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Integrated Marketing
Communications Plan
Presented by:
Janay Hunter
Ann Joona
Brian Metz
Sharief Yusuf
M-Edge 2016
Integrated Marketing
Communications Plan
Table of Contents
Situation Analysis............................................................... 3
Target Market Assessment ................................................ 5
Positioning Strategy ........................................................... 6
Message Strategy............................................................... 8
Media Strategy................................................................... 9
Promotions & PR Strategy ................................................ 10
Direct Marketing Strategy ................................................ 15
Integration....................................................................... 18
Communication Effectiveness........................................... 19
Appendices (Marketing Materials).................................... 21
SWOT Analysis........................................................... 23
Competitive Analysis ................................................. 24
User Personas............................................................ 26
Online Marketing Survey ........................................... 30
Online and Social Media Videos................................. 31
Media Contacts List ................................................... 32
Situation Analysis
The company we are working with is M-Edge.
For working warriors looking to balance the daily grind with an active lifestyle. Our products are de-
signed to improve your lives at the gym, on the road and in the office. Life is tough; that’s why we use
the best materials when crafting our products so you’re always prepared no matter what’s thrown your
Our goal is to create brand awareness.
Target market:
Active-lifestyle mobile professionals, offering them a range of products that simplify an on-the-go
need for storage and power. The product line allows the user to move seamlessly from office to gym to
on-the-road, providing power in places and situations where an outlet is unavailable or inconvenient.
Advertising strategies:
We will be implementing viral videos and integrated social media techniques.
To generate attention and reception, social media would be a good place to start.
M-Edge needs to be able to stand out from the rest and we need to start with Instagram, Facebook,
and Twitter. The more followers we can gain the more attention this company can get.
Viral video via social media would seem to offer a low-cost, low-risk initial approach. Endorsements/
product placements from respected, demographically-appropriate peers should also be investigated.
By attempting a viral video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our target audi-
ence. By showing the day of a “persona,” we could fully encapsulate what it means to be a “Working
By going through a viral marketing campaign, we would generate peripheral route processing. Show
the consumer someone who is not just like them, but someone who IS them. We believe that this route
is a good match for this product because we want it to be the obvious solution. Working warriors have
a fast-paced lifestyle and shouldn’t be expected to directly contemplate
the product.
Attitude change strategy:
We want to increase mindshare in our audience. Right now, brands like Mophie, Belkin, Griffin, Otter,
and Anker are the most recognized names in the field. Rather than trying to beat the competitors for a
general audience, we can focus our efforts much more closely on our targeted marketing demograph-
ic. If we do this right, the first name for durable, powered cases will be, in the minds of active-lifestyle
mobile professionals, M-Edge.
We want consumers to take M-Edge as the obvious choice. Its obviousness should be defined by
quality, convenience and effectivity of design.
Target Market Assessment
We have identified our target market as “Active-lifestyle mobile professionals.” This comprises indi-
viduals who are a) financially advantaged, b) likely to travel as part of their work, and c) gym-goers, or
otherwise engaged in regular physical training/sports/outdoor activities.
The potential users of our product may be younger, with a lifelong history of organized physical activ-
ity, or older persons looking to establish a healthier, active life.
Another common trait is that these individuals are technologically engaged and tech savvy. Their
need for power for their devices is central to our ability to serve them. The constant use of and need
for their devices, coupled with still limited capacity of said devices provides an opportunity for our
product lines.
The need for mobility and a world that is often rough on delicate electronics is served by the rugged-
ness and durability of our products.
Our targeting is appropriate because the product line allows the user to move seamlessly from office
to gym to on-the-road, providing power in places and situations where an outlet is unavailable or
inconvenient. The products also have the benefit of streamlining the impedimenta the user must carry;
rather than two or three devices/cases/carry-ons, functionality has been combined in a single, useful
Positioning Strategy
“Working Warrior” is our positioning.
This evokes an engaged actor, involved in a struggle, speaking to the target audiences’ activities in
business (often portrayed as a kind of military campaign,) and in their own physical fitness regimen. The
notion of fitness/sport, etc., as a struggle or conflict has been repeatedly evoked, and quite effectively:
Nike’s advertising and messaging has been particularly notable for this framing.
Our competitors by and large have not made this particular connection with their products; we are
effectively narrowing our focus on a very specific subset of technology users, sparing us head-to-head
competition with our better-established competitors. The advertising of our competitors seems to be
targeting everyone with a phone or tablet. Our messaging will prompt self-recognition and self-identifi-
cation with our targeted users.
Attention and Reception
We will generate attention by clearly identifying our products as a solution to the target audiences’
needs; they will already, by definition, have faced the problem of juggling office, the road, and their
physical activities with the problem of power. Our products will “make a light go on” in their heads,
providing a solution for a problem they may not have fully formulated for themselves. Our customers
are already halfway to the purchase; we simply have to show them that it exists as an answer. To gener-
ate attention and reception, social media would be a good place to start.
Central vs Peripheral Route Message Processing
Using the viral marketing campaign we are thinking of, we would generate peripheral route process-
ing. Show the consumer someone who is not just like them, but someone who IS them. We believe that
this route is a good match for this product because we want it to be the obvious solution. Working war-
riors have a fast-paced lifestyle and shouldn’t be expected to directly contemplate the product. While
not a major purchase, such as a car, our audience will still be likely, when thinking about a technology
purchase, to use some central route processing when deciding to buy. This must be at least considered
when planning the actual advertising; do we address it, touting features and facts, or will that diffuse
our message, trying to do two things at once?
Message Objective
We want to increase mindshare in our audience. Right now, brands like
Mophie, Belkin, Griffin, Otter, and Anker are the most recognized names
in the field. Rather than trying to beat the competitors for a general
audience, we can focus our efforts much more closely on our targeted
marketing demographic. If we do this right, the first name for durable,
powered cases will be, in the minds of active-lifestyle mobile professionals, M-Edge.
We want consumers to think of M-Edge as the obvious choice. Its obviousness should be defined by
quality, convenience and effectiveness of design.
Media Choices/Strategies
We will be implementing potentially viral videos and integrated social media techniques.
M-Edge needs to be able to stand out from the rest and we need to start with Instagram, Facebook,
and Twitter. As technologically savvy users, our audience will be plugged into social media (or aware of
it/informed by others about it) and therefore will be more likely to identify with our message/product.
Successfully viral video via social media would seem to offer a low-cost, low-risk initial approach.
Endorsements/product placements from respected, demographically-appropriate peers should also be
investigated. By attempting a viral video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our
target audience. By showing the day of a “persona,” we could fully encapsulate what it means to be a
“Working Warrior.”
Another real-world approach will be to offer complimentary equipment to opinion leaders; in this
case, instructors/trainers at gyms/fitness facilities. The cost to the client will be minimal, and the word-
of-mouth effect, coupled with the implicit endorsment of fitness professionals using the product(s) in
front of potential clients is not to be underestimated.
Strategic Summation
Because we’re just moving into a market filled with established players, we are differentiating our-
selves by who our customers are.
By focusing on how our products streamline and support their specific set of needs, we become the
best…the only choice for our market segment.
Referring to von Clausewitz, we are taking a common element from three of his strategic insights:
1. We are launching our effort on a very narrow front; a closely defined market segment, The Work-
ing Warrior
2. This market segment is small enough for us, an insurgent brand, to defend, and
3. Our product is narrowly focused on a single concept.
By following this strategy, we can create mindshare in a highly specialized audience, and build from
Message Strategy
Our message strategy is comprised of 3 parts:
1. Verbal
2. Non-verbal
3. Technical
Our verbal approach revolves around "Working Warriors." This is characterized by a professional, ag-
gressive, and competitive tone, while teaching a positive and encouraging activity. For the survey, the
verbal approach is choosing the right vocabulary, and the right copy to relate a message to the consum-
er. By taking advantage of motivational phrases, buzzwords and M-Edge’s positioning statement, we
can craft a verbal narrative in the a video that is both effective and entertaining.
Our non-verbal approach is "edgy" while still being professional. We are going for a black and white
aesthetic with green accents. Similar to the non-verbal approach used by m-edge on their website. This
will be done on both the survey and the video.Our technical approach is where the real magic happens.
The technicality of the survey is making sure that the slogan and the logo are displayed correctly
throughout the survey. The technical strategy for the video is to make sure that we represent the logo
and the brand clearly. These efforts will hopefully spark interest in our consumers and make them cu-
rious about our products and try them out.BudgetWe will be creating short audience focused content
and using social media for various promotional campaigns.
Media Strategy
Our media strategy is to focus on short engaging videos and integrated social media techniques.
M-Edge needs to stand out from the rest, and we want to start with Facebook, Instagram, and Twit-
ter. Our customers are technology savvy so they will already be plugged into social media, and there-
fore will be more likely to identify with our message/product
Videos shared through social media would be cost efficient and low risk initial approach. By attempt-
ing a video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our target audience. By showing
the day of a “persona:” we could fully show what it means to be a “working warrior”
Our objective for a social media approach is to gain followers and attention to help promote our busi-
ness. We would like to focus on conducting contests through Instagram and have giveaways associated
with M-Edge hashtags. “Working Warrior”, “M-edge”, “beastmode” “morepower”
Taking these approaches will create brand awareness, connect with a target market and create strong
relationships with our customers.
Promotions & PR Strategy
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media
The M-Edge hashtags we want to use will be #workingwarrior and #medge to establish a target mar-
ket and build strong relationships with our consumers. An Instagram contest encouraging users to pose
with and post images of them using our products will be at the core of this promotion.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
By providing trainers with free products and information about them to pass on to their clients, we
hope to increase brand-awareness, introduce users to a solution they may not have realized they could
use, and to move them to a decision to buy, via the trust and respect they have for our spokespeople
(the trainers.)
Objectives and Strategy
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media
The objective for a social media approach is to gain followers and attention to help promote our
business. What we would like to focus on when taking a social media approach is to conduct contests
through Instagram and have giveaways associated with an M-Edge hashtags. We want to use the
hashtags #workingwarrior and #medge to establish a target market and build strong relationships with
our consumers. Our goal is to create an account through Instagram and offer a contest to people who
post any picture doing some sort of physical activity hashtagging #workingwarrior #medge. Our audi-
ence will vote and pick the winner they think has the best photo, to win a new and upcoming product
that has not been released yet. For example the new Beast with Armband and one of our bags. The
beast is a phone case that you can attach to your arm or any equipment you are using so you can listen
to music on your phone as you are working out. The bag charges your devices. The only requirement is
that once they receive the free product they have to post a picture of themselves using the new prod-
uct, using the same hashtags as before. This will help build popularity with the product by spreading
the word through hashtags. We can also start tracking on Instagram the number of people who start
posting with those hashtags and see how many people are responding to our contests and giveaways.
We can use other media such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to
spread brand awareness.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
By providing trainers at fitness facilities our products, we get those products in front of our poten-
tial customers, with an implicit, and hopefully, explicit, endorsement. The partnership with individu-
als already in an influential position with our new customers builds on that pre-existing relationship
between them, of expert and seeker. If the opinion leader (the trainer) can influence even part of the
reference group (fellow exercisers, i.e. peers) then we move a big step forward in increasing positive
brand consciousness, and can influence them to become buying customers.If we couple the product
with discount coupons, or even a coupon code, this can simplify and encourage them to buy. By enlist-
ing each individual trainer as an affiliate, we capture this information while, at the same time, incentiv-
izing our spokespeople. The data gathered can help us refine our message and our demographics, and
to identify our most successful representatives.
Central vs Peripheral Message Processing
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media
Our social media contest is more likely to impact on the peripheral route processing to create a
“need” for our product that our customers were not aware of before. The peripheral route has little
relevance to our customers immediate goals or needs. Our user-generated photo contests creates an
emotional connection between the company and our consumer. With our competition we are creating
an involvement with our customer, and if they are already a user of Instagram they are already active
members in the social media world. These consumers might attend to some peripheral aspects of our
competition for its entertainment value.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
Unlike our competitors, M-Edge is providing a very particular solution; a solution that the consumers
may not even realize they are looking for. By giving them the example of their trainers, we are introduc-
ing them to a stimulus-response experience, using peripheral route processing to arrive at a buying de-
cision. The encouragement to identify with the leader and the group will help reinforce the peripheral
processing. Once we have engaged them in this solution they may not have known they wanted, infor-
mation we have provided to the trainers can then be passed on to work the central route processing by
providing clear, technical specifications to help lead the audience to a buying decision.
Strengths and Advantages
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media
The strengths and advantages of using a social media contest are that M-Edge will gain followers and
promote new products. A contest is a great way for new audience to start following M-Edge Instagram
account. It gives our target audience a reason to follow us and motivate their actions in exchange for a
chance to win the prize we offer. A user-generated content promotion such as a photo contest is a great
way to deepen the emotional connection between the consumer and our company. When participants
upload their personal photos to our promotion and using the hashtag #workingwarrior or #medge,
it will provide a common place for viewing entries. Anyone who searches for the hashtag will see the
contest stream.
One of the many advantages with using social media is that it is free to create an Instagram account
and to hold competitions. M-Edge will also gain trust and brand loyalty from people that are involved
and a part of our competition. By offering a new and free product will create an excitement and in-
volvement with the customers. And in the case of the winner that got to try the product for free, if
they are satisfied with it they will most likely return to purchase more products from M-Edge. Social
media contests are a great way to build a strong following and relationship. A competition will help
spread the word about the company and our products, and build brand awareness.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
The strength of this approach derives from the influential position of our spokespeople; the trainers.
The potential customers have already vested trust in these people, and look to them for guidance and
information in their active health programme. One advantage is the cost/benefit equation. It will be
relatively inexpensive to provide the product to the trainers, and will deliver our “message” directly to
our target market. Another advantage would be the direct, person-to-person advocacy of our solution;
a highly tailored sales presentation that would be almost irreproducible via any other delivery medium.
Message Consistency With Brand/Other Advertising Efforts
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media
The company slogan is, “For working warriors looking to balance the daily grind with an active life-
style. Our products are designed to improve your lives at the gym, on the road and in the office. Life is
tough; that’s why we use the best materials when crafting our products so you’re always prepared no
matter what’s thrown your way.” The image M-Edge is trying to portray is all about fitness. The goal is
for the consumers to workout out and improve their lifestyles. By using the M-Edge products you are
enhancing your workout and providing yourself with the ability to enjoy yourself. The products make
gym life a little more convenient. Our goal with the contests is basically the same idea. We want people
to enjoy our products at the gym and encourage people to use them while they are working out. The
goal is to have people post our pictures with our products showing our audience that our products are
useful and convenient when it comes to working out.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
Because we are delivering the message in situ, actually showing the product in a setting and in use by
someone the audience trusts, we are perfectly addressing the core message and audience. We must
provide, in addition to the actual product, informational materials to allow/encourage the trainers
to explain/promote our solutions. Our “image” is enhanced by its delivery; the trust and respect the
audience has for the deliverer of the message (trainers) is going to be much higher than an impersonal
Analysis of Competition Efforts
Sales Promotion 1: Social Media:
Mophie: Mophie used Instagram to create a social media competition with the hashtag #socketsuck-
ers. Similar to M-Edge competition, they engaged their audiences by offering rewards and.considering
what their audience would take action for. In Mophie’s Instagram campaign, the brand invited its fans
to take photos of people who have to sit in odd places in order to charge their smartphones. The win-
ners each received their newest product at the time, the powerstation XL. They also gave away a larger
grand prize: an iPad Mini, juice pack and mophie “Members Only” jacket.
Compared to M-Edges social media competition, Mophie has an advantage in their competition. They
offer several prices and a grand prize. They also used other social media channels to help promote the
contest and push the hashtag across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pin-
terest and Google+. The focus was really on Instagram to keep it as visual
as possible. On Facebook and Google+, they created albums dedicated to
re-posting the best submissions in the competition.
Anker: Anker offer charging stations, power banks, phone cases and
screen protectors and they advertise themselves as the America’s #1 USB charging brand.
They had a competition on their Facebook site where they let their competitioners have a say on
their Facebook page. The competition was to help Anker create a new tagline for their “About section.”
The winner would win three of their brand new Anker PowerCore 20100 portable chargers.
This competition is a bit different from M-Edge where we use a hashtag, but they were successful and
received a lot of feedback. The winner posted an image of the price he received which creates a trust
for the brand from other followers.
Otterbox: As of right now, Otterbox has no giveaways going on, but they did have one during Christ-
mas time of last year. The contest was called the 12 days of Christmas. Everyday until Christmas they
were asking people to post pictures on instagram in order to be considered in a drawing to win a free
case, Drybox, and Otterbox swag pack. Participants had to submit a photo that they interpreted as their
own 12 days of Christmas. Once you submitted the photo you had to hashtag #12daysofcases and the
entry had to be in before 11:59 pm MT each day of the contest. Only one entry per day.
Otterbox could have done a little more with this contest in order to promote sales and brand aware-
ness. Hashtagging their name could have gained so many more followers. Or if people had to post
pictures of phone cases but still incorporate the theme of 12 days of Christmas. The winner of each day
should have had to post a picture with their new cases and use the hashtag #Otterbox. Otterbox is one
of the most popular phone cases in the market today, so we can see why this didn’t have many stip-
ulations. From reading the giveaway description the company didn’t seem too worried about gaining
followers or popularity. One advantage that Otterbox has over a lot of other companies due to that fact
that they are already well known and they have a loyal customer base established.
Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge
Mophie: Mophie has a branding service, allowing businesses to apply their logos to Mophie products.
This doesn’t really obtrude on our strategy. They formerly had an investment/endorsement deal with
NBA star Carmelo Anthony (which has since lapsed.) While this is similar to our “opinion leader” strate-
gy, ours is a more personal approach.
Anker: Anker has a “Power Users” program, where individuals can “sign up to receive free samples
of existing and pre-release products in exchange for insightful and unbiased feedback.” Again, while
similar to our strategy, this is a more diffused approach, and doesn’t necessarily carry the same opin-
ion-leading weight ours does.
Otterbox: Otterbox has an “Affiliate Program,” which couples them with existing, online sources to
spread brand awareness and push sales. It seems to be a click-banner set-up, and frankly, rather scat-
tershot. Again, our competitive advantage comes from the in-person, trusted channel our message
is coming through, coupled with the tightly focussed audience we are
Direct Marketing Strategy
Survey via email
Introduction video
The objective of each effort is to promote and create brand awareness for M-Edge. Gaining attention
from consumers.
Email Survey - The objective of the email survey is to discover who are our customers, and to begin a
conversation with them. By engaging the actual people who will potentially be using our products, we
can identify their specific wants and needs, to better serve them, while inviting them to be part of the
process can help them to identify with our brand, and to create initial buy-in to the brand and prod-
Introduction video - The objective of the product introduction video is to show consumers an active
example of the product. We want to make M-Edge a viable option for their mobile accessory needs. By
showing something that inspires and motivates them through the video, we will be able to influence
their decision towards purchasing M-Edge products.
Attention and Reception
The survey is effective because it is an efficient and not too demanding direct marketing effort in
regards of the audience’s participation. Because we are inviting them to a conversation, their participa-
tion gives them a stake in what comes next. Follow up communications will help to show them that a)
they are being heard, b) that their input is important, and c) that their opinions lead to change.
To have an introduction video help cover the basics about our brand that our audiences have to know
before purchasing one of our products. The video will cover the Beast, which is one of the newest prod-
ucts, and the video will grab people’s attention and reception. Designed to be striking and worthy of
being passed along to friends in their social media circles, the hope is that reach will be extended via
Central vs Peripheral Route Message Processing
The survey is more likely to generate peripheral route processing. With the survey there is lower
involvement with the product, they have little reason to pay attention to or comprehend the central
message of the ad. The survey, while eliciting facts about our potential (and
existing) customers, leads to a sense of “belonging” and being part of the
process; part of the team.
The introduction video is more likely to generate central route process-
ing because the consumer level of involvement is high. Consumers are
motivated to pay attention to product related information such as product attributes and benefits. Our
target market is composed of successful, motivated professionals who as a matter of course pay close
attention to factual, technical information.
Some of the advantages of using a survey is the relatively low cost of conducting web surveys in
comparison with other methods. They are convenient for respondents to take on their own time and
at their own pace. With surveys you can get specific answers to what you are looking for. The personal
nature of the survey (which could be modified for demographic and geographic targeting) invites the
respondents to feel more invested in the product/process. It can be a more personal conversation than
broadcast advertising.
Disadvantages could be that surveys of the general population that rely only on the Internet can be
subject to significant biases resulting from undercoverage and nonresponse. Not everyone in the U.S.
has access to the internet, and there are significant demographic differences between those who do
have access and those who do not. However, our target market by definition does not suffer from these
lacks; active, mobile professionals have the technology and connectivity we seek to support. Surveys
are time consuming. Consumers do not get anything out of taking a survey. If there is no incentive, peo-
ple might not be interested in participating.
Advantages of using a introduction video is that we will be able to introduce our brand to potential
customers, convey emotion and personality, improve overall website experience and hopefully impress
potential customers. They can go viral, and videos can get higher rank rather than regular pages with
written text and images. -> consider: “Short videos are easy to share with friends and family. When
people come across an interesting product or invention, often, they will share it with those they know.”
It is easier to watch a video, especially if its short to keep the audiences interest. Furthermore, an intro-
duction video consists of a one-time investment for production, so the cost is relatively cheaper than
other potential marketing strategies.
Disadvantages could be that the video can have a long loading screen, some customers might be
impatient or have a slow Internet connection. It can be an issue to get the video to show and work in
different browsers. The fact that it’s a commercial, people do not enjoy watching ads. Videos must be
creative to keep the audience interested.
Message Consistency With Brand/Other Advertising Efforts
The survey is to create brand awareness and to explain M-Edge. We want to make the respondents
feel that they are effecting positive changes in the brand and the product; that their input matters. The
message strategy has three components, verbal, nonverbal and technical.
The survey is using the verbal and technical components. The verbal is
choosing the right vocabulary, and the right copy to relate the message
to the consumer. The technicality of the survey is making sure that the
slogan and the logo are displayed correctly throughout the survey.
The introduction video uses all three components to portray the mes-
sage of brand awareness for our company. The nonverbal is communicating the graphics, any visuals
in the video and the relationship to our target market audience. The verbal message is that our word
choice have to be clever and well-chosen. By taking advantage of motivational phrases, buzzwords and
M-Edge’s positioning statement, we can craft a verbal narrative in the ad that is effective and enter-
taining. The technical strategy is to make sure that we represent the logo and the brand in the video
clearly. These efforts will hopefully spark interest in our consumers and make them curious about our
products and try them out, which is our goal.
Analysis of Competition Efforts
Mophie’s direct marketing strategy:
Conduct bi-annual New York and San Francisco media tours to showcase product and demonstrate
new innovations, targeting consumer media
Execute promotions with general consumer brands to make external rechargeable battery relevant
to consumers’ everyday needs
Participate in key consumer technology events to develop relationships with industry media contacts
Drive social media engagement through promotions, giveaways and key co-branding partnerships
Belkin strategy:
Extensive discovery and marketing research
Competitive analysis
Content creation and consulting for copy, videos, and press releases
Blogger and PR outreach
Content distribution strategy
Landing page development and optimization
Conversion rate optimization
SEO keyword research and recommendations
Both these companies have competitive advantage that M-Edge could be doing to promote and
create awareness for the brand. M-Edge could do more networking, tours, social media. Promoting
M-Edge through social media will help them gain followers.
As a company our plan is to integrate brand awareness and focus on our target market to increase
sales and revenue.
Our planned message is targeted to busy professionals. We are presenting ourselves and our prod-
ucts as the best and only choice for these particular people. We are using social media and targeted
promotions to increase mindshare in a crowded market.
Our product and service message must support our marketing plan. If the audience feels we haven’t
delivered on the promise, they will simply turn back to known products and brands.
Because we are putting our message out in the social media space, we are losing a good deal of
control of our message; the unplanned messages must be carefully considered before we promote our
plan. We also have to take into considerations how are videos, hashtags, and other promotions might
affect our audience.
By implementing and monitoring our integration process will then result in enhanced relationships
with customers, which leads to customer loyalty and ultimately greater brand equity.
Communication Effectiveness
While an increase in sales would be nice, and could possibly signal better brand awareness, our direct
indicators of the effectiveness of our proposed Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy will be:
Social Media Engagement: by using social media analytics, we can track engagement, and thereby
the effectiveness of our placement and messaging.
Site Hits: Google Analytics will be used to assess our message-specific elements on the M-Edge web-
site, to track who is seeing our message, and what they’re doing with it once they’ve seen it.
Views and Shares on Videos: YouTube and social media analytics will provide us with excellent feed-
back on the effectiveness and penetration of our video messages; this information will help us refine
the videos and fine-tune their placement.
Appendices (Marketing Materials)
SWOT Analysis
Competetive Analysis
User Personas
Online Marketing Survey
Online and Social Media Videos
Media Contacts List
SWOT Analysis
Very targeted audience
Rugged construction
One of the leading tech accessories brands
Fun/trendy designs
Specific niche
Cheaper than some of their competitioners
Limited brand awareness
Many established competitors
Own retail store?
No- or weak placement in big retail stores (Walmart, Target)
Small market share
Chance to define ourselves as market leaders for our segment
Rapidly growing market
Audience already tech-savvy; our message is more likely to reach them than traditional channels
Making usage of a hashtag would increase brand saturation. Something like #WorkingWarrior or
#MorePower both of which are unused.
Late to market
Much larger, established competition
A lot of competitioners
Better known brands can boast stronger cases (because of their establishment).
Belkin Mophie Anker
They have moved into the pow-
er bank market recently. They
have cases for most phones.
They have every type of mobile
device accessory.
Mophie has the hashtag #stay-
They offer a base of an artsy, ac-
tive lifestyle. They have wireless
charging cases for Apple devices
and Samsung Galaxys.
They offer charging stations,
power banks, phone cases and
screen protectors. They adver-
tise themselves as the America’s
#1 USB charging brand.
Additional value:
Student discounts.
LTO - coupons on website for
10% off order
Additional value:
#staypower, competitions on
the website using this hashtag
Additional value:
Customers can sign up to
receive free samples of existing
and pre-release in exchange for
Fitness Focused
“Leave nothing behind ex-
cept your competition” Has
three different brands: Belkin,
Linksys, and WeMo all focus-
ing on different aspects of the
market business
The number one selling battery
case manufacturer in North
America. Creator of the Juice
Pack: the first ever mobile
battery case certified by Apple.
Creator of the Space Pack: the
world’s first rechargeable battery
case with local built-in storage.
Was founded in 2009 by a
group of friends working to-
gether at Google. Industry lead-
er in mobile power. There vision
is to create a world where
mobile truly means mobile.
Prices Range from:
$3.99- $49.99
iPhone $59.95 - $149.95
Samsung $99.95
More expensive than M-Edge
Competitive Analysis
Speck Spigen SGP OtterBox
They boast “military-grade” pro-
tection. Their designs are highly
unique so they may be tailored
to each individual, but their
price point is higher.
Safety and minimalism are
target points for them. Their
cases are meant to com-
plement the design of the
phone while also providing
good protection. They also
have accessories that are
meant to be “tough”.
“For that rugged and tough use,
the otterbox cell phone case is ide-
al. This brand is popularly known
for offering rugged cases for your
tablets and smartphones. Besides,
the innovative design makes your
phone stylish.”
Additional value:
Since 2001 they have been
making distinctive products for
the world’s top smartphones,
tablets, laptops, watches, and
backpacks. Their promise: Pro-
tection without compromise.
You get optimum protection,
beautiful design, sleek lines, and
purposeful details.
Additional value:
Spigens slogan is “Something
you want.” They have a Fac-
tory outlet where they sell
their products for affordable
Additional value:
The number one selling case in the
US. Their slogan is “we engineer
confidence” The confidence to
make your mobile world truly mo-
bile. They enhance your technolo-
gy and help it survive your life.
Roots are located in Silicon
Valley, their team is dedicated to
bringing their ideas to life with
products that not only fit your
devices but your lifestyle
They are located in Irvine,
California. They offer a 30-
day satisfaction guarantee
to their customers, a 2 year
warranty and free shipping. .
$40 range.
Price range from $14.99 to
49.99 depending on what
type of case the customer
prefer. They also have a Fac-
tory outlet.
Price can range from $14.95-99.95
depending on the type of case you
decide to get and how much pro-
tection you want for your phone
case or other accessories.
Competitive Analysis
User Personas
Online Marketing Survey
Online and Social Media Videos
“Viral” Videos
30-second “How-To” Videos
Media Contacts List
M-Edge Media Contacts List
Contact Name Outlet Contact Topic Contact Title Media Type Outlet Topic Social Profile Email
!"#$%&' !"#$%&( Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 !"#$%&) !"#$%&* Column10
!"##"$%&'()$** +,-.
Jogging & Running,
Training (Sports) Editor Blog
Jogging & Running,
Training (Sports)
78 /#$&&%$0'(/123 415&&6"*(75810$#
Fitness & Exercise,
Coaching, Training
(Sports) Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Footwear, Nutrition,
Jogging & Running,
Coaching, Training
)$**92= +92(6"39*(N21@
Martial Arts, MMA &
Training (Sports) Editor in Chief Blog
New Product Review,
Martial Arts, MMA & Self-
Defense, Training
77 O2115='(N2"# 415&&K"*(780?"2&
Dieting, Fitness &
Exercise, Training
(Sports) Editor Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Dieting, Training
73 P0$%$"*'(.5&& .5&&+1$"0"03>A5%
Boxing, Fitness &
Exercise, Training
(Sports), Personal
Health & Wellness,
Nutrition, Sports Blogger Blog
Boxing, Fitness &
Exercise, Personal
Health & Wellness,
Nutrition, Sports, Martial
Arts, MMA & Self-
Defense, Training
67 Q*20M2#'(Q*2R2 Q*2R2("0($(Q:22@5
Family & Parenting,
Fitness & Exercise,
Triathlon, Athletes,
Training (Sports) Blogger Blog
Family & Parenting,
Lifestyle, New Product
Review, Photography,
Triathlon, Training
66 T5'(4$&&2S O#53"#$*2&
Fitness & Exercise,
Food, Nutrition,
Dieting, Yoga,
Training (Sports) Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Food, Nutrition, Dieting,
Yoga, Training (Sports)
63 Q%"*9'(7"% U"2&2#(Q*1203*9(V(450@"*"50"03
Fitness & Exercise,
Training (Sports),
Bodybuilding Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Bodybuilding, Training
sel "0K5J@"2&2#A12=>A5%
61 W2O#$0A'(X$% 6"*(4"*S
Fitness & Exercise,
Jogging & Running,
Cycling Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Jogging & Running,
Cycling, Training
60 /20*"#A512'(+50S +50S/20*"#A512>A5%
Training (Sports),
Fitness & Exercise Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Training (Sports)
60 Q"%502##"'(,&"$ Q$0(U"235(6"*02&&(U"R$
Fitness & Exercise,
Personal Health &
Wellness, Jogging &
Running, Cycling,
Triathlon, Training
(Sports) Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Personal Health &
Wellness, Jogging &
Running, Cycling,
Triathlon, Training
60 O$13$'(+211S W"K2(6"*02&&(,A$@2%S(O#53
Fitness & Exercise,
Spirituality Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Training (Sports)
56 Q*2:9$0"2 Q*2:9]&(O"*2(BS(O"*2
Family & Parenting,
Fitness & Exercise,
Food, Cooking &
Baking, Recipes,
Personal Health &
Wellness, Training
(Sports) Blogger Blog
Family & Parenting,
Fitness & Exercise,
Food, Personal Health
& Wellness, Cooking &
Baking, Recipes,
Training (Sports)
55 /"B&50'(491"& +92.-N"R21&2>A5%
Fitness & Exercise,
Training (Sports) Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
Training (Sports)
55 ^8"00'(N22#S +1$"0"03(O2*$(O#53
Rock Climbing,
Training (Sports) Blogger Blog
Rock Climbing, Training
53 L$10$M2&'(U2$0 U2$0]&(O#53
Nutrition, Jogging &
Running, Training
(Sports) Blogger Blog
Jogging & Running,
Training (Sports)
52 /21@2&'(491"&*S )S(U"1*(.5$@(,0*92%
Training (Sports),
Fitness & Exercise,
New Product
Review, Jogging &
Running Blogger Blog
Fitness & Exercise,
New Product Review,
Jogging & Running,
Training (Sports)

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M-Edge IMCP v2

  • 1. 2016 Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Presented by: Janay Hunter Ann Joona Brian Metz Sharief Yusuf DBA
  • 2. 1 M-Edge 2016 Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Table of Contents Situation Analysis............................................................... 3 Target Market Assessment ................................................ 5 Positioning Strategy ........................................................... 6 Message Strategy............................................................... 8 Media Strategy................................................................... 9 Promotions & PR Strategy ................................................ 10 Direct Marketing Strategy ................................................ 15 Integration....................................................................... 18 Communication Effectiveness........................................... 19 Appendices (Marketing Materials).................................... 21 SWOT Analysis........................................................... 23 Competitive Analysis ................................................. 24 User Personas............................................................ 26 Online Marketing Survey ........................................... 30 Online and Social Media Videos................................. 31 Media Contacts List ................................................... 32
  • 3. 3 Situation Analysis The company we are working with is M-Edge. Mission: For working warriors looking to balance the daily grind with an active lifestyle. Our products are de- signed to improve your lives at the gym, on the road and in the office. Life is tough; that’s why we use the best materials when crafting our products so you’re always prepared no matter what’s thrown your way. Goal: Our goal is to create brand awareness. Target market: Active-lifestyle mobile professionals, offering them a range of products that simplify an on-the-go need for storage and power. The product line allows the user to move seamlessly from office to gym to on-the-road, providing power in places and situations where an outlet is unavailable or inconvenient. Advertising strategies: We will be implementing viral videos and integrated social media techniques. To generate attention and reception, social media would be a good place to start. M-Edge needs to be able to stand out from the rest and we need to start with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The more followers we can gain the more attention this company can get. Viral video via social media would seem to offer a low-cost, low-risk initial approach. Endorsements/ product placements from respected, demographically-appropriate peers should also be investigated. By attempting a viral video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our target audi- ence. By showing the day of a “persona,” we could fully encapsulate what it means to be a “Working Warrior.” By going through a viral marketing campaign, we would generate peripheral route processing. Show the consumer someone who is not just like them, but someone who IS them. We believe that this route is a good match for this product because we want it to be the obvious solution. Working warriors have a fast-paced lifestyle and shouldn’t be expected to directly contemplate the product.
  • 4. 4 Attitude change strategy: We want to increase mindshare in our audience. Right now, brands like Mophie, Belkin, Griffin, Otter, and Anker are the most recognized names in the field. Rather than trying to beat the competitors for a general audience, we can focus our efforts much more closely on our targeted marketing demograph- ic. If we do this right, the first name for durable, powered cases will be, in the minds of active-lifestyle mobile professionals, M-Edge. We want consumers to take M-Edge as the obvious choice. Its obviousness should be defined by quality, convenience and effectivity of design.
  • 5. 5 Target Market Assessment We have identified our target market as “Active-lifestyle mobile professionals.” This comprises indi- viduals who are a) financially advantaged, b) likely to travel as part of their work, and c) gym-goers, or otherwise engaged in regular physical training/sports/outdoor activities. The potential users of our product may be younger, with a lifelong history of organized physical activ- ity, or older persons looking to establish a healthier, active life. Another common trait is that these individuals are technologically engaged and tech savvy. Their need for power for their devices is central to our ability to serve them. The constant use of and need for their devices, coupled with still limited capacity of said devices provides an opportunity for our product lines. The need for mobility and a world that is often rough on delicate electronics is served by the rugged- ness and durability of our products. Our targeting is appropriate because the product line allows the user to move seamlessly from office to gym to on-the-road, providing power in places and situations where an outlet is unavailable or inconvenient. The products also have the benefit of streamlining the impedimenta the user must carry; rather than two or three devices/cases/carry-ons, functionality has been combined in a single, useful unit.
  • 6. 6 Positioning Strategy “Working Warrior” is our positioning. This evokes an engaged actor, involved in a struggle, speaking to the target audiences’ activities in business (often portrayed as a kind of military campaign,) and in their own physical fitness regimen. The notion of fitness/sport, etc., as a struggle or conflict has been repeatedly evoked, and quite effectively: Nike’s advertising and messaging has been particularly notable for this framing. Our competitors by and large have not made this particular connection with their products; we are effectively narrowing our focus on a very specific subset of technology users, sparing us head-to-head competition with our better-established competitors. The advertising of our competitors seems to be targeting everyone with a phone or tablet. Our messaging will prompt self-recognition and self-identifi- cation with our targeted users. Attention and Reception We will generate attention by clearly identifying our products as a solution to the target audiences’ needs; they will already, by definition, have faced the problem of juggling office, the road, and their physical activities with the problem of power. Our products will “make a light go on” in their heads, providing a solution for a problem they may not have fully formulated for themselves. Our customers are already halfway to the purchase; we simply have to show them that it exists as an answer. To gener- ate attention and reception, social media would be a good place to start. Central vs Peripheral Route Message Processing Using the viral marketing campaign we are thinking of, we would generate peripheral route process- ing. Show the consumer someone who is not just like them, but someone who IS them. We believe that this route is a good match for this product because we want it to be the obvious solution. Working war- riors have a fast-paced lifestyle and shouldn’t be expected to directly contemplate the product. While not a major purchase, such as a car, our audience will still be likely, when thinking about a technology purchase, to use some central route processing when deciding to buy. This must be at least considered when planning the actual advertising; do we address it, touting features and facts, or will that diffuse our message, trying to do two things at once? Message Objective We want to increase mindshare in our audience. Right now, brands like Mophie, Belkin, Griffin, Otter, and Anker are the most recognized names in the field. Rather than trying to beat the competitors for a general audience, we can focus our efforts much more closely on our targeted marketing demographic. If we do this right, the first name for durable,
  • 7. 7 powered cases will be, in the minds of active-lifestyle mobile professionals, M-Edge. We want consumers to think of M-Edge as the obvious choice. Its obviousness should be defined by quality, convenience and effectiveness of design. Media Choices/Strategies We will be implementing potentially viral videos and integrated social media techniques. M-Edge needs to be able to stand out from the rest and we need to start with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. As technologically savvy users, our audience will be plugged into social media (or aware of it/informed by others about it) and therefore will be more likely to identify with our message/product. Successfully viral video via social media would seem to offer a low-cost, low-risk initial approach. Endorsements/product placements from respected, demographically-appropriate peers should also be investigated. By attempting a viral video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our target audience. By showing the day of a “persona,” we could fully encapsulate what it means to be a “Working Warrior.” Another real-world approach will be to offer complimentary equipment to opinion leaders; in this case, instructors/trainers at gyms/fitness facilities. The cost to the client will be minimal, and the word- of-mouth effect, coupled with the implicit endorsment of fitness professionals using the product(s) in front of potential clients is not to be underestimated. Strategic Summation Because we’re just moving into a market filled with established players, we are differentiating our- selves by who our customers are. By focusing on how our products streamline and support their specific set of needs, we become the best…the only choice for our market segment. Referring to von Clausewitz, we are taking a common element from three of his strategic insights: 1. We are launching our effort on a very narrow front; a closely defined market segment, The Work- ing Warrior 2. This market segment is small enough for us, an insurgent brand, to defend, and 3. Our product is narrowly focused on a single concept. By following this strategy, we can create mindshare in a highly specialized audience, and build from there.
  • 8. 8 Message Strategy Our message strategy is comprised of 3 parts: 1. Verbal 2. Non-verbal 3. Technical Our verbal approach revolves around "Working Warriors." This is characterized by a professional, ag- gressive, and competitive tone, while teaching a positive and encouraging activity. For the survey, the verbal approach is choosing the right vocabulary, and the right copy to relate a message to the consum- er. By taking advantage of motivational phrases, buzzwords and M-Edge’s positioning statement, we can craft a verbal narrative in the a video that is both effective and entertaining. Our non-verbal approach is "edgy" while still being professional. We are going for a black and white aesthetic with green accents. Similar to the non-verbal approach used by m-edge on their website. This will be done on both the survey and the video.Our technical approach is where the real magic happens. The technicality of the survey is making sure that the slogan and the logo are displayed correctly throughout the survey. The technical strategy for the video is to make sure that we represent the logo and the brand clearly. These efforts will hopefully spark interest in our consumers and make them cu- rious about our products and try them out.BudgetWe will be creating short audience focused content and using social media for various promotional campaigns.
  • 9. 9 Media Strategy Our media strategy is to focus on short engaging videos and integrated social media techniques. M-Edge needs to stand out from the rest, and we want to start with Facebook, Instagram, and Twit- ter. Our customers are technology savvy so they will already be plugged into social media, and there- fore will be more likely to identify with our message/product Videos shared through social media would be cost efficient and low risk initial approach. By attempt- ing a video marketing campaign, we may be better able to focus on our target audience. By showing the day of a “persona:” we could fully show what it means to be a “working warrior” Our objective for a social media approach is to gain followers and attention to help promote our busi- ness. We would like to focus on conducting contests through Instagram and have giveaways associated with M-Edge hashtags. “Working Warrior”, “M-edge”, “beastmode” “morepower” Taking these approaches will create brand awareness, connect with a target market and create strong relationships with our customers.
  • 10. 10 Promotions & PR Strategy Sales Promotion 1: Social Media The M-Edge hashtags we want to use will be #workingwarrior and #medge to establish a target mar- ket and build strong relationships with our consumers. An Instagram contest encouraging users to pose with and post images of them using our products will be at the core of this promotion. Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products By providing trainers with free products and information about them to pass on to their clients, we hope to increase brand-awareness, introduce users to a solution they may not have realized they could use, and to move them to a decision to buy, via the trust and respect they have for our spokespeople (the trainers.) Objectives and Strategy Sales Promotion 1: Social Media The objective for a social media approach is to gain followers and attention to help promote our business. What we would like to focus on when taking a social media approach is to conduct contests through Instagram and have giveaways associated with an M-Edge hashtags. We want to use the hashtags #workingwarrior and #medge to establish a target market and build strong relationships with our consumers. Our goal is to create an account through Instagram and offer a contest to people who post any picture doing some sort of physical activity hashtagging #workingwarrior #medge. Our audi- ence will vote and pick the winner they think has the best photo, to win a new and upcoming product that has not been released yet. For example the new Beast with Armband and one of our bags. The beast is a phone case that you can attach to your arm or any equipment you are using so you can listen to music on your phone as you are working out. The bag charges your devices. The only requirement is that once they receive the free product they have to post a picture of themselves using the new prod- uct, using the same hashtags as before. This will help build popularity with the product by spreading the word through hashtags. We can also start tracking on Instagram the number of people who start posting with those hashtags and see how many people are responding to our contests and giveaways. We can use other media such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to spread brand awareness.
  • 11. 11 Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products By providing trainers at fitness facilities our products, we get those products in front of our poten- tial customers, with an implicit, and hopefully, explicit, endorsement. The partnership with individu- als already in an influential position with our new customers builds on that pre-existing relationship between them, of expert and seeker. If the opinion leader (the trainer) can influence even part of the reference group (fellow exercisers, i.e. peers) then we move a big step forward in increasing positive brand consciousness, and can influence them to become buying customers.If we couple the product with discount coupons, or even a coupon code, this can simplify and encourage them to buy. By enlist- ing each individual trainer as an affiliate, we capture this information while, at the same time, incentiv- izing our spokespeople. The data gathered can help us refine our message and our demographics, and to identify our most successful representatives. Central vs Peripheral Message Processing Sales Promotion 1: Social Media Our social media contest is more likely to impact on the peripheral route processing to create a “need” for our product that our customers were not aware of before. The peripheral route has little relevance to our customers immediate goals or needs. Our user-generated photo contests creates an emotional connection between the company and our consumer. With our competition we are creating an involvement with our customer, and if they are already a user of Instagram they are already active members in the social media world. These consumers might attend to some peripheral aspects of our competition for its entertainment value. Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products Unlike our competitors, M-Edge is providing a very particular solution; a solution that the consumers may not even realize they are looking for. By giving them the example of their trainers, we are introduc- ing them to a stimulus-response experience, using peripheral route processing to arrive at a buying de- cision. The encouragement to identify with the leader and the group will help reinforce the peripheral processing. Once we have engaged them in this solution they may not have known they wanted, infor- mation we have provided to the trainers can then be passed on to work the central route processing by providing clear, technical specifications to help lead the audience to a buying decision.
  • 12. 12 Strengths and Advantages Sales Promotion 1: Social Media The strengths and advantages of using a social media contest are that M-Edge will gain followers and promote new products. A contest is a great way for new audience to start following M-Edge Instagram account. It gives our target audience a reason to follow us and motivate their actions in exchange for a chance to win the prize we offer. A user-generated content promotion such as a photo contest is a great way to deepen the emotional connection between the consumer and our company. When participants upload their personal photos to our promotion and using the hashtag #workingwarrior or #medge, it will provide a common place for viewing entries. Anyone who searches for the hashtag will see the contest stream. One of the many advantages with using social media is that it is free to create an Instagram account and to hold competitions. M-Edge will also gain trust and brand loyalty from people that are involved and a part of our competition. By offering a new and free product will create an excitement and in- volvement with the customers. And in the case of the winner that got to try the product for free, if they are satisfied with it they will most likely return to purchase more products from M-Edge. Social media contests are a great way to build a strong following and relationship. A competition will help spread the word about the company and our products, and build brand awareness. Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products The strength of this approach derives from the influential position of our spokespeople; the trainers. The potential customers have already vested trust in these people, and look to them for guidance and information in their active health programme. One advantage is the cost/benefit equation. It will be relatively inexpensive to provide the product to the trainers, and will deliver our “message” directly to our target market. Another advantage would be the direct, person-to-person advocacy of our solution; a highly tailored sales presentation that would be almost irreproducible via any other delivery medium.
  • 13. 13 Message Consistency With Brand/Other Advertising Efforts Sales Promotion 1: Social Media The company slogan is, “For working warriors looking to balance the daily grind with an active life- style. Our products are designed to improve your lives at the gym, on the road and in the office. Life is tough; that’s why we use the best materials when crafting our products so you’re always prepared no matter what’s thrown your way.” The image M-Edge is trying to portray is all about fitness. The goal is for the consumers to workout out and improve their lifestyles. By using the M-Edge products you are enhancing your workout and providing yourself with the ability to enjoy yourself. The products make gym life a little more convenient. Our goal with the contests is basically the same idea. We want people to enjoy our products at the gym and encourage people to use them while they are working out. The goal is to have people post our pictures with our products showing our audience that our products are useful and convenient when it comes to working out. Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products Because we are delivering the message in situ, actually showing the product in a setting and in use by someone the audience trusts, we are perfectly addressing the core message and audience. We must provide, in addition to the actual product, informational materials to allow/encourage the trainers to explain/promote our solutions. Our “image” is enhanced by its delivery; the trust and respect the audience has for the deliverer of the message (trainers) is going to be much higher than an impersonal appeal. Analysis of Competition Efforts Sales Promotion 1: Social Media: Mophie: Mophie used Instagram to create a social media competition with the hashtag #socketsuck- ers. Similar to M-Edge competition, they engaged their audiences by offering rewards and.considering what their audience would take action for. In Mophie’s Instagram campaign, the brand invited its fans to take photos of people who have to sit in odd places in order to charge their smartphones. The win- ners each received their newest product at the time, the powerstation XL. They also gave away a larger grand prize: an iPad Mini, juice pack and mophie “Members Only” jacket. Compared to M-Edges social media competition, Mophie has an advantage in their competition. They offer several prices and a grand prize. They also used other social media channels to help promote the contest and push the hashtag across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pin- terest and Google+. The focus was really on Instagram to keep it as visual as possible. On Facebook and Google+, they created albums dedicated to re-posting the best submissions in the competition. Anker: Anker offer charging stations, power banks, phone cases and
  • 14. 14 screen protectors and they advertise themselves as the America’s #1 USB charging brand. They had a competition on their Facebook site where they let their competitioners have a say on their Facebook page. The competition was to help Anker create a new tagline for their “About section.” The winner would win three of their brand new Anker PowerCore 20100 portable chargers. This competition is a bit different from M-Edge where we use a hashtag, but they were successful and received a lot of feedback. The winner posted an image of the price he received which creates a trust for the brand from other followers. Otterbox: As of right now, Otterbox has no giveaways going on, but they did have one during Christ- mas time of last year. The contest was called the 12 days of Christmas. Everyday until Christmas they were asking people to post pictures on instagram in order to be considered in a drawing to win a free case, Drybox, and Otterbox swag pack. Participants had to submit a photo that they interpreted as their own 12 days of Christmas. Once you submitted the photo you had to hashtag #12daysofcases and the entry had to be in before 11:59 pm MT each day of the contest. Only one entry per day. Otterbox could have done a little more with this contest in order to promote sales and brand aware- ness. Hashtagging their name could have gained so many more followers. Or if people had to post pictures of phone cases but still incorporate the theme of 12 days of Christmas. The winner of each day should have had to post a picture with their new cases and use the hashtag #Otterbox. Otterbox is one of the most popular phone cases in the market today, so we can see why this didn’t have many stip- ulations. From reading the giveaway description the company didn’t seem too worried about gaining followers or popularity. One advantage that Otterbox has over a lot of other companies due to that fact that they are already well known and they have a loyal customer base established. Sales Promotion 2: Provide opinion leaders (training professionals) with M-Edge products Mophie: Mophie has a branding service, allowing businesses to apply their logos to Mophie products. This doesn’t really obtrude on our strategy. They formerly had an investment/endorsement deal with NBA star Carmelo Anthony (which has since lapsed.) While this is similar to our “opinion leader” strate- gy, ours is a more personal approach. Anker: Anker has a “Power Users” program, where individuals can “sign up to receive free samples of existing and pre-release products in exchange for insightful and unbiased feedback.” Again, while similar to our strategy, this is a more diffused approach, and doesn’t necessarily carry the same opin- ion-leading weight ours does. Otterbox: Otterbox has an “Affiliate Program,” which couples them with existing, online sources to spread brand awareness and push sales. It seems to be a click-banner set-up, and frankly, rather scat- tershot. Again, our competitive advantage comes from the in-person, trusted channel our message is coming through, coupled with the tightly focussed audience we are reaching.
  • 15. 15 Direct Marketing Strategy Survey via email Introduction video Objectives The objective of each effort is to promote and create brand awareness for M-Edge. Gaining attention from consumers. Email Survey - The objective of the email survey is to discover who are our customers, and to begin a conversation with them. By engaging the actual people who will potentially be using our products, we can identify their specific wants and needs, to better serve them, while inviting them to be part of the process can help them to identify with our brand, and to create initial buy-in to the brand and prod- ucts. Introduction video - The objective of the product introduction video is to show consumers an active example of the product. We want to make M-Edge a viable option for their mobile accessory needs. By showing something that inspires and motivates them through the video, we will be able to influence their decision towards purchasing M-Edge products. Attention and Reception The survey is effective because it is an efficient and not too demanding direct marketing effort in regards of the audience’s participation. Because we are inviting them to a conversation, their participa- tion gives them a stake in what comes next. Follow up communications will help to show them that a) they are being heard, b) that their input is important, and c) that their opinions lead to change. To have an introduction video help cover the basics about our brand that our audiences have to know before purchasing one of our products. The video will cover the Beast, which is one of the newest prod- ucts, and the video will grab people’s attention and reception. Designed to be striking and worthy of being passed along to friends in their social media circles, the hope is that reach will be extended via “virality.” Central vs Peripheral Route Message Processing The survey is more likely to generate peripheral route processing. With the survey there is lower involvement with the product, they have little reason to pay attention to or comprehend the central message of the ad. The survey, while eliciting facts about our potential (and existing) customers, leads to a sense of “belonging” and being part of the process; part of the team. The introduction video is more likely to generate central route process- ing because the consumer level of involvement is high. Consumers are
  • 16. 16 motivated to pay attention to product related information such as product attributes and benefits. Our target market is composed of successful, motivated professionals who as a matter of course pay close attention to factual, technical information. Advantages/Disadvantages Some of the advantages of using a survey is the relatively low cost of conducting web surveys in comparison with other methods. They are convenient for respondents to take on their own time and at their own pace. With surveys you can get specific answers to what you are looking for. The personal nature of the survey (which could be modified for demographic and geographic targeting) invites the respondents to feel more invested in the product/process. It can be a more personal conversation than broadcast advertising. Disadvantages could be that surveys of the general population that rely only on the Internet can be subject to significant biases resulting from undercoverage and nonresponse. Not everyone in the U.S. has access to the internet, and there are significant demographic differences between those who do have access and those who do not. However, our target market by definition does not suffer from these lacks; active, mobile professionals have the technology and connectivity we seek to support. Surveys are time consuming. Consumers do not get anything out of taking a survey. If there is no incentive, peo- ple might not be interested in participating. Advantages of using a introduction video is that we will be able to introduce our brand to potential customers, convey emotion and personality, improve overall website experience and hopefully impress potential customers. They can go viral, and videos can get higher rank rather than regular pages with written text and images. -> consider: “Short videos are easy to share with friends and family. When people come across an interesting product or invention, often, they will share it with those they know.” It is easier to watch a video, especially if its short to keep the audiences interest. Furthermore, an intro- duction video consists of a one-time investment for production, so the cost is relatively cheaper than other potential marketing strategies. Disadvantages could be that the video can have a long loading screen, some customers might be impatient or have a slow Internet connection. It can be an issue to get the video to show and work in different browsers. The fact that it’s a commercial, people do not enjoy watching ads. Videos must be creative to keep the audience interested. Message Consistency With Brand/Other Advertising Efforts The survey is to create brand awareness and to explain M-Edge. We want to make the respondents feel that they are effecting positive changes in the brand and the product; that their input matters. The message strategy has three components, verbal, nonverbal and technical. The survey is using the verbal and technical components. The verbal is choosing the right vocabulary, and the right copy to relate the message to the consumer. The technicality of the survey is making sure that the slogan and the logo are displayed correctly throughout the survey. The introduction video uses all three components to portray the mes-
  • 17. 17 sage of brand awareness for our company. The nonverbal is communicating the graphics, any visuals in the video and the relationship to our target market audience. The verbal message is that our word choice have to be clever and well-chosen. By taking advantage of motivational phrases, buzzwords and M-Edge’s positioning statement, we can craft a verbal narrative in the ad that is effective and enter- taining. The technical strategy is to make sure that we represent the logo and the brand in the video clearly. These efforts will hopefully spark interest in our consumers and make them curious about our products and try them out, which is our goal. Analysis of Competition Efforts Mophie’s direct marketing strategy: Conduct bi-annual New York and San Francisco media tours to showcase product and demonstrate new innovations, targeting consumer media Execute promotions with general consumer brands to make external rechargeable battery relevant to consumers’ everyday needs Participate in key consumer technology events to develop relationships with industry media contacts Drive social media engagement through promotions, giveaways and key co-branding partnerships Belkin strategy: Extensive discovery and marketing research Competitive analysis Content creation and consulting for copy, videos, and press releases Blogger and PR outreach Content distribution strategy Landing page development and optimization Conversion rate optimization SEO keyword research and recommendations Both these companies have competitive advantage that M-Edge could be doing to promote and create awareness for the brand. M-Edge could do more networking, tours, social media. Promoting M-Edge through social media will help them gain followers.
  • 18. What We Say What We Do What We Confirm 18 Integration As a company our plan is to integrate brand awareness and focus on our target market to increase sales and revenue. Our planned message is targeted to busy professionals. We are presenting ourselves and our prod- ucts as the best and only choice for these particular people. We are using social media and targeted promotions to increase mindshare in a crowded market. Our product and service message must support our marketing plan. If the audience feels we haven’t delivered on the promise, they will simply turn back to known products and brands. Because we are putting our message out in the social media space, we are losing a good deal of control of our message; the unplanned messages must be carefully considered before we promote our plan. We also have to take into considerations how are videos, hashtags, and other promotions might affect our audience. By implementing and monitoring our integration process will then result in enhanced relationships with customers, which leads to customer loyalty and ultimately greater brand equity.
  • 19. 19 Communication Effectiveness While an increase in sales would be nice, and could possibly signal better brand awareness, our direct indicators of the effectiveness of our proposed Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy will be: Social Media Engagement: by using social media analytics, we can track engagement, and thereby the effectiveness of our placement and messaging. Site Hits: Google Analytics will be used to assess our message-specific elements on the M-Edge web- site, to track who is seeing our message, and what they’re doing with it once they’ve seen it. Views and Shares on Videos: YouTube and social media analytics will provide us with excellent feed- back on the effectiveness and penetration of our video messages; this information will help us refine the videos and fine-tune their placement.
  • 20. 21 Appendices (Marketing Materials) SWOT Analysis Competetive Analysis User Personas Online Marketing Survey Online and Social Media Videos Media Contacts List
  • 21. 23 SWOT Analysis Strengths: Very targeted audience Rugged construction Convenience One of the leading tech accessories brands Fun/trendy designs Specific niche Cheaper than some of their competitioners Weaknesses: Limited brand awareness Many established competitors Own retail store? No- or weak placement in big retail stores (Walmart, Target) Small market share Opportunities: Chance to define ourselves as market leaders for our segment Rapidly growing market Audience already tech-savvy; our message is more likely to reach them than traditional channels Making usage of a hashtag would increase brand saturation. Something like #WorkingWarrior or #MorePower both of which are unused. Threats: Late to market Much larger, established competition A lot of competitioners Better known brands can boast stronger cases (because of their establishment).
  • 22. 24 Belkin Mophie Anker OVERVIEW: They have moved into the pow- er bank market recently. They have cases for most phones. They have every type of mobile device accessory. OVERVIEW: Mophie has the hashtag #stay- powerful They offer a base of an artsy, ac- tive lifestyle. They have wireless charging cases for Apple devices and Samsung Galaxys. OVERVIEW: They offer charging stations, power banks, phone cases and screen protectors. They adver- tise themselves as the America’s #1 USB charging brand. Additional value: Student discounts. LTO - coupons on website for 10% off order Additional value: #staypower, competitions on the website using this hashtag Additional value: Customers can sign up to receive free samples of existing and pre-release in exchange for feedback Details: Fitness Focused “Leave nothing behind ex- cept your competition” Has three different brands: Belkin, Linksys, and WeMo all focus- ing on different aspects of the market business Details: The number one selling battery case manufacturer in North America. Creator of the Juice Pack: the first ever mobile battery case certified by Apple. Creator of the Space Pack: the world’s first rechargeable battery case with local built-in storage. Details: Was founded in 2009 by a group of friends working to- gether at Google. Industry lead- er in mobile power. There vision is to create a world where mobile truly means mobile. Cost: Prices Range from: $3.99- $49.99 Cost: iPhone $59.95 - $149.95 Samsung $99.95 More expensive than M-Edge Cost: Competitive Analysis
  • 23. 25 Speck Spigen SGP OtterBox OVERVIEW: They boast “military-grade” pro- tection. Their designs are highly unique so they may be tailored to each individual, but their price point is higher. OVERVIEW: Safety and minimalism are target points for them. Their cases are meant to com- plement the design of the phone while also providing good protection. They also have accessories that are meant to be “tough”. OVERVIEW: “For that rugged and tough use, the otterbox cell phone case is ide- al. This brand is popularly known for offering rugged cases for your tablets and smartphones. Besides, the innovative design makes your phone stylish.” Additional value: Since 2001 they have been making distinctive products for the world’s top smartphones, tablets, laptops, watches, and backpacks. Their promise: Pro- tection without compromise. You get optimum protection, beautiful design, sleek lines, and purposeful details. Additional value: Spigens slogan is “Something you want.” They have a Fac- tory outlet where they sell their products for affordable prices. Additional value: The number one selling case in the US. Their slogan is “we engineer confidence” The confidence to make your mobile world truly mo- bile. They enhance your technolo- gy and help it survive your life. Details: Roots are located in Silicon Valley, their team is dedicated to bringing their ideas to life with products that not only fit your devices but your lifestyle Details: They are located in Irvine, California. They offer a 30- day satisfaction guarantee to their customers, a 2 year warranty and free shipping. . Details: Cost: $40 range. Cost: Price range from $14.99 to 49.99 depending on what type of case the customer prefer. They also have a Fac- tory outlet. Cost: Price can range from $14.95-99.95 depending on the type of case you decide to get and how much pro- tection you want for your phone case or other accessories. Competitive Analysis
  • 24. User Personas 26 ClaraAndersonisahardworkingwomanwholoves spendingtimewithherthreechildrenandhusband. Clarabiggeststruggleatthemomentistofindabalance betweenwork,gymandfamilylife.Thegymisher escapefromrealitywhenlifegetstoostressful.Clara loveshergym,andtriestoattendeithergymclassesor justgoforarunonthetreadmill.Duringverybusy weeks,shedrivesstraighttothegymfromworkatleast twiceaweek,whileherhusbandtakescareofthe children. HealthyAdventurerPlanner MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY GOALS FRUSTRATIONS ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Findtimeandmotivationtoworkoutonadailybases Tobeabletoeasilygostraighttothegymfromtheoffice Management Timemanagement Traffic Tobalanceworklifeandbeingamother BIO TheCaregiver Seattle,WA Advanced Marriedwith3children EventPlanner 37 STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power “Forme,thegymisimportant becauseitismyescape andmytherapy.” PERSONAPROFILE CLARAANDERSON
  • 25. 27 LOGO PERSONAL QUOTE PERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY BRANDSBIO NAME ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power MOTIVATIONS GOALS FRUSTRATIONS (Theobjectivesthispersonhopestoacheive) (Shadebartodesiredlevel) (Thepainpointsthey’dliketoavoid) IMAGE QUOTE STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER PERSONATEMPLATE FULLNAMELOGO PERSONAL QUOTE MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY BRANDS GOALS FRUSTRATIONS BIO FIRSTLAST ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks (Acollectionofgreyscale brandlogosrepresenting theusersfavoritebrands) ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Charactermodel Wheretheylive/work Enthusiast/Prosumer/Pro SingleorMarried Whattheydoforaliving 1-100 Adjective1Adjective2Adjective3 Aparagraphtodescribetheuserjourney.Shouldinclude somebackgroundleadinguptoacurrentusecase. Goal2 Goal3 Frustration2 Frustration1 Frustration3 Goal1 (Theobjectivesthispersonhopestoacheive) (Thepainpointsthey’dliketoavoid) “Personalquotation” (Shouldcapturetheessence ofthispersona’spersonality) IMAGE (235x205px) PERSONATEMPLATE Johnhasbuilthisbusinessfromanideatoasuccessful reality.Afteryearsoftotalfocusonbusiness,andvery littleonpersonalhealth,Johnisnowtryingtobringhis personalandprofessionallifeintobalance.He’sjoineda gym,andwiththekindofapproachthatmadehima successinbusiness,he’splanningandexecuting carefullyonthis.Stillbusyintheofficeandontheroad, Johnneedstostreamlinehisimpedimenta.He’strying tointegratehisworkoutswiththerestofhisactivities. AmbitiousAdmiredFocused MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY GOALS FRUSTRATIONS ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Tobuildanaudio-proportfolio Tokeeptrackofeverything Traffic Toomuchstufftocarryaround Incompetence Tobalanceworkandlifeartistically BIO TheGeneral Seattle,WA Expert Single Entrepreneur 56 STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power “I’mgoingtogetmyphysicallife insyncwithmyprofessionallife.” PERSONAPROFILE JOHNSMYTHE
  • 26. JenniferMatthewsisa20-year-oldcollegestudentat WesternWashingtonUniversity.Sheiscurrentlya freshman,majoringinBiology.Jenniferwasbornand raisedinBellingham,Washington.Whensheisnot studyingorworkingshelovestoenjoytheoutdoors. Sheisverypassionateabouthikingandbelievesit helpsherrelievestress.Herbiggestchallengesince shestartedcollegewasmanaginghertime.Shewants tostayphysicallyactivebutishavingtroublefitting everythingintoherschedule.Jenniferhopesthatshe canfigureoutawaytostayphysicallyfitandbea successfulcollegestudent. FocusedAmbitiousYoung MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY GOALS FRUSTRATIONS ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Socialrelevance Maintainphysicalhealth Balancingsocialinteractionsandschoolwork Financialstability Timemanagement Timemanagement BIO TheInnocentYouth Bellingham,WA Beginner Single Student 22 STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power “KnowledgeisPower” PERSONAPROFILE JENNIFERMATTHEWS 28
  • 27. LOGO PERSONAL QUOTE PERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY BRANDSBIO NAME ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power MOTIVATIONS GOALS FRUSTRATIONS (Theobjectivesthispersonhopestoacheive) (Shadebartodesiredlevel) (Thepainpointsthey’dliketoavoid) IMAGE QUOTE STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER PERSONATEMPLATE FULLNAMELOGO PERSONAL QUOTE MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY BRANDS GOALS FRUSTRATIONS BIO FIRSTLAST ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks (Acollectionofgreyscale brandlogosrepresenting theusersfavoritebrands) ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Charactermodel Wheretheylive/work Enthusiast/Prosumer/Pro SingleorMarried Whattheydoforaliving 1-100 Adjective1Adjective2Adjective3 Aparagraphtodescribetheuserjourney.Shouldinclude somebackgroundleadinguptoacurrentusecase. Goal2 Goal3 Frustration2 Frustration1 Frustration3 Goal1 (Theobjectivesthispersonhopestoacheive) (Thepainpointsthey’dliketoavoid) “Personalquotation” (Shouldcapturetheessence ofthispersona’spersonality) IMAGE (235x205px) PERSONATEMPLATE AndreJohnsonisayoungbusinessprofessionallooking foranywaytoincreaseefficiencyinhisjobandlife. Andrehasabalanceinhislifethatworks,buthethinks itcanbemoreeffective.Asamarketingmanager,Andre spendsalotoftimeworkingonideas.Heiseitherinthe officeoratthegym,soheneedsamobileaccessory thatwillalwayskeephisphonereadyforthenextgreat marketingplan. HealthyAdventurerPlanner MOTIVATIONSPERSONALITY TECHNOLOGY GOALS FRUSTRATIONS ITandInternet Software MobileApps SocialNetworks ExtrovertIntrovert SensingIntuition ThinkingFeeling JudgingPerceiving Maximizeefficiency Havefocusd,targetedtimeinthegym WastingTime Stayinshape BIO TheEfficiencyExpert Bellevue,WA Advanced Single MarketingManager 28 STATUS AGE LOCATION OCCUPATION ARCHETYPE TIER Growth Social Incentive Fear Acheivement Power “Forme,everythingisabout doingthingsinthesmartest, fastestwaypossible.” PERSONAPROFILE ANDREJOHNSON 29
  • 29. Online and Social Media Videos “Viral” Videos 30-second “How-To” Videos 31
  • 30. Media Contacts List 32 M-Edge Media Contacts List Influencer Rank Contact Name Outlet Contact Topic Contact Title Media Type Outlet Topic Social Profile Email !"#$%&' !"#$%&( Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 !"#$%&) !"#$%&* Column10 79 !"##"$%&'()$** +,-. Jogging & Running, Training (Sports) Editor Blog Jogging & Running, Training (Sports) orsimus 78 /#$&&%$0'(/123 415&&6"*(75810$# Fitness & Exercise, Coaching, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Footwear, Nutrition, Jogging & Running, Coaching, Training (Sports) 9**:&;<<===>#"0?2@"0 >A5%<:8B<3123C 3#$&&%$0<D<EFG<$HG I5810$#&8::51*JA15& &K"*>A5% 77 L$:#5="*M'( )$**92= +92(6"39*(N21@ Martial Arts, MMA & Self-Defense, Training (Sports) Editor in Chief Blog New Product Review, Martial Arts, MMA & Self- Defense, Training (Sports) 9**:;<<*="**21>A5%<*9 2K"39*021@ %$**J*92K"39*021@>A 5% 77 O2115='(N2"# 415&&K"*(780?"2& Dieting, Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports) Editor Blog Fitness & Exercise, Dieting, Training (Sports) 0&B2115=J3%$"#>A5 % 73 P0$%$"*'(.5&& .5&&+1$"0"03>A5% Boxing, Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports), Personal Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Sports Blogger Blog Boxing, Fitness & Exercise, Personal Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Sports, Martial Arts, MMA & Self- Defense, Training (Sports) https://www.faceboo tps:// om/user/rossenama it osstraining 15&&J15&&*1$"0"03>A5 % 67 Q*20M2#'(Q*2R2 Q*2R2("0($(Q:22@5 Family & Parenting, Fitness & Exercise, Triathlon, Athletes, Photography, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Family & Parenting, Lifestyle, New Product Review, Photography, Triathlon, Training (Sports) 9**:;<<*="**21>A5%<&* 2R2"0$&:22@5 &*2R2&*20M2#:95*531$ :9SJS$955>A5% 66 T5'(4$&&2S O#53"#$*2& Fitness & Exercise, Food, Nutrition, Dieting, Yoga, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Food, Nutrition, Dieting, Yoga, Training (Sports) gilateshttp://pinteres B#53"#$*2&J3%$"#>A5 % 63 Q%"*9'(7"% U"2&2#(Q*1203*9(V(450@"*"50"03 Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports), Bodybuilding Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Bodybuilding, Training (Sports) m/10646921326162 7886282http://pinter gthhttps://www.insta sel "0K5J@"2&2#A12=>A5% 61 W2O#$0A'(X$% 6"*(4"*S Fitness & Exercise, Jogging & Running, Cycling Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Jogging & Running, Cycling, Training (Sports) ityleblanchttp://www am- leblanc/26/93/7a9 :#2B#$0AJ&*$*2&%$0> A5% 60 /20*"#A512'(+50S +50S/20*"#A512>A5% Training (Sports), Fitness & Exercise Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports) https://www.faceboo s:// entilcore1https://ww /HurstTony 60 Q"%502##"'(,&"$ Q$0(U"235(6"*02&&(U"R$ Fitness & Exercise, Personal Health & Wellness, Jogging & Running, Cycling, Triathlon, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Personal Health & Wellness, Jogging & Running, Cycling, Triathlon, Training (Sports) 9**:;<<*="**21>A5%<&@ K"*02&&@"R$ $&"$>&"%502##"J3%$"#> A5% 60 O$13$'(+211S W"K2(6"*02&&(,A$@2%S(O#53 Fitness & Exercise, Spirituality Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports) 9**:&;<<===>#"0?2@"0 >A5%<:8B<*211SC B$13$<Y<Z[<Z[Z 56 Q*2:9$0"2 Q*2:9]&(O"*2(BS(O"*2 Family & Parenting, Fitness & Exercise, Food, Cooking & Baking, Recipes, Personal Health & Wellness, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Family & Parenting, Fitness & Exercise, Food, Personal Health & Wellness, Cooking & Baking, Recipes, Training (Sports) https://www.faceboo bite m/stephbitebybitehtt p:// m/stephbitebybitehtt p:// tephsbitebybite &*2:9&B"*2BSB"*2J3 %$"#>A5% 55 /"B&50'(491"& +92.-N"R21&2>A5% Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, Training (Sports) 9**:;<<*="**21>A5%<+9 2.-N"R21&2 "0K5J*92180"R21&2>A5 % 55 ^8"00'(N22#S +1$"0"03(O2*$(O#53 Rock Climbing, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Rock Climbing, Training (Sports) ainingBetahttps://w rainingBeta 022#SJ*1$"0"03B2*$>A 5% 53 L$10$M2&'(U2$0 U2$0]&(O#53 Nutrition, Jogging & Running, Training (Sports) Blogger Blog Jogging & Running, Training (Sports) eanKarnazeshttps:// DeanKarnazes 52 /21@2&'(491"&*S )S(U"1*(.5$@(,0*92% Training (Sports), Fitness & Exercise, New Product Review, Jogging & Running Blogger Blog Fitness & Exercise, New Product Review, Jogging & Running, Training (Sports) ristyrunshttp://www.f y.h.gerdeshttp://pint ns B83&H[[Y10JS$955> A5%