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(Week One)
Does your pet struggle daily with loneliness or separation anxiety issues? has come to the rescue!
Launched recently in LA, this heady mix of high camp and 80’s rock numbers is sure to ‘get those paws prancing’ so says
their presenters. While DACR may encourage your furry companion to ‘…let your humans know that Belinda Carlisle gets
your paws prancing…’, I think their audience may just be a kookier version of the upright mammal kind. Do your paws a
favour though and tune in, even if for nostalgic value. This is one station where the advertising will surely not get you knob
twiddling with annoyance.
Well we all know that October is breast cancer month but now there’s something for the lads and the crown jewels. The
super clever peeps at the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia are doing an annual fundraiser to raise awareness by
getting yo man to grow da mo! Look I normally run from da furry man but there are some superfurrylovers out there and I
think that if you haven’t already, check out entries and mo’vice at before Movember is over.
With technology breathing entertainment down every orifice 24/7, I am overjoyed to know that random acts of great music
(besides the odd busker than can actually entertain) do exist. Recently during a remote hot flick between cable re-runs and
network reality shows, my internal tuner zero’d in on Foxtel’s menu music. Blimey, if it wasn’t the hottest set I had heard
outside of a club in years! Big kisses to the music programmers over at Foxtel keep it up I am loving your work!
Picture it - you are strolling through a forest late one night and sounds akin to Suzie Quatro gang banging the Violent
Femmes stand those neck hairs to attention – ah no stop…. Cameron Crowe I am not…. It’s really the sound of Sleater-
Kinney and their seventh offering “The Woods” that got my freak on. It wasn’t just my hair either, my boss even said “are
you murdering someone out there?” after the baptism by fire howlings of ‘The Fox’ initiated me to the way of the SK. It’s
riotgrrrrlrock at its finest and one has to ask what took Australia so long? It is because we are bloke central downunder or
because to get good stuff out of the US you have to go deep or wait years for it to seep out into the real world. It’s mod, its
modern, its rock and all things in between.
Today’s films are all about the action, the effects and the hotties….I choose to remember the good old days and particularly
the dialogue. This week’s Mash Up classic line comes from Warren Beatty trying to woo his gal, Goldie Hawn, in Shampoo
(1975) “I’m fucked up but I will make you happy”. Well a) at least he’s honest and b) it worked in real life did it not? Cue
Annette and her big bag of sprogs despite the fact that the last chick he purportedly shagged was Madonna.
The best thing about MoBDO is talking to the artists that get you in the door. So in order for time and vastness of the acts
each year, I very cleverly made up a one size fits all template of blahblahblah questions and this week stuck em to Dei
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer)
DH: about 5 times.
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
DH: I hope the punters get to see another side of Hip Hop with my music and stage show. I’m about having lots of fun with
the crowd and making sure everyone is enjoying themselves.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
DH: I’ve been told my 'best' trait as a performer is how I connect with an audience, just by talking and joking with them in
between songs.
MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
DH: Best thing about Kiwi audiences is that they love live music, and love the out oors so you've always got an outgoing
audience. The best thing about Aussie audiences is that they are passionate about their music and love to dance. An added
bonus is that we get to see a bit of Australia at the same time. Gotta love it!
MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
DH: I performed at last years Home Bake in Sydney, we had so much fun.
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
DH: That there wasn't gonna be a BDO this year. (haha)
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
DH: The late Great... BIGGIE SMALLS
MM: Best/worst things about interviews?
DH: The best thing I guess about interviews is that readers/listeners who enjoy your music, or who are curious about you
can get a feel for who you are as a person. The worst thing about being interviewed sometimes is when the interviewer
hasn't done any research on you, and asks stupid questions. (MM…just as well this is a template…phew!)
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
DH: When I’m not working I love listening to slow jams and a lot of old skool soul, Stevie Wonder, Al Green, etc
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
DH: I've always wanted to be a chippie (Carpenter). I love the fact that they can build their own homes.
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
DH: Great question! (haha) When I'm in bed I'll reach for my remote and play a Jay Z track on my stereo. That normally
does the trick.
(Week Two)
Wham may have brought the moniker ‘Choose Life’ to the public psyche but it became ingrained thanks to 1996’s
“Trainspotting”. Which Trainspotting character are you?
(take special note of the calculation button)
Jazz and the sound of sirens? Just some of the unusual sound combos from hip hop act Colossus on the recent double CD
offering ‘West Oaktown’. From old school rap to the sounds of a high hat like a cool summer breeze (imagine the likes of Ice
T if locked up for a summer in Ibiza) this London to LA export doesn’t fail to delight. Melodie fav’s include “Thripney Bits”,
“Brotha’s Tryin To Be” and the pseudo Prince-like “If You Knew My Mind”. This album has something for everyone, not just
the hip hop stalwarts.
Were you ever a Nicole or Russell in the making? Most of us will never rise to the grand heights of Oscar-dom but many will
have fond memories of starring (or indeed set-painting) roles in such clangers as “Valley of the Voodons” (well that was
mine) or “Oliver”. Got a drama or school play issue to resolve? Do it American styley.,,608277_668144,00.html
Not content with email or perhaps text, evidence from the Big Day Out forum suggests that this is the best way to keep your
‘friends’ and the world is at large aware of what serious issues you are facing on a weekly basis. My post of the week
amusement comes to you courtesy of Monica and the thread “I’m Moving”. Best retorts from le_peter_griffin. Music, anyone?
God I love a gadget or a cool invention. Artists, parents (is your fridge door buckling?) and people afraid to put screws in
their walls will love these
Support Australian-made!
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer
each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter (this is the Northern Hemiphere we are talking) which
is usually late November to mid-December). Female reindeer retain their antlers until after they give birth in the spring.
Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every reindeer from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to
be a girl. Stands to reason of course though, only a woman would be able to drag a fat-ass man in a red velvet suit all
around the world in one night and not get lost. (Thanks Maddog).
Could someone tell me why people still send Christmas cards??? The Bellrays have it exactly right. A funky singing Xmas
card and no dead trees to show for it. Get lost Hallmark, I want to “Shag for Xmas”!
You will note that I am a bit of a web purveyor (or is that surveyor?) however I am a modern girl after all and we can’t all
make people aware of EVERYTHING unless we tell them about it. Still, apart from the eons of information (dull, useless or
just dull), the internet never fails to provide one with something to allay daily mundaneness anyone may be experiencing.
Check it
The “Australian Idol” hoopla maybe over for another year but the rubber jaws within the industry continue to slander so I
figured it is time to put my three cents worth in.
1¢ - If you don’t want the show to rate and therefore stay on telly, why watch and therefore bitch?!
2¢ – Apparently a whopping six figure sum hits industry coffers due to music licensing for the show and APRA/AMCOS
record a profit year for once. Is this just a coincidence???
3¢ – How does a swim instructor get tuckshop lady arms anyway?
This week we stuck the MoBDO template to Faker, Phil responds…..
M How many times have you been to the BDO? (either a punter or performer)
P I've played at a couple on the smaller stages a few years ago but never the main stage. I busked (very
unsuccessfully) at the BDO where Nirvana played but never got in. mmmmmmmm.
M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
P This will be the first time we have played in such a huge environment and we're really excited. We've been working
really hard and the band sounds hot but we will be fresh as, so hopefully fans will get a sense of our excitement. I
assume it will be pretty early in the day but we want people to dance like crazy......!
M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing (aside from the trax man!) or is each performance
totally organic?
P Being on stage in front of a crowd that is having a ball and loving the music is the best. You can't help but have fun
and put all your energy and emotion into the performance. You get what you give.
M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience? Or if the first time- what have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
P The best thing about Aussie audiences is that usually when they are there, you are in Australia, and c'mon........
Austraila is unreal! We haven't played in NZ yet, ..........
M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like to import particularly for
this trip?
P Iggy Pop,..... oh he's already gonna be there!!!!!!
M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
P How can you be a music fan in Australia and not have been to a festival! Oh, but yeah I've played at a few.
M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
P I saw a live sex show at the Lilly Pad once?!?!!?!?
M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity downunder when you are here, what’s the worst weather conditions (whether
freezing cold or blistering hot) you’ve played?
P Rain is pretty scary with all the electrics but it's usually the singer that cops it .......I think....
M Best way to recover after a performance?
P A good party with dancing and tequila.
M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
P Jimmy Hendrix.
M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
P Tom Waits. Just before this I was saying to Paul how I just love his music and then he came on the radio seconds
later. Cosmic. He's just one of a kind.
M If you weren’t a rock star/rock stars, what trade would you have?
P Airline Pilot. “Good morning passengers, today we will be flying really fast and really high and I've got the stick
M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay in bed?
P Bananas. If I am having trouble getting out of bed it's all about rewards. Bananas and a good coffee, (usually made by
me) and a cigarette I can usually drag myself up for.
(Week Three)
I am not alone in being thankful that the year with its triumphs or tragedies is at its close. With the New Year looming it is de
rigeur amongst us to make that ever important (and often discarded) resolutions list. This New Year’s I’m breaking that
tradition and have already looked back over the last twelve months at what I’d learned as well as the habits (good or bad)
that have crept it! My 2005 list is (sparingly) populated thus:
• I can actually make my bed before leaving the house.
• One coffee for breakfast is sufficient.
• Reflect upon the day instead of watching TV all night or start it similarly thanks to my daily ‘’Om’
• Vomit without crying. Ok I agree, a bit juvenile, but seriously I am envious of the two finger wonderstars and feel it
worthy of a medal that I don’t want my mum straight afterwards.
If your New Year’s celebrations aren’t complete without a resolution or two, get some tips here for effective resolution
No party is complete (particularly for the over 40’s) without one of those inane party dances, think the Hokey Pokey (or Cokey
according to the Brits), the Macerena…the list goes on. For those of you with two left feet or lost for some dance inspiration
checkout Can anyone do the Melodie Mars Two Step? Two steps forward, two
steps sideways, twirl (drop drink) and fall into friends arms or on floor. Have you done a Melodie Mars or got a dance of your
own to share? Get posting
There are lots of people I would like to forget about this year i.e. the Hiltons, the Simpsons, the Pitt-Jolie’s (you get my drift)
although no New Years celebration is complete without the obligatory strains of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. Derived from a poem by
the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ loosely translated means 'Old Long Ago' and is about love and
friendship in times past. Do celebrate your love and friendships (past or present) this New Year and be Melodies friend and
cancel your subscriptions to those dross celeb rags, pretty please?
Since everyone is on holiday in record company land and I don’t have anything new to review, I decided to talk about my
favourite album of the year “Bright Like Neon Love” from Melbourne outfit, Cut Copy. Already garnering raves from the likes
of Franz Ferdinand and Mylo, this album is stylish and savvy presenting with overtones of Depeche Mode/New Order in
“Future” and melodies rivalling those of early Madonna and Fleetwood Mac. Personally, I haven’t been that excited about an
album since the first ‘Northern Exposure’ and pick Cut Copy as the act to blow away BDO audiences in 2006. Word.
“Post a pic of yourself with your underwear on your head”. Gross but ultimately amusing. Special thanks to Mr T and
Lose those Xmas cards and wrapping paper the eco-friendly way check out recycling centres near you here
Stuck to your desk for those in between days? Timewasters apply here
The phrase “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” is about the only thing I can
agree with Americans politically on. Before we hurtle towards a future as the 52nd state, its time for more Australian’s to
realise just how important their voice is to our country. GetUp! Action for Australia are doing just that, tackling politics head
on from the recent industrial relations reforms to defending our rights as citizens, GetUp! are making sure that Australian’s
are being heard. Sign up for updates and see what you can do for your country.
Take a leaf out of your local night spot’s book and do your own home entertainment music with visuals. My favourite
“Baraka” (1992) set it to the sounds of Dance Hall Live from Oahu. Have you got some cool movie meets music
This week we catch up with Bondi rockers, Cog, Luke gives Melodie the schtick.
M How many times have you been to the BDO?
L This will be my third time performing and I have been to three as a punter.
M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
L I’m hoping they get everything they hoped for; I will give 110% no matter who shows up. COP THIS!
M Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
L I don’t think there is a best thing, I think we just go out there and try to give them the best that Cog has to offer, and if
they like what they hear it only drives us to go harder so everyone’s a winner.
M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
L Well the three of us are half-breed Aus/Kiwi mongrels so I think they’re great and I've always enjoyed playing to
everyone no matter where they’re from.
M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
L Yeah, we have done a couple. A lot of smaller local type festivals in a variety of places and some of the bigger ones
like Homebake, Falls Festival, Pyramid, Offshore.
M Best rumor you ever heard about BDO?
L That AC/DC were headlining. Fuck yeah.
M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, what's the worst weather conditions you've played in?
L Just recently in Perth we had to cancel one because the stage started falling down whilst the band that was on before
us was playing. It was quite scary and very windy.
M Best way to recover after a performance?
L Water, Gatorade and a styvo!
M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
L John Bonham
M Best/worst things about interviews?
L Best thing is if I have to do it instead of loading in, and the worst thing is if they don’t press record, there is definitely a
limit to which you can talk about yourself before your head goes up your own arse.
M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
L Salmonella Dub, Kora or Bob Marley
M If you weren't rock stars, what trade do you think you’d have?
L A chippie or something in the merch’ area of things.
M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
L It’s easy. I think about what could go wrong if I don’t do what I need to in order for a little peace of mind before the
(Week 4)
Well its 2006 and just as you thought the chrimbo season of excess was over and the detox diet begun, the blaze of
festivals is upon us! Not sure where to go and when? Make sure you pick up the Dec/Jan issue of MAG
( and check out their Summer Festivals Guide. This handy (and let’s not forget free!) guide to
what’s happening musically around the nation is available monthly at all good music and retail outlets.
Been to Narnia lately? Chances are you would have seen Coco Rosie there cavorting with the wood nymphs. ”Noah’s Ark”,
the latest offering by this seriously kooky duo, is a beguiling mix of jazz, Bjork-esque coos and at times opera and
bluegrass. From the falsetto cries of “Beautiful Boys” to the aching symphony of “Oh Sailor”, this odd masterpiece speaks to
you from every colourful note within it. Run off and join the burlesque circus in a magic wonderland and don’t forget to take
“Noah’s Ark” with you.
Train travel can suck at the best of times but a short thread to vent can alleviate the pain or indeed make it funny. The
thread of the week goes to “Attn: Kids under 7 on Shittyrail peak hr trains”. Plaudits to rob, Digustipated and The Institute for
turning the banal into the amusing.
Tim X from Cut Copy gives Melodie the Q & A lowdown.
M How many times have you been to the BDO?
T Once as a performer… 4 or 5 times as a punter.
M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
T Less talk and more rave.
M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing?
T We try and not think about it too much otherwise it can come across as a little contrived. We try and make it as
visually engaging as possible.
M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience?
T So god damn vocal!! We love it!
M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would import for the tour?
T Melatonin capsules.
M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
T This is our second Big Day Out. We’ve also done Homebake, Livid and Splendour in the Grass. In the UK we’ve done
Glastonbury and Wireless plus a few festivals in Europe
M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
T That the artists challenge the promoters to arm wrestles to determine whether you get paid or not.
M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity when you are here, what’s the worst weather conditions?
T 40 degree heat at some festival in Sydney. Our instruments started melting and I started hallucinating that Dan was
Patrick Bateman and that he was going to take a knife to me at the end of the show.
M Best way to recover after a performance?
T Rider
M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
T Al Jolson
M Best/worst things about interviews?
T Best: Making up stuff about the other guys in the band.
Worst: Repeating myself
M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
T The Hungry Ghosts
M If you weren’t a musician, what trade would you have?
T Part time gambler, full time heartbreaker.
M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay in bed?
T Think that people have actually paid money and made the effort to come and see you. It’s never really hard to
motivate ourselves. We love performing.
(Week 5)
First there were the charity jockeys now it's hair jockeys (minus neon sash) stalking train station
exits in search of bad barnets to suck into one of their many hair voucher scams. I'm sure many of
you have encountered said mob of spiked, coloured and fro'd skulkers sporting come on lines such
as "...ohhhh looks like you've got some low lights there..." and "who does your hair, are they a top
salon?". Having been assaulted by said hair jockeys once too often of late, I took it upon my
cheeky self to advise that my luscious locks came courtesy of Coles Supermarkets at the purse
snapping price of $4.07 and could their hair vouchers deliver such a bargain? That statement sent
my HJ off crying into his hair wax but hey, really what will they jockey next? Got a shocker of a
jockey line to share? Thread yo’self at
Ever wondered if your life was a film, what would it be? Well yes for most of us, it’s a case of just
keep dreaming, but thanks to Blogthings (the new kings of name generated all-sorts) you can have
an imaginative taste of what that might. Amusingly mine is “A Cult Classic - quirky, offbeat, and
even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few if someone's obsessed with you, look out!
Your fans are downright freaky”.
Sorry people I don’t accept fan mail.
Being the uber-writer that I am inspiration comes at interesting times (or more often than not, not!)
and you need that ubiquitous piece of paper to jot down that wee grey cell before it disappears.
Truly, what the feck did we do without post-its? Although invented in 1974, post-its didn’t start
making the rounds until 1980 and have today amassed billions and copycats the world over. Postits
are even now electronic (Apple). It’s amazing just how many little things have become big
things. Got a cool invention or idea to share?
Music can change the world and while it may be fashionable to do it with a wrist band or other
fundraiser in the likes of Band-Aid, Live 8, Wave Aid sometimes its just the music itself that lends
itself to reaching humanity globally. I speak of course of the Golden Pride Choir, the group of
Tanzanian childen who sing for hope and the right of people to have education to the protection of
the earth. The remarkable story of these children from a remote African village is told in the moving
documentary “From Rags to Rhapsody” while their voices can be heard on their CD “Mapambano”
(Swahili for Struggle). Be inspired
I love E-News, and particularly when those Rivers girls slander the frocks and slacks of the rich
and tasteless during award show nights. I have to agree there are limits to such ridiculous
behaviour and have a couple of summer pet peeves in this regard. Firstly, (and I just can’t say this
loudly enough) “Ladeez, I Don’t Want To See Your Bloody G-String!”. That Brooklyn-bridge riding
above the waistband of your jeans/wrestling those wobbly bits beneath your transparent (summer
staple) boho skirt, is wrong-dot-bloody-com. And no gentlemen, you too are not safe from my
vitriol. God (or some other foolish being) allowed you to evolve (and I use that term very loosely)
into an upright sentient being so the need to cultivate your toenails for wild pig wrestling or other
such means is not necessary in the noughties. Clip those b*stards or I hope you trip up and stub
the fook out of your toe. Fashion police(woman)dom has never been so good
One of the benefits of growing older is to be nostalgic about your youth and the fun stuff you used
to do. Be it playing elastics, t-ball or marbles, having kids in your life (be they yours or relative), it’s
amazing just how many things we experienced in childhood that become etched into the psyche.
Some of my favourite childhood memories include the songs you used to sing at school, on bus
trips and so forth. Can you remember all the words to ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘Three Blind Mice’ or
‘Ten Green Bottles’?
I love a good colloquialism or word that’s just not necessary but fun. With the rise of Wikipedia we
can all get a non-Oxford speaking thrill. My fun word of the week comes courtesy (surprisingly)
from Burger King and is ‘Bagglers’. Bagglers are the french fries (or chips for the locals) that have
escaped from their container and stranded themselves in the bottom of the bag. I am a Baggler
hunter that is for sure.
Running the single life myself, I have to say that I totally appreciated the “Cute Boy Appreciation
Thread” this week. Nice pic noms (does your mother know you’re out?) and holly it’s criminal to
have that many cute friends. Check it at
Phil Knight of Shihad wears Melodie’s Q & A template.
M How many times have you been to the BDO?
P Played the whole tour three times, played Auckland five times and been as a punter to
Melbourne once.
M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
P Well I guess this tour will be about relaunching ourselves as “Shihad” to the wider BDO
crowd and seeing our live show stepped up to the next level.
M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing?
P I think our best thing is doing our thing. Nobody plays Shihad songs as well as we do. And
Jon goes mental and we’re a tight punchy loud guitar unit.
M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience?
P They’re spunky.
M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like
to import particularly for this trip?
P Bilbys.
M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
P Who told you I was a virgin. Who? Mum?!
M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
P That AC/DC and The Pixies were going to play.
M It’s going to be pretty hot during the tour, what’s the worst weather conditions you’ve played
P I remember once playing at the Annandale in Sydney, supporting Rocket from the Crypt, and
it was 95% humidity that day. I thought I was dying from a terminal disease that day and it
had nothing to do with the heat.
M Best way to recover after a performance?
P Go to bed.
M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
P Nostradamus.
M Best/worst things about interviews?
P Finishing them and doing them.
M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
P ABC News Radio and ABC Radio National.
M If you weren’t a rock star, what trade would you have?
P I’m not a rock star. I’m just the funny guy that always stands at the back of photos.
M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay
in bed?
P If it’s a crowd that’s never seen us before, then the challenge of winning them over. If it’s our
fans, then it’s our ethical and spiritual to duty to blow them away as much as possible.
(Week 6)
By the time you read this the Kiwi’s will be getting down and dirty on the first leg of the 2006 Big Day Out tour. Gearing up
the Aussie audiences, Melodies’ one size fits all Big Day Out questionnaire go sick this week with……….
Justin from End of Fashion
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer)
J: I’ve been to at least 4 or 5. Always the punter never the performer so the next one makes an exciting change for us.
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
J: This is going to be a great oppurtunity to play to much more diverse crowds. Especially the kids that we dont usually get to see
when we play over 18 venues. The audience is the most important element to live performance, when you get a great crowd you
feel like you can do anything.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
J: Every performance is an organic entity and that’s where the energy and spontaneity comes form. If you can project a genuine
passion for what you do, people will respond to you accordingly.
MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
J: We really know how to have a good time down here don’t we?
MM: Have you participated in any other festivals?
J: We’ve done a handful of festivals but the BDO is by the far the biggest and most exciting.
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
J: This is going to be the last one (I hear that every year).
MM: It’s going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, what are the worst weather conditions you’ve played in?
J: We played in the snow once. That was crazy, nobody could move, the amps couldn’t warm up and we kept breaking guitar
MM: Best way to recover after a performance?
J: Steal Eskimo Joe's rider!
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
J: The black Michael Jackson.
MM: Best/worst things about interviews?
J: Knowing people read this dribble.
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
J: I’m getting into Tegan and Sara at the moment. The new New Pornographers album is great too.
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
J: Welfare Technician
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
J: Even on off days, performing to people is a buzz. Once you're up there it’s all good.
Kim from The Presets
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer)
K: 5 times I think?
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
K: A cool Presets T-shirt, sore legs and bleeding hearts.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
K: Intensity and Drama! We are like the Muppets doing the tour de France meets "Day of our Lives"
MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
K: The bit when they say "Show Us Your Tits!"
MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
K: Yes heaps, too many to mention.
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
K: The Pixies are playing, I think that ones been going for about 3 years.
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
K: Dj’ing in the snow is very difficult, had to do it at an international Snowboard competition a few months ago.
MM: Best way to recover after a performance?
K: Get WWWWWWWASTED! Whatever you can get your hands on!
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
K: Adam and Eve, they sure knew how to party, and we are still paying for it.
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
K: Frankie Goes to Hollywood, those boys KNOW how to relax!
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
K: An archaeologist like Indiana Jones.
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
K: Hit the deck and do 40 push ups, but usually just Jagermeister or Agwa.
Joel from Wolf & Cub
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer)
J: Once as a performer, we played the local stage at Adelaide last year, and about six times as a punter.
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
J: Well our album will come out a little after it’s over so hopefully we’ll arouse some curiosity, maybe we will even shed some light
on the Adelaide scene.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
J: I think it’s about convincing the crowd that you deserve to be there or that it’s the only thing that you really want to do. If I convey
that, I’d say it’s a pretty successful show.
MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
J: Well crowds vary between cities but I suppose a universal trait would be they’re usually too drunk not to notice the mistakes.
MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
J: We’ve played Meredith, but this our first time being apart of a touring festival.
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
J: That the Stooges were going to play.
MM: It’s going to be pretty hot diggity downunder during the tour, what’s the worst weather conditions you’ve played in?
J: We played in a thunder storm, aesthetically it was amazing but it was a bit scary, because the rain was getting close to our gear.
MM: Best way to recover after a performance?
J: Space, sleep and seclusion.
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
J: Captain Beefheart.
MM: Best/worst things about interviews?
J: They are time consuming.
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
J: I’ve been listening to film scores. ‘Akira’ and ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ get played a lot.
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
J: I’d probably work in a bank, not by choice.
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
J: I think about working in a bank.
Corin from Sleater Kinney
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO?
C: This will be our first Big Day Out. We did a tour of Australia about two years ago.
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
C: Hopefully we will play in front of some people who have never heard
of us, and get them interested in our band.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
C: I think each of our shows is different, that's what keeps it interesting.
MM: What have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
C: They are almost as rowdy as American audiences, very friendly.
MM: It's such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like to import particularly for this trip?
C: Indeed, I am importing my husband and my son!
MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
C: We've been doing festivals since before you were born.
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
C: Naked pool parties.
MM: It's going to be pretty hot diggity downunder when you are here, is there an absolute limit to what weather you can perform in or
are you [all] just happy to get up there regardless?
C: I'm going to get one of those beer-cooler hats, Homer Simpson style.
MM: Best way to recover after a performance?
C: Lots of water, a beer, and a ham sandwich.
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
C: Jim Henson so he could do the Muppets while we were playing.
MM: Best/worst things about interviews?
C: Good questions, bad questions.
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
C: I just got the new Bettye LaVette record, “I've Got My Own Hell To Raise”, brilliant.
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
C: I'd either be a psychologist or an astrologist. I have a lot of gist.
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
C: I try to remember that someone in the audience has never seen us before.
MM: Do you have a lucky performance talisman?
C: Makeup.
And just for the sake of a bit of self-medication (or self-egocentarianism…yes I made that up!), Melodie plays rock god with
herself (after all I am a talented musician, no really)….
MM: How many times have you been to the BDO?
MM2: All of them. I’m exhausted.
MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you?
MM2: An autograph if they figure out who I am.
MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing?
MM2: Humour.
MM: What have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences?
MM2: Forget heard, I myself am a Nozzie boozehound myself.
MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin?
MM2: Reading, Splendour….do film festivals count? Cannes, Edinburgh, Melbourne dahling!!
MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO?
MM2: That Duckpond wanted to lay me in a paddling pool full of mango during a Kamahl set.
MM: It's going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, is there an absolute limit to what weather you can perform in or are you [all]
just happy to get up there regardless?
MM2: I can perform in any weather if the cocktails are good.
MM: Best way to recover after a performance?
MM2: Alcohol and roadies (and no I don’t mean the portable drinks).
MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be?
MM2: Jimmi Hendrix…I need to learn guitar.
MM: Best/worst things about interviews?
MM2: Best…people are interested in what you have to say and worst….no one gives a shit.
MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to?
MM2: Anything from the Verve Remixed Series.
MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have?
MM2: Well as it happens, I have a few! Jack of all trades, master of none.
MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed?
MM2: As Bubble would say “get paid”.
MM: Do you have a lucky performance talisman?
MM2: Alcohol.
Melodies Mash Ups (Big Day Out 2006)

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Melodies Mash Ups (Big Day Out 2006)

  • 1. MELODIE’S MASH UPs (2006 BDO Tour) (Week One) GET THOSE PAWS PRANCING Does your pet struggle daily with loneliness or separation anxiety issues? has come to the rescue! Launched recently in LA, this heady mix of high camp and 80’s rock numbers is sure to ‘get those paws prancing’ so says their presenters. While DACR may encourage your furry companion to ‘…let your humans know that Belinda Carlisle gets your paws prancing…’, I think their audience may just be a kookier version of the upright mammal kind. Do your paws a favour though and tune in, even if for nostalgic value. This is one station where the advertising will surely not get you knob twiddling with annoyance. NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS Well we all know that October is breast cancer month but now there’s something for the lads and the crown jewels. The super clever peeps at the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia are doing an annual fundraiser to raise awareness by getting yo man to grow da mo! Look I normally run from da furry man but there are some superfurrylovers out there and I think that if you haven’t already, check out entries and mo’vice at before Movember is over. PLAYLIST With technology breathing entertainment down every orifice 24/7, I am overjoyed to know that random acts of great music (besides the odd busker than can actually entertain) do exist. Recently during a remote hot flick between cable re-runs and network reality shows, my internal tuner zero’d in on Foxtel’s menu music. Blimey, if it wasn’t the hottest set I had heard outside of a club in years! Big kisses to the music programmers over at Foxtel keep it up I am loving your work! MOVE OVER SOLITAIRE LISTEN UP Picture it - you are strolling through a forest late one night and sounds akin to Suzie Quatro gang banging the Violent Femmes stand those neck hairs to attention – ah no stop…. Cameron Crowe I am not…. It’s really the sound of Sleater- Kinney and their seventh offering “The Woods” that got my freak on. It wasn’t just my hair either, my boss even said “are you murdering someone out there?” after the baptism by fire howlings of ‘The Fox’ initiated me to the way of the SK. It’s riotgrrrrlrock at its finest and one has to ask what took Australia so long? It is because we are bloke central downunder or because to get good stuff out of the US you have to go deep or wait years for it to seep out into the real world. It’s mod, its modern, its rock and all things in between. MOVE OVER BLOCKBUSTERS, GIMME THE CLASSICS Today’s films are all about the action, the effects and the hotties….I choose to remember the good old days and particularly the dialogue. This week’s Mash Up classic line comes from Warren Beatty trying to woo his gal, Goldie Hawn, in Shampoo (1975) “I’m fucked up but I will make you happy”. Well a) at least he’s honest and b) it worked in real life did it not? Cue Annette and her big bag of sprogs despite the fact that the last chick he purportedly shagged was Madonna.
  • 2. BLAH BLAH BLAH The best thing about MoBDO is talking to the artists that get you in the door. So in order for time and vastness of the acts each year, I very cleverly made up a one size fits all template of blahblahblah questions and this week stuck em to Dei Hamo….. MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer) DH: about 5 times. MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? DH: I hope the punters get to see another side of Hip Hop with my music and stage show. I’m about having lots of fun with the crowd and making sure everyone is enjoying themselves. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? DH: I’ve been told my 'best' trait as a performer is how I connect with an audience, just by talking and joking with them in between songs. MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences? DH: Best thing about Kiwi audiences is that they love live music, and love the out oors so you've always got an outgoing audience. The best thing about Aussie audiences is that they are passionate about their music and love to dance. An added bonus is that we get to see a bit of Australia at the same time. Gotta love it! MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? DH: I performed at last years Home Bake in Sydney, we had so much fun. MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? DH: That there wasn't gonna be a BDO this year. (haha) MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? DH: The late Great... BIGGIE SMALLS MM: Best/worst things about interviews? DH: The best thing I guess about interviews is that readers/listeners who enjoy your music, or who are curious about you can get a feel for who you are as a person. The worst thing about being interviewed sometimes is when the interviewer hasn't done any research on you, and asks stupid questions. (MM…just as well this is a template…phew!) MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? DH: When I’m not working I love listening to slow jams and a lot of old skool soul, Stevie Wonder, Al Green, etc MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? DH: I've always wanted to be a chippie (Carpenter). I love the fact that they can build their own homes.
  • 3. MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? DH: Great question! (haha) When I'm in bed I'll reach for my remote and play a Jay Z track on my stereo. That normally does the trick. NEXT WEEK MELODIE PLAYS STICK ON Q&A WITH PHIL FROM FAKER (Week Two) CHOOSE LIFE Wham may have brought the moniker ‘Choose Life’ to the public psyche but it became ingrained thanks to 1996’s “Trainspotting”. Which Trainspotting character are you? (take special note of the calculation button) LISTEN UP Jazz and the sound of sirens? Just some of the unusual sound combos from hip hop act Colossus on the recent double CD offering ‘West Oaktown’. From old school rap to the sounds of a high hat like a cool summer breeze (imagine the likes of Ice T if locked up for a summer in Ibiza) this London to LA export doesn’t fail to delight. Melodie fav’s include “Thripney Bits”, “Brotha’s Tryin To Be” and the pseudo Prince-like “If You Knew My Mind”. This album has something for everyone, not just the hip hop stalwarts. SCHOOL PLAYS Were you ever a Nicole or Russell in the making? Most of us will never rise to the grand heights of Oscar-dom but many will have fond memories of starring (or indeed set-painting) roles in such clangers as “Valley of the Voodons” (well that was mine) or “Oliver”. Got a drama or school play issue to resolve? Do it American styley.,,608277_668144,00.html POST OF THE WEEK Not content with email or perhaps text, evidence from the Big Day Out forum suggests that this is the best way to keep your ‘friends’ and the world is at large aware of what serious issues you are facing on a weekly basis. My post of the week amusement comes to you courtesy of Monica and the thread “I’m Moving”. Best retorts from le_peter_griffin. Music, anyone? FOR THE ARTYFARTYGADGETORIENTATED God I love a gadget or a cool invention. Artists, parents (is your fridge door buckling?) and people afraid to put screws in their walls will love these Support Australian-made! CHRISTMAS TIDBITS…. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter (this is the Northern Hemiphere we are talking) which is usually late November to mid-December). Female reindeer retain their antlers until after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every reindeer from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. Stands to reason of course though, only a woman would be able to drag a fat-ass man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost. (Thanks Maddog). SAVE SOME BLOODY TREES Could someone tell me why people still send Christmas cards??? The Bellrays have it exactly right. A funky singing Xmas card and no dead trees to show for it. Get lost Hallmark, I want to “Shag for Xmas”!
  • 4. I’M BORED You will note that I am a bit of a web purveyor (or is that surveyor?) however I am a modern girl after all and we can’t all make people aware of EVERYTHING unless we tell them about it. Still, apart from the eons of information (dull, useless or just dull), the internet never fails to provide one with something to allay daily mundaneness anyone may be experiencing. Check it IDOL CHIT CHAT The “Australian Idol” hoopla maybe over for another year but the rubber jaws within the industry continue to slander so I figured it is time to put my three cents worth in. 1¢ - If you don’t want the show to rate and therefore stay on telly, why watch and therefore bitch?! 2¢ – Apparently a whopping six figure sum hits industry coffers due to music licensing for the show and APRA/AMCOS record a profit year for once. Is this just a coincidence??? 3¢ – How does a swim instructor get tuckshop lady arms anyway? BLAH BLAH BLAH This week we stuck the MoBDO template to Faker, Phil responds….. M How many times have you been to the BDO? (either a punter or performer) P I've played at a couple on the smaller stages a few years ago but never the main stage. I busked (very unsuccessfully) at the BDO where Nirvana played but never got in. mmmmmmmm. M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? P This will be the first time we have played in such a huge environment and we're really excited. We've been working really hard and the band sounds hot but we will be fresh as, so hopefully fans will get a sense of our excitement. I assume it will be pretty early in the day but we want people to dance like crazy......! M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing (aside from the trax man!) or is each performance totally organic? P Being on stage in front of a crowd that is having a ball and loving the music is the best. You can't help but have fun and put all your energy and emotion into the performance. You get what you give. M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience? Or if the first time- what have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences? P The best thing about Aussie audiences is that usually when they are there, you are in Australia, and c'mon........ Austraila is unreal! We haven't played in NZ yet, .......... M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like to import particularly for this trip? P Iggy Pop,..... oh he's already gonna be there!!!!!! M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? P How can you be a music fan in Australia and not have been to a festival! Oh, but yeah I've played at a few. M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? P I saw a live sex show at the Lilly Pad once?!?!!?!? M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity downunder when you are here, what’s the worst weather conditions (whether freezing cold or blistering hot) you’ve played? P Rain is pretty scary with all the electrics but it's usually the singer that cops it .......I think....
  • 5. M Best way to recover after a performance? P A good party with dancing and tequila. M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? P Jimmy Hendrix. M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? P Tom Waits. Just before this I was saying to Paul how I just love his music and then he came on the radio seconds later. Cosmic. He's just one of a kind. M If you weren’t a rock star/rock stars, what trade would you have? P Airline Pilot. “Good morning passengers, today we will be flying really fast and really high and I've got the stick ......unreal!!!!” M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay in bed? P Bananas. If I am having trouble getting out of bed it's all about rewards. Bananas and a good coffee, (usually made by me) and a cigarette I can usually drag myself up for. (Week Three) THANK GOD THAT’S OVER I am not alone in being thankful that the year with its triumphs or tragedies is at its close. With the New Year looming it is de rigeur amongst us to make that ever important (and often discarded) resolutions list. This New Year’s I’m breaking that tradition and have already looked back over the last twelve months at what I’d learned as well as the habits (good or bad) that have crept it! My 2005 list is (sparingly) populated thus: • I can actually make my bed before leaving the house. • One coffee for breakfast is sufficient. • Reflect upon the day instead of watching TV all night or start it similarly thanks to my daily ‘’Om’ ( • Vomit without crying. Ok I agree, a bit juvenile, but seriously I am envious of the two finger wonderstars and feel it worthy of a medal that I don’t want my mum straight afterwards. If your New Year’s celebrations aren’t complete without a resolution or two, get some tips here for effective resolution setting KNEES UP No party is complete (particularly for the over 40’s) without one of those inane party dances, think the Hokey Pokey (or Cokey according to the Brits), the Macerena…the list goes on. For those of you with two left feet or lost for some dance inspiration checkout Can anyone do the Melodie Mars Two Step? Two steps forward, two steps sideways, twirl (drop drink) and fall into friends arms or on floor. Have you done a Melodie Mars or got a dance of your own to share? Get posting SHOULD ALL AQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT There are lots of people I would like to forget about this year i.e. the Hiltons, the Simpsons, the Pitt-Jolie’s (you get my drift) although no New Years celebration is complete without the obligatory strains of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. Derived from a poem by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ loosely translated means 'Old Long Ago' and is about love and friendship in times past. Do celebrate your love and friendships (past or present) this New Year and be Melodies friend and cancel your subscriptions to those dross celeb rags, pretty please?
  • 6. LISTEN UP Since everyone is on holiday in record company land and I don’t have anything new to review, I decided to talk about my favourite album of the year “Bright Like Neon Love” from Melbourne outfit, Cut Copy. Already garnering raves from the likes of Franz Ferdinand and Mylo, this album is stylish and savvy presenting with overtones of Depeche Mode/New Order in “Future” and melodies rivalling those of early Madonna and Fleetwood Mac. Personally, I haven’t been that excited about an album since the first ‘Northern Exposure’ and pick Cut Copy as the act to blow away BDO audiences in 2006. Word. THREAD OF THE WEEK “Post a pic of yourself with your underwear on your head”. Gross but ultimately amusing. Special thanks to Mr T and Deftoniac. RECYCLING Lose those Xmas cards and wrapping paper the eco-friendly way check out recycling centres near you here TERMINALLY BORED Stuck to your desk for those in between days? Timewasters apply here GET YOURSELF A VOICE The phrase “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” is about the only thing I can agree with Americans politically on. Before we hurtle towards a future as the 52nd state, its time for more Australian’s to realise just how important their voice is to our country. GetUp! Action for Australia are doing just that, tackling politics head on from the recent industrial relations reforms to defending our rights as citizens, GetUp! are making sure that Australian’s are being heard. Sign up for updates and see what you can do for your country. RANDOM ACTS OF MUSIC Take a leaf out of your local night spot’s book and do your own home entertainment music with visuals. My favourite “Baraka” (1992) set it to the sounds of Dance Hall Live from Oahu. Have you got some cool movie meets music suggestions? BLAH BLAH BLAH This week we catch up with Bondi rockers, Cog, Luke gives Melodie the schtick. M How many times have you been to the BDO? L This will be my third time performing and I have been to three as a punter. M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? L I’m hoping they get everything they hoped for; I will give 110% no matter who shows up. COP THIS! M Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? L I don’t think there is a best thing, I think we just go out there and try to give them the best that Cog has to offer, and if they like what they hear it only drives us to go harder so everyone’s a winner. M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences? L Well the three of us are half-breed Aus/Kiwi mongrels so I think they’re great and I've always enjoyed playing to everyone no matter where they’re from. M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? L Yeah, we have done a couple. A lot of smaller local type festivals in a variety of places and some of the bigger ones like Homebake, Falls Festival, Pyramid, Offshore.
  • 7. M Best rumor you ever heard about BDO? L That AC/DC were headlining. Fuck yeah. M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, what's the worst weather conditions you've played in? L Just recently in Perth we had to cancel one because the stage started falling down whilst the band that was on before us was playing. It was quite scary and very windy. M Best way to recover after a performance? L Water, Gatorade and a styvo! M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? L John Bonham M Best/worst things about interviews? L Best thing is if I have to do it instead of loading in, and the worst thing is if they don’t press record, there is definitely a limit to which you can talk about yourself before your head goes up your own arse. M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? L Salmonella Dub, Kora or Bob Marley M If you weren't rock stars, what trade do you think you’d have? L A chippie or something in the merch’ area of things. M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? L It’s easy. I think about what could go wrong if I don’t do what I need to in order for a little peace of mind before the show. NEXT WEEK MELODIE PLAYS STICK ON Q&A WITH CUT COPY (Week 4) SHAKIN YER THANG Well its 2006 and just as you thought the chrimbo season of excess was over and the detox diet begun, the blaze of festivals is upon us! Not sure where to go and when? Make sure you pick up the Dec/Jan issue of MAG ( and check out their Summer Festivals Guide. This handy (and let’s not forget free!) guide to what’s happening musically around the nation is available monthly at all good music and retail outlets. LISTEN UP Been to Narnia lately? Chances are you would have seen Coco Rosie there cavorting with the wood nymphs. ”Noah’s Ark”, the latest offering by this seriously kooky duo, is a beguiling mix of jazz, Bjork-esque coos and at times opera and bluegrass. From the falsetto cries of “Beautiful Boys” to the aching symphony of “Oh Sailor”, this odd masterpiece speaks to you from every colourful note within it. Run off and join the burlesque circus in a magic wonderland and don’t forget to take “Noah’s Ark” with you. THREAD OF THE WEEK Train travel can suck at the best of times but a short thread to vent can alleviate the pain or indeed make it funny. The thread of the week goes to “Attn: Kids under 7 on Shittyrail peak hr trains”. Plaudits to rob, Digustipated and The Institute for turning the banal into the amusing. HOW BORED ARE YOU?
  • 8. BLAH BLAH BLAH Tim X from Cut Copy gives Melodie the Q & A lowdown. M How many times have you been to the BDO? T Once as a performer… 4 or 5 times as a punter. M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? T Less talk and more rave. M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing? T We try and not think about it too much otherwise it can come across as a little contrived. We try and make it as visually engaging as possible. M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience? T So god damn vocal!! We love it! M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would import for the tour? T Melatonin capsules. M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? T This is our second Big Day Out. We’ve also done Homebake, Livid and Splendour in the Grass. In the UK we’ve done Glastonbury and Wireless plus a few festivals in Europe M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? T That the artists challenge the promoters to arm wrestles to determine whether you get paid or not. M It’s going to be pretty hot diggity when you are here, what’s the worst weather conditions? T 40 degree heat at some festival in Sydney. Our instruments started melting and I started hallucinating that Dan was Patrick Bateman and that he was going to take a knife to me at the end of the show. M Best way to recover after a performance? T Rider M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? T Al Jolson M Best/worst things about interviews? T Best: Making up stuff about the other guys in the band. Worst: Repeating myself M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? T The Hungry Ghosts M If you weren’t a musician, what trade would you have? T Part time gambler, full time heartbreaker. M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay in bed? T Think that people have actually paid money and made the effort to come and see you. It’s never really hard to motivate ourselves. We love performing.
  • 9. NEXT WEEK MELODIE PLAYS STICK ON Q&A WITH SHIHAD (Week 5) HAIR WE ARE First there were the charity jockeys now it's hair jockeys (minus neon sash) stalking train station exits in search of bad barnets to suck into one of their many hair voucher scams. I'm sure many of you have encountered said mob of spiked, coloured and fro'd skulkers sporting come on lines such as "...ohhhh looks like you've got some low lights there..." and "who does your hair, are they a top salon?". Having been assaulted by said hair jockeys once too often of late, I took it upon my cheeky self to advise that my luscious locks came courtesy of Coles Supermarkets at the purse snapping price of $4.07 and could their hair vouchers deliver such a bargain? That statement sent my HJ off crying into his hair wax but hey, really what will they jockey next? Got a shocker of a jockey line to share? Thread yo’self at MY CELLULOID LIFE Ever wondered if your life was a film, what would it be? Well yes for most of us, it’s a case of just keep dreaming, but thanks to Blogthings (the new kings of name generated all-sorts) you can have an imaginative taste of what that might. Amusingly mine is “A Cult Classic - quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky”. Sorry people I don’t accept fan mail. IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS Being the uber-writer that I am inspiration comes at interesting times (or more often than not, not!) and you need that ubiquitous piece of paper to jot down that wee grey cell before it disappears. Truly, what the feck did we do without post-its? Although invented in 1974, post-its didn’t start making the rounds until 1980 and have today amassed billions and copycats the world over. Postits are even now electronic (Apple). It’s amazing just how many little things have become big things. Got a cool invention or idea to share? LISTEN UP Music can change the world and while it may be fashionable to do it with a wrist band or other fundraiser in the likes of Band-Aid, Live 8, Wave Aid sometimes its just the music itself that lends itself to reaching humanity globally. I speak of course of the Golden Pride Choir, the group of Tanzanian childen who sing for hope and the right of people to have education to the protection of the earth. The remarkable story of these children from a remote African village is told in the moving documentary “From Rags to Rhapsody” while their voices can be heard on their CD “Mapambano” (Swahili for Struggle). Be inspired BLINDLY BLIND I love E-News, and particularly when those Rivers girls slander the frocks and slacks of the rich and tasteless during award show nights. I have to agree there are limits to such ridiculous behaviour and have a couple of summer pet peeves in this regard. Firstly, (and I just can’t say this loudly enough) “Ladeez, I Don’t Want To See Your Bloody G-String!”. That Brooklyn-bridge riding above the waistband of your jeans/wrestling those wobbly bits beneath your transparent (summer staple) boho skirt, is wrong-dot-bloody-com. And no gentlemen, you too are not safe from my vitriol. God (or some other foolish being) allowed you to evolve (and I use that term very loosely) into an upright sentient being so the need to cultivate your toenails for wild pig wrestling or other such means is not necessary in the noughties. Clip those b*stards or I hope you trip up and stub
  • 10. the fook out of your toe. Fashion police(woman)dom has never been so good AHHH BUT FOR THE CHILDEN One of the benefits of growing older is to be nostalgic about your youth and the fun stuff you used to do. Be it playing elastics, t-ball or marbles, having kids in your life (be they yours or relative), it’s amazing just how many things we experienced in childhood that become etched into the psyche. Some of my favourite childhood memories include the songs you used to sing at school, on bus trips and so forth. Can you remember all the words to ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘Three Blind Mice’ or ‘Ten Green Bottles’? WORD DU JOUR I love a good colloquialism or word that’s just not necessary but fun. With the rise of Wikipedia we can all get a non-Oxford speaking thrill. My fun word of the week comes courtesy (surprisingly) from Burger King and is ‘Bagglers’. Bagglers are the french fries (or chips for the locals) that have escaped from their container and stranded themselves in the bottom of the bag. I am a Baggler hunter that is for sure. THREAD OF THE WEEK Running the single life myself, I have to say that I totally appreciated the “Cute Boy Appreciation Thread” this week. Nice pic noms (does your mother know you’re out?) and holly it’s criminal to have that many cute friends. Check it at BLAH BLAH BLAH Phil Knight of Shihad wears Melodie’s Q & A template. M How many times have you been to the BDO? P Played the whole tour three times, played Auckland five times and been as a punter to Melbourne once. M What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? P Well I guess this tour will be about relaunching ourselves as “Shihad” to the wider BDO crowd and seeing our live show stepped up to the next level. M Is there a ‘best’ thing you think that you deliver when performing? P I think our best thing is doing our thing. Nobody plays Shihad songs as well as we do. And Jon goes mental and we’re a tight punchy loud guitar unit. M Best part about the Aussie/Kiwi audience? P They’re spunky. M For the overseas acts, it’s such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like to import particularly for this trip? P Bilbys. M Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? P Who told you I was a virgin. Who? Mum?! M Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? P That AC/DC and The Pixies were going to play.
  • 11. M It’s going to be pretty hot during the tour, what’s the worst weather conditions you’ve played in? P I remember once playing at the Annandale in Sydney, supporting Rocket from the Crypt, and it was 95% humidity that day. I thought I was dying from a terminal disease that day and it had nothing to do with the heat. M Best way to recover after a performance? P Go to bed. M If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? P Nostradamus. M Best/worst things about interviews? P Finishing them and doing them. M When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? P ABC News Radio and ABC Radio National. M If you weren’t a rock star, what trade would you have? P I’m not a rock star. I’m just the funny guy that always stands at the back of photos. M Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you’d rather stay in bed? P If it’s a crowd that’s never seen us before, then the challenge of winning them over. If it’s our fans, then it’s our ethical and spiritual to duty to blow them away as much as possible. NEXT WEEK MELODIE PLAYS STICK ON Q&A WITH SLEATER KINNEY (Week 6) BLAH BLAH BLAH By the time you read this the Kiwi’s will be getting down and dirty on the first leg of the 2006 Big Day Out tour. Gearing up the Aussie audiences, Melodies’ one size fits all Big Day Out questionnaire go sick this week with………. Justin from End of Fashion MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer) J: I’ve been to at least 4 or 5. Always the punter never the performer so the next one makes an exciting change for us. MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? J: This is going to be a great oppurtunity to play to much more diverse crowds. Especially the kids that we dont usually get to see when we play over 18 venues. The audience is the most important element to live performance, when you get a great crowd you feel like you can do anything. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? J: Every performance is an organic entity and that’s where the energy and spontaneity comes form. If you can project a genuine passion for what you do, people will respond to you accordingly. MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences? J: We really know how to have a good time down here don’t we?
  • 12. MM: Have you participated in any other festivals? J: We’ve done a handful of festivals but the BDO is by the far the biggest and most exciting. MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? J: This is going to be the last one (I hear that every year). MM: It’s going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, what are the worst weather conditions you’ve played in? J: We played in the snow once. That was crazy, nobody could move, the amps couldn’t warm up and we kept breaking guitar strings. MM: Best way to recover after a performance? J: Steal Eskimo Joe's rider! MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? J: The black Michael Jackson. MM: Best/worst things about interviews? J: Knowing people read this dribble. MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? J: I’m getting into Tegan and Sara at the moment. The new New Pornographers album is great too. MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? J: Welfare Technician MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? J: Even on off days, performing to people is a buzz. Once you're up there it’s all good. Kim from The Presets MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer) K: 5 times I think? MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? K: A cool Presets T-shirt, sore legs and bleeding hearts. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? K: Intensity and Drama! We are like the Muppets doing the tour de France meets "Day of our Lives" MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences? K: The bit when they say "Show Us Your Tits!" MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? K: Yes heaps, too many to mention. MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? K: The Pixies are playing, I think that ones been going for about 3 years.
  • 13. MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? K: Dj’ing in the snow is very difficult, had to do it at an international Snowboard competition a few months ago. MM: Best way to recover after a performance? K: Get WWWWWWWASTED! Whatever you can get your hands on! MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? K: Adam and Eve, they sure knew how to party, and we are still paying for it. MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? K: Frankie Goes to Hollywood, those boys KNOW how to relax! MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? K: An archaeologist like Indiana Jones. MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? K: Hit the deck and do 40 push ups, but usually just Jagermeister or Agwa. Joel from Wolf & Cub MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? (either as punter or performer) J: Once as a performer, we played the local stage at Adelaide last year, and about six times as a punter. MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? J: Well our album will come out a little after it’s over so hopefully we’ll arouse some curiosity, maybe we will even shed some light on the Adelaide scene. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? J: I think it’s about convincing the crowd that you deserve to be there or that it’s the only thing that you really want to do. If I convey that, I’d say it’s a pretty successful show. MM: What are the best things about the Aussie/Kiwi audiences? J: Well crowds vary between cities but I suppose a universal trait would be they’re usually too drunk not to notice the mistakes. MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? J: We’ve played Meredith, but this our first time being apart of a touring festival. MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? J: That the Stooges were going to play. MM: It’s going to be pretty hot diggity downunder during the tour, what’s the worst weather conditions you’ve played in? J: We played in a thunder storm, aesthetically it was amazing but it was a bit scary, because the rain was getting close to our gear. MM: Best way to recover after a performance? J: Space, sleep and seclusion. MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? J: Captain Beefheart. MM: Best/worst things about interviews? J: They are time consuming.
  • 14. MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? J: I’ve been listening to film scores. ‘Akira’ and ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ get played a lot. MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? J: I’d probably work in a bank, not by choice. MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? J: I think about working in a bank. Corin from Sleater Kinney MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? C: This will be our first Big Day Out. We did a tour of Australia about two years ago. MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? C: Hopefully we will play in front of some people who have never heard of us, and get them interested in our band. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? C: I think each of our shows is different, that's what keeps it interesting. MM: What have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences? C: They are almost as rowdy as American audiences, very friendly. MM: It's such a long way to travel, is there anything/anyone you would like to import particularly for this trip? C: Indeed, I am importing my husband and my son! MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? C: We've been doing festivals since before you were born. MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? C: Naked pool parties. MM: It's going to be pretty hot diggity downunder when you are here, is there an absolute limit to what weather you can perform in or are you [all] just happy to get up there regardless? C: I'm going to get one of those beer-cooler hats, Homer Simpson style. MM: Best way to recover after a performance? C: Lots of water, a beer, and a ham sandwich. MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? C: Jim Henson so he could do the Muppets while we were playing. MM: Best/worst things about interviews? C: Good questions, bad questions. MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? C: I just got the new Bettye LaVette record, “I've Got My Own Hell To Raise”, brilliant. MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? C: I'd either be a psychologist or an astrologist. I have a lot of gist.
  • 15. MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? C: I try to remember that someone in the audience has never seen us before. MM: Do you have a lucky performance talisman? C: Makeup. And just for the sake of a bit of self-medication (or self-egocentarianism…yes I made that up!), Melodie plays rock god with herself (after all I am a talented musician, no really)…. MM: How many times have you been to the BDO? MM2: All of them. I’m exhausted. MM: What are you hoping the fans are going to get out of this tour from you? MM2: An autograph if they figure out who I am. MM: Is there a 'best' thing you think that you deliver when performing? MM2: Humour. MM: What have you heard about Aussie/Kiwi audiences? MM2: Forget heard, I myself am a Nozzie boozehound myself. MM: Have you participated in any other festival, or are you a festival virgin? MM2: Reading, Splendour….do film festivals count? Cannes, Edinburgh, Melbourne dahling!! MM: Best rumour you ever heard about BDO? MM2: That Duckpond wanted to lay me in a paddling pool full of mango during a Kamahl set. MM: It's going to be pretty hot diggity during the tour, is there an absolute limit to what weather you can perform in or are you [all] just happy to get up there regardless? MM2: I can perform in any weather if the cocktails are good. MM: Best way to recover after a performance? MM2: Alcohol and roadies (and no I don’t mean the portable drinks). MM: If you could resurrect any dead person to perform with you, who would it be? MM2: Jimmi Hendrix…I need to learn guitar. MM: Best/worst things about interviews? MM2: Best…people are interested in what you have to say and worst….no one gives a shit. MM: When not working on your own music, what music do you like to relax to? MM2: Anything from the Verve Remixed Series. MM: If you weren't doing music, what trade would you have? MM2: Well as it happens, I have a few! Jack of all trades, master of none. MM: Everyone has their off days, how do you motivate yourself to perform when you'd rather stay in bed? MM2: As Bubble would say “get paid”. MM: Do you have a lucky performance talisman? MM2: Alcohol.