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From Helpless to Hope-full
The Power of Influence
Understanding the
Impact of Influence
on Individuals and Society
Pg.No: 32
Vol: 07
Issue: 05
Year : 2023
Pg.No: 24
Canadian Mavericks
Visionaries Driving
Success in the Canadian
Business Landscape
From Helpless to Hope-full
Understanding the Impact of
Influence on Individuals and Society
The Power of In luence
Visionaries Driving Success in the
Canadian Business Landscape
Canadian Mavericks
Elizabeth Gagnon
From Adversity to Advocacy
Kartik Shah
Empowering Global Physiotherapy
Professionals through In2Canada
18 Eric Balance
Weaving Innova ve Opportuni es
for the Greater Good
36 Harnessing Curiosity and Exper se to
Redefine the Boundaries of Success
Nadiya Albishchenko
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Victors Re
In the dynamic landscape of Canada's business world, visionary
leaders have emerged as the driving force behind the na on's
economic growth and innova on. These influen al business figures
are reshaping industries, fostering technological advancements,
and advoca ng for sustainable prac ces that impact not only their
respec ve sectors but also the en re na on.
In the latest edi on of Insights Success - Most Influen al Business
Leaders to Follow in Canada Vol.3, we celebrate the excep onal
contribu ons of business leaders who are influencing Canada's
economic trajectory. From tech pioneers revolu onizing
the technology sector to financial visionaries
naviga ng complex financial landscapes,
healthcare innovators propelling medical
breakthroughs, and sustainability champions
driving green ini a ves, these trailblazers
exemplify the true spirit of leadership.
We delve into the stories of
community builders who recognize
that the success of their businesses
is intrinsically linked to the
prosperity of the communi es they
serve. Their commitment to
corporate social responsibility and
philanthropy empowers local
economies, upli s underprivileged
communi es, and fosters inclusive
growth across the na on.
At the core of their success lies a shared
commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
These leaders understand that embracing
diverse perspec ves fuels innova on and
nurtures a workforce reflec ve of Canada's
mul cultural iden ty. By championing gender
equality, cultural representa on, and accessibility,
they are crea ng workplaces that priori ze fairness,
equality, and progress.
We all have our own stories, from the struggles
we face to the moments of joy and triumph we
experience. Yet, there are some individuals
who, through their words and actions, leave a legacy that
transcends their lifetime and continues to inspire people for
generations to come. From the greatest leaders to the
humblest of us all, each person has a story, a journey, and
an impact.
Meet Thanh Campbell, a Vietnamese orphan who has built
a following by sharing his prodigious story. Having grown
up without knowing his birth family and enduring a myriad
of personal hardships and obstacles, Thanh has devoted his
life to helping those less fortunate. He began his journey as
a public speaker, sharing his own stories and experiences.
His impact was so great that people encouraged him to
write his memoir, which he did and is titled Orphan 32.
Through his stimulating story, he has touched the lives of
many and continues to spread hope and resilience to those
around him.
Belief, Faith, and Hope are often perceived as something
conceptual and hard to quantify, yet they are some of the
most influential aspects of a person. It can be the distinction
between persisting and surrendering, between success and
failure, and between pleasure and misery. It is a source of
strength, courage, and resoluteness that can assist us in
overcoming any difficulty in life.
On and off stage, Thanh always shares a feeling of
optimism, even though historically, he experienced a sense
of insignificance being undervalued. He lacked confidence
in himself, so much so that he had a severe apprehension
about speaking in front of others, particularly in front of his
friends, as he believed that they could detect his anxieties.
He is now a professional speaker who tours and speaks to
large crowds for a living. His message connects with many
who also share this disabling phobia.
Overcoming Obstacles
Thanh has consistently encountered difficulty in his effort to
find a sense of belonging. He has felt like the odd one out in
the various locations he has lived, being the proverbial
‘square peg in a round hole.’ He is cognizant of the
affection his friends and family have for him, yet he is
always uncertain of his place and purpose in the World.
His battle was compounded by a deep-seated sense of
worthlessness and insignificance. This was especially
evident in his fear of public speaking. Many other people
can relate to this. As it had a profound effect on his life, he
didn’t believe he had anything worthwhile to offer and was
scared that if he stood up and spoke in front of a group,
especially his peers, people would be able to see through
him. He was terrified of what people would think of him if
they saw the real him; even he was unsure of who that
person was.
When one of his mentors spoke words of truth into his life,
a drastic change occurred inside of him. He moved from
fearful to fantastic when it came to public speaking. His
fear of speaking in public vanished, and he welcomed the
platform. It is not merely about facing and overcoming
fears, nor is it about avoiding them completely; it is about a
shift in perception of the obstacle one fears.
“When stressed, our thoughts will cause our bodies to go
into a fight or flight response, whether it’s real harm or
perceived harm. It’s about radically and genuinely
changing our perception of the obstacle we are facing from
a posture of fear to an attitude of education. We fear that
which we do not know, but we gain wisdom, experience, and
strength from studying it which we do not know.”
Overcoming his fear and anxiety, he was able to channel
them into something pragmatic, enabling him to realize his
professional ambitions. Currently, he serves as the
Canadian Director for Partners Worldwide Canada, and
his tenacity and dedication have paid off, achieving the
level of success he once only dreamed of. His story serves
as a reminder of how to conquer challenges, overcome
obstacles and attain success. Today, he stands as a testament
to what can be achieved when faced with adversity and
choose to cling to faith and hope.
Witnessing a Remarkable Journey
From a young age, Thanh was enchanted by the business
world, taking inspiration from Alex P. Keaton from the
iconic tv show Family Ties; he too would be seen carrying
his father’s old briefcase, dreaming of making it big in
business. He understood the power of money and the
influence it had on the world, as well as the opportunities it
offered. Thanh was captivated by movies like Pursuit of
Happiness, as well as TV series such as Dragons’ Den and
Shark Tank, and was constantly reading about successful
business leaders. He was aware that business could bring
about remarkable outcomes for normal people.
Since then, he has wholeheartedly adopted the Givers-Gain
principle, which is based on the idea that when good people
are entrusted with money, they will use it positively to help
others. His upbringing in a pastor’s family instilled in him
the value of giving to those in need, inspiring him to find
ways he can help people in his own life. Being an orphan
from Vietnam, he is aware of the poverty in his homeland
and works to provide aid to those who are still struggling
around the world. Thus, he is a testament to the truth of the
givers-gain principle: when those with resources use them
to help those without, everyone wins.
Inspiration Behind Orphan 32
Having been employed by various charitable organizations
and inspired by his journey through poverty, he would often
share his story with others to provide a context for his
desire to work in the charitable sector. His story of
resilience, determination, and courage resonated so deeply
that many encouraged him to write his memoir. With this
tool, he could share his story with a wider audience,
offering hope and inspiration to those people who find
themselves in similar situations.
After taking their advice, he self-published Orphan 32 in
2013 and has since sold over 7000 copies. His success has
since been followed by the publication of a children’s book,
Lost and Found: Orphan 32 Goes Home. His books are
available on and as an ebook on Amazon.
Thanh’s Mission of Hope
With the opportunity to speak to audiences around the
world—on stage, in the media and global press, on
podcasts, at Zoom conferences, and in school assemblies
across Canada—Thanh has had the chance to share his
story and inspire to well over a million people. His favorite
speaking opportunity has been to orphans in Peru and Haiti,
as he has a special connection with those who have gone
through similar experiences.
While sharing his story, he always conveys a message of
hope and resilience; this has been overwhelmingly well-
received by audiences and can be summed up in one word:
“No matter the situation, there is always hope that
something better is coming and relief from your pain is
His ultimate goal is to provide hope to those in seemingly
hopeless situations and to be a beacon of light, showing
people the way to a better future. Ultimately, he wants to
impart the courage and belief that, no matter how difficult
life can be, things can always get better.
Humbled and Inspired
After coming off the stage and seeing the crowd eagerly
waiting to meet him, often it is to share their life stories
with him; he can’t help but feel humbled by the courage and
resilience of many of these fellow storytellers. These
unsung heroes, in turn, inspire him with their determination
to not only survive difficult circumstances but also strive for
a better life for their families. He often encourages them
that they, too, have stories that could truly serve as a source
of inspiration and that, potentially, they have a story worthy
of being written in a book.
He has also had experiences where “tough guys” will come
up after one of his presentations weeping, sharing how his
story changed their lives for the better and their will to live.
He also loves when people have heard his story a few times,
and they share that they never tire of hearing his story and
they learn something new every time they hear him.
Transforming Poverty with Partnerships
Partners Worldwide began as Partners for Christian
Development in Kenya, recognizing that teaching a man to
fish isn’t enough to eradicate poverty- they must have
access to the market to sell their fish, so they don’t have to
eat fish for a lifetime. To help reduce poverty, the solution
was to create partnerships between Micro and SMEs in
developing regions with business professionals, owners,
and experts in North America. The idea was to have these
mentors enable access to top-tier business training and
mentorship as well as new customers and clients.
This organization is distinctive in that it seeks the business
acumen of business professionals who are willing to
provide their Time, Talent and Treasure to help fellow
entrepreneurs. Recognizing that their business knowledge
and insights are just as valuable as monetary contributions,
their aim is not to lift one individual or family out of
poverty but to elevate an entire community to a higher
quality of life.
Achieving Sustainability and Growth
As they help businesses become more sustainable within
their cultural context, they also give them the capacity to
grow and develop. Through specialized training and
mentorship, business owners learn not only how to keep
their doors open but also how to expand their business so
that they can hire more people to meet the demands of their
customers. Being provided these tools, businesses are
becoming more sustainable, resilient, and profitable. As the
saying goes, a rising tide floats all boats – the success of a
few businesses can increase the quality of life for the whole
community. This is how community development should be
done, not with handouts but by offering a hand-up.
Bridging the Gap for Business Affiliates
The recent pandemic has had a devastating impact on small
businesses all over the world, and it has been especially
hard on the mentors of these businesses—Business
Affiliates (BA)—who can no longer travel to visit their
partners in the mission field. Thankfully, technology has
kept them connected, even when they can’t be together in
person. With the help of video conferencing, online
collaboration tools, and other digital solutions, business
affiliates have been able to stay connected with their
partners and continue to offer them the support they need.
Thankfully, trips to visit their international mentees have
resumed this year.
Finding additional female business mentors in North
America is an ongoing goal for their partners, as the
majority of the entrepreneurs they serve are women. They
are seeking to create more connections between North
American Business Women and Partners Worldwide to
provide opportunities for mentorship and exchange between
female counterparts in developing countries.
Empowering Local Businesses to Reduce Poverty
Partners Worldwide ensures that their Local Community
Institutions (LCIs) with whom they partner are aligned with
Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
their mission to reduce poverty through business while also
sharing their Christian values and goals. To ensure the
success of the projects they fund, they have created a
comprehensive training course for LCIs who rigorously
evaluate business proposals on a daily basis.
Partners Worldwide is also creating space in its funding
model for tech companies that are more progressive and
committed to aiding and assisting the business community
in rural and impoverished regions. Technology is helping to
bridge the distance between those who live in rural and
other remote areas that lack access to banking services.
Unveils Plan to Ignite 1 million
Partners Worldwide has set a goal for the year 2030 with
their ‘Vista 2030’ vision: To ignite One million Lights
(Entrepreneurs) which will provide employment to 3
million people and help reduce poverty for 15 million
people Worldwide.
To achieve their goal of fully alleviating poverty in
impoverished regions, they need to expand their reach and
gain access to more qualified entrepreneurs in those
poverty-stricken regions. They want to empower these
individuals to grow their businesses and create positive
change in their communities. By providing them with
access to resources and support, they can help break the
cycle of poverty and help communities thrive.
Thanh’s role as a Canadian Director is to expand the
network of Business Affiliates and donors who will support
their efforts at eradicating poverty. He is also tasked with
the job of increasing name recognition for Partners
Worldwide in the Canadian Charitable landscape. He will
be harnessing the power of influence of his existing
supporters to help more LCIs (Local Community
Institutions) find the Business Affiliate Teams they need and
to have to mentor them towards success. We know that
under Thanh’s leadership, Canada can become a model of
success for other markets.
Prestigious Awards
Amongst his many certificates of appreciation from Rotary
Groups, Probus Clubs, and The UN, and along with his
plethora of letters of recommendation from Political
Officials, School Boards, he is especially proud and
delighted to receive two specific awards. In 2018, he was
honored with the second granting of “The Guys Who Get
It” Award from Illuminessence Women’s Magazine. His
efforts to bring pride back to the city of Hamilton by
highlighting the hard work of those Female Entrepreneurs
striving to make their hometown a better place to live and
do business had been duly recognized. Moreover, he is
humbled and honored to have also been bestowed with the
Paul Harris Fellow Award by the Rotary Club, a
recognition known throughout the world, of which he fully
grasps the significance of wearing the pin.
Survivor, Speaker, Author, and Advocate, Leading with
Resilience and Compassion!
hriving in the face of change requires embracing
Tuncertainty and seeing it as an opportunity for
growth. Each challenge becomes a stepping stone
toward realizing our true potential. As individuals, we can
evolve, learn, and surpass our previous limitations. With
each step forward, we unlock hidden talents and strengths
that we may not have known existed.
An example of possibilities and change is Elizabeth
Gagnon, the Founder of Miss Liz’s Tea Parties, who used
her personal journey of overcoming adversity to empower
Despite a difficult upbringing marked by abuse, grief, and
mental health struggles, Elizabeth emerged stronger and
more determined. In 2015, she brought her vision to life by
establishing Miss Liz’s Tea Parties in Cornwall, Ontario.
Initially, these gatherings were meant to honor the
remarkable women in her life, but they quickly evolved into
a platform for supporting and uplifting the community.
Elizabeth recognized the importance of giving back and
transformed these events into fundraisers to support
individuals dealing with abuse, grief, and mental health
challenges. Expanding her mission in 2019, Elizabeth
launched Miss Liz’s Teatimes Interviews, a powerful media
Through this platform, she collaborates with change-
makers, leaders, and advocates from around the world to
raise awareness about critical issues. As an International
Speaker, Author, and Podcast Host, Elizabeth’s impact
extends far beyond her hometown. Her interviews and
insights have touched countless lives, sparking meaningful
conversations on resilience, mental health, and
At the core of Elizabeth’s work is the symbol of T-E-A,
representing unity, support, and empowerment. Through the
ritual of tea time, she creates a safe space for open dialogue
and healing conversations, fostering a sense of belonging
and understanding among diverse communities.
As we sip our tea, let us be inspired by her journey and join
hands in making the world a better place, one teatime at a
Please tell us about your company, its mission, and its
vision. What role did you play in furthering its
development and outreach?
Miss Liz’s Tea Parties began in my home on September
15th, 2015, as a way to honor and celebrate the strong
women in my life. These gatherings brought together
friends and neighbors from my community, creating
connections and fostering friendships.
In January 2016, I decided to move the tea parties to
Cornwall, where I started hosting fundraising events to
support various services that assist individuals facing abuse,
grief, and mental health challenges.
In 2019, I took my business and mission a step further and
transformed it into a media outlet called Miss Liz’s
Teatimes Interviews. This platform allowed me to work and
collaborate with individuals globally, raising awareness on
a wide range of topics. With four seasons and over 250
interviews, I have had the privilege of engaging with guests
from more than 40 countries, shedding light on important
issues that impact not only Canada but also the world.
Scheduling interviews months in advance, I diligently
prepare and promote each guest’s story, business, services,
and programs. As a one-man team, I use storytelling and
awareness initiatives to inspire positive change. Throughout
my journey, I have collaborated with international leaders,
global organizations, PR media, publicists, and change-
makers who share similar values and missions.
Additionally, I have partnered with select guests to
showcase their brands and their impactful work on a global
scale, fostering relationships with other countries and
Elizabeth Gagnon
Miss Liz’s Tea Parties
Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
services that I hope to bring to Canada in the future.
Miss Liz’s journey is only just beginning, and I am excited
to continue making a difference through my tea parties,
interviews, and collaborations.
Miss Liz’s mission is to foster togetherness among people.
With a historical perspective and an eye on the future, Miss
Liz aims to explore the impact of various actions on
humanity. Through the simple act of serving T-E-A
(Teaching Educational Awareness), Miss Liz creates a
welcoming environment where individuals can share their
personal stories of triumph, inspire others, and initiate
meaningful projects and services.
By promoting the idea that something different and
beautiful is possible, Miss Liz strives to revive barter and
trade practices and establish strong global relationships by
collaborating with smaller brands. The vision of Miss Liz is
to create a space that embraces diversity and inclusivity,
thereby bringing attention to the often overlooked aspects
of life. By working together, connecting with one another,
and establishing networks, Miss Liz believes in the power
to change lives. Upholding core values, self-belief, and a
growth mindset, Miss Liz aspires to reach homes, schools,
and communities using the medium of T-E-A. The vision is
to encourage open discussions and pave the way for
innovative leadership.
What was your inspiration to step into the industry that
you are now serving?
Since 2015, my inspiration has come from trying and seeing
different things - from home parties to community events to
virtual interviews. The people who use my services and
support me are my true inspiration. To inspire others, we
must first find inspiration within ourselves by recognizing
and believing in our purpose. To be a leader and set an
example, we need to build a brand that stands out from the
ordinary and encourages others to shine. My goal has
always been to do something unique, be different, and stand
out from the crowd of ordinary experiences.
Offering others the opportunity to believe in their purpose
and aspirations and simply give it a try. Similar to my daily
routine, I exert my utmost effort until I discover more
effective approaches. At the age of four, my Oma motivated
me with a modest yet transformative cup of tea. Her words
lingered and pondered, revitalized and unleashed, and she
persevered. Today, I utilize that same tea to express my
deep gratitude towards everyone I have the privilege of
collaborating with.
Please tell us about your company’s products, services,
and solutions. And how do they stand out in the
Products I offer are one-on-one interviews, Workshops,
Fundraising Events, Shoutouts, and Sponsorship
Opportunities to have your business and services seen and
heard. I offer my voice for speaking events and community
outreach for different ways of serving T-E-A. Teaching
Educational Awareness, I speak on Abuse, Grief, Mental
health, Peace, and Humanity. I offer merchandise and books
that I have created and written. I am looking for future
investors and creators as well as “COLLABORATIONS
According to you, what sets your company apart from
other companies within your industry?
The number one thing that sets my business apart from
others is the connections and relationships with people who
prioritize people over profit. Staying connected to everyone
I work with through personal and professional updates with
reunion shows, guest updates on new products and services,
and wins in their lives. I have it so that I am reachable for
any support and help I can offer them by getting them
connected to the right resources they may need. Through
emails and messages with the ones I have collaborated with,
I believe in giving out shout-outs of appreciation and
celebrating their wins, not just my own.
How do you think advanced technology will enhance the
operations of your industry in the near future? And how
is your company preparing for that change?
The future of technology intrigues me, as I see it as a
stepping stone of growth in a different way, and I appreciate
that. I feel it will bring a huge change to my mission and
vision in a positive way, as it can help me create a deeper
virtual understanding through games, books, and robotic
experiences. I feel technology is something we should look
at as a different resource for helping grow our minds to
possibilities. Like my mission, it is a new way of learning
and creating an understanding of what is different that can
help millions around the globe.
Human and technological partnerships are changing.
Technology can help open the creative side of our minds
and get us out of our comfort zones of doing the same
thing. I am preparing my mission and business to bring the
technology side to them. To help not only my country but
also around the globe. The T-E-A is just the start of the
growth to come with an open mind to possibilities with the
help of technology and future ways. The future of
awareness is that your future can change at any time.
Where do you see yourself in the future? Also, how do
you envision scaling your company’s operations and
outreach in the coming years?
Where I see myself in the future and the next 10 years I see
a global franchise of Miss Liz’s Stages, Shops, Educational
Conferences, and conventions. Globally for schools,
businesses, and communities. I see virtual games, board
games, clothing brands, campaigns, and collaborations.
Partnerships, sponsorships, and investors who want to build
the new T-E-A of teaching educational awareness not only
for me but for their businesses and countries too. I see
ambassadorships and even educational products with a
creative style built by the AI of technology. I see endless
possibilities in the future of Miss Liz.
Give us a few testimonials from your students or parents
and awards or recognition that accurately highlight
your company’s position in the market.
“Community Builder, Peace Builder, Genuine Heart to
Serve, and a Big Inspiration to the Society.” - Isaac
Oluwagbemi, Sun Life Financial.
“I loved working with Miss Liz and spilling my T-E-A with
her. She is so easy to talk with and knows just what
questions to ask. She has such a heart for helping and
connecting people!” - Carisa Cole Sharrett, founder and
CEO of Bravely Intentional Life.
“Miss Liz’s mission is to help people. I highly recommend
getting to know her and what she offers with her Tea
Parties and sharing with others.” - Lorie Simonton.
From Curious Student to
Entrepreneurial Visionary, Creating
Solutions and Connecting Ecosystems!
Life is a canvas, and we are the
artists. We have the power to
design our realities, shape our
experiences, and leave a mark on the
For Eric, this notion has been ingrained
in his heart and mind since he was a
curious young boy. As he embarks on a
journey of continuous learning and
impact, he exemplifies the belief that
through innovation, compassion, and
community-building, we can create
solutions that help more people and
transform lives.
Meet Eric Balance, the visionary
Founder and CEO of Balance Media
Ventures, a trailblazing entrepreneur
on a mission to shape realities through
innovation. From a young age, his
inquisitive spirit led him on a path of
creating solutions that make a positive
impact. As the former President of The
Accounting Club during his university
days, he curated events to connect
students with job opportunities and
employers, igniting a passion for
identifying innovative business
Driven by a desire to create a greater
good, Eric explores the intersections of
diverse industries, weaving together
different verticals for synergistic
growth. With Balance Media Ventures,
he crafts ventures that empower
change-makers and address real-world
challenges, leaving a lasting legacy of
Believing in the power of collaborative
effort, Eric inspires the next generation
of innovators through mentorship and
educational initiatives. With purpose-
driven leadership, he shapes a brighter
tomorrow, one venture at a time.
Below are the highlights of the
Empowering Conscious Business
Eric is a dedicated Conscious Business
Developer and Curator, skillfully
crafting solutions for organizations,
their leadership teams, and their
founders. His mission is to propel their
messages to a wider audience while
cultivating a vibrant community of
advocates and enthusiastic supporters.
This is achieved by harnessing
momentum and fostering a profound
understanding of the organization’s
client base. By strategically defining
their impact and distinctive industry
presence, Eric’s approach enables
organizations to attract attention
organically instead of pursuing it.
At the core of Eric’s innovative
strategy is collaborative teamwork.
Working closely with internal teams,
he identifies avenues for self-
organization and self-management.
This united effort is geared toward a
shared vision, igniting creative
planning, problem-solving, and
efficient task management.
Eric’s overarching mission is to
embody compassion and courage
through purposeful action. He
empowers himself and others to
venture into the marketplace,
constructing the essential structures
and systems needed for individuals to
confidently self-lead within any
organization. This empowerment is
rooted in a commitment to upholding
integrity, ensuring that every
interaction and situation is improved
by their presence.
Empowered by Inspiration
Eric’s transformative journey into
development was sparked by a
profound self-discovery, which began
with encountering the work of Tony
Robbins. Witnessing how Robbins
built an empire of like-minded
individuals, bound by a collective
mission, ignited a realization within
Eric. He recognized the power of self-
development and the clues to success
embedded in Robbins’ path.
Determined to unlock his own
potential, Eric made a resolute decision
to immerse himself in growth. He
became a Platinum Partner, delving
into Robbins’ highest-level
mastermind, committing to “Do the
work” on his self-leadership. This
transformative experience allowed Eric
to cultivate the necessary skills and
mindset to step into any environment
with confidence, embracing the role of
an empowering leader.
Inspired by Robbins’ example, Eric set
forth on a path of self-empowerment,
understanding that true leadership
stems from personal growth. By
dedicating himself to this journey, he
honed the ability to lead authentically
and empower others around him.
Empowering Leadership and
Impactful Messaging
Balance Media Ventures is dedicated to
empowering leadership and cultivating
congruent cultures within communities
by crafting, enhancing, and amplifying
meaningful messages to the
marketplace. Their services encompass
business and marketing development,
including media buying, coaching, and
consultancy, all aimed at helping
clients double their impact, income,
and influence in their industry.
What sets it apart is its role as an
investor partner, creating mutually
beneficial strategies that lead to shared
success. Their unique approach to deal-
making ensures that they and their
clients succeed together in the
Amplifying Growth
Balance Media Ventures has developed
a distinctive MRR (Momentum, Reach,
Retention) model designed to
maximize your growth potential by
investing in your meaningful message
as partners focused on long-term
success and collaboration. They
believe that true synergy and shared
purpose can only be achieved when all
parties have a stake in the game,
working together as a unified team to
achieve greater outcomes. With their
MRR model, it aims to magnify
momentum, expand reach, and enhance
customer retention, fostering lasting
growth and co-creation.
Embracing Innovation
They have embraced cutting-edge
technology, including machine
learning, AI, and immersive tech, to
revolutionize their campaign builds
and creative planning methodologies.
By integrating these advanced tools,
they empower their teams and clients
to tap into their artistic genius,
redefining how they cultivate their
unique skills in their respective
industries. The utilization of these
technologies also accelerates task
implementation, propelling the process
forward at a remarkable speed, 100
times faster than conventional
approaches. Through this innovative
approach, Balance Media Ventures
strives to stay at the forefront of
industry trends and deliver exceptional
results to its clients.
Trusting in Yourself
Eric enthusiastically spoke about the
major challenges in his career,
highlighting how they played a pivotal
role in developing his leadership skills.
Among the many challenges he faced,
one stood out as the most important
and meaningful – learning to trust in
himself. Eric realized that when he
cultivated a solution-oriented mindset,
he could tackle any problem with grace
and ease. However, he shared a
difficult phase where his insecurities
and lack of emotional intelligence led
to significant consequences.
He recalled a time when his ego got in
the way, causing his entire team to quit
and clients to gradually drift away. The
root cause was Eric’s struggle to
manage his own insecurities and
emotions, preventing him from taking
full responsibility for his actions.
Instead, he would express
disappointment and anger towards
those who supported him within his
business. Eric recognized that this
behavior was not leadership; he needed
to learn to take ownership of his life
and stop blaming others.
His journey of growth and self-
discovery took him on a transformative
path, one that led him across the planet
“Twice” in search of the wisdom he
sought. Through this transformative
experience, Eric learned to trust in
himself, embrace emotional
intelligence, and take responsibility for
his actions. This personal and
professional growth allowed him to
evolve as a leader, better equipped to
face challenges with resilience and a
positive outlook.
Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
As an experienced leader, Eric shares
valuable advice for aspiring
entrepreneurs and enthusiasts seeking
to venture into the industry he’s in. His
guidance revolves around two key
principles: taking responsibility for
every situation and leading with
compassionate energy.
Eric emphasizes the importance of
owning and taking responsibility for
every situation that arises. By doing so,
aspiring entrepreneurs demonstrate a
sense of accountability and
commitment to their endeavors. Even
in moments of difficulty or setbacks,
showing up with compassionate energy
can make a significant difference.
Creating an environment of
compassion and understanding fosters
a sense of support and encouragement
from others, even when one may
encounter challenges or fall short.
Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
In Eric’s perspective, leadership is a
collective effort. Great leaders
recognize that they lead together with
their team and collaborators. Being
curious about areas of uncertainty and
embracing a learning mindset enables
aspiring entrepreneurs to create space
for others to shine. Encouraging the
growth and success of others elevates
the entire team and organization. Eric
believes that leaders who lift others
up contribute to a culture of
empowerment and shared success.
Authenticity plays a central role in
leadership, according to Eric. Great
leaders are willing to share openly,
being genuine and transparent about
their experiences and knowledge. This
openness not only fosters trust and
respect but also cultivates a culture of
openness and collaboration.
Vision for a Collaborative and
Empowering Future
Envisioning the future of Balance
Media Ventures, Eric shares his
aspirations for the next five years. He
aims to see the company expand its
horizons by acquiring more businesses
and forming partnerships with teal
organizations. Teal organizations are
known for empowering their teams to
lead collectively, fostering a culture of
collaboration and shared decision-
Additionally, Eric envisions the
company devoting more time to
support organizations that are on the
journey of cultivating such a culture.
These organizations may seek Balance
Media Ventures’ facilitation to guide
and facilitate the transformation and
expansion of their corporate culture
towards a teal approach.
By forging alliances with like-minded
businesses and offering support to
organizations in adopting collaborative
leadership models, Balance Media
Ventures strives to play a significant
role in shaping progressive and
empowering corporate cultures in
the years to come.
Raving Rewards and Review
• David Loloav-CEO Salad
Eric has clear energy. When I’m
speaking with him, his energy helps
me to navigate my mind for
“CREATION.” I stop thinking about
problems and obstacles, and I see
others can start to feel themselves as
entrepreneurs, as creators.
• Vesa-Mixed Media Artist
Eric’s work to create conscious
communities is bridging together
people from various fields that might
not otherwise find one another
across disciplines, and his thought
processes are pioneering creativity
at scale.
• Jared Yelin-Founder of Project
Eric’s greatest ability is to build trust
very quickly with extremely
impactful people who are open and
willing to explore what is possible in
the world; even in a guarded
environment, he can create
engagement by earning their
• Richie Norton-Author - Anti-
Time Management
Eric has a Unique ability to rally
people around a common cause.
• Lee Davy Founder Origen
Eric is a powerful, beautiful brother
that has the ability to really speak
from the heart and share his feelings
authentically and deeply. His
brilliance is to hear what is being
said and ground it into real-world
applications that support others in
realizing and implementing
their own genius.
• Brad Jameston-
Eric is well-balanced, like
his name. In Both
masculine and feminine, a
true rarity. An absolute go-
getter and at peace in his
being, with strength in his
vulnerable actions to
create. A role model to men
and a safe space for
women. Just a beautiful
soul that shines through.
Keep being.
July, 2023
the Impactof
Influence on
Influence is an intriguing and pervasive force that
shapes human behavior, decisions, and,
ultimately, our society. From subtle gestures to
bold acts, the power of influence can be both
constructive and detrimental, leaving an indelible
mark on individuals and the collective community.
This article delves into the intricate dynamics of
influence, examining its various forms and exploring
how it molds our thoughts, actions, and values. By
grasping the nuances of influence, we can better
comprehend its potential for positive change and
cultivate a more conscious and empowered society.
The Essence of Influence
At its core, influence refers to the capacity of one
person or entity to affect the attitudes, beliefs, and
actions of others. It transcends boundaries and
manifests in numerous forms, from personal
interactions to the vast realms of media and
technology. Whether it is a persuasive speech, a
captivating advertisement, or the impact of role
models, influence holds the power to alter our
perspectives and inspire us to embrace new ideologies
and behaviors.
The Art of Persuasion
Persuasion, a fundamental aspect of influence, lies in
the art of presenting ideas or arguments in a
compelling manner. Skillful persuaders leverage
The Power of Influence
July, 2023
emotions, logic, and empathy to convince others of
their viewpoints. Understanding the psychology of
persuasion equips individuals with the tools to
critically assess the messages they encounter and
empowers them to make informed choices.
The Dark Side of Influence
While influence can be a force for good, it also carries
the potential for manipulation and exploitation.
Unethical use of influence can sway people into
making decisions that are not in their best interest,
leading to negative consequences at personal and
societal levels. Recognizing and safeguarding against
manipulative tactics is crucial to maintaining
individual autonomy and collective well-being.
Influence in the Digital Age
In the digital era, influence takes on new dimensions
through social media, online platforms, and
algorithms that curate content. The echo chambers of
cyberspace can reinforce biases and polarize society.
Understanding the mechanisms of digital influence is
vital in fostering an informed and inclusive virtual
The Role of Influential Leaders
Influential leaders have the power to drive change on a
grand scale. Their actions, values, and vision can
inspire movements and shape history. Effective
leadership demands integrity, empathy, and a
commitment to serving the greater good. By
exemplifying ethical leadership, influential figures can
become catalysts for positive transformation.
Nurturing Positive Influence
Promoting positive influence involves creating an
environment that encourages critical thinking, open
dialogue, and empathy. Education plays a pivotal
role in fostering a society that is discerning,
compassionate, and socially responsible. By nurturing
critical thinking skills and media literacy, individuals
can resist misinformation and make well-informed
Harnessing Influence for Social Impact
Influence is a potent tool for addressing societal
challenges. Advocacy campaigns, philanthropic
endeavors, and grassroots movements harness the
power of influence to raise awareness and drive
positive change. Empowered individuals can band
together to advocate for human rights, environmental
preservation, and social justice, thus amplifying their
Ethical Marketing and Advertising
In the realm of business, marketers and advertisers
wield significant influence over consumer behavior.
Responsible marketers recognize the importance of
ethics and transparency in their messaging. Ethical
marketing ensures that consumers are empowered to
make choices aligned with their values and needs
without succumbing to manipulative tactics.
The Ripple Effect of Influence
Influence does not exist in isolation; it ripples through
society, affecting diverse communities and future
generations. Recognizing our interconnectedness
enables us to be more conscious of the impact of our
choices and actions. By embracing empathy and social
responsibility, we can contribute to a collective wave
of positive influence that extends far beyond
individual boundaries.
The power of influence permeates every aspect of
human life, shaping our beliefs, decisions, and actions.
Understanding its intricacies empowers us to discern
between constructive and manipulative influences,
making informed choices that align with our values.
As individuals, we hold the potential to harness
influence for positive change, driving a more
inclusive, compassionate, and conscious society. By
recognizing our interconnectedness, we become active
agents of transformation with the power to shape a
better world for ourselves and future generations.
- Prashik D. Bombarde
July, 2023
Revolutionizing Licensing Process for
International Physiotherapists!
tarting a new journey overseas can be
Sboth exciting and daunting. It brings
with it a plethora of new experiences,
challenges, and opportunities. This is
especially true for aspirant immigrants
trying to navigate the distinctions of a new culture,
country, and education system.
In the case of Dr. Kartik, the road to success was
far from easy. Driven by personal struggles and a
determination to make a difference, Kartik Shah,
Founder Director Trainer of In2Canada, has
embarked on a remarkable journey to revolutionize
the process of physiotherapy licensing for
international professionals. His vision has not only
transformed the lives of countless aspiring
physiotherapists but has also created a global
revolution in the field of education.
He embarked on his journey as an immigrant in
Canada, facing the daunting challenge of adapting
to a new culture, country, and education system. He
soon discovered that achieving success in his
desired field of physiotherapy was a demanding and
challenging task. Despite studying hard and taking
on part-time jobs, he was disheartened by the lack
of progress. The intricacies of comprehending the
physiotherapy licensing regulations in Canada and
the lengthy processes involved took a toll on his
After experiencing failures in the written
component and facing difficulties in the practical
examinations, Kartik had an epiphany. As he
contemplated the idea of finishing all the licensing
procedures in his country of origin, he realized that
doing so would not only make the journey easier
but would also remove the need for odd jobs to
make ends meet. Kartik came to a firm decision in
2017, recognizing the importance of founding a
platform for foreign physiotherapists to obtain
extensive support in becoming licensed
practitioners in Canada. And all of this could be
achieved from the comfort of their own countries.
With his unwavering determination, Kartik brought
his vision to life through In2Canada. It all began
Kar k Shah
Founder Director Trainer
July, 2023
with a modest concept to aid a few
physiotherapists in India, but it soon
evolved into a worldwide educational
revolution. In2Canada emerged as a
platform that not only granted access to
crucial resources but also offered
direction and assistance throughout the
licensing process. Now, foreign
physiotherapists can get ready for
licensing tests, obtain study materials,
and acquire mentorship from seasoned
experts, all from a distance.
In2Canada, spearheaded by Kartik
Shah, has had an exceptional impact in
the realm of physiotherapy. The
platform offers unparalleled support
and guidance to physiotherapists
worldwide, helping them surmount
geographical barriers and attain
licensure in Canada. This revolutionary
initiative has enabled numerous
individuals to achieve their
professional aspirations, with far-
reaching effects that extend beyond
their personal lives. Their success has
rippled out to benefit their
communities and contribute to the
global healthcare landscape.
Let us further explore the prodigious
odyssey of Kartik Shah!
Transforming the Path for
Kartik highlighted the challenges that
physiotherapists face when attempting
to enter Canada and how In2Canada is
addressing them. He explained that
becoming a licensed physiotherapist in
Canada requires a step-by-step
licensing process that typically takes
18–24 months. However, securing a
suitable job in Canada can prove
difficult. In2Canada streamlines this
process by providing a dedicated case
manager for each candidate who
guides them through every step of the
process. With the case manager’s
assistance, candidates can complete the
entire process within 6–8 months of
enrollment. Moreover, In2Canada
offers training and instruction on
exams and clinical skills in the
candidate’s home country, allowing
them to maintain their current job and
residence. Additionally, they provide
worldwide lectures to help
physiotherapists master the relevant
techniques and skills required in
Comprehensive Training Program
In2Canada provides extensive training
to physiotherapists, encompassing both
the preparation for licensing exams and
the development of clinical skills
necessary for excelling in the
workplace. Additionally, they provide
on-site training to further enhance their
clinical experience.
The team focuses on online lectures
and equips students with
comprehensive study materials,
including notes, demo/mock exams,
and access to peer study groups
worldwide, ensuring their success.
Additionally, they offer international
certificate courses that enable
physiotherapists to refine and
streamline their skills.
Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy
Kartik highlighted the importance of
the Canadian Alliance of
Physiotherapy Regulators in the
registration process. He mentioned that
In2Canada is working with them and
that CAPR serves as the governing
body for physiotherapists who take the
pan-Canadian exams and international
credential physiotherapists. In2Canada
assists candidates in ensuring a smooth
and timely process of paperwork and
guides them through the different steps
efficiently, saving time, money, and
resources. Additionally, In2Canada
enables international candidates to pay
their fees in a reasonable amount of
time and at minimal expense on their
behalf to expedite their registration
Hassle-free Immigration with
Certified Agents
In2Canada facilitates the immigration
process and collaborates with certified
Canadian government agents to
guarantee security and dependability.
In addition, they establish connections
between their clients and candidates to
ensure a seamless and stress-free
transition for those looking to change
their lifestyle, country, and career, all
through a single point of contact.
One piece of advice
that I would like to offer
is, Never Give Up. Yes,
this is the road less
traveled, but that is
exactly why it is
successful. If you are
going to sell coffee, be
the Starbucks of coffee,
and if you are selling
phones, be the iPhone.
And If you want to do
business, be the
In2Canada of Teaching
in a world full of clones.
Stand apart and know
your worth.
Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
July, 2023
Revolutionizing Physiotherapist
This organization operates in all
Canadian provinces and has
successfully placed candidates in
various healthcare settings, such as
hospitals, clinics, care homes, and
private clinics. They are well-versed in
the laws and regulations of each
province, which they follow closely to
assist candidates in obtaining their
licenses, insurance, and job
placements. Moreover, they collaborate
closely with employers nationwide to
ensure that quality healthcare is
provided by their candidates. They
offer an in-house training program that
includes patient retention, clinical
software training, and ethical and
jurisprudence training tailored to the
province where the candidate will be
placed. Additionally, they provide post-
landing settlement services, including
food, accommodation, banking, and
connectivity, without any additional
costs to help candidates find the ideal
place and food.
Revolutionary Program Setting a
New Standard
In2Canada stands out as the sole online
platform worldwide that provides
comprehensive support to foreign
physiotherapists in obtaining their
licensing and employment
opportunities in one convenient
location. While some training
providers solely focus on exam
preparation, In2Canada’s suite of
services is exceptional and highly
valued by its clients.
Expert Advice for Success
International physiotherapists often
make the mistake of not conducting
sufficient research, which can lead to
misguided decisions. One such
decision is to opt for the student permit
route, which is not only expensive and
time-consuming but also does not add
any value to their credentials. The
organization invites them for a
personal interview or information
session where they can gain a better
understanding of the concepts and
secure a job in their field of expertise
in their home country. They guarantee
that this approach is quicker, more
accessible, and more cost-effective
than any other available option.
Secrets of Inventive Leadership
“An admonition that I would like to
proffer is to persist resolutely and
never capitulate. This may entail
traversing a path that is seldom
threaded, yet that is precisely why it
has been efficacious. When venturing
into the coffee industry, aspire to
become the Starbucks of coffee, and
when marketing phones, strive to
become the iPhone. Similarly, if your
objective is to engage in commerce,
endeavor to become the In2Canada of
education on a planet inundated with
duplicates. Distinguish yourself and
comprehend your true value,”
emphasized Kartik.
Rave Reviews and Industry
Kartik Shah got the Edupreneur of the
Year award for 2022
They were nominated for the best
innovative business awards for Canada
in 2021
They were nominated for the BC
Business Excellence awards in 2020,
They also got the Most Eco-friendly
educational portal from the WHO and
Indian Government for being the only
educational service with Zero paper
July, 2023
July, 2023
in the
he Canadian business landscape is characterized by
Tinnovation, resilience, and a spirit of exploration.
At the heart of this vibrant ecosystem are visionary
leaders who have defied conventional norms and embraced
disruptive ideas to drive success. These trailblazing
entrepreneurs and corporate pioneers, often referred to as
"Canadian Mavericks," have played a pivotal role in
shaping the nation's economic growth and global reputation.
Further, we explore the stories of these visionaries, their
remarkable achievements, and the key attributes that set
them apart as driving forces in the Canadian business
Embracing Disruption: The Rise of Canadian
Canadian Mavericks are renowned for their boldness in
challenging established paradigms. Embracing the spirit of
disruption, they have sought to create innovative solutions
to pressing problems while recognizing the potential for
transformative growth. Whether in the technology,
healthcare, or renewable energy sectors, these visionaries
have reshaped industries and inspired others to push
The Power of Adaptability: Navigating a Dynamic
The Canadian business landscape is ever-evolving, with
global events and market shifts necessitating adaptability.
Mavericks have demonstrated a unique ability to pivot and
seize opportunities, even amidst uncertainty. Their agility
has been instrumental in not only surviving challenging
times but thriving in them, positioning Canada as a hub for
resilience and adaptability.
A Commitment to Sustainability: Mavericks Leading
the Green Revolution
As environmental concerns take center stage, Canadian
Mavericks have been at the forefront of sustainable
practices. By integrating eco-conscious strategies into
their business models, they have redefined corporate
responsibility. From renewable energy initiatives to circular
economy concepts, these visionaries are reshaping the
Canadian business landscape to be environmentally
conscious and socially responsible.
The Art of Disruptive Innovation: Raising the Bar
Canadian Mavericks consistently set new industry standards
through disruptive innovation. By identifying unmet needs
and revolutionizing existing processes, they have
introduced groundbreaking products and services that
resonate with global audiences. Their relentless pursuit of
excellence has not only driven success for their enterprises
Canadian Mavericks
July, 2023
but also fostered a culture of innovation across the nation.
Empowering a Diverse Workforce: Inclusion as a Pillar
of Success
Canadian Mavericks recognize that diversity and inclusion
are vital for fostering creativity and driving progress. By
championing diverse teams and inclusive work
environments, they have harnessed the power of varied
perspectives to fuel innovation. Their commitment to
empowering all individuals within their organizations has
inspired a more inclusive corporate culture across the
A Global Mindset: Expanding Canadian Footprints
The reach of Canadian Mavericks extends far beyond
national borders. These visionary leaders have ventured into
international markets, establishing Canada as a global
player in various industries. Their ambition and global
mindset have paved the way for Canadian companies to
compete on the international stage and contribute to the
country's economic growth.
Philanthropy and Social Impact: Giving Back to
Beyond their professional endeavors, Canadian Mavericks
actively engage in philanthropy and social impact
initiatives. They use their influence and resources to support
community development, education, and healthcare,
contributing to the betterment of society. Their dedication to
social responsibility sets an inspiring example for the next
generation of business leaders.
Nurturing Innovation Ecosystems: Mavericks as
Catalysts for Change
Canadian Mavericks have not only achieved individual
success but also become advocates for nurturing innovation
ecosystems. They invest in startups, mentor aspiring
entrepreneurs, and collaborate with academic institutions to
foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Their
efforts have positioned Canada as a hotbed of innovation
and a sought-after destination for emerging talents.
To Conclude
Canadian Mavericks epitomize the spirit of resilience,
innovation, and social responsibility that defines the
nation's business landscape. Their visionary leadership has
redefined industries, driven economic growth, and
positioned Canada as a global player in innovation. From
embracing disruption to empowering diverse workforces
and championing sustainability, these leaders embody the
essence of progressive entrepreneurship. As Canadian
Mavericks continue to pave the way for future generations,
their legacy will undoubtedly shape a prosperous and
impactful business landscape for years to come.
- Prashik D. Bombarde
July, 2023
July, 2023
Business Owner
he human mind is curious, always searching
for new information, new experiences, and
new challenges. For some, this curiosity is
more than just a passing interest - it is a
driving force that pushes them to explore
every nook and cranny of the world around them. These
individuals are the ones who achieve greatness, who break
down barriers and shatter prospects. They are the ones who
never stop learning, never stop growing, and never stop
pushing themselves to be better. In this world of boundless
knowledge and endless possibilities, they are the ones who
inspire us all to be more.
Such is the story of Nadiya Albishchenko, a remarkable
entrepreneur whose unquenchable desire to explore and
discover has led her to forge a path of innovation and
From an early age, Nadiya’s inquisitive nature set her apart.
Driven by an innate curiosity and a genuine love for
acquiring knowledge, she found that her insatiable hunger
for learning enabled her to extract the very best from within
herself. With each new subject, she delved into, her thirst
for knowledge intensified, fueling her desire to learn faster
and more efficiently. This unwavering dedication to
constant growth became the cornerstone of her journey.
Coming from a corporate background, Nadiya’s intrigue
about the inner workings of multinational food companies
ignited her ambition. The meticulously organized processes,
from packaging materials to production, marketing, and
sales channels, fascinated her. She yearned to uncover the
secrets behind their success, and her insatiable curiosity
urged her to delve deeper into the intricacies of the industry.
Armed with an impressive academic background, including
a Master’s degree in International Business and a second
Master’s in Genetics, Nadiya’s thirst for knowledge
remained unquenchable. Her studies provided her with a
wealth of expertise, particularly in the development of new
formulations for various types of dairy products. Through
this specialized knowledge, she honed her ability to create
products tailored to specific usage requirements,
establishing herself as a true authority in her field.
Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
July, 2023
Driven by an unwavering determination and armed with a
vast reservoir of knowledge, Nadiya Albishchenko seized
an opportunity to channel her savviness and expertise into a
groundbreaking venture. In May 2018, she founded INAS
(International Network for Achievable Solutions), a
company poised to revolutionize the industry by providing
clients with customized solutions tailored to their unique
With INAS as her platform, Nadiya Albishchenko has
emerged as a visionary force, championing innovation and
excellence in the global market. Her boundless curiosity,
insatiable thirst for knowledge, and unwavering dedication
to her craft have propelled her to extraordinary heights.
Join us as we delve deeper into the remarkable journey of
Nadiya Albishchenko!
Kindly brief our readers about yourself and your
professional journey so far.
I am a resilient and determined entrepreneur with a
remarkable journey. Brought up in a newly independent
Ukraine, my childhood was marked by adversity, including
domestic violence, separated parents, and financial
constraints. At the age of 19, I began working to support my
education, realizing that earning opportunities were limited
in my country.
Despite my fear of venturing into unknown territories, I
embraced the belief that a ship is not built to stay at the
shore. This led me to Egypt at 23, where I worked tirelessly
to support my studies and family. As a Ukrainian woman in
a foreign land, I faced numerous challenges, including
stereotypes and even sexual harassment.
Undeterred, I persevered and seized opportunities in the
United Arab Emirates, working my way up and eventually
collaborating with renowned global leaders in the FMCG
industry. It was during this time in the food service sector
that I discovered the biased perception of Ukrainian women
and the negative image of Ukrainian products.
Motivated by this realization, I founded INAS EXIM, an
organization dedicated to elevating Ukrainian dairy
products to the same level as their European and Oceanic
counterparts. In parallel, my passion for preserving nature
and creating a sustainable future led me to participate in
initiatives like the Woman Talent competition and the
Mystique brand, which raise awareness about
environmental challenges and promote sustainable
July, 2023
In September 2022, I released my first business book,
“Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership,”
which recounts my journey from an ordinary child to a
successful entrepreneur. This book delves into my
experiences in international trade, business management,
and the values that have shaped my career.
Please tell us about your company, its mission, and its
vision. What role did you play in furthering its
development and outreach?
INAS EXIM LLC is a company founded with a mission to
elevate Ukrainian produce to the Middle East and African
regions. Our vision today is to be a leading player in the
food industry. Consequently, the founder and leader of
INAS EXIM have played a pivotal role in shaping the
company’s development and outreach. By leveraging their
expertise in international trade, business management, and
networking, they have been instrumental in establishing
partnerships with leading distributors in the MENA region.
Overall, my role in furthering the development and
outreach of INAS EXIM has been centered on driving
growth, fostering partnerships, and promoting
sustainability. Additionally, by aligning our mission and
vision with my values, I have played a significant part in
shaping the company’s trajectory and positioning it as a
progressive and socially responsible player in the industry.
What was your inspiration to step into the industry that
you are now serving?
INAS EXIM was not born through inspiration but rather
from a dream held by a young girl. However, it was built
with determination, passion, commitment, discipline, and a
strong belief in its eventual realization. Despite facing
numerous challenges, years of hard work and focus have
resulted in INAS EXIM becoming an inspiration to many.
Please tell us about the products, services, and solutions
offered by your company. And how do they stand out in
the industry?
INAS stands for International Network for Achievable
Solutions, and we thrive to provide endless solutions for all
sectors in the food trade markets. Retail, HoReCa,
industrialized, and private label—we work for and with our
clients to provide seamless opportunities.
Tell our readers about the major challenges in your
career. And how they aided you in developing your
leadership skills.
The Russo-Ukrainian War posed a significant challenge to
my business, INAS ExIm LLC. To ensure survival, I
downsized the company and managed operations in the
UAE alone. Seeking alternative suppliers from Europe,
Canada, and beyond, I diversified our sources of goods.
Taking advantage of soaring energy prices in Ukraine, I
secured deals with new partners. While Ukraine resumed
exports, I maintained alternative options to ensure stability.
These challenges honed my leadership skills, demanding
quick thinking, strategic decision-making, and adaptability.
I learned the importance of analyzing situations, making
tough choices, and staying flexible in the face of
uncertainty. These experiences have been invaluable in
developing my abilities as a leader.
As an experienced leader, what advice would you like to
give to aspiring entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who wish
to venture into the industry that you are in?
My advice for entrepreneurs is to believe in themselves,
trust their abilities, and have confidence in their ideas. Take
the initiative, invest in yourself, and be willing to take risks.
Stay curious, network, and seek support. Be resilient, learn
from setbacks, and adapt. Surround yourself with positivity
and seek inspiration from successful entrepreneurs. Stay
educated, embrace continuous learning, and stay focused on
your goals. With passion, determination, and self-belief,
you can overcome challenges and achieve success.
July, 2023
I would also highly recommend reading my book Synergy:
A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership, which I have
authored along with a friend, an ally, and my business
Give us a few testimonials from your students or parents
and awards or recognition that accurately highlight
your company’s position in the market.
“Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership,” co-
authored by myself and Vinay Gandhi, has garnered recognition
for its comprehensive exploration of entrepreneurship and
the dynamics of successful collaborations. The book has
been praised for its relatability, engaging narrative, and
practical insights, making it an attractive choice for
individuals interested in business alliances and aspiring
entrepreneurs. The title itself captures the essence of
effective partnerships, hinting at the depth and potential
they hold.
With its unique perspectives and valuable lessons,
“Synergy” has established itself as a valuable resource for
those seeking success in the business world. It offers
readers a glimpse into our own experiences and sheds light
on the intricacies of building and nurturing fruitful business
partnerships. The book’s forthcoming availability in Barnes
& Noble stores in the USA by mid-June.
The testimonial that speaks volumes about my business
venture is, without a doubt, the book itself. Through the
pages of “Synergy,” my business partner and I share our
insightful views on our professional collaborations. This
first-hand account showcases the power of our right
partnership and serves as a testament to our expertise and
As readers delve into “Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite
Business Partnership,” they can expect to gain practical
knowledge, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the
potential that lies within effective business collaborations.
July, 2023
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Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in Canada Vol3.pdf

  • 1. Thanh From Helpless to Hope-full The Power of Influence Understanding the Impact of Influence on Individuals and Society Pg.No: 32 Vol: 07 Issue: 05 Year : 2023 Pg.No: 24 Canadian Mavericks Visionaries Driving Success in the Canadian Business Landscape
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. From Helpless to Hope-full 06
  • 5. Understanding the Impact of Influence on Individuals and Society The Power of In luence Visionaries Driving Success in the Canadian Business Landscape Canadian Mavericks 32 24 Elizabeth Gagnon From Adversity to Advocacy 14 Kartik Shah Empowering Global Physiotherapy Professionals through In2Canada 28 18 Eric Balance Weaving Innova ve Opportuni es for the Greater Good 36 Harnessing Curiosity and Exper se to Redefine the Boundaries of Success Nadiya Albishchenko
  • 6.
  • 7. -PrashikD.Bombarde Follow us on We are also available on The way of business solutions Email: For Subscription: Victors Re m o d e l i n g t h e B u s i n e s s L a n d s c a p e In the dynamic landscape of Canada's business world, visionary leaders have emerged as the driving force behind the na on's economic growth and innova on. These influen al business figures are reshaping industries, fostering technological advancements, and advoca ng for sustainable prac ces that impact not only their respec ve sectors but also the en re na on. In the latest edi on of Insights Success - Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada Vol.3, we celebrate the excep onal contribu ons of business leaders who are influencing Canada's economic trajectory. From tech pioneers revolu onizing the technology sector to financial visionaries naviga ng complex financial landscapes, healthcare innovators propelling medical breakthroughs, and sustainability champions driving green ini a ves, these trailblazers exemplify the true spirit of leadership. We delve into the stories of community builders who recognize that the success of their businesses is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of the communi es they serve. Their commitment to corporate social responsibility and philanthropy empowers local economies, upli s underprivileged communi es, and fosters inclusive growth across the na on. At the core of their success lies a shared commitment to diversity and inclusivity. These leaders understand that embracing diverse perspec ves fuels innova on and nurtures a workforce reflec ve of Canada's mul cultural iden ty. By championing gender equality, cultural representa on, and accessibility, they are crea ng workplaces that priori ze fairness, equality, and progress. Editor’s View
  • 9.
  • 10. We all have our own stories, from the struggles we face to the moments of joy and triumph we experience. Yet, there are some individuals who, through their words and actions, leave a legacy that transcends their lifetime and continues to inspire people for generations to come. From the greatest leaders to the humblest of us all, each person has a story, a journey, and an impact. Meet Thanh Campbell, a Vietnamese orphan who has built a following by sharing his prodigious story. Having grown up without knowing his birth family and enduring a myriad of personal hardships and obstacles, Thanh has devoted his life to helping those less fortunate. He began his journey as a public speaker, sharing his own stories and experiences. His impact was so great that people encouraged him to write his memoir, which he did and is titled Orphan 32. Through his stimulating story, he has touched the lives of many and continues to spread hope and resilience to those around him. Belief, Faith, and Hope are often perceived as something conceptual and hard to quantify, yet they are some of the most influential aspects of a person. It can be the distinction between persisting and surrendering, between success and failure, and between pleasure and misery. It is a source of strength, courage, and resoluteness that can assist us in overcoming any difficulty in life. On and off stage, Thanh always shares a feeling of optimism, even though historically, he experienced a sense of insignificance being undervalued. He lacked confidence in himself, so much so that he had a severe apprehension about speaking in front of others, particularly in front of his friends, as he believed that they could detect his anxieties. He is now a professional speaker who tours and speaks to large crowds for a living. His message connects with many who also share this disabling phobia. Overcoming Obstacles Thanh has consistently encountered difficulty in his effort to find a sense of belonging. He has felt like the odd one out in the various locations he has lived, being the proverbial ‘square peg in a round hole.’ He is cognizant of the affection his friends and family have for him, yet he is always uncertain of his place and purpose in the World. His battle was compounded by a deep-seated sense of worthlessness and insignificance. This was especially evident in his fear of public speaking. Many other people can relate to this. As it had a profound effect on his life, he didn’t believe he had anything worthwhile to offer and was scared that if he stood up and spoke in front of a group, especially his peers, people would be able to see through him. He was terrified of what people would think of him if they saw the real him; even he was unsure of who that person was. When one of his mentors spoke words of truth into his life, a drastic change occurred inside of him. He moved from fearful to fantastic when it came to public speaking. His fear of speaking in public vanished, and he welcomed the platform. It is not merely about facing and overcoming fears, nor is it about avoiding them completely; it is about a shift in perception of the obstacle one fears. “When stressed, our thoughts will cause our bodies to go into a fight or flight response, whether it’s real harm or perceived harm. It’s about radically and genuinely changing our perception of the obstacle we are facing from a posture of fear to an attitude of education. We fear that which we do not know, but we gain wisdom, experience, and strength from studying it which we do not know.” Overcoming his fear and anxiety, he was able to channel them into something pragmatic, enabling him to realize his professional ambitions. Currently, he serves as the Canadian Director for Partners Worldwide Canada, and his tenacity and dedication have paid off, achieving the level of success he once only dreamed of. His story serves as a reminder of how to conquer challenges, overcome obstacles and attain success. Today, he stands as a testament to what can be achieved when faced with adversity and choose to cling to faith and hope. Witnessing a Remarkable Journey From a young age, Thanh was enchanted by the business world, taking inspiration from Alex P. Keaton from the iconic tv show Family Ties; he too would be seen carrying his father’s old briefcase, dreaming of making it big in business. He understood the power of money and the influence it had on the world, as well as the opportunities it offered. Thanh was captivated by movies like Pursuit of Happiness, as well as TV series such as Dragons’ Den and Shark Tank, and was constantly reading about successful business leaders. He was aware that business could bring about remarkable outcomes for normal people.
  • 11. Since then, he has wholeheartedly adopted the Givers-Gain principle, which is based on the idea that when good people are entrusted with money, they will use it positively to help others. His upbringing in a pastor’s family instilled in him the value of giving to those in need, inspiring him to find ways he can help people in his own life. Being an orphan from Vietnam, he is aware of the poverty in his homeland and works to provide aid to those who are still struggling around the world. Thus, he is a testament to the truth of the givers-gain principle: when those with resources use them to help those without, everyone wins. Inspiration Behind Orphan 32 Having been employed by various charitable organizations and inspired by his journey through poverty, he would often share his story with others to provide a context for his desire to work in the charitable sector. His story of resilience, determination, and courage resonated so deeply that many encouraged him to write his memoir. With this tool, he could share his story with a wider audience, offering hope and inspiration to those people who find themselves in similar situations. After taking their advice, he self-published Orphan 32 in 2013 and has since sold over 7000 copies. His success has since been followed by the publication of a children’s book,
  • 12. Lost and Found: Orphan 32 Goes Home. His books are available on and as an ebook on Amazon. Thanh’s Mission of Hope With the opportunity to speak to audiences around the world—on stage, in the media and global press, on podcasts, at Zoom conferences, and in school assemblies across Canada—Thanh has had the chance to share his story and inspire to well over a million people. His favorite speaking opportunity has been to orphans in Peru and Haiti, as he has a special connection with those who have gone through similar experiences. While sharing his story, he always conveys a message of hope and resilience; this has been overwhelmingly well- received by audiences and can be summed up in one word: Hope. “No matter the situation, there is always hope that something better is coming and relief from your pain is possible.” His ultimate goal is to provide hope to those in seemingly hopeless situations and to be a beacon of light, showing people the way to a better future. Ultimately, he wants to impart the courage and belief that, no matter how difficult life can be, things can always get better.
  • 13. Humbled and Inspired After coming off the stage and seeing the crowd eagerly waiting to meet him, often it is to share their life stories with him; he can’t help but feel humbled by the courage and resilience of many of these fellow storytellers. These unsung heroes, in turn, inspire him with their determination to not only survive difficult circumstances but also strive for a better life for their families. He often encourages them that they, too, have stories that could truly serve as a source of inspiration and that, potentially, they have a story worthy of being written in a book. He has also had experiences where “tough guys” will come up after one of his presentations weeping, sharing how his story changed their lives for the better and their will to live. He also loves when people have heard his story a few times, and they share that they never tire of hearing his story and they learn something new every time they hear him. Transforming Poverty with Partnerships Partners Worldwide began as Partners for Christian Development in Kenya, recognizing that teaching a man to fish isn’t enough to eradicate poverty- they must have access to the market to sell their fish, so they don’t have to eat fish for a lifetime. To help reduce poverty, the solution was to create partnerships between Micro and SMEs in developing regions with business professionals, owners, and experts in North America. The idea was to have these mentors enable access to top-tier business training and mentorship as well as new customers and clients. This organization is distinctive in that it seeks the business acumen of business professionals who are willing to provide their Time, Talent and Treasure to help fellow entrepreneurs. Recognizing that their business knowledge and insights are just as valuable as monetary contributions, their aim is not to lift one individual or family out of poverty but to elevate an entire community to a higher quality of life. Achieving Sustainability and Growth As they help businesses become more sustainable within their cultural context, they also give them the capacity to grow and develop. Through specialized training and mentorship, business owners learn not only how to keep their doors open but also how to expand their business so that they can hire more people to meet the demands of their customers. Being provided these tools, businesses are becoming more sustainable, resilient, and profitable. As the saying goes, a rising tide floats all boats – the success of a few businesses can increase the quality of life for the whole community. This is how community development should be done, not with handouts but by offering a hand-up. Bridging the Gap for Business Affiliates The recent pandemic has had a devastating impact on small businesses all over the world, and it has been especially hard on the mentors of these businesses—Business Affiliates (BA)—who can no longer travel to visit their partners in the mission field. Thankfully, technology has kept them connected, even when they can’t be together in person. With the help of video conferencing, online collaboration tools, and other digital solutions, business affiliates have been able to stay connected with their partners and continue to offer them the support they need. Thankfully, trips to visit their international mentees have resumed this year. Finding additional female business mentors in North America is an ongoing goal for their partners, as the majority of the entrepreneurs they serve are women. They are seeking to create more connections between North American Business Women and Partners Worldwide to provide opportunities for mentorship and exchange between female counterparts in developing countries. Empowering Local Businesses to Reduce Poverty Partners Worldwide ensures that their Local Community Institutions (LCIs) with whom they partner are aligned with Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
  • 14. their mission to reduce poverty through business while also sharing their Christian values and goals. To ensure the success of the projects they fund, they have created a comprehensive training course for LCIs who rigorously evaluate business proposals on a daily basis. Partners Worldwide is also creating space in its funding model for tech companies that are more progressive and committed to aiding and assisting the business community in rural and impoverished regions. Technology is helping to bridge the distance between those who live in rural and other remote areas that lack access to banking services. Unveils Plan to Ignite 1 million Partners Worldwide has set a goal for the year 2030 with their ‘Vista 2030’ vision: To ignite One million Lights (Entrepreneurs) which will provide employment to 3 million people and help reduce poverty for 15 million people Worldwide. To achieve their goal of fully alleviating poverty in impoverished regions, they need to expand their reach and gain access to more qualified entrepreneurs in those poverty-stricken regions. They want to empower these individuals to grow their businesses and create positive change in their communities. By providing them with access to resources and support, they can help break the cycle of poverty and help communities thrive. Thanh’s role as a Canadian Director is to expand the network of Business Affiliates and donors who will support their efforts at eradicating poverty. He is also tasked with the job of increasing name recognition for Partners Worldwide in the Canadian Charitable landscape. He will be harnessing the power of influence of his existing supporters to help more LCIs (Local Community Institutions) find the Business Affiliate Teams they need and to have to mentor them towards success. We know that under Thanh’s leadership, Canada can become a model of success for other markets. Prestigious Awards Amongst his many certificates of appreciation from Rotary Groups, Probus Clubs, and The UN, and along with his plethora of letters of recommendation from Political Officials, School Boards, he is especially proud and delighted to receive two specific awards. In 2018, he was honored with the second granting of “The Guys Who Get It” Award from Illuminessence Women’s Magazine. His efforts to bring pride back to the city of Hamilton by highlighting the hard work of those Female Entrepreneurs striving to make their hometown a better place to live and do business had been duly recognized. Moreover, he is humbled and honored to have also been bestowed with the Paul Harris Fellow Award by the Rotary Club, a recognition known throughout the world, of which he fully grasps the significance of wearing the pin.
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  • 16. Survivor, Speaker, Author, and Advocate, Leading with Resilience and Compassion! hriving in the face of change requires embracing Tuncertainty and seeing it as an opportunity for growth. Each challenge becomes a stepping stone toward realizing our true potential. As individuals, we can evolve, learn, and surpass our previous limitations. With each step forward, we unlock hidden talents and strengths that we may not have known existed. An example of possibilities and change is Elizabeth Gagnon, the Founder of Miss Liz’s Tea Parties, who used her personal journey of overcoming adversity to empower others. Despite a difficult upbringing marked by abuse, grief, and mental health struggles, Elizabeth emerged stronger and more determined. In 2015, she brought her vision to life by establishing Miss Liz’s Tea Parties in Cornwall, Ontario. Initially, these gatherings were meant to honor the remarkable women in her life, but they quickly evolved into a platform for supporting and uplifting the community. Elizabeth recognized the importance of giving back and transformed these events into fundraisers to support individuals dealing with abuse, grief, and mental health challenges. Expanding her mission in 2019, Elizabeth launched Miss Liz’s Teatimes Interviews, a powerful media outlet. Through this platform, she collaborates with change- makers, leaders, and advocates from around the world to raise awareness about critical issues. As an International Speaker, Author, and Podcast Host, Elizabeth’s impact extends far beyond her hometown. Her interviews and insights have touched countless lives, sparking meaningful conversations on resilience, mental health, and empowerment. At the core of Elizabeth’s work is the symbol of T-E-A, representing unity, support, and empowerment. Through the ritual of tea time, she creates a safe space for open dialogue and healing conversations, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding among diverse communities. As we sip our tea, let us be inspired by her journey and join hands in making the world a better place, one teatime at a time! Please tell us about your company, its mission, and its vision. What role did you play in furthering its development and outreach? Miss Liz’s Tea Parties began in my home on September 15th, 2015, as a way to honor and celebrate the strong women in my life. These gatherings brought together friends and neighbors from my community, creating connections and fostering friendships. In January 2016, I decided to move the tea parties to Cornwall, where I started hosting fundraising events to support various services that assist individuals facing abuse, grief, and mental health challenges. In 2019, I took my business and mission a step further and transformed it into a media outlet called Miss Liz’s Teatimes Interviews. This platform allowed me to work and collaborate with individuals globally, raising awareness on a wide range of topics. With four seasons and over 250 interviews, I have had the privilege of engaging with guests from more than 40 countries, shedding light on important issues that impact not only Canada but also the world. Scheduling interviews months in advance, I diligently prepare and promote each guest’s story, business, services, and programs. As a one-man team, I use storytelling and awareness initiatives to inspire positive change. Throughout my journey, I have collaborated with international leaders, global organizations, PR media, publicists, and change- makers who share similar values and missions. Additionally, I have partnered with select guests to showcase their brands and their impactful work on a global scale, fostering relationships with other countries and
  • 17. Elizabeth Gagnon Founder Miss Liz’s Tea Parties Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
  • 18. services that I hope to bring to Canada in the future. Miss Liz’s journey is only just beginning, and I am excited to continue making a difference through my tea parties, interviews, and collaborations. Miss Liz’s mission is to foster togetherness among people. With a historical perspective and an eye on the future, Miss Liz aims to explore the impact of various actions on humanity. Through the simple act of serving T-E-A (Teaching Educational Awareness), Miss Liz creates a welcoming environment where individuals can share their personal stories of triumph, inspire others, and initiate meaningful projects and services. By promoting the idea that something different and beautiful is possible, Miss Liz strives to revive barter and trade practices and establish strong global relationships by collaborating with smaller brands. The vision of Miss Liz is to create a space that embraces diversity and inclusivity, thereby bringing attention to the often overlooked aspects of life. By working together, connecting with one another, and establishing networks, Miss Liz believes in the power to change lives. Upholding core values, self-belief, and a growth mindset, Miss Liz aspires to reach homes, schools, and communities using the medium of T-E-A. The vision is to encourage open discussions and pave the way for innovative leadership. What was your inspiration to step into the industry that you are now serving? Since 2015, my inspiration has come from trying and seeing different things - from home parties to community events to virtual interviews. The people who use my services and support me are my true inspiration. To inspire others, we must first find inspiration within ourselves by recognizing and believing in our purpose. To be a leader and set an example, we need to build a brand that stands out from the ordinary and encourages others to shine. My goal has always been to do something unique, be different, and stand out from the crowd of ordinary experiences. Offering others the opportunity to believe in their purpose and aspirations and simply give it a try. Similar to my daily routine, I exert my utmost effort until I discover more effective approaches. At the age of four, my Oma motivated me with a modest yet transformative cup of tea. Her words lingered and pondered, revitalized and unleashed, and she persevered. Today, I utilize that same tea to express my deep gratitude towards everyone I have the privilege of collaborating with. Please tell us about your company’s products, services, and solutions. And how do they stand out in the industry? Products I offer are one-on-one interviews, Workshops, Fundraising Events, Shoutouts, and Sponsorship Opportunities to have your business and services seen and heard. I offer my voice for speaking events and community outreach for different ways of serving T-E-A. Teaching Educational Awareness, I speak on Abuse, Grief, Mental
  • 19. health, Peace, and Humanity. I offer merchandise and books that I have created and written. I am looking for future investors and creators as well as “COLLABORATIONS OPPORTUNITIES.” According to you, what sets your company apart from other companies within your industry? The number one thing that sets my business apart from others is the connections and relationships with people who prioritize people over profit. Staying connected to everyone I work with through personal and professional updates with reunion shows, guest updates on new products and services, and wins in their lives. I have it so that I am reachable for any support and help I can offer them by getting them connected to the right resources they may need. Through emails and messages with the ones I have collaborated with, I believe in giving out shout-outs of appreciation and celebrating their wins, not just my own. How do you think advanced technology will enhance the operations of your industry in the near future? And how is your company preparing for that change? The future of technology intrigues me, as I see it as a stepping stone of growth in a different way, and I appreciate that. I feel it will bring a huge change to my mission and vision in a positive way, as it can help me create a deeper virtual understanding through games, books, and robotic experiences. I feel technology is something we should look at as a different resource for helping grow our minds to possibilities. Like my mission, it is a new way of learning and creating an understanding of what is different that can help millions around the globe. Human and technological partnerships are changing. Technology can help open the creative side of our minds and get us out of our comfort zones of doing the same thing. I am preparing my mission and business to bring the technology side to them. To help not only my country but also around the globe. The T-E-A is just the start of the growth to come with an open mind to possibilities with the help of technology and future ways. The future of awareness is that your future can change at any time. Where do you see yourself in the future? Also, how do you envision scaling your company’s operations and outreach in the coming years? Where I see myself in the future and the next 10 years I see a global franchise of Miss Liz’s Stages, Shops, Educational Conferences, and conventions. Globally for schools, businesses, and communities. I see virtual games, board games, clothing brands, campaigns, and collaborations. Partnerships, sponsorships, and investors who want to build the new T-E-A of teaching educational awareness not only for me but for their businesses and countries too. I see ambassadorships and even educational products with a creative style built by the AI of technology. I see endless possibilities in the future of Miss Liz. Give us a few testimonials from your students or parents and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your company’s position in the market. “Community Builder, Peace Builder, Genuine Heart to Serve, and a Big Inspiration to the Society.” - Isaac Oluwagbemi, Sun Life Financial. “I loved working with Miss Liz and spilling my T-E-A with her. She is so easy to talk with and knows just what questions to ask. She has such a heart for helping and connecting people!” - Carisa Cole Sharrett, founder and CEO of Bravely Intentional Life. “Miss Liz’s mission is to help people. I highly recommend getting to know her and what she offers with her Tea Parties and sharing with others.” - Lorie Simonton.
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  • 21. From Curious Student to Entrepreneurial Visionary, Creating Solutions and Connecting Ecosystems! Life is a canvas, and we are the artists. We have the power to design our realities, shape our experiences, and leave a mark on the world. For Eric, this notion has been ingrained in his heart and mind since he was a curious young boy. As he embarks on a journey of continuous learning and impact, he exemplifies the belief that through innovation, compassion, and community-building, we can create solutions that help more people and transform lives. Meet Eric Balance, the visionary Founder and CEO of Balance Media Ventures, a trailblazing entrepreneur on a mission to shape realities through innovation. From a young age, his inquisitive spirit led him on a path of creating solutions that make a positive impact. As the former President of The Accounting Club during his university days, he curated events to connect students with job opportunities and employers, igniting a passion for identifying innovative business prospects. Driven by a desire to create a greater good, Eric explores the intersections of diverse industries, weaving together different verticals for synergistic growth. With Balance Media Ventures, he crafts ventures that empower change-makers and address real-world challenges, leaving a lasting legacy of transformation. Believing in the power of collaborative effort, Eric inspires the next generation of innovators through mentorship and educational initiatives. With purpose- driven leadership, he shapes a brighter tomorrow, one venture at a time. Below are the highlights of the interview: Empowering Conscious Business Growth Eric is a dedicated Conscious Business Developer and Curator, skillfully crafting solutions for organizations, their leadership teams, and their founders. His mission is to propel their messages to a wider audience while cultivating a vibrant community of advocates and enthusiastic supporters. This is achieved by harnessing momentum and fostering a profound understanding of the organization’s client base. By strategically defining their impact and distinctive industry presence, Eric’s approach enables organizations to attract attention organically instead of pursuing it. At the core of Eric’s innovative strategy is collaborative teamwork. Working closely with internal teams, he identifies avenues for self- organization and self-management. This united effort is geared toward a shared vision, igniting creative planning, problem-solving, and efficient task management. Eric’s overarching mission is to embody compassion and courage through purposeful action. He empowers himself and others to venture into the marketplace, constructing the essential structures and systems needed for individuals to confidently self-lead within any organization. This empowerment is rooted in a commitment to upholding integrity, ensuring that every interaction and situation is improved by their presence. Empowered by Inspiration Eric’s transformative journey into development was sparked by a profound self-discovery, which began with encountering the work of Tony Robbins. Witnessing how Robbins built an empire of like-minded individuals, bound by a collective mission, ignited a realization within Eric. He recognized the power of self- development and the clues to success embedded in Robbins’ path. Determined to unlock his own potential, Eric made a resolute decision to immerse himself in growth. He became a Platinum Partner, delving
  • 22. into Robbins’ highest-level mastermind, committing to “Do the work” on his self-leadership. This transformative experience allowed Eric to cultivate the necessary skills and mindset to step into any environment with confidence, embracing the role of an empowering leader. Inspired by Robbins’ example, Eric set forth on a path of self-empowerment, understanding that true leadership stems from personal growth. By dedicating himself to this journey, he honed the ability to lead authentically and empower others around him. Empowering Leadership and Impactful Messaging Balance Media Ventures is dedicated to empowering leadership and cultivating congruent cultures within communities by crafting, enhancing, and amplifying meaningful messages to the marketplace. Their services encompass business and marketing development, including media buying, coaching, and consultancy, all aimed at helping clients double their impact, income, and influence in their industry. What sets it apart is its role as an investor partner, creating mutually beneficial strategies that lead to shared success. Their unique approach to deal- making ensures that they and their clients succeed together in the marketplace. Amplifying Growth Balance Media Ventures has developed a distinctive MRR (Momentum, Reach, Retention) model designed to maximize your growth potential by investing in your meaningful message as partners focused on long-term success and collaboration. They believe that true synergy and shared purpose can only be achieved when all parties have a stake in the game, working together as a unified team to achieve greater outcomes. With their MRR model, it aims to magnify momentum, expand reach, and enhance customer retention, fostering lasting growth and co-creation. Embracing Innovation They have embraced cutting-edge technology, including machine learning, AI, and immersive tech, to revolutionize their campaign builds and creative planning methodologies. By integrating these advanced tools, they empower their teams and clients to tap into their artistic genius, redefining how they cultivate their unique skills in their respective industries. The utilization of these technologies also accelerates task implementation, propelling the process forward at a remarkable speed, 100 times faster than conventional approaches. Through this innovative approach, Balance Media Ventures strives to stay at the forefront of industry trends and deliver exceptional results to its clients. Trusting in Yourself Eric enthusiastically spoke about the major challenges in his career, highlighting how they played a pivotal role in developing his leadership skills. Among the many challenges he faced, one stood out as the most important and meaningful – learning to trust in himself. Eric realized that when he cultivated a solution-oriented mindset, he could tackle any problem with grace and ease. However, he shared a difficult phase where his insecurities and lack of emotional intelligence led to significant consequences. He recalled a time when his ego got in the way, causing his entire team to quit and clients to gradually drift away. The root cause was Eric’s struggle to manage his own insecurities and emotions, preventing him from taking full responsibility for his actions. Instead, he would express disappointment and anger towards those who supported him within his business. Eric recognized that this behavior was not leadership; he needed to learn to take ownership of his life and stop blaming others. His journey of growth and self- discovery took him on a transformative path, one that led him across the planet “Twice” in search of the wisdom he sought. Through this transformative experience, Eric learned to trust in himself, embrace emotional intelligence, and take responsibility for his actions. This personal and professional growth allowed him to evolve as a leader, better equipped to face challenges with resilience and a positive outlook. Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs As an experienced leader, Eric shares valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and enthusiasts seeking to venture into the industry he’s in. His guidance revolves around two key principles: taking responsibility for every situation and leading with compassionate energy. Eric emphasizes the importance of owning and taking responsibility for every situation that arises. By doing so, aspiring entrepreneurs demonstrate a sense of accountability and commitment to their endeavors. Even in moments of difficulty or setbacks, showing up with compassionate energy can make a significant difference. Creating an environment of compassion and understanding fosters a sense of support and encouragement from others, even when one may encounter challenges or fall short. Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada
  • 23. In Eric’s perspective, leadership is a collective effort. Great leaders recognize that they lead together with their team and collaborators. Being curious about areas of uncertainty and embracing a learning mindset enables aspiring entrepreneurs to create space for others to shine. Encouraging the growth and success of others elevates the entire team and organization. Eric believes that leaders who lift others up contribute to a culture of empowerment and shared success. Authenticity plays a central role in leadership, according to Eric. Great leaders are willing to share openly, being genuine and transparent about their experiences and knowledge. This openness not only fosters trust and respect but also cultivates a culture of openness and collaboration. Vision for a Collaborative and Empowering Future Envisioning the future of Balance Media Ventures, Eric shares his aspirations for the next five years. He aims to see the company expand its horizons by acquiring more businesses and forming partnerships with teal organizations. Teal organizations are known for empowering their teams to lead collectively, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared decision- making. Additionally, Eric envisions the company devoting more time to support organizations that are on the journey of cultivating such a culture. These organizations may seek Balance Media Ventures’ facilitation to guide and facilitate the transformation and expansion of their corporate culture towards a teal approach. By forging alliances with like-minded businesses and offering support to organizations in adopting collaborative
  • 24. leadership models, Balance Media Ventures strives to play a significant role in shaping progressive and empowering corporate cultures in the years to come. Raving Rewards and Review • David Loloav-CEO Salad Media Eric has clear energy. When I’m speaking with him, his energy helps me to navigate my mind for “CREATION.” I stop thinking about problems and obstacles, and I see others can start to feel themselves as entrepreneurs, as creators. • Vesa-Mixed Media Artist Eric’s work to create conscious communities is bridging together people from various fields that might not otherwise find one another across disciplines, and his thought processes are pioneering creativity at scale. • Jared Yelin-Founder of Project 10k Eric’s greatest ability is to build trust very quickly with extremely impactful people who are open and willing to explore what is possible in the world; even in a guarded environment, he can create engagement by earning their attention. • Richie Norton-Author - Anti- Time Management Eric has a Unique ability to rally people around a common cause. • Lee Davy Founder Origen Eric is a powerful, beautiful brother that has the ability to really speak from the heart and share his feelings authentically and deeply. His brilliance is to hear what is being said and ground it into real-world applications that support others in realizing and implementing their own genius. • Brad Jameston- Singer/Songwriter Eric is well-balanced, like his name. In Both masculine and feminine, a true rarity. An absolute go- getter and at peace in his being, with strength in his vulnerable actions to create. A role model to men and a safe space for women. Just a beautiful soul that shines through. Keep being.
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  • 26. July, 2023 24 Understanding the Impactof Influence on and Individuals Society
  • 27. Influence is an intriguing and pervasive force that shapes human behavior, decisions, and, ultimately, our society. From subtle gestures to bold acts, the power of influence can be both constructive and detrimental, leaving an indelible mark on individuals and the collective community. This article delves into the intricate dynamics of influence, examining its various forms and exploring how it molds our thoughts, actions, and values. By grasping the nuances of influence, we can better comprehend its potential for positive change and cultivate a more conscious and empowered society. The Essence of Influence At its core, influence refers to the capacity of one person or entity to affect the attitudes, beliefs, and actions of others. It transcends boundaries and manifests in numerous forms, from personal interactions to the vast realms of media and technology. Whether it is a persuasive speech, a captivating advertisement, or the impact of role models, influence holds the power to alter our perspectives and inspire us to embrace new ideologies and behaviors. The Art of Persuasion Persuasion, a fundamental aspect of influence, lies in the art of presenting ideas or arguments in a compelling manner. Skillful persuaders leverage The Power of Influence July, 2023 25
  • 28. emotions, logic, and empathy to convince others of their viewpoints. Understanding the psychology of persuasion equips individuals with the tools to critically assess the messages they encounter and empowers them to make informed choices. The Dark Side of Influence While influence can be a force for good, it also carries the potential for manipulation and exploitation. Unethical use of influence can sway people into making decisions that are not in their best interest, leading to negative consequences at personal and societal levels. Recognizing and safeguarding against manipulative tactics is crucial to maintaining individual autonomy and collective well-being. Influence in the Digital Age In the digital era, influence takes on new dimensions through social media, online platforms, and algorithms that curate content. The echo chambers of cyberspace can reinforce biases and polarize society. Understanding the mechanisms of digital influence is vital in fostering an informed and inclusive virtual community. The Role of Influential Leaders Influential leaders have the power to drive change on a grand scale. Their actions, values, and vision can inspire movements and shape history. Effective leadership demands integrity, empathy, and a commitment to serving the greater good. By exemplifying ethical leadership, influential figures can become catalysts for positive transformation. Nurturing Positive Influence Promoting positive influence involves creating an environment that encourages critical thinking, open dialogue, and empathy. Education plays a pivotal role in fostering a society that is discerning, compassionate, and socially responsible. By nurturing critical thinking skills and media literacy, individuals can resist misinformation and make well-informed decisions. Harnessing Influence for Social Impact Influence is a potent tool for addressing societal challenges. Advocacy campaigns, philanthropic endeavors, and grassroots movements harness the power of influence to raise awareness and drive positive change. Empowered individuals can band together to advocate for human rights, environmental preservation, and social justice, thus amplifying their impact. Ethical Marketing and Advertising In the realm of business, marketers and advertisers wield significant influence over consumer behavior. Responsible marketers recognize the importance of ethics and transparency in their messaging. Ethical marketing ensures that consumers are empowered to make choices aligned with their values and needs without succumbing to manipulative tactics. The Ripple Effect of Influence Influence does not exist in isolation; it ripples through society, affecting diverse communities and future generations. Recognizing our interconnectedness enables us to be more conscious of the impact of our choices and actions. By embracing empathy and social responsibility, we can contribute to a collective wave of positive influence that extends far beyond individual boundaries. Conclusion The power of influence permeates every aspect of human life, shaping our beliefs, decisions, and actions. Understanding its intricacies empowers us to discern between constructive and manipulative influences, making informed choices that align with our values. As individuals, we hold the potential to harness influence for positive change, driving a more inclusive, compassionate, and conscious society. By recognizing our interconnectedness, we become active agents of transformation with the power to shape a better world for ourselves and future generations. - Prashik D. Bombarde July, 2023 26
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  • 30. Revolutionizing Licensing Process for International Physiotherapists! tarting a new journey overseas can be Sboth exciting and daunting. It brings with it a plethora of new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. This is especially true for aspirant immigrants trying to navigate the distinctions of a new culture, country, and education system. In the case of Dr. Kartik, the road to success was far from easy. Driven by personal struggles and a determination to make a difference, Kartik Shah, Founder Director Trainer of In2Canada, has embarked on a remarkable journey to revolutionize the process of physiotherapy licensing for international professionals. His vision has not only transformed the lives of countless aspiring physiotherapists but has also created a global revolution in the field of education. He embarked on his journey as an immigrant in Canada, facing the daunting challenge of adapting to a new culture, country, and education system. He soon discovered that achieving success in his desired field of physiotherapy was a demanding and challenging task. Despite studying hard and taking on part-time jobs, he was disheartened by the lack of progress. The intricacies of comprehending the physiotherapy licensing regulations in Canada and the lengthy processes involved took a toll on his aspirations. After experiencing failures in the written component and facing difficulties in the practical examinations, Kartik had an epiphany. As he contemplated the idea of finishing all the licensing procedures in his country of origin, he realized that doing so would not only make the journey easier but would also remove the need for odd jobs to make ends meet. Kartik came to a firm decision in 2017, recognizing the importance of founding a platform for foreign physiotherapists to obtain extensive support in becoming licensed practitioners in Canada. And all of this could be achieved from the comfort of their own countries. With his unwavering determination, Kartik brought his vision to life through In2Canada. It all began Kar k Shah Founder Director Trainer In2Canada July, 2023 28
  • 31. with a modest concept to aid a few physiotherapists in India, but it soon evolved into a worldwide educational revolution. In2Canada emerged as a platform that not only granted access to crucial resources but also offered direction and assistance throughout the licensing process. Now, foreign physiotherapists can get ready for licensing tests, obtain study materials, and acquire mentorship from seasoned experts, all from a distance. In2Canada, spearheaded by Kartik Shah, has had an exceptional impact in the realm of physiotherapy. The platform offers unparalleled support and guidance to physiotherapists worldwide, helping them surmount geographical barriers and attain licensure in Canada. This revolutionary initiative has enabled numerous individuals to achieve their professional aspirations, with far- reaching effects that extend beyond their personal lives. Their success has rippled out to benefit their communities and contribute to the global healthcare landscape. Let us further explore the prodigious odyssey of Kartik Shah! Transforming the Path for Physiotherapists Kartik highlighted the challenges that physiotherapists face when attempting to enter Canada and how In2Canada is addressing them. He explained that becoming a licensed physiotherapist in Canada requires a step-by-step licensing process that typically takes 18–24 months. However, securing a suitable job in Canada can prove difficult. In2Canada streamlines this process by providing a dedicated case manager for each candidate who guides them through every step of the process. With the case manager’s assistance, candidates can complete the entire process within 6–8 months of enrollment. Moreover, In2Canada offers training and instruction on exams and clinical skills in the candidate’s home country, allowing them to maintain their current job and residence. Additionally, they provide worldwide lectures to help physiotherapists master the relevant techniques and skills required in Canada. Comprehensive Training Program In2Canada provides extensive training to physiotherapists, encompassing both the preparation for licensing exams and the development of clinical skills necessary for excelling in the workplace. Additionally, they provide on-site training to further enhance their clinical experience. The team focuses on online lectures and equips students with comprehensive study materials, including notes, demo/mock exams, and access to peer study groups worldwide, ensuring their success. Additionally, they offer international certificate courses that enable physiotherapists to refine and streamline their skills. Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators Kartik highlighted the importance of the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators in the registration process. He mentioned that In2Canada is working with them and that CAPR serves as the governing body for physiotherapists who take the pan-Canadian exams and international credential physiotherapists. In2Canada assists candidates in ensuring a smooth and timely process of paperwork and guides them through the different steps efficiently, saving time, money, and resources. Additionally, In2Canada enables international candidates to pay their fees in a reasonable amount of time and at minimal expense on their behalf to expedite their registration process. Hassle-free Immigration with Certified Agents In2Canada facilitates the immigration process and collaborates with certified Canadian government agents to guarantee security and dependability. In addition, they establish connections between their clients and candidates to ensure a seamless and stress-free transition for those looking to change their lifestyle, country, and career, all through a single point of contact. One piece of advice that I would like to offer is, Never Give Up. Yes, this is the road less traveled, but that is exactly why it is successful. If you are going to sell coffee, be the Starbucks of coffee, and if you are selling phones, be the iPhone. And If you want to do business, be the In2Canada of Teaching in a world full of clones. Stand apart and know your worth. ,, , , Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada July, 2023 29
  • 32. Revolutionizing Physiotherapist Registration This organization operates in all Canadian provinces and has successfully placed candidates in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, care homes, and private clinics. They are well-versed in the laws and regulations of each province, which they follow closely to assist candidates in obtaining their licenses, insurance, and job placements. Moreover, they collaborate closely with employers nationwide to ensure that quality healthcare is provided by their candidates. They offer an in-house training program that includes patient retention, clinical software training, and ethical and jurisprudence training tailored to the province where the candidate will be placed. Additionally, they provide post- landing settlement services, including food, accommodation, banking, and connectivity, without any additional costs to help candidates find the ideal place and food. Revolutionary Program Setting a New Standard In2Canada stands out as the sole online platform worldwide that provides comprehensive support to foreign physiotherapists in obtaining their licensing and employment opportunities in one convenient location. While some training providers solely focus on exam preparation, In2Canada’s suite of services is exceptional and highly valued by its clients. Expert Advice for Success International physiotherapists often make the mistake of not conducting sufficient research, which can lead to misguided decisions. One such decision is to opt for the student permit route, which is not only expensive and time-consuming but also does not add any value to their credentials. The organization invites them for a personal interview or information session where they can gain a better understanding of the concepts and secure a job in their field of expertise in their home country. They guarantee that this approach is quicker, more accessible, and more cost-effective than any other available option. Secrets of Inventive Leadership “An admonition that I would like to proffer is to persist resolutely and never capitulate. This may entail traversing a path that is seldom threaded, yet that is precisely why it has been efficacious. When venturing into the coffee industry, aspire to become the Starbucks of coffee, and when marketing phones, strive to become the iPhone. Similarly, if your objective is to engage in commerce, endeavor to become the In2Canada of education on a planet inundated with duplicates. Distinguish yourself and comprehend your true value,” emphasized Kartik. Rave Reviews and Industry Accolades Kartik Shah got the Edupreneur of the Year award for 2022 They were nominated for the best innovative business awards for Canada in 2021 They were nominated for the BC Business Excellence awards in 2020, 2021 They also got the Most Eco-friendly educational portal from the WHO and Indian Government for being the only educational service with Zero paper use. July, 2023 30
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  • 35. Visionaries Driving in the Success Canadian B U S INE S S Landscape he Canadian business landscape is characterized by Tinnovation, resilience, and a spirit of exploration. At the heart of this vibrant ecosystem are visionary leaders who have defied conventional norms and embraced disruptive ideas to drive success. These trailblazing entrepreneurs and corporate pioneers, often referred to as "Canadian Mavericks," have played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's economic growth and global reputation. Further, we explore the stories of these visionaries, their remarkable achievements, and the key attributes that set them apart as driving forces in the Canadian business arena! Embracing Disruption: The Rise of Canadian Mavericks Canadian Mavericks are renowned for their boldness in challenging established paradigms. Embracing the spirit of disruption, they have sought to create innovative solutions to pressing problems while recognizing the potential for transformative growth. Whether in the technology, healthcare, or renewable energy sectors, these visionaries have reshaped industries and inspired others to push boundaries. The Power of Adaptability: Navigating a Dynamic Landscape The Canadian business landscape is ever-evolving, with global events and market shifts necessitating adaptability. Mavericks have demonstrated a unique ability to pivot and seize opportunities, even amidst uncertainty. Their agility has been instrumental in not only surviving challenging times but thriving in them, positioning Canada as a hub for resilience and adaptability. A Commitment to Sustainability: Mavericks Leading the Green Revolution As environmental concerns take center stage, Canadian Mavericks have been at the forefront of sustainable practices. By integrating eco-conscious strategies into their business models, they have redefined corporate responsibility. From renewable energy initiatives to circular economy concepts, these visionaries are reshaping the Canadian business landscape to be environmentally conscious and socially responsible. The Art of Disruptive Innovation: Raising the Bar Canadian Mavericks consistently set new industry standards through disruptive innovation. By identifying unmet needs and revolutionizing existing processes, they have introduced groundbreaking products and services that resonate with global audiences. Their relentless pursuit of excellence has not only driven success for their enterprises Canadian Mavericks July, 2023 33
  • 36. but also fostered a culture of innovation across the nation. Empowering a Diverse Workforce: Inclusion as a Pillar of Success Canadian Mavericks recognize that diversity and inclusion are vital for fostering creativity and driving progress. By championing diverse teams and inclusive work environments, they have harnessed the power of varied perspectives to fuel innovation. Their commitment to empowering all individuals within their organizations has inspired a more inclusive corporate culture across the country. A Global Mindset: Expanding Canadian Footprints The reach of Canadian Mavericks extends far beyond national borders. These visionary leaders have ventured into international markets, establishing Canada as a global player in various industries. Their ambition and global mindset have paved the way for Canadian companies to compete on the international stage and contribute to the country's economic growth. Philanthropy and Social Impact: Giving Back to Communities Beyond their professional endeavors, Canadian Mavericks actively engage in philanthropy and social impact initiatives. They use their influence and resources to support community development, education, and healthcare, contributing to the betterment of society. Their dedication to social responsibility sets an inspiring example for the next generation of business leaders. Nurturing Innovation Ecosystems: Mavericks as Catalysts for Change Canadian Mavericks have not only achieved individual success but also become advocates for nurturing innovation ecosystems. They invest in startups, mentor aspiring entrepreneurs, and collaborate with academic institutions to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Their efforts have positioned Canada as a hotbed of innovation and a sought-after destination for emerging talents. To Conclude Canadian Mavericks epitomize the spirit of resilience, innovation, and social responsibility that defines the nation's business landscape. Their visionary leadership has redefined industries, driven economic growth, and positioned Canada as a global player in innovation. From embracing disruption to empowering diverse workforces and championing sustainability, these leaders embody the essence of progressive entrepreneurship. As Canadian Mavericks continue to pave the way for future generations, their legacy will undoubtedly shape a prosperous and impactful business landscape for years to come. - Prashik D. Bombarde July, 2023 34
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  • 39. T he human mind is curious, always searching for new information, new experiences, and new challenges. For some, this curiosity is more than just a passing interest - it is a driving force that pushes them to explore every nook and cranny of the world around them. These individuals are the ones who achieve greatness, who break down barriers and shatter prospects. They are the ones who never stop learning, never stop growing, and never stop pushing themselves to be better. In this world of boundless knowledge and endless possibilities, they are the ones who inspire us all to be more. Such is the story of Nadiya Albishchenko, a remarkable entrepreneur whose unquenchable desire to explore and discover has led her to forge a path of innovation and success. From an early age, Nadiya’s inquisitive nature set her apart. Driven by an innate curiosity and a genuine love for acquiring knowledge, she found that her insatiable hunger for learning enabled her to extract the very best from within herself. With each new subject, she delved into, her thirst for knowledge intensified, fueling her desire to learn faster and more efficiently. This unwavering dedication to constant growth became the cornerstone of her journey. Coming from a corporate background, Nadiya’s intrigue about the inner workings of multinational food companies ignited her ambition. The meticulously organized processes, from packaging materials to production, marketing, and sales channels, fascinated her. She yearned to uncover the secrets behind their success, and her insatiable curiosity urged her to delve deeper into the intricacies of the industry. Armed with an impressive academic background, including a Master’s degree in International Business and a second Master’s in Genetics, Nadiya’s thirst for knowledge remained unquenchable. Her studies provided her with a wealth of expertise, particularly in the development of new formulations for various types of dairy products. Through this specialized knowledge, she honed her ability to create products tailored to specific usage requirements, establishing herself as a true authority in her field. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES AND DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH END-USERS DEEPENED MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE CHALLENGES AND TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. Most Influen al Business Leaders to Follow in Canada July, 2023 37
  • 40. Driven by an unwavering determination and armed with a vast reservoir of knowledge, Nadiya Albishchenko seized an opportunity to channel her savviness and expertise into a groundbreaking venture. In May 2018, she founded INAS (International Network for Achievable Solutions), a company poised to revolutionize the industry by providing clients with customized solutions tailored to their unique needs. With INAS as her platform, Nadiya Albishchenko has emerged as a visionary force, championing innovation and excellence in the global market. Her boundless curiosity, insatiable thirst for knowledge, and unwavering dedication to her craft have propelled her to extraordinary heights. Join us as we delve deeper into the remarkable journey of Nadiya Albishchenko! Kindly brief our readers about yourself and your professional journey so far. I am a resilient and determined entrepreneur with a remarkable journey. Brought up in a newly independent Ukraine, my childhood was marked by adversity, including domestic violence, separated parents, and financial constraints. At the age of 19, I began working to support my education, realizing that earning opportunities were limited in my country. Despite my fear of venturing into unknown territories, I embraced the belief that a ship is not built to stay at the shore. This led me to Egypt at 23, where I worked tirelessly to support my studies and family. As a Ukrainian woman in a foreign land, I faced numerous challenges, including stereotypes and even sexual harassment. Undeterred, I persevered and seized opportunities in the United Arab Emirates, working my way up and eventually collaborating with renowned global leaders in the FMCG industry. It was during this time in the food service sector that I discovered the biased perception of Ukrainian women and the negative image of Ukrainian products. Motivated by this realization, I founded INAS EXIM, an organization dedicated to elevating Ukrainian dairy products to the same level as their European and Oceanic counterparts. In parallel, my passion for preserving nature and creating a sustainable future led me to participate in initiatives like the Woman Talent competition and the Mystique brand, which raise awareness about environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices. July, 2023 38
  • 41. In September 2022, I released my first business book, “Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership,” which recounts my journey from an ordinary child to a successful entrepreneur. This book delves into my experiences in international trade, business management, and the values that have shaped my career. Please tell us about your company, its mission, and its vision. What role did you play in furthering its development and outreach? INAS EXIM LLC is a company founded with a mission to elevate Ukrainian produce to the Middle East and African regions. Our vision today is to be a leading player in the food industry. Consequently, the founder and leader of INAS EXIM have played a pivotal role in shaping the company’s development and outreach. By leveraging their expertise in international trade, business management, and networking, they have been instrumental in establishing partnerships with leading distributors in the MENA region. Overall, my role in furthering the development and outreach of INAS EXIM has been centered on driving growth, fostering partnerships, and promoting sustainability. Additionally, by aligning our mission and vision with my values, I have played a significant part in shaping the company’s trajectory and positioning it as a progressive and socially responsible player in the industry. What was your inspiration to step into the industry that you are now serving? INAS EXIM was not born through inspiration but rather from a dream held by a young girl. However, it was built with determination, passion, commitment, discipline, and a strong belief in its eventual realization. Despite facing numerous challenges, years of hard work and focus have resulted in INAS EXIM becoming an inspiration to many. Please tell us about the products, services, and solutions offered by your company. And how do they stand out in the industry? INAS stands for International Network for Achievable Solutions, and we thrive to provide endless solutions for all sectors in the food trade markets. Retail, HoReCa, industrialized, and private label—we work for and with our clients to provide seamless opportunities. Tell our readers about the major challenges in your career. And how they aided you in developing your leadership skills. The Russo-Ukrainian War posed a significant challenge to my business, INAS ExIm LLC. To ensure survival, I downsized the company and managed operations in the UAE alone. Seeking alternative suppliers from Europe, Canada, and beyond, I diversified our sources of goods. Taking advantage of soaring energy prices in Ukraine, I secured deals with new partners. While Ukraine resumed exports, I maintained alternative options to ensure stability. These challenges honed my leadership skills, demanding quick thinking, strategic decision-making, and adaptability. I learned the importance of analyzing situations, making tough choices, and staying flexible in the face of uncertainty. These experiences have been invaluable in developing my abilities as a leader. As an experienced leader, what advice would you like to give to aspiring entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who wish to venture into the industry that you are in? My advice for entrepreneurs is to believe in themselves, trust their abilities, and have confidence in their ideas. Take the initiative, invest in yourself, and be willing to take risks. Stay curious, network, and seek support. Be resilient, learn from setbacks, and adapt. Surround yourself with positivity and seek inspiration from successful entrepreneurs. Stay educated, embrace continuous learning, and stay focused on your goals. With passion, determination, and self-belief, you can overcome challenges and achieve success. July, 2023 39
  • 42. I would also highly recommend reading my book Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership, which I have authored along with a friend, an ally, and my business partner. Give us a few testimonials from your students or parents and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your company’s position in the market. “Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership,” co- authored by myself and Vinay Gandhi, has garnered recognition for its comprehensive exploration of entrepreneurship and the dynamics of successful collaborations. The book has been praised for its relatability, engaging narrative, and practical insights, making it an attractive choice for individuals interested in business alliances and aspiring entrepreneurs. The title itself captures the essence of effective partnerships, hinting at the depth and potential they hold. With its unique perspectives and valuable lessons, “Synergy” has established itself as a valuable resource for those seeking success in the business world. It offers readers a glimpse into our own experiences and sheds light on the intricacies of building and nurturing fruitful business partnerships. The book’s forthcoming availability in Barnes & Noble stores in the USA by mid-June. The testimonial that speaks volumes about my business venture is, without a doubt, the book itself. Through the pages of “Synergy,” my business partner and I share our insightful views on our professional collaborations. This first-hand account showcases the power of our right partnership and serves as a testament to our expertise and success. As readers delve into “Synergy: A Synopsis of an Elite Business Partnership,” they can expect to gain practical knowledge, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the potential that lies within effective business collaborations. July, 2023 40