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 ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn vviissiitt iinn tthhee ttoowwnn 
ccrreeaattiinngg aa ssttoorryy 
qquueessttiioonnnnaaiirree aapppplliieedd oonn 6600 ppuuppiillss 
rreessuullttss ooff qquueessttiioonnnnaaiirree 
pprreesseennttiinngg aann iiddeeaall cciittyy ffrroomm ppuuppiillss’’ ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww 
bbuuiillddiinngg tthhee iiddeeaall cciittyy bbaasseedd oonn ppuuppiillss’’ 
Bunny’s Adventures in the Town
In the forest there iiss aa ggrreeaatt ppaarrttyy,, iitt’’ss BBuunnnnyy’’ss 
bbiirrtthhddaayy.. BBuunnnnyy iiss aa vveerryy nnaauugghhttyy rraabbbbiitt wwhhoo 
nneevveerr lliisstteennss ttoo hhiiss ppaarreennttss.. 
FFoorr hhiiss bbiirrtthhddaayy,, 
hhee ggoott aa vveerryy nniiccee pprreesseenntt 
ffrroomm hhiiss ppaarreennttss:: aa sskkaatteebbooaarrdd..
Attracted by 
adventure, Bunny 
decided to go to 
the town to see it 
Suddenly, a big noise 
appeared from a car. Bunny 
was very scared, and tried to 
hide behind a truck. But a 
cloud of smoke scared him 
more than the sound.
Suddenly, he saw many trees 
and run thinking that was the 
He was very surprised to see 
a lot of noisy kids playing. One 
boy caught him and a girl tried 
to play with him like he was a 
Bunny escaped from their 
hands, but he was very hungry. 
He wanted to eat some fresh 
grass, but surprise: the grass 
was full of waste paper, cans 
and plastic bottles.
Very dissapointed, he 
walked until he saw a river. 
As he was thirsty, he 
wanted to drink water, but it 
had an awful taste. 
Bunny realized that the 
town isn’t a very nice place 
and decided that he will 
never leave his forest. 
Helped by an owl, he 
managed to get to the 
forest and called all his 
friends to protect the forest 
against pollution. 
Now, you know what? 
The bunny was me, Ovidiu, a boy 
from the fourh grade, who observed 
all these things in my town. 
Do you care about your health? 
Then let’s build an ideal city, where 
pollution doesn’t exist!
11..WWhhiicchh ooff tthhee nneexxtt pprroobblleemmss ccaauusseedd bbyy ttrraaffffiicc ddoo yyoouu ccoonnssiiddeerr tthhaatt aaffffeeccttss 
aaiirr ppoolllluuttiioonn ccaauusseedd bbyy ccaarrss;; 
ccrroowwddeedd ccoonnddiittiioonnss iinn ppeeaakk hhoouurrss 
22..WWoouulldd yyoouu lliikkee ttoo uussee bbyycciiccllee iinnsstteeaadd ooff ccaarr aatt lleeaasstt oonnccee aa wweeeekk?? 
33..NNooiissee iiss tthhee mmaaiinn ccaauussee ooff ssttrreessss.. HHooww ddooeess tthhee nnooiissee pprroodduucceedd bbyy ccaarrss 
aaffffeecctt yyoouu?? 
44..WWoouulldd yyoouu mmiinndd iiff ssoommeebbooddyy tthhrroowwss ppaappeerr,, ppllaassttiicc bbaaggss oorr bboottttlleess oonn 
55..WWhhyy ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk ppeeooppllee ddoo tthhiiss??
6. Have you ever participated to actions ooff ccoolllleeccttiinngg ppaappeerr oorr ppllaassttiicc iinn oouurr 
77..WWhhiicchh aarree tthhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff sseelleeccttiivvee ccoolllleeccttiioonn ooff wwaassttee?? 
88..DDoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthheerree aarree ppllaacceess eennoouugghh ffoorr lleeiissuurree iinn AArraadd?? 
99..DDoo yyoouu ccoonnssiiddeerr AArraadd ccoouulldd bbeeccoommee aann iiddeeaall cciittyy ffrroomm aann eeccoollooggiiccaall ppooiinntt 
ooff vviieeww?? 
1100.. IIff nnoo,, wwhhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk ppeeooppllee aanndd aauutthhoorriittiieess ccaann ddoo??
question 7 
-protecting environment 
-preserving natural resources 
-a cleaner town 
question 10 
 to clean up the central part of the town and the border of river 
 stopping cutting trees in the town 
 urban development projects that include building of more green 
places in town 
 application of fines 
 selective collection of recyclable materials 
 stopping deforestation 
 implementing of programmes of ecological education for people 
The conclusion was that for living in ideal cities, people and 
authorities must work together in preventing all forms of 
environmental pollution, so as to protect and safeguard the ecological 
balance of nature on Earth.
--aa ttoowwnn ffuullll ooff bbeeaauuttiiffuull fflloowweerrss 
--aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt nnooiissee ccaauusseedd bbyy 
ccaarr oorr bbyy ppeeooppllee 
--aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt ggaasseess ffrroomm ccaarrss 
--aa ttoowwnn tthhaatt pprreesseerrvveess iittss ttrraaddiittiioonn 
--aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt ggaarrbbaaggee oonn ssttrreeeett 
--aa ttoowwnn tthhaatt uusseess nnaattuurraall rreessoouurrcceess 
--aaccttuuaallllyy aa ttoowwnn iinnhhaabbiitteedd bbyy 
ppeeooppllee aanndd vviissiitteedd bbyy mmiilllliioonn ooff 
MMeeaannss ooff ttrraannssppoorrtt 
horse-drawn carriages 
electric cars 
aaiirr vviieeww 
11--ssoollaarr ppaanneell 
22--wwiinndd mmiillllss 
33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk 
44--bbaassiinn wwiitthh tthheerrmmaall 
66--wwiinndd mmiillll ffiieelldd 
33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk 
77--rreeccrreeaattiioonn aarreeaa 
33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk
OOuurr iiddeeaall cciittyy 
-wwee uussee nnaattuurree ppoowweerr ffoorr eenneerrggyy 
--eeaacchh bblloocckk ooff ffllaattss hhaass ggoott ssoollaarr ppaanneellss ((11)) aanndd iittss oowwnn wwiinndd mmiillll ((22)) ttoo 
pprroodduuccee eenneerrggyy 
--tthheerree iiss aa wwiinndd mmiillll ffiieelldd ((66)) nneeaarr tthhee ttoowwnn ttoooo 
--tthheerree aarree bbiiccyyccllee ttrraacckkss ((33)) iinn tthhee ttoowwnn,, aanndd ccaarrss uussee eelleeccttrriicc bbaatttteerriieess ttoo 
rreedduuccee ppoolllluuttiioonn 
--tthheerrmmaall wwaatteerr ((44)) iiss uusseedd ffoorr hhoouusseehhoolldd ccoonnssuummppttiioonn 
--tthheerree aarree mmaannyy ggrreeeenn ppllaacceess aanndd rreeccrreeaattiioonn aarreeaass,, ssuucchh aass ppaarrkkss ((55)) oorr 
aarrttiiffiicciiaall llaakkee ((77)) 
--bblloocckkss ooff ffllaattss aarree ppaaiinntteedd iinn wwhhiittee ((sscciieennttiissttss ccoonnssiiddeerr tthhaatt wwhhiittee ccoolloouurr 
ccaann ttuurrnn bbaacckk iinn ssppaaccee ssuunnsshhiinnee rraayyss))
Citizens will be living in four sky-scrapers, situated in each corner of the huge square 
surface. Each building will be equipped with the highest and newest technology 
and a multifunctional satellite will allow the inhabitants to have access to 
information from the entire universe.
These satellites will partially function on 
solar energy which complements the 
energy coming from windmills in order 
to ensure a quality service. 
Furthermore, because we know from 
the Antiquity that: “a healthy mind in a 
healthy body”, all the following 
elements from the town of the future 
have one main purpose: the inhabitants’ 
wellbeing. The skyscrapers are 
separated by large green spaces.
On one side of the city they face an 
endless forest, which offers to the ones 
who are looking for: silence, peace, 
shadow, coolness and mysteries of old 
trees, exactly what they seek. Here 
everything is covered in green; here 
they can discover at the same time the 
secrets of the jungle and the charm of 
the trees.
On the other side, the 
skyscrapers are separated by 
a huge flat surface, full of the 
beautiful scent and colour of 
the flowers left on Earth by 
God. The forest on the one 
side, the flowers on the other, 
offers diversity and the 
possibility for one to choose 
where he/she wishes to live.
The sports field lies on a huge 
surface (on the other side of the giant 
building), which is allocated to a large 
diversity of sporting activities, thus 
the city can host any kind of high 
level competition. It is surrounded by 
very tall trees which not only provide 
the proper amount of oxygen, but 
they also help soundproof the field. 
This way the inhabitants will not be 
In the madness of a life 
scheduled minute by 
minute, the project’s 
submitters have found the 
key to correlate the new 
expectations of nowadays 
modern man and nature. 
Each skyscraper 
possesses on one side a 
large lake which can offer 
not only a proper place for 
sports, but also the water-source 
for the lovely water 
And on another side one can 
find a large space for 
children to play and also 
spaces where old people and 
teenagers alike can go for a 
walk or rest.
The city center is an impressive glass building. It is actually a giant glass 
drop. The drop shelters culture: libraries, museums, schools, theaters, 
creative workshops, and so on. This is the drop in which come together all 
things that reflect past or present life. An observation system of the entire 
city lies on top of this glass building. The device monitors the behavior of 
every living being no matter how small, which comes or goes out of the 
Rendering a human settlement that we have conceived, we wish you 
WELCOME in the city of the future, a place where relaxation, quiet, comfort 
and services placed at the disposal of the inhabitants, and the visitors will 
ensure a dream life.

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My Ideal City

  • 1. SSTTAAGGEESS OOFF WWOORRKK  ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn vviissiitt iinn tthhee ttoowwnn ccrreeaattiinngg aa ssttoorryy qquueessttiioonnnnaaiirree aapppplliieedd oonn 6600 ppuuppiillss rreessuullttss ooff qquueessttiioonnnnaaiirree pprreesseennttiinngg aann iiddeeaall cciittyy ffrroomm ppuuppiillss’’ ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww bbuuiillddiinngg tthhee iiddeeaall cciittyy bbaasseedd oonn ppuuppiillss’’ ssuuggggeessttiioonnss
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. In the forest there iiss aa ggrreeaatt ppaarrttyy,, iitt’’ss BBuunnnnyy’’ss bbiirrtthhddaayy.. BBuunnnnyy iiss aa vveerryy nnaauugghhttyy rraabbbbiitt wwhhoo nneevveerr lliisstteennss ttoo hhiiss ppaarreennttss.. FFoorr hhiiss bbiirrtthhddaayy,, hhee ggoott aa vveerryy nniiccee pprreesseenntt ffrroomm hhiiss ppaarreennttss:: aa sskkaatteebbooaarrdd..
  • 6. Attracted by adventure, Bunny decided to go to the town to see it closer. Suddenly, a big noise appeared from a car. Bunny was very scared, and tried to hide behind a truck. But a cloud of smoke scared him more than the sound.
  • 7. Suddenly, he saw many trees and run thinking that was the forest. He was very surprised to see a lot of noisy kids playing. One boy caught him and a girl tried to play with him like he was a toy. Bunny escaped from their hands, but he was very hungry. He wanted to eat some fresh grass, but surprise: the grass was full of waste paper, cans and plastic bottles.
  • 8. Very dissapointed, he walked until he saw a river. As he was thirsty, he wanted to drink water, but it had an awful taste. Bunny realized that the town isn’t a very nice place and decided that he will never leave his forest. Helped by an owl, he managed to get to the forest and called all his friends to protect the forest against pollution. Now, you know what? The bunny was me, Ovidiu, a boy from the fourh grade, who observed all these things in my town. Do you care about your health? Then let’s build an ideal city, where pollution doesn’t exist!
  • 9. QQUUEESSTTIIOONNNNAAIIRREE --AARRAADD NNEEEEDDSS YYOOUU,, DDOO YYOOUU CCAARREE??-- 11..WWhhiicchh ooff tthhee nneexxtt pprroobblleemmss ccaauusseedd bbyy ttrraaffffiicc ddoo yyoouu ccoonnssiiddeerr tthhaatt aaffffeeccttss yyoouu:: aaiirr ppoolllluuttiioonn ccaauusseedd bbyy ccaarrss;; nnooiissee;; aacccciiddeennttss;; ccrroowwddeedd ccoonnddiittiioonnss iinn ppeeaakk hhoouurrss 22..WWoouulldd yyoouu lliikkee ttoo uussee bbyycciiccllee iinnsstteeaadd ooff ccaarr aatt lleeaasstt oonnccee aa wweeeekk?? yyeess;; nnoo 33..NNooiissee iiss tthhee mmaaiinn ccaauussee ooff ssttrreessss.. HHooww ddooeess tthhee nnooiissee pprroodduucceedd bbyy ccaarrss aaffffeecctt yyoouu?? 44..WWoouulldd yyoouu mmiinndd iiff ssoommeebbooddyy tthhrroowwss ppaappeerr,, ppllaassttiicc bbaaggss oorr bboottttlleess oonn ssttrreeeett?? 55..WWhhyy ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk ppeeooppllee ddoo tthhiiss??
  • 10. 6. Have you ever participated to actions ooff ccoolllleeccttiinngg ppaappeerr oorr ppllaassttiicc iinn oouurr sscchhooooll?? yyeess;; nnoo 77..WWhhiicchh aarree tthhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff sseelleeccttiivvee ccoolllleeccttiioonn ooff wwaassttee?? 88..DDoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthheerree aarree ppllaacceess eennoouugghh ffoorr lleeiissuurree iinn AArraadd?? 99..DDoo yyoouu ccoonnssiiddeerr AArraadd ccoouulldd bbeeccoommee aann iiddeeaall cciittyy ffrroomm aann eeccoollooggiiccaall ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww?? yyeess;; nnoo 1100.. IIff nnoo,, wwhhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk ppeeooppllee aanndd aauutthhoorriittiieess ccaann ddoo??
  • 11.
  • 12. question 7 -protecting environment -recycling -preserving natural resources -economy -a cleaner town -others
  • 13. question 10  to clean up the central part of the town and the border of river Mures  stopping cutting trees in the town  urban development projects that include building of more green places in town  application of fines  selective collection of recyclable materials  stopping deforestation  implementing of programmes of ecological education for people The conclusion was that for living in ideal cities, people and authorities must work together in preventing all forms of environmental pollution, so as to protect and safeguard the ecological balance of nature on Earth.
  • 14. --aa ttoowwnn ffuullll ooff bbeeaauuttiiffuull fflloowweerrss --aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt nnooiissee ccaauusseedd bbyy ccaarr oorr bbyy ppeeooppllee --aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt ggaasseess ffrroomm ccaarrss --aa ttoowwnn tthhaatt pprreesseerrvveess iittss ttrraaddiittiioonn --aa ttoowwnn wwiitthhoouutt ggaarrbbaaggee oonn ssttrreeeett --aa ttoowwnn tthhaatt uusseess nnaattuurraall rreessoouurrcceess --aaccttuuaallllyy aa ttoowwnn iinnhhaabbiitteedd bbyy ppeeooppllee aanndd vviissiitteedd bbyy mmiilllliioonn ooff ttoouurriissttss
  • 15.
  • 16. MMeeaannss ooff ttrraannssppoorrtt horse-drawn carriages ttrraaiinnss electric cars bbiiccyycclleess
  • 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  • 18. aaiirr vviieeww 11--ssoollaarr ppaanneell 22--wwiinndd mmiillllss 33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk 44--bbaassiinn wwiitthh tthheerrmmaall wwaatthheerr 55--ppaarrkk 66--wwiinndd mmiillll ffiieelldd 33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk 77--rreeccrreeaattiioonn aarreeaa 33--bbiiccyyccllee//jjooggggiinngg ttrraacckk
  • 19. OOuurr iiddeeaall cciittyy -wwee uussee nnaattuurree ppoowweerr ffoorr eenneerrggyy --eeaacchh bblloocckk ooff ffllaattss hhaass ggoott ssoollaarr ppaanneellss ((11)) aanndd iittss oowwnn wwiinndd mmiillll ((22)) ttoo pprroodduuccee eenneerrggyy --tthheerree iiss aa wwiinndd mmiillll ffiieelldd ((66)) nneeaarr tthhee ttoowwnn ttoooo --tthheerree aarree bbiiccyyccllee ttrraacckkss ((33)) iinn tthhee ttoowwnn,, aanndd ccaarrss uussee eelleeccttrriicc bbaatttteerriieess ttoo rreedduuccee ppoolllluuttiioonn --tthheerrmmaall wwaatteerr ((44)) iiss uusseedd ffoorr hhoouusseehhoolldd ccoonnssuummppttiioonn --tthheerree aarree mmaannyy ggrreeeenn ppllaacceess aanndd rreeccrreeaattiioonn aarreeaass,, ssuucchh aass ppaarrkkss ((55)) oorr aarrttiiffiicciiaall llaakkee ((77)) --bblloocckkss ooff ffllaattss aarree ppaaiinntteedd iinn wwhhiittee ((sscciieennttiissttss ccoonnssiiddeerr tthhaatt wwhhiittee ccoolloouurr ccaann ttuurrnn bbaacckk iinn ssppaaccee ssuunnsshhiinnee rraayyss))
  • 20.
  • 21. Citizens will be living in four sky-scrapers, situated in each corner of the huge square surface. Each building will be equipped with the highest and newest technology and a multifunctional satellite will allow the inhabitants to have access to information from the entire universe.
  • 22. These satellites will partially function on solar energy which complements the energy coming from windmills in order to ensure a quality service. Furthermore, because we know from the Antiquity that: “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, all the following elements from the town of the future have one main purpose: the inhabitants’ wellbeing. The skyscrapers are separated by large green spaces.
  • 23. On one side of the city they face an endless forest, which offers to the ones who are looking for: silence, peace, shadow, coolness and mysteries of old trees, exactly what they seek. Here everything is covered in green; here they can discover at the same time the secrets of the jungle and the charm of the trees.
  • 24. On the other side, the skyscrapers are separated by a huge flat surface, full of the beautiful scent and colour of the flowers left on Earth by God. The forest on the one side, the flowers on the other, offers diversity and the possibility for one to choose where he/she wishes to live.
  • 25. The sports field lies on a huge surface (on the other side of the giant building), which is allocated to a large diversity of sporting activities, thus the city can host any kind of high level competition. It is surrounded by very tall trees which not only provide the proper amount of oxygen, but they also help soundproof the field. This way the inhabitants will not be disturbed.
  • 26. In the madness of a life scheduled minute by minute, the project’s submitters have found the key to correlate the new expectations of nowadays modern man and nature. Each skyscraper possesses on one side a large lake which can offer not only a proper place for sports, but also the water-source for the lovely water fountains.
  • 27. And on another side one can find a large space for children to play and also spaces where old people and teenagers alike can go for a walk or rest.
  • 28. The city center is an impressive glass building. It is actually a giant glass drop. The drop shelters culture: libraries, museums, schools, theaters, creative workshops, and so on. This is the drop in which come together all things that reflect past or present life. An observation system of the entire city lies on top of this glass building. The device monitors the behavior of every living being no matter how small, which comes or goes out of the city.
  • 29. Rendering a human settlement that we have conceived, we wish you WELCOME in the city of the future, a place where relaxation, quiet, comfort and services placed at the disposal of the inhabitants, and the visitors will ensure a dream life.