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True Parents
Gods gift
to Mankind
v 1
Gods responsability – to send the Messiah(s)
Mankids responsability – to accept and atend!
The Messiah/Christ comes again as new Adam & Eve couple
to finish a mission uncompleted 2000 years ago;
Acceptance = Survive!
Marriage - into position as True Parents
Blessing of all mankind into New lineage without Original sin!
God created a man and women – Gen.1
Why should Jesus remain alone single and die as single!
- if he was Gods New creation of man...
Instead a couple Messiah; Jesus and his Holy bride
with forgiven original sin,
would produce children without Original sin and
a New eternal lineage of Mankind without Original sin,
being able to bless all mankind into similar Holy Marriages.
Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return –
it is not necessary.
The Christ who manifested through him is
the Eternal – he will manifest again. 
Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964
Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was one of Americas most famous mediums.
Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World.
A meeting was arranged with SunMyungMoon during his 1964/65 USA visit.
From Brookes book TOWARDS HUMAN UNITY:
At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States
on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A.,
a questioner bluntly asked him (SMM):
"Are you Christ?"
In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed
to various members of the audience in turn, saying:
"and so are you... and you... and you also,
if you can accept it."
The Arrival of the Era of the Fourth Adam's Realm
Upon the restoration of the three Adams' eras,
(1st Adam. 2nd
Adam/Jesus, 3rd
I established the realm of blessing all the way
to the infant stage.
This is where the 4th Adam's era begins.
/SMM October 24, 1999
The Holy Word
Potential Messiahs
Only 2 remain!
Gamaliel's Principle
The new testament tells of how, after the apostles were imprisoned in Jerusalem,
they were brought before the council of high priests, who questioned them about
why they had disobeyed the order to stop preaching the word of Jesus.
Peter's response was "We ought to obey God rather than men.
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree".
This explanation apparently didn't appease the high priests, so they "took counsel to
slay them [the apostles]".
Then stood there up one in the council, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law,
high in reputation among all the people, and he said unto them:
Take heed of yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.
For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody;
to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves; he was slain,
and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered and brought to nought.
After this rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much
people after him; he also perished, and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone, for if this counsel or
this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it,
lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. (Acts 5:34)
But you cannot expect the message to be
accepted immediately by vast numbers of people
only those who are ready and who are willing to listen
and to whom this particular message seems to be right
and meaningful. That is the way that all the world
teachers have bad to go. 
And remember one thing only, that if it is of God,
it can not fail.
And it is of God.
Messianic qualifications:
1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures
2. Explain current social/political situation
3. Have a clear plan for a future good world
4. Prophecies being fulfilled
Only Jesus and TF, SunMyungMoon
have qualified and passed all the 4 Messianic narrow ports!
Messianic qualifications: Jesus
1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures
Jesus said he did not come to break the Law but to fulfill it
He was the fulfillment of the jewish prophecies
2. Explain current social/political situation
”So Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,
and to God the things that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him.”
3. Have a clear plan for a future good world
”Behold for the Kingdom is at hand”
Prophecies being fulfilled
Over 300 Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled!
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He envisioned healing as a
physical symbol of forgiveness. He guaranteed the ultimate glory of the human body
through His personal resurrection, but forecast that restoration by healing twisted,
shrunken, blinded limbs and organs. The paralytic's restoration is but one of many
such examples (Mark 2:1-12).
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures
Divine Principle: Principle of Creation
Fall of Man
2nd Coming = Holy Blessing of all Mankind
2. Explain current social/political situation
VOC= Victory over Communism
Unification Thought, future Head Wing ideology
3. Have a clear plan for a future good world
Cheon Il Guk 2000-...
Heavenly tradition ...1000 of coming years!
CheongPyong ancestor Liberation ongoing since 1995!
4. Prophecies being fulfilled
1972 prediction of the end to global Communism (fulfilled 1990)
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
The Early Years (in Korea), 1920-53, by Michael Breen
In one sermon, Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of
Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either
the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect. He said that, just
as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to
John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another. After this sermon,
In-ju prayed to ask God where in Korea the Lord would come. In her prayer she had
a vision. Jesus appeared, walked into the room and bowed his head and began to
pray: "This daughter of yours has to go a very long and difficult way. Let her complete
this journey without going astray."
The voice was Moon's. As Jesus finished praying and said "Amen," she looked up
but it was no longer Jesus. The face had changed to Moon's. She felt the answer to
her prayer had been given. Moon was the Christ.
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
"He began teaching her about the "Last Days of the World" and the
"Second Advent of the Messiah." He explained that the Messiah
would not come on the clouds as she had been taught; but he would
come as a physical man to their own Korea.”
As he spoke, Mrs. Kang thought to herself, "Well, that would certainly
be nice, but the things he says are impossible."
"He told her that in 1950 Jesus had appeared in the skies of North Korea, and during
the Korean War an airline pilot saw Jesus very clearly in the sky. The South Korean
newspapers even printed articles about it."
Early disciple
Hyun Sil Kang
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
”He told her that in 1950 Jesus had appeared in the skies of North Korea, and
during the Korean War an airline pilot saw Jesus very clearly in the sky.
The South Korean newspapers even printed articles about it."
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
50s: Dr Young Oon Kim
After arriving in Korea, I had become quite ill from the water and living conditions in
Pusan, flooded as it was with war refugees. A year later Ewha University returned to
its old campus in Seoul and I moved along with it. I remained ill and worsened to the
point where I thought I was to die. During this time I heard a voice that said, "This is a
spiritual crisis". After a few days, a woman came and told me that the Lord of the
Second Advent had appeared in Korea and that I should study the new truth that he
brought. I laughed. This was so shocking! But I felt curious and wanted to investigate,
knowing that if it were false I could quickly dismiss it, but that if it were true, it was a
matter of life and death! Soon I became terribly ill, and Dr. Helen Kim sent for an
ambulance, which took me to the university hospital.
After returning home I visited the house where Reverend Moon was teaching and heard
lectures on Divine Principle. On the third day I was completely healed of my
lingering illness. The night before my healing, the inner voice of God had spoken
again: "It was I who led you to Jesus., it was I who led you to Swedenborg; it was I
who led you here".
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
50s: Dr Young Oon Kim
from Blessing Quarterly Winter 1987, page 27
"During the 4 years that I lived in Seoul church, under the same roof as Sun Myung
Moon. At one point I went back to clean my own home for a week. One day when I
brushing the entrance, he revealed himself, he suddenly came in spirit form, Full-size
in front of my door. I had never seen such a vibrant spirit earlier. He told me that he
woke up every morning and looked over the Han river, and longed for me to return.
He missed me and wanted me back to life in the church, even though I only been
gone a week. "
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Rev. Paul Werner 1963
So I began to pray without ceasing and to study.
At that time I created an outline of the Principle book,
to make easier to study.
I fasted and especially prayed.
Boy, I really prayed.
Paul Werner
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Rev. Paul Werner 1963
Right from the beginning my spiritual eyes opened up, and I
began to see things spiritually, that I had never seen before.
I designated one room in my house as a prayer room.
Whenever I sat down to pray, the room was filled with
people, spirits.
I could see them, and the room was filled with light.
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Rev. Paul Werner 1963
I was drawn magnetically into that room at all hours.
Many times I saw beautiful colors in there: pink, white, royal
blue, much gold and a beautiful light green.
It was such a wonderful feeling, just sitting in that room with so
many spirit people, praying and talking to God. My prayers
lasted for hours. Many times I even prayed through the nights.
I never wanted to stop.
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Rev. Paul Werner 1963
I found out, what baptism with fire is all about, because that is
exactly what I experienced while praying, studying or fasting.
All this was so wonderful that I didn't want to stop being in this
spiritual realm. Soon I also found out that I had healing power,
and many spiritual phenomena occurred to me. I myself and
others around me regarded me as a man, down to earth.
Therefore I tested all those experiences many times.
Other things happened to me, such as smelling and hearing
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Italian beginning
”In 1968 at the time of the Blessing of the 430 Couples, I was sitting in my car,
thinking about Father and what he may be doing. I was unaware that on that
particular day the Blessing would take place.
Suddenly I saw little pink hearts
appear in the car all around me! It was an amusing vision and a very
wanning experience.
Mr Porter
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Italian beginning
The next day, I took one of the members home from the center and her parents
invited me in. They happened to be watching the news on television and
suddenly I saw the Blessing of the 430 couples being televised from Korea!
That was an extraordinary experience.
I had just been talking to her about the marriages
in our church, and there it was on television! Incidents like this made us feel
the spirit of God so close.
Since we had no television in the center, God must
have been working so hard to have us at the right place and time to witness this!”
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Italian beginning
”In the early days in Rome, we had many deep spiritual experiences. Doris, our
leader, had many herself which may have been the basis for our having so many
experiences too.
Every Sunday morning in the summer, we prayed out-
doors from midnight to 7 a. m. at a place called Monte Porzio.
One particular experience happened at 3 in the morning:
Messianic qualifications: TrueFather
5. Testimonies of Divine Power
Italian beginning
a small sign of Omega appeared over the city of Rome, and as it came toward us it
grew bigger and bigger until it covered about two-thirds of the night sky.
This incredible vision lasted three or four minutes, and all of us praying on the
mountainside witnessed it.
Another night at the same place we saw a bright burst of light in the sky - a
tiny dot at first, which quickly grew to the size of the moon. Very soon after,
another burst of light appeared and another and another, forming the base
of four positions in the sky. The last burst of light turned pink, while the oth-
ers turned gold and green - it was so beautiful!
Again, we all saw this vision; there was no mistake.
We had so many experiences on that hillside outside of Rome.”
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Korean prophecy that started about 1000 years ago
(Chung Gam Rok) and then reiterated and confirmed by
many other scholars.
It's content speaks of a Messianic figure born in Korea
in our time.
Those prophecies coincide with predictions about this man
made by Nostradamus and the Bible.
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
• The Messiah in the Korean Prophecy
• Accurately predicted the years of Japanese occupation
• The King who will come to Korea and judge all the
evils of the world
• The "chosen" one will come to Korea
• He will revolutionize the world
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
The Prophecies of
Medical Doctor
The Prophecies of
" For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines even to
the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. . ."
Matt. 24:27
II 29
A man from the East will come out of his seat
and will cross the Apennines to see France.
He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows,
and will strike everyone with his rod. (=Truth!)
The Prophecies of
X 75
Long awaited he will never return in Europe.
He will appear in Asia;
One of the league issued from great Hermes,
He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Quote from the Great Indian Poet Tagore about Korea:
"In the golden age of Asia
Korea was one of its lamp-bearess
and that lamp is waiting to be
lighted once again for the
illumination of the East."
Ref: Tagore and Korea by Kim Yang-shik (Poetess)
Was it God and Heaven, allready 1929 inspiring Rabindranath Tagore,
Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature,
about the coming New 3rd Israel = Korea, 2nd Coming of Christ and True Parents!
1913 Nobel Prize
in Literature
Poet: Rabindranath Tagore
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
William Butler Yeats
Irish poet and drama author.
He received the Nobel prize for Poetry in 1923.
"The Second Coming" (1920)
All later works by him was based on an remarkable sequence of
which started on an October afternoon in the year 1917.
To their surprise Mrs. Yeats had an unusual strong spiritual gift.
During the following years an enormous time schedule was revealed,
which covered the whole structure of history and it's meaning,
in a 2000 year cycle structure.
Three years later he had over 50 notebooks full of written revelations.
He organized this and published it all in a 300-page volume,
called "A Vision".
Compare with the 2000 year parallells of history in SMM:s Divine Principle
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
• Theosophy is a doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism.
• Theosophy holds that all religions are attempts by the Occult Brotherhood to
help humanity in evolving to greater perfection, and that each religion therefore
has a portion of the truth. The founding members, Blavatsky (1831–1891),
Olcott (1832–1907), and Judge (1851–1896), established the Theosophical
Society in 1875.
Annie Besant
Helena Blavatsky
Bailey; Her vision of a unified society includes a global
"spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms
and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius.
p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to
accept for the christian world, But in spite of this still be
accepted in the Orient.
He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher.
p. 69 "the time of decission", as it is called in hierarchikal
circles, was in the time of fullmoon in June 1936 and full
moon in june 1945. The time of decision covered only 9
years ( a relatily short timeperiod); and resulted in the
decision that Christ should return or become visible on
Earth as soon as possible, and much earlier that planned.
p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the
climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, and into Pisces.
He (Jesus) therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah,
manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the
Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained
in the sign Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through -
symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when
He comes again in Aquaria, the sign Aquarius.
Old Test.
New Test.
Completed Test.
Comments: Compare the history and times of Sun Myung Moons life:
• How He was asked to take the mission as the Second Coming, by Jesus
himself 1935.
• For 9 years he fought with satan to discover the Divine Principle!
• how He started his mission, witnessing to christians in Korea
5th of August in 1945, as the mission of the Second Coming of Christ !
• Text quote: “Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have
been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries.”.
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
William Branham USA had been hearing
voices since he was seven years old. 
Finally, in May of 1946, Branham was
commissioned by an angel from God
to be the forerunner of
the Second Coming of Christ.
One of the more radical beliefs of the group is that of 
Serpent Seed which states that
the first sin committed occurred when Eve engaged
in sexual activities with the Serpent
in the Garden of Eden
thus causing "the fall of man."
William Branham
“What did he do? He begin making love to Eve.
And he lived with her as a husband.
And she saw it was pleasant, so she went and told her
husband; but she was already pregnant by Satan.
And she brought forth her first son whose name was Cain,
the son of Satan.
(Compare with Divine Principle Chapt. 2)
My comment: In June 1946 True Father
went to Pyong Yang to search for the
prepared Spiritual groups.
Seams like that Heavenly mission "spilled over" to US.
While Branham had taught the doctrine since 1957,
he suggested in 1960 that the Holy Spirit
had just revealed it to him as one of the mysteries
that God was revealing in the "end-time".
Comment: 1960 was the year of the
Holy Blessing of SunMyungMoon and Hak Ja Han.
The Biblical ”Marriage of the Lamb”.
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return –
it is not necessary.
The Christ who manifested through him is
the Eternal – he will manifest again. 
Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964
Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was one of Americas most famous mediums.
Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World.
A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.
But at the end of the age from which you are just
emerging you enter a New Age. 
It was said that there would be many false Christs and
many people would claim to be what they were not and
they would lead the people astray in many directions. And
those are the people who are just as real as the rest of
us, but who have for some reason refused to accept the
spiritual heritage which they had a right to claim.
And out of the shambles of a crumbling civilization and
above the cries of distress that you hear in every part of
your world today, there is a plan slowly and definitely
unfolding to restore man to the state of perfection 
which is necessary if he is to live happily and handle wisely
the instruments that materialistic science has wrested from
this mysterious and growing universe.
And he has the rare quality of projecting himself, which
isn't a miracle really. 
Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be
seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be
seen by the saints. 
This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are to such a
breakthrough of universal truth?
Fletcher: You are in the process now. But before Jesus
became manifest there were people who had been
prepared - John the Baptist came prepared. But the world
has grown and multiplied. 
It takes not one man in a little country to be a John the
Baptist, but many men in many countries to herald the
But you cannot expect the message to be
accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only
those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to
whom this particular message seems to be right and
meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers
have bad to go. 
And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can
not fail.
And it is of God.
He is doing exactly
what Jesus in his life tried to do! 
The religion of tomorrow will not be called Christian
as you know it now.
You are already living in a New Age, a post-Christian age.
Principles of the Christ are not limited to any age.
2. Remarks by Sun Myung Moon as interpreted by Bo Hi Pak
Arlington, Virginia, - April 21, 1965 
My endeavor now comes to the point that it must be
manifested and fulfilled. 
My utmost interest is focused upon two major points.
ONE, the liberation of humanity - the true liberation I mean -
the liberation from sin -- liberation from the bondage of evil
This is my focus of attention and this is my very endeavor in
which I am dedicated;
2. Remarks by Sun Myung Moon as interpreted by Bo Hi Pak
Arlington, Virginia, - April 21, 1965 
SECOND, how I can remedy or rectify the broken heart of
God - how the sorrow of God can be interpreted and
learned by all people. 
In other words, how can we liberate the World of Spirit as
well as the Physical World from the bondage of satan. You
may not know very well, but I say that I am a rather
controversial person, maybe not in this world as yet, but
certainly in the World of Spirit.
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Publ. 1998
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Baba Vangas’s prophecies made her famous;
probably not as famous as Nostradamus,
but still, for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian
she made headlines all over the world.
Baba Vanga
blind Bulgarian
Interesting fact:
Baba Vanga mentioned a 
new religion that will take the earth by the storm:
The White color associated with that new religion
is often associated with the White Brotherhood,
but is more possibly representing
a religion coming from Korea,
known as the people of the white clothes.
He will build a world highway with super fast trains,
resolving all barriers and resentments by using 
marriage to promote peace and love where there was
In fact most of what she described him doing can be
associated with the Universal Peace Federation and its
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
"Christ will Return
as a peacemaker"
"He will come (2001-2025) and unify the world.. Foolish
people will not recognize it. The one who is to come will
establish a foundation in the early part of his life. In his
latter years (2001-2025) he will accomplish the will of
"He will suffer and shed tears of blood... and reach out to
the four corners of the world. He will unite Confucianism,
Buddhism and Christianity and he will come as the true
He is the one who builds the new Heaven, new earth and
the clean and clear new world."
It's predicted that he will suffer before being recognized.
Unity of Religions
Religions will vanish and humanity will believe in one
This will bring together humanity together as one family
and bring peace and prosperity, predicts Vanga. 
"Humanity will survive many upheavals and many violent
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Who Is He?
by Sung Mo Koo
The Messiah down to earth
in secret
The Korean Books of
1998 Online
EAST GARDEN 21st November ’98
Hoon Dok Hae
by independent journalist Mr Ku Sung Mo
After 20 years of studying prophecy by many Korean
prophets throughout the ages Mr Ku concludes that
someone must come to Korea as the second coming of
Buddha, Christ or Confucius.
He writes quite directly that Sun Myung Moon is the one
The reading began again
Within four years (<2002) or thirty years (<2028) there will
be a final showdown between this Holy man and evil. He
will start doing his work in the centre of Yong San. He is the
one who came here to do God's will. Who is he? Two saints
will be sent the first will the false one. The second will be
true and have the name Moon. Only the
ones with eyes will be able to recognise him.
He will be born in North Korea. He will marry many young
people and go through many persecutions.
Who else can it be other than the Rev Sun Myung Moon.
Human Respons-Ability
Benny Andersson
Sir Anthony Brooke (former king of Sarawak, in Malaysia)
meets SunMyungMoon and members in Korea March 2 1964
Anthony Brooke
ISBN 0 7051 0234 3
From Brookes book TOWARDS HUMAN UNITY:
At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States
on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A.,
a questioner bluntly asked him (SMM):
"Are you Christ?"
In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to
various members of the audience in turn, saying:
"and so are you... and you... and you also,
if you can accept it."
On another occasion a translation of what
he said in the Korean language was given as follows:
"This is God's world and it has no boundaries.
It is one.
Your life is one of universal significance and I call upon
you to share my mission. Be urgently concerned for the
world and know, feel and act in accordance with the
Divine Will.
The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day
all shall be like him – like Christ."
It is in his own conscious acceptance of this mission that
Sun Myung Moon has meaning for the world. It is the
need for urgent, immediate and sustained action in the
service of the universal Christ which remains our
predominant and enduring thought and inspiration as the
result of our meetings in Korea with Sun Myung Moon.
Tamar became pregnant with twins who fought
within her womb.
The time of birth came and the first son, Zerah, pushed out
his hand. The midwife tied a scarlet thread around his
This was a symbolical prediction that in the time of the Last
Days communism, a satanic ideology, represented by the-
color red, would appear first before God's kingdom is
SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972
After 7,000 biblical years--6,000 years of
restoration history plus the millennium,
the time of completion –
communism will fall in its 70th year.
Here is the meaning of the year 1978. Communism, begun
in 1917, could maintain itself approximately 60 years and
reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and afterward
communism will decline;
in the 70th year (1987) it will be altogether ruined.
/SunMyungMoon April 1972 Paris, France
SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972
Benny Andersson
New Future of Christianity
Madison Square Garden 1974
Washington Monument 1976
Christ was born as a man 1920 in Korea
Benny Andersson
Tree of Life
God's Will and the World
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
The Way of Restoration
April 1972
Paris, France
Like Rebecca, Tamar became pregnant with twins who fought within her womb.
When Tamar prayed, the Lord must have appeared and said the same thing he had said
to Rebecca, "Two nations are in your womb, and two people within you will be
separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the elder will serve the
For 2,000 biblical years God had been waiting for that very moment. The time of birth
came and the first son, Zerah, pushed out his hand. The midwife tied a scarlet thread
around his wrist.
This was a symbolical prediction that in the time of the Last Days communism,
a satanic ideology, represented by the-color red, would appear first before
God's kingdom is established.
End of Communism
God's Will and the World
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
The Way of Restoration
April 1972
Paris, France
After 7,000 biblical years--6,000 years of restoration history plus the millennium,
the time of completion--communism will fall in its 70th year.
Here is the meaning of the year 1978. Communism, begun in 1917, could maintain
itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and
afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year it will be altogether ruined.
This is true.
Therefore, now (1972) is the time for people who are studying communism
to abandon it.
All major religions have
a return of a Holy Man
• Jewish Messiah
• Islam Imam/Mahdi
• Hinduism Avatar
• Buddism Maitreya
1st Israel 3rd Israel
United Korea
United World
True Parents
2nd Israel
World Christianity
Only Spiritual
Lord of
Second Advent
Reveal Truth!
of the Messiah!
Reveal Truth!
2. Holy
of the Messiah(s)!
Reveal Truth!
2. Holy
3. Give
of the Messiah(s)!
A United
3 Blessings fulfilled!
Holy Blessing 2016
Body of Christ
Future of Mankind & World
True Parents of Heaven Earth
and Humankind
The 3 HolyScriptures Cheon Seong Gyeong,
Cham Bumo Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong
Online – Click above!
3 New Holy Books
Aurora Finland
Short Vocabulary:
AGS =Absolute Good Spirits
Ahn Shi Il = 8th Day Pledge
Aju! = I am the owner of this universe
CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook
PHG = Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, Peace Messages
CBG = Cham Bumo Gyeong, Holy Textbook
HDH = Hon Dok Hae; Holy Reading and Learning
CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH
CSW =Cheonji Sunhak Won (Museum)
CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea
DP = Divine Principle, v1973
EDP = Divine Principle, v1996
ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008
Short Vocabulary:
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven
LSA = Lord of Second Advent
OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament
CT = Completed Testament
PHG = Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages)
TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon
TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon
TTM = Textbook and Teaching Material
UC = Unification Church
Short Vocabulary:
Boonbongwangs Anointed - Peace King Representatives
"HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection)
Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden
Cheon Bo Won Blessing of those who fulfilled
430 Couples on Earth and in Spiritual world
”Heavenly Tribal Messiahs” HTM
Cheon Bo Ancestor Liberation & Blessing
Ref: Use Google search to find sources
ex. <search-text>
See also – links
Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 1 of 3
Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 2 of 3
Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 3 of 3
See also links below
The Return
of the Messiah(s)
Tallin 2015
More slides at
Slideshare bdp003
Paektu Mountin
N. Korea
Remember the beauty in Gods nature
is there to inspire us of the coming KoH!
Have a great Blessed week.
Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th Gen inspiration Bengt & Maarit.

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Messiah(s) - Gods gift to Mankind

  • 2. Summary: Gods responsability – to send the Messiah(s) Mankids responsability – to accept and atend! The Messiah/Christ comes again as new Adam & Eve couple to finish a mission uncompleted 2000 years ago; Acceptance = Survive! Marriage - into position as True Parents Blessing of all mankind into New lineage without Original sin!
  • 3. God created a man and women – Gen.1 Why should Jesus remain alone single and die as single! - if he was Gods New creation of man... Instead a couple Messiah; Jesus and his Holy bride with forgiven original sin, would produce children without Original sin and a New eternal lineage of Mankind without Original sin, being able to bless all mankind into similar Holy Marriages.
  • 4. Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return – it is not necessary. The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.  Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964 Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was one of Americas most famous mediums. Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World. A meeting was arranged with SunMyungMoon during his 1964/65 USA visit.
  • 5. From Brookes book TOWARDS HUMAN UNITY: At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A., a questioner bluntly asked him (SMM): "Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to various members of the audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it."
  • 6. The Arrival of the Era of the Fourth Adam's Realm Upon the restoration of the three Adams' eras, (1st Adam. 2nd Adam/Jesus, 3rd Adam/SMM) I established the realm of blessing all the way to the infant stage. This is where the 4th Adam's era begins. /SMM October 24, 1999
  • 10. Gamaliel's Principle The new testament tells of how, after the apostles were imprisoned in Jerusalem, they were brought before the council of high priests, who questioned them about why they had disobeyed the order to stop preaching the word of Jesus. Peter's response was "We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree". This explanation apparently didn't appease the high priests, so they "took counsel to slay them [the apostles]". Then stood there up one in the council, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, high in reputation among all the people, and he said unto them: Take heed of yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men. For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves; he was slain, and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered and brought to nought. After this rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him; he also perished, and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed. And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone, for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. (Acts 5:34)
  • 11. But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have bad to go.  And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God.
  • 12. Messianic qualifications: 1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures 2. Explain current social/political situation 3. Have a clear plan for a future good world 4. Prophecies being fulfilled Only Jesus and TF, SunMyungMoon have qualified and passed all the 4 Messianic narrow ports!
  • 13. Messianic qualifications: Jesus 1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures Jesus said he did not come to break the Law but to fulfill it He was the fulfillment of the jewish prophecies 2. Explain current social/political situation ”So Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him.” 3. Have a clear plan for a future good world ”Behold for the Kingdom is at hand” Prophecies being fulfilled Over 300 Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled! 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He envisioned healing as a physical symbol of forgiveness. He guaranteed the ultimate glory of the human body through His personal resurrection, but forecast that restoration by healing twisted, shrunken, blinded limbs and organs. The paralytic's restoration is but one of many such examples (Mark 2:1-12).
  • 14. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 1. Explain all past history, & Holy Scriptures Divine Principle: Principle of Creation Fall of Man Restoration 2nd Coming = Holy Blessing of all Mankind 2. Explain current social/political situation VOC= Victory over Communism Unification Thought, future Head Wing ideology 3. Have a clear plan for a future good world Cheon Il Guk 2000-... Heavenly tradition ...1000 of coming years! CheongPyong ancestor Liberation ongoing since 1995! 4. Prophecies being fulfilled 1972 prediction of the end to global Communism (fulfilled 1990)
  • 15. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power 1920-50 The Early Years (in Korea), 1920-53, by Michael Breen In one sermon, Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect. He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another. After this sermon, In-ju prayed to ask God where in Korea the Lord would come. In her prayer she had a vision. Jesus appeared, walked into the room and bowed his head and began to pray: "This daughter of yours has to go a very long and difficult way. Let her complete this journey without going astray." The voice was Moon's. As Jesus finished praying and said "Amen," she looked up but it was no longer Jesus. The face had changed to Moon's. She felt the answer to her prayer had been given. Moon was the Christ.
  • 16. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power 1952 "He began teaching her about the "Last Days of the World" and the "Second Advent of the Messiah." He explained that the Messiah would not come on the clouds as she had been taught; but he would come as a physical man to their own Korea.” As he spoke, Mrs. Kang thought to herself, "Well, that would certainly be nice, but the things he says are impossible." "He told her that in 1950 Jesus had appeared in the skies of North Korea, and during the Korean War an airline pilot saw Jesus very clearly in the sky. The South Korean newspapers even printed articles about it." Early disciple Hyun Sil Kang
  • 17. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power ”He told her that in 1950 Jesus had appeared in the skies of North Korea, and during the Korean War an airline pilot saw Jesus very clearly in the sky. The South Korean newspapers even printed articles about it." 1950
  • 18. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power 50s: Dr Young Oon Kim After arriving in Korea, I had become quite ill from the water and living conditions in Pusan, flooded as it was with war refugees. A year later Ewha University returned to its old campus in Seoul and I moved along with it. I remained ill and worsened to the point where I thought I was to die. During this time I heard a voice that said, "This is a spiritual crisis". After a few days, a woman came and told me that the Lord of the Second Advent had appeared in Korea and that I should study the new truth that he brought. I laughed. This was so shocking! But I felt curious and wanted to investigate, knowing that if it were false I could quickly dismiss it, but that if it were true, it was a matter of life and death! Soon I became terribly ill, and Dr. Helen Kim sent for an ambulance, which took me to the university hospital. After returning home I visited the house where Reverend Moon was teaching and heard lectures on Divine Principle. On the third day I was completely healed of my lingering illness. The night before my healing, the inner voice of God had spoken again: "It was I who led you to Jesus., it was I who led you to Swedenborg; it was I who led you here".
  • 19. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power 50s: Dr Young Oon Kim from Blessing Quarterly Winter 1987, page 27 "During the 4 years that I lived in Seoul church, under the same roof as Sun Myung Moon. At one point I went back to clean my own home for a week. One day when I brushing the entrance, he revealed himself, he suddenly came in spirit form, Full-size in front of my door. I had never seen such a vibrant spirit earlier. He told me that he woke up every morning and looked over the Han river, and longed for me to return. He missed me and wanted me back to life in the church, even though I only been gone a week. "
  • 20. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Rev. Paul Werner 1963 So I began to pray without ceasing and to study. At that time I created an outline of the Principle book, to make easier to study. I fasted and especially prayed. Boy, I really prayed. Paul Werner
  • 21. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Rev. Paul Werner 1963 Right from the beginning my spiritual eyes opened up, and I began to see things spiritually, that I had never seen before. I designated one room in my house as a prayer room. Whenever I sat down to pray, the room was filled with people, spirits. I could see them, and the room was filled with light.
  • 22. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Rev. Paul Werner 1963 I was drawn magnetically into that room at all hours. Many times I saw beautiful colors in there: pink, white, royal blue, much gold and a beautiful light green. It was such a wonderful feeling, just sitting in that room with so many spirit people, praying and talking to God. My prayers lasted for hours. Many times I even prayed through the nights. I never wanted to stop.
  • 23. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Rev. Paul Werner 1963 I found out, what baptism with fire is all about, because that is exactly what I experienced while praying, studying or fasting. All this was so wonderful that I didn't want to stop being in this spiritual realm. Soon I also found out that I had healing power, and many spiritual phenomena occurred to me. I myself and others around me regarded me as a man, down to earth. Therefore I tested all those experiences many times. Other things happened to me, such as smelling and hearing spiritually.
  • 24. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Italian beginning ”In 1968 at the time of the Blessing of the 430 Couples, I was sitting in my car, thinking about Father and what he may be doing. I was unaware that on that particular day the Blessing would take place. Suddenly I saw little pink hearts appear in the car all around me! It was an amusing vision and a very wanning experience. Mr Porter
  • 25. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Italian beginning The next day, I took one of the members home from the center and her parents invited me in. They happened to be watching the news on television and suddenly I saw the Blessing of the 430 couples being televised from Korea! That was an extraordinary experience. I had just been talking to her about the marriages in our church, and there it was on television! Incidents like this made us feel the spirit of God so close. Since we had no television in the center, God must have been working so hard to have us at the right place and time to witness this!”
  • 26. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Italian beginning ”In the early days in Rome, we had many deep spiritual experiences. Doris, our leader, had many herself which may have been the basis for our having so many experiences too. Every Sunday morning in the summer, we prayed out- doors from midnight to 7 a. m. at a place called Monte Porzio. One particular experience happened at 3 in the morning:
  • 27. Messianic qualifications: TrueFather SunMyungMoon 5. Testimonies of Divine Power Italian beginning a small sign of Omega appeared over the city of Rome, and as it came toward us it grew bigger and bigger until it covered about two-thirds of the night sky. This incredible vision lasted three or four minutes, and all of us praying on the mountainside witnessed it. Another night at the same place we saw a bright burst of light in the sky - a tiny dot at first, which quickly grew to the size of the moon. Very soon after, another burst of light appeared and another and another, forming the base of four positions in the sky. The last burst of light turned pink, while the oth- ers turned gold and green - it was so beautiful! Again, we all saw this vision; there was no mistake. We had so many experiences on that hillside outside of Rome.”
  • 28. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 ”1920” Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok Jesus
  • 29. Korean prophecy that started about 1000 years ago (Chung Gam Rok) and then reiterated and confirmed by many other scholars. It's content speaks of a Messianic figure born in Korea in our time. Those prophecies coincide with predictions about this man made by Nostradamus and the Bible. Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 30. • The Messiah in the Korean Prophecy • Accurately predicted the years of Japanese occupation • The King who will come to Korea and judge all the evils of the world • The "chosen" one will come to Korea • He will revolutionize the world Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 31. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 33. The Prophecies of Nostradamus " For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines even to the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. . ." Matt. 24:27 II 29 A man from the East will come out of his seat and will cross the Apennines to see France. He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows, and will strike everyone with his rod. (=Truth!)
  • 34. The Prophecies of Nostradamus X 75 Long awaited he will never return in Europe. He will appear in Asia; One of the league issued from great Hermes, He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.
  • 35. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 36. Quote from the Great Indian Poet Tagore about Korea: "In the golden age of Asia Korea was one of its lamp-bearess and that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again for the illumination of the East." Ref: Tagore and Korea by Kim Yang-shik (Poetess) Was it God and Heaven, allready 1929 inspiring Rabindranath Tagore, Winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature, about the coming New 3rd Israel = Korea, 2nd Coming of Christ and True Parents! 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature Poet: Rabindranath Tagore India 1861-1941
  • 37.
  • 38. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 39. William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 Irish poet and drama author. He received the Nobel prize for Poetry in 1923. "The Second Coming" (1920)
  • 40. All later works by him was based on an remarkable sequence of revelations, which started on an October afternoon in the year 1917. To their surprise Mrs. Yeats had an unusual strong spiritual gift. During the following years an enormous time schedule was revealed, which covered the whole structure of history and it's meaning, in a 2000 year cycle structure. Three years later he had over 50 notebooks full of written revelations. He organized this and published it all in a 300-page volume, called "A Vision".
  • 41. Compare with the 2000 year parallells of history in SMM:s Divine Principle
  • 42. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 43. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST • Theosophy is a doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism. • Theosophy holds that all religions are attempts by the Occult Brotherhood to help humanity in evolving to greater perfection, and that each religion therefore has a portion of the truth. The founding members, Blavatsky (1831–1891), Olcott (1832–1907), and Judge (1851–1896), established the Theosophical Society in 1875. Annie Besant 1847-1933 Helena Blavatsky 1831-1889 ”AAB” 1880-1949
  • 44. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST Bailey; Her vision of a unified society includes a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius. p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to accept for the christian world, But in spite of this still be accepted in the Orient. He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher. Bailey
  • 45. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST p. 69 "the time of decission", as it is called in hierarchikal circles, was in the time of fullmoon in June 1936 and full moon in june 1945. The time of decision covered only 9 years ( a relatily short timeperiod); and resulted in the decision that Christ should return or become visible on Earth as soon as possible, and much earlier that planned. Bailey
  • 46. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, and into Pisces. He (Jesus) therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained in the sign Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through - symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in Aquaria, the sign Aquarius. Old Test. Aries New Test. Pisces Completed Test. Aquarian
  • 47. THEOSOPHY THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST Comments: Compare the history and times of Sun Myung Moons life: • How He was asked to take the mission as the Second Coming, by Jesus himself 1935. • For 9 years he fought with satan to discover the Divine Principle! • how He started his mission, witnessing to christians in Korea 5th of August in 1945, as the mission of the Second Coming of Christ ! • Text quote: “Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries.”. Comment: THIS CLEARLY CONFIRMS the DIVINE PRINCIPLE EXPLANATIONTHAT JESUS CAME TO FORM A FAMILY AND MADE JEWISH RELIGION FULFILLED WITH A NEW SINLESS MANKIND BLOSSOMING! Bailey
  • 48. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 49. William Branham USA had been hearing voices since he was seven years old.  Finally, in May of 1946, Branham was commissioned by an angel from God to be the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ. One of the more radical beliefs of the group is that of  Serpent Seed which states that the first sin committed occurred when Eve engaged in sexual activities with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden thus causing "the fall of man." William Branham 1946 (1909-1965)
  • 50. “What did he do? He begin making love to Eve. And he lived with her as a husband. And she saw it was pleasant, so she went and told her husband; but she was already pregnant by Satan. And she brought forth her first son whose name was Cain, the son of Satan. (Compare with Divine Principle Chapt. 2) My comment: In June 1946 True Father went to Pyong Yang to search for the prepared Spiritual groups. Seams like that Heavenly mission "spilled over" to US.
  • 51. While Branham had taught the doctrine since 1957, he suggested in 1960 that the Holy Spirit had just revealed it to him as one of the mysteries that God was revealing in the "end-time". Comment: 1960 was the year of the Holy Blessing of SunMyungMoon and Hak Ja Han. The Biblical ”Marriage of the Lamb”. 1957
  • 52. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 53. Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return – it is not necessary. The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.  Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964 Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was one of Americas most famous mediums. Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World. A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.
  • 54. But at the end of the age from which you are just emerging you enter a New Age.  It was said that there would be many false Christs and many people would claim to be what they were not and they would lead the people astray in many directions. And those are the people who are just as real as the rest of us, but who have for some reason refused to accept the spiritual heritage which they had a right to claim.
  • 55. And out of the shambles of a crumbling civilization and above the cries of distress that you hear in every part of your world today, there is a plan slowly and definitely unfolding to restore man to the state of perfection  which is necessary if he is to live happily and handle wisely the instruments that materialistic science has wrested from this mysterious and growing universe.
  • 56. And he has the rare quality of projecting himself, which isn't a miracle really.  Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints.  This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
  • 57. Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are to such a breakthrough of universal truth? Fletcher: You are in the process now. But before Jesus became manifest there were people who had been prepared - John the Baptist came prepared. But the world has grown and multiplied.  It takes not one man in a little country to be a John the Baptist, but many men in many countries to herald the coming.
  • 58. But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have bad to go.  And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God.
  • 59. He is doing exactly what Jesus in his life tried to do!  The religion of tomorrow will not be called Christian as you know it now. You are already living in a New Age, a post-Christian age. Principles of the Christ are not limited to any age.
  • 60. 2. Remarks by Sun Myung Moon as interpreted by Bo Hi Pak Arlington, Virginia, - April 21, 1965  My endeavor now comes to the point that it must be manifested and fulfilled.  My utmost interest is focused upon two major points. ONE, the liberation of humanity - the true liberation I mean - the liberation from sin -- liberation from the bondage of evil forces.  This is my focus of attention and this is my very endeavor in which I am dedicated;
  • 61. 2. Remarks by Sun Myung Moon as interpreted by Bo Hi Pak Arlington, Virginia, - April 21, 1965  SECOND, how I can remedy or rectify the broken heart of God - how the sorrow of God can be interpreted and learned by all people.  In other words, how can we liberate the World of Spirit as well as the Physical World from the bondage of satan. You may not know very well, but I say that I am a rather controversial person, maybe not in this world as yet, but certainly in the World of Spirit.
  • 62. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Publ. 1998 Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 63. Baba Vangas’s prophecies made her famous; probably not as famous as Nostradamus, but still, for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian she made headlines all over the world. Baba Vanga 1911-1996 blind Bulgarian prophetess
  • 64. Interesting fact: Baba Vanga mentioned a  new religion that will take the earth by the storm: The White color associated with that new religion is often associated with the White Brotherhood, but is more possibly representing a religion coming from Korea, known as the people of the white clothes.
  • 65. He will build a world highway with super fast trains, resolving all barriers and resentments by using  marriage to promote peace and love where there was hatred. In fact most of what she described him doing can be associated with the Universal Peace Federation and its founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
  • 66. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. "Christ will Return as a peacemaker"
  • 67. "He will come (2001-2025) and unify the world.. Foolish people will not recognize it. The one who is to come will establish a foundation in the early part of his life. In his latter years (2001-2025) he will accomplish the will of God...“
  • 68. "He will suffer and shed tears of blood... and reach out to the four corners of the world. He will unite Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity and he will come as the true man... He is the one who builds the new Heaven, new earth and the clean and clear new world." It's predicted that he will suffer before being recognized.
  • 69. Unity of Religions Religions will vanish and humanity will believe in one doctrine.   This will bring together humanity together as one family and bring peace and prosperity, predicts Vanga.  "Humanity will survive many upheavals and many violent events.
  • 70. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok
  • 71. Who Is He? by Sung Mo Koo The Messiah down to earth in secret The Korean Books of Prophecy 1998 Online
  • 72. EAST GARDEN 21st November ’98 Hoon Dok Hae 'WHO IS HE? A BOOK OF PROPHECY' by independent journalist Mr Ku Sung Mo After 20 years of studying prophecy by many Korean prophets throughout the ages Mr Ku concludes that someone must come to Korea as the second coming of Buddha, Christ or Confucius. He writes quite directly that Sun Myung Moon is the one
  • 73. The reading began again FIND THE SAVIOUR Within four years (<2002) or thirty years (<2028) there will be a final showdown between this Holy man and evil. He will start doing his work in the centre of Yong San. He is the one who came here to do God's will. Who is he? Two saints will be sent the first will the false one. The second will be true and have the name Moon. Only the ones with eyes will be able to recognise him. He will be born in North Korea. He will marry many young people and go through many persecutions. Who else can it be other than the Rev Sun Myung Moon.
  • 75.
  • 77. Sir Anthony Brooke (former king of Sarawak, in Malaysia) meets SunMyungMoon and members in Korea March 2 1964 1964 TOWARDS HUMAN UNITY by Anthony Brooke ISBN 0 7051 0234 3
  • 78. From Brookes book TOWARDS HUMAN UNITY: At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A., a questioner bluntly asked him (SMM): "Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to various members of the audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it."
  • 79. On another occasion a translation of what he said in the Korean language was given as follows: "This is God's world and it has no boundaries. It is one. Your life is one of universal significance and I call upon you to share my mission. Be urgently concerned for the world and know, feel and act in accordance with the Divine Will. The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all shall be like him – like Christ."
  • 80. It is in his own conscious acceptance of this mission that Sun Myung Moon has meaning for the world. It is the need for urgent, immediate and sustained action in the service of the universal Christ which remains our predominant and enduring thought and inspiration as the result of our meetings in Korea with Sun Myung Moon.
  • 81. Tamar became pregnant with twins who fought within her womb. The time of birth came and the first son, Zerah, pushed out his hand. The midwife tied a scarlet thread around his wrist. This was a symbolical prediction that in the time of the Last Days communism, a satanic ideology, represented by the- color red, would appear first before God's kingdom is established. SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972
  • 82. After 7,000 biblical years--6,000 years of restoration history plus the millennium, the time of completion – communism will fall in its 70th year. Here is the meaning of the year 1978. Communism, begun in 1917, could maintain itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year (1987) it will be altogether ruined. /SunMyungMoon April 1972 Paris, France SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972
  • 84. New Future of Christianity Madison Square Garden 1974 Washington Monument 1976 Christ was born as a man 1920 in Korea
  • 86. God's Will and the World Rev. Sun Myung Moon The Way of Restoration April 1972 Paris, France Like Rebecca, Tamar became pregnant with twins who fought within her womb. When Tamar prayed, the Lord must have appeared and said the same thing he had said to Rebecca, "Two nations are in your womb, and two people within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the elder will serve the younger For 2,000 biblical years God had been waiting for that very moment. The time of birth came and the first son, Zerah, pushed out his hand. The midwife tied a scarlet thread around his wrist. This was a symbolical prediction that in the time of the Last Days communism, a satanic ideology, represented by the-color red, would appear first before God's kingdom is established. Prophecy End of Communism
  • 87. God's Will and the World Rev. Sun Myung Moon The Way of Restoration April 1972 Paris, France After 7,000 biblical years--6,000 years of restoration history plus the millennium, the time of completion--communism will fall in its 70th year. Here is the meaning of the year 1978. Communism, begun in 1917, could maintain itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year it will be altogether ruined. This is true. Therefore, now (1972) is the time for people who are studying communism to abandon it.
  • 88. All major religions have a return of a Holy Man • Jewish Messiah • Islam Imam/Mahdi • Hinduism Avatar • Buddism Maitreya
  • 89. 1st Israel 3rd Israel United Korea United World True Parents 2nd Israel World Christianity Only Spiritual
  • 93. 1.Survive! Reveal Truth! 2. Holy Divine Marriage! 3. Give Blessings! Mission of the Messiah(s)! A United Physical/Spiritual World! 3 Blessings fulfilled!
  • 95. Future of Mankind & World True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind
  • 96. The 3 HolyScriptures Cheon Seong Gyeong, Cham Bumo Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong Online – Click above!
  • 97. 3 New Holy Books
  • 99. Short Vocabulary: AGS =Absolute Good Spirits Ahn Shi Il = 8th Day Pledge Aju! = I am the owner of this universe CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook PHG = Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, Peace Messages CBG = Cham Bumo Gyeong, Holy Textbook HDH = Hon Dok Hae; Holy Reading and Learning CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH CSW =Cheonji Sunhak Won (Museum) CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea DP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996 ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008 Contin…
  • 100. Short Vocabulary: KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second Advent OT = Old Testament NT = New Testament CT = Completed Testament PHG = Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages) TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon TTM = Textbook and Teaching Material UC = Unification Church Contin…
  • 101. Short Vocabulary: 2008 Boonbongwangs Anointed - Peace King Representatives 2016 "HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection) Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden 2020 Cheon Bo Won Blessing of those who fulfilled 430 Couples on Earth and in Spiritual world ”Heavenly Tribal Messiahs” HTM Cheon Bo Ancestor Liberation & Blessing
  • 102. Ref: Use Google search to find sources ex. <search-text> See also – links Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 1 of 3 Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 2 of 3 Sun Myung Moon & Jesus Part 3 of 3
  • 103. See also links below The Return of the Messiah(s) When! How! Where! Why! Tallin 2015
  • 105. Paektu Mountin N. Korea Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us of the coming KoH! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th Gen inspiration Bengt & Maarit.