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With IMD Millie Leung
What It Means to Be Free
Your Dreams Matter
Where Will You Go Next?
Hearts at Play
UNITED // 15-17 Jan.
RTE - Australia // 6 Feb.
RTE - Sydney // 13 Feb.
RTE - USA // 13 Feb.
Momentum Africa // 19-21 Feb.
Momentum Europe // 26-28 Feb.
Momentum Australia // 11-13 Mar.
RTE - USA // 12 Mar.
Momentum Asia // 18-20 Mar.
RTE - Africa // 2 Apr.
Momentum USA // 8-10 Apr.
RTE - Europe // 9 Apr.
RTE - Asia // 7 May
RTE - Australia // 7 May
BootCamp Africa // 13-15 May
RTE - USA // 14 May
BootCamp Europe // 20-22 May
BootCamp Australia // 17-19 June
RTE - USA // 18 June
BootCamp Asia // 24-26 June
RTE - Africa // 9 July
RTE - Europe // 9 July
BootCamp USA // 15-17 July
Journey USA // 28 July–2 Aug.
RTE - Asia // 13 Aug.
Journey Europe // 18-23 Aug.
RTE - USA // 20 Aug.
View Africa // 9-11 Sept.
RTE - Europe // 10 Sept.
RTE - USA // 17 Sept.
View Asia // 23-25 Sept.
View Australia // 7-9 Oct.
View USA // 28-30 Oct.
RTE - Africa // 5 Nov.
RTE - Asia // 5 Nov.
RTE - Australia // 5 Nov.
View Europe // 11-13 Nov.
Journey Asia // 17-21 Nov.
Journey Africa // 1-6 Dec.
RTE - USA // 3 Dec.
It’s time to get your head in the game!
Head Coach Marc Accetta’s team of
trainers will empower you to reach your
goals. Catch Momentum to game-plan
for your future.
At the View, the power of performance
and edutainment has a lasting impact!
At this three-day event, Marc Accetta
adopts the personae of iconic characters
to teach business-building fundamentals
and strategies, as well as lessons you can
apply to your relationships and life.
UNITED is where we all come together
as One Big Team. WorldVentures’
international convention is where
you’ll get the latest news, create lasting
memories, hear from WorldVentures
executives and listen to inspiring stories
from leaders in the field.
Designed to provide you with the
tools you need to break out as a top
earner, BootCamp is a no-holds-barred
weekend of training with Lead Instructor
Marc Accetta’s lineup of decorated
trainers. This event is sure to put you on
the path to success!
This five-day workshop takes you on a
“journey of self-discovery” and focuses
on helping you develop balance in all
areas of your life. You’ll be in a safe
and relaxing environment conducive
not only to personal development
but also to developing closer personal
relationships with one another.
Led by WorldVentures™
’ most sought-
after trainers, Regionals are local one-
day events that feature invaluable
information to help you succeed.
For a complete, up-to-date schedule of events, visit:
Tell your DreamTrips Members they can
earn DreamTrips Points just by frequenting
their favourite restaurants.
Welcome to DreamTrips Local. In 2016, this loyalty-
driven program is a reality, attracting scores of new
customers and giving them a reason to stay. This is our
way of keeping DreamTrips Members engaged close to
home until it’s time for their next getaway.
No other community lets its customers dine their
way to sandy beaches with friends and family. Stay
tuned for expansion to a market near you.
spread THE WORD!
When you look up the definition of freedom,
one of the meanings is “the power to
determine action without restraint.” This
is what WorldVentures represents, this is
what we echo throughout the globe.
The Power of Freedom
We remain unique because we have the freedom to
gather and globalize. Most companies in our industry
need the basic infrastructure to act as a gathering
spot, but our company doesn’t. We have the freedom
to create joy at a travel party, Regional Training Event
or even on a DreamTrip. I’m confident in saying no
other company has this type of luxury when it comes
to cultural freedom. As members of our family, please
remember that no matter what meeting or experience
you embark on, we welcome you with open arms. We
owe that freedom to you. Thank you for being a part
of our culture and showing others what it means to
live fun, freedom and fulfilment.
At our live training events,
the smiles are just as
beautiful from continent to
continent, and you can feel
the energy in the air.
President, Global Sales
hen we discuss freedom, it’s
related to people making their
own choices and knowing their
worth and what makes them irreplaceable.
Freedom encompasses the value we put
on ourselves. When we relate freedom to
WorldVentures, it’s about creating a legacy,
personal development and shaping our culture.
Our company gives you financial independence
to open up other avenues of freedom, including
travel, time with family and creating special
memories with those you choose to interact
with. The one constant I hear from my travels
is people enjoying the ability to set their own
schedule. We find similarities like these all
over the world, because everyone has the same
attraction and yearning to Make a living ...
Living!™ WorldVentures has become a color-
blind company.
Regardless of race,
religion, creed and
education, we are all
here to find our own
definition of freedom.
You can feel this
at our live training
events. The smiles
are just as beautiful
from continent to
continent, and you
can feel the energy in
the air. The beauty of
WorldVentures is that
you may not know your neighbours, but they are
standing next to you for the same reason and
living a culture we founded, together. We have
amazing Representatives, such as yourself, who
have grasped onto freedom and what that means
to the company today.
At the very foundation of our business, of
everything we do, are 10 Core Values. They
guide us as we make decisions. They foster
trust among team members. They remind us
of the kind of company we’re striving to be.
Foster synergistic partnership
and co-creation.
Be authentic, transparent
and congruent in thought,
words and deeds.
Have a steadfast focus on
providing the highest value and
the highest-quality experience.
There is always a resolution. Problems
are only challenges looking for answers.
Commit to continuous growth and
learning and look for constructive
lessons in personal experiences.
Communicate for new
possibilities, understanding,
resolution and positive action.
Be humane and compassionate.
Promote peace, harmony and love.
Imagine new possibilities. Expect
and embrace beneficial change.
Make decisions with sustainability in
mind: sustainable business practices,
relationships, energy, health, etc.
Look for ways to integrate more
fun, freedom and fulfilment
into everything we do.
12 Odyssey to Self-Discovery, 		
Millie Leung, IMD
22 Coach’s Corner
23 Pick It. Book It. Share It.
23 Training Tools vs. Marketing Tools
24 DT Local: Coming to a Market Near You
27 What It Means to Be Free
30 Stories Sell: DreamTrips
Video Series
32 Where Will You Go Next?
40 Travel Matters with Jim Menge
44 Kim Burke, RMD
44 Bill and Robyn Meywes, RMD
46 Hearts at Play: How a Boy and a Ball
United a Community
04 Out of Office with Jon McKillip
08 Message from the CEO
48 January and February Recognition
50 Cheers! Recognition Categories
More than two years into her journey with WorldVentures,
IMD Millie Leung has achieved financial freedom. But more
importantly, the experience has enriched her family in ways
that cannot be measured.
Chancellor Page
Rebecah Beauchamp
Marc Accetta
Dave Baird
Felicia Fuller
Glenn Eddie Gill
Jim Menge
Dani Norton
Funmi Okunbolade
Laura Russell
Travis Brown
Greg Keathley
Bryan Schmidt
Kelsey Souza
Jorge Gonzalez
Kristi Walker
Chris Schultenover
Order additional copies of this issue
and others in your back office under
the “Marketing Tools” tab. Copies can
also be purchased at events.
Have a comment or suggestion? We want
your feedback! Email the Voyager staff at
hough formed and cultivated in seclusion, dreams don’t live
there. In the light of the social atmosphere, they grow from
belief and acceptance into a very adaptive climate. Dreams
are aspirational, an extension of your brilliance and drive, the work
of your heart and mind, calling forth your passion and dedication.
Question is, what do you dream about? What do you have to offer?
Look deep. What are you here for?
Unlike a memory, which becomes muddled and revised each time
you go back to it, each visit to your dream creates clarity — you
build, you edit, you complement, you combine, you create. When you
dream, your imagination and creativity have a dialogue with your
surroundings. What conversations are you having? Because what you
dream matters, just like what (and how) you think matters.
WorldVentures was Wayne Nugent’s dream. He pursued it and shared
it with others, and it continues to elevate lives every day. Today,
WorldVentures has become a very powerful platform for hundreds of
thousands of people around the world to live free, to enjoy their friends
and families, to travel the world, and to pursue their highest potential.
Where would we be without the dreams of our predecessors? Sir Isaac
Newton famously said that he got to where he was by standing on
the shoulders of giants. What if Wayne hadn’t acted on his dream?
What if we weren’t able to stand on his shoulders to see what was
possible? What if he listened to skeptics who said that his dream wasn’t
reasonable? Sometimes reason is an excuse to stay where you are.
If Wayne followed what was
reasonable, there would be a real
absence in the world, a lack that
would be felt by everyone his
dream has touched.
A dream is a call to action. Isn’t it time to answer the call? I’ll ask
again: What do you dream about? A better quality of life? More joy in
the world? Be careful what you dream, because what you bring into
the world can have an effect on others. Your dreams matter, but only
if you act on them. Dreams turn what you think inside out. It’s time to
show us what you’re made of.
Chief Executive Officer
Much of what you see and hear and
experience every day is a result of
someone else’s dream. Dreams are
where ambition and creativity meet.
They are the books you read, the
music you listen to, the freedom you
cherish. Dreams have led to countless
innovations, redefining how we think
and what we value.
“I had little
time for
myself and
my family. ...
Secretly, I was
longing for
more purpose
and freedom
in my life.“
Read more about Millie’s journey
on page 12.
Nearly five years ago, Millie Leung and
her husband, David, set out on a journey
halfway around the world that would
change not only where they called
home but how they lived. With their
1-year-old-daughter, Angeline, in tow,
the couple was relocating from Seattle,
Washington, to Singapore, where David
had accepted a job as an architect.
For Millie, the move was both thrilling
and daunting. For the first time in her
professional life, an uncertain path lay
ahead. Little did she know, the world of
possibility was about to open to her.
A Conversation with
IMD Millie Leung
orn in Hong Kong, Millie grew up in
Vancouver, British Columbia, the
daughter of an engineer father and
stay-at-home mother. In high school, she
worked hard to become the top student in
her class, ranking first in British Columbia in
mathematics and earning a full scholarship to
the University of British Columbia, where she
followed in her father’s footsteps and received
her master’s degree in engineering.
Life, it seemed, was going according to plan.
After graduation, she worked as an engineer
in Canada. “I grew up accustomed to the
‘traditional path to success,’ ” Millie says.
“Go to school, get good grades, get a good job,
work hard at your job, save money and invest
in a diversified mutual funds portfolio for
retirement. And I did exactly that.”
Within a few years, Millie found herself
practically scaling the rungs of the corporate
ladder. She moved to Hong Kong to work for
a large, global corporation, where she soon
became one of its youngest senior managers,
overseeing a client portfolio of nearly US$50
million per year.
“Although I was paid well and had
satisfaction in my career, I was constantly
stressed out and tired,” she says. “I had little
time for myself and my family, and I was
only able to go on holidays once or twice
a year — often still checking work emails
during my vacations. Secretly, I was longing
for more purpose and freedom in my life.”
Within two weeks of moving to Singapore
in late 2011, Millie stumbled upon
WorldVentures — a chance encounter
that would become her ticket out of a
lifestyle that had become both exhausting
and unsustainable.
From an early age, Millie was taught that
nothing is impossible if you are willing to
work hard. She’d always believed where
there’s a will, there’s a way. But launching
a business in Singapore as an expat, where
she knew no one and had no network, would
prove to be an arduous task.
With a young child at home — and a second
child on the way — she knew that returning
to the relentless pace of corporate life was
not an option. Building alternative income
streams, she reasoned, would allow her the
freedom to be fully present and engaged
with her growing family. WorldVentures
was a natural fit.
“When I first got started in WorldVentures,
I had been in Singapore for two weeks and
I didn’t know anyone,” she says. “So I
started with zero contacts and had a
really tough time getting started.”
She tried every way she could think of
to meet people — conducting surveys
on street corners, cold calling, posting to
Facebook groups and in online forums like
Craigslist, and attending networking events
and seminars.
And when she was able to get anyone to sit
down to talk about WorldVentures, what
followed was a string of rejections — 60 to
be exact.
“It was very discouraging and frustrating,”
she shares. “Many times I went home crying
at night, feeling defeated because no one
believed in me.”
At the time, WorldVentures was just
launching in Asia, and many of the supports
and benefits available to new Representatives
today weren’t yet in place, she says.
There were only a few hundred members in
all of Asia so there were no major success
stories yet,” she recalls. “So it was very
tough; no one had heard of us. Very few
people caught the vision and came on board.”
After facing rejection, and struggling
through severe morning sickness with her
second pregnancy, Millie was on the verge of
giving up.
Fortunately, WorldVentures’ BootCamp
training arrived for the first time to the Asian
market in November 2011, and marked a
turning point in her journey. “It was that
two-day training event with WorldVentures’
International Director of Training Marc
Accetta that completely transformed my
mind and equipped me with the skills
necessary to move forward,” she says.
Armed with a newfound self-confidence,
she quickly rose to the rank of Senior
Representative. With each training, she
says, she came away with new skills and
tools she could implement to grow her
business and develop as a leader. The
biggest lesson: accepting that rejection
not only requires thick skin but grace
and humility. Since that initial training,
she’s relied on word-of-mouth to grow her
business, a process that has allowed her to
develop a core following of people who
believe in her vision.
From the start, Millie saw how WorldVentures
fit with her passion for travelling the world; it
ticked the box of creating additional income
so she could have more freedom in her life.
But as she’s grown in the organization,
it’s clear that WorldVentures’ Core Values,
specifically the call to “live fun, freedom and
fulfilment,” mirror her personal beliefs and
guide how she operates in the world.
“[The Core Values] help to foster trust
between myself and my team members, and
in my other relationships as well,” she says.
“They remind me of the kind of person I’m
striving to become and the kind of business
I’m striving to build.”
Having a strong vision of what she wants
to achieve in the long run also is key. Rather
than comparing herself to others, Millie has
set about doing the hard work of deciding
how success looks for her. While developing
a business in line with her values, she
has succeeded in fostering a real
“I was longing for more purpose and
in my life.”
connection with her team and forging a unique,
collaborative environment.
Since her first encounter with BootCamp, Millie has
committed to attending every one of WorldVentures’
live training events, a decision to which she credits
much of her success. The trainings, she says, have
taught her the importance of being both tenacious
and humble.
“Each time I attended a training, I came away learning
more about myself, about the mindset of successful
entrepreneurs and the skillsets I needed to succeed,”
she says. “As a result, I continue to take actions toward
my dreams and persist despite the challenges and
obstacles I’ve faced. With every experience, I’ve grown
as a person and into the leader I am today.”
Recognizing that leadership is about serving others,
and mobilizing them toward a greater purpose, Millie
has become a WorldVentures international trainer,
completing her first Regional Training Event in
Asia in May 2015. Being a small piece of someone’s
professional trajectory has been one of the most
rewarding aspects of her experience.
“I’m able to travel the world teaching others and
impacting their lives, which is extremely fulfilling,”
she says.
When it comes to mentoring, “I don’t actually spend
much of my time and effort trying to ‘motivate’ my
team,” Millie says. “Instead, I look for motivated people
who have a burning desire to put in the work.”
The best way to help her team succeed, she says, is
by getting them plugged into WorldVentures’ world-
class training system. She fosters opportunities for
information exchange by hosting presentations, team
trainings and organizing regional Super Saturday
events. Engagement is essential, she stresses.
Her commitment to bettering the lives of others
also extends to her support of the WorldVentures
Foundation™ and other charitable programmes.
In May 2014, she participated in a VolunTour to the
Blessed Homes orphanage in Mae Sot, Thailand. There,
she spent five days digging wells, building fences and
painting the youth centre, among other tasks.
The experience, she says, was
rewarding — seeing the impact on
the children as their environment
was transformed. As her business
continues to grow, Millie hopes
to sponsor children in developing
countries and to help build schools
around the world.
More than two years into her
journey, she has achieved
financial freedom and has
reached the rank of International
Marketing Director. But more
important than the financial
success has been the impact
her business has had on her
family. She says proudly that
her daughters have grown up
travelling the world, collecting
stamps in their passports along
the way. For 5-year-old Angeline,
Australia has been the favourite
destination because she “loves
kangaroos,” Millie shares.
WorldVentures has opened up a
world of firsts for her girls, from
riding their first elephant in Bali,
Indonesia, to viewing glaciers in
Alaska, to skiing Japan’s Mount
Naeba. Experiences, she says, that
would have been impossible with
the hectic pace of her former life.
For Millie’s husband, David,
success has meant leaving his
job as an architect and pursuing
his childhood dream of being
a musician.
Millie’s next adventure? Aside
from trips planned to Macau, Fiji
and Guatemala later this year,
she is focused on empowering
individuals — particularly
women — to be a force for good in
the world. Modelling her business
on inclusivity and tribe-building,
Millie hopes to speak to the
struggles women have in building
wealth and creating lifestyles
that support their roles as
wives and mothers, while
nurturing their own personal and
professional development.
Given her background and drive,
learning that we don’t all find
success by following the same
path has transformed Millie’s
life. WorldVentures, she says,
has given her a chance to
express her own vision, to live
her dream and not someone else’s.
And by all accounts, the journey
is just beginning.
“I’m able to the
world teaching others and
their lives ...”
“So let me ask you
... do you believe in
what you are selling?
Do you genuinely
believe your potential
customers would be
crazy not to buy our
Learn more from Marc on page 22.
ne of my heroes has always been Zig Ziglar.
Early in my working career, I was selling very
expensive sets of cookware door to door. I
would have never made it in that business without
access to his training audios and the books he wrote.
While his teachings gave me many of the techniques I
needed to be a successful salesman, one thing he taught
me stood out head and shoulders above everything else.
He said that selling is nothing more than a transference
of your belief. What a simple yet powerful concept!
Techniques and skills may help us in our selling efforts,
but not nearly as much as our belief.
At the two-year mark of my cookware selling career,
things were not going very well at all. One day I got a
chance to talk to a gentleman named Bert LeRoy who was
the top salesman for the company every year. I asked him
for the secret to his success.
He asked me what my favourite food was to cook in
my own set of cookware at home. I looked at him and
sheepishly admitted that I did not own the product. I will
never forget how he burst out laughing and it seemed as if
he continued for about five minutes.
He informed me that the only way I could ever really excel
at selling something is if I believed in the product:
Coach’s Corner:
“Nothing will have more of an impact
on your success selling this product than
learning this powerful concept.”
I promptly went home and ordered a set of
the very expensive cookware. As soon as it
was delivered, I opened the boxes and
cooked a meal.
I was genuinely shocked by how much
better the product was than anything I had
ever used. From that day forward, I never
struggled again. Every presentation, I simply
transferred my genuine belief in the amazing
product and sincerely told my prospects
that I could not imagine ever cooking
without it again.
Pick It. Book It.
he culture of WorldVentures is about
fun, freedom and fulfilment. When
you ask your customers to think
back to their childhood holidays, it will likely
conjure fun memories. It was more about who
they were with than what they were doing or
where they were going.
When I started with WorldVentures, I quickly
learned that there are a lot of people out
there who really want to take a holiday and
have fun memories together. The number one
influencing factor for your customers when
picking what holiday to go on is who will be
going on the trip.
I want to share with
you a strategy my team
uses to acquire more
customers. It’s called
Pick It. Book It. Share It.
continued on page 24
Do you know the difference?
Here’s a quick-and-
easy guide to the tools
you have available
to train your team
and present the
product and culture
to customers and
continued on page 24
So let me ask you, do you believe in what
you are selling? Do you genuinely believe
your potential customers would be crazy
not to buy our membership? Your first step
is to create your own genuine belief in the
membership, and then you simply have to
let that belief shine through when you are
talking to your prospects.
Learning techniques on selling at our events
will help you get even better, but nothing
will have more of an impact on your success
selling this product than learning this
powerful concept of learning how to transfer
your belief!
WV veteran and Regional
Marketing Director Dave
Baird is a celebrated
regional and national
trainer. His expertise has
helped thousands build
impressive (and sustainable)
Marketing Director Dave
Baird is a celebrated
regional and national
trainer. His expertise has
helped thousands build
impressive (and sustainable)
hen introducing
DreamTrips to
a prospective
customer, you’ve likely heard this objection:
“That sounds great. But I won’t be able to
take a holiday for a few more months. Maybe
I’ll consider it then.” It’s sound reasoning.
Why should customers pay for a product
they won’t be able to use right away? But,
we have a solution: DreamTrips Local. With
DT Local, your new DreamTrips Members
can sign up on a Monday and start benefiting
from their membership on Tuesday, even if
they aren’t planning to travel anytime soon.
With this product, we will bring more value to
our customers every day at home and abroad
by giving them opportunities to use their
memberships everywhere they go.
In 2015, DT Local launched in five cities
— Dallas, Chicago, Singapore, London and
Dublin — and the response has been stellar.
One of the easiest things to share is travel.
Announce your trip to your friends on
Facebook. Show trip details and pictures to
others on your tablet or phone. It will open
the door for you to invite your friends and
customers to go with you. WorldVentures
is a lifestyle company. It makes it easy for
you to invite others because they will see
what you are experiencing and want to
experience it, too. They will want to join you
on a DreamTrip. You won’t take just one trip
and be done. You will be able to take more and
LOCAL Coming to
a Market
Hidden Gems
Customers have the opportunity
to discover hidden, local gems
right in their backyard.
on your tablet or phone, and look at all of the
trips we have that are coming up. How do you
pick? Look at trips you want to go on five to
ten months in advance. That is the ideal time
to pick a trip because it will give you time
to share it.
It seems so simple, but there is something
about taking your credit card, making the
payment, and being committed to that
trip. The moment that you book it on your
calendar, it will build excitement.
We have an incredible array of trips, but
a confused mind never buys. If you are a
DreamTrips Member, you need to simplify the
buying process for your customers by taking
action first. You pick the trip. Pick one that
you’re excited about. Go to
continued from page 23
Pick It. Book It. Share It.
Tools that train Representatives,
help them get started, improve
personal development,
leadership, etc.
Voyager Magazine
Getting Started Pads
WV Advantage
Program Tools
“It’s a chance to break away from their
routines and wander off the beaten
path to try something new.“
We curated lists
of the best
restaurants in
each area and
partnered with
them to give our
customers access
to exclusive deals
and perks. In 2016,
we’re expanding
DT Local’s reach so more
customers can experience the best
of their membership in their own city.
With DT Local, customers will have the
opportunity to discover hidden, local gems
right in their backyard. From fine dining to
casual eateries, your DreamTrips Members
will be able to explore the places that are
serving up the tastiest dishes in town. It
will be an opportunity to break away from
their routines and wander off the beaten
more trips with WorldVentures by sharing
your travel adventures.
One of the contributing factors to growing
your business is getting excited about a trip
and sharing it. You might think it sounds
easy, but sometimes when you’re in the
frame, it’s difficult to see the big picture.
Using this strategy will help you acquire
customers, and achieve a culture of fun,
freedom and fulfilment.
Any tool that helps a WV
Representative promote
product offerings and the
business opportunity or
product offerings.
Just Push Play DVDs
Presentation Slides
Vacation Sooner/
YSBH Quadfold
Personal Chef
Each restaurant goes above and beyond
to offer different perks, such as private
tastings with the chef.
path to try something new, and meet other
DreamTrips Members along the way.
Even while travelling, customers will be able
to benefit from DT Local. There are few better
ways to immerse yourself in a culture than
through its food. When customers visit a new
DT Local city, they’ll have access to the same
deals and perks as local DreamTrips Members.
Restaurants that partner with DT Local
are committed to giving our customers
one-of-a-kind experiences, exclusive to this
programme. Rather than simply offering a
percentage off the bill, each restaurant goes
above and beyond to offer different perks to
our DreamTrips Members, such as private
tastings with the chef, custom food and drink
menus and complimentary
appetizers or
cocktails. Some
have even been able to spend an evening
learning how to cook from some of their city’s
most talented chefs.
As always, we like to push the envelope when
it comes to providing value to our customers.
DT Local is taking that idea to a whole new
level. When DreamTrips Members dine at a
participating DT Local restaurant, they will
be able to earn DreamTrips Points toward
their next holiday. Using the DreamTrips
app, all they have to do is snap a picture
of their receipt and scan the QR code their
server provides. The points are added to their
account immediately, and they’re one bite
closer to their next getaway.
This is an exciting time to be a part of the
WorldVentures family. Now more than ever,
we’re offering a product with a value
that speaks for itself. Although
“now” isn’t always the perfect
time for customers to take
a holiday, it is the perfect
time for them to rediscover
their city and even earn
DreamTrips Points along the
way. And the good news is
DT Local will be a reality for
many DreamTrips Members
in 2016.
ithin WorldVentures, freedom
takes many forms. We advocate
for the liberation of our Reps
from anything that stands between you and
your joy. It’s so engrained in our culture, in
fact, that it’s the foundation of the promise
we made to you when you joined our family:
to help you live more fun, freedom and
fulfilment. Without the pillar of freedom
to support our mission, how could any of
us hope to have more fun or to be fulfilled?
No matter what freedom means to you, we
strive to provide multiple avenues for you to
experience it full-force.
You are a part of a community whose
generosity knows no bounds. It thrives on the
spirit of giving and on the notion that we’re
all in this together. You have a global support
system at your disposal, so you’re free to give
back with abundance.
Too often, our desire to give can be snuffed out
by our own personal trials and tribulations. It’s
difficult to see the joy in giving when you feel
like you have little to offer. But because you’re
a part of the WorldVentures family, you’re
surrounded by those who will tell you that
nothing could be further from the truth. They
will give you their time, love and guidance,
and they’ll do it freely, expecting nothing in
return. They’ll build you up and show you the
best parts of yourself so you can do the same
for someone else.
How will you give back? By mentoring a
new team member? By volunteering your
time to a good cause? The choice is yours,
and you have all the support you need to
act on your decision. It starts all the way at
the top with our founder, Wayne Nugent.
His vision for you culminates in becoming
a Master in the Art of Living, someone who
strives to pay their success and happiness
forward by being a servant leader in the field
and in their community. The freedom to give
doesn’t start by hitting IMD and earning a
million-dollar ring. It starts today, this very
moment, with an open heart and a desire
to leave the world a better place than you
found it.
Ours is a culture of inclusivity. Our message
transcends race, age, religion, financial
standing and education. Here, you’re free
to be you. When you joined WorldVentures,
you joined a global family of Reps who have
happily set their focus on one goal: to create
more joy. And while we’re all working toward
the same destination, our paths there are
vastly different. It is, perhaps, one of our
greatest strengths.
No matter who you are or where you’ve
been, you have a place here. You’re free to tell
your own story, though it may be different
from the person standing next to you at a
training event, because it adds new depth
and richness to our community. We are all
made better because of our diversity, as it
allows us to broaden our perspectives to see
the world through the eyes of our neighbor
and understand that our lives share the same
canvas, coloured by the same fears, hopes,
struggles and triumphs.
For many Reps, freedom means being able
to enjoy what they’ve worked so hard to
build: a life worth loving. It means having
the time to go to your child’s dance recital or
take your spouse on that second honeymoon
you’ve been talking about for years. It’s as
simple as sleeping in on Sunday mornings
without guilt, knowing that your worries and
obligations do not own you.
If you could never imagine having an
abundance of a precious commodity like
time, know that it is possible. No matter what
goals you’ve set for yourself, WorldVentures
can help you take back the minutes and
hours you’ve lost and put them toward the
things that matter most: your family, friends,
hobbies, passions — the things that make
you better, the things that transform you.
Your journey with us should not leave you
unchanged. On the contrary, you should be
remade through experiences that are close
to your heart. Our lifestyle affords you that
opportunity and so much more.
Imagine being defined not by the hours you
spend at the office or the memories you
didn’t make, but by the freedom you have to
choose. In the end, that’s what our brand of
freedom offers you: a choice to be happier,
healthier and more fulfilled. Whether you
choose to pursue this business part time or
want to follow in the footsteps of the field
leaders who came before you, you have the
opportunity to enrich your life and live it
on your terms.
“No matter who you are
or where you’ve been, you
have a place here.”
t’s no secret that we have one of the
best products available to anyone who
enjoys travel. But, when you’re telling a
potential new customer about DreamTrips,
it could be easy for its true value to get lost
in translation. How can you encapsulate that
much wonder and excitement, those stunning
scenes and exhilarating excursions, in a brief
conversation? Well, our talented video team
is here to help.
Why simply tell people what it’s like to take
a DreamTrip when you can show them?
In the DreamTrips app, you’ll find dozens
of professionally recorded videos shot on
location, from Colorado to Greece and many
places in between. Know someone who’s
always wanted to visit China? You could
show them a full recap of a past DreamTrip
to the Great Wall, complete with customer
testimonials, from the palm of your hand.
While your words may paint a vivid picture,
there’s nothing quite like a firsthand account.
Using these videos, you’ll be able to showcase
exactly what it’s like to take a DreamTrip.
Potential customers will get the whole
picture: the breathtaking sights, the sounds,
the activities, the culture, the community and
much more. They’ll hear directly from current
DreamTrips Members who love the product
and want to tell their stories. You can even
access different cuts of the same video: one
for millennials and one for the baby boomer
and the Generation X crowd.
All of these videos are also housed on the
WorldVentures and DreamTrips YouTube
pages so you can easily share them from
your social media accounts. When words
aren’t enough, these videos are here to
help. Make sure you and your team are
using them to your advantage.
Scan the QR
code to access
the DreamTrips
video series.
Video Series
Elevate your business to new heights just by
sharing the joy of a DreamTrips Membership.
Sponsor four new members to
get on the fast track to success.
Get started today!
Promotion ends 29 July 2016. Visit yourback
office to read the complete promotion rules and details.
FAFASTERBuild a bigger business
You are free to
explore the world
we live in. In this
issue, we’ll visit
three iconic cities
— Philadelphia,
Prague and Tokyo
— to discover the
sights, sounds,
tastes and cultures
of these unique
and fascinating
1. Philadelphia2. Prague2. Prague
3. Tokyo3. Tokyo
Explore the City of Brotherly Love
Immensely compact and walkable,
Philadelphia’s downtown offers a wealth
of history within several blocks. In fact,
the National Constitution Center and
Liberty Bell are across the street from one
another. These two American icons are
moving no matter your home country;
enjoy them on guided tours, audio tours
or solo exploration.
From there you can stroll through
downtown, visiting the City Center District
and the newly remodeled Dilworth Park
right in front of City Hall. In the winter,
Dilworth hosts an ice skating rink; in the
summer, there are beautiful, newly installed
fountains that are entertaining to watch.
Nearby, is Rittenhouse Square — four evenly
placed city blocks, created by William Penn,
whose initial design remains today. There’s a
statue honouring Penn in Rittenhouse Square.
There are two important caveats to visiting
Philadelphia: Don’t miss the historic sites which
are absolutely imperative, and don’t miss the
many things beyond the historic sites. The
birthplace of American freedom, Philadelphia
offers you the freedom of both.
1. See the Liberty Bell.
2. Eat a Philly cheesesteak.
3. Visit Independence Hall.
4. Check out Reading Terminal Market.
5. Experience America’s first zoo.
For nearly a century, there was a gentleman’s
agreement that no building could be built
taller than the feather atop Penn’s hat, but
that was eventually overshadowed with the
advent of skyscrapers.
A Taste of Philly
Your path through downtown will no doubt
build an appetite and a thirst. Take heart,
Philadelphia can satisfy both. Chef Kevin
Sbraga’s namesake fine-dining restaurant,
Sbraga, offers a seasonal menu served in a
decidedly rustic, yet modern, setting. Also in
Rittenhouse Square is Vernick, which Zagat
ranked number two in all of Philadelphia,
specializing in highly prized small plates and
sumptuous large ones. And there is Osteria,
which, since opening in 2007, has become one
of the country’s most highly acclaimed Italian
restaurants in an inconspicuous setting.
Reservations are recommended at all three.
Many of the restaurants in Philadelphia do
not have liquor licenses, hence the “BYO”
designation in tour guides or in store
windows. This simply means you’re welcome
to bring your own beer, spirits or bottle of
wine, usually without a corkage fee.
Speaking of “whetting your whistle,”
Philadelphia has no shortage of plush bars
and neighborly pubs. The Happy Rooster
has a full bar and scores of brews, as well
as a tasty lunch and dinner menu. National
Mechanics in Old City is visibly a converted
church or bank — wait, it’s been both. Or
try McGillins, touted as Pennsylvania’s
oldest bar. While imbibing, be sure to nab
one of the Mechanic’s T-shirts reading “We
Survived Prohibition.”
Lastly, no visit to Philly is complete
without a Philly cheesesteak. Rather than
incite a riot here, ask a native for their
recommendation. The answers will vary; the
results will not disappoint.
Original Weight:
2,080 lbs.
Manufactured: 1751
Your path through
downtown will no
doubt build an
appetite and a
thirst. Take heart,
Philadelphia can
satisfy both.
See for Yourself
While the city is best known for the photo of
the Charles Bridge that spans the Vltava River,
there’s much more to see. Wenceslas Square,
St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Jewish Quarter
are worthy of a leisurely visit and are either
free or charge a nominal fee. For instance,
your ticket to the Prague Jewish Quarter,
Josefov, grants you admission to six separate
venues including a Jewish history museum, a
ceremonial hall, several synagogues and the
Old Jewish Cemetery. But not all history in
Prague is centuries old. The John Lennon Wall
was created as an expression of freedom shortly
after the musician’s death in 1980 and still
stands today.
Local Fare
For a literal taste of Prague, try the local
eateries and pubs. Pivovarsky Dum near
Wenceslas Square is a rest-your-weary-feet
local hangout; Budvar Bar in Old Town
won’t be listed in many tourist guides, yet
has a write-home-about goulash and an
endless menu of beers; and U Fleku serves
a delicious plate of a Czech favourite,
svickova, roast beef with cranberry sauce.
The Gift of Prague
Many of your discoveries in Prague will
come quietly and beautifully, like opening
an unexpected gift. In front of the National
Museum, amongst the cobblestones is a
memorial to Jan Palach. He was a 20-year-old
Czech economics student who died in 1969
at this site, protesting the demoralization
that ensued after the Soviets invaded
Czechoslovakia the year before. At first he
was considered a martyr, but later became
revered as a symbol of the changes that
would take place in the coming decades for
the citizens he left behind. Flowers are placed
at this solemn memorial nearly every day.
Prague: the Golden City, the City of a Hundred
Spires and the Heart of Europe. It’s also known as
an immensely affordable destination that offers you
the freedom to see more, do more and experience
more. On the value scale, Prague is absolutely
without compare. And what you experience for your
travel dollar is also without equal.
Think of the capital of the Czech Republic like Las
Vegas, which can be very expensive and touristy if
you only visit “the Strip.” Yet just a few blocks away
are deals to be had and uncharted territory to be
enjoyed. No doubt, you have to visit the Old Town
Square, but you’ll be amazed by the architectural
poetry and unexpected finds that are slightly off the
beaten path in Prague.
Getting Around
Getting around is easy on the above-ground
rail; tickets can be purchased for a nominal
fee at kiosks throughout the city with day
passes being the best value. Cabs are also
viable, but take only the ones designated
AAA. Others may take you for a ride when it
comes to price.
Things to pack:
phone charger
Things to pack:
phone charger
TRAVEL TIPS:» Bring comfortable walking shoes.
» Bring your sense of adventure.
Around every corner is something
new to explore.
» Look high and low. Prague
has some of the most charming
old-world architecture, so
look around!
– – – – – – – –
From cobblestone streets to winding
roads and alleyways, you’ll tread the
paths that make up one of the most
romantic cities in the world.
Sublime Landmarks
While Tokyo conjures images of oshiya,
or “pushers,” the attendants employed to
push people onto the crowded Tokyo Metro
during rush hour, it’s a city of beautifully
tranquil gardens. Shinjuku Gyoen National
Garden, with an entrance fee of only US$2
is one of the world’s most meticulously
manicured parks, perfect for a picnic,
especially during cherry blossom season in
the spring. The Meiji Jingu is a landmark
among Tokyo temples which visitors call
“the sanctuary in the city.”
It’s a city of hustle and bustle, with seemingly
endless neon. But like the world’s most
endearing cities, you can visit a dozen times,
never having the same experience. And on
a cloudless, sun-drenched day, Mt. Fuji, less
than 100 miles away, is a gracious backdrop
to Tokyo’s skyline.
Sushi Breakfast
On the other end of the serenity scale are
Tokyo’s many fish markets. The best known
(and hardest to get into at 5 a.m.) is the
Tsukiji Fish Market. Check online for booking
details, but you can see a live tuna auction
each morning and can have your first sushi
breakfast — which given the certainty of
jetlag, isn’t far-fetched.
Statistically, that makes it sound like an
intimidating city. But in visitor terms it’s been
called “gentle, friendly, spotless and unbelievably
gracious.” The numbers become friendlier when
you realize this sprawling city is divided into
20 separate wards. Each has its own sights,
sounds, reasons for being and countless
things to explore.
Like so many of its comparable
metropolitan counterparts, one of
the best ways to explore Tokyo
is with a rough game plan, an
unbridled spirit of adventure
and terrific walking shoes.
Elevation: 12,388 ft.
Open to Climbers:
Last Eruption: 1708
Sushi Tours
As for sushi, there are a number of tours
which local sponsors or a concierge can
personally recommend. Not surprisingly,
some of the best sushi restaurants don’t have
English menus, won’t be found on maps and
may not even have signs outside. Yakitori,
which is delicious skewered, grilled chicken,
can also be found virtually on every block.
Sumo Tournaments
The Tokyo SumoAssociation has tournaments
in January, May and September, but during
the rest of the year, you can easily attend
open amateur tournaments or visit a sumo
stable to watch the wrestlers practice. Often
the pageantry between the matches is as
impressive as the wrestling itself.
Boutiques and Curiosities
Tokyo is a shopper’s paradise. Not only
will you find high-end fashion and trendy
boutiques that rival Paris, but there’s
a whole world of Japanese curiosities
that will widen your eyes. Culinary gifts,
puppets from around the world, second-
hand vinyl and CDs, Japanese art and
swords, even vertical pinball machines. If
it’s out there, it’s in Tokyo.
SUMMER PACKING LIST:comfortable slip-on shoes
comfortable slip-on shoes
2-pronged electric converter
2-pronged electric converter
YSBH Rollabanna
small umbrella
quick-drying clothes
quick-drying clothes
some of the best sushi restaurants don’t have
The Tokyo SumoAssociation has tournaments
Jim Menge has held
leadership roles with
some of the world’s
leading travel companies
and provides travel-
related technology,
marketing and product
development solutions to
clients around the world.
ravel is more than getting from one place
to another. Travel is exploration; the
opportunity to see the world through the
eyes of someone who is from where we are not.
Travel is about discovery — the ability to experience
something new. In this second installment of
our “Travel Matters” series, our resident travel
enthusiast, Jim Menge, inspires us to pursue
freedom and happiness through travel.
I remember the day I got my first passport. I was
overcome with the realization that with these few bits of
paper, I could see the world. I was free. Freedom means
doing what you like — unrestrained, unrestricted, self-
determined. I was determined to travel the world and no
one could stop me. Travel is the ultimate expression of
freedom; the freedom to leave home, to roam the earth, to
see the world through the eyes of those you meet along
the way and to share your world with them. If you want to
see the world, go for it; make a plan, book a ticket. Be free,
do what you like.
Travel is the ultimate
expression of freedom. The
freedom to leave home,
to roam the earth. To see
the world through the eyes
of those you meet along
the way and to share your
world with them.
People often ask me, “Jim, why did you travel to 100
countries?” After my initial response, “Because they
were there,” I end up thinking about the question long
after it’s been asked and answered. Why did I travel to
100 countries? Why, as soon as I hit my goal of 100, did
I set a new goal to visit even more? Well, I suppose it’s
because, for me, travel is an expression of my freedom.
I travel because I want to and how awesome it is to be
free to do it. If you love to travel, go travel. Don’t wait for
circumstances to align perfectly; it may never happen.
Don’t wait for your holiday time off to add up, because it
never will. Freedom makes you travel. Travel makes you
happy. So do it and do it often.
The Southwest Airlines chime and quote,
“You are now free to move about the
country,” comes from a place of freedom.
Their advertisements are about movement,
happiness and mobility. Whenever I cross a
country border, I am free. If freedom means
doing what you like, then happiness means
liking what you do. I travel not just because
I can, but because I want to. I like, no, love
to travel. When you travel, go not simply for
the next destination. Make the journey itself
your destination, travel for travel’s sake.
Each flight, each hotel, each train ticket is an
opportunity for you to gain a new experience,
to see the world from a new perspective. If
you want to be happy, travel!
“The most rewarding
aspect has been
helping [others]
realize their dreams.”
Read more of Kim’s story on page 44.
areer paths can take many twists and
turns. Such has been the case for Kim
Burke, who blazed her own trail and
abandoned the traditional corporate path.
Kim, who hails from Canberra, Australia, was
heading to college when the sudden death of
her mother derailed her plans. After taking
a year off to reassess her life, she decided to
forgo formal education, and joined the New
South Wales Fire Brigade.
Meanwhile, she launched a company to assist
clients with debt reduction and investments.
Over the next several years, Kim started
multiple businesses, including a property
development firm and a recruiting agency.
“My passion throughout all my businesses
has been to have a vehicle that could add
value and help people change their lives,”
she says.
Despite her success, the minutiae of
entrepreneurship — competition, employee
issues and uncertain finances — took a toll. “I
was tired, burnt out and, to be truthful, I had
lost my spark in life,” she says.
An introduction to WorldVentures five years
ago allowed her to pivot once again. At the
time, the company had not yet expanded to
Australia, but once the opportunity became
available, she immediately jumped on board.
Initially attracted by the travel feature, Kim
also saw an opportunity to help others and
enjoy the freedom and flexibility she craved.
In just 14 months of launching her business,
Kim was named Regional Marketing
Director — an accomplishment she credits
to her drive and her commitment to nurture
“extraordinaires,” as she calls her team
members. “The most rewarding aspect
has been helping [others] realize their
dreams, seeing them grow, develop and … be
recognized for their achievements,” she says.
Though she’s faced her share of setbacks, Kim
says she’s in a good place. “When I aligned
with my purpose and listened to my intuition
— and not the opinion of others — I let my
light shine and success came to me.”
Mapping the Road
to Success
Rewinding the Clock
“When I aligned with
my purpose and
listened to my intuition,
I let my light shine and
success came to me.”
t took losing almost everything for Bill and
Robyn Meywes to gain what truly matters.
The pair, who have been married for more
than 25 years, had all the trappings of success
— a beautiful home, nice cars and plenty of
“stuff.” But their picture-perfect life came at
a price.
Bill, who toured the world in his youth
representing Australia in track-and-field
events, longed for the freedom he once had.
“I missed that sense of wonder — what could
happen, where I could go, whom I could
meet,” he says. His work as a “barrister”
(lawyer) was lucrative but corporate life, he
adds, was drudgery.
All that changed in 2010, when the couple lost
nearly everything in a bad business deal. By
early 2014, Robyn was the sole breadwinner
and the couple was two weeks away from losing
their home.
“I found myself at age 50 wondering what I was
going to do,” Bill shares.
Then, a friend invited Robyn to hear Michael
Catlow give a presentation on WorldVentures,
which was expanding to Australia. “It’s as if
someone reached through and said, ‘This is
your life line,’ ” Robyn recalls.
But Bill was skeptical. “It’s the lawyer in him,”
she jokes.
Bill credits Michael with finally helping him to
see the potential. “He shared with me the truth
of his experiences and I sensed his integrity.”
It’s this honesty that Bill and Robyn bring to
building their team. “We’re not selling. We’re
sharing real experiences and giving people the
opportunity to engage,” Bill explains.
The strategy works. Bill and Robyn became
Australia’s first Marketing Directors and rose
to Regional Marketing Directors. “The greatest
reward this has given us is time as a family,” Bill
says. “We have the freedom to let go and have
amazing experiences.”
“The greatest reward
this has given us is
time as a family. We
have the freedom
to let go and have
amazing experiences.”
eflecting on that day, Max, now 10, says: “It was
fun to play football with the kids even though
we didn’t speak to each other because we don’t
speak the same language. We still understood what we
wanted to do.”
The fifth-grader had gone to Guatemala on a VolunTour
to build bottle schools, a Hug It Forward initiative that
unites residents and volunteers to construct schools
using eco-bricks made from plastic bottles stuffed with
inorganic trash. Max — who was accompanied by his
parents, Rainer Zimmermann and Angelika Dahmen —
says he was excited to serve.
His parents’ volunteer experience in Thailand 10 months
earlier inspired the family excursion to Guatemala.
Driven by a desire to “make a difference in the world,”
Rainer and Angelika had taken a VolunTour with
WorldVentures Foundation to Blessed Homes orphanage
in Mae Sot. The home serves as a beacon of hope for
children displaced by war in neighbouring Burma.
In a dirt field in rural
Guatemala, children play
with abandon beneath the
December sky — chasing and
kicking the football ball that
9-year-old Max Zimmermann
brought with him from
Singapore. Some little feet are
bare; others grip frayed shoes.
There’s no lush playing turf,
goalposts or even a net. But
none of that matters. It’s all
about the love of the game.
How a Boy and a Ball United a Community
Feeling privileged to provide Max the charmed life that
orphans can only imagine, the couple says they felt
compelled to include him on future service trips.
“Our next VolunTour was in December [to Guatemala]
and it was important for us to participate as a family,”
Rainer recalls. “We believe that as we engage our child
in positive experiences that are linked to our values, we
pass those values on to him.”
Angelika says Max was “profoundly impacted” by the
experience, and Max agrees.
“It’s changed me because I now think a lot more about
kids who don’t have a school to go to and learn things,”
he says. “Some of us don’t like to go to school and would
prefer to spend the day doing what we want instead of
going to school. But these kids want to go to school and
want to be educated.”
Max was so moved that, upon returning home, he sought
the support of his classmates to introduce the bottle
school concept in a theatrical presentation. All students
were required to do a term exhibition on the topic,
“Decisions That Made Social Change.”
“The other classes picked other people who created
social change, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Singapore’s [former Prime Minister] Lee Kuan Yew,
Rosa Parks — and we picked Hug It Forward,” Max
says. “I showed my class a summary of what we did in
Guatemala. My class put together a performance to
show the rest of the school how I worked with the kids
and elders in the village to build these schools. We used
plastic bottles that we brought in from home and we
mimed the rest. We spent around three to four weeks to
prepare the performance.”
The bottle school presentation was so well-received
that Max won the school’s Care Award. Administrators
also invited him to address their Education Group about
potentially adopting bottle schools as an ongoing giving
project. Regardless of the outcome, Max says, his personal
commitment to bottle schools will continue.
“Currently, I’m raising funds to build a bottle school,” he
shares. “On my birthday in November, I asked my friends
to give me a donation for that school. My friend Ivan gave
me a present and an envelope with money for the bottle
school — that was the best!
“We have a really good life. And when we see others who
have way less but they are happy, then we appreciate
more what we’ve got and focus on other things, such
as spending time with family and friends, without any
electronics involved. Just outside having fun.”
“It’s changed me because I now think a lot more about kids
who don’t have a school to go to and learn things.”
Because of WV, I have been able
to bid farewell to a 14-year-long
career in private banking and
threw my suits and financial
calculator away forever! I do
what I love at home. I am more
productive and work just as hard,
but now I’m doing it for myself
and generations to come! I am
now working within my purpose
... my passion. I am now a full-
time mother to my kids! I’m now
a full-time wife to my husband. I
am present in my life. Thank you
Wayne and everybody who made
WV a reality!”
— La Parisienne Traveller
Yue Ping Wang—HK
Kyung Ho Kim—HK
Mao Lin Yang—HK
Jinping Tian—HK
Juneeui Lee—HK
Jun Ma—HK
Xiuzhen Wu—HK
Jianping Tang—HK
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Yaping Dai—HK
Fang Lin—HK
Rui Lan Jiang—HK
Zhi Ying Duan—HK
A San Zhou—HK
Bong Sub Shin—HK
Guizhen Wang—HK
Yun Ming Mai—HK
Natsuki Taru—HK
Xiaonan Shang—HK
Bin Wu—HK
Yan Zhang—HK
Haibo Tian—HK
Jia Wang—HK
Yun Ping Xue—HK
Mi Ja Lee—HK
Woonyoung Hwang—HK
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Yanrong Wu—SG
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Yamin Wang—HK
Hongru Li—HK
Chen Haichuan—HK
Rui Cao—HK
Ann Sun—HK
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Yun Hua Chen—HK
Cheng Jing Liu—HK
Zhaohui Zhu—HK
Jin Jiang Liu—HK
Hong Li Zhang—HK
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Yuning Ma—HK
Yucheng Ni—HK
Yue Wei Ji—HK
YanHua Jiang—HK
Wenyan Liao—HK
Lili Bi—HK
Na Zhou—HK
Shih Huo Chou—HK
Cheng May Khoo—MY
Kijeong Lee—HK
Xinying Zhang—HK
Joyce Li—HK
Chenxi Xin—HK
Solenn Lehoullier—AU
ChunHong Zhang—HK
Baby Sebastian—HK
Guhyun Song—HK
Shu Fen Chen—HK
Tomoko Kuramoto—MY
Quan Fu—HK
Yung Hung Lin—HK
Xi Zhang—HK
Meili Zhu—HK
Haiyu Guo—HK
Lamu Nanka—HK
Lan Tian—HK
Li Ming Chen—HK
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Huiming Dai—HK
Jun Zhao—HK
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Kangwu Zhang—HK
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Chi Li—HK
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Yang Yating—HK
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Ling Liu—HK
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Kiyoko Takata—HK
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Li Qiu Zhao—HK
You Jung Lee—HK
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Chunling Fei—HK 15
Shijie Zhou—HK 14
XiaoLi Kang—HK 14
The following Reps enrolled
the most DreamTrips Gold
Memberships in January.
XiaoLi Kang—HK 13
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The following Reps (those who
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Xu Li Kou—HK 31
Xiuzhen Wu—HK 26
Qing Yu—HK 17
Liying Zhang—HK 17
Nan Zheng—HK 16
Lifen Wang—HK 16
Xueke Yang—HK 15
Li Tian—HK 15
Chunling Fei—HK 15
Shijie Zhou—HK 14
XiaoLi Kang—HK 14
Hongnv Huang—HK 14
Zichen Yang—HK 14
Ling Shu—HK 13
Gang Wu—HK 13
Eunkyong Oh—HK 13
The following Reps sold
the most DreamTrips Gold
Memberships and Platinum
Memberships combined
in February.
Ruifen Miao—HK 21
Shuai Yan—HK 18
Damian Wong—HK 17
Meixia Zheng—HK 13
Heming Sun—HK 13
Huitian Wu—HK 13
The following Reps enrolled
the most DreamTrips Gold
Memberships in February.
JoungmoKwak—HK 10
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Tae HoonKim—HK 7
The following Reps (those who
enrolled in the past 90 days) had
the highest personal sales since
joining WorldVentures.
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Heming Sun—HK 13
Lifang Tan—HK 12
Mingqin Yin—HK 12
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Ling Kong—HK 11
Zuowei Zhang—HK 11
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Millie Leung - Cover of Voyager Magazine

  • 1. 2016 / ISSUE 3 / ASIA-PACIFIC MOTIVATE / TRAIN / INSPIRE With IMD Millie Leung What It Means to Be Free Your Dreams Matter Where Will You Go Next? Hearts at Play
  • 2. NOTE: DATES AND LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECTTO CHANGE. UNITED // 15-17 Jan. RTE - Australia // 6 Feb. RTE - Sydney // 13 Feb. RTE - USA // 13 Feb. Momentum Africa // 19-21 Feb. Momentum Europe // 26-28 Feb. Momentum Australia // 11-13 Mar. RTE - USA // 12 Mar. Momentum Asia // 18-20 Mar. RTE - Africa // 2 Apr. Momentum USA // 8-10 Apr. RTE - Europe // 9 Apr. RTE - Asia // 7 May RTE - Australia // 7 May BootCamp Africa // 13-15 May RTE - USA // 14 May BootCamp Europe // 20-22 May BootCamp Australia // 17-19 June RTE - USA // 18 June BootCamp Asia // 24-26 June RTE - Africa // 9 July RTE - Europe // 9 July BootCamp USA // 15-17 July Journey USA // 28 July–2 Aug. RTE - Asia // 13 Aug. Journey Europe // 18-23 Aug. RTE - USA // 20 Aug. View Africa // 9-11 Sept. RTE - Europe // 10 Sept. RTE - USA // 17 Sept. View Asia // 23-25 Sept. View Australia // 7-9 Oct. View USA // 28-30 Oct. RTE - Africa // 5 Nov. RTE - Asia // 5 Nov. RTE - Australia // 5 Nov. View Europe // 11-13 Nov. Journey Asia // 17-21 Nov. Journey Africa // 1-6 Dec. RTE - USA // 3 Dec. It’s time to get your head in the game! Head Coach Marc Accetta’s team of trainers will empower you to reach your goals. Catch Momentum to game-plan for your future. At the View, the power of performance and edutainment has a lasting impact! At this three-day event, Marc Accetta adopts the personae of iconic characters to teach business-building fundamentals and strategies, as well as lessons you can apply to your relationships and life. UNITED is where we all come together as One Big Team. WorldVentures’ international convention is where you’ll get the latest news, create lasting memories, hear from WorldVentures executives and listen to inspiring stories from leaders in the field. Designed to provide you with the tools you need to break out as a top earner, BootCamp is a no-holds-barred weekend of training with Lead Instructor Marc Accetta’s lineup of decorated trainers. This event is sure to put you on the path to success! This five-day workshop takes you on a “journey of self-discovery” and focuses on helping you develop balance in all areas of your life. You’ll be in a safe and relaxing environment conducive not only to personal development but also to developing closer personal relationships with one another. Led by WorldVentures™ ’ most sought- after trainers, Regionals are local one- day events that feature invaluable information to help you succeed. 2016 EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS! For a complete, up-to-date schedule of events, visit:
  • 3. EARN Tell your DreamTrips Members they can earn DreamTrips Points just by frequenting their favourite restaurants. Welcome to DreamTrips Local. In 2016, this loyalty- driven program is a reality, attracting scores of new customers and giving them a reason to stay. This is our way of keeping DreamTrips Members engaged close to home until it’s time for their next getaway. No other community lets its customers dine their way to sandy beaches with friends and family. Stay tuned for expansion to a market near you. spread THE WORD!
  • 4. MOTIVATE JON MCKILLIP When you look up the definition of freedom, one of the meanings is “the power to determine action without restraint.” This is what WorldVentures represents, this is what we echo throughout the globe. OUT OF OFFICE The Power of Freedom We remain unique because we have the freedom to gather and globalize. Most companies in our industry need the basic infrastructure to act as a gathering spot, but our company doesn’t. We have the freedom to create joy at a travel party, Regional Training Event or even on a DreamTrip. I’m confident in saying no other company has this type of luxury when it comes to cultural freedom. As members of our family, please remember that no matter what meeting or experience you embark on, we welcome you with open arms. We owe that freedom to you. Thank you for being a part of our culture and showing others what it means to live fun, freedom and fulfilment. At our live training events, the smiles are just as beautiful from continent to continent, and you can feel the energy in the air. JON McKILLIP President, Global Sales W hen we discuss freedom, it’s related to people making their own choices and knowing their worth and what makes them irreplaceable. Freedom encompasses the value we put on ourselves. When we relate freedom to WorldVentures, it’s about creating a legacy, personal development and shaping our culture. Our company gives you financial independence to open up other avenues of freedom, including travel, time with family and creating special memories with those you choose to interact with. The one constant I hear from my travels is people enjoying the ability to set their own schedule. We find similarities like these all over the world, because everyone has the same attraction and yearning to Make a living ... Living!™ WorldVentures has become a color- blind company. Regardless of race, religion, creed and education, we are all here to find our own definition of freedom. You can feel this at our live training events. The smiles are just as beautiful from continent to continent, and you can feel the energy in the air. The beauty of WorldVentures is that you may not know your neighbours, but they are standing next to you for the same reason and living a culture we founded, together. We have amazing Representatives, such as yourself, who have grasped onto freedom and what that means to the company today. 4
  • 5. At the very foundation of our business, of everything we do, are 10 Core Values. They guide us as we make decisions. They foster trust among team members. They remind us of the kind of company we’re striving to be. CORE VALUES WE ARE ONE BIG TEAM Foster synergistic partnership and co-creation. HONOUR, EMBODY AND EXPAND TRUST Be authentic, transparent and congruent in thought, words and deeds. DELIVER AND PROMOTE EXCELLENCE Have a steadfast focus on providing the highest value and the highest-quality experience. COMMIT TO RESOLUTION There is always a resolution. Problems are only challenges looking for answers. CHAMPION FULL POTENTIAL Commit to continuous growth and learning and look for constructive lessons in personal experiences. FOSTER SAFE AND OPEN COMMUNICATION Communicate for new possibilities, understanding, resolution and positive action. CARE AND CONTRIBUTE Be humane and compassionate. Promote peace, harmony and love. EMBRACE CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Imagine new possibilities. Expect and embrace beneficial change. ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY IN EVERYTHING WE DO Make decisions with sustainability in mind: sustainable business practices, relationships, energy, health, etc. LIVE FUN, FREEDOM AND FULFILMENT Look for ways to integrate more fun, freedom and fulfilment into everything we do. 52016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 6. MOTIVATE 12 Odyssey to Self-Discovery, Millie Leung, IMD TRAIN 22 Coach’s Corner 23 Pick It. Book It. Share It. 23 Training Tools vs. Marketing Tools 24 DT Local: Coming to a Market Near You 27 What It Means to Be Free 30 Stories Sell: DreamTrips Video Series 32 Where Will You Go Next? 40 Travel Matters with Jim Menge INSPIRE 44 Kim Burke, RMD 44 Bill and Robyn Meywes, RMD 46 Hearts at Play: How a Boy and a Ball United a Community PLUS: 04 Out of Office with Jon McKillip 08 Message from the CEO 48 January and February Recognition 50 Cheers! Recognition Categories 24 TABLE of CONTENTS FEATURE STORY More than two years into her journey with WorldVentures, IMD Millie Leung has achieved financial freedom. But more importantly, the experience has enriched her family in ways that cannot be measured. “FREEDOM ENCOMPASSES THE VALUE WE PUT ON OURSELVES. IT’S ABOUT CREATING A LEGACY, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SHAPING OUR CULTURE.” – JON McKILLIP
  • 7. 46 40 MANAGING EDITOR Chancellor Page SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Rebecah Beauchamp CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marc Accetta Dave Baird Felicia Fuller Glenn Eddie Gill Jim Menge Dani Norton Funmi Okunbolade SENIOR DESIGN LEAD Laura Russell DESIGNERS Travis Brown Greg Keathley Bryan Schmidt Kelsey Souza PHOTOGRAPHERS Jorge Gonzalez Kristi Walker VICE PRESIDENT, GLOBAL BRAND MARKETING Chris Schultenover SHARE VOYAGER Order additional copies of this issue and others in your back office under the “Marketing Tools” tab. Copies can also be purchased at events. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Have a comment or suggestion? We want your feedback! Email the Voyager staff at VOYAGER 72016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 8. T hough formed and cultivated in seclusion, dreams don’t live there. In the light of the social atmosphere, they grow from belief and acceptance into a very adaptive climate. Dreams are aspirational, an extension of your brilliance and drive, the work of your heart and mind, calling forth your passion and dedication. Question is, what do you dream about? What do you have to offer? Look deep. What are you here for? Unlike a memory, which becomes muddled and revised each time you go back to it, each visit to your dream creates clarity — you build, you edit, you complement, you combine, you create. When you dream, your imagination and creativity have a dialogue with your surroundings. What conversations are you having? Because what you dream matters, just like what (and how) you think matters. WorldVentures was Wayne Nugent’s dream. He pursued it and shared it with others, and it continues to elevate lives every day. Today, WorldVentures has become a very powerful platform for hundreds of thousands of people around the world to live free, to enjoy their friends and families, to travel the world, and to pursue their highest potential. Where would we be without the dreams of our predecessors? Sir Isaac Newton famously said that he got to where he was by standing on the shoulders of giants. What if Wayne hadn’t acted on his dream? What if we weren’t able to stand on his shoulders to see what was possible? What if he listened to skeptics who said that his dream wasn’t reasonable? Sometimes reason is an excuse to stay where you are. If Wayne followed what was reasonable, there would be a real absence in the world, a lack that would be felt by everyone his dream has touched. A dream is a call to action. Isn’t it time to answer the call? I’ll ask again: What do you dream about? A better quality of life? More joy in the world? Be careful what you dream, because what you bring into the world can have an effect on others. Your dreams matter, but only if you act on them. Dreams turn what you think inside out. It’s time to show us what you’re made of. DAN STAMMEN Chief Executive Officer Much of what you see and hear and experience every day is a result of someone else’s dream. Dreams are where ambition and creativity meet. They are the books you read, the music you listen to, the freedom you cherish. Dreams have led to countless innovations, redefining how we think and what we value. MESSAGE FROM THE CEO YOUR DREAMS MATTER 8 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
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  • 10. “I had little time for myself and my family. ... Secretly, I was longing for more purpose and freedom in my life.“ – MILLIE LEUNG, IMD Read more about Millie’s journey on page 12. MOTIVAT
  • 12. Nearly five years ago, Millie Leung and her husband, David, set out on a journey halfway around the world that would change not only where they called home but how they lived. With their 1-year-old-daughter, Angeline, in tow, the couple was relocating from Seattle, Washington, to Singapore, where David had accepted a job as an architect. For Millie, the move was both thrilling and daunting. For the first time in her professional life, an uncertain path lay ahead. Little did she know, the world of possibility was about to open to her. /// BY FUNMI OKUNBOLADE A Conversation with IMD Millie Leung 12 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 14. B orn in Hong Kong, Millie grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia, the daughter of an engineer father and stay-at-home mother. In high school, she worked hard to become the top student in her class, ranking first in British Columbia in mathematics and earning a full scholarship to the University of British Columbia, where she followed in her father’s footsteps and received her master’s degree in engineering. Life, it seemed, was going according to plan. After graduation, she worked as an engineer in Canada. “I grew up accustomed to the ‘traditional path to success,’ ” Millie says. “Go to school, get good grades, get a good job, work hard at your job, save money and invest in a diversified mutual funds portfolio for retirement. And I did exactly that.” Within a few years, Millie found herself practically scaling the rungs of the corporate ladder. She moved to Hong Kong to work for a large, global corporation, where she soon became one of its youngest senior managers, overseeing a client portfolio of nearly US$50 million per year. “Although I was paid well and had satisfaction in my career, I was constantly stressed out and tired,” she says. “I had little time for myself and my family, and I was only able to go on holidays once or twice a year — often still checking work emails during my vacations. Secretly, I was longing for more purpose and freedom in my life.” Within two weeks of moving to Singapore in late 2011, Millie stumbled upon WorldVentures — a chance encounter that would become her ticket out of a lifestyle that had become both exhausting and unsustainable. IMPOSSIBLE ODDS From an early age, Millie was taught that nothing is impossible if you are willing to work hard. She’d always believed where there’s a will, there’s a way. But launching a business in Singapore as an expat, where she knew no one and had no network, would prove to be an arduous task. With a young child at home — and a second child on the way — she knew that returning to the relentless pace of corporate life was not an option. Building alternative income streams, she reasoned, would allow her the freedom to be fully present and engaged with her growing family. WorldVentures was a natural fit. “When I first got started in WorldVentures, I had been in Singapore for two weeks and I didn’t know anyone,” she says. “So I started with zero contacts and had a really tough time getting started.” She tried every way she could think of to meet people — conducting surveys on street corners, cold calling, posting to Facebook groups and in online forums like Craigslist, and attending networking events and seminars. And when she was able to get anyone to sit down to talk about WorldVentures, what followed was a string of rejections — 60 to be exact. “It was very discouraging and frustrating,” she shares. “Many times I went home crying at night, feeling defeated because no one believed in me.” 14 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 15. At the time, WorldVentures was just launching in Asia, and many of the supports and benefits available to new Representatives today weren’t yet in place, she says. There were only a few hundred members in all of Asia so there were no major success stories yet,” she recalls. “So it was very tough; no one had heard of us. Very few people caught the vision and came on board.” After facing rejection, and struggling through severe morning sickness with her second pregnancy, Millie was on the verge of giving up. Fortunately, WorldVentures’ BootCamp training arrived for the first time to the Asian market in November 2011, and marked a turning point in her journey. “It was that two-day training event with WorldVentures’ International Director of Training Marc Accetta that completely transformed my mind and equipped me with the skills necessary to move forward,” she says. Armed with a newfound self-confidence, she quickly rose to the rank of Senior Representative. With each training, she says, she came away with new skills and tools she could implement to grow her business and develop as a leader. The biggest lesson: accepting that rejection not only requires thick skin but grace and humility. Since that initial training, she’s relied on word-of-mouth to grow her business, a process that has allowed her to develop a core following of people who believe in her vision. REAL-LIFE VALUE From the start, Millie saw how WorldVentures fit with her passion for travelling the world; it ticked the box of creating additional income so she could have more freedom in her life. But as she’s grown in the organization, it’s clear that WorldVentures’ Core Values, specifically the call to “live fun, freedom and fulfilment,” mirror her personal beliefs and guide how she operates in the world. “[The Core Values] help to foster trust between myself and my team members, and in my other relationships as well,” she says. “They remind me of the kind of person I’m striving to become and the kind of business I’m striving to build.” Having a strong vision of what she wants to achieve in the long run also is key. Rather than comparing herself to others, Millie has set about doing the hard work of deciding how success looks for her. While developing a business in line with her values, she has succeeded in fostering a real “I was longing for more purpose and in my life.” 152016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
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  • 17. connection with her team and forging a unique, collaborative environment. PAYING IT FORWARD Since her first encounter with BootCamp, Millie has committed to attending every one of WorldVentures’ live training events, a decision to which she credits much of her success. The trainings, she says, have taught her the importance of being both tenacious and humble. “Each time I attended a training, I came away learning more about myself, about the mindset of successful entrepreneurs and the skillsets I needed to succeed,” she says. “As a result, I continue to take actions toward my dreams and persist despite the challenges and obstacles I’ve faced. With every experience, I’ve grown as a person and into the leader I am today.” Recognizing that leadership is about serving others, and mobilizing them toward a greater purpose, Millie has become a WorldVentures international trainer, completing her first Regional Training Event in Asia in May 2015. Being a small piece of someone’s professional trajectory has been one of the most rewarding aspects of her experience. “I’m able to travel the world teaching others and impacting their lives, which is extremely fulfilling,” she says. When it comes to mentoring, “I don’t actually spend much of my time and effort trying to ‘motivate’ my team,” Millie says. “Instead, I look for motivated people who have a burning desire to put in the work.” The best way to help her team succeed, she says, is by getting them plugged into WorldVentures’ world- class training system. She fosters opportunities for information exchange by hosting presentations, team trainings and organizing regional Super Saturday events. Engagement is essential, she stresses. Her commitment to bettering the lives of others also extends to her support of the WorldVentures Foundation™ and other charitable programmes. In May 2014, she participated in a VolunTour to the Blessed Homes orphanage in Mae Sot, Thailand. There, she spent five days digging wells, building fences and painting the youth centre, among other tasks. 172016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
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  • 19. The experience, she says, was rewarding — seeing the impact on the children as their environment was transformed. As her business continues to grow, Millie hopes to sponsor children in developing countries and to help build schools around the world. NEW ADVENTURES More than two years into her journey, she has achieved financial freedom and has reached the rank of International Marketing Director. But more important than the financial success has been the impact her business has had on her family. She says proudly that her daughters have grown up travelling the world, collecting stamps in their passports along the way. For 5-year-old Angeline, Australia has been the favourite destination because she “loves kangaroos,” Millie shares. WorldVentures has opened up a world of firsts for her girls, from riding their first elephant in Bali, Indonesia, to viewing glaciers in Alaska, to skiing Japan’s Mount Naeba. Experiences, she says, that would have been impossible with the hectic pace of her former life. For Millie’s husband, David, success has meant leaving his job as an architect and pursuing his childhood dream of being a musician. Millie’s next adventure? Aside from trips planned to Macau, Fiji and Guatemala later this year, she is focused on empowering individuals — particularly women — to be a force for good in the world. Modelling her business on inclusivity and tribe-building, Millie hopes to speak to the struggles women have in building wealth and creating lifestyles that support their roles as wives and mothers, while nurturing their own personal and professional development. Given her background and drive, learning that we don’t all find success by following the same path has transformed Millie’s life. WorldVentures, she says, has given her a chance to express her own vision, to live her dream and not someone else’s. And by all accounts, the journey is just beginning. “I’m able to the world teaching others and their lives ...” 192016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 20. WHAT COULD TRANSFERRING YOUR BELIEF POSSIBLY DO FOR YOUR BUSINESS? YOU’RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT. YOU’LL ALSO GET A GLIMPSE OF FREEDOM, LEARN ABOUT TRAINING AND MARKETING TOOLS, AND MUCH MORE. “So let me ask you ... do you believe in what you are selling? Do you genuinely believe your potential customers would be crazy not to buy our membership?“ – MARC ACCETTA, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR OF TRAINING Learn more from Marc on page 22.
  • 21. TRAIN
  • 22. O ne of my heroes has always been Zig Ziglar. Early in my working career, I was selling very expensive sets of cookware door to door. I would have never made it in that business without access to his training audios and the books he wrote. While his teachings gave me many of the techniques I needed to be a successful salesman, one thing he taught me stood out head and shoulders above everything else. He said that selling is nothing more than a transference of your belief. What a simple yet powerful concept! Techniques and skills may help us in our selling efforts, but not nearly as much as our belief. At the two-year mark of my cookware selling career, things were not going very well at all. One day I got a chance to talk to a gentleman named Bert LeRoy who was the top salesman for the company every year. I asked him for the secret to his success. He asked me what my favourite food was to cook in my own set of cookware at home. I looked at him and sheepishly admitted that I did not own the product. I will never forget how he burst out laughing and it seemed as if he continued for about five minutes. He informed me that the only way I could ever really excel at selling something is if I believed in the product: Coach’s Corner: TRANSFER YOUR BELIEF /// BY MARC ACCETTA TRAIN TRAINING ARTICLES 22 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 23. “Nothing will have more of an impact on your success selling this product than learning this powerful concept.” I promptly went home and ordered a set of the very expensive cookware. As soon as it was delivered, I opened the boxes and cooked a meal. I was genuinely shocked by how much better the product was than anything I had ever used. From that day forward, I never struggled again. Every presentation, I simply transferred my genuine belief in the amazing product and sincerely told my prospects that I could not imagine ever cooking without it again. Pick It. Book It. SHARE IT. TRAINING TOOLS vs. MARKETING TOOLS /// BY DAVE BAIRD T he culture of WorldVentures is about fun, freedom and fulfilment. When you ask your customers to think back to their childhood holidays, it will likely conjure fun memories. It was more about who they were with than what they were doing or where they were going. When I started with WorldVentures, I quickly learned that there are a lot of people out there who really want to take a holiday and have fun memories together. The number one influencing factor for your customers when picking what holiday to go on is who will be going on the trip. I want to share with you a strategy my team uses to acquire more customers. It’s called Pick It. Book It. Share It. continued on page 24 Do you know the difference? Here’s a quick-and- easy guide to the tools you have available to train your team and present the product and culture to customers and prospects. continued on page 24 So let me ask you, do you believe in what you are selling? Do you genuinely believe your potential customers would be crazy not to buy our membership? Your first step is to create your own genuine belief in the membership, and then you simply have to let that belief shine through when you are talking to your prospects. Learning techniques on selling at our events will help you get even better, but nothing will have more of an impact on your success selling this product than learning this powerful concept of learning how to transfer your belief! WV veteran and Regional Marketing Director Dave Baird is a celebrated regional and national trainer. His expertise has helped thousands build impressive (and sustainable) organizations. Marketing Director Dave Baird is a celebrated regional and national trainer. His expertise has helped thousands build impressive (and sustainable) organizations. 232016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 24. W hen introducing DreamTrips to a prospective customer, you’ve likely heard this objection: “That sounds great. But I won’t be able to take a holiday for a few more months. Maybe I’ll consider it then.” It’s sound reasoning. Why should customers pay for a product they won’t be able to use right away? But, we have a solution: DreamTrips Local. With DT Local, your new DreamTrips Members can sign up on a Monday and start benefiting from their membership on Tuesday, even if they aren’t planning to travel anytime soon. With this product, we will bring more value to our customers every day at home and abroad by giving them opportunities to use their memberships everywhere they go. In 2015, DT Local launched in five cities — Dallas, Chicago, Singapore, London and Dublin — and the response has been stellar. 3. SHARE IT. One of the easiest things to share is travel. Announce your trip to your friends on Facebook. Show trip details and pictures to others on your tablet or phone. It will open the door for you to invite your friends and customers to go with you. WorldVentures is a lifestyle company. It makes it easy for you to invite others because they will see what you are experiencing and want to experience it, too. They will want to join you on a DreamTrip. You won’t take just one trip and be done. You will be able to take more and DREAMTRIPS LOCAL Coming to a Market Near You/// BY DANI NORTON Hidden Gems Customers have the opportunity to discover hidden, local gems right in their backyard. on your tablet or phone, and look at all of the trips we have that are coming up. How do you pick? Look at trips you want to go on five to ten months in advance. That is the ideal time to pick a trip because it will give you time to share it. 2. BOOK IT. It seems so simple, but there is something about taking your credit card, making the payment, and being committed to that trip. The moment that you book it on your calendar, it will build excitement. 1. PICK IT. We have an incredible array of trips, but a confused mind never buys. If you are a DreamTrips Member, you need to simplify the buying process for your customers by taking action first. You pick the trip. Pick one that you’re excited about. Go to continued from page 23 Pick It. Book It. Share It. Tools that train Representatives, help them get started, improve personal development, leadership, etc. Training TOOLS Voyager Magazine Getting Started Pads WV Advantage Program Tools TRAIN TRAINING ARTICLES 24 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 25. “It’s a chance to break away from their routines and wander off the beaten path to try something new.“ Marketing TOOLS We curated lists of the best restaurants in each area and partnered with them to give our customers access to exclusive deals and perks. In 2016, we’re expanding DT Local’s reach so more customers can experience the best of their membership in their own city. EXPLORE YOUR CITY With DT Local, customers will have the opportunity to discover hidden, local gems right in their backyard. From fine dining to casual eateries, your DreamTrips Members will be able to explore the places that are serving up the tastiest dishes in town. It will be an opportunity to break away from their routines and wander off the beaten more trips with WorldVentures by sharing your travel adventures. One of the contributing factors to growing your business is getting excited about a trip and sharing it. You might think it sounds easy, but sometimes when you’re in the frame, it’s difficult to see the big picture. Using this strategy will help you acquire customers, and achieve a culture of fun, freedom and fulfilment. Any tool that helps a WV Representative promote product offerings and the business opportunity or product offerings. Just Push Play DVDs Presentation Slides Vacation Sooner/ YSBH Quadfold 252016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 26. Personal Chef Each restaurant goes above and beyond to offer different perks, such as private tastings with the chef. path to try something new, and meet other DreamTrips Members along the way. Even while travelling, customers will be able to benefit from DT Local. There are few better ways to immerse yourself in a culture than through its food. When customers visit a new DT Local city, they’ll have access to the same deals and perks as local DreamTrips Members. EXCLUSIVE PERKS Restaurants that partner with DT Local are committed to giving our customers one-of-a-kind experiences, exclusive to this programme. Rather than simply offering a percentage off the bill, each restaurant goes above and beyond to offer different perks to our DreamTrips Members, such as private tastings with the chef, custom food and drink menus and complimentary appetizers or handcrafted cocktails. Some customers have even been able to spend an evening learning how to cook from some of their city’s most talented chefs. DINE YOUR WAY TO A DREAMTRIP As always, we like to push the envelope when it comes to providing value to our customers. DT Local is taking that idea to a whole new level. When DreamTrips Members dine at a participating DT Local restaurant, they will be able to earn DreamTrips Points toward their next holiday. Using the DreamTrips app, all they have to do is snap a picture of their receipt and scan the QR code their server provides. The points are added to their account immediately, and they’re one bite closer to their next getaway. This is an exciting time to be a part of the WorldVentures family. Now more than ever, we’re offering a product with a value that speaks for itself. Although “now” isn’t always the perfect time for customers to take a holiday, it is the perfect time for them to rediscover their city and even earn DreamTrips Points along the way. And the good news is DT Local will be a reality for many DreamTrips Members in 2016. TRAIN TRAINING ARTICLES 26 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 27. W ithin WorldVentures, freedom takes many forms. We advocate for the liberation of our Reps from anything that stands between you and your joy. It’s so engrained in our culture, in fact, that it’s the foundation of the promise we made to you when you joined our family: to help you live more fun, freedom and fulfilment. Without the pillar of freedom to support our mission, how could any of us hope to have more fun or to be fulfilled? No matter what freedom means to you, we strive to provide multiple avenues for you to experience it full-force. FREE TO GIVE You are a part of a community whose generosity knows no bounds. It thrives on the spirit of giving and on the notion that we’re all in this together. You have a global support system at your disposal, so you’re free to give back with abundance. Too often, our desire to give can be snuffed out by our own personal trials and tribulations. It’s difficult to see the joy in giving when you feel like you have little to offer. But because you’re a part of the WorldVentures family, you’re surrounded by those who will tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. They will give you their time, love and guidance, and they’ll do it freely, expecting nothing in return. They’ll build you up and show you the best parts of yourself so you can do the same for someone else. How will you give back? By mentoring a new team member? By volunteering your time to a good cause? The choice is yours, and you have all the support you need to WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FREE /// BY DANI NORTON 272016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 28. act on your decision. It starts all the way at the top with our founder, Wayne Nugent. His vision for you culminates in becoming a Master in the Art of Living, someone who strives to pay their success and happiness forward by being a servant leader in the field and in their community. The freedom to give doesn’t start by hitting IMD and earning a million-dollar ring. It starts today, this very moment, with an open heart and a desire to leave the world a better place than you found it. FREE TO BE YOU Ours is a culture of inclusivity. Our message transcends race, age, religion, financial standing and education. Here, you’re free to be you. When you joined WorldVentures, you joined a global family of Reps who have happily set their focus on one goal: to create more joy. And while we’re all working toward the same destination, our paths there are vastly different. It is, perhaps, one of our greatest strengths. No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you have a place here. You’re free to tell your own story, though it may be different from the person standing next to you at a training event, because it adds new depth and richness to our community. We are all made better because of our diversity, as it allows us to broaden our perspectives to see the world through the eyes of our neighbor and understand that our lives share the same canvas, coloured by the same fears, hopes, struggles and triumphs. FREE TO LIVE For many Reps, freedom means being able to enjoy what they’ve worked so hard to build: a life worth loving. It means having the time to go to your child’s dance recital or take your spouse on that second honeymoon you’ve been talking about for years. It’s as simple as sleeping in on Sunday mornings without guilt, knowing that your worries and obligations do not own you. If you could never imagine having an abundance of a precious commodity like time, know that it is possible. No matter what goals you’ve set for yourself, WorldVentures can help you take back the minutes and hours you’ve lost and put them toward the things that matter most: your family, friends, hobbies, passions — the things that make you better, the things that transform you. Your journey with us should not leave you unchanged. On the contrary, you should be remade through experiences that are close to your heart. Our lifestyle affords you that opportunity and so much more. Imagine being defined not by the hours you spend at the office or the memories you didn’t make, but by the freedom you have to choose. In the end, that’s what our brand of freedom offers you: a choice to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled. Whether you choose to pursue this business part time or want to follow in the footsteps of the field leaders who came before you, you have the opportunity to enrich your life and live it on your terms. “No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you have a place here.” TRAIN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FREE 28 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 29. 292016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 30. I t’s no secret that we have one of the best products available to anyone who enjoys travel. But, when you’re telling a potential new customer about DreamTrips, it could be easy for its true value to get lost in translation. How can you encapsulate that much wonder and excitement, those stunning scenes and exhilarating excursions, in a brief conversation? Well, our talented video team is here to help. Why simply tell people what it’s like to take a DreamTrip when you can show them? In the DreamTrips app, you’ll find dozens of professionally recorded videos shot on location, from Colorado to Greece and many places in between. Know someone who’s always wanted to visit China? You could show them a full recap of a past DreamTrip to the Great Wall, complete with customer testimonials, from the palm of your hand. While your words may paint a vivid picture, there’s nothing quite like a firsthand account. Using these videos, you’ll be able to showcase exactly what it’s like to take a DreamTrip. Potential customers will get the whole picture: the breathtaking sights, the sounds, the activities, the culture, the community and much more. They’ll hear directly from current DreamTrips Members who love the product and want to tell their stories. You can even access different cuts of the same video: one for millennials and one for the baby boomer and the Generation X crowd. All of these videos are also housed on the WorldVentures and DreamTrips YouTube pages so you can easily share them from your social media accounts. When words aren’t enough, these videos are here to help. Make sure you and your team are using them to your advantage. /// BY DANI NORTON CHECK IT OUT! Scan the QR code to access the DreamTrips video series. STORIES SELL DreamTrips Video Series TRAIN DT VIDEO SERIES 30 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 31. Elevate your business to new heights just by sharing the joy of a DreamTrips Membership. Sponsor four new members to get on the fast track to success. Get started today! Promotion ends 29 July 2016. Visit yourback office to read the complete promotion rules and details. FASTER FAFASTERBuild a bigger business
  • 32. WILL YOU GO /// BY GLENN EDDIE GILL You are free to explore the world we live in. In this issue, we’ll visit three iconic cities — Philadelphia, Prague and Tokyo — to discover the sights, sounds, tastes and cultures of these unique and fascinating destinations. 32 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 33. 1. Philadelphia2. Prague2. Prague 3. Tokyo3. Tokyo 332016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 34. NORTH AMERICA SIGHTS Explore the City of Brotherly Love Immensely compact and walkable, Philadelphia’s downtown offers a wealth of history within several blocks. In fact, the National Constitution Center and Liberty Bell are across the street from one another. These two American icons are moving no matter your home country; enjoy them on guided tours, audio tours or solo exploration. From there you can stroll through downtown, visiting the City Center District and the newly remodeled Dilworth Park right in front of City Hall. In the winter, Dilworth hosts an ice skating rink; in the summer, there are beautiful, newly installed fountains that are entertaining to watch. Nearby, is Rittenhouse Square — four evenly placed city blocks, created by William Penn, whose initial design remains today. There’s a statue honouring Penn in Rittenhouse Square. There are two important caveats to visiting Philadelphia: Don’t miss the historic sites which are absolutely imperative, and don’t miss the many things beyond the historic sites. The birthplace of American freedom, Philadelphia offers you the freedom of both. PHILADELPHIA AT A GLANCE → KNOWN WORLDWIDE AS THE CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE. → INDEPENDENCE HALL IS WHERE THE CONSTITUTION AND DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE WERE SIGNED. → PENNSYLVANIA’S LARGEST CITY. TOP 5 THINGS TO DO IN PHILLY: 1. See the Liberty Bell. 2. Eat a Philly cheesesteak. 3. Visit Independence Hall. 4. Check out Reading Terminal Market. 5. Experience America’s first zoo. TRAIN WHERE WILL YOU GO NEXT? 34 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 35. NORTHAMERICA For nearly a century, there was a gentleman’s agreement that no building could be built taller than the feather atop Penn’s hat, but that was eventually overshadowed with the advent of skyscrapers. DINING A Taste of Philly Your path through downtown will no doubt build an appetite and a thirst. Take heart, Philadelphia can satisfy both. Chef Kevin Sbraga’s namesake fine-dining restaurant, Sbraga, offers a seasonal menu served in a decidedly rustic, yet modern, setting. Also in Rittenhouse Square is Vernick, which Zagat ranked number two in all of Philadelphia, specializing in highly prized small plates and sumptuous large ones. And there is Osteria, which, since opening in 2007, has become one of the country’s most highly acclaimed Italian restaurants in an inconspicuous setting. Reservations are recommended at all three. Many of the restaurants in Philadelphia do not have liquor licenses, hence the “BYO” designation in tour guides or in store windows. This simply means you’re welcome to bring your own beer, spirits or bottle of wine, usually without a corkage fee. Speaking of “whetting your whistle,” Philadelphia has no shortage of plush bars and neighborly pubs. The Happy Rooster has a full bar and scores of brews, as well as a tasty lunch and dinner menu. National Mechanics in Old City is visibly a converted church or bank — wait, it’s been both. Or try McGillins, touted as Pennsylvania’s oldest bar. While imbibing, be sure to nab one of the Mechanic’s T-shirts reading “We Survived Prohibition.” Lastly, no visit to Philly is complete without a Philly cheesesteak. Rather than incite a riot here, ask a native for their recommendation. The answers will vary; the results will not disappoint. LIBERTY BELL Original Weight: 2,080 lbs. Manufactured: 1751 Your path through downtown will no doubt build an appetite and a thirst. Take heart, Philadelphia can satisfy both. TO BOOK YOUR NEXT HOLIDAY TO THE CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE, VISIT: DREAMTRIPS.COM. 352016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 36. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA SIGHTS See for Yourself While the city is best known for the photo of the Charles Bridge that spans the Vltava River, there’s much more to see. Wenceslas Square, St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Jewish Quarter are worthy of a leisurely visit and are either free or charge a nominal fee. For instance, your ticket to the Prague Jewish Quarter, Josefov, grants you admission to six separate venues including a Jewish history museum, a ceremonial hall, several synagogues and the Old Jewish Cemetery. But not all history in Prague is centuries old. The John Lennon Wall was created as an expression of freedom shortly after the musician’s death in 1980 and still stands today. DINING Local Fare For a literal taste of Prague, try the local eateries and pubs. Pivovarsky Dum near Wenceslas Square is a rest-your-weary-feet local hangout; Budvar Bar in Old Town won’t be listed in many tourist guides, yet has a write-home-about goulash and an endless menu of beers; and U Fleku serves a delicious plate of a Czech favourite, svickova, roast beef with cranberry sauce. CULTURE The Gift of Prague Many of your discoveries in Prague will come quietly and beautifully, like opening an unexpected gift. In front of the National Museum, amongst the cobblestones is a memorial to Jan Palach. He was a 20-year-old Czech economics student who died in 1969 at this site, protesting the demoralization that ensued after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia the year before. At first he was considered a martyr, but later became revered as a symbol of the changes that would take place in the coming decades for the citizens he left behind. Flowers are placed at this solemn memorial nearly every day. Prague: the Golden City, the City of a Hundred Spires and the Heart of Europe. It’s also known as an immensely affordable destination that offers you the freedom to see more, do more and experience more. On the value scale, Prague is absolutely without compare. And what you experience for your travel dollar is also without equal. Think of the capital of the Czech Republic like Las Vegas, which can be very expensive and touristy if you only visit “the Strip.” Yet just a few blocks away are deals to be had and uncharted territory to be enjoyed. No doubt, you have to visit the Old Town Square, but you’ll be amazed by the architectural poetry and unexpected finds that are slightly off the beaten path in Prague. PRAGUE AT A GLANCE → CAPITAL CITY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. → PRAGUE CASTLE IS LISTED IN THE GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS AS THE LARGEST CASTLE IN THE WORLD. → NICKNAMED “THE CITY OF A HUNDRED SPIRES.” TRAIN WHERE WILL YOU GO NEXT?
  • 37. EUROPE,MIDDLEEASTANDAFRICA TRANSPORTATION Getting Around Getting around is easy on the above-ground rail; tickets can be purchased for a nominal fee at kiosks throughout the city with day passes being the best value. Cabs are also viable, but take only the ones designated AAA. Others may take you for a ride when it comes to price. Things to pack: sunglasses phone charger toiletries socks snacks Things to pack: sunglasses phone charger toiletries socks snacks TRAVEL TIPS:» Bring comfortable walking shoes. » Bring your sense of adventure. Around every corner is something new to explore. » Look high and low. Prague has some of the most charming old-world architecture, so look around! – – – – – – – – –––––––– From cobblestone streets to winding roads and alleyways, you’ll tread the paths that make up one of the most romantic cities in the world. TRAVEL SMART GETTING AROUND IS EASY ON THE ABOVE- GROUND RAIL; TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED FOR A NOMINAL FEE AT KIOSKS THROUGHOUT THE CITY WITH DAY PASSES BEING THE BEST VALUE. TO BOOK YOUR NEXT HOLIDAY TO THE HEART OF EUROPE, VISIT: DREAMTRIPS.COM. 372016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 38. ASIA-PACIFIC SIGHTS Sublime Landmarks While Tokyo conjures images of oshiya, or “pushers,” the attendants employed to push people onto the crowded Tokyo Metro during rush hour, it’s a city of beautifully tranquil gardens. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, with an entrance fee of only US$2 is one of the world’s most meticulously manicured parks, perfect for a picnic, especially during cherry blossom season in the spring. The Meiji Jingu is a landmark among Tokyo temples which visitors call “the sanctuary in the city.” It’s a city of hustle and bustle, with seemingly endless neon. But like the world’s most endearing cities, you can visit a dozen times, never having the same experience. And on a cloudless, sun-drenched day, Mt. Fuji, less than 100 miles away, is a gracious backdrop to Tokyo’s skyline. DINING Sushi Breakfast On the other end of the serenity scale are Tokyo’s many fish markets. The best known (and hardest to get into at 5 a.m.) is the Tsukiji Fish Market. Check online for booking details, but you can see a live tuna auction each morning and can have your first sushi breakfast — which given the certainty of jetlag, isn’t far-fetched. Statistically, that makes it sound like an intimidating city. But in visitor terms it’s been called “gentle, friendly, spotless and unbelievably gracious.” The numbers become friendlier when you realize this sprawling city is divided into 20 separate wards. Each has its own sights, sounds, reasons for being and countless things to explore. Like so many of its comparable metropolitan counterparts, one of the best ways to explore Tokyo is with a rough game plan, an unbridled spirit of adventure and terrific walking shoes. TOKYO AT A GLANCE → THE WORLD’S SECOND-LARGEST CITY AT MORE THAN 5,000 SQUARE MILES. → THE WORLD’S LARGEST CITY IN TERMS OF POPULATION. → ITS NAME TRANSLATES AS “EASTERN CAPITAL.” MT. FUJI Elevation: 12,388 ft. Open to Climbers: July–August Last Eruption: 1708 TRAIN WHERE WILL YOU GO NEXT?
  • 39. ASIA-PACIFIC Sushi Tours As for sushi, there are a number of tours which local sponsors or a concierge can personally recommend. Not surprisingly, some of the best sushi restaurants don’t have English menus, won’t be found on maps and may not even have signs outside. Yakitori, which is delicious skewered, grilled chicken, can also be found virtually on every block. ENTERTAINMENT Sumo Tournaments The Tokyo SumoAssociation has tournaments in January, May and September, but during the rest of the year, you can easily attend open amateur tournaments or visit a sumo stable to watch the wrestlers practice. Often the pageantry between the matches is as impressive as the wrestling itself. SHOPPING Boutiques and Curiosities Tokyo is a shopper’s paradise. Not only will you find high-end fashion and trendy boutiques that rival Paris, but there’s a whole world of Japanese curiosities that will widen your eyes. Culinary gifts, puppets from around the world, second- hand vinyl and CDs, Japanese art and swords, even vertical pinball machines. If it’s out there, it’s in Tokyo. SUMMER PACKING LIST: SUMMER PACKING LIST:comfortable slip-on shoes comfortable slip-on shoes 2-pronged electric converter 2-pronged electric converter YSBH Rollabanna small umbrella quick-drying clothes quick-drying clothes ASIA-PACIFIC some of the best sushi restaurants don’t have The Tokyo SumoAssociation has tournaments TO BOOK YOUR TOKYO HOLIDAY, VISIT: DREAMTRIPS.COM. SHOPPER’S PARADISE CULINARY GIFTS, PUPPETS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, SECOND-HAND VINYL AND CDS, JAPANESE ART AND SWORDS, EVEN VERTICAL PINBALL MACHINES. IF IT’S OUT THERE, IT’S IN TOKYO.
  • 40. Jim Menge has held leadership roles with some of the world’s leading travel companies and provides travel- related technology, marketing and product development solutions to clients around the world. TRAVEL MATTERS /// BY JIM MENGE T ravel is more than getting from one place to another. Travel is exploration; the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of someone who is from where we are not. Travel is about discovery — the ability to experience something new. In this second installment of our “Travel Matters” series, our resident travel enthusiast, Jim Menge, inspires us to pursue freedom and happiness through travel. YOUR PASSPORT IS YOUR GATEWAY TO THE WORLD. FOR ME TRAVEL IS AN EXPRESSION OF MY OWN PERSONAL FREEDOM. IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE WORLD, GO FOR IT; MAKE A PLAN, BOOK A TICKET. TRAVEL IS ABOUT DISCOVERY. THE ABILITY TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW, DO WHAT YOU LIKE TRAIN FREEDOM 40 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER I remember the day I got my first passport. I was overcome with the realization that with these few bits of paper, I could see the world. I was free. Freedom means doing what you like — unrestrained, unrestricted, self- determined. I was determined to travel the world and no one could stop me. Travel is the ultimate expression of freedom; the freedom to leave home, to roam the earth, to see the world through the eyes of those you meet along the way and to share your world with them. If you want to see the world, go for it; make a plan, book a ticket. Be free, do what you like.
  • 41. MAKE THE JOURNEY ITSELF YOUR DESTINATION, TRAVEL FOR TRAVEL’S SAKE. WHENEVER I CROSS A COUNTRY BORDER, I AM FREE. BE FREE, DO WHAT YOU LIKE. IF FREEDOM MEANS DOING WHAT YOU LIKE, THEN HAPPINESS MEANS LIKING WHAT YOU DO. “ LIKE WHAT YOU DO DO IT OFTEN! Travel is the ultimate expression of freedom. The freedom to leave home, to roam the earth. To see the world through the eyes of those you meet along the way and to share your world with them. FPO 412016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER People often ask me, “Jim, why did you travel to 100 countries?” After my initial response, “Because they were there,” I end up thinking about the question long after it’s been asked and answered. Why did I travel to 100 countries? Why, as soon as I hit my goal of 100, did I set a new goal to visit even more? Well, I suppose it’s because, for me, travel is an expression of my freedom. I travel because I want to and how awesome it is to be free to do it. If you love to travel, go travel. Don’t wait for circumstances to align perfectly; it may never happen. Don’t wait for your holiday time off to add up, because it never will. Freedom makes you travel. Travel makes you happy. So do it and do it often. The Southwest Airlines chime and quote, “You are now free to move about the country,” comes from a place of freedom. Their advertisements are about movement, happiness and mobility. Whenever I cross a country border, I am free. If freedom means doing what you like, then happiness means liking what you do. I travel not just because I can, but because I want to. I like, no, love to travel. When you travel, go not simply for the next destination. Make the journey itself your destination, travel for travel’s sake. Each flight, each hotel, each train ticket is an opportunity for you to gain a new experience, to see the world from a new perspective. If you want to be happy, travel!
  • 42. “The most rewarding aspect has been helping [others] realize their dreams.” – KIM BURKE, RMD Read more of Kim’s story on page 44. INSPIRE
  • 44. C areer paths can take many twists and turns. Such has been the case for Kim Burke, who blazed her own trail and abandoned the traditional corporate path. Kim, who hails from Canberra, Australia, was heading to college when the sudden death of her mother derailed her plans. After taking a year off to reassess her life, she decided to forgo formal education, and joined the New South Wales Fire Brigade. Meanwhile, she launched a company to assist clients with debt reduction and investments. Over the next several years, Kim started multiple businesses, including a property development firm and a recruiting agency. “My passion throughout all my businesses has been to have a vehicle that could add value and help people change their lives,” she says. Despite her success, the minutiae of entrepreneurship — competition, employee issues and uncertain finances — took a toll. “I was tired, burnt out and, to be truthful, I had lost my spark in life,” she says. An introduction to WorldVentures five years ago allowed her to pivot once again. At the time, the company had not yet expanded to Australia, but once the opportunity became available, she immediately jumped on board. Initially attracted by the travel feature, Kim also saw an opportunity to help others and enjoy the freedom and flexibility she craved. In just 14 months of launching her business, Kim was named Regional Marketing Director — an accomplishment she credits to her drive and her commitment to nurture “extraordinaires,” as she calls her team members. “The most rewarding aspect has been helping [others] realize their dreams, seeing them grow, develop and … be recognized for their achievements,” she says. Though she’s faced her share of setbacks, Kim says she’s in a good place. “When I aligned with my purpose and listened to my intuition — and not the opinion of others — I let my light shine and success came to me.” KIM BURKE Mapping the Road to Success /// BY FUNMI OKUNBOLADE BILL AND ROBYN MEYWES Rewinding the Clock /// BY FUNMI OKUNBOLADE INSPIRE REGIONAL MARKETING DIRECTORS “When I aligned with my purpose and listened to my intuition, I let my light shine and success came to me.” I t took losing almost everything for Bill and Robyn Meywes to gain what truly matters. The pair, who have been married for more than 25 years, had all the trappings of success — a beautiful home, nice cars and plenty of “stuff.” But their picture-perfect life came at a price. Bill, who toured the world in his youth representing Australia in track-and-field events, longed for the freedom he once had. “I missed that sense of wonder — what could happen, where I could go, whom I could meet,” he says. His work as a “barrister” (lawyer) was lucrative but corporate life, he adds, was drudgery. All that changed in 2010, when the couple lost nearly everything in a bad business deal. By early 2014, Robyn was the sole breadwinner and the couple was two weeks away from losing their home. “I found myself at age 50 wondering what I was going to do,” Bill shares. Then, a friend invited Robyn to hear Michael Catlow give a presentation on WorldVentures, which was expanding to Australia. “It’s as if someone reached through and said, ‘This is your life line,’ ” Robyn recalls. But Bill was skeptical. “It’s the lawyer in him,” she jokes. Bill credits Michael with finally helping him to see the potential. “He shared with me the truth of his experiences and I sensed his integrity.” It’s this honesty that Bill and Robyn bring to building their team. “We’re not selling. We’re sharing real experiences and giving people the opportunity to engage,” Bill explains. The strategy works. Bill and Robyn became Australia’s first Marketing Directors and rose to Regional Marketing Directors. “The greatest reward this has given us is time as a family,” Bill says. “We have the freedom to let go and have amazing experiences.” “The greatest reward this has given us is time as a family. We have the freedom to let go and have amazing experiences.” 44 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 46. R eflecting on that day, Max, now 10, says: “It was fun to play football with the kids even though we didn’t speak to each other because we don’t speak the same language. We still understood what we wanted to do.” The fifth-grader had gone to Guatemala on a VolunTour to build bottle schools, a Hug It Forward initiative that unites residents and volunteers to construct schools using eco-bricks made from plastic bottles stuffed with inorganic trash. Max — who was accompanied by his parents, Rainer Zimmermann and Angelika Dahmen — says he was excited to serve. His parents’ volunteer experience in Thailand 10 months earlier inspired the family excursion to Guatemala. Driven by a desire to “make a difference in the world,” Rainer and Angelika had taken a VolunTour with WorldVentures Foundation to Blessed Homes orphanage in Mae Sot. The home serves as a beacon of hope for children displaced by war in neighbouring Burma. In a dirt field in rural Guatemala, children play with abandon beneath the December sky — chasing and kicking the football ball that 9-year-old Max Zimmermann brought with him from Singapore. Some little feet are bare; others grip frayed shoes. There’s no lush playing turf, goalposts or even a net. But none of that matters. It’s all about the love of the game. HEARTS AT PLAY How a Boy and a Ball United a Community /// BY FELICIA FULLER 46 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 47. Feeling privileged to provide Max the charmed life that orphans can only imagine, the couple says they felt compelled to include him on future service trips. “Our next VolunTour was in December [to Guatemala] and it was important for us to participate as a family,” Rainer recalls. “We believe that as we engage our child in positive experiences that are linked to our values, we pass those values on to him.” Angelika says Max was “profoundly impacted” by the experience, and Max agrees. “It’s changed me because I now think a lot more about kids who don’t have a school to go to and learn things,” he says. “Some of us don’t like to go to school and would prefer to spend the day doing what we want instead of going to school. But these kids want to go to school and want to be educated.” Max was so moved that, upon returning home, he sought the support of his classmates to introduce the bottle school concept in a theatrical presentation. All students were required to do a term exhibition on the topic, “Decisions That Made Social Change.” “The other classes picked other people who created social change, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Singapore’s [former Prime Minister] Lee Kuan Yew, Rosa Parks — and we picked Hug It Forward,” Max says. “I showed my class a summary of what we did in Guatemala. My class put together a performance to show the rest of the school how I worked with the kids and elders in the village to build these schools. We used plastic bottles that we brought in from home and we mimed the rest. We spent around three to four weeks to prepare the performance.” The bottle school presentation was so well-received that Max won the school’s Care Award. Administrators also invited him to address their Education Group about potentially adopting bottle schools as an ongoing giving project. Regardless of the outcome, Max says, his personal commitment to bottle schools will continue. “Currently, I’m raising funds to build a bottle school,” he shares. “On my birthday in November, I asked my friends to give me a donation for that school. My friend Ivan gave me a present and an envelope with money for the bottle school — that was the best! “We have a really good life. And when we see others who have way less but they are happy, then we appreciate more what we’ve got and focus on other things, such as spending time with family and friends, without any electronics involved. Just outside having fun.” “It’s changed me because I now think a lot more about kids who don’t have a school to go to and learn things.” MAX ZIMMERMANN 472016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 48. WORLDVENTURES RANK RECOGNITION R I S E ON THE JANUARY FEBRUARY 2016 INSPIRE RANK RECOGNITION “ Because of WV, I have been able to bid farewell to a 14-year-long career in private banking and threw my suits and financial calculator away forever! I do what I love at home. I am more productive and work just as hard, but now I’m doing it for myself and generations to come! I am now working within my purpose ... my passion. I am now a full- time mother to my kids! I’m now a full-time wife to my husband. I am present in my life. Thank you Wayne and everybody who made WV a reality!” — La Parisienne Traveller 48 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 49. JAN. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTORS Yue Ping Wang—HK NATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTORS Kyung Ho Kim—HK Mao Lin Yang—HK Jinping Tian—HK Juneeui Lee—HK REGIONAL MARKETING DIRECTORS Jun Ma—HK Xiuzhen Wu—HK Jianping Tang—HK Dongying Chen—HK Yaping Dai—HK Fang Lin—HK Rui Lan Jiang—HK Zhi Ying Duan—HK MARKETING DIRECTORS A San Zhou—HK Bong Sub Shin—HK Guizhen Wang—HK Yun Ming Mai—HK Natsuki Taru—HK Xiaonan Shang—HK Bin Wu—HK Yan Zhang—HK Haibo Tian—HK Jia Wang—HK Yun Ping Xue—HK Mi Ja Lee—HK Woonyoung Hwang—HK Hanjie Yang—HK Yanrong Wu—SG Jing Xiao—HK Wen Ying Li—HK Yamin Wang—HK Hongru Li—HK DIRECTORS Chen Haichuan—HK Rui Cao—HK Ann Sun—HK Kai Hsiang Chang—HK Jin Hua Jia—HK Yun Hua Chen—HK Cheng Jing Liu—HK Zhaohui Zhu—HK Jin Jiang Liu—HK Hong Li Zhang—HK Hai Ying Wu—HK Yuning Ma—HK Yucheng Ni—HK Yue Wei Ji—HK YanHua Jiang—HK Wenyan Liao—HK Lili Bi—HK Na Zhou—HK Shih Huo Chou—HK Cheng May Khoo—MY Kijeong Lee—HK Xinying Zhang—HK Joyce Li—HK Chenxi Xin—HK Solenn Lehoullier—AU ChunHong Zhang—HK Baby Sebastian—HK Guhyun Song—HK Shu Fen Chen—HK Tomoko Kuramoto—MY Quan Fu—HK Yung Hung Lin—HK Xi Zhang—HK Meili Zhu—HK Haiyu Guo—HK Lamu Nanka—HK Lan Tian—HK Li Ming Chen—HK Bingxing Wang—HK Weidong Yuan—HK Jiyeon Lee—HK Rong Zhao—HK Jian Wang—SG Juan Yang—HK Yong Joon Choi—HK Jing Lv—HK Ai Jun Shi—HK Zi Mei Hua—HK Xue Xiao—HK Yan Juan Mao—HK ShuGuang Li—HK Yu Chen Lin—HK Zhiping Fang—HK Xiao Rong Sang—HK Ye Mei—HK Shi Jie Li—HK Yu Hong Luan—HK Jian Song—HK Junfeng BAI—HK Yongwoo Baek—HK Ken Leong Tan—AU Jingyun Qiu—HK De Yong Li—HK Susan So—HK Junjun Yu—HK Lina Shi—HK Wenxiu Li—HK Cheng Liang Tao—HK Bi Ling Xu—HK Hong Zhang—HK Meijuan Li—HK Fei Fei Song—HK Feng Qin Wu—HK Li Qiu—HK Kyung Suk Back—HK Shin Cheon Park—HK Peerada Monjaiang—MY Shuang Guo—SG Ran Yin—HK Ichiuan Kang—TW Rong Cheng—HK Aizhen Zhou—HK Wan Li Cheng—HK Keping Song—HK Ting Ting Luo—HK Xin Miao Li—HK Bo Li—HK Xiaoying Zhao—HK Huiming Dai—HK Jun Zhao—HK Rining Chen—HK Peiwen Yu—HK Hong Zhao—HK Yun Shen—HK Liexing Yao—HK Lanfang Cai—HK Soon Ok Oh—HK Gill Somers—AU Taihua Cui—HK Xia Gao—HK Huaying Ye—HK Wei Dong Zhao—HK Xiaoli Jin—HK Hong Mei Wang—HK FEB. MARKETING DIRECTORS Lai Yueh Hsin—HK Ya Qiang—HK Ruifen Miao—HK Jian Guo He—HK Chunjie Dai—HK Yunpeng Su—HK Li Rong Wu—HK Xu Cai—HK Ning Zhang—HK Somsri Puangnak—HK Chengguo Wang—HK Ming Chan Tsai—TW Chaiyapat Injongkolrat—HK Song Guo—HK Kyung Suk Back—HK Qing Xie—HK Guang Xu Hao—HK Lianhuan Mao—HK Yi Keng Tsai—HK DIRECTORS Nan Zheng—HK Naixin Liang—MY Hailiang Jin—HK Xuejun Huang—HK Kangwu Zhang—HK Cui Qin Zhang—HK Chi Li—HK Fengqin Li—HK Zhaojia Lun—HK Bei Zhao—HK Huishu Liu—HK Li Mei Tao—HK Jui Tzu Wang—HK Dongling Zhang—HK Fajar Sukianto—MY Jin Hee Chae—HK Jia Zi Yan—HK Xian Zhang—HK Jeonga Yu—HK Chunhuan Gao—HK Li Yu—HK Xiujuan Guan—HK Ping Zhen—HK Yang Yating—HK Xiaona Liu—HK Ling Liu—HK Chunyue Lan—HK Wisara Chokedeetaweeanan—HK Huitian Wu—HK Qinlan Chen—HK Kiyoko Takata—HK Mengqiao Chen—HK Xiao Xin Wu—HK Nathan Webb—Au Yang Zhao—HK Zhuo Fan Deng—HK Puntita Jamjirarux—HK Tung Wai Ng—HK Yan Fang Han—HK Weihong Huang—HK Yunfei Duan—HK Hui Li Yang—HK Guankun Huang—HK Li Qiu Zhao—HK You Jung Lee—HK Yuan Gao—HK Kazufumi Ueda—HK Sang Su Gim—HK Youngjae Kim—HK Tae Hoon Kim—HK Yixuan Ma—HK 492016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
  • 50. JAN. TOP OVERALL SALES The following Reps sold the most DreamTrips Gold Memberships and Platinum Memberships combined in January. Xu Li Kou—HK 31 Xiuzhen Wu—HK 26 Shuai Yan—HK 18 Qing Yu—HK 17 Liying Zhang—HK 17 Nan Zheng—HK 16 Lifen Wang—HK 16 Xueke Yang—HK 15 Li Tian—HK 15 Chunling Fei—HK 15 Shijie Zhou—HK 14 XiaoLi Kang—HK 14 TOP DREAMTRIPS GOLD ENROLLERS The following Reps enrolled the most DreamTrips Gold Memberships in January. XiaoLi Kang—HK 13 Hege Wang—HK 8 Enamul Hoque—MY 8 Dejin Zhang—HK 8 TOP ROOKIES The following Reps (those who enrolled in the past 90 days) had the highest personal sales since joining WorldVentures. Xu Li Kou—HK 31 Xiuzhen Wu—HK 26 Qing Yu—HK 17 Liying Zhang—HK 17 Nan Zheng—HK 16 Lifen Wang—HK 16 Xueke Yang—HK 15 Li Tian—HK 15 Chunling Fei—HK 15 Shijie Zhou—HK 14 XiaoLi Kang—HK 14 Hongnv Huang—HK 14 Zichen Yang—HK 14 Ling Shu—HK 13 Gang Wu—HK 13 Eunkyong Oh—HK 13 FEB. TOP OVERALL SALES The following Reps sold the most DreamTrips Gold Memberships and Platinum Memberships combined in February. Ruifen Miao—HK 21 Shuai Yan—HK 18 Damian Wong—HK 17 Meixia Zheng—HK 13 Heming Sun—HK 13 Huitian Wu—HK 13 TOP DREAMTRIPS GOLD ENROLLERS The following Reps enrolled the most DreamTrips Gold Memberships in February. JoungmoKwak—HK 10 Niall Meegan—AU 8 Seung Seop Sin—HK 8 Tae HoonKim—HK 7 TOP ROOKIES The following Reps (those who enrolled in the past 90 days) had the highest personal sales since joining WorldVentures. Damian Wong—HK 17 Heming Sun—HK 13 Lifang Tan—HK 12 Mingqin Yin—HK 12 Nikolaos Synadinos —AU 11 Lihua Qin—HK 11 Yungang Fan—HK 11 Ling Kong—HK 11 Zuowei Zhang—HK 11 CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE REPS FOR TAKING ONE MORE STEP TOWARD THEIR GOALS IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2016. INSPIRE RANK RECOGNITION 50 2016 ISSUE 3 VOYAGER
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