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Sunday Sermon
27 Feb 2022
The need for MESSIAH(s)
The Year of the Black Tiger
True Parents
of Heaven Earth
and Humankind
v 1
Sin in the human race had its origin in Adam and Eve,
but sin in the universe had its origin in angelic beings
that rebelled against the Creator.
Source: Verheven; Deviation and Restoration
Looking at the mind and the body,
the mind is the subject partner, in the plus position,
and the body is the object partner, in the minus position.
Even so, they fight each other. How did they come to fight?
It is because the body became another plus.
The body should be eternally the object partner
before the mind, but it took over the position of
subject partner.
That was the Fall. /SMM 1972.09.03
And the eyes of them (Adam & Eve) both were opened,
and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig
leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
(covering sexual organs) - Gen. 3:7
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
and IN SIN did my mother CONCEIVE me.- Psalm 51:7
Jesus hinted...
you brood of vipers - literally OFFSPRING of satan
- Math 12:34
You are of YOUR FATHER the devil,
and your will is to do YOUR FATHERS desires. - John 8:44
SMM (Sun Myung Moon) spoke crystal clear PLAIN TRUTH;
Lucifer <–> Eve => Eve <–> Adam
Spiritual Physical
=> Fallen Mankind - ”Fruits; a Spiritually dead Mankind”
” For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with
birth pangs together until now.” - Rome 8:22
• Depression
• Sucide
• Anger, Hate – Riots
• Rape – Violence
• Mass shootings
• …
• Original Sin multiplied
• Evil spiritual Gravity!
• Free Sex – Netporno
• Prostitution
• Teenagers cutting
• Drugs – Crime …
Root Cause:
Original Sin
fallen sexual union reconnecting
spiritually – evil Spirits, ancestors
physically – evil deeds - Fallen natures
the Fall of Man
opening the pandoras box of satan(s)
and evil spiritual influence….
Sad summary of The Fall: (Ideal=No sin)
Connection = Holy Word of God was lost!
TRUE ideal MARRIAGE were lost!
TRUE ideal PARENTS were lost
TRUE ideal CHILDREN were lost
Ideal Kingdom of Heaven were lost!
Fatima Prophecy
World war I
Of the three children there (who, symbolically, were
representative of the children of the Earth, the
children of men), two were told that their bodies
would pass into death and that they would come
into the heavenly regions (Francisco and Jacinta
Martand) died.
Warned? Yes, by the appearance of the angel
[of the Mother of Jesus]; not warned as men know
warnings, excepting that they are attuned within.
That whole event in human destiny of the two
children of the three, dying and being taken to
heaven (not the supreme heaven, but into heaven in
accord with their just reward and opportunities to
move forward in spiritual consciousness)
is symbolic of that which- that indeed of which -
the angel of the Mother of Jesus warns yet today.
She (Mary) warns of the danger of a vast and devastating world
war in which, at worst, two-thirds of the children of men
shall die.
She warned that it may come quickly – and –
unexpectedly through those events that will build in
the regions about Jerusalem and across the region
called Palestine and in that called Israel today and
in the lands thereabout.
1960 the letter to the Pope was delivered.
But never published by the Vatican.
What does the Third Fatima message contain?
An important landmark in the evolution of mankind is
the year 1998 when the people of the whole world will
decide between spiritual transformation and self-destruction.
Only those capable of spiritual transformation can survive
the sorting of mankind. If people had got to know of this
prophecy, which should have been the last warning,
in the year 1960, they would have had almost 40 years
for the spiritual awakening and straightening from the
distortions of life.
/end Fatima
Prediction & Prophecy
Prediction is like ex. weather-report
We have high- and lowpreassure, temp. airspeed
so we predict the weather tomorrow to be...
Prophecy is always dual; since
it involves fallen unpredictable man. eat you will die
so don’t eat you will live
IF... John the B. and the Scribes had understood
and followed Jesus ...then a Kingdom on Earth would come.
The Principle is clear on Prophecy
When God warned; eat you will die
It involved Mans full responsability of the outcome!
Not the tradition so far that God knows that they would fall
so He could later send Jesus as the Messiah.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars,
but see to it that you are not alarmed.
Such things must happen, but the end is
still to come. Nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be famines and earthquakes in
various places.
All these are the beginning of birth pains. - Math 24:6
Divine Principle v96
The First and Second World Wars had the providential
purpose of dividing the globe into the communist world
and the democratic world.
Afterward, yet another war must take place
to bring about their unification.
This conflict is the Third World War.
It is inevitable that the Third World War take place;
however, there are two possible ways it may be fought.
One way to bring satan's side to surrender is through
armed conflict. However, at the conclusion of the conflict,
there should come an ideal world in which all humanity is
to rejoice together. This can never be built merely by
defeating enemies in battle.
Afterward, they must be brought to submission internally,
that everyone may be reconciled
and rejoice sincerely from the bottom of their hearts.
To accomplish this, there must come a perfect ideology
which can satisfy the desires of the original nature of all people.
End of the sad part 😇
Then what does God intend to do with this fallen world?
God is living and God is almighty.
As I said, God is a God of love. God, our Creator, has a Will.
That Will is to restore this world into the world of true peace.
In other words, He will restore the world of His original nature
and ideal by re-creating the present world. For this reason,
there is hope for true peace in the future. God's Will is to
eradicate selfishness from each individual, then transform
or re-create that person into His own temple,
and make all people Holy.
/Pyeong Hwa Gyeong Book 9
Jesus; Due to the people's disbelief in him,
Jesus died on the cross before he could establish the Kingdom.
When he was at the point of dying on the cross without fulfilling
this purpose, he told the thief that he would enter only Paradise.
Paradise refers to the realm in the spirit world for those spirits
who have attained the level of life spirits by believing in Jesus
during their earthly life. There they remain in waiting until
the day when the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven is opened.
/DP Resurrection
Jesus promised
a Return!
Happy summary of The coming of True Parents:
Connection + Holy Word of God is found!
TRUE ideal MARRIAGE is found!
TRUE ideal PARENTS was found!
TRUE ideal CHILDREN was found!
Ideal Kingdom of Heaven was found! - CIG
2000 year of preparation for
the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther 1483-1546 Germany
R. Steiner 1861-1925 - Antroposophy
Nostradamus France 1503-1566
Swedenborg Sweden 1688-1772
Besant-Krishnamurti-Bailey 1930s – 1945
The Reappearance of Christ
Tagore India – 1861-1941 Nobel price 1913 - Korea will be the Lamp bearer of the East
Yeats Ireland poet 1865-1939
St John of Patmos Greece – Revelation hapter in Bible
Fatima-Portugal 1917 – Lúcia Jacinta, Francisco 3 children
Arthur Ford 1897–1971
Vanga 1911-1996 Bulgarian blind prophet
Pastor Branham 1909-1965 USA –
Serpent seed 1958 – Lucifer+Eve => Cain
Jesus promise the return!
Who Is He - Korean Phophecies
”1920 The Second Coming”
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return –
it is not necessary.
The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal –
he will manifest again. 
Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964
Arthur Ford was one of Americas most famous mediums.
Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World.
A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.
Jesus did not die on the cross as the son.
If he had been in the position of the son
having spirit and body united,
becoming a victorious offering to God,
there would be no need for him to come again.
He could not offer his total self. He could offer only half of
himself. He lost his body and could offer only his spirit.
This represents a level equivalent to the angelic realm
in the spirit world.
Adam and Eve should have received God's
blessing and obtained recognition as the
True Parents of humanity,
but they failed to accomplish this.
They married without permission while still immature and
did not begin the completion stage.
In short, one year was prolonged to 1 000 years,
and seven years to 7 000 years.
We are indemnifying this in seven years.
This is the seven-year course.
SMM /Cham Bumo Gyeong Book 5 (1969/05/25)
Human beings, who are born as fallen
descendants of Adam and Eve,
can never go to heaven unless they walk
the seven-year restoration course.
It is not spoken of in the Bible,
but Jesus also traveled such a course,
the seven-year period from when he was 27 to when he was 33.
The period from age 34 to 40 would have been his second
seven-year course.
If Jesus had started at age 20,
the period from age 33 to 40
would have been the third seven-year course.
In this way, Jesus could have established
the worldwide foundation by age 40.
(Comment: Compare True Parents Blessing 1960,
SMM 40 years old - latest time to be True Parents)
However, because the people did not accept him (Jesus) and
he died, that period remains in the Bible as seven years of
great calamity and disturbance.
SMM /Cham Bumo Gyeong Book 5 (021-061, 1968/09/01)
1st Adam
1st Eve
Garden of Eden
2nd Adam - Jesus
2nd Eve? missing
Foundation for Return laid!
Fall of
Garden of Eden
Kingdom of Heaven
On Earth and in Heaven
3rd Adam – Messiah
3rd Eve
Cheon Il Guk
Of Heaven Earth
and Humankind
Summary: Who needs MESSIAH(s) -
True Parents
1. God needs True Parents on Earth
to re-connect Physically & Spiritually to Mankind
Not only One Original True Parents, but many…
generations of true parents, to keep connections.
Summary: Who needs True Parents
2. Spirit World –
Resurrection needs True Parents
At the time of the Second Advent, all life spirits who
dwell in Paradise descend to the people on earth who,
by believing in and attending the Lord, can attain the
level of divine spirit. By cooperating with these people
to fulfill God's Will for the providence of restoration,
the spirits can share the same benefit and enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Accordingly, all the spirits will descend from Paradise
in that day and assist the believers on the earth.
Summary: Who needs True Parents
3. Mans Perfection needs True Parents
the 3 Great Blessings being fulfilled;
Be fruitful – Sinless unity of Mind and Body
and multiply – Divine Marriage, Children, Grandchildren...
and fill the earth and subdue it; 
have dominion over …every living thing
that moves upon the earth. – Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
- Gen. 1:28
"Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised
his hand and pointed to various members of the
audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you...
and you also, if you can accept it.
Be urgently concerned for the world and know,
feel and act in accordance with the Divine Will.
The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day
all shall be like him - like Christ." /SMM 1965
Summary: Who needs True Parents
4. Jesus needs True Parents
and a wife – Divine Marriage
Those who have lived in this era could be resurrected
in spirit by believing in the Gospel during
their earthly life. By being resurrected to the
growth stage, they could become life spirits.
Upon their death, those who became life
spirits while on earth enter and abide in
Paradise, the life-spirit level of the spirit world.
/DP Chapt 5
Summary: Who needs True Parents
5. Mankind needs True Parents
and the Holy Marriage Blessing
1982 2020
Summary: Who needs True Parents
6. The whole Creation needs True Parents
For the earnest expectation of the creation
eagerly waits
for the revealing of the sons of God. - Romans 8:19
Summary: Who needs True Parents
7. The Perfection of the Angelic World needs True Parents
8. The Family Pledge needs True Parents
The Family Pledge explained
The True Parents are the Parents of Heaven and Earth while
God is the Parent of the Cosmos. The Parents of Heaven
and Earth are on the earth for one generation.
Their life ends after one generation.
The cosmos is God's home; it is eternal.
The Chinese characters for cosmos ( 天宙 )
include two ( ニ ) people ( 人 ) and a home ( 宙 ).
The character representing top knot ( 宀 ) signifies being
comfortable. Since it is in the character for home ( 宙 ),
it signifies a house where two people can live freely.
Chinese signs - Subconscious
4 position = Chinese for No. 4 on top of sin, crime, guilt
(Sin is not fulfilling the 4 position foundation, Rev. Yong)
靜也 quiet: the woman is home, all is well.
2 women = chinese "a quarrel"
3 women = chinese "adultery" or
"something bad" for 4,000 years
children carrying parents on their back= chinese for “fidelity”
So the cosmos is a house where
two people can live together freely.
That is why we say that the cosmos-centered ideology
is Godism.
From now on, you have to understand the difference between
the Parent of the Cosmos (God) and
the Parents of Heaven and Earth. (True Parents)
When we say "Parents of Heaven and Earth" we are referring
to the two perfected people who represent God in substantial
form and who stand in the central position for all matters of
this world.
/CSG 2014 Book 2 True Parents
Messiah(s); True Parents & Jesus – Cosmos
is like having 3 x Jesus; 1 on Earth and 2 in Spirit World
Millions of messiah(s) – All of Mankind for Eternity!
The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day
all shall be like him - like Christ." /SMM 1965
A true parent
3 Spiritual Stars
of Sermon
References: Divine Principle & the Bible
+ some own Inspiration.
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there
to inspire the most Holy original inside us all!
Have a great Blessed week. :-) Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration
by Bengt.
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Sermon - The need for Messiah(s)

  • 1. Sunday Sermon 27 Feb 2022 The need for MESSIAH(s) The Year of the Black Tiger
  • 2. Why True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind v 1
  • 3. Sin in the human race had its origin in Adam and Eve, but sin in the universe had its origin in angelic beings that rebelled against the Creator. Source: Verheven; Deviation and Restoration
  • 4. Looking at the mind and the body, the mind is the subject partner, in the plus position, and the body is the object partner, in the minus position. Even so, they fight each other. How did they come to fight? It is because the body became another plus. The body should be eternally the object partner before the mind, but it took over the position of subject partner. That was the Fall. /SMM 1972.09.03
  • 5. OT: And the eyes of them (Adam & Eve) both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (covering sexual organs) - Gen. 3:7 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and IN SIN did my mother CONCEIVE me.- Psalm 51:7 NT: Jesus hinted... you brood of vipers - literally OFFSPRING of satan - Math 12:34 You are of YOUR FATHER the devil, and your will is to do YOUR FATHERS desires. - John 8:44
  • 6. SMM (Sun Myung Moon) spoke crystal clear PLAIN TRUTH; An ILLICIT SEXUAL FALL = Lucifer <–> Eve => Eve <–> Adam Spiritual Physical => Fallen Mankind - ”Fruits; a Spiritually dead Mankind” ” For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.” - Rome 8:22
  • 7. • Depression • Sucide • Anger, Hate – Riots • Rape – Violence • Mass shootings • … • Original Sin multiplied • Evil spiritual Gravity! • Free Sex – Netporno • Prostitution • Teenagers cutting • Drugs – Crime … Fruits Modern Hells
  • 8. Root Cause: Original Sin fallen sexual union reconnecting spiritually – evil Spirits, ancestors physically – evil deeds - Fallen natures the Fall of Man opening the pandoras box of satan(s) and evil spiritual influence….
  • 9. Sad summary of The Fall: (Ideal=No sin) Connection = Holy Word of God was lost! TRUE ideal MARRIAGE were lost! TRUE ideal PARENTS were lost TRUE ideal CHILDREN were lost Ideal Kingdom of Heaven were lost!
  • 11. Of the three children there (who, symbolically, were representative of the children of the Earth, the children of men), two were told that their bodies would pass into death and that they would come into the heavenly regions (Francisco and Jacinta Martand) died. Warned? Yes, by the appearance of the angel [of the Mother of Jesus]; not warned as men know warnings, excepting that they are attuned within.
  • 12. That whole event in human destiny of the two children of the three, dying and being taken to heaven (not the supreme heaven, but into heaven in accord with their just reward and opportunities to move forward in spiritual consciousness) is symbolic of that which- that indeed of which - the angel of the Mother of Jesus warns yet today.
  • 13. She (Mary) warns of the danger of a vast and devastating world war in which, at worst, two-thirds of the children of men shall die. She warned that it may come quickly – and – unexpectedly through those events that will build in the regions about Jerusalem and across the region called Palestine and in that called Israel today and in the lands thereabout.
  • 14. 1960 the letter to the Pope was delivered. But never published by the Vatican. What does the Third Fatima message contain? An important landmark in the evolution of mankind is the year 1998 when the people of the whole world will decide between spiritual transformation and self-destruction. Only those capable of spiritual transformation can survive the sorting of mankind. If people had got to know of this prophecy, which should have been the last warning, in the year 1960, they would have had almost 40 years for the spiritual awakening and straightening from the distortions of life. /end Fatima
  • 15. Prediction & Prophecy Prediction is like ex. weather-report We have high- and lowpreassure, temp. airspeed so we predict the weather tomorrow to be... Prophecy is always dual; since it involves fallen unpredictable man. eat you will die so don’t eat you will live IF... John the B. and the Scribes had understood and followed Jesus ...then a Kingdom on Earth would come.
  • 16. The Principle is clear on Prophecy When God warned; eat you will die It involved Mans full responsability of the outcome! Not the tradition so far that God knows that they would fall so He could later send Jesus as the Messiah.
  • 17. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. - Math 24:6
  • 18. Divine Principle v96 The First and Second World Wars had the providential purpose of dividing the globe into the communist world and the democratic world. Afterward, yet another war must take place to bring about their unification. This conflict is the Third World War. It is inevitable that the Third World War take place; however, there are two possible ways it may be fought.
  • 19. One way to bring satan's side to surrender is through armed conflict. However, at the conclusion of the conflict, there should come an ideal world in which all humanity is to rejoice together. This can never be built merely by defeating enemies in battle. Afterward, they must be brought to submission internally, that everyone may be reconciled and rejoice sincerely from the bottom of their hearts. To accomplish this, there must come a perfect ideology which can satisfy the desires of the original nature of all people.
  • 20. End of the sad part 😇
  • 21. Then what does God intend to do with this fallen world? God is living and God is almighty. As I said, God is a God of love. God, our Creator, has a Will. That Will is to restore this world into the world of true peace. In other words, He will restore the world of His original nature and ideal by re-creating the present world. For this reason, there is hope for true peace in the future. God's Will is to eradicate selfishness from each individual, then transform or re-create that person into His own temple, and make all people Holy. /Pyeong Hwa Gyeong Book 9
  • 22. Jesus; Due to the people's disbelief in him, Jesus died on the cross before he could establish the Kingdom. When he was at the point of dying on the cross without fulfilling this purpose, he told the thief that he would enter only Paradise. Paradise refers to the realm in the spirit world for those spirits who have attained the level of life spirits by believing in Jesus during their earthly life. There they remain in waiting until the day when the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven is opened. /DP Resurrection Jesus promised a Return!
  • 23. Happy summary of The coming of True Parents: Connection + Holy Word of God is found! TRUE ideal MARRIAGE is found! TRUE ideal PARENTS was found! TRUE ideal CHILDREN was found! Ideal Kingdom of Heaven was found! - CIG
  • 24. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther 1483-1546 Germany R. Steiner 1861-1925 - Antroposophy Nostradamus France 1503-1566 Swedenborg Sweden 1688-1772 Blavatsky-Theosophy Besant-Krishnamurti-Bailey 1930s – 1945 The Reappearance of Christ Tagore India – 1861-1941 Nobel price 1913 - Korea will be the Lamp bearer of the East Yeats Ireland poet 1865-1939 St John of Patmos Greece – Revelation hapter in Bible Fatima-Portugal 1917 – Lúcia Jacinta, Francisco 3 children Arthur Ford 1897–1971 Vanga 1911-1996 Bulgarian blind prophet Pastor Branham 1909-1965 USA – Serpent seed 1958 – Lucifer+Eve => Cain Jesus promise the return! Who Is He - Korean Phophecies ”1920 The Second Coming”
  • 25. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 ”1920” Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok Jesus Korean Phophecies Africa
  • 26. Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return – it is not necessary. The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.  Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964 Arthur Ford was one of Americas most famous mediums. Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World. A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.
  • 27. Jesus did not die on the cross as the son. If he had been in the position of the son having spirit and body united, becoming a victorious offering to God, there would be no need for him to come again. He could not offer his total self. He could offer only half of himself. He lost his body and could offer only his spirit. This represents a level equivalent to the angelic realm in the spirit world.
  • 28. Adam and Eve should have received God's blessing and obtained recognition as the True Parents of humanity, but they failed to accomplish this. They married without permission while still immature and did not begin the completion stage. In short, one year was prolonged to 1 000 years, and seven years to 7 000 years. We are indemnifying this in seven years. This is the seven-year course. SMM /Cham Bumo Gyeong Book 5 (1969/05/25)
  • 29. Human beings, who are born as fallen descendants of Adam and Eve, can never go to heaven unless they walk the seven-year restoration course. It is not spoken of in the Bible, but Jesus also traveled such a course, the seven-year period from when he was 27 to when he was 33. The period from age 34 to 40 would have been his second seven-year course.
  • 30. If Jesus had started at age 20, the period from age 33 to 40 would have been the third seven-year course. In this way, Jesus could have established the worldwide foundation by age 40. (Comment: Compare True Parents Blessing 1960, SMM 40 years old - latest time to be True Parents) However, because the people did not accept him (Jesus) and he died, that period remains in the Bible as seven years of great calamity and disturbance. SMM /Cham Bumo Gyeong Book 5 (021-061, 1968/09/01)
  • 31. 1st Adam 1st Eve Garden of Eden 2nd Adam - Jesus 2nd Eve? missing Foundation for Return laid! Fall of Man Eternal Garden of Eden Kingdom of Heaven On Earth and in Heaven 3rd Adam – Messiah 3rd Eve TRUE PARENTS Cheon Il Guk 2013 P o t e n t i a l … D i v i n e P e r f e c t i o n P o t e n t i a l … P h y s i c a l S a l v a t i o n TRUE PARENTS Of Heaven Earth and Humankind P h y s i c a l & S p i r i t u a l S a l v a t i o n
  • 32. Summary: Who needs MESSIAH(s) - True Parents 1. God needs True Parents on Earth to re-connect Physically & Spiritually to Mankind Not only One Original True Parents, but many… generations of true parents, to keep connections.
  • 33. Summary: Who needs True Parents 2. Spirit World – Resurrection needs True Parents At the time of the Second Advent, all life spirits who dwell in Paradise descend to the people on earth who, by believing in and attending the Lord, can attain the level of divine spirit. By cooperating with these people to fulfill God's Will for the providence of restoration, the spirits can share the same benefit and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Accordingly, all the spirits will descend from Paradise in that day and assist the believers on the earth.
  • 34. Summary: Who needs True Parents 3. Mans Perfection needs True Parents the 3 Great Blessings being fulfilled; Be fruitful – Sinless unity of Mind and Body and multiply – Divine Marriage, Children, Grandchildren... and fill the earth and subdue it;  have dominion over …every living thing that moves upon the earth. – Kingdom of Heaven on Earth - Gen. 1:28
  • 35. "Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to various members of the audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it. Be urgently concerned for the world and know, feel and act in accordance with the Divine Will. The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all shall be like him - like Christ." /SMM 1965
  • 36. Summary: Who needs True Parents 4. Jesus needs True Parents and a wife – Divine Marriage Those who have lived in this era could be resurrected in spirit by believing in the Gospel during their earthly life. By being resurrected to the growth stage, they could become life spirits. Upon their death, those who became life spirits while on earth enter and abide in Paradise, the life-spirit level of the spirit world. /DP Chapt 5
  • 37. Summary: Who needs True Parents 5. Mankind needs True Parents and the Holy Marriage Blessing 1982 2020
  • 38. Summary: Who needs True Parents 6. The whole Creation needs True Parents For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. - Romans 8:19
  • 39. Summary: Who needs True Parents 7. The Perfection of the Angelic World needs True Parents
  • 40. 8. The Family Pledge needs True Parents
  • 41. The Family Pledge explained
  • 42. The True Parents are the Parents of Heaven and Earth while God is the Parent of the Cosmos. The Parents of Heaven and Earth are on the earth for one generation. Their life ends after one generation. The cosmos is God's home; it is eternal. The Chinese characters for cosmos ( 天宙 ) include two ( ニ ) people ( 人 ) and a home ( 宙 ). The character representing top knot ( 宀 ) signifies being comfortable. Since it is in the character for home ( 宙 ), it signifies a house where two people can live freely.
  • 43. Chinese signs - Subconscious 4 position = Chinese for No. 4 on top of sin, crime, guilt (Sin is not fulfilling the 4 position foundation, Rev. Yong) 靜也 quiet: the woman is home, all is well. 2 women = chinese "a quarrel" 3 women = chinese "adultery" or "something bad" for 4,000 years children carrying parents on their back= chinese for “fidelity”
  • 44. So the cosmos is a house where two people can live together freely. That is why we say that the cosmos-centered ideology is Godism. From now on, you have to understand the difference between the Parent of the Cosmos (God) and the Parents of Heaven and Earth. (True Parents) When we say "Parents of Heaven and Earth" we are referring to the two perfected people who represent God in substantial form and who stand in the central position for all matters of this world. /CSG 2014 Book 2 True Parents
  • 45. Messiah(s); True Parents & Jesus – Cosmos is like having 3 x Jesus; 1 on Earth and 2 in Spirit World
  • 46. Millions of messiah(s) – All of Mankind for Eternity! The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all shall be like him - like Christ." /SMM 1965 A true parent
  • 49. References: Divine Principle & the Bible + some own Inspiration.
  • 50. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the most Holy original inside us all! Have a great Blessed week. :-) Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen inspiration by Bengt. More slides: Google for slideshare bdp003