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Live up to the hype
Willing Hands
Keep your
OCTOBER 04 2022
Real Estate by Faith
Bringing life to the city they love Tapping into unused potential
No. 01
Oct/Nov 2022
Project Life
My secret is not a secret it’s a
biblical principle available to
all! Apart from my faith I could
not do what I do!
With each piece I design, I hope
to be able to convey the love of
God to my clients, bring a
sense of happiness, joy, and
confidence in who they are
After listening to a famous song, Monarch
editor in chief Camille Babin has something
to share how this issue came to life.
Eat to live! A very eye opening interview
with Janet Perez, one of our favorites
Get a taste of what lies beyond the
Atlantic ocean!
The most awaited event of the year for
food lovers. Don't forget to check our
gift idea list and make someone smile!
12 16
Camille Babin
Camille Babin
"but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may
proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Pet.2:9
Do you remember Chaka Khan's famous hit from the 70s, I'm every woman? I've been among those
would run to the dance floor at the sound of the first notes. While it was a great song, I'm a bit
perplexed when I think about the way things have evolved from celebrating a woman's innate beauty,
strength and power to now becoming a power struggle between men and women. When did it go
from women could not do anything to now women must do everything?
Though on the surface it may feel like women are competing or fighting against men for equal pay,
equal opportunities, and recognition; it is quite apparent that women are struggling each and every
day to stay true to themselves. Perhaps, the exact question should be to ask who are you as a woman,
or as a man for that matter?
In a world where both men and women are constantly seeking for attention and external validation,
how can we not be tempted to adapt and conform, thus unconsciously rejecting our uniqueness? And
it's beyond gender differences, not that they don't matter, but if we fail to realize that this power
struggle is nothing less than a battle for our identity both as male or female, an attack on our authority
and even a distraction to our mandate to rule over the earth, then we will continue to witness a
weakening and a breakdown in our families, and our society as a whole.
Our stories began with an invitation to rule and reign. Instead, we are slowly drifting to lawlessness and
these petty fights are a subtle trap to cause you and I to take off our crown and jump into the pig pen.
Keep your crown, our Monarch is coming soon!
Havilah Solutions is a consulting,
coaching and training company
dedicated to your personal
development. We help individuals
unlock their potential and achieve
success in every aspect of their life
by providing tools, resources and
strategies through coaching,
training and creative insight.
Our mission
To maximize human potential and help
individuals and organization leaders
achieve greater levels of success.
Our vision
Empower leaders, transform lives, and
influence nations one soul at the time.
Our values
Excellence-Passion-Integrity Community
-Stewardship - Authenticity Service
October Edition | 2022 page 4
Business Intercession
Personal Development
Soul Coaching
Organizational change
Retreats & Seminars
Workshops & Training,etc.
H2O offers innovative solutions to help alleviate
the stress of running a business.
Whether you're in the initial stages, in a status
quo, or on top of the mountain, we have
personalized offers to help you achieve your
A great leader understands the importance of
strategic planning and delegation.
Our dedicated team of intercessors will come
alongside you and stand on the spiritual
battleground to see heaven's vision become a
reality in your life, so that you can focus on
what you do best!
Empowering Leaders.
Building Teams.
October Edition | 2022 page 5
Everything we do is driven by our
mission to carry the presence of God
into the marketplace.
Let us work together to plan your next
corporate retreat or team building event!
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and
God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which
is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit
of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Gen.1:26-28
Fruitfulness goes beyond
our ability to procreate
and produce human
babies. Using the words
of Dr Mensa Otabil, we
can be fruitful with our
minds, our hands, our
lips and our character.
The goods or services a
person provides speak
directly to their capacity
to be fruitful.
Business is nothing more
than our response to a
divine mandate.
The instruction to do
business was given by
the Master "Do business
till I come" Luke 19:13
Business is more than
being an entrepreneur
or in the workforce.
The words we speak,
have the ability to
create new realities,or
shift paradigms.
Keep this Book of the Law always
on your lips; meditate on it day
and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in
it. Then you will be prosperous and
successful. Joshua 1:8
From the time of creation, the
notion of work has always
encompassed a spiritual
dimension. However, most
people have yet to recognize,
understand and embrace it if
they desire to achieve greater
levels of success.
Business is a command from the
Master "
you are
What's happening?
Create the highest vision
possible for your life
Principles & power of
prophetic intercession
Monthly business meetings
Become a Voice
Business Roundtable
Havilah News
Creative Night
Punta Cana
Women's retreat
Oct 22- Oct 28
Oct 14
Going deeper
Starting November 9
Sep 29-Nov 3
for more information email
Please tell us something about Janet. Who
is she?
What inspired you to launch RNfusions?
What dreams or goals do you have for
I am a nurse entrepreneur. I have been a nurse
for 18 years. I have experience in Primary Care
Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Case
Management, and as a Clinical Liaison. I am very
passionate about empowering people to live
healthier lives.
Nurses are trained to educate their patients on
managing diseases from the standpoint of a
reactive mindset, but my passion is to educate
people to live more proactively by empowering
them eat to live--not to live to eat.
The liquid from juices and vegetables contains most
vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals called
phytonutrients. Juicing can be one way to up your
intake, but whole fruits and vegetables should still
be a part of your daily diet because they provide the
extra fiber our body needs.
My dream is to see RNFusions franchised and
globally impacting the world.
In essence there are many great juicing businesses
around and what has set my business and juices
apart is that my business is geared towards not
just providing a product but empowering
individuals to a lifestyle change.
What would you say is different about your
juices, or your business in general?
OCT/NOV 2022
What difference does juicing make for your
What would you like to share with our readers?
One way of living proactive is to understand that the
true brain of our bodies is our gut.
If each of us would incorporate one small change
daily such as adding fermented foods like Sauerkraut
or Kimchi to our diets we can ensure that our gut is
equipped with natural probiotics to ward off bugs
that can make us sick.
Each of us is supposed to consume at least 2.5 cups
of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day on a 2000
calorie diet.
Join us on a journey of the Soul, where healing, life, and
wellness begins.
Soul Fit is our soul coaching program specifically designed to
bring all of your elements into alignment with your spirit
and purpose, breaking out of destructive molds and self-
defeating mindsets, in order to open doors to new
possibilities and teaching you to walk in freedom and
abundant life.
Find out more at
As I stepped out of the stifling smells and
atmosphere of a nursing home, I took a deep breath
of fresh air and realized that I had been practically
holding my breath the whole time. I realized that
oftentimes in life I find myself holding my breath, as
it were making as much forward progress as possible
without stopping to "catch my breath." When we do
this for too long, we burn out. Usually, our bodies
break down before we realize what the source of the
problem is, and we end up sick, or worse, from the
built-up stress.
We have to stop and breathe from time to time. Life
is not all give, give, give. We have to stop pouring out
and allow God to pour into us. How do we do this?
Making a regular habit of taking a "time out" or
"Sabbatical" is one of the best ways I know to do this.
Often, we take a one-week vacation out of the year
and call it our "time off"-- we work hard to plan for
it, fill our days with activities and then come home
feeling like we need a vacation from vacationing!
The word "Sabbatical" comes from the Biblical
concept of "Sabbath." God instructed the Israelites to
set a side one day of week for simply resting: doing
no work, staying in, and just relaxing. Taking one day
completely off each week for resting will do so much
more for your career any show of strength you can
give by working yourself to death.
Life is balance, an ebb and flow, a stream of water
that stays clean by constantly moving, not sitting
stagnant. We must make room in our lives for
breathing, for the inflow of peace and inspiration as
well as for the exhale of work and accomplishment.
When you take time to breathe you will find so much
more health, vitality, presence of mind, and joy than
you realized was possible. You will then be able to
climb higher, work harder, and achieve so much
more than before.
Happy Breathing!
By Anna Ramos
"To all my sellers and buyers, be patient and trust the
process! God has a great plan for you, your property, and the
people who need to own your property! His ways are higher,
and they are perfect!"
"Sometimes properties take a little longer than others! It
does not mean something is wrong with the home!
Sometimes it could be that God is just waiting on the
right buyer to say ”yes”. When selling a property, as agents
and home owners, we want it sold the same day! I GET
IT!!!! However, when we can see past what we want in the
natural, we will find a greater truth! The truth is every
home has a specific purpose and person that the Lord
would want to live in that particular home! He needs
every family in the right neighborhood and right location!
In our lives there are certain places we will be the most
impactful for the Kingdom of God! That’s the place we
want to be! That’s the place He wants us to be!
Sometimes I believe the Lord holds properties, waiting for
that right buyer to say yes. He is gracious in doing this
because He wants us all to be in the best place where we
will reach our full potential in that particular season!
If you have a property that has not sold yet, begin to pray
and ask the Holy Spirit to bring the right buyer that He
desires. When we switch our focus on why we want our
home to sell and begin to see it as an assignment for a new
family, it catches the Lord's attention.
Begin to see your home as a new assignment for a new
family, and watch God begin to move on the hearts of the
right buyer.
- Amy Cook
OCT/NOV 2022
I entered real estate because the Lord told me it was the field
He was calling me into. I knew it was important to be in the
place He said. He also desires others to be in the place they are
supposed to be, so my assignment is always to pray the families
I help into the location that he desires for them.
Why did you get into the real estate business?
How does your faith play a factor in what you do?
My faith is the key factor in what I do. Apart from my
faith I could not do what I do! I depend on my faith in
the Lord to connect me to the right families he wants
me to assist.
What is the secret of your success?
My secret is not a secret it’s a biblical principle
available to all! First, I always give the Lord what's
His. I believe in the tithe, and I believe in offerings!
When I apply God's word this has caused His favor
to be on my life in the area of finances. He
automatically rebukes the devourer for my sake! The
second thing is faith. I trust the Lord with my
business, and I am willing to step out when He gives
me a word and trust that He will lead me to success!
What are the challenges of your business?
The challenges in my business is that you have to
stay in faith because I have to depend on the Lord to
bring me clients and connect me to the right
properties. We live in a time where many people are
afraid of the future of the housing market. It is my
job to be the expert of the field that I am in. I
depend on Lord to give me wisdom and strategies to
know the times and seasons of the housing and
commercial market.
Anything you would like to share with our readers?
If you never step out and trust the Lord with your business
then it will never reach its full potential. You don’t take a
chance and hope for it to be good! You step out when He
gives you the Word and when you take that step you have
the confidence knowing it’s going to be good! Don’t ignore
the voice on the inside to do something! You have to cast
out fear and step into faith. He has your future! The future
he has for you is better than you could ever imagine.
Buying or selling, let Amy help you!
Amy Cook |
Meybohm Real Estate
n the days that we live in, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost when we consider the
magnitude of the issues plaguing our world, our nation. How can we alleviate the stress
or the pain of those who live with and around us? What can we do to make an impact
and transform lives?
Start where you are! Do what you can! Though it may sound trivial and very simplistic;
this is, I believe what got the visionary and the team at Project Life started.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may
see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16
Too often, we feel like what we have is not enough; we overlook the stick in our hands or the
jar of oil in our home until we get asked. The things which seem insignificant could be the
very things that could change someone's life in a tremendous way. And we could not be more
grateful for the service and the sacrifice of the people who serve at Project Life, Augusta.
“Helping one person might not change the whole
world, but it could change the world for one
“Everything we do is about serving people. It’s our
heartbeat. We don’t just serve those in need, we
serve our community.”
Erik Sowder, Director of Operations
Monday: 10am-2pm
Wednesday: 10am-2pm
Thursday: 10am-2pm
1st Friday of the month 6-8pm
1758 Gordon Highway
Augusta, GA 30904
Project Life is a non-profit organization serving the
communities of Augusta, GA with free food and
clothes. Their mission is to bring life to the
community. Recently named #1 Non profit Cyber
City's Best for 2022 by the Augusta Chronicle , they
are truly a shining light in the city. And this is not
due to the type of food they serve or the beautiful
pieces of clothing they happily hand to their
patrons, but mainly because each and every
volunteer and team member deliberately chooses to
share the love of Christ and be used to bring hope in
the lives of many. And trust me, it is being noticed
all around.
Now is your turn, Start where you are, do what you
I'm pretty sure they didn't have everything figured out when they began, but what they had
was a desire to help. They heard a call, they answered! They've allowed the sound of love to
become louder than the noise of fear, doubt and obstacles. One day, one person at the time!
It started in May 2016 when I was planning my wedding. I
began to watch online tutorials for the decoration of the
space and our ride. After a few hours, I was able to make a
few pieces. I was amazed and excited so I thought why not
make the boutonnière ?" So I did. One thing leading to
another, I had made a few pieces for my for my sisters and
friends. I also needed a necklace for my dress but I just
couldn't find something that I liked. at that moment, I felt
like the Lord wanted me to do it myself. So I did!
I didn't stop at that. I continued to make a few pieces to
give away to the people I love. Seeing the smile on their
faces and the profound gratitude they expressed was
enough. I didn't think more of it.
Pauladrienne K. Design is for every woman who desires
to embrace her identity . The woman who understands
the value she holds in God's eyes, not wanting to be
defined by society standards.
Willing Hands
Where did you get the idea or inspiration to create
Paule-Adrienne Kaza, jewelry designer
My name is Paule-Adrienne Kaza. I was once the ugly duckling of my
family, but I am now the daughter of the Almighty God, who gave me
life through Jesus Christ, his Son.
I am a wife of an amazing man who has always supported and helped me
get up every time I had fallen. I'm also a mother to a wonderful 4-year-old
boy. I am simply me, the creator and designer of Pauladrienne K. Design.
I studied business management for a little over two years. I did not finish
the last year of my advanced program, but in the end, I have been
qualified by God. And that is what truly matters!
I was one to place such a high value on academic achievements. That was
my definition of success. Working in an office environment with your
diplomas on the wall! Today I no longer use these standards because I
know that true success is having God by your side and being led by Him.
The Lord gave me as a mother a highly skilled seamstress, who taught me
how to embroider by hand when I was 9 years old.
It took me over 12 years to fully embrace working with my hands, and
launch Pauladrienne K. Design.
With each piece I design, I hope to be able to convey the love of God to
my clients, bring a sense of happiness, joy, and confidence in who they
are. I would like for them to know how our creator sees them: beautiful.
"How can I serve you in the lives of each of his women who will wear these
accessories? How will your grace touch them?"
I believe that if miracles could happen by cloths and handkerchiefs then
it can still be possible for the Holy spirit to move through what He
inspires me to create.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord, not for human masters, Col 3: 23
Tell us a little about the woman behind Pauladrienne K.
With love and two hands,
Whatwouldyouliketo saytoourreaders?
I would like to encourage those who read to not be discouraged if
they do not find a job or things just don't go according to their plan.
We have dreams, aspirations but sometimes it may be with the
wrong motives. I pray that you seek God's dreams and plans for your
life. Ask Him how He wants to use you to manifest His immense love
in the lives of others.
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
For many Americans, the Thanksgiving meal includes dishes such as roast
turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.
There is not a right or wrong menu, every family comes up with their
favorites, because the most important thing is not the food (though it
counts for about 99%) Thanksgiving is first and foremost a decision to
express gratitude for life, good health, the people family and friends in our
It's a season to celebrate and honor the Creator for His love and His
We hope you use this time to enjoy the people around and tell them how
much they mean to you. Don't forget the cranberry sauce!
¾ cup sugar
½ cup orange juice
½ cup water
12 oz. fresh cranberries rinsed and picked through
pinch of salt
1 cinnamon stick
1 piece of orange peel just use a potato peel or paring knife
Combine sugar, orange juice, and water in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir to combine.
Add cranberries, salt, cinnamon stick and orange peel.
Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently.
Continue cooking, for about 10 minutes, or until all or most of the cranberries have popped. I like to
leave a handful of berries whole.
Let cool for at least 30 minutes. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
Can be made up to 3 days in advance.
Cranberry sauce is an essential part of every holiday meal for one simple reason – it cuts through the
heaviness of all the other dishes. It’s light, it’s bright, and it’s pretty healthy.
Discover Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa
Cote d'Ivoire covers an area of 322,463 km², compared it is
slightly smaller than Poland, or slightly larger than the U.S.
state of New Mexico.
Capital city is Yamoussoukro. Largest city and the de facto
capital is Abidjan. French is the official language.
As the world’s top exporter of cocoa and raw cashew nuts,
a net exporter of oil, and with a significant manufacturing
sector, Côte d’Ivoire is the largest economy in the West
African Economic and Monetary Union.
Its white sand, coconut trees as far as the eye can see, a lot of
sun, shallow turquoise water, immense beaches and in the
evening, a magnificent sunset to admire as a couple or as a
family, in short, a piece of paradise between land and sea that
opens its doors to you.
Sofitel Hotel ivoire , Abidjan
Grand Bereby
Lady of Peace,
From almost every part of Yamoussoukro it’s possible to
glimpse the Vaticanate dome of the basilica rising out of a very
African landscape of brush and coconut trees. The basilica
was consecrated on 25 September 1990, the dome was 20m
higher than Europe’s tallest Roman Catholic church, St
Peter’s, located in the Vatican.
This is not the only aspect of Yamoussoukro’s basilica that is
big. Indeed, visitors often feel like they are entering a land of
the giants, given the extravagantly oversized columns, arches
and nave, not to mention the basilica’s capacity to hold up to
20,000 worshippers at any one time.
Guinness World Records lists it as the largest church in the
world, having surpassed the previous record holder, Saint
Peter's Basilica, upon completion.
My stepmom is your 1st book. What is the
story about?
My stepmom" is the story of Sam, a father
raising his two daughters (Eva and Lilly) after
the death of his wife . He met Ms. Lise, and they
decide to get married, so the book presents
the meeting between Ms. Lise and the girls as
well as the dynamic of the newly formed
Marina Kouamela,
children's book author
What inspired you to write a book for children?
My husband and I got married in 2012 and shortly
after we started having problems. We tried to fix
them, but 2 children and seven years later, divorce
appeared to be our only option. In 2020, I then filed
for divorce after multiple failed attempts to
reconcile with my husband. During that process of
rebuilding my life as a single mother, I decided to
speak with our girls and explain to them the
possibility of their father getting married to another
woman. As soon as I mentioned a possible
stepmother, the girls responded by saying that all
stepmothers are evil, and they didn't want their
father to remarry. That answer struck me, and I
realized that indeed, most of the books, if not all of
the books, represented an evil stepmother
mistreating the children, especially their husband's
girls. At that moment, inspired by the Holy Spirit, I
decided to write a book with the goal of showing
another facet of blended families, providing
children and parents an opportunity to build these
new families filled with love, peace and care for
Who is Marina Kouamela?
Marina Kouamela is a lover of Christ, who
made the decision to serve the Lord and
share the Love of Christ with others. I
encountered Jesus in 2017 after the birth
of my second daughter. I was at my
lowest point, barely speaking to my
parents, facing unbearable challenges in
my marriage with no money and no
hope for the future. But the Lord stepped
in, and turned my life around. Jesus has
restored my marriage, and given me so
many dreams.
Today, I am a wife, a mother, and a
stepmother on a mission. When I
received the instruction to write the book,
I thought I was doing it for other families,
not knowing that my family would be the
first beneficiary.
I am excited about this first book, and
give all the Glory to God who is the
source of all great things in my life.
Children learn a lot and see the world
through the books they read.
We have all been influenced by some of
the books we've read when we were
young and if not because of the renewing
of our minds, we believed a lot of what we
learned in books.
Without being in a relationship with a
stepmother, my daughter concluded that
all stepmothers are evil because of the
characters of the books.
For me it becomes very important to show
another example and introduce other
characters to our children from a loving
My parents separated when I was a baby,
and I was raised by my father who didn't
get married until I was 25 years old. Being
the only child of my father, he wanted to
make sure that I was happy. It was not the
only reason why my father stayed single
for a long time, but he thought that
bringing another woman into our home
could destroy my stability and happiness,
because all we heard was the story of
bad stepmothers and divided families.
I was missing my mother and was always
praying to have that maternal love, but I
was not not ready to open myself to any
of my father's friends.
I was not ready to allow anyone else to
play that role in my life
because all I knew
was the mean
What aspect did you enjoy most about
working on this book?
I enjoyed working on every aspect of the book
from creating the characters to building the
story and finding the right illustrator who could
give life to the book and capture all the
emotions we wanted to share. I hope all our
readers will like the book as much as I do. This is
my first children's book, and it will always have
a special place in my bookshelf.
What impact do you hope your book will have
on the future generations?
Children are exposed to all kinds of information,
and we need to make sure that our families
provide the safest and happiest place for them
to grow. We need to change the narrative on
stepmothers because that creates
unnecessary tensions in our homes. All
stepmothers are not evil. They are women
trying to find their places in their new homes
and sometimes that adaptation can be difficult
if not well- prepared. I pray that this book helps
change the ideas that our children have on
stepmothers and create a new model for our
Why are books like this important for
children to read?
We wanted the book to present the
perspectives of the parents as well. In these
situations, all parties come with their fears and
apprehensions and we hope the book will
facilitate the conversations among the family
Available on Amazon
Having done all, STAND
We may think we know how a person lives, but we
only know what they show us. All you know is what
they let you see. You may say, "I did what they did,
and nothing happened for me." You don't really know
what they did. You only know what they told you and
what you saw. You don't know the hours they prayed,
what they sowed, or even the years they stood on
their promise.
Sometimes, when we see a brother or sister get a
blessing, recognition, or promotion, we become
envious rather than rejoicing with them. Be wise and
come against those ungodly thoughts. Nobody
knows the seeds they planted...
As believers, we must put a value on and have an appreciation for the gifts that
others have. Never allow envy or jealousy to come between you and anyone else.
Appreciate all the gifts in the body of Christ, because every joint and part of the
body has a supply... So it is good to choose to thank God for the visionaries who
receive the plans of God and the skills of those who carry out those plans.
"But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries
will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church. For his “body” has been
formed in his image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been
given divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body, we
are built up and made perfect in love." .Ephesians 4 15-16 TPT
Take a look at some of our great findings.
1. Candle by Godscent | 2. Planners by Notiq | 3. Bracelet by pauladriennekdesign |
4. Sweatshirt by In-essence | 5. Coffee by Adon coffee co | 6. Stickers by love that
letters |
4210 Columbia Rd. Suite 1-C,
Martinez, GA 30907

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Monarch Magazine

  • 1. MONARC M A G A Z I N E COMMUNITY BUSINESS WELLNESS Live up to the hype Willing Hands Keep your crown! OCTOBER 04 2022 Real Estate by Faith Bringing life to the city they love Tapping into unused potential BUSINESS IS SPIRITUAL No. 01 Oct/Nov 2022 Project Life
  • 2. OCTOBER 2022 | ISSUE 01 02 CONTENTS MONARCH MAGAZINE REAL ESTATE BY FAITH BRINGING LIFE TO THE CITY THEY LOVE WILLING HANDS My secret is not a secret it’s a biblical principle available to all! Apart from my faith I could not do what I do! With each piece I design, I hope to be able to convey the love of God to my clients, bring a sense of happiness, joy, and confidence in who they are 14 5 03 COMMUNITY + BUSINESS + WELLNESS EDITOR'S NOTE After listening to a famous song, Monarch editor in chief Camille Babin has something to share how this issue came to life. Eat to live! A very eye opening interview with Janet Perez, one of our favorites "nursepreneur" Get a taste of what lies beyond the Atlantic ocean! The most awaited event of the year for food lovers. Don't forget to check our gift idea list and make someone smile! 12 16 10 4 A HEALTHIER YOU! EXCLUSIVE! EMPOWERING YOU FOR SUCCESS 19 TRAVEL 23 THANKSGIVING GIFT IDEAS 4210 COLUMBIA RD STE 1C MARTINEZ,GA 30907 ONTACT@HAVILASOLUTIONS.COM WWW.HAVILASOLUTIONS.COM
  • 3. Editor-in-Chief Camille Babin Camille Babin "but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Pet.2:9 Do you remember Chaka Khan's famous hit from the 70s, I'm every woman? I've been among those would run to the dance floor at the sound of the first notes. While it was a great song, I'm a bit perplexed when I think about the way things have evolved from celebrating a woman's innate beauty, strength and power to now becoming a power struggle between men and women. When did it go from women could not do anything to now women must do everything? Though on the surface it may feel like women are competing or fighting against men for equal pay, equal opportunities, and recognition; it is quite apparent that women are struggling each and every day to stay true to themselves. Perhaps, the exact question should be to ask who are you as a woman, or as a man for that matter? In a world where both men and women are constantly seeking for attention and external validation, how can we not be tempted to adapt and conform, thus unconsciously rejecting our uniqueness? And it's beyond gender differences, not that they don't matter, but if we fail to realize that this power struggle is nothing less than a battle for our identity both as male or female, an attack on our authority and even a distraction to our mandate to rule over the earth, then we will continue to witness a weakening and a breakdown in our families, and our society as a whole. Our stories began with an invitation to rule and reign. Instead, we are slowly drifting to lawlessness and these petty fights are a subtle trap to cause you and I to take off our crown and jump into the pig pen. Keep your crown, our Monarch is coming soon! MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 4. EMPOWERING YOU FOR SUCCESS Havilah Solutions is a consulting, coaching and training company dedicated to your personal development. We help individuals unlock their potential and achieve success in every aspect of their life by providing tools, resources and strategies through coaching, training and creative insight. Our mission To maximize human potential and help individuals and organization leaders achieve greater levels of success. Our vision Empower leaders, transform lives, and influence nations one soul at the time. Our values Excellence-Passion-Integrity Community -Stewardship - Authenticity Service BRING FORTH THE GOLD! October Edition | 2022 page 4 MONARCH MAGAZINE BUSINESS
  • 5. BUILD WITH LEGACY IN MIND Business Intercession Personal Development Soul Coaching Organizational change Retreats & Seminars Workshops & Training,etc. H2O offers innovative solutions to help alleviate the stress of running a business. Whether you're in the initial stages, in a status quo, or on top of the mountain, we have personalized offers to help you achieve your goals. A great leader understands the importance of strategic planning and delegation. Our dedicated team of intercessors will come alongside you and stand on the spiritual battleground to see heaven's vision become a reality in your life, so that you can focus on what you do best! Empowering Leaders. Building Teams. October Edition | 2022 page 5 Everything we do is driven by our mission to carry the presence of God into the marketplace. Let us work together to plan your next corporate retreat or team building event! MONARCH MAGAZINE BUSINESS
  • 6. H2O TAPPING INTO UNUSED POTENTIAL So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Gen.1:26-28 BUSINESS IS SPIRITUAL MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 7. Fruitfulness goes beyond our ability to procreate and produce human babies. Using the words of Dr Mensa Otabil, we can be fruitful with our minds, our hands, our lips and our character. The goods or services a person provides speak directly to their capacity to be fruitful. Business is nothing more than our response to a divine mandate. The instruction to do business was given by the Master "Do business till I come" Luke 19:13 Business is more than being an entrepreneur or in the workforce. The words we speak, have the ability to create new realities,or shift paradigms. mandate. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8 From the time of creation, the notion of work has always encompassed a spiritual dimension. However, most people have yet to recognize, understand and embrace it if they desire to achieve greater levels of success. THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IS SIMPLE Business is a command from the Master " BUSINESS IS SPIRITUAL ~HAVILAH SOLUTIONS
  • 9. What's happening? Create the highest vision possible for your life Principles & power of prophetic intercession Monthly business meetings Become a Voice Masterclass Business Roundtable Havilah News Creative Night MONARCH MAGAZINE Punta Cana Women's retreat Oct 22- Oct 28 Oct 14 Going deeper Starting November 9 Sep 29-Nov 3 for more information email 1.706.691.5046
  • 10. rnfusionsllc Please tell us something about Janet. Who is she? What inspired you to launch RNfusions? What dreams or goals do you have for RNFusions? I am a nurse entrepreneur. I have been a nurse for 18 years. I have experience in Primary Care Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Case Management, and as a Clinical Liaison. I am very passionate about empowering people to live healthier lives. Nurses are trained to educate their patients on managing diseases from the standpoint of a reactive mindset, but my passion is to educate people to live more proactively by empowering them eat to live--not to live to eat. The liquid from juices and vegetables contains most vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals called phytonutrients. Juicing can be one way to up your intake, but whole fruits and vegetables should still be a part of your daily diet because they provide the extra fiber our body needs. My dream is to see RNFusions franchised and globally impacting the world. In essence there are many great juicing businesses around and what has set my business and juices apart is that my business is geared towards not just providing a product but empowering individuals to a lifestyle change. What would you say is different about your juices, or your business in general? OCT/NOV 2022 What difference does juicing make for your health? What would you like to share with our readers? One way of living proactive is to understand that the true brain of our bodies is our gut. If each of us would incorporate one small change daily such as adding fermented foods like Sauerkraut or Kimchi to our diets we can ensure that our gut is equipped with natural probiotics to ward off bugs that can make us sick. Each of us is supposed to consume at least 2.5 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day on a 2000 calorie diet. MONARCH MAGAZINE HEALTH & WELLNESS
  • 11. MIND WILL EMOTIONS BREATHE! Join us on a journey of the Soul, where healing, life, and wellness begins. Soul Fit is our soul coaching program specifically designed to bring all of your elements into alignment with your spirit and purpose, breaking out of destructive molds and self- defeating mindsets, in order to open doors to new possibilities and teaching you to walk in freedom and abundant life. Find out more at As I stepped out of the stifling smells and atmosphere of a nursing home, I took a deep breath of fresh air and realized that I had been practically holding my breath the whole time. I realized that oftentimes in life I find myself holding my breath, as it were making as much forward progress as possible without stopping to "catch my breath." When we do this for too long, we burn out. Usually, our bodies break down before we realize what the source of the problem is, and we end up sick, or worse, from the built-up stress. We have to stop and breathe from time to time. Life is not all give, give, give. We have to stop pouring out and allow God to pour into us. How do we do this? Making a regular habit of taking a "time out" or "Sabbatical" is one of the best ways I know to do this. Often, we take a one-week vacation out of the year and call it our "time off"-- we work hard to plan for it, fill our days with activities and then come home feeling like we need a vacation from vacationing! The word "Sabbatical" comes from the Biblical concept of "Sabbath." God instructed the Israelites to set a side one day of week for simply resting: doing no work, staying in, and just relaxing. Taking one day completely off each week for resting will do so much more for your career any show of strength you can give by working yourself to death. Life is balance, an ebb and flow, a stream of water that stays clean by constantly moving, not sitting stagnant. We must make room in our lives for breathing, for the inflow of peace and inspiration as well as for the exhale of work and accomplishment. When you take time to breathe you will find so much more health, vitality, presence of mind, and joy than you realized was possible. You will then be able to climb higher, work harder, and achieve so much more than before. Happy Breathing! By Anna Ramos MONARCH MAGAZINE HEALTH & WELLNESS
  • 12. "To all my sellers and buyers, be patient and trust the process! God has a great plan for you, your property, and the people who need to own your property! His ways are higher, and they are perfect!" REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BY FAITH AMY COOK, REALTOR MEYBOHM "Sometimes properties take a little longer than others! It does not mean something is wrong with the home! Sometimes it could be that God is just waiting on the right buyer to say ”yes”. When selling a property, as agents and home owners, we want it sold the same day! I GET IT!!!! However, when we can see past what we want in the natural, we will find a greater truth! The truth is every home has a specific purpose and person that the Lord would want to live in that particular home! He needs every family in the right neighborhood and right location! In our lives there are certain places we will be the most impactful for the Kingdom of God! That’s the place we want to be! That’s the place He wants us to be! Sometimes I believe the Lord holds properties, waiting for that right buyer to say yes. He is gracious in doing this because He wants us all to be in the best place where we will reach our full potential in that particular season! If you have a property that has not sold yet, begin to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bring the right buyer that He desires. When we switch our focus on why we want our home to sell and begin to see it as an assignment for a new family, it catches the Lord's attention. Begin to see your home as a new assignment for a new family, and watch God begin to move on the hearts of the right buyer. - Amy Cook MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 13. OCT/NOV 2022 REAL ESTATE I entered real estate because the Lord told me it was the field He was calling me into. I knew it was important to be in the place He said. He also desires others to be in the place they are supposed to be, so my assignment is always to pray the families I help into the location that he desires for them. Why did you get into the real estate business? How does your faith play a factor in what you do? My faith is the key factor in what I do. Apart from my faith I could not do what I do! I depend on my faith in the Lord to connect me to the right families he wants me to assist. What is the secret of your success? My secret is not a secret it’s a biblical principle available to all! First, I always give the Lord what's His. I believe in the tithe, and I believe in offerings! When I apply God's word this has caused His favor to be on my life in the area of finances. He automatically rebukes the devourer for my sake! The second thing is faith. I trust the Lord with my business, and I am willing to step out when He gives me a word and trust that He will lead me to success! What are the challenges of your business? The challenges in my business is that you have to stay in faith because I have to depend on the Lord to bring me clients and connect me to the right properties. We live in a time where many people are afraid of the future of the housing market. It is my job to be the expert of the field that I am in. I depend on Lord to give me wisdom and strategies to know the times and seasons of the housing and commercial market. Anything you would like to share with our readers? If you never step out and trust the Lord with your business then it will never reach its full potential. You don’t take a chance and hope for it to be good! You step out when He gives you the Word and when you take that step you have the confidence knowing it’s going to be good! Don’t ignore the voice on the inside to do something! You have to cast out fear and step into faith. He has your future! The future he has for you is better than you could ever imagine. Buying or selling, let Amy help you! Amy Cook | Meybohm Real Estate 7068301731 AMY COOK, REALTOR MEYBOHM MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 14. n the days that we live in, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost when we consider the magnitude of the issues plaguing our world, our nation. How can we alleviate the stress or the pain of those who live with and around us? What can we do to make an impact and transform lives? Start where you are! Do what you can! Though it may sound trivial and very simplistic; this is, I believe what got the visionary and the team at Project Life started. MONARCH MAGAZINE | Issue 1 | OCT/NOV 2022 BRINGING LIFE TO THE CITY THEY LOVE PROJECTLIFEAUGUSTA I C O M M U N I T Y "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 Too often, we feel like what we have is not enough; we overlook the stick in our hands or the jar of oil in our home until we get asked. The things which seem insignificant could be the very things that could change someone's life in a tremendous way. And we could not be more grateful for the service and the sacrifice of the people who serve at Project Life, Augusta. MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 15. MONARCH MAGAZINE | Issue 1 | OCT/NOV 2022 PROJECTLIFEAUGUSTA AMY MAXWELL C O M M U N I T Y EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PROJECT LIFE “Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.” “Everything we do is about serving people. It’s our heartbeat. We don’t just serve those in need, we serve our community.” Erik Sowder, Director of Operations ProjectLifeAugusta HOURS OF OPERATION Monday: 10am-2pm Wednesday: 10am-2pm Thursday: 10am-2pm 1st Friday of the month 6-8pm 1758 Gordon Highway Augusta, GA 30904 Project Life is a non-profit organization serving the communities of Augusta, GA with free food and clothes. Their mission is to bring life to the community. Recently named #1 Non profit Cyber City's Best for 2022 by the Augusta Chronicle , they are truly a shining light in the city. And this is not due to the type of food they serve or the beautiful pieces of clothing they happily hand to their patrons, but mainly because each and every volunteer and team member deliberately chooses to share the love of Christ and be used to bring hope in the lives of many. And trust me, it is being noticed all around. Now is your turn, Start where you are, do what you can! I'm pretty sure they didn't have everything figured out when they began, but what they had was a desire to help. They heard a call, they answered! They've allowed the sound of love to become louder than the noise of fear, doubt and obstacles. One day, one person at the time! MONARCH MAGAZINE
  • 16. It started in May 2016 when I was planning my wedding. I began to watch online tutorials for the decoration of the space and our ride. After a few hours, I was able to make a few pieces. I was amazed and excited so I thought why not make the boutonnière ?" So I did. One thing leading to another, I had made a few pieces for my for my sisters and friends. I also needed a necklace for my dress but I just couldn't find something that I liked. at that moment, I felt like the Lord wanted me to do it myself. So I did! I didn't stop at that. I continued to make a few pieces to give away to the people I love. Seeing the smile on their faces and the profound gratitude they expressed was enough. I didn't think more of it. Pauladrienne K. Design is for every woman who desires to embrace her identity . The woman who understands the value she holds in God's eyes, not wanting to be defined by society standards. Willing Hands PAULADRIENNE K. DESIGN Where did you get the idea or inspiration to create jewelry? Paule-Adrienne Kaza, jewelry designer MONARCH MAGAZINE FASHION & BEAUTY
  • 17. My name is Paule-Adrienne Kaza. I was once the ugly duckling of my family, but I am now the daughter of the Almighty God, who gave me life through Jesus Christ, his Son. I am a wife of an amazing man who has always supported and helped me get up every time I had fallen. I'm also a mother to a wonderful 4-year-old boy. I am simply me, the creator and designer of Pauladrienne K. Design. I studied business management for a little over two years. I did not finish the last year of my advanced program, but in the end, I have been qualified by God. And that is what truly matters! I was one to place such a high value on academic achievements. That was my definition of success. Working in an office environment with your diplomas on the wall! Today I no longer use these standards because I know that true success is having God by your side and being led by Him. The Lord gave me as a mother a highly skilled seamstress, who taught me how to embroider by hand when I was 9 years old. It took me over 12 years to fully embrace working with my hands, and launch Pauladrienne K. Design. With each piece I design, I hope to be able to convey the love of God to my clients, bring a sense of happiness, joy, and confidence in who they are. I would like for them to know how our creator sees them: beautiful. "How can I serve you in the lives of each of his women who will wear these accessories? How will your grace touch them?" I believe that if miracles could happen by cloths and handkerchiefs then it can still be possible for the Holy spirit to move through what He inspires me to create. PAULADRIENNE K. DESIGN Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Col 3: 23 Tell us a little about the woman behind Pauladrienne K. Design? With love and two hands, PauleAdrienne Whatwouldyouliketobringtoyourcustomers,your community? Whatwouldyouliketo saytoourreaders? I would like to encourage those who read to not be discouraged if they do not find a job or things just don't go according to their plan. We have dreams, aspirations but sometimes it may be with the wrong motives. I pray that you seek God's dreams and plans for your life. Ask Him how He wants to use you to manifest His immense love in the lives of others. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 MONARCH MAGAZINE FASHION & BEAUTY
  • 18. C R A N B E R R Y S A U C E T H A N K S G I V I N G M U S T H A V E S For many Americans, the Thanksgiving meal includes dishes such as roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. There is not a right or wrong menu, every family comes up with their favorites, because the most important thing is not the food (though it counts for about 99%) Thanksgiving is first and foremost a decision to express gratitude for life, good health, the people family and friends in our lives. It's a season to celebrate and honor the Creator for His love and His goodness. We hope you use this time to enjoy the people around and tell them how much they mean to you. Don't forget the cranberry sauce! MONARCH MAGAZINE ¾ cup sugar ½ cup orange juice ½ cup water 12 oz. fresh cranberries rinsed and picked through pinch of salt 1 cinnamon stick 1 piece of orange peel just use a potato peel or paring knife Combine sugar, orange juice, and water in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir to combine. Add cranberries, salt, cinnamon stick and orange peel. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently. Continue cooking, for about 10 minutes, or until all or most of the cranberries have popped. I like to leave a handful of berries whole. Let cool for at least 30 minutes. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Can be made up to 3 days in advance. Cranberry sauce is an essential part of every holiday meal for one simple reason – it cuts through the heaviness of all the other dishes. It’s light, it’s bright, and it’s pretty healthy. Ingredients Instructions RECIPE FROM TRISH - MOM ON TIMEOUT
  • 19. WINTER ESCAPES Discover Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa T R A V E L Cote d'Ivoire covers an area of 322,463 km², compared it is slightly smaller than Poland, or slightly larger than the U.S. state of New Mexico. Capital city is Yamoussoukro. Largest city and the de facto capital is Abidjan. French is the official language. As the world’s top exporter of cocoa and raw cashew nuts, a net exporter of oil, and with a significant manufacturing sector, Côte d’Ivoire is the largest economy in the West African Economic and Monetary Union. Its white sand, coconut trees as far as the eye can see, a lot of sun, shallow turquoise water, immense beaches and in the evening, a magnificent sunset to admire as a couple or as a family, in short, a piece of paradise between land and sea that opens its doors to you. MONARCH MAGAZINE Sofitel Hotel ivoire , Abidjan Grand Bereby Basilica Lady of Peace, Yamoussoukro From almost every part of Yamoussoukro it’s possible to glimpse the Vaticanate dome of the basilica rising out of a very African landscape of brush and coconut trees. The basilica was consecrated on 25 September 1990, the dome was 20m higher than Europe’s tallest Roman Catholic church, St Peter’s, located in the Vatican. This is not the only aspect of Yamoussoukro’s basilica that is big. Indeed, visitors often feel like they are entering a land of the giants, given the extravagantly oversized columns, arches and nave, not to mention the basilica’s capacity to hold up to 20,000 worshippers at any one time. Guinness World Records lists it as the largest church in the world, having surpassed the previous record holder, Saint Peter's Basilica, upon completion.
  • 20. My stepmom is your 1st book. What is the story about? My stepmom" is the story of Sam, a father raising his two daughters (Eva and Lilly) after the death of his wife . He met Ms. Lise, and they decide to get married, so the book presents the meeting between Ms. Lise and the girls as well as the dynamic of the newly formed family. Marina Kouamela, children's book author What inspired you to write a book for children? My husband and I got married in 2012 and shortly after we started having problems. We tried to fix them, but 2 children and seven years later, divorce appeared to be our only option. In 2020, I then filed for divorce after multiple failed attempts to reconcile with my husband. During that process of rebuilding my life as a single mother, I decided to speak with our girls and explain to them the possibility of their father getting married to another woman. As soon as I mentioned a possible stepmother, the girls responded by saying that all stepmothers are evil, and they didn't want their father to remarry. That answer struck me, and I realized that indeed, most of the books, if not all of the books, represented an evil stepmother mistreating the children, especially their husband's girls. At that moment, inspired by the Holy Spirit, I decided to write a book with the goal of showing another facet of blended families, providing children and parents an opportunity to build these new families filled with love, peace and care for everyone. Who is Marina Kouamela? Marina Kouamela is a lover of Christ, who made the decision to serve the Lord and share the Love of Christ with others. I encountered Jesus in 2017 after the birth of my second daughter. I was at my lowest point, barely speaking to my parents, facing unbearable challenges in my marriage with no money and no hope for the future. But the Lord stepped in, and turned my life around. Jesus has restored my marriage, and given me so many dreams. Today, I am a wife, a mother, and a stepmother on a mission. When I received the instruction to write the book, I thought I was doing it for other families, not knowing that my family would be the first beneficiary. I am excited about this first book, and give all the Glory to God who is the source of all great things in my life. MONARCH MAGAZINE LITERATURE
  • 21. Children learn a lot and see the world through the books they read. We have all been influenced by some of the books we've read when we were young and if not because of the renewing of our minds, we believed a lot of what we learned in books. Without being in a relationship with a stepmother, my daughter concluded that all stepmothers are evil because of the characters of the books. For me it becomes very important to show another example and introduce other characters to our children from a loving home. My parents separated when I was a baby, and I was raised by my father who didn't get married until I was 25 years old. Being the only child of my father, he wanted to make sure that I was happy. It was not the only reason why my father stayed single for a long time, but he thought that bringing another woman into our home could destroy my stability and happiness, because all we heard was the story of bad stepmothers and divided families. I was missing my mother and was always praying to have that maternal love, but I was not not ready to open myself to any of my father's friends. I was not ready to allow anyone else to play that role in my life because all I knew was the mean stepmothers. What aspect did you enjoy most about working on this book? I enjoyed working on every aspect of the book from creating the characters to building the story and finding the right illustrator who could give life to the book and capture all the emotions we wanted to share. I hope all our readers will like the book as much as I do. This is my first children's book, and it will always have a special place in my bookshelf. What impact do you hope your book will have on the future generations? Children are exposed to all kinds of information, and we need to make sure that our families provide the safest and happiest place for them to grow. We need to change the narrative on stepmothers because that creates unnecessary tensions in our homes. All stepmothers are not evil. They are women trying to find their places in their new homes and sometimes that adaptation can be difficult if not well- prepared. I pray that this book helps change the ideas that our children have on stepmothers and create a new model for our families. Why are books like this important for children to read? We wanted the book to present the perspectives of the parents as well. In these situations, all parties come with their fears and apprehensions and we hope the book will facilitate the conversations among the family members. Available on Amazon MONARCH MAGAZINE LITERATURE EXPOSING OUR CHILDREN TO THE TRUTH OF A HAPPY BLENDED FAMILY, CARING AND LOVING STEPMOTHERS WILL BETTER PREPARE THEM TO MEET AND ACCEPT THE STEPMOTHERS IN THEIR LIVES.
  • 22. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS Having done all, STAND HTTPS://AMZN.TO/3EWIXXA We may think we know how a person lives, but we only know what they show us. All you know is what they let you see. You may say, "I did what they did, and nothing happened for me." You don't really know what they did. You only know what they told you and what you saw. You don't know the hours they prayed, what they sowed, or even the years they stood on their promise. Sometimes, when we see a brother or sister get a blessing, recognition, or promotion, we become envious rather than rejoicing with them. Be wise and come against those ungodly thoughts. Nobody knows the seeds they planted... As believers, we must put a value on and have an appreciation for the gifts that others have. Never allow envy or jealousy to come between you and anyone else. Appreciate all the gifts in the body of Christ, because every joint and part of the body has a supply... So it is good to choose to thank God for the visionaries who receive the plans of God and the skills of those who carry out those plans. E X C E R P T F R O M T H E B O O K MONARCH MAGAZINE "But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church. For his “body” has been formed in his image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been given divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body, we are built up and made perfect in love." .Ephesians 4 15-16 TPT
  • 23. EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE WITH A GIFT Take a look at some of our great findings. 1. Candle by Godscent | 2. Planners by Notiq | 3. Bracelet by pauladriennekdesign | 4. Sweatshirt by In-essence | 5. Coffee by Adon coffee co | 6. Stickers by love that letters | MONARCH MAGAZINE NOTIQ.COM LOVETHATLETTERS.COM GODSCENTCANDLES.COM INESSENCEONLINE.COM PAULADRIENNE- K-DESIGN.COM DRINK.ADONCOFFEE.COM SHOPPING
  • 24. 4210 Columbia Rd. Suite 1-C, Martinez, GA 30907