thirty minute mark, I looked up to the welkin and begged God for mercy. About an hour into the trip, we pulled into a parking lot for bathroom breaks and snack distributions. I stepped out to grab some fresh air and next to me I saw a grand peach tree hovering over my side of the car. I thought to myself how the peaches probably tasted really good And my appetite suddenly whetted. I grabbed the fruit Get more content on
  • 16. My Vacation Ever since reality hit me four years ago, I wake up everyday reminding myself to always be grateful for your loved ones. I recall the time my family and I took a summer vacation to India. It was a trip I will never forget for a particular reason. As the trip to India was coming to an end, it was time to say our final good–byes to all of our family and friends. On the last sunny day of vacation with drops of sweat running down my face, my mother decided to visit her family one last time before it was time to head off to the airport. My brother, my father, and I went to my aunt's house in the mean–time to visit my aunt and uncle one final time. In a small town in India, my aunt and uncle, who are both doctors, own a hospital where they actually also live at the upper level. The first two floors consists of hospital rooms and on the third floor is where their home is located. We called for a rickshaw, which is like a taxi in India, and rode in the rickshaw to the hospital. As we arrived at the entrance, we walked upstairs to their house inside the hospital. With little time left, we sat down and talked with my aunt while my uncle was dealing with patients. As all sat together in the living room spending quality time together, my aunt brought up the idea that she should take a blood test from my father to make sure he didn't have any health issues that he wasn't aware of. I refused to allow her to take his blood. My father and I both have a fear of blood and we black out the Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on My Summer Vacation When I was ten years old my Father took me to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida during summer vacation. It is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It was my first time on an airplane, so I was a little nervous. It felt like forever while we sat in the plane waiting to take off. Finally, I heard the pilot say "prepare for take off." I'll admit I was a little scared, but as the plane lifted off the runway, I was ok. The plane ride there was three hours long. It was a little bumpy, but other then that, everything went well. We landed in Orlando. The airport was gigantic. After walking for a while, we found the baggage claim. It took us a while to find all of our suitcases. We rented a car and drove to more content... My cousin Audrey saw how many times it went upside–down and decided not go on. Brandon and I made fun of her, but once I was strapped to my seat, I was having second thoughts myself. We took off in what felt like a fraction of a second. Before I knew it, I was being whipped around sharp turns and flipped around loops. It was so much fun! When we got off and walked toward the exit, we saw a wall of television screens, which was showing candid shots of us on the ride. We both looked terrified. It was hilarious. My mom still has the picture. We went on a few more rides and then stopped to get something to eat. Now it was my turn to pick a ride. We walked to one called Dr. Dooms Fear Fall. We sat down in a row of four, with our legs dangling. After a few minutes, the voice of Dr. Doom was heard. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember him saying " Prepare to Die!" All of a sudden we shot up 150 feet into the air and then pushed back down faster then gravity. We thought it was over, but it shot us up again. It was a very exhilarating experience. The day was coming to an end. Audrey picked the last ride. She chose the Dueling Dragons. It was a double track, near–miss roller coaster. You had a choice between fire and ice. My Dad and I chose fire, and My Uncle Joe, Brandon and Audrey chose ice. We started off fast, going down a straightaway, heading right for each other. Then both coasters tore up with a series of twists, Get more content on
  • 18. Summer Vacation The summer i had was amazing. I did so many different things. I went to camp, went to USA, and went to the beach. I had so much fun. I just hope next summer is as exciting as this one. First of all I went to my camp with tons of my friends. (name of camp) was so much fun! I spent money on ______ and me and my friends did so much different things. The only problem is that i had to wake up early. That was a bummer. Secondly i went to USA. I woke up early, and took a long bus ride. That wasnt that fun. But i went to really nice places. (list a couple places and explain part of it) Last, i went to the beach with my family. I got a great tan! I love just sitting in the sand and soaking up the sun. I relaxed and it was really fun spending more content... Not to say there weren't any warm memories from those summer beach retreats. Surprisingly there are many, but at 16 you kind of gravitate towards the bad stuff. The melancholy teenager hanging on to anything to give her a thick wall to build around herself. Yes, I would have written something light and clever and given it a really zingy title. I was well known for my zingy titles. Instead Mrs. Lampo asked us to write not one silly essay but a collection of private personal ones. I believe it was called a "me book". I cringed as she described the assignment. Now, as a teacher I can see what she was trying to do. She wanted to get to know us. Who we were, what we liked, how we wrote, how to reach us. The problem was, I was 16 and she was one of them. A grown up. A teacher. A mom of a kid in our class. She was not to be trusted. How could I write all these essays on who I was, my strongest influences, the things I was most proud of etc.. Maybe later in the year. Maybe by April or something when we had a chance to feel each other out. Not now. Not the first week. I can picture her clearly. She was about my mom's age. Short, with short dark hair. She was always very smartly dressed, much more stylish than my mom and with her toes perfectly pedicured. She always seemed a bit shifty to me. She had this large mole on her face that I couldn't help but stare at as she lectured. It was about the size of a dime and I swear it got bigger as the year went on. It has made Get more content on
  • 19. My Summer Vacation For my summer vacation I went to three main places .In the beginning of summer at the first part I went to Twin Falls Idaho with my Dad . We rented a car and explored the state .Apart from seeing a bunch of potato farms we saw lots of volcanic rocks and a HUGE canyon it had massive trees growing out of the rocks and at the bottom of the canyon there was a canoe trial and a golf course .A week later I found me and my family were going to Poland . The plane trip was around 11 hours ,9 hours to Germany and 2 hours to Poland The plane wasn't really relaxing the passenger in front of me had his seat pulled back the whole flight so I had no leg space .My sister was also a pain because of the constant nagging .My Grandma had come to picks us up since we were staying at her house for the next 3 weeks . When we arrived at my grandparents house it's as if i traveled back in time to the 1940's everything was so outdated and behind, . Since my grandparents lived at a farm I had the urge to explore . I walked around the massive barn that was hiding behind the house and while exploring I stepped into a massive pile of cow poop .Luckily for my sneakers I only stepped into it with my toe . I walked into the bathroom to start scrubbing the poop of my sneakers .When I finished that I walked into the kitchen where everyone was sitting to find out my grandma had a prepared enough food to feed a block full of people. After a week passed I was getting used to the smell of Get more content on
  • 20. My Summer Vacation Summer was finally here! I was sitting on my bed thinking of some possible choices we could go to this summer. The only problem was deciding where to go, should I go to New York and swim in the refreshing blue waters? Or should I go to Adventureland and get on the fun and scary rides? Or maybe I could go to Disneyland and get inside a real life castle and see all of my favorite disney characters around me?. What am I going to do, all these places sound fun and amazing. Ugh! I wish I could go to all of them this was a real dilemma! It was 2:57 p.m and I was sitting at my desk at school trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying ,but how? It was the very last day of school and I was feeling bored , too bored. When the bell finally rang signaling the end of the day, I got up and rushed out of the room with energy I didn't know I had. Was this real? Was summer finally here? YES!!!!!!!!!! I was out of the building and I was jumping around and couldn't wait for my parents to pick me up. Eventually though I saw a silver mini van come into view, my parents were finally here! Once I got home I immediately asked the options for the places we could go to for vacation. After a while of thinking we narrowed the options down to 3 places. All of the options sounded fantastic and I couldn't believe they were letting ME decide where we could go! I could either choose to go to New York, Adventureland, or even Disneyland! The problem was choosing the place we should go to. While I was pondering on which place to go, the phone suddenly rang. "Hello?" My mom answered. " Oh, okay. Yes we'll tell her. No It's fine. Have a good time. Bye." " Nathaly?" my mom called "Yes" I responded. " Your Aunt ,Uncle, and your cousin won't be at their house this summer they are going on vacation, too. If you still want to go to New York it's fine it's up to you , you just won't get to visit your relatives there. We were planning on staying at their house when we went to New York, but I guess that's not an option. We'll figure something out. Okay?" "That's fine, although I wish I could see them again." I sadly said as tears welled up inside my eyes. I was hoping on being able to go to New York well that was the original plan,
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