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True Value
Jesus &
True Parents
v 1.2
Short Vocabulary:
CBG = Cham Bumo Gyeong, Holy Textbook
CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook
CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH
CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea
DP = Divine Principle, v1973
EDP = Exposition of Divine Principle, v1996
ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven
LSA = Lord of Second Advent
OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament
CT = Completed Testament
TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon
TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon
PHG = Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, Holy Textbook
UC = Unification Church
See also extended Vocabulary:
Aurora Finland
Then they asked him, “What must we do
to do the works God requires?”
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this:
to believe in the one he has sent.”
/John 6:29
But if I do, though you believe not me,
believe the works: that you may know, and believe,
that the Father is in me, and I in him.
/John 10:38
Some men came, bringing to him a
paralyzed man, carried by four of them.
Since they could not get him to Jesus
because of the crowd, they made an
opening in the roof above Jesus by
digging through it and then lowered the
mat the man was lying on.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man,
“Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Comment: This clearly shows
Jesus could forgive Sins already without Crucifixion
Mark 2:1-12
And he (Jesus) said unto the disciples, The days will
come, when you shall desire to see one of the days
of the Son of man, and you shall not see it.
/Luk 17:22
 The Realm of Direct Dominion
What is the realm of God's direct dominion
and what is its purpose?
Human beings abide in the realm of direct dominion when,
as subject partner and object partner, they unite in the love
of God to form a four position foundation and become
one in heart with God.
In this realm they freely and fully share love and beauty
according to the will of the subject partner,
thus realizing the purpose of goodness.
The realm of direct dominion is the realm of perfection.
It is essential for the fulfillment of the purpose of creation.
What will the world be like when the natural
world abides under the direct dominion of
human beings?
When a fully mature person relates with the
diverse things in nature as his object partners,
they come together to form a four position foundation.
People who are in total resonance with God's Heart
will lead the natural world in the free-flowing sharing
of love and beauty, and the entire universe
will realize goodness.
In such a manner, human beings
will exercise direct dominion over all things.
The position of human beings in the cosmos
has three aspects:
• First, God created human beings to be
the rulers of the universe.(Gen. 1:28)CEV|KJ|NI
• Second, God created human beings to be the mediator
and the center of harmony of the cosmos.
• Third, God created human beings to encapsulate
in a substantial form the essences of everything
in the cosmos.
To make it possible for us to perceive and
govern the spirit world, God created our spirits
with the same spiritual elements that compose the spirit world.
The spirits of Moses and Elijah and Jesus was able to
Human beings, composed of flesh which can dominate
the physical world and
spirit which can dominate the spiritual world,
likewise have the potential to rule both worlds.
Just as there is inseparable oneness between
the mind and body of a true person centered on God,
there is inseparable oneness between God and
a true person who together form a four position foundation.
In that union, the person experiences the Heart of God
as his own reality.
Having a fully mature character, such a person
is a temple of God, in whom God can dwell continually,
and comes to possess a divine nature.
(I Cor. 3:16)CEV|KJ|NI; (cf. Creation 3.2)
A person who has completed the purpose of
creation thus encapsulates all the essences of
everything in the cosmos.
This is why a human being is called
a microcosm of the universe.
For these reasons, a human being has the value
of the entire cosmos.
Background: Ken Akehurst was the blind
medium who passed to the Higher Life
on 28 July 1978.
After passing,
His messages from spirit world,
transmitted through G.M. Roberts,
was published in this book
"Everyones Guide to the Hereafter".
They strongly support Divine Principles
Fall of Man and Mission of Jesus.
I have been asked, many times, since I
have been over here to tell people, still on
the Earth Plane, what I now know about
The first and most important thing is to confirm
that He is and what He said, during His short time
on Earth.
The Son of God, and therefore the Jews made their
biggest mistake in having Him put to death.
If he had been allowed to live He would
have gone on teaching and in the end,
been accepted by all as the Son of God,
and the world would have become
a better place for it.
But Man has free will and He was put to death
and the plans made by God were thwarted.
Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the
climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, and into
He (Jesus) therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah,
manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah
then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained in the sign
Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through - symbolically - in the sign
Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in Aquaria, the
sign Aquarius. (p. 81)
Old Test.
New Test.
Completed Test.
Aquarian Age
New 3rd Adam!
Age of Capricorn
Law-Lex talionis
Age of Fish
Faith & Love
Life in KoH
Age of Aquarius
Divine Mind/Body
Physical & Spirit
Jesus & Sun Myung Moon
Jesus said: “Lets go to the Blessing”
To attain the position of the Parents, Jesus,
as the bridegroom, had to have His bride.
Jesus and his bride, as the ancestors who have nothing
to do with the Fall, should have been the True Parents
of humanity.
Jesus was in the position of the True Father.
Yet in order for him to stand as the True Father of
humanity on earth, he needed someone in the position
of the True Mother.
Jesus completed his mission as a son,
but he could not find a bride who could become
the True Mother. That is why he left the earth,
remaining only a spiritual Parent.
The resurrected Jesus, as the bridegroom, represents
The Holy Spirit, as his bride, represents the earth.
In this way, Jesus and the Holy Spirit established the
standard of the spiritual parents.
The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary.
The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal –
he will manifest again.
Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself
and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project
himself and be seen by the saints.
This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
This is the end of an age, and the battle that is raging
is really Armageddon.
It's a battle between the selfish, brutal men who do not
think in terms of God or things which are associated with
that word - against those peoples who will be the
harbingers of the New Age.
You are now in the new Age - and old things are
being destroyed - and new things - which are eternal
but which are new only because mankind has now
reached the point where it is able to recognize them
and use them.
From the days of John the Baptist until now the
kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent
men take it by force. /Mathew 11:12
 The revelators seldom live to see their revelations 
widely accepted. But they do always draw to them – 
and leave behind them – 
a group who continue the revelation.
 But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because 
it needs education and it will take time. 
Nobody can give away perfection. 
Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans 
goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to 
loose that perfection, and she must now choose to 
return to it. 
  But you cannot expect the message to be 
accepted immediately by vast numbers of people 
only those who are ready and who are willing to 
listen and to whom this particular message 
seems to be right and meaningful. 
That is the way that all the world teachers have 
had to go. 
And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, 
it can not fail. And it is of God.
                                             /Arthur Ford sitting 1965 
True Parents 
”The Portal” 
to Eternal Happiness
1st WW
2nd WW
3rd WW
1st Advent
2nd Advent
Messiah - Jesus
-Isak –Jacob
Moses …
True Parents
New lev
New leve
New leve
Divine Messianic Thoughts will create a New World
“…the Son of Man has authority on earth 
     to forgive sins” /Mark 2:10
The purpose of indemnity is to remove the original sin, 
but in order to remove sin the fundamental problem 
of the lineage has to be solved. 
Fallen human beings cannot possibly resolve the 
problem of their lineage by themselves.
That is why the Messiah is necessary.
                                           /SMM 1970 Oct 13
Since human beings received the satanic blood, 
people cannot return to God by themselves. 
So the Messiah must achieve 
absolute restoration of the lineage, 
renewing the blood line that was 
defiled by Satan. 
This transition must be made. 
This is why
the Messiah must surely come.
Without his coming there will be 
no restoration of lineage.
We must restore the lineage.       
                                                                  /SMM 1988 Jan 7
In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, 
some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come 
back to Israel. 
Korea also became independent in 1948.
What does all this mean? 
It means that the Messiah has come. 
Spiritual Progress
27 yrs
by John
2nd Advent!
Messianic Time-window: Jesus
33 yrs
40 yrs -True Parent)
Jesus 21 yrs
Old Test.
New Test.
2000 yrs
as Messiah!.
7 yrs
7 yrs
Indemnity - Take your Cross!
New Messianic 
Time-window: 2nd Advent – 1st try!
32 yrs
25 yrs
1st try 1945 Korea
as Messiah!.
Has to go to North Korea Pyongyang
Spiritual Churches
Spiritual Progress
7 yrs
7 yrs
Spiritual Progress
New Messianic 
Time-window: 2nd Advent – 2nd try!
32 yrs
27 yrs
2nd try 1947
Pyongyang  Korea
Pyongyang rejection
as Messiah!.
HeungNam Prison!
Korean War 1950-53
7 yrs
7 yrs
Some people found their own way where True Father 
was, and later they brought other Christian believers 
to him. 
True Father held church services for those people. 
In particular after True Father's arrival, some people 
began receiving revelations about him. 
These devout believers found him through the guidance 
of those in the spirit world. 
Many of those who came had been long prepared for 
the coming of True Father, and among them were 
people who had been prepared to receive True Father 
from men before he was born.
The spirit world transcends time and space, 
and the connections of the world of the heart are 
linked in mysterious and profound ways. 
The people who had thus become connected to 
True Father were so overwhelmed by true love 
that when they so much as touched the hem of his
clothes, they felt as if they were floating on air 
and could dance for sheer joy. 
True Father stayed up nights talking to whomever 
came to see him, whether old or young.  
What is the desire of all people today? 
Before they establish a nation and world, 
they would want to welcome True Parents. 
From whom would our future descendants want to be 
Your future sons and daughters would not want to be 
born from your fallen lineage. 
They would want to be born through the bloodline of True 
Parents. That is why True Parents will become the 
starting point of a new future. 
                                                         /SMM 1970.10.19
What is the culminating point of everything? 
It is when everything meets the True Parents. 
The appearance of the True Parents of humankind is the 
hope of history, the hope of the nation, and the hope of 
the providence.
The time when True Parents appear is a climactic event 
occurring only once in history; it never happened before 
and will never occur again. 
From the perspective of the eternal world, a human 
lifetime is but the span of one breath. 
                                                             /SMM 1971.12.5
True Parents are the hope of all humankind
Who are the True Parents that the Unification Church 
speaks about? If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God 
would have become the vertical form of love, and Adam 
and Eve would have become God’s body. 
It would have been as if they were the flesh of God – 
God as the bones, and Adam and Eve the flesh. 
God would have achieved mind and body unity through 
Adam and Eve.
What do True Parents have to do? 
They must rectify the false lineage that forms the root of 
the satanic world, turn around life that has deviated from 
the ideal, and correctly reopen the path of love that has 
gone the wrong way. 
The Bible says that those who seek to die will live, and 
those who seek to live will die. Why is this paradox 
necessary? It is because the satanic world must perish. 
                                                            /SMM  1987.10.4
You only need to resemble the most essential parts. By 
essential parts, I am talking about winning over Satan 
and loving God absolutely. 
That is all you need to inherit from me. 
Then you can dominate and control Satan. 
                                                 /SMM  1987.11.21
                                                  CSG 2006 Book 7
Jesus brought down Blessing (vertical)
                          and Judgement (horisontal).
Ex.John the Baptist who lost his head both symbolically, 
      not realizing he was ”Return of Elijah” (vertical)
      (as Jesus did)
      and literally, being beheaded (horisontal).
     The Jewish diaspora – 2000 years of heavy indemnity.
See Divine Principle - Mission of Messiah.
The Korean War 
25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953
a war between North and South Korea, in which a
United Nations force led by theUnited States fought for 
the South, and China fought for the North, 
which was also assisted by the Soviet Union. 
The war arose from the division of Korea at the end 
of World War II and from 
the global tensions of the Cold War that developed
immediately afterwards.
Based on the Divine Principle, we understand 
that a sacrificial offering must be divided. 
When a high priest presents an offering before the altar 
the people, regardless of their position, bow their heads. 
Even the sovereign of a nation bows his head before 
the offering. 
Soon after its liberation, Korea was divided into North 
and South. 
This happened because Christianity failed to unite with me. 
                                                    /SMM 1987.05.27
New Messianic
Time-window: 2nd Advent – 3rd try - Sucess!
40 yrs
34 yrs
3rd try 1954 Korea
HSA-UWC 1954
Established Church
7 yrs
7 yrs
40 yrs
34 yrs
1960 Korea
Church – Level Blessing
7 yrs
7 yrs
New Messianic
Time-window: 2nd Advent – 3rd try - Sucess!
Main Lecturer
Pres. Eu
Lord of
Second Advent
1950s 60s
Jesus & Sun Myung Moon
Many followers – Inspite of controversy
Unified Korea has the shape of an Angel blowing a horn!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord."
The Archangel Gabriel will blow a sacred trumpet horn
to wake the dead at the Last Judgement
The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching.
It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6
USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.
DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are
similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.
Church level - 1960
The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching.
It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6
USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.
DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are
similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.
Church level - 1960
World level - 2003
The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching.
It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6
USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.
DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are
similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.
Church level - 1960
World level - 2003
Cosmic level - 2013
1st try with John the Baptist
and Jesus as the Messiah
2nd try with Jesus as John the Baptist
40 day fast – desert indemnity trial
3rd try Jesus Crucified.
Only Spir. Salvation
loss of Phys. Lineage – New 2nd
Israel needed!
Potential Holy Marriage Jesus and Bride
Children, Grandchildr, Great grandchildr...
2nd Adve
Law and Indemnity needed!
Eye for an eye
Paradise opened! – Believe in Jesus as Messiah
and follow His way – Original Sin not forgiven
KoH opened! – Receive Blessing – True Parents
Original Sin forgiven follow TP! Live for Others!
4000 BC
2000 BC
2000 AD
1994 AD
B.C. A.D. H.C.
6 Jan 1920
3 Jan
1st Adam
1 Jan
The World again prepared …
Resurrection involves close cooperation
between Physical and Spiritual Worlds
Lord of Second Advent
True Parents
+++++++ +
Resurrection based on:
• Merit of the Age O.T -> N.T. -> C.T
• Gods Word and guidance – Bible, Divine Principle
+ our responsibility to believe and practice it
• Physical self
• Three ordered stages of the growing
Original Sin
Collective Sin
Indemnified. By Jewish diaspora
World War 1,2,3 =Foundation for LSA
Ancestral Sin
Ancestral Liberation
Personal Sin
Indemnified by Jesus Crucifixion
Common Base for defense: 10 Commandments
Like a spiritual Magnet
we are drawn to Sin!
Blessed Couples
See all the New Test. Prophecies being fulfilled in our time,
the Year of the Lord 2016-2024.
Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy
A white cross, a great heavenly way
that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity
and all other religions into one.
He will come
April year (2000-2001) or
2024-2025 (Moon Calendar).
Believe in God
this is the teaching of the holy man who came from Heaven.
Authors Comments:
• Master Nam Sa Go 450 years ago, was the
Nostradamus of the East.
• Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok
• He is the master of both the east and the west; he is the
holy man coming from the olive tree and he appears to
be a man but he is not a man.
He comes as three spirits in one body, those of the
Chung-Do-Ryung, Buddha and Jesus Christ.
Sung Han Lee
Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realm
Google for it!
Sun Myung Moon
True Father
Sun = God,
giver of Light
Myung = Light
Moon = Reflecting
the “Truth”
Light = Truth for
Christians & Mankind
Hak Ja Han
True Mother
1943 -
Hak = Crain
Ja = Girl,
Han = Korea
1960: True Mother a 20 year younger girl,
had to be restored by TF into new 2:nd sinless Eve.
Blessing Church LevelBlessing Church Level
Restoring the Marriage of Jesus
The Biblical Marriage of the Lamb!
Some protests…
But the O.T. does not talk about Jesus marrying!
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. Gen 1:27
You (both male and female), therefore, must be perfect,
as your heavenly Father is perfect. Math 5:48
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience
by the things which he suffered;
and being made perfect,
he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them
that obey him Heb 5:9_________________________________________________
Both Jesus & His Holy Bride should have been made perfect.
The Bible don’t contradicts itself:
Put those two Holy Biblical statements together
and you´ll see that
Jesus as perfect Logos he was,
was still only 50% of that full Logos.
Perfect male and female =
Jesus and his physical Bride - Holy 100% Logos
True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind
been made perfect.
/end comment
Blessing National LevelBlessing National Level
Holy Wedding
On their birthday, February 6, 2003, the Reverend and Mrs.
Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents of humankind, will
celebrate the
“Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Heavenly Parent
and the Parents of Heaven and Earth”
and the “Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families” at
the Training Center of Heaven and Earth at Cheong Pyeong,
South Korea.
Restoring the Physical Fall
3 x7 year Course - Wilderness Cource
1945 1948 1950 1953
Korean WAR!
1975 1982
2005 2008
Nat. Level
CSG v1
Blessing Cosmic Level
CSG v2
2013 CIG
Extracted from the book II Vero Amore (True Love)
December 21, 1979 Rome.
Daniela: We want to ask you how the Movement
[the Unification Church] will develop.
Horward (in spirit world): The truth is the truth.
The Principle shall continue. I already told you that.
It will develop even more after the year 2000.
It is not important whether the person who revealed it will
still be alive at that time. (SMM passed over 2012)
I tell you, he shall work more freely and will accomplish
more when he is in the spirit world than while he
is on earth. (= Prophecy 1979)
Artist BennyAndersson
Feb 2013 KoreaFeb 2013 Korea
Cosmic Level - Cheon Il GukCosmic Level - Cheon Il Guk
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Spiritual Fall
Changes in the Title of True Parents
In accordance with
the Progress of the Providence
1945 Beginning of the Course of the Messiah
1960 Beginning of the Course of True Parents
1997 Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth
2003 Enthronement as King and Queen of Bl. Families
2006 Declaration of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and
2009 Coronation Ceremony of the King of Kings
2010 Establishment of the True Parents of
Heaven, Earth and Humankind
2013 Cheon lI Guk “Two becoming one”
Finally Korea and the World recognizes
the True Value of Holy True Parents:
• German TV channel ProSieben
the Blessing 2016 March 13, 2016
featured-within -the-galileo-programme-the-blessing-2016-english-subtitles
• Belgian TV, Fly Me to the Moon
Brussels, Belgium, 1. February 2016
• Korean TV 2013
New Start
True Father & Jesus
in Spiritual World
April 2013
Inspired painting
Holy Blessing 2016
…rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12:5
Aurora Finland
Share the Gospel of Gospels
Christ has come
A New Bright Future for Sinless Mankind
More slides: Google for ”slideshare bdp003”
Main Source, Divine Principle:
Journal of Unification Studies Volume:
Speeches by Sun Myung Moon:
Cheon Seong Gyeong
+ Unification and Christian friends and some own Inspiration
Remember the beauty in Gods nature
is there to inspire us!
Have a great Blessed week.
Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th... Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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DP & The True Value of Jesus & True Parents

Editor's Notes

  1. v 1.2 Apr 2016 FinlandDP=Divine Principle, the New Revelation by korean Sun Myung Moon
  2. The principle as the truth has been revealed historically as follows: Original copy of the Divine Principle (May 10, 1952), Explanation of the Divine Principle (Aug. 15, 1957), Exposition of the Divine Principle (May 1, 1966) and Original Divine Principle started to be educated (Oct. 10, 2008). Exceptionally there has not been any new book published for ODP besides the lecture notes. When you see them, you realize they are the contents of the principle detailed by the ideas of the Unification thought and some of Father's words, which, accordingly, would leave some members confused in thinking the workshop seems based on lectures that explore a deeper level of the Principle.
  3. Source:
  7. p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion with the sun out of Aries, Aries and into Pisces, Pisces. He therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained in the sign Aries, scapegoat, they must again pass through - symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in Aquaria, the sign Aquarius.
  8. Life – TRUTH – The Way – Bible: O.T. –> Bible: N.T. => Divine Principle C.T. C.T. = Completed Testament Introduction: More and more people know and accept that we live in the transition between the Piscean and Aquarian Age. In each such age shift usually the ancient wisdom is rewritten for the new age. So even this time. Master D.K. has planned to convey the new esoteric teaching in three phases. In the first phase, he collaborated with H. P. Blavatsky, and in the second phase of Alice A. Bailey. And in the 2000s, a third phase of teaching that is conveyed. Compare with Divine Principles (1973,1996,2005) Alice A. Bailey worked with a leader of a group of Tibetan lamas (monks). 1948 published this book the first time, to prepare a team for the return of Christ, which they felt was close. Compare 1947 in Sun Myung Moon's life story p.30 Today humanity in a very special and unique center, between an unhappy past and a future that is full of promises about the return of Christ will be recognized and preparation for His arrival made. Our present time is full of promises and also full of problems. The world's fate, today and in the near future, are in the hands of human beings - and if it reverently can be expressed - the immediate activity of Christ. War agony, and the entire human family accident led Christ to the year 1945 come to a major decision - a decision that came to be expressed in two very important statements. He declared for the overall spiritual hierarchy and to all his servants and disciples on earth that He decided to show up again in a physical contact with humanity, if they would lay a foundation to establish right human relations; second, so He gave to the world (to be used by the "man on the street"), one of the oldest prayers that ever existed, but not allowed to be used by other than the most exalted spiritual beings. It reads as follows in translation: From the source of light within the mind of God Let light stream out in people's minds Let Light descend on Earth. From the center of love in the heart of God Let light stream out in people's minds May Christ return to Earth. From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men - The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center we call the human race Let the Plan of Love and Light are worked out. And may it seal the door where evil exists. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Earth Plane. P. 45 ... circumstances and what will happen will not necessarily be exactly as Scripture seems to show. For example, as the Christian Scriptures say, He will certainly come "on the clouds of heaven" (Matt.26: 64). But of what importance is this when millions come and go on the clouds, every hour day and night? p. 56-57 It's a different world he now plans to return to and this is largely due to the intellectual development of mankind. This gives him enormous difficulties, because people's minds must now be reached and not just their hearts (as in former ages) about God's will be uföras intelligently on Earth. ... The currently accepted idea that he will return as a victor, omnipotent and irresistible, has no basis in reality. He eventually comes to lead His people, mankind into Jerusalem as a fact, based on a secure foundation, but it will not enter a jew city Jerusalem, but in a "Peace Place" (which is the "Jerusalem" meaning). p. 62 works of Christ and the preaching will be difficult to accept for the Christian world, yet lighter accepted in the East. He is the World preacher and not merely a Christian preacher. p. 69 "time of decision" as it is called in all hierarchical circles, occurred in the period between the full moon in June 1936 and the full moon in June 1945. The timing of the decision therefore covered 9 years (a relatively short period of time), it resulted in the decision that Christ would again prove or return in visible form on Earth as soon as possible, and considerably earlier than planned. Comment: 1936 was the year after that Sun Myung Moon of Jesus received the mission to meet the resurgence. Compare also the period 1936-45 with the period when Sun Myung Moon discovered the Divine Principles. See his life story. At this time, July 6, 1935 in Qinghai, the 14th Dalai Lama was born. Another historical another spiritual giant. Tibet's now (2012) well-known leader the Dalai Lama! More parallels Korea and Tibet. 1950 Korean War broke out. A war between ideologies ... the Communist Denial of God (North Korea) and God-respecting democracies! (South Korea) 1951 attacked the Communist Mao's China Tibet. The Dalai Lama fled into exile in India. 87,000 Tibetans were killed in the weeks ahead. p. 81 Christ came to end the Jewish dispensation which should have been the climax and disappeared as a religion along with the sun gone out Aries, Aries and into Pisces. He therefore presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifested by the Jewish race. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, then the Jewish race symbolically and practically remained in the sign of Aries, The scapegoat, they must again pass through - symbolically - in the sign Pisces, and recognize their Messiah when He comes again in Aquaries, sign Aquarius. Otherwise, they are to repeat their ancient sin not to react to human development. They rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert, they repeated it again in Palestine 2000 years ago, they will be repeating this, when they are given the chance? The problem of the Jew is that he remains satisfied with the religion of more than 4000 years back and so far shows little interest in changing. Source: Alice A. Bailey THE REAPPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST Lucis Publishing Company
  9. "In February when I was 17 years old (16 western counting), Jesus came to me saying 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to the Blessing.' I didn't know the term Blessing meant marriage at the time." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 18 HC / May. 8, 2012) Early Easter morning 1935, after I had spent the entire night in prayer, Jesus appeared before me. He appeared in an instant, like a gust of wind, and said to me, “God is in great sorrow because of the pain of humankind. You must take on a special mission on earth having to do with Heaven’s work.” That day, I saw clearly the sorrowful face of Jesus. I heard his voice clearly. The experience of witnessing the manifestation of Jesus caused my body to shake violently, like a quaking aspen’s leaves trembling in a strong breeze. I was simultaneously overcome with fear so great I felt I might die and gratitude so profound I felt I might explode. Jesus spoke clearly about the work I would have to do. His words were extraordinary, having to do with saving humanity from its suffering and bringing joy to God. My initial response was, “I can’t do this. How can I do this? Why would you even give me a mission of such paramount importance?” I was truly afraid. I wanted somehow to avoid this mission, and I clung to the hem of his clothing and wept inconsolably. /from Biography
  12. Why so much division within Christianity and also UC.
  13. v.1.0 Mar 2016 Finland
  14. / The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
  15. This is a Free interpretation of Jesus 3x7 years, that SMM talks about in Chambumo Gyeong.
  16. This is a Free interpretation of Jesus 3x7 years, that SMM talks about in Chambumo Gyeong.
  17. This is a Free interpretation of Jesus 3x7 years, that SMM talks about in Chambumo Gyeong.
  18. This is a Free interpretation of Jesus 3x7 years, that SMM talks about in Chambumo Gyeong.
  19. This is a Free interpretation of Jesus 3x7 years, that SMM talks about in Chambumo Gyeong.
  20. Following Christ “The Way” as early Christians labeled it, means treading into the realm where no Law or Police is needed Heavenly Law – True Love abides.
  21. Heavenly Calendar = H.C. started by Sun Myung Moon in 2010. Year 1 The Birth of 1st,2nd and 3rd Adam is according to SMM, Moon Calendar.
  22. See Dr. Chang Shik Yang 1998
  23. See Dr. Chang Shik Yang 1998
  24. Like a peace of metal in a magnetic field, we are pushed and pulled around by invisible “spiritual forces” that effect us in our daily life.10 Commandments are still a valid base to follow! “According to Dae Mo Nim, we are not just ourselves, but always there are our good and evil ancestors, good and evil spirits from history, so it is possible we may waver sometimes…Father has said that when you have a problem you are struggling with, then read at least 10 of his prayers and then the answer will come to you. Right now there is a spiritual typhoon. We have to stand at 90 degrees and make sure we have an absolute relationship between husband and wife and an absolute relationship with heaven.”
  26. Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy
  27. See Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Real
  28. TF asked the sisters if anyone had a dream about becoming bride of the Lord. There were educated ladies like Dr Young Oon Kim and others. But TF choose a young pure korean girl.
  29. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  30. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  31. Heavenly Calendar = H.C. started by Sun Myung Moon in 2010. Year 1 The Birth of 1st,2nd and 3rd Adam is according to SMM, Moon Calendar.
  32. Source: Google for ”Unusual Beginnings in Italy”
  33. Source: Google for ”Unusual Beginnings in Italy”
  34. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  35. Barbara House Dream of Jesus and True Father in Spirit World Posted by Hermine Schellen on April 6, 2013 at 7:30am The following is an incredible testimony of one sister's spiritual experience during Easter. This testimony is a powerful witness that there is great new hope on the horizon, despite all the difficulties we are facing right now, in our movement. (H. Sch.)Betsy Halpert Orman wrote: Received this from my Regional Director, from a sister named Barbara House in Connecticut. Revival is coming. This is amazing — a must read! ~~~~~~~ "On Easter I had a spiritual experience that I would like to share with you. Several members of our family went to Sunday service to the Baptist Church, that Adrian's grandfather had been a deacon in. It is a lovely church community and through the singing a beautiful atmosphere was created. At one point, when I closed my eyes, I saw TrueFather in front of me. He was so lively, and beaming with happiness. He wore a light beige colored suit, a white shirt and a light colored tie. He was standing very relaxed, putting his weight more on one hip. Then I saw that True Father was holding hands withJesus, who was standing to his right. True Father was alternating between embracingJesus with his right arm, or holding his hand. True Father was so blissfully happy. Even he was surprised by the glory and enormity of happiness of the occasion. Jesus was dressed in a white cotton gown, with with a red and blue stripe going down from the top to the bottom on each side of his neck. I felt very happy and blessed to be there, and thought, what an opportunity to see Jesus' face. Instead of his face though, there was only a rectangular cut piece of wood. Suddenly from inside the wood a big smiling face appeared. Smiling from ear to ear, brimming with happiness, Jesus' face appeared. He was clean shaven, and it was clear that this is the way he wants to be seen, with a face fulfilled and blissfully happy. If you want to find Jesus, you have to look for him with a smile on his face. Jesus would also love to have himself portrayed that way in images. It came to me that this Easter is so historic, because this is the first Easter that True Fatherand Jesus are together in the spiritual world. Jesus ascended on Easter, and he gave his mission to True Father on Easter morning, when True Father was 16 years old. Now TrueFather completed his mission and reunited with Jesus on this spectacular Easter. A new era has begun. It was then that I saw that True Father and Jesus were standing on a small hill, with millions of millions of people cheering them on. They were all in a beautiful landscape, and True Father and Jesus could be seen by all. My heart was filled to bursting. It was incredible. I truly experienced Heaven. It was Christianity's official introduction to True Father. My sense was that most of the participants were not sure who that man was who was standing with Jesus, but they knew two things, that True Father made Jesus so happy, as they had never seen him before, and that they themselves experienced a level of heart and love that they had never known was possible. It was their first experience of heaven. This was my first spiritual experience with True Father since he went into the spiritual world. It was so moving. I could not stop my tears. This could have been the end of the story, but it was not. In the afternoon, while I was standing at my kitchen sink peeling potatoes for dinner, I was transported to this realm again. Just out of the blue. Again I saw True Father andJesus. Now it was time for evening entertainment! The event was indoors, and TrueFather and Jesus were dancing on stage. Again it was the same feeling of heavenly bliss. There is just nothing to describe it. I was told three things: Number 1, that this was a real event taking place, not just my own spiritual experience,Number 2, that I was there in the function of a witness, and Number 3, that there will be other witnesses around the world. First I understood witness to mean that I was there witnessing the event. It took me a couple of days (laying sick in bed) to realize that I was supposed to give witness about this event. This is why I am sharing this with you." God bless youBarbara