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BGA	|	MobilePentest
Mobile	Application	Penetration Testing
BGA	|	MobilePentest
BGA	Bilgi	Güvenliği	A.Ş
BGA	Security	Hakkında
BGA	|	MobilePentest
Siber	güvenlik	dünyasına	yönelik,	yenilikçi	profesyonel	
çözümleri	ile	katkıda	bulunmak	amacı	ile	2008	yılında	
kurulan	BGA	Bilgi	Güvenliği	A.Ş.	stratejik	siber	güvenlik	
danışmanlığı	ve	güvenlik	eğitimleri	konularında	büyük	
ölçekli	çok	sayıda	kuruma	hizmet	vermektedir.	
Gerçekleştirdiği	vizyoner danışmanlık	projeleri	ve	
nitelikli	eğitimleri	ile	sektörde	saygın	bir	yer	kazanan	
BGA	Bilgi	Güvenliği,	kurulduğu	günden	bugüne	kadar	
alanında	lider	finans,	enerji,	telekom ve	kamu	
kuruluşları	ile	1.000'den	fazla	eğitim	ve	danışmanlık	
projelerine	imza	atmıştır.	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestIntroduction
• A	major	priority	of	the	OWASP	Mobile	Security	Project	is	to	help	standardize	and	disseminate	mobile	
application	testing	methodologies.
• The	ideal	mobile	assessment	combines	dynamic	analysis,	static	analysis,	and	forensic	analysis	to	ensure	
that	the	majority	of	the	mobile	application	attack	surface	is	covered.
• On	some	platforms,	it	may	be	necessary	to	have	root	user	or	elevated	privileges	in	order	to	perform	all	
of	the	the required	analysis	on	devices	during	testing.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestMobile	Application	Pentest
• Information	Gathering	- describes	the	steps	and	things	to	consider	when	you	are	in	the	early	stage	
reconnaissance	and	mapping	phases	of	testing	as	well	as	determining	the	application’s	magnitude	of	
effort	and	scoping.
• Static	Analysis	- Analyzing	raw	mobile	source	code,	decompiled	or	disassembled	code.
• Dynamic	Analysis	- executing	an	application	either	on	the	device	itself	or	within	a	simulator/emulator	
and	interacting	with	the	remote	services	with	which	the	application	communicates.	This	includes	
assessing	the	application’s	local	interprocess communication	surface,	forensic	analysis	of	the	local	
filesystem,	and	assessing	remote	service	dependencies.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Gathering
• Prerequisites	of	this	phase	may	require	specific	operating	systems,	platform	specific	software	
development	kits	(SDK’s),	rooted	or	jailbroken devices,	the	ability	to	man-in-the-middle	secure	
communications	(i.e.	HTTPS)	and	bypass	invalid	certificate	checks.
• Manually	navigate	through	the	running	application	to	understand	the	basic	functionality	and	workflow	
of	the	application.	This	can	be	performed	on	a	real	device	or	within	a	simulator/emulator.	For	deeper	
understanding	of	application	functionality	tester	can	proxy	and	sniff	all	network	traffic	from	either	a	
physical	mobile	device	or	an	emulator/simulator	recording	and	logging	traffic	(if	your	proxy	tool	permits	
logging,	which	most	should).
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Gathering	– Cont.
• Identify	the	networking	interfaces	used	by	the	application
• Determine	what	the	application	supports	for	access	3G,	4G,	wifi and	or	others
• What	networking	protocols	are	in	use?
Ø Are	secure	protocols	used	where	needed?
Ø Can	they	be	switched	with	insecure	protocols?
• Does	the	application	perform	commerce	transactions?
Ø Credit	card	transactions	and/or	stored	payment	information	(certain	industry	regulations	may	be	
required	(i.e.	PCI	DSS)).
Ø In-app	purchasing	of	goods	or	features
• Make	note	for	future	phases	to	determine	does	the	application	store	payment	information?	How	is	
payment	information	secured?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Gathering	– Cont.
• Monitor	and	identify	the	hardware	components	that	the	application	may	potentially	interact	with
Ø Bluetooth
Ø Camera
Ø Microphone
Ø Sensors
• Perform	open	source	intelligence	gathering	(search	engines,	source	code	repositories,	developer	
forums,	etc.)	to	identify	source	code	or	configuration	information	that	may	be	exposed	(i.e.	3rd	party	
components	integrated	within	the	application)
• What	frameworks	are	in	use?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Gathering	– Cont.
• Identify	if	the	application	appears	to	interact	with	any	other	applications,	services,	or	data	such	as:
Ø Telephony	(SMS,	phone)
Ø Contacts
Ø Auto	correct	/	dictionary	services
Ø Receiving	data	from	apps	and	other	on-device	services
Ø Google	Wallet
Ø iCloud
Ø Social	networks	(i.e.	Facebook,	Twitter,	LinkedIn,	Google+)
Ø Dropbox
Ø Evernote
Ø Email
Ø Etc.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Gathering	– Cont.
• Can	you	determine	anything	about	the	server	side	application	environment?
Ø Hosting	provider	(AWS,	App	Engine,	Heroku,	Rackspace,	Azure,	etc.)
Ø Development	environment	(Rails,	Java,	Django,	ASP.NET,	etc.)
Ø Does	the	application	leverage	Single	Sign	On	or	Authentication	APIs	(Google	Apps,	Facebook,	iTunes,	OAuth,	etc.)
Ø Any	other	APIs	in	use
ü Payment	gateways
ü SMS	messaging
ü Social	networks
ü Cloud	file	storage
ü Ad	networks
• Perform	a	thorough	crawl	of	exposed	web	resources	and	sift	through	the	requests	and	responses	to	identify	potentially	
interesting	data	or	behavior
Ø Leaking	sensitive	information	(i.e.	credentials)	in	the	response
Ø Resources	not	exposed	through	the	UI
Ø Error	messages
Ø Cacheable	information
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestStatic	Analysis
• There	are	two	primary	ways	static	analysis	will	generally	be	performed	on	a	mobile	application:
Ø Analyzing	source	code	obtained	from	development	team	(prefered)
Ø Using	a	compiled	binary.
• Some	level	of	static	analysis	should	be	performed	for	both	dynamic	and	forensic	analysis,	as	the	
application’s	code	will	almost	always	provide	valuable	information	to	the	tester	(i.e.	logic,	backend	
targets,	APIs,	etc).
• In	scenarios	where	the	primary	goal	is	to	identify	programmatic	examples	of	security	flaws,	your	best	
bet	is	to	review	pure	source	code	as	opposed	to	reverse	engineering	compiled	software.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestGetting	Started
• If	the	source	is	not	directly	available,	decompile	or	disassemble	the	application’s	binary
Ø extract	the	application	from	the	device
Ø follow	the	appropriate	steps	for	your	platform’s	application	reverse	engineering
Ø some	applications	may	also	require	decryption	prior	to	reverse	engineering	(note:	decryption	and	
code	obfuscation	are	not	the	same	thing)
• Review	the	permissions	the	application	requests	as	well	as	the	resources	that	it	is	authorized	to	access	
(i.e.	AndroidManifest.xml,	iOS	Entitlements	or	Windows	Phone's	WMAppManifest.xml)
• Are	there	any	easy	to	identify	misconfigurations	within	the	application	found	within	the	configuration	
files?	Debugging	flags	set,	world	readable/writable	permissions,	etc.
• What	frameworks	are	in	use?	Is	the	application	built	using	a	cross-platform	framework?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestGetting	Started
• Identify	the	libraries	in	use	including	both	platform	provided	as	well	as	third	party.	Perform	a	quick	
review	on	the	web	to	determine	if	these	libraries:
Ø are	up	to	date
Ø are	free	of	vulnerabilities
Ø expose	functionality	that	requires	elevated	privileges	(access	to	location	or	contact	data)
Ø native	code
• Does	the	application	check	for	rooted/jailbroken	devices?	How	is	this	done?	How	can	this	be	
circumvented?	Is	it	as	easy	as	changing	the	case	of	a	file	name	or	name	of	executable	or	path?
• Determine	what	types	of	objects	are	implemented	to	create	the	various	views	within	the	application.	
This	may	significantly	alter	your	test	cases,	as	some	views	implement	web	browser	functionality	while	
others	are	native	UI	controls	only.
• Is	all	code	expected	to	run	within	the	platform’s	standard	runtime	environment,	or	are	some	
files/libraries	dynamically	loaded	or	called	outside	of	that	environment	at	runtime?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Attempt	to	match	up	every	permission	that	the	application	requests	with	an	actual	concrete	
implementation	of	it	within	the	application.	Often,	developers	request	more	permission	than	they	
actually	need.	Identify	if	the	same	functionality	could	be	enabled	with	lesser	privileges.
• Locate	hard	coded	secrets	within	the	application	such	as	API	keys,	credentials,	or	proprietary	business	
• Identify	every	entry	point	for	untrusted	data	entry	and	determine	how	it	enforces	access	controls,	
validates	and	sanitizes	inbound	data,	and	passes	the	data	off	to	other	interpreters
• From	web	service	calls
• Receiving	data	from	other	apps	and	on-device	services
• Inbound	SMS	messages
• Reading	information	from	the	filesystem
Getting	Started
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthentication
• Locate	the	code	which	handles	user	authentication	through	the	UI.	Assess	the	possible	methods	of	user	
impersonation	via	vectors	such	as	parameter	tampering,	replay	attacks,	and	brute	force	attacks.
• Check	if	authentication	is	done	online/offline.	Sometimes	authentication	is	done	offline,	so	here	you	can	
try	SQLi to	bypass	authentication.
• Determine	if	the	application	utilizes	information	beyond	username/password	such	as
Ø contextual	information	(i.e.- device	identifiers,	location)
Ø certificates
Ø tokens
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthentication
• Does	the	application	utilize	visual	swipe	or	touch	passwords	vs.	conventional	usernames	and	
Ø Assess	the	method	of	mapping	the	visual	objects	to	an	authentication	string	to	determine	if	
adequate	entropy	exists
• Does	the	application	implement	functionality	that	permits	inbound	connections	from	other	devices?	
(i.e.- Wi-Fi	Direct,	Android	Beam,	network	services)
Ø Does	the	application	properly	authenticate	the	remote	user	or	peer	prior	to	granting	access	to	
device	resources?
Ø How	does	the	application	handle	excessive	failed	attempts	at	authentication?
Ø are	failed	attempts	logged?
Ø what	mechanisms	exist	to	inform	the	user	of	a	potential	attack?
• Is	there	account	lockout	implemented	for	limited	invalid	login	attempts?
Ø How	many	invalid	attempts	are	allowed?
Ø Does	application	handles	DOS	performed	using	account	lockout	feature?
Ø How	does	it	unlock	the	user	account?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Single	Sign	On,	e.g.
Ø OAuth
Ø Facebook
Ø Google	Apps
v How	is	the	sender	authenticated?
Ø password
Ø header	information
Ø Other	mechanism?
v Are	one	time	passwords	(OTP)	used	or	is	other	sensitive	account	data	transmitted	via	SMS?
Ø Can	other	applications	access	this	data?
v What	if	attacker	tampers	OTP	using	gprs modem?
v Can	application	validate	the	tampered	OTP?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
Ø Does	application	use	USSD/Flash	messages	to	authenticate	use?
v USSD	based	authentication	is	more	reliable	than	SMS
• Push	Notifications
Ø If	the	application	consumes	information	via	push	notifications,	how	does	the	application	verify	the	
identity	of	the	sender?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthorization
• Review	file	permissions	for	files	created	at	runtime
• Determine	if	it	is	possible	to	access	functionality	not	intended	for	your	role
Ø Identify	if	the	application	has	role	specific	functionality	within	the	mobile	application
Ø Locate	any	potential	flags	or	values	that	may	be	set	on	the	client	from	any	untrusted	source	that	
can	be	a	point	of	privilege	elevation	such	as
ü databases
ü flat	files
ü HTTP	responses
Ø Find	places	within	an	application	that	were	not	anticipated	being	directly	accessed	without	
following	the	application’s	intended	workflow
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthorization
• Licensing
Ø Can	licensing	checks	be	defeated	locally	to	obtain	access	to	paid-for	data	resources?	(i.e.- patching	
a	binary,	modifying	it	at	runtime,	or	by	modifying	a	local	configuration	file)
Ø Does	the	code	suggest	that	licensed	content	is	served	with	a	non-licensed	app	but	restricted	by	UI	
controls	only?
Ø Are	licensing	checks	performed	properly	by	the	server	or	platform	licensing	services?
Ø How	does	the	application	detect	and	respond	to	tampering?
ü Are	alerts	sent	to	and	expected	by	the	developer?
ü Does	the	application	fail	open	or	fail	closed?
ü Does	the	application	wipe	its	data?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSession	Management
• Ensure	that	sessions	timeout	locally	as	well	as	server	side.
Ø Make	sure	Session	Timeout	is	set	to	minimal	value.
• Is	sensitive	information	utilized	within	the	application	flushed	from	memory	upon	session	expiration?
• No	Session	IDs	should	be	passed	in	URL,	ensure	usage	of	POST	method	or	hidden	fields.
• Detect	Session	Fixation/Tampering	on	Server	Side.
• Ensure	Session	tokens	are	randomized	and	are	not	guessable	or	in	sequence.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestData	Storage
• Encryption
Ø Are	the	algorithms	used	“best	of	breed”	or	do	they	contain	known	issues?
Ø How	are	keys	derived	from	i.e.	a	password?
Ø Based	on	the	algorithms	and	approaches	used	to	encrypt	data,	do	implementation	issues	exist	that	
degrade	the	effectiveness	of	encryption?
Ø How	are	keys	managed	and	stored	on	the	device?	Can	this	reduce	the	complexity	in	breaking	the	
• Identify	if	the	application	utilizes	storage	areas	external	to	the	“sandboxed”	locations	to	store	
unencrypted	data	such	as:
Ø Places	with	limited	access	control	granularity	(SD	card,	tmp directories,	etc.)
Ø Directories	that	may	end	up	in	backups	or	other	undesired	locations	(iTunes	backup,	external	storage,	
Ø Cloud	storage	services	such	as	Dropbox,	Google	Drive,	or	S3
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestData	Storage
• Does	the	application	write	sensitive	information	to	the	file	system	at	any	point,	such	as:
Ø Credentials
ü Username	and/or	password
ü API	keys
ü Authentication	tokens
Ø Payment	information
Ø Patient	data
Ø Signature	files
• Is	sensitive	information	written	to	data	stores	via	platform	exposed	APIs	such	as	contacts?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Disclosure
• Logs
Ø Does	the	application	log	data?	Is	sensitive	information	accessible?
Ø How	are	the	logs	accessed,	if	so,	and	by	which	mechanism/functionality?	Is	log	access	protected?
Ø Can	any	of	the	logged	information	be	considered	a	privacy	violation?
Ø Is	the	device	identifier	sent	that	could	be	used	to	identify	the	user?	(i.e.UDID in	Apple	devices)
Ø Does	the	application	upload	any	log	file	to	the	server?
ü Is	the	log	file	extension	validated	before	upload?
ü Is	the	content	of	the	log	file	validated	before	upload?	What	if	malicious	code	is	embedded	in	log	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInformation	Disclosure
• Caches
Ø Predictive	text
Ø Location	information
Ø Copy	and	paste
Ø Application	snapshot
Ø Browser	cache
Ø Non-standard	cache	locations	(i.e the	various	SQLite	databases	that	apps	can	create	if	they	use	HTML	UI	
Ø Are	HTTPS	responses	being	cached?
• Exceptions
Ø Does	sensitive	data	leak	in	crash	logs?
Ø How	does	application	handle	data/logs	outside	its	container?
• Third	Party	Libraries	and	APIs
Ø What	permissions	do	they	require?
Ø Do	they	access	or	transmit	sensitive	information?
• Review	licensing	requirements	for	any	potential	violations.
Ø Can	their	runtime	behavior	expose	users	to	privacy	issues	and	unauthorized	tracking?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestWeb	Application	Issues
• XSS	and	HTML	Injection
Ø Identify	places	where	the	application	passes	untrusted	data	into	a	web	view	or	browser
Ø Determine	if	the	application	properly	output	encodes	or	sanitizes	the	data	within	the	appropriate	
• OS	Command	Injection	(if	the	application	utilizes	a	shell)
Ø Where	the	application	permits	usage	of	the	shell,	identify	the	entry	points	to	manipulate	or	alter	the	
commands	via	user	input	or	external	untrusted	data
Ø Determine	if	an	attacker	can	inject	arbitrary	commands	or	manipulate	the	intended	command	in	any	
• SQL	Injection
• Cookies
• XML	Injection
• Check	Cross	Domain	Policy
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestNetworking
• Are	insecure	protocols	used	to	send	or	receive	sensitive	information?	Examples- FTP,	SNMP	v1,	SSH	v1
• Are	there	any	known	issues	with	the	specific	libraries	you	are	using	to	implement	the	protocol?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestTransport	Layer	Protection
• Does	the	application	properly	implement	Certificate	Pinning?
• Are	certificates	validated	to	determine	if:
Ø The	certificate	has	not	expired
Ø The	certificate	was	issued	by	a	valid	certificate	authority
Ø The	remote	destination	information	matches	the	information	within	the	certificate?
• Are	certificates	validated	only	by	the	operating	system	or	also	by	the	application	that	relies	on	it?
• Identify	if	code	exist	to	alter	the	behavior	for	traffic	transiting	different	interfaces	(i.e.- 3G/4G	comms
vs.	Wi-Fi)?	If	so,	is	encryption	applied	universally	across	each	of	them
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestHelpful	Search	Strings	and	Regular	Expressions
• printStackTrace
• username/userID/password/passwd/pwd/
• key/encrypt/decrypt/MD5/MD4
• timeout/session.invalidate
• root/jailbreak
• test/demo/
• sqlconnection/sqlevents/sqldemo/sqlconn/sqltest
• account/URL/hostname/ipaddress
• proxy
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDynamic	Analysis
• Application	Types
• Establishing	a	Baseline
• Debugging
• Active	Testing
• Local	Testing
Ø Cryptography
Ø Web	Applications
Ø Authentication
Ø Authorization
Ø File	System	Analysis
Ø Memory	Analysis
• Remote	Application/Service	Testing
Ø Authentication
Ø Authorization
Ø Session	Management
Ø Transport	Layer	Testing
Ø Server	Side	Attacks
Ø Server,	Network	&	Application	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestApplication	Types
• Native	Mobile	Application:	Native	mobile	applications	can	be	installed	on	to	the	device.	This	type	of	
applications	generally	store	most	of	their	code	on	the	device.	Any	information	required	can	be	requested	to	
the	server	using	the	HTTP/s	protocol
• Web	services	for	Mobile	Application:	Native	mobile	application	that	uses	SOAP	or	REST	based	web	services	
to	communicate	between	client	and	Server
• Mobile	Browser	Based	Application:	Web	browser	based	applications	can	be	accessed	using	device’s	
browsers	such	as	Safari	or	Chrome.	Most	of	the	commercial	applications	are	nowadays	specifically	designed	
and	optimized	for	mobile	browsers.	These	applications	are	no	different	than	traditional	web	application	and	
all	the	web	application	vulnerabilities	apply	to	these	apps	and	these	should	be	tested	as	traditional	web	
• Mobile	Hybrid	Applications:	Applications	can	leverage	web	browser	functionality	within	native	applications,	
blending	the	risks	from	both	classes	of	applications.
In	this	phase,	the	mobile	client,	backend	services,	and	host	platform	is	analyzed/scanned	in	attempt	to	uncover	
potential	risks,	vulnerabilities	and	threats.	The	use	of	an	intercepting	proxy	tool	as	well	as	automated	
vulnerability	scanners	are	core	to	this	phase.	In	many	cases,	you	will	also	need	some	type	of	shell	access	to	the	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestEstablishing	a	Baseline
• Generate	File	System	Baseline	Fingerprint	(before	app	installation)
Ø Application	interactions	with	the	host	file	system	must	be	reviewed	and	analyzed	at	various	stages	of	
testing;	starting	with	baseline	capture.	This	may	require	a	shell	or	GUI	depending	on	platform	and/or	
• Install,	Configure	and	Use	the	Application
Ø Manually	inspect	the	file	system	to	determine	what	files/databases	were	created,	what	and	how	data	
is	stored.	Did	the	application	store	sensitive	data	unencrypted	or	trivially	protected	(i.e.	encoded)?
Ø Generally,	pay	attention	to	credentials,	payment	information,	or	other	highly	sensitive	information	
being	saved	to	the	device.	Also	take	a	look	at	databases,	log	files,	predictive	text	caches,	and	crash	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDebugging
• Attach	a	debugger	to	an	application	to	step	through	code	execution	and	setting	breakpoints	at	
interesting	code	within	the	application
• Monitor	logged	messages	and	notifications	generated	at	runtime
• Observe	interprocess communications	between	the	target	application	and	other	applications	and	
services	running	on	the	mobile	device.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestActive	Testing
• Local	Testing
• Exposed	IPC	interfaces
Ø Sniff
Ø Fuzz
Ø Bypass	authorization	checks
• Cryptography
Ø Brute	force	attacks	against	keys,	pins,	and	hashes
Ø Attempt	to	reconstruct	encrypted	data	through	recovery	of	keys,	hardcoded	secrets,	and	any	other	
information	exposed	by	the	application
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestWeb	Applications
• XSS	and	HTML	Injection
Ø Is	it	possible	to	inject	client	side	code	(i.e.	JavaScript)	or	HTML	into	the	application	to	either	modify	
the	inner	working	of	the	application	or	it's	user	interface?
• Command	Injection	(if	the	application	utilizes	a	shell)
• SQL	Injection
• Cookies
Ø Are	cookies	issued	by	a	server	secured	by	using	the	HTTP-only	and	Secure	flag?
Ø Is	there	any	sensitive	information	stored	in	the	cookies?
• HTML5	Storage
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestWeb	Applications
• Assess	the	methods	an	application	uses	to	authenticate	peers
Ø Push	notifications
Ø Across	IPC	channels	(identify	the	calling	application’s	privileges	and	identity)
• Instrument,	patch,	or	interact	with	application	at	runtime	to	bypass	methods	intended	to	prevent	
usage	of	privileged	or	premium	features
• Determine	if	configuration	or	locally	stored	data	can	be	manipulated	in	order	to	elevate	a	user’s	
• Check	the	filesystem	permissions	for	any	files	created	at	runtime
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Assess	the	application’s	behavior	throughout	it’s	lifecycle	to	determine	if	special	functionality	is	triggered	to	
persist	an	application’s	state	when	it	enters	different	stages:
Ø Placed	into	the	foreground
Ø Sent	into	the	background
Ø Upon	exiting	the	application
• Data	storage	in	Cache
• Looking	for	artifacts	left	on	device
• Unencrypted	data	storage	on	the	device
• Encryption	of	data	in	backups
• Username/password,	or	app-specific	unique	device	id	stored	on	the	device
• Application	Permissions	,	Privileges	and	Access	controls	on	the	device
• Generally,	pay	attention	to	credentials,	payment	information,	or	other	highly	sensitive	information	being	saved	to	
the	device.	Also	take	a	look	at	log	files,	predictive	text	caches,	and	crash	logs.
• Is	sensitive	information	cached	within	the	application’s	UI	back	stack?
• Utilize	forensic	tools	to	determine	if	deleted	data	can	be	recovered	from	the	filesystem as	well	as	within	
File	System	Analysis
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestMemory	Analysis
• Determine	if	sensitive	information	persists	within	memory	after	performing	the	following	actions:
• Logging	out	of	the	application
• Transition	between	UI	components
• Is	it	possible	to	obtain	encryption	keys,	credentials,	payment	information	and	other	sensitive	
information	by	dumping	device	or	application	memory?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestRemote	Application/Service	Testing
• What	methods	are	available	(3G,	4G,	Wifi,	etc)?
• What	happens	if	the	remote	authentication	service	becomes	unavailable?
• Assess	strength	of	password	requirements
• Test	how	account	lockouts	are	implemented
• Analyze	(monitor	traffic)	how	each	method	performs	authentication.	Note	target	wifi as	this	is	a	common	area	where	
authentication	can	be	weak.	Ensure	authentication	is	robust	and	not	based	on	trivial	attributes	(i.e.	MDN,	ESN,	etc).
• Verify	that	authentication	tokens	are	terminated	after	a	user	initiates	a	password	reset
• Single	Sign	On	(SSO)
• SMS	Based
Ø One	Time	Passwords	(OTP)
Ø Two	Factor	Authentication
• Push	Notifications
• Licensing
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestRemote	Application/Service	Testing
• What	happens	if	the	remote	authorization	handling	service	becomes	unavailable?
• Test	if	direct	access	to	backend	resources	is	possible
• Access	controls	to	server	side	resources	not	enforced
• Vertical	and	horizontal	privilege	escalation
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthorization
• What	happens	if	the	remote	authorization	handling	service	becomes	unavailable?
• Test	if	direct	access	to	backend	resources	is	possible
• Access	controls	to	server	side	resources	not	enforced
• Vertical	and	horizontal	privilege	escalation
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSession	Management
• Entropy	analysis
• Device	identifier	related?
• Are	session	tokens	refreshed	between	logouts?
• Lifetime	and	expiration
• Handling	the	session	token	on	the	device	(stored,	in	memory,	etc.)
• Privilege	Escalation
• Ineffective	Session	Termination
• Session	Fixation
• Pre-login/Login/Post-login	Session	checks
• Unique	Session	Generation
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestTransport	Layer	Testing
• Man-in-the-middle	attacks
• Eavesdropping
• SSL	checks	(cypher	strengths/weakness	etc.)
• SSL	Striping
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestServer	Side	Attacks
• Triggering	unhandled	exceptions
• Cross-Site	Scripting
• SQL	Injection
• XML	Bombs
• Buffer	overflow
• Unrestricted	File	Upload
• Open	Redirect
• Cross	Origin	Resource	Sharing
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestServer,	Network	&	Application	Scanning
Based	on	prior	phases	you	should	have	1	or	more	target	servers	(i.e.	URLs)	as	candidates	for	automated	
vulnerability	scanning.	Mobile	applications	often	leverage	existing	web	services/applications	(i.e.	hybrid	
applications)	which	must	be	tested	for	security	vulnerabilities.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestOWASP	Mobile	Top	10	Risks
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestWeak	Server	Side	Controls
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestExample	Scenarios
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBusiness	Logic	Testing
• 4.11.1	Test	Business	Logic	Data	Validation	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-001)
• 4.11.2	Test	Ability	to	Forge	Requests	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-002)
• 4.11.3	Test	Integrity	Checks	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-003)
• 4.11.4	Test	for	Process	Timing	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-004)
• 4.11.5	Test	Number	of	Times	a	Function	Can	be	Used	Limits	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-005)
• 4.11.6	Testing	for	the	Circumvention	of	Work	Flows	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-006)
• 4.11.7	Test	Defenses	Against	Application	Mis-use	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-007)
• 4.11.8	Test	Upload	of	Unexpected	File	Types	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-008)
• 4.11.9	Test	Upload	of	Malicious	Files	(OTG-BUSLOGIC-009)
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthentication	Testing
• 4.5.1	Testing	for	Credentials	Transported	over	an	Encrypted	Channel	(OTG-AUTHN-001)
• 4.5.2	Testing	for	default	credentials	(OTG-AUTHN-002)
• 4.5.3	Testing	for	Weak	lock	out	mechanism	(OTG-AUTHN-003)
• 4.5.4	Testing	for	bypassing	authentication	schema	(OTG-AUTHN-004)
• 4.5.5	Test	remember	password	functionality	(OTG-AUTHN-005)
• 4.5.6	Testing	for	Browser	cache	weakness	(OTG-AUTHN-006)
• 4.5.7	Testing	for	Weak	password	policy	(OTG-AUTHN-007)
• 4.5.8	Testing	for	Weak	security	question/answer	(OTG-AUTHN-008)
• 4.5.9	Testing	for	weak	password	change	or	reset	functionalities	(OTG-AUTHN-009)
• 4.5.10	Testing	for	Weaker	authentication	in	alternative	channel	(OTG-AUTHN-010)
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthorization	Testing
• 4.6.1	Testing	Directory	traversal/file	include	(OTG-AUTHZ-001)
• 4.6.2	Testing	for	bypassing	authorization	schema	(OTG-AUTHZ-002)
• 4.6.3	Testing	for	Privilege	Escalation	(OTG-AUTHZ-003)
• 4.6.4	Testing	for	Insecure	Direct	Object	References	(OTG-AUTHZ-004)
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSession	Management	Testing
• 4.7.1	Testing	for	Bypassing	Session	Management	Schema	(OTG-SESS-001)
• 4.7.2	Testing	for	Cookies	attributes	(OTG-SESS-002)
• 4.7.3	Testing	for	Session	Fixation	(OTG-SESS-003)
• 4.7.4	Testing	for	Exposed	Session	Variables	(OTG-SESS-004)
• 4.7.5	Testing	for	Cross	Site	Request	Forgery	(CSRF)	(OTG-SESS-005)
• 4.7.6	Testing	for	logout	functionality	(OTG-SESS-006)
• 4.7.7	Test	Session	Timeout	(OTG-SESS-007)
• 4.7.8	Testing	for	Session	puzzling	(OTG-SESS-008)
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInsecure	Data	Storage
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Specific	Best	Practices:
• Never	store	credentials	on	the	phone	file	system.	Force	the	user	to	authenticate	using	a	standard	web	
or	API	login	scheme	(over	HTTPS)	to	the	application	upon	each	opening	and	ensure	session	timeouts	
are	set	at	the	bare	minimum	to	meet	the	user	experience	requirements.
• Where	storage	or	caching	of	information	is	necessary	consider	using	a	standard	iOS	encryption	library	
such	as	CommonCrypto.	However,	for	particularly	sensitive	apps,	consider	using	whitebox cryptography	
solutions	that	avoid	the	leakage	of	binary	signatures	found	within	common	encryption	libraries.
• If	the	data	is	small,	using	the	provided	apple	keychain	API	is	recommended	but,	once	a	phone	is	
jailbroken or	exploited	the	keychain	can	be	easily	read.	This	is	in	addition	to	the	threat	of	a	bruteforce
on	the	devices	PIN,	which	as	stated	above	is	trivial	in	some	cases.
• For	databases	consider	using	SQLcipher for	Sqlite data	encryption
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Specific	Best	Practices:
• For	items	stored	in	the	keychain	leverage	the	most	secure	API	designation,	
kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked (now	the	default	in	iOS	5)	and	for	enterprise	managed	mobile	
devices	ensure	a	strong	PIN	is	forced,	alphanumeric,	larger	than	4	characters.
• For	larger	or	more	general	types	of	consumer-grade	data,	Apple’s	File	Protection	mechanism	can	safely	
be	used	(see	NSData Class	Reference	for	protection	options).
• Avoid	using	NSUserDefaults to	store	sensitive	pieces	of	information	as	it	stores	data	in	plist files.
• Be	aware	that	all	data/entities	using	NSManagedObects will	be	stored	in	an	unencrypted	database	file.
• Avoid	exclusively	relying	upon	hardcoded	encryption	or	decryption	keys	when	storing	sensitive	
information	assets.
• Consider	providing	an	additional	layer	of	encryption	beyond	any	default	encryption	mechanisms	
provided	by	the	operating	system.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Specific	Best	Practices:
• For	local	storage	the	enterprise	android	device	administration	API	can	be	used	to	force	encryption	to	
local	file-stores	using	“setStorageEncryption”
• For	SD	Card	Storage	some	security	can	be	achieved	via	the	‘javax.crypto’	library.	You	have	a	few	
options,	but	an	easy	one	is	simply	to	encrypt	any	plain	text	data	with	a	master	password	and	AES	128.
• Ensure	any	shared	preferences	properties	are	NOT	MODE_WORLD_READABLE	unless	explicitly	required	
for	information	sharing	between	apps.
• Avoid	exclusively	relying	upon	hardcoded	encryption	or	decryption	keys	when	storing	sensitive	
information	assets.
• Consider	providing	an	additional	layer	of	encryption	beyond	any	default	encryption	mechanisms	
provided	by	the	operating	system.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestIOS	Simulator
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestInsufficient	Transport	Layer	Protection
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Assume	that	the	network	layer	is	not	secure	and	is	susceptible	to	eavesdropping.
• Apply	SSL/TLS	to	transport	channels	that	the	mobile	app	will	use	to	transmit	sensitive	information,	session	tokens,	or	other	
sensitive	data	to	a	backend	API	or	web	service.
• Account	for	outside	entities	like	third-party	analytics	companies,	social	networks,	etc.	by	using	their	SSL	versions	when	an	
application	runs	a	routine	via	the	browser/webkit.	Avoid	mixed	SSL	sessions	as	they	may	expose	the	user’s	session	ID.
• Use	strong,	industry	standard	cipher	suites	with	appropriate	key	lengths.
• Use	certificates	signed	by	a	trusted	CA	provider.
• Never	allow	self-signed	certificates,	and	consider	certificate	pinning	for	security	conscious	applications.
• Always	require	SSL	chain	verification.
• Only	establish	a	secure	connection	after	verifying	the	identity	of	the	endpoint	server	using	trusted	certificates	in	the	key	chain.
• Alert	users	through	the	UI	if	the	mobile	app	detects	an	invalid	certificate.
• Do	not	send	sensitive	data	over	alternate	channels	(e.g,	SMS,	MMS,	or	notifications).
• If	possible,	apply	a	separate	layer	of	encryption	to	any	sensitive	data	before	it	is	given	to	the	SSL	channel.	In	the	event	that future	
vulnerabilities	are	discovered	in	the	SSL	implementation,	the	encrytped data	will	provide	a	secondary	defense	against	
confidentiality	violation.
General	Best	Practices:
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Specific	Best	Practices
• Ensure	that	certificates	are	valid	and	fail	closed.
• When	using	CFNetwork,	consider	using	the	Secure	Transport	API	to	designate	trusted	client	certificates.	
In	almost	all	situations,	NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1	should	be	used	for	higher	standard	cipher	
• After	development,	ensure	all	NSURL	calls	(or	wrappers	of	NSURL)	do	not	allow	self	signed	or	invalid	
certificates	such	as	the	NSURL	class	method	setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate.
• Consider	using	certificate	pinning	by	doing	the	following:	export	your	certificate,	include	it	in	your	app	
bundle,	and	anchor	it	to	your	trust	object.	Using	the	NSURL	method	
connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:	will	now	accept	your	cert.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Specific	Best	Practices
• Remove	all	code	after	the	development	cycle	that	may	allow	the	application	to	accept	all	certificates	
such	as	org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier or	
SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.	These	are	equivalent	to	trusting	all	certificates.
• If	using	a	class	which	extends	SSLSocketFactory,	make	sure	checkServerTrusted method	is	properly	
implemented	so	that	server	certificate	is	correctly	checked.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
Lack	of	Certificate	Inspection
The	mobile	app	and	an	endpoint	successfully	connect	and	perform	a	SSL/TLS	handshake	to	establish	a	
secure	channel.	However,	the	mobile	app	fails	to	inspect	the	certificate	offered	by	the	server	and	the	
mobile	app	unconditionally	accepts	any	certificate	offered	to	it	by	the	server.	This	destroys	any	mutual	
authentication	capability	between	the	mobile	app	and	the	endpoint.	The	mobile	app	is	susceptible	to	man-
in-the-middle	attacks	through	a	SSL	proxy
Weak	Handshake	Negotiation
The	mobile	app	and	an	endpoint	successfully	connect	and	negotiate	a	cipher	suite	as	part	of	the	connection	
handshake.	The	client	successfully	negotiates	with	the	server	to	use	a	weak	cipher	suite	that	results	in	weak	
encryption	that	can	be	easily	decrypted	by	the	adversary.	This	jeopardizes	the	confidentiality	of	the	channel	
between	the	mobile	app	and	the	endpoint;
Privacy	Information	Leakage
The	mobile	app	transmits	personally	identifiable	information	to	an	endpoint	via	non-secure	channels	
instead	of	over	SSL.	This	jeopardizes	the	confidentiality	of	any	privacy-related	data	between	the	mobile	app	
and	the	endpoint.
Android	Specific	Best	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestUnintended	Data	Leakage
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestHow	Do	I	Prevent	Unintended	Data	Leakage?
It	is	important	to	threat	model	your	OS,	platforms,	and	frameworks,	to	see	how	they	handle	the	following	
types	of	features:
• URL	Caching	(Both	request	and	response)
• Keyboard	Press	Caching
• Copy/Paste	buffer	Caching
• Application	backgrounding
• Logging
• HTML5	data	storage
• Browser	cookie	objects
• Analytics	data	sent	to	3rd	parties
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestPoor	Authorization	And	Authentication
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Poor	Authorization	and	Authentication?
Avoid	the	following	Insecure	Mobile	Application	Authentication	Design	Patterns:
• If	you	are	porting	a	web	application	to	its	mobile	equivalent,	authentication	requirements	of	mobile	
applications	should	match	that	of	the	web	application	component.	Therefore,	it	should	not	be	possible	
to	authenticate	with	less	authentication	factors	than	the	web	browser.
• Authenticating	a	user	locally	can	lead	to	client-side	bypass	vulnerabilities.	If	the	application	stores	data	
locally,	the	authentication	routine	can	be	bypassed	on	jailbroken devices	through	run-time	manipulation	
or	modification	of	the	binary.	If	there	is	a	compelling	business	requirement	for	offline	authentication,	
see	M10	for	additional	guidance	on	preventing	binary	attacks	against	the	mobile	app.
• Where	possible,	ensure	that	all	authentication	requests	are	performed	server-side.	Upon	successful	
authentication,	application	data	will	be	loaded	onto	the	mobile	device.	This	will	ensure	that	application	
data	will	only	be	available	after	successful	authentication.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Poor	Authorization	and	Authentication?
Avoid	the	following	Insecure	Mobile	Application	Authentication	Design	Patterns:
• If	client-side	storage	of	data	is	required,	the	data	will	need	to	be	encrypted	using	an	encryption	key	that	
is	securely	derived	from	the	user’s	login	credentials.	This	will	ensure	that	the	stored	application	data	will	
only	be	accessible	upon	successfully	entering	the	correct	credentials.	There	are	additional	risks	that	the	
data	will	be	decrypted	via	binary	attacks.	See	M10	for	additional	guidance	on	preventing	binary	attacks	
that	lead	to	local	data	theft.
• Persistent	authentication	(Remember	Me)	functionality	implemented	within	mobile	applications	should	
never	store	a	user’s	password	on	the	device.
• Ideally,	mobile	applications	should	utilize	a	device-specific	authentication	token	that	can	be	revoked	
within	the	mobile	application	by	the	user.	This	will	ensure	that	the	app	can	mitigate	unauthorized	access	
from	a	stolen/lost	device.
• Do	not	use	any	spoof-able	values	for	authenticating	a	user.	This	includes	device	identifiers	or	geo-
• Persistent	authentication	within	mobile	applications	should	be	implemented	as	opt-in	and	not	be	
enabled	by	default.
• If	possible,	do	not	allow	users	to	provide	4-digit	PIN	numbers	for	authentication	passwords.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Developers	assume	that	only	authenticated	users	will	be	able	to	generate	a	service	request	that	the	
mobile	app	submits	to	its	backend	for	processing.	During	the	processing	of	the	request,	the	server	code	
does	not	verify	that	the	incoming	request	is	associated	with	a	known	user.	Hence,	adversaries	submit	
service	requests	to	the	back-end	service	and	anonymously	execute	functionality	that	affects	legitimate	
users	of	the	solution.
• Developers	assume	that	only	authorized	users	will	be	able	to	see	the	existance of	a	particular	function	
on	their	mobile	app.	Hence,	they	expect	that	only	legitimately	authorized	users	will	be	able	to	issue	the	
request	for	the	service	from	their	mobile	device.	Backend	code	that	processes	the	request	does	not	
bother	to	verify	that	the	identity	associated	with	the	request	is	entitled	to	execute	the	service.	Hence,	
adversaries	are	able	to	perform	remote	administrative	functionality	using	fairly	low-privilege	user	
• Due	to	usability	requirements,	mobile	apps	allow	for	passwords	that	are	4	digits	long.	Server	code	
correctly	stores	a	hashed	version	of	the	password.	However,	due	to	the	severely	short	length	of	the	
password,	an	adversary	will	be	able	to	quickly	deduce	the	original	passwords	using	rainbow	hash	tables.	
If	the	password	file	(or	data	store)	on	the	server	is	compromised,	an	adversary	will	be	able	to	quickly	
deduce	users'	passwords.
The	following	scenarios	showcase	weak	authentication	or	
authorization	controls	in	mobile	apps:
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBroken	Cryptography
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestReliance	Upon	Built-In	Code	Encryption	Processes
By	default,	iOS	applications	are	protected	(in	theory)	from	reverse	engineering	via	code	encryption.	The	iOS	
security	model	requires	that	apps	be	encrypted	and	signed	by	trustworthy	sources	in	order	to	execute	in	
non-jailbroken environments.	Upon	start-up,	the	iOS	app	loader	will	decrypt	the	app	in	memory	and	
proceed	to	execute	the	code	after	its	signature	has	been	verified	by	iOS.	This	feature,	in	theory,	prevents	an	
attacker	from	conducting	binary	attacks	against	an	iOS	mobile	app.
Using	freely	available	tools	like	ClutchMod or	GBD,	an	adversary	will	download	the	encrypted	app	onto	
their	jailbroken device	and	take	a	snapshot	of	the	decrypted	app	once	the	iOS	loader	loads	it	into	memory	
and	decrypts	it	(just	before	the	loader	kicks	off	execution).	Once	the	adversary	takes	the	snapshot	and	
stores	it	on	disk,	the	adversary	can	use	tools	like	IDA	Pro	or	Hopper	to	easily	perform	static	/	dynamic	
analysis	of	the	app	and	conduct	further	binary	attacks.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestClutch
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestClass-dump
This	is	a	command-line	utility	for	examining	the	Objective-C	runtime	information	stored	in	Mach-O	files.	It	
generates	declarations	for	the	classes,	categories	and	protocols.	This	is	the	same	information	provided	by	
using	‘otool -ov’,	but	presented	as	normal	Objective-C	declarations,	so	it	is	much	more	compact	and	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestPoor	Key	Management	Processes
The	best	algorithms	don't	matter	if	you	mishandle	your	keys.	Many	make	the	mistake	of	using	the	correct	
encryption	algorithm,	but	implementing	their	own	protocol	for	employing	it.	Some	examples	of	problems	
here	include:
• Including	the	keys	in	the	same	attacker-readable	directory	as	the	encrypted	content;
• Making	the	keys	otherwise	available	to	the	attacker;
• Avoid	the	use	of	hardcoded	keys	within	your	binary;	and
• Keys	may	be	intercepted	via	binary	attacks.	See	M10	for	more	information	on	preventing	binary	attacks.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestCreation	and	Use	of	Custom	Encryption	Protocols
• There	is	no	easier	way	to	mishandle	encryption--mobile	or	otherwise--than	to	try	to	create	and	use	your	
own	encryption	algorithms	or	protocols.
• Always	use	modern	algorithms	that	are	accepted	as	strong	by	the	security	community,	and	whenever	
possible	leverage	the	state	of	the	art	encryption	APIs	within	your	mobile	platform.	Binary	attacks	may	
result	in	adversary	identifying	the	common	libraries	you	have	used	along	with	any	hardcoded	keys	in	the	
binary.	In	cases	of	very	high	security	requirements	around	encryption,	you	should	strongly	consider	the	
use	of	whitebox cryptography.	See	M10	for	more	information	on	preventing	binary	attacks	that	could	
lead	to	the	exploitation	of	common	libraries.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestCreation	and	Use	of	Custom	Encryption	Protocols
Many	cryptographic	algorithms	and	protocols	should	not	be	used	because	they	have	been	shown	to	have	
significant	weaknesses	or	are	otherwise	insufficient	for	modern	security	requirements.	These	include:
• RC2
• MD4
• MD5
• SHA1
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestClient	Side	Injection
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Client	Side	Injection?
Data	on	the	Device:
SQL	Injection:	SQLite	(many	phones	default	data	storing	mechanism)	can	be	subject	to	injection	just	like	
in	web	applications.	The	threat	of	being	able	to	see	data	using	this	type	of	injection	is	risky	when	your	
application	houses	several	different	users,	paid-for/unlockable	content,	etc.
Local	File	Inclusion:	File	handling	on	mobile	devices	has	the	same	risks	as	stated	above	except	it	pertains	
to	reading	files	that	might	be	yours	to	view	inside	the	application	directory.
The	Mobile	Users	Session:
JavaScript	Injection	(XSS,	Etc):	The	mobile	browser	is	subject	to	JavaScript	injection	as	well.	Usually	the	
mobile	browser	has	access	to	the	mobile	applications	cookie,	which	can	lead	to	session	theft.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Client	Side	Injection?
The	Application	Interfaces	or	Functions:
Several	application	interfaces	or	language	functions	can	accept	data	and	can	be	fuzzed	to	make	
applications	crash.	While	most	of	these	flaws	do	not	lead	to	overflows	because	of	the	phone’s	platforms	
being	managed	code,	there	have	been	several	that	have	been	used	as	a	“userland”	exploit	in	an	exploit	
chain	aimed	at	rooting	or	jailbreaking	devices.
Binary	Code	Itself:
Mobile	malware	or	other	malicious	apps	may	perform	a	binary	attack	against	the	presentation	layer	
(HTML;	JavaScript;	Cascading	Style	Sheets	CSS)	or	the	actual	binary	of	the	mobile	app's	executable.	These	
code	injections	are	executed	either	by	the	mobile	app's	framework	or	the	binary	itself	at	run-time.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Specific	Best	Practices:
• SQLite	Injection:	When	designing	queries	for	SQLite	be	sure	that	user	supplied	data	is	being	passed	to	a	
parameterized	query.	This	can	be	spotted	by	looking	for	the	format	specifier used.	In	general,	dangerous	user	
supplied	data	will	be	inserted	by	a	“%@”	instead	of	a	proper	parameterized	query	specifier of	“?”.
• JavaScript	Injection	(XSS,	etc):	Ensure	that	all	UIWebView calls	do	not	execute	without	proper	input	validation.	
Apply	filters	for	dangerous	JavaScript	characters	if	possible,	using	a	whitelist	over	blacklist	character	policy	before	
rendering.	If	possible	call	mobile	Safari	instead	of	rending	inside	of	UIWebkit which	has	access	to	your	
• Local	File	Inclusion:	Use	input	validation	for	NSFileManager calls.
• XML	Injection:	use	libXML2	over	NSXMLParser
• Format	String	Injection:	Several	Objective	C	methods	are	vulnerable	to	format	string	attacks:
• NSLog,	[NSString stringWithFormat:],	[NSString initWithFormat:],	[NSMutableString appendFormat:],	[NSAlert
informativeTextWithFormat:],	[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:],	[NSException format:],	NSRunAlertPanel.
• Do	not	let	sources	outside	of	your	control,	such	as	user	data	and	messages	from	other	applications	or	web	
services,	control	any	part	of	your	format	strings.
• Classic	C	Attacks:	Objective	C	is	a	superset	of	C,	avoid	using	old	C	functions	vulnerable	to	injection	such	as:	strcat,	
strcpy,	strncat,	strncpy,	sprint,	vsprintf,	gets,	etc.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Specific	Best	Practices:
• SQL	Injection:	When	dealing	with	dynamic	queries	or	Content-Providers	ensure	you	are	using	
parameterized	queries.
• JavaScript	Injection	(XSS):	Verify	that	JavaScript	and	Plugin	support	is	disabled	for	any	WebViews (usually	
the	default).
• Local	File	Inclusion:	Verify	that	File	System	Access	is	disabled	for	any	WebViews
• Intent	Injection/Fuzzing:	Verify	actions	and	data	are	validated	via	an	Intent	Filter	for	all	Activities.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBest	Practices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSecurity	Decisions	Via	Untrusted	Inputs
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Specific	Examples:
• Do	not	use	the	deprecated	handleOpenURL method	to	handle	URL	Scheme	calls.	This	method	does	not	
contain	an	argument	containing	the	BundleID of	the	source	application.
• Instead	use	the	openURL:sourceApplication:annotation method	and	validation	the	
sourceApplication argument	against	a	white-list	of	trusted	applications
• Do	not	use	the	iOS	Pasteboard	for	IPC	communications,	as	it	is	susceptible	to	being	set	or	read	by	all	
third	party	apps	on	the	device.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestImproper	Session	Handling
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Improper	Session	Handling?
• Failure	to	Invalidate	Sessions	on	the	Backend
• Many	developers	invalidate	sessions	on	the	mobile	app	and	not	on	the	server	side,	leaving	a	major	
window	of	opportunity	for	attackers	who	are	using	HTTP	manipulation	tools.	Ensure	that	all	session	
invalidation	events	are	executed	on	the	server	side	and	not	just	on	the	mobile	app.
• Lack	of	Adequate	Timeout	Protection
• Any	mobile	app	you	create	must	have	adequate	timeout	protection	on	the	backend	components.	
This	helps	prevent	malicious	potential	for	an	unauthorized	user	to	gain	access	to	an	existing	session	
and	assume	the	role	of	that	user.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	To	Improper	Session	Handling?
• Failure	to	Properly	Rotate	Cookies
• Authentication	state	changes	include	events	like:
• Switching	from	an	anonymous	user	to	a	logged	in	user
• Switching	from	any	logged	in	user	to	another	logged	in	user
• Switching	from	a	regular	user	to	a	privileged	user
• Timeouts
• Insecure	Token	Creation
• In	addition	to	properly	invalidating	tokens	(on	the	server	side)	during	key	application	events,	it's	
also	crucial	that	the	tokens	themselves	are	generated	properly.	Just	as	with	encryption	algorithms,	
developers	should	use	well-established	and	industry-standard	methods	of	created	tokens.	They	
should	be	sufficiently	long,	complex,	and	pseudo-random	so	as	to	be	resistant	to	
guessing/anticipation	attacks.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestLack	Of	Binary	Protections
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAm	I	Vulnerable	to	Lack	of	Binary	Protections?
If	you	answer	yes	to	any	of	these	questions,	you	are	vulnerable	to	a	binary	attack:
• Can	someone	code-decrypt	this	app	(iPhone	specific)	using	an	automated	tool	like	ClutchMod or	manually	
using	GDB?
• Can	someone	reverse	engineer	this	app	(Android	specific)	using	an	automated	tool	like	dex2jar?
• Can	someone	use	an	automated	tool	like	Hopper	or	IDA	Pro	to	easily	visualize	the	control-flow	and	
pseudo-code	of	this	app?
• Can	someone	modify	the	app’s	presentation	layer	(HTML/JS/CSS)	of	this	app	within	the	phone	and	
execute	modified	JavaScript?
• Can	someone	modify	the	app’s	binary	executable	using	a	hex	editor	to	get	it	to	bypass	a	security	control?
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestHow	Do	I	Prevent	Lack	of	Binary	Protections?
• Jailbreak	Detection	Controls;
• Checksum	Controls;
• Certificate	Pinning	Controls;
• Debugger	Detection	Controls.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDisabling	Code	Encryption	(iOS) with	Clutch
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Root	Detection
• Check	for	test-keys
Ø Check	to	see	if	build.prop includes	the	line	indicating	a	developer	build	or	unofficial	ROM
Ø Check	for	OTA	certificates
• Check	to	see	if	the	file	/etc/security/	exists
• Check	for	several	known	rooted	apk's
Ø com.thirdparty.superuser
Ø eu.chainfire.supersu
Ø com.koushikdutta.superuser
• Check	for	SU	binaries
Ø /system/bin/su
Ø /system/xbin/su
Ø /sbin/su
Ø /system/su
Ø /system/bin/.ext/.su
• Attempt	SU	command	directly
• Attempt	the	to	run	the	command	su and	check	the	id	of	the	current	user,	if	it	returns	0	then	the	su success!
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Security
• Drozer
• Andbug
• Introspy
• dex2jar
• apktool
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• AndroidManifest.xml - This	is	probably	by	far	the	most	important	source	of	information.	From	a	security	point	of	
view,	it	contains	information	about	the	various	components	used	in	an	application	and	lists	the	conditions	in	which	
they	can	be	launched.	It	also	displays	information	about	the	permissions	that	the	application	uses.	It	is	highly	
recommend	to	go	through	Google’s	documentation	on	the	manifest	file.	assets	- This	is	used	to	store	raw	assets	file.	
The	files	stored	here	as	compiled	as	is	into	the	apk file.
• res - Used	to	store	resources	such	as	images,	layout	files,	and	string	values.
• META-INF - Contains	important	information	about	the	signature	and	the	person	who	signed	the	application.
• classes.dex - This	is	where	the	compiled	application	code	lies.	To	decompile	an	app,	you	need	to	convert	the	dex file	
to	a	jar	file	which	can	then	be	read	by	a	java	decompiler
Android	Security
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
it	is	also	possible	to	modify	the	code	of	an	apk file	after	decompiling	and	then	recompile	it	to	deploy	to	a	
device.	However,	once	the	application	code	is	modified,	it	loses	its	integrity	and	hence	needs	to	be	resigned	
with	a	new	public/private	key	pair.	
Android	Security
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Security
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAndroid	Components
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestActivites
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestServices
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestBroadcast	Receivers
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestContent	Providers
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestContent	Providers
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDecoded
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestPostlogin
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDrozer
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• The	first	step	in	assessing	Sieve	is	to	find	it	on	the	Android	device.	Apps	installed	on	an	Android	device	are	uniquely	
identified	by	their	‘package	name’.	We	can	use	the	`app.package.list`	command	to	find	the	identifier	for	the	app:
run	app.package.list -f	Insecure
• We	can	ask	drozer to	provide	some	basic	information	about	the	package	using	the	``	command:	
run	-a
• We	will	only	consider	vulnerabilities	exposed	through	Android’s	built-in	mechanism	for	Inter-Process	Communication	
(IPC).	These	vulnerabilities	typically	result	in	the	leakage	of	sensitive	data	to	other	apps	installed	on	the	same	device.	
We	can	ask	drozer to	report	on	Sieve’s	attack	surface:
run	app.package.attacksurface
• We	can	drill	deeper	into	this	attack	surface	by	using	some	more	specific	commands.	
run	-a
• Launching	Activities
run	app.activity.start --component
Using	drozer for	Security	Assessment
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
app.activity.start --
Using	drozer for	Security	Assessment
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestShadowOS
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestShadowOS
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Setting	Up	a	Mobile	Pentesting	Platform
• Jailbreaking your	device
• Setting	up	a	mobile	auditing	platform
• OpenSSH
• BigBoss Recommended	tools
• MobileTerminal
• class-dump-z
• Clutch
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Getting	Class	Information	of	iOS	Apps
1	- Clutch
2	- Class-dump
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Getting	Class	Information	of	iOS	Apps
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Understanding	the	Objective-C	Runtime
• Objective-C	runtime
Ø Objective-C	is	a	runtime	oriented	language.	
Ø A runtime	language	is	a	language	that	decides	what	to	implement	in	a	function	and	other	decisions	
during	the	runtime	of	the	applications.	
Ø Is	Objective-C	a	runtime	language	?	NO.	
Ø It	is	a	runtime	oriented	language,	which	means	that	whenever	it	is	possible,	it	defers	decisions	from	
compile	and	link	time	to	the	time	when	the	code	in	the	application	is	actually	being	executed.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Runtime	Analysis	Using	Cycript
• Cycript is	a	javascript interpreter	which	also	understands	Objective-C	syntax,	meaning	we	can	write	either	
Objective-C	or	javascript or	even	both	in	a	particular	command.	It	can	also	hook	into	a	running	process	
and	help	us	to	modify	a	lot	of	the	things	in	the	application	during	runtime.	As	far	as	its	application	to	iOS	
application	is	concerned,	here	are	some	of	the	advantages	of	using	Cycript.
Ø We	can	hook	into	a	running	process	and	find	the	names	of	all	classes	being	used,	i.e the	view	
controllers,	the	internal	and	third	party	libraries	being	used	and	even	the	name	of	the	Application	
Ø For	a	particular	class,	i.e View	Controller,	App	delegate	or	any	other	class,	we	can	also	find	the	
names	of	all	the	methods	being	used.
Ø We	can	also	find	the	names	of	all	the	instance	variable	and	their	values	at	any	particular	time	during	
the	runtime	of	an	application.
Ø We	can	modify	the	values	of	the	instance	variable	during	runtime.
Ø We	can	perform	Method	Swizzling,	i.e replace	the	code	of	a	particular	method	with	some	other	
Ø We	can	call	any	method	in	the	application	during	runtime	without	it	being	in	the	actual	code	of	the	
application	.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestFinding	methods	for	a	particular	class
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
Finding	methods	for	a	particular	class
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestFinding	methods	for	a	particular	class
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestFinding	methods	for	a	particular	class
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestFinding	methods	for	a	particular	class
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Analyzing	Security	of	iOS	Applications	Using	Snoop-it
• Features
• Monitoring
• File	system	access	(print	data	protection	classes)
• Keychain	access
• HTTP(S)	connections	(NSURLConnection)
• Access	to	sensitive	API	(address	book,	photos	
• Debug	outputs	(NSLog)
• Tracing	App	internals	(objc_msgSend)
• Fake	hardware	identifier	(UDID,	Wireless	MAC,	
• Fake	location/GPS	data
• Explore	and	force	display	of	available	
• List	custom	URL	schemes
• List	available	Objective-C	classes,	objects	and	
• Invoke	arbitrary	methods	at	runtime
• Bypass	basic	jailbreak	detection	mechanisms
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Analyzing	Security	of	iOS	Applications	Using	Snoop-it
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Analyzing	Security	of	iOS	Applications	Using	Snoop-it
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– iOS	Filesystem and	Forensics
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSQLite	Database
• find	.	-name	*.db
• SQLiteBrowser
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSQLite	Database
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSQLite	Database
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSQLite	Database
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Analyzing	Network	Traffic	Over	HTTP/HTTPS
• In	case	you	want	to	analyze	the	traffic	
for	a	device	over	SSL,	there	are	plenty	
of	ways	to	do	that	as	well	using	a	
combination	of	Arpspoof and	SSLStrip.
• Using	TCPDump
• tcpdump	-i	en0	-s	0	-w	candan.pcap
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestUsing	Burpsuite over	HTTP
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestUsing	Burpsuite over	HTTP
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestUsing	Burpsuite over	HTTPS
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAnalyzing	Keychain	read-write	using	Snoop-it
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestDumping	Keychain	data	using	Keychain	Dumper
• ./keychain_dumper
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
iOS	Application	Security	– Booting	a	Custom	Ramdisk Using	Sogeti Data	
Protection	Tools
• A	bootrom exploit	allows	us	to	bypass	the	bootrom signature	checks	on	the	Low	level	bootloader and	
hence	boot	the	device	using	a	custom	ramdisk.
• Such	an	exploit	could	also	allow	the	user	to	run	unsigned	code	and	hence	create	an	untethered	
• A	bootrom exploit	once	found	cannot	be	fixed	by	Apple	by	releasing	a	new	iOS	version	but	can	only	be	
fixed	by	a	new	hardware	release.
• There	is	no	bootrom exploit	discovered	from	A5	device	or	later.	The	bootrom exploit	we	will	be	using	in	
this	article	will	only	work	on	A4	devices.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Jailbreak	Detection	and	Evasion
Most	of	the	jailbreak	softwares install	Cydia on	the	device	after	jailbreaking.	Hence	just	a	simple	check	for	
the	file	path	of	Cydia can	determine	whether	the	device	is	jailbroken or	not.
NSString *filePath =	@"/Applications/";
if	([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:filePath])
//Device	is	jailbroken
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
Not	all	devices	that	are	jailbreaked have	Cydia installed	on	them.	In	fact,	most	hackers	can	just	change	the	
location	of	the	Cydia App
if	([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:@"/Applications/"]){
return	YES;
}else	if([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:@"/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib"]){
return	YES;
}else	if([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:@"/bin/bash"]){
return	YES;
}else	if([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:@"/usr/sbin/sshd"]){
return	YES;
}else	if([[NSFileManager defaultManager]	fileExistsAtPath:@"/etc/apt"]){
return	YES;
return	NO;
iOS	Application	Security	– Jailbreak	Detection	and	Evasion
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
A	good	way	to	check	for	it	would	be	to	see	if	we	can	modify	a	file	in	some	other	location	outside	the	
application	bundle.
NSError *error;
NSString *stringToBeWritten =	@"This	is	a	test.";
[stringToBeWritten writeToFile:@"/private/jailbreak.txt"	atomically:YES
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding	error:&error];
//Device	is	jailbroken
return	YES;
}	else	{
//Device	is	not	jailbroken
[[NSFileManager defaultManager]	removeItemAtPath:@"/private/jailbreak.txt"	error:nil];
iOS	Application	Security	– Jailbreak	Detection	and	Evasion
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
iOS	Application	Security	– Secure	Coding	Practices	for	iOS	
• Local	Data	Storage
• Important	data	like	Passwords,	Session	ID’s	etc should	never	be	stored	locally	on	the	device.
• NSUserDefaults should	never	be	used	to	store	confidential	information	like	passwords,	
authentication	tokens	etc.
• Plist files	should	also	be	never	used	to	store	confidential	information	like	passwords	etc because	
they	can	also	be	fetched	very	easily	from	inside	the	application	bundle	even	on	a	non-jailbroken
• Core	Data	files	are	also	stored	as	unencrypted	database	files	in	your	application	bundle.The Core	
Data	framework	internally	uses	Sql queries	to	store	its	data	and	hence	all	the	files	are	stored	as	
.db files.	One	can	easily	copy	these	files	to	their	computer	and	use	a	tool	like	sqlite3	to	examine	all	
the	content	in	these	database	files.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Encrypt	important	files	before	saving	them	locally.
• Encrypt	SQlite files	by	using	SQLCipher.
• Add	checks	to	prevent	Runtime	Analysis
iOS	Application	Security	– Secure	Coding	Practices	for	iOS	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• TextFields that	have	inputs	as	passwords	should	be	used	with	Secure	option.	
• Clear	the	Pasteboard	once	the	application	enters	background.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].items	=	nil;
• The	input	to	the	URL	scheme	should	also	be	validated.	
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application	handleOpenURL:(NSURL	*)url {
//Validate	input	from	the	url
return	YES;
• A developer	should	make	sure	that	the	content	he	loads	into	the	UIWebview is	not	malicious
iOS	Application	Security	– Secure	Coding	Practices	for	iOS	
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Insecure	or	Broken	Cryptography
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Insecure	or	Broken	Cryptography
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Insecure	or	Broken	Cryptography
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Insecure	or	Broken	Cryptography
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Attacking	URL	Schemes
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Attacking	URL	Schemes
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	- Attacking	URL	Schemes
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Sensitive	Information	in	Memory
OS	applications	may	store	sensitive	information	like	passwords,	session	IDs	etc in	the	memory	of	the	
application	without	releasing	them.	In	some	cases,	releasing	these	variables	may	not	be	an	option.	For	e.g,	
it	might	be	required	for	the	application	to	send	an	authentication	token	with	every	request	and	hence	there	
has	to	be	a	reference	to	it	in	the	memory	somewhere.	
Even	though	these	variables	might	be	encrypted	when	stored	locally	in	the	application,	these	variables	will	
be	in	their	unencryped format	while	the	application	is	running.	Hence,	analyzing	the	contents	of	the	
memory	is	an	important	thing	while	pentesting	an	iOS	application.	If	there	are	some	important	properties	
or	instance	variables	that	are	not	required,	they	should	be	released	from	the	memory.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestiOS	Application	Security	– Sensitive	Information	in	Memory
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
function	tryPrintIvars(a){ var x={}; for(i in	*a){ try{ x[i] =	(*a)[i]; }
catch(e){} } return	x; }
iOS	Application	Security	– Sensitive	Information	in	Memory
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestMobile	Application	Coding	Guidelines
• Authentication	and	Password	Management
• Code	Obfuscation
• Communication	Security
• Data	Storage	and	Protection
• Paywall	Controls
• Server	Controls
• Session	Management
• Use	of	3rd	Party	Libraries/Code
• Mobile	Application	Provisioning/Distribution/Testing
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthentication	and	Password	Management
This	is	a	set	of	controls	used	to	verify	the	identity	of	a	user,	or	other	entity,	interacting	with	the	software,	
and	also	to	ensure	that	applications	handle	the	management	of	passwords	in	a	secure	fashion.
• Instances	where	the	mobile	application	requires	a	user	to	create	a	password	or	PIN	(say	for	offline	
access),	the	application	should	never	use	a	PIN	but	enforce	a	password	which	follows	a	strong	password	
• Mobile	devices	may	offer	the	possibility	of	using	password	patterns	which	are	never	to	be	utilized	in	
place	of	passwords	as	sufficient	entropy	cannot	be	ensured	and	they	are	easily	vulnerable	to	smudge-
• Mobile	devices	may	also	offer	the	possibility	of	using	biometric	input	to	perform	authentication	which	
should	never	be	used	due	to	issues	with	false	positives/negatives,	among	others.
• Wipe/clear	memory	locations	holding	passwords	directly	after	their	hashes	are	calculated.
• Based	on	risk	assessment	of	the	mobile	application,	consider	utilizing	two-factor	authentication.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestAuthentication	and	Password	Management
• For	device	authentication,	avoid	solely	using	any	device-provided	identifier	(like	UID	or	MAC	address)	to	identify	the	
device,	but	rather	leverage	identifiers	specific	to	the	application	as	well	as	the	device	(which	ideally	would	not	be	
reversible).	For	instance,	create	an	app-unique	“device-factor”	during	the	application	install	or	registration	(such	as	
a	hashed	value	which	is	based	off	of	a	combination	of	the	length	of	the	application	package	file	itself,	as	well	as	the	
current	date/time,	the	version	of	the	OS	which	is	in	use,	and	a	randomly	generated	number).	In	this	manner	the	
device	could	be	identified	(as	no	two	devices	should	ever	generate	the	same	“device-factor”	based	on	these	inputs)	
without	revealing	anything	sensitive.	This	app-unique	device-factor	can	be	used	with	user	authentication	to	create	
a	session	or	used	as	part	of	an	encryption	key.
• In	scenarios	where	offline	access	to	data	is	needed,	add	an	intentional	X	second	delay	to	the	password	entry	
process	after	each	unsuccessful	entry	attempt	(2	is	reasonable,	also	consider	a	value	which	doubles	after	each	
incorrect	attempt).
• In	scenarios	where	offline	access	to	data	is	needed,	perform	an	account/application	lockout	and/or	application	data	
wipe	after	X	number	of	invalid	password	attempts	(10	for	example).
• When	utilizing	a	hashing	algorithm,	use	only	a	NIST	approved	standard	such	as	SHA-2	or	an	algorithm/library.
• Salt	passwords	on	the	server-side,	whenever	possible.	The	length	of	the	salt	should	at	least	be	equal	to,	if	not	
bigger	than	the	length	of	the	message	digest	value	that	the	hashing	algorithm	will	generate.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Salts	should	be	sufficiently	random	(usually	requiring	them	to	be	stored)	or	may	be	generated	by	pulling	
constant	and	unique	values	off	of	the	system	(by	using	the	MAC	address	of	the	host	for	example	or	a	
device-factor;	see	3.1.2.g.).	Highly	randomized	salts	should	be	obtained	via	the	use	of	a	Cryptographically	
Secure	Pseudorandom	Number	Generator	(CSPRNG).	When	generating	seed	values	for	salt	generation	on	
mobile	devices,	ensure	the	use	of	fairly	unpredictable	values	(for	example,	by	using	the	x,y,z magnetometer	
and/or	temperature	values)	and	store	the	salt	within	space	available	to	the	application.
• Provide	feedback	to	users	on	the	strength	of	passwords	during	their	creation.
• Based	on	a	risk	evaluation,	consider	adding	context	information	(such	as	IP	location,	etc…)	during	
authentication	processes	in	order	to	perform	Login	Anomaly	Detection.
• Instead	of	passwords,	use	industry	standard	authorization	tokens	(which	expire	as	frequently	as	
practicable)	which	can	be	securely	stored	on	the	device	(as	per	the	OAuth model)	and	which	are	time	
bounded	to	the	specific	service,	as	well	as	revocable	(if	possible	server	side).
• Integrate	a	CAPTCHA	solution	whenever	doing	so	would	improve	functionality/security	without	
inconveniencing	the	user	experience	too	greatly	(such	as	during	new	user	registrations,	posting	of	user	
comments,	online	polls,	“contact	us”	email	submission	pages,	etc…).
• Ensure	that	separate	users	utilize	different	salts.
Authentication	and	Password	Management
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestCode	Obfuscation
This	is	a	set	of	controls	used	to	prevent	reverse	engineering	of	the	code,	increasing	the	skill	level	and	the	time	
required	to	attack	the	application.
• Abstract	sensitive	software	within	static	C	libraries.
• Obfuscate	all	sensitive	application	code	where	feasible	by	running	an	automated	code	obfuscation	
program	using	either	3rd	party	commercial	software	or	open	source	solutions.
• For	applications	containing	sensitive	data,	implement	anti-debugging	techniques	(e.g.	prevent	a	debugger	
from	attaching	to	the	process;	android:debuggable=”false”).
• Ensure	logging	is	disabled	as	logs	may	be	interrogated	other	applications	with	readlogs permissions	(e.g.	
on	Android	system	logs	are	readable	by	any	other	application	prior	to	being	rebooted).
• So	long	as	the	architecture(s)	that	the	application	is	being	developed	for	supports	it	(iOS	4.3	and	above,	
Android	4.0	and	above),	Address	Space	Layout	Randomization	(ASLR)	should	be	taken	advantage	of	to	hide	
executable	code	which	could	be	used	to	remotely	exploit	the	application	and	hinder	the	dumping	of	
application’s	memory.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestCommunication	Security
This	is	a	set	of	controls	to	help	ensure	the	software	handles	the	sending	and	receiving	of	information	in	a	secure	manner.
• Assume	the	provider	network	layer	is	insecure.	Modern	network	layer	attacks	can	decrypt	provider	network	
encryption,	and	there	is	no	guarantee	a	Wi-Fi	network	(if	in-use	by	the	mobile	device)	will	be	appropriately	encrypted.
• Ensure	the	application	actually	and	properly	validates	(by	checking	the	expiration	date,	issuer,	subject,	etc…)	the	
server’s	SSL	certificate	(instead	of	checking	to	see	if	a	certificate	is	simply	present	and/or	just	checking	if	the	hash	of	
the	certificate	matches).	To	note,	there	are	third	party	libraries	to	assist	in	this;	search	on	“certificate	pinning”.
• The	application	should	only	communicate	with	and	accept	data	from	authorized	domain	names/systems.	It	is	
permissible	to	allow	application	updates	which	will	modify	the	list	of	authorized	systems	and/or	for	authorized	
systems	to	obtain	a	token	from	an	authentication	server,	present	a	token	to	the	client	which	the	client	will	accept.
• To	protect	against	attacks	which	utilize	software	such	as	SSLStrip,	implement	controls	to	detect	if	the	connection	is	not	
HTTPS	with	every	request	when	it	is	known	that	the	connection	should	be	HTTPS	(e.g.	use	JavaScript,	Strict	Transport	
Security	HTTP	Header,	disable	all	HTTP	traffic).
• The	UI	should	make	it	as	easy	as	possible	for	the	user	to	find	out	if	a	certificate	is	valid	(so	the	user	is	not	totally	reliant
upon	the	application	properly	validating	any	certificates).
• When	using	SSL/TLS,	use	certificates	signed	by	trusted	Certificate	Authority	(CA)	providers.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestData	Storage	and	Protection
This	is	a	set	of	controls	to	help	ensure	the	software	handles	the	storing	and	handling	of	information	in	a	
secure	manner.	Given	that	mobile	devices	are	mobile,	they	have	a	higher	likelihood	of	being	lost	or	stolen	
which	should	be	taken	into	consideration	here.
• Only	collect	and	disclose	data	which	is	required	for	business	use	of	the	application.	Identify	in	the	design	
phase	what	data	is	needed,	its	sensitivity	and	whether	it	is	appropriate	to	collect,	store	and	use	each	
data	type.
• Classify	data	storage	according	to	sensitivity	and	apply	controls	accordingly	(e.g.	passwords,	personal	
data,	location,	error	logs,	etc.).	Process,	store	and	use	data	according	to	its	classification
• Store	sensitive	data	on	the	server	instead	of	the	client-end	device,	whenever	possible.	Assume	any	data	
written	to	device	can	be	recovered.
• Beyond	the	time	required	by	the	application,	don’t	store	sensitive	information	on	the	device	(e.g.	
• Do	not	store	temp/cached	data	in	a	world	readable	directory.	Assume	shared	storage	is	untrusted.
• Encrypt	sensitive	data	when	storing	or	caching	it	to	non-volatile	memory	(using	a	NIST	approved	
encryption	standard	such	as	AES-256,	3DES,	or	Skipjack).
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Use	the	PBKDF2	function	to	generate	strong	keys	for	encryption	algorithms	while	ensuring	high	entropy	as	much	as	possible.	The	
number	of	iterations	should	be	set	as	high	as	may	be	tolerated	for	the	environment	(with	a	minimum	of	1000	iterations)	while	
maintaining	acceptable	performance.
• Sensitive	data	(such	as	encryption	keys,	passwords,	credit	card	#’s,	etc…)	should	stay	in	RAM	for	as	little	time	as	possible.
• Encryption	keys	should	not	remain	in	RAM	during	the	instance	lifecycle	of	the	app.	Instead,	keys	should	be	generated	real	time	for	
encryption/decryption	as	needed	and	discarded	each	time.
• So	long	as	the	architecture(s)	that	the	application	is	being	developed	for	supports	it	(iOS	4.3	and	above,	Android	4.0	and	above),	
Address	Space	Layout	Randomization	(ASLR)	should	be	taken	advantage	of	to	limit	the	impact	of	attacks	such	as	buffer	overflows.
• Do	not	store	sensitive	data	in	the	keychain	of	iOS	devices	due	to	vulnerabilities	in	their	cryptographic	mechanisms.
• Ensure	that	sensitive	data	(e.g.	passwords,	keys	etc.)	are	not	visible	in	cache	or	logs.
• Never	store	any	passwords	in	clear	text	within	the	native	application	itself	nor	on	the	browser	(e.g.	save	password	feature	on	the	
• When	displaying	sensitive	information	(such	as	full	account	numbers),	ensure	that	the	sensitive	information	is	cleared	from	memory	
(such	as	from	the	webView)	when	no	longer	needed/displayed.
• Do	not	store	sensitive	information	in	the	form	of	typical	strings.	Instead	use	character	arrays	or	NSMutableString (iOS	specific)	and	
clear	their	contents	after	they	are	no	longer	needed.	This	is	because	strings	are	typically	immutable	on	mobile	devices	and	reside	
within	memory	even	when	assigned	(pointed	to)	a	new	value.
Data	Storage	and	Protection
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentest
• Do	not	store	sensitive	data	on	external	storage	like	SD	cards	if	it	can	be	avoided.
• Consider	restricting	access	to	sensitive	data	based	on	contextual	information	such	as	location	(e.g.	wallet	app	not	usable	if GPS	data	
shows	phone	is	outside	Europe,	car	key	not	usable	unless	within	100m	of	car	etc...).
• Use	non-persistent	identifiers	which	are	not	shared	with	other	apps	wherever	possible	- e.g.	do	not	use	the	device	ID	number	as	an	
identifier,	use	a	randomly	generated	number	instead.
• Make	use	of	remote	wipe	and	kill	switch	APIs	to	remove	sensitive	information	from	the	device	in	the	event	of	theft	or	loss.
• Use	a	time	based	(expiry)	type	of	control	which	will	wipe	sensitive	data	from	the	mobile	device	once	the	application	has	not	
communicated	with	its	servers	for	a	given	period	of	time.
• Automatic	application	shutdown	and/or	lockout	after	X	minutes	of	inactivity	(e.g.	5	mins of	inactivity).
• Avoid	cached	application	snapshots	in	iOS:	iOS	can	capture	and	store	screen	captures	and	store	them	as	images	when	an	application	
suspends.	To	avoid	any	sensitive	data	getting	captured,	use	one	or	both	of	the	following	options:	1.	Use	the	‘willEnterBackground’	
callback,	to	hide	all	the	sensitive	data.	2.	Configure	the	application	in	the	info.plist file	to	terminate	the	app	when	pushed	to	
background	(only	use	if	multitasking	is	disabled).
• Prevent	applications	from	being	moved	and/or	run	from	external	storage	such	as	via	SD	cards.
• When	handling	sensitive	data	which	does	not	need	to	be	presented	to	users	(e.g.	account	numbers),	instead	of	using	the	actual value	
itself,	use	a	token	which	maps	to	the	actual	value	on	the	server-side.	This	will	prevent	exposure	of	sensitive	information.
Data	Storage	and	Protection
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestPaywall	Controls
This	is	a	set	of	practices	to	ensure	the	application	properly	enforces	access	controls	related	to	resources	
which	require	payment	in	order	to	access	(such	as	access	to	premium	content,	access	to	additional	
functionality,	access	to	improved	support,	etc…).
• Maintain	logs	of	access	to	paid-for	resources	in	a	non-repudiable format	(e.g.	a	signed	receipt	sent	to	a	
trusted	server	backend	– with	user	consent)	and	make	them	securely	available	to	the	end-user	for	
• Warn	users	and	obtain	consent	for	any	cost	implications	for	application	behavior.
• Secure	account/pricing/billing/item	information	as	it	relates	to	users.	If	client	has	made	any	purchases	
via	the	application	for	instance,	we	should	ensure	that	what	they	bought,	the	size	of	purchase,	the	
quantity	of	the	purchase,	etc…	should	all	be	treated	as	sensitive	information.
• Use	a	white-list	model	by	default	for	paid-for	resource	addressing.
• Check	for	anomalous	usage	patterns	in	paid-for	resource	usage	and	trigger	re- authentication.	E.g.	
significant	change	in	location	occurs,	user-language	changes,	etc...
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestServer	Controls
This	is	a	set	of	practices	to	ensure	the	server	side	program	which	interfaces	with	the	mobile	application	is	
properly	safeguarded.	These	controls	would	also	apply	in	cases	where	the	mobile	application	may	be	
integrating	with	vended	solutions	hosted	outside	of	the	typical	network.
• Ensure	that	the	backend	system(s)	are	running	with	a	hardened	configuration	with	the	latest	security	
patches	applied	to	the	OS,	Web	Server	and	other	application	components.
• Ensure	adequate	logs	are	retained	on	the	backend	in	order	to	detect	and	respond	to	incidents	and	
perform	forensics	(within	the	limits	of	data	protection	law).
• Employ	rate	limiting	and	throttling	on	a	per-user/IP	basis	(if	user	identification	is	available)	to	reduce	the	
risk	from	DoS type	of	attacks.
• Carry	out	a	specific	check	of	your	code	for	any	sensitive	data	unintentionally	transferred	between	the	
mobile	application	and	the	back-end	servers,	and	other	external	interfaces	(e.g.	is	location	or	other	
information	included	transmissions?).
• Ensure	the	server	rejects	all	unencrypted	requests	which	it	knows	should	always	arrive	encrypted.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestSession	Management
This	is	a	set	of	controls	to	help	ensure	mobile	applications	handle	sessions	in	a	secure	manner.
• Perform	a	check	at	the	start	of	each	activity/screen	to	see	if	the	user	is	in	a	logged	in	state	and	if	not,	
switch	to	the	login	state.
• When	an	application’s	session	is	timed	out,	the	application	should	discard	and	clear	all	memory	
associated	with	the	user	data,	and	any	master	keys	used	to	decrypt	the	data.
• Session	tokens	should	be	revocable	(particularly	on	the	server	side).
• Use	lower	timeout	values	to	invalidate	expired	sessions	(in	contrast	to	the	typical	timeout	values	on	
traditional	(non-mobile)	applications).
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestUse	of	3rd	Party	Libraries/Code
This	is	a	set	of	practices	to	ensure	the	application	integrates	securely	with	code	produced	from	outside	
• Vet	the	security/authenticity	of	any	third	party	code/libraries	used	in	your	mobile	application	(e.g.	
making	sure	they	come	from	a	reliable	source,	will	continue	to	be	supported,	contain	no	backdoors)	
and	ensure	that	adequate	internal	approval	is	obtained	to	use	the	code/library.
• Track	all	third	party	frameworks/API’s	used	in	the	mobile	application	for	security	patches	and	perform	
upgrades	as	they	are	released.
• Pay	particular	attention	to	validating	all	data	received	from	and	sent	to	non-trusted	third	party	apps	
(e.g.	ad	network	software)	before	incorporating	their	use	into	an	application.
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestMobile	Application	Provisioning/Distribution/Testing
This	is	a	set	of	controls	to	ensure	that	software	is	tested	and	released	relatively	free	of	vulnerabilities,	that	
there	are	mechanisms	to	report	new	security	issues	if	they	are	found,	and	also	that	the	software	has	been	
designed	to	accept	patches	in	order	to	address	potential	security	issues.
• Design	&	distribute	applications	to	allow	updates	for	security	patches.
• Provide	&	advertise	feedback	channels	for	users	to	report	security	problems	with	applications	(such	as	a	email	address).
• Ensure	that	older	versions	of	applications	which	contain	security	issues	and	are	no	longer	supported	are	
removed	from	app-stores/app-repositories.
• Periodically	test	all	backend	services	(Web	Services/REST)	which	interact	with	a	mobile	application	as	well	
as	the	application	itself	for	vulnerabilities	using	enterprise	approved	automatic	or	manual	testing	tools	
(including	internal	code	reviews).
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestMobile	Application	Provisioning/Distribution/Testing
• This	is	a	set	of	controls	to	ensure	that	software	is	tested	and	released	relatively	free	of	vulnerabilities,	
that	there	are	mechanisms	to	report	new	security	issues	if	they	are	found,	and	also	that	the	software	
has	been	designed	to	accept	patches	in	order	to	address	potential	security	issues.
• Design	&	distribute	applications	to	allow	updates	for	security	patches.
• Provide	&	advertise	feedback	channels	for	users	to	report	security	problems	with	applications	(such	as	a email	address).
• Ensure	that	older	versions	of	applications	which	contain	security	issues	and	are	no	longer	supported	are	
removed	from	app-stores/app-repositories.
• Periodically	test	all	backend	services	(Web	Services/REST)	which	interact	with	a	mobile	application	as	
well	as	the	application	itself	for	vulnerabilities	using	enterprise	approved	automatic	or	manual	testing	
tools	(including	internal	code	reviews).
BGA	|	MobilePentestBGA	|	MobilePentestReferences
BGA	|	MobilePentest
- Thanks - |	@bgasecurity

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Açık Kaynak Kodlu Çözümler Kullanarak SOC Yönetimi SOAR & IRM Webinar - 2020
BGA Cyber Security
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BGA Cyber Security
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Aktif Dizin (Active Directory) Güvenlik Testleri - I: Bilgi Toplama
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