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Most Memorable Memory Research Paper
My most memorable memory to date was starting school. I was anxious, afraid, unprepared and excited altogether. I was dead silent throughout my
whole first day. Equipped with little English I felt alone in my own island. I was not yet accustomed to the country after arriving a month prior, let
alone school environment. I would sit down and listen to read alouds quiet not understanding what the teacher would be reading. I grew a drift
between my classmates; I felt as if I was on my own. I struggled in reading, writing and even enjoying recess became difficult as I was on my own
island. English being my third language after Somali and Nyanja was a huge challenge. As I was taught English at school, at home I would have to
speak my native language
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My Favorite Memory In High School
My favorite memory in high school so far is.... No specific memory stands out above the rest as my favorite memory in high school. I have had
plenty of good experiences in school throughout the past two years. Some experiences I enjoyed are Agora of 2016 and Romantic Idol 2017. Both
experiences were a product of Kinkaid's class and work. Journeying around the streets of Toledo was the objective of my Agora group. Speaking an
intro, reciting poetry, and coaching contestants were my favorite parts of Romantic Idol. Part B: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. Remember to answer honestly and completely. Proofread for spelling errors. What is something you are proud of ? My academic
achievement is something that I am proud about. Excelling in the classroom I have taken numerous HR and AP courses. I have produced quality
work and tested well on various assessments. In the AP Biology examination, I scored a five. Outside of the classroom, I am proud of my successes
with running Cross Country and Track. 18:09.71 is my PR for a 5k and I am on track to beat it. What is something you believe in strongly? I have a
strong belief in the inherent equality of all people and that as such all should be treated equally. To me there is no reason to discriminate against a
person for any reason. We are all humans living on this planet, it does not matter what color your skin is, your sexual orientation, gender, or how
wealthy you may be. I
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Elementary School Memories Research Paper
Elementary school memories still run vividly through my mind from time to time. Grade School was the one stable environment that was holding
my childhood together. I remember school being the place where I didn't worry about the craziness of my life at home. It was in elementary school
where I transformed from a lost little girl into a confident young lady ready to tackle her future. Several distressing events influenced my elementary
school years and changed my life direction. My parents divorced when I was in kindergarten. My dad moved away from Oklahoma and left my mom
with me and my newborn baby brother to fend for ourselves. A few months later, the stress was too much for my mother and she was institutionalized,
which led to more content...
Before Coach Bailey, I would travel to PE, stretch, listen to the teacher chat about health, play a game, and never consider it for the rest of the day, if
ever. Coach Bailey helped discover the athlete that was hiding deep inside. He made PE come to life. I remember him cracking jokes and using
hilarious voices to teach us about being healthy and the different fundamentals of fitness. He would create games that were beyond just basic tag or
dodge–ball. I found myself daydreaming about fitness and PE all the time, counting the minutes until I was back in that gym. During Coach Bailey's
first year as our PE teacher, he coordinated the President's Physical Fitness Challenge. This was a series of fitness challenges from push up's and
pull–up's to a shuttle relay and flexibility test. As I was completing these challenges the competitor inside came to life. All I wanted to do was
WIN!! I found myself trying as intense as I had ever tried before. I wound up earning first place in the shuttle relay and Coach Bailey encouraged me
to join the track team. Being on the track team helped to develop my talents as a runner and brought out the athlete I never knew existed inside. I
continued running track in middle school and high school and won a silver medal at the state track meet my junior year. My love for fitness still rings
true in my class and at my school. Just
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Middle School Memory
Most of my middle school Memory was sports and making friends while playing sports. I didn't have very many friends when I first came to middle
school and I wasn't always very athletic. I became interested in cheer in 6th grade, so I tried out and it turns out I actually made it. I gained a lot of
friends from participating in this sport, so I tried out for volleyball next. All of my friends were doing it and I thought it would be fun. It turned out to
be the best experience to share with all of my middle school friends, so I continued these sports throughout 8th grade and hope to continue in high
school also. In cheer, we would practice at least once a week after school, sometimes more. We would go to the locker room's to set our stuff down
and change into shorts and shoes. Everyone would go either into the gym or in the lobby; we would mostly just use the lobby more
However, on Football game days, we would go up to Mrs. Boban's room to get ready and then on to the buses to go to the high school. When we
get to the high school, we stretch and go over our cheers there. Now Volleyball was just as fun, but it was way different. In volleyball we would have
practice almost everyday of the week to prepare for our games and learn the spots we would play on the court. We would go to different schools to
play against them in games, but in cheer we never went to other schools to cheer at games. Our volleyball team lost our first two games, but after
that we practiced everyday and went the rest of the season, eleven games, undefeated. On the way back home from the volleyball games it was late,
but we would stop at a fast food restaurant to get something to eat. Therefore, I usually got home from volleyball late which messed up my school
work. Theses two sports in my Middle School experience provided me with many friends. I enjoyed these two hobbies a lot because I learned a lot about
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Middle School Memories Essay
I have many fond memories during my middle school experience. I loved all of the sports and organizations I was a part of through my journey in
the middle school. I made new friends when I joined all of the sports and organizations. Being a part of organizations made me more responsible, have
better time management, and have new friends. I am involved in basketball, softball, student council, and Remembering Adam.
Sports always make me happy and they have made me a better person. I love playing, watching, and listening to sports. I play basketball during the
fall and winter; I play softball during the spring and summer. I am a forward and guard in basketball and I play every position in softball. We won all
of our softball games and
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School Memories Research Paper
My earliest memories of writing began when I was around 8 years old at school. At first I thought it would be harder and boring but I ended up liking
it. I did lots of paragraphs and compositions at the school, and I must say I had a great Spanish professor and she taught me and helped me a lot
because she saw I had good ideas and I was really interested in learning how to write correctly. I also presented some of my writings in competitions at
the school and I won some good rewards and great feedbacks because of my age. When I think about writing, Professor Sonia always comes to my
mind, I have to thank her for all the support and teaching she gave me. Learning how to write
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College Essay About High School Memories
Memories are important because you can just think and your mind gets transported back to another time. Everyone has memories that matter so much
to them that they can remember the most minuscule details no matter how long ago it was to them. To me one of those memories is the day I
graduated high school. I could reflect about the big, fancy ceremony everyone generally thinks of. I also could think of everything I did that day and
exactly how I felt. It was 5:00, an hour before graduation and my house was filled with family who was there to see me. I came upstairs to leave and
my Grandma Jan was there and gave me a bear hug. She said, "My little Jiggy I can't believe how time flies." We talked about how I used to be so
little playing with monster trucks in the sandpit in her backyard and how it just seemed like yesterday. I remember going upstairs and thanking
each of my siblings for being there for me through everything. After that I went to my parent's room, gave them both a hug and told them how
grateful I am for them. Each time I thanked someone more tears came to my eyes and not because of sadness but because of happiness, relief, and
gratitude. I had to be at the school at 5:30 to get ready and it was ten minutes until then so I laced up my Jordan 1's and instantaneously burst out the
door. I pulled up to the school and parked in the same spot I did everyday ever since I got my license. It hit me how bizarre it was that this was the
closing of a chapter that was
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High School Memory Research Paper
Memories At 6 years old, I fell in love with ballet. I remember when I walked into my dance class on a Monday evening and we had the older
dancers visiting us. They were amazing to me. They had brought their pointe shoes and presented to the class what a ballerina looked like. I was
mesmerized by how beautiful and graceful they looked dancing up on their toes and spinning across the room. I clapped along with the rest of the little
girls. We all attempted to do thedance moves that the older girls had done but we didn't do very well. I remember the older girls giggling and smiling
about how adorable we were and how cute we looked clumsily dancing ballet. I went home after class and explained to my mom, with my voice full of
hope and wonder,
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My Memories Of My Early Childhood Essay
My earliest memory I remember as a child is around the age of two years old. My Mother would put me in the playpen but I refused to stay. I was
able to climb out of it. I remembered my Mother's face expression that let me know that I better not climb out of the playpen again. This was one of
my earliest memories of her setting her boundaries. When I got older, my Mother told me about the situation. She needed to clean and/or cook so she
had to put me in the playpen. At the age of two years old, I just wanted to explore and didn't want to stay in the playpen. This set the tone between us
moving forward.
During my early childhood, I had both of my parents and grew up with three other siblings from a different Father. Both of my parents were born in
Belize in Central America. I was born in New York. They instilled many thoughts, ideas and traditions of the Belizean culture. My mother had an
authoritarian style of parenting meanwhile my Father had an authoritative style of parenting. Looking back at it, it made sense because I was closer
to my Father than my Mother. My Mother was the one to always saying "No" to everything and my Father was stern but we had a great relationship.
My Father and I used to have our Father–Daughter days that we would go out. We would talk about a variety of topics that I wanted to talk about. I
was able to be open with my Father. He challenged me to think with our deep conversations about life and his expectations he had for me. I loved the
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High School Memories From the time I was little, I have always loved coming–of–age films. Iconic movies such as Dazed and Confused, Clueless, and
The Perks of Being a Wallflower cluttered my room. Each one had a new, life–altering adventure laced within the hour and thirty minutes. No matter
what conflict was presented, everything turned out just the way it was planned. As a college freshman, I reflect on my time in high school. This time,
along with influential films, formed me into who I am today. Much to my surprise, the experience exceeded all of my expectations that I had from
these high school flicks. However, I never did plan for the ending credits. The first couple of years of high school were not as carefree as I had
imagined. I was expecting Friday night football, cheap concession food, and exhilarating pep rallies. I was expecting parties and late nights
discovering the many historic streets of Nashville. Just when everything would have fallen into place, I met a boy. Our first date was on a dreary
autumn afternoon. The roads were wet from a heavy downpour that occurred the previous night. He gave me his black and gold letterman jacket
while we sat outside talking, right before he leaned in and smacked his lips on mine. The kiss was messy and now that I think about it, gross. Most
of our time was spent just the two of us. Because of this, I never got to have the "Charlie experience" I was hoping for Smith 2 as a fourteen year old.
In The Perks of
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My Memories Of High School
Packet Questions #16
My memories or junior high are _______ because__________.
My memories of junior high are made up mostly of me being shy to the point where no one could hear me when I talked, and me walking around
with a black sweater, with my hand covering my mouth which made people hear me even less. Other memories of junior high consist of me
skipping down the hall with my friend Isabelle at the end of the school year, and being introduced to my best friend. These are the memories that I
mostly remember, because they both are some of the points where my life had changed. When I had skipped down the hall with my friend Isabelle,
it was the last day of school for eighth grade. I figured that since I most likely won't see all of these kids when I go to high school, I am able to get out of
my comfort zone, and be myself for once in school. I remember the day Isabelle and I had done that, I was very skeptical, but I eventually started
having fun once I started skipping, and it was the first time I had gotten a little less shy than usual, and it has since helped me to work on being
less shy and get out of my comfort zone. When I was in seventh grade, my cousin had wanted to go to her friends house that was right by mine.
When I was first introduced to her friend Angel, I didn't really like her, mainly because I didn't know her too much, yet did I know she was going
to turn out to be my best friend. When I started hanging out with Angel more, we found out that we were both in a depressed state, and I think we've
helped each other with that. Also, she was the first person that I could finally be my crazy self with, going to the store with face masks on, or
drawing on ourselves to look like a "chola". She has helped me to be much less shy, and start getting out of my comfort zone more often.
Packet Questions #17
I will remember Wheat Ridge High school as_____ because_____ Offer a few memories of events, experiences from each year, teachers, friends,
subjects, etc. What high school experiences have changed you for the better?
I will remember Wheat Ridge High school as the time when I was able to get over most of my shyness, and anxiety, being able to leave my father, and
overcoming many obstacles, such as
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My Most Memorable School Years Of My Life
Fourth grade, one of my most memorable school years of my life, it was there where I changed my study habitats and made an important life
decision. Elementary was as everyone the best of times of my life school wasn't much of a bother, I had no worries and lunch was the best. I
started school late so when I actually started I went in with my brother and it was with him that I noticed a difference between his ability to learn
and mine. He always struggled with school but I always found school work easy and hardly ever had difficulty. I recall in first grade my teacher would
read these series of books called Junie B. Jones and wow how I was hooked, the whole class would beg her to read more and more that once I went to
second grade I like more content...
I can't speak for everyone but my class had a schedule for the day and from 9–12 was math which meant was my time to shine. In third grade we were
introduced to mental math and from there on out, I used mental math as many times as possible.I didn't like wasting so much space when doing
math, to think of it I must've seemed crazy because we would use a small notebook provided for us and once I was done with it instead of getting a
new a would go back and look for empty spaces to cram more answers writing answers sideways going in circles looking like a maniac. Since I
would finished quick I would bored spending more that half the dedicated time doing nothing or helping others until I noticed that the same old
Macs that we had in back that I would use after school and sometimes recess were empty so I would ask the teacher if I could use them and she would
let so I had a purpose to finish my math even faster. Everyone knew I was the smartest in the class but since the first grade there was this girl called
Monica who was smart too and we had like a rivalry of course there was other smart kids but it was always between me and her among the top 2. So as
I was saying we always had this rivalry thing going on, every year prior to that was me and sometimes her who would be elected to go represent
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As a senior student at the California State University, Sacramento, the memories of primary school and secondary school is much so like a distant,
unfamiliar land that one only passes through when driving across other states. Who would ever predict that one day, I would have to recall my
educational journey from Kindergarten to twelve grade, and reflect about the many things which shaped me to who I am today. I was born in a
refugee camp in Thailand during October 1, 1993. Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge regarding my lived life there because I was less than
three years old when my parents immigrated to the United States of America. I can remember some of the lived childhood moments while residing in
the United States. However, I was unaware that my race, gender, and class would be impactful in shaping my experience from Kindergarten to twelve
grade. First, I am the oldest son and the middle child to a Hmong family of seven including my parents. My mother gave birth to my two older sisters
in Thailand, and gave birth to my youngest brother and youngest sister in the United States. My parents lived in Laos during the Vietnam War when the
United States fought against communism in the Indochina countries of Laos and Vietnam. The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked the day when the Hmong
people could no longer safely lived in the communist countries and sought refugees in Thailand.
"The U.S. government had not foreseen that refugees would flood Thailand seeking asylum.
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Middle School Experience
Middle School can be described in many words and many people have different opinions about it. There are also many memorable experiences I had
at the Middle School too. The most memorable experience I had at the middle school was When I was in 5th grade and everyone had to show the 4th
graders what the Middle School was like. Even though I had many exciting, Fun, bad, or just hilarious experiences this one is the most memorable.
First, I was only in 5th grade and everyone was just starting to get used to the Middle School. The highlight of the year is when the 4th grade is
supposed to visit the Middle School. All the 5th homerooms were assigned different schools. My home room was assigned Mendon elementary. Even
though it wasn't my
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Middle School Memories Research Paper
Middle school is full of good and bad memories. After being here for four years you develop all sorts of memories that you may not even want to
remember. There is one memory from my eighth grade year that I will never forget. Being a water girl for the middle school football team was
one of the most exciting extra curricular activities I did. Furthermore, it all started one day when we were watching a scrimmage and I said "It
would be fun to be a water girl, then we can go to all the games!" My friend, at the time, decided that it was a good idea and we should do it together.
So after their scrimmage we went and talked to the coaches, they were fine with it. I wasn't that easy, though. We then had to go on and talk to the
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Middle School Memories Research Paper
During my middle school years, I met so many new people, created bonds, and tried new things. I created memories with different people and
through things I never would've expected myself doing. Throughout everything I did in middle school, they were the greatest memories ever. I
treasure these times and will always. Looking back on middle school, I really appreciate the opportunities that were given to me. My favorite
memory from sixth grade was during one of my close friend's birthday party. It was a huge sleepover with a bunch of our other friends. We talked,
played games, pranks and shared laughs all night. We drank an endless amount of pop that probably wasn't the healthiest choice for us and stayed up
for about 24 hours straight. It
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My New School : Bad Memories In New School
New school bad memories It was 5th grade,walking into my new classroom,fresh start,fresh school.It was humid outside and the sun was out.My
game plan was to wing it. But I was nervous because I didn't know anyone or anything about this"new school". I often wondered to myself "are the
kids nice? Or are they mean?" Then a couple hours later I was settling into my new classes.In my homeroom I met this girl named Skylar she was
nice,pretty,kind and funny I was so relieved that I met her because I was so nervous that I would have nobody to sit with at lunch.Skylar and I
started to hang out with her. I would go to her house and she would go to mine, sometimes on weekends and even sometimes on weekdays.Fast
forward a little you know to the good stuff. So we started opening up as in talking about family and crushes you know girl stuff.A couple weeks
into my new school year Skylar comes up to me before class and says. Me:"Hey" Skylar:"Hey omg i have something to tell you" Me:"Omg what is
it" Skylar:"I like.." Me:"Ooo.... thats awesome" Skylar:"What should I do " Me:"Idk" The bell rang "Ok gotta go to class see you later,ok? bye!"
But I wasn't like those jealous girls,I just brushed it off my shoulders that day. So a few months went past and on the 2nd month .. she invited me to
her birthday ,I went because we weren't mad at eachother. At the party we went to a restaurant with me and her other friend bailey her
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I have always known that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, but I have never thought about what it means to me. Even
if you do not pursue a career in STEM, you are still around it everyday. In the third grade when we were learning about the planets; we made a
mobile representing all of the planets and had an acronym to remember them in order. Another one of my favorite science memories from
elementary school was when we learned about the water cycle. We learned a song to go along with it. I still remember the song and will never
forget the water cycle. My elementary school had a science lab that each class visited once a week. We did experiments like making ice cream (which
we were not allowed to eat) more content...
I loved to play in the math arcade at school and at home. Once we were introduced to Microsoft PowerPoint, I fell in love. I would spend hours on our
computer making different slide shows. I took a computer class from elementary though ninth grade. In tenth grade, my school became one–to–one,
and we all received iPads. We started using them to take notes, read PDFs, and various novels. We had all the information we needed at our
fingertips. Having iPads helped to improve my skills with technology. My junior year, I took digital photography and graphic design. I absolutely
loved them. We learned to use all aspects of Photoshop. My favorite project that we did was taking our pictures from digital photography and
making them into a book for graphic design. I took the skills I learned junior year and applied them to my Yearbook class during my senior year. It
was so much fun to creatively use technology to create the yearbook. Since coming to college, the technology I have used has mostly been limited to
writing papers and taking notes on my laptop. Outside of school, I use technology everyday with my computer and phone. Over winter break, I spent
hours with my neighbor helping her transfer and organize pictures from her phone to computer. This task seemed so simple to me, but very daunting to
my neighbor. Technology skills come so naturally to my generation because we've grown up with computers. My memories of engineering mostly take
place in middle
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Imagine that the aroma of the soft, crispy juicy and appetizing object sitting on the table waiting for you, and your memories of middle school are
originated in the object, but wait, first of all, I would like all of you not to laugh at me if I tell you about an object which is memorable to me. It is
neither precious nor unique and is a very common object that even you have in your daily life. This object provides you with nutrients but it cherishes
me with the greatest middle school life that I will ever had. Don't be struck with awe or don't laugh! It is chicken. Yes it is chicken. Don't ask why.
Because my memorable object doesn't needed to be precious one or unique one but one thing certain is that, it contains the most memorable moments
throughout my middle school years. Starting with 6th grade the start of my middle school life. Begins with my friend's birthday party, I ate a plethora
of chicken dishes: chicken teriyaki, chicken sushi, and chicken satay. The scent of chicken, the smell of this object can just stop the running nose I
have right now: just smell the crispy, soft, and finger licking chicken. Whenever I think about chicken I am overly taken by the warm sensation that
spreads upward from my belly. Just picture chicken skewered and spicy and savory, chicken dipped in rich gravy, more content...
I would agree if you think is weird cause I choose chicken but this is what it matters to me, this is what I have live with in my middle school years.
Chicken for me is a memorable object that brings memorable moments in my middle school years. Memories such as my friend's birthday in 6th grade
or the memorable chicken song in 7th grade or the speech contest in 8th grade, these moments in middle school can't be created without my memorable
object. Chicken is not a precious object or a unique one, but for me it brings the greatest memory in my middle school
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Most Memorable Memory Research Paper

  • 1. Most Memorable Memory Research Paper My most memorable memory to date was starting school. I was anxious, afraid, unprepared and excited altogether. I was dead silent throughout my whole first day. Equipped with little English I felt alone in my own island. I was not yet accustomed to the country after arriving a month prior, let alone school environment. I would sit down and listen to read alouds quiet not understanding what the teacher would be reading. I grew a drift between my classmates; I felt as if I was on my own. I struggled in reading, writing and even enjoying recess became difficult as I was on my own island. English being my third language after Somali and Nyanja was a huge challenge. As I was taught English at school, at home I would have to speak my native language Get more content on
  • 2. My Favorite Memory In High School My favorite memory in high school so far is.... No specific memory stands out above the rest as my favorite memory in high school. I have had plenty of good experiences in school throughout the past two years. Some experiences I enjoyed are Agora of 2016 and Romantic Idol 2017. Both experiences were a product of Kinkaid's class and work. Journeying around the streets of Toledo was the objective of my Agora group. Speaking an intro, reciting poetry, and coaching contestants were my favorite parts of Romantic Idol. Part B: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to answer honestly and completely. Proofread for spelling errors. What is something you are proud of ? My academic achievement is something that I am proud about. Excelling in the classroom I have taken numerous HR and AP courses. I have produced quality work and tested well on various assessments. In the AP Biology examination, I scored a five. Outside of the classroom, I am proud of my successes with running Cross Country and Track. 18:09.71 is my PR for a 5k and I am on track to beat it. What is something you believe in strongly? I have a strong belief in the inherent equality of all people and that as such all should be treated equally. To me there is no reason to discriminate against a person for any reason. We are all humans living on this planet, it does not matter what color your skin is, your sexual orientation, gender, or how wealthy you may be. I Get more content on
  • 3. Elementary School Memories Research Paper Elementary school memories still run vividly through my mind from time to time. Grade School was the one stable environment that was holding my childhood together. I remember school being the place where I didn't worry about the craziness of my life at home. It was in elementary school where I transformed from a lost little girl into a confident young lady ready to tackle her future. Several distressing events influenced my elementary school years and changed my life direction. My parents divorced when I was in kindergarten. My dad moved away from Oklahoma and left my mom with me and my newborn baby brother to fend for ourselves. A few months later, the stress was too much for my mother and she was institutionalized, which led to more content... Before Coach Bailey, I would travel to PE, stretch, listen to the teacher chat about health, play a game, and never consider it for the rest of the day, if ever. Coach Bailey helped discover the athlete that was hiding deep inside. He made PE come to life. I remember him cracking jokes and using hilarious voices to teach us about being healthy and the different fundamentals of fitness. He would create games that were beyond just basic tag or dodge–ball. I found myself daydreaming about fitness and PE all the time, counting the minutes until I was back in that gym. During Coach Bailey's first year as our PE teacher, he coordinated the President's Physical Fitness Challenge. This was a series of fitness challenges from push up's and pull–up's to a shuttle relay and flexibility test. As I was completing these challenges the competitor inside came to life. All I wanted to do was WIN!! I found myself trying as intense as I had ever tried before. I wound up earning first place in the shuttle relay and Coach Bailey encouraged me to join the track team. Being on the track team helped to develop my talents as a runner and brought out the athlete I never knew existed inside. I continued running track in middle school and high school and won a silver medal at the state track meet my junior year. My love for fitness still rings true in my class and at my school. Just Get more content on
  • 4. Middle School Memory Most of my middle school Memory was sports and making friends while playing sports. I didn't have very many friends when I first came to middle school and I wasn't always very athletic. I became interested in cheer in 6th grade, so I tried out and it turns out I actually made it. I gained a lot of friends from participating in this sport, so I tried out for volleyball next. All of my friends were doing it and I thought it would be fun. It turned out to be the best experience to share with all of my middle school friends, so I continued these sports throughout 8th grade and hope to continue in high school also. In cheer, we would practice at least once a week after school, sometimes more. We would go to the locker room's to set our stuff down and change into shorts and shoes. Everyone would go either into the gym or in the lobby; we would mostly just use the lobby more content... However, on Football game days, we would go up to Mrs. Boban's room to get ready and then on to the buses to go to the high school. When we get to the high school, we stretch and go over our cheers there. Now Volleyball was just as fun, but it was way different. In volleyball we would have practice almost everyday of the week to prepare for our games and learn the spots we would play on the court. We would go to different schools to play against them in games, but in cheer we never went to other schools to cheer at games. Our volleyball team lost our first two games, but after that we practiced everyday and went the rest of the season, eleven games, undefeated. On the way back home from the volleyball games it was late, but we would stop at a fast food restaurant to get something to eat. Therefore, I usually got home from volleyball late which messed up my school work. Theses two sports in my Middle School experience provided me with many friends. I enjoyed these two hobbies a lot because I learned a lot about Get more content on
  • 5. Middle School Memories Essay I have many fond memories during my middle school experience. I loved all of the sports and organizations I was a part of through my journey in the middle school. I made new friends when I joined all of the sports and organizations. Being a part of organizations made me more responsible, have better time management, and have new friends. I am involved in basketball, softball, student council, and Remembering Adam. Sports always make me happy and they have made me a better person. I love playing, watching, and listening to sports. I play basketball during the fall and winter; I play softball during the spring and summer. I am a forward and guard in basketball and I play every position in softball. We won all of our softball games and Get more content on
  • 6. School Memories Research Paper "Memories" My earliest memories of writing began when I was around 8 years old at school. At first I thought it would be harder and boring but I ended up liking it. I did lots of paragraphs and compositions at the school, and I must say I had a great Spanish professor and she taught me and helped me a lot because she saw I had good ideas and I was really interested in learning how to write correctly. I also presented some of my writings in competitions at the school and I won some good rewards and great feedbacks because of my age. When I think about writing, Professor Sonia always comes to my mind, I have to thank her for all the support and teaching she gave me. Learning how to write Get more content on
  • 7. College Essay About High School Memories Memories are important because you can just think and your mind gets transported back to another time. Everyone has memories that matter so much to them that they can remember the most minuscule details no matter how long ago it was to them. To me one of those memories is the day I graduated high school. I could reflect about the big, fancy ceremony everyone generally thinks of. I also could think of everything I did that day and exactly how I felt. It was 5:00, an hour before graduation and my house was filled with family who was there to see me. I came upstairs to leave and my Grandma Jan was there and gave me a bear hug. She said, "My little Jiggy I can't believe how time flies." We talked about how I used to be so little playing with monster trucks in the sandpit in her backyard and how it just seemed like yesterday. I remember going upstairs and thanking each of my siblings for being there for me through everything. After that I went to my parent's room, gave them both a hug and told them how grateful I am for them. Each time I thanked someone more tears came to my eyes and not because of sadness but because of happiness, relief, and gratitude. I had to be at the school at 5:30 to get ready and it was ten minutes until then so I laced up my Jordan 1's and instantaneously burst out the door. I pulled up to the school and parked in the same spot I did everyday ever since I got my license. It hit me how bizarre it was that this was the closing of a chapter that was Get more content on
  • 8. High School Memory Research Paper Memories At 6 years old, I fell in love with ballet. I remember when I walked into my dance class on a Monday evening and we had the older dancers visiting us. They were amazing to me. They had brought their pointe shoes and presented to the class what a ballerina looked like. I was mesmerized by how beautiful and graceful they looked dancing up on their toes and spinning across the room. I clapped along with the rest of the little girls. We all attempted to do thedance moves that the older girls had done but we didn't do very well. I remember the older girls giggling and smiling about how adorable we were and how cute we looked clumsily dancing ballet. I went home after class and explained to my mom, with my voice full of hope and wonder, Get more content on
  • 9. My Memories Of My Early Childhood Essay My earliest memory I remember as a child is around the age of two years old. My Mother would put me in the playpen but I refused to stay. I was able to climb out of it. I remembered my Mother's face expression that let me know that I better not climb out of the playpen again. This was one of my earliest memories of her setting her boundaries. When I got older, my Mother told me about the situation. She needed to clean and/or cook so she had to put me in the playpen. At the age of two years old, I just wanted to explore and didn't want to stay in the playpen. This set the tone between us moving forward. During my early childhood, I had both of my parents and grew up with three other siblings from a different Father. Both of my parents were born in Belize in Central America. I was born in New York. They instilled many thoughts, ideas and traditions of the Belizean culture. My mother had an authoritarian style of parenting meanwhile my Father had an authoritative style of parenting. Looking back at it, it made sense because I was closer to my Father than my Mother. My Mother was the one to always saying "No" to everything and my Father was stern but we had a great relationship. My Father and I used to have our Father–Daughter days that we would go out. We would talk about a variety of topics that I wanted to talk about. I was able to be open with my Father. He challenged me to think with our deep conversations about life and his expectations he had for me. I loved the time Get more content on
  • 10. High School Memories From the time I was little, I have always loved coming–of–age films. Iconic movies such as Dazed and Confused, Clueless, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower cluttered my room. Each one had a new, life–altering adventure laced within the hour and thirty minutes. No matter what conflict was presented, everything turned out just the way it was planned. As a college freshman, I reflect on my time in high school. This time, along with influential films, formed me into who I am today. Much to my surprise, the experience exceeded all of my expectations that I had from these high school flicks. However, I never did plan for the ending credits. The first couple of years of high school were not as carefree as I had imagined. I was expecting Friday night football, cheap concession food, and exhilarating pep rallies. I was expecting parties and late nights discovering the many historic streets of Nashville. Just when everything would have fallen into place, I met a boy. Our first date was on a dreary autumn afternoon. The roads were wet from a heavy downpour that occurred the previous night. He gave me his black and gold letterman jacket while we sat outside talking, right before he leaned in and smacked his lips on mine. The kiss was messy and now that I think about it, gross. Most of our time was spent just the two of us. Because of this, I never got to have the "Charlie experience" I was hoping for Smith 2 as a fourteen year old. In The Perks of Get more content on
  • 11. My Memories Of High School Packet Questions #16 My memories or junior high are _______ because__________. My memories of junior high are made up mostly of me being shy to the point where no one could hear me when I talked, and me walking around with a black sweater, with my hand covering my mouth which made people hear me even less. Other memories of junior high consist of me skipping down the hall with my friend Isabelle at the end of the school year, and being introduced to my best friend. These are the memories that I mostly remember, because they both are some of the points where my life had changed. When I had skipped down the hall with my friend Isabelle, it was the last day of school for eighth grade. I figured that since I most likely won't see all of these kids when I go to high school, I am able to get out of my comfort zone, and be myself for once in school. I remember the day Isabelle and I had done that, I was very skeptical, but I eventually started having fun once I started skipping, and it was the first time I had gotten a little less shy than usual, and it has since helped me to work on being less shy and get out of my comfort zone. When I was in seventh grade, my cousin had wanted to go to her friends house that was right by mine. When I was first introduced to her friend Angel, I didn't really like her, mainly because I didn't know her too much, yet did I know she was going to turn out to be my best friend. When I started hanging out with Angel more, we found out that we were both in a depressed state, and I think we've helped each other with that. Also, she was the first person that I could finally be my crazy self with, going to the store with face masks on, or drawing on ourselves to look like a "chola". She has helped me to be much less shy, and start getting out of my comfort zone more often. Packet Questions #17 I will remember Wheat Ridge High school as_____ because_____ Offer a few memories of events, experiences from each year, teachers, friends, subjects, etc. What high school experiences have changed you for the better? I will remember Wheat Ridge High school as the time when I was able to get over most of my shyness, and anxiety, being able to leave my father, and overcoming many obstacles, such as
  • 12. Get more content on
  • 13. My Most Memorable School Years Of My Life Fourth grade, one of my most memorable school years of my life, it was there where I changed my study habitats and made an important life decision. Elementary was as everyone the best of times of my life school wasn't much of a bother, I had no worries and lunch was the best. I started school late so when I actually started I went in with my brother and it was with him that I noticed a difference between his ability to learn and mine. He always struggled with school but I always found school work easy and hardly ever had difficulty. I recall in first grade my teacher would read these series of books called Junie B. Jones and wow how I was hooked, the whole class would beg her to read more and more that once I went to second grade I like more content... I can't speak for everyone but my class had a schedule for the day and from 9–12 was math which meant was my time to shine. In third grade we were introduced to mental math and from there on out, I used mental math as many times as possible.I didn't like wasting so much space when doing math, to think of it I must've seemed crazy because we would use a small notebook provided for us and once I was done with it instead of getting a new a would go back and look for empty spaces to cram more answers writing answers sideways going in circles looking like a maniac. Since I would finished quick I would bored spending more that half the dedicated time doing nothing or helping others until I noticed that the same old Macs that we had in back that I would use after school and sometimes recess were empty so I would ask the teacher if I could use them and she would let so I had a purpose to finish my math even faster. Everyone knew I was the smartest in the class but since the first grade there was this girl called Monica who was smart too and we had like a rivalry of course there was other smart kids but it was always between me and her among the top 2. So as I was saying we always had this rivalry thing going on, every year prior to that was me and sometimes her who would be elected to go represent Get more content on
  • 14. As a senior student at the California State University, Sacramento, the memories of primary school and secondary school is much so like a distant, unfamiliar land that one only passes through when driving across other states. Who would ever predict that one day, I would have to recall my educational journey from Kindergarten to twelve grade, and reflect about the many things which shaped me to who I am today. I was born in a refugee camp in Thailand during October 1, 1993. Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge regarding my lived life there because I was less than three years old when my parents immigrated to the United States of America. I can remember some of the lived childhood moments while residing in the United States. However, I was unaware that my race, gender, and class would be impactful in shaping my experience from Kindergarten to twelve grade. First, I am the oldest son and the middle child to a Hmong family of seven including my parents. My mother gave birth to my two older sisters in Thailand, and gave birth to my youngest brother and youngest sister in the United States. My parents lived in Laos during the Vietnam War when the United States fought against communism in the Indochina countries of Laos and Vietnam. The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked the day when the Hmong people could no longer safely lived in the communist countries and sought refugees in Thailand. "The U.S. government had not foreseen that refugees would flood Thailand seeking asylum. Get more content on
  • 15. Middle School Experience Middle School can be described in many words and many people have different opinions about it. There are also many memorable experiences I had at the Middle School too. The most memorable experience I had at the middle school was When I was in 5th grade and everyone had to show the 4th graders what the Middle School was like. Even though I had many exciting, Fun, bad, or just hilarious experiences this one is the most memorable. First, I was only in 5th grade and everyone was just starting to get used to the Middle School. The highlight of the year is when the 4th grade is supposed to visit the Middle School. All the 5th homerooms were assigned different schools. My home room was assigned Mendon elementary. Even though it wasn't my Get more content on
  • 16. Middle School Memories Research Paper Middle school is full of good and bad memories. After being here for four years you develop all sorts of memories that you may not even want to remember. There is one memory from my eighth grade year that I will never forget. Being a water girl for the middle school football team was one of the most exciting extra curricular activities I did. Furthermore, it all started one day when we were watching a scrimmage and I said "It would be fun to be a water girl, then we can go to all the games!" My friend, at the time, decided that it was a good idea and we should do it together. So after their scrimmage we went and talked to the coaches, they were fine with it. I wasn't that easy, though. We then had to go on and talk to the Get more content on
  • 17. Middle School Memories Research Paper During my middle school years, I met so many new people, created bonds, and tried new things. I created memories with different people and through things I never would've expected myself doing. Throughout everything I did in middle school, they were the greatest memories ever. I treasure these times and will always. Looking back on middle school, I really appreciate the opportunities that were given to me. My favorite memory from sixth grade was during one of my close friend's birthday party. It was a huge sleepover with a bunch of our other friends. We talked, played games, pranks and shared laughs all night. We drank an endless amount of pop that probably wasn't the healthiest choice for us and stayed up for about 24 hours straight. It Get more content on
  • 18. My New School : Bad Memories In New School New school bad memories It was 5th grade,walking into my new classroom,fresh start,fresh school.It was humid outside and the sun was out.My game plan was to wing it. But I was nervous because I didn't know anyone or anything about this"new school". I often wondered to myself "are the kids nice? Or are they mean?" Then a couple hours later I was settling into my new classes.In my homeroom I met this girl named Skylar she was nice,pretty,kind and funny I was so relieved that I met her because I was so nervous that I would have nobody to sit with at lunch.Skylar and I started to hang out with her. I would go to her house and she would go to mine, sometimes on weekends and even sometimes on weekdays.Fast forward a little you know to the good stuff. So we started opening up as in talking about family and crushes you know girl stuff.A couple weeks into my new school year Skylar comes up to me before class and says. Me:"Hey" Skylar:"Hey omg i have something to tell you" Me:"Omg what is it" Skylar:"I like.." Me:"Ooo.... thats awesome" Skylar:"What should I do " Me:"Idk" The bell rang "Ok gotta go to class see you later,ok? bye!" But I wasn't like those jealous girls,I just brushed it off my shoulders that day. So a few months went past and on the 2nd month .. she invited me to her birthday ,I went because we weren't mad at eachother. At the party we went to a restaurant with me and her other friend bailey her Get more content on
  • 19. I have always known that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, but I have never thought about what it means to me. Even if you do not pursue a career in STEM, you are still around it everyday. In the third grade when we were learning about the planets; we made a mobile representing all of the planets and had an acronym to remember them in order. Another one of my favorite science memories from elementary school was when we learned about the water cycle. We learned a song to go along with it. I still remember the song and will never forget the water cycle. My elementary school had a science lab that each class visited once a week. We did experiments like making ice cream (which we were not allowed to eat) more content... I loved to play in the math arcade at school and at home. Once we were introduced to Microsoft PowerPoint, I fell in love. I would spend hours on our computer making different slide shows. I took a computer class from elementary though ninth grade. In tenth grade, my school became one–to–one, and we all received iPads. We started using them to take notes, read PDFs, and various novels. We had all the information we needed at our fingertips. Having iPads helped to improve my skills with technology. My junior year, I took digital photography and graphic design. I absolutely loved them. We learned to use all aspects of Photoshop. My favorite project that we did was taking our pictures from digital photography and making them into a book for graphic design. I took the skills I learned junior year and applied them to my Yearbook class during my senior year. It was so much fun to creatively use technology to create the yearbook. Since coming to college, the technology I have used has mostly been limited to writing papers and taking notes on my laptop. Outside of school, I use technology everyday with my computer and phone. Over winter break, I spent hours with my neighbor helping her transfer and organize pictures from her phone to computer. This task seemed so simple to me, but very daunting to my neighbor. Technology skills come so naturally to my generation because we've grown up with computers. My memories of engineering mostly take place in middle Get more content on
  • 20. Imagine that the aroma of the soft, crispy juicy and appetizing object sitting on the table waiting for you, and your memories of middle school are originated in the object, but wait, first of all, I would like all of you not to laugh at me if I tell you about an object which is memorable to me. It is neither precious nor unique and is a very common object that even you have in your daily life. This object provides you with nutrients but it cherishes me with the greatest middle school life that I will ever had. Don't be struck with awe or don't laugh! It is chicken. Yes it is chicken. Don't ask why. Because my memorable object doesn't needed to be precious one or unique one but one thing certain is that, it contains the most memorable moments throughout my middle school years. Starting with 6th grade the start of my middle school life. Begins with my friend's birthday party, I ate a plethora of chicken dishes: chicken teriyaki, chicken sushi, and chicken satay. The scent of chicken, the smell of this object can just stop the running nose I have right now: just smell the crispy, soft, and finger licking chicken. Whenever I think about chicken I am overly taken by the warm sensation that spreads upward from my belly. Just picture chicken skewered and spicy and savory, chicken dipped in rich gravy, more content... I would agree if you think is weird cause I choose chicken but this is what it matters to me, this is what I have live with in my middle school years. Chicken for me is a memorable object that brings memorable moments in my middle school years. Memories such as my friend's birthday in 6th grade or the memorable chicken song in 7th grade or the speech contest in 8th grade, these moments in middle school can't be created without my memorable object. Chicken is not a precious object or a unique one, but for me it brings the greatest memory in my middle school Get more content on