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Paul Young - Bio
• CPA, CGA (1996)
• Academia (PF1, FA4, FN2, MU1. and MS2)
• SME – Customer Success Management
• SME – Risk Management
• SME – Close, Consolidate and Reporting
• SME – Public Policy
• SME – Emerging Technology
• SME – Business Process Change
• SME – Financial Solutions
• SME – Macro/Micro Indicators
• SME – Supply Chain Management
• SME – Data, AI, Security, and Platform
• SME – Internal Controls and Auditing
Contact information email:
SlideShare -
YouTube -
• Global GDP Forecast
• Critical Metals
• GDP vs Clean Technology GDP – Canada
• Global Emissions
• Forest Management
• What is a Circular Economy?
• Top Ranking Sustainable Economies
• Canada Economy
• Canada Environmental
• Plastics GDP importance
• Taxation and Environment
• Cost to Serve Model
• Mitigation of Climate Change
• Forest and Wildfires
• Water Management
• Hurricanes
• Cruise Ships
• Budget 2022 / Canada
• Urban vs Rural Planning
• Fear of Green Inflation
• What’s Next?
Latest Forecast
Global Forecast -
May 2022.pdf
Critical Metals
Critical Metals Supply
TD Bank - Clean
Energy - Supply Chain.pdf
Critical Metals
TD Bank - Clean
Energy - Supply Chain.pdf
Power Generation
TD Bank - Clean
Energy - Supply Chain.pdf
Canada generates over 80% of its electricity from clean sources.
Canada generates about 11% of its power needs from Natural Gas. Canada’s clean electrical grid is one the best in the G20.
Upgrading the world power grid will cost billions
Raw material costs continue to plague the green energy sector.
GDP vs Clean Technology
Clean Technology and Environment
Countries leading the charge for the Circular
Source -
• The Netherlands
• France
• Italy
• Germany
• Luxembourg
• Belgium
• Portugal
• Spain
Top 20 Sustainable
Source -
Green Future
WEF and Circular
Global Emissions
Emissions per square KM
Canada is a carbon sink!
carbon-sink-why-are-we-not-getting-credit-for-it or
2018/canadas-carbon-sinks-dont-mean-we-can-ease-off-on-climate-policy/ or
Environmental Spending
Blog – Forestry
Movement towards sustainable forests -
management-will-help-drive-our-net-zero-future. Canada forest practices need to improve as part of mitigating
the changes to climate.
Canada has 9% of the total forest -
Russia is looking at their forest management practices as part of their carbon footprint - Russia
has 20% of the forest. If you combine Canada with Russia, then 1/3 of the earth forest come from Canada and
New research, published in Nature Climate Change and available on Global Forest Watch, found that the world’s
forests sequestered about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emitted between 2001 and 2019. In other words,
forests provide a "carbon sink" that absorbs a net 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2 per year, 1.5 times more carbon
than the United States emits annually.
Companies are revisiting their sawmills investments -
Drones and Forest Management
Iris Automation The
Best Forestry Drones for Forest Management.pdf
Circular Economy
Source -
Recycling / Countries
Source - or
Recycling Countries and the Environment
Source - OECD
Source -
Material Footprint
Source - or OECD
Canada Economy
• Zero Waste footprint -
• Energy from Waste -
• December 2020 and November 2020 Scorecard -
• Canada Scorecard
• Canada Scorecard -
• Canada Scorecard -
O&G GDP continues to expand.
Hiking the carbon tax is great for a sluggish economy.
Real Estate prices have exploded across the world.
The green economy isn't sustainable without more direct govt subsidies.
Bank of Canada / Monetary Policies
• There are issues with GDP: a) Productivity b) FDI
outflow c) Lack of innovation d) Higher Commodities e)
government deficits and taxes
• About 40% of the job vacancies are with jobs that pay
less than the average wage
• Size of household debt continues to be an issue
• Lack of affordable housing options
• Global Trade and protectionism
Source -
My concerns with the BOC saying inflation dropping from 5.3% in 2022 to 2018 is not realistic and here is why:
• Liberals plan hikes to carbon tax -
• Critical metals have risk due to supply and refinement capacity issues.
• Huge capital needs to be spent on areas like the electrical grid and plug-in stations (electrical vehicle adoption)
• Housing issues will continue to plague the cost of housing –
• Automation will also play a key role with organizations managing their costs -
My work -
Plastics and GDP
• The petrochemical sector is very important to economies of Alberta, Ontario and other provinces -
• Plastics play a vital role with many parts of the economy including medical equipment and supplies -
• Government needs to put more focus on reshoring parts of the supply chain -
• Hospitality sector is already struggling with current restrictions -
Environment and Waste (2018)
Taxation and Environment
In 2018, Canadian businesses spent $9.7 billion to reduce impacts on the environment, up 15%
from 2016. In Canada, 9 out of 10 businesses invested in at least one environmental protection activity.
Source -
Emissions are expected to rebound in 2021 -
China is implementing a cap and trade system -
launch-carbon-emissions-trading-scheme-next-month - China has 250+ coal-fired plants under construction -
Challenges for 2021 -
My work -
Carbon Taxation / PBO Yet the PBO said that is not the case, right!
Guilbeault is deliberately misleading
Canadians with this tweet!
Cruise Ships and Emissions
Did you charge them the carbon tax?
Canada Federal Budget 2022 / Environment
The rent-own program is a bad program
The super clusters are a bad program
LPC killed a bill banning sewage
dumping. Now you want to protect water
Productivity & high inflation were not
Cost to Serve Model
• Companies will include any additional costs as part of their end pricing to consumers -
• Government is planning more hikes to carbon tax along with adding a new tax for the fuel standard. Any
additional costs will be pushed on to consumers through higher prices -
• Food costs have been rising over the past few years -
• Liberals ran on a platform to make things more affordable -
How to mitigate the impact of Climate
Blog – How to Mitigate issues with Climate Change.
Here is my work on climate change including the threats to both the private and public sectors.
Increase monitoring through Industry 4.0
All levels of government need to look at better monitoring of their various geographies through
deployment of solutions like Maximo -
Increase monitoring should be part of any risk management policies and procedures, especially as data
from monitoring tools can be integrated into solutions like Cognos Analytics and Planning Analytics
Working with Weather Analytics and Services
Climate change is here to stay. How everyone adjusts to climate change will be critical in terms of
safeguarding assets through proper risk mitigation.
Both the private and public sectors need to embrace weather analytics and services into its operations -
Government Policies and Climate Change
There seems to be a battle brewing between various states when it comes to climate change reporting.
I believe that there should be standardized reporting of ESG to provide better info in areas like governance,
environment, and social.
Forest and Wildfires
Climate change is raising average global temperatures, bringing with it longer droughts, with cascading effects for
forests and wildfires. These impacts are highly place-dependent — they are determined by the ecology an
ecosystem and its history of disturbance, like wildfires, insect outbreaks or logging.
Blog – Wildfires and Climate Change – How to mitigate the impact of Wild and Forest Fires -
Water Management
• Water is a major issue around the globe due to many factors like population growth, food supply, weather
patterns, access to clean drinking water, sewage dumping into waterway, garbage into waterway, etc.
• Desalination plants continue to be more environmentally friendly as part of addressing water demands in
arid land around the world
• More innovation in terms of mini-water treatment plants for remote communities.
• Stiffer environmental laws as pertains to water ways
• The need for better flood mitigation
Here is my work:
I have called out the management of waterways along with poor urban planning for years. If the government was
so concerned about climate change, then why are they failing to mitigate the impact of ice melt or rain on river
Urban Planning
The problem from the get-go has been with proper urban planning including rural vs urban strategy!
It is time for all levels government to look at innovator solutions when it comes to building affordable housing
1. Building codes need to revamp to deal with 3-D housing -
2. All levels government need to look at proper land management -
ESG Reporting
There seems to be a battle brewing between various states when it comes to climate change reporting.
I believe that there should be standardized reporting of ESG to provide better info in areas like governance,
environment, and social.
Global insured losses from natural catastrophes surged in the first half of 2021 to $42 billion, the second-highest amount
since 2011.
The preliminary estimate from Zurich-based reinsurer Swiss Re attributed the high loss total to winter storms, intense
heatwaves, and severe flooding across the world.
The insured loss total exceeded the previous ten-year average (2011-2020) of $33 billion. It was second only to the losses in
the first half of 2011, when the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami and the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake
pushed the six-month total to $104 billion.
A big contributor in the first half of 2021 was February’s winter storm Uri, a period of extreme cold combined with heavy
snowfall and ice accumulation in the United States. The event took the lives of 164 people, 151 of those in Texas, and
triggered estimated insured losses of $15 billion.
Here are additional links:
New Insurance reporting standard -
Risk Mitigation -
Green Inflation
Any time that you add taxes like carbon tax along more environmental regulations there is a cost. This cost is pushed on to
consumers through higher prices. The era of 1.5% to 2.2% inflation is over. The new reality is inflation will range between 3.0%
to 4.5% as part of the new green agenda. The world is combatting climate change through the wrong policies. There are better
approaches to protecting the environmental while growing an economy.
What’s next?
• All levels of government need to look at all their regulations as part ensuring the environment is protected as well
as supporting GDP growth -
• Innovations / Plastics Management -
• Countries around the world need to clean up their recycling practices -
• Carbon taxes are not the answer -
• All levels of government need to work together as part of ensuring businesses in Canada are competitive with their
counterparts around the world -
• GDP is at risk if countries around the world continue to push their progressive agenda -
• Innovation should be part of any waste management policy change including approving projects that are waste to
energy -
• Tax code change (equipment write-down)
• Environmental approval
Blog – How to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change through more balance Environmental Policies
I have written many blogs on climate change including how best to mitigate the impacts of climate
change. Too many governments are focus on carbon pricing instead of addressing the real issues that
are land-use, water management, expert/vertical farming practices, forestry management, recycling and
the circular economy.
Not enough has been said about countries like Canada that have a large land base that absorbs carbon
emissions. The focus should be on countries with poor environment policies and procedures. Canada is
one of the best in world when it comes to developing its natural resources in a sustainable way.
Canada provides a natural sink for CO2. It is time for G20 to start recognizing those countries that
provide the globe with natural CO2 absorption!
Inflation Tur ns EVs
Into Luxur y Items , Thr eatening Br oader Electr ic Shift - BNN Bloomber g.pdf
Str engthening
Singapor e’s food s ecur ity thr ough agr itech K r ASIA.pdf
Global por t
conges tion, high s hipping r ates to las t into 2023 - execs Reuter s .pdf
Pr ovince pr ovides
funding to r educe community wildfir e r is ks , enhance for es t health BC Gov News .pdf
Water cris is Feds
war n Lake Mead, Color ado River danger ous ly low.pdf
Biden announces new
initiatives to cur b methane dur ing inter national climate meeting - CNNPolitic
Guilbeault's pas t
unlawful acts emboldening eco-ter r or is ts • Tr oy Media.pdf
Gr een Building
Mater ials Ar e Making Cons tr uction Much Mor e Ear th-Fr iendly.pdf
Soar ing Electr ic-Car
Pr ices Mean Fewer Middle Clas s Buyer s Can Affor d Them - Bloomber g.pdf
Inflation Is on Tr ack
to Hit 7.3_ in Canada, Highes t Since 1983 - gr een.pdf
What to Expect in the
Mar kets Next Week.pdf
Could the blockchain
r es tor e cons umer tr us t and food s ecur ity .pdf
Watch U.S. s eeks to
galvanize global climate, ener gy, food s ecur ity actions -
Dhaka tops lis t of
mos t polluted cities again Pr othom Alo.pdf
U.S. Cities With the
Wor s t Air Pollution – BuyAutoIns ur
Top 26 Recycling
s tar tups in Canada.pdf
Plas tic-eating
s uper wor m can help r evolutionize r ecycling - Inceptive Mind.pdf
U.S. Ins ur er s Lead
Way on Climate-Related Dis clos ur es , Tr iple-I Tells SEC III.pdf
Cos t of catas tr ophic
flooding r is es - Wes ter n Inves tor .pdf
New Flor ida
Legis lation Tackles Sea Level Ris e, Not Emis s ions The Ener gy Mix.pdf
UH to develop living
coas tal-pr otection s ys tem ins pir ed by cor al r eefs Univer s ity of Hawaiʻi Sys tem News .pdf
Soft cor als mor e
r es ilient than r eef-building cor als dur ing a mar ine heatwave - Ver ve times .pdf
The Wor ld on the
Ver ge of a Mas s ive Global Food Cr is is by Meziechi Nwogu Jun, 2022 DataDr ivenInves tor .pdf
Bolivia delays
decis ion on lithium mining tie-ups to December - MINING.COM.pdf
Top miner s have
oppor tunity to lead ener gy tr ans ition - MINING.COM.pdf
Aus tr ia Delays
Car bon Pr icing as Par t of Package for Inflation Relief - VATupdate.pdf
For get r ate hikes —
thes e economis ts s ay to tame inflation, we need cheap oil CBC News .pdf
1. Land-use -
2. Water -
3. Biden and emissions -
4. Eco-terrorism -
5. Green materials -
6. Electrical vehicles -
7. Market crash -
Training and Development
• If you like to learn more
about trade and/or other
subjects as part of your
professional learning and
development then feel
free to review my
material on
(search Paul Young CPA
• These subjects address
how to fixed issues with
housing and/or systemic
issues related to economy
including government

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  • 2. Paul Young - Bio • CPA, CGA (1996) • Academia (PF1, FA4, FN2, MU1. and MS2) • SME – Customer Success Management • SME – Risk Management • SME – Close, Consolidate and Reporting • SME – Public Policy • SME – Emerging Technology • SME – Business Process Change • SME – Financial Solutions • SME – Macro/Micro Indicators • SME – Supply Chain Management • SME – Data, AI, Security, and Platform • SME – Internal Controls and Auditing Contact information email: LinkedIn: SlideShare - Twitter: YouTube -
  • 3. Agenda • Global GDP Forecast • Critical Metals • GDP vs Clean Technology GDP – Canada • Global Emissions • Forest Management • What is a Circular Economy? • Top Ranking Sustainable Economies • Canada Economy • Canada Environmental • Plastics GDP importance • Taxation and Environment • Cost to Serve Model • Mitigation of Climate Change • Forest and Wildfires • Water Management • Hurricanes • Cruise Ships • Budget 2022 / Canada • Urban vs Rural Planning • Fear of Green Inflation • What’s Next?
  • 4. Latest Forecast PRESENTATI, ON TITLE 2/11/20XX 4 Global Forecast - May 2022.pdf
  • 6. Critical Metals Supply TD Bank - Clean Energy - Supply Chain.pdf
  • 7. Critical Metals Supply TD Bank - Clean Energy - Supply Chain.pdf
  • 8. Power Generation TD Bank - Clean Energy - Supply Chain.pdf Canada generates over 80% of its electricity from clean sources. Canada generates about 11% of its power needs from Natural Gas. Canada’s clean electrical grid is one the best in the G20. Upgrading the world power grid will cost billions Raw material costs continue to plague the green energy sector.
  • 9. GDP vs Clean Technology
  • 10. Clean Technology and Environment
  • 11. Countries leading the charge for the Circular Economy Source - economy/ • The Netherlands • France • Italy • Germany • Luxembourg • Belgium • Portugal • Spain
  • 12. Top 20 Sustainable Companies Source - global-100-ranking-16115328/
  • 13. Green Future WEF and Circular Economy.pdf
  • 15. Emissions per square KM change/ Canada is a carbon sink! carbon-sink-why-are-we-not-getting-credit-for-it or 2018/canadas-carbon-sinks-dont-mean-we-can-ease-off-on-climate-policy/ or
  • 17. Blog – Forestry Movement towards sustainable forests - management-will-help-drive-our-net-zero-future. Canada forest practices need to improve as part of mitigating the changes to climate. Canada has 9% of the total forest - Russia is looking at their forest management practices as part of their carbon footprint - Russia has 20% of the forest. If you combine Canada with Russia, then 1/3 of the earth forest come from Canada and Russia. New research, published in Nature Climate Change and available on Global Forest Watch, found that the world’s forests sequestered about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emitted between 2001 and 2019. In other words, forests provide a "carbon sink" that absorbs a net 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2 per year, 1.5 times more carbon than the United States emits annually. Companies are revisiting their sawmills investments - industry-veteran-leads-the-charge-to-upgrade-ontario-mill/
  • 18. Drones and Forest Management Iris Automation The Best Forestry Drones for Forest Management.pdf
  • 19. Circular Economy Source - up-across-global-supply-chains/from-linear-to-circular-accelerating-a-proven-concept/
  • 20. Recycling / Countries Source - or
  • 21. Recycling Countries and the Environment Source - OECD Source -
  • 22. Material Footprint Source - or OECD
  • 23. Canada Economy • Zero Waste footprint - become-more-eco-conscious-1.1372149 • Energy from Waste - • December 2020 and November 2020 Scorecard - canada-december-2020-and-november-2020 • Canada Scorecard december-2020-and-january-2021 • Canada Scorecard - and-march-201 • Canada Scorecard - and-may-2021 O&G GDP continues to expand. Hiking the carbon tax is great for a sluggish economy. Real Estate prices have exploded across the world. The green economy isn't sustainable without more direct govt subsidies.
  • 24. Bank of Canada / Monetary Policies • There are issues with GDP: a) Productivity b) FDI outflow c) Lack of innovation d) Higher Commodities e) government deficits and taxes • About 40% of the job vacancies are with jobs that pay less than the average wage • Size of household debt continues to be an issue • Lack of affordable housing options • Global Trade and protectionism Source - reasons-to-be-exciting-about-the-canadian-economy My concerns with the BOC saying inflation dropping from 5.3% in 2022 to 2018 is not realistic and here is why: • Liberals plan hikes to carbon tax - by-2030-as-liberals-unveil-new-climate-plan • Critical metals have risk due to supply and refinement capacity issues. News/America-Desperately-Needs-To-Scale-Up-Battery-Metal-Production.html • Huge capital needs to be spent on areas like the electrical grid and plug-in stations (electrical vehicle adoption) • Housing issues will continue to plague the cost of housing – homelessness-canada-and-the-world-budget-2022-pptx • Automation will also play a key role with organizations managing their costs - My work -
  • 25. Plastics and GDP • The petrochemical sector is very important to economies of Alberta, Ontario and other provinces - • Plastics play a vital role with many parts of the economy including medical equipment and supplies - • Government needs to put more focus on reshoring parts of the supply chain - • Hospitality sector is already struggling with current restrictions -
  • 27. Taxation and Environment In 2018, Canadian businesses spent $9.7 billion to reduce impacts on the environment, up 15% from 2016. In Canada, 9 out of 10 businesses invested in at least one environmental protection activity. Source - Emissions are expected to rebound in 2021 - global-change-in-co2-emissions-2020-and-2021 China is implementing a cap and trade system - launch-carbon-emissions-trading-scheme-next-month - China has 250+ coal-fired plants under construction - Challenges for 2021 - COVID19 - My work -
  • 28. Carbon Taxation / PBO Yet the PBO said that is not the case, right! https://www.pbo- distributional-analysis-federal-carbon- pricing-under-healthy-environment-healthy- economy--une-analyse-distributive- tarification-federale-carbone-dans-cadre- plan-un-environnement-sain-une-eco @Twitter Guilbeault is deliberately misleading Canadians with this tweet!
  • 29. Cruise Ships and Emissions Did you charge them the carbon tax? it-happens-wednesday-edition- 1.4277147/a-cruise-ship-s-emissions-are- the-same-as-1-million-cars-report- 1.4277180 /mitigation-the-impact-of-climate- change-while-growing-the-green-and- circular-economy-in-a-sustainable-way- pptx
  • 30. Canada Federal Budget 2022 / Environment The rent-own program is a bad program The super clusters are a bad program LPC killed a bill banning sewage dumping. Now you want to protect water ways. Productivity & high inflation were not addressed budget-2022-path-forward-for-canada- pptx
  • 31. Cost to Serve Model • Companies will include any additional costs as part of their end pricing to consumers - • Government is planning more hikes to carbon tax along with adding a new tax for the fuel standard. Any additional costs will be pushed on to consumers through higher prices - releases/clean-fuels-standard-will-increase-household-costs-for-canadians-capp-819531042.html • Food costs have been rising over the past few years - to-rise-in-coming-months/ • Liberals ran on a platform to make things more affordable - more-affordable-for-canadians
  • 32. How to mitigate the impact of Climate Change Blog – How to Mitigate issues with Climate Change. Here is my work on climate change including the threats to both the private and public sectors.
  • 33. Increase monitoring through Industry 4.0 All levels of government need to look at better monitoring of their various geographies through deployment of solutions like Maximo - Increase monitoring should be part of any risk management policies and procedures, especially as data from monitoring tools can be integrated into solutions like Cognos Analytics and Planning Analytics
  • 34. Working with Weather Analytics and Services Climate change is here to stay. How everyone adjusts to climate change will be critical in terms of safeguarding assets through proper risk mitigation. Both the private and public sectors need to embrace weather analytics and services into its operations -
  • 35. Government Policies and Climate Change There seems to be a battle brewing between various states when it comes to climate change reporting. I believe that there should be standardized reporting of ESG to provide better info in areas like governance, environment, and social.
  • 36. Forest and Wildfires Climate change is raising average global temperatures, bringing with it longer droughts, with cascading effects for forests and wildfires. These impacts are highly place-dependent — they are determined by the ecology an ecosystem and its history of disturbance, like wildfires, insect outbreaks or logging. Blog – Wildfires and Climate Change – How to mitigate the impact of Wild and Forest Fires -
  • 38. Water Management • Water is a major issue around the globe due to many factors like population growth, food supply, weather patterns, access to clean drinking water, sewage dumping into waterway, garbage into waterway, etc. • Desalination plants continue to be more environmentally friendly as part of addressing water demands in arid land around the world • More innovation in terms of mini-water treatment plants for remote communities. • Stiffer environmental laws as pertains to water ways • The need for better flood mitigation Here is my work: I have called out the management of waterways along with poor urban planning for years. If the government was so concerned about climate change, then why are they failing to mitigate the impact of ice melt or rain on river systems?
  • 39. Urban Planning The problem from the get-go has been with proper urban planning including rural vs urban strategy! It is time for all levels government to look at innovator solutions when it comes to building affordable housing 1. Building codes need to revamp to deal with 3-D housing - traction/#74899cc763bd 2. All levels government need to look at proper land management -
  • 40. ESG Reporting There seems to be a battle brewing between various states when it comes to climate change reporting. I believe that there should be standardized reporting of ESG to provide better info in areas like governance, environment, and social.
  • 41. Insurance Global insured losses from natural catastrophes surged in the first half of 2021 to $42 billion, the second-highest amount since 2011. The preliminary estimate from Zurich-based reinsurer Swiss Re attributed the high loss total to winter storms, intense heatwaves, and severe flooding across the world. The insured loss total exceeded the previous ten-year average (2011-2020) of $33 billion. It was second only to the losses in the first half of 2011, when the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami and the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake pushed the six-month total to $104 billion. A big contributor in the first half of 2021 was February’s winter storm Uri, a period of extreme cold combined with heavy snowfall and ice accumulation in the United States. The event took the lives of 164 people, 151 of those in Texas, and triggered estimated insured losses of $15 billion. Here are additional links: New Insurance reporting standard - Risk Mitigation - 249988353
  • 42. Green Inflation Any time that you add taxes like carbon tax along more environmental regulations there is a cost. This cost is pushed on to consumers through higher prices. The era of 1.5% to 2.2% inflation is over. The new reality is inflation will range between 3.0% to 4.5% as part of the new green agenda. The world is combatting climate change through the wrong policies. There are better approaches to protecting the environmental while growing an economy. change
  • 43. What’s next? • All levels of government need to look at all their regulations as part ensuring the environment is protected as well as supporting GDP growth - commentary • Innovations / Plastics Management - stand-to-benefit-from-in-house-plastic-shredders/ • Countries around the world need to clean up their recycling practices - • Carbon taxes are not the answer - carbon-taxation • All levels of government need to work together as part of ensuring businesses in Canada are competitive with their counterparts around the world - government-policy • GDP is at risk if countries around the world continue to push their progressive agenda - • Innovation should be part of any waste management policy change including approving projects that are waste to energy - analysis-2016-2019--2020-2027--301132220.html • Tax code change (equipment write-down) • Environmental approval Blog – How to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change through more balance Environmental Policies I have written many blogs on climate change including how best to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Too many governments are focus on carbon pricing instead of addressing the real issues that are land-use, water management, expert/vertical farming practices, forestry management, recycling and the circular economy. Not enough has been said about countries like Canada that have a large land base that absorbs carbon emissions. The focus should be on countries with poor environment policies and procedures. Canada is one of the best in world when it comes to developing its natural resources in a sustainable way. Canada provides a natural sink for CO2. It is time for G20 to start recognizing those countries that provide the globe with natural CO2 absorption! Inflation Tur ns EVs Into Luxur y Items , Thr eatening Br oader Electr ic Shift - BNN Bloomber g.pdf Str engthening Singapor e’s food s ecur ity thr ough agr itech K r ASIA.pdf Global por t conges tion, high s hipping r ates to las t into 2023 - execs Reuter s .pdf Pr ovince pr ovides funding to r educe community wildfir e r is ks , enhance for es t health BC Gov News .pdf Water cris is Feds war n Lake Mead, Color ado River danger ous ly low.pdf Biden announces new initiatives to cur b methane dur ing inter national climate meeting - CNNPolitic Guilbeault's pas t unlawful acts emboldening eco-ter r or is ts • Tr oy Media.pdf Gr een Building Mater ials Ar e Making Cons tr uction Much Mor e Ear th-Fr iendly.pdf Soar ing Electr ic-Car Pr ices Mean Fewer Middle Clas s Buyer s Can Affor d Them - Bloomber g.pdf Inflation Is on Tr ack to Hit 7.3_ in Canada, Highes t Since 1983 - gr een.pdf What to Expect in the Mar kets Next Week.pdf Could the blockchain r es tor e cons umer tr us t and food s ecur ity .pdf Watch U.S. s eeks to galvanize global climate, ener gy, food s ecur ity actions - Dhaka tops lis t of mos t polluted cities again Pr othom Alo.pdf U.S. Cities With the Wor s t Air Pollution – BuyAutoIns ur Top 26 Recycling s tar tups in Canada.pdf Plas tic-eating s uper wor m can help r evolutionize r ecycling - Inceptive Mind.pdf U.S. Ins ur er s Lead Way on Climate-Related Dis clos ur es , Tr iple-I Tells SEC III.pdf Cos t of catas tr ophic flooding r is es - Wes ter n Inves tor .pdf New Flor ida Legis lation Tackles Sea Level Ris e, Not Emis s ions The Ener gy Mix.pdf UH to develop living coas tal-pr otection s ys tem ins pir ed by cor al r eefs Univer s ity of Hawaiʻi Sys tem News .pdf Soft cor als mor e r es ilient than r eef-building cor als dur ing a mar ine heatwave - Ver ve times .pdf The Wor ld on the Ver ge of a Mas s ive Global Food Cr is is by Meziechi Nwogu Jun, 2022 DataDr ivenInves tor .pdf Bolivia delays decis ion on lithium mining tie-ups to December - MINING.COM.pdf Top miner s have oppor tunity to lead ener gy tr ans ition - MINING.COM.pdf Aus tr ia Delays Car bon Pr icing as Par t of Package for Inflation Relief - VATupdate.pdf For get r ate hikes — thes e economis ts s ay to tame inflation, we need cheap oil CBC News .pdf 1. Land-use - 2. Water - mead-colorado-river/7638011001/ 3. Biden and emissions - forum-climate/index.html 4. Eco-terrorism - emboldening-eco-terrorists/ 5. Green materials - 6. Electrical vehicles - into-luxury-items-threatening-broader-electric-shift 7. Market crash - 4584772
  • 44. Training and Development • If you like to learn more about trade and/or other subjects as part of your professional learning and development then feel free to review my material on (search Paul Young CPA CGA) • These subjects address how to fixed issues with housing and/or systemic issues related to economy including government policies

Editor's Notes

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  4. Source - and and