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Holistic Health Factors in the
Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise
Image on cover & facing page derived from: Steelcase. (n.d.). The movement toward wellness in the workplace. Retrieved April 20, 2011,
Holistic Health Factors in the
Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

April P. McEwan
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace
     Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

              April P. McEwan

All content has been derived from the original
      Thesis presented in partial fulfillment
      of the requirements for the degree
          Master of Science in Design

        Approved April 2011 by the
     Graduate Supervisory Committee:

              Philip White, Chair
               Rebecca Barry
                James Shraiky

                May 2011
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise


    In an attempt to advocate body-            with qualitative and flexible research             average miles walked by participants
conscious design and healing work              approaches using observation, survey,              in each workplace as well as existing
environments, this research study              interview and pedometer readings as                incentives and descriptions of ideal work
of holistic health in the workplace            methods for data collection. Two small             environments.
explores cognitive, social and physical        corporate franchise financial institutions
                                                                                                  Implications of this research study involve
well-being in four small US offices that       and two small private healthcare
                                                                                                  interior design, industrial design and
are between 1000 and 4000 square               providers from both Arizona and Georgia
                                                                                                  fashion design that can accommodate
feet and employ three to twelve                participated in this study. Each office
                                                                                                  the desires of the four participating
employees. Holistic health, as pursued         volunteered one employer and two
                                                                                                  workplaces. Major design implications
in this research, includes social health,      employee participants.
                                                                                                  involve accommodating these particular
emotional health and physical health.
                                               Of the holistic health factors considered          workplaces to provide personnel with
These three factors of holistic health
                                               in these four case studies, this study             opportunities for holistic health in working
have been identified and investigated
                                               found that a majority of participants              environments. More specific implications
in this study: biophilia: peoples’ love and
                                               equally valued emotional health, social            of office related design involve providing
affiliation with other species and the
                                               health and physical health. A majority             access to natural environments, body-
natural environment; ergonomics: the
                                               of participants declared a preference              conscious equipment and spaces, as
relationship between the human body,
                                               for workplace environments with serene             well as opportunities for exercise and
movement, the immediate environment
                                               natural environments with outdoor                  social interaction. These elements
and productivity; and exercise: exertion
                                               spaces and interaction with other                  of the factors biophilia, ergonomics
of the body to obtain physical fitness.
                                               species, work environments with body-              and exercise were found to be said
This research study proposes that
                                               conscious furniture, equipment and                 to contribute to cognitive, social and
employees and employers of these four
                                               workstations, as well as exercise space            physical health.
participating workplaces desire mobility
                                               and equipment. As these particular
and resources in the workplace that
                                               workplace environments affirmed value
support holistic health practices involving
                                               for elements of the factors biophilia,
biophilia, ergonomics, and exercise.
                                               ergonomics and exercise, all three
Literature review of holistic health and
                                               factors are considered valueable within
the holistic health factors of this research
                                               the workplaces of these case studies.
topic support the idea that interaction
                                               Furthermore, factors that were said to
with other species can be healing,
                                               contribute to personal productivity in
ergonomic body-conscious furniture and
                                               participating workplaces were found
equipment increase productivity, limit
                                               as well as sacrifices that participants
body aches, pains and health costs; and
                                               stated they would be willing to make
exercise stimulates the mind and body,
                                               in order to implement their preferred
increasing productivity.
                                               work environment(s). In addition,
This study has been conducted primarily        this study recorded and calculated


Chapter                                                                                                                                          Page

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 2

Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................             4

Assumption ................................................................................................................................      6

Significance ............................................................................................................................... 7

Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Review of Literature .................................................................................................................. 12

	           Holistic Health ............................................................................................................... 14

	           Biophilia ......................................................................................................................... 19

	           Ergonomics ................................................................................................................... 22

	           The Chair ....................................................................................................................... 24

	           Exercise .........................................................................................................................   26

	           Environmental Psychology .........................................................................................                   29

	           Health and Healing Environments .............................................................................                        30

Findings and Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 32

Methodology ............................................................................................................................         34

Primary Research Findings .......................................................................................................                37

Discussion and Conclusion ......................................................................................................                 40

References ................................................................................................................................      49

Figure                                                                                                                             Page

Word cloud of words used to describe Galen Cranz’s ideal workspace .......................... 2

“Something, somewhere went terribly wrong” .................................................................... 4

Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet ..................                                            5

Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet ..................                                            6

Elderly man and dog in park photo by April P. McEwan ....................................................                          7

Conceptual framework ...........................................................................................................   9

Elements of factors of conceptual framework .....................................................................                  10

Word cloud describing emotional health .............................................................................               13

Word cloud describing social health .....................................................................................          15

Steelcase social health image ...............................................................................................      16

Word cloud describing physical health .................................................................................            17

Photo of Bougainvillea by April P. McEwan ..........................................................................               20

Photo of tree spirit on Saint Simons Island by April P. McEwan ...........................................                         21

Varier® Gravity chair designed by Peter Opsvik ..................................................................                  24

Le Corbusier’s lounge chair ..................................................................................................... 24

Varier® Variable ™ Balans ®, designed by Peter Opsvik ....................................................                         24

Steelcase physical health image ...........................................................................................        26

Steelcase Walkstation by Details ............................................................................................      27

Rainbow rainforest hoto by April P. McEwan ........................................................................                30

Portland photo by April P. McEwan .......................................................................................          32


Figure                                                                                                               Page

Research Methodology mind map ........................................................................................ 34

Word cloud of ideal work environment descriptions ...........................................................        39

Categories of ideal work environment descriptions diagram ............................................               43

               Word cloud of words used
               to describe Galen Cranz’s
                      ideal workspace in
               “Beyond Interior Design”
                    of The Chair (Cranz,
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise


                                         “The rhythm of life is when you experience your own body, mind and soul.”

                                                                                                          (Yogi tea bag, 2011)

    This study can be introduced with             system. What you see before you is                        before you decide to move it to your
a few of the words that instilled passion         a spacious office, with natural light                     workstation. As you survey the room, you
for this research from a few pages of             streaming in through the windows on                       experience a sense of being invited to
The Chair: Rethinking Culture, Body,              three sides. Since there is no off-gassing                work here because so many different
and Design by Galen Cranz (1998).                 from walls, carpet, or furniture, and                     work spaces have been designed to
Through her study of the chair, Cranz             because the windows are operable, a                       accommodate different activities. When
discovered that research suggests                 fresh smell pervades the place. In order                  you want to do some word processing,
chair use deforms the body, which will            to minimize the difference between the                    you can recline in a lounge chair with
be discussed further in the literature            temperature indoors and out, the office                   the keyboard on your lap and the screen
review section about ergonomics. She              temperature will be 68 degrees in the                     mounted at an angle, like a hospital-
describes her ideal work environment in           winter and 75 degrees in the summer”                      room television set on an expandable
the chapter “Beyond Interior Design”.             (p. 218).                                                 arm. You could also choose to dictate to
Her ideal workspace does not just alter                                                                     your computer standing or perched on a
                                                  Cranz’s ideal workspace takes
working positions; it caters to the overall                                                                 high stool. When standing, a chest-high
                                                  ergonomics and body movement into
well-being of users through design that                                                                     surface within arm’s reach allows you to
                                                  consideration with a variety of options
addresses emotional, social and physical                                                                    take notes without bending your spine.
                                                  for body postures. Furniture, equipment
aspects of health. Environmental                                                                            All your associates in the office wear soft
                                                  and space accommodate various
influences such as music, windows, fresh                                                                    clothes in the natural fibers of silk, cotton,
                                                  body positions, movement and support
smells, moderate temperatures and the                                                                       and wool, so they do not bind or restrict
                                                  productivity. Besides interior design,
physical environment manipulate people                                                                      if the person wants to sit cross-legged on
                                                  fashion design is even considered with
emotionally and physically (Sternberg,                                                                      the padded platforms while discussing
                                                  suggestions for comfortable flexible
2009). Furniture arrangements and                                                                           business. These yielding clothes also
                                                  clothing. Such clothing does not restrict
spaces can either inhibit or encourage                                                                      enable anyone who has a kink in the
                                                  the body from movement if one wants
social interaction amongst office                                                                           back to lengthen his or her spine by
                                                  to stretch out comfortably or participate
personnel.                                                                                                  stretching out on the platforms for a few
                                                  in mild exercises. “You have a lot of
                                                                                                            minutes” (p. 219-220).
In Cranz’s ideal office space she                 postural options for working in this office.
considers features that appeal to the             You can stand to lay out research data,                   Ergonomic furniture and exercise
body’s senses—hearing, sight, smell and           articles, or slides. You can stand or squat               equipment are considered for multiple
temperature—with music, windows, fresh            in front of files to use them. Floor-to-                  working positions, play and mild exercise.
smells and moderate temperatures.                 ceiling bookshelves allow you to stretch                  Such furniture and equipment would
“When you open the door, a Mozart                 up or squat down. You can prop books                      accommodate those who want to take
violin concerto comes over the sound              open on an eye-level-slanted shelf                        quick breaks, stretch and tone their


bodies, or energize themselves at work.       natural environment and other species         After reading Cranz’s enlightening
“If you were a newcomer, the thing in         (Kellert, et al., 1993). Outdoor space        and innovative thoughts on her ideal
the office that might make you most           in workplaces can also be used by             workspace, I cannot help but desire
curious is related to exercise: a large       personnel for breaking and exercise.          the same type of work environment for
inflated ball over which staff members        “You notice a set of French doors that        myself and others.
occasionally draped themselves to             lead onto a wooden deck or balcony,
promote flexibility of the spine. Some        vine-covered. Down the steps is a pool
sit on it in lieu of a stool. It also keeps   or fountain. Sometimes people assume
children entertained when they visit. You     the rest position on the deck or exercise
might be equally intrigued by a cluster       or eat or talk on the phone. Inside
of three rings of Opsvik pedestals that       and outside are not that different—a
support a variety of standing postures.       Modernist’s dream” (p. 220).
An overhead bar for hanging and an
                                              “But this vision need not remain a
inverter offer other opportunities to
                                              dream. Running throughout this study of
stretch your spine” (p. 220).
                                              the chair has been a call to action. First,
Access to the natural outdoors and            honor your body; learn how to attend
natural elements such as balconies            to it, and educate it to communicate
or water features support peoples’            with our culture. From this, develop
innate desire to be affiliated with the       your own ideal environments (p. 221).
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

Problem Statement

                              “Probably the single most important principle of body-conscious design is to use design to keep
                                                          posture varied and the body moving.”

                                                                                                          (Cranz, 1998, p. 185)

    In our Information Age, affluent             or hand-written messages, people send                       widespread computer technology, it
people all over the world adapt to               emails or make phone calls. Telephones                      seems some people have forgotten
computer technology. Computers                   are mini-computers; they are even                           their bodies. People cram information
are ubiquitous, in our pockets, purses,          replacing desktops and laptops. With                        into their brains, an important and
offices, homes, schools, cars. People use        new stresses and cultural changes due                       complicated organ; but many people
computers as encyclopedias, replacing            to demands of computer technology,                          neglect their muscles in today’s age of
books with computer monitors, key                our workplaces evolve. People should                        Information Technology. With information
boards, mice, and hard drives. Not only          not have to adapt to technology,                            and computer-technology demands
do computers replace books, but they             technology should adapt to and for                          in the workplace, employees and
have also taken the place of physical            people.                                                     employers spend more time sitting at
activity—and human communication.                                                                            computers, reading display screens,
                                                 With rapid implementation of
Rather than physically delivering verbal                                                                     going digital, taking work with them on

 “Something, somewhere
went terribly wrong” image
by an unknown artist (Neato
Shop, 2011)
Problem Statement

taking work with them on mobile               (Clements-Croome, 2006).                      more positive, energized, motivated
devices. Such demands can be stressful                                                      and more productive. This is analogous
                                              Many people accept what space,
and harmful for the body and mind;                                                          to the argument for evidence-based
                                              environment, furniture and equipment
however, relief can be found. Such                                                          design practices for health and healing
                                              they are given to work with without
things as: freedom to move between                                                          environments; patients heal faster and
                                              question. “It is what I am used to,” “It is
one social phase and another (from                                                          hospitals have higher turnover rates
                                              what I have always done,” are common
solitary work to group interaction), music,                                                 when hospital design caters to patient
                                              responses of people asked about why
opportunities to engage in spontaneous                                                      desires and experience. Workplaces
                                              they do what they do. Why must we
social encounters, opportunity to                                                           should perhaps design according to and
                                              accommodate ourselves to poorly
engage in creativity, self-expression                                                       cater to worker desires and experiences.
                                              configured furniture, uncomfortable
and exploration, appealing visual                                                           Cranz and I believe this is what most
                                              working positions and environments?
environments, exercise, space for body                                                      many work environments need. After all,
                                              I hope to improve these conditions. If
movements such as exercise stretching                                                       most working people spend the majority
                                              people had opportunities to question,
and a variety of working positions,                                                         of their days at work.
                                              opportunities to request healthier
furniture and equipment, personal
                                              choices, body—conscious and mind-
accessories, plant life and association
                                              conscious work environments designed
with other species, access to outdoor
                                              for movement, multiple working positions
environments, and sensory variability
                                              and worker preferences, perhaps
can provide relief from everyday
                                              people would be happier, healthier,
stresses and demands in the workplace

                                                                                                               Steelcase image from Movement
                                                                                                               Toward Health in the Workplace
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise


                                         There is a disconnect between humans and our immediate environments

                                                                                                        (Gallagher, 1993).

    This research study proposes the             Patil, 2009; Levine, 2009; Sternberg,                  pertain to emotional, social and physical
assumption that employees and                    2009; Oseland, 2009; Congleton, 2010;                  well-being: biophilia, ergonomics,
employers desire mobility and resources          International Ergonomics Association,                  and exercise. This thesis suggests that
in the workplace that support holistic           2010; Higgs & Pynt, 2010). Perhaps                     biophilia, ergonomics, and exercise are
health practices involving biophilia,            employees and employers will feel                      factors that contribute to holistic health
ergonomics and exercise. These factors           healthier emotionally, socially and                    in the workplace.
have been found to be contributors to            physically in environments with access
well-being and productivity (Gallagher,          to natural environments, the outdoors,
1993; Tesitel, et al., 1993; Nelson, 1993;       and spaces that take ergonomics and
Waikar & Bradshaw, 1995; Cranz, 1998;            exercise into consideration. Holistic
McDonough & Braungart, 2002; Diener,             health factors considered for purposes
King & Lyubomirsky, 2005; Grinde &               of this research study are factors that

Steelcase image from Movement
Toward Health in the Workplace


                             If we do not provide comfortable environments that fulfill base human needs (emotional, social
                                and physical health) then the building occupants are unlikely to be at their most productive

                                                                                                       (Oseland,1995, p.246).

   Studies of biophilia, ergonomics             productivity and limit body aches and                       currently involved in implementing and
and exercise have been conducted;               pains and health costs, and exercise                        enforcing holistic health practices into
however, studies of such specific health        stimulates the mind and body, increasing                    the workplace (Congleton, 2010). For
factors implemented and incentivized in         productivity.                                               example, as found on their website,
small US workplaces as well as employer                                                                     PepsiCo began implementing global
                                                This research uncovered workplaces in
and employee values and personal                                                                            workplace wellness programs to
                                                North America that offer such amenities
opinions associated with such factors                                                                       promote health and wellness for their
                                                and related incentives. Pixar, IBM,
have not been explored in depth.                                                                            associates in 2004, called HealthRoads™,
                                                PepsiCo, Chase, Johnson and Johnson,
Research on biophilia supports the idea                                                                     a part of their Sustainability Vision. This
                                                Glaxo-Smithkline, Wheeler Interests, IBM,
that interaction with other species can                                                                     program helps participating associates
                                                Coors Brewing Co., and Walt Disney Co.
be healing, ergonomic body-conscious                                                                        of PepsiCo make informed decisions
                                                are a few of the larger US companies
furniture and equipment increase                                                                            regarding healthcare as well as develop
Introduction                                                                    Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

and sustain healthy behaviors with            In growing popular efforts to increase               (2) The use of effective worksite policies
motivational incentives. Such behavioral      worker health, productivity and                      and programs can reduce health risks
changes involving HealthRoads™                happiness, it makes sense to incorporate             and improve the quality of life for the 135
primary focuses on diet, exercise and         incentives and programs supporting                   million full-time and part-time workers in
nutrition reduce health risks. Participants   holistic health into work environments.              the United States.
are encouraged to seek preventative           At the 2010 National Ergonomics
                                                                                                   (3) Workers spend more than one-third
care and work one-on-one with wellness        Conference, Jerome, J. Congleton, PhD,
                                                                                                   of their day on the job and, as a result,
coaches to manage existing health             spoke of the Healthy Workforce Act of
                                                                                                   employers are in a unique position to
conditions. Tracking their wellness           2009. Although “A resolution affirming
                                                                                                   promote the health and safety of their
efforts, PepsiCo found that their wellness    the importance of exercise and physical
initiatives have slowed the rate of           activity as key components of a healthy
increased medical costs; for every dollar     lifestyle, including in combating obesity,           (4) Chronic diseases such as heart
spent on workplace wellness during            reducing chronic disease, and lowering               disease, stroke, cancer, obesity, and
2007, they saved approximately $3.45          health care costs” was introduced and                diabetes are among the most prevalent
on healthcare, reducing healthcare            passed by Senate Mary 9, 2011, the                   and costly worker health problems for
costs for PepsiCo and associates. In          Healthy Workforce Act of 2009 did not                most employers.
2009, PepsiCo’s HealthRoads™ program          become law after being introduced
received external recognition with a          in April of 2009 (GovTrack). It is a bill to         (5) The use by employers of effective
Platinum award for Best Employers for         amend the Internal Revenue Code of                   worksite policies and programs can
Healthy Lifestyles. Many workplaces           1986 to provide tax credit to employees              reduce health risks and improve the
implementing and enforcing holistic           for the costs of implementing wellness               quality of life for their employees.
health practices are larger companies,        programs offering health promotion and
                                                                                                   (6) The good health of workers is good
while many smaller companies                  preventative care (GovTrack.). It was
                                                                                                   for business because healthier workers
are unaware or lack the means to              proposed that a fifty percent tax credit
                                                                                                   miss less work, are more productive, and
implement such practices in their work        for the costs of providing employees
                                                                                                   have lower health care costs.
environments. As literature review will       with a qualified wellness program
show, many researchers argue that such        would be granted to employers. A                     Congress said it. People spend much of
amenities and opportunities contribute        “qualified wellness program” is defined              their lives at work, therefore; it is smart to
to well-being as well as productive           as a program certified by the Secretary              begin and influence the implementations
performance and overall success and           of Health and Human Services and                     of healthy practices and lifestyles in
happiness for employees, employers and        consists of a health awareness and                   workplaces. This research employs a
companies involved. Medical doctors,          education component, a behavioral                    subjective approach to draw attention
designers, neuroscientists, even t-shirts     change component, and a supportive                   to the workspace desires of employees
and tea bags support arguments for            environment component. In the Healthy                and employers. Many people adapt to
holistic health in the workplace.             Workforce Act of 2009, Congress stated               their work conditions and environments
                                              its findings about the US workforce (Open            rather than question existing policies
The US Department of Labor,
                                              Congress, 2011):                                     and conditions about their and others’
Employment Standards Administration
                                                                                                   personal well-being.
promotes labor rights and employment          (1) The US has more than 12 million
standards with the objective of               employers and approximately 135 million
fostering economic and social equity          working adults.
for personnel health and well-being.


                              “Past research has identified many factors, such as demographic, task-related, workstation-related,
                               ergonomic, and psychosocial factors, associated with health complaints of employees engaged
                                                                      in sedentary work.”

                                                                                                (Waikar & Bradshaw, 1995, p.18)

   In an attempt to advocate body-                  thesis study involve detailed elements of                  collected using a subjective measure
conscious design, health and healing                each factor—biophilia, ergonomics, and                     of self report by participants through
work environments, this research study              exercise.                                                  surveys and interviews. Observations
of holistic health in the workplace                                                                            identified existing elements linked to
                                                    Health, happiness, productivity,
explores emotional, social and physical                                                                        the specific health factors, biophilia,
                                                    motivation, and work performance
well-being in small work environments                                                                          ergonomics, and exercise, such as
                                                    of participants and offices were not
through investigation of existing, lack of                                                                     windows, plants, participant behaviors
                                                    measured with external measurements
and desires for holistic health factors in                                                                     and workstations that existed or were
                                                    in this research study. Only miles
four small North American offices that                                                                         taking place in participating workplaces.
                                                    walked were measured externally with
are between 1000 and 4000 square feet                                                                          Comparison of participant opinions in
                                                    pedometers. Measurements of holistic
and employ three to twelve employees.                                                                          surveys and interviews to observations
                                                    health factors in the workplace were
Specific areas of concentration for this                                                                       and pedometer readings enhanced

                                                                                                                                     Primary areas of concentration for
                                                                                                                                    thesis study: conceptual framework
                                                                                                                                          exploring relationships of the
                                                                                                                                      factors: biophilia, ergonomics and
                                                                                                                                      exercise, and how they contribute
                                                                                                                                            to holistic health within the
Introduction                                                                   Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

identification of holistic health factors      elements of biophilia, ergonomics and
and elements of such factors, providing        exercise are actually human needs.
transparency of inconsistencies within         Although biophilia, ergonomics and
collected data.                                exercise constitute the basic human
                                               needs of emotional health, social health
Furthermore, it is important to note that
                                               and physical health; and they can be
participants’ desires were recorded, not
                                               categorized into Abraham Maslow’s
necessarily needs. To be clear, a goal
                                               Hierarchy of Needs (1943), such as sense
of this research study was to acquire
                                               of belonging and self-actualization,
personal opinions regarding participants’
                                               this research study does not claim such
desires for elements of the primary
                                               desires as needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of
health factors: biophilia, ergonomics
                                               Needs is discussed further in literature
and exercise, in their workplaces through
                                               review). Further rigorous research
subjective measures of self report.
                                               can determine whether elements of
Surveys and interviews were primarily
                                               the holistic health factors, biophilia,
analyzed to determine participants’
                                               ergonomics and exercise, are deemed
desires in relation to the health factors of
                                               as human needs.
this research study. Some environmental
psychologists, biologists and other
researchers may claim these desires of

Elements of holistic health
factors: biophilia, ergonomics
and exercise

Review of Literature


    Numerous literature on topics of              Television shows like Rupert Bear         relieve stress and have positive effects
health, holistic health, emotional health,    send positive messages to children, such      on physical and psychological health.
social health, psychological health           as when Rupert was outside enjoying           Grinde and Patil (2009) share findings
and ergonomics exist. This literature         a picnic with his Professor; his Professor    of Richard Louv who uses the term
review attempts to share an assortment        said: “Fresh air, sunshine and exercise…      “nature-deficit” and suggests that “the
of information of topics related to this      ahh…there’s nothing like it!” (Rupert         increase in prevalences of conditions
research study’s focus, holistic health in    Bear, 1920). Documentaries explicating        such as obesity, attention disorders, and
workplaces. Holistic health encompasses       poor health practices, such as Super          depression is partly due to a decrease
a person’s overall health. When a             Size me, Food Inc, and The Corporation,       in the degree children are exposed
person’s overall health is considered, any    and TV shows like The Biggest Loser,          to Nature” (p. 2338). Dr. Brown (2009)
factors which contribute to a person’s        are quite popular today. People are           argues that play is beneficial in our lives,
well-being are taken into account.            expressing concerns for their well-being.     “actually making us more productive
All aspects of people’s needs can be          Positive changes in the home and office       and happier in everything we do” (p. 7).
organized into cognitive, social and          in support of health and well-being           Dr. Brown talks not just about children at
physical needs; these needs contribute        are occurring slowly. Some high school        play, he talks about everyone. Adults are
to the whole of a person. Although            physical fitness education programs           grown children. We all need play time,
alternative medicine also considers           are being enforced with more rigor            motivation, and stimulation. Classrooms
spiritual aspects when assessing a            and seriousness as the US experiences         and workplaces need to accommodate
person’s overall well-being, this research    an obesity epidemic. As a child, my           play time, social activities and provide
study does not attempt to include             teachers repeatedly told students to          stimulating work environments. “[W]
spiritual health in the factors of holistic   be quiet, stop fidgeting and remain           hile we readily accept that a healthy
health. Holistic health factors considered    sedentary in the classroom so as to focus     seed can’t grow into a plant without
for purposes of this research study are       on our studies; but as Gallagher points       right soil, light, and water, and that a
factors that pertain to emotional, social     out, “America’s obesity epidemic offers       feral dog wont behave like a pet, we
and physical well-being: biophilia,           stunning illustrations of what can happen     resist recognizing the importance of
ergonomics, and exercise. Literature          when motivation and attention become          environment in our own lives” (Gallagher,
review is organized into subchapters          disconnected from daily behavior in           1993, p. 16). For the older and employed,
addressing: small sedentary workplaces,       general and each other in particular”         no longer in a classroom setting, Dr.
sedentary work, holistic health, biophilia,   (Gallagher, 2009, p. 174). More               Brown describes a popular problem,
ergonomics, the chair, body and mind,         interaction, team work, and play time         “We strive to always be productive,
exercise, environmental psychology,           would enhance motivation, stimulating         and if an activity doesn’t teach us skill,
health and healing environments.              students to find interest in their studies.   make us money, or get on the boss’s
                                              Studies also suggest that nature can          good side, then we feel we should
Introduction                                                                  Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

not be doing it. Sometimes the sheer          students who took PE before math
demands of daily living seem to rob us        reported dramatic improvement in their
of the ability to play” (Brown, 2009, p.      standardized tests” (Iskander, 2011).
7). As ergonomic research studies show,
                                              As research and literature report,
workplaces that demand a high level of
                                              emotional health, social health and
sedentary work and deprive workers of
                                              physical health are important factors in
healthy opportunities for interaction and
                                              being fulfilled and healthy human beings.
play, harm employees and employers.
                                              Together, emotional health, social health
Quality of life, blood flow, respiration,
                                              and physical health constitute health
collaboration, injuries, and overall health
                                              on a larger scale, holistic health. Factors
can all be enhanced and improved
                                              of holistic health, then, are biophilia,
when ergonomics are considered in
                                              ergonomics, and exercise, which are
workplace development, design and
                                              believed to contribute to well-being and
processes (Congleton, December 2,
                                              productivity in the workplace. Observing
2010, ErgoExpo presentation). Waikar, et
                                              and recognizing employees’ and
al (1995) identified factors, such as task-
                                              employers’ perceptions of holistic health
related, workstation-related, ergonomic,
                                              and workplace design have implications
and psychosocial factors, associated
                                              for a healthier workforce and healthier
with health complaints of employees
                                              working environments, productivity
engaged in sedentary work. Such
                                              gains and happier personnel. Winifred
health complaints often lead to work
                                              Gallagher (2009) claims, “Staying
lost to sick days, ergonomic assessments
                                              focused is an excellent strategy for well-
and medical appointments. Medical
                                              being,” and “the skillful management
and insurance costs for employees
                                              of attention is the first step toward any
and companies rise and workers’
                                              behavioral change and covers most
compensation costs increase. Similarly,
                                              self-improvement approaches like a vast
Yerkes-Dodson Law (1908) states people
                                              umbrella” (p. 10). Focusing on health
perform better if they are stimulated or
                                              in workplaces of the more affluent
motivated (Oseland, 2009, p. 245). A
                                              consumer capitalist economies of the
Chicago high school, Naperville Central
                                              more prosperous populations of the
High School, experiencing the culture
                                              planet can be a proactive effort to
of fitness has embraced a daily graded
                                              enforce some basics of sustainable living
physical education program. One group
                                              by improving quality of life and working
of struggling students at this high school
                                              conditions, providing jobs, conserving
have been involved in an innovative
                                              natural resources, enhancing economic
program which schedules PE right before
                                              growth and managing risk.
their most challenging classes. “In the
six years since that program started,
students who signed up for PE directly
before English read on average a half
year ahead of those who didn’t, and

Review of Literature: Holistic Health

                                                 Word cloud of words
                                        participants used to describe
                                                    emotional health
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

                                                         Holistic Health

      For purposes of this study, the        connections. And the emotions they                relationships and overall health (Diener,
factors: biophilia, ergonomics and           evoke are among the greatest forces               King & Lyubomirsky, 2005). Happiness,
exercise, have been linked to emotional      that affect our hormonal, our nerve               an expression of healthy emotions, is
health, social health and physical health,   chemical, and our immune responses—               factor contributing to productivity in the
which constitute holistic health. Holistic   and through these, our health and our             workplace according to research of
health equally encompasses emotional         resistance to disease” (Sternberg, 2001,          Diener, King & Lyubomirsky. Researchers
health, social health and physical health.   p. 133). Essentially, emotions that are           have often believed that mere financial
In Dr. Sternberg’s explanations of human     rooted in social relationships or mental          success made people happy, but recent
connections, she connects relationships      capacities can affect the health of               research that examined the connections
with spirituality, emotions, and physical    the physical body. The body cannot                between desirable personality
well-being: “Our sense that powerful         be improved or worsened without also              characteristics, life successes and well-
forces beyond our bodies link us to others   affecting the mind, and vice versa.               being in over 275,000 people revealed
is so ingrained that we use phrases such                                                       that “happy individuals are predisposed
                                                 Emotional health has been
as “ties that bind,” “family ties,” and                                                        to seek out and undertake new goals in
                                             found to contribute to work success,
“bonding,” to describe those intangible                                                        life and this reinforces positive emotions”

Holistic health image derived
from Steelcase’s physical health
image from Movement Toward
Health in the Workplace booklet
Review of Literature: Holistic Health

                                                 Word cloud of words
                                        participants used to describe
                                                        social health
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

(p. 803). Goleman states that “emotions      include air, food, water, sleep, sex; then         of humankind.
are contagious” (2006, p. 13). If emotions   security of environment, employment,
                                                                                                “Past research has identified many
are contagious, and happiness is a           resources, health, property; then
                                                                                                factors, such as demographic, task-
socially contagious emotion, emotional       love, friendship, intimacy, family; then
                                                                                                related, workstation-related, ergonomic,
health and social health are connected.      confidence, self-esteem, achievement,
                                                                                                and psychosocial factors, associated
                                             respect. The higher-order needs consist
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,                                                            with health complaints of employees
                                             of morality, creativity and problem
a motivational theory of psychology that                                                        engaged in sedentary work” (Waikar
                                             solving. Although there is a range of
represents a model of human-centered                                                            & Bradshaw, 1995, p.18). Gallagher
                                             interpretation about how much each
motivation based on goals, suggests that                                                        (1993) states that there is a disconnect
                                             of the lower order needs must be
people have five tiers of needs in order                                                        between humans and our immediate
                                             satisfied prior to the ability to develop
to grow into the ultimate person they are                                                       environments. Our immediate
                                             the capacity of self-realization, human
capable of being (Maslow, 1943). These                                                          environments—home environments, work
                                             needs consist of emotional, social and
five needs consist of physiological needs,                                                      environments and larger urban systems—
                                             physical needs. Based on Maslow’s
safety needs, love needs, esteem needs                                                          affect us socially and physically, even
                                             Hierarchy of Needs, one can say that
and the need for self-actualization.                                                            biologically, as where biophilia is
                                             workplaces catering to well-being of
The first four lower need to be satisfied                                                       concerned (Dugdill, 2000). Whether
                                             personnel take aspects of emotional,
before higher-order needs can influence                                                         or not these immediate environments
                                             social health and physical health into
behavior; hence the hierarchy of this                                                           provide space and activities for social
                                             consideration—essentially the body and
model of needs. The lower levels needs                                                          and physical activities, our overall well-
                                             mind, as they are quite naturally priorities

Steelcase social health image
from Movement Toward Health
in the Workplace booklet

Review of Literature: Holistic Health

                                                 Word cloud of words
                                        participants used to describe
                                                      physical health
Introduction                                                                Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

being is affected.                           cognitive health, one may be able to                    • Work tools that come to you and
                                             function more efficiently, pleaseantly,           are easily adjustable.”
Steelcase promotes holistic health with a
balance of cognitive, social and physical                                                            • “Seating that is easily adjustable
well-being through its “movement                 “Social Checklist”:                           and made to fit you, not the other way
toward wellness in the workplace”                                                              around.”
                                                 • “Provide a variety of collaborative
design guides. Printed in the Details
                                             spaces.”                                          A work environment that demands or
booklet by Steelcase Inc. (2009) is a
                                                                                               provides more space and opportunities
“Physical Checklist” as well as cognitive        • “Offer collaborative solutions that
                                                                                               simply for more body movement
and social checklists that can also be       work for longer periods of time, keeping
                                                                                               promotes physical health. Even moving
found by visiting Steelcase’s website.       workers refreshed.”
                                                                                               around a little bit more on a daily basis
      “Cognitive Checklist”:                                                                   can help maintain healthy body weight
                                                 • “Train workers to use the
                                                                                               and burn calories (Levine & Yeager,
                                             ergonomic features of their work
     • “Work areas that provide sufficient
                                                                                               2009). A healthy body helps a health
                                                                                               mind. Research has found that exercise
                                                 • “Encourage health with employee             stimulates the mind and body, increasing
     • “Provide a variety of solutions for
                                             wellness.”                                        productivity.
privacy and interaction.”

                                             A work environment that encourages                Through literature review, previous
     • “Address information processing
                                             freedom and creativity for personnel              research studies, a workplace aiming
and storage needs of diverse jobs.”
                                             welcomes confidence, inspirations and             for overall personnel well-being supports
     • “Work tools that allow you            innovation. Emotionally, personnel are            cognitive (mental and emotional),
to organize your information to              affected by their social relationships;           social and physical health for a balance
accommodate the way you work.”               and as the mind affects the body and              of holistic health. Through workplace
                                             vice versa, contributors to social and            planning and design, the incorporation
     • “Workstation that promote
                                             emotional health should be considered             of elements of biophilia, ergonomics and
movement, keeping users energized.”
                                             even in workplace design in order to              exercise may help contribute to overall
                                             achieve ultimate well-being. Spaces that          well-being, as elements of these factors
A work environment that takes into
                                             promote collaboration and spontaneus              are directly related to cognitive health,
considerations elements of ergonomics
                                             interaction amongst personnel                     social health and physical health.
such as lighting, space, furniture and
                                             accomodate aspects of social health.
equipment so that one can work more
efficiently and productively addresses
                                                 “Physical Checklist”:
cognitive health. As the body is affected
by the mind and the mind is affected             • “Seating that allows dynamic
by the body, bodily discomfort can           movement and postural change.”
trigger mental or emotioanl frustrations.
                                                 • Workstations that allow you to
Research has found ergonomic body-
                                             work while you stand.”
conscious furniture and equipment to
increase productivity and limit body             • Seating that keeps you oriented to
aches and pains and health costs. With       your work.”
such accomodations designed for

Review of Literature: Biophilia


      Evolutionary psychology is a newer     and illuminated regardless of season or       (p. 406). Biophilia became a popular
science that argues that “innate human       time of the day—although even on a            term when Edward O. Wilson published
behaviour is governed by adaptations         rainy morning, it is brighter outside than    Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other
of psychological processes which             inside with the lights on” (Gallagher,        Species, in 1984. Wilson defined biophilia
evolved to aid our survival and well-        1993, p. 12). Evolutionary psychologists      as “the innate tendency to focus on
being” (Oseland, 2009, p. 250). As a         argue that “people feel refreshed sitting     life and lifelike processes” (Wilson,
result of human’s innate predispositions     in a natural environment because              1984, Prologue). To Wilson, it seemed
for survival and well-being, people are      nature provides a setting for “non-taxing     unquestionable that human beings
social, needing a sense of community         involuntary attention” (Oseland, 2009,        have an innate sensitivity to and need
and belonging, human sense of direction      p. 250). As evolutionary psychologists        for other living things, because we have
is based on natural clues such as the        argue for innate tendencies to be             coexisted in the closest relationship
sun and landmarks, and people want to        affiliated with other species and natural     with the natural world for so many
explore what is around them, with clear      environments, biophilia is a key theme        millennia. According to Wilson, it is
views in all directions. “Only a hundred     within evolutionary psychology. To some,      ultimately human nature and a genetic
years ago, the overwhelming majority         “nature” means plants as in gardens,          predisposition, hereditary desire to have
of Americans lived in the country, while     forests and parks, but weather and            an emotional affiliation with human
today, most cluster in metropolitan          animals (humans included) are also            beings and other living organisms (Kellert,
areas” (Gallagher, 1993, p. 13).             directly connected. Although not may          et al., 1993, p. 31). Because elements of
Classrooms teach us that humans, similar     studies on the topic of biophilia address     biophilia (or lack of) constitute peoples’
to other living species, have evolved        human preferences for affiliations with       physical and social environments,
over millions of years responding to earth   animals, one study by Tesitel et al.          elements of biophilia affect peoples’
and sun cycles. Such cycles produced         (2001) found that of a community of           social health and emotional health. For
predictable biochemical and behavior         approximately six-hundred families in         example, a lack of plants or animals may
changes. “Environmentally minded             Czech Republic, almost twenty-five            weaken one’s emotional, or similarly,
scientists have begun to question the        percent claimed their pets to be family       cognitive health. Grinde and Patil (2009)
trade-offs we unwittingly make in order      members. These pets consist of mainly         report that even though some people
to live sealed up inside an artificially     dogs, budgies, fish, hamsters, turtles,       do not express any interest in plants
heated, cooled, and lighted world that       guinea pigs, cats and snakes.                 and nature, the absence of nature can
is structured around economic rather                                                       actually have a negative effect on them
                                                  The term biophilia was first coined by
than biologic concerns” (Gallagher,                                                        (p. 2339). Although some people may
                                             Erich Fromm in The Anatomy of Human
1993, p. 13). Gallagher reminds us that                                                    suffer from biophobia, a fear of nature
                                             Destructiveness (1973). Fromm defined
the Industrial Revolution brought people                                                   and other living species, studies report
                                             biophilia as “the passionate love of life
indoors. “Turning away from the natural                                                    that the absence of greenery can be
                                             and of all that is alive; it is the wish to
world, huge populations gravitated                                                         a stress factor, whether the absence
                                             further growth, whether in a person,
toward a very different one made up of                                                     of greenery is noticed consciously or
                                             a plant, an idea, or a social group”
homes and workplaces that were warm                                                        without thinking; “the presence of plants
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

can impact on the human mind”                          sun (Gallagher, 1993, p. 12). Gallagher
(Grinde & Patil, 2009, p. 2338).                       notes the startling disconnect in current
                                                       science studies and theories of the
Besides the necessary conversion of
                                                       sun. “…in the West, exposure to the
carbon dioxide into oxygen, biological
                                                       sun’s bright light has become erratic
plants offer growth, life, change, value,
                                                       in duration and timing for the first time
aesthetic qualities, emotional benefit,
                                                       in history, and they [environmentally
and health and healing properties to
                                                       minded scientists] suspect that the fact
humans and other living organisms.
                                                       that most of us are no longer wakened
Wilson’s Biophilia Hypothesis associates
                                                       by the dawn, drawn outdoors for much
our fondness of and desires for plants
                                                       of the day by our way of life, and lulled
with our innate desire and genetic
                                                       to sleep by darkness helps explain why
predisposition towards plants for means
                                                       up to a third of us suffer from sleep or
of survival, food and shelter. “For the
                                                       mood problems, or both” (Gallagher,
indefinite future more children and
                                                       1993, p. 14). Hundreds of years ago
adults will continue, as they do now,
                                                       the idea that light affects mental and
to visit zoos than attend all major
                                                       physical health was a widely accepted
professional sports combined (at
                                                       principle. This more recent observation
least this is so in the United States and
                                                       made by environmentally minded
Canada), the wealthy will continue
                                                       scientists suggests, as Gallagher puts it,
to seek dwellings on prominences
                                                       that “science forgot about it”, a widely
above water amidst parkland, and
                                                       accepted belief many years ago.
urban dwellers will go on dreaming of
snakes for reasons they cannot explain”                Despite intuitive thoughts on the
(Kellert, et al., 1993, p. 32).                        benefits of affiliations with nature,
                                                       an increasing number of studies
In the second century A.D., Aretaeus
                                                       report findings that nature provides
prescribed for people suffering from
                                                       psychological and physical health
lethargy to lay in the sunlight because
                                                       benefits. Grinde and Patil (2009)
their disease was gloom (Gallagher,
                                                       share reports of health benefits from
1993, p. 12). The four humors, or body
                                                       association with nature experiences,
fluids, according to Aretaeus: yellow
                                                       true wilderness experiences,
bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood,
                                                       neighborhood parks, gardens, and
were said to determine everything from
                                                       natural features around residences:
a person’s constitution to his character.
                                                       nature reduces stress; improves
These four body fluids were said to
                                                       attention, by having a positive effect
correspond to the four elements of
                                                       on mental restoration and by coping
fire, earth, water, and air, and were
                                                       with attention deficits; and increases
also related to summer, fall, winter,
                                                       longevity (p. 2335).
and spring; therefore, an individual’s
physiological and behavioral changes                   William McDonough and Michael
could be viewed in the context of the                  Braungart designed an “eco-effective”

Review of Literature: Biophilia

factory for Herman Miller that brought       not the object of focus (Grinde & Patil,
together visions of “a life-centered         2009, p. 2335). Velarde et al. assert
community and environment”                   that a lack of city green spaces or
(McDonough & Braungart, 2002, p.             unmanaged green spaces can cause
75). This factory noticed “dramatic          increased anxiety that increases the
productivity gains,” which analyses          incidence of crime (p. 2339). Expressing
confirmed were a result of one factor,       a growing problem in the United States
biophilia. Retention rates were noted as     in the 70’s, Scuhmacher noted that,
“impressive” and employees who left          “Modern man does not experience
the factory for higher paid jobs returned    himself as a part of nature but as an
stating they could not work “in the dark”    outside force destined to dominate
(p. 75-76). Their goal of the design was     and conquer it” (Schumacher, 1973, p.
to “give workers the feeling that they’d     14). Some propose that love, an aspect
spent the day outdoors, unlike workers in    of biophilia, will cure this disconnect
the conventional factory of the Industrial   between man and nature as well as cure
Revolution, who might not see daylight       mankind of other worldwide problems,
until the weekend” (p. 75). McDonough        even health problems in the workplace.
and Braungart succeeded in designing         “The human need for nature is linked not
an ideal work environment for industry       just to the material exploitation of the
workers: “We designed the factory            environment but also to the influence
around a tree-lined interior conceived       of the natural world on our emotional,
as a brightly day lit street that ran the    cognitive, aesthetic, and even spiritual
entire length of the building. There are     development” (Nelson, 1993, p. 42).
rooftop skylights everywhere the workers
are stationed, and the manufacturing
space offers views of both the internal
street and the outdoors, so that even
as they work indoors, employees get to
participate in the cycles of the day and
the seasons” (p. 75).

A study (Tesitel, et al., 1993) of the
absence of natural components in
an urban environment found that the
absence of parks and landscaped
community areas limited the ‘pleasant
experience’ of people living in the area.
“The absence of plants may suggest an
“unnatural”, and thus potentially unsafe,
environment;” as plants may affect
the human mind through unconscious
mechanisms, even when plants are
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise


    The International Ergonomics              turnover and costs” (ErgoExpo, 2010.)               weight of users. It is recommended that
Association states that “ergonomics                                                               armrests be provided for obese people
                                              Ergonomists actively analyze human-
promotes a holistic approach in which                                                             as well as for elderly. Taller chairs are
                                              system interactions and the design of the
considerations of physical, cognitive,                                                            easier to exit for older people.
                                              system in order to optimize human well-
social, organizational, environmental
                                              being and overall system performance                With concerns for the growing obesity
and other relevant factors are taken
                                              (IEA, 2011). Ergonomics has implications            epidemic in the US, Dr. Congleton reports
into account” (IEA, 2010, para. 4).
                                              for all physical aspects of the workplace:          that thirty-five percent of adults in the US
Ergonomics is a broad discipline
                                              furniture, lighting, noise, temperature,            are overweight and twenty-six percent
including occupation health. It is now
                                              movement, tools, equipment, machinery,              are obese. Obesity is clinically defined
applied to office workstations after
                                              devices, and of course people; people               as thirty pounds overweight (Levine,
first being applied to cockpit design
                                              and their physical, psychological and               2009, p. 43). Considering the health risks
during World War II, and then factory
                                              social health. A common practice within             that come with obesity and the costs of
production facilities (Cranz, 1998, p.
                                              ergonomics is taking anthropometric                 such diseases and illnesses, introducing
97). “The term “ergonomics” comes
                                              design into consideration, such as                  more movement into the workplace
from the Greek ergon, meaning “work,”
                                              the idea of accommodating the                       is a preventative measure, similar to
and –omics, meaning “to manage.”
                                              extreme dimensions and activities of a              traditional Chinese healing practices that
Thus, ergonomics is the study of the
                                              population; because, when equipment                 use proactive approaches working to
relationship between the person and the
                                              is designed for the dimensions of an                prevent illness. Ergonomists recommend
immediate environment (Cranz, 1998,
                                              average person, most users are limited.             that personnel sit when they are tired
p. 97). The International Ergonomics
                                              By designing for the tallest and the                and stand for twenty minutes, three
Association Council defined ergonomics
                                              shortest percentiles of a user population;          to six times per day. Standing delivers
in August 2000. Their official definition
                                              it is easier for most users to adjust furniture     health benefits. Sit-stand workstations
of ergonomics is: “Ergonomics (or
                                              and equipment by raising or lowering                and workstations like Steelcase’s
human factors) is the scientific discipline
                                              for others. If a door knob were placed              Walkstation that provide opportunities
concerned with the understanding of
                                              at average height, a child or a midget              and equipment for exercise (Steelcase
interactions among humans and other
                                              would be excluded from its use. General             OfficeScapes) offer many benefits to
elements of a system, and the profession
                                              rules are to design leg clearance for tall          personnel working long hours at a typical
that applies theory, principles, data and
                                              people and reach distances for smaller              sedentary work station. Dr. Congleton
methods to design in order to optimize
                                              people, or better yet, accommodating                notes that, depending on body shape
human well-being and overall system
                                              users with adjustable or custom furniture           and metabolism, personnel can burn 280
performance” (IEA, para. 1). Dr. Jerome.
                                              and equipment. Adjustable tables allow              extra calories on an average workday
J. Congleton defines ergonomics as:
                                              vertical adjustment of workstations                 by standing for two hours throughout the
“The study of the work to prevent and
                                              to accommodate a larger range of                    workday; equivalent to approximately
control injury and illness while improving
                                              possible personnel heights. In addition to          twenty pounds of weight lost in one year.
wellness, productivity, quality, marketing,
                                              height, it is also important to consider the        To do this, he recommends:
customer service, delivery and reducing

Review of Literature: Ergonomics

raising desk heights from thirty to forty      ideal situation would allow individuals to
inches; raising the chair to stool height      choose the most appropriate chair or
so as to allow users to easily and freely      chairs for themselves.
stand up to work periodically; and
                                               Why should workers sit? Sitting causes
using a keyboard tray and monitor arm,
                                               less fatigue, comforts the knee, hip
essentials if an electric height adjustable
                                               back, ankle, offers stability, assists in data
desk is not available. By working at sit-
                                               entry, allows for use of foot controls,
stand-walk workstations, personnel can
                                               and accommodates meetings.	
burn more calories, possibly lose weight,
                                               Sit-stand workstations with adjustable
relieve pressure on spinal discs and ease
                                               keyboard platforms and monitors
physical ailments.
                                               are recommended by Dr. Congleton
Why should people stand at work? Dr.           for workplaces where personnel use
J. Congleton supports standing with            computers for more than four hours
justified reasons: standing allows for         per day. GeekDesk® recommends
a wider range of motion, uses larger           its product for the options of working
forces, promotes blood flow and                sitting and standing at the same desk;
postural changes, better respiration and       it is electrically operated. They claim
reaction alertness, burns more calories,       this electric desk adjusts working height
and lowers pressure in low back discs.         from sitting to standing (or anywhere
When we sit, pressure on some spinal           in between) at the touch of a button,
discs increases thirty percent compared        increases productivity, supports a variety
to when we are standing (Cranz, 1998,          of positions, reduces back & neck pain,
p. 97). Dr. James A. Levine, an obesity        helps people feel better and focused
specialist at the Mayo Clinic, notes           stay more easily (GeekDesk, 2011). The
that, compared to sitting, one can burn        sit-stand workstations are recommended
three times as many calories an hour           by Dr. Congelton for personnel who
standing; (Levine, 2009, p. 43). “If sitting   are tied to their work areas by phone
is the problem, standing is the answer”        or other equipment within reach, for
(p. 43). Standing is not necessarily better    example, customer service, data entry,
than sitting; studies show that sitting and    and help desk personnel. Monitor
standing should be alternated, allowing        placement for sit-stand workstations
for movement and multiple positions.           should be placed according to the
Dr. Congleton recommends personnel             user. The top of the screen should be
to sit when tired and stand when they          approximately eye level with the user
can for twenty minutes, three to six           and about thirty-two inches from the
times per day. If options for sit-stand or     user; the appropriate location results
standing workstations are not provided,        in an approximate angle of twenty to
other ergonomic solutions are also             twenty-five degrees down from the user’s
possible. A variety of sizes of chairs to      eye height to the monitor screen (Dr. J.
meet the varying needs of personnel            Congelton, 2010).
can be provided. The best and most
                                                                                                                     From top:
                                                                                                Varier® Gravity chair designed
                                                                                                by Peter Opsvik; Le Corbusier’s
                                                                                                          lounge chair; Varier®
                                                                                                 Variable ™ Balans ®, designed
                                                                                                               by Peter Opsvik
Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise

                                                              The Chair

    Galen Cranz, in The Chair: Rethinking     Seat of Your Pain May Be Your Chair.               chairs” (p. 93). Linton et al. (1994) found
Culture, Body, and Design, boldly             From experience, Cranz states that:                that furniture design is one aspect of a
described the history, functions, and         “Improving the basic configuration of the          multidimensional problem. Specifically,
possible improvements of chair design         conventional chair involves aligning and           pupils’ attitude and behavior problems
while addressing ergonomics and               supporting the torso properly” (p. 152).           were found to be associated with poor
mind-body relationships. She suggested        Cranz explores culture, ergonomics, and            ergonomic school furniture. During a
“inventing an entirely new system [of         mind-body relationships for the reform             six month controlled experiment of
seating] to promote movement at work          of the chair. Critical for recognition by          testing and ergonomic assessments, the
and at schools” as she argues against         designers, is Cranz’s statement that:              experimental group of fourth graders
the chair (1998, p. 19). Chairs are popular   “Probably the single most important                who used ergonomically designed
decorative elements today, prized for         principle of body-conscious design is to           school furniture experienced a reduction
appearance over function, resulting in        use design to keep posture varied and              in musculoskeletal symptoms and
concerns of the body, especially where        the body moving” (p. 185).                         found their furniture to be significantly
sedentary work is required. Dr. Jenny                                                            more comfortable than the traditional
                                                  Cranz explores why stools are
Pynt and Joy Higgs published a book                                                              furniture used by the controlled group.
                                              uncomfortable for a majority of us. She
on the design and history of chairs and                                                          Sitting behaviors differed only slightly
                                              believes that “we can’t sit upright simply
seating, A History of Seating, 3000 Bc                                                           in this investigation, although proper
                                              because we have grown accustomed
to 2000 Ad: Function Versus Aesthetics.                                                          instructions on how to use the ergonomic
                                              to being supported by chair backs” (p.
They argue that functional seating                                                               furniture correctly were provided.
                                              95). She explains this “vicious cycle”
needs to assist users for performance                                                            Although Cranz stated that ergonomic
                                              with her hypothesis: “we lean back
of seated asks, enhancing rather than                                                            recommendations never completely
                                              because our muscles are weak, and
detracting from user posture and health.                                                         eliminate the damage caused by chair
                                              leaning back weakens the muscles even
Aesthetic features should be taken into                                                          sitting, following such recommendations
                                              further, so that we ‘need’ support even
consideration as well, aesthetics that                                                           would minimize health risks (p. 101-102).
                                              more” (p. 96). After collecting evidence
do not limit tasks or health. In the home,
                                              from multiple countries and cultures,                    Stating that no body should remain
office, and schools, chairs need to be
                                              Cranz found that sitting is associated             in one single posture for long periods
reformed for healthier postures. Our
                                              with back problems, varicose veins,                of time, Cranz recommends healthier
bodies were not meant to sit in positions
                                              stress, fatigue, diaphragm, circulation,           chairs for human posture. Among her
for long periods of time; they need
                                              digestion, elimination, and general                recommendations are: rocking chairs,
movement. According to Cranz, “from
                                              body movement (p. 97). According                   inflatable therapy and exercise balls,
a somatic point of view, chairs pose
                                              to Cranz, scientific literature on chair           Le Corbusier’s lounge chair, Opsvik’s
many different problems” (p. 135). The
                                              design is concerned with ergonomics;               Norwegian Balans chair, also called the
seated position we are accustomed, is a
                                              measures of the relationship between               kneeling chair, Opsvik’s Gravity lounge
health hazard, causing back pains and
                                              work-related human activity and the                chair and Mandal’s tilting stool.
many other health problems. Dr. Jenny
                                              immediate environment, “which includes
Pynt published a book in 1998, titled The

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Mc ewan thesis book individual pages
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Mc ewan thesis book individual pages
Mc ewan thesis book individual pages
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Mc ewan thesis book individual pages
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  • 1. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise
  • 2. Image on cover & facing page derived from: Steelcase. (n.d.). The movement toward wellness in the workplace. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from
  • 3. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise April P. McEwan
  • 4. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise by April P. McEwan All content has been derived from the original Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Design Approved April 2011 by the Graduate Supervisory Committee: Philip White, Chair Rebecca Barry James Shraiky ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY May 2011
  • 5. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Abstract In an attempt to advocate body- with qualitative and flexible research average miles walked by participants conscious design and healing work approaches using observation, survey, in each workplace as well as existing environments, this research study interview and pedometer readings as incentives and descriptions of ideal work of holistic health in the workplace methods for data collection. Two small environments. explores cognitive, social and physical corporate franchise financial institutions Implications of this research study involve well-being in four small US offices that and two small private healthcare interior design, industrial design and are between 1000 and 4000 square providers from both Arizona and Georgia fashion design that can accommodate feet and employ three to twelve participated in this study. Each office the desires of the four participating employees. Holistic health, as pursued volunteered one employer and two workplaces. Major design implications in this research, includes social health, employee participants. involve accommodating these particular emotional health and physical health. Of the holistic health factors considered workplaces to provide personnel with These three factors of holistic health in these four case studies, this study opportunities for holistic health in working have been identified and investigated found that a majority of participants environments. More specific implications in this study: biophilia: peoples’ love and equally valued emotional health, social of office related design involve providing affiliation with other species and the health and physical health. A majority access to natural environments, body- natural environment; ergonomics: the of participants declared a preference conscious equipment and spaces, as relationship between the human body, for workplace environments with serene well as opportunities for exercise and movement, the immediate environment natural environments with outdoor social interaction. These elements and productivity; and exercise: exertion spaces and interaction with other of the factors biophilia, ergonomics of the body to obtain physical fitness. species, work environments with body- and exercise were found to be said This research study proposes that conscious furniture, equipment and to contribute to cognitive, social and employees and employers of these four workstations, as well as exercise space physical health. participating workplaces desire mobility and equipment. As these particular and resources in the workplace that workplace environments affirmed value support holistic health practices involving for elements of the factors biophilia, biophilia, ergonomics, and exercise. ergonomics and exercise, all three Literature review of holistic health and factors are considered valueable within the holistic health factors of this research the workplaces of these case studies. topic support the idea that interaction Furthermore, factors that were said to with other species can be healing, contribute to personal productivity in ergonomic body-conscious furniture and participating workplaces were found equipment increase productivity, limit as well as sacrifices that participants body aches, pains and health costs; and stated they would be willing to make exercise stimulates the mind and body, in order to implement their preferred increasing productivity. work environment(s). In addition, This study has been conducted primarily this study recorded and calculated iii
  • 6. Contents Chapter Page Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 2 Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 4 Assumption ................................................................................................................................ 6 Significance ............................................................................................................................... 7 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Review of Literature .................................................................................................................. 12 Holistic Health ............................................................................................................... 14 Biophilia ......................................................................................................................... 19 Ergonomics ................................................................................................................... 22 The Chair ....................................................................................................................... 24 Exercise ......................................................................................................................... 26 Environmental Psychology ......................................................................................... 29 Health and Healing Environments ............................................................................. 30 Findings and Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 32 Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 34 Primary Research Findings ....................................................................................................... 37 Discussion and Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 40 References ................................................................................................................................ 49
  • 7. Figures Figure Page Word cloud of words used to describe Galen Cranz’s ideal workspace .......................... 2 “Something, somewhere went terribly wrong” .................................................................... 4 Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet .................. 5 Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet .................. 6 Elderly man and dog in park photo by April P. McEwan .................................................... 7 Conceptual framework ........................................................................................................... 9 Elements of factors of conceptual framework ..................................................................... 10 Word cloud describing emotional health ............................................................................. 13 Word cloud describing social health ..................................................................................... 15 Steelcase social health image ............................................................................................... 16 Word cloud describing physical health ................................................................................. 17 Photo of Bougainvillea by April P. McEwan .......................................................................... 20 Photo of tree spirit on Saint Simons Island by April P. McEwan ........................................... 21 Varier® Gravity chair designed by Peter Opsvik .................................................................. 24 Le Corbusier’s lounge chair ..................................................................................................... 24 Varier® Variable ™ Balans ®, designed by Peter Opsvik .................................................... 24 Steelcase physical health image ........................................................................................... 26 Steelcase Walkstation by Details ............................................................................................ 27 Rainbow rainforest hoto by April P. McEwan ........................................................................ 30 Portland photo by April P. McEwan ....................................................................................... 32 v
  • 8. Figures Figure Page Research Methodology mind map ........................................................................................ 34 Word cloud of ideal work environment descriptions ........................................................... 39 Categories of ideal work environment descriptions diagram ............................................ 43
  • 9.
  • 10. Introduction Word cloud of words used to describe Galen Cranz’s ideal workspace in “Beyond Interior Design” of The Chair (Cranz, 1998)
  • 11. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Introduction “The rhythm of life is when you experience your own body, mind and soul.” (Yogi tea bag, 2011) This study can be introduced with system. What you see before you is before you decide to move it to your a few of the words that instilled passion a spacious office, with natural light workstation. As you survey the room, you for this research from a few pages of streaming in through the windows on experience a sense of being invited to The Chair: Rethinking Culture, Body, three sides. Since there is no off-gassing work here because so many different and Design by Galen Cranz (1998). from walls, carpet, or furniture, and work spaces have been designed to Through her study of the chair, Cranz because the windows are operable, a accommodate different activities. When discovered that research suggests fresh smell pervades the place. In order you want to do some word processing, chair use deforms the body, which will to minimize the difference between the you can recline in a lounge chair with be discussed further in the literature temperature indoors and out, the office the keyboard on your lap and the screen review section about ergonomics. She temperature will be 68 degrees in the mounted at an angle, like a hospital- describes her ideal work environment in winter and 75 degrees in the summer” room television set on an expandable the chapter “Beyond Interior Design”. (p. 218). arm. You could also choose to dictate to Her ideal workspace does not just alter your computer standing or perched on a Cranz’s ideal workspace takes working positions; it caters to the overall high stool. When standing, a chest-high ergonomics and body movement into well-being of users through design that surface within arm’s reach allows you to consideration with a variety of options addresses emotional, social and physical take notes without bending your spine. for body postures. Furniture, equipment aspects of health. Environmental All your associates in the office wear soft and space accommodate various influences such as music, windows, fresh clothes in the natural fibers of silk, cotton, body positions, movement and support smells, moderate temperatures and the and wool, so they do not bind or restrict productivity. Besides interior design, physical environment manipulate people if the person wants to sit cross-legged on fashion design is even considered with emotionally and physically (Sternberg, the padded platforms while discussing suggestions for comfortable flexible 2009). Furniture arrangements and business. These yielding clothes also clothing. Such clothing does not restrict spaces can either inhibit or encourage enable anyone who has a kink in the the body from movement if one wants social interaction amongst office back to lengthen his or her spine by to stretch out comfortably or participate personnel. stretching out on the platforms for a few in mild exercises. “You have a lot of minutes” (p. 219-220). In Cranz’s ideal office space she postural options for working in this office. considers features that appeal to the You can stand to lay out research data, Ergonomic furniture and exercise body’s senses—hearing, sight, smell and articles, or slides. You can stand or squat equipment are considered for multiple temperature—with music, windows, fresh in front of files to use them. Floor-to- working positions, play and mild exercise. smells and moderate temperatures. ceiling bookshelves allow you to stretch Such furniture and equipment would “When you open the door, a Mozart up or squat down. You can prop books accommodate those who want to take violin concerto comes over the sound open on an eye-level-slanted shelf quick breaks, stretch and tone their 2
  • 12. Introduction bodies, or energize themselves at work. natural environment and other species After reading Cranz’s enlightening “If you were a newcomer, the thing in (Kellert, et al., 1993). Outdoor space and innovative thoughts on her ideal the office that might make you most in workplaces can also be used by workspace, I cannot help but desire curious is related to exercise: a large personnel for breaking and exercise. the same type of work environment for inflated ball over which staff members “You notice a set of French doors that myself and others. occasionally draped themselves to lead onto a wooden deck or balcony, promote flexibility of the spine. Some vine-covered. Down the steps is a pool sit on it in lieu of a stool. It also keeps or fountain. Sometimes people assume children entertained when they visit. You the rest position on the deck or exercise might be equally intrigued by a cluster or eat or talk on the phone. Inside of three rings of Opsvik pedestals that and outside are not that different—a support a variety of standing postures. Modernist’s dream” (p. 220). An overhead bar for hanging and an “But this vision need not remain a inverter offer other opportunities to dream. Running throughout this study of stretch your spine” (p. 220). the chair has been a call to action. First, Access to the natural outdoors and honor your body; learn how to attend natural elements such as balconies to it, and educate it to communicate or water features support peoples’ with our culture. From this, develop innate desire to be affiliated with the your own ideal environments (p. 221).
  • 13. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Problem Statement “Probably the single most important principle of body-conscious design is to use design to keep posture varied and the body moving.” (Cranz, 1998, p. 185) In our Information Age, affluent or hand-written messages, people send widespread computer technology, it people all over the world adapt to emails or make phone calls. Telephones seems some people have forgotten computer technology. Computers are mini-computers; they are even their bodies. People cram information are ubiquitous, in our pockets, purses, replacing desktops and laptops. With into their brains, an important and offices, homes, schools, cars. People use new stresses and cultural changes due complicated organ; but many people computers as encyclopedias, replacing to demands of computer technology, neglect their muscles in today’s age of books with computer monitors, key our workplaces evolve. People should Information Technology. With information boards, mice, and hard drives. Not only not have to adapt to technology, and computer-technology demands do computers replace books, but they technology should adapt to and for in the workplace, employees and have also taken the place of physical people. employers spend more time sitting at activity—and human communication. computers, reading display screens, With rapid implementation of Rather than physically delivering verbal going digital, taking work with them on “Something, somewhere went terribly wrong” image by an unknown artist (Neato Shop, 2011) 4
  • 14. Problem Statement Introduction taking work with them on mobile (Clements-Croome, 2006). more positive, energized, motivated devices. Such demands can be stressful and more productive. This is analogous Many people accept what space, and harmful for the body and mind; to the argument for evidence-based environment, furniture and equipment however, relief can be found. Such design practices for health and healing they are given to work with without things as: freedom to move between environments; patients heal faster and question. “It is what I am used to,” “It is one social phase and another (from hospitals have higher turnover rates what I have always done,” are common solitary work to group interaction), music, when hospital design caters to patient responses of people asked about why opportunities to engage in spontaneous desires and experience. Workplaces they do what they do. Why must we social encounters, opportunity to should perhaps design according to and accommodate ourselves to poorly engage in creativity, self-expression cater to worker desires and experiences. configured furniture, uncomfortable and exploration, appealing visual Cranz and I believe this is what most working positions and environments? environments, exercise, space for body many work environments need. After all, I hope to improve these conditions. If movements such as exercise stretching most working people spend the majority people had opportunities to question, and a variety of working positions, of their days at work. opportunities to request healthier furniture and equipment, personal choices, body—conscious and mind- accessories, plant life and association conscious work environments designed with other species, access to outdoor for movement, multiple working positions environments, and sensory variability and worker preferences, perhaps can provide relief from everyday people would be happier, healthier, stresses and demands in the workplace Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet
  • 15. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Assumption There is a disconnect between humans and our immediate environments (Gallagher, 1993). This research study proposes the Patil, 2009; Levine, 2009; Sternberg, pertain to emotional, social and physical assumption that employees and 2009; Oseland, 2009; Congleton, 2010; well-being: biophilia, ergonomics, employers desire mobility and resources International Ergonomics Association, and exercise. This thesis suggests that in the workplace that support holistic 2010; Higgs & Pynt, 2010). Perhaps biophilia, ergonomics, and exercise are health practices involving biophilia, employees and employers will feel factors that contribute to holistic health ergonomics and exercise. These factors healthier emotionally, socially and in the workplace. have been found to be contributors to physically in environments with access well-being and productivity (Gallagher, to natural environments, the outdoors, 1993; Tesitel, et al., 1993; Nelson, 1993; and spaces that take ergonomics and Waikar & Bradshaw, 1995; Cranz, 1998; exercise into consideration. Holistic McDonough & Braungart, 2002; Diener, health factors considered for purposes King & Lyubomirsky, 2005; Grinde & of this research study are factors that Steelcase image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet 6
  • 16. Significance If we do not provide comfortable environments that fulfill base human needs (emotional, social and physical health) then the building occupants are unlikely to be at their most productive (Oseland,1995, p.246). Studies of biophilia, ergonomics productivity and limit body aches and currently involved in implementing and and exercise have been conducted; pains and health costs, and exercise enforcing holistic health practices into however, studies of such specific health stimulates the mind and body, increasing the workplace (Congleton, 2010). For factors implemented and incentivized in productivity. example, as found on their website, small US workplaces as well as employer PepsiCo began implementing global This research uncovered workplaces in and employee values and personal workplace wellness programs to North America that offer such amenities opinions associated with such factors promote health and wellness for their and related incentives. Pixar, IBM, have not been explored in depth. associates in 2004, called HealthRoads™, PepsiCo, Chase, Johnson and Johnson, Research on biophilia supports the idea a part of their Sustainability Vision. This Glaxo-Smithkline, Wheeler Interests, IBM, that interaction with other species can program helps participating associates Coors Brewing Co., and Walt Disney Co. be healing, ergonomic body-conscious of PepsiCo make informed decisions are a few of the larger US companies furniture and equipment increase regarding healthcare as well as develop
  • 17. Introduction Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise and sustain healthy behaviors with In growing popular efforts to increase (2) The use of effective worksite policies motivational incentives. Such behavioral worker health, productivity and and programs can reduce health risks changes involving HealthRoads™ happiness, it makes sense to incorporate and improve the quality of life for the 135 primary focuses on diet, exercise and incentives and programs supporting million full-time and part-time workers in nutrition reduce health risks. Participants holistic health into work environments. the United States. are encouraged to seek preventative At the 2010 National Ergonomics (3) Workers spend more than one-third care and work one-on-one with wellness Conference, Jerome, J. Congleton, PhD, of their day on the job and, as a result, coaches to manage existing health spoke of the Healthy Workforce Act of employers are in a unique position to conditions. Tracking their wellness 2009. Although “A resolution affirming promote the health and safety of their efforts, PepsiCo found that their wellness the importance of exercise and physical employees. initiatives have slowed the rate of activity as key components of a healthy increased medical costs; for every dollar lifestyle, including in combating obesity, (4) Chronic diseases such as heart spent on workplace wellness during reducing chronic disease, and lowering disease, stroke, cancer, obesity, and 2007, they saved approximately $3.45 health care costs” was introduced and diabetes are among the most prevalent on healthcare, reducing healthcare passed by Senate Mary 9, 2011, the and costly worker health problems for costs for PepsiCo and associates. In Healthy Workforce Act of 2009 did not most employers. 2009, PepsiCo’s HealthRoads™ program become law after being introduced received external recognition with a in April of 2009 (GovTrack). It is a bill to (5) The use by employers of effective Platinum award for Best Employers for amend the Internal Revenue Code of worksite policies and programs can Healthy Lifestyles. Many workplaces 1986 to provide tax credit to employees reduce health risks and improve the implementing and enforcing holistic for the costs of implementing wellness quality of life for their employees. health practices are larger companies, programs offering health promotion and (6) The good health of workers is good while many smaller companies preventative care (GovTrack.). It was for business because healthier workers are unaware or lack the means to proposed that a fifty percent tax credit miss less work, are more productive, and implement such practices in their work for the costs of providing employees have lower health care costs. environments. As literature review will with a qualified wellness program show, many researchers argue that such would be granted to employers. A Congress said it. People spend much of amenities and opportunities contribute “qualified wellness program” is defined their lives at work, therefore; it is smart to to well-being as well as productive as a program certified by the Secretary begin and influence the implementations performance and overall success and of Health and Human Services and of healthy practices and lifestyles in happiness for employees, employers and consists of a health awareness and workplaces. This research employs a companies involved. Medical doctors, education component, a behavioral subjective approach to draw attention designers, neuroscientists, even t-shirts change component, and a supportive to the workspace desires of employees and tea bags support arguments for environment component. In the Healthy and employers. Many people adapt to holistic health in the workplace. Workforce Act of 2009, Congress stated their work conditions and environments its findings about the US workforce (Open rather than question existing policies The US Department of Labor, Congress, 2011): and conditions about their and others’ Employment Standards Administration personal well-being. promotes labor rights and employment (1) The US has more than 12 million standards with the objective of employers and approximately 135 million fostering economic and social equity working adults. for personnel health and well-being. 8
  • 18. Scope “Past research has identified many factors, such as demographic, task-related, workstation-related, ergonomic, and psychosocial factors, associated with health complaints of employees engaged in sedentary work.” (Waikar & Bradshaw, 1995, p.18) In an attempt to advocate body- thesis study involve detailed elements of collected using a subjective measure conscious design, health and healing each factor—biophilia, ergonomics, and of self report by participants through work environments, this research study exercise. surveys and interviews. Observations of holistic health in the workplace identified existing elements linked to Health, happiness, productivity, explores emotional, social and physical the specific health factors, biophilia, motivation, and work performance well-being in small work environments ergonomics, and exercise, such as of participants and offices were not through investigation of existing, lack of windows, plants, participant behaviors measured with external measurements and desires for holistic health factors in and workstations that existed or were in this research study. Only miles four small North American offices that taking place in participating workplaces. walked were measured externally with are between 1000 and 4000 square feet Comparison of participant opinions in pedometers. Measurements of holistic and employ three to twelve employees. surveys and interviews to observations health factors in the workplace were Specific areas of concentration for this and pedometer readings enhanced Primary areas of concentration for thesis study: conceptual framework exploring relationships of the factors: biophilia, ergonomics and exercise, and how they contribute to holistic health within the workplace
  • 19. Introduction Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise identification of holistic health factors elements of biophilia, ergonomics and and elements of such factors, providing exercise are actually human needs. transparency of inconsistencies within Although biophilia, ergonomics and collected data. exercise constitute the basic human needs of emotional health, social health Furthermore, it is important to note that and physical health; and they can be participants’ desires were recorded, not categorized into Abraham Maslow’s necessarily needs. To be clear, a goal Hierarchy of Needs (1943), such as sense of this research study was to acquire of belonging and self-actualization, personal opinions regarding participants’ this research study does not claim such desires for elements of the primary desires as needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of health factors: biophilia, ergonomics Needs is discussed further in literature and exercise, in their workplaces through review). Further rigorous research subjective measures of self report. can determine whether elements of Surveys and interviews were primarily the holistic health factors, biophilia, analyzed to determine participants’ ergonomics and exercise, are deemed desires in relation to the health factors of as human needs. this research study. Some environmental psychologists, biologists and other researchers may claim these desires of Elements of holistic health factors: biophilia, ergonomics and exercise 10
  • 20. Review of Literature Introduction Numerous literature on topics of Television shows like Rupert Bear relieve stress and have positive effects health, holistic health, emotional health, send positive messages to children, such on physical and psychological health. social health, psychological health as when Rupert was outside enjoying Grinde and Patil (2009) share findings and ergonomics exist. This literature a picnic with his Professor; his Professor of Richard Louv who uses the term review attempts to share an assortment said: “Fresh air, sunshine and exercise… “nature-deficit” and suggests that “the of information of topics related to this ahh…there’s nothing like it!” (Rupert increase in prevalences of conditions research study’s focus, holistic health in Bear, 1920). Documentaries explicating such as obesity, attention disorders, and workplaces. Holistic health encompasses poor health practices, such as Super depression is partly due to a decrease a person’s overall health. When a Size me, Food Inc, and The Corporation, in the degree children are exposed person’s overall health is considered, any and TV shows like The Biggest Loser, to Nature” (p. 2338). Dr. Brown (2009) factors which contribute to a person’s are quite popular today. People are argues that play is beneficial in our lives, well-being are taken into account. expressing concerns for their well-being. “actually making us more productive All aspects of people’s needs can be Positive changes in the home and office and happier in everything we do” (p. 7). organized into cognitive, social and in support of health and well-being Dr. Brown talks not just about children at physical needs; these needs contribute are occurring slowly. Some high school play, he talks about everyone. Adults are to the whole of a person. Although physical fitness education programs grown children. We all need play time, alternative medicine also considers are being enforced with more rigor motivation, and stimulation. Classrooms spiritual aspects when assessing a and seriousness as the US experiences and workplaces need to accommodate person’s overall well-being, this research an obesity epidemic. As a child, my play time, social activities and provide study does not attempt to include teachers repeatedly told students to stimulating work environments. “[W] spiritual health in the factors of holistic be quiet, stop fidgeting and remain hile we readily accept that a healthy health. Holistic health factors considered sedentary in the classroom so as to focus seed can’t grow into a plant without for purposes of this research study are on our studies; but as Gallagher points right soil, light, and water, and that a factors that pertain to emotional, social out, “America’s obesity epidemic offers feral dog wont behave like a pet, we and physical well-being: biophilia, stunning illustrations of what can happen resist recognizing the importance of ergonomics, and exercise. Literature when motivation and attention become environment in our own lives” (Gallagher, review is organized into subchapters disconnected from daily behavior in 1993, p. 16). For the older and employed, addressing: small sedentary workplaces, general and each other in particular” no longer in a classroom setting, Dr. sedentary work, holistic health, biophilia, (Gallagher, 2009, p. 174). More Brown describes a popular problem, ergonomics, the chair, body and mind, interaction, team work, and play time “We strive to always be productive, exercise, environmental psychology, would enhance motivation, stimulating and if an activity doesn’t teach us skill, health and healing environments. students to find interest in their studies. make us money, or get on the boss’s Studies also suggest that nature can good side, then we feel we should
  • 21. Introduction Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise not be doing it. Sometimes the sheer students who took PE before math demands of daily living seem to rob us reported dramatic improvement in their of the ability to play” (Brown, 2009, p. standardized tests” (Iskander, 2011). 7). As ergonomic research studies show, As research and literature report, workplaces that demand a high level of emotional health, social health and sedentary work and deprive workers of physical health are important factors in healthy opportunities for interaction and being fulfilled and healthy human beings. play, harm employees and employers. Together, emotional health, social health Quality of life, blood flow, respiration, and physical health constitute health collaboration, injuries, and overall health on a larger scale, holistic health. Factors can all be enhanced and improved of holistic health, then, are biophilia, when ergonomics are considered in ergonomics, and exercise, which are workplace development, design and believed to contribute to well-being and processes (Congleton, December 2, productivity in the workplace. Observing 2010, ErgoExpo presentation). Waikar, et and recognizing employees’ and al (1995) identified factors, such as task- employers’ perceptions of holistic health related, workstation-related, ergonomic, and workplace design have implications and psychosocial factors, associated for a healthier workforce and healthier with health complaints of employees working environments, productivity engaged in sedentary work. Such gains and happier personnel. Winifred health complaints often lead to work Gallagher (2009) claims, “Staying lost to sick days, ergonomic assessments focused is an excellent strategy for well- and medical appointments. Medical being,” and “the skillful management and insurance costs for employees of attention is the first step toward any and companies rise and workers’ behavioral change and covers most compensation costs increase. Similarly, self-improvement approaches like a vast Yerkes-Dodson Law (1908) states people umbrella” (p. 10). Focusing on health perform better if they are stimulated or in workplaces of the more affluent motivated (Oseland, 2009, p. 245). A consumer capitalist economies of the Chicago high school, Naperville Central more prosperous populations of the High School, experiencing the culture planet can be a proactive effort to of fitness has embraced a daily graded enforce some basics of sustainable living physical education program. One group by improving quality of life and working of struggling students at this high school conditions, providing jobs, conserving have been involved in an innovative natural resources, enhancing economic program which schedules PE right before growth and managing risk. their most challenging classes. “In the six years since that program started, students who signed up for PE directly before English read on average a half year ahead of those who didn’t, and 12
  • 22. Review of Literature: Holistic Health Word cloud of words participants used to describe emotional health
  • 23. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Holistic Health For purposes of this study, the connections. And the emotions they relationships and overall health (Diener, factors: biophilia, ergonomics and evoke are among the greatest forces King & Lyubomirsky, 2005). Happiness, exercise, have been linked to emotional that affect our hormonal, our nerve an expression of healthy emotions, is health, social health and physical health, chemical, and our immune responses— factor contributing to productivity in the which constitute holistic health. Holistic and through these, our health and our workplace according to research of health equally encompasses emotional resistance to disease” (Sternberg, 2001, Diener, King & Lyubomirsky. Researchers health, social health and physical health. p. 133). Essentially, emotions that are have often believed that mere financial In Dr. Sternberg’s explanations of human rooted in social relationships or mental success made people happy, but recent connections, she connects relationships capacities can affect the health of research that examined the connections with spirituality, emotions, and physical the physical body. The body cannot between desirable personality well-being: “Our sense that powerful be improved or worsened without also characteristics, life successes and well- forces beyond our bodies link us to others affecting the mind, and vice versa. being in over 275,000 people revealed is so ingrained that we use phrases such that “happy individuals are predisposed Emotional health has been as “ties that bind,” “family ties,” and to seek out and undertake new goals in found to contribute to work success, “bonding,” to describe those intangible life and this reinforces positive emotions” Holistic health image derived from Steelcase’s physical health image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet 14
  • 24. Review of Literature: Holistic Health Word cloud of words participants used to describe social health
  • 25. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise (p. 803). Goleman states that “emotions include air, food, water, sleep, sex; then of humankind. are contagious” (2006, p. 13). If emotions security of environment, employment, “Past research has identified many are contagious, and happiness is a resources, health, property; then factors, such as demographic, task- socially contagious emotion, emotional love, friendship, intimacy, family; then related, workstation-related, ergonomic, health and social health are connected. confidence, self-esteem, achievement, and psychosocial factors, associated respect. The higher-order needs consist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, with health complaints of employees of morality, creativity and problem a motivational theory of psychology that engaged in sedentary work” (Waikar solving. Although there is a range of represents a model of human-centered & Bradshaw, 1995, p.18). Gallagher interpretation about how much each motivation based on goals, suggests that (1993) states that there is a disconnect of the lower order needs must be people have five tiers of needs in order between humans and our immediate satisfied prior to the ability to develop to grow into the ultimate person they are environments. Our immediate the capacity of self-realization, human capable of being (Maslow, 1943). These environments—home environments, work needs consist of emotional, social and five needs consist of physiological needs, environments and larger urban systems— physical needs. Based on Maslow’s safety needs, love needs, esteem needs affect us socially and physically, even Hierarchy of Needs, one can say that and the need for self-actualization. biologically, as where biophilia is workplaces catering to well-being of The first four lower need to be satisfied concerned (Dugdill, 2000). Whether personnel take aspects of emotional, before higher-order needs can influence or not these immediate environments social health and physical health into behavior; hence the hierarchy of this provide space and activities for social consideration—essentially the body and model of needs. The lower levels needs and physical activities, our overall well- mind, as they are quite naturally priorities Steelcase social health image from Movement Toward Health in the Workplace booklet 16
  • 26. Review of Literature: Holistic Health Word cloud of words participants used to describe physical health
  • 27. Introduction Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise being is affected. cognitive health, one may be able to • Work tools that come to you and function more efficiently, pleaseantly, are easily adjustable.” Steelcase promotes holistic health with a comfortably. balance of cognitive, social and physical • “Seating that is easily adjustable well-being through its “movement “Social Checklist”: and made to fit you, not the other way toward wellness in the workplace” around.” • “Provide a variety of collaborative design guides. Printed in the Details spaces.” A work environment that demands or booklet by Steelcase Inc. (2009) is a provides more space and opportunities “Physical Checklist” as well as cognitive • “Offer collaborative solutions that simply for more body movement and social checklists that can also be work for longer periods of time, keeping promotes physical health. Even moving found by visiting Steelcase’s website. workers refreshed.” around a little bit more on a daily basis “Cognitive Checklist”: can help maintain healthy body weight • “Train workers to use the and burn calories (Levine & Yeager, ergonomic features of their work • “Work areas that provide sufficient 2009). A healthy body helps a health environment.” lighting.” mind. Research has found that exercise • “Encourage health with employee stimulates the mind and body, increasing • “Provide a variety of solutions for wellness.” productivity. privacy and interaction.” A work environment that encourages Through literature review, previous • “Address information processing freedom and creativity for personnel research studies, a workplace aiming and storage needs of diverse jobs.” welcomes confidence, inspirations and for overall personnel well-being supports • “Work tools that allow you innovation. Emotionally, personnel are cognitive (mental and emotional), to organize your information to affected by their social relationships; social and physical health for a balance accommodate the way you work.” and as the mind affects the body and of holistic health. Through workplace vice versa, contributors to social and planning and design, the incorporation • “Workstation that promote emotional health should be considered of elements of biophilia, ergonomics and movement, keeping users energized.” even in workplace design in order to exercise may help contribute to overall achieve ultimate well-being. Spaces that well-being, as elements of these factors A work environment that takes into promote collaboration and spontaneus are directly related to cognitive health, considerations elements of ergonomics interaction amongst personnel social health and physical health. such as lighting, space, furniture and accomodate aspects of social health. equipment so that one can work more efficiently and productively addresses “Physical Checklist”: cognitive health. As the body is affected by the mind and the mind is affected • “Seating that allows dynamic by the body, bodily discomfort can movement and postural change.” trigger mental or emotioanl frustrations. • Workstations that allow you to Research has found ergonomic body- work while you stand.” conscious furniture and equipment to increase productivity and limit body • Seating that keeps you oriented to aches and pains and health costs. With your work.” such accomodations designed for 18
  • 28. Review of Literature: Biophilia Biophilia Evolutionary psychology is a newer and illuminated regardless of season or (p. 406). Biophilia became a popular science that argues that “innate human time of the day—although even on a term when Edward O. Wilson published behaviour is governed by adaptations rainy morning, it is brighter outside than Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other of psychological processes which inside with the lights on” (Gallagher, Species, in 1984. Wilson defined biophilia evolved to aid our survival and well- 1993, p. 12). Evolutionary psychologists as “the innate tendency to focus on being” (Oseland, 2009, p. 250). As a argue that “people feel refreshed sitting life and lifelike processes” (Wilson, result of human’s innate predispositions in a natural environment because 1984, Prologue). To Wilson, it seemed for survival and well-being, people are nature provides a setting for “non-taxing unquestionable that human beings social, needing a sense of community involuntary attention” (Oseland, 2009, have an innate sensitivity to and need and belonging, human sense of direction p. 250). As evolutionary psychologists for other living things, because we have is based on natural clues such as the argue for innate tendencies to be coexisted in the closest relationship sun and landmarks, and people want to affiliated with other species and natural with the natural world for so many explore what is around them, with clear environments, biophilia is a key theme millennia. According to Wilson, it is views in all directions. “Only a hundred within evolutionary psychology. To some, ultimately human nature and a genetic years ago, the overwhelming majority “nature” means plants as in gardens, predisposition, hereditary desire to have of Americans lived in the country, while forests and parks, but weather and an emotional affiliation with human today, most cluster in metropolitan animals (humans included) are also beings and other living organisms (Kellert, areas” (Gallagher, 1993, p. 13). directly connected. Although not may et al., 1993, p. 31). Because elements of Classrooms teach us that humans, similar studies on the topic of biophilia address biophilia (or lack of) constitute peoples’ to other living species, have evolved human preferences for affiliations with physical and social environments, over millions of years responding to earth animals, one study by Tesitel et al. elements of biophilia affect peoples’ and sun cycles. Such cycles produced (2001) found that of a community of social health and emotional health. For predictable biochemical and behavior approximately six-hundred families in example, a lack of plants or animals may changes. “Environmentally minded Czech Republic, almost twenty-five weaken one’s emotional, or similarly, scientists have begun to question the percent claimed their pets to be family cognitive health. Grinde and Patil (2009) trade-offs we unwittingly make in order members. These pets consist of mainly report that even though some people to live sealed up inside an artificially dogs, budgies, fish, hamsters, turtles, do not express any interest in plants heated, cooled, and lighted world that guinea pigs, cats and snakes. and nature, the absence of nature can is structured around economic rather actually have a negative effect on them The term biophilia was first coined by than biologic concerns” (Gallagher, (p. 2339). Although some people may Erich Fromm in The Anatomy of Human 1993, p. 13). Gallagher reminds us that suffer from biophobia, a fear of nature Destructiveness (1973). Fromm defined the Industrial Revolution brought people and other living species, studies report biophilia as “the passionate love of life indoors. “Turning away from the natural that the absence of greenery can be and of all that is alive; it is the wish to world, huge populations gravitated a stress factor, whether the absence further growth, whether in a person, toward a very different one made up of of greenery is noticed consciously or a plant, an idea, or a social group” homes and workplaces that were warm without thinking; “the presence of plants
  • 29. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise can impact on the human mind” sun (Gallagher, 1993, p. 12). Gallagher (Grinde & Patil, 2009, p. 2338). notes the startling disconnect in current science studies and theories of the Besides the necessary conversion of sun. “…in the West, exposure to the carbon dioxide into oxygen, biological sun’s bright light has become erratic plants offer growth, life, change, value, in duration and timing for the first time aesthetic qualities, emotional benefit, in history, and they [environmentally and health and healing properties to minded scientists] suspect that the fact humans and other living organisms. that most of us are no longer wakened Wilson’s Biophilia Hypothesis associates by the dawn, drawn outdoors for much our fondness of and desires for plants of the day by our way of life, and lulled with our innate desire and genetic to sleep by darkness helps explain why predisposition towards plants for means up to a third of us suffer from sleep or of survival, food and shelter. “For the mood problems, or both” (Gallagher, indefinite future more children and 1993, p. 14). Hundreds of years ago adults will continue, as they do now, the idea that light affects mental and to visit zoos than attend all major physical health was a widely accepted professional sports combined (at principle. This more recent observation least this is so in the United States and made by environmentally minded Canada), the wealthy will continue scientists suggests, as Gallagher puts it, to seek dwellings on prominences that “science forgot about it”, a widely above water amidst parkland, and accepted belief many years ago. urban dwellers will go on dreaming of snakes for reasons they cannot explain” Despite intuitive thoughts on the (Kellert, et al., 1993, p. 32). benefits of affiliations with nature, an increasing number of studies In the second century A.D., Aretaeus report findings that nature provides prescribed for people suffering from psychological and physical health lethargy to lay in the sunlight because benefits. Grinde and Patil (2009) their disease was gloom (Gallagher, share reports of health benefits from 1993, p. 12). The four humors, or body association with nature experiences, fluids, according to Aretaeus: yellow true wilderness experiences, bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood, neighborhood parks, gardens, and were said to determine everything from natural features around residences: a person’s constitution to his character. nature reduces stress; improves These four body fluids were said to attention, by having a positive effect correspond to the four elements of on mental restoration and by coping fire, earth, water, and air, and were with attention deficits; and increases also related to summer, fall, winter, longevity (p. 2335). and spring; therefore, an individual’s physiological and behavioral changes William McDonough and Michael could be viewed in the context of the Braungart designed an “eco-effective” 20
  • 30. Review of Literature: Biophilia Introduction factory for Herman Miller that brought not the object of focus (Grinde & Patil, together visions of “a life-centered 2009, p. 2335). Velarde et al. assert community and environment” that a lack of city green spaces or (McDonough & Braungart, 2002, p. unmanaged green spaces can cause 75). This factory noticed “dramatic increased anxiety that increases the productivity gains,” which analyses incidence of crime (p. 2339). Expressing confirmed were a result of one factor, a growing problem in the United States biophilia. Retention rates were noted as in the 70’s, Scuhmacher noted that, “impressive” and employees who left “Modern man does not experience the factory for higher paid jobs returned himself as a part of nature but as an stating they could not work “in the dark” outside force destined to dominate (p. 75-76). Their goal of the design was and conquer it” (Schumacher, 1973, p. to “give workers the feeling that they’d 14). Some propose that love, an aspect spent the day outdoors, unlike workers in of biophilia, will cure this disconnect the conventional factory of the Industrial between man and nature as well as cure Revolution, who might not see daylight mankind of other worldwide problems, until the weekend” (p. 75). McDonough even health problems in the workplace. and Braungart succeeded in designing “The human need for nature is linked not an ideal work environment for industry just to the material exploitation of the workers: “We designed the factory environment but also to the influence around a tree-lined interior conceived of the natural world on our emotional, as a brightly day lit street that ran the cognitive, aesthetic, and even spiritual entire length of the building. There are development” (Nelson, 1993, p. 42). rooftop skylights everywhere the workers are stationed, and the manufacturing space offers views of both the internal street and the outdoors, so that even as they work indoors, employees get to participate in the cycles of the day and the seasons” (p. 75). A study (Tesitel, et al., 1993) of the absence of natural components in an urban environment found that the absence of parks and landscaped community areas limited the ‘pleasant experience’ of people living in the area. “The absence of plants may suggest an “unnatural”, and thus potentially unsafe, environment;” as plants may affect the human mind through unconscious mechanisms, even when plants are
  • 31. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise Ergonomics The International Ergonomics turnover and costs” (ErgoExpo, 2010.) weight of users. It is recommended that Association states that “ergonomics armrests be provided for obese people Ergonomists actively analyze human- promotes a holistic approach in which as well as for elderly. Taller chairs are system interactions and the design of the considerations of physical, cognitive, easier to exit for older people. system in order to optimize human well- social, organizational, environmental being and overall system performance With concerns for the growing obesity and other relevant factors are taken (IEA, 2011). Ergonomics has implications epidemic in the US, Dr. Congleton reports into account” (IEA, 2010, para. 4). for all physical aspects of the workplace: that thirty-five percent of adults in the US Ergonomics is a broad discipline furniture, lighting, noise, temperature, are overweight and twenty-six percent including occupation health. It is now movement, tools, equipment, machinery, are obese. Obesity is clinically defined applied to office workstations after devices, and of course people; people as thirty pounds overweight (Levine, first being applied to cockpit design and their physical, psychological and 2009, p. 43). Considering the health risks during World War II, and then factory social health. A common practice within that come with obesity and the costs of production facilities (Cranz, 1998, p. ergonomics is taking anthropometric such diseases and illnesses, introducing 97). “The term “ergonomics” comes design into consideration, such as more movement into the workplace from the Greek ergon, meaning “work,” the idea of accommodating the is a preventative measure, similar to and –omics, meaning “to manage.” extreme dimensions and activities of a traditional Chinese healing practices that Thus, ergonomics is the study of the population; because, when equipment use proactive approaches working to relationship between the person and the is designed for the dimensions of an prevent illness. Ergonomists recommend immediate environment (Cranz, 1998, average person, most users are limited. that personnel sit when they are tired p. 97). The International Ergonomics By designing for the tallest and the and stand for twenty minutes, three Association Council defined ergonomics shortest percentiles of a user population; to six times per day. Standing delivers in August 2000. Their official definition it is easier for most users to adjust furniture health benefits. Sit-stand workstations of ergonomics is: “Ergonomics (or and equipment by raising or lowering and workstations like Steelcase’s human factors) is the scientific discipline for others. If a door knob were placed Walkstation that provide opportunities concerned with the understanding of at average height, a child or a midget and equipment for exercise (Steelcase interactions among humans and other would be excluded from its use. General OfficeScapes) offer many benefits to elements of a system, and the profession rules are to design leg clearance for tall personnel working long hours at a typical that applies theory, principles, data and people and reach distances for smaller sedentary work station. Dr. Congleton methods to design in order to optimize people, or better yet, accommodating notes that, depending on body shape human well-being and overall system users with adjustable or custom furniture and metabolism, personnel can burn 280 performance” (IEA, para. 1). Dr. Jerome. and equipment. Adjustable tables allow extra calories on an average workday J. Congleton defines ergonomics as: vertical adjustment of workstations by standing for two hours throughout the “The study of the work to prevent and to accommodate a larger range of workday; equivalent to approximately control injury and illness while improving possible personnel heights. In addition to twenty pounds of weight lost in one year. wellness, productivity, quality, marketing, height, it is also important to consider the To do this, he recommends: customer service, delivery and reducing 22
  • 32. Review of Literature: Ergonomics raising desk heights from thirty to forty ideal situation would allow individuals to inches; raising the chair to stool height choose the most appropriate chair or so as to allow users to easily and freely chairs for themselves. stand up to work periodically; and Why should workers sit? Sitting causes using a keyboard tray and monitor arm, less fatigue, comforts the knee, hip essentials if an electric height adjustable back, ankle, offers stability, assists in data desk is not available. By working at sit- entry, allows for use of foot controls, stand-walk workstations, personnel can and accommodates meetings. burn more calories, possibly lose weight, Sit-stand workstations with adjustable relieve pressure on spinal discs and ease keyboard platforms and monitors physical ailments. are recommended by Dr. Congleton Why should people stand at work? Dr. for workplaces where personnel use J. Congleton supports standing with computers for more than four hours justified reasons: standing allows for per day. GeekDesk® recommends a wider range of motion, uses larger its product for the options of working forces, promotes blood flow and sitting and standing at the same desk; postural changes, better respiration and it is electrically operated. They claim reaction alertness, burns more calories, this electric desk adjusts working height and lowers pressure in low back discs. from sitting to standing (or anywhere When we sit, pressure on some spinal in between) at the touch of a button, discs increases thirty percent compared increases productivity, supports a variety to when we are standing (Cranz, 1998, of positions, reduces back & neck pain, p. 97). Dr. James A. Levine, an obesity helps people feel better and focused specialist at the Mayo Clinic, notes stay more easily (GeekDesk, 2011). The that, compared to sitting, one can burn sit-stand workstations are recommended three times as many calories an hour by Dr. Congelton for personnel who standing; (Levine, 2009, p. 43). “If sitting are tied to their work areas by phone is the problem, standing is the answer” or other equipment within reach, for (p. 43). Standing is not necessarily better example, customer service, data entry, than sitting; studies show that sitting and and help desk personnel. Monitor standing should be alternated, allowing placement for sit-stand workstations for movement and multiple positions. should be placed according to the Dr. Congleton recommends personnel user. The top of the screen should be to sit when tired and stand when they approximately eye level with the user can for twenty minutes, three to six and about thirty-two inches from the times per day. If options for sit-stand or user; the appropriate location results standing workstations are not provided, in an approximate angle of twenty to other ergonomic solutions are also twenty-five degrees down from the user’s possible. A variety of sizes of chairs to eye height to the monitor screen (Dr. J. meet the varying needs of personnel Congelton, 2010). can be provided. The best and most From top: Varier® Gravity chair designed by Peter Opsvik; Le Corbusier’s lounge chair; Varier® Variable ™ Balans ®, designed by Peter Opsvik
  • 33. Holistic Health Factors in the Workplace: Biophilia, Ergonomics and Exercise The Chair Galen Cranz, in The Chair: Rethinking Seat of Your Pain May Be Your Chair. chairs” (p. 93). Linton et al. (1994) found Culture, Body, and Design, boldly From experience, Cranz states that: that furniture design is one aspect of a described the history, functions, and “Improving the basic configuration of the multidimensional problem. Specifically, possible improvements of chair design conventional chair involves aligning and pupils’ attitude and behavior problems while addressing ergonomics and supporting the torso properly” (p. 152). were found to be associated with poor mind-body relationships. She suggested Cranz explores culture, ergonomics, and ergonomic school furniture. During a “inventing an entirely new system [of mind-body relationships for the reform six month controlled experiment of seating] to promote movement at work of the chair. Critical for recognition by testing and ergonomic assessments, the and at schools” as she argues against designers, is Cranz’s statement that: experimental group of fourth graders the chair (1998, p. 19). Chairs are popular “Probably the single most important who used ergonomically designed decorative elements today, prized for principle of body-conscious design is to school furniture experienced a reduction appearance over function, resulting in use design to keep posture varied and in musculoskeletal symptoms and concerns of the body, especially where the body moving” (p. 185). found their furniture to be significantly sedentary work is required. Dr. Jenny more comfortable than the traditional Cranz explores why stools are Pynt and Joy Higgs published a book furniture used by the controlled group. uncomfortable for a majority of us. She on the design and history of chairs and Sitting behaviors differed only slightly believes that “we can’t sit upright simply seating, A History of Seating, 3000 Bc in this investigation, although proper because we have grown accustomed to 2000 Ad: Function Versus Aesthetics. instructions on how to use the ergonomic to being supported by chair backs” (p. They argue that functional seating furniture correctly were provided. 95). She explains this “vicious cycle” needs to assist users for performance Although Cranz stated that ergonomic with her hypothesis: “we lean back of seated asks, enhancing rather than recommendations never completely because our muscles are weak, and detracting from user posture and health. eliminate the damage caused by chair leaning back weakens the muscles even Aesthetic features should be taken into sitting, following such recommendations further, so that we ‘need’ support even consideration as well, aesthetics that would minimize health risks (p. 101-102). more” (p. 96). After collecting evidence do not limit tasks or health. In the home, from multiple countries and cultures, Stating that no body should remain office, and schools, chairs need to be Cranz found that sitting is associated in one single posture for long periods reformed for healthier postures. Our with back problems, varicose veins, of time, Cranz recommends healthier bodies were not meant to sit in positions stress, fatigue, diaphragm, circulation, chairs for human posture. Among her for long periods of time; they need digestion, elimination, and general recommendations are: rocking chairs, movement. According to Cranz, “from body movement (p. 97). According inflatable therapy and exercise balls, a somatic point of view, chairs pose to Cranz, scientific literature on chair Le Corbusier’s lounge chair, Opsvik’s many different problems” (p. 135). The design is concerned with ergonomics; Norwegian Balans chair, also called the seated position we are accustomed, is a measures of the relationship between kneeling chair, Opsvik’s Gravity lounge health hazard, causing back pains and work-related human activity and the chair and Mandal’s tilting stool. many other health problems. Dr. Jenny immediate environment, “which includes Pynt published a book in 1998, titled The 24