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Dodging, Chasing, and Fleeing
Carl Sandburg Elementary School
Sarah Dowell’s 1st
Grade Physical Education Class
March 24, 2014 – April 25, 2014
Ms. Emily Moses
Mr. Charles Gawle
Mr. Robert Fitzmaurice
Mr. Casey Pinnell
Table of Contents
Block Plan………………………………………………………………………3
DAC Chart……………………………………………………………………...7
Pre and Post-Test Assessments…………………………………………………9
Pre and Post-Test Data………………………………………………………….15
Lesson 2 Affective Checklist Assessment……………………………………...23
Lesson 2 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………..25
Lesson 3 Cognitive Student Assessment……………………………………….26
Lesson 3 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….27
Lesson 4 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist Assessment………………………..31
Lesson 4 Data…………………………………………………………………..33
Lesson 5 Affective Student Assessment……………………………………….34
Lesson 5 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….35
Lesson 6 Cognitive Student Assessment………………………………………39
Lesson 6 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….40
Lesson 7 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist Assessment………………………...43
Lesson 7 Data…………………………………………………………………..45
Lesson 8 Cognitive Student Assessment………………………………………46
Lesson 8 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………47
Lesson 9 Affective Summative Assessment…………………………………..50
Lesson 9 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………51
KSS 3401 Block Plan
Unit Goals:
Psychomotor: ESWBAT dodge, chase, or flee from one another by following all of the cues
(eyes scanning, balls of feet, use fakes/twists/stretches, quick change of directions) for each skill
theme during isolated and partner extension and refinement tasks as well as small sided
application tasks.
Cognitive: ESWBAT identify the cues for all three skill themes (dodging, chasing, and fleeing),
understand the reasoning behind those cues, and be able to recall them during large and small in
in-class discussions, with a partner, and on cognitive exit slips.
Affective: ESWBAT show respect to the teachers and their peers by being quiet and eyes on the
teacher during teacher instruction or in-class discussions and treat the equipment with respect by
putting anything away when told or by simply using the equipment as instructed in physical
education class.
Day 1
Introduction: Teachers will do an instant
activity when they enter the room. Teachers
will introduce themselves to the students and
hand name tags to each kid. We will
introduce them to their skill theme unit
dodging, chasing, and fleeing. We will also
show the students what we expect as far as
classroom protocol.
Content Development: Teachers will begin
class with introductions. They will then give
a brief explanation of the movement concept
they will be teaching (dodging, chasing, and
fleeing). They will give cognitive pre-test
immediately following the introduction.
Teachers will follow the cognitive test with a
brief activity to install teacher protocols
during the unit. Teachers will install start and
stop signals of “freeze” and “go”. They will
do extensions tasks for each fleeing, chasing,
and dodging for the psychomotor teacher
checklist pre-test. We will end the class by
filling out an affective exit slip pre-test so that
we have covered all 3 domains.
Assessment: Psychomotor, cognitive, and
affective pre-test.
Closure: We will close by thanking the
students for listening and cooperating in
today’s lesson. We will review again what
Introduction: As students enter the room we
will send them into the instant activity. The
instant activity will be “climb the mountain”.
We will then introduce the lesson of fleeing
using directions.
Content Development: The lesson will begin
with introduction of the self and general
space. Teachers will discuss directions with
students of forward/backward and left/right.
Teachers will do a variety of ERA tasks to
enforce the cues of fleeing and changing
directions. Students will finish with the
application task of fleeing using change of
direction and running from the rolling balls.
(Cues: eyes up and scanning/quick change of
Assessment: Affective exit slip assessment
over feelings using directions
Closure: Teachers will thank students for
doing a good job fleeing in all directions
today. They will explain to students that next
class period will continue with fleeing, but we
are going to work on fleeing with objects
around. We will then give instructions for the
affective exit slip that students need to fill out
before they are ready to leave class.
we do when we say “freeze” and “go” so that
everyone is on the same page for how things
will work during the unit.
Day 3
Introduction: Teachers will begin with an
instant activity. They will then freeze the
students to explain the day’s lesson of fleeing
around, over/under, and along/through objects
or with people and pathways.
Content Development: We will begin with an
instant activity. We will then have a
discussion of fleeing around objects.
Students will know the importance of
scanning with eyes to makes sure to avoid
objects and people when fleeing. They will
do a variety of ERA tasks to enforce the cues
of fleeing around, over/under, and
along/through objects and people. We will
then get into fleeing using pathways (zig-zag,
curved, straight). Students will do a variety
of ERA tasks to enforce the cues of pathways.
(Cues: eyes scanning, quick change of
Assessment: Cognitive exit slip assessment
over fleeing with objects or people and
Closure: Students will bet thanked for their
participation in the obstacle course and
congratulated on not getting caught while
fleeing. Teachers will review what cues were
learned today and how they are important
when fleeing. Teachers will then explain the
directions and questions on the cognitive exit
slip. Students will then take the exit slip
before leaving class.
Day 4
Introduction: Teachers will begin with an
instant activity. They will then get into
fleeing using extensions and time (near/far,
Content Development: Teachers will begin
with the discussion of chasing with extensions
(near/far) and time (fast/slow). Teachers will
explain the importance of combining the two.
Chasing objects far away students need to run
fast. They will do a variety of ERA tasks to
ensure the cues and concepts are understood.
(Cues: eyes scanning, quick change of
Assessment: Psychomotor teacher checklist
over fleeing using extensions and time
Closure: Teachers will thank the students for
really focusing on the cues of chasing today.
We will recap what we talked about during
the lesson. We will also explain what we will
be doing next time which will be chasing
using levels.
Day 5
Introduction: We will begin with an instant
activity to get kids moving. We will then
introduce the concept of chasing using levels
(low, middle, high).
Day 6
Introduction: We will begin right away with
an instant activity to get students moving. We
will then bring students in to review last
Content Development: Teachers will begin
with time talking about the difference
between chasing fast and slow. They will do
a variety of ERA tasks to explain the
differences. They will also discuss chasing
far and near objects and the different ways to
do that. A variety of ERA task will be used
here as well. We will finish with an
application of chasing a partner that starts
from different distances away. (Cues: bend at
Assessment: Affective student exit slip over
their behaviors during class.
Closure: Teachers will close the day with
thanking the students for their effort of
chasing at different levels. We will make
sure they understand the cues discussed in the
lesson. We will take time to finish up the
class with an affective exit slip for the
lesson and discuss today’s lesson of chasing
using mirroring and matching.
Content Development: Teachers will begin by
telling students why mirroring and matching
is important. If you’re chasing a fleeing
object it is important to match their
movements. We will do a variety of ERA
tasks with a partner, in small groups, and as a
class to help enforce the cues of mirroring and
matching. Students will perform tasks of
follow the leader and Pac-man to demonstrate
matching. Students will perform name
writing activities with a partner to
demonstrate mirroring. (Cues: opposite/same)
Assessment: Cognitive exit slip over
mirroring and matching.
Closure: Teachers will ask students again
about mirroring and matching to reinforce the
cues. We will then give the students time to
fill out a cognitive exit slip over the cues of
mirroring and matching.
Day 7
Introduction: Teachers will begin class with
an instant activity to get students moving.
Teachers will then bring students in and have
a discussion about the day’s lesson of
dodging. We will be specifically discussing
dodging using body parts. We will discuss
the importance of dodging using fakes, twists,
and stretches to avoid objects.
Content Development: In this lesson we will
focus on dodging using body parts. We want
students to practice using movements of their
bodies. Here we will dodge balloons taped to
the wall. Students will keep their feet still
and twist with their bodies to dodge the
balloons. Students will do other ERA tasks to
learn the cues. (Cues: Fakes, twists, and
stretches, balls of feet)
Day 8
Introduction: Teachers will begin with an
instant activity. They will then bring students
in for a very brief review of last lesson and
discuss dodging using directions.
Content Development: Teachers will discuss
the importance of moving forward/backward,
up/down, and left/right when dodging objects.
Teachers will then do a variety of ERA tasks
to help students practice using the cues given.
Students will be broken into small groups to
work at stations. (Cues: fakes, twists, and
stretches, balls of feet)
Assessment: Cognitive Exit Slip Assessment
on dodging using directions
Closure: Teachers will bring students in for a
brief discussion on the cues discussed today.
Assessment: Psychomotor Teacher Checklist
of dodging using body parts
Closure: Teachers will thank students for
doing a good work on dodging the balloons
using the cues. We will have a brief
discussion of the student’s thoughts of the
activities during the day.
They will then read the directions and the
questions on the cognitive exit slip students
will answer before leaving class.
Day 9
Introduction: Teachers will begin with an
instant activity. They will then bring students
in to discuss the lesson for today which will
be a review from the entire unit.
Content Development: Teachers will give the
post-test on this day. They will begin with
the cognitive post-test right after the
introduction. They will then go into the post-
test ERA tasks for the psychomotor teacher
checklist. These tasks will be the exact same
from lesson 1. We will end the class with the
affective exit slip post-test to cover all 3
Assessment: Psychomotor, cognitive, and
affective post-test
Closure: We will thank students for their
participation in the tests. We will also
introduce the activities for the summative
experience in the final lesson.
Day 10
Introduction: Today we will begin be
introducing the objectives to the chasing,
fleeing, and dodging obstacle course.
Content Development: This will be
summative dodging, chasing, and fleeing
experience for the students over the lesson.
Assessment: Affective Assessment over entire
Closure: Students will be thanked for their
participation in the unit. Teachers will say
their good-byes.
Dodging, Chasing, Fleeing
1. Self-space
2. General space
 Balls of feet
 Change of
 Use fakes, twists,
and stretches
Students will try to avoid
objects on the ground by
chasing an imaginary
rabbit for 60 seconds.
1. Forward/backward
2. Right/left
 Eyes scanning
 Quick movements
Students will see how
many times they can
change directions in one
minute without being
caught by their imaginary
With objects or people
1. Around
2. Over/under
3. Along/through
 Eyes scanning
 Quick change of
Students will go through
the teacher’s imaginary
obstacle course without
getting “tripped up”.
1. Straight
2. Curved
3. Zig zag
 Eyes scanning
 Quick change of
Students will run in
different pathways for 30
seconds trying not to get
caught by their partner.
1. Far
2. Near
 React to person or
 Balls of feet
Students will try to catch
a partner that starts both
near and far away.
1. Fast
2. Slow
 Balls of feet
Students will try to catch
a partner that starts both
near and far away.
1. Low
2. Middle
3. High
 Stay close to the
ground (low)
 Stay low, but not
too high
 Reach up as high
as possible
Students will try to catch
the rabbit before it reaches
its hole. It will go over
logs, under tree limbs, and
through tunnels.
With people
1. Partners
2. Matching/mirroring
 Copy the fleeing
 Do the opposite of
fleeing object
Students will follow a
partner trying to match
them for 60 seconds.
Students will follow a
partner trying to mirror
them for 60 seconds.
Of body parts
1. Twisted
2. Wide
3. Narrow
4. Round (curved)
 Use fakes, twists,
and stretches
 Balls of feet
Students will try to dodge
imaginary cotton balls
being thrown be their
partners while their feet is
stuck in quick sand for 60
1. Up/down
2. Forward/backward
3. Right/left
 Use fakes, twists,
and stretches
 Balls of feet
Students will try to avoid
a rolled ball from partner
10 times using a change
of directions.
Dodging, chasing, fleeing Cues:
 All the above
Summative Experience
Name: _______________________________________________
Cognitive Pre-Test Assessment – Lesson 1
Directions: Circle the correct picture for each question below.
1. If something is far away and you want to catch it how would you chase it:
Slow Fast Medium
1. When you dodge a balloon on the floor you want to:
Go through it Go around it Go over it
2. There is a log on the ground and you are chasing a rabbit; do you:
Go under it Go over it
Name: _______________________________________________Date: ________________
Cognitive Post Test Assessment – Lesson 10
Directions: Circle the correct picture for each question below.
2. If something is far away and you want to catch it how fast should you run to chase it:
Slow Fast Medium
3. When you dodge a balloon on the floor you want to:
Go through it Go around it Go over it
4. There is a log on the ground and you are chasing a rabbit; do you:
Go under it Go over it
Name:_____________________________________ Date: __________________
Affective Self-Assessment Pretest-Lesson 1
1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about today’s activities.
Happy Sad
2. Circle your favorite activity that we did in class today.
Fleeing the Leprechaun Chasing the Dog Dodging the Balloons
3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment.
Put Away Left on the Floor
4. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to show respect to one another.
Arguing High Fiving
Affective Post-test Assessment-Lesson 10
1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about today’s activities.
Happy Sad
2. Circle your favorite activity that we did in class today.
Chasing the Dog Dodging the Balloons Fleeing the Easter Bunny
3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment.
Put Away Left on the Floor
Name Chasing Dodging Fleeing
change of
Balls of
change of
Corrigan, Ian
Fulk, Donald
Koch, Radin
Kolesar, Jett
1 Rarely shows cues in game play- Opportunity to
improve cues and stability.
2 Sometimes shows cue in game play- Opportunity to
improve stability.
3 Often uses cues in game play- Opportunity for
continuous improvement.
Carl Sandburg Elementary
Mrs. VanMeter, 1st Grade Class
Chasing, Dodging, and Fleeing
Psychomotor Pre-Test
Ogle, Daniel
Pre-Test Post-Test
Happy 21 23
Sad 1 0
Pre-Test vs. Post-Test Question 1: How did
today's activities make you feel?
Dogs Balloons Easter Bunny/Leprachaun
Pre-Test Post-Test
Away 22 23
Left on the Floor 0 0
Affective Assessment Pre vs Post Test
Question 3: Circle the picture that you think
is the best way to put away equipment
Affective Assessment Pre vs Post Test Question 2:
What was your favorite activity we did in class today?
Affective Teacher Checklist –
Lesson 2
An X in the box indicates the student performed this task successfully
Student stays in their own
Student follows all
instructional cues and
directions from the
Austin Arthur
Izayah Buchanan
Ian Corrigan
Finola Dahlke
Daniel Fagaly
Austin Fisher
Ethan Foerster
Donald Fulk
Colton Himes
Tenia Johnson
Radin Koch
Jett Kolesar
Phoenix Lofton
Tristan Louthan
Payton Lucas
Daniel Ogle
Jasmin Pearcy
Kamarion Powers
Isabella Spracklen
Emma Strange
Jillian Symonds
Natashia Tryon
Arabella WInes
Lesson 2 Affective Checklist (Student Stays in
their own General/Self-Space)
Name: Date:
Lesson 3 Cognitive Student Assessment
Circle the two pictures that best shows how we flee with objects and people
Go around it! Go through it! Go over it!
Circle the answer that shows how your eyes should be when fleeing.
Eyes scanning Eyes closed Eyes looking at ground
Draw a zig-zag pathway Draw a curved pathway Draw a straight pathway
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Correct Answers
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Question #1
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Question #2
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Question #3
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Question #4
Correct Answers
Incorrect Answers
Lesson 3
Partner Cognitive Student Assessment
Question #5
Psychomotor Teacher Checklist –
Lesson 4
An X in the box indicates the student performed this task successfully.
A – in the box indicates the students that do not perform the task
Name Eyes scanning
Quick change of
Austin Arthur
Izayah Buchanan
Ian Corrigan
Finola Dahlke
Daniel Fagaly
Austin Fisher
Ethan Foerster
Donald Fulk
Colton Himes
Tenia Johnson
Radin Koch
Jett Kolesar
Phoenix Lofton
Tristan Louthan
Payton Lucas
Daniel Ogle
Jasmin Pearcy
Kamarion Powers
Isabella Spracklen
Emma Strange
Jillian Symonds
Natashia Tryon
Arabella WInes
0 1
Arthur, Austin
Buchanan, Izayah
Corrigan, Ian
Dahlke, Finola
Fagaly, Daniel
Fisher, Austin
Feorster, Ethan
Fulk, Donald
Himes, Colton
Johnson, Tenia
Koch, Radin
Lesson 4 - Psychomotor Chasing Assessment
Teacher Checklist
Graph #1
Quick Changes of
Eye Scanning
0 1
Kolesar, Jett
Louthan, Tristan
Ogle, Daniel
Powers, Kamarion
Strange, Emma
Tryon, Natashia
Lesson 4 - Psychomotor Chasing Assessment
Teacher Checklist
Graph #2
Quick Changes of
Eye Scanning
Name:___________________________ Date:_______________
Behavioral Affective Exit Slip-Lesson 5 Chasing (Levels)
Yes or No
I played fair.
I didn’t waste time.
I worked well with
other students.
I tried my best today.
I did not get bossy.
Lesson 5
Behavioral Affective Assessment
Question # 1
Yes Answers
No Answers
Lesson 5
Behavioral Affective Assessment
Question # 2
Yes Answers
No Answers
4% Lesson 5
Behavioral Affective Assessment
Question # 3
Yes Answers
No Answers
Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment
Question # 4
Yes Answers
No Answers
Lesson 5
Behavioral Affective Assessment
Question # 5
Yes Answers
No Answers
Name: Date:
Lesson 6 Cognitive Exit Slip on Chasing
1. Circle the picture below which is an example of mirroring?
2. If I am trying to match my partners movements and they stick out their right hand, should I
stick out my right hand or left hand?
Lesson 6 Exit Slip: Question on Mirroring
Lesson 6 Exit Slip: Question on Matching
Psychomotor Teacher Checklist – Lesson 7
1 Rarely shows cues in game play- Opportunity to
improve cues and stability.
2 Sometimes shows cue in game play- Opportunity to
improve stability.
3 Often uses cues in game play- Opportunity for
continuous improvement.
Uses Fakes When Playing Tag Games Avoid Running into their Classmates
Koch, Radin
Kolesar, Jett
Ogle, Daniel
Lesson 7 Teacher Checklist: Using Fakes
When Playing Tag Games
Lesson 7 Teacher Checklist: Avoid Running
into their Classmates
Name: _______________________________________________
1. Circle the picture where Sponge Bob is avoiding objects:
Crashing into objects Avoiding Objects
2. Circle the picture of how your feet should look on the ground when dodging:
Heel on the foot Ball of foot
Carl Sandberg Elementary, 1st Grade
Mrs. VanMeter, 1st Grade Class
Chasing, Dodging, and Fleeing
Cognitive Exit Slip- Lesson 8
0 10 20
Lesson 8
Cognitive Student Assessment
Name:_____________________________________Date: __________________
Affective Self-Assessment - Lesson 9
1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about dodging, chasing, and fleeing.
Happy Sad
2. Circle your favorite activity that we did during the unit.
Parachute Balloons Tunnels
3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment.
Put Away Left on the Floor

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SD48 (Sea to Sky) Implementation Day 2014
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SD48 (Sea to Sky) Implementation Day 2014

Mini packet 2

  • 1. 1 Dodging, Chasing, and Fleeing Carl Sandburg Elementary School CUSD #1 Sarah Dowell’s 1st Grade Physical Education Class March 24, 2014 – April 25, 2014 Ms. Emily Moses Mr. Charles Gawle Mr. Robert Fitzmaurice Mr. Casey Pinnell
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Block Plan………………………………………………………………………3 DAC Chart……………………………………………………………………...7 Pre and Post-Test Assessments…………………………………………………9 Pre and Post-Test Data………………………………………………………….15 Lesson 2 Affective Checklist Assessment……………………………………...23 Lesson 2 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………..25 Lesson 3 Cognitive Student Assessment……………………………………….26 Lesson 3 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….27 Lesson 4 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist Assessment………………………..31 Lesson 4 Data…………………………………………………………………..33 Lesson 5 Affective Student Assessment……………………………………….34 Lesson 5 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….35 Lesson 6 Cognitive Student Assessment………………………………………39 Lesson 6 Data and Student Examples………………………………………….40 Lesson 7 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist Assessment………………………...43 Lesson 7 Data…………………………………………………………………..45 Lesson 8 Cognitive Student Assessment………………………………………46 Lesson 8 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………47 Lesson 9 Affective Summative Assessment…………………………………..50 Lesson 9 Data and Student Examples…………………………………………51
  • 3. 3 KSS 3401 Block Plan Unit Goals: Psychomotor: ESWBAT dodge, chase, or flee from one another by following all of the cues (eyes scanning, balls of feet, use fakes/twists/stretches, quick change of directions) for each skill theme during isolated and partner extension and refinement tasks as well as small sided application tasks. Cognitive: ESWBAT identify the cues for all three skill themes (dodging, chasing, and fleeing), understand the reasoning behind those cues, and be able to recall them during large and small in in-class discussions, with a partner, and on cognitive exit slips. Affective: ESWBAT show respect to the teachers and their peers by being quiet and eyes on the teacher during teacher instruction or in-class discussions and treat the equipment with respect by putting anything away when told or by simply using the equipment as instructed in physical education class. Day 1 Introduction: Teachers will do an instant activity when they enter the room. Teachers will introduce themselves to the students and hand name tags to each kid. We will introduce them to their skill theme unit dodging, chasing, and fleeing. We will also show the students what we expect as far as classroom protocol. Content Development: Teachers will begin class with introductions. They will then give a brief explanation of the movement concept they will be teaching (dodging, chasing, and fleeing). They will give cognitive pre-test immediately following the introduction. Teachers will follow the cognitive test with a brief activity to install teacher protocols during the unit. Teachers will install start and stop signals of “freeze” and “go”. They will do extensions tasks for each fleeing, chasing, and dodging for the psychomotor teacher checklist pre-test. We will end the class by filling out an affective exit slip pre-test so that we have covered all 3 domains. Assessment: Psychomotor, cognitive, and affective pre-test. Closure: We will close by thanking the students for listening and cooperating in today’s lesson. We will review again what Day2 Introduction: As students enter the room we will send them into the instant activity. The instant activity will be “climb the mountain”. We will then introduce the lesson of fleeing using directions. Content Development: The lesson will begin with introduction of the self and general space. Teachers will discuss directions with students of forward/backward and left/right. Teachers will do a variety of ERA tasks to enforce the cues of fleeing and changing directions. Students will finish with the application task of fleeing using change of direction and running from the rolling balls. (Cues: eyes up and scanning/quick change of directions) Assessment: Affective exit slip assessment over feelings using directions Closure: Teachers will thank students for doing a good job fleeing in all directions today. They will explain to students that next class period will continue with fleeing, but we are going to work on fleeing with objects around. We will then give instructions for the affective exit slip that students need to fill out before they are ready to leave class.
  • 4. 4 we do when we say “freeze” and “go” so that everyone is on the same page for how things will work during the unit. Day 3 Introduction: Teachers will begin with an instant activity. They will then freeze the students to explain the day’s lesson of fleeing around, over/under, and along/through objects or with people and pathways. Content Development: We will begin with an instant activity. We will then have a discussion of fleeing around objects. Students will know the importance of scanning with eyes to makes sure to avoid objects and people when fleeing. They will do a variety of ERA tasks to enforce the cues of fleeing around, over/under, and along/through objects and people. We will then get into fleeing using pathways (zig-zag, curved, straight). Students will do a variety of ERA tasks to enforce the cues of pathways. (Cues: eyes scanning, quick change of direction) Assessment: Cognitive exit slip assessment over fleeing with objects or people and pathways Closure: Students will bet thanked for their participation in the obstacle course and congratulated on not getting caught while fleeing. Teachers will review what cues were learned today and how they are important when fleeing. Teachers will then explain the directions and questions on the cognitive exit slip. Students will then take the exit slip before leaving class. Day 4 Introduction: Teachers will begin with an instant activity. They will then get into fleeing using extensions and time (near/far, slow/fast). Content Development: Teachers will begin with the discussion of chasing with extensions (near/far) and time (fast/slow). Teachers will explain the importance of combining the two. Chasing objects far away students need to run fast. They will do a variety of ERA tasks to ensure the cues and concepts are understood. (Cues: eyes scanning, quick change of direction) Assessment: Psychomotor teacher checklist over fleeing using extensions and time Closure: Teachers will thank the students for really focusing on the cues of chasing today. We will recap what we talked about during the lesson. We will also explain what we will be doing next time which will be chasing using levels. Day 5 Introduction: We will begin with an instant activity to get kids moving. We will then introduce the concept of chasing using levels (low, middle, high). Day 6 Introduction: We will begin right away with an instant activity to get students moving. We will then bring students in to review last
  • 5. 5 Content Development: Teachers will begin with time talking about the difference between chasing fast and slow. They will do a variety of ERA tasks to explain the differences. They will also discuss chasing far and near objects and the different ways to do that. A variety of ERA task will be used here as well. We will finish with an application of chasing a partner that starts from different distances away. (Cues: bend at knees) Assessment: Affective student exit slip over their behaviors during class. Closure: Teachers will close the day with thanking the students for their effort of chasing at different levels. We will make sure they understand the cues discussed in the lesson. We will take time to finish up the class with an affective exit slip for the students. lesson and discuss today’s lesson of chasing using mirroring and matching. Content Development: Teachers will begin by telling students why mirroring and matching is important. If you’re chasing a fleeing object it is important to match their movements. We will do a variety of ERA tasks with a partner, in small groups, and as a class to help enforce the cues of mirroring and matching. Students will perform tasks of follow the leader and Pac-man to demonstrate matching. Students will perform name writing activities with a partner to demonstrate mirroring. (Cues: opposite/same) Assessment: Cognitive exit slip over mirroring and matching. Closure: Teachers will ask students again about mirroring and matching to reinforce the cues. We will then give the students time to fill out a cognitive exit slip over the cues of mirroring and matching. Day 7 Introduction: Teachers will begin class with an instant activity to get students moving. Teachers will then bring students in and have a discussion about the day’s lesson of dodging. We will be specifically discussing dodging using body parts. We will discuss the importance of dodging using fakes, twists, and stretches to avoid objects. Content Development: In this lesson we will focus on dodging using body parts. We want students to practice using movements of their bodies. Here we will dodge balloons taped to the wall. Students will keep their feet still and twist with their bodies to dodge the balloons. Students will do other ERA tasks to learn the cues. (Cues: Fakes, twists, and stretches, balls of feet) Day 8 Introduction: Teachers will begin with an instant activity. They will then bring students in for a very brief review of last lesson and discuss dodging using directions. Content Development: Teachers will discuss the importance of moving forward/backward, up/down, and left/right when dodging objects. Teachers will then do a variety of ERA tasks to help students practice using the cues given. Students will be broken into small groups to work at stations. (Cues: fakes, twists, and stretches, balls of feet) Assessment: Cognitive Exit Slip Assessment on dodging using directions Closure: Teachers will bring students in for a brief discussion on the cues discussed today.
  • 6. 6 Assessment: Psychomotor Teacher Checklist of dodging using body parts Closure: Teachers will thank students for doing a good work on dodging the balloons using the cues. We will have a brief discussion of the student’s thoughts of the activities during the day. They will then read the directions and the questions on the cognitive exit slip students will answer before leaving class. Day 9 Introduction: Teachers will begin with an instant activity. They will then bring students in to discuss the lesson for today which will be a review from the entire unit. Content Development: Teachers will give the post-test on this day. They will begin with the cognitive post-test right after the introduction. They will then go into the post- test ERA tasks for the psychomotor teacher checklist. These tasks will be the exact same from lesson 1. We will end the class with the affective exit slip post-test to cover all 3 domains. Assessment: Psychomotor, cognitive, and affective post-test Closure: We will thank students for their participation in the tests. We will also introduce the activities for the summative experience in the final lesson. Day 10 Introduction: Today we will begin be introducing the objectives to the chasing, fleeing, and dodging obstacle course. Content Development: This will be summative dodging, chasing, and fleeing experience for the students over the lesson. Assessment: Affective Assessment over entire unit Closure: Students will be thanked for their participation in the unit. Teachers will say their good-byes.
  • 7. 7 DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS OF CONTENT EXTENSION REFINEMENT APPLICATION Dodging, Chasing, Fleeing Location 1. Self-space 2. General space Cues:  Balls of feet  Change of directions  Use fakes, twists, and stretches Students will try to avoid objects on the ground by chasing an imaginary rabbit for 60 seconds. Fleeing: Directions 1. Forward/backward 2. Right/left Cues:  Eyes scanning  Quick movements Students will see how many times they can change directions in one minute without being caught by their imaginary chaser. Fleeing: With objects or people 1. Around 2. Over/under 3. Along/through Cues:  Eyes scanning  Quick change of directions Students will go through the teacher’s imaginary obstacle course without getting “tripped up”. Fleeing: Pathways 1. Straight 2. Curved 3. Zig zag Cues:  Eyes scanning  Quick change of directions Students will run in different pathways for 30 seconds trying not to get caught by their partner. Chasing Extension 1. Far 2. Near Cues:  React to person or object  Balls of feet Students will try to catch a partner that starts both near and far away. Chasing Time 1. Fast 2. Slow Cues:  Balls of feet Students will try to catch a partner that starts both near and far away. Chasing: Levels 1. Low 2. Middle 3. High Cues:  Stay close to the ground (low)  Stay low, but not too high  Reach up as high as possible Students will try to catch the rabbit before it reaches its hole. It will go over logs, under tree limbs, and through tunnels.
  • 8. 8 Chasing With people 1. Partners 2. Matching/mirroring Cues:  Copy the fleeing object  Do the opposite of fleeing object Students will follow a partner trying to match them for 60 seconds. Students will follow a partner trying to mirror them for 60 seconds. Dodging Of body parts 1. Twisted 2. Wide 3. Narrow 4. Round (curved) Cues:  Use fakes, twists, and stretches  Balls of feet Students will try to dodge imaginary cotton balls being thrown be their partners while their feet is stuck in quick sand for 60 seconds. Dodging Directions 1. Up/down 2. Forward/backward 3. Right/left Cues:  Use fakes, twists, and stretches  Balls of feet Students will try to avoid a rolled ball from partner 10 times using a change of directions. Dodging, chasing, fleeing Cues:  All the above Summative Experience
  • 9. 9 Name: _______________________________________________ Cognitive Pre-Test Assessment – Lesson 1 Directions: Circle the correct picture for each question below. 1. If something is far away and you want to catch it how would you chase it: Slow Fast Medium 1. When you dodge a balloon on the floor you want to: Go through it Go around it Go over it 2. There is a log on the ground and you are chasing a rabbit; do you: Go under it Go over it
  • 10. 10 Name: _______________________________________________Date: ________________ Cognitive Post Test Assessment – Lesson 10 Directions: Circle the correct picture for each question below. 2. If something is far away and you want to catch it how fast should you run to chase it: Slow Fast Medium 3. When you dodge a balloon on the floor you want to: Go through it Go around it Go over it 4. There is a log on the ground and you are chasing a rabbit; do you: Go under it Go over it
  • 11. 11 Name:_____________________________________ Date: __________________ Affective Self-Assessment Pretest-Lesson 1 1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about today’s activities. Happy Sad 2. Circle your favorite activity that we did in class today. Fleeing the Leprechaun Chasing the Dog Dodging the Balloons 3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment. Put Away Left on the Floor 4. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to show respect to one another. Arguing High Fiving
  • 12. 12 Name:_____________________________________ Affective Post-test Assessment-Lesson 10 1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about today’s activities. Happy Sad 2. Circle your favorite activity that we did in class today. Chasing the Dog Dodging the Balloons Fleeing the Easter Bunny 3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment. Put Away Left on the Floor
  • 13. 13 Name Chasing Dodging Fleeing Eyes scanning Quick change of direction Fakes, twisting, and stretching Balls of feet Eyes scanning Quick change of direction Arthur, Austin Buchanan Izayah Corrigan, Ian Dahlke, Finola Fagaly, Daniel Fisher, Austin Feorster Ethan Fulk, Donald Himes, Colton Johnson, Tenia Koch, Radin Kolesar, Jett Lofton, Phoenix Louthan, Tristan 1 Rarely shows cues in game play- Opportunity to improve cues and stability. 2 Sometimes shows cue in game play- Opportunity to improve stability. 3 Often uses cues in game play- Opportunity for continuous improvement. Carl Sandburg Elementary Mrs. VanMeter, 1st Grade Class Chasing, Dodging, and Fleeing Psychomotor Pre-Test
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  • 16. 16 0 5 10 15 20 25 Pre-Test Post-Test Happy 21 23 Sad 1 0 Pre-Test vs. Post-Test Question 1: How did today's activities make you feel? 0 5 10 15 20 Dogs Balloons Easter Bunny/Leprachaun Pre-Test Post-Test 0 5 10 15 20 25 Pre-Test Post-Test Away 22 23 Left on the Floor 0 0 Affective Assessment Pre vs Post Test Question 3: Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away equipment Affective Assessment Pre vs Post Test Question 2: What was your favorite activity we did in class today?
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  • 23. 23 Affective Teacher Checklist – Lesson 2 An X in the box indicates the student performed this task successfully Name Student stays in their own general/self-space Student follows all instructional cues and directions from the teachers Austin Arthur Izayah Buchanan Ian Corrigan Finola Dahlke Daniel Fagaly Austin Fisher Ethan Foerster Donald Fulk Colton Himes Tenia Johnson Radin Koch Jett Kolesar
  • 24. 24 Phoenix Lofton Tristan Louthan Payton Lucas Daniel Ogle Jasmin Pearcy Kamarion Powers Isabella Spracklen Emma Strange Jillian Symonds Natashia Tryon Arabella WInes
  • 25. 25 74% 26% Lesson 2 Affective Checklist (Student Stays in their own General/Self-Space) Yes No
  • 26. 26 Name: Date: Lesson 3 Cognitive Student Assessment Circle the two pictures that best shows how we flee with objects and people around. Go around it! Go through it! Go over it! Circle the answer that shows how your eyes should be when fleeing. Eyes scanning Eyes closed Eyes looking at ground Draw a zig-zag pathway Draw a curved pathway Draw a straight pathway
  • 27. 27 96% 4% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Correct Answers Incorrect Answers 100% 0% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Question #1 Correct Answers 100% 0% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Question #2 Correct Answers
  • 28. 28 100% 0% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Question #3 Correct Answers 85% 15% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Question #4 Correct Answers Incorrect Answers 100% 0% Lesson 3 Partner Cognitive Student Assessment Question #5 Correct Answers
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  • 31. 31 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist – Lesson 4 An X in the box indicates the student performed this task successfully. A – in the box indicates the students that do not perform the task successfully. Name Eyes scanning Quick change of direction Austin Arthur Izayah Buchanan Ian Corrigan Finola Dahlke Daniel Fagaly Austin Fisher Ethan Foerster Donald Fulk Colton Himes Tenia Johnson Radin Koch Jett Kolesar
  • 32. 32 Phoenix Lofton Tristan Louthan Payton Lucas Daniel Ogle Jasmin Pearcy Kamarion Powers Isabella Spracklen Emma Strange Jillian Symonds Natashia Tryon Arabella WInes
  • 33. 33 0 1 Arthur, Austin Buchanan, Izayah Corrigan, Ian Dahlke, Finola Fagaly, Daniel Fisher, Austin Feorster, Ethan Fulk, Donald Himes, Colton Johnson, Tenia Koch, Radin Lesson 4 - Psychomotor Chasing Assessment Teacher Checklist Graph #1 Quick Changes of Directions Eye Scanning 0 1 Kolesar, Jett Louthan, Tristan Ogle, Daniel Powers, Kamarion Strange, Emma Tryon, Natashia Lesson 4 - Psychomotor Chasing Assessment Teacher Checklist Graph #2 Quick Changes of Directions Eye Scanning
  • 34. 34 Name:___________________________ Date:_______________ Behavioral Affective Exit Slip-Lesson 5 Chasing (Levels) Yes or No I played fair. I didn’t waste time. I worked well with other students. I tried my best today. I did not get bossy.
  • 35. 35 96% 4% Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment Question # 1 Yes Answers No Answers 87% 13% Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment Question # 2 Yes Answers No Answers 96% 4% Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment Question # 3 Yes Answers No Answers
  • 36. 36 91% 9% Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment Question # 4 Yes Answers No Answers 74% 26% Lesson 5 Behavioral Affective Assessment Question # 5 Yes Answers No Answers
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  • 39. 39 Name: Date: Lesson 6 Cognitive Exit Slip on Chasing 1. Circle the picture below which is an example of mirroring? 2. If I am trying to match my partners movements and they stick out their right hand, should I stick out my right hand or left hand?
  • 40. 40 Correct 100% Incorrect 0% Lesson 6 Exit Slip: Question on Mirroring 67% 33% Lesson 6 Exit Slip: Question on Matching Correct Incorrect
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  • 43. 43 Psychomotor Teacher Checklist – Lesson 7 1 Rarely shows cues in game play- Opportunity to improve cues and stability. 2 Sometimes shows cue in game play- Opportunity to improve stability. 3 Often uses cues in game play- Opportunity for continuous improvement. Name Dodging Uses Fakes When Playing Tag Games Avoid Running into their Classmates Arthur, Austin Buchanan Izayah Corrigan, Ian Dahlke, Finola Fagaly, Daniel Fisher, Austin Feorster Ethan Fulk, Donald Himes, Colton Johnson, Tenia Koch, Radin Kolesar, Jett Lofton, Phoenix Louthan, Tristan
  • 45. 45 13% 78% 9% Lesson 7 Teacher Checklist: Using Fakes When Playing Tag Games 1's 2's 3's 1's 0% 2's 70% 3's 30% Lesson 7 Teacher Checklist: Avoid Running into their Classmates
  • 46. 46 Name: _______________________________________________ 1. Circle the picture where Sponge Bob is avoiding objects: Crashing into objects Avoiding Objects 2. Circle the picture of how your feet should look on the ground when dodging: Heel on the foot Ball of foot Carl Sandberg Elementary, 1st Grade Mrs. VanMeter, 1st Grade Class Chasing, Dodging, and Fleeing Cognitive Exit Slip- Lesson 8
  • 47. 47 0 10 20 #1 #2 Lesson 8 Cognitive Student Assessment Incorrect Correct
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  • 50. 50 Name:_____________________________________Date: __________________ Affective Self-Assessment - Lesson 9 1. Circle the face that describes your feelings about dodging, chasing, and fleeing. Happy Sad 2. Circle your favorite activity that we did during the unit. Parachute Balloons Tunnels 3. Circle the picture that you think is the best way to put away the equipment. Put Away Left on the Floor
  • 51. 51