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                       Cover image: Take This LoLLipop / Jason Zada
most contagious /                                                                                                                                       p.02

                   / mosT ConTagious 2011 /                                                subsCripTion oFFer / 20% disCounT
                   FuTure-prooFing your brain                                              vaLid unTiL 9Th January 2012
                                                                                           offering a saving of   £200 gBP

chapters /         Contagious exists to find and filter the most innovative
01 /               exercises in branding, technology, and popular culture, and
movemenTs          deliver this collective wisdom to our beloved subscribers.
02 /               Once a year, we round up the highlights, identify what’s important
                   and why, and push it out to the world, for free.
03 /
serviCe             Welcome to Most Contagious 2011, the only retrospective
                   you’ll ever need.
04 /
soCiaL               It’s been an extraordinary year; economies in turmoil, empires
05 /               torn down, dizzying technological progress, the evolution of
idenTiTy           brands into venture capitalists, the evolution of a generation of
06 /
                   young people into entrepreneurs…
                     It’s also been a bumper year for the Contagious crew. Our
07 /               Insider consultancy division is now bringing insight and inspiration
daTa               to clients from Kraft to Nike, and Google to BBC Worldwide. We
08 /               were thrilled with the success of our first Now / Next / Why event
augmenTed          in London in December, and are bringing the show to New York
09 /               on February 22nd. Grab your ticket here.
                     We’ve added more people to our offices in London and New
10 /               York, launched an office in India, and in 2012 have our sights
haCk CuLTure
                   firmly set on Brazil. Latin America, we’re on our way. Get ready!
11 /
musiC 2.0
                    We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our friends,
                   supporters and especially our valued subscribers, all over the
12 /
                   world. We look forward to another great year together.

13 /
                    The more information there is out there, the more the filters are
reTaiL             important – and we like to think Contagious is the best filter in the   Contagious / Full of Tomorrow /
                   ad business. Future-proof your brain with the Most Contagious.          Magazine / Online / FEED / Special Reports / Consultancy / Events /
14 /
gaming             Think about it. Talk about it. Share it with everyone you know.         Special Offer to readers of the Most Contagious 2011 report –
                   Enjoy!                                                                  Subscribe to Contagious Magazine/Online before 9 January 2012 and save 20%.
15 /
pubLishing                                                                                 Visit to subscribe now /
                   The Contagious Team                                            / E: /
16 /

                                                                                                                                                      supported by
most contagious / movements /                                                                                                                                                                                       p.03

                   01 / mosT ConTagious /
                   movemenTs / The new worLd order

chapters	/         What a year. It’s difficult to grasp what caused    UK, a group of disenfranchised young people             The internet did not create the Arab Spring, or
01 /               such momentous change around the world              took to the streets to burn and steal, for reasons    the riots in London, or even Occupy Wall Street.
movemenTs          this year, but it’s certainly been contagious...    still not entirely clear. (The operative failure of   However, there’s no doubting it has forever
02 /                                                                   government, education, policing, the family and       changed the ways in which we make ourselves
                     One by one, most power structures came
proJeCTs                                                               society as a whole can be a difficult thing to pin    heard. Initially, the web provided a discussion
                   under pressure from the torrent of information,
                                                                       down.)                                                platform for like-minded souls to connect. Then,
03 /               collaboration and distribution afforded by the
serviCe                                                                                                                      it was a communication tool, as protestors
                   web. First came the music industry, where frantic     As governments, police forces and armies
                                                                                                                             around the world took to Twitter (and in the
04 /               attempts to ringfence a product widely available    faced their own citizens, other smaller reminders
soCiaL                                                                                                                       case of the UK riots, BlackBerry Messenger) to
                   for free led to the establishment of newer models   of the new world order have come to light. The
                                                                                                                             rally and organise. We then turned to the web to
05 /               and younger players amid talk of its own demise.    fact that a man as powerful as Rupert Murdoch
                                                                                                                             rationalise events happening in the real world,
idenTiTy           Then, the news media, which was forced to           can be held accountable and forced to answer
                                                                                                                             faster and more thoroughly than before. The
06 /               share the limelight with digital-only players,      to his own board, as well as a government
                                                                                                                             Guardian’s timelines of the Arab Spring and live
TeChnoLogy         some of whom are now more influential than          inquisition, for the phone-hacking scandal taking
                                                                                                                             coverage of the phone hacking scandal set new
07 /
                   the stalwarts they were created to usurp. Then      place at one of his myriad publications sends a
                                                                                                                             standards for the reporting of intricate and fast-
daTa               Hollywood. Then the TV networks. Then the high      very clear message: nobody is untouchable.
                                                                                                                             moving issues.
                   street. Then. Then. Then.
08 /

                                                                                                                                                                                  photo / haydn /
                    2011 will be remembered as the year this gradual
09 /               disintegration shifted away from entertainment
money              and consumerism towards something altogether
10 /               more profound.
haCk CuLTure
                     The motivations for this shift are extremely
11 /               complex. Throughout the ongoing Arab Spring,
musiC 2.0
                   in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and the other Middle
12 /               Eastern nations in which uprisings occurred,
                   years of oppression forced political and
13 /               ideological change, sparked, in part, by the
reTaiL             democratisation of technology.
14 /                Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street and the other
                   happenings it spawned have been criticised for
15 /               being unfocused, but, over time the discourse of
                   wealth distribution, the 99% versus the 1%, has
16 /               become the dominant organising ideology. In the

                                                                                                                                                               Supported by
most contagious / movements /                                                                                                                                          p.04

                     Many web pundits were the first to lay out            From a brand perspective, the implications of all     They don’t actually embody any of those things.
                   in simple terms why, exactly, the Wall Street         this are obvious. When everything is changing,          They just emulate. It’s scary man, this simulation
                   Protesters were so very angry. Others followed,       be consistent. When everyone is confused, be            life that we’re living. It scares me.’
                   essentially creating a coherent narrative on behalf   transparent. And when the world seems bleak,
                                                                                                                                   Pitchfork’s analysis of the Tumblr phenomenon
chapters	/         of those too busy trying to garner consensus to       be good.
                                                                                                                                 is recommended reading. The argument against
                   do it for themselves.
01 /
                                                                         Tumblr /                                                is that Tumblr could wreak as much intellectual
                                                                                                                                 damage as it provides dumb entertainment.
                                                                         In September, blogging/reblogging/image-
02 /
proJeCTs                                                                 sharing platform Tumblr announced that it had             Democratisation – be it of technology,
                                                                         reached its 10 billionth post, up from one billion      information or pictures of cats on trampolines –
03 /
                                                                         one year previously. That’s ten times as much           apparently always comes at a price.
                                                                         content in the space of one year, created on
04 /                                                                                                                               In the meantime, be distracted by the rise
                                                                         28.5 million blogs and averaging 36 million posts
soCiaL                                                                                                                           of single-usage Tumblrs – blogs created to
                                                                         per day. In the same month, Tumblr also closed
                                                                                                                                 aggregate images around one theme only. From
05 /                                                                     an $85m round of venture capital, valuing this
idenTiTy                                                                                                                         ‘Accidental Chinese Hipsters’ to ‘Shit that Siri
                                                                         moodboard machine at close to $1bn.
                                                                                                                                 Says’, we’ve aggregated as many as possible
06 /
TeChnoLogy                                                                 The appeal of Tumblr is obvious. Essentially a        over here. Enjoy:
                                                                         curated channel of bits and pieces that you find
07 /                                                                                                                               (For next year’s niche-gone-mainstream
                     As the global pendulum swings towards the           around the web – images, other Tumblr posts,
daTa                                                                                                                             technology, look no further than image-sharing
                   rising BRIC countries, Western nations, faced         music, video – it’s an easy way to project the kind
08 /                                                                                                                             network Instagram’s iPhone app; it has been

                                                                                                                                                                                             photo / guney Cuceloglu /
                   with the decline of their own industrial heft,        of person you are, or the kind of person you’d like
augmenTed                                                                                                                        downloaded 14 million times, and an average of
                   are focusing their efforts on the burgeoning          to be, with very little effort. Never one to ignore a
                                                                                                                                 50 photos per second were uploaded over the
09 /
                   Innovation Economy. All of this is happening          popular platform, Barack Obama has launched
money                                                                                                                            recent Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Not bad
                   while a generation comes of age having taken          his own crowd-sourced Tumblr to grab images
                                                                                                                                 for a company with a staff of six. Anxious Android
10 /               its moral code not from the individual laws that      and sentiment from the 2012 campaign trail.
haCk CuLTure                                                                                                                     users can expect their own version next year.)
                   govern the country in which they live, but from         But there’s always a flipside to popularity. To
11 /               a more collective and instinctive mindset that        get an idea of why it’s so popular, you could
musiC 2.0
                   prevails online. This is a generation that grew       do worse than read confessional hip-hop artist
12 /               up with the internet, has two decades worth of        Drake’s comments, posted on his own blog in
video              conviction that global warming is real and entered    November this year: ‘I’m really scared for my
13 /               the job market in the middle of a global financial    generation, you know. The thing that scares me
reTaiL             collapse. Faced with undeniable evidence that         most is Tumblr. I hate what Tumblr has become…
14 /               the people in charge – politicians, bankers,          Instead of kids going out and making their own
gaming             educators – have failed to adapt, millennials are     moments, they’re just taking these images
15 /
                   harking back to concepts of pride, community,         and living vicariously through other people’s
pubLishing         honour, labour and decency instead of the flabby      moments. It just kills me. Then you’ll meet them
                   consumerism that ate their boomer parents.            and they’re just the biggest turkey in the world.
16 /

                                                                                                                                                                   Supported by
most contagious / projects /                                                                p.05

                   02 / mosT ConTagious /
                   proJeCTs noT Campaigns /
                   born To Live, noT buiLT To die
chapters /         Our Projects not Campaigns category recognises a new strain
01 /               of marketing in which the brand, agency and consumer work
movemenTs          together to reach a tangible, meaningful goal. As a decade
02 /               of digital interaction gives way to socially, collaboratively
proJeCTs           organised initiatives, brands and marketers have been less
03 /
                   inclined to accept the traditional campaign as their default
serviCe            strategy in the battle for consumers’ hearts and minds.
04 /                 It’s a sign of the times. Having evolved to suit the tightly defined
                   media options of yore, a campaign is the end product of the
05 /               creative process, fine-tuned and finished before it goes out of the
idenTiTy           door; concept, realised. Media, bought. Backs turned. A project,
06 /               on the other hand, is the beginning of something, not the end. To
TeChnoLogy         borrow the title of a presentation delivered by David Lee, digital
07 /
                   executive creative director at TBWAWorldwide, at the Future
daTa               Flash conference in Canada in May, projects are about ‘creating
                   things that are born to live, not built to die’.
08 /
                    A project needs to be nurtured and encouraged. It relies
09 /               on engagement, feedback and input. It is collaborative and
money              communal, and requires constant monitoring. It is undoubtedly
10 /               more challenging, but potentially much more rewarding. And,
haCk CuLTure       crucially, it plays to the strengths of the new media landscape in
11 /
                   which the flow of information is two-way, not top down, and can
musiC 2.0          be experienced, echoed and amplified in real time.
12 /                 The appeal of creating a project is clear: not only can it
                   encourage deeper engagement and forge social connections, but

                                                                                                                  pepsi / sound oF FooTbaLL
13 /               it also gives brands the chance to nail their colours to a particular
reTaiL             mast and show what they stand for by effecting change in the real
14 /               world. Advertising has woken up to pop culture’s favourite cliché:
gaming             it really is about the journey.
15 /

16 /

                                                                                            supported by
most contagious / projects /                                                                                                                                        p.06

                   Patagonia / Common Threads Initiative                on the selling-on of second-hand goods, a             into a surround-sound landscape. The result is
                   As a brand, Patagonia has always favoured            process which happily involves no additional          a kind of sonic image that helps participants
                   a long term approach, and this year partnered        manufacturing. In fact, eBay’s Green Shopping         identify and locate other players, the goal, the
                   with eBay on an extraordinary mission to reduce      portal touts the universal truth that the greenest    sidelines and ball.
chapters	/
                   excess consumption, creating a resale website        product is the one that already exists.
                                                                                                                                The technology advances the current blind
01 /               where people can buy pre-owned Patagonia               However, it’s a riskier step for Patagonia, which   football game, whereby players wear bells to
movemenTs          outdoor clothing and kit. The Common Threads         doesn’t directly profit from the eBay sales, but      alert each other to where they are, and use a
02 /               Initiative asks would-be buyers and sellers to       benefits instead from the less tangible value         specially weighted ball. The mix of innovation,
proJeCTs           take a pledge that fundamentally redefines the       of practising what it preaches; the website           imagination and human interest is also earned-
03 /               role of the consumer and also clearly delineates     demonstrates the brand’s own dedication to            media catnip: Discovery Channel is creating a
serviCe            the responsibilities that Patagonia embraces         reducing, repairing, reusing, and recycling, by,      30-minute documentary charting the project.
04 /
                   as a manufacturer. It states: ‘Patagonia agrees      for example, donating unsold goods to disaster
                   to build useful things that last, to repair what                                                             Akestam Holst and Society46 are determined
soCiaL                                                                  victims or encouraging customers to return worn
                   breaks and recycle what comes to the end of                                                                to extend the magic of the technology to other
                                                                        goods to Patagonia stores to be recycled into
05 /
                   its useful life.’ Consumers undertake ‘to buy only                                                         sports and situations, and Pepsi is encouraging
idenTiTy                                                                new fabrics. This bold strategy reached a peak
                   what I need (and will last), repair what breaks,                                                           the public to pitch in their own ideas for further
                                                                        on the shopping armageddon of Black Friday
06 /
                   reuse (share) what I no longer need and recycle                                                            ‘Sound of’ projects. See Contagious 29
TeChnoLogy                                                              when the brand ran a full page ad in The New
                   everything else.’                                                                                
                                                                        York Times saying simply, ‘Do not buy this jacket’.
07 /
daTa                                                                    See Contagious 29
08 /
                                                                        Pepsi / Sound of Football
09 /
                                                                        2011 saw Pepsi’s Refresh Project rolled out
                                                                        in other regions, with this iteration from Sweden
10 /                                                                    leaving Contagious staffers slack-jawed with
haCk CuLTure
                                                                        admiration and wondering where the hell were
11 /                                                                    Nike and adidas when this idea came up?
musiC 2.0
                                                                          Ad agency Akestam Holst, Stockholm,
12 /
video                                                                   creative technology experts Society46 and The
                                                                        Swedish Association of Visually Impaired
13 /                 From almost any other brand this idea would        Youth collaborated on a system that allows blind
                   seem optimistic at best and, at worst, offensively   football players the ability to ‘see’ with sound.
14 /               sanctimonious. But Patagonia’s track record          The system relies on TRACAB 3D tracking
gaming             as a champion of sustainability throughout its       technology, originally used in fighter planes, to
15 /               business enables the brand to stake a claim on       capture data on players’ positions, how far they
pubLishing         the moral high ground. It’s a perfect PR match-up    have run, etc, but Society46 has pushed the
16 /               for eBay since the auction site was predicated       technology further, translating the information

                                                                                                                                                                Supported by
most contagious / projects /                                                                                                                                          p.07

                   Chipotle / Back to the Start                           Norte / Best Excuse Ever                             to boost the counter. More than 50,000 minutes
                   US restaurant chain Chipotle Mexican Grill             In Argentina this year, lager brand Norte            (34 days) worth of good deeds were accrued
                   collaborated with legendary country music              discovered that nothing says ‘Corporate              and the campaign gained sufficient coverage in
                   crooner Willie Nelson, creating a heart-rending        Social Responsibility’ like an icy cold bottle of    print, radio and TV to mitigate any unease about
chapters	/
                   animated film to promote its commitment to             beer. Having no doubt thoroughly researched          its ‘do it for the community’ approach to drinking
01 /               sustainable farming.                                   the market, Norte discovered that wives and          beer. Contagious 27
movemenTs                                                                 girlfriends were constantly overriding the 
02 /                                                                      carefully laid social plans of their menfolk (i.e.
proJeCTs                                                                  going to the bar) with worthy alternatives.          Nike / MAG

03 /
                                                                                                                               The feelgood campaign of 2011 has to be
serviCe                                                                                                                        Nike’s limited edition release of the futuristic
                                                                                                                               trainers worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the
04 /
soCiaL                                                                                                                         Future Part II. The power-lacing, self-illuminating
                                                                                                                               Nike MAG shoes were specially designed by the
05 /
                                                                                                                               brand for the 1989 film, in which Marty McFly
                                                                                                                               visits the year 2015.
06 /                 Back to the Start tells the story of a farmer who
TeChnoLogy         transforms his family farm into an industrial animal
07 /               factory, but then has a change of heart and reverts
daTa               to sustainable farming practices. The soundtrack
08 /
                   to the film is a cover of Coldplay’s The Scientist,
augmenTed          performed by Nelson and available on iTunes for
                   $0.99 with proceeds going towards the Chipotle           In retaliation, the brand hit back with a booze-
09 /
money              Cultivate Foundation, which funds sustainable          fuelled CSR campaign that offered men ‘The
                   agriculture, family farming, and culinary education.   Best Excuse Ever’. Every time a man drank a
10 /
                                                                          Norte beer at a bar, he could drop the bottle
haCk CuLTure         Chipotle’s preference for sustainably grown
                                                                          cap into a counter box. For each bottle cap, the
11 /               ingredients and food ‘naturally raised with
                                                                          brand promised that one minute of good deeds
musiC 2.0          respect for the animals, the land, and the farmers
                                                                          – repairing schools, improving parks, restoring        For the 2011 iteration, only 1,500 pairs of
                   who produce the food’ echoes Patagonia’s
12 /                                                                      monuments, planting trees and cleaning lakes –       shoes were made, sold in batches of 150 pairs
video              considered approach, but stops short of
                                                                          would be carried out by a team of Norte workers.     per day on eBay. Prices ranged from $3,500 to
                   suggesting that customers pledge allegiance
13 /                                                                                                                           $10,000 ensuring that a substantial sum was
                   to the cause. On a related theme, Chipotle also          To put the campaign firmly in the public eye,
reTaiL                                                                                                                         raised for The Michael J. Fox Foundation for
                   commissioned Abandoned, a short film about             Norte, through Del Campo Nazca Saatchi
14 /                                                                                                                           Parkinson’s Research, set up by the actor when
                   the hardships faced by family farmers trying           & Saatchi, Buenos Aires, ran a series of wry
gaming                                                                                                                         he was diagnosed with the disease.
                   to compete with industrialised agriculture. It         commercials and installed counters on streets,
15 /
                   features another Willie Nelson track, this time        tracking the total on its website and Facebook,       YouTube clips featuring Fox, Saturday Night
                   covered by Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.             and posting details of its good works. Facebook      Live star Bill Hader and Christopher Lloyd, who
16 /               See Contagious 29                     users could also click an ‘I’m going out’ button     played Doc Emmett Brown in the original movie,

                                                                                                                                                                  Supported by
most contagious / projects /                                                                                                                                        p.08

                   hyped up the auction and drove fan donations          Dulux / Own a Colour                                  Ones to Watch /
                   to The Fox Foundation. A perfect storm of brand       Paint brand Dulux partnered with UNICEF on            We’re expecting to see this trend for Projects
                   loyalty, fan culture and fundraising, the MAG         Own a Colour, a charitable project which lets         not Campaigns continue throughout 2012,
                   project, through Wieden+Kennedy, Portland             visitors to the website buy one of the 16.7 million   particularly as the final quarter of 2011 spawned
chapters	/         and produced by @radicalmedia, Los Angeles,           colours that smartphones, tablets and computer        two stand-out examples. In October, JWT Madrid
01 /               served as an acknowledgment and celebration           screens are able to display.                          escorted seven residents from the land-locked
movemenTs          of the shoe’s enduring cult status, matched                                                                 Chinese village of Bulin to the sea for the first
                   only by the affection still felt for Michael J. Fox     Each colour costs £1, and buyers are able
02 /                                                                                                                           time on behalf of Mexican beer brand Corona,
                   and his role in a pop culture phenomenon.             to tag it with a name (e.g. ‘Tanya’s Teal’), then
proJeCTs                                                                                                                       its Experience the Extraordinary philosophy
                   See Contagious 29                                     supply some text explaining why they chose it.
                                                                                                                               and inherent love of the beach. And in the final
03 /                                                                     The website is a retina-blasting motherlode of
serviCe                                                                       countdown to Christmas, Coke Philippines, via
                                                                         polychromatic options that allows visitors to
                                                                                                                               McCann Worldgroup, fixed it for three OFWs
04 /
                   OMO / Super Nice Training Center                      view trending colours and see popular shades
soCiaL                                                                                                                         (Overseas Filipino Workers who work abroad to
                                                                         by gender or country. At the time of writing, the
                   Sao Paulo-based interactive agency                                                                    support their families back home) to make it back
05 /                                                                     campaign – which was kick-started with celebrity
                   Brazil applied a project-based approach to help                                                             for the holidays. Continuing Coke’s global series
                                                                         contributions from Roger Moore, Jemima Khan,
                   launch the Unilever brand OMO Líquido Super                                                                 of campaigns that ask ‘where will happiness
06 /                                                                     Matt Dawson and Duncan Bannatyne – had
                   Concentrado (super concentrated liquid) in                                                                  strike next?’, the Filipino version and English
TeChnoLogy                                                               raised over £88,000 for UNICEF.
                   Brazil, showing that projects, not campaigns can                                                            subtitled versions together have broken 1 million
07 /               work wonders for FMCG brands.                           Although deeply reminiscent of the infamous         views on YouTube in five days. Three cheers for
                                                                         Million Dollar Homepage, this celebration of colour   the real thing.
                     The target audience was Brazil’s large
08 /                                                                     is perfectly on brand for Dulux. Contagious 29
augmenTed          community of maids, a group accounting for
                   19% of the country’s working women. set
09 /
                   up the Super Nice Training Center, a blog
                   and website offering a series of free lessons
10 /               about housekeeping and home economics. The
haCk CuLTure
                   tutorials could be watched online or downloaded.
11 /               As well as learning key cleaning skills, tips were
musiC 2.0
                   offered on how to write résumés and check
12 /               housekeeping job vacancies. The guides also
                   cited the importance of using sustainable cleaning
13 /               products and awarded a study certificate to those
reTaiL             who completed the course.
14 /                This campaign not only offered training for
                   a sector not exactly renowned for career
                                                                          duLux /
15 /               development, but also showed consistent
                   respect for the people who use Unilever’s
16 /               products on a daily basis.                                                                   Corona /

                                                                                                                                                                Supported by
most contagious / marketing /                                                              p.09

                   03 / mosT ConTagious /
                   markeTing as serviCe design /
                   meeTing The unmeT need
chapters /         With brands more adept at tapping into the rich wells of
01 /               data which consumers now leave in their wakes, many are
movemenTs          becoming increasingly able to spot the gaps, or unmet needs,
02 /               in people’s lives. Addressing these was previously trusted to
proJeCTs           token utilities such as mobile apps; however, a recent study

                                                                                                                 ConTagious / issue 26 / sneakerpedia: so good we puT iT on our FronT Cover in q1/11
03 /
                   by Deloitte found that a 80% of branded apps have been
serviCe            downloaded less than 1,000 times. Today, consumers expect
                   something wholly more relevant, enabling and ultimately
04 /
soCiaL             less self-serving. This is where marketing becomes genuine
                   service design.
05 /
                   Foot Locker / Sneakerpedia
06 /
TeChnoLogy         Based on the simple insight that footwear retailer Foot Locker’s
                   core demographic – sneakerheads – have ‘enthusiasm beyond
07 /
                   reason’ for their collections, SapientNitro, London, built a crowd-
                   sourced holy grail of a platform in the shape of Sneakerpedia.
08 /
augmenTed            The Wiki-esque website enables users to create a profile and
                   then upload pictures of all the cool kicks in their collection –
09 /
money              complete with a brief history and info on the make, model, material
                   etc. This tagging helps the site to then archive each model
10 /
haCk CuLTure       correctly, creating a vast and infinitely navigable database of every
                   significant sneaker ever bought and cherished.
11 /
musiC 2.0           Creating a platform from scratch, rather than piggybacking an
12 /
                   existing social network or fan portal, was a bold move on the
video              part of Foot Locker. Even braver, however, is the distinct lack of
                   overt branding on the site, which adds to the sense that this is
13 /
reTaiL             somewhere enthusiasts can come to share their passion, not be
                   marketed to. However, by stepping out of the frame and putting
14 /
gaming             users at ease, Foot Locker is able to draw rich social data about
                   what makes/models are popular etc. It has even been encouraging
15 /
                   new floor staff in stores to join up and immerse themselves in the
                   culture as part of their training.
16 /

                                                                                           supported by
most contagious / marketing /                                                                                                                         p.10

                     Proof that the platform has struck a chord with         scanned with smartphones, transformed the devices
                   sneakerheads around the world is evident in initial       into venues for the Hidden Live gigs. What’s more,
                   results: In beta format alone, Sneakerpedia reached       audiences could interact with the bands in real time,
                   more than 6.7 million fans online and delivered more      and even buy the albums directly from their phones.
chapters	/         than $1 million worth of free media exposure. See
                                                                               More than 10,000 attended the online festival each
                   Contagious 26
01 /                                                                         night and, better still, Zoo Records sold out 80% of
                   Flair / Fashiontag                                        the albums for the performing bands. Leo Burnett,
02 /                                                                         Hong Kong was responsible. See Contagious 27
proJeCTs           Working on the insight that women take fashion
                   inspiration from their friends’ wardrobes, Belgian
03 /
                   fashion weekly Flair launched a Facebook application
serviCe                                                                      Orange / Glastonbury 2011 App
                   that lets users request information on specific outfits
04 /                                                                         Telco provider Orange continued its impressive track     FLair /
                   in uploaded photos.
soCiaL                                                                       record of muddy field-based branded utility, with a
05 /
                    Flair Fashiontag, created by Duval Guillaume,            mobile app developed by M&C Saatchi Sport &
idenTiTy           Brussels, lets users tag an item of clothing or           Entertainment London for the Glastonbury Festival.
                   accessory that they’d like to know more about and
06 /
                   post it to their friend’s wall. All Fashiontags and         All the handy functions from previous incarnations
                   responses are then displayed in a gallery on the Flair    were present, such as performance schedules,
07 /
                   page and the best tags are published in the weekly        planners, and maps. New additions included a series
                   print magazine.                                           of ‘smiley’ symbols through which users could specify
08 /                                                                         – and geo-tag – their mood. This data was used to
augmenTed            Fashiontag is a perfect example of how creating         build a collective mood map, plotting the buzziest (or
                   successful Facebook apps is all about spotting and        indeed most cold, wet and skint) areas of the site.
09 /
money              then augmenting existing behaviours. After launching      A news feed also pinged regular write-ups directly
                   on 22 March the application increased the number          from the Guardian, as well as any must-know festival
10 /                                                                                                                                  Zoo reCords /
haCk CuLTure       of Flair fans on Facebook in one week by 35%, from        updates from organisers.
                   17,000 to 23,000. See Contagious 27
11 /                                                                           The improvements resulted in the app being
musiC 2.0
                                                                             downloaded 100,000 downloads in a single month,
12 /               Zoo Records / Hidden Live                                 amounting to 70% of the festival audience – a 75%
video                                                                        increase on previous years. See Contagious 28
                   In March, Hong Kong-based indie music store Zoo
13 /               Records staged a music festival – Hidden Live – 
                   featuring eight bands across four nights. What made
14 /               it unique, however, is that the performances were only
                   accessible via mobile.
15 /
pubLishing          Two hours prior to the event, free tickets were made                                                              orange /
                   available in-store and for download on Facebook. A
16 /
                   hidden code was printed on each ticket, which when

                                                                                                                                                      Supported by
most contagious / social /                                                                                                                                  p.11

                   04 / mosT ConTagious /
                   soCiaL and beyond / aLways on(Line)

chapters	/         It’s the tail end of 2011, and 96 out of the         to recognise the airline’s heritage. And in         KLM’s activity, in conjunction with Tribal
01 /               top 100 advertisers in the US are spending           September, it promoted its social media policy     DDB Amsterdam, forms part of a new school
movemenTs          money on social media, with the rest of the          of answering every tweet and post in person,       of marketing and branding that sees the
02 /               world not far behind. However, the profound          within the hour, day and night, by assembling      brand committed to exploiting existing social
proJeCTs           changes wrought by social media on the ways          a ‘living alphabet’ of employees who answered      platforms to improve the user experience.
03 /
                   in which we interact go much, much deeper            online queries using letter boards. For 12 hours   Contagious 28 and 29
serviCe            than advertising. Facebook in particular is          the airline replaced normal Facebook and
                   becoming the black hole of the web, absorbing        Twitter typed responses with a team of 500
04 /
soCiaL             ecommerce, content distribution, CRM and             KLM volunteer crew members who answered by
                   marketing budgets into its gravity field. This       running around and assembling the answer live
05 /
idenTiTy           year saw social mechanisms incorporated              before your eyes, inside 60 minutes. The Live
                   into everything from supply chains to                Reply videos were hosted on YouTube.
06 /
                   customer service to product design. As data
                   mining becomes increasingly sophisticated,
07 /               we can expect social channels to register
                   highly on everyone’s radar, from the CMO to
08 /               the teenager at the checkout.
                     In this section, we salute the brands committing
09 /
money              most fully to Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of a future
                   that is ‘social by design’.
10 /
haCk CuLTure
                   KLM / All Social, All the Time
11 /               You’d be hard pushed to find a brand, or company,
musiC 2.0
                   that has committed more wholeheartedly to the
12 /               integration of social media than Dutch airline
video              KLM. In January, KLM laid on a special direct
13 /               flight to a dance festival in Miami at the Twitter
reTaiL             behest of an aspiring raver, on the understanding
14 /               that he help fill the plane with 351 dance music
gaming             professionals. He did, and KLM fulfilled its part
15 /
                   of the bargain. In June, it covered a plane with
pubLishing         its fans’ Facebook profile pics, transformed into
                   traditional Dutch blue ‘tiles’ for Tile & Inspire,
16 /

                                                                                                                                                          Supported by
most contagious / social /                                                                                                                            p.12

                   Domino’s / Pizza and The Art of War                         Burberry / Tweetwalk
                   Since 2009’s Pizza Turnaround campaign,                     Burberry is fast becoming the Terminator of luxury
                   Domino’s, America’s largest pizza delivery chain, has       branding. It just doesn’t stop. As competitors struggle
                   been aggressively pursuing a policy of transparency         to execute the most basic of digital functions –
chapters	/
                   with regard to its product and service. In July this        ecommerce, for example – this British powerhouse
01 /               year, the pizza chain took this further by broadcasting     has demonstrated an uncanny ability to embrace new
movemenTs          comments from customers – regardless of whether             platforms and democratise the brand without selling
02 /               they were positive or negative – to thousands of            out any of its aspirational exclusivity. At London
proJeCTs           onlookers via a digital billboard in New York’s Times       Fashion Week in September, Burberry tweeted
03 /               Square. This was to promote Domino’s tracker                backstage Twitpics of every look before they were
serviCe            system for quality maintenance where customers can          sent down the runway, allowing its Twitter followers
04 /
                   follow their pizzas online, giving feedback throughout      to see the Spring/Summer 2012 collection before the
soCiaL             the process. The campaign was masterminded by               fashion bigshots on the front row. Take THAT, Wintour.
                   Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Boulder.
05 /                                                                             During the Tweetwalk, Burberry’s Instagram
idenTiTy            CMO Russell Weiner claimed earlier this year that          account was taken over by photographer Mike
06 /               Domino’s strategy was inspired by a story in Sun Tzu’s      Kus, the most-followed Instagram user in the UK,
TeChnoLogy         The Art of War, in which he advises that the best way to    and Burberry streamed the show – complete with
07 /               win a war fought on an island is to blow up the bridge      celebrity arrivals – live in HD through
daTa               yourself. That way, your army will fight for their lives,   and Facebook. As if that weren’t enough, Burberry
08 /
                   as they have no option of retreat. This combination         once again offered a ‘Runway to Retail’ service, with
augmenTed          of bravery and insanity is working. The company             the collection available to purchase for one week after
                   announced that same-store sales growth increased            the show. Viewers can also download the catwalk
09 /
money              10.4% between 2009 and 2010, and rose a further             soundtrack through the iTunes on-demand service.
                   2.3% in the first quarter of 2011. Contagious 28.
10 /                                                                             What makes this Contagious? Simplicity.
haCk CuLTure                                             Christopher Bailey, the brand’s creative director,
11 /                                                                           said: ‘We are now as much a media-content company
musiC 2.0                                                                      as we are a design company, because it’s all part of
12 /
                                                                               the overall experience.’ He’s right. None of the social
video                                                                          technologies Burberry has employed are complicated,
                                                                               but the benefit of feeding this content to growing
13 /
reTaiL                                                                         legions of fans is immense. See Contagious 29

14 /

15 /

16 /                                                                                                                                     burberry /

                                                                                                                                                      Supported by
most contagious / social /                                                                                                      p.13

                   Kraft / Mac&Tweets                                       Essentially an online notice board to which you
                   Kraft gets an honourable mention for embracing         can pin pictures and items of interest, Pinterest
                   Twitter more than most. As well as taking a leaf       has quickly racked up an estimated 3.3 million
                   out of the Old Spice playbook, incorporating           unique users and secured $27m in funding
chapters	/
                   comments from its Twitter followers into ads           earlier this year. Ideal for moms, DIY enthusiasts,
01 /               that were subsequently broadcast on TV, Kraft’s        events organisers and anybody looking to create,
movemenTs          Mac & Cheese brand also invited internet               share or aggregate pictures around a certain
02 /               sensation Ted Williams – a homeless man with           theme, brands like Whole Foods are already on
proJeCTs           an extraordinary voice for radio – to be the voice     board to share recipe suggestions.
03 /               of its advertising. This was done through Crispin
serviCe            Porter + Bogusky in Miami. See Contagious 26
04 /     
                   Ones to Watch /
05 /
idenTiTy           The ‘wishlist’ is a fundamental part of the
                   ecommerce experience – where you keep track
06 /
TeChnoLogy         of stuff you like, but perhaps can’t afford to buy
                   yet. The UK-based startup, Fantasy Shopper,
07 /
                   aims to recreate the emotional experience of real
                   world shopping online. After collecting virtual
08 /
                   paydays to get hold of some pretend cash,
                   players can put together outfits and shop for high
09 /               street brands to create a virtual wishlist. Looks
                   are shared with the community, or users can click
10 /               through to buy clothes from the stores in real life.
haCk CuLTure
                   Currently available in the UK, the service has
11 /               items from 300 real shops, including New Look,
musiC 2.0          Topshop, UNIQLO, Reiss and Harrods. Users
12 /               create outfits from a wardrobe of purchased
video              items, and follow other users to comment on
13 /               purchases and creations. Additional cash can be
reTaiL             earned in a variety of ways, including introducing
14 /
                   others to the platform. Fantasy Shopper launched
gaming             in October 2011, and could prove an interesting
                   indicator of the social future of ecommerce.
15 /
pubLishing         See Contagious 29
                                            kraFT /
16 /

                                                                                                                                Supported by
most contagious / identity /                                                                                                                                              p.14

                   05 / mosT ConTagious /
                   idenTiTy onLine / This one has my FaCe on iT

chapters	/         As we spend an increasing amount of our
01 /               waking days online, it is becoming harder
movemenTs          to distinguish between what we would
02 /               previously have referred to as our ‘digital’
proJeCTs           and ‘physical’ lives. The reality, of course,
03 /
                   is that the lines between the two are now
serviCe            constantly shifting and blurring. Emphasising
                   the fact that we no longer exist online in a
04 /
soCiaL             separate, anonymous capacity, brands have
                   been exploring the notion of the digital self
05 /
                   – holding mirrors to consumers and helping
                   them visualise, celebrate or simply make
06 /
                   sense of their own identity.

07 /               Intel / Museum of Me
daTa                                                                         arms delicately pluck pictures of your friends          of all time via his production company, Tool of
                   Semiconductor powerhouse Intel took an
                                                                             from the air, arranging them into a mosaic which        North America.
08 /               ambitious step towards changing its image from
                                                                             eventually forms your own profile photo.
augmenTed          that of a technology company into one of a lifestyle                                                                Take This Lollipop shows the dangers of
09 /               brand, via the interactive website Museum of                Proof that personalised experiences often result      sharing your identity online by using Facebook
money              Me. Built by Tokyo-based Projector (of Cannes             in increased levels of engagement, more than            Connect to scrape information before revealing
                   Titanium Grand Prix-winning UNIQLOCK fame),               440,000 people created their own museums                a creepy man poring over your profile page. You
10 /
haCk CuLTure       this site uses Facebook Connect to draw                   in the three days following launch. More than           then see the man calculate your actual location
                   personal content from each user’s page, before            150,000 users took advantage of the built-in            by verifying server addresses etc, before driving
11 /
musiC 2.0          presenting it to them in a virtual tour of their own      one-click sharing mechanisms, by publishing their       to your house with your Facebook profile picture
                   personalised museum.                                      exhibition catalogues directly to Facebook. In total,   taped to his dashboard. The film ends with
12 /
                                                                             more than 21 million impressions were recorded          a timer set for an hour and lists which of your
video                The resulting video pans elegantly through a
                                                                             on the social network. See Contagious 28                Facebook friends ‘is next’.
13 /               minimalist interior, in which onlookers peruse
                                                                                                   At time of writing, the app had been liked
reTaiL             a series of exhibitions including your photos,
                   friends, Liked content and geo-located check-ins.         Take This Lollipop / Jason Zada                         over 11 million times on Facebook. Not bad
14 /
gaming             A digital billboard even filters, in real time, through                                                           for something which took just one month to
                                                                             Director Jason Zada – the man behind Office
                   everything written on your wall before finally                                                                    produce… See Contagious 29 and the front
15 /                                                                         Max’s Elf Yourself website – proved that he hasn’t
pubLishing         displaying the most common word. The tour                                                                         cover of this report.
                                                                             lost his touch for creating insanely viral content,
                   ends in a cavernous space where two robotic                                                             
16 /                                                                         by unleashing the fastest-growing Facebook app

                                                                                                                                                                      Supported by
most contagious / identity /                                                                                                                               p.15

                   Pedigree / Doggelganger                                        Coke Zero / My Life As A Game
                   In an attempt to raise awareness of dog food brand             Coke Zero created a particularly compelling and
                   Pedigree’s Adoption Drive for shelter dogs, Colenso            interactive expression of one person’s everyday life,
                   BBDO, Auckland and Auckland-based production                   by translating it into a playable advergame.
chapters	/
                   company NEC created the gleefully compelling
                                                                                    Digital agency Gringo, São Paulo, first launched a
01 /               Doggelganger website, which plays to the endearing
                                                                                  search via popular blog Jovem Nerd (‘young nerd’),
                   observation that people often look like their pets.
                                                                                  before finally selecting entrant Lucas Dias as the basis
02 /
                                                                                  for the character. His mission? To have more time for
                                                                                  his life outside work, and in particular his girlfriend.
03 /
serviCe                                                                            The final video-game was called Minha vida de
                                                                                  game (‘My life at stake’) and was created by São           Coke Zero /
04 /
soCiaL                                                                            Paulo-based Hive Digital Media. Dias was filmed and
                                                                                  photographed before the images were projected on
05 /
                                                                                  a 3D scanner and then rendered to build the game.
                                                                                  See Contagious 26
06 /

07 /                                                                              Lynx / Stream
                                                                                  Unilever-owned male grooming brand Lynx took a
08 /                                                                              break from the female-fleshed theme of its regular
                                                                                  advertising, with a rather nifty mobile app that lets
                     Visitors are asked to either upload a picture of their
09 /                                                                              users plot, document and share a night out. The Lynx
money              face, or capture one directly via web cam. Facial
                                                                                  Stream requires a group of friends to create an event
                   mapping technology then measures the precise
10 /                                                                              via the app, which then aggregates all photos, videos,
                   position, shape and size of key features, before
haCk CuLTure                                                                      tweets and check-ins from that night into one single,
                   cross-referencing the information with a database of
11 /                                                                              chronological thread.
                   genuine shelter dogs. It will then unite them with their
musiC 2.0
                   own, personal ‘Doggelganger’.                                  By logging on to the Lynx Stream site the next
12 /                                                                              morning (coffee and aspirin in hand), the group can
video                There is the option to make contact regarding a
                                                                                  then watch and share their own video stream – even
                   genuine adoption request; however, recognising that
13 /                                                                              deleting any particularly private or compromising
reTaiL             the majority of users will feel an affinity with their pooch
                                                                                  ‘occurances’. Razorfish, New York was responsible.
                   but not realistically be in a position to acquire a new
14 /                                                                              See Contagious 27                                          Lynx /
                   pet, there is also the option to make a donation. Of
                   course, Doggelgangers can also be shared directly
15 /
                   via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc. See Contagious 27
16 /

                                                                                                                                                           Supported by
most contagious / technology /                                                                                                           p.16

                   06 / mosT ConTagious /
                   TeChnoLogy / hiding The wires

chapters	/         The technology section in last year’s Most                 pre-installed on the iPhone 4S in October. Siri actually
01 /               Contagious was, in our own words, packed with              originated outside of Apple, having been spun out of
movemenTs          ‘digital complexity’ to ‘boggle your mind’. So it’s        developers SRI International back in 2007 as Siri
02 /               telling that this year, some of the most remarkable        Inc. The company launched a voice activated personal
proJeCTs           pieces of tasty tech are rather the opposite…              assistant app of the same name on the App Store in
                                                                              February 2010 and was acquired by Apple just a few
03 /               For a while our consultancy division, Contagious
serviCe                                                                       months later.
                   Insider, has been tracking examples of ‘experience
04 /               over innovation’ – where technology is used to reduce        Siri can complete a wide array of tasks through
                   friction in people’s lives. Apple’s voice activated Siri   voice activated commands. In addition to sending
05 /               and Jawbone’s movement monitoring wristband UP,            text messages and emails, it can, for example, book
idenTiTy           for example, place advanced technology in people’s         restaurants and find locally recommended services.
06 /               hands but with a user experience that ‘makes the           Over time, it even learns your preferences and tailors
TeChnoLogy         wires disappear’: it’s simple, effective and focused on    its responses accordingly.
                   benefitting the customer first and foremost.
07 /                                                                           It courted controversy recently, however, when it
                     With Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt              was found to be able to locate local brothels, but not
08 /               bemoaning the level of computer science being              nearby abortion clinics – an app with a pro-life agenda
                   taught in UK schools, it’s been fascinating to see         proving difficult for many users to swallow.
09 /               the emergence of hardware and software kits, such
money              as Raspberry Pi and Twine, which are designed to
10 /               provide anyone with an interest in computers with          Twine /
haCk CuLTure       the building blocks required to make coding and            We’ve long been fans of all things Arduino, the
11 /
                   programming more accessible.                               popular open-source microcontroller. However, a
musiC 2.0
                     We included 3D printers in Most Contagious 2010,         recent project on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter
12 /               but the technology has continued to amaze this year,       aims to get more people tinkering with electronics and
                   most recently with the 3D printing of bones through        hardware at home. Twine is a small wireless module
                   Washington State University and the generation of a        and online service that help people to connect their
13 /
reTaiL             functioning kidney during one extraordinary TED talk.      household objects to the internet.

14 /               Mary Shelley should have something to say about that.       Sensors within the Twine module detect, amongst
                   Apple / Siri                                               other things, changes in temperature and movement.
15 /                                                                          These can be programmed through Spool, a web app
                   One saving grace for Apple fans when the rumoured
pubLishing                                                                    which communicates messages via SMS, email and
                   iPhone 5 wasn’t released earlier this year was the
                                                                              social network. So, if you want to be warned if a door
16 /               success of voice activated service Siri, which came

                                                                                                                                         Supported by
most contagious / technology /                                                                                                                 p.17

                   is opened in your home while you’re at work, you      is going to be available in the UK through the
                   can programme Twine to inform you via Twitter.        Raspberry Pi website, and the charity reports that
                   Or if your basement is prone to flooding, you can     a range of people are interested; from education,
                   programme Twine to send you a text message if         to technology companies and individual software
chapters	/         it detects moisture on the floor.                     developers.
01 /                Developed by MIT grads David Carr and                Ones to Watch /
                   John Kestner of Cambridge, MA-based
                                                                         New York-based developers Kyle McDonald
02 /               Supermechanical, the project has been
proJeCTs                                                                 and Arturo Castro demonstrated their real-time
                   pledged over $220,000, easily exceeding the
                                                                         face substitution app, using face tracking and
03 /               original goal of $35,000.
                                                                         cloning. Their software swaps faces, allowing
                   Raspberry Pi /                                        anyone to masquerade as Brad Pitt or Barack
04 /
                                                                         Obama (at least while their webcam’s switched        Twine /
soCiaL             When he visited the UK earlier this year, Google
                                                                         on). Contagious 29
05 /
                   bigwig Eric Schmidt pointed out that too many
idenTiTy           schools continue to teach pupils how to use             In Issue 28 we covered Japanese confectionery
                   software, rather than the building blocks to          brand Ezaki Glico which used an advert to
06 /
TeChnoLogy         create it.                                            introduce a new member of pop band AKB
                                                                         48, Aimi Eguchi, with the help of Dentsu
07 /                 The Raspberry Pi Foundation, based in
                                                                         Kansai, Osaka. Actually a computer-generated
daTa               Cambridge, is a UK registered charity that aims
                                                                         composite of existing members’ facial features,
08 /               to address that issue, by creating low cost
                                                                         the new member sparked a flurry of excitement,
augmenTed          computers specifically for teaching computer
                                                                         with Eguchi even appearing in Japan’s Weekly
                   programming to children.
09 /                                                                     Playboy.
                    ‘We perceived that in the UK, the reduction in
                                                                           But fans began to get suspicious when Eguchi
10 /               access to programmable hardware to children
                                                                         went straight from trainee to starring in the
haCk CuLTure       was leading to a reduction of the number and                                                               raspberry pi /
                                                                         commercial for the confectionery company’s Ice
11 /               quality of applicants to University and in turn
                                                                         no Mi candy. Some particularly observant fans
musiC 2.0          number of graduates for the industry,’ says Eben
                                                                         even noticed that her birthday, 11 February, is
12 /               Upton, one of the foundation’s trustees.
                                                                         the date that Ezaki Glico was founded.
                    PCs and other machines make learning
                                                                          ‘Their hunch proved right and they solved the
13 /               coding tricky, as they’re focused purely on end
reTaiL                                                                   mystery quite rapidly,’ said creative director
                   user experience. Raspberry Pi’s development
                                                                         Toshitaka Nakao. After a few days, Ezaki Glico
14 /               philosophy has been to place education and
                                                                         released a ‘making of’ video revealing that Eguchi
gaming             coding skills front and centre.
                                                                         was a sophisticated hoax, created entirely by CGI.
15 /                Its first computer is set to launch imminently, at
                   a cost of just £25 and has been developed with                            eZaki gLiCo /
16 /               open source principles. The initial run of 10,000

                                                                                                                                               Supported by
most contagious / data /                                                                   p.18

                   07 / mosT ConTagious /
                   daTa /
                   The Fine arT oF meaning-making
chapters /         As the assembly line otherwise known as ‘progress’ pushes
01 /               us forward through the information age, and past the
movemenTs          connected era, humans are creating sophisticated tools to
02 /               sort the deluge of information we generate. We have now
proJeCTs           entered the age of the algorithm.
03 /                These logical sequences are increasingly responsible for
                   shaping our world beyond the computer. The biggest companies
04 /               are built on them. They control what you see on Facebook, and
                   how and when billions of dollars of shares are traded on markets.
05 /               Brands are using them to evolve their marketing. For an excellent
idenTiTy           discussion on the importance of algorithms, check out Kevin
06 /               Slavin’s TED Global talk here.
                     Clive Humby, founder of shopper marketing firm dunnhumby,
07 /               is widely credited with the 2006 observation that ‘Data is the new
                   oil’ – exceptionally valuable when refined. However, there’s still an
08 /               immense amount of room for us to build and tweak the structures
                   governing how data is distributed, which represents a new frontier
09 /               in marketing: how will we take command of the natural resource
money              of the information age?
10 /               The Privacy Crunch
haCk CuLTure
                   As marketers’ relationships with data evolves, now more than
11 /
musiC 2.0
                   ever brands need a firm understanding of how they’re protecting
                   customer privacy.
12 /
video                It’s no longer enough just to design programs to fuel massive
                   amounts of data harvesting. The creeping liability inherent in these
13 /
reTaiL             efforts comes as consumers get smarter about their own data and
                   its privacy, and will hold your business more accountable in its
14 /
gaming             gathering and storage.

                                                                                                                 bLueFin Labs /
15 /                 BlackBerry and Research In Motion have been pilloried for
pubLishing         releasing data; Twitter lauded for retaining it. Google was in
16 /
                   the spotlight when The Wall Street Journal announced the US

                                                                                           supported by
most contagious / data /                                                                                                                p.19

                   government had a secret court order to turn over the         But it’s only recently that a series of technological
                   files of Wikileaks supporter Jacob Appelbaum.              and cultural forces have come together to see an
                                                                              explosion of such activity – the radical transparency
                     But what’s lost in the idea of data as oil is that
                                                                              and sharing ethos of social media, the growing
                   data, in many cases, is personal. The oil is made of
chapters	/                                                                    concern among people about health and wellbeing,
                   tiny bits of our lives. The data is the colour of your
                                                                              and the prevalence of sophisticated devices packed
01 /               first car, the grade you got in college chemistry, or
movemenTs                                                                     with sensors, recording and monitoring devices such
                   the flirtatious comment you left on a facebook photo.
                                                                              as GPS, cameras, microphones and accelerometers
02 /               As the Facebook Timeline is a mainline to our past,
proJeCTs                                                                      – cheap convenient and ubiquitous enough to make
                   personal data is loose bits of unrefined nostalgia.
                                                                              this widespread. This is most recognisable in the form
03 /
                     Your company already has a privacy policy                of the smartphone, our most intimate, and frequently
                   somewhere. Is it time for a revision? Should you put       used piece of technology.
04 /
                   it into plain English and prove you understand your
soCiaL                                                                          Total shipments of smartphones in 2010 were
                   responsibility? Should you post it on the front door?
05 /                                                                          302.6 million units, up 74.4% from 2009, according
idenTiTy             Take Ritz-Carlton as an example. It’s taken big          to IDC, with smartphones making up 21.8% of all
                   steps in the hotel and hospitality sector using the data   handsets shipped. 89% of smartphone users confess
06 /
TeChnoLogy         it collects on its customers to build loyalty and great    to using their mobile throughout the day, according
                   customer service. But were that data to be applied         to Google/IPSOS’ Mobile Movement Study (April
07 /
                   without relevance, or made OVER-relevant, it pushes        2011) – meaning that it has never been easier for
                   past the ever-changing ‘creepy’ boundary.                  people to gather their own data.
08 /
augmenTed            Competent monitoring of data will soon be an               Brands have entered this arena by creating
                   essential ingredient in the recipe for success. A Sybase   products, services and software to cater to the
09 /
money              commissioned survey from the University of Texas           trend; GE, for example, launched four iPhone apps
                   at Austin, called ‘Measuring the Business Impacts          that monitor sleep, weight, pregnancy and mood in
10 /
haCk CuLTure       of Effective Data,’ found that a mere 10% increase in      conjunction with online community MedHelp. As
                   data usability for Fortune 1000 companies resulted         community members use these tools to track their
11 /
musiC 2.0
                   in a $2.01 billion increase in revenue across the 150      own development, MedHelp collects this data in real
                   companies surveyed; a 49% increase in productivity         time and aggregates it to produce real-time results on
12 /               in the retail industry, 20% in food products, 19% in
                                                                              symptoms and general norms. With over 11 million
                   automotive.                                                monthly visitors and growing, the content available is
13 /
                                                                              constantly evolving. Meanwhile, apps like TicTrac are
reTaiL             Life tracking /
                                                                              emerging. TicTrac promises a personal dashboard and

                                                                                                                                                              FaCebook TimeLine /
14 /               Self-quantification is not new. People have been           meta-analytic service that can discern more complex
gaming             meticulously measuring many aspects of their lives by      patterns in users’ lives.
15 /               painting pictures and recording where they are, when
pubLishing         and what they’re eating, and how they’re feeling, for
16 /
                   centuries – the basic diary being a common example.

                                                                                                                                        Supported by
most contagious / data /                                                                                                                       p.20

                   Ford / Sync                                           measure them against their competitors, creating
                   Ford has unveiled an ambitious string of              a more nuanced picture from which to direct
                   partnerships with medical monitoring and              creative and strategy.
                   technology companies in order to create ‘the
chapters	/
                   car that cares’. Extensions to its existing in-car
01 /               Sync technology, which to date has focused on         Netflix / House of Cards
movemenTs          entertainment and communication, will enable          US entertainment streaming company Netflix
02 /               diabetes sufferers and those with other chronic       recently outbid traditional cable channels HBO
proJeCTs           conditions to monitor themselves from behind          and AMC to secure the rights to House of Cards
03 /               the wheel. By plugging the same wireless blood        – a series which hasn’t yet begun production.
serviCe            sugar monitors used in the home into a Sync             The series, a remake of the 1990 BBC political
04 /
                   interface, the car would be able to notify the        thriller, is slated to be directed by David Fincher
soCiaL             driver when glucose levels rise or fall, with voice   and star Kevin Spacey, and was bought by Netflix
                   recognition software removing the need for any        for a reported $100m. It’s the first time Netflix
05 /
idenTiTy           manual interaction.                                   has invested in original programming. Originally
06 /
                                     a subscription-based distributor of film and TV
TeChnoLogy                                                               content, the company has expanded to become
                   Bluefin Labs /
                                                                         an on-demand streaming content provider under
07 /
                   MIT Media Lab startup Bluefin is matching             the Netflix Instant banner. Content is streamed
                   social media chatter to TV to help brands,            online and to games consoles such as Xbox 360,
08 /                                                                                                                               TiCTraC /
                   networks and production companies work out            Nintendo Wii, or PS3, and devices such as Blu-
                   what content viewers are most engaged with.           ray players and internet connected HDTVs.
09 /
money               Founded by professors Deb Roy and Michael              The company mined vast amounts of subscriber
                   Fleischman in 2008, Bluefin works by scanning         viewing data to determine whether its audience
10 /
haCk CuLTure       over three billion social media mentions a            would find the combination of political drama,
                   month, and matching visual signatures from an         director and stars a compelling one. The same
11 /
musiC 2.0
                   archive of over 200,000 TV broadcasts from            data which allowed Netflix to decide which series
                   over 50 national broadcast and cable stations.        to invest in, will also help the company to promote
12 /
                   The two are then married together, to provide         House of Cards to subscribers appropriately
                   retrospective data about what viewers were            using the service’s existing recommendation
13 /               saying about a show in real-time.                     system.
                     This, the company says, will help brands to get
14 /
gaming             a deeper and more accurate understanding of                                                                 Ford /
                   HOW viewers are watching, rather than simply
15 /
                   measuring eyeballs. The service will allow brands
                   to check how ads work in different time slots and
16 /
                   across different channels and shows, as well as

                                                                                                                                               Supported by
most contagious / augmented /                                                                                                                                   p.21

                   08 / mosT ConTagious /
                   augmenTed ConTenT / adding vaLue, noT disTraCTion

chapters	/         Emerging technologies and non-traditional            Giving viewers something to do with these itchy     There is even a complete set of badges to
01 /               media platforms may not be directly stealing       fingers, Star Player is a free to download mobile   collect by answering certain tricky questions,
movemenTs          eyeballs from TV as many predicted they            gaming application (also available online and on    along with mini trophies such as ‘Free Kick hero’,
02 /               would – Thinkbox research reveals that TV          Facebook) that allows football fans to interact     ‘Goal Master’ and ‘Corner King’. Facebook
proJeCTs           viewing figures in the UK have risen every         in real time with Champions League games. By        Connect allows users to show these off directly
03 /
                   year since 2006. However, what they are doing      syncing automatically with the televised game,      via their profile walls – in doing so attracting
serviCe            is fundamentally changing how audiences            the app challenges users to predict goals, bet      more potential Star Players to the platform.
                   behave. People now expect content on               on the outcome of set plays and even take           See Contagious 27
04 /
soCiaL             demand. They want to be able to share their        part in mini pop quizzes – amassing points in
                   experiences. And increasingly, they want           competition with friends and fellow Star Players.
05 /
idenTiTy           access to added layers of interactivity that
                   take advantage of the smartphone, tablet
06 /
                   or laptop resting on the arm of the sofa. For
                   brands, new opportunities exist not in creating
07 /               content from scratch, but in spotting existing
                   consumption behaviours and augmenting
08 /               them with added value. Put simply, this is
                   about content being better for having the
09 /               brand involved.
                   Heineken / Star Player
10 /
haCk CuLTure       With Heineken looking to make its headline
11 /
                   sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League
musiC 2.0          work a little harder, agency AKQA did some
                   research into exactly how we watch football on
12 /
video              TV. Two key findings were unearthed; one, from
                   UEFA, confirmed that the vast majority (72%)
13 /
reTaiL             of viewers watch the UEFA Champions League
                   alone at home; and a second piece of third-party
14 /
                   research confirmed that most of these viewers
                   (80%) are dual-screening – using laptops or
15 /               phones to access social networks or other
                   platforms to share their experience of watching
16 /               the game.

                                                                                                                                                            Supported by
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
Most Contagious 2011
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Most Contagious 2011

  • 1. MOST CONTAGIOUS 2011 Cover image: Take This LoLLipop / Jason Zada
  • 2. most contagious / p.02 / mosT ConTagious 2011 / subsCripTion oFFer / 20% disCounT FuTure-prooFing your brain vaLid unTiL 9Th January 2012 offering a saving of £200 gBP chapters / Contagious exists to find and filter the most innovative 01 / exercises in branding, technology, and popular culture, and movemenTs deliver this collective wisdom to our beloved subscribers. 02 / Once a year, we round up the highlights, identify what’s important proJeCTs and why, and push it out to the world, for free. 03 / serviCe Welcome to Most Contagious 2011, the only retrospective you’ll ever need. 04 / soCiaL It’s been an extraordinary year; economies in turmoil, empires 05 / torn down, dizzying technological progress, the evolution of idenTiTy brands into venture capitalists, the evolution of a generation of 06 / young people into entrepreneurs… TeChnoLogy It’s also been a bumper year for the Contagious crew. Our 07 / Insider consultancy division is now bringing insight and inspiration daTa to clients from Kraft to Nike, and Google to BBC Worldwide. We 08 / were thrilled with the success of our first Now / Next / Why event augmenTed in London in December, and are bringing the show to New York 09 / on February 22nd. Grab your ticket here. money We’ve added more people to our offices in London and New 10 / York, launched an office in India, and in 2012 have our sights haCk CuLTure firmly set on Brazil. Latin America, we’re on our way. Get ready! 11 / musiC 2.0 We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our friends, supporters and especially our valued subscribers, all over the 12 / world. We look forward to another great year together. video 13 / The more information there is out there, the more the filters are reTaiL important – and we like to think Contagious is the best filter in the Contagious / Full of Tomorrow / ad business. Future-proof your brain with the Most Contagious. Magazine / Online / FEED / Special Reports / Consultancy / Events / 14 / gaming Think about it. Talk about it. Share it with everyone you know. Special Offer to readers of the Most Contagious 2011 report – Enjoy! Subscribe to Contagious Magazine/Online before 9 January 2012 and save 20%. 15 / pubLishing Visit to subscribe now / The Contagious Team / E: / 16 / design supported by
  • 3. most contagious / movements / p.03 01 / mosT ConTagious / movemenTs / The new worLd order chapters / What a year. It’s difficult to grasp what caused UK, a group of disenfranchised young people The internet did not create the Arab Spring, or 01 / such momentous change around the world took to the streets to burn and steal, for reasons the riots in London, or even Occupy Wall Street. movemenTs this year, but it’s certainly been contagious... still not entirely clear. (The operative failure of However, there’s no doubting it has forever 02 / government, education, policing, the family and changed the ways in which we make ourselves One by one, most power structures came proJeCTs society as a whole can be a difficult thing to pin heard. Initially, the web provided a discussion under pressure from the torrent of information, down.) platform for like-minded souls to connect. Then, 03 / collaboration and distribution afforded by the serviCe it was a communication tool, as protestors web. First came the music industry, where frantic As governments, police forces and armies around the world took to Twitter (and in the 04 / attempts to ringfence a product widely available faced their own citizens, other smaller reminders soCiaL case of the UK riots, BlackBerry Messenger) to for free led to the establishment of newer models of the new world order have come to light. The rally and organise. We then turned to the web to 05 / and younger players amid talk of its own demise. fact that a man as powerful as Rupert Murdoch rationalise events happening in the real world, idenTiTy Then, the news media, which was forced to can be held accountable and forced to answer faster and more thoroughly than before. The 06 / share the limelight with digital-only players, to his own board, as well as a government Guardian’s timelines of the Arab Spring and live TeChnoLogy some of whom are now more influential than inquisition, for the phone-hacking scandal taking coverage of the phone hacking scandal set new 07 / the stalwarts they were created to usurp. Then place at one of his myriad publications sends a standards for the reporting of intricate and fast- daTa Hollywood. Then the TV networks. Then the high very clear message: nobody is untouchable. moving issues. street. Then. Then. Then. 08 / photo / haydn / augmenTed 2011 will be remembered as the year this gradual 09 / disintegration shifted away from entertainment money and consumerism towards something altogether 10 / more profound. haCk CuLTure The motivations for this shift are extremely 11 / complex. Throughout the ongoing Arab Spring, musiC 2.0 in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and the other Middle 12 / Eastern nations in which uprisings occurred, video years of oppression forced political and 13 / ideological change, sparked, in part, by the reTaiL democratisation of technology. 14 / Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street and the other gaming happenings it spawned have been criticised for 15 / being unfocused, but, over time the discourse of pubLishing wealth distribution, the 99% versus the 1%, has 16 / become the dominant organising ideology. In the design Supported by
  • 4. most contagious / movements / p.04 Many web pundits were the first to lay out From a brand perspective, the implications of all They don’t actually embody any of those things. in simple terms why, exactly, the Wall Street this are obvious. When everything is changing, They just emulate. It’s scary man, this simulation Protesters were so very angry. Others followed, be consistent. When everyone is confused, be life that we’re living. It scares me.’ essentially creating a coherent narrative on behalf transparent. And when the world seems bleak, Pitchfork’s analysis of the Tumblr phenomenon chapters / of those too busy trying to garner consensus to be good. is recommended reading. The argument against do it for themselves. 01 / Tumblr / is that Tumblr could wreak as much intellectual movemenTs damage as it provides dumb entertainment. In September, blogging/reblogging/image- 02 / proJeCTs sharing platform Tumblr announced that it had Democratisation – be it of technology, reached its 10 billionth post, up from one billion information or pictures of cats on trampolines – 03 / serviCe one year previously. That’s ten times as much apparently always comes at a price. content in the space of one year, created on 04 / In the meantime, be distracted by the rise 28.5 million blogs and averaging 36 million posts soCiaL of single-usage Tumblrs – blogs created to per day. In the same month, Tumblr also closed aggregate images around one theme only. From 05 / an $85m round of venture capital, valuing this idenTiTy ‘Accidental Chinese Hipsters’ to ‘Shit that Siri moodboard machine at close to $1bn. Says’, we’ve aggregated as many as possible 06 / TeChnoLogy The appeal of Tumblr is obvious. Essentially a over here. Enjoy: curated channel of bits and pieces that you find 07 / (For next year’s niche-gone-mainstream As the global pendulum swings towards the around the web – images, other Tumblr posts, daTa technology, look no further than image-sharing rising BRIC countries, Western nations, faced music, video – it’s an easy way to project the kind 08 / network Instagram’s iPhone app; it has been photo / guney Cuceloglu / with the decline of their own industrial heft, of person you are, or the kind of person you’d like augmenTed downloaded 14 million times, and an average of are focusing their efforts on the burgeoning to be, with very little effort. Never one to ignore a 50 photos per second were uploaded over the 09 / Innovation Economy. All of this is happening popular platform, Barack Obama has launched money recent Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Not bad while a generation comes of age having taken his own crowd-sourced Tumblr to grab images for a company with a staff of six. Anxious Android 10 / its moral code not from the individual laws that and sentiment from the 2012 campaign trail. haCk CuLTure users can expect their own version next year.) govern the country in which they live, but from But there’s always a flipside to popularity. To 11 / a more collective and instinctive mindset that get an idea of why it’s so popular, you could musiC 2.0 prevails online. This is a generation that grew do worse than read confessional hip-hop artist 12 / up with the internet, has two decades worth of Drake’s comments, posted on his own blog in video conviction that global warming is real and entered November this year: ‘I’m really scared for my 13 / the job market in the middle of a global financial generation, you know. The thing that scares me reTaiL collapse. Faced with undeniable evidence that most is Tumblr. I hate what Tumblr has become… 14 / the people in charge – politicians, bankers, Instead of kids going out and making their own gaming educators – have failed to adapt, millennials are moments, they’re just taking these images 15 / harking back to concepts of pride, community, and living vicariously through other people’s pubLishing honour, labour and decency instead of the flabby moments. It just kills me. Then you’ll meet them consumerism that ate their boomer parents. and they’re just the biggest turkey in the world. 16 / design Supported by
  • 5. most contagious / projects / p.05 02 / mosT ConTagious / proJeCTs noT Campaigns / born To Live, noT buiLT To die chapters / Our Projects not Campaigns category recognises a new strain 01 / of marketing in which the brand, agency and consumer work movemenTs together to reach a tangible, meaningful goal. As a decade 02 / of digital interaction gives way to socially, collaboratively proJeCTs organised initiatives, brands and marketers have been less 03 / inclined to accept the traditional campaign as their default serviCe strategy in the battle for consumers’ hearts and minds. 04 / It’s a sign of the times. Having evolved to suit the tightly defined soCiaL media options of yore, a campaign is the end product of the 05 / creative process, fine-tuned and finished before it goes out of the idenTiTy door; concept, realised. Media, bought. Backs turned. A project, 06 / on the other hand, is the beginning of something, not the end. To TeChnoLogy borrow the title of a presentation delivered by David Lee, digital 07 / executive creative director at TBWAWorldwide, at the Future daTa Flash conference in Canada in May, projects are about ‘creating things that are born to live, not built to die’. 08 / augmenTed A project needs to be nurtured and encouraged. It relies 09 / on engagement, feedback and input. It is collaborative and money communal, and requires constant monitoring. It is undoubtedly 10 / more challenging, but potentially much more rewarding. And, haCk CuLTure crucially, it plays to the strengths of the new media landscape in 11 / which the flow of information is two-way, not top down, and can musiC 2.0 be experienced, echoed and amplified in real time. 12 / The appeal of creating a project is clear: not only can it video encourage deeper engagement and forge social connections, but pepsi / sound oF FooTbaLL 13 / it also gives brands the chance to nail their colours to a particular reTaiL mast and show what they stand for by effecting change in the real 14 / world. Advertising has woken up to pop culture’s favourite cliché: gaming it really is about the journey. 15 / pubLishing 16 / design supported by
  • 6. most contagious / projects / p.06 Patagonia / Common Threads Initiative on the selling-on of second-hand goods, a into a surround-sound landscape. The result is As a brand, Patagonia has always favoured process which happily involves no additional a kind of sonic image that helps participants a long term approach, and this year partnered manufacturing. In fact, eBay’s Green Shopping identify and locate other players, the goal, the with eBay on an extraordinary mission to reduce portal touts the universal truth that the greenest sidelines and ball. chapters / excess consumption, creating a resale website product is the one that already exists. The technology advances the current blind 01 / where people can buy pre-owned Patagonia However, it’s a riskier step for Patagonia, which football game, whereby players wear bells to movemenTs outdoor clothing and kit. The Common Threads doesn’t directly profit from the eBay sales, but alert each other to where they are, and use a 02 / Initiative asks would-be buyers and sellers to benefits instead from the less tangible value specially weighted ball. The mix of innovation, proJeCTs take a pledge that fundamentally redefines the of practising what it preaches; the website imagination and human interest is also earned- 03 / role of the consumer and also clearly delineates demonstrates the brand’s own dedication to media catnip: Discovery Channel is creating a serviCe the responsibilities that Patagonia embraces reducing, repairing, reusing, and recycling, by, 30-minute documentary charting the project. 04 / as a manufacturer. It states: ‘Patagonia agrees for example, donating unsold goods to disaster to build useful things that last, to repair what Akestam Holst and Society46 are determined soCiaL victims or encouraging customers to return worn breaks and recycle what comes to the end of to extend the magic of the technology to other goods to Patagonia stores to be recycled into 05 / its useful life.’ Consumers undertake ‘to buy only sports and situations, and Pepsi is encouraging idenTiTy new fabrics. This bold strategy reached a peak what I need (and will last), repair what breaks, the public to pitch in their own ideas for further on the shopping armageddon of Black Friday 06 / reuse (share) what I no longer need and recycle ‘Sound of’ projects. See Contagious 29 TeChnoLogy when the brand ran a full page ad in The New everything else.’ York Times saying simply, ‘Do not buy this jacket’. 07 / daTa See Contagious 29 08 / augmenTed Pepsi / Sound of Football 09 / money 2011 saw Pepsi’s Refresh Project rolled out in other regions, with this iteration from Sweden 10 / leaving Contagious staffers slack-jawed with haCk CuLTure admiration and wondering where the hell were 11 / Nike and adidas when this idea came up? musiC 2.0 Ad agency Akestam Holst, Stockholm, 12 / video creative technology experts Society46 and The Swedish Association of Visually Impaired 13 / From almost any other brand this idea would Youth collaborated on a system that allows blind reTaiL seem optimistic at best and, at worst, offensively football players the ability to ‘see’ with sound. 14 / sanctimonious. But Patagonia’s track record The system relies on TRACAB 3D tracking gaming as a champion of sustainability throughout its technology, originally used in fighter planes, to 15 / business enables the brand to stake a claim on capture data on players’ positions, how far they pubLishing the moral high ground. It’s a perfect PR match-up have run, etc, but Society46 has pushed the 16 / for eBay since the auction site was predicated technology further, translating the information design Supported by
  • 7. most contagious / projects / p.07 Chipotle / Back to the Start Norte / Best Excuse Ever to boost the counter. More than 50,000 minutes US restaurant chain Chipotle Mexican Grill In Argentina this year, lager brand Norte (34 days) worth of good deeds were accrued collaborated with legendary country music discovered that nothing says ‘Corporate and the campaign gained sufficient coverage in crooner Willie Nelson, creating a heart-rending Social Responsibility’ like an icy cold bottle of print, radio and TV to mitigate any unease about chapters / animated film to promote its commitment to beer. Having no doubt thoroughly researched its ‘do it for the community’ approach to drinking 01 / sustainable farming. the market, Norte discovered that wives and beer. Contagious 27 movemenTs girlfriends were constantly overriding the 02 / carefully laid social plans of their menfolk (i.e. proJeCTs going to the bar) with worthy alternatives. Nike / MAG 03 / The feelgood campaign of 2011 has to be serviCe Nike’s limited edition release of the futuristic trainers worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the 04 / soCiaL Future Part II. The power-lacing, self-illuminating Nike MAG shoes were specially designed by the 05 / idenTiTy brand for the 1989 film, in which Marty McFly visits the year 2015. 06 / Back to the Start tells the story of a farmer who TeChnoLogy transforms his family farm into an industrial animal 07 / factory, but then has a change of heart and reverts daTa to sustainable farming practices. The soundtrack 08 / to the film is a cover of Coldplay’s The Scientist, augmenTed performed by Nelson and available on iTunes for $0.99 with proceeds going towards the Chipotle In retaliation, the brand hit back with a booze- 09 / money Cultivate Foundation, which funds sustainable fuelled CSR campaign that offered men ‘The agriculture, family farming, and culinary education. Best Excuse Ever’. Every time a man drank a 10 / Norte beer at a bar, he could drop the bottle haCk CuLTure Chipotle’s preference for sustainably grown cap into a counter box. For each bottle cap, the 11 / ingredients and food ‘naturally raised with brand promised that one minute of good deeds musiC 2.0 respect for the animals, the land, and the farmers – repairing schools, improving parks, restoring For the 2011 iteration, only 1,500 pairs of who produce the food’ echoes Patagonia’s 12 / monuments, planting trees and cleaning lakes – shoes were made, sold in batches of 150 pairs video considered approach, but stops short of would be carried out by a team of Norte workers. per day on eBay. Prices ranged from $3,500 to suggesting that customers pledge allegiance 13 / $10,000 ensuring that a substantial sum was to the cause. On a related theme, Chipotle also To put the campaign firmly in the public eye, reTaiL raised for The Michael J. Fox Foundation for commissioned Abandoned, a short film about Norte, through Del Campo Nazca Saatchi 14 / Parkinson’s Research, set up by the actor when the hardships faced by family farmers trying & Saatchi, Buenos Aires, ran a series of wry gaming he was diagnosed with the disease. to compete with industrialised agriculture. It commercials and installed counters on streets, 15 / features another Willie Nelson track, this time tracking the total on its website and Facebook, YouTube clips featuring Fox, Saturday Night pubLishing covered by Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. and posting details of its good works. Facebook Live star Bill Hader and Christopher Lloyd, who 16 / See Contagious 29 users could also click an ‘I’m going out’ button played Doc Emmett Brown in the original movie, design Supported by
  • 8. most contagious / projects / p.08 hyped up the auction and drove fan donations Dulux / Own a Colour Ones to Watch / to The Fox Foundation. A perfect storm of brand Paint brand Dulux partnered with UNICEF on We’re expecting to see this trend for Projects loyalty, fan culture and fundraising, the MAG Own a Colour, a charitable project which lets not Campaigns continue throughout 2012, project, through Wieden+Kennedy, Portland visitors to the website buy one of the 16.7 million particularly as the final quarter of 2011 spawned chapters / and produced by @radicalmedia, Los Angeles, colours that smartphones, tablets and computer two stand-out examples. In October, JWT Madrid 01 / served as an acknowledgment and celebration screens are able to display. escorted seven residents from the land-locked movemenTs of the shoe’s enduring cult status, matched Chinese village of Bulin to the sea for the first only by the affection still felt for Michael J. Fox Each colour costs £1, and buyers are able 02 / time on behalf of Mexican beer brand Corona, and his role in a pop culture phenomenon. to tag it with a name (e.g. ‘Tanya’s Teal’), then proJeCTs its Experience the Extraordinary philosophy See Contagious 29 supply some text explaining why they chose it. and inherent love of the beach. And in the final 03 / The website is a retina-blasting motherlode of serviCe countdown to Christmas, Coke Philippines, via polychromatic options that allows visitors to McCann Worldgroup, fixed it for three OFWs 04 / OMO / Super Nice Training Center view trending colours and see popular shades soCiaL (Overseas Filipino Workers who work abroad to by gender or country. At the time of writing, the Sao Paulo-based interactive agency support their families back home) to make it back 05 / campaign – which was kick-started with celebrity idenTiTy Brazil applied a project-based approach to help for the holidays. Continuing Coke’s global series contributions from Roger Moore, Jemima Khan, launch the Unilever brand OMO Líquido Super of campaigns that ask ‘where will happiness 06 / Matt Dawson and Duncan Bannatyne – had Concentrado (super concentrated liquid) in strike next?’, the Filipino version and English TeChnoLogy raised over £88,000 for UNICEF. Brazil, showing that projects, not campaigns can subtitled versions together have broken 1 million 07 / work wonders for FMCG brands. Although deeply reminiscent of the infamous views on YouTube in five days. Three cheers for daTa Million Dollar Homepage, this celebration of colour the real thing. The target audience was Brazil’s large 08 / is perfectly on brand for Dulux. Contagious 29 augmenTed community of maids, a group accounting for 19% of the country’s working women. set 09 / money up the Super Nice Training Center, a blog and website offering a series of free lessons 10 / about housekeeping and home economics. The haCk CuLTure tutorials could be watched online or downloaded. 11 / As well as learning key cleaning skills, tips were musiC 2.0 offered on how to write résumés and check 12 / housekeeping job vacancies. The guides also video cited the importance of using sustainable cleaning 13 / products and awarded a study certificate to those reTaiL who completed the course. 14 / This campaign not only offered training for gaming a sector not exactly renowned for career duLux / 15 / development, but also showed consistent pubLishing respect for the people who use Unilever’s 16 / products on a daily basis. Corona / design Supported by
  • 9. most contagious / marketing / p.09 03 / mosT ConTagious / markeTing as serviCe design / meeTing The unmeT need chapters / With brands more adept at tapping into the rich wells of 01 / data which consumers now leave in their wakes, many are movemenTs becoming increasingly able to spot the gaps, or unmet needs, 02 / in people’s lives. Addressing these was previously trusted to proJeCTs token utilities such as mobile apps; however, a recent study ConTagious / issue 26 / sneakerpedia: so good we puT iT on our FronT Cover in q1/11 03 / by Deloitte found that a 80% of branded apps have been serviCe downloaded less than 1,000 times. Today, consumers expect something wholly more relevant, enabling and ultimately 04 / soCiaL less self-serving. This is where marketing becomes genuine service design. 05 / idenTiTy Foot Locker / Sneakerpedia 06 / TeChnoLogy Based on the simple insight that footwear retailer Foot Locker’s core demographic – sneakerheads – have ‘enthusiasm beyond 07 / daTa reason’ for their collections, SapientNitro, London, built a crowd- sourced holy grail of a platform in the shape of Sneakerpedia. 08 / augmenTed The Wiki-esque website enables users to create a profile and then upload pictures of all the cool kicks in their collection – 09 / money complete with a brief history and info on the make, model, material etc. This tagging helps the site to then archive each model 10 / haCk CuLTure correctly, creating a vast and infinitely navigable database of every significant sneaker ever bought and cherished. 11 / musiC 2.0 Creating a platform from scratch, rather than piggybacking an 12 / existing social network or fan portal, was a bold move on the video part of Foot Locker. Even braver, however, is the distinct lack of overt branding on the site, which adds to the sense that this is 13 / reTaiL somewhere enthusiasts can come to share their passion, not be marketed to. However, by stepping out of the frame and putting 14 / gaming users at ease, Foot Locker is able to draw rich social data about what makes/models are popular etc. It has even been encouraging 15 / new floor staff in stores to join up and immerse themselves in the pubLishing culture as part of their training. 16 / design supported by
  • 10. most contagious / marketing / p.10 Proof that the platform has struck a chord with scanned with smartphones, transformed the devices sneakerheads around the world is evident in initial into venues for the Hidden Live gigs. What’s more, results: In beta format alone, Sneakerpedia reached audiences could interact with the bands in real time, more than 6.7 million fans online and delivered more and even buy the albums directly from their phones. chapters / than $1 million worth of free media exposure. See More than 10,000 attended the online festival each Contagious 26 01 / night and, better still, Zoo Records sold out 80% of movemenTs Flair / Fashiontag the albums for the performing bands. Leo Burnett, 02 / Hong Kong was responsible. See Contagious 27 proJeCTs Working on the insight that women take fashion inspiration from their friends’ wardrobes, Belgian 03 / fashion weekly Flair launched a Facebook application serviCe Orange / Glastonbury 2011 App that lets users request information on specific outfits 04 / Telco provider Orange continued its impressive track FLair / in uploaded photos. soCiaL record of muddy field-based branded utility, with a 05 / Flair Fashiontag, created by Duval Guillaume, mobile app developed by M&C Saatchi Sport & idenTiTy Brussels, lets users tag an item of clothing or Entertainment London for the Glastonbury Festival. accessory that they’d like to know more about and 06 / post it to their friend’s wall. All Fashiontags and All the handy functions from previous incarnations TeChnoLogy responses are then displayed in a gallery on the Flair were present, such as performance schedules, 07 / page and the best tags are published in the weekly planners, and maps. New additions included a series daTa print magazine. of ‘smiley’ symbols through which users could specify 08 / – and geo-tag – their mood. This data was used to augmenTed Fashiontag is a perfect example of how creating build a collective mood map, plotting the buzziest (or successful Facebook apps is all about spotting and indeed most cold, wet and skint) areas of the site. 09 / money then augmenting existing behaviours. After launching A news feed also pinged regular write-ups directly on 22 March the application increased the number from the Guardian, as well as any must-know festival 10 / Zoo reCords / haCk CuLTure of Flair fans on Facebook in one week by 35%, from updates from organisers. 17,000 to 23,000. See Contagious 27 11 / The improvements resulted in the app being musiC 2.0 downloaded 100,000 downloads in a single month, 12 / Zoo Records / Hidden Live amounting to 70% of the festival audience – a 75% video increase on previous years. See Contagious 28 In March, Hong Kong-based indie music store Zoo 13 / Records staged a music festival – Hidden Live – reTaiL featuring eight bands across four nights. What made 14 / it unique, however, is that the performances were only gaming accessible via mobile. 15 / pubLishing Two hours prior to the event, free tickets were made orange / available in-store and for download on Facebook. A 16 / design hidden code was printed on each ticket, which when Supported by
  • 11. most contagious / social / p.11 04 / mosT ConTagious / soCiaL and beyond / aLways on(Line) chapters / It’s the tail end of 2011, and 96 out of the to recognise the airline’s heritage. And in KLM’s activity, in conjunction with Tribal 01 / top 100 advertisers in the US are spending September, it promoted its social media policy DDB Amsterdam, forms part of a new school movemenTs money on social media, with the rest of the of answering every tweet and post in person, of marketing and branding that sees the 02 / world not far behind. However, the profound within the hour, day and night, by assembling brand committed to exploiting existing social proJeCTs changes wrought by social media on the ways a ‘living alphabet’ of employees who answered platforms to improve the user experience. 03 / in which we interact go much, much deeper online queries using letter boards. For 12 hours Contagious 28 and 29 serviCe than advertising. Facebook in particular is the airline replaced normal Facebook and becoming the black hole of the web, absorbing Twitter typed responses with a team of 500 04 / soCiaL ecommerce, content distribution, CRM and KLM volunteer crew members who answered by marketing budgets into its gravity field. This running around and assembling the answer live 05 / idenTiTy year saw social mechanisms incorporated before your eyes, inside 60 minutes. The Live into everything from supply chains to Reply videos were hosted on YouTube. 06 / TeChnoLogy customer service to product design. As data mining becomes increasingly sophisticated, 07 / we can expect social channels to register daTa highly on everyone’s radar, from the CMO to 08 / the teenager at the checkout. augmenTed In this section, we salute the brands committing 09 / money most fully to Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of a future that is ‘social by design’. 10 / haCk CuLTure KLM / All Social, All the Time 11 / You’d be hard pushed to find a brand, or company, musiC 2.0 that has committed more wholeheartedly to the 12 / integration of social media than Dutch airline video KLM. In January, KLM laid on a special direct 13 / flight to a dance festival in Miami at the Twitter reTaiL behest of an aspiring raver, on the understanding 14 / that he help fill the plane with 351 dance music gaming professionals. He did, and KLM fulfilled its part 15 / of the bargain. In June, it covered a plane with pubLishing its fans’ Facebook profile pics, transformed into traditional Dutch blue ‘tiles’ for Tile & Inspire, 16 / design Supported by
  • 12. most contagious / social / p.12 Domino’s / Pizza and The Art of War Burberry / Tweetwalk Since 2009’s Pizza Turnaround campaign, Burberry is fast becoming the Terminator of luxury Domino’s, America’s largest pizza delivery chain, has branding. It just doesn’t stop. As competitors struggle been aggressively pursuing a policy of transparency to execute the most basic of digital functions – chapters / with regard to its product and service. In July this ecommerce, for example – this British powerhouse 01 / year, the pizza chain took this further by broadcasting has demonstrated an uncanny ability to embrace new movemenTs comments from customers – regardless of whether platforms and democratise the brand without selling 02 / they were positive or negative – to thousands of out any of its aspirational exclusivity. At London proJeCTs onlookers via a digital billboard in New York’s Times Fashion Week in September, Burberry tweeted 03 / Square. This was to promote Domino’s tracker backstage Twitpics of every look before they were serviCe system for quality maintenance where customers can sent down the runway, allowing its Twitter followers 04 / follow their pizzas online, giving feedback throughout to see the Spring/Summer 2012 collection before the soCiaL the process. The campaign was masterminded by fashion bigshots on the front row. Take THAT, Wintour. Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Boulder. 05 / During the Tweetwalk, Burberry’s Instagram idenTiTy CMO Russell Weiner claimed earlier this year that account was taken over by photographer Mike 06 / Domino’s strategy was inspired by a story in Sun Tzu’s Kus, the most-followed Instagram user in the UK, TeChnoLogy The Art of War, in which he advises that the best way to and Burberry streamed the show – complete with 07 / win a war fought on an island is to blow up the bridge celebrity arrivals – live in HD through daTa yourself. That way, your army will fight for their lives, and Facebook. As if that weren’t enough, Burberry 08 / as they have no option of retreat. This combination once again offered a ‘Runway to Retail’ service, with augmenTed of bravery and insanity is working. The company the collection available to purchase for one week after announced that same-store sales growth increased the show. Viewers can also download the catwalk 09 / money 10.4% between 2009 and 2010, and rose a further soundtrack through the iTunes on-demand service. 2.3% in the first quarter of 2011. Contagious 28. 10 / What makes this Contagious? Simplicity. haCk CuLTure Christopher Bailey, the brand’s creative director, 11 / said: ‘We are now as much a media-content company musiC 2.0 as we are a design company, because it’s all part of 12 / the overall experience.’ He’s right. None of the social video technologies Burberry has employed are complicated, but the benefit of feeding this content to growing 13 / reTaiL legions of fans is immense. See Contagious 29 14 / gaming 15 / pubLishing 16 / burberry / design Supported by
  • 13. most contagious / social / p.13 Kraft / Mac&Tweets Essentially an online notice board to which you Kraft gets an honourable mention for embracing can pin pictures and items of interest, Pinterest Twitter more than most. As well as taking a leaf has quickly racked up an estimated 3.3 million out of the Old Spice playbook, incorporating unique users and secured $27m in funding chapters / comments from its Twitter followers into ads earlier this year. Ideal for moms, DIY enthusiasts, 01 / that were subsequently broadcast on TV, Kraft’s events organisers and anybody looking to create, movemenTs Mac & Cheese brand also invited internet share or aggregate pictures around a certain 02 / sensation Ted Williams – a homeless man with theme, brands like Whole Foods are already on proJeCTs an extraordinary voice for radio – to be the voice board to share recipe suggestions. 03 / of its advertising. This was done through Crispin serviCe Porter + Bogusky in Miami. See Contagious 26 04 / soCiaL Ones to Watch / 05 / idenTiTy The ‘wishlist’ is a fundamental part of the ecommerce experience – where you keep track 06 / TeChnoLogy of stuff you like, but perhaps can’t afford to buy yet. The UK-based startup, Fantasy Shopper, 07 / daTa aims to recreate the emotional experience of real world shopping online. After collecting virtual 08 / paydays to get hold of some pretend cash, augmenTed players can put together outfits and shop for high 09 / street brands to create a virtual wishlist. Looks money are shared with the community, or users can click 10 / through to buy clothes from the stores in real life. haCk CuLTure Currently available in the UK, the service has 11 / items from 300 real shops, including New Look, musiC 2.0 Topshop, UNIQLO, Reiss and Harrods. Users 12 / create outfits from a wardrobe of purchased video items, and follow other users to comment on 13 / purchases and creations. Additional cash can be reTaiL earned in a variety of ways, including introducing 14 / others to the platform. Fantasy Shopper launched gaming in October 2011, and could prove an interesting indicator of the social future of ecommerce. 15 / pubLishing See Contagious 29 kraFT / 16 / design Supported by
  • 14. most contagious / identity / p.14 05 / mosT ConTagious / idenTiTy onLine / This one has my FaCe on iT chapters / As we spend an increasing amount of our 01 / waking days online, it is becoming harder movemenTs to distinguish between what we would 02 / previously have referred to as our ‘digital’ proJeCTs and ‘physical’ lives. The reality, of course, 03 / is that the lines between the two are now serviCe constantly shifting and blurring. Emphasising the fact that we no longer exist online in a 04 / soCiaL separate, anonymous capacity, brands have been exploring the notion of the digital self 05 / idenTiTy – holding mirrors to consumers and helping them visualise, celebrate or simply make 06 / sense of their own identity. TeChnoLogy 07 / Intel / Museum of Me daTa arms delicately pluck pictures of your friends of all time via his production company, Tool of Semiconductor powerhouse Intel took an from the air, arranging them into a mosaic which North America. 08 / ambitious step towards changing its image from eventually forms your own profile photo. augmenTed that of a technology company into one of a lifestyle Take This Lollipop shows the dangers of 09 / brand, via the interactive website Museum of Proof that personalised experiences often result sharing your identity online by using Facebook money Me. Built by Tokyo-based Projector (of Cannes in increased levels of engagement, more than Connect to scrape information before revealing Titanium Grand Prix-winning UNIQLOCK fame), 440,000 people created their own museums a creepy man poring over your profile page. You 10 / haCk CuLTure this site uses Facebook Connect to draw in the three days following launch. More than then see the man calculate your actual location personal content from each user’s page, before 150,000 users took advantage of the built-in by verifying server addresses etc, before driving 11 / musiC 2.0 presenting it to them in a virtual tour of their own one-click sharing mechanisms, by publishing their to your house with your Facebook profile picture personalised museum. exhibition catalogues directly to Facebook. In total, taped to his dashboard. The film ends with 12 / more than 21 million impressions were recorded a timer set for an hour and lists which of your video The resulting video pans elegantly through a on the social network. See Contagious 28 Facebook friends ‘is next’. 13 / minimalist interior, in which onlookers peruse At time of writing, the app had been liked reTaiL a series of exhibitions including your photos, friends, Liked content and geo-located check-ins. Take This Lollipop / Jason Zada over 11 million times on Facebook. Not bad 14 / gaming A digital billboard even filters, in real time, through for something which took just one month to Director Jason Zada – the man behind Office everything written on your wall before finally produce… See Contagious 29 and the front 15 / Max’s Elf Yourself website – proved that he hasn’t pubLishing displaying the most common word. The tour cover of this report. lost his touch for creating insanely viral content, ends in a cavernous space where two robotic 16 / by unleashing the fastest-growing Facebook app design Supported by
  • 15. most contagious / identity / p.15 Pedigree / Doggelganger Coke Zero / My Life As A Game In an attempt to raise awareness of dog food brand Coke Zero created a particularly compelling and Pedigree’s Adoption Drive for shelter dogs, Colenso interactive expression of one person’s everyday life, BBDO, Auckland and Auckland-based production by translating it into a playable advergame. chapters / company NEC created the gleefully compelling Digital agency Gringo, São Paulo, first launched a 01 / Doggelganger website, which plays to the endearing movemenTs search via popular blog Jovem Nerd (‘young nerd’), observation that people often look like their pets. before finally selecting entrant Lucas Dias as the basis 02 / for the character. His mission? To have more time for proJeCTs his life outside work, and in particular his girlfriend. 03 / serviCe The final video-game was called Minha vida de game (‘My life at stake’) and was created by São Coke Zero / 04 / soCiaL Paulo-based Hive Digital Media. Dias was filmed and photographed before the images were projected on 05 / idenTiTy a 3D scanner and then rendered to build the game. See Contagious 26 06 / TeChnoLogy 07 / Lynx / Stream daTa Unilever-owned male grooming brand Lynx took a 08 / break from the female-fleshed theme of its regular augmenTed advertising, with a rather nifty mobile app that lets Visitors are asked to either upload a picture of their 09 / users plot, document and share a night out. The Lynx money face, or capture one directly via web cam. Facial Stream requires a group of friends to create an event mapping technology then measures the precise 10 / via the app, which then aggregates all photos, videos, position, shape and size of key features, before haCk CuLTure tweets and check-ins from that night into one single, cross-referencing the information with a database of 11 / chronological thread. genuine shelter dogs. It will then unite them with their musiC 2.0 own, personal ‘Doggelganger’. By logging on to the Lynx Stream site the next 12 / morning (coffee and aspirin in hand), the group can video There is the option to make contact regarding a then watch and share their own video stream – even genuine adoption request; however, recognising that 13 / deleting any particularly private or compromising reTaiL the majority of users will feel an affinity with their pooch ‘occurances’. Razorfish, New York was responsible. but not realistically be in a position to acquire a new 14 / See Contagious 27 Lynx / gaming pet, there is also the option to make a donation. Of course, Doggelgangers can also be shared directly 15 / via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc. See Contagious 27 pubLishing 16 / design Supported by
  • 16. most contagious / technology / p.16 06 / mosT ConTagious / TeChnoLogy / hiding The wires chapters / The technology section in last year’s Most pre-installed on the iPhone 4S in October. Siri actually 01 / Contagious was, in our own words, packed with originated outside of Apple, having been spun out of movemenTs ‘digital complexity’ to ‘boggle your mind’. So it’s developers SRI International back in 2007 as Siri 02 / telling that this year, some of the most remarkable Inc. The company launched a voice activated personal proJeCTs pieces of tasty tech are rather the opposite… assistant app of the same name on the App Store in February 2010 and was acquired by Apple just a few 03 / For a while our consultancy division, Contagious serviCe months later. Insider, has been tracking examples of ‘experience 04 / over innovation’ – where technology is used to reduce Siri can complete a wide array of tasks through soCiaL friction in people’s lives. Apple’s voice activated Siri voice activated commands. In addition to sending 05 / and Jawbone’s movement monitoring wristband UP, text messages and emails, it can, for example, book idenTiTy for example, place advanced technology in people’s restaurants and find locally recommended services. 06 / hands but with a user experience that ‘makes the Over time, it even learns your preferences and tailors TeChnoLogy wires disappear’: it’s simple, effective and focused on its responses accordingly. benefitting the customer first and foremost. 07 / It courted controversy recently, however, when it daTa With Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was found to be able to locate local brothels, but not 08 / bemoaning the level of computer science being nearby abortion clinics – an app with a pro-life agenda augmenTed taught in UK schools, it’s been fascinating to see proving difficult for many users to swallow. 09 / the emergence of hardware and software kits, such money as Raspberry Pi and Twine, which are designed to 10 / provide anyone with an interest in computers with Twine / haCk CuLTure the building blocks required to make coding and We’ve long been fans of all things Arduino, the 11 / programming more accessible. popular open-source microcontroller. However, a musiC 2.0 We included 3D printers in Most Contagious 2010, recent project on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter 12 / but the technology has continued to amaze this year, aims to get more people tinkering with electronics and video most recently with the 3D printing of bones through hardware at home. Twine is a small wireless module Washington State University and the generation of a and online service that help people to connect their 13 / reTaiL functioning kidney during one extraordinary TED talk. household objects to the internet. 14 / Mary Shelley should have something to say about that. Sensors within the Twine module detect, amongst gaming Apple / Siri other things, changes in temperature and movement. 15 / These can be programmed through Spool, a web app One saving grace for Apple fans when the rumoured pubLishing which communicates messages via SMS, email and iPhone 5 wasn’t released earlier this year was the social network. So, if you want to be warned if a door 16 / success of voice activated service Siri, which came design Supported by
  • 17. most contagious / technology / p.17 is opened in your home while you’re at work, you is going to be available in the UK through the can programme Twine to inform you via Twitter. Raspberry Pi website, and the charity reports that Or if your basement is prone to flooding, you can a range of people are interested; from education, programme Twine to send you a text message if to technology companies and individual software chapters / it detects moisture on the floor. developers. 01 / Developed by MIT grads David Carr and Ones to Watch / movemenTs John Kestner of Cambridge, MA-based New York-based developers Kyle McDonald 02 / Supermechanical, the project has been proJeCTs and Arturo Castro demonstrated their real-time pledged over $220,000, easily exceeding the face substitution app, using face tracking and 03 / original goal of $35,000. serviCe cloning. Their software swaps faces, allowing Raspberry Pi / anyone to masquerade as Brad Pitt or Barack 04 / Obama (at least while their webcam’s switched Twine / soCiaL When he visited the UK earlier this year, Google on). Contagious 29 05 / bigwig Eric Schmidt pointed out that too many idenTiTy schools continue to teach pupils how to use In Issue 28 we covered Japanese confectionery software, rather than the building blocks to brand Ezaki Glico which used an advert to 06 / TeChnoLogy create it. introduce a new member of pop band AKB 48, Aimi Eguchi, with the help of Dentsu 07 / The Raspberry Pi Foundation, based in Kansai, Osaka. Actually a computer-generated daTa Cambridge, is a UK registered charity that aims composite of existing members’ facial features, 08 / to address that issue, by creating low cost the new member sparked a flurry of excitement, augmenTed computers specifically for teaching computer with Eguchi even appearing in Japan’s Weekly programming to children. 09 / Playboy. money ‘We perceived that in the UK, the reduction in But fans began to get suspicious when Eguchi 10 / access to programmable hardware to children went straight from trainee to starring in the haCk CuLTure was leading to a reduction of the number and raspberry pi / commercial for the confectionery company’s Ice 11 / quality of applicants to University and in turn no Mi candy. Some particularly observant fans musiC 2.0 number of graduates for the industry,’ says Eben even noticed that her birthday, 11 February, is 12 / Upton, one of the foundation’s trustees. the date that Ezaki Glico was founded. video PCs and other machines make learning ‘Their hunch proved right and they solved the 13 / coding tricky, as they’re focused purely on end reTaiL mystery quite rapidly,’ said creative director user experience. Raspberry Pi’s development Toshitaka Nakao. After a few days, Ezaki Glico 14 / philosophy has been to place education and released a ‘making of’ video revealing that Eguchi gaming coding skills front and centre. was a sophisticated hoax, created entirely by CGI. 15 / Its first computer is set to launch imminently, at pubLishing a cost of just £25 and has been developed with eZaki gLiCo / 16 / open source principles. The initial run of 10,000 design Supported by
  • 18. most contagious / data / p.18 07 / mosT ConTagious / daTa / The Fine arT oF meaning-making chapters / As the assembly line otherwise known as ‘progress’ pushes 01 / us forward through the information age, and past the movemenTs connected era, humans are creating sophisticated tools to 02 / sort the deluge of information we generate. We have now proJeCTs entered the age of the algorithm. 03 / These logical sequences are increasingly responsible for serviCe shaping our world beyond the computer. The biggest companies 04 / are built on them. They control what you see on Facebook, and soCiaL how and when billions of dollars of shares are traded on markets. 05 / Brands are using them to evolve their marketing. For an excellent idenTiTy discussion on the importance of algorithms, check out Kevin 06 / Slavin’s TED Global talk here. TeChnoLogy Clive Humby, founder of shopper marketing firm dunnhumby, 07 / is widely credited with the 2006 observation that ‘Data is the new daTa oil’ – exceptionally valuable when refined. However, there’s still an 08 / immense amount of room for us to build and tweak the structures augmenTed governing how data is distributed, which represents a new frontier 09 / in marketing: how will we take command of the natural resource money of the information age? 10 / The Privacy Crunch haCk CuLTure As marketers’ relationships with data evolves, now more than 11 / musiC 2.0 ever brands need a firm understanding of how they’re protecting customer privacy. 12 / video It’s no longer enough just to design programs to fuel massive amounts of data harvesting. The creeping liability inherent in these 13 / reTaiL efforts comes as consumers get smarter about their own data and its privacy, and will hold your business more accountable in its 14 / gaming gathering and storage. bLueFin Labs / 15 / BlackBerry and Research In Motion have been pilloried for pubLishing releasing data; Twitter lauded for retaining it. Google was in 16 / the spotlight when The Wall Street Journal announced the US design supported by
  • 19. most contagious / data / p.19 government had a secret court order to turn over the But it’s only recently that a series of technological files of Wikileaks supporter Jacob Appelbaum. and cultural forces have come together to see an explosion of such activity – the radical transparency But what’s lost in the idea of data as oil is that and sharing ethos of social media, the growing data, in many cases, is personal. The oil is made of chapters / concern among people about health and wellbeing, tiny bits of our lives. The data is the colour of your and the prevalence of sophisticated devices packed 01 / first car, the grade you got in college chemistry, or movemenTs with sensors, recording and monitoring devices such the flirtatious comment you left on a facebook photo. as GPS, cameras, microphones and accelerometers 02 / As the Facebook Timeline is a mainline to our past, proJeCTs – cheap convenient and ubiquitous enough to make personal data is loose bits of unrefined nostalgia. this widespread. This is most recognisable in the form 03 / serviCe Your company already has a privacy policy of the smartphone, our most intimate, and frequently somewhere. Is it time for a revision? Should you put used piece of technology. 04 / it into plain English and prove you understand your soCiaL Total shipments of smartphones in 2010 were responsibility? Should you post it on the front door? 05 / 302.6 million units, up 74.4% from 2009, according idenTiTy Take Ritz-Carlton as an example. It’s taken big to IDC, with smartphones making up 21.8% of all steps in the hotel and hospitality sector using the data handsets shipped. 89% of smartphone users confess 06 / TeChnoLogy it collects on its customers to build loyalty and great to using their mobile throughout the day, according customer service. But were that data to be applied to Google/IPSOS’ Mobile Movement Study (April 07 / daTa without relevance, or made OVER-relevant, it pushes 2011) – meaning that it has never been easier for past the ever-changing ‘creepy’ boundary. people to gather their own data. 08 / augmenTed Competent monitoring of data will soon be an Brands have entered this arena by creating essential ingredient in the recipe for success. A Sybase products, services and software to cater to the 09 / money commissioned survey from the University of Texas trend; GE, for example, launched four iPhone apps at Austin, called ‘Measuring the Business Impacts that monitor sleep, weight, pregnancy and mood in 10 / haCk CuLTure of Effective Data,’ found that a mere 10% increase in conjunction with online community MedHelp. As data usability for Fortune 1000 companies resulted community members use these tools to track their 11 / musiC 2.0 in a $2.01 billion increase in revenue across the 150 own development, MedHelp collects this data in real companies surveyed; a 49% increase in productivity time and aggregates it to produce real-time results on 12 / in the retail industry, 20% in food products, 19% in video symptoms and general norms. With over 11 million automotive. monthly visitors and growing, the content available is 13 / constantly evolving. Meanwhile, apps like TicTrac are reTaiL Life tracking / emerging. TicTrac promises a personal dashboard and FaCebook TimeLine / 14 / Self-quantification is not new. People have been meta-analytic service that can discern more complex gaming meticulously measuring many aspects of their lives by patterns in users’ lives. 15 / painting pictures and recording where they are, when pubLishing and what they’re eating, and how they’re feeling, for 16 / centuries – the basic diary being a common example. design Supported by
  • 20. most contagious / data / p.20 Ford / Sync measure them against their competitors, creating Ford has unveiled an ambitious string of a more nuanced picture from which to direct partnerships with medical monitoring and creative and strategy. technology companies in order to create ‘the chapters / car that cares’. Extensions to its existing in-car 01 / Sync technology, which to date has focused on Netflix / House of Cards movemenTs entertainment and communication, will enable US entertainment streaming company Netflix 02 / diabetes sufferers and those with other chronic recently outbid traditional cable channels HBO proJeCTs conditions to monitor themselves from behind and AMC to secure the rights to House of Cards 03 / the wheel. By plugging the same wireless blood – a series which hasn’t yet begun production. serviCe sugar monitors used in the home into a Sync The series, a remake of the 1990 BBC political 04 / interface, the car would be able to notify the thriller, is slated to be directed by David Fincher soCiaL driver when glucose levels rise or fall, with voice and star Kevin Spacey, and was bought by Netflix recognition software removing the need for any for a reported $100m. It’s the first time Netflix 05 / idenTiTy manual interaction. has invested in original programming. Originally 06 / a subscription-based distributor of film and TV TeChnoLogy content, the company has expanded to become Bluefin Labs / an on-demand streaming content provider under 07 / daTa MIT Media Lab startup Bluefin is matching the Netflix Instant banner. Content is streamed social media chatter to TV to help brands, online and to games consoles such as Xbox 360, 08 / TiCTraC / networks and production companies work out Nintendo Wii, or PS3, and devices such as Blu- augmenTed what content viewers are most engaged with. ray players and internet connected HDTVs. 09 / money Founded by professors Deb Roy and Michael The company mined vast amounts of subscriber Fleischman in 2008, Bluefin works by scanning viewing data to determine whether its audience 10 / haCk CuLTure over three billion social media mentions a would find the combination of political drama, month, and matching visual signatures from an director and stars a compelling one. The same 11 / musiC 2.0 archive of over 200,000 TV broadcasts from data which allowed Netflix to decide which series over 50 national broadcast and cable stations. to invest in, will also help the company to promote 12 / The two are then married together, to provide House of Cards to subscribers appropriately video retrospective data about what viewers were using the service’s existing recommendation 13 / saying about a show in real-time. system. reTaiL This, the company says, will help brands to get 14 / gaming a deeper and more accurate understanding of Ford / HOW viewers are watching, rather than simply 15 / pubLishing measuring eyeballs. The service will allow brands to check how ads work in different time slots and 16 / across different channels and shows, as well as design Supported by
  • 21. most contagious / augmented / p.21 08 / mosT ConTagious / augmenTed ConTenT / adding vaLue, noT disTraCTion chapters / Emerging technologies and non-traditional Giving viewers something to do with these itchy There is even a complete set of badges to 01 / media platforms may not be directly stealing fingers, Star Player is a free to download mobile collect by answering certain tricky questions, movemenTs eyeballs from TV as many predicted they gaming application (also available online and on along with mini trophies such as ‘Free Kick hero’, 02 / would – Thinkbox research reveals that TV Facebook) that allows football fans to interact ‘Goal Master’ and ‘Corner King’. Facebook proJeCTs viewing figures in the UK have risen every in real time with Champions League games. By Connect allows users to show these off directly 03 / year since 2006. However, what they are doing syncing automatically with the televised game, via their profile walls – in doing so attracting serviCe is fundamentally changing how audiences the app challenges users to predict goals, bet more potential Star Players to the platform. behave. People now expect content on on the outcome of set plays and even take See Contagious 27 04 / soCiaL demand. They want to be able to share their part in mini pop quizzes – amassing points in experiences. And increasingly, they want competition with friends and fellow Star Players. 05 / idenTiTy access to added layers of interactivity that take advantage of the smartphone, tablet 06 / TeChnoLogy or laptop resting on the arm of the sofa. For brands, new opportunities exist not in creating 07 / content from scratch, but in spotting existing daTa consumption behaviours and augmenting 08 / them with added value. Put simply, this is augmenTed about content being better for having the 09 / brand involved. money Heineken / Star Player 10 / haCk CuLTure With Heineken looking to make its headline 11 / sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League musiC 2.0 work a little harder, agency AKQA did some research into exactly how we watch football on 12 / video TV. Two key findings were unearthed; one, from UEFA, confirmed that the vast majority (72%) 13 / reTaiL of viewers watch the UEFA Champions League alone at home; and a second piece of third-party 14 / gaming research confirmed that most of these viewers (80%) are dual-screening – using laptops or 15 / phones to access social networks or other pubLishing platforms to share their experience of watching 16 / the game. design Supported by