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Intertexts Research
Intertext Research 1- Paranormal Activity 4
Intertext Research 2- Silent Hill
Intertext Research 3- Sinister
Intertext Research 4- The Ward
Censorship issues
Target Audience
Questions 1&2
Questions 3 &4
Questions 5&6
Questions 7&8
Questions 9&10
The taste of my target audience
Audience theory applied to your text
Target audience profile
Planning my text
Drafting ideas
Organisation of trailer
Draft layouts
Freya final look
Font choices

Research into these four film trailers:
    Paranormal activity 4
  Silent hill: Revelation
  Sinister
  The ward

Research into my target audience and finally planning
the text.

Paranormal Activity 4 is about
Hunter and Katie that went
missing five years ago in the
second film. Alex and Wyatt’s
family have been encountering
paranormal things in their house
since a new neighbour Robbie
had to stay in their house when his
mother got taken to hostpital and
has brought the demon in the
house called Toby which wants to
take Wyatt from his family
because of his hidden identity.

  Distributed by Paramount pictures.
  Paramount pictures are known for other films
   like titanic and also ghost
  It was released on the 18th of October 2012.
  The budget of the film was $5 million.
  The gross over so far has been $91,941,89.
  Most reviews so far have given the film a 2/5
   “The new movie nearly chokes on these
   replays, and has more fake shock moments
   (people who scare people) than real ones. ”Home
Visual codes.
Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set
and the lighting which sets the atmosphere.
The dress codes are casual wear that people would wear every day,
this is something that people can relate to and something they
could be wearing like jeans and t-shirt while they are watching the
movie themselves. Having the clothing that people can relate to
makes them think about their own life's rather than having them
wear something unrealistic which could be less frightening.
The setting of the film is in suburbia where people will feel most
comfortable because its seen as the most safe because they could
be surrounded by friends and family who trust each other and also
most of the people watching the film would live in a house this could
also make them question if they are safe in where they live.
The lighting in the film is natural, in the day time and night time. This
makes it more spooky because its less easier to see things on the
screen rather than having a spot light to point the scary objects out.

Audio codes.
The audio codes in this film are diegetic sounds which
people would hear around their own house or neighbour
hood. Such as something hitting another thing or
something being dropped on the floor. Also foot steps
on wooden flooring. Breathing and movement noises
could also be heard around a persons house if they had
pets. When people hear sounds they recognise they will
become a lot more paranoid because they would be
able to think of memories which they could of heard
those types of noises, such as a pet pushing something
off a table. Also car noises and sirens if people lived in a
busy town they would also recognise this as danger
because its seen as a warning so they can move out of
the way.
Technical codes
They use a lot of mid shots and close up shots
so show the worried expressions on the actors
faces. Using this makes the audience less able
to see what’s in the background which can
make the viewers more nervous to what will
happen when they expect something
dramatic will happen, when they show
something that will happen they use wide shot
so you can see unclearly what’s happening
until its up close to the camera which will
make the viewer jump.
Action codes-
The action codes can be slow and then with a
sudden quick movement like when she's lead
on the bed and she suddenly gets pulled off
surprising the people who are watching the
trailer. Having some movement in the
background when the little boy is standing in
her room watching her sleep can cause
tension and can make the audience jump
easier. Using a mix of fast and slow
movements can make the viewers less
expected of what would happen.
Narrative codes-
Having the Film trailer based in the house and when she films it on
a camera makes it more relatable to the family life that they
could have and the audience could experience in their day to
day life. The characters unknowing of what's going to happen
makes the film have some sort of paranoia.
Alex in the Film is the Props prince because she's trying to sort out
what’s happening which involves her brother which is seem as
the princess because he was unaware of what his past was.
Robbie, Toby and Katie are the villain's because they are trying
to take Wyatt away to restart his live as Hunter.
Having Alex as the protector for Wyatt makes her the main focus
of the film and people watch her reactions more than the others.

When her father
disappears, Heather
Mason is drawn into a
strange and terrifying
alternate reality that
holds answers to the
horrific nightmares that
have plagued her since
childhood, having a
key she needs to find
out what she needs to
unlock to stop the
  Distributed by Open Road Films.
  It was released on the 26th of October 2012.
  The budget of the film was $20 million.
  The gross over so far has been $14,553,401
  Most reviews so far have given the film a
   1/5 “This listless sequel just warms over the
   same ingredients with a smaller budget and
   worse script.”
Visual codes.
Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the
lighting which sets the atmosphere.
The dress codes are casual wear for what the main characters are wearing and
the extra horror actors they are wearing old fashioned clothing which are also in
dark colours like purple and dark green. They also use old fashioned, ripped
clothing and could get dirtier through out the film. This makes the main
characters have a contrast with the people in the nightmares that she has.
The setting of the film is in a place where she has newly moved and most of the
first part of the advert is in a school where she meets her new friend. She then
starts to walk home to find her father missing and her house falls apart until she is
around the place called silent hill that she dreams about this also starts to happen
before she makes friends with the person she met in school. It starts to take her to
silent hill but her friend comes and says hello. Having the scene fall around makes
the transition more interesting than just swapping over.
The lighting in the film is dark in the back ground but the main characters are
focused on with spot lights so you can see their facial expressions, this also helps
the mood set place because of you being un aware of what's happening
Audio codes.
The audio codes in this film are non diegetic
unless the people are talking and when the door
hand rattles. The noises are very sudden and are
quite a deep sounding. In the start there is more
of a softer sounding tone which makes things
seem innocent with sudden burst of the deep
sounds. When she's in the corridor that’s when the
deeper noises start to happen the whole way
through. They also have a sound mid way through
the presentation which sounds like a siren which
could be seen as a warning or danger where
people should stay away from.
Technical codes
They use a lot of wide shots so you can see the surroundings
first before you see any characters. They then have and close
up shots so show the two girls faces and then when the girl
wakes up and you can see the worried expression on the her
face. Using the mix of the both can make the audience be
able to see the both the foreground and the background
which means they can see everything going on and having it
in the dark makes the background more blurry which makes it
harder to see what's happening. Until it comes up to the front
of the screen like when the spider comes forward on the
trailer using the wide shot means there's more space on the
screen for things to jump out in the darkness and people will
be less aware of where they could be.

Action codes-
The action codes are quick through out the trailer which
moves quickly to another thing which is happening in
the movie, for example when the face changes from
the girl in the nightmare world into when the other girl
wakes up from the nightmare and you can see how
scared she is. Quick movement can keep the audience
more interested in the trailer because they are seeing
more of the film rather than it being slow. Movement in
the background like when the people in her dream are
coming after her means that the audience wouldn’t
know where to look until something closer to the screen
would jump up in front then scaring the audience.

Narrative codes-
Having the Film trailer based in a school or a house
which can then suddenly change into Silent hill means
that anything could happen in the film at any
moment leaving the audience feeling defenceless.
The camera shots makes the angles of the movement
smother rather than a jerking movement which means
people could miss things that are on the screen.
Heather and her father in the film both act as the
Prince and princess because they are both trying to
protect each other in different points when they are in
danger like at the start when her father moves house
so the silent hill will leave heather alone and then
when he gets taken away so she goes to silent hillHome
then has to go save him.
Found footage helps a
true-crime author realize
how and why a family was
murdered in his new home,
though his discoveries put
his entire family in the path
of a supernatural entity
when the entity comes to
get them.

  Distributed by Summit Entertainment.
  It was released on the 5th of October 2012.
  The budget of the film was $3 million.
  The gross over so far has been $41,542,374
  Most reviews so far have given the film a
   3.5/5 “It was very easy to understand
   especially when it clearly states it in the end
   of the movie. I liked how the trailer made
   you think one thing and the movie takes a
   complete tun and twist.”
Visual codes.
Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the
lighting which sets the atmosphere.
The dress codes are casual and pyjamas for what the main characters are
wearing and the sinister man wears a mask and black clothing which makes
him blend into the background when he's standing outside in the leaves or
when he's in the attic with the children. When they wear dark clothing this
makes it harder for them to be noticed until the person moves which makes
the person jump.
The setting of the film a newly moved house as well means that they wont
know where to go when someone gets attacked by the sinister person,
knowing that the people don’t know where to go means that you worry with
the characters when something happens which makes you nervous.
The lighting in the film is dark in the back ground which then when sinister is
in the garden a spot light will focus on his face suddenly then scaring the
audience. Using less light means the people wont be able to see many

Audio codes.
The audio codes in this film are non diegetic
unless the people are talking.
They use cricket noises at the start when its
silent and they use a sound which is similar like
a violin noise which is quite squeaky, they use
the noise of flicking when the camera which is
going round when its broken. These sounds
relate to the fact that you only see him once
you look at a image. Which can make people
uneasy for the recognition between the two.
Technical codes
Technical shots used in this would be wide shot,
they pin point a close up like the feet and the box
in the attic, they do close ups of the peoples
happiness and a wide shot and close up of the
people in the garden that don’t know what's
happening to them. When he’s talking to
someone they use over the shoulder. What they
use the most is a pin point of things which relate
to the children going missing which could be the
paintings on the wall or the symbol which was told
the author what the thing that was following them
was about.

Action codes-
The action codes are slow with no sharp
movements until the camera shots break
apart and reveal the breaking of the
camera. The only sudden movement with
out the breaking of the reel is when the
sinister demon suddenly appears or at the
end when the children are sat on the floor
with the demon and then he jumps straight
in front of the camera.
Narrative codes-
The film based in a house which has had a recent
past of deaths , this gives people an expectancy of
that something will happen.
 Using the effect of a old family film and discovering
something makes the story unfold easier and gives
you different ideas of what could happen.
The author is the prince trying to fix his families
problem which he created.

The story revolves around a
young institutionalized
woman named Kristen who is
haunted by a mysterious and
deadly ghost. As danger
creeps closer, she comes to
realize that this ghost might
be darker than anything she
ever could have imagined,
but will anyone help her?
  Distributed by ARC Entertainment Xlrator
  t was released on the 13th of September 2010.
  The budget of the film was $10 million.
  The gross over so far has been $5,069,499.
  Reviews so far have given the film a rating of
   3/5 stars “Still, it's a well-made film, with some
   finely crafted shocks and a steady pace that
   almost seems stately in these days of fast-cut
Visual codes.
Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is
set and the lighting which sets the atmosphere.
The dress codes are a stereotypical doctors clothing like the
night wear that patient's would have to wear instead of their own
clothing and the doctors wearing the smart doctors uniform.
The setting of the film is in a psychiatric hospital which is known
for being a scary place and the mistreatment of patient's.
The lighting in the film is light when she's outside and when she's
inside it becomes dark when the paranormal activity starts to
happen and when her mind starts to play tricks on her.

Audio codes.
The audio codes in this film are non
diegetic with screeching sounding music.
They also using a woman singing a tune
which could be seen as relaxing which
contradicts the film. The screaming and
panic of the characters are used a lot in
the trailer in either anger or panic which
shows how the people must be feeling
while their life in a asylum.

Technical codes
Technical shots used in this would be wide shot
when she runs through the woods and when she
comes up to the hospital, they use over the
shoulder when she's talking to the man. Sharp
movement close up to the clients face when she's
looking for someone which creates paranoia for
the viewers. Also in the mid shot at the end when
the ghost grabs her neck its one of the main
focuses because of the hand being in the middle
of the screen which is where most of the people
would be looking.
Action codes-
The action codes are sharp and quick when
she's running away from the ghost which is in
her mind which resembles the fact that she's
trying to run away with how she is rather than
being able to accept it. At the start is quite
slow because of her being comfortable with
her life and the way she was, the faster
movements shows her trying to escape feeling
like she is trapped with something she doesn’t
want to be with.
Narrative codes-
The film based in a mental asylum which looks after
mentally unable people which are protected., even
though one person doesn’t feel as safe as she should
be. This is effective by having a hospital which would
be know as a place to become better takes a turn for
the worst and makes her worse than before she can
The Asylum girl is both the Villain and princess in this
trailer because its her mind that’s playing tricks on her
to make herself unstable when she could be living a
normal life but her paranoia gets the better of her.
People aged 15 and above can only watch these rated
films because they are seen inappropriate for the ages
Issues that they could have are Discrimination, such as
language or behaviour. Drug use which could be seen
as promoting the use of dangerous substances. Horror
which can have strong threats and sexual attacks
towards people. The behaviour of people like them self
harming or weapons which could be glamourized.
Language which are too strong such as “Fuck”. Nudity
its not allowed in strong detail. Sex is allowed unless its in
a strong content and Violence can have images of
pain or injury which could be inflicted to people such as
sexual or physical. Only 12as can have it discreetly.
No-one younger than 18 can see this film in a
cinema or rent it in a shop. It could have harm to
a individual through their behaviour and society
meaning that they could pick up ways to act in a
film. There's more sexual activity in these films
which could be inappropriate for the viewers to
see or hear during the film. This can also be put
onto video games like Grand theft auto. Sexual
words can normally make this a 18 just so that the
younger viewers don’t say any words in public
which could offend anyone. Sex in a film can
normally show safe sex and that’s when explicit
images can be shown.

What I learnt from question one was that everyone
that answered my questionnaire were 15 or over and
in question two everyone who answered my
questionnaire were in the age group of 15-20 years
old. They will be my target audience for when I make
my trailer for my horror film because they seem to be
more interested in horror films which is why they took
the questionnaire.
In Question three it showed me that mainly females
answered my questionnaire which means that there
should be a female main character because they will be
able to relate to the actor. In question four it showed that
my viewers watch a lot of films which means that they
could like the horror genre a lot more because they could
of seen a few horror films which could make them
interested to watch the horror trailer.
Question 5 shows that people sometimes go to the cinema
which means that we need to make the trailer look more
attractive to go see in a film theatre. Question six showed me
that most people liked horror films which took my films which
means that they would be able to give me good suggestions
to what films they like and what scares them in the horror
genre which could attract more people to go see that
certain type of film.
Question 7&8 were both questions which asked what
horror film they like the most and what scared them in a
horror film. In Question 7 most people liked the saw films
which is more of psychological film which is what I will base
my film idea around and in Question 8 most people were
scared of jumpy parts in a film and things which are tense
which then jumps out at you.
Question 9 is when they go and watch movies and question 10 is
where they watch movies. Question nine showed me that
people mostly watch it on the weekends and Wednesday
because of orange Wednesdays, they also go with their friends
for social interactions to talk about things with their friends.
Question ten has showed me people like to watch horror films at
home because of the comfort and safety of being in a familiar
environment.                                                    Home
   All of the people that answered my questions were in-between
    15-20 years old.
   More of them were Female from 7/4.
   Most people watch films very often with 4 responses out of
   10 people go to the cinema sometimes and 9 people said they
    like horror films.
   Peoples favourite horror films were, Silent hill, Saw, Sinister,
    insidious, Paranormal activity three and the ward but people
    repeated the Saw films three times.
   What people find scariest in a horror film are bits that make you
    jump, gory parts, Scary music, Paranormal activity, when things
    appear out on nowhere, the tension before something happens.
   Most people said they normally go see a film on the weekends
    or Wednesday when they are with a friend and a new film has
    come out that they would like to go see.
   And most people watch films when they are at home
My target audience are people between 15 and 20,
young adults. Which means the rating should be a
fifteen. They were also female so also having a main
character as a female means that my audience would
be able to relate to them. They also watch movies a lot
which means there would be a lot of people talking
about the movie which could mean that more people
would want to go see it even though they sometimes go
to the cinema. They like horror films which are related to
the psychological meanings of the saw films and how
there is always something unexpected to happen which
will make you jump. They also got to the cinema on
weekends and when there’s a Wednesday so having
the release date on one of those days would mean
more people would go to see it.
   Hypodermic syringe theory- The violence which is
    shown in a horror film can influence younger viewers
    to act like a person in the film. For example the
    batman massacre happened because a man who
    was influence by the joker open fired in a cinema at
    a late night viewing of the new batman film in The
    Dark Knight Rises.
   Propps theory- having a hero and also a villain
    causes a twist onto a film. This puts a psychological
    twist onto the film which plays with the film watchers
   Uses for gratifications theory- this makes people want
    to watch films if their friends have because it gives
    something for them to talk about and for people to
    have social interactions.                          Home
   Male and Female
   Aged 15-20 years
   They would watch the film with friends so they could talk
    about it together.
   Students, Demographic Category E with a part time job.
   People who watch a lot of media about 7 hours+ a
    week and watched three films a week.
   Mostly American and English people would watch this
    film but any nationality.
   Hobbies they would be interested in could be anything
    that they could socialise with their friends like going to
    see a film, shopping and watching programmes to
    have something to talk about with their friends. Home
   My first thoughts are:
   Title: The Retribution.
   Plot: A young girl who is 11 years old and is
    taken into a asylum because she started to
    cause pain for others. She then manages to
    escape the inhumane torture she had to go
    through while being in the institute. Managing
    to escape the asylum she reaches a local
    forest where some teenagers are camping to
    celebrate leaving school and finishing their
    Gcse’s. But little do they know she’s changed
    her mind set into a craving for human flesh and
   Freya Steadman- Maya
   Emily fisher- Teenager girl1
   Anna Papathanasiou- Teenager girl 2
   Chazz Cherry- Teenage girl 2
   Matthew Smith- Teenage boy 1
   Kingsley Hutchinson- Teenage boy 2
   School.
   Woods.
   Row of trees
     ›   Teenagers- Old clothing which could be ripped and have fake blood be put onto
     ›   Psycho child- Hospital robe
     Camping Equipment- tent, fire wood ect
     Fake blood
     Fake Knife
     Syringe
     Face paint
1. Font choice one     Algerian
2. Font choice two
     Blackadder ITC
3. Font choice three   Baskerville Old face
4. Font Choice four         Reprise script


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  • 2. Intertexts Research Intertext Research 1- Paranormal Activity 4 Intertext Research 2- Silent Hill Intertext Research 3- Sinister Intertext Research 4- The Ward Censorship issues 15 18 Target Audience Questions 1&2 Questions 3 &4 Questions 5&6 Questions 7&8 Questions 9&10 Feedback The taste of my target audience Audience theory applied to your text Target audience profile Planning my text Drafting ideas Organisation of trailer Draft layouts Freya final look Font choices Home
  • 3. Research into these four film trailers:  Paranormal activity 4  Silent hill: Revelation Http://  Sinister Http://  The ward Research into my target audience and finally planning the text. Home
  • 5. About- Paranormal Activity 4 is about Hunter and Katie that went missing five years ago in the second film. Alex and Wyatt’s family have been encountering paranormal things in their house since a new neighbour Robbie had to stay in their house when his mother got taken to hostpital and has brought the demon in the house called Toby which wants to take Wyatt from his family because of his hidden identity. Home
  • 6. Institution  Distributed by Paramount pictures.  Paramount pictures are known for other films like titanic and also ghost  It was released on the 18th of October 2012.  The budget of the film was $5 million.  The gross over so far has been $91,941,89.  Most reviews so far have given the film a 2/5 “The new movie nearly chokes on these replays, and has more fake shock moments (people who scare people) than real ones. ”Home
  • 7. Visual codes. Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the lighting which sets the atmosphere. The dress codes are casual wear that people would wear every day, this is something that people can relate to and something they could be wearing like jeans and t-shirt while they are watching the movie themselves. Having the clothing that people can relate to makes them think about their own life's rather than having them wear something unrealistic which could be less frightening. The setting of the film is in suburbia where people will feel most comfortable because its seen as the most safe because they could be surrounded by friends and family who trust each other and also most of the people watching the film would live in a house this could also make them question if they are safe in where they live. The lighting in the film is natural, in the day time and night time. This makes it more spooky because its less easier to see things on the screen rather than having a spot light to point the scary objects out. Home
  • 8. Audio codes. The audio codes in this film are diegetic sounds which people would hear around their own house or neighbour hood. Such as something hitting another thing or something being dropped on the floor. Also foot steps on wooden flooring. Breathing and movement noises could also be heard around a persons house if they had pets. When people hear sounds they recognise they will become a lot more paranoid because they would be able to think of memories which they could of heard those types of noises, such as a pet pushing something off a table. Also car noises and sirens if people lived in a busy town they would also recognise this as danger because its seen as a warning so they can move out of the way. Home
  • 9. Technical codes They use a lot of mid shots and close up shots so show the worried expressions on the actors faces. Using this makes the audience less able to see what’s in the background which can make the viewers more nervous to what will happen when they expect something dramatic will happen, when they show something that will happen they use wide shot so you can see unclearly what’s happening until its up close to the camera which will make the viewer jump. Home
  • 10. Action codes- The action codes can be slow and then with a sudden quick movement like when she's lead on the bed and she suddenly gets pulled off surprising the people who are watching the trailer. Having some movement in the background when the little boy is standing in her room watching her sleep can cause tension and can make the audience jump easier. Using a mix of fast and slow movements can make the viewers less expected of what would happen. Home
  • 11. Narrative codes- Having the Film trailer based in the house and when she films it on a camera makes it more relatable to the family life that they could have and the audience could experience in their day to day life. The characters unknowing of what's going to happen makes the film have some sort of paranoia. Alex in the Film is the Props prince because she's trying to sort out what’s happening which involves her brother which is seem as the princess because he was unaware of what his past was. Robbie, Toby and Katie are the villain's because they are trying to take Wyatt away to restart his live as Hunter. Having Alex as the protector for Wyatt makes her the main focus of the film and people watch her reactions more than the others. Home
  • 12. About- When her father disappears, Heather Mason is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have plagued her since childhood, having a key she needs to find out what she needs to unlock to stop the horror. Home
  • 13. Institution  Distributed by Open Road Films.  It was released on the 26th of October 2012.  The budget of the film was $20 million.  The gross over so far has been $14,553,401  Most reviews so far have given the film a 1/5 “This listless sequel just warms over the same ingredients with a smaller budget and worse script.” Home
  • 14. Visual codes. Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the lighting which sets the atmosphere. The dress codes are casual wear for what the main characters are wearing and the extra horror actors they are wearing old fashioned clothing which are also in dark colours like purple and dark green. They also use old fashioned, ripped clothing and could get dirtier through out the film. This makes the main characters have a contrast with the people in the nightmares that she has. The setting of the film is in a place where she has newly moved and most of the first part of the advert is in a school where she meets her new friend. She then starts to walk home to find her father missing and her house falls apart until she is around the place called silent hill that she dreams about this also starts to happen before she makes friends with the person she met in school. It starts to take her to silent hill but her friend comes and says hello. Having the scene fall around makes the transition more interesting than just swapping over. The lighting in the film is dark in the back ground but the main characters are focused on with spot lights so you can see their facial expressions, this also helps the mood set place because of you being un aware of what's happening around. Home
  • 15. Audio codes. The audio codes in this film are non diegetic unless the people are talking and when the door hand rattles. The noises are very sudden and are quite a deep sounding. In the start there is more of a softer sounding tone which makes things seem innocent with sudden burst of the deep sounds. When she's in the corridor that’s when the deeper noises start to happen the whole way through. They also have a sound mid way through the presentation which sounds like a siren which could be seen as a warning or danger where people should stay away from. Home
  • 16. Technical codes They use a lot of wide shots so you can see the surroundings first before you see any characters. They then have and close up shots so show the two girls faces and then when the girl wakes up and you can see the worried expression on the her face. Using the mix of the both can make the audience be able to see the both the foreground and the background which means they can see everything going on and having it in the dark makes the background more blurry which makes it harder to see what's happening. Until it comes up to the front of the screen like when the spider comes forward on the trailer using the wide shot means there's more space on the screen for things to jump out in the darkness and people will be less aware of where they could be. Home
  • 17. Action codes- The action codes are quick through out the trailer which moves quickly to another thing which is happening in the movie, for example when the face changes from the girl in the nightmare world into when the other girl wakes up from the nightmare and you can see how scared she is. Quick movement can keep the audience more interested in the trailer because they are seeing more of the film rather than it being slow. Movement in the background like when the people in her dream are coming after her means that the audience wouldn’t know where to look until something closer to the screen would jump up in front then scaring the audience. Home
  • 18. Narrative codes- Having the Film trailer based in a school or a house which can then suddenly change into Silent hill means that anything could happen in the film at any moment leaving the audience feeling defenceless. The camera shots makes the angles of the movement smother rather than a jerking movement which means people could miss things that are on the screen. Heather and her father in the film both act as the Prince and princess because they are both trying to protect each other in different points when they are in danger like at the start when her father moves house so the silent hill will leave heather alone and then when he gets taken away so she goes to silent hillHome she then has to go save him.
  • 19. About- Found footage helps a true-crime author realize how and why a family was murdered in his new home, though his discoveries put his entire family in the path of a supernatural entity when the entity comes to get them. Home
  • 20. Institution  Distributed by Summit Entertainment.  It was released on the 5th of October 2012.  The budget of the film was $3 million.  The gross over so far has been $41,542,374  Most reviews so far have given the film a 3.5/5 “It was very easy to understand especially when it clearly states it in the end of the movie. I liked how the trailer made you think one thing and the movie takes a complete tun and twist.” Home
  • 21. Visual codes. Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the lighting which sets the atmosphere. The dress codes are casual and pyjamas for what the main characters are wearing and the sinister man wears a mask and black clothing which makes him blend into the background when he's standing outside in the leaves or when he's in the attic with the children. When they wear dark clothing this makes it harder for them to be noticed until the person moves which makes the person jump. The setting of the film a newly moved house as well means that they wont know where to go when someone gets attacked by the sinister person, knowing that the people don’t know where to go means that you worry with the characters when something happens which makes you nervous. The lighting in the film is dark in the back ground which then when sinister is in the garden a spot light will focus on his face suddenly then scaring the audience. Using less light means the people wont be able to see many things. Home
  • 22. Audio codes. The audio codes in this film are non diegetic unless the people are talking. They use cricket noises at the start when its silent and they use a sound which is similar like a violin noise which is quite squeaky, they use the noise of flicking when the camera which is going round when its broken. These sounds relate to the fact that you only see him once you look at a image. Which can make people uneasy for the recognition between the two. Home
  • 23. Technical codes Technical shots used in this would be wide shot, they pin point a close up like the feet and the box in the attic, they do close ups of the peoples happiness and a wide shot and close up of the people in the garden that don’t know what's happening to them. When he’s talking to someone they use over the shoulder. What they use the most is a pin point of things which relate to the children going missing which could be the paintings on the wall or the symbol which was told the author what the thing that was following them was about. Home
  • 24. Action codes- The action codes are slow with no sharp movements until the camera shots break apart and reveal the breaking of the camera. The only sudden movement with out the breaking of the reel is when the sinister demon suddenly appears or at the end when the children are sat on the floor with the demon and then he jumps straight in front of the camera. Home
  • 25. Narrative codes- The film based in a house which has had a recent past of deaths , this gives people an expectancy of that something will happen. Using the effect of a old family film and discovering something makes the story unfold easier and gives you different ideas of what could happen. The author is the prince trying to fix his families problem which he created. Home
  • 26. About- The story revolves around a young institutionalized woman named Kristen who is haunted by a mysterious and deadly ghost. As danger creeps closer, she comes to realize that this ghost might be darker than anything she ever could have imagined, but will anyone help her? Home
  • 27. Institution  Distributed by ARC Entertainment Xlrator Media.  t was released on the 13th of September 2010.  The budget of the film was $10 million.  The gross over so far has been $5,069,499.  Reviews so far have given the film a rating of 3/5 stars “Still, it's a well-made film, with some finely crafted shocks and a steady pace that almost seems stately in these days of fast-cut horror.” Home
  • 28. Visual codes. Visual codes in the trailer include dress codes, where the film is set and the lighting which sets the atmosphere. The dress codes are a stereotypical doctors clothing like the night wear that patient's would have to wear instead of their own clothing and the doctors wearing the smart doctors uniform. The setting of the film is in a psychiatric hospital which is known for being a scary place and the mistreatment of patient's. The lighting in the film is light when she's outside and when she's inside it becomes dark when the paranormal activity starts to happen and when her mind starts to play tricks on her. Home
  • 29. Audio codes. The audio codes in this film are non diegetic with screeching sounding music. They also using a woman singing a tune which could be seen as relaxing which contradicts the film. The screaming and panic of the characters are used a lot in the trailer in either anger or panic which shows how the people must be feeling while their life in a asylum. Home
  • 30. Technical codes Technical shots used in this would be wide shot when she runs through the woods and when she comes up to the hospital, they use over the shoulder when she's talking to the man. Sharp movement close up to the clients face when she's looking for someone which creates paranoia for the viewers. Also in the mid shot at the end when the ghost grabs her neck its one of the main focuses because of the hand being in the middle of the screen which is where most of the people would be looking. Home
  • 31. Action codes- The action codes are sharp and quick when she's running away from the ghost which is in her mind which resembles the fact that she's trying to run away with how she is rather than being able to accept it. At the start is quite slow because of her being comfortable with her life and the way she was, the faster movements shows her trying to escape feeling like she is trapped with something she doesn’t want to be with. Home
  • 32. Narrative codes- The film based in a mental asylum which looks after mentally unable people which are protected., even though one person doesn’t feel as safe as she should be. This is effective by having a hospital which would be know as a place to become better takes a turn for the worst and makes her worse than before she can in. The Asylum girl is both the Villain and princess in this trailer because its her mind that’s playing tricks on her to make herself unstable when she could be living a normal life but her paranoia gets the better of her. Home
  • 33. Home
  • 34. People aged 15 and above can only watch these rated films because they are seen inappropriate for the ages below. Issues that they could have are Discrimination, such as language or behaviour. Drug use which could be seen as promoting the use of dangerous substances. Horror which can have strong threats and sexual attacks towards people. The behaviour of people like them self harming or weapons which could be glamourized. Language which are too strong such as “Fuck”. Nudity its not allowed in strong detail. Sex is allowed unless its in a strong content and Violence can have images of pain or injury which could be inflicted to people such as sexual or physical. Only 12as can have it discreetly. Home
  • 35. No-one younger than 18 can see this film in a cinema or rent it in a shop. It could have harm to a individual through their behaviour and society meaning that they could pick up ways to act in a film. There's more sexual activity in these films which could be inappropriate for the viewers to see or hear during the film. This can also be put onto video games like Grand theft auto. Sexual words can normally make this a 18 just so that the younger viewers don’t say any words in public which could offend anyone. Sex in a film can normally show safe sex and that’s when explicit images can be shown. Home
  • 37. What I learnt from question one was that everyone that answered my questionnaire were 15 or over and in question two everyone who answered my questionnaire were in the age group of 15-20 years old. They will be my target audience for when I make my trailer for my horror film because they seem to be more interested in horror films which is why they took the questionnaire. Home
  • 38. In Question three it showed me that mainly females answered my questionnaire which means that there should be a female main character because they will be able to relate to the actor. In question four it showed that my viewers watch a lot of films which means that they could like the horror genre a lot more because they could of seen a few horror films which could make them interested to watch the horror trailer. Home
  • 39. Question 5 shows that people sometimes go to the cinema which means that we need to make the trailer look more attractive to go see in a film theatre. Question six showed me that most people liked horror films which took my films which means that they would be able to give me good suggestions to what films they like and what scares them in the horror genre which could attract more people to go see that certain type of film. Home
  • 40. Question 7&8 were both questions which asked what horror film they like the most and what scared them in a horror film. In Question 7 most people liked the saw films which is more of psychological film which is what I will base my film idea around and in Question 8 most people were scared of jumpy parts in a film and things which are tense which then jumps out at you. Home
  • 41. Question 9 is when they go and watch movies and question 10 is where they watch movies. Question nine showed me that people mostly watch it on the weekends and Wednesday because of orange Wednesdays, they also go with their friends for social interactions to talk about things with their friends. Question ten has showed me people like to watch horror films at home because of the comfort and safety of being in a familiar environment. Home
  • 42. All of the people that answered my questions were in-between 15-20 years old.  More of them were Female from 7/4.  Most people watch films very often with 4 responses out of eleven.  10 people go to the cinema sometimes and 9 people said they like horror films.  Peoples favourite horror films were, Silent hill, Saw, Sinister, insidious, Paranormal activity three and the ward but people repeated the Saw films three times.  What people find scariest in a horror film are bits that make you jump, gory parts, Scary music, Paranormal activity, when things appear out on nowhere, the tension before something happens.  Most people said they normally go see a film on the weekends or Wednesday when they are with a friend and a new film has come out that they would like to go see.  And most people watch films when they are at home Home
  • 43. My target audience are people between 15 and 20, young adults. Which means the rating should be a fifteen. They were also female so also having a main character as a female means that my audience would be able to relate to them. They also watch movies a lot which means there would be a lot of people talking about the movie which could mean that more people would want to go see it even though they sometimes go to the cinema. They like horror films which are related to the psychological meanings of the saw films and how there is always something unexpected to happen which will make you jump. They also got to the cinema on weekends and when there’s a Wednesday so having the release date on one of those days would mean more people would go to see it. Home
  • 44. Hypodermic syringe theory- The violence which is shown in a horror film can influence younger viewers to act like a person in the film. For example the batman massacre happened because a man who was influence by the joker open fired in a cinema at a late night viewing of the new batman film in The Dark Knight Rises.  Propps theory- having a hero and also a villain causes a twist onto a film. This puts a psychological twist onto the film which plays with the film watchers mind.  Uses for gratifications theory- this makes people want to watch films if their friends have because it gives something for them to talk about and for people to have social interactions. Home
  • 45. Male and Female  Aged 15-20 years  They would watch the film with friends so they could talk about it together.  Students, Demographic Category E with a part time job.  People who watch a lot of media about 7 hours+ a week and watched three films a week.  Mostly American and English people would watch this film but any nationality.  Hobbies they would be interested in could be anything that they could socialise with their friends like going to see a film, shopping and watching programmes to have something to talk about with their friends. Home
  • 46. Home
  • 47. My first thoughts are:  Title: The Retribution.  Plot: A young girl who is 11 years old and is taken into a asylum because she started to cause pain for others. She then manages to escape the inhumane torture she had to go through while being in the institute. Managing to escape the asylum she reaches a local forest where some teenagers are camping to celebrate leaving school and finishing their Gcse’s. But little do they know she’s changed her mind set into a craving for human flesh and blood. Home
  • 48. Actors:  Freya Steadman- Maya  Emily fisher- Teenager girl1  Anna Papathanasiou- Teenager girl 2  Chazz Cherry- Teenage girl 2  Matthew Smith- Teenage boy 1  Kingsley Hutchinson- Teenage boy 2 Locations:  School.  Woods.  Row of trees Costumes: › Teenagers- Old clothing which could be ripped and have fake blood be put onto › Psycho child- Hospital robe Props:  Camping Equipment- tent, fire wood ect  Fake blood  Fake Knife  Syringe  Face paint Home
  • 49. Home
  • 50. Home
  • 51. 1. Font choice one Algerian 2. Font choice two Blackadder ITC 3. Font choice three Baskerville Old face 4. Font Choice four Reprise script Home