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Who is this guy talking…

Born and raised in California


Studied business classes and loved
what I learned about business systems.


Systems like the ones that McDonalds
is set up on.


Started to have discussions with friends
that owned businesses about social
media and if they had their business on
these sites. Most of them said no and
that it was a fad…
Who is this guy talking…

In 2006 I moved to Arizona.


Continued to learn about business
and read book after book.


As the discussions continued about
business with other business owners.
The questions started to come up.

How do I do this or that on


What is Twitter?


When should I post on MySpace?

Noticed a Problem…


What sites are important?
When should you post?


What sites are important?


When should you post?


What should you post?


Should I spend money on


Are my competitors on
these sites?

Are my competitors on these sites?


Will my clients be on
these sites?

Will my clients be on these sites?

What should you post?
Should I spend money on ad’s?

I Started to Study and Research


• Books

• Conferences

• Webinars

• Magazine’s

• Videos

• Blogs

Rules of Marketing

Old Rules

Old Rules
Marketing simply meant advertising to the masses.


Marketing simply meant advertising to
the masses.

Relied on interrupting people to get them to pay attention


Relied on interrupting people to get
them to pay attention enough.



One-way company to consumer.


Was only about selling products.

One-way company to consumer.


Campaigns had a limited life.


The goals of the marketing and main
business were different.

Was only about selling products.
Campaigns had a limited life.
The goals of the marketing and main business were
Read The New Rules of Marketing

Rules of Marketing

New Rules

New Rules
Online you can narrow your focus (if you know how) to the


Online you can narrow your focus (if you know how) to the right
group of people. Age, Sex, Geographical area even time of day.

right group of people. Age, Sex, Geographical area even


You now not interrupt but you but the message in as part of what
ever they are looking at.

time of day.


Now your consumers post and you interact back.


What went from sell sell sell went to build that relationship of trust.

You now not interrupt but you but the message in as part


Most business’s all have the same goals and its not all about
each and every individual department.

of what ever they are looking at.
Now your consumers post and you interact back.
What went from sell sell sell went to build that relationship
of trust.
Most business’s all have the same goals and its not all
about each and every individual department.
Rules of Marketing


Before we had TV ads that would overrun us but devices
like TiVo and DVRs kill all the ads. Even local guys are still
doing ads but how often do you really think people watch
ads and pay attention to them anymore? How many hours
do you have backed up on your DVR?
Rules of Marketing


Radio ads are slim to none when people are listening to
them. You have anywhere from 6-12 presets in your car
maybe even more and you are flipping thru and changing
the channel. We have buttons on the steering wheel to
help change the channel off these ads even faster.
Rules of Marketing


Internet radio has killed all sorts of ads.

With Pandora you really only get a ad every 3-5 songs.


XM comes with ad free channels


Spotify you make all your own playlist and pay only $9.99
for everything


Soundcloud helps me to hear other and their mixes out
there. You could get ideas you want to try from others
also ad free. You have to pay a premium price to post
lots of content.
Rules of Marketing



Do we really need to talk about this…..please email me me and I will give you 2
hours of my time to just talk about this if you mail me a
copy of your yellow page ad.

When I mean a website…I dont mean a Go Daddy website
tonight with their logo on the bottom. I mean a fully
customized site. Paying for the Wix account or
wordpress.ORG not .com when it comes to wordpress.
You have to get hosting separately when you have a site. I use Bluehost they have great
customer service and they dont Nickel and Dime you like
Daddy (cough cough) does.
If you have a email that you have been using for years like


the hotmail or gmail. Do not stop using it!!! People that
have that on file will still continue to reach out to you. What
I want you to do it contact your web hosting provider and
get an email account set up with your url
Is your email addressed at have your @gmail or @hotmail


forwarded to your company name account. Respond from
there and then you can move people over to your
professional email account.

On your next round of business card printing make sure
you put your professional email address. If you can point
out 1 company that is not a DJ company doing over 5
million in profit and they are only using @gmail and
@hotmail accounts then I will give you a free coaching
session. I have not been able to find one. It comes down to
that professional look and not being that “other guy”

You all came to Vegas and are not looking at these note for
some reason……..

Social media is all about relationships. Time for us all to get
started and work hard on the online on these relationships.






I have a link so you can get a copy of this book “Return On
Relationships” over on my webpage. Come and check it
out at


When it does come down to all of this craziness of social
media, blogs, videos, posting, mixing, meeting with clients,
DJing, payroll, setup…….ect you are all limited on…..

The Problem most are not doing it….because you don't
have TIME.

The other problem is your entertainers and perfectionist
when it comes down to putting on a good show. You also

“For the past 45 years, young people have
been thought their ABC’s by Big Bird and Bert
and Ernie. That means they arrive on the
steps of school for their very first day of
formal instruction expecting to be entertained
as they are educated.”

want a good show online.

You need to look good
because you are….


Is this so important and what does it have to do with my
online image?

The Love Story
Mark Ferrell — I heard him speak here at MBLV in 2000 at
my first show. Or anyone that has taken his workshops Im
sure can testify…. it comes down to making them feel good
and know they will not ever forget the way you made them

The Love Story
Mark Ferrell

Before you get to to the “Love Story” !
But before you even get the LOVE STORY, b4
You have to
you get to theget the phone ringing.
call to set up the first
meeting, you need to impress them online


Your sitting and waiting for the phone to ring…….
You want to be at an event but no one is calling from your
yellow pages because those that are young 25 year old
bride has never even picked up a phone book. How are we
going to change this?
Hey there is this Susie-Q
I was online and was very
impressed with your online
image. Your Facebook Fans
have nothing but awesome
things to say about your DJ’s.

Hey there is this Susie-Q I was online and was very
impressed with your online image. Your Facebook Fans
have nothing but awesome
things to say about your DJ’s.
You may get this from a marketing expert….lol but the
average bride will not be calling saying that.
Customers are now
saying, “Good is not
good enough! If you
want my business,
amaze me! !
Knock me out! !
Make an emotional
impression I won’t


Customers are now saying, “Good is not good enough! If
you want my business, amaze me! Knock me out! Make an
emotional impression I won’t forget.” Every event you put
on out there you expect and you do more every time! You
ask your question how can I make this better.
Persuasive 27
Doing this efficiently online connection with
them emotional will help you be PERSUASIVE
to get people talking about you online.

Pull them in every time so they don’t want to leave. Most
people if not pulled into your website will leave with in 30
Remember how YOU felt at the movies?


Let me take you back to the first time you saw any of these
Side note I went thru and found and put the clips together
other than the Michael J Fox clip. I just love Back to the
Future. To see more clips from them this is their link.
Uptown Xpress
Yoshino Wedding Celebration | Energy Event Group


Let me take you back to the first time you saw any of these
Side note I went thru and found and put the clips together
other than the Michael J Fox clip. I just love Back to the
Future. To see more clips from them this is their link.
Uptown Xpress
Yoshino Wedding Celebration | Energy Event Group


How many of these are you on? - What sites are you on? What do you want to know more about? - - - -

Are these
d to your
Your Websi

Do all of your social sites come back to your website in
your about us or about me sections.

Lets talk about Facebook
Personal Pages are for your own personal life. If you are
using your personal page for more than just connecting
with people in a business fashion then you are in violation




of the rules of FB. Yes that 37.9 page document that we all
just scrolled to the bottom and hit “I AGREE”
Personal Accounts for being being “personal” 

Pages are for being “professional”

Why, What, Who…..are these fans and why are they

But Why Fans?

Quality Fans

Let’s dive in . . . First let’s start out with the WHY. Why do
you want to attract more fans on Facebook? There are
three main reasons, and ALL of them are tied to making a
bigger impact in your business and revenue.

Real Relationships
When you have a large, quality fan base on Facebook AND
you combine that with good content on your page then

Quality Fans
Reason #1

Real Relationships

you will find more success on your page.


Quality Fans Reason #2

Lucrative Leads
Quality Fans
Reason #1

Real Relationships

Quality Fans = Lucrative Leads
When you have a large Facebook fan base, you can more
easily build your email list with quality subscribers who are
eager to hear from you on a consistent basis. The energy of
your business is directly tied to the strength of your email
list and using Facebook to build your email list with your
ideal audience is a very smart strategy.
Quality Fans
Reason #3


Quality Fans = Money Saving Strategies
This last one will give you a surefire competitive edge, so lean in a little
close so I can whisper it. (I don’t want your competition to hear!) When you


grow a solid fan base on Facebook, you can then create Facebook ads that


will only be seen by your existing fan base. When you run “fan-only”


campaigns, you will pay MUCH less per click than the ads


where you target non-fans. I am talking hundreds if not thousands of
dollars in savings. (Side note: If you don’t yet use Facebook ads to build
your email list and drive more profits, you are 100% missing out on the
best opportunity online today.
Avoid 39



Do not buy likes from places that are like farms. You can
buy like campaigns from Facebook if you set up your target

Hike and Drop

audience right. When you buy likes from a “farm” they are
often going to mess up your engagement numbers on your


post in turn making you have to spend more money on a


post engagement just for the post to be seen.
Don’t Buy Fans!
Don’t Create !
Multiple Pages


You want to create more work for yourself? Now I do
understand that there are DJ companies out there that
have different markets and different groups they are
targeting but I wouldn't have a separate page or group
account if you have an office in California then have a
Different office in Arizona. Keep all the bridal pages
together and keep the high school pages together and get
the engagement going on each page. The main reason I
say to avoid this reason is it comes down to time
management, you have to be smart about this stuff.
Avoid these


People focus way to much on the numbers of a page. Who
cares!!!! When you create engagement then the content
will flow and the shares and the likes will increase.


dont focus to much on getting fans

Don’t Spend to much time focusing on getting Fan’s
Content On Facebook

What is being seen
on FB by your fans?



2013 14%-16%
2014 2%-5%

Facebook is a
“pay to play”
environment now.
Public traded
company and need
to please the share


When it comes down to Facebook and the post that your
putting out there. Remember this is a pay to play market
now. You will have to create ads to get seen more. Now Im
not saying jump ship on FB but just know that if FB is doing
it then all of the other social sites will follow in their

Content…..everything you have in your head, video you
have on your phone and idea you write on a napkin at
Denny’s at 3 am after an event.

Take a look at your last
10 Facebook posts…

Question 1 of 5

Would I engage with that
post if I saw it in my news

Question 2 of 5
Did I ask for or
encourage action
(like, share, comment)?

Question 3 of 5

If there is a
photo, would you
want to share it
if you saw it in
your News Feed?

Question 4 of 5
Does this post truly
add value to my

Question 5 of 5
Does this post
entertain or

Test Questions…
Take a look at your last 10 Facebook posts. Ask yourself:

1) Would I engage with that post if I saw it in my news feed?

2) Did I ask for or encourage action (like, share, comment)?

3) If there is a photo, would you want to share it if you saw it
in your News Feed?

4) Does this post truly add value to my audience?

5) Does this post educate, entertain or empower?

Take a look at your last 10 Facebook posts. Ask yourself:
1) Would I engage with that post if I saw it in my news
2) Did I ask for or encourage action (like, share, comment)?
3) If there is a photo, would you want to share it if you saw
it in your News Feed?
4) Does this post truly add value to my audience?
5) Does this post educate, entertain or empower?

Pics are a preview of the company - gives the user a
snippet of what your company is like.

Photo and Video

- Instagram - 150,000 New a day
Top 4 images

Everyone is doing it and you should
as well at your events

How to with arrows and info all on one step




Check List



These are programs on the Apple Computers. Windows
folks sorry I have not worked on one of those in a few

Photo !

Brand Yourself!

Watermark Pro !



6 degrees of Kevin bacon and then the potential new client
that became emotionally involved with your pic will go in
and connect back to your company, even if its just a like on
your page then with other engaging content you have the
opportunity to get a call from there if they ever need your

6 Degrees
All I have is my…


But waittttt……what if Im at an event all I have is my phone
with me….

Look at your phone? Do you have a smart phone? Did you
really pay $200 to $500 for a phone to play Candy Crush on

Apps out there to edit on
the fly…

Few the that I have !


Skitch !


Keynote !





Few the that I have
All can allow you to put your logo #eventname on the pic…

Comes Down To


Creating a Page!


That has Fans!


With Content that….

What is a…


Been one of the most asked questions that I have been asked.


From Wikipedia - A hashtag is a word or an unspaced phrase prefixed with the
hash symbol ("#"). It is a form of metadata tag. Words in messages on
microblogging and social networking services such as Facebook, Google Plus,
Instagram and Twitter may be tagged by putting "#" before them,[1] either as
they appear in a sentence, (e.g., "New artists announced for #SXSW 2013
Music Festival!")[2] or appended to it.
Hashtags make it possible to group such messages, since one can search for
the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it. A hashtag is only
connected to a specific medium and can therefore not be linked and
connected to pictures or messages from different platforms.
To put it in a nutshell. Next time there is a big event your watching on TV
(Champion Sporting Event, Awards show, or Big News Event) see what # they
are using and start searching with it and see what you can find and see where
you can engage with people. You never know who will interact and then call
you up.

For Example

You have a event and your
hosting with details on


You have told them to like your
page and leave a request for
their song there or to have them


Tweet you the song.

Event Marketing

Twitter / Instagram


Using #tags


You create engagement that you can go back on
and get feedback from more than just the client.

How Does Pinterest Work?
Picture a large cork board hanging on your office wall. Each
time you find a motivating quote you take a pin and stick it
on the board so you can refer to it later.


You may also pin awards you receive, pictures of your
family or recipes you hope to try one day. This is exactly
what you


But why do I need that Im a DJ isn't that just for
girls and scrapbooking stuff.

are doing when you use Pinterest for your small business


70 Million users


2nd biggest social channel driving traffic to website

promotions – and everyone can see what you pin. To
maximize this social media platform.
You Follow Your
Clients on

Pins !


You can see all the “pins” and “boards” of their wedding
planning including when they put songs on there and make
Take advantage of this as an opportunity to really make a
bigger difference leaving your brides and grooms in ahhs
above those you have WOWed in the past.

From the OTHER End of the tunnel.

Your here at #MBLV18


Your at an EVENT


Let me ask you have you ever done a simple thing
like this….


First one to show me that they like…….


Steven Parry Marketing on their Facebook
account from their phone.

Now the show is over and the #MBLV18 will still be
searchable but still look around at what you can do to see
what you can learn about social media.
As far as liking my page please do…lol but more
importantly is please use this at your events. Have 50-500
kids at a high school dance follow you in a night and then
you engage with them later find out what they thought
about the dance.

Another way to interact is
Live streaming like what
the Crossfader Show did
in the past here at MBLV
and other shows.
New App - Hang With

The Hang with app comes with a small package where you
can purchase more minutes later but you can also use
LiveStream that is what the Crossfader Show did when they
were at the MBLV and the Las Vegas DJ Show.


just let you know they are there. It also can tell others in


their news feed “hey look where I am at having fun with




Check-ins can give your people a way to get a coupon or


At most events your not going to be answering your phone
to have a conversation but you can just like taking the
request via twitter or instagram answer questions that

Customer Support

people have. BC who do they come to ask
everything…..THE DJ
Use #
During !


Help you to see what others are saying.
Can help with contest
You get involved and engage with them.
- Find new people that your not following and they are not
following you but starting the conversation gets everyone
going and then you can make waves in the progress of


Bringing it “full circle” of life like Ron Ruth would say….

2002 you did something nice for someone they told the 6
people they went out to dinner with.
2014 you did something nice your on FB, Twitter, 4S,
Instagram giving us food porn and telling us what you
really thought good or bad
You have the potential to tell others in this digital life what
you really thought of them and their service.

Don’t get stuck in this spiral of perfection…even though
you all are perfectionist……I know a few DJ’s and I will
assume that your all the same when it comes down to that
I have your contact info please do not
hesitate to come to my website and discover
or Email me at

What questions do you have? What do you
want to know?
What is confusing out there?


When I get the video from #MBLV18 I plan on editing my
talk together with the slides and posting that. I will let you
all know when I get that together.
Visit my site over at and
email me at


Thanks for coming to the conference and I enjoy working
with you in the future.

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#Mblv18 webnotes

  • 2. 2 Note the number change but you do not have to text in again. Your all set on my end from the talk or business card Text Your Name and Email To 480-409-3708 Show Notes List of all the Resources you collected. ! Text Your Name and Email To 480-409-3708 Show Notes List of all the Resources
  • 3. 3 Who is this guy talking… • Born and raised in California • Studied business classes and loved what I learned about business systems. • Systems like the ones that McDonalds is set up on. • Started to have discussions with friends that owned businesses about social media and if they had their business on these sites. Most of them said no and that it was a fad…
  • 4. Who is this guy talking… • In 2006 I moved to Arizona. • Continued to learn about business and read book after book. • As the discussions continued about business with other business owners. The questions started to come up. • How do I do this or that on Facebook? • What is Twitter? • When should I post on MySpace? 4
  • 5. Noticed a Problem… 5 What sites are important? When should you post? • What sites are important? • When should you post? • What should you post? • Should I spend money on ad’s? • Are my competitors on these sites? Are my competitors on these sites? • Will my clients be on these sites? Will my clients be on these sites? What should you post? Should I spend money on ad’s?
  • 6. 6 I Started to Study and Research ! ! • Books • Conferences • Webinars • Magazine’s • Videos • Blogs
  • 7. 7 Rules of Marketing • Old Rules Old Rules Marketing simply meant advertising to the masses. • Marketing simply meant advertising to the masses. Relied on interrupting people to get them to pay attention • Relied on interrupting people to get them to pay attention enough. enough. • One-way company to consumer. • Was only about selling products. One-way company to consumer. • Campaigns had a limited life. • The goals of the marketing and main business were different. Was only about selling products. Campaigns had a limited life. The goals of the marketing and main business were different. Read The New Rules of Marketing
  • 8. 8 Rules of Marketing • New Rules New Rules Online you can narrow your focus (if you know how) to the • Online you can narrow your focus (if you know how) to the right group of people. Age, Sex, Geographical area even time of day. right group of people. Age, Sex, Geographical area even • You now not interrupt but you but the message in as part of what ever they are looking at. time of day. • Now your consumers post and you interact back. • What went from sell sell sell went to build that relationship of trust. You now not interrupt but you but the message in as part • Most business’s all have the same goals and its not all about each and every individual department. of what ever they are looking at. Now your consumers post and you interact back. What went from sell sell sell went to build that relationship of trust. Most business’s all have the same goals and its not all about each and every individual department.
  • 9. Rules of Marketing 9 Before we had TV ads that would overrun us but devices like TiVo and DVRs kill all the ads. Even local guys are still doing ads but how often do you really think people watch ads and pay attention to them anymore? How many hours do you have backed up on your DVR?
  • 10. Rules of Marketing 10 Radio ads are slim to none when people are listening to them. You have anywhere from 6-12 presets in your car maybe even more and you are flipping thru and changing the channel. We have buttons on the steering wheel to help change the channel off these ads even faster.
  • 11. Rules of Marketing 11 Internet radio has killed all sorts of ads. • With Pandora you really only get a ad every 3-5 songs. • XM comes with ad free channels • Spotify you make all your own playlist and pay only $9.99 for everything • Soundcloud helps me to hear other and their mixes out there. You could get ideas you want to try from others also ad free. You have to pay a premium price to post lots of content.
  • 12. Rules of Marketing X 12 Do we really need to talk about this…..please email me me and I will give you 2 hours of my time to just talk about this if you mail me a copy of your yellow page ad.
  • 13. 13 When I mean a website…I dont mean a Go Daddy website tonight with their logo on the bottom. I mean a fully customized site. Paying for the Wix account or wordpress.ORG not .com when it comes to wordpress. You have to get hosting separately when you have a site. I use Bluehost they have great customer service and they dont Nickel and Dime you like Daddy (cough cough) does.
  • 14. If you have a email that you have been using for years like 14 the hotmail or gmail. Do not stop using it!!! People that have that on file will still continue to reach out to you. What I want you to do it contact your web hosting provider and get an email account set up with your url Is your email addressed at have your @gmail or @hotmail OR forwarded to your company name account. Respond from there and then you can move people over to your professional email account. 
 On your next round of business card printing make sure you put your professional email address. If you can point out 1 company that is not a DJ company doing over 5 million in profit and they are only using @gmail and @hotmail accounts then I will give you a free coaching session. I have not been able to find one. It comes down to that professional look and not being that “other guy”
  • 15. 15 You all came to Vegas and are not looking at these note for some reason……..
  • 16. 16 Social media is all about relationships. Time for us all to get started and work hard on the online on these relationships. urn On Relationship Ret ! I have a link so you can get a copy of this book “Return On Relationships” over on my webpage. Come and check it out at
  • 17. THE ! PROBLEM 17 When it does come down to all of this craziness of social media, blogs, videos, posting, mixing, meeting with clients, DJing, payroll, setup…….ect you are all limited on…..
  • 18. 18 The Problem most are not doing it….because you don't have TIME.
  • 19. 19 The other problem is your entertainers and perfectionist when it comes down to putting on a good show. You also “For the past 45 years, young people have been thought their ABC’s by Big Bird and Bert and Ernie. That means they arrive on the steps of school for their very first day of formal instruction expecting to be entertained as they are educated.” want a good show online.
  • 20. 20 You need to look good ONLINE because you are….
  • 22. 22 Why? Is this so important and what does it have to do with my online image?
  • 23. 23 The Love Story Mark Ferrell — I heard him speak here at MBLV in 2000 at my first show. Or anyone that has taken his workshops Im sure can testify…. it comes down to making them feel good and know they will not ever forget the way you made them The Love Story Mark Ferrell feel.
  • 24. Before you get to to the “Love Story” ! But before you even get the LOVE STORY, b4 You have to you get to theget the phone ringing. call to set up the first meeting, you need to impress them online 24 Your sitting and waiting for the phone to ring……. You want to be at an event but no one is calling from your yellow pages because those that are young 25 year old bride has never even picked up a phone book. How are we going to change this?
  • 25. 25 Hey there is this Susie-Q I was online and was very impressed with your online image. Your Facebook Fans have nothing but awesome things to say about your DJ’s. Hey there is this Susie-Q I was online and was very impressed with your online image. Your Facebook Fans have nothing but awesome things to say about your DJ’s. You may get this from a marketing expert….lol but the average bride will not be calling saying that.
  • 26. Customers are now saying, “Good is not good enough! If you want my business, amaze me! ! Knock me out! ! Make an emotional impression I won’t forget.” 26 Customers are now saying, “Good is not good enough! If you want my business, amaze me! Knock me out! Make an emotional impression I won’t forget.” Every event you put on out there you expect and you do more every time! You ask your question how can I make this better.
  • 27. Emotionally Persuasive 27 Doing this efficiently online connection with them emotional will help you be PERSUASIVE to get people talking about you online. Pull them in every time so they don’t want to leave. Most people if not pulled into your website will leave with in 30 seconds.
  • 28. Remember how YOU felt at the movies? 28 Let me take you back to the first time you saw any of these movies. Side note I went thru and found and put the clips together other than the Michael J Fox clip. I just love Back to the Future. To see more clips from them this is their link. MOVIECLIPS Trailers Uptown Xpress Yoshino Wedding Celebration | Energy Event Group !
  • 29. 29 Let me take you back to the first time you saw any of these movies. Side note I went thru and found and put the clips together other than the Michael J Fox clip. I just love Back to the Future. To see more clips from them this is their link. MOVIECLIPS Trailers Uptown Xpress Yoshino Wedding Celebration | Energy Event Group !
  • 30. 30 How many of these are you on? - What sites are you on? What do you want to know more about? - - - - ! ! !
  • 31. 31 all Are these d to your connecte HUB te Your Websi Do all of your social sites come back to your website in your about us or about me sections.
  • 32. 32 Lets talk about Facebook
  • 33. Personal Pages are for your own personal life. If you are using your personal page for more than just connecting with people in a business fashion then you are in violation fanpage personal 33 of the rules of FB. Yes that 37.9 page document that we all just scrolled to the bottom and hit “I AGREE” Personal Accounts for being being “personal” 
 Pages are for being “professional”
  • 34. 34 Why, What, Who…..are these fans and why are they important. But Why Fans?
  • 35. 35 Quality Fans Let’s dive in . . . First let’s start out with the WHY. Why do you want to attract more fans on Facebook? There are three main reasons, and ALL of them are tied to making a bigger impact in your business and revenue.
  • 36. 36 Real Relationships When you have a large, quality fan base on Facebook AND you combine that with good content on your page then Quality Fans Reason #1 ! Real Relationships you will find more success on your page. !
  • 37. 37 Quality Fans Reason #2 ! Lucrative Leads Quality Fans Reason #1 ! Real Relationships Quality Fans = Lucrative Leads When you have a large Facebook fan base, you can more easily build your email list with quality subscribers who are eager to hear from you on a consistent basis. The energy of your business is directly tied to the strength of your email list and using Facebook to build your email list with your ideal audience is a very smart strategy.
  • 38. Quality Fans Reason #3 ! 38 Quality Fans = Money Saving Strategies This last one will give you a surefire competitive edge, so lean in a little close so I can whisper it. (I don’t want your competition to hear!) When you ! grow a solid fan base on Facebook, you can then create Facebook ads that ! will only be seen by your existing fan base. When you run “fan-only” ! campaigns, you will pay MUCH less per click than the ads Money Saving Strategies where you target non-fans. I am talking hundreds if not thousands of dollars in savings. (Side note: If you don’t yet use Facebook ads to build your email list and drive more profits, you are 100% missing out on the best opportunity online today.
  • 40. AVOID REASON #1 40 Do not buy likes from places that are like farms. You can buy like campaigns from Facebook if you set up your target Hike and Drop audience right. When you buy likes from a “farm” they are often going to mess up your engagement numbers on your Location post in turn making you have to spend more money on a Age post engagement just for the post to be seen. Don’t Buy Fans!
  • 41. AVOID REASON #2 Don’t Create ! Multiple Pages 41 You want to create more work for yourself? Now I do understand that there are DJ companies out there that have different markets and different groups they are targeting but I wouldn't have a separate page or group account if you have an office in California then have a Different office in Arizona. Keep all the bridal pages together and keep the high school pages together and get the engagement going on each page. The main reason I say to avoid this reason is it comes down to time management, you have to be smart about this stuff.
  • 42. AVOID REASON #3 Avoid these 42 People focus way to much on the numbers of a page. Who cares!!!! When you create engagement then the content will flow and the shares and the likes will increase. • dont focus to much on getting fans Don’t Spend to much time focusing on getting Fan’s
  • 43. Content On Facebook • What is being seen on FB by your fans? • • • • 2013 14%-16% 2014 2%-5% Facebook is a “pay to play” environment now. Public traded company and need to please the share holders. 43 When it comes down to Facebook and the post that your putting out there. Remember this is a pay to play market now. You will have to create ads to get seen more. Now Im not saying jump ship on FB but just know that if FB is doing it then all of the other social sites will follow in their footsteps.
  • 44. 44 Content…..everything you have in your head, video you have on your phone and idea you write on a napkin at Denny’s at 3 am after an event.
  • 45. 45 TEST TIME Take a look at your last 10 Facebook posts…
  • 46. 46 Question 1 of 5 Would I engage with that post if I saw it in my news feed?
  • 47. 47 Question 2 of 5 Did I ask for or encourage action (like, share, comment)?
  • 48. 48 Question 3 of 5 If there is a photo, would you want to share it if you saw it in your News Feed?
  • 49. 49 Question 4 of 5 Does this post truly add value to my audience?
  • 50. 50 Question 5 of 5 Does this post educate, entertain or empower?
  • 51. 51 Test Questions… Take a look at your last 10 Facebook posts. Ask yourself: ! 1) Would I engage with that post if I saw it in my news feed? ! 2) Did I ask for or encourage action (like, share, comment)? ! 3) If there is a photo, would you want to share it if you saw it in your News Feed? ! 4) Does this post truly add value to my audience? ! 5) Does this post educate, entertain or empower? Take a look at your last 10 Facebook posts. Ask yourself: 1) Would I engage with that post if I saw it in my news feed? 2) Did I ask for or encourage action (like, share, comment)? 3) If there is a photo, would you want to share it if you saw it in your News Feed? 4) Does this post truly add value to my audience? 5) Does this post educate, entertain or empower?
  • 52. 52 Pics are a preview of the company - gives the user a snippet of what your company is like. Photo and Video - Instagram - 150,000 New a day Top 4 images - Everyone is doing it and you should as well at your events How to with arrows and info all on one step - Quotes - Check List - Infographs
  • 53. 53 These are programs on the Apple Computers. Windows folks sorry I have not worked on one of those in a few years…. Photo ! Video • Brand Yourself! • Watermark Pro ! • Finalcut
  • 54. 54 6 degrees of Kevin bacon and then the potential new client that became emotionally involved with your pic will go in and connect back to your company, even if its just a like on your page then with other engaging content you have the opportunity to get a call from there if they ever need your services. 6 Degrees
  • 55. 55 But…..! Wait…..! All I have is my… PHONE But waittttt……what if Im at an event all I have is my phone with me….
  • 56. 56 Look at your phone? Do you have a smart phone? Did you really pay $200 to $500 for a phone to play Candy Crush on it? NO EXCUSES
  • 57. Apps out there to edit on the fly… • Few the that I have ! • Pictures! • • Skitch ! • • Keynote ! Over! Video! • iVideoMark 57 Few the that I have Pictures Keynote Skitch Over Video iVideoMark All can allow you to put your logo #eventname on the pic…
  • 58. 58 Comes Down To • Creating a Page! • That has Fans! • With Content that….
  • 60. What is a… 60 Been one of the most asked questions that I have been asked. ! From Wikipedia - A hashtag is a word or an unspaced phrase prefixed with the hash symbol ("#"). It is a form of metadata tag. Words in messages on microblogging and social networking services such as Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram and Twitter may be tagged by putting "#" before them,[1] either as they appear in a sentence, (e.g., "New artists announced for #SXSW 2013 Music Festival!")[2] or appended to it. Hashtags make it possible to group such messages, since one can search for the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it. A hashtag is only connected to a specific medium and can therefore not be linked and connected to pictures or messages from different platforms. — To put it in a nutshell. Next time there is a big event your watching on TV (Champion Sporting Event, Awards show, or Big News Event) see what # they are using and start searching with it and see what you can find and see where you can engage with people. You never know who will interact and then call you up.
  • 61. 61 For Example • You have a event and your hosting with details on Facebook • You have told them to like your page and leave a request for their song there or to have them • Tweet you the song.
  • 62. 62 Event Marketing • Twitter / Instagram • Using #tags • You create engagement that you can go back on and get feedback from more than just the client.
  • 63. 63 How Does Pinterest Work? Picture a large cork board hanging on your office wall. Each time you find a motivating quote you take a pin and stick it on the board so you can refer to it later.
  • 64. 64 Pinterest You may also pin awards you receive, pictures of your family or recipes you hope to try one day. This is exactly what you • But why do I need that Im a DJ isn't that just for girls and scrapbooking stuff. are doing when you use Pinterest for your small business • 70 Million users • 2nd biggest social channel driving traffic to website promotions – and everyone can see what you pin. To maximize this social media platform.
  • 65. You Follow Your Clients on Pinterest Pins ! Boards 65 You can see all the “pins” and “boards” of their wedding planning including when they put songs on there and make comments. Take advantage of this as an opportunity to really make a bigger difference leaving your brides and grooms in ahhs above those you have WOWed in the past.
  • 66. 66 From the OTHER End of the tunnel. • Your here at #MBLV18 • Your at an EVENT • Let me ask you have you ever done a simple thing like this…. • First one to show me that they like……. • Steven Parry Marketing on their Facebook account from their phone. Now the show is over and the #MBLV18 will still be searchable but still look around at what you can do to see what you can learn about social media. As far as liking my page please do…lol but more importantly is please use this at your events. Have 50-500 kids at a high school dance follow you in a night and then you engage with them later find out what they thought about the dance.
  • 67. 67 Another way to interact is Live streaming like what the Crossfader Show did in the past here at MBLV and other shows. New App - Hang With The Hang with app comes with a small package where you can purchase more minutes later but you can also use LiveStream that is what the Crossfader Show did when they were at the MBLV and the Las Vegas DJ Show.
  • 68. 68 Checkins just let you know they are there. It also can tell others in Facebook their news feed “hey look where I am at having fun with ! ! ! Foursquare Check-ins can give your people a way to get a coupon or DJ…….”
  • 69. 69 At most events your not going to be answering your phone to have a conversation but you can just like taking the request via twitter or instagram answer questions that Customer Support people have. BC who do they come to ask everything…..THE DJ
  • 70. Use # Before During ! After 70 Help you to see what others are saying. Can help with contest You get involved and engage with them. - Find new people that your not following and they are not following you but starting the conversation gets everyone going and then you can make waves in the progress of relationship.
  • 71. FULL CIRCLE 71 Bringing it “full circle” of life like Ron Ruth would say….
  • 72. 72 2002 you did something nice for someone they told the 6 people they went out to dinner with. 2014 you did something nice your on FB, Twitter, 4S, Instagram giving us food porn and telling us what you really thought good or bad You have the potential to tell others in this digital life what you really thought of them and their service.
  • 73. 73 Don’t get stuck in this spiral of perfection…even though you all are perfectionist……I know a few DJ’s and I will assume that your all the same when it comes down to that area….lol
  • 74. I have your contact info please do not hesitate to come to my website and discover more. ! or Email me at ! What questions do you have? What do you want to know? What is confusing out there? 74 When I get the video from #MBLV18 I plan on editing my talk together with the slides and posting that. I will let you all know when I get that together. Visit my site over at and email me at ! Thanks for coming to the conference and I enjoy working with you in the future.