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Divine Principle
Spiritual World
Part 1 of 3
A 6000+ Year Journey
v. 9.4
Every human being is struggling to attain
life-long happiness and
overcome misfortune.
/First sentence in Divine Principle
And we all have the same great goal –
perfect and perpetual happiness.
Life In The World Unseen /Anthony Borgia
First a mind sharpening game - Find the Generals family! (9 missing people)
Christians often ask why God does not speak
to them, as he is believed to have done in
former days.
When I hear such questions, it always makes me think
of the rabbi who was asked how it could be that God
often showed himself to people in the olden days
whereas nowadays nobody ever sees him.
The rabbi replied:
"Nowadays there is no longer anybody who
can bow low enough.“
(be humble enough to let God speak)
This answer hits the nail on the head.
We are so captivated by and entangled in
our subjective consciousness that we have
forgotten the age-old fact that
God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.
The Buddhist discards the world of unconscious fantasies
as useless illusions;
the Christian puts his Church and his Bible between himself
and his unconscious;
and the rational intellectual does not yet know that
his consciousness is not his total psyche.
Coincidence – or Spirit World
The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche:
“A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment,
a dream in which she was given a golden scarab.
While she was telling me this dream I sat with my back
to the closed window.
Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping.
I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against
the window-pane from outside.
I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as
it flew in.
Coincidence – or Spirit World
It was the nearest analogy to the golden scarab that one
finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle,
the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata)
which contrary to its usual habits had evidently
felt an urge to get into a dark room
at this particular moment.
I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me
before or since, and that the dream of the patient has
remained unique in my experience.” – Carl Jung
Every night, when we fall into dreamless
sleep. Conscionsness fades.
With it fades everyone's private universe —
people and objects, colors and sounds,
pleasures and pains,
thoughts and feelings, even our own selves
dissolve — until we awake, or until we dream.
What is consciousness, and what does it mean?
How is it related to the world around us?
What is it made of and how is it generated inside the brain?
Can science shed some light on it?
Perhaps, but can not just rest inside the shroud of science.
Because consciousness is more than an object of science:
it is its subject too.
Compare DP: Spirit mind – 5 spiritual sences –
the door to Spirit world
Where is the spirit world?
It is in your bodies.
Thus, you go around with the spirit world on your shoulders,
attending it – there is no escaping it.
Comment: Jesus ”…let him deny himself and take up his
cross and follow me …
St Paul: ”Who will deliver me from this body of
death …”
The spirit world exists. It exists for this world, and this world
exists for the sake of the eternal world.
People may question, “Where in the world is God?
Can there be a God in this world? Where on earth is the spirit
world?” God’s dwelling place is the spirit world.
/SMM 11 Apr 1982
The purpose of life on earth is mind-body perfection
What is the purpose of the Will? It is to perfect humankind
spiritually and physically. Individually, our spirit represents
the past and our body the present. Both worlds were invaded.
We are to conquer the present satanic world physically and
the past satanic world spiritually. When you triumph over
both past and present by upholding the standard of mind
over matter, your future will be blessed.
/SMM 4 Aug 1974
We need to know that it is the physical world,
not the spirit world, which is the subject.
The physical world,
not the spirit world, is the subject in achieving perfection.
The perfection of the physical world encompasses the
perfection of both the spiritual and physical worlds.
Thus, life on earth is precious.
/SMM 6 Feb 1977
The Unification Church began when it was sent by the spirit
world. You of the Unification Church must understand this.
The beginning of the Unification Church did not start with my
own assertion. I kept my silence, but because the spirit world
provided guidance, all began to come together. This is the
history of the Unification Church.
/SMM 1974
Why don’t human beings, who are the lords of all creation,
have wings?
Is it enough that people live limited to the earth?
Actually we have higher-dimensional wings.
Once you die and shed your physical body, you will fly.  
/ Sun Myung Moon
Angels and spirits… may be apparently translated from
one place to another, and from one earth to another,
even to earths which are at the end of the universe:
so likewise may man as to his spirit, his body still
remaining in its own place.    / Emanuel Swedenborg
Dante Alighieri, escritor fiorentino,
autor de La Divina Comedia 1261-1321
Inferno (Italian for "Hell") is the first part of 
Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem 
Divine Comedy. It is followed byPurgatorio and 
An allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell,
guided by the Roman poet Virgil.
Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located
within the Earth. Allegorically, the Divine
Comedy represents the journey of the soul towards
God, with the Inferno describing the recognition and
rejection of sin.
Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the Earth
Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep.
/John Milton 1667: Paradise Lost
James E. Padgett
and Divine Love
Vol. I-IV
“…He (Jesus) did not come to die on a cross…
Comment: Compare Divine Principle: Mission of Jesus
Whether you believe in the source of these
messages or not, they teach one primary Truth –
the gift of God’s Divine Love.
But you can prove the existence of this Love yourself
by taking “the test.” Say the prayer for Divine Love,
and see for yourself as you can feel God’s Love as
it comes into your soul.
We can all become redeemed children of the Father
as we share in his Divine Essence through the gift of
His Love. “This is the great miracle of the universe.”
God is a creator of Law and Order!
Quote SMM 1965: ”We should realize that the World of Spirit
is also a Creation of GOD –
and God created the Spirit World
God is a creator of Law and Order!
Quote SMM 1965: So this Spirit World is not
a mysterious world
this is a world of PRINCIPLE
the World of Spirit.
God is a creator of Law and Order!
if we discover the PRINCIPLE
we certainly have the ability to
understand and cope
with the World of Spirit.”
Quote Sun Myung Moon 1965
Meeting in the Dianalund Denmark October 5, 1967.
Sun Myung Moon's work is very special.
He has been given by us forces, so that he not only can
receive telepathic, but he is also capable of sending
Universal Link
Large parts of humanity, will in the next few weeks receive
messages from Sun Myung Moon.
In the way that Sun Myung Moon sends the message
telepathically into the room.
I have some explaining how it worked with telepathic
messages, and you know that an Englishman can not
understand a single word of what Sun Myung Moon
send out, if it did not go into a person's consciousness
first, and from there was sent out again.
Universal Link
It's something that now take place, which happens very
rarely with the spiritual manifestation, that I can safely say.
There are very few people given, to be allowed to send
message to all humanity in a galaxy, so that the message
can be received anywhere and at any time by another
man on the man's language, and with the understanding
that the man have been receiving these messages.
Universal Link
Physical Laws – Juridical Laws – Spiritual Laws
God-made/ Man-made God-made
Creation-made! Conditional Absolute!
Absolute Changeable Eternal
Needs Police! Christ Spiritual
True Parents
Physical Salvation
And he (Jesus) spake a parable unto them,
Can the (Spiritual) blind lead the (Spiritual) blind?
shall they not both fall into the ditch? / Luke 6:39
And you shall know the (Spiritual) truth,
and the (Spiritual) truth shall make you free. /John 8:32
1st World War
One of the most arresting paranormal experiences
on military record which occurred in Europe at
10:30 P.M on November 14, 1915, was witnessed by
French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops.
Source: "One Step Beyond": The Vision.
Christ the Spiritual Superstar!
Celebrated every Christmas!
1924 Korea, Jesus Church:  
Then Jesus appeared in her (Kims) prayers
and told her that adultery was the root of sin.
He also said that his crucifixion had been the result
of the mistrust of his own people,
that the Second Advent of Christ would occur through
another man and that he would appear in Korea. 
Sun Myung Moon
the early years
1920-53, M. Breen
1924 Korea, Jesus Church:  
Mrs Kim began holding services at home, teaching that
believers should repent for the death of Jesus as if
they had killed him themselves.
She received revelation that men and women should
prepare themselves for the coming Lord,
that single people should not marry, and that married
couples should refrain from sexual relations.
People came to see her from all over Korea,
and she taught them to prepare for the coming Messiah.”
1930s in Korea:  
His (SMM:s) conversion in the 1930s coincided with a period
of widespread spiritual activity in Korean Christian groups.
Thousands had begun speaking in tongues and having
revelations they could not understand.
During revival meetings, many participants became ecstatic,
as if drunk in the spirit. 
1930s in Korea:  
 …the spirit came to prepare the way for the Lord,
to cleanse the souls of those it came to, not to excite
their senses.
But, above all, it came because God wanted to find one man.
1930s in Korea:  
To bring his kingdom, God needs to start with one person,
like a new Adam.
The purpose behind the spirit's coming was to make
one perfect man.
1943 Korea:  
”Her (Kims) mission, Moon's cell-mate explained,
passed on to another woman, Huh Ho-bin,
who was the leader of the Holy Lord Church in Pyongyang.
Every time Mrs. Huh received a revelation, her stomach
would move as if she were pregnant.
1943 Korea:  
This unusual experience was cited by the followers as
further evidence of the truth of Kim's teaching that,
contrary to common Christian belief,
the Lord would be born in the flesh. “
Huh's group became informally known as 'Bokjung-Kyo'
literally the In-the-Belly Church.
1946 Korea:  
"The new Lord is twenty-six and you must serve him well,
as you have served me," Jesus said.”
Huh eventually died in prison.
The other leaders of the group were all sent to a labor
camp when the Korean War broke out in 1950,
and are believed to have been killed.
1946 Korea:  
Comment:  As a postscript to this encounter, however,
it should be noted that, when Moon's 1st
wife left him and
he remarried, his new bride was the daughter of the
only known survivor of Huh's (In-the-Belly Church ) group
Hak Ja Han.
1946 Pyoungyang Korea:  
Pyongyang in 1946 was still a dynamic center for
Korean Christianity.
He prayed with such intensity and feeling that the sweat
and tears seemed to pour from him.
"I had never been so deeply struck by anyone's prayer
in my life," Kim In-lu recalled. 
1946 Pyoungyang Korea:  
Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that
the return of Jesus would take place in Korea.
But, he said, the return would not happen in either
the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended
to expect.
He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament
prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist,
so the mission of Jesus would pass to another
Amazing Messianic support; 1946
In particular, after True Father's (SunMyungMoon) arrival
(1946 Pyongyang),
some people began receiving revelations about him.
These devout believers found him through the guidance
of those in the spirit world.
Many of those who came had been long prepared for
the coming of True Father, and among them were people
who had been prepared to receive True Father
The spirit world transcends time and space,
and the connections of the world of the heart are linked
in mysterious and profound ways.
/ Cham Bumo Gyeong, Book 3 (link)
1947 Korea:  
"Moon held services which, by the end of 1947,
were being attended regularly by around forty people.
During the day he would take care of members,
and pray and study the Bible.
He invested himself completely in his followers.
1947 Korea:  
Many had been led directly through revelations.
He fasted three days, and sometimes seven days,
for each new person.
1947 Korea:  
"One lady in a service declared that she had seen Jesus
in Moon's heart.
Another spiritual woman announced to the other members
that Moon himself was the Christ.”
The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC
• Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings
from Spirit World
•  in order to be reborn, people should understand
the process of rebirth.
If explaining this more in detail, our defiled
lineage should be completely sanctified, and we
should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth.
In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back
to the womb from which we came.
• we can go back to God (which is a rebirth),
by making an indemnity condition of small value.
However, for this, we need a mediator.
The mediator is True Parents.
Humans cannot go to God without True Parents since the
original sin (fallen nature: literal) can be removed only
through True Parents, and only through Them.
• Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings
from Spirit World
• Dr Sun Myung Moon
Earthly Life and
Spirit World I & II
•  I have not conducted all the
providential efforts and events on my
own centering only on the physical
Instead, I have done these things by attending to
God in the spirit world.
You have to know that the reason everything is
being solved on Earth is so that the spirit world
will be affected and all the divisions within spirit
world will be broken down.
3.1. Spirit is the essence of life
Where there is a nucleus, there must be a reciprocally
related being to revolve around it.
As electrons revolve around protons, human beings
are meant to revolve around God.
God can pursue the providence of restoration
because the human mind, which is like an electron,
naturally relates to God’s mind, which can be likened
to the nucleus.
4.7. Heaven is a life of living
for the sake of others
The Kingdom of Heaven is where those who have
made sacrifices for others become the masters.
The family should sacrifice for the sake of the tribe,
the tribe for the people, the people for the nation,
the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos,
and the cosmos for God.
The ultimate purpose is in reaching God and
occupying Him.
Sören Kierkegaard
(1813 - 1855)
Quote: "Life can only be understood in retrospect (backwards)
but has to be lived forward” /Kirkegaard
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned
to repeat it." / George Santayana
This quote is rooted in the philosophies of Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle and many others. endq
Compare with Divine Principles paralels of history:
Man repeats errors based on Fall of Man and 4 fallen natures.
For humankind to completely
overcome the two aspects of
Ignorance (Internal –Spiritual,
External – Science) and fully
realize the goodness which
the original mind desires,
at some point in history there
must emerge a new truth which
can reconcile religion and science
and resolve their problems in an
Integrated undertaking.
/Divine Principle 96 p.7
A. The Invisible Substantial World
and the Visible Substantial World
SS mind
invisible substantial world
(spirit world) - subject
visible substantial world
(physical world - object
– perceived through
5 spiritual senses
– perceived through
5 physical senses
HS body
Limitatons of physical reality
It seems as though our five (Physical) senses
limit us to focus only on one point in time
at any given moment, 
and we string these to create an illusion of linear reality
without the limitations of my (physical) body, 
I took in all points of time and space as they pertained 
to me, all at once. (no time arrow)
We have Many Human “Minds”:
• Spiritual Mind
• Physical Mind
• Original Mind
• Fallen Mind
• Conscience Mind
• Intellectual Mind
• …
God imparted to humans a supra-sensory dimension and
capability for sniffing out and perceiving theological truths.
This special discernment allows the human race to
receive spiritual and eternal life from God’s heavenly
(non-physical) influence.
This deeper capacity of a person’s spiritual nose is what 
the Holy Bible is communicating when we read in Genesis
that Jehovah breathed into human nostrils and caused them
to live. In other words, God’s main activity is to help
humans to live deeper, more spiritual lives—not just
worldly or physical lives.
This divine spiritual endeavor is evidenced later in
Scripture when
Jesus breathes into His disciple’s nostrils.
His disciples were already physically alive, so some
additional and spiritually vivifying capacity must have
been added to their mundane breathing.
We innately grasp the reality of this psychical schnozzola
when we say that something smells “fishy” about a situation
or when a person shows a particular talent, we will say
they “have a nose for such things.”
Everyone can understand this last phrase as representing
a human ability that operates above the functioning of the 
physical nose. /Swedenborg & The GodGuy
We are not human beings having
a spiritual experience;
we are spiritual beings having
a human experience.
/Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Man's essence is spirit.
Therefore, when you go to the spiritual world
you will realize more deeply that the essence
of being human is to live for the sake of others. /SMM
The western Christian philosophical
tradition of spirit finds its roots in Plato’s
division of existing beings into
two substances, form and matter.
For Plato the forms exist independently of material
beings in their own realm.
In human beings he equates form with mind and soul,
and this equation has stuck. 
Goal 1 !
Every human being is struggling to
attain life-long happiness and
overcome misfortune.
/Divine Principle
Goal 2 !
The three great blessings:
be fruitful (mature and ready to bear fruit),
multiply (have divine sinless families)
have (good loving) dominion over the Creation.
/Bible & Divine Principle
Goal 3 !
The Messiah – True Parents
Will remove Original sin
and open the door
to fulfilling Goal 2
and thereby Goal 1
Suffering World
Reality 2012
Ongoing Wars
Physical fighting
Root Cause
Fall of Man
Spiritual fighting
hatred, revenge
jeolousy, greed,
Spiritual fighting
hatred, revenge
jeolousy, greed,
Root Cause
Fall of Man:
Spiritual Reasons for World Wars
• WW1 1914-1918
• WW2 1939-1945
• WW3 1945-1992… Ideological ”Cold War”
on Satan’s side
on Satan’s side
on Satan’s side
on Satan’s side
of Christianity
In the sphere of religion and ideology, the Abel-type nations of Great
Britain, the United States, and France, which generally upheld Christianity,
fought the Cain-type nations of Turkey, persecuting Christianity, and its
allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary (p. 367-8).
The First World War (1914 – 1918)
Summary of the Providence in the First World War
of Christianity
of Christianity
of Christianity
of Christianity
Britain - U.S. - France Germany - Austria - Turkey
on God’s side
Indemnity condition to restore
God’s three great blessings
at the formation stage
Overcome Jesus’ first temptation
Lay the formation-stage foundation for the restoration
of God’s sovereignty.
Formation-stage foundation
for the restoration of God’s sovereignty
The Providential Causes behind the First World War
The Providential Causes behind the First World War
Lay the growth-stage foundation for the restoration of
God’s sovereignty (p. 375).
1 Indemnity condition to restore
God’s three great blessings
at the growth stage
2 Overcome Jesus’ second temptation
3 Growth-stage foundation
for the restoration of God’s sovereignty
The Providential Causes
The Providential Causes
behind the Second World War
behind the Second World War
(1939 – 1945)
The age for building a new heaven and new earth under the
leadership of Christ at the Second Advent had begun, and
the growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent
1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity
condition to restore God’s three blessings
2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore
the second blessing
3 Established the growth-stage foundation
for the restoration of God’s sovereignty
New heaven and earth under the Second Advent
New heaven and earth under the Second Advent
New heaven and earth under the Second Advent
New heaven and earth under the Second Advent
Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent
Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent
Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent
Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent
Victory of God’s side
Second World War
The Providential Results of the Second World War
The Providential Results of the Second World War
The Third World War
Is the Third World War Inevitable?
This is why the democratic world and communist world stand
confronting each other.
1 Indemnity condition to restore
God’s three great blessings
at the completion stage
2 Overcome Jesus’ third temptation
3 Completion-stage foundation
for the restoration of God’s sovereignty
The Providential Causes
The Providential Causes
behind the Third World War
behind the Third World War
Lay the completion-stage foundation for the
restoration of God’s sovereignty.
3 God’s ideal world
The Providential Results of the Third World War
The Providential Results of the Third World War
Spiritual and physical salvation
1 Restore the entire providence,
prolonged to the third stage
2 Restoration completed
(God’s Word
God’s lineage)
The victories of God’s side will fully restore through
indemnity all the aspects of the providence of restoration
and realize God’s ideal world.
Victory of God’s side
Victory of God’s side
Three World Wars
Three World Wars
Sin Forgiveness Involves
Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel:
Hereditary sin Ancestor
liberation Man
Collective sin Attend
LSA Mankind
Individual Sin faith in Jesus Me
Don’t sin any more!
Life in CIG – Live for Others
The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary.
The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal –
he will manifest again.
Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself
and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project
himself and be seen by the saints. 
This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
This is the end of an age, and the battle that is raging
is really Armageddon.
It's a battle between the selfish, brutal men who do not
think in terms of God or things which are associated with
that word - against those peoples who will be the
harbingers of the New Age.
You are now in the new Age - and old things are
being destroyed - and new things - which are eternal
but which are new only because mankind has now
reached the point where it is able to recognize them
and use them.
From the days of John the Baptist until now the
kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent
men take it by force. /Mathew 11:12
 The revelators seldom live to see their revelations
widely accepted. But they do always draw to them –
and leave behind them –
a group who continue the revelation.
Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are
to such a breakthrough of universal truth?
Fletcher: You are in the process now.
But before Jesus became manifest there were people who
had been prepared - John the Baptist came prepared.
But the world has grown and multiplied –
the means of communication have become simpler
and easier. 
It takes not one man in a little country to be a
John the Baptist, but many men in many countries
to herald the coming.
But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because
it needs education and it will take time.
Nobody can give away perfection.
Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans
goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to
loose that perfection, and she must now choose to
return to it. 
But you cannot expect the message to be
accepted immediately by vast numbers of people
only those who are ready and who are willing to
listen and to whom this particular message
seems to be right and meaningful.
That is the way that all the world teachers have
had to go. 
And remember one thing only, that if it is of God,
it can not fail. And it is of God.
/Arthur Ford sitting 1965
Mr. Moon reminded me that in the Book of Revelation
there is a picture of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City,
coming down out of the heavens.
And there was a door on the east and a door on the south,
a door on the north and a door on the west –
and when the teacher comes,
he always has to come through the eastern gate.
In the Holy City of Jerusalem there is an eastern gate
long since sealed and blocked.
It will never be opened until the new teacher comes.
/Arthur Ford sitting 1965
The Hebrew name of the Golden Gate is Sha'ar HaRachamim
(‫הרחמים‬ ‫)שער‬,  Gate of Mercy. In Jewish sources the eastern
gate of the Temple compound is called the Shushan Gate., this
would make it the oldest of the current 
gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.
According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah ‫)כינה‬
Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate,
and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah)
 comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3)
Comment :
Divine Principle claims Messiah comes from the East, Korea!
I can only repeat the vision of John, that when the New Age
comes, the Eastern Gate will open, and not only man - but
Revelation – will flow out of that gate. /Ford-Fletcher
Help from Spirit World
Missionary work
Behind the Communist Iron Curtain:
… In the summer of 1976, I went to Prague to visit Marta.
We wanted to join a labour brigade to go picking strawberries.
Our mistake was to talk in detail about it on the telephone
which, alas, was bugged.
At the railway station I saw a man who raised my suspicions.
Intuitively, I heard a spirit say, "Return to your dormitory and
hide the literature which you left there!
Bury it deep into the ground!"
Suddenly I felt so anxious that I rushed back to the student
hostel, grabbed the material in question and buried the
whole lot at a suitable place nearby.
Help from Spirit World
When I returned to the station my train to Prague
had already left so I had to wait for the next one.
But my 'shadow' was still there and he followed me into
that train.I was alarmed and kept thinking to myself,
"If he needed to go to Prague too, why hadn't he taken
the first train?
He must be an agent who is following me - what shall I do?"
I was so tense and it felt like being in the middle in a
thriller movie.
More see Publication ”Mission Butterfly”
2 Bodies
in One !
I Cor. 15:44 'It is sown a PHYSICAL BODY, it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY. 
If there is a PHYSICAL BODY, there is also a SPIRITUAL BODY'I
From Spirit
From Natural
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
via Physical
via Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
From Spirit
From Natural
via Physical
via Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
• When the inner and external men are perfectly
aligned you feel joy and power.
This is happening every day within you. 
From Spirit
From Natural
via Physical
via Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
• When the inner and external men are perfectly
aligned you feel joy and power.
This is happening every day within you. 
Reincarnation untrue - but explained as Returning Spirits!
Yang =
is provided
Yin =
requires effort
From Spirit
From Natural
via Physical
via Spirit
And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
Because you have done this, you are cursed above
all cattle, and above every beast of the field;
upon your belly shall you go,
and dust shall you eat all the days of your life Gen. 3:14
Comment: “Dust” = evil vitality elements
“Evil inspiration” = evil Spirit elements
Evil Spirit
Evil vitality
Church-curiosa about Spirit World – Sleep!
In the early days – 50-60-70-80s
When giving DP-lectures on the Fall of Man
People in the audience used to go to sleep for no reason…
else then hindering them to listen – to the Truth!
Ref: Fall of Man
Church-curiosa about Spirit World – Sleep!
“but he did not cut the birds in two.
And when the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses,
Abram drove them away.
As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram;
and lo, a dread and great darkness fell upon him. - Gen. 15:9-13
And he came unto the disciples, and found them asleep,
and said unto Peter, What, could you not watch with me one hour?
- Math 26:40
Physical death does not bury who we are,
or even change who we are.
Rather, it carries us to the next stage of 
discovering who we are.
We are the combination of both who God designed us
to be and who we have practically fashioned
ourselves to be.
We are given the opportunity to create
ourselves, our own characters and personalities,
during the course of our lives on earth. 
Thus, God has created us as 
cocreators of our own spirits.
This is who we ARE.
Secondly, we are in our essence
NOT the physical body
(with potential limitations=handicaps)
that we inhabited while living on earth.
We are in our original essence the character
God designed us to have and be—a character
of unlimited love and goodness.
/Life In Eternity:
Human Beings In the Spirit World
by Kerry Pobanz
One of its foremost challenges is the way its members
come to view the person of its founder, who does not
claim to avoid being controversial.
 At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States 
on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A., a questioner
bluntly asked him: "Are you Christ?"
In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to
various members of the audience in turn, saying:
"and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it." 
Sir Anthony Brooke 
Towards Human Unity
On another occasion a translation of what he said in
the Korean language was given as follows:
"This is God's world and it has no boundaries.
It is one.
Your life is one of universal significance and I call upon
you to share my mission.
Be urgently concerned for the world and know, feel and
act in accordance with the Divine Will. 
The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all
shall be like him - like Christ.“
It seems to me that because Sun Myung Moon is
incarnate upon the earth at this time and has a
particular link with the Christ Ray, he make an
indispensable bridge for many people who are being
given exceptional and life changing experiences
by taking his powerful name into their meditations.
"Sun Myung Moon is direct link with Ashtar Command.
Through him the forces are dispersed where necessary.
These forces are not of one planet alone.
They are gathered from many and are the chosen ones
for this work for their knowledge and for their great love
for the universal God."
Testimony Denmark 1960s:
Just as I was through reading a letter and a pressrelease
with Anthonys (A. Brooke) predictions that the name of
Sun Myung Moon was to be known all throughout the world –
in that very moment Sun Myung Moon visited us here in my
home, by speaking with a loud, clear voice, through Kathleens
mouth, saying " I am Sun Moon".
I immediately wrote to Anthony and told him about this stunning
Anthony read my letter to Sun Myung Moon, who instantly
confirmed that it really was he who had visited us
Compare with what Ford sitting testifies of
the Messianic spiritual qualifications!
Testimony Denmark 5th
Oct 1967:
Meeting of Diana Lund on 5th oktober , 1967.
Sun Myung Moon's work is very special.
He has of us had powers, so that he not only can receive
telepathic , but he is also capable of sending telepathic.
Large sections of humanity, the next few weeks to receive
messages from Sun Myung Moon.
…you know that an Englishman can not understand a single
word of what Sun Myung Moon sends out, if it did not go
into a person's consciousness first, and from there was sent
out again.
It is something which occurs very rarely with the spiritual
manifestation , I can safely say.
Baba Vangas’s prophecies made her
probably not as famous as Nostradamus,
but still,
for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian
she made headlines all over the world.
Interesting fact:
Baba Vanga mentioned a 
new religion that will take the earth by the storm:
The White color associated with that new religion
is often associated with the White Brotherhood,
but is more possibly representing
a religion coming from Korea,
known as the people of the white clothes.
"Christ will Return as a peacemaker"
and unify all religions.
Vanga promises that the prophecy in the Bible 
concerning the Second Coming of Christ will come true. 
She described him as a peacemaker who comes to our time
and "will sign the eternal peace".
In Vanga's words God is one and religions will soon find a
common purpose
and the whole humanity will come to believe one truth.
The new religious leader, coming from the East as 
the Messianic figure to guide humanity towards peace will
unite all religions; 
Comparing Testaments
Family Salvation
True Parents
for Messiah
Spiritual takeoff
No Sin redemption
Sin redemption
Sin redemption
6000 years
Muslim faith
• God warned A&E
• Lucifer spoke with/tempted A&E
• (DP:Satan had an illicit rel. ship with Eve)
• Abraham - sat and ate with angels
• Moses, burning bush, miracles
• Saul – Samuel
OT – Spirits
The prophet Samuel seen after the death
by the woman of Endor, and with
whom the unhappy Saul conversed,
was in bodily form.
The woman’s answer to the King’s question –
What form is he of?’ – was,
’An old man cometh up’ (1 Sam. 28)
OT – Spirits
Moses and Elijah seen on the mount
of Transfiguration.
Fifteen hundred years after
Moses material body had been buried
’in a valley in the land of Moab’ (Deut. 34:6)
They were not shapeless.
OT – Spirits
St Luke describes them as
men (Luk 9:30),
and so bodily that they
could converse with Christ’
and was recogniceable.
OT – Spirits
Elijah a prophet in Israel 
in the 9th century BC.
He appears in the Hebrew Bible, 
New Testament, and the Qur'an.
Elijah raised the dead, brought fire down from the sky,
and ascended into heaven in a whirlwind (accompanied
by chariots, not in one).
In the Book of Malachi, Elijah's return is prophesied “
before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord,“
making him a harbinger of the Messiah.
OT – Spirits
The silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl
is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain,
or the wheel broken at the cistern, and the
dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit
returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12.6-7
OT – Spirits
Hasidic Judaism or Hasidism,
from the Hebrew: ‫חסידות‬ is a branch of 
Orthodox Judaism that promotes spirituality
through the popularisation and internalisation of 
Jewish mysticism as the fundamental aspects of the 
Jewish faith
OT – Spirits
King Belshazzar's Arrogance and Affront Against
The Most High God (Daniel 5)
Daniel interpreted to him the writing,
showing the king that God, by means of the writing
was ending his reign, and the transference of the kingdom
to the Medes and Persians (vv. 25–28).
OT – Mystical
The Jewish Kabbalah:
A mystical and esoteric
explanation of the Torah
Exact same content
as DP explanation
of Fall of Man.
Israel =
close to DP.
OT – Mystical
The Jewish Kabbalah:
• This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve.
He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly
seduce her.
  And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her. 
OT – Mystical
The Jewish Kabbalah:
• This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve.
He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly
seduce her.
  And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her. 
• She had added two things. She said, "from the fruit of the tree that is in the
middle of the garden," while [God] had only said (Genesis  2:17),
"from the Tree of Knowledge."
She also said, "do not touch it lest you die,";
  [while God had only spoken of eating it].
OT – Mystical
The Jewish Kabbalah:
• This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve.
He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly
seduce her.
  And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her. 
• She had added two things. She said, "from the fruit of the tree that is in the
middle of the garden," while [God] had only said (Genesis  2:17),
"from the Tree of Knowledge."
She also said, "do not touch it lest you die,";
  [while God had only spoken of eating it].
• The woman went and touched the tree. She saw the Angel of Death
approaching her and said, "Woe is to me. Now I will die and the Blessed
Holy One will make another woman and give her to Adam. I will therefore
cause him to eat with me. If we die, we will both die, and if we live, we will
both live."
• Mary, the angels visitation NT – Spirits
• Lazarus and the Rich Man
• Jesus spoke in parables.
NT – Spirits
If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not,
how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
/John 3:12
NT – Spirits
And when he was come to the other side into the
country of the Gergesenes, there met him two
possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs,
exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come
out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold,
the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep
place into the sea, and perished in the waters.
/Matthew 8:28-32
NT – Spirits
• Jesus met with Moses and Elijah
at the Mount of Transfiguration
NT – Spirits
Mount Tabor
Mount of Transfiguration
NT – Spirits
In my Father's house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
/John 14:2
NT – Spirits
The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or
Holy of Holies was divided by a thick
woven veil.
NT – Spirits
The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or
Holy of Holies was divided by a thick
woven veil.
The moment Jesus cried out from the cross,
“It is finished!” and died that thick curtain was torn
from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:51).
NT – Spirits
The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or
Holy of Holies was divided by a thick
woven veil.
The moment Jesus cried out from the cross,
“It is finished!” and died that thick curtain was torn
from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:51).
Until that historic moment the veil in the Temple
declared, "Keep out!" “Do not enter!”
However from that moment on the torn veil declares,
“Whosoever will come on in!”
NT – Spirits
• St Paul and the blinding light (Jesus)
on the road to Damaskus
An illumination depicting the Conversion of Saint Paul from 
Livre d'Heures d'Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460) by Jean Fouquet. 
NT – Spirits
• St Paul spoke of
God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him,
and to every seed his own body.
All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one
kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts,
another of fishes, and another of birds.
There are also celestial bodies, and bodies
terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one,
and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
(1 Cor 35)
NT – Spirits
• A group of Jews was travelling from town to town
casting out evil spirits.
They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in
their incantation, saying,
"I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul
preaches, to come out!“
/Acts 19:13
NT – Spirits
• St John at Patmos Greece
”Revelation” last book in the Bible
Holy Grotto of the Revelation, Patmos Island, Greece
NT – Spirits
• St John at Patmos Greece
”Revelation” last book in the Bible
Patmos Island, Greece
NT – Spirits
• They are spirits of demons performing miraculous
signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world,
to gather them for the battle on the great day of
God Almighty.
/Rev 16:14
NT – Spirits
Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902),
a Hindu monk from India and chief
disciple of the 19th-century saint Ramakrishna.
He was a key figure in the introduction of the
Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world
and is credited with raising interfaith awareness
And create a healthy synthesis of East and West,
of religion and science.
A Christian mystic and visionary from the Duchy of Styria,
who promoted liberal Universalism.
On 15 March 1840 he began hearing an 'inner voice' from
the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said.
New Revelation 10,000 pages in print.
The New “Gospel of John” contains 2000 pages claimed directly
from Jesus.
Jakob Lorber
1800 – 1864
Can you imagine a more frustrating experience than the
one God had? 
Here is God who among all the peoples in the world chose
the Jews to become "His own people" because they were
the only ones who in the old days had kept the belief in
One God.
He made a covenant with them (Abraham), freed them from
slavery in Egypt, gave them a unique law, gave them a
beautiful land, educated them, blessed them and forgave
them their many sins.
But when He finally comes to visit them in human form in
Jesus to bring them eternal life
they reject Him and kill His body.
Compare: Divine Principle Mission of Jesus
With her unique gifts of inspiration and literary genius,
she is the greatest writer since Saint John the Evangelist.
Jesus nicknamed her "Little John".
She is the most widely read Italian author in many languages
throughout the world.
Maria Valtorta
Jesus on Marriage:
Nothing is healthier or holier than two people who sincerely
love one another and unite to perpetuate the human race
and give souls to Heaven.
The dignity of a man and a woman who become parents
is second only to God's.
Helen Schucman, Ph.D., was a clinical and research
A Course in Miracles was "scribed" by Dr. Schucman
between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation.
She experienced the process as one of a distinct and clear
dictation from an inner voice, which earlier had identified
itself to her as Jesus.
Time is under MY (Jesus) direction,
but Timelessness belongs to God alone.
In time, we exist for and with each other.
In Timelessness, we coexist with God.
The Crucifixion did NOT establish the Atonement.
The Resurrection did.
This is a point which many very sincere Christians have
Swedish medium Anna Berg had her spiritual awakening
1994 and have since channeled books from spiritual world
about Jesus, Maria and Mary Magdalena.
Spiritual takeoff
1946 - 2012
1948-50 Hung Nam
1950-53 Korean War
Complete understanding
of the whole World = Cosmos
Last peace is missing
The Teaching of 2nd
Coming of Christ
Lord of Second Advent
Artist Benny Andersson
Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker,
      a pot that is like all the others?
Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?
      Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill?
Isaiah 45:9
 “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD.
“Like clayin the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel”.
Jeremiah 18:6
The 8th and last unknown “Continent”!
7 Physical Continents
+ The Spiritual World = “8th
Scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg not only
claimed that spiritual information was continually
streaming in (influx) from a heavenly realm, but that
the human brain and mind had special receptors for
this info within deeper substrates of the human brain
cell (neuron).
Scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg not only
claimed that spiritual information was continually
streaming in (influx) from a heavenly realm, but that
the human brain and mind had special receptors for
this info within deeper substrates of the human brain
cell (neuron).
Unfortunately, because of the abnormalities of modern
human culture and a dominating terrestrial worldview,
people have been cut off from these extra capacities
and need to be reconnected to them.
The expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Fall of Man)
was a symbolic representation of this disconnection.
Spirit World!
Mans mind
Is the Builder! /Edgar Casey
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Thoughts becomes your destiny
Compare: Law of Attraction
Jesus words on adultery
Anger, for example, brings much disturbance
to the spirit world. /SunMyungMoon
Thoughts are mighty forms of Energy!
Whether a word is good or bad can depend
"love and gratitude" on the speaker's motive,
thought and intention.
This can be explained quite easily by UT
(Unification Thought), as the word (logos) is made
by give-and-receive action
of Inner Sungsang and Inner Hyungsang
centering on Heart (love).
Hence would be right to say that the words should
be judged by whether or not
they are generated by heart (love).
In Japan, elementary school students along with
their teacher performed a similar experiment
using rice in three different bottles.
To one rice bottle, "Thank you" was said every day.
A second bottle was ignored all the time,
and the last bottle was told "You fool!" every day.
The class watched to see how quickly the rice spoiled.
The rice in the bottle that was ignored
spoiled first, followed by the rice in the bottle
told "You fool!" Meanwhile, the rice that was
told "Thank you" was preserved without spoiling.
Mind Is the Builder
The part of us that begins the process of
setting us apart as unique individuals
is our mental body.
Edgar Casey
Mind Is the Builder
The part of us that begins the process of
setting us apart as unique individuals
is our mental body.
It is here that the patterns leading to
health or illness are created.
Mind Is the Builder
The part of us that begins the process of
setting us apart as unique individuals
is our mental body.
It is here that the patterns leading to
health or illness are created.
The analogy of a film projector can be helpful in
understanding this concept:
The light bulb and projected light represent the Spirit,
and the images on the screen are the physical result.
The film, which patterns the light to create the images, ‘
is comparable to our mental body. (DP: Spirit Self/Sprit Mind)
Mind Is the Builder
“thy brain is not thy mind, it is that which is used by thy mind.”
The Cayce material divides the nervous system into three
functional components:
• the cerebrospinal system
• the sympathetic system
• and the sensory system
Mind Is the Builder
The significance of the sympathetic nervous system is
the most underestimated. –
“the brain manifestation of soul forces in the body.”
The solar plexus region being the control center
of the mental body.
visualization exercises,
breathing techniques,
working with dreams,
positive emotions. 
Mind Is the Builder
An important first step toward health is to choose
one’s “ideal,”
the principal motivating force in our daily living. 
Meditation tops the list of suggested techniques
for pursuing spiritual growth and health. 
Mind Is the Builder
The readings say that all of us eventually need to learn
to meditate, just as we once had to learn to walk.
Meditation, with the use of proper attunement and 
affirmations, works physically with the endocrine
and nervous systems to create new patterns of health. 
/Edgar Cacey
“Death is like walking from one room into another.”
/Edgar Cacey
Some famous Mediums
• Moses, Bible Prophets … Jesus – the Messiah
• Dante – Divina Comedia
• Robert James Lees – tried to help Police find
Jack the Ripper
• Peter Hurkos (Dutch) – helped Police, Manson murder
• Edgar Cacey- healed many sick - help from Spir. World
• Arthur Ford – SunMyunMoon sittings.
• Sun Myung Moon – the Messiah
Merely by holding in his hand an object
connected with a person or a place,
amazing Peter Hurkos can tell you
• where hidden treasure lies
• who is your enemy and who your friend
• where a person has disappeared
• without a trace can be found what the
results of a new enterprise will be
• who is the guilty person in an unsolved crime
• where to look for a lost object what your most zealously
guarded secrets are
• how you can prevent a serious misfortune to yourself
or someone close to you
• when you can expect the results of an undertaking
Peter Hurkos
Dante, Robert James Lees, Hurkos, A Ford, E Cacey, Branham, Xavier …
and many more were channels/bridges to Spirit World
Jesus Sun Myung Moon
• Jesus said: John 8:44
You are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father you
will do. He was a murderer from
the beginning, and abode not in
the truth, because there is no
truth in him. When he speaks a
lie, he speaks of his own: for he
is a liar, and the father of it.
• THe archangel's mission must be
fulfilled first, since God created the
archangelic world first.
Next must be the accomplishment of
the purpose of Adam, who should
stand in the position of God's
objective being.
If he stands as the perfected being of
God's ideal, the ideal of vertical love
can be developed horizontally.
This is the objective world of creation
which is the Heavenly Kingdom
centered upon God. 
/SMM 11 Sep 1972
Both New Adams knew Gods will
as oposed by most people
Artist Benny Andersson
Artist Benny Andersson
You prefer this life, although the life to come
is better and more enduring. All this is written
in earlier scriptures; the scriptures of Abraham
and Moses.
Qur’an 87.16-19
Angel Gabriel gave
the Quran
to Mohammad near Mecca
Islam Quran
Mohammad visiting Jerusalem
Islam – Spirits
Mohammed or Muhammed) (ca. 570/571 Mecca
– June 8, 632 Medina)
The name "Muhammad" in traditional Thuluth calligraphy by the hand of Hattat Aziz Efendi.
Islam – Spirits
Islam – Spirits
• Sufism or taṣawwuf (Arabic: 
‫ف‬ّ‫و‬‫ص‬‫ت‬ )  is defined by its adherents as
the inner, mystical dimension of Islam.
• A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a Sūfī (ّ
‫وف‬ ُ
‫ص‬ )
• Another name for a Sufi is Dervish.
Islam – Mystics
The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in
nineteenth-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind.
There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more
than 200 countries and territories.
In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series
of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to
the needs of the time and the capacity of the people.
These messengers have included Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad
and others, and most recently the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
In the Bahá'í Faith, Gabriel is seen to represent one of the embodiments of
descent of the Spirit of God upon the messengers/prophets of God, which are
known as Manifestations of God. *
In Bahá'í belief, the Spirit of God is the conduit through which the wisdom of
God becomes directly associated with his messenger, and it has been
described variously in different religions such as the
• burning bush to Moses,
• the sacred fire to Zoroaster, 
• the dove to Jesus,
• the angel Gabriel to Muhammad, and
• the Maid of Heaven to Bahá'u'lláh. 
Gabriel is also mentioned in the Kitáb-i-Íqánin connection with Muhammad.
Emanuel Swedenborg
1688 - 1772
Heaven and Hell
Description of Spir. World
• ALL men 100% survives
physical death
• We create our down destiny in spir wrld =
Absolute Spiritual Laws are at work
“You reap what you sow!”
• 3 levels of Spir. World Heaven – Medium – Hell
• “…man takes with him all his memory and nothing can
be hidden in the world so that it does not become
manifest after death, and this in many people's presence”
According to David Kessler, author and expert on death
and dying, the following things often happen when a
person is about to die.
• The dying are often visited by their dead mothers.
• Their hands often reach up toward a force that can’t be
• Family members and friends of the dying can’t see their
visions or participate in conversations.
• Visions often occur hours to weeks before they die.
While there is no “proof” that their visions and
communication with deceased family members or
friends are real, some death and dying experts are
adamant they should be taken seriously.
“Circle of Life”
“Living for Others” /SMM
"Therefore all things whatsoever would that men
should do to you, do ye even so to them“ /Jesus. 
My Cosmos
My World
My Nation
My Family
Our God
for others!
My Tribe
Swedenborg not only showed how increased complexity into higher
order structures involves more complicated circles of process but that
these circles could be transcendent as well. Thus, whole units of action
and process could include an involution of spiritual energy into
matter (creation) and the evolution of spiritual energy from matter
back to its source.
The trajectory back to the “source” is made possible through the
emergence of the human race choosing to evolve further through
spiritual transformation by adopting God’s tenets to their hearts, minds
and lives.
On this grand scale of causal process the completion of such a cycle
represents a cosmic “heartbeat.”
Swedenborg claimed that angelic perception is different from scientific
observation (and reductionism) in that it instinctively sees all things in
terms of comprehensive wholes.
Angels can instantaneously grasp how all things in the created
universe are interrelated and unified into coherent and holistic units.
These interrelated and interconnected units of circular process are
observed and recorded in the biblical vision of Ezekiel as “wheels
within wheels.” In fact, Swedenborg maintained that these circular
units of orderly process are woven into the very fabric of God’s Holy
• Ezekiel's famous vision of the Divine Throne above the
Four Living Creatures with their "wheels within wheels" contains all the
elements of lightning, fire, a whirlwind, and great noise that typically
attend the great revelations of God's Word.
• And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one
wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the
appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone.
/King James Bible
• The revelation of the Bible Wheel confirms and amplifies the ancient
Christian tradition that Ezekiel's Vision of the "wheels within wheels"
was a vision of the entire Bible in which the Old and and New
Testaments are inextricably interwoven.
Comment Compare DP Chart 3.
Picture of Heaven
and Hell
Emanuel Swedenborg was one of the first practitioners
to write extensively about the out-of-body experience,
in his Spiritual Diary (1747– 1765).
The spirits of this our earth have such an impression
in regard to their still living in the (physical) body
as will scarcely be credited, and
it is with the utmost difficulty that they
can be persuaded to the contrary.
Truth embraces a, deeper reality. It is in the best interests
of the human race to become aware of this inner reality.
It represents who we really are and determines what
part of us survives the death of the physical body.
Ironically, many of our manifestations prove the existence
of this deeper reality.
What is truth.
For instance, when we are insincere, hypocritical,
or cultivate hidden agendas, it proves that there is an
inner realm of our personality that can hide itself from
the outside world. The Lord Jesus came into the physical
world to bring more attention to humankind’s inner world—
so that it would not become an exemplar of hell.
This inner realm is where Jesus sets up his special kingdom
and governance.
So there is cosmological truth (outside the person) and
personal truth (inside the person).
What is truth.
Artist Benny Andersson
"During the four years I lived in Seoul church,
under the same roof as Sun Myung Moon.
At one point, I returned to clean my own home for a week.
Someday when I brushed the entrance, so appeared,
he suddenly in spiritual form, full size in front of my door.
I had never before seen such a vibrant spirit before.
He told me that he woke up every morning and looked
out over the Han River, and longed for my return.
He missed me and wanted me back would live in the church,
even though I only been gone a week. "
Ref: Dr. Young Oon Kim's Testimony
from the book Blessing Quarterly, Winter 1987, pp. 27...
in Spiritual World
Source: The Good guy
All speech (no matter what the language)
has its origins in the
ideas and emotions of our intellect
and heart.
In the spiritual world—which is closer to the origins
of our being and mind—individuals communicate
their ideas and affections directly to others
(forgoing terrestrial words).
Source: The Good guy
The Energetic Cords that Connect Us
We are made up of millions and billions of tiny particles,
as defined in physics and chemistry.
We are matter, and matter is made up of elemental,
atomic particles…
if you were to keep stripping down each particle you
would find they are made completely of energy.
Your physical body is made entirely of energy.
The space between you and others around you
is filled with energy.
Different energies can become connected
and influence each other.
Quantum physicists call this phenomena quantum
You are connected to other people in ways that you
cannot see and one of those ways is through
energetic cords.
Artist Benny Andersson
7yrs old
There are Absolute Laws of Harmony:
Did Mozarts music maybe come
inspired from spir. world…
That would make him the worlds
greatest musical medium.
• Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God)
or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time.
Oliver Lodge
Great Britain
• Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God)
or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time.
• Similar discoveries were made almost simultanously be far away scientists:
Radio by: Marconi Italy, Popov Russia, Tesla Austria-Hungary
(todays Kroatia)
Oliver Lodge
Great Britain
• Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God)
or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time.
• Similar discoveries were made almost simultanously be far away scientists:
Radio by: Marconi Italy, Popov Russia, Tesla Austria-Hungary
(todays Kroatia)
• Or scientific solutions dreamed
Periodic table: dreamed by Mendeleyev and August Kekulé
Chemical transmision of nerve impulses: Otto Loewi
Mathematics intuiton+dreams: Srinivasa Ramanujan
Oliver Lodge
Great Britain
The son of an Orthodox priest,
Tesla was a mystic who had out-of-body
experiences from the time he was seven
years old.
As a child, he saw a photograph of Niagara
Falls and prophesied that one day he would
harness the power there.
Nikola Tesla
spent last 10
years of his life
In Hotel
New Yorker
World Mission HQ, 70-80s
The Washington Times
Washington UC-church
He came up with his idea for alternating current (AC)
in a vision he received while watching a sunset in a
park in Budapest.
Another example of one of his prophetic ideas was
his realization that matter and energy were interchangeable,
an inspiration he received years before Einstein
demonstrated the same idea with his Theory of Relativity.
Nikola Tesla
He is a person some would describe
as “spiritually open.”
I feel an affinity for Tesla because I believe he was a
mystic who was being inspired by the spirit world.
Nikola Tesla
In my view, many great scientific inventions have come
as revelations from heaven.
I believe that heaven was working through Tesla,
and others like him, to advance God’s Providence.
Tesla was very idealistic and hoped that his inventions
would be used for the benefit of all humanity.
Source: Reconciled by the Light
The Mystical Side of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
In 1990, J. K. Rowling
was on a crowded train
from Manchester to London
when the idea for Harry Potter
suddenly "fell into her head".
In 1990, J. K. Rowling
was on a crowded train
from Manchester to London
when the idea for Harry Potter
suddenly "fell into her head".
Rowling gives an account of the experience on her
website saying:
"I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six
but I had never been so excited about an idea before.
I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours,
and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny,
black-haired, bespectacled boy who did not know he was
a wizard became more and more real to me."
Amazingly The Harry Potter fiction
have several striking similarities to Divine Pinciple
- Voldemor the root person of Evil – Divine Pinciples/Bibles satan
- The Basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as King of Serpents.
It is a creature bred by Dark Wizards.
- Harry Potter being the Prophecied winner “Messiah”
over evil.
- The distant relationship between Harry and Voldemor
= Divine Pinciple Spiritual Fallen blood-lineage
Harry Potter &
Divine Principle
• C.S: Lewis 1898-1963
• Land of Narnia –
  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
7 Books written 1949-1954
about the fantastic life of 4 children
• C.S: Lewis 1898-1963
• Land of Narnia –
  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
7 Books written 1949-1954
about the fantastic life of 4 children
• adapting numerous traditional
Christian themes, the books freely borrow
characters and ideas from Greek, Turkish 
and Roman mythology as well as from
traditional British and Irish fairy tales
C.S: Lewis 1898-1963
• Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”
• Satan's most deceptive tactics is to convince people
that he doesn't exist
Letters given by Christ to an anonymous 'Recorder'
during the period 2000/2001 as read by
E. Thomas Costello.
Christ says: These [letters] are offered free to all
who have the will and courage to WALK
my CHRIST WAY leading ultimately to enlightenment,
freedom from ego and entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.
The European Union (EU)
is an economic and political union
of 27 member states which are
located primarily in Europe
1951 saw the creation of the
European Coal and Steel Community,
which was declared to be "a first step in the
federation of Europe“
1957 EEC
1967 EC
1993 Maastricht Treaty
12 stars
• The Egyptian
 (Sinuhe egyptiläinen, Sinuhe the Egyptian)
is a historical novel by Mika Waltari.
It was first published in Finnish in 1945,
and in an abridged English translation
in 1949. 
It was adapted into a Hollywood film in 1954
There are absolute physical laws:
• Gravity F = GMm/R2
• Force F = ma
• Relativity E = mc²+½mv²
Galileo - 1610
Marie Curie - 1903
There are absolute physical laws:
• Gravity F = GMm/R2
• Force F = ma
• Relativity E = mc²+½mv²
Galileo - 1610
There are absolute physical laws:
• Gravity F = GMm/R2
• Force F = ma
• Relativity E = mc²+½mv²
Galileo - 1610 Marie Curie - 1903
’Principia’ 1687
’Principia’ 1687
There are absolute physical laws:
• Gravity F = GMm/R2
• Force F = ma
• Relativity E = mc²+½mv²
Galileo - 1610 Marie Curie - 1903
Keyboard, screen and computer,
all in one packet integrated.
“The whole vision of a personal computer
just popped up in my mind” he sais.
“The same night I started drawing on what was to
become Apple I. /Wozniak
Spirit World Inspiration! (?) – Internet+PC needed for coming CIG
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
founders of Apple
First PC
• ARPANET Started as a military defense system during
“Cold War” era.
• Later converted to University Network, and then to the
Internet, Google, Facebook,Twitter,Youtube,Skype
… we have today
Internet Spiritually
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their
spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword
against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. /Isiaah 2:4
• Internet + Optic Fibres= Providentially important
for the time of Second Advent of Christ. –
Global Communication of Gods Providence – DP Lectures
… Gen Matching and Communicating
Internet - Math 24:27 Spiritually
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even
in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man./Math 24:27
Parallell: 1984 Rev. Zin Moon Kim in Egypt
One day in the beginning of 1984, on a somewhat
chilly morning in Cairo, Egypt, I was having breakfast
with Rev. Walter Gottesman.
At the time, I was the International Itinerary Worker
in Africa.
Rev. Gottesman, an 1800 Couple, who was the
missionary to Egypt, and I were seated at a table
which was covered by very thick glass.
Parallell: 1984
All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked,
and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h".
CT – Spirits
Parallell: 1984
All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked,
and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h".
We had not put any hot dish on that corner; in fact,
all the food we were eating for breakfast was cold.
But when I touched the place where the glass cracked,
it was very hot.
CT – Spirits
Parallell: 1984
All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked,
and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h".
We had not put any hot dish on that corner; in fact,
all the food we were eating for breakfast was cold.
But when I touched the place where the glass cracked,
it was very hot.
Both Walter and I were certain that it was some kind of
spiritual phenomenon.
Soon after that, we received the sorrowful news of
Heung Jin Nim's Seung Hwa. /Dr. Zin Moon Kim
CT – Spirits
Parallell: 1984
• 1984 exactly the same time HeungJN died
in a car accident NY, there was an atemmpt to
asasin SMM during a Korean, VOC rally.
CT – Spirits
Heung Jin Nim
1966 -1984
CT – Spirits
Dae Mo Nim
HakJaHans Mother
CT – Spirits
Sung Han Lee
CT – Spirits
Google for
Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realm
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
Spiritual Genius
Spiritual Genius
Confucius Buddha
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
Spiritual Genius
Confucius Buddha Jesus
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
Spiritual Genius
Confucius Buddha Jesus Muhammad
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
Spiritual Genius
Confucius Buddha Jesus Muhammad
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
SM Moon
Spiritual Genius
Buddha Muhammad
Absolute spiritual laws:
• Divine Principle(s)
• Force = of Sin/Goodness
• Indemnity laws
• FamIly Pledge
• Destiny + Mans responsibility
not to sin!
• Bible ”Reap what you sow”
Compare 10 commandments
with your national law!
Break the Countrys Civil Laws and society (police+court)
will chase and punnish you! – If you are caught.
Break any single one of the 10 Commandments
And Heaven = Spirit World + Gods Heavenly Law
of cause and effect , ”reap what you sow”
will follow you until FULL payment is done.
”You Reap What You Sow” (Gal 6.1–10)
Matthew 5:26 I tell you the truth, you will not get out
until you have paid the last penny. /Jesus
SM Moon
Spiritual Genius
Buddha Muhammad
Sun Myung Moon
Hak Ja Han Moon
So there are also
Absolute spiritual laws:
• True Parents
• Blessing=Forgiveness
of Original Sin
Spiritual Genius
1. Jesus’ Message to Christians and
All People on Earth
Dear fellow Christians and religious believers,
I am truly the Messiah. However, the one who
returned to fulfil the messianic mission today is
Reverend Sun Myung Moon. He is the
Second Advent of the Lord.
How do you now see Reverend Moon?
Think of the flow of time and examine
the incredible achievements he has wrought.
Could he do this by human power and ability alone?
/ 5 Apr 2001
2. The Buddha’s Message to Buddhists
and Believers in Other Religions
Dear Buddhists, I am not saying that your way of life thus
far has been wrong. Like Jesus, in my time I also did my best
to guide humankind in the right direction. However, with the
passing of time, the tasks needed for the salvation of
humankind have changed. What I am trying to do is to
engraft the fruit of Buddhists who were raised through my
methods of spiritual cultivation. Please study the Unification
Principle. You will find there a considerable number of truths
that also flow through the teachings of Buddhism.
/ 6 Apr 2001
3. Confucius’ Message to Confucianists
and All People on Earth
since the wrong beginning of human history,
different religions have arisen.
The unification of religions is therefore necessary,
and for this purpose God sent Reverend Sun Myung
Moon to the Earth. He does not say that the religious
doctrines taught by each religion are wrong,
but presents one simple truth that everyone can unite with.
/ 7 Apr 2001
4. Mohammad’s Message for
Muslims and All People on Earth
Reverend Sun Myung Moon came to the Earth in order
to deliver God’s will and to unite a divided and scattered
He appears as the True Parent. I hope that my followers
will also accept him with a humble attitude.
/ 9 Apr 2001
Apostle Paul
• 1962: I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament and the New Testament
combined are not sufficient to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have
ascended into.
To be saved, every man, woman and child must commence their mission
before they leave this earth plane. And before they can do this they must find
the reason for the original sin and what original sin is.
Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work and that work
must be done in the body, the spirit of Truth demands it.
… through the original sin
none is righteous, 
Rom. 3:10
It means that all have a
common guilt,
a common sin.
Paul 9.11.2001 "I recognize the importance of human responsibility."
Now after learning the Principle, I became even more confident that the
Apostle Paul's traditional view of God was very mistaken.
We necessarily should have attended God, the resurrected Jesus and the
Individual responsibility of 100% is of tremendous importance for God's
I promise to study the Principle and lead Christian believers here in the right
direction. I have been making thorough preparation for accomplishing my
assigned mission.
Apostle Paul
Spiritual Mediums
18th century
Nemesis Divina
Spiritual Mediums
18th century
Swedenborg and Music 
“Nature is in minor key.”
by thegodguy
On my recent visit to Sedona, Arizona, I attended a musical
demonstration of flute music by Native American, Wolfs Robe.
He is a flute musician, flute historian and flute maker of the
authentic native instruments.
He is one of only six Native Americans qualified to carry on
this art.
All the traditional and original Indian flutes played in minor key.
Having studied the ideas of Emanuel Swedenborg and
George Gurdjieff, I am quite partial towards indigenous
cultures, and their wisdom traditions. So I pondered his
statement a bit.
Anyone familiar with musical theory will tell you that the
minor key is more suitable for quiet contemplation while
the major key is more “flashy” and, “in your face.”
Nature certainly offers an environment conducive to quiet
meditation, while 42nd Street and Broadway in Manhattan
plays more like a major key.
While the minor key indeed seems more noble
and spiritual than melodies played in the major
key, Wolf Robe’s performance in the minor key
was still quite subjective.
Wolfs Robe simply “channeled” his spirit through
the flute—not consciously aiming for any particular
Different people would therefore experience this
music differently, that is, subjectively.
But music could reach a level well beyond this
subjective effect.
Swedenborg and Gurdjieff suggested that ancient
music was originally objective.
That is, its arrangement made use of universal
laws mathematically designed to produce the
precise and same experience deep within
everyone’s psyche.
Swedenborg insisted that humankind once possessed
an angelic knowledge of art that transcended any art
known today.
This ancient art produced precise theological effects on
the higher functions of the human mind, which now are
mostly dormant. Gurdjieff made similar comments.
Medieval depiction of Spiritual World
The spirit grows through give and take action between
two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type -
(Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type
that come from the physical self.
The spirit grows through give and take action between
two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type -
(Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type
that come from the physical self.
The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from
the physical self; it also returns an element to the
physical self which we call the living spirit element.
The spirit grows through give and take action between
two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type -
(Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type
that come from the physical self. .
The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from
the physical self; it also returns an element to the
physical self which we call the living spirit element.
When people receive grace from a heavenly spirit,
they undergo many positive changes in their physical
self; they feel infinite joy and new strength welling up in
them which can even drive away illness.
Such phenomena occur because the physical self
receives living spirit elements from the spirit self. /DP96
Meditation – Prayer - Healing
Meditation – Prayer - Healing
Example: Reiki is described as a holistic therapy which
brings about healing on physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual levels.
The belief is that the energy (Vitality,Life Elements) will
flow through the practitioner's hands whenever the
hands are placed on, or held near a potential recipient.
Physical Body
Veda Scripture
Crown Chakra
Honors Spiritual
From World Scriptures:
What is here [the phenomenal world], the same is there [in Brahman];
and what is there, the same is here. Katha Upanishad 2.1.10 (Hinduism)
Thou who exists beyond the wide firmament, mighty in Thine own splendor and strong of mind, hast
made, for our help, the earth a replica of Thy glory. Rig Veda 1.52.12 (Hinduism)
Descriptons of Spirit World
• Wickland: Thirty Years Among the Dead
• Moody: Life After Life
• Kubler-Ross: On Life After Death
• Borgia: Life in the World Unseen
• S.H. Lee: World Peace through True Love
• Pappalardo: Reconciled by the Light
• and many more ...
Unification Sources
on Spiritual World
Gods World
“Once you enter the spirit world,
you forget about the earth.“
/SMM 1986
A. The Invisible Substantial World
and the Visible Substantial World
invisible substantial
(spirit world) -
visible substantial
world -
(physical world)
– perceived through
5 spiritual senses
– perceived through
5 physical senses
• Divine Mind
connects to God
unfallen Mans mind
connects through Absolute Sex
Tue Love
• Spirit Mind
Mind for the Spirit body
B. The mediator and the center of harmony
of the cosmos
DP:The Realms of Indirect and Direct Dominion of God
autonomy and
governance of
the Principle *
+ human
portion of
Realm of
Realm of God’s
indirect dominion
realm of dominion
based on accomp-
lishments through
the Principle
Short Vocabulary:
AGS =Absolute Good Spirits
Ahn Shi Il = 8th Day Pledge
CBG = Chambumo Gyeong, Holy Textbook
CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook
PHG = Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages)
CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH
CSW =Cheonji Sunhak Won (Museum)
CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea
DP = Divine Principle, v1973
EDP = Divine Principle, v1996
ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008
Short Vocabulary:
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven
LSA = Lord of Second Advent
OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament
CT = Completed Testament
TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon
TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon
TP = True Parents, TF+TM
TTM = Textbook and Teaching Material
UC = Unification Church
See also extended Vocabulary:
Divine Principle
Spiritual World
v. 9.3
Continues in
Part 2 of 3

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DP & Spirit World Part 1of3

  • 1. Divine Principle & Spiritual World Part 1 of 3 A 6000+ Year Journey v. 9.4
  • 2. Every human being is struggling to attain life-long happiness and overcome misfortune. /First sentence in Divine Principle And we all have the same great goal – perfect and perpetual happiness. Life In The World Unseen /Anthony Borgia
  • 3. First a mind sharpening game - Find the Generals family! (9 missing people)
  • 4. Christians often ask why God does not speak to them, as he is believed to have done in former days. When I hear such questions, it always makes me think of the rabbi who was asked how it could be that God often showed himself to people in the olden days whereas nowadays nobody ever sees him. The rabbi replied: "Nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.“ (be humble enough to let God speak)
  • 5. This answer hits the nail on the head. We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions. The Buddhist discards the world of unconscious fantasies as useless illusions; the Christian puts his Church and his Bible between himself and his unconscious; and the rational intellectual does not yet know that his consciousness is not his total psyche.
  • 6. Coincidence – or Spirit World From The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche: “A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in.
  • 7. Coincidence – or Spirit World It was the nearest analogy to the golden scarab that one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata) which contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt an urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since, and that the dream of the patient has remained unique in my experience.” – Carl Jung
  • 8. Every night, when we fall into dreamless sleep. Conscionsness fades. With it fades everyone's private universe — people and objects, colors and sounds, pleasures and pains, thoughts and feelings, even our own selves dissolve — until we awake, or until we dream. 2012
  • 9. What is consciousness, and what does it mean? How is it related to the world around us? What is it made of and how is it generated inside the brain? Can science shed some light on it? Perhaps, but can not just rest inside the shroud of science. Because consciousness is more than an object of science: it is its subject too. Compare DP: Spirit mind – 5 spiritual sences – the door to Spirit world 2012
  • 10. Introduction Where is the spirit world? It is in your bodies. Thus, you go around with the spirit world on your shoulders, attending it – there is no escaping it. Comment: Jesus ”…let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me … St Paul: ”Who will deliver me from this body of death …”
  • 11. Introduction The spirit world exists. It exists for this world, and this world exists for the sake of the eternal world. People may question, “Where in the world is God? Can there be a God in this world? Where on earth is the spirit world?” God’s dwelling place is the spirit world. /SMM 11 Apr 1982
  • 12. Introduction The purpose of life on earth is mind-body perfection What is the purpose of the Will? It is to perfect humankind spiritually and physically. Individually, our spirit represents the past and our body the present. Both worlds were invaded. We are to conquer the present satanic world physically and the past satanic world spiritually. When you triumph over both past and present by upholding the standard of mind over matter, your future will be blessed. /SMM 4 Aug 1974
  • 13. Introduction We need to know that it is the physical world, not the spirit world, which is the subject. The physical world, not the spirit world, is the subject in achieving perfection. The perfection of the physical world encompasses the perfection of both the spiritual and physical worlds. Thus, life on earth is precious. /SMM 6 Feb 1977
  • 14. Introduction The Unification Church began when it was sent by the spirit world. You of the Unification Church must understand this. The beginning of the Unification Church did not start with my own assertion. I kept my silence, but because the spirit world provided guidance, all began to come together. This is the history of the Unification Church. /SMM 1974
  • 15. Why don’t human beings, who are the lords of all creation, have wings? Is it enough that people live limited to the earth? Actually we have higher-dimensional wings. Once you die and shed your physical body, you will fly.   / Sun Myung Moon Angels and spirits… may be apparently translated from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to earths which are at the end of the universe: so likewise may man as to his spirit, his body still remaining in its own place.    / Emanuel Swedenborg
  • 16. Dante Alighieri, escritor fiorentino, autor de La Divina Comedia 1261-1321
  • 17. Inferno (Italian for "Hell") is the first part of  Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem  Divine Comedy. It is followed byPurgatorio and  Paradiso. An allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth. Allegorically, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul towards God, with the Inferno describing the recognition and rejection of sin.
  • 18. Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the Earth Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep. /John Milton 1667: Paradise Lost
  • 19. James E. Padgett and Divine Love 1852-1923 Vol. I-IV “…He (Jesus) did not come to die on a cross… Comment: Compare Divine Principle: Mission of Jesus
  • 20. Whether you believe in the source of these messages or not, they teach one primary Truth – the gift of God’s Divine Love. But you can prove the existence of this Love yourself by taking “the test.” Say the prayer for Divine Love, and see for yourself as you can feel God’s Love as it comes into your soul. We can all become redeemed children of the Father as we share in his Divine Essence through the gift of His Love. “This is the great miracle of the universe.”
  • 21. God is a creator of Law and Order! Quote SMM 1965: ”We should realize that the World of Spirit is also a Creation of GOD – and God created the Spirit World in his PRINCIPLES
  • 22. God is a creator of Law and Order! Quote SMM 1965: So this Spirit World is not a mysterious world this is a world of PRINCIPLE the World of Spirit.
  • 23. God is a creator of Law and Order! Therefore, if we discover the PRINCIPLE we certainly have the ability to understand and cope with the World of Spirit.” Quote Sun Myung Moon 1965
  • 24. Meeting in the Dianalund Denmark October 5, 1967. Sun Myung Moon's work is very special. He has been given by us forces, so that he not only can receive telepathic, but he is also capable of sending telepathic. Universal Link
  • 25. Large parts of humanity, will in the next few weeks receive messages from Sun Myung Moon. In the way that Sun Myung Moon sends the message telepathically into the room. I have some explaining how it worked with telepathic messages, and you know that an Englishman can not understand a single word of what Sun Myung Moon send out, if it did not go into a person's consciousness first, and from there was sent out again. Universal Link
  • 26. It's something that now take place, which happens very rarely with the spiritual manifestation, that I can safely say. There are very few people given, to be allowed to send message to all humanity in a galaxy, so that the message can be received anywhere and at any time by another man on the man's language, and with the understanding that the man have been receiving these messages. Universal Link
  • 27. Physical Laws – Juridical Laws – Spiritual Laws God-made/ Man-made God-made Creation-made! Conditional Absolute! Absolute Changeable Eternal Needs Police! Christ Spiritual True Parents Physical Salvation
  • 28. And he (Jesus) spake a parable unto them, Can the (Spiritual) blind lead the (Spiritual) blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? / Luke 6:39 And you shall know the (Spiritual) truth, and the (Spiritual) truth shall make you free. /John 8:32
  • 29. 1st World War One of the most arresting paranormal experiences on military record which occurred in Europe at 10:30 P.M on November 14, 1915, was witnessed by French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops. Source: "One Step Beyond": The Vision.
  • 30. Christ the Spiritual Superstar! Celebrated every Christmas!
  • 31. 1924 Korea, Jesus Church:   Then Jesus appeared in her (Kims) prayers and told her that adultery was the root of sin. He also said that his crucifixion had been the result of the mistrust of his own people, that the Second Advent of Christ would occur through another man and that he would appear in Korea.  From Sun Myung Moon the early years 1920-53, M. Breen
  • 32. 1924 Korea, Jesus Church:   Mrs Kim began holding services at home, teaching that believers should repent for the death of Jesus as if they had killed him themselves. She received revelation that men and women should prepare themselves for the coming Lord, that single people should not marry, and that married couples should refrain from sexual relations. People came to see her from all over Korea, and she taught them to prepare for the coming Messiah.”
  • 33. 1930s in Korea:   His (SMM:s) conversion in the 1930s coincided with a period of widespread spiritual activity in Korean Christian groups. Thousands had begun speaking in tongues and having revelations they could not understand. During revival meetings, many participants became ecstatic, as if drunk in the spirit. 
  • 34. 1930s in Korea:    …the spirit came to prepare the way for the Lord, to cleanse the souls of those it came to, not to excite their senses. But, above all, it came because God wanted to find one man.
  • 35. 1930s in Korea:   To bring his kingdom, God needs to start with one person, like a new Adam. The purpose behind the spirit's coming was to make one perfect man.
  • 36. 1943 Korea:   ”Her (Kims) mission, Moon's cell-mate explained, passed on to another woman, Huh Ho-bin, who was the leader of the Holy Lord Church in Pyongyang. Every time Mrs. Huh received a revelation, her stomach would move as if she were pregnant.
  • 37. 1943 Korea:   This unusual experience was cited by the followers as further evidence of the truth of Kim's teaching that, contrary to common Christian belief, the Lord would be born in the flesh. “ Huh's group became informally known as 'Bokjung-Kyo' literally the In-the-Belly Church.
  • 38. 1946 Korea:   "The new Lord is twenty-six and you must serve him well, as you have served me," Jesus said.” Huh eventually died in prison. The other leaders of the group were all sent to a labor camp when the Korean War broke out in 1950, and are believed to have been killed.
  • 39. 1946 Korea:   Comment:  As a postscript to this encounter, however, it should be noted that, when Moon's 1st wife left him and he remarried, his new bride was the daughter of the only known survivor of Huh's (In-the-Belly Church ) group Hak Ja Han.
  • 40. 1946 Pyoungyang Korea:   Pyongyang in 1946 was still a dynamic center for Korean Christianity. He prayed with such intensity and feeling that the sweat and tears seemed to pour from him. "I had never been so deeply struck by anyone's prayer in my life," Kim In-lu recalled. 
  • 41. 1946 Pyoungyang Korea:   Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect. He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another
  • 42. Amazing Messianic support; 1946 In particular, after True Father's (SunMyungMoon) arrival (1946 Pyongyang), some people began receiving revelations about him. These devout believers found him through the guidance of those in the spirit world.
  • 43. Many of those who came had been long prepared for the coming of True Father, and among them were people who had been prepared to receive True Father from EVEN BEFORE HE WAS BORN. The spirit world transcends time and space, and the connections of the world of the heart are linked in mysterious and profound ways. / Cham Bumo Gyeong, Book 3 (link)
  • 44. 1947 Korea:   "Moon held services which, by the end of 1947, were being attended regularly by around forty people. During the day he would take care of members, and pray and study the Bible. He invested himself completely in his followers.
  • 45. 1947 Korea:   Many had been led directly through revelations. He fasted three days, and sometimes seven days, for each new person.
  • 46. 1947 Korea:   "One lady in a service declared that she had seen Jesus in Moon's heart. Another spiritual woman announced to the other members that Moon himself was the Christ.” Ref: The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC
  • 47. • Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World
  • 48. •  in order to be reborn, people should understand the process of rebirth. If explaining this more in detail, our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, and we should inherit the love of God, which is called rebirth. In order to be reborn, our body needs to go back to the womb from which we came.
  • 49. • we can go back to God (which is a rebirth), by making an indemnity condition of small value. • However, for this, we need a mediator. The mediator is True Parents. Humans cannot go to God without True Parents since the original sin (fallen nature: literal) can be removed only through True Parents, and only through Them.
  • 50. • Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World • Dr Sun Myung Moon Earthly Life and Spirit World I & II …1998
  • 51. •  I have not conducted all the providential efforts and events on my own centering only on the physical standard. Instead, I have done these things by attending to God in the spirit world. You have to know that the reason everything is being solved on Earth is so that the spirit world will be affected and all the divisions within spirit world will be broken down.
  • 52. 2006
  • 53. 2014
  • 54.   3.1. Spirit is the essence of life Where there is a nucleus, there must be a reciprocally related being to revolve around it. As electrons revolve around protons, human beings are meant to revolve around God. God can pursue the providence of restoration because the human mind, which is like an electron, naturally relates to God’s mind, which can be likened to the nucleus.
  • 55.   4.7. Heaven is a life of living for the sake of others The Kingdom of Heaven is where those who have made sacrifices for others become the masters. The family should sacrifice for the sake of the tribe, the tribe for the people, the people for the nation, the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos, and the cosmos for God. The ultimate purpose is in reaching God and occupying Him.
  • 56. Sören Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855) Quote: "Life can only be understood in retrospect (backwards) but has to be lived forward” /Kirkegaard "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." / George Santayana This quote is rooted in the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and many others. endq Compare with Divine Principles paralels of history: Man repeats errors based on Fall of Man and 4 fallen natures.
  • 57.
  • 58. For humankind to completely overcome the two aspects of Ignorance (Internal –Spiritual, External – Science) and fully realize the goodness which the original mind desires, at some point in history there must emerge a new truth which can reconcile religion and science and resolve their problems in an Integrated undertaking. /Divine Principle 96 p.7
  • 59. A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World SS mind God invisible substantial world (spirit world) - subject visible substantial world (physical world - object – perceived through 5 spiritual senses – perceived through 5 physical senses Humans HS body
  • 60. Limitatons of physical reality It seems as though our five (Physical) senses limit us to focus only on one point in time at any given moment,  and we string these to create an illusion of linear reality without the limitations of my (physical) body,  I took in all points of time and space as they pertained  to me, all at once. (no time arrow)
  • 61. We have Many Human “Minds”: • Spiritual Mind • Physical Mind • Original Mind • Fallen Mind • Conscience Mind • Intellectual Mind • …
  • 62. God imparted to humans a supra-sensory dimension and capability for sniffing out and perceiving theological truths. This special discernment allows the human race to receive spiritual and eternal life from God’s heavenly (non-physical) influence. This deeper capacity of a person’s spiritual nose is what  the Holy Bible is communicating when we read in Genesis that Jehovah breathed into human nostrils and caused them to live. In other words, God’s main activity is to help humans to live deeper, more spiritual lives—not just worldly or physical lives.
  • 63. This divine spiritual endeavor is evidenced later in Scripture when Jesus breathes into His disciple’s nostrils. His disciples were already physically alive, so some additional and spiritually vivifying capacity must have been added to their mundane breathing. We innately grasp the reality of this psychical schnozzola when we say that something smells “fishy” about a situation or when a person shows a particular talent, we will say they “have a nose for such things.” Everyone can understand this last phrase as representing a human ability that operates above the functioning of the  physical nose. /Swedenborg & The GodGuy
  • 64. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. /Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Man's essence is spirit. Therefore, when you go to the spiritual world you will realize more deeply that the essence of being human is to live for the sake of others. /SMM
  • 65. The western Christian philosophical tradition of spirit finds its roots in Plato’s division of existing beings into two substances, form and matter. For Plato the forms exist independently of material beings in their own realm. In human beings he equates form with mind and soul, and this equation has stuck. 
  • 66. Goal 1 ! Every human being is struggling to attain life-long happiness and overcome misfortune. /Divine Principle
  • 67. Goal 2 ! The three great blessings: be fruitful (mature and ready to bear fruit), multiply (have divine sinless families) have (good loving) dominion over the Creation. /Bible & Divine Principle
  • 68. Goal 3 ! The Messiah – True Parents Will remove Original sin and open the door to fulfilling Goal 2 and thereby Goal 1
  • 70.
  • 71. Physical fighting All who are killed! WARS Root Cause Fall of Man Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride…more Spirit World! Physical World!
  • 72. Me Spiritual fighting wrath/rage/anger hatred, revenge jeolousy, greed, lust-rape, attachment egoism-pride…more My Ancestors! Unsolved Sins Root Cause Fall of Man: Marriage Family Siblings fighting Physical World! Spirit World!
  • 73. Spiritual Reasons for World Wars • WW1 1914-1918 • WW2 1939-1945 • WW3 1945-1992… Ideological ”Cold War”
  • 74. Imperialists Imperialists Imperialists Imperialists on Satan’s side on Satan’s side on Satan’s side on Satan’s side Upholders of Christianity Cain Cain Cain Cain In the sphere of religion and ideology, the Abel-type nations of Great Britain, the United States, and France, which generally upheld Christianity, fought the Cain-type nations of Turkey, persecuting Christianity, and its allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary (p. 367-8). The First World War (1914 – 1918) Summary of the Providence in the First World War Authoritarian Authoritarian Persecutors Persecutors Persecutors Persecutors of Christianity of Christianity of Christianity of Christianity Britain - U.S. - France Germany - Austria - Turkey Abel Democracies Imperialists on God’s side Religion Religion Religion Religion and and and and Ideology Ideology Ideology Ideology Economics Economics Economics Economics Politics Politics Politics Politics
  • 75. Indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the formation stage Overcome Jesus’ first temptation Lay the formation-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty. 3 1 2 Formation-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty 3 The Providential Causes behind the First World War The Providential Causes behind the First World War
  • 76. Lay the growth-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty (p. 375). 3 1 Indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the growth stage 2 Overcome Jesus’ second temptation 3 Growth-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty The Providential Causes The Providential Causes behind the Second World War behind the Second World War (1939 – 1945)
  • 77. The age for building a new heaven and new earth under the leadership of Christ at the Second Advent had begun, and the growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent commenced. 1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings 2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the second blessing 3 Established the growth-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty New heaven and earth under the Second Advent New heaven and earth under the Second Advent New heaven and earth under the Second Advent New heaven and earth under the Second Advent Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent Growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent Victory of God’s side Second World War The Providential Results of the Second World War The Providential Results of the Second World War
  • 78. The Third World War Is the Third World War Inevitable? This is why the democratic world and communist world stand confronting each other. Communism Democracy Democracy World World World World
  • 79. 1 Indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the completion stage 2 Overcome Jesus’ third temptation 3 Completion-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty The Providential Causes The Providential Causes behind the Third World War behind the Third World War Lay the completion-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty. 3
  • 80. 3 God’s ideal world The Providential Results of the Third World War The Providential Results of the Third World War Spiritual and physical salvation 1 Restore the entire providence, prolonged to the third stage 2 Restoration completed (God’s Word God’s lineage) The victories of God’s side will fully restore through indemnity all the aspects of the providence of restoration and realize God’s ideal world. 3 Victory of God’s side Victory of God’s side Three World Wars Three World Wars
  • 81.
  • 82. Sin Forgiveness Involves /Indemnity Original sin LSA –Messiah Angel: satan Hereditary sin Ancestor liberation Man Collective sin Attend LSA Mankind Individual Sin faith in Jesus Me Don’t sin any more! Life in CIG – Live for Others Do HDH
  • 83. The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary. The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again. Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints.  This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.
  • 84. This is the end of an age, and the battle that is raging is really Armageddon. It's a battle between the selfish, brutal men who do not think in terms of God or things which are associated with that word - against those peoples who will be the harbingers of the New Age.
  • 85. You are now in the new Age - and old things are being destroyed - and new things - which are eternal but which are new only because mankind has now reached the point where it is able to recognize them and use them.
  • 86. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. /Mathew 11:12  The revelators seldom live to see their revelations widely accepted. But they do always draw to them – and leave behind them – a group who continue the revelation.
  • 87. Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are to such a breakthrough of universal truth? Fletcher: You are in the process now. But before Jesus became manifest there were people who had been prepared - John the Baptist came prepared. But the world has grown and multiplied – the means of communication have become simpler and easier.  It takes not one man in a little country to be a John the Baptist, but many men in many countries to herald the coming.
  • 88. But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because it needs education and it will take time. Nobody can give away perfection. Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to loose that perfection, and she must now choose to return to it. 
  • 89. But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go.  And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965
  • 90. Mr. Moon reminded me that in the Book of Revelation there is a picture of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of the heavens. And there was a door on the east and a door on the south, a door on the north and a door on the west – and when the teacher comes, he always has to come through the eastern gate. In the Holy City of Jerusalem there is an eastern gate long since sealed and blocked. It will never be opened until the new teacher comes. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965 1965
  • 91. The Hebrew name of the Golden Gate is Sha'ar HaRachamim (‫הרחמים‬ ‫)שער‬,  Gate of Mercy. In Jewish sources the eastern gate of the Temple compound is called the Shushan Gate., this would make it the oldest of the current  gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.
  • 92. According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah ‫)כינה‬ Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate, and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah)  comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3) Comment : Divine Principle claims Messiah comes from the East, Korea! I can only repeat the vision of John, that when the New Age comes, the Eastern Gate will open, and not only man - but Revelation – will flow out of that gate. /Ford-Fletcher
  • 93. Help from Spirit World Missionary work Behind the Communist Iron Curtain: … In the summer of 1976, I went to Prague to visit Marta. We wanted to join a labour brigade to go picking strawberries. Our mistake was to talk in detail about it on the telephone which, alas, was bugged. At the railway station I saw a man who raised my suspicions. Intuitively, I heard a spirit say, "Return to your dormitory and hide the literature which you left there! Bury it deep into the ground!" Suddenly I felt so anxious that I rushed back to the student hostel, grabbed the material in question and buried the whole lot at a suitable place nearby.
  • 94. Help from Spirit World When I returned to the station my train to Prague had already left so I had to wait for the next one. But my 'shadow' was still there and he followed me into that train.I was alarmed and kept thinking to myself, "If he needed to go to Prague too, why hadn't he taken the first train? He must be an agent who is following me - what shall I do?" I was so tense and it felt like being in the middle in a thriller movie. More see Publication ”Mission Butterfly”
  • 95. 2 Bodies in One ! I Cor. 15:44 'It is sown a PHYSICAL BODY, it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY.  If there is a PHYSICAL BODY, there is also a SPIRITUAL BODY'I
  • 96. 1 3 1 2 2 Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit World From Natural World • You should know that you are like two people in one. via Physical Body via Spirit Body Gods Love
  • 97. Yin Yang Yin Yang • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. From Spirit World From Natural World via Physical Body via Spirit Body Gods Love
  • 98. Yin Yang Yin Yang • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. • When the inner and external men are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you.  From Spirit World From Natural World via Physical Body via Spirit Body Gods Love
  • 99. Yin Yang Yin Yang • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. • When the inner and external men are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you.  Reincarnation untrue - but explained as Returning Spirits! Yang = is provided Yin = requires effort From Spirit World From Natural World via Physical Body via Spirit Body Gods Love
  • 100. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life Gen. 3:14 Comment: “Dust” = evil vitality elements “Evil inspiration” = evil Spirit elements Evil Spirit elements Evil vitality elements Gods Love
  • 101. Church-curiosa about Spirit World – Sleep! In the early days – 50-60-70-80s When giving DP-lectures on the Fall of Man People in the audience used to go to sleep for no reason… else then hindering them to listen – to the Truth! Ref: Fall of Man
  • 102. Church-curiosa about Spirit World – Sleep! Abraham: “but he did not cut the birds in two. And when the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away. As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram; and lo, a dread and great darkness fell upon him. - Gen. 15:9-13 Jesus: And he came unto the disciples, and found them asleep, and said unto Peter, What, could you not watch with me one hour? - Math 26:40
  • 103.
  • 104. Physical death does not bury who we are, or even change who we are. Rather, it carries us to the next stage of  discovering who we are.
  • 105. We are the combination of both who God designed us to be and who we have practically fashioned ourselves to be. We are given the opportunity to create ourselves, our own characters and personalities, during the course of our lives on earth.  Thus, God has created us as  cocreators of our own spirits. This is who we ARE. 1
  • 106. Secondly, we are in our essence NOT the physical body (with potential limitations=handicaps) that we inhabited while living on earth. We are in our original essence the character God designed us to have and be—a character of unlimited love and goodness. /Life In Eternity: Human Beings In the Spirit World by Kerry Pobanz   2
  • 107. One of its foremost challenges is the way its members come to view the person of its founder, who does not claim to avoid being controversial.  At a meeting held in the eastern part of the United States  on the occasion of his first visit to the U.S.A., a questioner bluntly asked him: "Are you Christ?" In reply Sun Myung Moon raised his hand and pointed to various members of the audience in turn, saying: "and so are you... and you... and you also, if you can accept it."  Sir Anthony Brooke  Towards Human Unity 1964
  • 108. On another occasion a translation of what he said in the Korean language was given as follows: "This is God's world and it has no boundaries. It is one. Your life is one of universal significance and I call upon you to share my mission. Be urgently concerned for the world and know, feel and act in accordance with the Divine Will.  The purpose of the coming Lord is that some day all shall be like him - like Christ.“
  • 109. It seems to me that because Sun Myung Moon is incarnate upon the earth at this time and has a particular link with the Christ Ray, he make an indispensable bridge for many people who are being given exceptional and life changing experiences by taking his powerful name into their meditations.
  • 110. "Sun Myung Moon is direct link with Ashtar Command. Through him the forces are dispersed where necessary. These forces are not of one planet alone. They are gathered from many and are the chosen ones for this work for their knowledge and for their great love for the universal God."
  • 111. Testimony Denmark 1960s: Just as I was through reading a letter and a pressrelease with Anthonys (A. Brooke) predictions that the name of Sun Myung Moon was to be known all throughout the world – in that very moment Sun Myung Moon visited us here in my home, by speaking with a loud, clear voice, through Kathleens mouth, saying " I am Sun Moon". I immediately wrote to Anthony and told him about this stunning experience. Anthony read my letter to Sun Myung Moon, who instantly confirmed that it really was he who had visited us Compare with what Ford sitting testifies of the Messianic spiritual qualifications!
  • 112. Testimony Denmark 5th Oct 1967: Meeting of Diana Lund on 5th oktober , 1967. Sun Myung Moon's work is very special. He has of us had powers, so that he not only can receive telepathic , but he is also capable of sending telepathic. Large sections of humanity, the next few weeks to receive messages from Sun Myung Moon. …you know that an Englishman can not understand a single word of what Sun Myung Moon sends out, if it did not go into a person's consciousness first, and from there was sent out again. It is something which occurs very rarely with the spiritual manifestation , I can safely say.
  • 113. Baba Vangas’s prophecies made her famous; probably not as famous as Nostradamus, but still, for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian she made headlines all over the world.
  • 114. Interesting fact: Baba Vanga mentioned a  new religion that will take the earth by the storm: The White color associated with that new religion is often associated with the White Brotherhood, but is more possibly representing a religion coming from Korea, known as the people of the white clothes.
  • 115. "Christ will Return as a peacemaker" and unify all religions. Vanga promises that the prophecy in the Bible  concerning the Second Coming of Christ will come true.  She described him as a peacemaker who comes to our time and "will sign the eternal peace".  
  • 116. In Vanga's words God is one and religions will soon find a common purpose and the whole humanity will come to believe one truth. The new religious leader, coming from the East as  the Messianic figure to guide humanity towards peace will unite all religions; 
  • 118. SunMyungMoon Physical Family Salvation True Parents Jesus Spiritual Salvation Foundation for Messiah Abraham-Isaac-Jacob Rebekka-Tamar-Mary Spiritual takeoff No Sin redemption Original Sin redemption Personal Sin redemption 6000 years OT NT CT
  • 119.
  • 120. Jewish/Christian Muslim faith • God warned A&E • Lucifer spoke with/tempted A&E • (DP:Satan had an illicit rel. ship with Eve) • Abraham - sat and ate with angels • Moses, burning bush, miracles • Saul – Samuel OT – Spirits
  • 121. The prophet Samuel seen after the death by the woman of Endor, and with whom the unhappy Saul conversed, was in bodily form. The woman’s answer to the King’s question – What form is he of?’ – was, ’An old man cometh up’ (1 Sam. 28) OT – Spirits
  • 122. Moses and Elijah seen on the mount of Transfiguration. Fifteen hundred years after Moses material body had been buried ’in a valley in the land of Moab’ (Deut. 34:6) They were not shapeless. OT – Spirits
  • 123. St Luke describes them as men (Luk 9:30), and so bodily that they could converse with Christ’ and was recogniceable. OT – Spirits
  • 124. Elijah a prophet in Israel  in the 9th century BC. He appears in the Hebrew Bible,  New Testament, and the Qur'an. Elijah raised the dead, brought fire down from the sky, and ascended into heaven in a whirlwind (accompanied by chariots, not in one). In the Book of Malachi, Elijah's return is prophesied “ before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord,“ making him a harbinger of the Messiah. OT – Spirits
  • 125. The silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12.6-7 OT – Spirits
  • 126. Hasidic Judaism or Hasidism, from the Hebrew: ‫חסידות‬ is a branch of  Orthodox Judaism that promotes spirituality through the popularisation and internalisation of  Jewish mysticism as the fundamental aspects of the  Jewish faith OT – Spirits
  • 127. King Belshazzar's Arrogance and Affront Against The Most High God (Daniel 5)
  • 128. Daniel interpreted to him the writing, showing the king that God, by means of the writing was ending his reign, and the transference of the kingdom to the Medes and Persians (vv. 25–28).
  • 129. OT – Mystical The Jewish Kabbalah: A mystical and esoteric explanation of the Torah Exact same content as DP explanation of Fall of Man. 1st Israel = close to DP.
  • 130. OT – Mystical The Jewish Kabbalah: • This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve. He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly seduce her.   And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her. 
  • 131. OT – Mystical The Jewish Kabbalah: • This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve. He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly seduce her.   And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her.  • She had added two things. She said, "from the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden," while [God] had only said (Genesis  2:17), "from the Tree of Knowledge." She also said, "do not touch it lest you die,";   [while God had only spoken of eating it].
  • 132. OT – Mystical The Jewish Kabbalah: • This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve. He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly seduce her.   And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her.  • She had added two things. She said, "from the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden," while [God] had only said (Genesis  2:17), "from the Tree of Knowledge." She also said, "do not touch it lest you die,";   [while God had only spoken of eating it]. • The woman went and touched the tree. She saw the Angel of Death approaching her and said, "Woe is to me. Now I will die and the Blessed Holy One will make another woman and give her to Adam. I will therefore cause him to eat with me. If we die, we will both die, and if we live, we will both live."
  • 133.
  • 134. • Mary, the angels visitation NT – Spirits
  • 135. • Lazarus and the Rich Man • Jesus spoke in parables. NT – Spirits
  • 136. If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? /John 3:12 NT – Spirits
  • 137. And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. … And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. /Matthew 8:28-32 NT – Spirits
  • 138. • Jesus met with Moses and Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration NT – Spirits
  • 139. Mount Tabor Mount of Transfiguration NT – Spirits
  • 140. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. /John 14:2 NT – Spirits
  • 141. The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies was divided by a thick woven veil. NT – Spirits
  • 142. The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies was divided by a thick woven veil. The moment Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished!” and died that thick curtain was torn from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:51). NT – Spirits
  • 143. The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies was divided by a thick woven veil. The moment Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished!” and died that thick curtain was torn from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:51). Until that historic moment the veil in the Temple declared, "Keep out!" “Do not enter!” However from that moment on the torn veil declares, “Whosoever will come on in!” NT – Spirits
  • 144. • St Paul and the blinding light (Jesus) on the road to Damaskus An illumination depicting the Conversion of Saint Paul from  Livre d'Heures d'Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460) by Jean Fouquet.  NT – Spirits
  • 145. • St Paul spoke of God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. (1 Cor 35) NT – Spirits
  • 146. • A group of Jews was travelling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, "I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!“ /Acts 19:13 NT – Spirits
  • 147. • St John at Patmos Greece ”Revelation” last book in the Bible Holy Grotto of the Revelation, Patmos Island, Greece NT – Spirits
  • 148. • St John at Patmos Greece ”Revelation” last book in the Bible Patmos Island, Greece NT – Spirits
  • 149. • They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. /Rev 16:14 NT – Spirits
  • 150. Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902), a Hindu monk from India and chief disciple of the 19th-century saint Ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world and is credited with raising interfaith awareness And create a healthy synthesis of East and West, of religion and science.
  • 151. A Christian mystic and visionary from the Duchy of Styria, who promoted liberal Universalism. On 15 March 1840 he began hearing an 'inner voice' from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. New Revelation 10,000 pages in print. The New “Gospel of John” contains 2000 pages claimed directly from Jesus. Jakob Lorber 1800 – 1864
  • 152. Can you imagine a more frustrating experience than the one God had?  Here is God who among all the peoples in the world chose the Jews to become "His own people" because they were the only ones who in the old days had kept the belief in One God.
  • 153. He made a covenant with them (Abraham), freed them from slavery in Egypt, gave them a unique law, gave them a beautiful land, educated them, blessed them and forgave them their many sins. But when He finally comes to visit them in human form in Jesus to bring them eternal life they reject Him and kill His body. Compare: Divine Principle Mission of Jesus
  • 154. With her unique gifts of inspiration and literary genius, she is the greatest writer since Saint John the Evangelist. Jesus nicknamed her "Little John". She is the most widely read Italian author in many languages throughout the world. Maria Valtorta 1897-1961
  • 155. Jesus on Marriage: Nothing is healthier or holier than two people who sincerely love one another and unite to perpetuate the human race and give souls to Heaven. The dignity of a man and a woman who become parents is second only to God's.
  • 156. Helen Schucman, Ph.D., was a clinical and research psychologist. A Course in Miracles was "scribed" by Dr. Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation. She experienced the process as one of a distinct and clear dictation from an inner voice, which earlier had identified itself to her as Jesus. 1965-1972
  • 157. Time is under MY (Jesus) direction, but Timelessness belongs to God alone. In time, we exist for and with each other. In Timelessness, we coexist with God. The Crucifixion did NOT establish the Atonement. The Resurrection did. This is a point which many very sincere Christians have misunderstood.
  • 158. Swedish medium Anna Berg had her spiritual awakening 1994 and have since channeled books from spiritual world about Jesus, Maria and Mary Magdalena.
  • 159. 1960-2000 2000-2012 1954-1960 1946-48 Spiritual takeoff 1946 - 2012 Preparation 1st Blessing Preparation CIG Preparation HSA-UWC 2nd Blessing 1948-50 Hung Nam 1950-53 Korean War D-Day 2013 3rd Blessing
  • 160. Complete understanding of the whole World = Cosmos Last peace is missing The Teaching of 2nd Coming of Christ Lord of Second Advent
  • 162. Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker,       a pot that is like all the others? Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?       Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill? Isaiah 45:9
  • 163.  “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clayin the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel”. Jeremiah 18:6
  • 164. The 8th and last unknown “Continent”! 7 Physical Continents + The Spiritual World = “8th Continent”
  • 165. Scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg not only claimed that spiritual information was continually streaming in (influx) from a heavenly realm, but that the human brain and mind had special receptors for this info within deeper substrates of the human brain cell (neuron).
  • 166. Scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg not only claimed that spiritual information was continually streaming in (influx) from a heavenly realm, but that the human brain and mind had special receptors for this info within deeper substrates of the human brain cell (neuron). Unfortunately, because of the abnormalities of modern human culture and a dominating terrestrial worldview, people have been cut off from these extra capacities and need to be reconnected to them. The expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Fall of Man) was a symbolic representation of this disconnection.
  • 167. Spirit World! Mans mind Is the Builder! /Edgar Casey
  • 168. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Thoughts becomes your destiny Lao-Tzu Compare: Law of Attraction Jesus words on adultery Anger, for example, brings much disturbance to the spirit world. /SunMyungMoon Thoughts are mighty forms of Energy!
  • 169. Whether a word is good or bad can depend "love and gratitude" on the speaker's motive, thought and intention. This can be explained quite easily by UT (Unification Thought), as the word (logos) is made by give-and-receive action of Inner Sungsang and Inner Hyungsang centering on Heart (love). Hence would be right to say that the words should be judged by whether or not they are generated by heart (love).
  • 170. In Japan, elementary school students along with their teacher performed a similar experiment using rice in three different bottles. To one rice bottle, "Thank you" was said every day. A second bottle was ignored all the time, and the last bottle was told "You fool!" every day. The class watched to see how quickly the rice spoiled. The rice in the bottle that was ignored spoiled first, followed by the rice in the bottle told "You fool!" Meanwhile, the rice that was told "Thank you" was preserved without spoiling.
  • 171.
  • 172. Mind Is the Builder The part of us that begins the process of setting us apart as unique individuals is our mental body. Edgar Casey
  • 173. Mind Is the Builder The part of us that begins the process of setting us apart as unique individuals is our mental body. It is here that the patterns leading to health or illness are created.
  • 174. Mind Is the Builder The part of us that begins the process of setting us apart as unique individuals is our mental body. It is here that the patterns leading to health or illness are created. The analogy of a film projector can be helpful in understanding this concept: The light bulb and projected light represent the Spirit, and the images on the screen are the physical result. The film, which patterns the light to create the images, ‘ is comparable to our mental body. (DP: Spirit Self/Sprit Mind)
  • 175. Mind Is the Builder “thy brain is not thy mind, it is that which is used by thy mind.” The Cayce material divides the nervous system into three functional components: • the cerebrospinal system • the sympathetic system • and the sensory system
  • 176. Mind Is the Builder The significance of the sympathetic nervous system is the most underestimated. – “the brain manifestation of soul forces in the body.” The solar plexus region being the control center of the mental body. visualization exercises, breathing techniques, working with dreams, positive emotions. 
  • 177. Mind Is the Builder An important first step toward health is to choose one’s “ideal,” the principal motivating force in our daily living.  Meditation tops the list of suggested techniques for pursuing spiritual growth and health. 
  • 178. Mind Is the Builder The readings say that all of us eventually need to learn to meditate, just as we once had to learn to walk. Meditation, with the use of proper attunement and  affirmations, works physically with the endocrine and nervous systems to create new patterns of health.  /Edgar Cacey
  • 179. “Death is like walking from one room into another.” /Edgar Cacey
  • 180.
  • 181. Some famous Mediums • Moses, Bible Prophets … Jesus – the Messiah • Dante – Divina Comedia • Robert James Lees – tried to help Police find Jack the Ripper • Peter Hurkos (Dutch) – helped Police, Manson murder • Edgar Cacey- healed many sick - help from Spir. World • Arthur Ford – SunMyunMoon sittings. • Sun Myung Moon – the Messiah
  • 182. Merely by holding in his hand an object connected with a person or a place, amazing Peter Hurkos can tell you • where hidden treasure lies • who is your enemy and who your friend • where a person has disappeared • without a trace can be found what the results of a new enterprise will be • who is the guilty person in an unsolved crime • where to look for a lost object what your most zealously guarded secrets are • how you can prevent a serious misfortune to yourself or someone close to you • when you can expect the results of an undertaking Peter Hurkos
  • 183. Dante, Robert James Lees, Hurkos, A Ford, E Cacey, Branham, Xavier … and many more were channels/bridges to Spirit World Jesus Sun Myung Moon
  • 184. • Jesus said: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. • THe archangel's mission must be fulfilled first, since God created the archangelic world first. Next must be the accomplishment of the purpose of Adam, who should stand in the position of God's objective being. If he stands as the perfected being of God's ideal, the ideal of vertical love can be developed horizontally. This is the objective world of creation which is the Heavenly Kingdom centered upon God.  /SMM 11 Sep 1972 Both New Adams knew Gods will as oposed by most people
  • 187. You prefer this life, although the life to come is better and more enduring. All this is written in earlier scriptures; the scriptures of Abraham and Moses. Qur’an 87.16-19 Quran
  • 188. Angel Gabriel gave the Quran to Mohammad near Mecca Islam Quran Mohammad visiting Jerusalem Islam – Spirits
  • 189. Mohammed or Muhammed) (ca. 570/571 Mecca – June 8, 632 Medina) The name "Muhammad" in traditional Thuluth calligraphy by the hand of Hattat Aziz Efendi. Islam – Spirits
  • 191. • Sufism or taṣawwuf (Arabic:  ‫ف‬ّ‫و‬‫ص‬‫ت‬ )  is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. • A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a Sūfī (ّ ‫ي‬ِ ‫وف‬ ُ ‫ص‬ ) • Another name for a Sufi is Dervish. Islam – Mystics
  • 192. The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in nineteenth-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories. In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and others, and most recently the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
  • 193. In the Bahá'í Faith, Gabriel is seen to represent one of the embodiments of descent of the Spirit of God upon the messengers/prophets of God, which are known as Manifestations of God. * In Bahá'í belief, the Spirit of God is the conduit through which the wisdom of God becomes directly associated with his messenger, and it has been described variously in different religions such as the • burning bush to Moses, • the sacred fire to Zoroaster,  • the dove to Jesus, • the angel Gabriel to Muhammad, and • the Maid of Heaven to Bahá'u'lláh.  Gabriel is also mentioned in the Kitáb-i-Íqánin connection with Muhammad.
  • 194.
  • 195. Emanuel Swedenborg 1688 - 1772 Heaven and Hell Description of Spir. World • ALL men 100% survives physical death • We create our down destiny in spir wrld = Absolute Spiritual Laws are at work “You reap what you sow!” • 3 levels of Spir. World Heaven – Medium – Hell • “…man takes with him all his memory and nothing can be hidden in the world so that it does not become manifest after death, and this in many people's presence”
  • 196. According to David Kessler, author and expert on death and dying, the following things often happen when a person is about to die. • The dying are often visited by their dead mothers. • Their hands often reach up toward a force that can’t be seen. • Family members and friends of the dying can’t see their visions or participate in conversations. • Visions often occur hours to weeks before they die. While there is no “proof” that their visions and communication with deceased family members or friends are real, some death and dying experts are adamant they should be taken seriously.
  • 198. “Living for Others” /SMM "Therefore all things whatsoever would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them“ /Jesus.  My Cosmos My World My Nation My Family Our God Me! Live for others! My Tribe
  • 199. Swedenborg not only showed how increased complexity into higher order structures involves more complicated circles of process but that these circles could be transcendent as well. Thus, whole units of action and process could include an involution of spiritual energy into matter (creation) and the evolution of spiritual energy from matter back to its source. The trajectory back to the “source” is made possible through the emergence of the human race choosing to evolve further through spiritual transformation by adopting God’s tenets to their hearts, minds and lives. On this grand scale of causal process the completion of such a cycle represents a cosmic “heartbeat.” Swedenborg
  • 200. Swedenborg claimed that angelic perception is different from scientific observation (and reductionism) in that it instinctively sees all things in terms of comprehensive wholes. Angels can instantaneously grasp how all things in the created universe are interrelated and unified into coherent and holistic units. These interrelated and interconnected units of circular process are observed and recorded in the biblical vision of Ezekiel as “wheels within wheels.” In fact, Swedenborg maintained that these circular units of orderly process are woven into the very fabric of God’s Holy Word! Swedenborg
  • 201. • Ezekiel's famous vision of the Divine Throne above the Four Living Creatures with their "wheels within wheels" contains all the elements of lightning, fire, a whirlwind, and great noise that typically attend the great revelations of God's Word.
  • 202. • And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. /King James Bible • The revelation of the Bible Wheel confirms and amplifies the ancient Christian tradition that Ezekiel's Vision of the "wheels within wheels" was a vision of the entire Bible in which the Old and and New Testaments are inextricably interwoven. Comment Compare DP Chart 3.
  • 203.
  • 206. Emanuel Swedenborg was one of the first practitioners to write extensively about the out-of-body experience, in his Spiritual Diary (1747– 1765). Swedenborg
  • 207. CONCERNING THE IMPRESSION WITH SPIRITS THAT THEIR BODIES LIVE. The spirits of this our earth have such an impression in regard to their still living in the (physical) body as will scarcely be credited, and it is with the utmost difficulty that they can be persuaded to the contrary. /Swedenborg Swedenborg
  • 208. Truth embraces a, deeper reality. It is in the best interests of the human race to become aware of this inner reality. It represents who we really are and determines what part of us survives the death of the physical body. Ironically, many of our manifestations prove the existence of this deeper reality. What is truth. Swedenborg
  • 209. For instance, when we are insincere, hypocritical, or cultivate hidden agendas, it proves that there is an inner realm of our personality that can hide itself from the outside world. The Lord Jesus came into the physical world to bring more attention to humankind’s inner world— so that it would not become an exemplar of hell. This inner realm is where Jesus sets up his special kingdom and governance. So there is cosmological truth (outside the person) and personal truth (inside the person). What is truth. Swedenborg
  • 211. "During the four years I lived in Seoul church, under the same roof as Sun Myung Moon. At one point, I returned to clean my own home for a week. Someday when I brushed the entrance, so appeared, he suddenly in spiritual form, full size in front of my door. I had never before seen such a vibrant spirit before. He told me that he woke up every morning and looked out over the Han River, and longed for my return. He missed me and wanted me back would live in the church, even though I only been gone a week. " Ref: Dr. Young Oon Kim's Testimony from the book Blessing Quarterly, Winter 1987, pp. 27...
  • 213. All speech (no matter what the language) has its origins in the ideas and emotions of our intellect and heart. In the spiritual world—which is closer to the origins of our being and mind—individuals communicate their ideas and affections directly to others (forgoing terrestrial words). Source: The Good guy
  • 214. The Energetic Cords that Connect Us
  • 215. We are made up of millions and billions of tiny particles, as defined in physics and chemistry. We are matter, and matter is made up of elemental, atomic particles… if you were to keep stripping down each particle you would find they are made completely of energy. Your physical body is made entirely of energy.
  • 216. The space between you and others around you is filled with energy. Different energies can become connected and influence each other. Quantum physicists call this phenomena quantum entanglement. You are connected to other people in ways that you cannot see and one of those ways is through energetic cords. Source:
  • 218. Mozart 7yrs old Genius Music There are Absolute Laws of Harmony: Did Mozarts music maybe come inspired from spir. world… That would make him the worlds greatest musical medium. Beethoven
  • 219. Marconi Italy Alexander Popov Russia • Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God) or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time. Oliver Lodge Great Britain Tesla
  • 220. • Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God) or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time. • Similar discoveries were made almost simultanously be far away scientists: Radio by: Marconi Italy, Popov Russia, Tesla Austria-Hungary (todays Kroatia) Marconi Italy Alexander Popov Russia Oliver Lodge Great Britain Tesla
  • 221. • Many scientists say they were spiritually guided (Spirit World, God) or inspired in their findings of new understanding at a similar time. • Similar discoveries were made almost simultanously be far away scientists: Radio by: Marconi Italy, Popov Russia, Tesla Austria-Hungary (todays Kroatia) • Or scientific solutions dreamed Periodic table: dreamed by Mendeleyev and August Kekulé Chemical transmision of nerve impulses: Otto Loewi Mathematics intuiton+dreams: Srinivasa Ramanujan Marconi Italy Alexander Popov Russia Oliver Lodge Great Britain Tesla
  • 222. The son of an Orthodox priest, Tesla was a mystic who had out-of-body experiences from the time he was seven years old. As a child, he saw a photograph of Niagara Falls and prophesied that one day he would harness the power there. Nikola Tesla spent last 10 years of his life In Hotel New Yorker
  • 223. World Mission HQ, 70-80s The Washington Times Washington UC-church
  • 224. He came up with his idea for alternating current (AC) in a vision he received while watching a sunset in a park in Budapest. Another example of one of his prophetic ideas was his realization that matter and energy were interchangeable, an inspiration he received years before Einstein demonstrated the same idea with his Theory of Relativity. Nikola Tesla
  • 225. He is a person some would describe as “spiritually open.” I feel an affinity for Tesla because I believe he was a mystic who was being inspired by the spirit world. Nikola Tesla
  • 226. In my view, many great scientific inventions have come as revelations from heaven. I believe that heaven was working through Tesla, and others like him, to advance God’s Providence. Tesla was very idealistic and hoped that his inventions would be used for the benefit of all humanity. Source: Reconciled by the Light The Mystical Side of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla
  • 227. In 1990, J. K. Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry Potter suddenly "fell into her head". Spiritually Inspired
  • 228. In 1990, J. K. Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry Potter suddenly "fell into her head". Rowling gives an account of the experience on her website saying: "I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who did not know he was a wizard became more and more real to me." Spiritually Inspired
  • 229. Amazingly The Harry Potter fiction have several striking similarities to Divine Pinciple - Voldemor the root person of Evil – Divine Pinciples/Bibles satan - The Basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as King of Serpents. It is a creature bred by Dark Wizards. - Harry Potter being the Prophecied winner “Messiah” over evil. - The distant relationship between Harry and Voldemor = Divine Pinciple Spiritual Fallen blood-lineage Harry Potter & Divine Principle
  • 230. • C.S: Lewis 1898-1963 • Land of Narnia –   The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 7 Books written 1949-1954 about the fantastic life of 4 children Spiritually inspired
  • 231. • C.S: Lewis 1898-1963 • Land of Narnia –   The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 7 Books written 1949-1954 about the fantastic life of 4 children • adapting numerous traditional Christian themes, the books freely borrow characters and ideas from Greek, Turkish  and Roman mythology as well as from traditional British and Irish fairy tales Spiritually inspired
  • 232. C.S: Lewis 1898-1963 • Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” • Satan's most deceptive tactics is to convince people that he doesn't exist HE DOES! Spiritually inspired
  • 233. Spiritually inspired 2000/2001 Letters given by Christ to an anonymous 'Recorder' during the period 2000/2001 as read by E. Thomas Costello. Christ says: These [letters] are offered free to all who have the will and courage to WALK my CHRIST WAY leading ultimately to enlightenment, freedom from ego and entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • 234. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states which are located primarily in Europe 1951 saw the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was declared to be "a first step in the federation of Europe“ 1957 EEC 1967 EC 1993 Maastricht Treaty Spiritually inspired 12 stars
  • 235. • The Egyptian  (Sinuhe egyptiläinen, Sinuhe the Egyptian) is a historical novel by Mika Waltari. It was first published in Finnish in 1945, and in an abridged English translation in 1949.  It was adapted into a Hollywood film in 1954 Spiritually inspired
  • 236. There are absolute physical laws: • Gravity F = GMm/R2 • Force F = ma • Relativity E = mc²+½mv² • THE SUM O ENERGY IS CONSTANT Galileo - 1610 Genius Physics
  • 237. Marie Curie - 1903 There are absolute physical laws: • Gravity F = GMm/R2 • Force F = ma • Relativity E = mc²+½mv² • THE SUM O ENERGY IS CONSTANT Galileo - 1610 Genius Physics
  • 238. Genius Physics There are absolute physical laws: • Gravity F = GMm/R2 • Force F = ma • Relativity E = mc²+½mv² • THE SUM O ENERGY IS CONSTANT Galileo - 1610 Marie Curie - 1903 Newton ’Principia’ 1687
  • 239. Einstein 1905 Newton ’Principia’ 1687 Genius Physics There are absolute physical laws: • Gravity F = GMm/R2 • Force F = ma • Relativity E = mc²+½mv² • THE SUM O ENERGY IS CONSTANT Galileo - 1610 Marie Curie - 1903
  • 240. Keyboard, screen and computer, all in one packet integrated. “The whole vision of a personal computer just popped up in my mind” he sais. “The same night I started drawing on what was to become Apple I. /Wozniak Spirit World Inspiration! (?) – Internet+PC needed for coming CIG Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founders of Apple First PC Spiritually Inspired
  • 241. • ARPANET Started as a military defense system during “Cold War” era. • Later converted to University Network, and then to the Internet, Google, Facebook,Twitter,Youtube,Skype … we have today Internet Spiritually Inspired They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. /Isiaah 2:4
  • 242. • Internet + Optic Fibres= Providentially important for the time of Second Advent of Christ. – Global Communication of Gods Providence – DP Lectures 1st ,2nd … Gen Matching and Communicating Internet - Math 24:27 Spiritually Inspired For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man./Math 24:27
  • 243. Parallell: 1984 Rev. Zin Moon Kim in Egypt One day in the beginning of 1984, on a somewhat chilly morning in Cairo, Egypt, I was having breakfast with Rev. Walter Gottesman. At the time, I was the International Itinerary Worker in Africa. Rev. Gottesman, an 1800 Couple, who was the missionary to Egypt, and I were seated at a table which was covered by very thick glass. Completed Testament Spirits
  • 244. Parallell: 1984 All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked, and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h". CT – Spirits
  • 245. Parallell: 1984 All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked, and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h". We had not put any hot dish on that corner; in fact, all the food we were eating for breakfast was cold. But when I touched the place where the glass cracked, it was very hot. CT – Spirits
  • 246. Parallell: 1984 All of a sudden, one corner of this glass cover cracked, and the line of the crack formed a small letter "h". We had not put any hot dish on that corner; in fact, all the food we were eating for breakfast was cold. But when I touched the place where the glass cracked, it was very hot. Both Walter and I were certain that it was some kind of spiritual phenomenon. Soon after that, we received the sorrowful news of Heung Jin Nim's Seung Hwa. /Dr. Zin Moon Kim CT – Spirits
  • 247. Parallell: 1984 • 1984 exactly the same time HeungJN died in a car accident NY, there was an atemmpt to asasin SMM during a Korean, VOC rally. CT – Spirits
  • 248. Heung Jin Nim 1966 -1984 CT – Spirits
  • 249. Dae Mo Nim HakJaHans Mother CT – Spirits
  • 250. Sung Han Lee CT – Spirits Google for Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realm
  • 251. Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow” Spiritual Genius Confucius
  • 252. Spiritual Genius Confucius Buddha Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow”
  • 253. Spiritual Genius Confucius Buddha Jesus Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow”
  • 254. Spiritual Genius Confucius Buddha Jesus Muhammad Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow”
  • 255. Spiritual Genius Confucius Buddha Jesus Muhammad Jesus Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow”
  • 256. SM Moon Spiritual Genius Jesus Buddha Muhammad Jesus Confucius Absolute spiritual laws: • Divine Principle(s) • Force = of Sin/Goodness • Indemnity laws • FamIly Pledge • Destiny + Mans responsibility not to sin! • Bible ”Reap what you sow”
  • 257. Compare 10 commandments with your national law! Break the Countrys Civil Laws and society (police+court) will chase and punnish you! – If you are caught. Break any single one of the 10 Commandments And Heaven = Spirit World + Gods Heavenly Law of cause and effect , ”reap what you sow” will follow you until FULL payment is done. YOU ARE ALWAYS CAUGHT! – BY YOUR CONSCIENCE ”You Reap What You Sow” (Gal 6.1–10) Matthew 5:26 I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. /Jesus
  • 258. SM Moon Spiritual Genius Buddha Muhammad Jesus Confucius 2001
  • 259. Sun Myung Moon & Hak Ja Han Moon So there are also Absolute spiritual laws: • True Parents • Blessing=Forgiveness of Original Sin Spiritual Genius
  • 260. SEMINAR 1. Jesus’ Message to Christians and All People on Earth Dear fellow Christians and religious believers, I am truly the Messiah. However, the one who returned to fulfil the messianic mission today is Reverend Sun Myung Moon. He is the Second Advent of the Lord. How do you now see Reverend Moon? Think of the flow of time and examine the incredible achievements he has wrought. Could he do this by human power and ability alone? / 5 Apr 2001
  • 261. SEMINAR 2. The Buddha’s Message to Buddhists and Believers in Other Religions Dear Buddhists, I am not saying that your way of life thus far has been wrong. Like Jesus, in my time I also did my best to guide humankind in the right direction. However, with the passing of time, the tasks needed for the salvation of humankind have changed. What I am trying to do is to engraft the fruit of Buddhists who were raised through my methods of spiritual cultivation. Please study the Unification Principle. You will find there a considerable number of truths that also flow through the teachings of Buddhism. / 6 Apr 2001
  • 262. SEMINAR 3. Confucius’ Message to Confucianists and All People on Earth Ever since the wrong beginning of human history, different religions have arisen. The unification of religions is therefore necessary, and for this purpose God sent Reverend Sun Myung Moon to the Earth. He does not say that the religious doctrines taught by each religion are wrong, but presents one simple truth that everyone can unite with. / 7 Apr 2001
  • 263. SEMINAR 4. Mohammad’s Message for Muslims and All People on Earth Reverend Sun Myung Moon came to the Earth in order to deliver God’s will and to unite a divided and scattered humankind. He appears as the True Parent. I hope that my followers will also accept him with a humble attitude. / 9 Apr 2001
  • 264. Apostle Paul • 1962: I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament and the New Testament combined are not sufficient to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have ascended into. To be saved, every man, woman and child must commence their mission before they leave this earth plane. And before they can do this they must find the reason for the original sin and what original sin is. Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work and that work must be done in the body, the spirit of Truth demands it. … through the original sin none is righteous,  NOT ONE PERSON. Rom. 3:10 It means that all have a common guilt, a common sin.
  • 265. Paul 9.11.2001 "I recognize the importance of human responsibility." Now after learning the Principle, I became even more confident that the Apostle Paul's traditional view of God was very mistaken. We necessarily should have attended God, the resurrected Jesus and the Messiah. Individual responsibility of 100% is of tremendous importance for God's providence. I promise to study the Principle and lead Christian believers here in the right direction. I have been making thorough preparation for accomplishing my assigned mission. Apostle Paul 2001
  • 268. Swedenborg and Music     “Nature is in minor key.” by thegodguy On my recent visit to Sedona, Arizona, I attended a musical demonstration of flute music by Native American, Wolfs Robe. He is a flute musician, flute historian and flute maker of the authentic native instruments. He is one of only six Native Americans qualified to carry on this art. All the traditional and original Indian flutes played in minor key.
  • 269. Having studied the ideas of Emanuel Swedenborg and George Gurdjieff, I am quite partial towards indigenous cultures, and their wisdom traditions. So I pondered his statement a bit. Anyone familiar with musical theory will tell you that the minor key is more suitable for quiet contemplation while the major key is more “flashy” and, “in your face.” Nature certainly offers an environment conducive to quiet meditation, while 42nd Street and Broadway in Manhattan plays more like a major key. Swedenborg
  • 270. While the minor key indeed seems more noble and spiritual than melodies played in the major key, Wolf Robe’s performance in the minor key was still quite subjective. Wolfs Robe simply “channeled” his spirit through the flute—not consciously aiming for any particular goal. Swedenborg
  • 271. Different people would therefore experience this music differently, that is, subjectively. But music could reach a level well beyond this subjective effect. Swedenborg and Gurdjieff suggested that ancient music was originally objective. That is, its arrangement made use of universal laws mathematically designed to produce the precise and same experience deep within everyone’s psyche. Swedenborg
  • 272. Swedenborg insisted that humankind once possessed an angelic knowledge of art that transcended any art known today. This ancient art produced precise theological effects on the higher functions of the human mind, which now are mostly dormant. Gurdjieff made similar comments. Swedenborg
  • 273. Medieval depiction of Spiritual World
  • 274. The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type - (Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self.
  • 275. The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type - (Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self. The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from the physical self; it also returns an element to the physical self which we call the living spirit element.
  • 276. The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type - (Love) that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self. . The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from the physical self; it also returns an element to the physical self which we call the living spirit element. When people receive grace from a heavenly spirit, they undergo many positive changes in their physical self; they feel infinite joy and new strength welling up in them which can even drive away illness. Such phenomena occur because the physical self receives living spirit elements from the spirit self. /DP96
  • 277. Meditation – Prayer - Healing
  • 278. Meditation – Prayer - Healing Example: Reiki is described as a holistic therapy which brings about healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The belief is that the energy (Vitality,Life Elements) will flow through the practitioner's hands whenever the hands are placed on, or held near a potential recipient.
  • 280. Veda Scripture Crown Chakra Honors Spiritual Connectedness From World Scriptures: What is here [the phenomenal world], the same is there [in Brahman]; and what is there, the same is here. Katha Upanishad 2.1.10 (Hinduism) Thou who exists beyond the wide firmament, mighty in Thine own splendor and strong of mind, hast made, for our help, the earth a replica of Thy glory. Rig Veda 1.52.12 (Hinduism) Medicine Healing
  • 281. Descriptons of Spirit World • Wickland: Thirty Years Among the Dead • Moody: Life After Life • Kubler-Ross: On Life After Death • Borgia: Life in the World Unseen • S.H. Lee: World Peace through True Love • Pappalardo: Reconciled by the Light • and many more ...
  • 282.
  • 285. “Once you enter the spirit world, you forget about the earth.“ /SMM 1986
  • 286. A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World SS mind God HS invisible substantial world (spirit world) - subject visible substantial world - (physical world) object – perceived through 5 spiritual senses – perceived through 5 physical senses Humans body
  • 287. • Divine Mind connects to God unfallen Mans mind connects through Absolute Sex Tue Love • Spirit Mind Mind for the Spirit body
  • 288. B. The mediator and the center of harmony of the cosmos spirit world physical world spirit self physical self
  • 289. DP:The Realms of Indirect and Direct Dominion of God autonomy and governance of the Principle * + human portion of responsibility * all things all things God symbol human beings human beings image Realm of God’s direct dominion love beauty God beauty love Realm of God’s indirect dominion or realm of dominion based on accomp- lishments through the Principle Growing period (night) Completion stage Growth stage Formation stage (morning) (evening)
  • 290. Short Vocabulary: AGS =Absolute Good Spirits Ahn Shi Il = 8th Day Pledge CBG = Chambumo Gyeong, Holy Textbook CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook PHG = Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages) CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH CSW =Cheonji Sunhak Won (Museum) CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea DP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996 ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008 Contin…
  • 291. Short Vocabulary: KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second Advent OT = Old Testament NT = New Testament CT = Completed Testament TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon TP = True Parents, TF+TM TTM = Textbook and Teaching Material UC = Unification Church See also extended Vocabulary:
  • 292. Divine Principle & Spiritual World v. 9.3 Continues in Part 2 of 3