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MGT3002 Assessment 2 File, Semester 2, 2020
Assignment 2
Marks out of
Wtg (%)
Due Date
Assignment 2
Case Study Analysis
2 September 2020
Length: 2000 words (with the usual 10% tolerances)Assignment
2 Guidelines -:
You should write the case study assignment in such a way that
you start your answers from line one. That is, there is no need
for large introductions and conclusions that we see in essays.
Having said this, you would be advised to write an ‘introductory
sentence’ and ‘conclusion sentence’ in your response for each
You should apply the principles you have learned from the
modules/chapters that are specific to the case study. The case
study answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences
and paragraphs must be used - avoid bullet/numbered points),
and should be 2000 words in length, give or minus a 10%
margin only and single line spaced.
You must include a ‘List of References’ at the end of your case
response. A minimum of 10 academic peer-reviewed references
are required. The references you use will be an indication of
your wider reading and assimilation of ideas. Please note that
information/examples obtained from the case study do not need
to be referenced as the case study is the base source of
information for your assignment. More marks are gained by the
quality of research applied in practice and the overall quality of
the answer.
Overall word count does not include Tables and Figures which
you are free to use if required. The List of References is also
exempt from the word count.
You should include in your case study response:
1. Assignment 2 template has been provided on the study desk
for your use. This includes -: cover sheet with your Name,
Student Number, Course Name, Course Examiner, Semester and
Date of Submission and the Marking Criteria Sheet. This has
already been formatted for your use. Please write your answers
in the Assignment Template as a ‘Word’ document (.doc or
.docx) ONLY (PDF files will not be accepted) and submit it via
the link on the Study Desk;
2. Please let us know which task you are answering by using -:
Task headings, such as Task 1, Task 2 or Task 3 to identify your
answer for each task;
3. Students are required to complete the Academic Integrity
Module BEFORE they submit Assignment 2. The link to submit
this assignment will become available only when this module
has been completed. This module is currently open for students
to complete;
4. Use the style guide and Harvard AGPS referencing guide on
the Study Desk and there are resources in the Assessment Tab –
to assist all students;
5. It is essential that the prescribed chapters listed in each task
are used as a guide for your case study response and referred to
and referenced in this assignment. The chapters are from the
prescribed textbook and there are additional readings on the
study desk for all students to access;
6. Please also use the term “List of References” instead of
“Bibliography”. A bibliography is not the same as a list of
references; the difference between a list of references and a
bibliography is explained as: “a reference list is a list of all the
sources you referred to in the body of your writing, whereas a
bibliography might contain additional readings not referred to
in your writing that you think might make for useful reading”
7. A specific protocol is required when naming your
Assignment. Please ensure your naming conforms with the
following: Your family/surname, your first/given name and the
course code - MGT3002. Leave no gaps between each item.
Using the Examiner as an example, the assignment name would
therefore be
8. Your assignment will be sent to Turnitin for analysis. You
will receive a Turnitin report stating your similarity percentage.
The Turnitin reports will be higher in this course, due to the
Assignment templates we require you to use. Please allow at
least 24 hours for the report to generate;
9. Please quote the relevant textbooks chapters and readings
(peer-reviewed journal articles) to support your answers.
Answers in the narrative section of your case answers
unsupported by peer-reviewed journal articles and/or textbooks
will be regarded as guesswork and generalisations and will not
pass the assignment. Avoid writing quotes in your assignment.
Avoid using general web articles, Wikipedia, online
dictionaries, general magazines, mindtools, businessballs,
university notes, consulting web pages and other such non-
academic sources of information. These are not acceptable;
10. More marks will be gained when students demonstrate
additional evidence of research (peer-reviewed journal articles)
and critical analysis of this research.
11. If you feel you need to attach some other interesting report
or facts not required in the main body of your case answer,
please add this as an appendix. Then in your text close to where
you discuss this, you should add in brackets (refer to Appendix
1) - for example;
12. When submitting your assignment through the link provided,
ensure that you press the ‘submit’ button twice – as students
need to agree with the submission questions/requirements.
Failure to do so will result in your assignment sitting in ‘draft’
mode and these will not be accepted for marking. Late penalties
will apply to draft assignments submitted after the due date;
13. Proof-read your assignment and use a spell-checker;
14. Retain an electronic copy of your assignment for your
records. If an assignment is misplaced the onus is on you, the
student, to provide a copy.
15. To obtain a pass in this course, a 50% pass in aggregate
must be achieved.
MGT3002 Semester 2, 2020 Assignment 2 File
p. 2 / 9
Style Guide for all Referencing
Harvard AGPS referencing is required. Refer to the
UNVERSITY Library website for details.
Use the Submission Links provided on the Study Desk to submit
your assignments! A Turnitin report will be generated when the
assignment is submitted.
Assignment 2Learning Objectives:
This assignment is designed to assess your level of achievement
from Module 3 - Chapter 9; Module 7 - Chapter 8; and Module
5 - Chapter 6 - Learning Outcomes.Assignment 2: Case Study
You need to consider how you will identify the range of issues
and solve problems in the following case study.
Boutique Hotel Company (BHCo) ©
Please Note: This problem statement is fictional. Any
resemblance to actual names and places is purely coincidental.
The case problem is for the students studying management,
leadership and human resources.
Case Study: Carrie Worth is the CEO for a Boutique Hotel,
called BHCo. The hotel is located on the Sunshine Coast,
Queensland and provides customers with a unique luxury beach
accommodation experience. BHCo prides itself on excellent
customer service, luxury dining experience (5-star restaurant),
exquisite room service, free internet connection, and an
expensive range of toiletries in all suites. The foyer displays
original works of art on the walls. Previously, the hotel
managed a consistent and steady profit increase over the last 5
years including relatively stable management. However, since
Worth joined the company in October 2019 to replace the
existing CEO Ben Jones there were recent changes in the
external environment due to the Covid 19 pandemic and
Government requirements of social distancing, and as a resul t,
BHCo was experiencing significantly reduced customers (both
business and leisure), and as such, room vacancies were being
recorded at 80%. Consequently, BHCo was revising its profit
projections and were expecting a loss this current financial
The BHCo Board consists of 12 members (there are 11 male and
one female) and they all enjoyed a good working relationship
with Ben Jones (the previous CEO). However, since Worth has
joined, she has consistently complained about ineffective senior
management at the hotel indicating that staff were not working
to capacity, plant and equipment were not being repaired in a
timely manner and there were no maintenance routines in place.
Worth’s leadership behaviours could be described as aggressive,
getting the job done regardless and controlling every
operational aspect of the hotel management.
Worth wants to move from a ‘relaxed’ pace to a more ‘vigorous’
pace including revising the departmental structure of the 600-
hotel employees to increase accountability and improve
communication among the various departments. She also wants
to put strict systems and procedures in place to ensure that the
hotel is running smoothly and efficiently. Worth wants to
reward employees for the tasks they perform and she wants to
pay attention to the finest details of running the hotel herself.
Worth prides herself on ensuring both employee and customer
safety are a priority, with a particular focus on providing safe
equipment for employees to use and delivering fresh and safe
food services to customers.
Worth’s leadership style is different to that of the previous CEO
- Ben Jones. Jones was liked by all employees. He was a
people person, willing to go the extra mile for employees when
they needed help and yet he was able to ‘get the job done’!
Because of Jones’ relaxed personality, employees were
understanding when he had to ‘get tough’ about their individual
work performance.
Worth understands that the profit forecast will need to be
downgraded, however, she also believes that there is an
opportunity to take advantage of low vacancy rates – at this
time. These opportunities are -: investing in improving outdated
equipment and technology, performing maintenance and deep
cleaning routines, increasing staff training, as well as
considering new ideas to generate profit – all of which will add
value to the assets of the hotel. One such idea is to offer a five -
star takeaway meal and drinks service to the Sunshine coast
She believes that the previous CEO was ‘too relaxed’ and that
‘things were let go’ with regard to maintenance and repairs and
that there was a failure to attend to the operational ‘details’!
Worth also hopes to streamline processes to ensure efficiencies,
cut red tape and create additional income streams utilizing
existing employees. However, the Board members disagree with
her ideas and they regard them as being an unnecessary cost and
too expensive. They do not see why these changes need to be
made. Worth wants to improve facilities at BHCo to provide the
customer with the luxurious experience that they advertise and
think of additional ideas that will lead to increased revenue and
she suggests that all of these activities will stabilize or increase
the share price in the short term and lead to higher growth and
higher profits leading to stronger profit and growth forecasts by
market analysts in the medium and longer term.
Problems became elevated when during the end of month Board
meeting when Worth disagreed vocally with the Chairperson on
future company strategy. The Chairperson convinces other
Board members that Worth’s strategies are too expensive at this
time and that her ideas are unnecessary. To Worth’s credit, she
emphasizes the importance of a safe environment for customers
and employees and she unveils a detailed future Strategic Plan
of company activities going forward. Surprisingly, she manages
to receive some support from the Board but not overwhelming
support. To make matters worse, Worth is confronted with
complaints from senior staff who complain directly to the Board
about her leadership style. In addition to these complaints, she
learns that employees are feeling nervous about the changes and
some are fearful that they will lose their jobs due to the
pandemic. Worth decides that there is significant conflict
because of the manner in which she operates.
To manage this situation, Worth decides to consult you as the
company’s Director for Change. She seeks your advice about
what strategies are open to her in dealing with these issues. ©
2020 UNVERSITY School of Management and EnterpriseTasks
Based on less than perfect information supplied about BHCo
case study scenario, you may need to fill in the ‘facts’ by
adding more assumptions that you think may assist you in
solving case issues.
You are required to act as the Director for Change to address
the issues and challenges and guide Worth during this change
Task 1: A key feature of change is the active role of senior
management. In the case of BHCo, Carrie Worth is responsible
for the strategic direction and operation of the hotel. Discuss
how Worth can incorporate the three key roles for executive
leadership -: (i) Envisioning, (ii) Energising and (iii) Enabling
(Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 322-323) to facilitate change. Ensure
you use and reference Chapter 9 Waddell et al (2019) in your
answer. (650 words)
Task 2: Work design is focussed on creating jobs and generating
employee satisfaction and productivity associated with change
programs. Discuss how BHCo could use the motivatio nal
approach to work design to facilitate change (Waddell et al,
2019, pp. 290-295)? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 8
Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words)
Task 3: Define and explain single loop and double loop
learning. As the Director for Change, how can you advise Carrie
Worth to encourage staff to contribute ideas at BHCo? Ensure
you use and reference Chapter 6 (Waddell et al, 2019) in your
answer. (700 words) Case Study Analysis
The Summers & Smith (2010) Communication skills handbook
describes a case study as a written description of a business
problem at a specific point of time. Case studies come in
different formats, including short, less formal descriptions of
organisations or business situations or specific scenarios.
The case study for this assignment is in the form of a short
description of an organisation. This presents you with a specific
situation at a given moment in time and does not provide all the
information before or after this moment in time. What should
you do if you need information about the case that is not
provided? You need to make logical assumptions about the case.
Make sure in your writing that the reader is informed about your
specific assumptions to explain your arguments. These might be
written in an Appendix – if you would like.
Case study analysis provides you with the opportunity to
experience the challenges faced in real-life situations. The aim
of this type of assessment is to facilitate learning by applying
theories and concepts directly. This means that your response to
the assignment questions/tasks MUSTbe a blend of
theory/concepts with case study examples to support your key
points/points of view.Obtaining a Turnitin Originality Report
for the assignment
As you will be using the MGT3002 Assignme nt 2 Template –
your Turnitin Report will have a higher percentage. However,
you will be able to determine where the sections in your
assignment require attention. Please allow enough time to
generate this report and to review your assignment.
MGT 3002 Assignment 2 Marking Criteria Sheet Mark:
/ 100
Less than 50%
50% – 64%
65% – 74%
75% – 84%
85% and over
Task 1:
A key feature of change is the active role of senior
management. In the case of BHCo, Carrie Worth is responsible
for the strategic direction and operation of the hotel. Discuss
how Worth can incorporate the three key roles for executive
leadership -: (i) Envisioning, (ii) Energising and (iii) Enabling
(Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 322-323) to facilitate change. Ensure
you use and reference Chapter 9 Waddell et al (2019) in your
answer. (650 words)
Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues
relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the
assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not
use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory
source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example.
Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articl es
from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of
credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles).
Limited examples from the case to support answer.
Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style.
Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all
the issues relevant to the task.
May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory.
Included some additional references although integration of all
or some of these references needs improvement.
Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings
Included some irrelevant material.
Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing.
Sound understanding of the task.
Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of
some relevant issues pertaining to the task.
Rudimentary critical analysis.
Good use of examples from the case to support answer.
Uses the full number of prescribed references.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing.
Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well.
Clear evidence of wider reading.
References are well integrated into the discussions.
Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A
good selection of scholarly sources.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing.
Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies.
Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the
Excellent examples from the case to support answer.
Goes beyond the prescribed number of references.
References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing.
MARK / 30
15 – 19
19.5 – 22
22.5 – 25
25.5 +
Task 2:
Work design is focussed on creating jobs and generating
employee satisfaction and productivity associated with change
programs. Discuss how BHCo could use the motivational
approach to work design to facilitate change (Waddell et al,
2019, pp. 290-295)? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 8
Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words)
Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues
relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the
assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not
use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory
source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example.
Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articles
from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of
credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles).
Limited examples from the case to support answer
Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style
Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all
the issues relevant to the task.
May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory.
Included some additional references although integration of all
or some of these references needs improvement.
Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings
Included some irrelevant material.
Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing.
Sound understanding of the task.
Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of
some relevant issues pertaining to the task.
Rudimentary critical analysis.
Good use of examples from the case to support answer.
Uses the full number of prescribed references,
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing
Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well.
Clear evidence of wider reading. References are well integrated
into the discussions.
Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A
good selection of scholarly sources.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing
Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies.
Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the
Excellent examples from the case to support answer.
Goes beyond the prescribed number of references.
References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing.
MARK / 30
15 – 19
19.5 – 22
22.5 – 25
25.5 +
Task 3:
Define and explain single loop and double loop learning. As the
Director for Change, how can you advise Carrie Worth to
encourage staff to contribute ideas at BHCo? Ensure you use
and reference Chapter 6 (Waddell et al, 2019) in your answer.
(700 words)
Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues
relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the
assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not
use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory
source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example.
Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articles
from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of
credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles).
Limited examples from the case to support answer
Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style
Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all
the issues relevant to the task.
May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory.
Included some additional references although integration of all
or some of these references needs improvement.
Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings
Included some irrelevant material.
Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing.
Sound understanding of the task.
Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of
some relevant issues pertaining to the task.
Rudimentary critical analysis. Maybe minor inaccuracies in
Good use of examples from the case to support answer.
Uses the full number of prescribed references,
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing
Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well.
Clear evidence of wider reading. References are well integrated
into the discussions.
Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A
good selection of scholarly sources.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing
Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies.
Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the
Excellent examples from the case to support answer.
Goes beyond the prescribed number of references.
References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated.
Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing.
MARK / 30
15 – 19
19.5 - 22
22.5 – 25
25.5 +
Structure, written expression and presentation.
Poor structure and lacking logical progression of the theme. A
lot of irrelevant content. Not adhering to assignment
Excessive spelling, grammatical errors, poor syntax. Poorly
presented, a lot of typing errors. One sentence paragraphs
(should be at least five sentences in each paragraph)!
Not all required information included e.g. page numbering and
line spacing.
Over or under word count.
No or few references.
Did not conform to Harvard AGPS referencing format.
Some evidence of structure and progression of theme.
Theories not clearly integrated. Might have minor irrelevant
Fair understanding of grammar, sentence & paragraph
Some spelling or typing errors. Margins too small/big cluttered
or stark appearance.
Evidence of structure and progression of theme. May have some
patches where theories need better integration.
Sound level of fluency in writing (may have one or two
awkward sentences).
No obvious errors in spelling, grammar or syntax.
Well presented.
Clear structure and progression of theme. Well-constructed case
study that reinforces important key issues.
No irrelevant content.
Clear and fluent writing.
Professional presentation (not overdone).
Structured, critical; argument; excellent progression of theme.
Excellent development and flow of argument paragraph by
No irrelevant content.
Well-constructed and crafted piece of work, a pleasure to read.
Professional presentation (not overdone).
MARK / 10
5 - 6
6.5 - 7
7.5 - 8
8.5 +

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Please use very simple French.Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire (to do).docx
Please use class material to support your answer.Provide an exam.docx
Please use class material to support your answer.Provide an exam.docxPlease use class material to support your answer.Provide an exam.docx
Please use class material to support your answer.Provide an exam.docx
Please use the questionanswer method. Copy paste  question, then .docx
Please use the questionanswer method. Copy paste  question, then .docxPlease use the questionanswer method. Copy paste  question, then .docx
Please use the questionanswer method. Copy paste  question, then .docx

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MGT3002 Assessment 2 File, Semester 2, 2020Assignment 2Descr

  • 1. MGT3002 Assessment 2 File, Semester 2, 2020 Assignment 2 Description Marks out of Wtg (%) Due Date Assignment 2 Case Study Analysis 100 50% 2 September 2020 Length: 2000 words (with the usual 10% tolerances)Assignment 2 Guidelines -: You should write the case study assignment in such a way that you start your answers from line one. That is, there is no need for large introductions and conclusions that we see in essays. Having said this, you would be advised to write an ‘introductory sentence’ and ‘conclusion sentence’ in your response for each task. You should apply the principles you have learned from the
  • 2. modules/chapters that are specific to the case study. The case study answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences and paragraphs must be used - avoid bullet/numbered points), and should be 2000 words in length, give or minus a 10% margin only and single line spaced. You must include a ‘List of References’ at the end of your case response. A minimum of 10 academic peer-reviewed references are required. The references you use will be an indication of your wider reading and assimilation of ideas. Please note that information/examples obtained from the case study do not need to be referenced as the case study is the base source of information for your assignment. More marks are gained by the quality of research applied in practice and the overall quality of the answer. Overall word count does not include Tables and Figures which you are free to use if required. The List of References is also exempt from the word count. You should include in your case study response: 1. Assignment 2 template has been provided on the study desk for your use. This includes -: cover sheet with your Name, Student Number, Course Name, Course Examiner, Semester and Date of Submission and the Marking Criteria Sheet. This has already been formatted for your use. Please write your answers in the Assignment Template as a ‘Word’ document (.doc or .docx) ONLY (PDF files will not be accepted) and submit it via the link on the Study Desk; 2. Please let us know which task you are answering by using -: Task headings, such as Task 1, Task 2 or Task 3 to identify your answer for each task; 3. Students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module BEFORE they submit Assignment 2. The link to submit this assignment will become available only when this module has been completed. This module is currently open for students to complete; 4. Use the style guide and Harvard AGPS referencing guide on
  • 3. the Study Desk and there are resources in the Assessment Tab – to assist all students; 5. It is essential that the prescribed chapters listed in each task are used as a guide for your case study response and referred to and referenced in this assignment. The chapters are from the prescribed textbook and there are additional readings on the study desk for all students to access; 6. Please also use the term “List of References” instead of “Bibliography”. A bibliography is not the same as a list of references; the difference between a list of references and a bibliography is explained as: “a reference list is a list of all the sources you referred to in the body of your writing, whereas a bibliography might contain additional readings not referred to in your writing that you think might make for useful reading” 7. A specific protocol is required when naming your Assignment. Please ensure your naming conforms with the following: Your family/surname, your first/given name and the course code - MGT3002. Leave no gaps between each item. Using the Examiner as an example, the assignment name would therefore be 8. Your assignment will be sent to Turnitin for analysis. You will receive a Turnitin report stating your similarity percentage. The Turnitin reports will be higher in this course, due to the Assignment templates we require you to use. Please allow at least 24 hours for the report to generate; 9. Please quote the relevant textbooks chapters and readings (peer-reviewed journal articles) to support your answers. Answers in the narrative section of your case answers unsupported by peer-reviewed journal articles and/or textbooks will be regarded as guesswork and generalisations and will not pass the assignment. Avoid writing quotes in your assignment. Avoid using general web articles, Wikipedia, online dictionaries, general magazines, mindtools, businessballs, university notes, consulting web pages and other such non-
  • 4. academic sources of information. These are not acceptable; 10. More marks will be gained when students demonstrate additional evidence of research (peer-reviewed journal articles) and critical analysis of this research. 11. If you feel you need to attach some other interesting report or facts not required in the main body of your case answer, please add this as an appendix. Then in your text close to where you discuss this, you should add in brackets (refer to Appendix 1) - for example; 12. When submitting your assignment through the link provided, ensure that you press the ‘submit’ button twice – as students need to agree with the submission questions/requirements. Failure to do so will result in your assignment sitting in ‘draft’ mode and these will not be accepted for marking. Late penalties will apply to draft assignments submitted after the due date; 13. Proof-read your assignment and use a spell-checker; 14. Retain an electronic copy of your assignment for your records. If an assignment is misplaced the onus is on you, the student, to provide a copy. 15. To obtain a pass in this course, a 50% pass in aggregate must be achieved. MGT3002 Semester 2, 2020 Assignment 2 File p. 2 / 9 . Style Guide for all Referencing Harvard AGPS referencing is required. Refer to the UNVERSITY Library website for details. Use the Submission Links provided on the Study Desk to submit your assignments! A Turnitin report will be generated when the
  • 5. assignment is submitted. Assignment 2Learning Objectives: This assignment is designed to assess your level of achievement from Module 3 - Chapter 9; Module 7 - Chapter 8; and Module 5 - Chapter 6 - Learning Outcomes.Assignment 2: Case Study Analysis: You need to consider how you will identify the range of issues and solve problems in the following case study. Boutique Hotel Company (BHCo) © Please Note: This problem statement is fictional. Any resemblance to actual names and places is purely coincidental. The case problem is for the students studying management, leadership and human resources. Case Study: Carrie Worth is the CEO for a Boutique Hotel, called BHCo. The hotel is located on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland and provides customers with a unique luxury beach accommodation experience. BHCo prides itself on excellent customer service, luxury dining experience (5-star restaurant), exquisite room service, free internet connection, and an expensive range of toiletries in all suites. The foyer displays original works of art on the walls. Previously, the hotel managed a consistent and steady profit increase over the last 5 years including relatively stable management. However, since Worth joined the company in October 2019 to replace the existing CEO Ben Jones there were recent changes in the external environment due to the Covid 19 pandemic and Government requirements of social distancing, and as a resul t, BHCo was experiencing significantly reduced customers (both business and leisure), and as such, room vacancies were being recorded at 80%. Consequently, BHCo was revising its profit projections and were expecting a loss this current financial year. The BHCo Board consists of 12 members (there are 11 male and
  • 6. one female) and they all enjoyed a good working relationship with Ben Jones (the previous CEO). However, since Worth has joined, she has consistently complained about ineffective senior management at the hotel indicating that staff were not working to capacity, plant and equipment were not being repaired in a timely manner and there were no maintenance routines in place. Worth’s leadership behaviours could be described as aggressive, getting the job done regardless and controlling every operational aspect of the hotel management. Worth wants to move from a ‘relaxed’ pace to a more ‘vigorous’ pace including revising the departmental structure of the 600- hotel employees to increase accountability and improve communication among the various departments. She also wants to put strict systems and procedures in place to ensure that the hotel is running smoothly and efficiently. Worth wants to reward employees for the tasks they perform and she wants to pay attention to the finest details of running the hotel herself. Worth prides herself on ensuring both employee and customer safety are a priority, with a particular focus on providing safe equipment for employees to use and delivering fresh and safe food services to customers. Worth’s leadership style is different to that of the previous CEO - Ben Jones. Jones was liked by all employees. He was a people person, willing to go the extra mile for employees when they needed help and yet he was able to ‘get the job done’! Because of Jones’ relaxed personality, employees were understanding when he had to ‘get tough’ about their individual work performance. Worth understands that the profit forecast will need to be downgraded, however, she also believes that there is an opportunity to take advantage of low vacancy rates – at this time. These opportunities are -: investing in improving outdated equipment and technology, performing maintenance and deep cleaning routines, increasing staff training, as well as considering new ideas to generate profit – all of which will add value to the assets of the hotel. One such idea is to offer a five -
  • 7. star takeaway meal and drinks service to the Sunshine coast community! She believes that the previous CEO was ‘too relaxed’ and that ‘things were let go’ with regard to maintenance and repairs and that there was a failure to attend to the operational ‘details’! Worth also hopes to streamline processes to ensure efficiencies, cut red tape and create additional income streams utilizing existing employees. However, the Board members disagree with her ideas and they regard them as being an unnecessary cost and too expensive. They do not see why these changes need to be made. Worth wants to improve facilities at BHCo to provide the customer with the luxurious experience that they advertise and think of additional ideas that will lead to increased revenue and she suggests that all of these activities will stabilize or increase the share price in the short term and lead to higher growth and higher profits leading to stronger profit and growth forecasts by market analysts in the medium and longer term. Problems became elevated when during the end of month Board meeting when Worth disagreed vocally with the Chairperson on future company strategy. The Chairperson convinces other Board members that Worth’s strategies are too expensive at this time and that her ideas are unnecessary. To Worth’s credit, she emphasizes the importance of a safe environment for customers and employees and she unveils a detailed future Strategic Plan of company activities going forward. Surprisingly, she manages to receive some support from the Board but not overwhelming support. To make matters worse, Worth is confronted with complaints from senior staff who complain directly to the Board about her leadership style. In addition to these complaints, she learns that employees are feeling nervous about the changes and some are fearful that they will lose their jobs due to the pandemic. Worth decides that there is significant conflict because of the manner in which she operates. To manage this situation, Worth decides to consult you as the company’s Director for Change. She seeks your advice about what strategies are open to her in dealing with these issues. ©
  • 8. 2020 UNVERSITY School of Management and EnterpriseTasks Required: Based on less than perfect information supplied about BHCo case study scenario, you may need to fill in the ‘facts’ by adding more assumptions that you think may assist you in solving case issues. You are required to act as the Director for Change to address the issues and challenges and guide Worth during this change process: Task 1: A key feature of change is the active role of senior management. In the case of BHCo, Carrie Worth is responsible for the strategic direction and operation of the hotel. Discuss how Worth can incorporate the three key roles for executive leadership -: (i) Envisioning, (ii) Energising and (iii) Enabling (Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 322-323) to facilitate change. Ensure you use and reference Chapter 9 Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words) Task 2: Work design is focussed on creating jobs and generating employee satisfaction and productivity associated with change programs. Discuss how BHCo could use the motivatio nal approach to work design to facilitate change (Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 290-295)? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 8 Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words) Task 3: Define and explain single loop and double loop learning. As the Director for Change, how can you advise Carrie Worth to encourage staff to contribute ideas at BHCo? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 6 (Waddell et al, 2019) in your answer. (700 words) Case Study Analysis The Summers & Smith (2010) Communication skills handbook describes a case study as a written description of a business problem at a specific point of time. Case studies come in different formats, including short, less formal descriptions of
  • 9. organisations or business situations or specific scenarios. The case study for this assignment is in the form of a short description of an organisation. This presents you with a specific situation at a given moment in time and does not provide all the information before or after this moment in time. What should you do if you need information about the case that is not provided? You need to make logical assumptions about the case. Make sure in your writing that the reader is informed about your specific assumptions to explain your arguments. These might be written in an Appendix – if you would like. Case study analysis provides you with the opportunity to experience the challenges faced in real-life situations. The aim of this type of assessment is to facilitate learning by applying theories and concepts directly. This means that your response to the assignment questions/tasks MUSTbe a blend of theory/concepts with case study examples to support your key points/points of view.Obtaining a Turnitin Originality Report for the assignment As you will be using the MGT3002 Assignme nt 2 Template – your Turnitin Report will have a higher percentage. However, you will be able to determine where the sections in your assignment require attention. Please allow enough time to generate this report and to review your assignment. MGT 3002 Assignment 2 Marking Criteria Sheet Mark: / 100 CRITERIA FAIL
  • 10. Less than 50% PASS 50% – 64% CREDIT 65% – 74% DISTINCTION 75% – 84% HIGH DISTINCTION 85% and over TOTAL Task 1: A key feature of change is the active role of senior management. In the case of BHCo, Carrie Worth is responsible for the strategic direction and operation of the hotel. Discuss how Worth can incorporate the three key roles for executive leadership -: (i) Envisioning, (ii) Energising and (iii) Enabling (Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 322-323) to facilitate change. Ensure you use and reference Chapter 9 Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words) Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example. Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articl es from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles). Limited examples from the case to support answer. Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style. Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all the issues relevant to the task. May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory. Included some additional references although integration of all or some of these references needs improvement.
  • 11. Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings Included some irrelevant material. Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing. Sound understanding of the task. Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of some relevant issues pertaining to the task. Rudimentary critical analysis. Good use of examples from the case to support answer. Uses the full number of prescribed references. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing. Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well. Clear evidence of wider reading. References are well integrated into the discussions. Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A good selection of scholarly sources. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing. Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies. Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the task/s. Excellent examples from the case to support answer. Goes beyond the prescribed number of references. References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing. MARK / 30 <15 15 – 19 19.5 – 22 22.5 – 25 25.5 +
  • 12. Task 2: Work design is focussed on creating jobs and generating employee satisfaction and productivity associated with change programs. Discuss how BHCo could use the motivational approach to work design to facilitate change (Waddell et al, 2019, pp. 290-295)? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 8 Waddell et al (2019) in your answer. (650 words) Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example. Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articles from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles). Limited examples from the case to support answer Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all the issues relevant to the task. May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory. Included some additional references although integration of all or some of these references needs improvement. Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings Included some irrelevant material. Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing. Sound understanding of the task. Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of some relevant issues pertaining to the task. Rudimentary critical analysis. Good use of examples from the case to support answer. Uses the full number of prescribed references,
  • 13. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well. Clear evidence of wider reading. References are well integrated into the discussions. Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A good selection of scholarly sources. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies. Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the task/s. Excellent examples from the case to support answer. Goes beyond the prescribed number of references. References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing. MARK / 30 <15 15 – 19 19.5 – 22 22.5 – 25 25.5 + Task 3: Define and explain single loop and double loop learning. As the Director for Change, how can you advise Carrie Worth to encourage staff to contribute ideas at BHCo? Ensure you use and reference Chapter 6 (Waddell et al, 2019) in your answer. (700 words) Lacks a demonstrated understanding of the task/s. Not all issues relevant to the task/s have been answered. Misunderstood the assignment focus. Included mostly irrelevant material. Did not use the prescribed text/journal articles as the primary theory source. No or limited integration of theory to the case example.
  • 14. Included irrelevant sources (web pages, study books, articles from magazines). Included less than the prescribed number of credible theory sources (peer reviewed books, journal articles). Limited examples from the case to support answer Inaccurate Harvard AGPS referencing style Basic to fair understanding of task/s. May not have answered all the issues relevant to the task. May be some irrelevancies and or inaccuracies in theory. Included some additional references although integration of all or some of these references needs improvement. Citations were mostly from the text/prescribed journal readings Included some irrelevant material. Only minor errors in Harvard AGPS referencing. Sound understanding of the task. Answers all parts of the task but still misses critical analysis of some relevant issues pertaining to the task. Rudimentary critical analysis. Maybe minor inaccuracies in theory/ies. Good use of examples from the case to support answer. Uses the full number of prescribed references, Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing Strong understanding of the task/s. Answers all parts very well. Clear evidence of wider reading. References are well integrated into the discussions. Very good use of examples from the case to support answer. A good selection of scholarly sources. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing Unequivocal understanding of theory/ies. Excellent critical analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the task/s. Excellent examples from the case to support answer. Goes beyond the prescribed number of references.
  • 15. References well selected, interpreted & clearly integrated. Accurate Harvard AGPS referencing. MARK / 30 <15 15 – 19 19.5 - 22 22.5 – 25 25.5 + Structure, written expression and presentation. Poor structure and lacking logical progression of the theme. A lot of irrelevant content. Not adhering to assignment requirements. Excessive spelling, grammatical errors, poor syntax. Poorly presented, a lot of typing errors. One sentence paragraphs (should be at least five sentences in each paragraph)! Not all required information included e.g. page numbering and line spacing. Over or under word count. No or few references. Did not conform to Harvard AGPS referencing format. Some evidence of structure and progression of theme. Theories not clearly integrated. Might have minor irrelevant content. Fair understanding of grammar, sentence & paragraph construction. Some spelling or typing errors. Margins too small/big cluttered
  • 16. or stark appearance. Evidence of structure and progression of theme. May have some patches where theories need better integration. Sound level of fluency in writing (may have one or two awkward sentences). No obvious errors in spelling, grammar or syntax. Well presented. Clear structure and progression of theme. Well-constructed case study that reinforces important key issues. No irrelevant content. Clear and fluent writing. Professional presentation (not overdone). Structured, critical; argument; excellent progression of theme. Excellent development and flow of argument paragraph by paragraph. No irrelevant content. Well-constructed and crafted piece of work, a pleasure to read. Professional presentation (not overdone). MARK / 10 <5 5 - 6 6.5 - 7 7.5 - 8 8.5 +