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SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 0 | P a g e
MIS 6308 -SAPM |SUMMER 2018
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 1 | P a g e
MY FITNESS PLANNER 2.0 ............................................................................................................................0
MIS 6308 -SAPM |SUMMER 2018................................................................................................................0
Execu�ve Summary.......................................................................................................................................2
Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................................3
Objec�ves: ................................................................................................................................................3
Web 2.0 and Mobility....................................................................................................................................5
Web2.0 func�onality in the My Fitness Pal app 2.0: ................................................................................5
Business Process Model................................................................................................................................6
Context Diagram ...........................................................................................................................................7
Func�onal specifica�on ................................................................................................................................7
Use case diagram ..........................................................................................................................................9
Use Case Descrip�on ..................................................................................................................................10
Data Dic�onary ...........................................................................................................................................14
Complete Class Diagram (Without Methods) .............................................................................................17
Object Behavior Model – Sequence Diagrams............................................................................................18
MealPlanning Tool...............................................................................................................................18
User Recipe .........................................................................................................................................19
Interface design...........................................................................................................................................20
Database design..........................................................................................................................................21
En�ty Rela�onship Diagram ...................................................................................................................21
Database constraints...............................................................................................................................22
Complete class diagram (with methods) ................................................................................................24
So�ware Design ......................................................................................................................................24
Weekly project �melines ............................................................................................................................26
Minutes of mee�ng.....................................................................................................................................27
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 2 | P a g e
Obesity remains one of the largest health problems in the United States. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) estimates that during 2015-2016 approximately 93.3
million adults (39.8% of the total population) were obese. In addition, the CDC estimates that 1
in 5 children is obese. Obesity can lead to a wide variety of health problems including heart
disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other problems. Obesity related conditions are the
leading cause of preventable death.
To reduce obesity rates, government programs and private business have worked to encourage
people to be active and eat healthy. However, eating healthy is easier said than done. Most food
options offered to consumers are high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and processed sugars
and low on protein and vitamins. As a result, individuals frequently exceed the recommended
intake amounts for calories, fat, and sodium without even realizing. In response to this several
companies have created online tools to help users track their food intake and select food that is
high in nutritional value.
One company that is helping people make smarter food decisions is Under Armor through their
online tool: MyFitnessPal. MyFitnessPal provides users with a variety of tools to help them make
smarter nutritional choices which can be accessed online or through the mobile app. Users that
register an account can keep a food journal of what they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and
snacks along with their activity level. When users input the food item and quantity of food,
MyFitnessPal automatically tracks the number of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar,
saturated fat and other nutritional metrics. The user can track fluctuations to in their weight in
accordance with their diet and activity levels.
However, another prohibiting factor that prevents people from eating healthy is the cost
associated with buying and cooking healthy foods. The cost is measured in terms of the direct
cost of purchasing the food and the indirect cost of the time spent meal planning, traveling to
the store, and cost of food that goes bad. These issues are largely ignored by the MyFitnessPal
tool. Therefore, our team is proposing two key functional improvements which will help users
reduce indirect cost by planning meals and a reducing food cost waste.
Our team is proposing the creation of a MealPlanning tool which will allow users to set weekly
food intake goals (e.g. calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar). The user would then
divide the desired food intake amount among each meal of the week and snacks. The user can
then search a database of recipes sourced from other users and select meal options that meet
the nutritional requirements for each meal. The MealPlanning tool the provides a print out of all
the ingredients that user must purchase for the week. In addition, the MealPlanning tool will
create identify the closest stores and the prices of their ingredients based on the user’s location.
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This will simplify meal planning for the user and allow them to ensure that they are buying the
best priced ingredients.
In addition, the MealPlanning tool will allow users to select ingredients which they already have
purchased and find recipes that include these ingredients. This process will involve analyzing
user supplied recipes and breaking them down into required ingredients, replaceable ingredients,
and optional agreements. This additional feature will allow users to reduce food waste cost by
using ingredients that they already possess.
1. Currently MyFitnessPal focuses on tracking what a user has already consumed. One of
the largest prohibiting factors to eating healthy is the time associated with planning meals,
purchasing the ingredients, and the recipes to prepare these meals. MyFitnessPal has no
functionality that helps users plan their meals for the week.
2. MyFitnessPal does not help users locate required ingredients.
3. Users often have raw food ingredients lying around the house but do not know how to
prepare these into a delicious meal. As a result, the ingredients often go bad costing the
individual money.
1. Develop a MealPlanning tool for MyFitnessPal which allows user to do the following:
a) Set weekly food intake goals (e.g. calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar).
b) The user then will divide the desired caloric intake amounts among each of the meals and
snacks for the week.
c) After setting their caloric goals for each meal the user can select recipes and snack ideas
submitted from other users.
d) Recipes will be reviewed by other users and voted for based on taste and ease of cooking
e) After selecting their meals for the week, the user will then be able to compare the
nutritional content to the goals they have set for each week.
f) After approving their meal plan for the week, the MealPlanning tool will create a list of the
ingredients that must be purchased by the user and their expected shelf life.
g) Listed next to each ingredient will be a list of grocery stores where the ingredients can be
purchased and the price for each ingredient.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 4 | P a g e
h) The tool will also allow users to input ingredients that they have already purchased and
search through user submitted recipes that include these ingredients. This will require a
database that breaks the recipe down into the following categories: required ingredients,
substitutable ingredients, and optional ingredients.
The MealPlanning tool will cost approximately $465,000 which includes the following cost
a) $85,000 for a UI designer to build the tool which allows the users to their goals and
divide it among the meals of the week.
b) $90,000 for a database administrator to maintain the database of user submitted
c) $100,000 for a software engineer to design a geographic information system which will
identify the location of the user and identify the closest grocery stores.
d) $90,000 for a database administrator to maintain the database of grocery store prices.
e) $100,000 for computer hardware and software licenses.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 5 | P a g e
Web 2.0, also called Par�cipa�ve (or Par�cipatory) and Social Web, refers to World Wide Web websites
that emphasize user-generated content, usability (ease of use, even by non-experts), and
interoperability (this means that a website can work well with other products, systems, and devices) for
end users.
A Web 2.0 website may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media
dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to the first
genera�on of Web 1.0-era websites where people were limited to the passive viewing of content.
Examples of Web 2.0 features include social networking sites and social media sites (e.g., Facebook),
blogs, wikis, folksonomies ("tagging" keywords on websites and links), video sharing sites (e.g.,
YouTube), hosted services, Web applica�ons ("apps"), collabora�ve consump�on pla�orms, and
mashup applica�ons.
The design and flow of app allows its users to add recipe to the system. These recipes which are added
in the system can be approved or reject by the admins. The system will calculate the Nutrient value
from the ingredients which are provided by the users itself. Thus, we are trying to create a social
pla�orm where users are sharing their ideas/views/content in the form of recipes. These recipes once
added in the system will help the admins and the app too in the form of added recipe.
We are also using these recipe databases in turn to be given to the new users with respect to
suggested meals. If the Nutrient and the ingredients are best suited to the requirements of the user.
System will suggest these recipes.
We have also added an op�on where users will be able to review the recipe which are provided by the
other users. This will help the system to filter out the recipe which are likes by most of the users and at
the same �me fit with respect to nutrient values.
As part of Mobility of the func�onality of the applica�on. Our applica�on works in conjunc�on with
over 50 devices and apps including Fitbit and Garmin wearable devices users can synchronize their
health data to third-party devices for easier mobility. Our app is compa�ble with Android and iOS OS.
Our applica�on gathers data from the user device to calculate the nearest store informa�on. This
func�onality is necessary as part of the mobility feature in the applica�on.
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SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 7 | P a g e
a) The MealPlanning tool will allow users to set weekly calorie goals in a week based on
the amount of desired weight loss. The user can the select the number of calories they
would like to consume in each day/meal. Allowing the user to proactively plan for the
number of calories they will consume in each meal will increase their likelihood for
success in staying below the desired calorie threshold.
b) After the user has selected the number of calories they would like to consume for each
meal, the MealPlanning tool will suggest meals that fit their calorie goals. The user can
scroll through meal options posted by other users and make their selection based on the
complete nutritional profile for each meal plan.
c) Users rate the meals that they select based on taste and ease to prepare. Higher rated
meals are suggested to users.
d) Once the user has selected their meals for the week, the MealPlanning tool will provide
a complete list of ingredients that are required to be purchased. For each of the
ingredients identified, the MealPlanning tool will identify the closest store to purchase the
ingredient and the cost.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 8 | P a g e
e) In addition, the MealPlanning tool will allow user to select recipes that include
ingredients they already have in their possession. The user will simply select the food
items search recipes that include these ingredients.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 9 | P a g e
The below diagram represents the use case for the MealPlanning tool.
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Use Case Description 1:
Use Case Name: Sign Up
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholder: MealPlanning Tool
Brief Description: When a user wants to become a member of app he/ she can
Trigger: When a user clicks on Signup button
Normal flow of events:
1. User navigates to App
2. User inputs User Data which includes First Name, Last Name, Email
Address or User ID and Password which are required, and other optional
3. User clicks on “Sign Up” or “Create Your Free Account” button on main
Exception: If user enters invalid details, then display “Sign-up failed”
Use Case Description 2:
Use Case Name: Login
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholder: MealPlanning Tool
Brief Description: When a logged in user is not detected, the app will ask for login
Trigger: When a member tries to login in MealPlanning Tool
Normal flow of events:
1. User clicks on Log-In button.
2. User enters Email Address or User ID and Password.
3. Retrieve User Data from User database file.
4. If credentials match, then authorize Log-In.
5. User continues using the app.
2a. If user enters invalid details, then display “Login failed”
Use Case Description 3:
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 11 | P a g e
Use Case Name: Get Recipe
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: App suggests the meal to user for selection
Trigger: User enters the desired weight or disapproves the recipe.
Normal flow of events:
1. Users enters the desired weight.
2. App suggests the recipes accordingly with nutrition facts
3. The user selects the recipe's as per their requirement.
Exception Flow:
2a. In case meal plan is already in place for the week, ask for confirmation in change
meal plan
2b. In case target weight is equal to current weight, Display target achieved
Use Case Description 4:
Use Case Name: Get Ingredient
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Provides the ingredients for selected recipes.
Trigger: User selects the recipes from the suggested list.
Normal flow of events:
1. System provides the ingredients of the selected recipes to the user.
2. Users checks the ingredients and approve the recipes.
Exception Flow:
2b. In case user disapproves the recipes after checking the ingredients, go to Get
Use Case Description 5:
Use Case Name: Get Meal Plan
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Get Daily Meal plan for the week
Trigger: User taps on approve the Ingredients after selecting the recipes
Normal flow of events:
1. App recommends the meal plan.
2. User selects the meal plan or customize and create his own.
Exception Flow:
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 12 | P a g e
Use Case Description 6:
Use Case Name: Get Store
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Get store list with price
Trigger: User selects the meal plan
Normal flow of events:
1. App sends the list of stores nearby along with price of ingredients
according to selected meal plan.
Exception Flow:
Use Case Description 7:
Use Case Name: Update Top Recipes
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool, User
Brief Description: Top recipes in the system
Trigger: User Rates a recipe, User updates a recipe
Normal flow of events:
1. User rates a recipe in the system
2. System updates the new rating in the Recipe table
3. If the recipe has a rating of more than 3.5 and total number of votes are
more than 50
4. Add the recipe to Top Recipe list in the system
Exception Flow:
Use Case Description 8:
Use Case Name: Make payments
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Make payments for ingredient purchases from selected stores
Trigger: User selects the meal plan
Normal flow of events:
1. If bank information saved when sign up, then user can select one of
payment methods to pay his/ her billing.
2. Before paying, user can review his/ her transactions including the ingredient
information, the store information, the prices, and billings information.
3. Confirm to pay.
4. After payment went through, user will receive a receipt for recording.
Exception Flow:
1a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter or save at least one card.
2a. In case user wants to revise or cancel the purchases after reviews.
3a. In case the payment does not go through.
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Use Case Description 9:
Use Case Name: Add Recipe
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Adding recipe to the system
Trigger: User taps on add recipe
Normal flow of events:
1. User taps on the Add recipe option in the application
2. System return the "new recipe" form the user.
3. User submits the new recipe form.
4. System calculate the nutrient values from the Ingredient in the form.
5. System updates the nutrient values of the recipe in the database
Exception Flow:
3a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter at least 2 ingredients.
Use Case Description 10:
Use Case Name: Review Recipe
Primary Actor: User
Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool
Brief Description: Registered members can review the recipe
Trigger: User click on the review recipe button
Normal flow of events:
1. User taps on the Review recipe option in the application
2. System generates the list.
3. User selects the recipe which has to be rated
4. System generate the rating from the user+
5. System generate the global rating using the generate rating methods
Exception Flow:
3a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter at least 2 ingredients.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 14 | P a g e
Use Case: Sign Up
User ID = Data element
First Name = Data element
Last Name = Data element
Email Address = Data element
Password = Data element
User Address = Data element
User Zip Code = Data element
Birthday = Data element
Gender = Data element
Bank Account Information = Data element
User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address +
User Zip Code + (Birthday) + (Gender) + (Bank Account Information)
Use Case: Authorize Login
Login Data = [Email Address| User ID]
Password: Data Element
User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address +
User Zip Code + (Birthday) + (Gender) + (Bank Account Information)
Use Case: Set Goals
Target Data = User ID + User’s Desired Weights + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity
Login Data = [Email Address| User ID]
Password: Data Element
User’s Desired Weights = Current Weights + Desired Weights
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 15 | P a g e
Use Case: Get Recipe
Recipe Data = Meal ID + Recipe List
Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name + Nutrition
Quantity + Calories + Review Data}
Recipe Search = [{Ingredient Name} + (Cooking Methods) | Target Data]
Target Data = User’s Desired Weights + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity
Review Data = {User ID} + Number Of Votes + Rates + Reviews
Use Case: Get Ingredient
Ingredient Data = Meal ID + Ingredient List
Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient
Use Case: Set Meal Plan
Meal Plan Data = Meal ID + RECIPE ID + Ingredient Data + Meal Description
Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name + Nutrition
Quantity + Calories + Review Data}
Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient
Use Case: Get Store
Store Data = Store ID + Store List
Store List = {Store Name + Store Address + Store Zip Code + Store Website + Store Telephone
Number + Store Operation Hours + Store Distance + Estimated Arrival Time}
Login Data = [Email Address| User ID]
Password: Data Element
User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address +
User Zip Code
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 16 | P a g e
Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient
Price Data = {Store ID + Billing No + Ingredient List + Producer Name + Prices + (Billing
Description) + (Product Details)}
Use Case: Recipe from Members
New Recipe Data = Recipe ID + Ingredient List + (Cooking Methods) + (Description)
Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient
New Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name +
Nutrition Quantity + Calories + Review Data}
Review Data = {User ID} + Number of Votes + Rates + Reviews
Use case: Make Payments
Billing Data = User ID + Billing information + Price Data + Checkout Data
Billing information = Billing No + Billing Payment Method + Billing Amount + Billed To + Billing
Date + VAT No + Billing City + Billing State + Billing Zip Code + Billing Email Address
Login Data = [Email Address| User ID]
Password: Data Element
Outstanding Balances = {Billing No + Amount + Billed To + Billing Date}
Checkout Data = Outstanding Balances + Current Balances + Billing information
Price Data = {Store ID + Billing No + Ingredient List + Producer Name + Prices + (Billing
Description) + (Product Details)}
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SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 20 | P a g e
1. Homepage with the higher-level butons
Recipe op�on on the top menu on the Ipad applica�on
2. MealPlanning Tool
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SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 22 | P a g e
Billing (BillingNo, UserID, BillingPaymentMethod, BillingAmount, BilledTo, BillingDate, VATNo,
BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZipCode, BillingEmailAddress)
BillingNo should be non-null and unique.
UserID should be non-null and should exist in the User table.
User (UserID, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, Password, UserAddress, UserZipCode,
Birthday, Gender, BankAccountInformation)
UserID should be non-null and unique.
Goal (UserID, UserDesiredWeights, NutritionName, CurrentWeights, DesiredWeights)
UserID should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the User table.
UserDesiredWeights should be non-null and unique.
NutritionName should be non-null and should exist in the Nutrition table.
Recipe (RecipeID, MealID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription)
RecipeID should be not null and unique.
MealID should be non-null and should exist in the MealPlan table.
RecipeFromUser (RecipeID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription)
RecipeID should be not null and unique; and should exist in the Recipe table.
RecipeToUser (RecipeID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription)
RecipeID should be not null and unique; and should exist in the Recipe table.
Nutrition (NutritionName, RecipeID, NutritionQuantity, Calories)
NutritionName should be non-null and unique.
RecipeID should be non-null and should exist in the Recipe table.
Pricing (StoreID, BillingNo, ProducerName, Prices, BillingDescription, ProductDetails)
StoreID should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the Store table.
BillingNo should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the Billing table.
Store (StoreID, UserID, IngredientName, StoreName, StoreAddress, StoreZipCode,
StoreWebsite, StoreTelephoneNumber, StoreOperationHours, StoreDistance,
StoreID should be non-null and unique.
UserID should be non-null and should exist in the User table.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 23 | P a g e
IngredientName should be non-null and should exist in the Ingredient table.
Ingredient (IngredientName, IngredientQuantity, IngredientWeights, IngredientNutrition)
IngredientName is unique and non-null.
MealPlan (MealID, MealDescription)
MealID is unique and non-null.
MealPlan_ Ingredient(IngredientName, MealID)
IngredientName is unique and non-null; and should exist in the Ingredient table.
MealID is unique and non-null; and should exist in the MealPlan table.
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 24 | P a g e
So�ware Design
Signature Method
Name: +generateRatings(sum_of_votes)
Class Name: Recipe ID: RecipeID
Clients (Consumers): Members, MealPlanningtool
Associated Use Cases: AddRecipe
Description of Responsibilities: Computes Rating of the recipe
Arguments Received: new rating, Total Number of votes cased
Type of Value Returned: Float
Pre-Conditions: None
Post-Conditions: Updating the current rating of the recipe in the database
DO (member taps on “rate recipe”)
FETCH CurrentRating FROM Recipe Table
FETCH No Of votes of the recipe From Recipe Table
FETCH userRating from application Interface
CALCULATE currentRating = ((curretRating+ userRating) /No of votes)
SET the value of “Current Rating” in Recipe Table
Signature Method
Name: updateTopRecipe
Class Name: Recipe ID: RecipeID
Clients (Consumers): Recipe, MealPlanningtool
Associated Use Cases: updateTopRecipe
Description of Responsibilities: update top recipes
Arguments Received: CurrentRating, Total Number of votes
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 25 | P a g e
Type of Value Returned: None
Pre-Conditions: Recipe not present in Top Recipe list
Post-Conditions: New Recipe
DO (member taps on “rate recipe”)
FETCH CurrentRating FROM Recipe Table
FETCH No Of votes of the recipe From Recipe Table
IF(CurrentRating>3.5 && totalnumberofvotes >50)
ADD Recipe to Recipe to User table
Signature Method
Name: voteRecipe ()
Class Name:
Tool Interface
Clients (Consumers): Customers,MealPlanningTool
Associated Use Cases: Authorize Sign-in, Write Review for a Recipe
Description of Responsibilities: Provide Rating for a Recipe
Arguments Received: Recipe ID, Rating
Type of Value Returned: Rating No (on a scale of 1 to 5)
Pre-Conditions: Member sign-in is required
Post-Conditions: Displaying the rating in the application
FETCH Recipe details FROM RECIPE table
IF Request type = “Review Recipe”
DISPLAY Recipe with Rating Scale
SET Rating = User Rating
DISPLAY Member Authorization Screen
IF Member
UPDATE Recipe Table with Recipe Rating
DISPLAY Sign-up Request form with a message “Only members have access to rate a Recipe”
UPDATE the RecipefromUser Table
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 26 | P a g e
Week 1 May 21 to May 27
Tasks: Exchange contact informa�on and schedule informa�on
Week 2 May 28 to June 3
Tasks: Review project requirements and setup ini�al mee�ng �me
Week 3 June 4 to June 10
Tasks: Meet to discuss project requirements and process for reviewing and ve�ng ideas
Week 4 June 11 to 17
Tasks: Meet to discuss list of poten�al project ideas and submit writen descrip�on of each
Week 5 June 18 to 24
Tasks: Vote on final project idea and move forward with ini�al planning
Week 6 June 25 to July 1
Tasks: Review exi�ng nutri�onal applica�on, finalizes system to improve, and submit ini�al problem
Week 7 July 2 to July 8
Tasks: Review problem statements submited
Week 8 July 9 to July 15
Tasks: Review ini�al steps of the report and finalize Plan for moving forward
Week 9 July 16 July 22
Tasks: Complete assigned tasks and meet to discuss ini�al ques�ons
Week 10 July 23 July 29
Tasks: Complete assigned tasks and begin compiling report
Week 11 July 30 Aug 2
Tasks: Final report review
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 27 | P a g e
Mee�ng 1 Minutes
Objec�ve: Review project requirements and process for reviewing project ideas.
Mee�ng Time: June 7, 2018 7pm central via WebEx
0-20: Review projects lis�ng and example projects
Follow Up: Submit project idea
Mee�ng 2 Minutes
Objec�ve: Discuss Project Ideas
Mee�ng Time: June 14, 2018 6pm central via WebEx
0-45: Discuss project ideas:
• JJ: Create nutri�on app that will allow user to plan meal op�ons
• Mat: Applying block chain to health claims data
• Aniket/Ni�n: Queing methodology for UTD on campus restaurants
Follow Up: Submit writen descrip�on of project ideas
Mee�ng 3 Minutes
Objec�ve: Determine project idea to move forward with
Mee�ng Time: June 21, 2018 7pm central via WebEx
0-30: Discussion of project ideas and concerns with project ideas
30-45: Vote to move forward with the nutri�on applica�on
Follow Up: Review current nutri�on applica�ons for exis�ng func�onali�es
Mee�ng 4 Minutes
Objec�ve: Discuss Exis�ng Nutri�on Applica�ons
Mee�ng Time: June 28, 2018 5pm central via WebEx
0-30: Review My Fitness Pal App by Under Armor
30-60: Review the website
60-75: Vote to move forward with My Fitness Pal
Follow Up: Submit writen problem statement problems iden�fied: inability to plan meals and use
ingredients that have already been purchased.
Follow Up
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 28 | P a g e
Step Assignment Assigned Individuals Status
1 Executive Summary Matt Completed
2 Problem Statement Matt Completed
3 Business Process Model (BPMN) Matt Completed
4 Context Diagram Matt Completed
5 Process Model: Use-Case Diagram & Use Case Descriptions Aniket July-18
6 Data Model: Class Diagram Nitin July-18
7 Objective Behavior Model: Sequence Diagram Vishesh July-18
8 Documentation: Data Dictionary JJ July-18
9 Functional Specification Document Matt July-18
10 Interface Design
11 Database Design
12 Complete Class Diagram
13 Software Design
Mee�ng 5 Minutes
Objec�ve: Review problem statements submited
Mee�ng Time: July 5, 2018 7pm central via WebEx
0-30: Discuss problem statements
30-45: Discuss next steps
Follow Up: Mat to finalize problem statement add execu�ve summary, BPMN, and context diagram
Mee�ng 6 Minutes
Objec�ve: Finalize project idea and assign remain system analysis tasks.
Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 14, 2018 7:30 pm WebEx Mee�ng
• 0-5: Roll call and sound adjustment
• 5-20: Review Steps 1-4
• 20-30: Plan is to move forward with the current idea
• 30-45: Assign the remaining business analysis tasks and establish the next mee�ng �me.
Mee�ng 7 Minutes
Objec�ve: Finalize system analysis
Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 18, 2018 8:30 Via Webex
• 0-15: Reviewed sequence diagram: key changes
o Divide the meal according to desired calorie intake for each meal
o Add database object to store and return nutri�onal facts about food items
• 15-30: Agreed to combine the MyPantry tool to the MealPlanning tool
• 30-70: Review process model. This will need to be modified to accommodate the new work flow.
Follow Up
• Update process model: Aniket
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 29 | P a g e
• Update data model: Ni�n
• Update sequence diagram: Vishesh
• Update Data Dic�onary: JJ
• Update Func�onal Specifica�on Document: Mat
Mee�ng 8 Minutes
Objec�ve: Finalize system analysis
Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 25, 2018 8:45 Via Webex
• 0-60: Review of current report and diagrams
• 60-70: Discuss final steps
Follow Up
• Interface design: Vishesh
• Complete class diagram: Aniket and Ni�n
• Modify ERD: JJ (Add intermediate table between Meal Plan and Ingredient, Weak en�ty to be
represented for Pricing)
• Modify Context Diagram: Ni�n (Add s�ck figures)
• So�ware Design: Vishesh and other members depending upon no of methods
Mee�ng 9 Minutes
Final Comple�on Timeline
Step Assignment Assigned Individuals Completion Date
1 Executive Summary Matt 14-Jul
2 Problem Statement Matt 14-Jul
3 Business Process Model (BPMN) Matt 14-Jul
4 Context Diagram Matt/Nitin 14-Jul
5 Process Model: Use-Case Diagram & Use Case Descriptions Aniket 25-Jul
6 Data Model: Class Diagram Nitin 25-Jul
7 Objective Behavior Model: Sequence Diagram Vishesh 25-Jul
8 Documentation: Data Dictionary JJ 25-Jul
9 Functional Specification Document Matt 25-Jul
10 Interface Design Vishesh 25-Jul
11 Database Design JJ 25-Jul
12 Complete Class Diagram Nitin/Aniket 25-Jul
13 Software Design Nitin/Aniket 25-Jul
14 Finnal Report Compilation All 2-Aug
SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 30 | P a g e
Resource Plan
Dura�on/Timeline/Man hours

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My fitness planner v2.0

  • 2. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 1 | P a g e CONTENTS MY FITNESS PLANNER 2.0 ............................................................................................................................0 MIS 6308 -SAPM |SUMMER 2018................................................................................................................0 Execu�ve Summary.......................................................................................................................................2 Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................................3 Problems:..................................................................................................................................................3 Objec�ves: ................................................................................................................................................3 Scope.........................................................................................................................................................4 Web 2.0 and Mobility....................................................................................................................................5 Web2.0 func�onality in the My Fitness Pal app 2.0: ................................................................................5 Mobility:....................................................................................................................................................5 Business Process Model................................................................................................................................6 Context Diagram ...........................................................................................................................................7 Func�onal specifica�on ................................................................................................................................7 Use case diagram ..........................................................................................................................................9 Use Case Descrip�on ..................................................................................................................................10 Data Dic�onary ...........................................................................................................................................14 Complete Class Diagram (Without Methods) .............................................................................................17 Object Behavior Model – Sequence Diagrams............................................................................................18 MealPlanning Tool...............................................................................................................................18 User Recipe .........................................................................................................................................19 Interface design...........................................................................................................................................20 Database design..........................................................................................................................................21 En�ty Rela�onship Diagram ...................................................................................................................21 Database constraints...............................................................................................................................22 Complete class diagram (with methods) ................................................................................................24 So�ware Design ......................................................................................................................................24 Weekly project �melines ............................................................................................................................26 Minutes of mee�ng.....................................................................................................................................27 References...................................................................................................................................................30
  • 3. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 2 | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Obesity remains one of the largest health problems in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) estimates that during 2015-2016 approximately 93.3 million adults (39.8% of the total population) were obese. In addition, the CDC estimates that 1 in 5 children is obese. Obesity can lead to a wide variety of health problems including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other problems. Obesity related conditions are the leading cause of preventable death. To reduce obesity rates, government programs and private business have worked to encourage people to be active and eat healthy. However, eating healthy is easier said than done. Most food options offered to consumers are high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and processed sugars and low on protein and vitamins. As a result, individuals frequently exceed the recommended intake amounts for calories, fat, and sodium without even realizing. In response to this several companies have created online tools to help users track their food intake and select food that is high in nutritional value. One company that is helping people make smarter food decisions is Under Armor through their online tool: MyFitnessPal. MyFitnessPal provides users with a variety of tools to help them make smarter nutritional choices which can be accessed online or through the mobile app. Users that register an account can keep a food journal of what they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks along with their activity level. When users input the food item and quantity of food, MyFitnessPal automatically tracks the number of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, saturated fat and other nutritional metrics. The user can track fluctuations to in their weight in accordance with their diet and activity levels. However, another prohibiting factor that prevents people from eating healthy is the cost associated with buying and cooking healthy foods. The cost is measured in terms of the direct cost of purchasing the food and the indirect cost of the time spent meal planning, traveling to the store, and cost of food that goes bad. These issues are largely ignored by the MyFitnessPal tool. Therefore, our team is proposing two key functional improvements which will help users reduce indirect cost by planning meals and a reducing food cost waste. Our team is proposing the creation of a MealPlanning tool which will allow users to set weekly food intake goals (e.g. calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar). The user would then divide the desired food intake amount among each meal of the week and snacks. The user can then search a database of recipes sourced from other users and select meal options that meet the nutritional requirements for each meal. The MealPlanning tool the provides a print out of all the ingredients that user must purchase for the week. In addition, the MealPlanning tool will create identify the closest stores and the prices of their ingredients based on the user’s location.
  • 4. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 3 | P a g e This will simplify meal planning for the user and allow them to ensure that they are buying the best priced ingredients. In addition, the MealPlanning tool will allow users to select ingredients which they already have purchased and find recipes that include these ingredients. This process will involve analyzing user supplied recipes and breaking them down into required ingredients, replaceable ingredients, and optional agreements. This additional feature will allow users to reduce food waste cost by using ingredients that they already possess. PROBLEM STATEMENT PROBLEMS: 1. Currently MyFitnessPal focuses on tracking what a user has already consumed. One of the largest prohibiting factors to eating healthy is the time associated with planning meals, purchasing the ingredients, and the recipes to prepare these meals. MyFitnessPal has no functionality that helps users plan their meals for the week. 2. MyFitnessPal does not help users locate required ingredients. 3. Users often have raw food ingredients lying around the house but do not know how to prepare these into a delicious meal. As a result, the ingredients often go bad costing the individual money. OBJECTIVES: 1. Develop a MealPlanning tool for MyFitnessPal which allows user to do the following: a) Set weekly food intake goals (e.g. calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar). b) The user then will divide the desired caloric intake amounts among each of the meals and snacks for the week. c) After setting their caloric goals for each meal the user can select recipes and snack ideas submitted from other users. d) Recipes will be reviewed by other users and voted for based on taste and ease of cooking instructions. e) After selecting their meals for the week, the user will then be able to compare the nutritional content to the goals they have set for each week. f) After approving their meal plan for the week, the MealPlanning tool will create a list of the ingredients that must be purchased by the user and their expected shelf life. g) Listed next to each ingredient will be a list of grocery stores where the ingredients can be purchased and the price for each ingredient.
  • 5. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 4 | P a g e h) The tool will also allow users to input ingredients that they have already purchased and search through user submitted recipes that include these ingredients. This will require a database that breaks the recipe down into the following categories: required ingredients, substitutable ingredients, and optional ingredients. SCOPE The MealPlanning tool will cost approximately $465,000 which includes the following cost a) $85,000 for a UI designer to build the tool which allows the users to their goals and divide it among the meals of the week. b) $90,000 for a database administrator to maintain the database of user submitted recipes. c) $100,000 for a software engineer to design a geographic information system which will identify the location of the user and identify the closest grocery stores. d) $90,000 for a database administrator to maintain the database of grocery store prices. e) $100,000 for computer hardware and software licenses.
  • 6. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 5 | P a g e WEB 2.0 AND MOBILITY Web 2.0, also called Par�cipa�ve (or Par�cipatory) and Social Web, refers to World Wide Web websites that emphasize user-generated content, usability (ease of use, even by non-experts), and interoperability (this means that a website can work well with other products, systems, and devices) for end users. A Web 2.0 website may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to the first genera�on of Web 1.0-era websites where people were limited to the passive viewing of content. Examples of Web 2.0 features include social networking sites and social media sites (e.g., Facebook), blogs, wikis, folksonomies ("tagging" keywords on websites and links), video sharing sites (e.g., YouTube), hosted services, Web applica�ons ("apps"), collabora�ve consump�on pla�orms, and mashup applica�ons. WEB2.0 FUNCTIONALITY IN THE MY FITNESS PAL APP 2.0: The design and flow of app allows its users to add recipe to the system. These recipes which are added in the system can be approved or reject by the admins. The system will calculate the Nutrient value from the ingredients which are provided by the users itself. Thus, we are trying to create a social pla�orm where users are sharing their ideas/views/content in the form of recipes. These recipes once added in the system will help the admins and the app too in the form of added recipe. We are also using these recipe databases in turn to be given to the new users with respect to suggested meals. If the Nutrient and the ingredients are best suited to the requirements of the user. System will suggest these recipes. We have also added an op�on where users will be able to review the recipe which are provided by the other users. This will help the system to filter out the recipe which are likes by most of the users and at the same �me fit with respect to nutrient values. MOBILITY: As part of Mobility of the func�onality of the applica�on. Our applica�on works in conjunc�on with over 50 devices and apps including Fitbit and Garmin wearable devices users can synchronize their health data to third-party devices for easier mobility. Our app is compa�ble with Android and iOS OS. Our applica�on gathers data from the user device to calculate the nearest store informa�on. This func�onality is necessary as part of the mobility feature in the applica�on.
  • 7. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 6 | P a g e BUSINESS PROCESS MODEL
  • 8. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 7 | P a g e CONTEXT DIAGRAM MEALPLANNING TOOL FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION a) The MealPlanning tool will allow users to set weekly calorie goals in a week based on the amount of desired weight loss. The user can the select the number of calories they would like to consume in each day/meal. Allowing the user to proactively plan for the number of calories they will consume in each meal will increase their likelihood for success in staying below the desired calorie threshold. b) After the user has selected the number of calories they would like to consume for each meal, the MealPlanning tool will suggest meals that fit their calorie goals. The user can scroll through meal options posted by other users and make their selection based on the complete nutritional profile for each meal plan. c) Users rate the meals that they select based on taste and ease to prepare. Higher rated meals are suggested to users. d) Once the user has selected their meals for the week, the MealPlanning tool will provide a complete list of ingredients that are required to be purchased. For each of the ingredients identified, the MealPlanning tool will identify the closest store to purchase the ingredient and the cost.
  • 9. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 8 | P a g e e) In addition, the MealPlanning tool will allow user to select recipes that include ingredients they already have in their possession. The user will simply select the food items search recipes that include these ingredients.
  • 10. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 9 | P a g e USE CASE DIAGRAM The below diagram represents the use case for the MealPlanning tool.
  • 11. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 10 | P a g e USE CASE DESCRIPTION Use Case Description 1: Use Case Name: Sign Up Primary Actor: User Stakeholder: MealPlanning Tool Brief Description: When a user wants to become a member of app he/ she can Sign-up Trigger: When a user clicks on Signup button Normal flow of events: 1. User navigates to App 2. User inputs User Data which includes First Name, Last Name, Email Address or User ID and Password which are required, and other optional information. 3. User clicks on “Sign Up” or “Create Your Free Account” button on main screen. Exception: If user enters invalid details, then display “Sign-up failed” Use Case Description 2: Use Case Name: Login Primary Actor: User Stakeholder: MealPlanning Tool Brief Description: When a logged in user is not detected, the app will ask for login credentials. Trigger: When a member tries to login in MealPlanning Tool Normal flow of events: 1. User clicks on Log-In button. 2. User enters Email Address or User ID and Password. 3. Retrieve User Data from User database file. 4. If credentials match, then authorize Log-In. 5. User continues using the app. Exception: 2a. If user enters invalid details, then display “Login failed” Use Case Description 3:
  • 12. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 11 | P a g e Use Case Name: Get Recipe Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: App suggests the meal to user for selection Trigger: User enters the desired weight or disapproves the recipe. Normal flow of events: 1. Users enters the desired weight. 2. App suggests the recipes accordingly with nutrition facts 3. The user selects the recipe's as per their requirement. Exception Flow: 2a. In case meal plan is already in place for the week, ask for confirmation in change meal plan 2b. In case target weight is equal to current weight, Display target achieved Use Case Description 4: Use Case Name: Get Ingredient Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Provides the ingredients for selected recipes. Trigger: User selects the recipes from the suggested list. Normal flow of events: 1. System provides the ingredients of the selected recipes to the user. 2. Users checks the ingredients and approve the recipes. Exception Flow: 2b. In case user disapproves the recipes after checking the ingredients, go to Get Recipes Use Case Description 5: Use Case Name: Get Meal Plan Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Get Daily Meal plan for the week Trigger: User taps on approve the Ingredients after selecting the recipes Normal flow of events: 1. App recommends the meal plan. 2. User selects the meal plan or customize and create his own. Exception Flow: None
  • 13. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 12 | P a g e Use Case Description 6: Use Case Name: Get Store Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Get store list with price Trigger: User selects the meal plan Normal flow of events: 1. App sends the list of stores nearby along with price of ingredients according to selected meal plan. Exception Flow: None Use Case Description 7: Use Case Name: Update Top Recipes Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool, User Brief Description: Top recipes in the system Trigger: User Rates a recipe, User updates a recipe Normal flow of events: 1. User rates a recipe in the system 2. System updates the new rating in the Recipe table 3. If the recipe has a rating of more than 3.5 and total number of votes are more than 50 4. Add the recipe to Top Recipe list in the system Exception Flow: None Use Case Description 8: Use Case Name: Make payments Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Make payments for ingredient purchases from selected stores Trigger: User selects the meal plan Normal flow of events: 1. If bank information saved when sign up, then user can select one of payment methods to pay his/ her billing. 2. Before paying, user can review his/ her transactions including the ingredient information, the store information, the prices, and billings information. 3. Confirm to pay. 4. After payment went through, user will receive a receipt for recording. Exception Flow: 1a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter or save at least one card. 2a. In case user wants to revise or cancel the purchases after reviews. 3a. In case the payment does not go through.
  • 14. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 13 | P a g e Use Case Description 9: Use Case Name: Add Recipe Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Adding recipe to the system Trigger: User taps on add recipe Normal flow of events: 1. User taps on the Add recipe option in the application 2. System return the "new recipe" form the user. 3. User submits the new recipe form. 4. System calculate the nutrient values from the Ingredient in the form. 5. System updates the nutrient values of the recipe in the database Exception Flow: 3a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter at least 2 ingredients. Use Case Description 10: Use Case Name: Review Recipe Primary Actor: User Stakeholders: MealPlanning tool Brief Description: Registered members can review the recipe Trigger: User click on the review recipe button Normal flow of events: 1. User taps on the Review recipe option in the application 2. System generates the list. 3. User selects the recipe which has to be rated 4. System generate the rating from the user+ 5. System generate the global rating using the generate rating methods Exception Flow: 3a. If bank information is blank, user needs to enter at least 2 ingredients.
  • 15. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 14 | P a g e DATA DICTIONARY Use Case: Sign Up User ID = Data element First Name = Data element Last Name = Data element Email Address = Data element Password = Data element User Address = Data element User Zip Code = Data element Birthday = Data element Gender = Data element Bank Account Information = Data element User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address + User Zip Code + (Birthday) + (Gender) + (Bank Account Information) Use Case: Authorize Login Login Data = [Email Address| User ID] Password: Data Element User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address + User Zip Code + (Birthday) + (Gender) + (Bank Account Information) Use Case: Set Goals Target Data = User ID + User’s Desired Weights + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity Login Data = [Email Address| User ID] Password: Data Element User’s Desired Weights = Current Weights + Desired Weights
  • 16. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 15 | P a g e Use Case: Get Recipe Recipe Data = Meal ID + Recipe List Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity + Calories + Review Data} Recipe Search = [{Ingredient Name} + (Cooking Methods) | Target Data] Target Data = User’s Desired Weights + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity Review Data = {User ID} + Number Of Votes + Rates + Reviews Use Case: Get Ingredient Ingredient Data = Meal ID + Ingredient List Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient Nutrition} Use Case: Set Meal Plan Meal Plan Data = Meal ID + RECIPE ID + Ingredient Data + Meal Description Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity + Calories + Review Data} Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient Nutrition} Use Case: Get Store Store Data = Store ID + Store List Store List = {Store Name + Store Address + Store Zip Code + Store Website + Store Telephone Number + Store Operation Hours + Store Distance + Estimated Arrival Time} Login Data = [Email Address| User ID] Password: Data Element User Data = User ID + First Name + Last Name + Email Address + Password + User Address + User Zip Code
  • 17. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 16 | P a g e Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient Nutrition} Price Data = {Store ID + Billing No + Ingredient List + Producer Name + Prices + (Billing Description) + (Product Details)} Use Case: Recipe from Members New Recipe Data = Recipe ID + Ingredient List + (Cooking Methods) + (Description) Ingredient List = {Ingredient Name + [Ingredient Quantity | Ingredient Weights] + Ingredient Nutrition} New Recipe List = {Recipe ID + Ingredient Name + Cooking Methods + Nutrition Name + Nutrition Quantity + Calories + Review Data} Review Data = {User ID} + Number of Votes + Rates + Reviews Use case: Make Payments Billing Data = User ID + Billing information + Price Data + Checkout Data Billing information = Billing No + Billing Payment Method + Billing Amount + Billed To + Billing Date + VAT No + Billing City + Billing State + Billing Zip Code + Billing Email Address Login Data = [Email Address| User ID] Password: Data Element Outstanding Balances = {Billing No + Amount + Billed To + Billing Date} Checkout Data = Outstanding Balances + Current Balances + Billing information Price Data = {Store ID + Billing No + Ingredient List + Producer Name + Prices + (Billing Description) + (Product Details)}
  • 18. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 17 | P a g e COMPLETE CLASS DIAGRAM (WITHOUT METHODS)
  • 20. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 19 | P a g e USER RECIPE
  • 21. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 20 | P a g e INTERFACE DESIGN 1. Homepage with the higher-level butons Recipe op�on on the top menu on the Ipad applica�on 2. MealPlanning Tool
  • 23. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 22 | P a g e DATABASE CONSTRAINTS Billing (BillingNo, UserID, BillingPaymentMethod, BillingAmount, BilledTo, BillingDate, VATNo, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZipCode, BillingEmailAddress) BillingNo should be non-null and unique. UserID should be non-null and should exist in the User table. User (UserID, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, Password, UserAddress, UserZipCode, Birthday, Gender, BankAccountInformation) UserID should be non-null and unique. Goal (UserID, UserDesiredWeights, NutritionName, CurrentWeights, DesiredWeights) UserID should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the User table. UserDesiredWeights should be non-null and unique. NutritionName should be non-null and should exist in the Nutrition table. Recipe (RecipeID, MealID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription) RecipeID should be not null and unique. MealID should be non-null and should exist in the MealPlan table. RecipeFromUser (RecipeID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription) RecipeID should be not null and unique; and should exist in the Recipe table. RecipeToUser (RecipeID, NumberOfVotes, Reviews, CookingMethods, RecipeDescription) RecipeID should be not null and unique; and should exist in the Recipe table. Nutrition (NutritionName, RecipeID, NutritionQuantity, Calories) NutritionName should be non-null and unique. RecipeID should be non-null and should exist in the Recipe table. Pricing (StoreID, BillingNo, ProducerName, Prices, BillingDescription, ProductDetails) StoreID should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the Store table. BillingNo should be non-null and unique; and should exist in the Billing table. Store (StoreID, UserID, IngredientName, StoreName, StoreAddress, StoreZipCode, StoreWebsite, StoreTelephoneNumber, StoreOperationHours, StoreDistance, EstimatedArrivalTime) StoreID should be non-null and unique. UserID should be non-null and should exist in the User table.
  • 24. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 23 | P a g e IngredientName should be non-null and should exist in the Ingredient table. Ingredient (IngredientName, IngredientQuantity, IngredientWeights, IngredientNutrition) IngredientName is unique and non-null. MealPlan (MealID, MealDescription) MealID is unique and non-null. MealPlan_ Ingredient(IngredientName, MealID) IngredientName is unique and non-null; and should exist in the Ingredient table. MealID is unique and non-null; and should exist in the MealPlan table.
  • 25. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 24 | P a g e COMPLETE CLASS DIAGRAM (WITH METHODS) So�ware Design Signature Method Name: +generateRatings(sum_of_votes) Class Name: Recipe ID: RecipeID Clients (Consumers): Members, MealPlanningtool Associated Use Cases: AddRecipe Description of Responsibilities: Computes Rating of the recipe Arguments Received: new rating, Total Number of votes cased Type of Value Returned: Float Pre-Conditions: None Post-Conditions: Updating the current rating of the recipe in the database Logic: DO (member taps on “rate recipe”) FETCH CurrentRating FROM Recipe Table FETCH No Of votes of the recipe From Recipe Table FETCH userRating from application Interface CALCULATE currentRating = ((curretRating+ userRating) /No of votes) SET the value of “Current Rating” in Recipe Table Signature Method Name: updateTopRecipe Class Name: Recipe ID: RecipeID Clients (Consumers): Recipe, MealPlanningtool Associated Use Cases: updateTopRecipe Description of Responsibilities: update top recipes Arguments Received: CurrentRating, Total Number of votes
  • 26. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 25 | P a g e Type of Value Returned: None Pre-Conditions: Recipe not present in Top Recipe list Post-Conditions: New Recipe Logic: DO (member taps on “rate recipe”) FETCH CurrentRating FROM Recipe Table FETCH No Of votes of the recipe From Recipe Table IF(CurrentRating>3.5 && totalnumberofvotes >50) ADD Recipe to Recipe to User table Signature Method Name: voteRecipe () Class Name: Tool Interface ID: RatingID Clients (Consumers): Customers,MealPlanningTool Associated Use Cases: Authorize Sign-in, Write Review for a Recipe Description of Responsibilities: Provide Rating for a Recipe Arguments Received: Recipe ID, Rating Type of Value Returned: Rating No (on a scale of 1 to 5) Pre-Conditions: Member sign-in is required Post-Conditions: Displaying the rating in the application Logic: FETCH Recipe details FROM RECIPE table IF Request type = “Review Recipe” THEN DISPLAY Recipe with Rating Scale SET Rating = User Rating DISPLAY Member Authorization Screen IF Member THEN UPDATE Recipe Table with Recipe Rating ELSE DISPLAY Sign-up Request form with a message “Only members have access to rate a Recipe” UPDATE the RecipefromUser Table
  • 27. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 26 | P a g e WEEKLY PROJECT TIMELINES Week 1 May 21 to May 27 Tasks: Exchange contact informa�on and schedule informa�on Week 2 May 28 to June 3 Tasks: Review project requirements and setup ini�al mee�ng �me Week 3 June 4 to June 10 Tasks: Meet to discuss project requirements and process for reviewing and ve�ng ideas Week 4 June 11 to 17 Tasks: Meet to discuss list of poten�al project ideas and submit writen descrip�on of each Week 5 June 18 to 24 Tasks: Vote on final project idea and move forward with ini�al planning Week 6 June 25 to July 1 Tasks: Review exi�ng nutri�onal applica�on, finalizes system to improve, and submit ini�al problem statements Week 7 July 2 to July 8 Tasks: Review problem statements submited Week 8 July 9 to July 15 Tasks: Review ini�al steps of the report and finalize Plan for moving forward Week 9 July 16 July 22 Tasks: Complete assigned tasks and meet to discuss ini�al ques�ons Week 10 July 23 July 29 Tasks: Complete assigned tasks and begin compiling report Week 11 July 30 Aug 2 Tasks: Final report review
  • 28. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 27 | P a g e MINUTES OF MEETING Mee�ng 1 Minutes Objec�ve: Review project requirements and process for reviewing project ideas. Mee�ng Time: June 7, 2018 7pm central via WebEx Minutes: 0-20: Review projects lis�ng and example projects Follow Up: Submit project idea Mee�ng 2 Minutes Objec�ve: Discuss Project Ideas Mee�ng Time: June 14, 2018 6pm central via WebEx Minutes: 0-45: Discuss project ideas: • JJ: Create nutri�on app that will allow user to plan meal op�ons • Mat: Applying block chain to health claims data • Aniket/Ni�n: Queing methodology for UTD on campus restaurants Follow Up: Submit writen descrip�on of project ideas Mee�ng 3 Minutes Objec�ve: Determine project idea to move forward with Mee�ng Time: June 21, 2018 7pm central via WebEx Minutes: 0-30: Discussion of project ideas and concerns with project ideas 30-45: Vote to move forward with the nutri�on applica�on Follow Up: Review current nutri�on applica�ons for exis�ng func�onali�es Mee�ng 4 Minutes Objec�ve: Discuss Exis�ng Nutri�on Applica�ons Mee�ng Time: June 28, 2018 5pm central via WebEx Minutes: 0-30: Review My Fitness Pal App by Under Armor 30-60: Review the website 60-75: Vote to move forward with My Fitness Pal Follow Up: Submit writen problem statement problems iden�fied: inability to plan meals and use ingredients that have already been purchased. Follow Up
  • 29. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 28 | P a g e Step Assignment Assigned Individuals Status 1 Executive Summary Matt Completed 2 Problem Statement Matt Completed 3 Business Process Model (BPMN) Matt Completed 4 Context Diagram Matt Completed 5 Process Model: Use-Case Diagram & Use Case Descriptions Aniket July-18 6 Data Model: Class Diagram Nitin July-18 7 Objective Behavior Model: Sequence Diagram Vishesh July-18 8 Documentation: Data Dictionary JJ July-18 9 Functional Specification Document Matt July-18 10 Interface Design 11 Database Design 12 Complete Class Diagram 13 Software Design Mee�ng 5 Minutes Objec�ve: Review problem statements submited Mee�ng Time: July 5, 2018 7pm central via WebEx Minutes: 0-30: Discuss problem statements 30-45: Discuss next steps Follow Up: Mat to finalize problem statement add execu�ve summary, BPMN, and context diagram Mee�ng 6 Minutes Objec�ve: Finalize project idea and assign remain system analysis tasks. Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 14, 2018 7:30 pm WebEx Mee�ng Minutes: • 0-5: Roll call and sound adjustment • 5-20: Review Steps 1-4 • 20-30: Plan is to move forward with the current idea • 30-45: Assign the remaining business analysis tasks and establish the next mee�ng �me. Mee�ng 7 Minutes Objec�ve: Finalize system analysis Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 18, 2018 8:30 Via Webex Minutes: • 0-15: Reviewed sequence diagram: key changes o Divide the meal according to desired calorie intake for each meal o Add database object to store and return nutri�onal facts about food items • 15-30: Agreed to combine the MyPantry tool to the MealPlanning tool • 30-70: Review process model. This will need to be modified to accommodate the new work flow. Follow Up • Update process model: Aniket
  • 30. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 29 | P a g e • Update data model: Ni�n • Update sequence diagram: Vishesh • Update Data Dic�onary: JJ • Update Func�onal Specifica�on Document: Mat Mee�ng 8 Minutes Objec�ve: Finalize system analysis Mee�ng Time and Loca�on: July 25, 2018 8:45 Via Webex Minutes: • 0-60: Review of current report and diagrams • 60-70: Discuss final steps Follow Up • Interface design: Vishesh • Complete class diagram: Aniket and Ni�n • Modify ERD: JJ (Add intermediate table between Meal Plan and Ingredient, Weak en�ty to be represented for Pricing) • Modify Context Diagram: Ni�n (Add s�ck figures) • So�ware Design: Vishesh and other members depending upon no of methods Mee�ng 9 Minutes Final Comple�on Timeline Step Assignment Assigned Individuals Completion Date 1 Executive Summary Matt 14-Jul 2 Problem Statement Matt 14-Jul 3 Business Process Model (BPMN) Matt 14-Jul 4 Context Diagram Matt/Nitin 14-Jul 5 Process Model: Use-Case Diagram & Use Case Descriptions Aniket 25-Jul 6 Data Model: Class Diagram Nitin 25-Jul 7 Objective Behavior Model: Sequence Diagram Vishesh 25-Jul 8 Documentation: Data Dictionary JJ 25-Jul 9 Functional Specification Document Matt 25-Jul 10 Interface Design Vishesh 25-Jul 11 Database Design JJ 25-Jul 12 Complete Class Diagram Nitin/Aniket 25-Jul 13 Software Design Nitin/Aniket 25-Jul 14 Finnal Report Compilation All 2-Aug
  • 31. SAPM/SUMMER 2018/Group 14 Project Report 30 | P a g e REFERENCES Resource Plan Dura�on/Timeline/Man hours