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1.   If someone asked you what memory is (to define)
     memory, what would you say?
2.   Are there different types / kinds of memory? If so,
     brainstorm some.
3.   How important is the ability to remember? Why?
     Explain your thoughts?
4.   Without our memory we would not survive. Agree
     or disagree, and explain your choice.
5.   Without memories we would not know who we are.
     Agree or disagree, and explain your choice.
The concept of memory is difficult to define.
Memory is one of those abilities that we take for

Certainly memory is related to learning.

Is the system or process by which the products
or results of learning are stored for future use.
Serial Learning:
 - Material that has been learned must be
repeated in the order which it was presented.

  - Phone numbers
  - Simple procedure like how to make coffee
  - Math equations
Paired-Associate Learning:
- Items to be recalled are learned in pairs. During recall,

one member of the pair is presented and the other is to
be recalled.

Example: Learning a foreign language, basic definition
study, etc.

Free Recall:
- When material that has been learned may be repeated in
  any order. Here the task is to remember as many items as
  possible, regardless of their order

Example: Essay Answers.
1.   Who was Herman Ebbinghaus?
2.   What are nonsense syllables and why are
     they important?
3.   Explain the curve of forgetting.
4.   What is a recognition test (provide an
5.   What is a relearning test? What does it
 Advertisers
            have found a strategy that
 emphasizes free recall. . . Use music.

 How many commercials have you seen or
 heard that did not include music or a jingle?

 Advertisersassume that we are more likely to
 remember brands and products if they are
 associated with catchy phrases or jingles.
   Surprisingly little research has been conducted to verify
    this assumption

   Results of research that has been done are mixed:

   Some studies have yielded a positive correlation between
    memory and music, some have found no relationship, and
    still others have found that music can actually interfere
    with recall.

   Most psychologist conclude that items associated with
    musical jingles or catchy phrases are easier to retrieve
    from memory, but that pairing an item with music it
    does not necessarily enhance recognition of those items
•Be all that you can be       •Tastes great, less filling
•Army                         •Miller Lite
•M'm, M'm good                •Good to the last drop
•Campbell’s Soup              •Maxwell House
•Waaay delicious              •Don’t leave home without it
•Wendy’s                      •American Express
•Winston tastes good like a   •Wassup?!
cigarette should              •Budweiser
•Winston’s Cigarettes         •Have it your way.
•A little dab'll do ya        •Burger King
•Brule Cream                  •Got milk?
•Diamonds are forever         •I’m Love’n it
•Debeers                      •McDonalds
•Just do it
•   Eat Fresh                    •   Safeway
•   Subway                       •   Excelerate your Breath
•   Have a Break                 •   Excel
•   Kit Kat                      •   You’ll Find Us
•   Betcha can’t have just one   •   Best Sleep Center
•   Lay’s Chips                  •   Think outside the Bun
•   Makes a nice light snack     •   Taco Bell
•   Coffee Crisp                 •   The Best a Man can get
•   Pure Nature                  •   Gillette
•   Disani                       •   Do the Dew
•   Be Kool                      •   Mountain Dew
•   Kool Aid                     •   You can do it we can help
•   Look, Ma, no cavities!       •   Home Depot
•   Crest                        •   What’s in your Wallet
•   Zoom Zoom                    •   Capital one
•   Mazda                        •   Is it in you?
•   Ingredients for life.        •   Gatorade
 Theencoding-storage-retrieval model of memory
 would serve our purpose well if we only had one type
 of memory to store

 However,    we have at least three well-defined types of
         Sensory Memory
         Short Term Memory
         Long Term Memory
 Y N S V
    Therefore the information processing model of
     memory must be modified:

        Encoding – “type” of storage – Retrieval

1.   Sensory Memory:
-    Storage of sensory events such as sights, sounds, and
     tastes, with no further processing or interpretation

-    Provides us with a very brief image of all the stimuli
     that are present at a particular moment
-    it is quite large
 Lasts
      only briefly about one half to one second,
 depending on which sensory systems are involved

 Sensoryinformation that is not selected for further
 processing by higher brain centers is displaced by
 incoming stimuli and may be lost completely
 Once  info has be selected from sensory memory, it is
  transferred to our conscious awareness

 Info must be processed in STM before it can be
  transferred to more permanent storage in LTM

 STM    lasts only for a short period of time

 Itappears that items are lost from STM in 10 -20
 Forexample: one study found that participants’ recall
 of a three-letter stimulus fell from 90% correct
 immediately following the presentation of the
 stimulus, to 5% correct after 18 seconds

There are two reasons for this:
 1. Unless memories are practiced or rehearsed they
 become weaker and fade away

 2. To make room for new incoming information some
 of the memories in STM are pushed out or displaced
For example: In the same experiment as above
 participants counted backwards by threes (an
 interfering task) after learning the three-letter

  The result was that most Short Term information was
  simply lost.
 Theory states that we can hold approximately 7 (+-) 2
 items in our STM

 What about phone numbers that are 10 digits with the
 area code?

 Grouping   or chunking things is the solution

 STM  is limited to five to nine items 7(+-)2, each of
 those items may consist of a chunk or group of items
 Initial15-20 second STM leads to a second phase
  called working memory

 Working memory – the intermediate processing stage
  between STM and LTM, where attention and
  conscious effort are brought to bear on the material

For example: you are in class listening to a lecture in
 which a definition is mentioned. While you hold what
 the teacher is saying in your STM, you retrieve word
 meaning from LTM. Then you use Working memory
 to make sense of the new sentence you just heard.
 Memory  stage that has a very large capacity and the
 capability to store information relatively permanently

 Rehearsalor practice is important in the transfer of
 information from STM into LTM

Two types of memory rehearsal:
      1. Maintenance Rehearsal
      2. Elaborative Rehearsal
   Maintenance Rehearsal: rehearsal used when we
    want to save or maintain a memory for a specific
    period of time.

   Elaborative Rehearsal: Meaning is added to the
    material to be remembered.

- This leads to more permanent memory and promotes
  transfer of information into LTM.
 Some
     memory loss is due to fading or decay of
 memories over time (Curve of Forgetting)

 Other   memory loss is caused by interference

 There   are two main types of memory interference:
       Proactive Interference
       Retroactive Interference
Proactive Interference:

Situation in which previously learned (old) information
hinders the recall of information learned more recently
(new information)

For example: You move into a new house but find
yourself still using your old address and phone number

Example 2: In January many people continue to write
the previous year’s date
2. Retroactive Interference:

- Situation when information learned more recently
(new information) hinders the recall of information
learned previously (old information)

- Models of memory suggests that when a memory is
recalled from LTM and enters our consciousness, it may
be combined with new information that have been
received, creating a new memory.

- If this new modified memory is properly rehearsed it
may be transferred back to LTM for permanent storage
1.   What word was        26 Right
     written under the
     diamond at the end   2 Wrong
     of the trailer?

2. What mode of           6 Right
   was used to            22 Wrong
   weave between
3.   What colour was the        4 Right
     first helicopter?
                                24 Wrong
4. How old was the last
   woman / girl in the
                           Woman Avg =24
                           Girl Avg = 18
 5. Was anyone
    wearing a watch?       19 Right
                           9 Wrong
10 Techniques for Improving Memory:

Influential Factors:

1.Number of study sessions:
   - Generally the greater the number of sessions the better the
   learning and memory

2. Distribution of Study Sessions:
    - Sessions should be spread out. Spaced practice is more
    effective than massed practice

3. Meaningfulness of Material:
    - If you attach meaning you will learn better and remember
4. Similarity of items:
  - a group of items of the same general type will be
  learned better than a group of dissimilar items

5. Serial Positioning:
  - Items at the beginning and end of a study session or
  list will be learned better than items in the middle of
  the study session or list

6. Mnemonic Devices:
  - When you are not able to attach authentic meaning
  to information, creating associations to help you
  remember the material will increase memory
7. Imagery:

 - Creating mental images or pictures in your mind
 enhances recognition and recall of information

8. Grouping or Chunking:
  - grouping similar items together into categories helps
  to remember them better

9. Coding:
  - Creating special codes to help learn material that
  lack relevance

10. Exercise regularly – Both mind and body
   What was his technique?
       Walk a path several times
   Then hang a memory on each significant part
    of the path.
   We are going to do that.
   Walk a path in the school.
       Classes are in session so you need to be silent.
   As you walk the path create 10 anchors.
     These could be rooms or teachers.
     It should be some place where you have a memory.

   Walk the path 4 times! Memorize the order of
    your anchors.
   Attach a memory technique on an anchor.
       Try to have meaning to the association
         Ex. Maybe Serial Positioning could be associated with the
          Foods’ Lab (Cereal -> food, get it?)
Question #5 Will be discussed / presented and Handed
in by group:

1.   Leader – Leads discussion / makes sure everyone has
     contributed ideas
2.   Recorder – Writes down group’s answers / thoughts
3.   Focuser – Redirects the group back to the task at hand when
     they get off task
4.   Time Keeper – reminds group of time remaining so that task
     gets complete
5.   Reporter – Shares key points of the groups discussion with
     the whole class
    3 Major types of LTM:
1.    Procedural
        Memory for making responses and performing
         skilled actions.
2.       Semantic
            Memory for general knowledge.
             7-2 = ?
             Alberta shares a border with BC
             Big cities tend to be rather impersonal
        Tip-Of-The-Tongue phenomenon. We will test
         your semantic memory.
        Write down your answers to each of the
         following questions.
1.   Which ocean is adjacent to California?
2.   Which type of engine is used to power an
3.   What do bears do in the winter?
4.   What are 2 Manitoban lakes?
5.   What is the capital of Saskatchewon?
6.   Who was Canada’s first Prime Minister?
7.   Where will the 2019 Olympics be held?
     Name the province each of
      the following cities are in:
1.     Edmonton       A
2.     Dauphin        M
3.     Wistler        B
4.     Ottawa         O
5.     Medicine Hat S
6.     Fort Nelson B
7.     Fort Francis O
8.     Abbotsford     B
9.     Flin Flon      M
10.    Moncton        N
11.    St. John’s     N
12.    Peterborough O
   Personal experiences.
   Also Called Flashbulb!
       Think of a comera Take a picture and it will stay in
   Here are some of mine:
     May 25th 2002 4:03PM
     35 cm of Snowfall Nov. 15th 2005
     Nov 26th 2007
     The death of Michael Jackson
     Sep 11th 2001
   Height from: 5’3 - 6’3
   Weight from: 150 – 220 lbs
   Age From: 17 - 37 years old
   Shirt: Yellow, Green, White, Plaid
   Pant Style: Khaki, Cargo, Dress, Slacks
   Pant Colour: Cream, Tan, Beige, Dark, Black,
    Brown, Green
   Hair Style: Short, Spiky, Curly, Straight
                          5’10
    Hair Colour: Black, Dark Brown, Light Brown,
    Brown, Blonde          175 lbs
   Mole
                           Brown Hair
   Black Briefcase
   White Necklace         Yellow Shirt
                           Greenish Grey Dress Pants
   Non-Athletic
   Had a knife            Glasses
   “Looked like a white Boughen” old
                           21 years
   French for “Already Seen”
   There are 40 theories
   70% of population stated to have experienced it
   Most in ages 15 – 25
   result from an overlap between the neurological systems
    responsible for STM and those responsible for LTM. The events
    would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the
    brain even receives the information and processes it.
   Disorders
   Eye seeing faster than the other eye.
Eye- Witness Testimony
   One of the most intriguing applications of the “encoding
    specificity hypothesis” has been in the area of eye witness

 Such testimony often play an important part in jury trials
 Listen to story.
       What cues were present when the accident was present?
       What cues were present when the statement was made?
       Is it possible for the drivers of the 2 cars to modify the memories
        of the eye witness as they discussed the accident?
   When you retrieve a memory from LTM it is placed in
    STM. New information can then me added to the memory.
   The” states that the effectiveness of memory retrieval is
    directly related to the similarity of the cues present when
    the memory was encoded.
Eyewitness Continued…
   The possibility that eyewitness reports may be inaccurate has
    stimulated a large amount of psychological research

   Psychologists have found that when a memory is retrieved from LTM,
    it appears to be placed in STM for processing

   While in STM it is possible to add new information to a memory and
    then re-encode the modified memory

   The next time you retrieve the new memory, your report may not
    correspond exactly to what actually happened because the new
    memory now contains the additional information

   This effect was tested in several experiments conducted by Elizabeth
   American psychologist

   Focus of her work was on human memory and how it can be
    changed by facts, ideas, suggestions and other forms of post-
    event information

   Her interest in memory began with one of her first studies The
    Lost in the Mall experiment.

   Discovered what she termed as “False Memory Syndrome”

   Discovered the “Misinformation Effect:
       a memory bias that occurs when misinformation affects
        people's reports of their own memory.
Famous Car Accident Reconstruction Experiment:
- Two groups of people watched a series of slides that
  showed a collision between a red sports car and
  another automobile
- One groups saw the red sports car approach a stop
  sign at the intersection, the second group saw the
  sports car approach a yield sign at the intersection
- After the slide presentation was complete the
  participant were asked a series of questions about
  what they had seen.
   For half of the participants in each group the questions
    were consistent with what they had seen

   For the participants in each group, the questions were
    inconsistent with what really happened – if they had seen
    a stop sign, the question referred to a yield sign, etc.

   Finally, all participants were shown both pairs of slides
    and asked to pick the one they had actually seen.

The results were startling:
 75%   of individuals who were asked consistent
  questions after seeing the slides correctly picked the
  slide that they had seen
 Only 40% of the participants asked the inconsistent
  questions were able to select the slide they had
  actually seen.
 The experiment proved that questioning had altered
  their memory of the incident
 Loftus repeated a similar experiment, called the Crash
  Experiment and found similar results.
 Recently Loftus had found similar findings in what
  became known as the “Bugs Bunny” experiment
In addition to demonstrating the memory –altering
effects of questioning. Loftus did many other
controversial experiments involving the accuracy of eye
witness testimonies.

Her findings all concluded three important things:

      1. Participants have trouble distinguishing
      between individuals of other races

      2. Violence interferes with memory retrieval

      3. The degree of confidence of an eye witness is
      not related to the accuracy of the memory.
1.        Define Memory
2.        Serial Paired-Association Free Recall
3.        Herman Ebbinghaus and Non-Sense Syllables
4.        Recognition and re-learning Test
     1.    Recognition: Test in which learning is measured by
           th e ability to pick out obviously learned items from
           a list that contains unfamiliar items ex high school
           picture test.
3 Stages of memory processing
Retrival Cue
Curve of Forgetting
  The longer we waited the more we forgot
 Atkinson – Shiffrin Model of Memory
 Identify Three typses of Memory
 Sensory Memory
 Short Term Memory
 George Miller 7 +- 2
 Working Memory
 Long Term Memory
 Maintenance Memory Rehersal
 Elaboritive Memory Rehearsal
   Levels of Processing:
       Deeper processing of information increases the
        likelihood that the information will be places in
        LTM. Rehearsal is important but so is How we
   Four Types of LTM
   Tip of the Tongue
   Flashbulb Memories
   Semantic Networks
       Network of related concepts that are linked together.
       Ex Newspaper – Sunday, Reporter, Classified etc.
   Schema
       Groupings or cluster of knowledge about an object
        or sequence of events.
   Encoding Specificity
   Five Techniques for improving Memory
   What are Mnemonic Devices
   Memory Reconstruction
       Bullet # 3
 Q1:What does it mean to have the ability to think?
 That is, what is thinking?

 Q2:   What does it mean to be intelligent?

 Q3:What are the characteristics of an intelligent

 Q4:Isintelligence a result of your genes (nature) or
 you environment (nurture)?

 Q5:Can    a person learn intelligence?

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  • 1.
  • 2. 1. If someone asked you what memory is (to define) memory, what would you say? 2. Are there different types / kinds of memory? If so, brainstorm some. 3. How important is the ability to remember? Why? Explain your thoughts? 4. Without our memory we would not survive. Agree or disagree, and explain your choice. 5. Without memories we would not know who we are. Agree or disagree, and explain your choice.
  • 3. The concept of memory is difficult to define. Memory is one of those abilities that we take for granted. Certainly memory is related to learning. Memory: Is the system or process by which the products or results of learning are stored for future use.
  • 4. Serial Learning: - Material that has been learned must be repeated in the order which it was presented. Examples: - Phone numbers - Simple procedure like how to make coffee - Math equations
  • 5. Paired-Associate Learning: - Items to be recalled are learned in pairs. During recall, one member of the pair is presented and the other is to be recalled. Example: Learning a foreign language, basic definition study, etc. Free Recall: - When material that has been learned may be repeated in any order. Here the task is to remember as many items as possible, regardless of their order Example: Essay Answers.
  • 6. 1. Who was Herman Ebbinghaus? 2. What are nonsense syllables and why are they important? 3. Explain the curve of forgetting. 4. What is a recognition test (provide an example). 5. What is a relearning test? What does it show?
  • 7.  Advertisers have found a strategy that emphasizes free recall. . . Use music.  How many commercials have you seen or heard that did not include music or a jingle?  Advertisersassume that we are more likely to remember brands and products if they are associated with catchy phrases or jingles.
  • 8. Surprisingly little research has been conducted to verify this assumption  Results of research that has been done are mixed:  Some studies have yielded a positive correlation between memory and music, some have found no relationship, and still others have found that music can actually interfere with recall.  Most psychologist conclude that items associated with musical jingles or catchy phrases are easier to retrieve from memory, but that pairing an item with music it does not necessarily enhance recognition of those items
  • 9.
  • 10. •Be all that you can be •Tastes great, less filling •Army •Miller Lite •M'm, M'm good •Good to the last drop •Campbell’s Soup •Maxwell House •Waaay delicious •Don’t leave home without it •Wendy’s •American Express •Winston tastes good like a •Wassup?! cigarette should •Budweiser •Winston’s Cigarettes •Have it your way. •A little dab'll do ya •Burger King •Brule Cream •Got milk? •Diamonds are forever •I’m Love’n it •Debeers •McDonalds •Just do it •Nike
  • 11. Eat Fresh • Safeway • Subway • Excelerate your Breath • Have a Break • Excel • Kit Kat • You’ll Find Us • Betcha can’t have just one • Best Sleep Center • Lay’s Chips • Think outside the Bun • Makes a nice light snack • Taco Bell • Coffee Crisp • The Best a Man can get • Pure Nature • Gillette • Disani • Do the Dew • Be Kool • Mountain Dew • Kool Aid • You can do it we can help • Look, Ma, no cavities! • Home Depot • Crest • What’s in your Wallet • Zoom Zoom • Capital one • Mazda • Is it in you? • Ingredients for life. • Gatorade
  • 12.  Theencoding-storage-retrieval model of memory would serve our purpose well if we only had one type of memory to store  However, we have at least three well-defined types of memory:  Sensory Memory  Short Term Memory  Long Term Memory
  • 13. D C R M Y N S V I E G Z
  • 14. Therefore the information processing model of memory must be modified: Encoding – “type” of storage – Retrieval 1. Sensory Memory: - Storage of sensory events such as sights, sounds, and tastes, with no further processing or interpretation - Provides us with a very brief image of all the stimuli that are present at a particular moment - it is quite large
  • 15.  Lasts only briefly about one half to one second, depending on which sensory systems are involved  Sensoryinformation that is not selected for further processing by higher brain centers is displaced by incoming stimuli and may be lost completely
  • 16.  Once info has be selected from sensory memory, it is transferred to our conscious awareness  Info must be processed in STM before it can be transferred to more permanent storage in LTM  STM lasts only for a short period of time  Itappears that items are lost from STM in 10 -20 seconds
  • 17.  Forexample: one study found that participants’ recall of a three-letter stimulus fell from 90% correct immediately following the presentation of the stimulus, to 5% correct after 18 seconds There are two reasons for this: 1. Unless memories are practiced or rehearsed they become weaker and fade away 2. To make room for new incoming information some of the memories in STM are pushed out or displaced
  • 18. For example: In the same experiment as above participants counted backwards by threes (an interfering task) after learning the three-letter stimulus. The result was that most Short Term information was simply lost.
  • 19.  Theory states that we can hold approximately 7 (+-) 2 items in our STM  What about phone numbers that are 10 digits with the area code?  Grouping or chunking things is the solution  STM is limited to five to nine items 7(+-)2, each of those items may consist of a chunk or group of items
  • 20.  Initial15-20 second STM leads to a second phase called working memory  Working memory – the intermediate processing stage between STM and LTM, where attention and conscious effort are brought to bear on the material For example: you are in class listening to a lecture in which a definition is mentioned. While you hold what the teacher is saying in your STM, you retrieve word meaning from LTM. Then you use Working memory to make sense of the new sentence you just heard.
  • 21.  Memory stage that has a very large capacity and the capability to store information relatively permanently  Rehearsalor practice is important in the transfer of information from STM into LTM Two types of memory rehearsal: 1. Maintenance Rehearsal 2. Elaborative Rehearsal
  • 22. Maintenance Rehearsal: rehearsal used when we want to save or maintain a memory for a specific period of time.  Elaborative Rehearsal: Meaning is added to the material to be remembered. - This leads to more permanent memory and promotes transfer of information into LTM.
  • 23.  Some memory loss is due to fading or decay of memories over time (Curve of Forgetting)  Other memory loss is caused by interference  There are two main types of memory interference:  Proactive Interference  Retroactive Interference
  • 24. Proactive Interference: Situation in which previously learned (old) information hinders the recall of information learned more recently (new information) For example: You move into a new house but find yourself still using your old address and phone number Example 2: In January many people continue to write the previous year’s date
  • 25. 2. Retroactive Interference: - Situation when information learned more recently (new information) hinders the recall of information learned previously (old information) - Models of memory suggests that when a memory is recalled from LTM and enters our consciousness, it may be combined with new information that have been received, creating a new memory. - If this new modified memory is properly rehearsed it may be transferred back to LTM for permanent storage
  • 26. 1. What word was 26 Right written under the diamond at the end 2 Wrong of the trailer? 2. What mode of 6 Right Transportation was used to 22 Wrong weave between cars
  • 27. 3. What colour was the 4 Right first helicopter? 24 Wrong 4. How old was the last woman / girl in the trailer? Woman Avg =24 Girl Avg = 18 5. Was anyone wearing a watch? 19 Right 9 Wrong
  • 28. 10 Techniques for Improving Memory: Influential Factors: 1.Number of study sessions: - Generally the greater the number of sessions the better the learning and memory 2. Distribution of Study Sessions: - Sessions should be spread out. Spaced practice is more effective than massed practice 3. Meaningfulness of Material: - If you attach meaning you will learn better and remember longer
  • 29. 4. Similarity of items: - a group of items of the same general type will be learned better than a group of dissimilar items 5. Serial Positioning: - Items at the beginning and end of a study session or list will be learned better than items in the middle of the study session or list 6. Mnemonic Devices: - When you are not able to attach authentic meaning to information, creating associations to help you remember the material will increase memory
  • 30. 7. Imagery: - Creating mental images or pictures in your mind enhances recognition and recall of information 8. Grouping or Chunking: - grouping similar items together into categories helps to remember them better 9. Coding: - Creating special codes to help learn material that lack relevance 10. Exercise regularly – Both mind and body
  • 31. What was his technique?  Walk a path several times  Then hang a memory on each significant part of the path.  We are going to do that.
  • 32. Walk a path in the school.  Classes are in session so you need to be silent.  As you walk the path create 10 anchors.  These could be rooms or teachers.  It should be some place where you have a memory.  Walk the path 4 times! Memorize the order of your anchors.  Attach a memory technique on an anchor.  Try to have meaning to the association  Ex. Maybe Serial Positioning could be associated with the Foods’ Lab (Cereal -> food, get it?)
  • 33. Question #5 Will be discussed / presented and Handed in by group: 1. Leader – Leads discussion / makes sure everyone has contributed ideas 2. Recorder – Writes down group’s answers / thoughts 3. Focuser – Redirects the group back to the task at hand when they get off task 4. Time Keeper – reminds group of time remaining so that task gets complete 5. Reporter – Shares key points of the groups discussion with the whole class
  • 34. 3 Major types of LTM: 1. Procedural  Memory for making responses and performing skilled actions.
  • 35. 2. Semantic  Memory for general knowledge.  7-2 = ?  Alberta shares a border with BC  Big cities tend to be rather impersonal  Tip-Of-The-Tongue phenomenon. We will test your semantic memory.  Write down your answers to each of the following questions.
  • 36. 1. Which ocean is adjacent to California? 2. Which type of engine is used to power an automobile? 3. What do bears do in the winter? 4. What are 2 Manitoban lakes? 5. What is the capital of Saskatchewon? 6. Who was Canada’s first Prime Minister? 7. Where will the 2019 Olympics be held?
  • 37. Name the province each of the following cities are in: 1. Edmonton A 2. Dauphin M 3. Wistler B 4. Ottawa O 5. Medicine Hat S 6. Fort Nelson B 7. Fort Francis O 8. Abbotsford B 9. Flin Flon M 10. Moncton N 11. St. John’s N 12. Peterborough O
  • 38. Personal experiences.  Also Called Flashbulb!  Think of a comera Take a picture and it will stay in memory.  Here are some of mine:  May 25th 2002 4:03PM  35 cm of Snowfall Nov. 15th 2005  Nov 26th 2007  The death of Michael Jackson  Sep 11th 2001
  • 39. Height from: 5’3 - 6’3  Weight from: 150 – 220 lbs  Age From: 17 - 37 years old  Shirt: Yellow, Green, White, Plaid  Pant Style: Khaki, Cargo, Dress, Slacks  Pant Colour: Cream, Tan, Beige, Dark, Black, Brown, Green  Hair Style: Short, Spiky, Curly, Straight  5’10 Hair Colour: Black, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Brown, Blonde 175 lbs  Mole Brown Hair  Black Briefcase  White Necklace Yellow Shirt Greenish Grey Dress Pants  Non-Athletic  Had a knife Glasses  “Looked like a white Boughen” old 21 years
  • 40. French for “Already Seen”  There are 40 theories  70% of population stated to have experienced it  Most in ages 15 – 25  result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for STM and those responsible for LTM. The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.  Disorders  Eye seeing faster than the other eye.
  • 41. Eye- Witness Testimony  One of the most intriguing applications of the “encoding specificity hypothesis” has been in the area of eye witness testimony  Such testimony often play an important part in jury trials  Listen to story.  What cues were present when the accident was present?  What cues were present when the statement was made?  Is it possible for the drivers of the 2 cars to modify the memories of the eye witness as they discussed the accident?  When you retrieve a memory from LTM it is placed in STM. New information can then me added to the memory.
  • 42. The” states that the effectiveness of memory retrieval is directly related to the similarity of the cues present when the memory was encoded.
  • 43.
  • 44. Eyewitness Continued…  The possibility that eyewitness reports may be inaccurate has stimulated a large amount of psychological research  Psychologists have found that when a memory is retrieved from LTM, it appears to be placed in STM for processing  While in STM it is possible to add new information to a memory and then re-encode the modified memory  The next time you retrieve the new memory, your report may not correspond exactly to what actually happened because the new memory now contains the additional information  This effect was tested in several experiments conducted by Elizabeth Loftus
  • 45. American psychologist  Focus of her work was on human memory and how it can be changed by facts, ideas, suggestions and other forms of post- event information  Her interest in memory began with one of her first studies The Lost in the Mall experiment.  Discovered what she termed as “False Memory Syndrome”  Discovered the “Misinformation Effect:  a memory bias that occurs when misinformation affects people's reports of their own memory.
  • 46. Famous Car Accident Reconstruction Experiment: Experiment: - Two groups of people watched a series of slides that showed a collision between a red sports car and another automobile - One groups saw the red sports car approach a stop sign at the intersection, the second group saw the sports car approach a yield sign at the intersection - After the slide presentation was complete the participant were asked a series of questions about what they had seen.
  • 47.
  • 48. For half of the participants in each group the questions were consistent with what they had seen  For the participants in each group, the questions were inconsistent with what really happened – if they had seen a stop sign, the question referred to a yield sign, etc.  Finally, all participants were shown both pairs of slides and asked to pick the one they had actually seen. The results were startling:
  • 49.  75% of individuals who were asked consistent questions after seeing the slides correctly picked the slide that they had seen  Only 40% of the participants asked the inconsistent questions were able to select the slide they had actually seen.  The experiment proved that questioning had altered their memory of the incident  Loftus repeated a similar experiment, called the Crash Experiment and found similar results.  Recently Loftus had found similar findings in what became known as the “Bugs Bunny” experiment
  • 50. In addition to demonstrating the memory –altering effects of questioning. Loftus did many other controversial experiments involving the accuracy of eye witness testimonies. Her findings all concluded three important things: 1. Participants have trouble distinguishing between individuals of other races 2. Violence interferes with memory retrieval 3. The degree of confidence of an eye witness is not related to the accuracy of the memory.
  • 51. 1. Define Memory 2. Serial Paired-Association Free Recall 3. Herman Ebbinghaus and Non-Sense Syllables 4. Recognition and re-learning Test 1. Recognition: Test in which learning is measured by th e ability to pick out obviously learned items from a list that contains unfamiliar items ex high school picture test.
  • 52. 3 Stages of memory processing Retrival Cue Curve of Forgetting  The longer we waited the more we forgot Atkinson – Shiffrin Model of Memory Identify Three typses of Memory Sensory Memory Short Term Memory George Miller 7 +- 2 Chunking Working Memory Long Term Memory Maintenance Memory Rehersal Elaboritive Memory Rehearsal
  • 53. Levels of Processing:  Deeper processing of information increases the likelihood that the information will be places in LTM. Rehearsal is important but so is How we rehearse.  Four Types of LTM  Tip of the Tongue  Flashbulb Memories
  • 54. Semantic Networks  Network of related concepts that are linked together.  Ex Newspaper – Sunday, Reporter, Classified etc.  Schema  Groupings or cluster of knowledge about an object or sequence of events.  Encoding Specificity  Five Techniques for improving Memory  What are Mnemonic Devices
  • 55. Memory Reconstruction  Bullet # 3
  • 56.
  • 57.  Q1:What does it mean to have the ability to think? That is, what is thinking?  Q2: What does it mean to be intelligent?  Q3:What are the characteristics of an intelligent person?  Q4:Isintelligence a result of your genes (nature) or you environment (nurture)?  Q5:Can a person learn intelligence?