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My Grandmother As A Mother Essay
When my grandmother became a mother it was out of the question for her to keep working because my grandfather told her that she was the head of
the household, in other words she needed to do the cooking the cleaning the laundry and take care of the kids. My grandfather stated that she needed
to give up her job because his societal role was to provide for his family and hers' was to be a mother. So my grandmother chose to give up her job
because she felt that her children needed her to be available at all times of the day and that it was okay to give up her career which she had
worked so hard to get. After all her only real job was to be a mommy. As a result my grandmother felt that if she did not give up her job and attend
her children's every need that she would somehow be a bad mother. She felt as if her job and her wish to keep working was nowhere near as
important as her children. Society has placed these roles on us where we are all forces to be actors in a very real world and life. It is society's
definition that is confining these genders and leaves them close minded to being different which in turn leaves both genders unhappy.
Society expects men to be both physically and emotionally strong. Today's men should be like the early days of men, the caveman, they should be
big, strong, and dumb. In the eyes of society their sole purpose should be to provide food for their family. Also in society's definition men should never
in any circumstance ever ask for help. Asking
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My Grandmother 's Home And Family Life
My grandmother's home and family life is one that she is very proud of as she was raised in a loving home and continued that nurturing motherhood
role as she had a family of her own. Violet met her husband Harold through friends in their surrounding area, and dated only him until the time they
got married. Without social media and the easy access to vehicles and transportation, majority of the people who married in her generation already
met their spouses at a young age due to proximity and school grades sharing the same classroom. She married Harold Mann at the age of sixteen in
the town Cana and together they began their life together. They had six children, three boys and three girls all of whom worked on the family farm and
helped doing the household chores. The job tasks in my grandmother's home were very similar to the one's she experienced growing up as a child; the
girls did the inside chores with my grandmother while the boys helped out with the farming and machining responsibilities with my grandfather.
Although the work tasks were different for the boys and girls, the expectations remained the same for all; they were to complete their chores with no
complaining and appreciate everything their parents provided for them. All of her children attended elementary and high school, with two of her six
children accomplishing graduation. The rest of her children attended to the needs of the farm and carried out those responsibilities as opposed to
finishing school.
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My Grandmother Essay
Grandparents are an essential part of a family. My grandmother was a very important part of my life from the beginning. I could always count on her
to listen to me from her heart, share her wisdom and lend a shoulder to cry on. She taught me many important lessons throughout our lives together. My
grandmother meant the world to me. She was the most beautiful lady in the world. She was short and her heart was the biggest size. My grandmother
was like a parent to me and she loved me in the same unconditional way as my mother did. Whenever I needed something I knew I could count on her.
She was like my friend, my mom, my everything. Imagine waking up to what should be a normal day in my life only to find out my grandmother had
been rushed more content...
I asked my mom what was going on with grandma and she told me that they were waiting for the doctors to come in and tell them what was going
on. While waiting for my mom to call me back, I didn't know what to do. I had plenty of positive and negative thoughts running through my head. I
tried holding the tears back and tried having faith that it was nothing major. I was praying and asking God to please let my grandmother be okay.
My mind was all over the place. My mother finally called me back and told me that the doctors did some tests on her and found out she had a stroke,
so the ambulance took her to Mobile. It felt like my heart shattered after hearing that. I started crying and wondering what will happen next. I had
thoughts in my head about what will I do if I lose my grandmother. My life will be upside down because she was the one with me through thick and
thin. When the ambulance took my grandmother to Mobile Infirmary and did some more tests the doctors found out one side of her brain was swollen.
My family and I took a trip to Mobile Infirmary. We had cars full headed to Mobile. The drivers had their emergency lights on and each driver was
following each other one behind the other. It did not take us long to get to Mobile because each driver was speeding since it was an emergency. I
was in the back seat of the car just holding on because they were driving wild by passing every vehicle on the highway. When we arrived in Mobile we
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Hello, everyone can I have your attention please, thank you for coming for my great grandmother and grandfather's memorial. They would off
been so happy seeing all of their children, grandchildren, all of the family from both sides. So, this feels like a gloomy room. If they would have
seen the color of this room they would have hated it. They would've run to the walls and covered it up with some fresh paint. There's a time in our
lives that we come back to ourselves and get serious about the events happening around us. So this memorial is one for us to take in consideration
of what we are doing because all of our pasts have something in common, like for example, we were all born in Mexico and we all loved spending
time with our people, our "rasa". They wouldn't want us to be sad for them they would've wanted us to be happy and cheerful that they are no
longer around to scold or yell at us for doing something. Over the years growing up in Mexico with this two wonderful people has been amazing,
we would do so much and yet, learn things I use almost daily. Like my tuition, and "think before you act". I'm not saying they were perfect but they
were as perfect as I would have loved to be. They still got me in trouble when I did something I shouldn't have done like tipping cows for example.
But at the end of the day I still enjoyed because of them I miss seeing them, giving them hugs and have another lesson from my "tata". I know it's hard
to see them go but they are not going
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My Grandma
When I think of something or someone that I hold near and dear to my heart, I think of the one person that I go to for everything. My grandma is
that person; she is my person. Her heart is why I adore her. My grandma would give anything to anyone, she supports me in everything I do, her
kindness radiates throughout her, and she is the most dependable person I have in my life. I hold my grandma on a pedestal because she has
always held me on hers. To start with, I have witnessed my grandma give almost everything she had to those who needed help countless amounts of
times, and I have only been with her for a small fraction of her life. Seeing her put herself through physical and emotional pain to help someone who
needed it gave me a new perspective about who she was deep down inside and what she meant to me. Noticing the effort she put in to making
everyone else around her happy shaped the way I saw her, and the rest of the world for that matter. Growing up, I watched her carry out her ambitions
to aide those in certain predicaments that she thought she could resolve, and in return, I got to see and hear stories about lives turning around for the
better. My grandma touches the hearts of myself and others by her overwhelming devotion of making sure the individuals she comes in contact with
are happy and comfortable. She is not afraid to be hands on about a situation that involves getting a family member through a rough time. Moreover,
for a petite lady like herself, my
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My Grandmother
I remember the day my grandmas passed away. Eleven years ago, I was seating with my grandma in the stair case of our house. She was telling me
a poem called "el trencito de madera" which was my favorite story. If you had seen me You would know I would never leave her side. But
everything went dark for me the moment I knew she was gone it was the hardest day but she will always have a place in my heart. It all began on a
Tuesday morning. My grandma was known by many people in our neighborhood everybody used to think of her as a mom so we would go out
with chairs and just sit in the front of the house just watching everyone pass by and wave. My grandma was one of the people who had to take
medicine because she was sick and even some time we would have to take her to the hospital and stay overnight because of her illness. But that
day she felt worse than any other time she had to take medication, but she didn't tell no one because she hated the hospitals. We went back inside
when my mom came home really happy to see both of us. When my grandma has taken her pill, she started feeling dizzy and fainted but my dad
caught her just on time and took her to her bed to get some rest. She always denied getting some rest but for once in her life she had agreed to rest.
We all started to get worried because she had slept for four hours so my mom each hour that passed would go check if she was breathing since she
took so many medications. But my mom was really scared so they called my
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My Grand Grandmother
My grandma is the oldest out of the five children my great grandparents had. She married Bill Gilstrap and they had two children; my uncle and then
my mother. My grandparents were married seven years before they decided to get a divorce. After their divorce, my grandma was set on raising her
two children.
In her journey of being a single mother, she found a man named David Ratts. The two of them hit it off and eventually got married. My grandma
moved in with him and his daughter. My grandma quickly adopted a third child and her and Jackie( her step–daughter) became very close. This blended
family was picture perfect for many years.
Tragedy struck my grandma's family when my aunt was shot and killed in a murder–suicide. Jackie, being 8 months pregnant and engaged was shot
and killed by her fiance who then shot himself. After this awful event, the family never acted the same way again. David was not the same person my
grandma had married in the beginning. The depression took over his life and eventually led him to drink and then eventually abusing my grandma.
The abuse lasted for years, but my grandma took it because even when she was fighting through the blows to her body, all she could think about was
the David she had married. Eventually, the hits took their toll and she had to get out of that life. When she left, he threatened that he would spend the
rest of his life trying to find her. She believed his threats were empty as empty as his life was becoming.
My grandma
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My Grandmother Was The Matriarch Of My Family
My great–grandmother was the matriarch of my family. When I was in seventh grade, around thirteen years old, she passed away due to breast cancer.
This misfortune created an extremely difficult time for me because, not only was I adjusting to the environment of junior high, but many other issues
were occurring in my life; this was the third death that I was having to deal with. Unfortunately, one of the previous deaths (that I was still trying to
hurdle through and come to terms with), had occurred almost exactly a year before the passing of my great–grandmother. The second death that I had
gone through occurred only one or two months before my great–grandma has passed. All of this turmoil created numerous internal conflicts for me, but
also taught me a key lesson to keep note of, for the rest of my life. My great–grandma was the life of the party and the flames in the fireplace. No
matter what she did, she made it very clear that she was not the least bit "bland"; she always stood out from the crowd. She was extremely vivacious
and always created a raucous; her voice could be heard from down the block. She painted her house walls mint green, had bright red–orange hair,
danced as though no one was watching, and cared for any–and–everyone (no matter what her feelings toward the person were.) If an event was being
held, it was already known that it was happening at her house. All parties and gatherings were held at her house. Her house is also where all the food
could be
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My Grandmother Essay
To begin, Henry Ward Beecher claims, " we never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves." For example, my grandma Darlene
represents good parenting. To add on, she had two kids of her own: my father, and aunt. Darlene loves the packers which followed the rest of the
family cheering for the green and yellow. My grandma is an incredibly important person in my life with plenty wise words to share. Especially about
being a parent.
My grandma enjoyed watching her children grow into mature, caring adults who now have kids of there own and are following in her footsteps. She
found out the most difficult thing about being a parent was letting her children make mistakes and hoping they would learn from them.Family more content...
There is always something new for them to get into too. Another point, babies can be challenging especially if they are your first. Not only babies but
toddlers too, when they are getting into everything, learning how to walk, and speaking their first words. Moreover, any age that can enter school is
challenging because parents must try to give their children the best education they can, also social problems could mix into the challenge. Therefore,
my grandma believes every age group there is a challenge.
In addition, having children can and most likely will make a change in your life. For my grandma, however, she knew to be careful with her finances
as money was scarce. My grandma wanted her children both of them to be college educated and to find happiness in their careers. While church
attendance was mandatory. To add on, my grandma's wishes for her children came true. For more information, by the time my grandma had her
children she was in a relationship, which, having babies did change a lot because later on, they divorced. For the time being, they were together they
found that all of their conversations were centered around the children.
In my opinion, I personally absorbed the understanding of to be a parent you must remember this a lifetime job that you can't just give up on. Also, to
be a parent you will have to give up things you love, and been wanting, to give it all to your newborn. Additionally,
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What Is My Grandmother Essay
My grandmother name is Carmella also known as Jamilla. But lots of people and call her Ummi. Ummi mean mother in arabic, and she is like a
second mom to many as well as myself. My Grandmother is one of the most influential people in my life. My grandmother has been through so much
in her life; as a child her mother suffered from mental problems and both parents had problem with substance addiction. Despite that her parents
tried their hardest to stay in their children's lives. My grandmother was 1 of 5 children. When their parent could no longer care for them they were
living with their grandmother and living in foster home. So her living in this situation made her grow up fast. My grandmother's life made her tough
and a hard worker. At a young age she found Islam and it change her life. She began to find light in a dark tunnel. My grandmother was stuck before
and when she became a Muslim she found faith and answer to all her questions. At 16 she got married she had two kids one being my mother that
marriage shortly ended and, she soon met and married my grandfather and had 3 more kids more content...
My parents got married right out of high school and had me three years later. My parents depend on their elders to help raise me. To help makes
sure they are doing it right. They Leaned on my people for a lot for advice and help.. Because of this my parent alway went to my grandmother
with problems, questions or even a break. My grandmother taught me a lot of different moral things she helped shaped my beliefs. My grandmother
taught my how to respect your elder, how to be a young lady and a plethora or more. As a child even today I spend so much time with my
grandmother she is like my second mother, i can share anything with her and feel safe to do so. My grandmother is my role model because unlike
many people her age she does automatically jump to conclusions she listens and understands
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My Grandmother : My Grandmother
Many of us take people in our lives for granted and don't realize how important these people were until we've lost them. We often forget to
appreciate and cherish the time we have with them and fail to recognize the impact they have on our life before it's too late. People should treasure
the time they have with their loved ones. Someone who I try to appreciate and cherish the time with is my grandmother, who I refer to as Nina.
My grandmother was a huge part of my childhood; I loved her dearly. While my mom was busy with college, she was the one with whom I spent
most of my days. I remember disrupting the calm atmosphere of my grandmother's house with my frantic questioning about food to fill the void in
my stomach. By the time I was awake, frozen waffles were placed into the burgundy toaster, in the burgundy kitchen, in the burgundy house filled
with apple decorations. Afterwards, I'd go alongside her out the door so she could water her plants while the grass watered my feet with dew.
Later on, I'd listen to her sing songs no one else knew but her: "Chicken heart, chicken gizzards, my true love is as slick as a lizard." She claimed it
was an actual song lyric from an old country song, but I have my suspicions because I have yet to find out what song it came from. Navarro 1 When
I was five, my mother decided we should move twelve hours and nine minutes away to Texas. On the day I left, I desperately hung on to what I loved
most; my Nina. I literally had her trapped in a
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Biography Of My Grandmother
My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is
very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't
until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she
has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew
up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is
about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including
dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she
would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they
wanted to go or not.
Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and
marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also
loved to go ice skating. My
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Childhood Memories of my Grandparents' Home Essay
When I think back to the days when I was a child, I think about all of my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish to go back, back to that point in
life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I cannot return. Yet there is still one place I can count on to take
me back to that state of mind, my grandparent's house and the land I love so much.
Their house was old. My grandparents lived in it most of their adult lives. It was white with black trimming, but most of the paint was chipped away.
On the back porch was firewood all year long. No matter if it was winter; spring, summer, or fall the wood was always there. Red, yellow, purple
flowers grew alongside the house all spring and more content...
My grandparents owned 80 acres, and I would roam each and every inch. Running through the soaring weeds, and jumping over any log that would get
in my path just to end up falling to the ground out of complete exhaustion.
There is something to be said about lying on one's back in an open field hour upon hour staring up at a huge blue sky. With no one around and not
another house for miles, it is a great place to be alone, to listen. In that field, I could pick up all the wonderful sounds of nature commonly
misplaced by all the buzz of the city. The wind spoke as it blew across the land, whistling through the tall weeds and the colossal of trees. Crickets
rub their wings composing a song for everyone to hear. I soaked in all the beauty of the surrounding landscape. There was towering groves of trees,
creek beds lined with wildflowers producing delightful fragrances, and sunsets that would take your breath away. Still I walked cautiously, for all
of lands beauty; trouble could still take form, whether it was running into a slithering snake or stumbling across a prickly thistle. The pond was one
of my favorite places, for it was where I learned how to fish and skip rocks across the water. I would sit alongside the banks and listed to the familiar
sound of the bullfrogs bellowing their presents. I think if the pond could tell a story it would be of the one that
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My Grandmother Essay
My grandma has alzheimer's so, she can't remember anything that happened earlier that day or 5 minutes ago. I know that I can't get mad at her
when she doesn't remember things I just told her. I know that she will remember things about music or some things when she was a child. So, I
know some things she won't remember what I did sometimes. "Eileen, what did you do today?" my grandma asked again. My mom and I were
visiting my grandma. We were in her bedroom putting away her clothing and cleaning up because she can't. Her room is very homey, because we
put paintings and pictures up for her to make it look better, because if we didn't it would be really boring. "Well, I finished school a couple of
minutes," I replied. I more content...
"Jeez you know how to make guilt trip work." "FINE I'll do it." snapped, I don't know why I said fine,I don't know my mom would make me do it
anyway. I walked in, I looked around the room it was a big room for just me, it was a gray and with windows. Everyone there were either smiling or
just sitting there with a blank face, somewhere in wheelchairs and some had walkers.I smiled, then sat down to get my music ready. "HI, I'm
Eileen and I'm Pat's granddaughter, I'm in 6th grade and I'm 11 years old."I stated.I will be playing a couple songs for you, on the cello." I looked
at the music then my cello then the crowd, I played the first note it fine. I then could only look at the music because if I looked at the crowed I
would freeze up, then mess up. Later , when I was playing my last song. I looked at my grandma and she was sitting there looking at me and her
foot was tapping to the music. It made me happy I played for her. I finished and said thank you and went to go pack up all my things and then we
went to go say goodbye. We went back to where my grandma lives, it looks like a really house, there's a kitchen, a tv room and then there bedrooms
everyone has a roommate. So, it like college.Everyone was telling me, oh you did such a great job and I kept saying thank you. "You did a great job
Eileen," my grandma said with a smile on her face. "Thank you, I had a really fun time playing for
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Caring For My Great-Grandmother Essay
Life experiences, rewarding or difficult, are the factors that influence us. My great grandmother has always been one of my key role models. I have
always admired her independence, strong will, and caring nature towards all. For many years, she proudly lived by herself and independently took
care of herself. At seventeen years old, she became very ill. When she became exceedingly sick, my family realized that someone needed to
incessantly be with her, so my family and I moved into my great grandmother's home to bestow quality care and make her comfortable. Living at my
great grandmother's home for the last six months of her life was the most emotionally and physically difficult experience I have ever had to endure or
deal with, but it more content...
I despised that she had lost her ability to be autonomous, one of the fundamental characteristics that made her who she was, but I had to learn how to
deal with it.
Though I was affected emotionally and physically, I learned an important lesson that I used to deal with the anxiety of providing care for my great
grandmother and plan to use throughout my nursing career: Use your emotions to empower you to perform the physical tasks that need to be
performed in order for the patient to sustain a state of comfort. Though it would be psychologically demanding to take care of someone who you
are slightly emotionally attached to, it would be more emotionally complex to take care of someone who you have been emotionally attached to
since the beginning of your existence. Since I was very emotionally attached to my great grandmother, it made the situation more problematic for
me, yet it also made me a better person. When my family recognized that we were medically needed to facilitate my great grandmother, I was
frightened at first because I knew I would be one of the primary caregivers living with her. At first, I was alarmed over the thought of taking care of
someone I significantly loved and admired because I would be watching them suffer constantly, yet I did not let this hinder me. I learned to use my
feelings for her to enable and strengthen me mentally to implement the somatic and mental tasks that are required in
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Grandmother's House Essay
Grandmother's House
My grandmother's house has a very special place in my heart. As the family has gotten older and we have all had our own children we do not visit as
we should. I visited with my grandmother many times when I was little. Her house always seemed to have something about it that set it apart from all
the rest. As you walk into the back door of her house you would notice a long, narrow kitchen that led into the main living and dining room of her
house. The smell of food home cooked food was quite evident. Grandmother cooked every day and always cooked big meals on holidays for the family.
My grandmothers house was always full of laughter and many cheers. Our family used to call it our home away from home, it's like more
She is a highly giving person to everyone around her and she never asks for anything in return. She always has an ear to ear smile that would
brighten up any day. Some of the many memories I carry with me every day of my grandmother are the holidays when we used to get together. I
remember Thanksgiving and Easter most of all. On Thanksgiving the entire family would come together for dinner and then we would all stay at
her house for the night. I remember this so well because we would wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast and all the ladies would be
gone shopping to the "After Thanksgiving Sale". My grandmother has a very softhearted voice that I still hear telling me goodnight when we were
little. She would wait with us until we fell deep asleep. And even as we got older she would gather us around the kitchen table and let us watch the old
fashioned ice cream maker churn the best vanilla ice cream and then she would load it up with chocolate chips, and our parents would always say,
"That's too many.", and grandmother just let us keep piling them on. My grandmother is the kind, gentle, loving, caring grandmother that I wish my
children could experience today. As the family grew older, every one separated and as my cousins and I got older and had our own children the
holidays at grandmothers house have faded away. No one even goes to grandmothers house for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and there are no more
Easter Sunday egg
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Descriptive Essay About My Grandma
Some adults experience new responsibilities and challenges in life when they encounter a loss; I encountered this as a child. The year was 2014
and it was the hardest year of my life. It was a beautiful, sunny day on August 3; however this day was a tragic one that I will never forget. Some
think of their grandma as just a relative; mine was my other half, my best friend, my hero, and I could never be the same without her. This depressing
event affected me greatly, and now it is difficult for me to live my life without her. My new responsibilities were devastating and challenging, but if it
meant helping my grandma, I would have done anything. Those times were lovely with her, but now I must take on the responsibilities of my mother, more content...
I will always treasure those valuable times that I spent with her, but day by day, I noticed how she started to communicate less with me. I
eventually had an idea that she wasn 't doing well. Eventually, I found out that she got diagnosed with cancer. I got a call from my mom, she had
explained to me what cancer is, and that my grandma had it. My mom never came home that night for some reason. Instead, she called to say she
loved me, to keep the house clean, and take care of my sisters while she was at the hospital with my grandma, and while my dad was at work. I had to
prepare dinner for my family, take care of my pets, help my little sister with homework, and keep the house clean. These were the new
responsibilities that I had to take care of. I didn 't think that a ten year old girl could be responsible of these types of things, but I was, and my
family counted on me. While my dad was always at work, it was hard for me to take on these new challenges in my life, but it makes me work that
much harder, knowing what she was going through. I tried to visit her every chance that I could, so that I could talk with her, but she wasn 't the
same. I would always come into her bedroom, and she could barely get the words out. This made my heart heavy, and I would cry during these tragic
moments. My mom, being a nurse, would help her every day, and my family would come visit her in the hospital. We would bring cards and
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My Grandmother Essay
My grandma or as we grandchildren call her, Paw–Paw (which in Chinese means your mother's mother) is an amazing lady and let me just tell you a
great cook too. She is a lady with a big personality and so much caring in her soul. She takes care of us when we need something or if we just want
someone to hangout with. My grandma is one great person and anyone who meets her can easily figure that out. She is my grandma, friend, and one
of my biggest role models as she had to travel across the world to come to the United States. She cares, she cooks, she hugs, and she loves.
When my grandma was a teenager, she had to embark a journey that most would fear to do. She traveled half–way across the world from China to
America on a boat the size more content...
Now when I hug my grandma, it's familiar and feels like home. Her small arms around me, with her painted sparkling nails that match her
personality so well. Whenever she sees one of the grandchildren her small eyes light up and become big. She waves at us, with a big smile, in the
distance while walking fast to come give us a hug. Along with the big hug, you get a big kiss on the cheek that often leaves a pink stain behind.
When my parents would go on a trip my brother and I would get to have awesome sleepovers at my grandparents house. I would get to pick the
movie and snacks, then we would lay in her bed and just talk about everything. Then in the morning I would wake up to the best eggs ever.
Now think of the best fried rice you've ever had and multiply that by about 10, that's how good my grandma's fried rice is. My family and I make it all
the time but it is never as good as hers. Not only is the fried rice good so are all the other dishes; birthday noodles, chives and pork, and New Years
Eve dumplings. And the smell, it consumes all rooms of the house and makes you so excited for your meal. My grandparents favorite restaurants
include Lings Buffet, Mei Wei, and Cici's Pizza (yes, all buffets, which none of us complain about because they are all so good). But, the best food
is her own especially if it is cooked in the wok. So many meals have been cooked in the original wok favors, like soy sauce and meat, from past meals
come through and
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My Childhood Memories of Grandmother Essay
Scientists tell us that our sense of smell is the sense most closely related to memory. I have to say I agree. It only takes a whiff of freshly brewed
coffee to transport me back to my childhood. Yes, my olfactory sense works better than H.G. Wells' time machine. One moment I am comfortably
seated in mid–western suburbia; the next moment I am sitting in the kitchen of Grandmother Randel's house in Tampa, Florida.
Grandmother Randel, like most Southern Belles, was a marvelous cook, and an even better cook–supervisor. A steady supply of cheese grits, collard
greens and fried chicken flowed out of the kitchen under her discerning eye, but when it came to coffee ? Grandmother reigned supreme.
I remember Grandmother fussing around more content...
The memory has a name ? coffee milk. The feeling of anticipation that comes over me is the same as it was at Grandmother's house, but at this coffee
shop and others that I visit, some things have changed; it's called Caffe Ole or Latte now. The cost has changed, too. A smile must be joined by nearly
three dollars to receive your portion of nectar.
Here in my corner of Lola's I watch a steady stream of customers come through the door. The wood and set–in glass of that entry gives light and
warmth to the interior. I wonder what sort of person leaves house and home to drive to Lola's and spend three dollars for coffee or tea? There are a
lot of young people here, some that could be my children's ages. There are others here, too. Joining me in the middle–aged category is a quiet lady with
a large paperback novel, Beneath the Raven's Moon; she looks like she has settled in and plans to stay for a while. And against the main wall there is a
mustached man with an out–of–town newspaper laid open on his table. The news from that other small town must be riveting. I never see him look up
from its pages.
In the corner nearest the entrance there is a comfortable grouping of furniture with sofas facing and a large chessboard between them. This is where a
group of college–aged youth sits relaxed and laughing easily among themselves. The
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  • 2. My Grandmother 's Home And Family Life My grandmother's home and family life is one that she is very proud of as she was raised in a loving home and continued that nurturing motherhood role as she had a family of her own. Violet met her husband Harold through friends in their surrounding area, and dated only him until the time they got married. Without social media and the easy access to vehicles and transportation, majority of the people who married in her generation already met their spouses at a young age due to proximity and school grades sharing the same classroom. She married Harold Mann at the age of sixteen in the town Cana and together they began their life together. They had six children, three boys and three girls all of whom worked on the family farm and helped doing the household chores. The job tasks in my grandmother's home were very similar to the one's she experienced growing up as a child; the girls did the inside chores with my grandmother while the boys helped out with the farming and machining responsibilities with my grandfather. Although the work tasks were different for the boys and girls, the expectations remained the same for all; they were to complete their chores with no complaining and appreciate everything their parents provided for them. All of her children attended elementary and high school, with two of her six children accomplishing graduation. The rest of her children attended to the needs of the farm and carried out those responsibilities as opposed to finishing school. Get more content on
  • 3. My Grandmother Essay Grandparents are an essential part of a family. My grandmother was a very important part of my life from the beginning. I could always count on her to listen to me from her heart, share her wisdom and lend a shoulder to cry on. She taught me many important lessons throughout our lives together. My grandmother meant the world to me. She was the most beautiful lady in the world. She was short and her heart was the biggest size. My grandmother was like a parent to me and she loved me in the same unconditional way as my mother did. Whenever I needed something I knew I could count on her. She was like my friend, my mom, my everything. Imagine waking up to what should be a normal day in my life only to find out my grandmother had been rushed more content... I asked my mom what was going on with grandma and she told me that they were waiting for the doctors to come in and tell them what was going on. While waiting for my mom to call me back, I didn't know what to do. I had plenty of positive and negative thoughts running through my head. I tried holding the tears back and tried having faith that it was nothing major. I was praying and asking God to please let my grandmother be okay. My mind was all over the place. My mother finally called me back and told me that the doctors did some tests on her and found out she had a stroke, so the ambulance took her to Mobile. It felt like my heart shattered after hearing that. I started crying and wondering what will happen next. I had thoughts in my head about what will I do if I lose my grandmother. My life will be upside down because she was the one with me through thick and thin. When the ambulance took my grandmother to Mobile Infirmary and did some more tests the doctors found out one side of her brain was swollen. My family and I took a trip to Mobile Infirmary. We had cars full headed to Mobile. The drivers had their emergency lights on and each driver was following each other one behind the other. It did not take us long to get to Mobile because each driver was speeding since it was an emergency. I was in the back seat of the car just holding on because they were driving wild by passing every vehicle on the highway. When we arrived in Mobile we Get more content on
  • 4. Hello, everyone can I have your attention please, thank you for coming for my great grandmother and grandfather's memorial. They would off been so happy seeing all of their children, grandchildren, all of the family from both sides. So, this feels like a gloomy room. If they would have seen the color of this room they would have hated it. They would've run to the walls and covered it up with some fresh paint. There's a time in our lives that we come back to ourselves and get serious about the events happening around us. So this memorial is one for us to take in consideration of what we are doing because all of our pasts have something in common, like for example, we were all born in Mexico and we all loved spending time with our people, our "rasa". They wouldn't want us to be sad for them they would've wanted us to be happy and cheerful that they are no longer around to scold or yell at us for doing something. Over the years growing up in Mexico with this two wonderful people has been amazing, we would do so much and yet, learn things I use almost daily. Like my tuition, and "think before you act". I'm not saying they were perfect but they were as perfect as I would have loved to be. They still got me in trouble when I did something I shouldn't have done like tipping cows for example. But at the end of the day I still enjoyed because of them I miss seeing them, giving them hugs and have another lesson from my "tata". I know it's hard to see them go but they are not going Get more content on
  • 5. My Grandma When I think of something or someone that I hold near and dear to my heart, I think of the one person that I go to for everything. My grandma is that person; she is my person. Her heart is why I adore her. My grandma would give anything to anyone, she supports me in everything I do, her kindness radiates throughout her, and she is the most dependable person I have in my life. I hold my grandma on a pedestal because she has always held me on hers. To start with, I have witnessed my grandma give almost everything she had to those who needed help countless amounts of times, and I have only been with her for a small fraction of her life. Seeing her put herself through physical and emotional pain to help someone who needed it gave me a new perspective about who she was deep down inside and what she meant to me. Noticing the effort she put in to making everyone else around her happy shaped the way I saw her, and the rest of the world for that matter. Growing up, I watched her carry out her ambitions to aide those in certain predicaments that she thought she could resolve, and in return, I got to see and hear stories about lives turning around for the better. My grandma touches the hearts of myself and others by her overwhelming devotion of making sure the individuals she comes in contact with are happy and comfortable. She is not afraid to be hands on about a situation that involves getting a family member through a rough time. Moreover, for a petite lady like herself, my Get more content on
  • 6. My Grandmother I remember the day my grandmas passed away. Eleven years ago, I was seating with my grandma in the stair case of our house. She was telling me a poem called "el trencito de madera" which was my favorite story. If you had seen me You would know I would never leave her side. But everything went dark for me the moment I knew she was gone it was the hardest day but she will always have a place in my heart. It all began on a Tuesday morning. My grandma was known by many people in our neighborhood everybody used to think of her as a mom so we would go out with chairs and just sit in the front of the house just watching everyone pass by and wave. My grandma was one of the people who had to take medicine because she was sick and even some time we would have to take her to the hospital and stay overnight because of her illness. But that day she felt worse than any other time she had to take medication, but she didn't tell no one because she hated the hospitals. We went back inside when my mom came home really happy to see both of us. When my grandma has taken her pill, she started feeling dizzy and fainted but my dad caught her just on time and took her to her bed to get some rest. She always denied getting some rest but for once in her life she had agreed to rest. We all started to get worried because she had slept for four hours so my mom each hour that passed would go check if she was breathing since she took so many medications. But my mom was really scared so they called my Get more content on
  • 7. My Grand Grandmother My grandma is the oldest out of the five children my great grandparents had. She married Bill Gilstrap and they had two children; my uncle and then my mother. My grandparents were married seven years before they decided to get a divorce. After their divorce, my grandma was set on raising her two children. In her journey of being a single mother, she found a man named David Ratts. The two of them hit it off and eventually got married. My grandma moved in with him and his daughter. My grandma quickly adopted a third child and her and Jackie( her step–daughter) became very close. This blended family was picture perfect for many years. Tragedy struck my grandma's family when my aunt was shot and killed in a murder–suicide. Jackie, being 8 months pregnant and engaged was shot and killed by her fiance who then shot himself. After this awful event, the family never acted the same way again. David was not the same person my grandma had married in the beginning. The depression took over his life and eventually led him to drink and then eventually abusing my grandma. The abuse lasted for years, but my grandma took it because even when she was fighting through the blows to her body, all she could think about was the David she had married. Eventually, the hits took their toll and she had to get out of that life. When she left, he threatened that he would spend the rest of his life trying to find her. She believed his threats were empty as empty as his life was becoming. My grandma Get more content on
  • 8. My Grandmother Was The Matriarch Of My Family My great–grandmother was the matriarch of my family. When I was in seventh grade, around thirteen years old, she passed away due to breast cancer. This misfortune created an extremely difficult time for me because, not only was I adjusting to the environment of junior high, but many other issues were occurring in my life; this was the third death that I was having to deal with. Unfortunately, one of the previous deaths (that I was still trying to hurdle through and come to terms with), had occurred almost exactly a year before the passing of my great–grandmother. The second death that I had gone through occurred only one or two months before my great–grandma has passed. All of this turmoil created numerous internal conflicts for me, but also taught me a key lesson to keep note of, for the rest of my life. My great–grandma was the life of the party and the flames in the fireplace. No matter what she did, she made it very clear that she was not the least bit "bland"; she always stood out from the crowd. She was extremely vivacious and always created a raucous; her voice could be heard from down the block. She painted her house walls mint green, had bright red–orange hair, danced as though no one was watching, and cared for any–and–everyone (no matter what her feelings toward the person were.) If an event was being held, it was already known that it was happening at her house. All parties and gatherings were held at her house. Her house is also where all the food could be Get more content on
  • 9. My Grandmother Essay To begin, Henry Ward Beecher claims, " we never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves." For example, my grandma Darlene represents good parenting. To add on, she had two kids of her own: my father, and aunt. Darlene loves the packers which followed the rest of the family cheering for the green and yellow. My grandma is an incredibly important person in my life with plenty wise words to share. Especially about being a parent. My grandma enjoyed watching her children grow into mature, caring adults who now have kids of there own and are following in her footsteps. She found out the most difficult thing about being a parent was letting her children make mistakes and hoping they would learn from them.Family more content... There is always something new for them to get into too. Another point, babies can be challenging especially if they are your first. Not only babies but toddlers too, when they are getting into everything, learning how to walk, and speaking their first words. Moreover, any age that can enter school is challenging because parents must try to give their children the best education they can, also social problems could mix into the challenge. Therefore, my grandma believes every age group there is a challenge. In addition, having children can and most likely will make a change in your life. For my grandma, however, she knew to be careful with her finances as money was scarce. My grandma wanted her children both of them to be college educated and to find happiness in their careers. While church attendance was mandatory. To add on, my grandma's wishes for her children came true. For more information, by the time my grandma had her children she was in a relationship, which, having babies did change a lot because later on, they divorced. For the time being, they were together they found that all of their conversations were centered around the children. In my opinion, I personally absorbed the understanding of to be a parent you must remember this a lifetime job that you can't just give up on. Also, to be a parent you will have to give up things you love, and been wanting, to give it all to your newborn. Additionally, Get more content on
  • 10. What Is My Grandmother Essay My grandmother name is Carmella also known as Jamilla. But lots of people and call her Ummi. Ummi mean mother in arabic, and she is like a second mom to many as well as myself. My Grandmother is one of the most influential people in my life. My grandmother has been through so much in her life; as a child her mother suffered from mental problems and both parents had problem with substance addiction. Despite that her parents tried their hardest to stay in their children's lives. My grandmother was 1 of 5 children. When their parent could no longer care for them they were living with their grandmother and living in foster home. So her living in this situation made her grow up fast. My grandmother's life made her tough and a hard worker. At a young age she found Islam and it change her life. She began to find light in a dark tunnel. My grandmother was stuck before and when she became a Muslim she found faith and answer to all her questions. At 16 she got married she had two kids one being my mother that marriage shortly ended and, she soon met and married my grandfather and had 3 more kids more content... My parents got married right out of high school and had me three years later. My parents depend on their elders to help raise me. To help makes sure they are doing it right. They Leaned on my people for a lot for advice and help.. Because of this my parent alway went to my grandmother with problems, questions or even a break. My grandmother taught me a lot of different moral things she helped shaped my beliefs. My grandmother taught my how to respect your elder, how to be a young lady and a plethora or more. As a child even today I spend so much time with my grandmother she is like my second mother, i can share anything with her and feel safe to do so. My grandmother is my role model because unlike many people her age she does automatically jump to conclusions she listens and understands Get more content on
  • 11. My Grandmother : My Grandmother Many of us take people in our lives for granted and don't realize how important these people were until we've lost them. We often forget to appreciate and cherish the time we have with them and fail to recognize the impact they have on our life before it's too late. People should treasure the time they have with their loved ones. Someone who I try to appreciate and cherish the time with is my grandmother, who I refer to as Nina. My grandmother was a huge part of my childhood; I loved her dearly. While my mom was busy with college, she was the one with whom I spent most of my days. I remember disrupting the calm atmosphere of my grandmother's house with my frantic questioning about food to fill the void in my stomach. By the time I was awake, frozen waffles were placed into the burgundy toaster, in the burgundy kitchen, in the burgundy house filled with apple decorations. Afterwards, I'd go alongside her out the door so she could water her plants while the grass watered my feet with dew. Later on, I'd listen to her sing songs no one else knew but her: "Chicken heart, chicken gizzards, my true love is as slick as a lizard." She claimed it was an actual song lyric from an old country song, but I have my suspicions because I have yet to find out what song it came from. Navarro 1 When I was five, my mother decided we should move twelve hours and nine minutes away to Texas. On the day I left, I desperately hung on to what I loved most; my Nina. I literally had her trapped in a Get more content on
  • 12. Biography Of My Grandmother My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they wanted to go or not. Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also loved to go ice skating. My Get more content on
  • 13. Childhood Memories of my Grandparents' Home Essay When I think back to the days when I was a child, I think about all of my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish to go back, back to that point in life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I cannot return. Yet there is still one place I can count on to take me back to that state of mind, my grandparent's house and the land I love so much. Their house was old. My grandparents lived in it most of their adult lives. It was white with black trimming, but most of the paint was chipped away. On the back porch was firewood all year long. No matter if it was winter; spring, summer, or fall the wood was always there. Red, yellow, purple flowers grew alongside the house all spring and more content... My grandparents owned 80 acres, and I would roam each and every inch. Running through the soaring weeds, and jumping over any log that would get in my path just to end up falling to the ground out of complete exhaustion. There is something to be said about lying on one's back in an open field hour upon hour staring up at a huge blue sky. With no one around and not another house for miles, it is a great place to be alone, to listen. In that field, I could pick up all the wonderful sounds of nature commonly misplaced by all the buzz of the city. The wind spoke as it blew across the land, whistling through the tall weeds and the colossal of trees. Crickets rub their wings composing a song for everyone to hear. I soaked in all the beauty of the surrounding landscape. There was towering groves of trees, creek beds lined with wildflowers producing delightful fragrances, and sunsets that would take your breath away. Still I walked cautiously, for all of lands beauty; trouble could still take form, whether it was running into a slithering snake or stumbling across a prickly thistle. The pond was one of my favorite places, for it was where I learned how to fish and skip rocks across the water. I would sit alongside the banks and listed to the familiar sound of the bullfrogs bellowing their presents. I think if the pond could tell a story it would be of the one that Get more content on
  • 14. My Grandmother Essay My grandma has alzheimer's so, she can't remember anything that happened earlier that day or 5 minutes ago. I know that I can't get mad at her when she doesn't remember things I just told her. I know that she will remember things about music or some things when she was a child. So, I know some things she won't remember what I did sometimes. "Eileen, what did you do today?" my grandma asked again. My mom and I were visiting my grandma. We were in her bedroom putting away her clothing and cleaning up because she can't. Her room is very homey, because we put paintings and pictures up for her to make it look better, because if we didn't it would be really boring. "Well, I finished school a couple of minutes," I replied. I more content... "Jeez you know how to make guilt trip work." "FINE I'll do it." snapped, I don't know why I said fine,I don't know my mom would make me do it anyway. I walked in, I looked around the room it was a big room for just me, it was a gray and with windows. Everyone there were either smiling or just sitting there with a blank face, somewhere in wheelchairs and some had walkers.I smiled, then sat down to get my music ready. "HI, I'm Eileen and I'm Pat's granddaughter, I'm in 6th grade and I'm 11 years old."I stated.I will be playing a couple songs for you, on the cello." I looked at the music then my cello then the crowd, I played the first note it fine. I then could only look at the music because if I looked at the crowed I would freeze up, then mess up. Later , when I was playing my last song. I looked at my grandma and she was sitting there looking at me and her foot was tapping to the music. It made me happy I played for her. I finished and said thank you and went to go pack up all my things and then we went to go say goodbye. We went back to where my grandma lives, it looks like a really house, there's a kitchen, a tv room and then there bedrooms everyone has a roommate. So, it like college.Everyone was telling me, oh you did such a great job and I kept saying thank you. "You did a great job Eileen," my grandma said with a smile on her face. "Thank you, I had a really fun time playing for Get more content on
  • 15. Caring For My Great-Grandmother Essay Life experiences, rewarding or difficult, are the factors that influence us. My great grandmother has always been one of my key role models. I have always admired her independence, strong will, and caring nature towards all. For many years, she proudly lived by herself and independently took care of herself. At seventeen years old, she became very ill. When she became exceedingly sick, my family realized that someone needed to incessantly be with her, so my family and I moved into my great grandmother's home to bestow quality care and make her comfortable. Living at my great grandmother's home for the last six months of her life was the most emotionally and physically difficult experience I have ever had to endure or deal with, but it more content... I despised that she had lost her ability to be autonomous, one of the fundamental characteristics that made her who she was, but I had to learn how to deal with it. Though I was affected emotionally and physically, I learned an important lesson that I used to deal with the anxiety of providing care for my great grandmother and plan to use throughout my nursing career: Use your emotions to empower you to perform the physical tasks that need to be performed in order for the patient to sustain a state of comfort. Though it would be psychologically demanding to take care of someone who you are slightly emotionally attached to, it would be more emotionally complex to take care of someone who you have been emotionally attached to since the beginning of your existence. Since I was very emotionally attached to my great grandmother, it made the situation more problematic for me, yet it also made me a better person. When my family recognized that we were medically needed to facilitate my great grandmother, I was frightened at first because I knew I would be one of the primary caregivers living with her. At first, I was alarmed over the thought of taking care of someone I significantly loved and admired because I would be watching them suffer constantly, yet I did not let this hinder me. I learned to use my feelings for her to enable and strengthen me mentally to implement the somatic and mental tasks that are required in Get more content on
  • 16. Grandmother's House Essay Grandmother's House My grandmother's house has a very special place in my heart. As the family has gotten older and we have all had our own children we do not visit as we should. I visited with my grandmother many times when I was little. Her house always seemed to have something about it that set it apart from all the rest. As you walk into the back door of her house you would notice a long, narrow kitchen that led into the main living and dining room of her house. The smell of food home cooked food was quite evident. Grandmother cooked every day and always cooked big meals on holidays for the family. My grandmothers house was always full of laughter and many cheers. Our family used to call it our home away from home, it's like more content... She is a highly giving person to everyone around her and she never asks for anything in return. She always has an ear to ear smile that would brighten up any day. Some of the many memories I carry with me every day of my grandmother are the holidays when we used to get together. I remember Thanksgiving and Easter most of all. On Thanksgiving the entire family would come together for dinner and then we would all stay at her house for the night. I remember this so well because we would wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast and all the ladies would be gone shopping to the "After Thanksgiving Sale". My grandmother has a very softhearted voice that I still hear telling me goodnight when we were little. She would wait with us until we fell deep asleep. And even as we got older she would gather us around the kitchen table and let us watch the old fashioned ice cream maker churn the best vanilla ice cream and then she would load it up with chocolate chips, and our parents would always say, "That's too many.", and grandmother just let us keep piling them on. My grandmother is the kind, gentle, loving, caring grandmother that I wish my children could experience today. As the family grew older, every one separated and as my cousins and I got older and had our own children the holidays at grandmothers house have faded away. No one even goes to grandmothers house for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and there are no more Easter Sunday egg Get more content on
  • 17. Descriptive Essay About My Grandma Some adults experience new responsibilities and challenges in life when they encounter a loss; I encountered this as a child. The year was 2014 and it was the hardest year of my life. It was a beautiful, sunny day on August 3; however this day was a tragic one that I will never forget. Some think of their grandma as just a relative; mine was my other half, my best friend, my hero, and I could never be the same without her. This depressing event affected me greatly, and now it is difficult for me to live my life without her. My new responsibilities were devastating and challenging, but if it meant helping my grandma, I would have done anything. Those times were lovely with her, but now I must take on the responsibilities of my mother, more content... I will always treasure those valuable times that I spent with her, but day by day, I noticed how she started to communicate less with me. I eventually had an idea that she wasn 't doing well. Eventually, I found out that she got diagnosed with cancer. I got a call from my mom, she had explained to me what cancer is, and that my grandma had it. My mom never came home that night for some reason. Instead, she called to say she loved me, to keep the house clean, and take care of my sisters while she was at the hospital with my grandma, and while my dad was at work. I had to prepare dinner for my family, take care of my pets, help my little sister with homework, and keep the house clean. These were the new responsibilities that I had to take care of. I didn 't think that a ten year old girl could be responsible of these types of things, but I was, and my family counted on me. While my dad was always at work, it was hard for me to take on these new challenges in my life, but it makes me work that much harder, knowing what she was going through. I tried to visit her every chance that I could, so that I could talk with her, but she wasn 't the same. I would always come into her bedroom, and she could barely get the words out. This made my heart heavy, and I would cry during these tragic moments. My mom, being a nurse, would help her every day, and my family would come visit her in the hospital. We would bring cards and Get more content on
  • 18. My Grandmother Essay My grandma or as we grandchildren call her, Paw–Paw (which in Chinese means your mother's mother) is an amazing lady and let me just tell you a great cook too. She is a lady with a big personality and so much caring in her soul. She takes care of us when we need something or if we just want someone to hangout with. My grandma is one great person and anyone who meets her can easily figure that out. She is my grandma, friend, and one of my biggest role models as she had to travel across the world to come to the United States. She cares, she cooks, she hugs, and she loves. When my grandma was a teenager, she had to embark a journey that most would fear to do. She traveled half–way across the world from China to America on a boat the size more content... Now when I hug my grandma, it's familiar and feels like home. Her small arms around me, with her painted sparkling nails that match her personality so well. Whenever she sees one of the grandchildren her small eyes light up and become big. She waves at us, with a big smile, in the distance while walking fast to come give us a hug. Along with the big hug, you get a big kiss on the cheek that often leaves a pink stain behind. When my parents would go on a trip my brother and I would get to have awesome sleepovers at my grandparents house. I would get to pick the movie and snacks, then we would lay in her bed and just talk about everything. Then in the morning I would wake up to the best eggs ever. Now think of the best fried rice you've ever had and multiply that by about 10, that's how good my grandma's fried rice is. My family and I make it all the time but it is never as good as hers. Not only is the fried rice good so are all the other dishes; birthday noodles, chives and pork, and New Years Eve dumplings. And the smell, it consumes all rooms of the house and makes you so excited for your meal. My grandparents favorite restaurants include Lings Buffet, Mei Wei, and Cici's Pizza (yes, all buffets, which none of us complain about because they are all so good). But, the best food is her own especially if it is cooked in the wok. So many meals have been cooked in the original wok favors, like soy sauce and meat, from past meals come through and Get more content on
  • 19. My Childhood Memories of Grandmother Essay Scientists tell us that our sense of smell is the sense most closely related to memory. I have to say I agree. It only takes a whiff of freshly brewed coffee to transport me back to my childhood. Yes, my olfactory sense works better than H.G. Wells' time machine. One moment I am comfortably seated in mid–western suburbia; the next moment I am sitting in the kitchen of Grandmother Randel's house in Tampa, Florida. Grandmother Randel, like most Southern Belles, was a marvelous cook, and an even better cook–supervisor. A steady supply of cheese grits, collard greens and fried chicken flowed out of the kitchen under her discerning eye, but when it came to coffee ? Grandmother reigned supreme. I remember Grandmother fussing around more content... The memory has a name ? coffee milk. The feeling of anticipation that comes over me is the same as it was at Grandmother's house, but at this coffee shop and others that I visit, some things have changed; it's called Caffe Ole or Latte now. The cost has changed, too. A smile must be joined by nearly three dollars to receive your portion of nectar. Here in my corner of Lola's I watch a steady stream of customers come through the door. The wood and set–in glass of that entry gives light and warmth to the interior. I wonder what sort of person leaves house and home to drive to Lola's and spend three dollars for coffee or tea? There are a lot of young people here, some that could be my children's ages. There are others here, too. Joining me in the middle–aged category is a quiet lady with a large paperback novel, Beneath the Raven's Moon; she looks like she has settled in and plans to stay for a while. And against the main wall there is a mustached man with an out–of–town newspaper laid open on his table. The news from that other small town must be riveting. I never see him look up from its pages. In the corner nearest the entrance there is a comfortable grouping of furniture with sofas facing and a large chessboard between them. This is where a group of college–aged youth sits relaxed and laughing easily among themselves. The Get more content on