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The people and ideas that inspired Barkley strategists in 2023
Show up without an ego.
“I think those paintings we’re doing together are better when you can’t
tell who did which parts.” - Warhol
The work is not precious.
“Warhol would start most of the paintings. He would put something
very concrete or recognizable, like a newspaper headline or a product
logo, and then I would sort of deface it, and then I would try to get him
to work some more on it.“ - Basquiat
Try on your partner’s techniques.
“Jean-Michel got me into painting differently, so that’s good.” - Warhol
Different POVs is a good thing.
The different implications of the ‘Arm & Hammer’ logo.
Partnership can be fun and create good work.
“The paintings are a perfect testimony to the depth of their friendship.
The quality of the paintings mirror to quality of the relationship. The
sense of humor that permeates all the works recalls the laughter that
surrounded them while they were being made.” - Keith Haring
Andi Gottlieb
Basquiat x Warhol
Four Hands as painting and philosophy
“Home is an atmosphere. Home is a feeling.”
Beata Heuman
Imagine if every piece in your home told a story.
And what would your house say, if it could speak?
“They just don’t make furniture like they used to.”
And now they make it fast, and they make it cheap. In fact, the
EPA estimates that 9 million tons of furniture are tossed every
single year. That’s roughly 5% of everything brought to landfills.
Resellers are the real deal.
Search ‘em out. Here are a few:
Molly Katz
Treasures with soul
Curating second chances for home goods
Being “Pitch Perfect” isn’t everything.
What matters is that you choose to sing.
Say “Hello!” to everyone.
You never know where who you meet will take you.
“Waving Through a Window” isn’t enough.
True connection takes honesty and courage.
It’s okay to “Grow As We Go.”
You can improve without leaving things behind.
Always remember “This Is Not Over Yet.”
You’re never too far gone. Lean on your people.
Payne Parker
Ben Platt
Play as many roles as you can
“The things that make you strange are
the things that make you powerful.”
Focus on needs. Start with Self.
She saw a need - skin tones were light, medium or dark. She
built over 50 shades. This was deeper than vanity. It was about
being seen, being represented.
She's in the weeds. Every detail.
She keeps innovating. She's deeply involved in every decision.
Hands-on. Every decision is 100% Rihanna.
She will find a place to beat you.
Even as a child, I would - I remember thinking, she can beat me
but she cannot beat my outfit.
Style is the strategy.
She's never been afraid to put her style in everything.
She will hack the system.
She dropped a Fenty spot inside her halftime show, spending
$7 million without spending a penny.
Chris Cardetti
Where art meets business
It’s a game of failure. And deception.
Hitting the ball 3 times out of 10 gets you in the Hall of Fame.
“Every pitch I threw had an idea behind it.” --Warren Spahn
It’s a game of green.
From the famed Green Monster at Fenway to the endless green of the
outfield, baseball is endless open space to choose.
It’s a game of Geometry.
Home plate is 17 inches wide. Home runs are 400 feet. You have to
know every angle and distance, then trust your instinct once you know.
It’s a game of difficulty.
“Hitting a baseball -- I've said it a thousand times -- is the single most
difficult thing to do in sport. It’s all variables and no constants.”
It’s a vocabulary.
From the pitches thrown to how players talk, it’s all vernacular.
It’s a game of strategy.
Moneyball mainstreamed data science--and not just in baseball. But
when you pair that science with human behavior, you do even more.
David Gutting
The Game of Baseball
Everything is a choice
Three pitches:
Lady Godiva
Uncle Charlie
Linda Ronstadt
“Yes, Willie Mays has
always made kids feel
like grown-ups and
grown-ups feel like
kids. In the end, isn’t
that the whole point
of baseball?”
--Joe Posnanski, The
Baseball 100
Bigger isn’t always better.
10 hardcore fans > 100,000 casual listeners.
Embrace the cringe.
Do things for the practice and art, not for the achievement.
Don’t box yourself in.
Create, build, iterate.
Example: Turnstile’s Grammy-nominated BLACKOUT.
Diversify or die.
Enough said.
Group Activity:
What would your midwest emo band name be?
Real Examples:
● The World Is A Beautiful Place & I’m No Longer Afraid to Die
● Excuse Me, Who Are You?
● Too Short Pants
● We Were Promised Jetpacks
Morgan Avrigean
Underground Arts
The beauty of being heard, not seen
On the cutting edge since 1982.
They never stop creating and trying new things… even when
there’s probably not an audience for it.
A lot of times, you learn something.
-Why Does the Sun Shine?
-James K Polk
Sometimes they make you think.
-Your Racist Friend
-Then the Kids Took Over
Other times they inspire some weird introspection.
-Where Your Eyes Don’t Go
-Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
Lisa Rios
They Might Be Giants
Stay fascinated. Stay making
“We wanted something
that was outward-facing
and paranoid.”
-John Linnell on why they called the band They Might
Be Giants
Sept 2022 at Mr. Small’s Theater in Pittsburgh: The world’s first
live performance of a song played completely backwards.
“Art is nothing if you don’t reach every segment of the people.”
-Keith Haring
Disco still speaks across multicultural intersections because it speaks
of love, passion for life, and freedom from the oppressor du jour.
The Loft: a physical space (and party) belonging to David Mancuso,
credited as a cultural incubator which fed the flames of social
advocacy and musical exploration through New York City’s 1970s
underground nightlife scene.
“Mighty Real”: Disco (and the spaces it inspires) offer authentic
connection for those in need of belonging to something greater than
themselves, and asks for nothing in return. What makes you feel
more “real?”
“I Feel Love”: Disco as liberation–as noun and verb–offers
listeners/participants an opportunity to use their imagination, explore
play again, and to learn to love the parts of themselves that society
deems taboo.
Adam Gonzalez
A legacy of community through liberation
A. “Untitled (Dance), 1987” by Keith Haring
B. David Mancuso’s Loft
C. Larry Levan, DJ
D. Studio 54
An outfit is the best way to embrace an era.
Sequin mini skirts. Tassel dresses. Bubblegum pink. Every
concert outfit a chance to represent your own Taylor Swift Era.
The most important accessory of all? A wrist full of friendship
She takes every opportunity to make it her own.
As she re releases new versions of her old music, she switches
up old lyrics, launches new tracks from the vault, giving old fans
new reasons to fall in love with her music again.
She brings good wherever she goes.
The Federal Reserve says Taylor Swift's Eras Tour boosted the
economy. She helped AMC reach their highest ever single-day
ticket sales. Craft store sales saw as much as a 500% increase.
NFL viewership?!
There’s no such thing as an idea that’s too big.
Performing a 3 hour concert with a set list of 40 songs.
Re-recording her albums to gain the rights, then smashing even
her own records. To Taylor Swift, success knows no boundaries.
She shows up as her full, authentic self every time.
Emily Young
Taylor Swift
No such thing as an idea too big
Culture Pioneers Stay Ahead of the Curve.
It’s not just about spotting emerging trends and styles, but about actively shaping the culture,
being bold, dynamic, and fearless. It’s in the details!
Showing Up And Showing Out.
Female hip-hop artists have a commanding presence, powerful delivery, and exude
confidence. They captivate a room. When you’re committed to your craft, you can say
goodbye imposter syndrome!
Compelling Storytelling.
Stay unapologetically authentic + speak from human truths.
Amplify diverse voices and stories and put forth new narratives. Get creative with flows,
personas and visuals to effectively story tell.
It’s All About Hustle.
Do what it takes to succeed, get creative, and push the limits. That’s how you see possibilities.
Lauren Dismond
Women of Hip Hop
Creativity, confidence + authenticity
This band encouraged consumers to play the album on a loop while they slept. In turn, royalties
from the playing of each track on the "album" crowdfunded a free concert tour by the band.
Shake up existing models.
When you’re fed up with a system, call it out. Example: Sleepify, an answer to Spotify’s shitty
business model for artists and low payouts.
Crowdsource ideas.
Monetizing doesn’t have to feel like a transactional relationship. Invite others to create and
share the wealth. Think: Wedding ceremony during a Bonnaroo set, or an open source merch
movement #vosm that splits profits with artist and band.
Improvising is interesting.
Don’t be afraid to start the set without a plan of where you’re going. Some of the best Vulfpeck
songs are called on the spot. The end result is more authentic, joyful and interesting.
Don’t underestimate the support role.
There are ‘Dean Town’ gems waiting to be uncovered. Skip the ‘lead’ suspects and look at the
Katy Novick
Vulfpeck | Jack Stratton
The joy of music and messing with things
You don’t have to be first.
The Rock didn’t do it first. His dad was football player turned
pro-wrestler. Hulk Hogan was a wrestler turned Hollywood
star. He didn’t create the mold, but he made it his, especially as
a BIPOC individual.
Good ideas have staying power.
Just because someone else had the idea doesn’t mean you can’t
make it your own.
Saying ‘yes’ defines us as much as saying ‘no’.
Frameworks like Editorial Authority or Brand Maps are starting
points, not ending definitions.
Bailey Grover
The Rock
Just say yes more
Fear of Failure Can Be a Great Motivator.
Nancy’s fear of pastry and baking actually led her to trying it.
Understand the Basics to Unleash Creativity.
In order to bake well, you must understand the science behind it. Once you are a master of the
basics, that’s when you can get creative.
Experiment, Experiment, Experiment to Find Perfection.
Nancy became obsessed with bread. She was armed with recipes from Europe, but upon trialing
them, she did not succeed. So she endlessly experiment to make the perfect loaf.
The Environment & The Ingredients Matter Most.
The environment you bake in and the ingredients you start with will be key indicators for how your
food will turn out. Pay attention to these details from the beginning.
Do What Makes You Feel Most like YOU.
Nancy is known for her style. She ditched the checkered chef pants and white coat, instead she
rocks a dress+apron in the kitchen and she says she cooks better when she feels better.
Always Strive for the Dessert to Cry Over.
Nancy went on Julia Child’s show. When Julia tried her dessert, she put her hand on Silverton's
back, tears in her eyes, and exclaims, "It's a dessert to cry over!". Always aim to create the feels.
Molly Smith
Nancy Silverton
Make a dessert to cry over
Comfort starts with environment.
‘Watch What Happens Live’ clubhouse hidden gems
Reunion seating charts
Lean into unscripted & unpredictable.
Soap Operas → Reality TV + Docuseries + Sociology
Only question Andy provides guests in advance: What drink
would you like waiting for you?
Stir the pot.
Viewer write in/call in questions
Games (Plead the Fifth)
Lexie Winter
Andy Cohen
How to get the 411
“My goal is that it should
feel a little dangerous.
There’s no pre-interview,
nothing set up. The
guests don’t really know
what they’re in for.”
She is an American yoga instructor, actress, and
entrepreneur, based in Austin, Texas. She produces and
hosts Yoga With Adriene on YouTube and is co-founder of
yoga video subscription service Find What Feels Good.
Return to the beginner mindset.
You have to start from a strong foundation.
The hardest part is showing up.
The hardest part is starting the brief, the research
proposal, the deck.
Gentle and humble can have just as much impact as
loud and proud.
“In an online world where everyone else seems turned up
to 11, Mishler hovers at a room-temperature two or three.”
“Hey there, creaky old floor.”
Embrace the things that you can’t change.
Inhale lots of love in. Exhale lots of love out.
What you put in is what you get out.
Lily Coit
Adriene Mishler
My favorite pocket deity
Confront your gremlins.
Choose courage over comfort.
Don’t just say it. Prove it with a story.
Don’t try to be the smartest person in the room. Try to be the
one who cares the most.
Stay awkward, brave and kind.
Josie Ellerbee
Brene Brown
Be a braver researcher
Reminder: Plain is Powerful.
“Stutz’s ‘Tools’ are strangely beautiful, plain but powerful and have a tendency to
be unforgettable — the mental health equivalent of an earworm you can’t quite
New Perspective: Gratitude Is A Creative Act.
“The Grateful Flow is not the things you’re grateful for. The Grateful Flow is the
process of creating these things. The key is not to say the same things over and
over you’re grateful for. You wanna make it a creative act. When you have to dig to
find these things, that process itself will change your mood.”
Invitation: Bond With Your Shadow.
“We see our Shadow as a source of humiliation that we try to hide, usually through
some kind of perfectionism. The counter-intuitive truth is that when we reveal the
Shadow, when we give in to its imperfections, its nature changes. It becomes a
source of creativity and confidence.”
Ann Fenley
“Stutz” Netflix Documentary
Go from all talk to all action
He gives the high and low of Strategy. Fast.
He’ll go from talking about economic independence to
rebuilding America’s culverts in one sentence. From ideals to
concrete examples fast and with force.
He answers questions directly, then reframes.
Unlike some politicians, he doesn’t shy away from questions. He
answers in as direct manner as possible, then
expands/reframes the question itself.
He’s done his debate prep. Be Soundbyte-Ready.
He’s about access. His strategy: be on everything.
In his presidential run, his campaign manager, Lis Smith,
famously said, “I want him on everything. Oversaturation. Not
possible.” This has led him to be one of the primary messengers
for President Biden.
Chris Cardetti
Secretary Pete
Making culverts sexy
Yoga is the study of balance.
“To make knowledge productive, we have to learn to see both the forest and the tree.
We have to learn to connect.” - Peter F. Drucker
The deeper, foundational work is often the most impactful.
“During Yin Yoga, we’re not burning a lot of calories or doing anything aesthetically
pleasing, but on a deeper, more subtle level, there is a lot of magic taking place.”
- Travis Eliot
Falling out of a pose isn’t failure—it’s a chance to get curious and reset.
“It’s important to not overlook the joy of the journey due to an excess of goal
orientation.” - Lama Surya Das
Being fully present makes the ordinary moments meaningful.
“Because of yoga, I was getting a glimpse of the hugeness of the ordinary, the sacred
beauty of the everyday.” - Rolf Gates
Sometimes all you need is to slow down.
“Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a
moment and become aware of the stillness. When you resume your thinking, it will be
fresh and creative.” - Eckhart Tolle
Maggie Brown
Yoga Practice
Create a study of balance
Timothy Ferriss is an American entrepreneur, investor, author,
podcaster, and lifestyle guru. He’s also founder of Saisei
Foundation, and has donated more than $2M toward legal
psychedelic research.
Research is Me-search.
You are your greatest source of inspiration “What we fear doing
most is usually what we should be doing most.” “Focus on being
productive rather than busy.” Tracking behaviors is easy. Once
you discover the patterns, it’s just a matter of disrupting them.
Never stop learning.
In order to achieve, you need to be interdisciplinary. There is
incredible discovery to be had by combining
seemingly-unrelated disciplines.
Give what you can.
Dedicate your time and money to be the most effective it can be
(“effective altruism”). Try to be as impactful as possible with
your actions.
Nick Cale
Tim Ferriss
Never stop learning
Passion is contagious.
Inspire those around you by loving what you do
Set realistic goals.
Accomplish more by building one step at a time
Be a “glass-half full” thinker.
Optimism as a subconscious prioritization of happiness
Collaboration is key.
Surround yourself with people who will push you to
achieve greatness
Confidence in yourself.
You can truly do anything you put your mind to
Brendan Antonacci
Cole Bennett
Mindset is everything
Bridging youth and adulthood together.
Toy story saga spanning 3 decades
Relatability is Power.
Soul - storytelling can be a mirror to humanity, don’t be afraid to
make the seldom said points, it’s likely most can relate.
Love as Purpose, Vibes over All.
Wall-E - Love drives the plot, and stands out amidst a bleak
scenario. And not a single word is said: displays the Importance
of intangible vibe, and non-verbal communication.
Spectrum of Emotion.
Inside Out - it’s okay and important to feel it all. Even the ‘bad’
emotions serve purpose - honor and leave space for them.
Maggie Brown
The relentless pursuit of story

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BARKLEY Strategy -- The Muse Series 2023

  • 1. MUSE The people and ideas that inspired Barkley strategists in 2023
  • 2. Show up without an ego. “I think those paintings we’re doing together are better when you can’t tell who did which parts.” - Warhol The work is not precious. “Warhol would start most of the paintings. He would put something very concrete or recognizable, like a newspaper headline or a product logo, and then I would sort of deface it, and then I would try to get him to work some more on it.“ - Basquiat Try on your partner’s techniques. “Jean-Michel got me into painting differently, so that’s good.” - Warhol Different POVs is a good thing. The different implications of the ‘Arm & Hammer’ logo. Partnership can be fun and create good work. “The paintings are a perfect testimony to the depth of their friendship. The quality of the paintings mirror to quality of the relationship. The sense of humor that permeates all the works recalls the laughter that surrounded them while they were being made.” - Keith Haring Andi Gottlieb Muse Basquiat x Warhol Four Hands as painting and philosophy
  • 3. “Home is an atmosphere. Home is a feeling.” Beata Heuman Imagine if every piece in your home told a story. And what would your house say, if it could speak? “They just don’t make furniture like they used to.” And now they make it fast, and they make it cheap. In fact, the EPA estimates that 9 million tons of furniture are tossed every single year. That’s roughly 5% of everything brought to landfills. Resellers are the real deal. Search ‘em out. Here are a few: @zarellavintage @curateddenver @look_what_jackie_found @hutchandhardware Molly Katz Muse Treasures with soul Curating second chances for home goods @lilysvintagefinds @johnicekatz @theonouveauvintage @vintage_smiths @mostlymcm
  • 4. Being “Pitch Perfect” isn’t everything. What matters is that you choose to sing. Say “Hello!” to everyone. You never know where who you meet will take you. “Waving Through a Window” isn’t enough. True connection takes honesty and courage. It’s okay to “Grow As We Go.” You can improve without leaving things behind. Always remember “This Is Not Over Yet.” You’re never too far gone. Lean on your people. Payne Parker Muse Ben Platt Play as many roles as you can “The things that make you strange are the things that make you powerful.”
  • 5. Focus on needs. Start with Self. She saw a need - skin tones were light, medium or dark. She built over 50 shades. This was deeper than vanity. It was about being seen, being represented. She's in the weeds. Every detail. She keeps innovating. She's deeply involved in every decision. Hands-on. Every decision is 100% Rihanna. She will find a place to beat you. Even as a child, I would - I remember thinking, she can beat me but she cannot beat my outfit. Style is the strategy. She's never been afraid to put her style in everything. She will hack the system. She dropped a Fenty spot inside her halftime show, spending $7 million without spending a penny. Chris Cardetti Muse Rihanna Where art meets business
  • 6. It’s a game of failure. And deception. Hitting the ball 3 times out of 10 gets you in the Hall of Fame. “Every pitch I threw had an idea behind it.” --Warren Spahn It’s a game of green. From the famed Green Monster at Fenway to the endless green of the outfield, baseball is endless open space to choose. It’s a game of Geometry. Home plate is 17 inches wide. Home runs are 400 feet. You have to know every angle and distance, then trust your instinct once you know. It’s a game of difficulty. “Hitting a baseball -- I've said it a thousand times -- is the single most difficult thing to do in sport. It’s all variables and no constants.” It’s a vocabulary. From the pitches thrown to how players talk, it’s all vernacular. It’s a game of strategy. Moneyball mainstreamed data science--and not just in baseball. But when you pair that science with human behavior, you do even more. David Gutting Muse The Game of Baseball Everything is a choice Three pitches: Lady Godiva Uncle Charlie Linda Ronstadt “Yes, Willie Mays has always made kids feel like grown-ups and grown-ups feel like kids. In the end, isn’t that the whole point of baseball?” --Joe Posnanski, The Baseball 100
  • 7. Bigger isn’t always better. 10 hardcore fans > 100,000 casual listeners. Embrace the cringe. Do things for the practice and art, not for the achievement. Don’t box yourself in. Create, build, iterate. Example: Turnstile’s Grammy-nominated BLACKOUT. Diversify or die. Enough said. Group Activity: What would your midwest emo band name be? Real Examples: ● The World Is A Beautiful Place & I’m No Longer Afraid to Die ● Excuse Me, Who Are You? ● Too Short Pants ● We Were Promised Jetpacks Morgan Avrigean Muse Underground Arts The beauty of being heard, not seen
  • 8. On the cutting edge since 1982. They never stop creating and trying new things… even when there’s probably not an audience for it. A lot of times, you learn something. -Why Does the Sun Shine? -James K Polk Sometimes they make you think. -Your Racist Friend -Then the Kids Took Over Other times they inspire some weird introspection. -Where Your Eyes Don’t Go -Someone Keeps Moving My Chair Lisa Rios Muse They Might Be Giants Stay fascinated. Stay making “We wanted something that was outward-facing and paranoid.” -John Linnell on why they called the band They Might Be Giants Sept 2022 at Mr. Small’s Theater in Pittsburgh: The world’s first live performance of a song played completely backwards.
  • 9. “Art is nothing if you don’t reach every segment of the people.” -Keith Haring Disco still speaks across multicultural intersections because it speaks of love, passion for life, and freedom from the oppressor du jour. The Loft: a physical space (and party) belonging to David Mancuso, credited as a cultural incubator which fed the flames of social advocacy and musical exploration through New York City’s 1970s underground nightlife scene. “Mighty Real”: Disco (and the spaces it inspires) offer authentic connection for those in need of belonging to something greater than themselves, and asks for nothing in return. What makes you feel more “real?” “I Feel Love”: Disco as liberation–as noun and verb–offers listeners/participants an opportunity to use their imagination, explore play again, and to learn to love the parts of themselves that society deems taboo. Adam Gonzalez Muse Disco A legacy of community through liberation A. “Untitled (Dance), 1987” by Keith Haring B. David Mancuso’s Loft C. Larry Levan, DJ D. Studio 54 A B C D
  • 10. An outfit is the best way to embrace an era. Sequin mini skirts. Tassel dresses. Bubblegum pink. Every concert outfit a chance to represent your own Taylor Swift Era. The most important accessory of all? A wrist full of friendship bracelets. She takes every opportunity to make it her own. As she re releases new versions of her old music, she switches up old lyrics, launches new tracks from the vault, giving old fans new reasons to fall in love with her music again. She brings good wherever she goes. The Federal Reserve says Taylor Swift's Eras Tour boosted the economy. She helped AMC reach their highest ever single-day ticket sales. Craft store sales saw as much as a 500% increase. NFL viewership?! There’s no such thing as an idea that’s too big. Performing a 3 hour concert with a set list of 40 songs. Re-recording her albums to gain the rights, then smashing even her own records. To Taylor Swift, success knows no boundaries. She shows up as her full, authentic self every time. Emily Young Muse Taylor Swift No such thing as an idea too big
  • 11. Culture Pioneers Stay Ahead of the Curve. It’s not just about spotting emerging trends and styles, but about actively shaping the culture, being bold, dynamic, and fearless. It’s in the details! Showing Up And Showing Out. Female hip-hop artists have a commanding presence, powerful delivery, and exude confidence. They captivate a room. When you’re committed to your craft, you can say goodbye imposter syndrome! Compelling Storytelling. Stay unapologetically authentic + speak from human truths. Amplify diverse voices and stories and put forth new narratives. Get creative with flows, personas and visuals to effectively story tell. It’s All About Hustle. Do what it takes to succeed, get creative, and push the limits. That’s how you see possibilities. Lauren Dismond Muse Women of Hip Hop Creativity, confidence + authenticity
  • 12. This band encouraged consumers to play the album on a loop while they slept. In turn, royalties from the playing of each track on the "album" crowdfunded a free concert tour by the band. Shake up existing models. When you’re fed up with a system, call it out. Example: Sleepify, an answer to Spotify’s shitty business model for artists and low payouts. Crowdsource ideas. Monetizing doesn’t have to feel like a transactional relationship. Invite others to create and share the wealth. Think: Wedding ceremony during a Bonnaroo set, or an open source merch movement #vosm that splits profits with artist and band. Improvising is interesting. Don’t be afraid to start the set without a plan of where you’re going. Some of the best Vulfpeck songs are called on the spot. The end result is more authentic, joyful and interesting. Don’t underestimate the support role. There are ‘Dean Town’ gems waiting to be uncovered. Skip the ‘lead’ suspects and look at the overlooked. Katy Novick Muse Vulfpeck | Jack Stratton The joy of music and messing with things
  • 13. You don’t have to be first. The Rock didn’t do it first. His dad was football player turned pro-wrestler. Hulk Hogan was a wrestler turned Hollywood star. He didn’t create the mold, but he made it his, especially as a BIPOC individual. Good ideas have staying power. Just because someone else had the idea doesn’t mean you can’t make it your own. Saying ‘yes’ defines us as much as saying ‘no’. Frameworks like Editorial Authority or Brand Maps are starting points, not ending definitions. Bailey Grover Muse The Rock Just say yes more
  • 14. Fear of Failure Can Be a Great Motivator. Nancy’s fear of pastry and baking actually led her to trying it. Understand the Basics to Unleash Creativity. In order to bake well, you must understand the science behind it. Once you are a master of the basics, that’s when you can get creative. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment to Find Perfection. Nancy became obsessed with bread. She was armed with recipes from Europe, but upon trialing them, she did not succeed. So she endlessly experiment to make the perfect loaf. The Environment & The Ingredients Matter Most. The environment you bake in and the ingredients you start with will be key indicators for how your food will turn out. Pay attention to these details from the beginning. Do What Makes You Feel Most like YOU. Nancy is known for her style. She ditched the checkered chef pants and white coat, instead she rocks a dress+apron in the kitchen and she says she cooks better when she feels better. Always Strive for the Dessert to Cry Over. Nancy went on Julia Child’s show. When Julia tried her dessert, she put her hand on Silverton's back, tears in her eyes, and exclaims, "It's a dessert to cry over!". Always aim to create the feels. Molly Smith Muse Nancy Silverton Make a dessert to cry over
  • 15. Comfort starts with environment. ‘Watch What Happens Live’ clubhouse hidden gems Reunion seating charts Lean into unscripted & unpredictable. Soap Operas → Reality TV + Docuseries + Sociology Only question Andy provides guests in advance: What drink would you like waiting for you? Stir the pot. Viewer write in/call in questions Games (Plead the Fifth) Lexie Winter Muse Andy Cohen How to get the 411 “My goal is that it should feel a little dangerous. There’s no pre-interview, nothing set up. The guests don’t really know what they’re in for.”
  • 16. She is an American yoga instructor, actress, and entrepreneur, based in Austin, Texas. She produces and hosts Yoga With Adriene on YouTube and is co-founder of yoga video subscription service Find What Feels Good. Return to the beginner mindset. You have to start from a strong foundation. The hardest part is showing up. The hardest part is starting the brief, the research proposal, the deck. Gentle and humble can have just as much impact as loud and proud. “In an online world where everyone else seems turned up to 11, Mishler hovers at a room-temperature two or three.” “Hey there, creaky old floor.” Embrace the things that you can’t change. Inhale lots of love in. Exhale lots of love out. What you put in is what you get out. Lily Coit Muse Adriene Mishler My favorite pocket deity
  • 17. Confront your gremlins. Choose courage over comfort. Don’t just say it. Prove it with a story. Don’t try to be the smartest person in the room. Try to be the one who cares the most. Stay awkward, brave and kind. Josie Ellerbee Muse Brene Brown Be a braver researcher
  • 18. Reminder: Plain is Powerful. “Stutz’s ‘Tools’ are strangely beautiful, plain but powerful and have a tendency to be unforgettable — the mental health equivalent of an earworm you can’t quite shake.” New Perspective: Gratitude Is A Creative Act. “The Grateful Flow is not the things you’re grateful for. The Grateful Flow is the process of creating these things. The key is not to say the same things over and over you’re grateful for. You wanna make it a creative act. When you have to dig to find these things, that process itself will change your mood.” Invitation: Bond With Your Shadow. “We see our Shadow as a source of humiliation that we try to hide, usually through some kind of perfectionism. The counter-intuitive truth is that when we reveal the Shadow, when we give in to its imperfections, its nature changes. It becomes a source of creativity and confidence.” Ann Fenley Muse “Stutz” Netflix Documentary Go from all talk to all action
  • 19. He gives the high and low of Strategy. Fast. He’ll go from talking about economic independence to rebuilding America’s culverts in one sentence. From ideals to concrete examples fast and with force. He answers questions directly, then reframes. Unlike some politicians, he doesn’t shy away from questions. He answers in as direct manner as possible, then expands/reframes the question itself. He’s done his debate prep. Be Soundbyte-Ready. ack-fox-news-questioning-husbands-travel He’s about access. His strategy: be on everything. In his presidential run, his campaign manager, Lis Smith, famously said, “I want him on everything. Oversaturation. Not possible.” This has led him to be one of the primary messengers for President Biden. Chris Cardetti Muse Secretary Pete Making culverts sexy
  • 20. Yoga is the study of balance. “To make knowledge productive, we have to learn to see both the forest and the tree. We have to learn to connect.” - Peter F. Drucker The deeper, foundational work is often the most impactful. “During Yin Yoga, we’re not burning a lot of calories or doing anything aesthetically pleasing, but on a deeper, more subtle level, there is a lot of magic taking place.” - Travis Eliot Falling out of a pose isn’t failure—it’s a chance to get curious and reset. “It’s important to not overlook the joy of the journey due to an excess of goal orientation.” - Lama Surya Das Being fully present makes the ordinary moments meaningful. “Because of yoga, I was getting a glimpse of the hugeness of the ordinary, the sacred beauty of the everyday.” - Rolf Gates Sometimes all you need is to slow down. “Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a moment and become aware of the stillness. When you resume your thinking, it will be fresh and creative.” - Eckhart Tolle Maggie Brown Muse Yoga Practice Create a study of balance
  • 21. Timothy Ferriss is an American entrepreneur, investor, author, podcaster, and lifestyle guru. He’s also founder of Saisei Foundation, and has donated more than $2M toward legal psychedelic research. Research is Me-search. You are your greatest source of inspiration “What we fear doing most is usually what we should be doing most.” “Focus on being productive rather than busy.” Tracking behaviors is easy. Once you discover the patterns, it’s just a matter of disrupting them. Never stop learning. In order to achieve, you need to be interdisciplinary. There is incredible discovery to be had by combining seemingly-unrelated disciplines. Give what you can. Dedicate your time and money to be the most effective it can be (“effective altruism”). Try to be as impactful as possible with your actions. Nick Cale Muse Tim Ferriss Never stop learning
  • 22. Passion is contagious. Inspire those around you by loving what you do Set realistic goals. Accomplish more by building one step at a time Be a “glass-half full” thinker. Optimism as a subconscious prioritization of happiness Collaboration is key. Surround yourself with people who will push you to achieve greatness Confidence in yourself. You can truly do anything you put your mind to Brendan Antonacci Muse Cole Bennett Mindset is everything
  • 23. Bridging youth and adulthood together. Toy story saga spanning 3 decades Relatability is Power. Soul - storytelling can be a mirror to humanity, don’t be afraid to make the seldom said points, it’s likely most can relate. Love as Purpose, Vibes over All. Wall-E - Love drives the plot, and stands out amidst a bleak scenario. And not a single word is said: displays the Importance of intangible vibe, and non-verbal communication. Spectrum of Emotion. Inside Out - it’s okay and important to feel it all. Even the ‘bad’ emotions serve purpose - honor and leave space for them. Maggie Brown Muse P XAR. The relentless pursuit of story