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Making Christian School the Highest Priority for Parents to Consider
First and foremost, Christian school has the best curriculum and greatly is set apart from
secular school, as a matter of fact; parents should consider this institution as their priority for
enrolling their children. Its standards are professionally higher based on the Scripture and
children are deeply inspired and motivated to live up to that excellence. Its philosophy is based
on the Scripture and is specifically motivated to sharpen and regulate children toward the Master
Educator (Jesus Christ). This ought to prompt parents to pursue a Christian school for their
children over any other schools in their communities.
It is for certain that children are born without proper philosophy, value system, or
religious creed. All of these must be properly taught in the first ten years of their life if the child
is going to have any character, standards, or morality. This is an awesome responsibility for
parents, because they are literally determing the happiness and future of their children, both
present and eternal. Since this is the case, they must consider enrolling them in a Christian school
where they can be taught properly based on the Biblical truth and not enrolling them in public
school system, they will be further handicapped because of the many problems of the present
This ought to be very obvious for parents to have positive attitudes and not have any kind
of contemplative thoughts on which schools are best for their children’s education. They should
have great anticipation and enthusiastic desire to have their children in Christian school and see
them excel in their studies, attaining good grades, developing godly character, and most
importantly seeing them behave well when confronting authorities. There should not be any
negativities hurdling their decisions to see their children get a better education under the
umbrella of Christian education. Parents should be more ebullient to see their four year old child
go to a Christian school. The best thing that they are going to learn from is the Biblical based
materials and also about God Himself, which is a very need thing; rather than seeing them going
off to some school where agnostic materials are been taught mainly to ravage their young mind.
Regardless of what the cost maybe, they should know that their dividends would not be wasted
but would lead to producing a better future for their children. Martin Luther gave this astounding
comment on childhood education:
“It is indeed a sin and shame that we must be aroused and incited to the duty of educating
our children and of considering their highest interests, whereas nature itself should move
us thereto, and the example of the heathen affords us varied instruction. There is no
irrational animal that does not care for and instruct its young in what they should know,
except the ostrich . . . And what would it avail if we possessed and performed all else,
and became perfect saints, if we neglect that for which we chiefly live, namely, to care
for the young? In my judgment, there is no other outward offence that in the sight of God
so heavily burdens the world, and deserves such heavy chastisement, as the neglect to
educate children.”1
The most unique thing about the school is that, children are properly educated under the
Biblical sound materials that have been correctly approved and published by an authorized
Martin Luther, Great Pedogogical Essays: Plato to Spencer,8th
ed. (New York: New York City: Franklin
Verzelius Newton Painter, 1905), 174.
Christian organizations or publishers of Christian Curriculum Materials for the specific purpose
of godly education. Its education is very distinct in its form and had been uniquely prepared for
the specific purpose of developing Christ-like education deep in the hearts of these little ones and
teaching them to know their perfect Master Teacher (Jesus Christ) as their personal Lord and
Parents should be more adrenalized about seeing Jesus Christ living in their hearts and
doing what is acceptable and good at home, in school, and more importantly toward their
Heavenly Father. Henry Cloud once said, “This issue along the way is not simply about the
child’s being good; but about having good character. Character is the… God gave parents the
assignment of bringing up children to understand Him and to take their proper place before
Him.”2 Parents should know that they have been given a great responsibility from God to bring
them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Through this, their lives can
utterly be altered for good, and their chances of staying with their Lord be can prolonged. Doing
what is good can become a God fearing character and not something been practiced as a way of
lifestyle. Such education is very good for children at this early age for training and equipping
them with Biblical things of God; so that when they are old, they will not depart from it
(Proverbs 22:6). For sure, this godly education provides quality learning syllabus and
furthermore inputs what we can call gold nuggets, right from the inspired Word of God and as
well as from the godly materials right into their hearts and minds. So that through this, they can
become good Christians and be better citizens of their country. Ronald Horton elaborated more
on this statement:
“Education in the Christian school is radically different from education in secular schools
since it springs from radically different premises. Secular education begins with the
assumption that man is born good and remains good if his environment is favorable to his
natural development. The function of education, therefore, is to remove the obstacles to
the free and full expression of his natural impulses and thereby to make possible the self-
determination of his personality. While doing so, it prepares the child for the social
realities of life. The purpose of education is to help the child realize his potentialities so
that he may contribute most fully to the progress of society.”3
Why is it so significant for parents to consider making this important decision? First and
most, Christian school has been know throughout the years for its highest intelligence rate and its
production of well behaved students, also for their qualified knowledge to advance to any higher
levels of education. On top of the list is God and His incredible Word! It is deeply rooted in the
Absolute Truth and not on some relative truths that blinds children’s mind from knowing the
Truth. This education has the illumination of the Holy Spirit and the very Truth of the Gospel
which is amalgamated to provide a better understanding of the materials. Spiritual propositions
like the Bible, memory verses, devotions, prayer, and pledges to the Christian flag, are all part of
the educational materials that increase children’s ability to know God and the materials that He
first created for humans to study. Great godly teachers are the main conduits that God utilizes to
Henry Cloud, Raising Great Kids for Parents of Preschoolers: A Comprehensive Guide, 7th
ed. (Grand
Rapid, MI; Zondervan Publishing House, 2000), 19.
Ronald Horton, Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission, 14th
ed. Greenville: Bob Jones University
Press,2011), 113.
teach and mentor children on a daily basis. More vitally, they encourage and inspire them to
know their God and make Him to be the preeminent Person in their entire life.
Such unique prerequisites make Christian school the safest and most exciting place for
children to enjoy their learning and grow healthier in both spirituality and in physical as well. It
can be known as a safe haven for better educational environment and a place where a child can
mature and have a proper theological view of the Bible when he finishes from Christian school.
This can enable him to stand firm and overlook falsified philosophies that come his way down
the years as he continues his studies in other institutions that are not Christian; if he transfers to
advance his studies in secular universities.
Without any further questions asked, by now parents should know that Biblical sound
education should be the most preferred education and enthusiastically look with an excitement
into the future education for their children, because the truth is this; it is not like the public
school that has humanistic philosophies that subtly has been prepared to swindle the young
minds of children when placed under their mentorship. Christian school has cool stuff that can
really motivate and energize them to have inner peace of mind to concentrate and learn more
under the sound mentorship of godly men and women. James R. Estep once said, “Education
must have transformation as its redemptive and salvific element if it is to be Christian…Christian
Education is education for eternity, as we assist believers to set their mind on things above, not
on earthly things (Colossians 3:2).”4 Biblical concept integrated with academic material too
plays an important role in the lives of individual children to think more about their lives after
death; this makes them think deeper into life. The idea of gaining the whole world and losing
their soul in hell, (Mark 8:36) is one specific example that will make them wonder more. This
idea can lead children toward a narrow path of Truth that is fully illuminated with Christ’s
glorious light (Matthew1:17). This illumination also enlightens their understanding of grasping
materials at a faster rate and can make them become smarter than others in public education.
These pious prerequisites should make parents glad as they see their children receiving this
In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he
is old, he will not depart from it.” In a simple explanation, God has entrusted parents with an
enormous responsibility to nurture, discipline, and to mentor their precious children with the
right form of education or sending them to an institution that has Biblical teaching to be properly
educated with reverent things of God and seeing them walking therein. Not to send them to some
kind of alienated institutions to be mentored with impious education. Robert L. Dabney lucidly
stated that:
“The direction of the education of children...[is] properly a domestic and parental
function...[God] looks to parents, in whom the family is founded, as the responsible
agents of this result...He has also in the fifth Commandment connected the child
proximately...with the parents, which, of course, confers on them the adequate and the
prior authority...It thus appears that naturally the parent’s authority over their children
could not have come by deputation from either State or visible Church...[But] the
James Riley Estep, A Theology for Christian Education, 9th
ed. (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group,
2008), 120.
dispensation of Divine Providence in the course of nature shows where the power and
duty of educating are deposited...No parent can fail to resent, with a righteous
indignation, the intrusion of any authority between his conscience and convictions and
the soul of his child. If the father conscientiously believes that his own creed is true and
righteous and obligatory before God, then he must intuitively regard the intrusion of any
other power between him and his minor child, to cause the rejection of that creed, as a
usurpation...If this usurpation is made by the visible church, it is felt to be in the direction
of popery, if by the magistrate, in the direction of despotism.”5
It is good for children to know their materials academically, but more than this, they can
believe and have their thoughts more deeply penetrated into the scared, noble, and pious things
of God. This is something like having a valuable item that the world could not offer; this item is
the Creator as their God and desiring to have a close fellowship with Him through their
education. It is an incredible thing to see God in their lives! But if He is not preeminent in their
lives, than all can seem very pleasant in their parents’ sight, but in God’s sight all is worthless.
This should ignite a fire in parents’ heart to see them accept Christ and do their schooling. If
parents know this truth and do not put it into practice, than it is just like a tool without a handle.
Charles H. Spurgeon plainly stated more on this, “Without the Spirit of God we can do nothing.
We are as ships without wind or chariots without steeds. Like branches without sap, we are
withered. Like coals without fire, are useless. As an offering without the sacrifice flame, we are
unaccepted.”6 It is no brainer; neglecting the very truth of what God has commanded in His
perfect Book, for parents to obey is like a bone out of its socket.
A significant truth of this whole matter of Christian school is that, its main concept is
deeply concentrated on the truth. All its philosophies and how it operates is entirely based on
traditional form of education. It first started in the early centuries for the purpose of making
children coming to know the absolute truth of the Word of God. It comprises with such
principles as these: It has basic and limited curriculum, both parents and teachers should have a
say in the educational process, students should be held accountable for their actions at school,
and even though it means establishing “tough” consequences, and it provides a safe environment
that features a warm, congenial atmosphere that is firm and fair.
Furthermore, it emphasizes that school is preparation for life, learners are passive
absorbers of information and authority, teachers are sources of information and authority, the
program is determined by external criteria particularly test results, learning is liner with factual
accumulation and skill mastery, knowledge is absorbed through lectures, worksheets and texts,
instruction is linear and largely based on correct answers, skills are taught discretely and are
viewed as goals, assessment is norm-referred, external, success is competitively based, derived
from recall and memory, products are the end point, and intelligence is a measure of linguistic
and logical/ mathematical abilities. These principles make the entire bulk of Christian school
uniquely different from progressive education, and this should motivate parents to have a better
Robert L. Dabney, Free Schools and Secularized Education in Discussion, 6st
ed. (Hinton, VA: Sprinkle
Publications, 1979), 215- 16.
Charles H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon On Prayer,10th
ed. (Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos Publications, 2009),
view of Christian education than neglecting what practicalities it has for children. For instance,
let’s examine the philosophy of Christian education statement by Donovan L. Graham.
“Education at any specific Christian school is Christian throughout. Jesus Christ is
honored and worshipped in the life of the school. Practically speaking, that means several
First, the students are taught to live righteously. Drugs, sex, violence, and disrespectful
behavior are not permitted at school, and students maintain the highest moral standards.
God has directed us in the Bible as to how we humans should live, and at Christian
school teachers teach students to follow those Biblical standards.
Second, education for Christ is one of academic excellent. Jesus never did His work with
mediocrity, and neither to do the students. Students are expected to achieve high levels of
performance in academics, athletics, and any other school activities. God deserves the
best, and teachers work hard to give excellent education through the power of the Holy
Third, the curriculum at Christian School is Biblically based. In a day when modernist
thinking prevails in secular schools, teachers have the mindset to go back to the basics to
provide their children not only the opportunity to achieve excellence but to think
christianly. Children are challenged to study Christian authors and use Christian
textbooks that teach the truth and take them back to the Christian roots of our American
Finally, with Christian teachers to serve as models, Christian school seeks to teach
students to live the Christian life. Give the opportunity to study Christian thinkers, the
expectation of high behavioral and academic standards, and teachers who live as
Christians, students are able to take what they learn and apply it to life inside and outside
the classroom. They leave Christian school prepared to engage the enemy on the
battleground of culture and society.”7
Contrary to the Christian teaching, parents should know that teachings on such topics as
liberalism, secularism, humanism, and evolution or even other alienated topics are definitely
unauthorized to be introduced in its full capacities to the children. Such topics are shunned, and
strong cautions have been given out to principals to be vigilantly aware of such atrocious
philosophies that may slink into their institutions. The main objective of the Christian school is
not to see the truth and its basic principles that God has placed in His Word for His children to be
trampled down, but to see the roots penetrate deeper into the solid truth of God’s Word so,
children can continue to grow stronger in Word and in deed. Its greater goal is to promote a
better traditional standard of education to all age levels and also instigate a strong desire in the
parents’ heart to see their child moving forward. This can enhance nobilities of parents and their
considerations can become more active and supportive in any way they can, to see greater
changes in their children’ life, not only in academic, but spiritually as well. Christian school has
Donovan L. Graham, Teaching Redemptively: Perspective On Christian Education, 7th
ed. (Colorado
Springs, CO: Purposeful Design Publications, 2003), 67.
traditional academia and not on some newly philosophies attained from progressive styles of
teaching. John Murray lucidly stressed this truth on Christian Education:
“Education, apart from any conception of man as to his distinguishing identity, purpose,
and destiny, is inconceivable...If education is to be Christian, it must be based upon and
conducted in terms of the Christian view of man. If not, it is not Christian, and if not
Christian it is alien and opposed to Christian interests...If boys and girls...are in the image
of God, if that is their identity, their chief end cannot be anything less than to glorify God
and to enjoy him. And education that is destitute of this objective, or has allowed it to
suffer eclipse has lost its direction.
Christianity gives us a world view; it enunciates principles which underlie all our
thinking if we are Christian; it prescribes the governing conceptions in terms of which we
are to interpret reality. Christianity is not something tacked on to our world view; it is
itself a world view. And the central features of our Christian faith are conditioned by, and
in turn condition, that world view.”8
Douglas Wilson also further complimented that Christian education has specific goal in
its implementation. Its specific purpose should be lucidly seen in an individual’s life as a result
of this education:
“For the Christian the purpose of education is to facilitate maturation in the image of God
and thus growth into true manhood and womanhood, so that the child might be able to
fulfill his creation mandate in obedience to God’s Word. It follows from this that the kind
of education we give our children must be one which is thoroughly grounded in the
Christian worldview and which seeks to subject every discipline to the authority of God’s
Word as it is revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Education is thus
inescapably a covenant activity; indeed it is a central aspect of man’s covenant duty.
Hence to deny our children such an education is to abandon our responsibilities as the
covenant people of God.”9
When Biblical education is put into the minds of children, something unique happens
within their hearts. This is different from the academic skills and it is their desire to know their
God. As a matter of fact, they are given a thoroughly and distinctively Christian education,
which makes them understand the world God placed them in, and they can comprehend their
appointed role in it. They can learn to grown in their sanctification, whether intellectual, ethical,
or aesthetic. Moreover, they can also come to understanding the futility of what passes for
education elsewhere. This comprehension will not make them supercilious or proud, but rather
will fill them with compassion to know their Heavenly Father more than the normal academics
they learn.
John Murray, Collected Writings of John Murray, Vol. 1, Banner of Truth, 9th
ed. (Sandy, UT: Ross
House Books, 1975), 367 – 68.
Douglas Wilson, The Case for Classical Christian Education, 9th
ed. (Wheaton: ILL: Crossby Books
Publications, 2003), 96.
This can seem very uncertain for parents, since they cannot see what is actually is going
on in the hearts of their little children caused by the education that they have been assigned to
learn from. Yet they should know this; God is in the business of heart changing. Children can be
seen as little people without having strong bodies, but in their frail and weak bodies they can
make huge difference. Not just by the knowledge they gain from their education, but by turning
to put faith completely in God, while wanting to know Him more. John Henry Newman simply
puts it this way, “It is strange, indeed, that frail man should have strength to move God; but it is
our privilege to know that we can do so… And, as He has thus promised an answer to our poor
prayers, so it not more strange that prayers offered up at...”10 This then enhances their
understanding of who God is and begin to see all things from a Biblical perspectives and not
handling all things from a human stance. This then develops a different paradigm of seeing the
things of God over earthly stuff.
The truth attained from Biblical education can have a sturdy place in the heart of
children, and when they are older, they can have some clear elucidations to distinguish fallacious
beliefs that they may come in contact with such as agnosticism, monotheism, polytheism,
pantheism, henotheism, animism, and theism. Their sturdy position in God’s Word can be
evident in their decision makings to stand firm on the Truth and continuing therein without
throwing in the towel. Having a clear conscience illuminated through the Holy Spirit, they can
know that God is a righteous God and can reverence Him with a proper character.
This education then gives them the confidence to stand firm on God’s inerrant Word.
Nothing can shake them from their beliefs because their faith has been firmly anchored on the
solid Rock (God), and with it, they can know that He alone is the true living God. No one besides
Him is real. Their intimate relationship with Him can become strong and mature by their
closeness with Him. Josh McDowell explained this by saying, “Know. At its core, the Christian
faith is about a relationship with God. That is what provides true meaning to all of our lives…
Children can be taught that God created us and He created us for a relationship, a friendship with
Him It is very crucial thing.”11 Nothing can be more important than this, but to have a closer
walk with their God. This is a significant occurrence in their lives.
While being nigh to God, they can have the opportunity to share Christ not only in their
school, but to others in different schools and their communities. As important as dispersing
Biblical education in school is; children can also have the heart to distribute the precious seed of
the Word of God to others that are following the incredible commandment that God furnished in
His marvelous Word, found in Matthew 28: 19, Mark 16:15, and Acts 1:8. This then becomes
reality, because of the experience of doing what is right and not just learning and keeping it for
themselves. It is definitely important to impact and influence others for the cause of Christ.
Making God bigger then becomes more significant and this leads them to making Him
preeminent in their personal life even over their education they receive from their schooling.
This then gives them the opportunity to extend His Word.
John Henry Newman, Parochial and Plain Sermons, 9th
ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,1997),
Josh McDowell, True or False, 6th
ed. (Kila, MT: Kessinger Publication, 2003), 32.
Charles Stanley once said, “God’s plan for enlarging His Kingdom is so simple. One
person telling another about the Savior. Yet we’re busy and full of excuses. Just remember,
someone’s eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you’ll have when you meet that person in heaven
will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the Gospel.”12 It is incredible to see young
children readily sharing what they have learned whether in academics or in Bible, and to start
sharing with their fellow students about God and all the things He created. This is a grandiose
thing for God to see His little ones doing this awesome chore.
Both facts attained from the materials and the truth receive from the Word of God can be
a spiritual catalyst in the hearts of these children. As more spiritual prerequisites are
accumulated; they have an impact on their inner thoughts and on their hearts. Their way of
thinking begins to alter from earthly thoughts to heavenly; which gives them clear understanding
of what it really means to loosely their hold on the things of this temporal world and tightly hold
onto the things of God. As they grow older, they can remember that it was a blessing for their
parents to enroll them in Christian school, and through this great opportunity, learn from these
materials and that the Bible was worthwhile and not a waste of time. Having greater thoughts on
the eternal things, their minds can be greatly motivated by the Word and can press forward for
the celestial things of God.
As a result of total dependence on God, they think more differently than an unsaved
person. Their way of talking, behaving, and thinking are going to be different from other students
who don’t think God is that important in their personal lives. Their Christian worldview is going
to be much clearer and more different than when they first started as a child at the Christian
school. The verse in Colossians 3:2 can become reality in the minds when it talks about setting
your minds on things above and not on things on the earth. They can have different views on
worldly and Heavenly things. Their eagerness to know Heavenly stuff will increase more than
the earthly stuff. Douglas Wilson further elaborated on this truth:
“Positively, having a Christian worldview means living as an obedient Christian in all
life—heart, mind fingers, and toes. A worldview is not a set of rationalistic spectacles we
put on that enables us to see the world rightly despite the fuzzy vision caused by
disobedience. Our worldview is related to our eyes, obviously, but these eyes are
intimately connected with hands, heart, and mind. The Scriptures speak of God as the
One who tries the “heart and reins’ of men. Our metaphor for this would be God testing
the “head and heart,” the reason and emotions. But in the ancient Hebrew metaphor, the
heart was the seat of the intellect, and the reins— the kidneys—were the seat of the
affections. So while Scripture does distinguish reason and emotions, it does not separate
them the way we tend to do. Our thoughts do not float on the surface of our lives, like
leaves that fall on the pond.
When we are walking in obedience to the Gospel, worshipping and living as God requires
us to do—hearing His Word, singing His psalms, eating at His table, honoring our
parents, loving our wives, respecting our husbands, teaching our children because we
cherish them, mowing the lawn when we should, and also reading and teaching our
Charles F. Stanley, Discover Your Destiny: God Has More Than You, 10th
ed. (Nashville, TN: Thomas
Nelson Publications, 2003). 230.
history, science, literature, and so on—then we have a Christian worldview. At that point,
and not before, our children are safe under our instruction. At this point, the schools we
build will be fit for the presence of covenant children.”13
There are several important differences about Christian schools compared to other secular
schools. The learning materials like the PACES or ABEKA materials that children utilize in their
schooling are much more in depth with good teachings that are in line with Biblical thinking.
This inspires and motivates children to know that God was the only One who created all things,
and no other random figure; nor that anything within the earth has evolved. These materials have
been specifically designed to give children a quality education both mentally and spiritually as
well. The subjects like Science and Math show children that God created the entire universe in
six literal days accordingly to the Book of Genesis, and gives them the idea that He did make all
things with symmetrical lines accordingly to numbers, and put everything in order from the very
beginning of time. While other subjects support the very fact that there was a perfect Master
Designer who created all things both visible and invisible. The children are then challenged to
know and accept Him as great Savior.
The understanding of how the Creator God created the entire universe can literally be
clear in their minds and not believe what the evolution have stated in the false philosophies. Dr.
John Goetsch clarified this in a simplest form:
“God is a God of order. In the field of academics, we can see this demonstrated through a
variety of principles. In math- related courses, we need to teach that the end does not
justify the means. Therefore, young people are taught to show their work. It could rightly
be said that in many ways the process is as important as the ultimate outcome. Were this
not to be the case, we would certainly be much fonder of a degree mill then the 128 class
credits being earned on site at an institution of higher learning. Mathematics can also
teach us the principles in the areas of diligence and consistency. More importantly, math
will clearly validate the Bible principle of ‘line upon line, precept upon precept.’”14
Dr. John S. Weekes once said in his book, “Thus it is contended that from a teleological
perspective that is to say from the point of view of design, there is ample proof that the universe
is the handiwork of a Master Designer who has identified Himself as God the Creator.”15 As a
matter of fact, these materials are very astounding and so deep in knowledge that they enrich the
minds of children with newer ideas, which in turn make students so brighter, smarter, and more
intelligent for any advance work or furtherance of their higher education. The specific purpose is
to make them prepared and well equipped to do extraordinary as they continue in their education.
More amazing to know, is their grade average in the tests they score. They attain
unbelievable grades in every area of their studies. This includes every work that they accomplish
whether in doing assignments, projects, home work, or taking tests. Their grades are exceedingly
Ibid., 68.
Dr. John Goetsch, Mentoring and Modeling, 2nd
ed. (Lancaster,CA:Striving Together Publication,
2002), 9.
Dr. John S. Weekes,Understanding the Existence of God, 5th
ed. (Victoria, Canada: Trafford
Publications, 2010), 24.
high, making A’s and B’s in every subject. This gives both teachers and parents a confidence that
their children can do harder studies in higher institutions, regardless of which field they pursue in
the future. There will not be any limitations with their studies in the future, because
perseverance, diligent, and no habit of procrastination that they have developed during their early
schooling years, will definitely enable them to strive further for excellences. An unknown author
once said, “The sky is the limit, be realistic we past that stage, good ain’t good enough no more
we go beyond the skies so we strive for excellence.” By this thorough work, they are set to tackle
any uncertainties or difficult questions that they’re going to face in their next higher education.
Both parents and teachers can know that the children can do anything through Christ which
strengthens them (Philippians 4:13).
When it comes to comparing between Christian and a secular school in academic
standards, Christian school is far more outstanding because all things are done in the fear of the
Lord whereas, secular, it is done for self glory. Christian school has a proper schedule for
everything and is serious about the business of teaching children the best education ever known
to human begins. Things are done decently and in order as (I Corinthians 14:40) talks about. The
curriculum that has been utilized here is the best there is. The Christian curriculum speaks for
itself and answers any questions that people may have concerning it. All the curriculums have
something in common, and that is to make children understand clearly, and able to relate to
others when asked to give an answer.
This can be a specific time where certain things in their mind, attitude and character
begin to alter or mature by the bodily exercise that they perform. Things relating to the cognitive,
affective, and psychometrical domain seem to be developed throughout children’s learning
process. In Cognitive Domain their minds begin to utilize certain abilities as listed: evaluate – is
when they start to make valued judgment on conclusions of any matter, synthesis – is when
children begin working with parts or elements to form a whole out of the things they have been
assigned to do, analysis – is their ability to break down material and putting it into its correct
part, Comprehension – their knowledge of a fact and how to explain or apply. Knowledge – is
their basic recalling of factual things.
In the Affective Domain, children are characterized by the following: value set – this is
when children begin to integrate one’s beliefs, ideas and attitudes into a total, all-embracing
philosophy, organization – is when they start making adjustments or decisions from among
several alternatives, valuing – is when they commit themselves to take up an attitudinal position
assessing to its worthiness, responding – this is when they show active interest in something and
putting a full attention into it, receiving – that is when children develop an awareness of
something and putting emphasis into it.
The last domain is the Psychomotor Domain. In this domain, children go through by
bodily exercises and deal with manual and physical skills, etc. The first stage is called the Reflex
movements – in this category children tend to have actions that are elicited without learning in
response to some stimuli. Examples include: flexion, extension, stretch, postural adjustments and
more. In Basic fundamental movement, children inherit movement patterns which are formed by
combining of reflex movements and are the basis for complex skilled movements. Examples are:
walking, running, pushing, twisting, gripping, grasping, manipulating, and more. In Perceptual
abilities, children begin to interpret various stimuli that enable them to make adjustments to the
environment. Examples like: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile discrimination. Physical
activities, this is where children require endurance, strength, vigor, and agility which produces a
sound, efficiently functioning body. Examples are: all activities which require strenuous effort
for long periods of time or muscular exertion. In Skilled movements, children have the results for
the acquisition of a degree of efficiencies when performing a complex task. Examples includes:
all skilled activities obvious in sports, recreation, and dance. The last but not the least is the Non-
discursive communication, this is where children communicate through bodily movements
ranging from facial expressions through sophisticated choreographics. Examples includes: body
postures, gestures, and facial expressions efficiently executed in skilled dance movement and
choreographics. These three pivotal propositions really make children to become matured man
and woman that they ought to be through their training at their Christian school.
The other most significant proposition to consider is the Christian Philosophy.
Philosophy is like an engine that pulls the entire body of the school in one direction. The
philosophy, how it is suppose to function will not lead into some chaotic circumstances. It gives
itself, with the very breath of its existence, its specific mission that it has to fulfill its great goals.
The primarily focus of the educational ministry is to serve the little children that God created
through teaching. It can be seen as part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19 -20) that
Christ Himself gave. The methods are never manipulative or demanding, but they are meant to
serve children by enabling them to learn more. The hearts of the Christian teachers are motivated
by love to carry out their entrusted work. The ministry of educating is never to be self serving,
but it is a service rendered unto God. It enables children to grow in His likeness through the
education that they are learning from.
The statement of faith too plays a very significant role in educating parents. It stands for
one specific purpose and that is to train children according to the Scripture and to help make
them become good Christians of faith; to do right things in whatsoever capacity the Lord
entrusted them with. Paul Babie once said this, “These tend to be schools within the evangelical
tradition of the Christian faith, and have a strong view of the authority of the Word, a thorough
understanding of and commitment to the school’s Christian worldview and Statement of Faith
and who…”16 Surely with faith, all things that are taught, organized, and maneuvered within the
school, all are done to glorify God.
Clarification from this statement should motivate or inspire parents to enroll children
and see them go to be trained right, under godly mentorship rather than seeing them going off to
wrong intuitions to be trained under ungodly teachers. Christian school is a place where God’s
Word is prominently set above, for the purpose of directing and leading children on the perfect
road that Jesus Christ mentioned in (Matthew 7:14). It is an institution where no philosophies of
humanism, secularism, liberalism, evolution, or anything of that nature that contradicts what the
Bible says. Christian philosophy does bring strong convictions and challenges to the
understanding of individual parent’s faith to enroll their children. That is why it is a unique thing
for Christian schools to have a philosophy.
PaulBabie, Freedom of Religion Under Bills of Rights, 7th
ed. (Adelaide, Australia: The University of
Adelaide Press,2012), 128.
This godly philosophy in a Christian school is like a shepherd who is ready to take care
of his sheep. It acts like a person standing with full attention to teach and show his sheep the
right direction to a green pasture where they can joyfully enjoy their grazing. Philosophy is very
critical to parents and teachers as well. Children who attend Christian schools too fall into this
category. Kenneth O. Gangel the author of Feeding and Leading put it this way:
“…people are of supreme importance in the local church; and since they are different and
their needs are different, policies should always be written in flexible manner to do all
possible to meet these needs. Flexibility helps undergird the enabler philosophy. The
feeling conveyed by the enabler philosophy will build within the local church
membership the desire to accomplish God’s will and purpose for the congregation, and
will draw them together in a positive commitment to each other and to the church.”17
There is something phenomenal about the curriculums. For example: A. C. E’s
(Accelerated Christian School) curriculum is so diverse in comparison to other schools. On the
surface, most schools look alike—building, personnel, curriculum, and budgets. The Christian
school is different. It has been the trendsetter in Biblical educational reform. Its philosophy is
built on basic principles of the Word of God. Students are taught to see life from God’s point of
view, to take responsibility for their own learning, and to walk in Godly wisdom and character.
Accelerated Christian Education is not just a publisher, but a comprehensive Bible-based
program that serves both the campus-based school and the home-school for the specific purpose
of developing higher standards in knowledge as well as spiritual maturity.
Even though, there are many thoughts and ideas among the children in school, there
should be one thought that should be remembered and that is about God and all His wondrous
works. Douglas Wilson further highlighted on this point:
“Every Christian school children must have a heart to adopt an implicit, absolute,
childlike wonder at the glory of the Scripture and not too much on the curriculum. They
must be people of the Book, knowing it top to bottom, front to back. And they must
resolve, before the fact, to have absolutely no problem with any passage of Scripture once
the meaning of that passage has been ascertained through honest exegesis. This means,
among other things, that students must be prepared to condemn sodomy, embrace the
doctrine of creation, say that dads are the head of their household, believing in giants and
dragons, and believe in Noah’s Ark right down to, if necessary, the giraffe’s head
sticking out of the window.”18
The highest distinctive goal that a Christian school has on its agenda is to provide a
quantity and quality education for children of all ages. Interestingly, teachers have disciplinary
character with a ready heart to perform the duty, and added to this is their college diploma or
degree enabling them to carry out their entrusted responsibilities. They make sure every student
is learning his material well and clearly comprehending what has been given in the curriculum.
They hope the students will view the universe and all they study about it through a Christian
Kenneth O. Gangel, Feeding and Leading, 8th
ed. (Wheaton: IIIinois: Tyndale House Publishing, 1989),
Ibid., 99.
mind, and that frame of mind cannot be developed through mere study. Rather, it is developed
through an encounter with Christ Himself. This gives them the clear understanding to study the
Bible to shed light on their involvement in the rest of their life.
Regardless of to how they learn, most students are not asked to proof-text the conclusions
they draw from their explorations. Rather, they are asked to show how the light of Scripture
shines on those conclusions and how Scripture informed their exploration – even perhaps how
they frame their questions in the first place. Biblical revelation is viewed as significant for
learning in each subject area integrated with teaching unit, but not because it is assumed that the
Bible has addressed a particular subject directly.
In fact, more than this, practicing and living out what they have learned is more important
than just head knowledge. Donovan L. Graham emphasized more on this:
“In fact, living out what they have learned is another part of the learning experience. The
curriculum is designed to so that students often reach conclusions in the process of
learning rather than in listening as the teacher dispense the correct conclusions and then
expects the students to get outside the school building, to be aware of what is going on
elsewhere in the world, and to be in contact with people outside their immediate
Concerning head knowledge, students strive for perfection in every area of their studies,
whether in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, physical education, or subjects known
as electives. Other areas of education may have many things to do with hands on enhancements.
For example: In physical education, much of body movement or exercises are taught and then
put into practice. In Science, several experiments are done to gain clear mental picture of what
the child has been learning in his book. Through these practical hands on experiences, students
gain clear understands of that project and their way of knowing the subject becomes more
interesting. Their chances of explaining become much easier than before.
There is an interesting thing that students in Christian school enjoy and even converse
more about it and that is called the field trip. It is a day where students are out of classes visiting
those fascinating places and see things that they have studied in their lectures. Students develop
greater passion in those specific topics when they actually see them, experience will peak their
interest to become an expert in that field of study. Practicality and observation become very
essential and handy on this trip. This clearly manifests why it is so important and very critical to
study such a lesson in school. It is for certain that through invigorating trips, students seriously
begin to comprehend the importance of schooling and attempt to develop better study habits in
all areas of the subject. Gary M. Garfied clearly commented that, “If we treat students’ work as
important, students will think of it as important. It is no secret that when we have high
expectations of students (or, for that matter, anyone), they will generally perform at the level of
Ibid., 221.
the expectation.”20 That is why field trips are such an extraordinary event for students, because it
accumulates extra knowledge when they see things of their interest.
With such incredible education that provides outstanding programs such as activities,
higher expectations of good work from teachers, and best the disciplinary policies to create a
boundary for students to abide within the rules and regulations, make an astounding place for
both teacher and students to mingle together. This forms a better place to learn. Without
uncertainties, this generates happiness in parent’s heart that their children are learning the right
things at the right time. Parents must also take note of this. Even though, the Christian school
doesn’t have all the up to date equipment available to be utilized for children’s learning, they
must only know this one thing. If there is the Bible then the absolute truth has be past to their
kids and not the latest devices or new edifices ever erected on the campus. It really doesn’t
matter how many newest technological things can be available. I am not saying they are bad, but
if the truth has not be passed then they are not that important. An unknown author once said, “An
education is not worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living, but not how
to live.” Furthermore, Dr. Mike Zachery lucidly commented on this:
“When it comes to education, there is much that is fake. School buildings can look so
good. It is common to see attractive buildings that contain well-equipped classrooms.
Many schools include libraries and laboratories, sports stadiums and science labs, as well
as principals, secretaries, teachers’ aides, induction ceremonies, commencement services,
and that ever-present bell that chops the day into neat little sections. It is possible,
however, to have all these things that look so good while you have a school that is
producing graduates who have a hard time understanding the Bible and writing error-free
thank you notes for Christmas gifts, than all this is in vain.”21
As a matter fact, Christian schools are in no way similar to public schools just in the
comparison of tuitions. They are so astronomical! I can lucidly clarify this from what I’ve been
seeing from my parents while in a Christian school. I personally saw both were laboring hard to
pay off my bills. It took total commitment, energy, challenges, and perseverance to keep moving
forward in order to see me successfully graduate from Christian school and continue into a
higher institution. Surely every parent has to face this reality and be more willing to tackle the
challenges in a positive way, all the way through; until they can see their children graduate with
their diplomas and continue on to other Christian colleges and universities. They should not be
looking for easy the way out, but to be faithful in their work and be more supportive in any way
they can to see their children successfully graduate with honors.
Someone once said, “Christian school doesn’t cost, but it pays off.” This quote is
absolutely correct. The time and energy that parents give to toil tirelessly day and night has been
counted worthy. Even the huge amount that they pour into their children’s education. It all pays
off. It is not a failure or a vain thing in doing such thing as spending too much, but in a real sense
it is a unique thing to do, and is a profitable and very productive for their children’s education.
Gary M. Garfield, Internet Field Trips, 18th
ed. (West Yorkshire, England: Emerald Group Publishing
Limited, 1998), 16.
Dr. Mike Zachary, Is It Fake, or Is It Real?, 1st
ed. (Santa Clara, CA: North Valley Publication, 2007),
No question! As a matter of fact, exorbitant tuitions are really huge burdens on parent’s heart and
sometimes create long sleepless nights, just pondering and thinking over this burden of paying
off the bills. To be more exact on this; it is a good thing for parents to go through this pain,
because it’s very critical. At the end when they see their children walking with great honors, they
are blessed. It really pays off and it does not matter how preposterous the price is.
All parents should have a mindset of laboring hard and that simply means to work with
their own hands as mentioned in (I Thessalonians 4: 11).They should to labor and pay off their
children’s education rather than attaining financial help from other agencies or the government to
pay for their children’s tuition in Christian school. This is an inopportune thing for parents to do
and they should be ashamed of themselves, but rather stand up as God has commanded that is to
act as a real parent carrying all burdens and meeting their children’s need accordingly. God has
said in His Word that He will definitely bless this kind of manner and He will guide and lead the
family as long as their children are in school.
One of the great Asian writers Fenggang Yang once said, “I will never abandon God for
any worldly thing. I trust God will protect my family and guide every step of my life… Non-
Christian parents sent their children to missionary schools because they liked the educational
quality, although most parents did not understand, but God does work.”22 Truly, God will
abundantly bless parents who take His instructions more seriously, and surely there is a great
promise in His inerrant Word that He will lead and guard every step of the family, and more
specifically, in their children’s education.
Parents seeking God and desperately wanting Him to bless their children’s education and
their future are like sweet savors offered to Him. Tom Blackaby clearly emphasized that, “It is
always a best thing to follow God’s instructions, because He knows past, present, and future—
and we don’t. Can you remember a time when you avoided getting hurt, because He guarded
you?”23 It is a wise thing for both parents to spend much in their children’s future through
Christian school, and there should not be any complaints or worries concerning. It is for sure that
when all is said and done, the only thing that will remain forever is the Biblical truth that they
gained through their education; which eventually will guard and lead them on the right path.
When both parents are long gone, the only thing that will sustain and help their children
to stand strong and keep them going on the right path is their deep relationship with God that
they have developed in their early years in Christian school. Any nonessential worldly
ideologies will not be conducive to this mindset. Nothing will do them any good if their parents
do not have the hearts and willingness to spend their time and resources to invest in their
children’s Christian education. This is just going to be ineffectual and ridiculously redundant for
children not to have a proper godly background for their entire life, which can enable them to
differentiate the only right living from the nefarious way of living.
Fenggan Yang, Chinese Christians in America, 4th
ed. (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Penn State Press,
1999), 81.
Tom Blackaby, Experiencing God at Home Day by Day, 9th
ed. (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing
Group, 2013), 47.
So it is very critical for both parents to take this responsibility to the highest level in their
lives by taking necessary precautions to provide better education for their children; rather than
not doing the best for them. If a prolific thing is carried out, then one day, both can see the
children blessed by God as they continue in their life journey. More joys can be felt as they
continue to see the love and respect paid toward them in their old age. Much greater than these,
is when both see their children extending their goodly manners toward their pastor, teacher, and
also to the higher authorities like the government. Another writer notes his great contribution:
“The father and mother must exhibit true love for Christ so as to ensure the child sees
love, grace, and truth on a daily basis. One of the clearest ways, but certainly just one of
the ways, to make sure your children respect authority is to show respect for authority in
all areas of… If you are a parent then you are the guide and authoritative leader for the
child… That is the most essential truth for the parent to understand if the parent wants to
correctly begin leading and guiding a child.”24
A very idiosyncratic thing about children’s life is that parents can be able to distinguish
changes in children’s lives such as maturity. Childish things are put away and this is when a new
chapter of life begins. A chapter where they start making right decisions to do things that a full
grown man should do as (I Corinthians 13:11) talks about. No more nonsense or other infantile
talks, but getting seriously about big topics and right resolutions, plans, and doing things right.
They will determine to live not a life of mediocrity, because they know that way would lead
them to a demoralizing condition.
When these children grow older, they can know that their knowledge and living a life of
mediocrity will not do them any good. Something valuable must come into practicality. That is
when they come to realize that living a godly life and doing more mature in their character will
bring them to an idyllic life of living. Dr. John Goetsch briefly explains this kind of living in a
simplest form:
“Isn’t it amazing how we think that we know what is best for our lives? We make our
plans to be successful, safe, and secure. We meticulously plot our course according to all
the conventional wisdom of our day. We push ourselves to master the pinnacle of lie,
only to get there and find out we’ve lived a life of mediocrity. Our loftiest goal has come
up short of God’s desire for our lives, for He said, “For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your
thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9).”25
Proper character and maturity will bring students to a right destination where their minds
and concentrations are focus on the right propositions rather on erroneous ones. It is for certain
that they are following the right path that God has created for them to travel. They can take
various routes or be involved in different careers during their life, but minds and concentration
can be on Heavenly things. This is much better than not thinking about God. They will not have
Keith Sherlin, Essential Christianity: Foundations for a Faithful Faith, 8th
ed. (London, England: Author
House Publication, 2006), 486.
Ibid., 9.
the mindset of doing their own thing, but can know that through God they can do all things
(Philippians 4:13). Ardell Jacquot plainly stressed out more on this way of conducting:
“Secular society with its relative values offers little for anyone except doing his own
thing, but, thank God, in the Bible a Christian student can find real guidance and
standards. The standards established by the Christian school must be based on the Word
of God, for there is no greater Absolute. When there are infractions of these Biblical
standards, it is the student who must adjust his ways so that proper attitudes will be
attained. By achieving a proper attitude, he will not only grow in character, but he will
make things more pleasant for those around him.”26
When children start meditating and thinking over the verses that they have read in
school, it produces godly consciences and their minds alter from the things of this world to
God’s eternal things. This creates an enthusiastic desire to know God more than other things that
they have planned to think and do for a living; and more significantly it opens an incredible door
to utilize what they have learned in school to do God’s work. All with the knowledge that He has
furnished to them. This then creates an opportunity to know the right theology of God and other
essential attributes of God as well as other studies that they have on their plates.
They can have the privilege to embrace the truth and heartily have one mind of serving
only the true God of the entire universe rather than preeminently placing other counterfeited gods
in their lives. This can eventually led them to distinguish and abandon fallacious beliefs such as
atheismism, agnosticism, deism, humanism, monotheism, pantheism, and polytheism that may
creep into their lives and cause divisions or confusion toward their love that they once held for
God. More importantly, they can have the confidence to stand firm and defend themselves
against the false with the truth. Adhering more to the truth, they can have gargantuan assistances
to explain its significance of life changing work of God and be more willing to pass on the baton
of truth to others who come after.
Living godly in their school, working places, and in their marriage can be their highest
priority in their entire lives. They can abstain from all appearance of evil because of the sturdy
conviction of the Holy Spirit and truth already present in their hearts when they first accepted
Christ as their personal Savior. Knowing that this will be counted worthy at the end of all ages,
they can have a mindset of helping and leading others to know God then showing them how to
solve chemical equations in Chemistry and in Physics. The education and all the knowledge that
they have gained can only be good for a short period of time, but it does not necessarily mean
they will be prepared for Heaven when they die, “No!” it’s their intimate relationship with God
and leading others in to the saving knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ that will be counted
honorable by God and none beside this.
There will be a greater aspiration burning inside them to know the absolute truth of God
and not surrendering to fables, but enthusiastically desiring to take the higher road and to not
blending in with the worldly crowd that tend to tolerate everything that goes under the sun.
They can live for what is right according to the Biblical standard and be able to shun any
Ardell Jacquot, Guide to SuccessfulChristian Teaching, 5th
ed. (Independence, MO: American
Christian Association Press,1984), 40.
humanistic theories such as Behaviorism, Rogerianism, Freudianism, relativism, pragmatism,
egoism, and universalism that approach their way with their flawed ways to corrupt the right
philosophy which is gained from Scripture. There will be a sense of conscious in them that can
motivate them to figure or discern their hoaxes and prefer to stand for things which are
reasonable according to the truth of the Gospel.
With better Biblical knowledge, memory, and thoughts that students attained from the
Scripture and from Christian teachers in school, they can provide a solid foundation for students
to gain good grounds when erroneous teachings or anything of that nature comes their way to
mar them. They can have confidence in God’s Word because it has all in all that can furnish a
right answer to any man-made theories. Joseph P. Free once said, “The Bible is accurate
archaeologically, geographically, historically, systematically, scientifically, prophetically, and it
is miraculous in that it is changing. It was written over a span of 1,500 years, by more than 40
authors, spanning 3 years continents, and yet is perfect in accuracy. Try to apply this test to other
religious books!”27 There is no doubt that absolute answers can only be attained from the
Scripture to solve any life problems or settle any inconsistencies that human encounter with.
The truth that students attain from the Bible and from their Christian teachers can really
prepare them for any great challenges ahead in their lives. The fact of the matter is that trials,
confusions, heresies, and synthetic ideas are always on the rise, and if the truth has not been
properly anchored deep in their hearts, then they are going to be in trouble. It is very critical for
them to know God and His infallible Word beside other things like their studies, so that when
these false ideologies come with their oppositions, they can have the perfect answers to truckle
them. Students can have confidence in their Biblical knowledge to answer any spiritual problems
and not the knowledge. Wendy Blight once said this in her book, “This Book is the mind of God,
the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its
doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding; its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.
Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy.”28 Truly students cannot go wrong
with the Scriptural knowledge in whatever they attempt to apply if to. It is the right tool for
restoring any devastated life or to put people on the right path from all chaotic dilemmas.
With all the quality and quantity education that the students gained from Christian school,
they can be well equipped for any future challenges whether academically, spiritually, mentally,
or physically. They will have good attitudes in their working place, perform well in their duties
and more importantly their outstanding manners can bring gladness and joy to the hearts of their
parents as the Book of Psalm talks about. Christian school does makes an enormous difference in
the lives of students both spiritual and academically and parents should consider enrolling their
children in this biblically sound education, rather than wondering where to send them. An
unknown author once said this, “An education is not worth a great deal if it teaches young people
how to make a living but not how to live.” Furthermore, Leon G. Stevens quoted from
Gouverner Morris that, “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education
Joseph P. Free,Archaeology and Bible History, 7th
ed. (Grand Rapid, MI: Zondervan Publishing House,
1992), 13.
Wendy Blight, Living “So That”: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst. 8th
ed. (Edinburg,
Scotland: Thomas Nelson Publication, 2014), 87.
should teach the percepts of religion and the duties of man towards God.”29 Finally, Roy is very
significantly critical for parents to enroll their children in Christian school so that they can be
properly trained with the truth and when they are old; they will not depart from it. Prentice
Basier quoted from the sixteen president of the United States of America that “The philosophy of
the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”30 For this
reason, it is significantly critical for parents to enroll their children in Christian school so that
they can be properly trained with the truth and when they are old; they will not depart from it.
So the answer to bring true change into the hearts of children is found only in Biblical
education and not in secular schools. Obviously, it can be seen and parents should not blind
themselves from this reality that truly their children’s life can be ultimately altered by the Word
of God through their education in Christian school. So it is time for parents to wake up from their
unconsciousness of doubting that Christian school is not adequate for their children’s education.
It should be a time of full concentration and awareness to take the initiative to make the right
decisions to consider Christian school as their first priority to enroll their children. Because to a
greater extent, it will bring rational results and no qualms can be thought of. God purposefully
established Christian school for a very specific reason, and that is to know Him more intimately
and furthermore, have a clear conscience of knowing that He was the only Master Designer Who
created all the things seen in this very immense universe.
Leon G. Stevens, One Nation Under God: A Factual History of Americas, 8th
ed. (Bloomington, IN:
West Bow Press,2012), 83.
Prentice Basier, Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, 12th
ed. (New York City: West Bow
Press,2001), 83.

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Master's Class Final Thesis - 2014

  • 1. 1 Making Christian School the Highest Priority for Parents to Consider First and foremost, Christian school has the best curriculum and greatly is set apart from secular school, as a matter of fact; parents should consider this institution as their priority for enrolling their children. Its standards are professionally higher based on the Scripture and children are deeply inspired and motivated to live up to that excellence. Its philosophy is based on the Scripture and is specifically motivated to sharpen and regulate children toward the Master Educator (Jesus Christ). This ought to prompt parents to pursue a Christian school for their children over any other schools in their communities. It is for certain that children are born without proper philosophy, value system, or religious creed. All of these must be properly taught in the first ten years of their life if the child is going to have any character, standards, or morality. This is an awesome responsibility for parents, because they are literally determing the happiness and future of their children, both present and eternal. Since this is the case, they must consider enrolling them in a Christian school where they can be taught properly based on the Biblical truth and not enrolling them in public school system, they will be further handicapped because of the many problems of the present system. This ought to be very obvious for parents to have positive attitudes and not have any kind of contemplative thoughts on which schools are best for their children’s education. They should have great anticipation and enthusiastic desire to have their children in Christian school and see them excel in their studies, attaining good grades, developing godly character, and most importantly seeing them behave well when confronting authorities. There should not be any negativities hurdling their decisions to see their children get a better education under the umbrella of Christian education. Parents should be more ebullient to see their four year old child go to a Christian school. The best thing that they are going to learn from is the Biblical based materials and also about God Himself, which is a very need thing; rather than seeing them going off to some school where agnostic materials are been taught mainly to ravage their young mind. Regardless of what the cost maybe, they should know that their dividends would not be wasted but would lead to producing a better future for their children. Martin Luther gave this astounding comment on childhood education: “It is indeed a sin and shame that we must be aroused and incited to the duty of educating our children and of considering their highest interests, whereas nature itself should move us thereto, and the example of the heathen affords us varied instruction. There is no irrational animal that does not care for and instruct its young in what they should know, except the ostrich . . . And what would it avail if we possessed and performed all else, and became perfect saints, if we neglect that for which we chiefly live, namely, to care for the young? In my judgment, there is no other outward offence that in the sight of God so heavily burdens the world, and deserves such heavy chastisement, as the neglect to educate children.”1 The most unique thing about the school is that, children are properly educated under the Biblical sound materials that have been correctly approved and published by an authorized 1 Martin Luther, Great Pedogogical Essays: Plato to Spencer,8th ed. (New York: New York City: Franklin Verzelius Newton Painter, 1905), 174.
  • 2. 2 Christian organizations or publishers of Christian Curriculum Materials for the specific purpose of godly education. Its education is very distinct in its form and had been uniquely prepared for the specific purpose of developing Christ-like education deep in the hearts of these little ones and teaching them to know their perfect Master Teacher (Jesus Christ) as their personal Lord and Savior. Parents should be more adrenalized about seeing Jesus Christ living in their hearts and doing what is acceptable and good at home, in school, and more importantly toward their Heavenly Father. Henry Cloud once said, “This issue along the way is not simply about the child’s being good; but about having good character. Character is the… God gave parents the assignment of bringing up children to understand Him and to take their proper place before Him.”2 Parents should know that they have been given a great responsibility from God to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Through this, their lives can utterly be altered for good, and their chances of staying with their Lord be can prolonged. Doing what is good can become a God fearing character and not something been practiced as a way of lifestyle. Such education is very good for children at this early age for training and equipping them with Biblical things of God; so that when they are old, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). For sure, this godly education provides quality learning syllabus and furthermore inputs what we can call gold nuggets, right from the inspired Word of God and as well as from the godly materials right into their hearts and minds. So that through this, they can become good Christians and be better citizens of their country. Ronald Horton elaborated more on this statement: “Education in the Christian school is radically different from education in secular schools since it springs from radically different premises. Secular education begins with the assumption that man is born good and remains good if his environment is favorable to his natural development. The function of education, therefore, is to remove the obstacles to the free and full expression of his natural impulses and thereby to make possible the self- determination of his personality. While doing so, it prepares the child for the social realities of life. The purpose of education is to help the child realize his potentialities so that he may contribute most fully to the progress of society.”3 Why is it so significant for parents to consider making this important decision? First and most, Christian school has been know throughout the years for its highest intelligence rate and its production of well behaved students, also for their qualified knowledge to advance to any higher levels of education. On top of the list is God and His incredible Word! It is deeply rooted in the Absolute Truth and not on some relative truths that blinds children’s mind from knowing the Truth. This education has the illumination of the Holy Spirit and the very Truth of the Gospel which is amalgamated to provide a better understanding of the materials. Spiritual propositions like the Bible, memory verses, devotions, prayer, and pledges to the Christian flag, are all part of the educational materials that increase children’s ability to know God and the materials that He first created for humans to study. Great godly teachers are the main conduits that God utilizes to 2 Henry Cloud, Raising Great Kids for Parents of Preschoolers: A Comprehensive Guide, 7th ed. (Grand Rapid, MI; Zondervan Publishing House, 2000), 19. 3 Ronald Horton, Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission, 14th ed. Greenville: Bob Jones University Press,2011), 113.
  • 3. 3 teach and mentor children on a daily basis. More vitally, they encourage and inspire them to know their God and make Him to be the preeminent Person in their entire life. Such unique prerequisites make Christian school the safest and most exciting place for children to enjoy their learning and grow healthier in both spirituality and in physical as well. It can be known as a safe haven for better educational environment and a place where a child can mature and have a proper theological view of the Bible when he finishes from Christian school. This can enable him to stand firm and overlook falsified philosophies that come his way down the years as he continues his studies in other institutions that are not Christian; if he transfers to advance his studies in secular universities. Without any further questions asked, by now parents should know that Biblical sound education should be the most preferred education and enthusiastically look with an excitement into the future education for their children, because the truth is this; it is not like the public school that has humanistic philosophies that subtly has been prepared to swindle the young minds of children when placed under their mentorship. Christian school has cool stuff that can really motivate and energize them to have inner peace of mind to concentrate and learn more under the sound mentorship of godly men and women. James R. Estep once said, “Education must have transformation as its redemptive and salvific element if it is to be Christian…Christian Education is education for eternity, as we assist believers to set their mind on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:2).”4 Biblical concept integrated with academic material too plays an important role in the lives of individual children to think more about their lives after death; this makes them think deeper into life. The idea of gaining the whole world and losing their soul in hell, (Mark 8:36) is one specific example that will make them wonder more. This idea can lead children toward a narrow path of Truth that is fully illuminated with Christ’s glorious light (Matthew1:17). This illumination also enlightens their understanding of grasping materials at a faster rate and can make them become smarter than others in public education. These pious prerequisites should make parents glad as they see their children receiving this education. In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” In a simple explanation, God has entrusted parents with an enormous responsibility to nurture, discipline, and to mentor their precious children with the right form of education or sending them to an institution that has Biblical teaching to be properly educated with reverent things of God and seeing them walking therein. Not to send them to some kind of alienated institutions to be mentored with impious education. Robert L. Dabney lucidly stated that: “The direction of the education of children...[is] properly a domestic and parental function...[God] looks to parents, in whom the family is founded, as the responsible agents of this result...He has also in the fifth Commandment connected the child proximately...with the parents, which, of course, confers on them the adequate and the prior authority...It thus appears that naturally the parent’s authority over their children could not have come by deputation from either State or visible Church...[But] the 4 James Riley Estep, A Theology for Christian Education, 9th ed. (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2008), 120.
  • 4. 4 dispensation of Divine Providence in the course of nature shows where the power and duty of educating are deposited...No parent can fail to resent, with a righteous indignation, the intrusion of any authority between his conscience and convictions and the soul of his child. If the father conscientiously believes that his own creed is true and righteous and obligatory before God, then he must intuitively regard the intrusion of any other power between him and his minor child, to cause the rejection of that creed, as a usurpation...If this usurpation is made by the visible church, it is felt to be in the direction of popery, if by the magistrate, in the direction of despotism.”5 It is good for children to know their materials academically, but more than this, they can believe and have their thoughts more deeply penetrated into the scared, noble, and pious things of God. This is something like having a valuable item that the world could not offer; this item is the Creator as their God and desiring to have a close fellowship with Him through their education. It is an incredible thing to see God in their lives! But if He is not preeminent in their lives, than all can seem very pleasant in their parents’ sight, but in God’s sight all is worthless. This should ignite a fire in parents’ heart to see them accept Christ and do their schooling. If parents know this truth and do not put it into practice, than it is just like a tool without a handle. Charles H. Spurgeon plainly stated more on this, “Without the Spirit of God we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind or chariots without steeds. Like branches without sap, we are withered. Like coals without fire, are useless. As an offering without the sacrifice flame, we are unaccepted.”6 It is no brainer; neglecting the very truth of what God has commanded in His perfect Book, for parents to obey is like a bone out of its socket. A significant truth of this whole matter of Christian school is that, its main concept is deeply concentrated on the truth. All its philosophies and how it operates is entirely based on traditional form of education. It first started in the early centuries for the purpose of making children coming to know the absolute truth of the Word of God. It comprises with such principles as these: It has basic and limited curriculum, both parents and teachers should have a say in the educational process, students should be held accountable for their actions at school, and even though it means establishing “tough” consequences, and it provides a safe environment that features a warm, congenial atmosphere that is firm and fair. Furthermore, it emphasizes that school is preparation for life, learners are passive absorbers of information and authority, teachers are sources of information and authority, the program is determined by external criteria particularly test results, learning is liner with factual accumulation and skill mastery, knowledge is absorbed through lectures, worksheets and texts, instruction is linear and largely based on correct answers, skills are taught discretely and are viewed as goals, assessment is norm-referred, external, success is competitively based, derived from recall and memory, products are the end point, and intelligence is a measure of linguistic and logical/ mathematical abilities. These principles make the entire bulk of Christian school uniquely different from progressive education, and this should motivate parents to have a better 5 Robert L. Dabney, Free Schools and Secularized Education in Discussion, 6st ed. (Hinton, VA: Sprinkle Publications, 1979), 215- 16. 6 Charles H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon On Prayer,10th ed. (Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos Publications, 2009), 229.
  • 5. 5 view of Christian education than neglecting what practicalities it has for children. For instance, let’s examine the philosophy of Christian education statement by Donovan L. Graham. “Education at any specific Christian school is Christian throughout. Jesus Christ is honored and worshipped in the life of the school. Practically speaking, that means several things. First, the students are taught to live righteously. Drugs, sex, violence, and disrespectful behavior are not permitted at school, and students maintain the highest moral standards. God has directed us in the Bible as to how we humans should live, and at Christian school teachers teach students to follow those Biblical standards. Second, education for Christ is one of academic excellent. Jesus never did His work with mediocrity, and neither to do the students. Students are expected to achieve high levels of performance in academics, athletics, and any other school activities. God deserves the best, and teachers work hard to give excellent education through the power of the Holy Spirit. Third, the curriculum at Christian School is Biblically based. In a day when modernist thinking prevails in secular schools, teachers have the mindset to go back to the basics to provide their children not only the opportunity to achieve excellence but to think christianly. Children are challenged to study Christian authors and use Christian textbooks that teach the truth and take them back to the Christian roots of our American heritage. Finally, with Christian teachers to serve as models, Christian school seeks to teach students to live the Christian life. Give the opportunity to study Christian thinkers, the expectation of high behavioral and academic standards, and teachers who live as Christians, students are able to take what they learn and apply it to life inside and outside the classroom. They leave Christian school prepared to engage the enemy on the battleground of culture and society.”7 Contrary to the Christian teaching, parents should know that teachings on such topics as liberalism, secularism, humanism, and evolution or even other alienated topics are definitely unauthorized to be introduced in its full capacities to the children. Such topics are shunned, and strong cautions have been given out to principals to be vigilantly aware of such atrocious philosophies that may slink into their institutions. The main objective of the Christian school is not to see the truth and its basic principles that God has placed in His Word for His children to be trampled down, but to see the roots penetrate deeper into the solid truth of God’s Word so, children can continue to grow stronger in Word and in deed. Its greater goal is to promote a better traditional standard of education to all age levels and also instigate a strong desire in the parents’ heart to see their child moving forward. This can enhance nobilities of parents and their considerations can become more active and supportive in any way they can, to see greater changes in their children’ life, not only in academic, but spiritually as well. Christian school has 7 Donovan L. Graham, Teaching Redemptively: Perspective On Christian Education, 7th ed. (Colorado Springs, CO: Purposeful Design Publications, 2003), 67.
  • 6. 6 traditional academia and not on some newly philosophies attained from progressive styles of teaching. John Murray lucidly stressed this truth on Christian Education: “Education, apart from any conception of man as to his distinguishing identity, purpose, and destiny, is inconceivable...If education is to be Christian, it must be based upon and conducted in terms of the Christian view of man. If not, it is not Christian, and if not Christian it is alien and opposed to Christian interests...If boys and girls...are in the image of God, if that is their identity, their chief end cannot be anything less than to glorify God and to enjoy him. And education that is destitute of this objective, or has allowed it to suffer eclipse has lost its direction. Christianity gives us a world view; it enunciates principles which underlie all our thinking if we are Christian; it prescribes the governing conceptions in terms of which we are to interpret reality. Christianity is not something tacked on to our world view; it is itself a world view. And the central features of our Christian faith are conditioned by, and in turn condition, that world view.”8 Douglas Wilson also further complimented that Christian education has specific goal in its implementation. Its specific purpose should be lucidly seen in an individual’s life as a result of this education: “For the Christian the purpose of education is to facilitate maturation in the image of God and thus growth into true manhood and womanhood, so that the child might be able to fulfill his creation mandate in obedience to God’s Word. It follows from this that the kind of education we give our children must be one which is thoroughly grounded in the Christian worldview and which seeks to subject every discipline to the authority of God’s Word as it is revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Education is thus inescapably a covenant activity; indeed it is a central aspect of man’s covenant duty. Hence to deny our children such an education is to abandon our responsibilities as the covenant people of God.”9 When Biblical education is put into the minds of children, something unique happens within their hearts. This is different from the academic skills and it is their desire to know their God. As a matter of fact, they are given a thoroughly and distinctively Christian education, which makes them understand the world God placed them in, and they can comprehend their appointed role in it. They can learn to grown in their sanctification, whether intellectual, ethical, or aesthetic. Moreover, they can also come to understanding the futility of what passes for education elsewhere. This comprehension will not make them supercilious or proud, but rather will fill them with compassion to know their Heavenly Father more than the normal academics they learn. 8 John Murray, Collected Writings of John Murray, Vol. 1, Banner of Truth, 9th ed. (Sandy, UT: Ross House Books, 1975), 367 – 68. 9 Douglas Wilson, The Case for Classical Christian Education, 9th ed. (Wheaton: ILL: Crossby Books Publications, 2003), 96.
  • 7. 7 This can seem very uncertain for parents, since they cannot see what is actually is going on in the hearts of their little children caused by the education that they have been assigned to learn from. Yet they should know this; God is in the business of heart changing. Children can be seen as little people without having strong bodies, but in their frail and weak bodies they can make huge difference. Not just by the knowledge they gain from their education, but by turning to put faith completely in God, while wanting to know Him more. John Henry Newman simply puts it this way, “It is strange, indeed, that frail man should have strength to move God; but it is our privilege to know that we can do so… And, as He has thus promised an answer to our poor prayers, so it not more strange that prayers offered up at...”10 This then enhances their understanding of who God is and begin to see all things from a Biblical perspectives and not handling all things from a human stance. This then develops a different paradigm of seeing the things of God over earthly stuff. The truth attained from Biblical education can have a sturdy place in the heart of children, and when they are older, they can have some clear elucidations to distinguish fallacious beliefs that they may come in contact with such as agnosticism, monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, henotheism, animism, and theism. Their sturdy position in God’s Word can be evident in their decision makings to stand firm on the Truth and continuing therein without throwing in the towel. Having a clear conscience illuminated through the Holy Spirit, they can know that God is a righteous God and can reverence Him with a proper character. This education then gives them the confidence to stand firm on God’s inerrant Word. Nothing can shake them from their beliefs because their faith has been firmly anchored on the solid Rock (God), and with it, they can know that He alone is the true living God. No one besides Him is real. Their intimate relationship with Him can become strong and mature by their closeness with Him. Josh McDowell explained this by saying, “Know. At its core, the Christian faith is about a relationship with God. That is what provides true meaning to all of our lives… Children can be taught that God created us and He created us for a relationship, a friendship with Him It is very crucial thing.”11 Nothing can be more important than this, but to have a closer walk with their God. This is a significant occurrence in their lives. While being nigh to God, they can have the opportunity to share Christ not only in their school, but to others in different schools and their communities. As important as dispersing Biblical education in school is; children can also have the heart to distribute the precious seed of the Word of God to others that are following the incredible commandment that God furnished in His marvelous Word, found in Matthew 28: 19, Mark 16:15, and Acts 1:8. This then becomes reality, because of the experience of doing what is right and not just learning and keeping it for themselves. It is definitely important to impact and influence others for the cause of Christ. Making God bigger then becomes more significant and this leads them to making Him preeminent in their personal life even over their education they receive from their schooling. This then gives them the opportunity to extend His Word. 10 John Henry Newman, Parochial and Plain Sermons, 9th ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,1997), 131. 11 Josh McDowell, True or False, 6th ed. (Kila, MT: Kessinger Publication, 2003), 32.
  • 8. 8 Charles Stanley once said, “God’s plan for enlarging His Kingdom is so simple. One person telling another about the Savior. Yet we’re busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone’s eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you’ll have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the Gospel.”12 It is incredible to see young children readily sharing what they have learned whether in academics or in Bible, and to start sharing with their fellow students about God and all the things He created. This is a grandiose thing for God to see His little ones doing this awesome chore. Both facts attained from the materials and the truth receive from the Word of God can be a spiritual catalyst in the hearts of these children. As more spiritual prerequisites are accumulated; they have an impact on their inner thoughts and on their hearts. Their way of thinking begins to alter from earthly thoughts to heavenly; which gives them clear understanding of what it really means to loosely their hold on the things of this temporal world and tightly hold onto the things of God. As they grow older, they can remember that it was a blessing for their parents to enroll them in Christian school, and through this great opportunity, learn from these materials and that the Bible was worthwhile and not a waste of time. Having greater thoughts on the eternal things, their minds can be greatly motivated by the Word and can press forward for the celestial things of God. As a result of total dependence on God, they think more differently than an unsaved person. Their way of talking, behaving, and thinking are going to be different from other students who don’t think God is that important in their personal lives. Their Christian worldview is going to be much clearer and more different than when they first started as a child at the Christian school. The verse in Colossians 3:2 can become reality in the minds when it talks about setting your minds on things above and not on things on the earth. They can have different views on worldly and Heavenly things. Their eagerness to know Heavenly stuff will increase more than the earthly stuff. Douglas Wilson further elaborated on this truth: “Positively, having a Christian worldview means living as an obedient Christian in all life—heart, mind fingers, and toes. A worldview is not a set of rationalistic spectacles we put on that enables us to see the world rightly despite the fuzzy vision caused by disobedience. Our worldview is related to our eyes, obviously, but these eyes are intimately connected with hands, heart, and mind. The Scriptures speak of God as the One who tries the “heart and reins’ of men. Our metaphor for this would be God testing the “head and heart,” the reason and emotions. But in the ancient Hebrew metaphor, the heart was the seat of the intellect, and the reins— the kidneys—were the seat of the affections. So while Scripture does distinguish reason and emotions, it does not separate them the way we tend to do. Our thoughts do not float on the surface of our lives, like leaves that fall on the pond. When we are walking in obedience to the Gospel, worshipping and living as God requires us to do—hearing His Word, singing His psalms, eating at His table, honoring our parents, loving our wives, respecting our husbands, teaching our children because we cherish them, mowing the lawn when we should, and also reading and teaching our 12 Charles F. Stanley, Discover Your Destiny: God Has More Than You, 10th ed. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publications, 2003). 230.
  • 9. 9 history, science, literature, and so on—then we have a Christian worldview. At that point, and not before, our children are safe under our instruction. At this point, the schools we build will be fit for the presence of covenant children.”13 There are several important differences about Christian schools compared to other secular schools. The learning materials like the PACES or ABEKA materials that children utilize in their schooling are much more in depth with good teachings that are in line with Biblical thinking. This inspires and motivates children to know that God was the only One who created all things, and no other random figure; nor that anything within the earth has evolved. These materials have been specifically designed to give children a quality education both mentally and spiritually as well. The subjects like Science and Math show children that God created the entire universe in six literal days accordingly to the Book of Genesis, and gives them the idea that He did make all things with symmetrical lines accordingly to numbers, and put everything in order from the very beginning of time. While other subjects support the very fact that there was a perfect Master Designer who created all things both visible and invisible. The children are then challenged to know and accept Him as great Savior. The understanding of how the Creator God created the entire universe can literally be clear in their minds and not believe what the evolution have stated in the false philosophies. Dr. John Goetsch clarified this in a simplest form: “God is a God of order. In the field of academics, we can see this demonstrated through a variety of principles. In math- related courses, we need to teach that the end does not justify the means. Therefore, young people are taught to show their work. It could rightly be said that in many ways the process is as important as the ultimate outcome. Were this not to be the case, we would certainly be much fonder of a degree mill then the 128 class credits being earned on site at an institution of higher learning. Mathematics can also teach us the principles in the areas of diligence and consistency. More importantly, math will clearly validate the Bible principle of ‘line upon line, precept upon precept.’”14 Dr. John S. Weekes once said in his book, “Thus it is contended that from a teleological perspective that is to say from the point of view of design, there is ample proof that the universe is the handiwork of a Master Designer who has identified Himself as God the Creator.”15 As a matter of fact, these materials are very astounding and so deep in knowledge that they enrich the minds of children with newer ideas, which in turn make students so brighter, smarter, and more intelligent for any advance work or furtherance of their higher education. The specific purpose is to make them prepared and well equipped to do extraordinary as they continue in their education. More amazing to know, is their grade average in the tests they score. They attain unbelievable grades in every area of their studies. This includes every work that they accomplish whether in doing assignments, projects, home work, or taking tests. Their grades are exceedingly 13 Ibid., 68. 14 Dr. John Goetsch, Mentoring and Modeling, 2nd ed. (Lancaster,CA:Striving Together Publication, 2002), 9. 15 Dr. John S. Weekes,Understanding the Existence of God, 5th ed. (Victoria, Canada: Trafford Publications, 2010), 24.
  • 10. 10 high, making A’s and B’s in every subject. This gives both teachers and parents a confidence that their children can do harder studies in higher institutions, regardless of which field they pursue in the future. There will not be any limitations with their studies in the future, because perseverance, diligent, and no habit of procrastination that they have developed during their early schooling years, will definitely enable them to strive further for excellences. An unknown author once said, “The sky is the limit, be realistic we past that stage, good ain’t good enough no more we go beyond the skies so we strive for excellence.” By this thorough work, they are set to tackle any uncertainties or difficult questions that they’re going to face in their next higher education. Both parents and teachers can know that the children can do anything through Christ which strengthens them (Philippians 4:13). When it comes to comparing between Christian and a secular school in academic standards, Christian school is far more outstanding because all things are done in the fear of the Lord whereas, secular, it is done for self glory. Christian school has a proper schedule for everything and is serious about the business of teaching children the best education ever known to human begins. Things are done decently and in order as (I Corinthians 14:40) talks about. The curriculum that has been utilized here is the best there is. The Christian curriculum speaks for itself and answers any questions that people may have concerning it. All the curriculums have something in common, and that is to make children understand clearly, and able to relate to others when asked to give an answer. This can be a specific time where certain things in their mind, attitude and character begin to alter or mature by the bodily exercise that they perform. Things relating to the cognitive, affective, and psychometrical domain seem to be developed throughout children’s learning process. In Cognitive Domain their minds begin to utilize certain abilities as listed: evaluate – is when they start to make valued judgment on conclusions of any matter, synthesis – is when children begin working with parts or elements to form a whole out of the things they have been assigned to do, analysis – is their ability to break down material and putting it into its correct part, Comprehension – their knowledge of a fact and how to explain or apply. Knowledge – is their basic recalling of factual things. In the Affective Domain, children are characterized by the following: value set – this is when children begin to integrate one’s beliefs, ideas and attitudes into a total, all-embracing philosophy, organization – is when they start making adjustments or decisions from among several alternatives, valuing – is when they commit themselves to take up an attitudinal position assessing to its worthiness, responding – this is when they show active interest in something and putting a full attention into it, receiving – that is when children develop an awareness of something and putting emphasis into it. The last domain is the Psychomotor Domain. In this domain, children go through by bodily exercises and deal with manual and physical skills, etc. The first stage is called the Reflex movements – in this category children tend to have actions that are elicited without learning in response to some stimuli. Examples include: flexion, extension, stretch, postural adjustments and more. In Basic fundamental movement, children inherit movement patterns which are formed by combining of reflex movements and are the basis for complex skilled movements. Examples are: walking, running, pushing, twisting, gripping, grasping, manipulating, and more. In Perceptual
  • 11. 11 abilities, children begin to interpret various stimuli that enable them to make adjustments to the environment. Examples like: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile discrimination. Physical activities, this is where children require endurance, strength, vigor, and agility which produces a sound, efficiently functioning body. Examples are: all activities which require strenuous effort for long periods of time or muscular exertion. In Skilled movements, children have the results for the acquisition of a degree of efficiencies when performing a complex task. Examples includes: all skilled activities obvious in sports, recreation, and dance. The last but not the least is the Non- discursive communication, this is where children communicate through bodily movements ranging from facial expressions through sophisticated choreographics. Examples includes: body postures, gestures, and facial expressions efficiently executed in skilled dance movement and choreographics. These three pivotal propositions really make children to become matured man and woman that they ought to be through their training at their Christian school. The other most significant proposition to consider is the Christian Philosophy. Philosophy is like an engine that pulls the entire body of the school in one direction. The philosophy, how it is suppose to function will not lead into some chaotic circumstances. It gives itself, with the very breath of its existence, its specific mission that it has to fulfill its great goals. The primarily focus of the educational ministry is to serve the little children that God created through teaching. It can be seen as part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19 -20) that Christ Himself gave. The methods are never manipulative or demanding, but they are meant to serve children by enabling them to learn more. The hearts of the Christian teachers are motivated by love to carry out their entrusted work. The ministry of educating is never to be self serving, but it is a service rendered unto God. It enables children to grow in His likeness through the education that they are learning from. The statement of faith too plays a very significant role in educating parents. It stands for one specific purpose and that is to train children according to the Scripture and to help make them become good Christians of faith; to do right things in whatsoever capacity the Lord entrusted them with. Paul Babie once said this, “These tend to be schools within the evangelical tradition of the Christian faith, and have a strong view of the authority of the Word, a thorough understanding of and commitment to the school’s Christian worldview and Statement of Faith and who…”16 Surely with faith, all things that are taught, organized, and maneuvered within the school, all are done to glorify God. Clarification from this statement should motivate or inspire parents to enroll children and see them go to be trained right, under godly mentorship rather than seeing them going off to wrong intuitions to be trained under ungodly teachers. Christian school is a place where God’s Word is prominently set above, for the purpose of directing and leading children on the perfect road that Jesus Christ mentioned in (Matthew 7:14). It is an institution where no philosophies of humanism, secularism, liberalism, evolution, or anything of that nature that contradicts what the Bible says. Christian philosophy does bring strong convictions and challenges to the understanding of individual parent’s faith to enroll their children. That is why it is a unique thing for Christian schools to have a philosophy. 16 PaulBabie, Freedom of Religion Under Bills of Rights, 7th ed. (Adelaide, Australia: The University of Adelaide Press,2012), 128.
  • 12. 12 This godly philosophy in a Christian school is like a shepherd who is ready to take care of his sheep. It acts like a person standing with full attention to teach and show his sheep the right direction to a green pasture where they can joyfully enjoy their grazing. Philosophy is very critical to parents and teachers as well. Children who attend Christian schools too fall into this category. Kenneth O. Gangel the author of Feeding and Leading put it this way: “…people are of supreme importance in the local church; and since they are different and their needs are different, policies should always be written in flexible manner to do all possible to meet these needs. Flexibility helps undergird the enabler philosophy. The feeling conveyed by the enabler philosophy will build within the local church membership the desire to accomplish God’s will and purpose for the congregation, and will draw them together in a positive commitment to each other and to the church.”17 There is something phenomenal about the curriculums. For example: A. C. E’s (Accelerated Christian School) curriculum is so diverse in comparison to other schools. On the surface, most schools look alike—building, personnel, curriculum, and budgets. The Christian school is different. It has been the trendsetter in Biblical educational reform. Its philosophy is built on basic principles of the Word of God. Students are taught to see life from God’s point of view, to take responsibility for their own learning, and to walk in Godly wisdom and character. Accelerated Christian Education is not just a publisher, but a comprehensive Bible-based program that serves both the campus-based school and the home-school for the specific purpose of developing higher standards in knowledge as well as spiritual maturity. Even though, there are many thoughts and ideas among the children in school, there should be one thought that should be remembered and that is about God and all His wondrous works. Douglas Wilson further highlighted on this point: “Every Christian school children must have a heart to adopt an implicit, absolute, childlike wonder at the glory of the Scripture and not too much on the curriculum. They must be people of the Book, knowing it top to bottom, front to back. And they must resolve, before the fact, to have absolutely no problem with any passage of Scripture once the meaning of that passage has been ascertained through honest exegesis. This means, among other things, that students must be prepared to condemn sodomy, embrace the doctrine of creation, say that dads are the head of their household, believing in giants and dragons, and believe in Noah’s Ark right down to, if necessary, the giraffe’s head sticking out of the window.”18 The highest distinctive goal that a Christian school has on its agenda is to provide a quantity and quality education for children of all ages. Interestingly, teachers have disciplinary character with a ready heart to perform the duty, and added to this is their college diploma or degree enabling them to carry out their entrusted responsibilities. They make sure every student is learning his material well and clearly comprehending what has been given in the curriculum. They hope the students will view the universe and all they study about it through a Christian 17 Kenneth O. Gangel, Feeding and Leading, 8th ed. (Wheaton: IIIinois: Tyndale House Publishing, 1989), 242. 18 Ibid., 99.
  • 13. 13 mind, and that frame of mind cannot be developed through mere study. Rather, it is developed through an encounter with Christ Himself. This gives them the clear understanding to study the Bible to shed light on their involvement in the rest of their life. Regardless of to how they learn, most students are not asked to proof-text the conclusions they draw from their explorations. Rather, they are asked to show how the light of Scripture shines on those conclusions and how Scripture informed their exploration – even perhaps how they frame their questions in the first place. Biblical revelation is viewed as significant for learning in each subject area integrated with teaching unit, but not because it is assumed that the Bible has addressed a particular subject directly. In fact, more than this, practicing and living out what they have learned is more important than just head knowledge. Donovan L. Graham emphasized more on this: “In fact, living out what they have learned is another part of the learning experience. The curriculum is designed to so that students often reach conclusions in the process of learning rather than in listening as the teacher dispense the correct conclusions and then expects the students to get outside the school building, to be aware of what is going on elsewhere in the world, and to be in contact with people outside their immediate sphere.”19 Concerning head knowledge, students strive for perfection in every area of their studies, whether in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, physical education, or subjects known as electives. Other areas of education may have many things to do with hands on enhancements. For example: In physical education, much of body movement or exercises are taught and then put into practice. In Science, several experiments are done to gain clear mental picture of what the child has been learning in his book. Through these practical hands on experiences, students gain clear understands of that project and their way of knowing the subject becomes more interesting. Their chances of explaining become much easier than before. There is an interesting thing that students in Christian school enjoy and even converse more about it and that is called the field trip. It is a day where students are out of classes visiting those fascinating places and see things that they have studied in their lectures. Students develop greater passion in those specific topics when they actually see them, experience will peak their interest to become an expert in that field of study. Practicality and observation become very essential and handy on this trip. This clearly manifests why it is so important and very critical to study such a lesson in school. It is for certain that through invigorating trips, students seriously begin to comprehend the importance of schooling and attempt to develop better study habits in all areas of the subject. Gary M. Garfied clearly commented that, “If we treat students’ work as important, students will think of it as important. It is no secret that when we have high expectations of students (or, for that matter, anyone), they will generally perform at the level of 19 Ibid., 221.
  • 14. 14 the expectation.”20 That is why field trips are such an extraordinary event for students, because it accumulates extra knowledge when they see things of their interest. With such incredible education that provides outstanding programs such as activities, higher expectations of good work from teachers, and best the disciplinary policies to create a boundary for students to abide within the rules and regulations, make an astounding place for both teacher and students to mingle together. This forms a better place to learn. Without uncertainties, this generates happiness in parent’s heart that their children are learning the right things at the right time. Parents must also take note of this. Even though, the Christian school doesn’t have all the up to date equipment available to be utilized for children’s learning, they must only know this one thing. If there is the Bible then the absolute truth has be past to their kids and not the latest devices or new edifices ever erected on the campus. It really doesn’t matter how many newest technological things can be available. I am not saying they are bad, but if the truth has not be passed then they are not that important. An unknown author once said, “An education is not worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living, but not how to live.” Furthermore, Dr. Mike Zachery lucidly commented on this: “When it comes to education, there is much that is fake. School buildings can look so good. It is common to see attractive buildings that contain well-equipped classrooms. Many schools include libraries and laboratories, sports stadiums and science labs, as well as principals, secretaries, teachers’ aides, induction ceremonies, commencement services, and that ever-present bell that chops the day into neat little sections. It is possible, however, to have all these things that look so good while you have a school that is producing graduates who have a hard time understanding the Bible and writing error-free thank you notes for Christmas gifts, than all this is in vain.”21 As a matter fact, Christian schools are in no way similar to public schools just in the comparison of tuitions. They are so astronomical! I can lucidly clarify this from what I’ve been seeing from my parents while in a Christian school. I personally saw both were laboring hard to pay off my bills. It took total commitment, energy, challenges, and perseverance to keep moving forward in order to see me successfully graduate from Christian school and continue into a higher institution. Surely every parent has to face this reality and be more willing to tackle the challenges in a positive way, all the way through; until they can see their children graduate with their diplomas and continue on to other Christian colleges and universities. They should not be looking for easy the way out, but to be faithful in their work and be more supportive in any way they can to see their children successfully graduate with honors. Someone once said, “Christian school doesn’t cost, but it pays off.” This quote is absolutely correct. The time and energy that parents give to toil tirelessly day and night has been counted worthy. Even the huge amount that they pour into their children’s education. It all pays off. It is not a failure or a vain thing in doing such thing as spending too much, but in a real sense it is a unique thing to do, and is a profitable and very productive for their children’s education. 20 Gary M. Garfield, Internet Field Trips, 18th ed. (West Yorkshire, England: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 1998), 16. 21 Dr. Mike Zachary, Is It Fake, or Is It Real?, 1st ed. (Santa Clara, CA: North Valley Publication, 2007), 14.
  • 15. 15 No question! As a matter of fact, exorbitant tuitions are really huge burdens on parent’s heart and sometimes create long sleepless nights, just pondering and thinking over this burden of paying off the bills. To be more exact on this; it is a good thing for parents to go through this pain, because it’s very critical. At the end when they see their children walking with great honors, they are blessed. It really pays off and it does not matter how preposterous the price is. All parents should have a mindset of laboring hard and that simply means to work with their own hands as mentioned in (I Thessalonians 4: 11).They should to labor and pay off their children’s education rather than attaining financial help from other agencies or the government to pay for their children’s tuition in Christian school. This is an inopportune thing for parents to do and they should be ashamed of themselves, but rather stand up as God has commanded that is to act as a real parent carrying all burdens and meeting their children’s need accordingly. God has said in His Word that He will definitely bless this kind of manner and He will guide and lead the family as long as their children are in school. One of the great Asian writers Fenggang Yang once said, “I will never abandon God for any worldly thing. I trust God will protect my family and guide every step of my life… Non- Christian parents sent their children to missionary schools because they liked the educational quality, although most parents did not understand, but God does work.”22 Truly, God will abundantly bless parents who take His instructions more seriously, and surely there is a great promise in His inerrant Word that He will lead and guard every step of the family, and more specifically, in their children’s education. Parents seeking God and desperately wanting Him to bless their children’s education and their future are like sweet savors offered to Him. Tom Blackaby clearly emphasized that, “It is always a best thing to follow God’s instructions, because He knows past, present, and future— and we don’t. Can you remember a time when you avoided getting hurt, because He guarded you?”23 It is a wise thing for both parents to spend much in their children’s future through Christian school, and there should not be any complaints or worries concerning. It is for sure that when all is said and done, the only thing that will remain forever is the Biblical truth that they gained through their education; which eventually will guard and lead them on the right path. When both parents are long gone, the only thing that will sustain and help their children to stand strong and keep them going on the right path is their deep relationship with God that they have developed in their early years in Christian school. Any nonessential worldly ideologies will not be conducive to this mindset. Nothing will do them any good if their parents do not have the hearts and willingness to spend their time and resources to invest in their children’s Christian education. This is just going to be ineffectual and ridiculously redundant for children not to have a proper godly background for their entire life, which can enable them to differentiate the only right living from the nefarious way of living. 22 Fenggan Yang, Chinese Christians in America, 4th ed. (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Penn State Press, 1999), 81. 23 Tom Blackaby, Experiencing God at Home Day by Day, 9th ed. (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2013), 47.
  • 16. 16 So it is very critical for both parents to take this responsibility to the highest level in their lives by taking necessary precautions to provide better education for their children; rather than not doing the best for them. If a prolific thing is carried out, then one day, both can see the children blessed by God as they continue in their life journey. More joys can be felt as they continue to see the love and respect paid toward them in their old age. Much greater than these, is when both see their children extending their goodly manners toward their pastor, teacher, and also to the higher authorities like the government. Another writer notes his great contribution: “The father and mother must exhibit true love for Christ so as to ensure the child sees love, grace, and truth on a daily basis. One of the clearest ways, but certainly just one of the ways, to make sure your children respect authority is to show respect for authority in all areas of… If you are a parent then you are the guide and authoritative leader for the child… That is the most essential truth for the parent to understand if the parent wants to correctly begin leading and guiding a child.”24 A very idiosyncratic thing about children’s life is that parents can be able to distinguish changes in children’s lives such as maturity. Childish things are put away and this is when a new chapter of life begins. A chapter where they start making right decisions to do things that a full grown man should do as (I Corinthians 13:11) talks about. No more nonsense or other infantile talks, but getting seriously about big topics and right resolutions, plans, and doing things right. They will determine to live not a life of mediocrity, because they know that way would lead them to a demoralizing condition. When these children grow older, they can know that their knowledge and living a life of mediocrity will not do them any good. Something valuable must come into practicality. That is when they come to realize that living a godly life and doing more mature in their character will bring them to an idyllic life of living. Dr. John Goetsch briefly explains this kind of living in a simplest form: “Isn’t it amazing how we think that we know what is best for our lives? We make our plans to be successful, safe, and secure. We meticulously plot our course according to all the conventional wisdom of our day. We push ourselves to master the pinnacle of lie, only to get there and find out we’ve lived a life of mediocrity. Our loftiest goal has come up short of God’s desire for our lives, for He said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9).”25 Proper character and maturity will bring students to a right destination where their minds and concentrations are focus on the right propositions rather on erroneous ones. It is for certain that they are following the right path that God has created for them to travel. They can take various routes or be involved in different careers during their life, but minds and concentration can be on Heavenly things. This is much better than not thinking about God. They will not have 24 Keith Sherlin, Essential Christianity: Foundations for a Faithful Faith, 8th ed. (London, England: Author House Publication, 2006), 486. 25 Ibid., 9.
  • 17. 17 the mindset of doing their own thing, but can know that through God they can do all things (Philippians 4:13). Ardell Jacquot plainly stressed out more on this way of conducting: “Secular society with its relative values offers little for anyone except doing his own thing, but, thank God, in the Bible a Christian student can find real guidance and standards. The standards established by the Christian school must be based on the Word of God, for there is no greater Absolute. When there are infractions of these Biblical standards, it is the student who must adjust his ways so that proper attitudes will be attained. By achieving a proper attitude, he will not only grow in character, but he will make things more pleasant for those around him.”26 When children start meditating and thinking over the verses that they have read in school, it produces godly consciences and their minds alter from the things of this world to God’s eternal things. This creates an enthusiastic desire to know God more than other things that they have planned to think and do for a living; and more significantly it opens an incredible door to utilize what they have learned in school to do God’s work. All with the knowledge that He has furnished to them. This then creates an opportunity to know the right theology of God and other essential attributes of God as well as other studies that they have on their plates. They can have the privilege to embrace the truth and heartily have one mind of serving only the true God of the entire universe rather than preeminently placing other counterfeited gods in their lives. This can eventually led them to distinguish and abandon fallacious beliefs such as atheismism, agnosticism, deism, humanism, monotheism, pantheism, and polytheism that may creep into their lives and cause divisions or confusion toward their love that they once held for God. More importantly, they can have the confidence to stand firm and defend themselves against the false with the truth. Adhering more to the truth, they can have gargantuan assistances to explain its significance of life changing work of God and be more willing to pass on the baton of truth to others who come after. Living godly in their school, working places, and in their marriage can be their highest priority in their entire lives. They can abstain from all appearance of evil because of the sturdy conviction of the Holy Spirit and truth already present in their hearts when they first accepted Christ as their personal Savior. Knowing that this will be counted worthy at the end of all ages, they can have a mindset of helping and leading others to know God then showing them how to solve chemical equations in Chemistry and in Physics. The education and all the knowledge that they have gained can only be good for a short period of time, but it does not necessarily mean they will be prepared for Heaven when they die, “No!” it’s their intimate relationship with God and leading others in to the saving knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ that will be counted honorable by God and none beside this. There will be a greater aspiration burning inside them to know the absolute truth of God and not surrendering to fables, but enthusiastically desiring to take the higher road and to not blending in with the worldly crowd that tend to tolerate everything that goes under the sun. They can live for what is right according to the Biblical standard and be able to shun any 26 Ardell Jacquot, Guide to SuccessfulChristian Teaching, 5th ed. (Independence, MO: American Christian Association Press,1984), 40.
  • 18. 18 humanistic theories such as Behaviorism, Rogerianism, Freudianism, relativism, pragmatism, egoism, and universalism that approach their way with their flawed ways to corrupt the right philosophy which is gained from Scripture. There will be a sense of conscious in them that can motivate them to figure or discern their hoaxes and prefer to stand for things which are reasonable according to the truth of the Gospel. With better Biblical knowledge, memory, and thoughts that students attained from the Scripture and from Christian teachers in school, they can provide a solid foundation for students to gain good grounds when erroneous teachings or anything of that nature comes their way to mar them. They can have confidence in God’s Word because it has all in all that can furnish a right answer to any man-made theories. Joseph P. Free once said, “The Bible is accurate archaeologically, geographically, historically, systematically, scientifically, prophetically, and it is miraculous in that it is changing. It was written over a span of 1,500 years, by more than 40 authors, spanning 3 years continents, and yet is perfect in accuracy. Try to apply this test to other religious books!”27 There is no doubt that absolute answers can only be attained from the Scripture to solve any life problems or settle any inconsistencies that human encounter with. The truth that students attain from the Bible and from their Christian teachers can really prepare them for any great challenges ahead in their lives. The fact of the matter is that trials, confusions, heresies, and synthetic ideas are always on the rise, and if the truth has not been properly anchored deep in their hearts, then they are going to be in trouble. It is very critical for them to know God and His infallible Word beside other things like their studies, so that when these false ideologies come with their oppositions, they can have the perfect answers to truckle them. Students can have confidence in their Biblical knowledge to answer any spiritual problems and not the knowledge. Wendy Blight once said this in her book, “This Book is the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding; its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy.”28 Truly students cannot go wrong with the Scriptural knowledge in whatever they attempt to apply if to. It is the right tool for restoring any devastated life or to put people on the right path from all chaotic dilemmas. With all the quality and quantity education that the students gained from Christian school, they can be well equipped for any future challenges whether academically, spiritually, mentally, or physically. They will have good attitudes in their working place, perform well in their duties and more importantly their outstanding manners can bring gladness and joy to the hearts of their parents as the Book of Psalm talks about. Christian school does makes an enormous difference in the lives of students both spiritual and academically and parents should consider enrolling their children in this biblically sound education, rather than wondering where to send them. An unknown author once said this, “An education is not worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but not how to live.” Furthermore, Leon G. Stevens quoted from Gouverner Morris that, “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education 27 Joseph P. Free,Archaeology and Bible History, 7th ed. (Grand Rapid, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992), 13. 28 Wendy Blight, Living “So That”: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst. 8th ed. (Edinburg, Scotland: Thomas Nelson Publication, 2014), 87.
  • 19. 19 should teach the percepts of religion and the duties of man towards God.”29 Finally, Roy is very significantly critical for parents to enroll their children in Christian school so that they can be properly trained with the truth and when they are old; they will not depart from it. Prentice Basier quoted from the sixteen president of the United States of America that “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”30 For this reason, it is significantly critical for parents to enroll their children in Christian school so that they can be properly trained with the truth and when they are old; they will not depart from it. So the answer to bring true change into the hearts of children is found only in Biblical education and not in secular schools. Obviously, it can be seen and parents should not blind themselves from this reality that truly their children’s life can be ultimately altered by the Word of God through their education in Christian school. So it is time for parents to wake up from their unconsciousness of doubting that Christian school is not adequate for their children’s education. It should be a time of full concentration and awareness to take the initiative to make the right decisions to consider Christian school as their first priority to enroll their children. Because to a greater extent, it will bring rational results and no qualms can be thought of. God purposefully established Christian school for a very specific reason, and that is to know Him more intimately and furthermore, have a clear conscience of knowing that He was the only Master Designer Who created all the things seen in this very immense universe. 29 Leon G. Stevens, One Nation Under God: A Factual History of Americas, 8th ed. (Bloomington, IN: West Bow Press,2012), 83. 30 Prentice Basier, Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, 12th ed. (New York City: West Bow Press,2001), 83.