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Utilising financial products and services
Utilising the latest technology
Having access to financial products and
Having access to the latest technology
Investing your money where you want
Having the career you want
Travelling where you want
Equal opportunities irrespective of gender
Access to education
High Importance High Ability
Financial and Digital Inclusion
Equality and Education are Keys to Inclusion
In order for a society to be open and inclusive, respondents across Europe agree that fundamental access to education
(91%) and equal opportunities irrespective of gender (88%) are the most important aspects, with having the freedom to
travel where you want (84%) and choose the career you want (79%) following. However, there is a clear gap between the
importance placed on these aspects and the performance of countries in satisfactorily achieving them: only 78% would
agree that they are sufficiently able to access education in their country with the percentage of those who are able to
access equal opportunities regardless of gender dropping to 66%. The gap between importance and performance is
lowest for technology and finance: over two-thirds believe that they are able to utilize the latest technology (68%), 1 point
higher than those who consider it important to society (67%). When it comes to being able to use financial products and
services, 65% consider it important, and 64% believe that they are currently able to use these services in their society.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, women were more likely than men to rank equal opportunities for both genders as important, with
90% agreeing versus 85% of men. The only other 5 point discrepancy between answers on importance from the genders
can be seen in the 69% of men who agree that utilizing the latest technology is important to society (only 64% of women
said the same).
But who has the higher degree of inclusion when it comes to finance and technology in society? Both genders agreed
within 5 points of each other that men were more included financially (85% of men agreed, and 80% of women). Women
fared slightly better when it came to digital inclusion, with just under a third (28%) believing their gender to have the
higher degree of digital inclusion. Overall, the split between gender for digital inclusion among all surveyed resulted in
one in four Europeans (25%) feeling that women enjoy better digital inclusion than men, while three in four (75%) feel
men enjoy better digital inclusion than women.
Although the majority of those in Europe (75%) consider financial and digital inclusion to be equally important, this serves
to highlight the gender disparity between men and women’s perceived access and ability level for both.
Financial inclusion
Digital inclusion
Both equally important
More Important for
On a scale of 1-5, how important are each of the following components in order to be considered an open and inclusive society?
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all able and 5 is completely able, how would you rate your ability to do the following in your market?
Which is more important for society?
42% 41% 40%
Easier to pay
Flexibility in
paying for
Growth of my
Ability to save
Page 2
Financial Inclusion
• Three quarters of those in Europe (74%) consider financial inclusion important, but only
49% believe that there is a high or somewhat high level of inclusion in their country.
• Among those who believe financial exclusion exists in their market, the most frequently cited
reasons are income equality (44%) and distrust of banks (40%). Turkey (58%) and Portugal
(57%) are the most likely to cite income inequality as a barrier to inclusion.
• Of those who consider financial inclusion to be a problem in their market, responsibility for
improving it is predominantly placed on national government (67%) and banks (60%) over
the individual themselves (37%).
• One in four (24%) believe that credit card companies could do more. Despite this emphasis
on the state and institutions, the most chosen solution across Europe to improve financial
inclusion is education classes (42%).
• Europeans believe that men have a higher degree of financial inclusion than women. (83%
agreed with this statement). This is true across all markets, but is particularly high in Poland
and Germany, where 80% believe men enjoy a higher degree of financial inclusion (vs. 75%
45% Less than half agree men and women enjoy
equal access to financial services in their
22% Less than one in four consider Europe to be the
most financially inclusive region in the world.
Financial Inclusion: Key Figures
What do you think are the benefits of financial inclusion?
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all important and 5 is extremely important, how important is financial inclusion?
Based on the description of financial inclusion in the previous question, which of the following best describes the level of financial inclusion for people in
your country?
What percentage of people in your country do you think…?
What do you think are the main reasons behind financial exclusion in your country?
What can be done to improve financial inclusion in your country?
Who do you think is responsible for instituting these improvements in your country?
What do you think are the benefits of financial inclusion?
Two out of three expect national government to
take responsibility for improving financial
Interesting Finding
The majority of those in Germany (79%), Sweden (71%) and France (69%) think that most of their
fellow citizens have a bank account. Only 22% of those in Turkey and 26% in Romania agree.
Men Women
Do you think men or women have a
higher degree of financial inclusion?
• The majority of those in Europe have a current account (82%), with Germans the most
likely to have one (92%).
• Those in the UK and Sweden are the most likely to feel frustrated by a lack of access to
financial services such as savings accounts (UK 45%; Sweden 37%) and electronic
payments (UK 56%; Sweden 52%).
• The largest gender discrepancy can be seen among those who have a credit card:
52% of men, but only 41% of women.
Do you personally…?
Now, imagine you did not have access to each of the items listed below. How would not having access to each of
the following make you feel?
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is disagree completely and 5 is agree completely, how much do you agree with the
following statements as they pertain to your country?
Interesting Finding
Romanians are the most likely to
agree that men and women enjoy
equal access to financial products
and services (63%). Italians (38%)
and Turks (38%) are the least likely
to agree.
Seven in 10 (68%) Germans agree
that everyone they know has a
bank account, along with 66% of
Swedes. Only 37% of those in
Romania, and 39% of those in Italy
and Poland agree.
Credit card
Savings account
Debit card
Electronic payments
Current account
Which financial services do Europeans use?
54% have
access to
their money
Europeans who have a current account would predominantly feel frustrated (31%)
and disenfranchised (25%) if they no longer had access to one. One in four (28%)
of the 48% who could borrow money from a friend/family member if they needed to
would feel helpless without access to that source of financial support.
Financial Inclusion
Italians (25%),
Turks (35%), and
Romanians (37%)
are least likely to
have a savings
account, whilst
those from Sweden
(81%), the UK
(68%) and France
(67%) are the most
likely to have one.
Top 3 most agreed upon financial statements
The main reason people don’t
participate in the financial world
is that they’re worried about the
security of their money
Men and women enjoy equal
access to financial products and
Everyone I know has a bank
• Three quarters (75%) of those in Europe agree that digital inclusion is important (on
par with the level of importance placed on financial inclusion, which is 74%).
• Only 40% of those surveyed in Europe agree that everyone they know has a computer,
laptop or smart phone, and one in four agree that Europe is the most digitally inclusive
region in the world (24%).
• Still, the perceived ownership/access is relatively on par with actual ownership/access.
• Just over half of Europeans believe that men and women enjoy equal access to digital
products and services (51%). More than half 53% of men agree with this statement,
vs. only 48% of women.
• In addition, 75% of Europeans believe men enjoy a higher degree of digital
inclusion, while 25% believe that women do.
79% 78% 76% 73%
65% 60% 57% 55% 53%
Have internet
access in
their home
Have access
to a computer,
laptop, mobile
phone, or
smart phone
items online
Own a smart
phone or
Own a laptop Have access
to the internet
Own a mobile
Own a
Have a
they could
Have access
to education
Digital Inclusion
On a scale of 1 to 5 how important is digital inclusion?
Which of the following best describes the level of digital inclusion for people in your country?
What percentage of people in your country do you think…?
What do you think is the main reason behind digital exclusion in your country?
What can be done to improve digital inclusion in your country?
Who do you think is responsible for instituting these improvements in your country?
What do you think are the benefits of digital inclusion?
What percentage of people in your country do you think....
Own a mobile
Have access to a
computer or
smart/mobile phone:
Have home
Own a smart
phone or tablet:
Access the internet
outside their home:
Own a
Own a
Could borrow
tech from
Have access
to technology
Purchase items
Only 10% of
believe that digital
inclusion is a
problem in their
country. However,
less than half
(47%) believe
their country
enjoys a high or
somewhat high
level of digital
Compare this to the % of people who personally…
Interesting Finding
Only 50% of women own a computer,
vs. 64% of men.
• Only 11% consider their country to have a high level of digital inclusion – with almost
everyone participating – and 36% think the level of digital inclusion is ‘somewhat high’,
with most people being involved.
• The main barriers to digital inclusion are perceived to be a lack of education/digital
skills (52%), income inequality (46%) and lack of access to technology (35%) are the
most chosen reasons. Only 8% believe that gender inequality in their country drives
digital exclusion.
• As seen with financial inclusion, the main solution to improving digital inclusion is
education classes (43%), which Europeans believe national governments should
undertake to improve.
• By increasing digital inclusion most believe that the main benefit would be becoming
better informed (70%) and connecting to other people (56%).
Do you personally…?
Imagine you did not have access to each of the items listed. How would not having access to each of the following
make you feel?
On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statements as they pertain to your country?
Digital Inclusion
National government
The person himself/herself
Technology software companies
Local government
Technology hardware companies
Other countries’ governments
Who is responsible for instituting improvements in digital inclusion?
As with financial inclusion,
Europeans look most to
national governments to
improve digital inclusion.
Interestingly, men (69%) feel
more strongly about this than
women (60%).
Only 53% of Europeans say they have access to education around technology (56% of men vs. 50% of
women), and 52% believe that a lack of education and digital skills is the main driver of digital
exclusion, and education classes are seen as the top thing to be done to improve digital inclusion.
23% 23%
Education classes Better financial support
to those in need
Infrastructure to support
digital inclusion
Shift in perception about
its importance
Cultural shift
What can be done to improve digital inclusion in your country?
MasterCard commissioned a 10-market survey to understand European consumers’ perceptions of
financial and digital inclusion, through the lens of gender inclusion.
This report presents the findings of an online survey conducted among 10,021 consumers in 10
markets across Europe. Interviewing for these surveys took place between May 5 and 18, 2016. The
margin of error for this study is +/- 1.0 percent at the total level, and +/- 3.1 percent at the market level.
The survey was administered by Norstat, a global research and survey company.
Summary of results:
 The majority of respondents feel that financial and digital inclusion are equally important to
o In fact, three out of four respondents (74%) feel that financial inclusion is important, and
three out of four respondents (75%) feel that digital inclusion is important.
 Although 49% of Europeans feel there is a somewhat high or high level of financial inclusion in
their country, less than one in four (22%) agree that Europe is the most financially inclusive
region in the world.
o Almost all respondents (98%) have at least one of the financial products/services listed in
o Whilst 82% of women globally have a current account, only 59% of women in Turkey do.
Women in Turkey (27%) were also far less likely than the average (51%) to have
unrestricted access to their money; 37% of men in Turkey stated the same.
 In terms of digital inclusion, 47% feel there is a somewhat high or high level of digital inclusion,
only about one in four (24%) agree that Europe is the most digitally inclusive region in the world.
o Almost all respondents (99%) have at least one of the digital products/services listed in
o 64% of men surveyed own a computer, whereas only 50% of women do. Men are also
6% more likely to have access to education around technology. Men (53%) were 5 points
more likely to agree with the statement that men and women enjoy equal access to digital
products and services, than women (48%).
• Germany (n=1002)
• UK (n=1000)
• Spain (n=1010)
• Portugal (n=1001)
• France (n=1000)
• Italy (n=1002)
• Poland (n=1001)
• Sweden (n=1002)
• Turkey (n=1001)
• Romania (n=1002)
Financial and Digital Inclusion
Summary of results (continued):
 In general, respondents believe that both men and women share equal access to financial services as well
as to technology, and that they both take advantage of this access.
o However, less than half (45%) agree with the statement “men and women enjoy equal access to
financial products and services”, and about half (51%) agree that “men and women enjoy equal
access to digital products and services”.
o In addition, more than four out of five respondents (83%) believe that men have a higher degree of
financial inclusion than women, and three out of four respondents (75%) believe that men have a
higher degree of digital inclusion than women.
 The primary drivers for financial exclusion are perceived to be income inequality (44%), as well as a distrust
of banks (40%) and a lack of knowledge about money management (38%).
o Respondents believe that education classes are key to improving financial inclusion in their country
(42%), followed by infrastructure to support financial inclusion (34%), and they believe that it is the
national government (67%) and banks (60%) who are responsible for instituting these improvements
in their country.
o Men are 9 points more likely (69%) than women (60%) to place responsibility with national
governments for instituting change when it comes to improving digital inclusion.
 The primary drivers for digital exclusion are perceived to be lack of education/digital skills (52%), income
inequality (46%), and lack of access to technology (35%).
o As with financial inclusion, respondents believe that education classes are key to improving digital
inclusion in their country (43%), along with better financial support to those in need (34%), and
infrastructure to support digital inclusion. Also as with financial inclusion, they believe that it is the
national government (65%) that is responsible for instituting these improvements in their country.
 Benefits to financial inclusion emphasise financial security (47%) as well as ease of paying bills (44%). For
digital inclusion, benefits are focused on becoming better informed (70%) and ability to be connected to
others (56%).
 Frustration is the central emotion that people would feel if they did not have access to the financial
products/services and technological products/services they currently have access to.
 About one in three respondents (35%) agree that access to digital products and services has vastly
increased people’s ability to access financial products and services, while less than one in three (32%)
agree that access to technology is the key to improving access to financial products and services.
Financial and Digital Inclusion

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Mastercard Finansal ve Dijital Tabana Yayılma Raporu

  • 1. 64% 68% 66% 73% 65% 58% 70% 66% 78% 65% 67% 70% 75% 77% 79% 84% 88% 91% Utilising financial products and services Utilising the latest technology Having access to financial products and services Having access to the latest technology Investing your money where you want Having the career you want Travelling where you want Equal opportunities irrespective of gender Access to education High Importance High Ability Financial and Digital Inclusion Europe Equality and Education are Keys to Inclusion In order for a society to be open and inclusive, respondents across Europe agree that fundamental access to education (91%) and equal opportunities irrespective of gender (88%) are the most important aspects, with having the freedom to travel where you want (84%) and choose the career you want (79%) following. However, there is a clear gap between the importance placed on these aspects and the performance of countries in satisfactorily achieving them: only 78% would agree that they are sufficiently able to access education in their country with the percentage of those who are able to access equal opportunities regardless of gender dropping to 66%. The gap between importance and performance is lowest for technology and finance: over two-thirds believe that they are able to utilize the latest technology (68%), 1 point higher than those who consider it important to society (67%). When it comes to being able to use financial products and services, 65% consider it important, and 64% believe that they are currently able to use these services in their society. Perhaps unsurprisingly, women were more likely than men to rank equal opportunities for both genders as important, with 90% agreeing versus 85% of men. The only other 5 point discrepancy between answers on importance from the genders can be seen in the 69% of men who agree that utilizing the latest technology is important to society (only 64% of women said the same). But who has the higher degree of inclusion when it comes to finance and technology in society? Both genders agreed within 5 points of each other that men were more included financially (85% of men agreed, and 80% of women). Women fared slightly better when it came to digital inclusion, with just under a third (28%) believing their gender to have the higher degree of digital inclusion. Overall, the split between gender for digital inclusion among all surveyed resulted in one in four Europeans (25%) feeling that women enjoy better digital inclusion than men, while three in four (75%) feel men enjoy better digital inclusion than women. Although the majority of those in Europe (75%) consider financial and digital inclusion to be equally important, this serves to highlight the gender disparity between men and women’s perceived access and ability level for both. 13% 12% 75% Financial inclusion Digital inclusion Both equally important More Important for Society On a scale of 1-5, how important are each of the following components in order to be considered an open and inclusive society? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all able and 5 is completely able, how would you rate your ability to do the following in your market? Which is more important for society?
  • 2. 47% 44% 42% 41% 40% Financial security Easier to pay bills Flexibility in paying for things Growth of my country’s economy Ability to save money Page 2 Financial Inclusion Europe • Three quarters of those in Europe (74%) consider financial inclusion important, but only 49% believe that there is a high or somewhat high level of inclusion in their country. • Among those who believe financial exclusion exists in their market, the most frequently cited reasons are income equality (44%) and distrust of banks (40%). Turkey (58%) and Portugal (57%) are the most likely to cite income inequality as a barrier to inclusion. • Of those who consider financial inclusion to be a problem in their market, responsibility for improving it is predominantly placed on national government (67%) and banks (60%) over the individual themselves (37%). • One in four (24%) believe that credit card companies could do more. Despite this emphasis on the state and institutions, the most chosen solution across Europe to improve financial inclusion is education classes (42%). • Europeans believe that men have a higher degree of financial inclusion than women. (83% agreed with this statement). This is true across all markets, but is particularly high in Poland and Germany, where 80% believe men enjoy a higher degree of financial inclusion (vs. 75% overall). 45% Less than half agree men and women enjoy equal access to financial services in their country. 22% Less than one in four consider Europe to be the most financially inclusive region in the world. 67% Financial Inclusion: Key Figures What do you think are the benefits of financial inclusion? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all important and 5 is extremely important, how important is financial inclusion? Based on the description of financial inclusion in the previous question, which of the following best describes the level of financial inclusion for people in your country? What percentage of people in your country do you think…? What do you think are the main reasons behind financial exclusion in your country? What can be done to improve financial inclusion in your country? Who do you think is responsible for instituting these improvements in your country? What do you think are the benefits of financial inclusion? Two out of three expect national government to take responsibility for improving financial inclusion. Interesting Finding The majority of those in Germany (79%), Sweden (71%) and France (69%) think that most of their fellow citizens have a bank account. Only 22% of those in Turkey and 26% in Romania agree. 83% 17% Men Women Do you think men or women have a higher degree of financial inclusion?
  • 3. • The majority of those in Europe have a current account (82%), with Germans the most likely to have one (92%). • Those in the UK and Sweden are the most likely to feel frustrated by a lack of access to financial services such as savings accounts (UK 45%; Sweden 37%) and electronic payments (UK 56%; Sweden 52%). • The largest gender discrepancy can be seen among those who have a credit card: 52% of men, but only 41% of women. Do you personally…? Now, imagine you did not have access to each of the items listed below. How would not having access to each of the following make you feel? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is disagree completely and 5 is agree completely, how much do you agree with the following statements as they pertain to your country? Interesting Finding Romanians are the most likely to agree that men and women enjoy equal access to financial products and services (63%). Italians (38%) and Turks (38%) are the least likely to agree. Seven in 10 (68%) Germans agree that everyone they know has a bank account, along with 66% of Swedes. Only 37% of those in Romania, and 39% of those in Italy and Poland agree. 3 47% 53% 69% 69% 82% Credit card Savings account Debit card Electronic payments Current account Which financial services do Europeans use? 54% have unrestricted access to their money Europeans who have a current account would predominantly feel frustrated (31%) and disenfranchised (25%) if they no longer had access to one. One in four (28%) of the 48% who could borrow money from a friend/family member if they needed to would feel helpless without access to that source of financial support. Financial Inclusion Europe Interesting Finding Italians (25%), Turks (35%), and Romanians (37%) are least likely to have a savings account, whilst those from Sweden (81%), the UK (68%) and France (67%) are the most likely to have one. Top 3 most agreed upon financial statements 36% 45% 49% The main reason people don’t participate in the financial world is that they’re worried about the security of their money Men and women enjoy equal access to financial products and services Everyone I know has a bank account
  • 4. • Three quarters (75%) of those in Europe agree that digital inclusion is important (on par with the level of importance placed on financial inclusion, which is 74%). • Only 40% of those surveyed in Europe agree that everyone they know has a computer, laptop or smart phone, and one in four agree that Europe is the most digitally inclusive region in the world (24%). • Still, the perceived ownership/access is relatively on par with actual ownership/access. • Just over half of Europeans believe that men and women enjoy equal access to digital products and services (51%). More than half 53% of men agree with this statement, vs. only 48% of women. • In addition, 75% of Europeans believe men enjoy a higher degree of digital inclusion, while 25% believe that women do. 87% 79% 78% 76% 73% 65% 60% 57% 55% 53% Have internet access in their home Have access to a computer, laptop, mobile phone, or smart phone Purchase items online Own a smart phone or tablet Own a laptop Have access to the internet elsewhere Own a mobile phone Own a computer Have a friend/family member whose technology they could borrow Have access to education around technology Digital Inclusion Europe On a scale of 1 to 5 how important is digital inclusion? Which of the following best describes the level of digital inclusion for people in your country? What percentage of people in your country do you think…? What do you think is the main reason behind digital exclusion in your country? What can be done to improve digital inclusion in your country? Who do you think is responsible for instituting these improvements in your country? What do you think are the benefits of digital inclusion? 4 What percentage of people in your country do you think.... Own a mobile phone: 75% Have access to a computer or smart/mobile phone: 67% Have home internet: 64% Own a smart phone or tablet: 61% Access the internet outside their home: 57% Own a laptop: 51% Own a computer: 55% Could borrow tech from family/friends: 48% Have access to technology education: 46% Purchase items online: 46% Interesting Finding Only 10% of Europeans believe that digital inclusion is a problem in their country. However, less than half (47%) believe their country enjoys a high or somewhat high level of digital inclusion. Compare this to the % of people who personally… Interesting Finding Only 50% of women own a computer, vs. 64% of men.
  • 5. • Only 11% consider their country to have a high level of digital inclusion – with almost everyone participating – and 36% think the level of digital inclusion is ‘somewhat high’, with most people being involved. • The main barriers to digital inclusion are perceived to be a lack of education/digital skills (52%), income inequality (46%) and lack of access to technology (35%) are the most chosen reasons. Only 8% believe that gender inequality in their country drives digital exclusion. • As seen with financial inclusion, the main solution to improving digital inclusion is education classes (43%), which Europeans believe national governments should undertake to improve. • By increasing digital inclusion most believe that the main benefit would be becoming better informed (70%) and connecting to other people (56%). Do you personally…? Imagine you did not have access to each of the items listed. How would not having access to each of the following make you feel? On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statements as they pertain to your country? 5 Digital Inclusion Europe 65% 47% 33% 32% 32% 8% National government The person himself/herself Technology software companies Local government Technology hardware companies Other countries’ governments Who is responsible for instituting improvements in digital inclusion? As with financial inclusion, Europeans look most to national governments to improve digital inclusion. Interestingly, men (69%) feel more strongly about this than women (60%). Only 53% of Europeans say they have access to education around technology (56% of men vs. 50% of women), and 52% believe that a lack of education and digital skills is the main driver of digital exclusion, and education classes are seen as the top thing to be done to improve digital inclusion. 43% 38% 34% 23% 23% Education classes Better financial support to those in need Infrastructure to support digital inclusion Shift in perception about its importance Cultural shift What can be done to improve digital inclusion in your country?
  • 6. Background: MasterCard commissioned a 10-market survey to understand European consumers’ perceptions of financial and digital inclusion, through the lens of gender inclusion. Methodology: This report presents the findings of an online survey conducted among 10,021 consumers in 10 markets across Europe. Interviewing for these surveys took place between May 5 and 18, 2016. The margin of error for this study is +/- 1.0 percent at the total level, and +/- 3.1 percent at the market level. The survey was administered by Norstat, a global research and survey company. Summary of results:  The majority of respondents feel that financial and digital inclusion are equally important to society. o In fact, three out of four respondents (74%) feel that financial inclusion is important, and three out of four respondents (75%) feel that digital inclusion is important.  Although 49% of Europeans feel there is a somewhat high or high level of financial inclusion in their country, less than one in four (22%) agree that Europe is the most financially inclusive region in the world. o Almost all respondents (98%) have at least one of the financial products/services listed in Q12. o Whilst 82% of women globally have a current account, only 59% of women in Turkey do. Women in Turkey (27%) were also far less likely than the average (51%) to have unrestricted access to their money; 37% of men in Turkey stated the same.  In terms of digital inclusion, 47% feel there is a somewhat high or high level of digital inclusion, only about one in four (24%) agree that Europe is the most digitally inclusive region in the world. o Almost all respondents (99%) have at least one of the digital products/services listed in Q12. o 64% of men surveyed own a computer, whereas only 50% of women do. Men are also 6% more likely to have access to education around technology. Men (53%) were 5 points more likely to agree with the statement that men and women enjoy equal access to digital products and services, than women (48%). • Germany (n=1002) • UK (n=1000) • Spain (n=1010) • Portugal (n=1001) • France (n=1000) • Italy (n=1002) • Poland (n=1001) • Sweden (n=1002) • Turkey (n=1001) • Romania (n=1002) 6 Financial and Digital Inclusion Europe
  • 7. 7 Summary of results (continued):  In general, respondents believe that both men and women share equal access to financial services as well as to technology, and that they both take advantage of this access. o However, less than half (45%) agree with the statement “men and women enjoy equal access to financial products and services”, and about half (51%) agree that “men and women enjoy equal access to digital products and services”. o In addition, more than four out of five respondents (83%) believe that men have a higher degree of financial inclusion than women, and three out of four respondents (75%) believe that men have a higher degree of digital inclusion than women.  The primary drivers for financial exclusion are perceived to be income inequality (44%), as well as a distrust of banks (40%) and a lack of knowledge about money management (38%). o Respondents believe that education classes are key to improving financial inclusion in their country (42%), followed by infrastructure to support financial inclusion (34%), and they believe that it is the national government (67%) and banks (60%) who are responsible for instituting these improvements in their country. o Men are 9 points more likely (69%) than women (60%) to place responsibility with national governments for instituting change when it comes to improving digital inclusion.  The primary drivers for digital exclusion are perceived to be lack of education/digital skills (52%), income inequality (46%), and lack of access to technology (35%). o As with financial inclusion, respondents believe that education classes are key to improving digital inclusion in their country (43%), along with better financial support to those in need (34%), and infrastructure to support digital inclusion. Also as with financial inclusion, they believe that it is the national government (65%) that is responsible for instituting these improvements in their country.  Benefits to financial inclusion emphasise financial security (47%) as well as ease of paying bills (44%). For digital inclusion, benefits are focused on becoming better informed (70%) and ability to be connected to others (56%).  Frustration is the central emotion that people would feel if they did not have access to the financial products/services and technological products/services they currently have access to.  About one in three respondents (35%) agree that access to digital products and services has vastly increased people’s ability to access financial products and services, while less than one in three (32%) agree that access to technology is the key to improving access to financial products and services. Financial and Digital Inclusion Europe