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My Own Personal Fitness Level Essay
The purpose of this research essay is to evaluate my own personal fitness level through a variety of exercises and compare my results to my peers in
the class and to the Canadian norms. The controlled assessment of my fitness started with resting measures that included blood pressure and heart beat,
then moved onto a body composition assessment that consisted of Body Mass Index (BMI), height, weight, and waist circumference. The assessment
evaluation of my fitness was composed of cardiovascular endurance which was measured by a VO2 max, grip strength, push–ups, vertical jump and
back extension. Flexibility and balance were assessed as well by using trunk flexion to measure flexibility and balance were measured by standing on
one foot having first your eyes open, and then closed.
Introduction/Review of Literature
There are various factors involved in a person's physical fitness, all of which are showed in a basic fitness assessment. With this being said, there is
more to successful fitness than just activity. Both physiologically and psychologically, a person must illustrate work ethic and passion over a period of
time to be physically fit. The basic fitness assessment conducted upon me started off with an individual assessment and then moved onto a series of
physical activity tests. The whole fitness assessment went in the following order: resting measures, body composition, cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and balance. With all these
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The Benefits Of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well–being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or
Being fit doesn't mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes... being fit means living healthy and
accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for
being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good body, but it will also clean your mind and make you
more happy and relaxed.
Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition and more content...
You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat– mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to find the right balance
between these different nutrients to achieve maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food groups:
starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta...), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other
non–dairy sources of protein (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.).
Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat.
However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the
above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health.
The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and
improve the general status of a person's mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high blood pressure,
diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may
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Reflection Paper On Exercise
For the past 3 weeks, I have been working on improving my physical fitness by exercising at least 4 days a week, for 1 hour each time.
Incorporating exercise regimen in my daily life has always been something that I wanted to do since I begin my life as a student here at UNC. It's
has never been easy. Since I was a kid, I never had that natural thin, skinny physique. Everyone who saw me always said that, I will never be skin,
my body showed signs of growing into a woman with a thick figure. I knew that It will take time and dedication for me to keep myself at a stable
weight in order to stay healthy, and prevent any health complications in the future. When I lived in Africa, we had no car, so we walked
everywhere we needed to go, which kept me in shape. Once we moved to the United states, I played soccer in high school, and walked home from
school. But even though I walk on campus here in college, because I don't have a car, I realized that the amount of walks that I walk, is not enough
compared to the amount of time I spend seating down in class. Over the years, I have gained so much weight. I always talk about working out toward
getting skinnier and healthier, so that I can feel less tired, and feel better about myself, but starting the workout regimen and getting to the gym is
entirely another thing. Being in school all day, then going home, it's hard for me to get out of the house to go to the gym, instead, I will end up staying
in, and working on school work instead.
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Nutrition And Physical Fitness
Nutrition and Physical Fitness as Essential Tools for a Healthy Lifestyle I remember spending hours at the gym without seeing results. My routines
involved two hours cardio plus half an hour of conditioning combining abs, squats and leg rises. However, my non–smart intake behaviors would
remain, and I would consume junk food nearly every day whilst questioning why I was not seeing the results I aimed for after spending two and a
half hours at the gym every day. Yet the answer to this question seemed to be far away as I was faraway to follow the right pattern towardsphysical
fitness. People most of the time endeavor towards a perfect shape without bearing in mind the fact of combining healthy intake habits for optimal
results. For a person to have top outcomes and get benefited through a physically active life, it is vital to take into attention merging a healthy nutrition
while considering the components and different factors that involve living a physically active life. Living a physically active life offers benefits
people can take advantage of. One of them is reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. People who
engage in a physically active life are less likely to develop diabetes since they just not only cut their weight, but they also preserve it, which in turn
decreases the risks of developing these health conditions because there is no room for excess of glucose nor clogged arteries since they follow a proper
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History Of Physical Fitness And Exercise
The history of physical fitness and exercise. Physical exercise goes farther back than most people realize. People wouldn't have thought of it as
working out, but rather as a way of life. Centuries ago they did not have the machines and weights we have today, but yet people of that day were in
better shape than the people of today. Physical development followed a natural path that was determined by the practical needs of life as well as the
need to avoid threats and take advantage of opportunities for survival. To survive in a harsh environment filled with obstacles and human enemies, early
man had to know how to run, walk, balance, jump, crawl, climb, lift, carry, throw and catch, and fight. Early man did not develop strength through more content...
The Romans believed in having a sound mind, in a sound body. Physical culture started to rise beyond the bare necessities to become a means of an
"art de vivre."
From the 5th century to the 15th century, the teachings of Christianity spread the belief that the primary concern of one's lifetime was preparing for the
afterlife. The body was seen as sinful and not important. Education was significantly linked to the church, and focused on training the mind rather than
training the body. During the Renaissance Era there was a greater interest in the body, anatomy, biology, health, and physical education.
In 1553 Spaniard Cristobal Mendez wrote El Libro del Corporal y Sus Provechos, the first book to explain physical exercise and its benefits. In
Mendez's book exercise, games, and sports are all analyzed and described from a medical standpoint, and informs on how to prevent and recover from
In 1569 Mercurialis, and Italian physician, wrote De Arte Gymnastica. The book touched on the ancient Greeks' and Romans' approach on hygiene,
diet, and exercise, and their methods on treatments for disease. The book included principles of physical therapy for the first time, and considered the
first book on sports medicine, which influenced a wave of physical education and training methods that came to be in Europe two centuries later.
In the early 19th century the rise of nationalism of many countries in Europe
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Persuasive Essay On Fitness
How would it feel to accomplish a marathon at the age of 101? Imagine climbing Mount Everest at 76 years old. Would it not feel incredible to be a
world record winning yoga instructor at the age of 93? How would it feel to be able to extreme barefoot water ski at 92? Do any of those sound
impossible? Faukja Singh, Min Bahadur Sherchan, Tao Porchon–Lynch, and George "Banana" Blair know the feeling of each of these respectively
(Anderson 1). Through hard work, proper nutrition, and living an active lifestyle, these incredible world renowned athletes are achieving what many
only dream to achieve in a lifetime. What should be taken away from these individuals is not the daunting nature of their feats, but that even at an
advanced age, one can live an extremely physically fit and healthy lifestyle. What these athletes have in common is regular physical activity and the
right nutrients to fuel their bodies. While the fast paced world continues to turn, it might be difficult to prioritize physical activity and proper nutrition
over other everyday tasks. One may go to school for eight hours a day, arrive home and wish for nothing more than to finish their homework and lie on
the couch to watch television with something sugary or salty to munch on. However, neglecting regular physical activity and proper nutrition can lead
to serious health problems whereas understanding how to properly form a fitness program and the nutritional components to fuel an athlete leads to a
multitude of
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Nutrition and Fitness Essay
Nutrition and fitness play two of the most important roles in human health, and it is not difficult to understand some of the consequences for ignoring
their significance. Ignoring proper nutritional and fitness habits can lead to extreme health risks such as obesity; most of which will eventually cause
serious health issues up to and including death. To decrease these serious health risks and promote favorable personal health, one should incorporate
positive nutritional and fitness habits. The food that we put into our bodies is one of the most vital aspects of promoting good health because it acts
as our personal fuel. If the food we consume contains mostly empty calories and few nutrients, our bodies' performance levels will more
Obesity is associated with a vast number of health problems. It is often looked at as just a severe cosmetic problem. In actuality, in addition to
being cosmetic, obesity is one of the leading causes of major health issues in the United States. According to medical news today, obesity is a key
risk factor for several conditions and diseases including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, several types of
cancers, gallbladder disease and gall stones, osteoarthritis, gout, and breathing problems including asthma and sleep apnea. These health factors have
also been liked to premature deaths in obese people. Someone who is 40% obese is two times more likely to die prematurely than a normal–weight
person (Cholesterol Management Health Center, 2011). Though obesity is a major concern in our American society, it is a manageable and even
preventable disease. Through proper fitness and dietary habits one can overcome and completely avoid the wrath of obesity. The Human body was
designed for movement; to serve as a vehicle to transport us from place to place. To fuel this vehicle, a balanced diet is critical. Ideally, our bodies
need a suitable balance of carbohydrates. If enough carbohydrates are not present, fats and proteins can be broken down to provide energy to our
bodies. In my personal diet I tend to incorporate a lot of foods that are high in carbohydrates. I tend to eat large amounts of pasta which
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The Benefits of Physical Activity Essay
Studies have shown that one who is physically active has higher chances of living longer. Del Sanden writes in his article on Exercise Statistics,
"People who engage in physical for 7 hours per week have a 40 percent lower chance of dying early than people who are active for less than 30
minutes a week." This statement is one of the many statements in his article proving the importance of fitness; it has the ability to enhance quality of
life. Regular exercise can lower the risk of many diseases, improve the function of the physical body, as well as psychological health.
Fitness by definition is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. It does not necessarily mean gym workouts, it means being active. When one
is active, more content...
Another disease that is commonly found in the US, but can be prevented by physical activity is Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease when the body does
not produce enough insulin making sugar levels very high. However, when muscles are in action they can take the sugar/glucose from the blood
without the help of insulin. The amount of physical activity necessary for prevention is minimum and does not take up much time. "Research suggests
that 2 1/2 hours per week of even leisurely physical activity–like brisk walking–is enough to significantly improve glucose tolerance." By going
walking instead of sitting by a television screen, one can prevent a disease like diabetes which requires constant medication. Decisions like taking steps
instead of elevator can make a huge difference to one's health.
Besides for the aforementioned, being active strengthens the body, making it more reliable. Activity works the bones and muscles, making them able to
handle more. Bones are living tissue. "Weight–bearing physical activity causes new bone tissue to form, and this makes bones stronger. This kind of
physical activity also makes muscles stronger. Bones and muscles both become stronger when muscles push and tug against bones during physical
activity." This build up enables the body to carry it's own weight, making standing on the feet an effortless activity. Stronger bones helps for better
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Argumentative Essay On Physical Exercise
Engaging in physical exercise has many advantages and it benefits, not only to the physical health but as well as the mental health. Exercising
regularly helps to maintain a good health balance in the body, reducing stress and overcoming anxiety and depression in a person. It also activate the
chemicals in a person's brain to develop a better mood. This argumentative essay will demonstrate about how exercising helps and improve not only a
person's physical health but also mental health such as depression, anxiety and stress.
"Exercise" is a well known word among people all over the world. In fact it is popular among teenagers and adults that are trying to stay fit and
healthy. The use of the word "Exercise" is highly overrated because people tend to think that exercising keep them in shape and to lose weights.
However, what they do not realised is that exercising also improve one's mental health including depression,anxiety and stress that most people are
facing these days. Exercising promote better mood control. Research shows that exercise put long–term depression at ease (Weir, 2011). Based on the
evidences of an experiment, studies shows that James Blumenthal, PhD, a clinical psychologist has investigated, together with his colleagues upon
some adults with major depressive disorders (Weir, 2011). According to Weir (2011) Blumenthal conducted a mood
–exercise connection experiments
and found out that "Exercise seems not only important for treating depression, but also in preventing relapse". The release of chemicals such as
endorphins and serotonin from exercising increases the mood (Health Direct Australia, 2016). In the year 2006, Otto and his colleagues analysed 11
studies examining the effects of exercise on mental health. It was determined that exercising could be a strong influence for clinical depression (Clinical
Psychology: Science and Practice, 2006, as cited in Weir, 2011). From this, it is concluded that clinicians should think carefully about adding exercise
to the treatment plans for their depressed patients (Weir, 2011).
Smits (Co–director) and Otto (Co–writer) of Anxiety and Research and Treatment Program have reasoned that regular exercise help people who are
exposed to anxiety
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importance of physical activity in youths Essay
The Importance of Physical Activity in Adolescence
Engaging in physical behavior during adolescence is very important to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the
mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and
illness in the future. There are many other positive benefits that come through the form of exercise. Just as well, there are negative effects that can
results from lack of exercise. Developing and instilling the importance of exercise through education is valuable to the youth of exercise.
When determining physical activity, it more content...
One should desire to be physically fit, or at least be engaged in exercise. The short and long term effects are very beneficial. Aside from these physical
effects, physical activity has many psychological and mental effects. A more physically fit adolescent is going to promote feelings of confidence,
happiness, and a decrease in stress. All of these lead to high levels of self–esteem and social skill development. Engaging children and young people in
enjoyable and positive physical activity promotes a social structure needed for development.
In times where the obesity rate in our country is sky rocketing, it is important to educate the youth of America on physical activity. Focusing effort on
awareness and promotion of exercise is important to the minds of these children. The benefits from weekly exercise is tremendous. Both physical and
mental health benefits results fro, such activity. Promoting a healthy lifestyle during adolescence leads to increased self–esteem and confidence which
carries over into adulthood resulting in a happier more content life.
The Importance of Physical Activity in Adolescence
Engaging in physical behavior during adolescence is very important to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the
mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and illness
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Fitness And Physical Fitness
Flat, glass like water, crisp air, the sun rising effortlessly in the distance with the consistent click and clack of the oars sliding in the oarlocks; the
whirl of the wheels sliding up and down the seat track. Squeeze and fire of each muscle through the stroke, a faint burning of hard work becoming
apparent in each section of the body as the morning draws on. Soon the sculler pulls into the dock, sweat glistening on their forehead, water dripping
off the hull of the boat as they hoist it over their head. As the shell is washed and set on the racks, this athlete is ready to tackle the day. Throughout
history, sports have held a constant roll in culture and personal development, providing exercise, excitement, and enjoyment. The benefits of physical
activity continue to be as relevant today as in the past with growing awareness of physical fitness and mental health. This essay will explore sport in its
contribution to a sound and stable mind, a healthy body and lifestyle, and a sustainable drive for success that will follow the athlete throughout life.
A soft rose pink sky, birds chirping and the slapping of feet hitting the pavement. Huffing and puffing, the producer of the reverberating footsteps
appears galloping up the street; soon the weight of an eventful day will be lifted. Stress plays a prevalent role in the lives of most people, as it can be
crippling and have impactful consequences that affect areas of life which previously contained no stress. While there are
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Persuasive Speech On Physical Fitness
"He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything"
Thomas Carlyle. Beat the Heat with Sandra Phillips and indulge yourself in some physical fitness to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.
Rejuvenate your life by keeping yourself fit and physically active. Today people from all walks of life have become aware and conscious about their
health and know the importance of physical fitness. It doesn't matter how old you are, the sooner you take action, the better it is. Work out does not
always means long strenuous activity. Today we have so many options to go with like yoga, aerobics or even hitting the gym. Yet if you want to add
a little fun to your workout, you can also participate in various sports activities or dance a more content...
Involve different activities and change the pattern regularly. Self monitoring will help you to reach your goals faster. Increase the time and exercises
gradually to suit your requirement. Reward yourself when you achieve your goals, this will encourage you to achieve more. It is very important that
one should have a long term vision. Going on crash diet or hitting the gym for a month and working out vigorously will not have any benefit. It will
drain you out and also your body. It also has many adverse effects on your health. It is always better if youexercise with someone as it will always
motivate you to do better and also gives you support to do it every day.
Balancing your life is very important for a healthy body and mind. A good lifestyle involves a healthy diet which involves more of green vegetables
and organic food; which means less of junk food. Eating the right food is very important. Too much oily food can cause cholesterol and heart
problems. Having too much of sweets is also not healthy and in addition to adding those extra kilos it also leads to diabetes. Anything excess or
deficient is always harmful; therefore everything should be taken in
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Essay on The Importance of Physical Fitness
The Importance of Physical Fitness
Are you sick of gasping for air just after a quick trip up the stairs or feeling overly fatigued after a ten minute game of catch with your son? Maybe
it is time you get busy and get in shape. What does it really mean to be physically fit? This is a question many of us ask ourselves when we set out to
look better and feel better about ourselves. I personally don't know one person in this world that longs to be fat and out of shape. When you finally
get off the couch, put the snacks back in the cupboard and decide it is time for you to get in shape, you usually head toward the gym first. Eating right
and exercising are the two things that usually come to mind first in order to "get fit." There more content...
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Cardiorespiratory Endurance is the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustained periods of time. Long runs
and swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component. ("Fitness...")
Cardiorespiratory Endurance is usually considered, by most fitness specialists, to be the most important component of physical fitness. It involves the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems and their ability to adapt to and recover from stress and physical activity. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance")
For beginners, the best way to maintain or increase your cardiovascular fitness is to find a form of aerobic exercise that you enjoy. This can be
swimming, running, walking, biking, or any other activities that will raise your heart rate to sufficient levels. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance")
Every person has their own level of exercising needed to achieve their highest level of Cardiorespiratory Endurance. Well the easiest way to do this is
to figure out your maximum heart rate and work out at a percentage of that rate. To find your maximum heart rate, just take your age and subtract it
from 220. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance")
Now that you know your maximum heart rate you can determine your intensity, duration, and frequency levels. It is recommended to workout at 55% –
90% of your
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Importance of Physical Fitness
importance of physical fitness,
To address the subject on the importance of physical fitness let's look at a summarized list of the immediate and long–term benefits of being fit.
We can divide the list of benefits into several categories:
cardio vascular benefits anti–ageing benefits wellbeing benefits aesthetic benefits sex life benefits
If you would like to read a quick summary about the main components of physical fitness click on the link.
However, before you continue reading about the importance of fitness you can also find out what the most commonly agreed upon and general–purpose
definition of physical fitness is.
Importance of Physical Fitness – Cardio Benefits
fitness workouts,
Physical more content...
When you look better you also feel better! Importance of physical fitness is most definitely relevant here in this category!
Importance of Physical Fitness – Sex Life Benefits
Why did we include this here? Here is why. If we say that we live in a world where outside appearance does not matter – we would be a bit naГЇve and
utopian in making such a statement. We are sure certain activists would disagree, but we also believe the many people would agree with the
generalization stated above.
Does this mean we all need to look like supermodels, –of course not. However, being physically active and doing some fitness training or bodybuilding
training is something that will just add another item into your plus column.
Sexually, it will help you perform better, especially if you are a guy. Visually, your partner will most definitely be more turned on by you if you have
a nice flat stomach and if you're a guy – sexy abs! What woman wouldn't like to see a man that is fit and has nice arms or shoulders or a sexy stomach
– we think they all do. Similarly, have you ever heard a man say, oh she is "too fit"? Of course not, is a bit of an
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A Personal Reflection On Fitness And Fitness
Prior to this course, fitness to me meant all about your weight. I now know that it is more to it than just that. Fitness includes exercising, healthy eating,
and getting enough rest just to name a few. There are many ways to measure fitness, such as assessments, time periods of exercise, and the use of Body
Mass Index (BMI). An important component that I have learned during the duration of this course is that to achieve the appropriate fitness level, it is
necessary to mentally discipline yourself. You must motivate yourself to keep thriving; it takes perseverance. Many of us expect results overnight, but
that is never the case. Consistent self motivation is a must to achieving fitness goals.
At the beginning of this course, my fitness level was what considered to be low. I rarely exercised and when I did, it was only for short periods of time.
Whenever I would go to the gym, I only did the bare minimum, so of course, I did not get any results. The only time I was really active was when I
was walking around campus to go to my classes. Now, I am much more active. I acquired a gym membership and try to exercise at least 3 times a
week. Along with the membership, my internship has kept me active as well. I am usually running back and forth between buildings and chasing little
kids all day, things of which I never thought of doing before. I know have habits of going for 30 minutes jogs around the neighborhood and stretching
every morning before I start my day. Prior to the
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Speech On Physical Fitness
Physical fitness plays an important role in one's life, with the growing needs of people, tension, anxiety and stress have become one of the most
common problems in modern life. Many people suffer from potentially debilitating symptoms of stress and stress related health issues at some point
in their lives and surprisingly people are often unaware that they are suffering from stress related health issues. Studies have shown that people who
are stressed are more likely to eat unhealthy food and hence land in complications such as diabetes, obesity and other joint related problems such as
arthritis. High levels of stress in pregnant women may also trigger dangerous changes in their children, which include behavioral and developmental
issues. Effectively coping with stress, managing it and finding ways to reduce unnecessary, unhealthy levels of stress are important skills of life.
When you look at a range of ideas you can do to relieve stress and feel happy, one that more content...
There are different venues and strategies you can use to make walking an enjoyable and social part of your lifestyle. Introduce your body to fitness
walking that is gradual in nature. How much walking you need to do depends on your age and fitness level, if you've been inactive for a while, have
an existing medical condition or are pregnant, then talk to your doctor or Physical therapist before beginning any walking or exercise program.
To begin walking, Start with slow 10–minute walks on a plane surface with proper shoes on, then gradually increase the distance of your walks.
Professionals suggest increasing the length of your walk by 10– to 20% every few weeks and working up to a goal of 20– to 40–minute walks per day
shows improvement in your fitness levels. Once you're comfortable with the length of your walk, then you can try increasing your speed and resistance
by walking
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Physical Fitness and Mental Wellbeing Essay
Have you ever notice that every day the body goes through some type of Physical Fitness? Well it does, in fact it's a natural achievement without
facing much of prostration. Mental wellbeing is a basic factor for living a good life, a complex angle of the overall state of health. To be accurate,
self–esteem and life's pleasure are conductive state of mind that commit to having a mentally healthy approaching towards others.
Research has shown that the level of our physical activity can have a direct and very influential impact on our state of mind and how the body goes
through many physical changes. The qualification to deal with life events such as stress, change or sickness is also an explicit objective of the mental
strength. Accepting more content...
Exercise has been found to be a timely and feasible way of ration people deal with the trauma and uneasiness every day. The repercussion on
suspense doesn't seem to be visible as it is in other areas. Embracing analysis in a certain area of mental health shows that exercise is a very healthy
different to other means of negotiate with giving time of stress and anxiety. These can be the most common alternatives include the consumption of
alcohol and, nicotine through smoking. It is also been said by being physically fit, a some bodies reaction to a hurtful situation is increased to a level
that is capable of controlling. Being the most common form of mental challenge, melancholy transpires in various degrees of harshness – from being a
mild disorder to being a clinically diagnosed illness. Inquiry into physical activity and its possession have shown that exercise can help people
overcome this state of mind to as high resulting level. No negative effects could be determined by exposing suffers to a physical exercise routine.
Although this appears that regular exercise that could be a low ratings as alternative to valuable psychotherapy, and could lead to no medication being
required. It is also understood that those who are fortunate in maintaining a neutral exercise
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Essay The Effects of Yoga in Fitness
Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct
perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth (Self–Realization Fellowship). Yoga also helps a
person's physical well being. So what are the effects of yoga in fitness? Well, there are several ways that yoga affects people's physical fitness
components; there are also several benefits, and also many ways to keep a person healthy and thriving. Yoga has many effects on physical fitness
components. The first way that it affects people's physical fitness components is by fitness for effective living. Fitness for effective living has many key more content...
The next thing is that when the muscles around the spine are reinforced (which is the core of everything), everything else falls into place. When a
person's core is affective then a person's posture is better; and that leads to less back, shoulder, and neck pain. Then a person's digestive system
gets back on track and that person feels a lot better about themselves (Dodson). Moreover, there many people who participate in yoga. The
demographics of yoga include, the total number of Americans who participate in yoga is 15 million; the percent of females is 72.2%; the
percentage of males is 27.8%; the percentage of people who earn 75,000 dollars annually 44%; the percentage of people who earn more than 100,000
dollars annually is 24%; the percentage of people of the ages of 18–34 is 40.6%; the percentage of people of the ages of 35–54 is 41%; the percentage
of people over 55 is 18.4%; the percentage that are college graduates is 71.4%. Coupled with those statistics, yoga also has statistics by location.
Those statistics are people who participate in yoga in the West Coast are 20%; people who participate in yoga from the North East is 30%; the people
who participate in yoga from the Mid West is 30%; the percentage of people from other parts of the United States is 20%. Last but not least is statistical
information about the growth of the yoga industry. This includes, the amount of money spent annually
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My Own Personal Fitness Level Essay

  • 1. My Own Personal Fitness Level Essay The purpose of this research essay is to evaluate my own personal fitness level through a variety of exercises and compare my results to my peers in the class and to the Canadian norms. The controlled assessment of my fitness started with resting measures that included blood pressure and heart beat, then moved onto a body composition assessment that consisted of Body Mass Index (BMI), height, weight, and waist circumference. The assessment evaluation of my fitness was composed of cardiovascular endurance which was measured by a VO2 max, grip strength, push–ups, vertical jump and back extension. Flexibility and balance were assessed as well by using trunk flexion to measure flexibility and balance were measured by standing on one foot having first your eyes open, and then closed. Introduction/Review of Literature There are various factors involved in a person's physical fitness, all of which are showed in a basic fitness assessment. With this being said, there is more to successful fitness than just activity. Both physiologically and psychologically, a person must illustrate work ethic and passion over a period of time to be physically fit. The basic fitness assessment conducted upon me started off with an individual assessment and then moved onto a series of physical activity tests. The whole fitness assessment went in the following order: resting measures, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and balance. With all these Get more content on
  • 2. The Benefits Of Physical Fitness Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well–being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Being fit doesn't mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes... being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good body, but it will also clean your mind and make you more happy and relaxed. Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition and more content... You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat– mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food groups: starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta...), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other non–dairy sources of protein (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.). Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat. However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health. The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and improve the general status of a person's mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection Paper On Exercise For the past 3 weeks, I have been working on improving my physical fitness by exercising at least 4 days a week, for 1 hour each time. Incorporating exercise regimen in my daily life has always been something that I wanted to do since I begin my life as a student here at UNC. It's has never been easy. Since I was a kid, I never had that natural thin, skinny physique. Everyone who saw me always said that, I will never be skin, my body showed signs of growing into a woman with a thick figure. I knew that It will take time and dedication for me to keep myself at a stable weight in order to stay healthy, and prevent any health complications in the future. When I lived in Africa, we had no car, so we walked everywhere we needed to go, which kept me in shape. Once we moved to the United states, I played soccer in high school, and walked home from school. But even though I walk on campus here in college, because I don't have a car, I realized that the amount of walks that I walk, is not enough compared to the amount of time I spend seating down in class. Over the years, I have gained so much weight. I always talk about working out toward getting skinnier and healthier, so that I can feel less tired, and feel better about myself, but starting the workout regimen and getting to the gym is entirely another thing. Being in school all day, then going home, it's hard for me to get out of the house to go to the gym, instead, I will end up staying in, and working on school work instead. Get more content on
  • 4. Nutrition And Physical Fitness Nutrition and Physical Fitness as Essential Tools for a Healthy Lifestyle I remember spending hours at the gym without seeing results. My routines involved two hours cardio plus half an hour of conditioning combining abs, squats and leg rises. However, my non–smart intake behaviors would remain, and I would consume junk food nearly every day whilst questioning why I was not seeing the results I aimed for after spending two and a half hours at the gym every day. Yet the answer to this question seemed to be far away as I was faraway to follow the right pattern towardsphysical fitness. People most of the time endeavor towards a perfect shape without bearing in mind the fact of combining healthy intake habits for optimal results. For a person to have top outcomes and get benefited through a physically active life, it is vital to take into attention merging a healthy nutrition while considering the components and different factors that involve living a physically active life. Living a physically active life offers benefits people can take advantage of. One of them is reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. People who engage in a physically active life are less likely to develop diabetes since they just not only cut their weight, but they also preserve it, which in turn decreases the risks of developing these health conditions because there is no room for excess of glucose nor clogged arteries since they follow a proper Get more content on
  • 5. History Of Physical Fitness And Exercise The history of physical fitness and exercise. Physical exercise goes farther back than most people realize. People wouldn't have thought of it as working out, but rather as a way of life. Centuries ago they did not have the machines and weights we have today, but yet people of that day were in better shape than the people of today. Physical development followed a natural path that was determined by the practical needs of life as well as the need to avoid threats and take advantage of opportunities for survival. To survive in a harsh environment filled with obstacles and human enemies, early man had to know how to run, walk, balance, jump, crawl, climb, lift, carry, throw and catch, and fight. Early man did not develop strength through more content... The Romans believed in having a sound mind, in a sound body. Physical culture started to rise beyond the bare necessities to become a means of an "art de vivre." From the 5th century to the 15th century, the teachings of Christianity spread the belief that the primary concern of one's lifetime was preparing for the afterlife. The body was seen as sinful and not important. Education was significantly linked to the church, and focused on training the mind rather than training the body. During the Renaissance Era there was a greater interest in the body, anatomy, biology, health, and physical education. In 1553 Spaniard Cristobal Mendez wrote El Libro del Corporal y Sus Provechos, the first book to explain physical exercise and its benefits. In Mendez's book exercise, games, and sports are all analyzed and described from a medical standpoint, and informs on how to prevent and recover from injuries. In 1569 Mercurialis, and Italian physician, wrote De Arte Gymnastica. The book touched on the ancient Greeks' and Romans' approach on hygiene, diet, and exercise, and their methods on treatments for disease. The book included principles of physical therapy for the first time, and considered the first book on sports medicine, which influenced a wave of physical education and training methods that came to be in Europe two centuries later. In the early 19th century the rise of nationalism of many countries in Europe Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Fitness How would it feel to accomplish a marathon at the age of 101? Imagine climbing Mount Everest at 76 years old. Would it not feel incredible to be a world record winning yoga instructor at the age of 93? How would it feel to be able to extreme barefoot water ski at 92? Do any of those sound impossible? Faukja Singh, Min Bahadur Sherchan, Tao Porchon–Lynch, and George "Banana" Blair know the feeling of each of these respectively (Anderson 1). Through hard work, proper nutrition, and living an active lifestyle, these incredible world renowned athletes are achieving what many only dream to achieve in a lifetime. What should be taken away from these individuals is not the daunting nature of their feats, but that even at an advanced age, one can live an extremely physically fit and healthy lifestyle. What these athletes have in common is regular physical activity and the right nutrients to fuel their bodies. While the fast paced world continues to turn, it might be difficult to prioritize physical activity and proper nutrition over other everyday tasks. One may go to school for eight hours a day, arrive home and wish for nothing more than to finish their homework and lie on the couch to watch television with something sugary or salty to munch on. However, neglecting regular physical activity and proper nutrition can lead to serious health problems whereas understanding how to properly form a fitness program and the nutritional components to fuel an athlete leads to a multitude of Get more content on
  • 7. Nutrition and Fitness Essay Nutrition and fitness play two of the most important roles in human health, and it is not difficult to understand some of the consequences for ignoring their significance. Ignoring proper nutritional and fitness habits can lead to extreme health risks such as obesity; most of which will eventually cause serious health issues up to and including death. To decrease these serious health risks and promote favorable personal health, one should incorporate positive nutritional and fitness habits. The food that we put into our bodies is one of the most vital aspects of promoting good health because it acts as our personal fuel. If the food we consume contains mostly empty calories and few nutrients, our bodies' performance levels will more content... Obesity is associated with a vast number of health problems. It is often looked at as just a severe cosmetic problem. In actuality, in addition to being cosmetic, obesity is one of the leading causes of major health issues in the United States. According to medical news today, obesity is a key risk factor for several conditions and diseases including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, several types of cancers, gallbladder disease and gall stones, osteoarthritis, gout, and breathing problems including asthma and sleep apnea. These health factors have also been liked to premature deaths in obese people. Someone who is 40% obese is two times more likely to die prematurely than a normal–weight person (Cholesterol Management Health Center, 2011). Though obesity is a major concern in our American society, it is a manageable and even preventable disease. Through proper fitness and dietary habits one can overcome and completely avoid the wrath of obesity. The Human body was designed for movement; to serve as a vehicle to transport us from place to place. To fuel this vehicle, a balanced diet is critical. Ideally, our bodies need a suitable balance of carbohydrates. If enough carbohydrates are not present, fats and proteins can be broken down to provide energy to our bodies. In my personal diet I tend to incorporate a lot of foods that are high in carbohydrates. I tend to eat large amounts of pasta which Get more content on
  • 8. The Benefits of Physical Activity Essay Studies have shown that one who is physically active has higher chances of living longer. Del Sanden writes in his article on Exercise Statistics, "People who engage in physical for 7 hours per week have a 40 percent lower chance of dying early than people who are active for less than 30 minutes a week." This statement is one of the many statements in his article proving the importance of fitness; it has the ability to enhance quality of life. Regular exercise can lower the risk of many diseases, improve the function of the physical body, as well as psychological health. Fitness by definition is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. It does not necessarily mean gym workouts, it means being active. When one is active, more content... Another disease that is commonly found in the US, but can be prevented by physical activity is Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease when the body does not produce enough insulin making sugar levels very high. However, when muscles are in action they can take the sugar/glucose from the blood without the help of insulin. The amount of physical activity necessary for prevention is minimum and does not take up much time. "Research suggests that 2 1/2 hours per week of even leisurely physical activity–like brisk walking–is enough to significantly improve glucose tolerance." By going walking instead of sitting by a television screen, one can prevent a disease like diabetes which requires constant medication. Decisions like taking steps instead of elevator can make a huge difference to one's health. Besides for the aforementioned, being active strengthens the body, making it more reliable. Activity works the bones and muscles, making them able to handle more. Bones are living tissue. "Weight–bearing physical activity causes new bone tissue to form, and this makes bones stronger. This kind of physical activity also makes muscles stronger. Bones and muscles both become stronger when muscles push and tug against bones during physical activity." This build up enables the body to carry it's own weight, making standing on the feet an effortless activity. Stronger bones helps for better balance Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Physical Exercise Engaging in physical exercise has many advantages and it benefits, not only to the physical health but as well as the mental health. Exercising regularly helps to maintain a good health balance in the body, reducing stress and overcoming anxiety and depression in a person. It also activate the chemicals in a person's brain to develop a better mood. This argumentative essay will demonstrate about how exercising helps and improve not only a person's physical health but also mental health such as depression, anxiety and stress. "Exercise" is a well known word among people all over the world. In fact it is popular among teenagers and adults that are trying to stay fit and healthy. The use of the word "Exercise" is highly overrated because people tend to think that exercising keep them in shape and to lose weights. However, what they do not realised is that exercising also improve one's mental health including depression,anxiety and stress that most people are facing these days. Exercising promote better mood control. Research shows that exercise put long–term depression at ease (Weir, 2011). Based on the evidences of an experiment, studies shows that James Blumenthal, PhD, a clinical psychologist has investigated, together with his colleagues upon some adults with major depressive disorders (Weir, 2011). According to Weir (2011) Blumenthal conducted a mood –exercise connection experiments and found out that "Exercise seems not only important for treating depression, but also in preventing relapse". The release of chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin from exercising increases the mood (Health Direct Australia, 2016). In the year 2006, Otto and his colleagues analysed 11 studies examining the effects of exercise on mental health. It was determined that exercising could be a strong influence for clinical depression (Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2006, as cited in Weir, 2011). From this, it is concluded that clinicians should think carefully about adding exercise to the treatment plans for their depressed patients (Weir, 2011). Smits (Co–director) and Otto (Co–writer) of Anxiety and Research and Treatment Program have reasoned that regular exercise help people who are exposed to anxiety Get more content on
  • 10. importance of physical activity in youths Essay The Importance of Physical Activity in Adolescence Engaging in physical behavior during adolescence is very important to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and illness in the future. There are many other positive benefits that come through the form of exercise. Just as well, there are negative effects that can results from lack of exercise. Developing and instilling the importance of exercise through education is valuable to the youth of exercise. When determining physical activity, it more content... One should desire to be physically fit, or at least be engaged in exercise. The short and long term effects are very beneficial. Aside from these physical effects, physical activity has many psychological and mental effects. A more physically fit adolescent is going to promote feelings of confidence, happiness, and a decrease in stress. All of these lead to high levels of self–esteem and social skill development. Engaging children and young people in enjoyable and positive physical activity promotes a social structure needed for development. In times where the obesity rate in our country is sky rocketing, it is important to educate the youth of America on physical activity. Focusing effort on awareness and promotion of exercise is important to the minds of these children. The benefits from weekly exercise is tremendous. Both physical and mental health benefits results fro, such activity. Promoting a healthy lifestyle during adolescence leads to increased self–esteem and confidence which carries over into adulthood resulting in a happier more content life. The Importance of Physical Activity in Adolescence Engaging in physical behavior during adolescence is very important to the overall health of a child. Regular physical activity is essential to both the mental and physical health aspects. Positive exercise habits formed in childhood tend to carry over into adulthood, thus helping reduce death and illness in Get more content on
  • 11. Fitness And Physical Fitness Flat, glass like water, crisp air, the sun rising effortlessly in the distance with the consistent click and clack of the oars sliding in the oarlocks; the whirl of the wheels sliding up and down the seat track. Squeeze and fire of each muscle through the stroke, a faint burning of hard work becoming apparent in each section of the body as the morning draws on. Soon the sculler pulls into the dock, sweat glistening on their forehead, water dripping off the hull of the boat as they hoist it over their head. As the shell is washed and set on the racks, this athlete is ready to tackle the day. Throughout history, sports have held a constant roll in culture and personal development, providing exercise, excitement, and enjoyment. The benefits of physical activity continue to be as relevant today as in the past with growing awareness of physical fitness and mental health. This essay will explore sport in its contribution to a sound and stable mind, a healthy body and lifestyle, and a sustainable drive for success that will follow the athlete throughout life. A soft rose pink sky, birds chirping and the slapping of feet hitting the pavement. Huffing and puffing, the producer of the reverberating footsteps appears galloping up the street; soon the weight of an eventful day will be lifted. Stress plays a prevalent role in the lives of most people, as it can be crippling and have impactful consequences that affect areas of life which previously contained no stress. While there are Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Speech On Physical Fitness "He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything" Thomas Carlyle. Beat the Heat with Sandra Phillips and indulge yourself in some physical fitness to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul. Rejuvenate your life by keeping yourself fit and physically active. Today people from all walks of life have become aware and conscious about their health and know the importance of physical fitness. It doesn't matter how old you are, the sooner you take action, the better it is. Work out does not always means long strenuous activity. Today we have so many options to go with like yoga, aerobics or even hitting the gym. Yet if you want to add a little fun to your workout, you can also participate in various sports activities or dance a more content... Involve different activities and change the pattern regularly. Self monitoring will help you to reach your goals faster. Increase the time and exercises gradually to suit your requirement. Reward yourself when you achieve your goals, this will encourage you to achieve more. It is very important that one should have a long term vision. Going on crash diet or hitting the gym for a month and working out vigorously will not have any benefit. It will drain you out and also your body. It also has many adverse effects on your health. It is always better if youexercise with someone as it will always motivate you to do better and also gives you support to do it every day. Balancing your life is very important for a healthy body and mind. A good lifestyle involves a healthy diet which involves more of green vegetables and organic food; which means less of junk food. Eating the right food is very important. Too much oily food can cause cholesterol and heart problems. Having too much of sweets is also not healthy and in addition to adding those extra kilos it also leads to diabetes. Anything excess or deficient is always harmful; therefore everything should be taken in Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Importance of Physical Fitness The Importance of Physical Fitness Are you sick of gasping for air just after a quick trip up the stairs or feeling overly fatigued after a ten minute game of catch with your son? Maybe it is time you get busy and get in shape. What does it really mean to be physically fit? This is a question many of us ask ourselves when we set out to look better and feel better about ourselves. I personally don't know one person in this world that longs to be fat and out of shape. When you finally get off the couch, put the snacks back in the cupboard and decide it is time for you to get in shape, you usually head toward the gym first. Eating right and exercising are the two things that usually come to mind first in order to "get fit." There more content... Cardiorespiratory Endurance Cardiorespiratory Endurance is the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustained periods of time. Long runs and swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component. ("Fitness...") Cardiorespiratory Endurance is usually considered, by most fitness specialists, to be the most important component of physical fitness. It involves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and their ability to adapt to and recover from stress and physical activity. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance") For beginners, the best way to maintain or increase your cardiovascular fitness is to find a form of aerobic exercise that you enjoy. This can be swimming, running, walking, biking, or any other activities that will raise your heart rate to sufficient levels. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance") Every person has their own level of exercising needed to achieve their highest level of Cardiorespiratory Endurance. Well the easiest way to do this is to figure out your maximum heart rate and work out at a percentage of that rate. To find your maximum heart rate, just take your age and subtract it from 220. ("Cardiorespiratory Endurance") Now that you know your maximum heart rate you can determine your intensity, duration, and frequency levels. It is recommended to workout at 55% – 90% of your
  • 14. Get more content on
  • 15. Importance of Physical Fitness importance of physical fitness, To address the subject on the importance of physical fitness let's look at a summarized list of the immediate and long–term benefits of being fit. We can divide the list of benefits into several categories: cardio vascular benefits anti–ageing benefits wellbeing benefits aesthetic benefits sex life benefits If you would like to read a quick summary about the main components of physical fitness click on the link. However, before you continue reading about the importance of fitness you can also find out what the most commonly agreed upon and general–purpose definition of physical fitness is. Importance of Physical Fitness – Cardio Benefits fitness workouts, Physical more content... When you look better you also feel better! Importance of physical fitness is most definitely relevant here in this category! Importance of Physical Fitness – Sex Life Benefits Why did we include this here? Here is why. If we say that we live in a world where outside appearance does not matter – we would be a bit naГЇve and utopian in making such a statement. We are sure certain activists would disagree, but we also believe the many people would agree with the generalization stated above. Does this mean we all need to look like supermodels, –of course not. However, being physically active and doing some fitness training or bodybuilding
  • 16. training is something that will just add another item into your plus column. Sexually, it will help you perform better, especially if you are a guy. Visually, your partner will most definitely be more turned on by you if you have a nice flat stomach and if you're a guy – sexy abs! What woman wouldn't like to see a man that is fit and has nice arms or shoulders or a sexy stomach – we think they all do. Similarly, have you ever heard a man say, oh she is "too fit"? Of course not, is a bit of an Get more content on
  • 17. A Personal Reflection On Fitness And Fitness Prior to this course, fitness to me meant all about your weight. I now know that it is more to it than just that. Fitness includes exercising, healthy eating, and getting enough rest just to name a few. There are many ways to measure fitness, such as assessments, time periods of exercise, and the use of Body Mass Index (BMI). An important component that I have learned during the duration of this course is that to achieve the appropriate fitness level, it is necessary to mentally discipline yourself. You must motivate yourself to keep thriving; it takes perseverance. Many of us expect results overnight, but that is never the case. Consistent self motivation is a must to achieving fitness goals. At the beginning of this course, my fitness level was what considered to be low. I rarely exercised and when I did, it was only for short periods of time. Whenever I would go to the gym, I only did the bare minimum, so of course, I did not get any results. The only time I was really active was when I was walking around campus to go to my classes. Now, I am much more active. I acquired a gym membership and try to exercise at least 3 times a week. Along with the membership, my internship has kept me active as well. I am usually running back and forth between buildings and chasing little kids all day, things of which I never thought of doing before. I know have habits of going for 30 minutes jogs around the neighborhood and stretching every morning before I start my day. Prior to the Get more content on
  • 18. Speech On Physical Fitness Physical fitness plays an important role in one's life, with the growing needs of people, tension, anxiety and stress have become one of the most common problems in modern life. Many people suffer from potentially debilitating symptoms of stress and stress related health issues at some point in their lives and surprisingly people are often unaware that they are suffering from stress related health issues. Studies have shown that people who are stressed are more likely to eat unhealthy food and hence land in complications such as diabetes, obesity and other joint related problems such as arthritis. High levels of stress in pregnant women may also trigger dangerous changes in their children, which include behavioral and developmental issues. Effectively coping with stress, managing it and finding ways to reduce unnecessary, unhealthy levels of stress are important skills of life. When you look at a range of ideas you can do to relieve stress and feel happy, one that more content... There are different venues and strategies you can use to make walking an enjoyable and social part of your lifestyle. Introduce your body to fitness walking that is gradual in nature. How much walking you need to do depends on your age and fitness level, if you've been inactive for a while, have an existing medical condition or are pregnant, then talk to your doctor or Physical therapist before beginning any walking or exercise program. To begin walking, Start with slow 10–minute walks on a plane surface with proper shoes on, then gradually increase the distance of your walks. Professionals suggest increasing the length of your walk by 10– to 20% every few weeks and working up to a goal of 20– to 40–minute walks per day shows improvement in your fitness levels. Once you're comfortable with the length of your walk, then you can try increasing your speed and resistance by walking Get more content on
  • 19. Physical Fitness and Mental Wellbeing Essay Have you ever notice that every day the body goes through some type of Physical Fitness? Well it does, in fact it's a natural achievement without facing much of prostration. Mental wellbeing is a basic factor for living a good life, a complex angle of the overall state of health. To be accurate, self–esteem and life's pleasure are conductive state of mind that commit to having a mentally healthy approaching towards others. Research has shown that the level of our physical activity can have a direct and very influential impact on our state of mind and how the body goes through many physical changes. The qualification to deal with life events such as stress, change or sickness is also an explicit objective of the mental strength. Accepting more content... Exercise has been found to be a timely and feasible way of ration people deal with the trauma and uneasiness every day. The repercussion on suspense doesn't seem to be visible as it is in other areas. Embracing analysis in a certain area of mental health shows that exercise is a very healthy different to other means of negotiate with giving time of stress and anxiety. These can be the most common alternatives include the consumption of alcohol and, nicotine through smoking. It is also been said by being physically fit, a some bodies reaction to a hurtful situation is increased to a level that is capable of controlling. Being the most common form of mental challenge, melancholy transpires in various degrees of harshness – from being a mild disorder to being a clinically diagnosed illness. Inquiry into physical activity and its possession have shown that exercise can help people overcome this state of mind to as high resulting level. No negative effects could be determined by exposing suffers to a physical exercise routine. Although this appears that regular exercise that could be a low ratings as alternative to valuable psychotherapy, and could lead to no medication being required. It is also understood that those who are fortunate in maintaining a neutral exercise Get more content on
  • 20. Essay The Effects of Yoga in Fitness Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct perception no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth (Self–Realization Fellowship). Yoga also helps a person's physical well being. So what are the effects of yoga in fitness? Well, there are several ways that yoga affects people's physical fitness components; there are also several benefits, and also many ways to keep a person healthy and thriving. Yoga has many effects on physical fitness components. The first way that it affects people's physical fitness components is by fitness for effective living. Fitness for effective living has many key more content... The next thing is that when the muscles around the spine are reinforced (which is the core of everything), everything else falls into place. When a person's core is affective then a person's posture is better; and that leads to less back, shoulder, and neck pain. Then a person's digestive system gets back on track and that person feels a lot better about themselves (Dodson). Moreover, there many people who participate in yoga. The demographics of yoga include, the total number of Americans who participate in yoga is 15 million; the percent of females is 72.2%; the percentage of males is 27.8%; the percentage of people who earn 75,000 dollars annually 44%; the percentage of people who earn more than 100,000 dollars annually is 24%; the percentage of people of the ages of 18–34 is 40.6%; the percentage of people of the ages of 35–54 is 41%; the percentage of people over 55 is 18.4%; the percentage that are college graduates is 71.4%. Coupled with those statistics, yoga also has statistics by location. Those statistics are people who participate in yoga in the West Coast are 20%; people who participate in yoga from the North East is 30%; the people who participate in yoga from the Mid West is 30%; the percentage of people from other parts of the United States is 20%. Last but not least is statistical information about the growth of the yoga industry. This includes, the amount of money spent annually Get more content on