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Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 1
Volume 1
Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice
for the utterly ambitious.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
An International Wealth Mastery bestseller.
20 Wisdom keys and undeniable truths that
guarantee a Trillionaire status and
tremendous wealth.
The complete practical wealth and financial
guide to becoming a Trillionaire
and super rich.
Radical ideas and concepts that are
guaranteed to change your
financial destiny forever.
A motivational and inspirational series.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 2
Volume 1
Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice
for the utterly ambitious.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
An International Wealth Mastery bestseller.
20 Wisdom keys and undeniable truths that
guarantee a Trillionaire status and
tremendous wealth.
The complete practical wealth and financial
guide to becoming a Trillionaire
and super rich.
Radical ideas and concepts that are
guaranteed to change your
financial destiny forever.
A motivational and inspirational series.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 3
Published by:
Integrity Intercontinental Books Publishers
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved under
international Copy Right Law. Contents and/ or cover
may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form
without the express written consent of the Publisher.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 4
Dedication 7
Introduction 8
Proof that there is a Trillion dollars for every man on
earth 15
If anybody is going to be a trillionaire, why not you? 20
Master Secret 1.....If you will change everything will
change 25
Master Secret 2.....You are the sum total of your
philosophy about life and money 31
Master Secret 3.....Intensely desire a trillion dollars and
more in your life 39
Master Secret 4.....Set a goal to acquire and accumulate a
trillion dollars and more before you die 47
Master Secret 5.....You do not have a real trillion dollars
goal unless it’s written down 55
Master Secret 6.....Believe you can accumulate a trillion
dollars and more 63
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 5
Master Secret 7.....You do not have a real trillion dollars
goal unless you develop a plan of action 74
Master Secret 8.....There is only one secret to developing
a product or service that sells 84
Master Secret 9.....Develop a conglomerate mindset 90
Master Secret 10....Develop an empire mindset 97
Master Secret 11....Develop an entrepreneurial and
business mindset 103
Master Secret 12....Develop a monopolistic mindset 110
Master Secret 13....Develop a trillionaire’s mindset 117
Master Secret 14....Develop a long term perspective to
business and investments 125
Master Secret 15....Develop an “I can do attitude” 132
Master Secret 16....Build a team of the highest quality
professionals in this world 139
Master Secret 17....Be a team player 212
Master Secret 18....Know that you are a genius 217
Master Secret 19....You have only one job as a trillionaire
and that is to legally present legitimate claims to your
trillions in th hands of the over six billion residents of
the earth 223
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 6
Master Secret 20....Master the art of deal making 228
What you must now do for me 233
Other Books published 235
Cone of learning 236
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 7
This book is dedicated to the millions worldwide who
are interested in learning and mastering wealth and to
becoming super rich but don’t know how to go about it.
To those who are already learning and practicing and
are not making any progress. To my mother Mrs.
Bridget ChiChi Anakwe who labored so much that I
may be great and most importantly to God Almighty
who made a way for me. You are my inspiration.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
President Trillionaire Mentorship Network
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 8
Our goal is to simply change the lives and financial
destinies of every man or woman who reads this book
by changing their thinking of themselves through
destiny changing words and ideas.
The first step to becoming a Trillionaire is simple, set a
target in trillions of dollars that you want to acquire
before you die and write it down on a piece of paper and
paste that paper on the wall by your bedside or ceiling
and read it day and night before you go to bed and
when you wake up.
Do this daily until you start believing you can get this
money. By the law of attraction each time you read it out
loud, you attract trillions of dollars into your life. It’s
very real. Just try it for a month and see.
Shoot for the universe and you will hit the stars. Shoot
for the stars and you will hit the sky. Shoot for the sky
and you will hit the mountains. You are God's child and
that makes you a god. The child of a pig is a pig. The
Son of God is god.
Be like your father. Be a creator. Dominate your world.
Have a no limits mentality. Wealth comes by being a
thinker rather than a worker. The great men of the world
are great because they are thinkers.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 9
A great Doctor was once asked what’s the problem with
men? He said it’s simple, “Men don’t think”. Great men
spend more time thinking than working. To be a
Trillionaire you must spend more time thinking about
your trillions. Your wealth lies in your thoughts.
No thinking produces no results. Wealth is attracted to
thinkers. Thinkers create wealth. Be a thinker today and
spend more time alone thinking through every step that
you take. When you build the habit of thinking instead
of following the crowd, you will set yourself apart for
great success.
Be a thinker today. Think, think think. To be a
Trillionaire you must think like a Trillionaire. Why are
there no Trillionaires in our world today? It’s simply
because there are no men thinking trillions. The men
who have thought billions have got their billions.
If the billionaires of our world would think trillions we
should have a Trillionaire pretty soon. But no one has
ever thought of owning a trillion dollars except me in
this world. I’m not boasting but this is just the power of
Bill Gates has retired to charity. His thoughts are no
more on making trillions but on giving it away, the same
for Warren Buffet. He is giving most of his wealth away.
What do you think will happen if the billionaires of our
world would think trillions? They would get it sooner
than later.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 10
The Trillionaire mindset is not difficult to attain. All you
have to do is think trillions daily. When you think
trillions daily, one question will always be on your mind
and that's "How do I make a trillion dollars?"
Once you keep asking yourself this question each day in
your life, one day you will get the answer. The answer
will come as a result of the law of attraction. This law
says you attract into your life what you think about.
Have you ever thought of a shoe? What happened? You
went and bought it. Have you ever thought of a car?
What happened? You went and bought it? Have you
ever thought of a thousand dollars? What happened?
You went and got it.
What about a dress? What happened? You got it. By the
law of attraction, whatever you think about you attract
into your life. Think about your book and guess what?
You will write and publish it. Man attracts into his life
whatever he thinks about.
Have you ever thought of a girlfriend or a wife or
husband? Sure. What happened? You got yourself one.
What about your current project? You are working on it
now because you thought about it. Every married
woman or man is married today because they thought
about it.
When you think of a trillion dollars, you bring it into
your life. NASA thought about going to the moon and
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 11
today man has been there countless number of times.
Today they are planning to go to the stars and the
planets. They are not saying impossible. Rather they are
saying just like Barrack Obama, “Yes we can”.
Remember, what you think about, you attract into your
life. Think a trillion dollars and you will attract a trillion
dollars. It’s that simple. You are a Trillionaire. Accept
nothing less and say it every day. I am a Trillionaire. I
see your trillions coming. Can you see it?
Stay on that thought until it is fulfilled.
Great men continue thinking on a particular thought
until it’s fulfilled. Why do people fail in accomplishing
their dreams? They don't stay on their thoughts long
enough to see it fulfilled. They get distracted and that
thought becomes just a thought.
Thoughts are things only when you stay on them long
enough to see them fulfilled. Everyday, thoughts or
ideas of money making ventures come to our mind. We
think about them for only a few minutes and we say
great I will do this someday and make money but we
never stay long enough thinking on the idea to see its
fulfillment so we abandon it or rather forget it.
Wisdom key: A pen and paper never forgets a thing.
This is why having a journal where you can jot your
ideas is very important. Once you write it down in your
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 12
journal you can maintain a consistent focus each time
you read what you wrote in your journal.
As long as you are thinking on these ideas for as long as
it takes to get them fulfilled, you will definitely do and
become them. But if you forget about them or if you stop
thinking about it, you lose it. You forget and abandon it.
This is what a website does too. It acts as a thought re-
activator as each time you think of your website idea
and go there, you are refocusing on the original thought
that made you build the website in the first place.
Why do you think I opened the Trillionaire Mentorship
Network on Facebook and I built a website for our
network? I will tell you why. I opened it to help people
keep thinking about a Trillion dollars especially myself. I
don't want the thought of a trillion dollars to ever leave
my mind.
I know that if I can stay focused on making a trillion
dollars for the rest of my life I will eventually get it
because through this group I can always keep thinking
of my trillion dollars till I get it. I'm keeping my
thoughts focused on making a trillion dollars.
I don't want it to be just a thought. I want it to be real in
my life. Likewise, you have just made a trillion dollars
remain in your mind forever by buying and reading this
book and practicing the concepts of this book for a life
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 13
As long as you keep reading this book monthly, what do
you think will happen to your focus on a trillion dollars
each time you reread this book? You will keep asking
yourself daily, how do I make a trillion dollars?
Yes, you will stay focused on the thought of making a
trillion dollars and it won’t be just a mere thought
because sooner than later, answers to the question will
come to your mind. Why will the answers come to your
mind? It’s because you are focused on the thought.
It’s not a mere thought anymore, it’s been printed on
your mind that its possible as nothing is impossible to
them that believe and to them that keep thinking on any
thought until its fulfilled. You become what you think
Anything you want in your life, simply design ways and
means to keep that idea in your mind until it’s fulfilled.
If you ever forget a thought of wealth it will be a mere
thought, but thoughts are things only when you keep
thinking on them till they get or become fulfilled.
Your enemies target is to make you forget your
thoughts, dreams and ideas. That’s what drugs and an
irresponsible uncultured life do to you and many other
people who distract you from your thoughts. Nobody
wants you thinking. As long as you are not thinking,
they say you are under control.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 14
When you start really thinking, you become
uncontrollable and unstoppable and they start saying
you are insane and mad. Why will they say that, because
you have just become a genius? A genius is a man who
thinks and talks differently.
Every great thinker was branded a mad man when he or
she began to think and declare great things he wanted to
do especially scientists and they were always told their
dreams were impossible, unrealistic and unattainable,
but as soon as they accomplished the so called
impossible feat they were branded geniuses.
Think Think Think. Stay focused on your thinking till
the thought becomes a reality. Never let a thought of
wealth accumulation die. Find ways to keep your mind
on the thought or idea. This is the way to unlimited
wealth and success. This is the way to becoming a
I celebrate your Trillions and I thank you for buying my
book, but my greatest joy will be to hear that you are one
of the Trillionaires in this century and that my book
inspired you to become all that you can be.
To your success and greatness.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 15
Proof that there is a Trillion dollars for every
man on earth:
Did you know that the earth’s depth including the
oceans is 6250 miles (10-400 kilometers)? This is the
earth’s depth only and does not include its
length/circumference at the equator which is 24,901.55
miles (40,075.16 kilometers).
Do you also know that the earth is loaded with
unlimited supply of the following minerals and more?
Aluminium, Rock Phosphates, Asbestos, Baryte,
Bauxites, Bentonite, Borates Cadmium, Cement,
Chromium Ores, Cobalt, Copper, Diamonds, Diatomite,
Coal Felspar, Fluorspar, Fullers Earth, Garnet, Gold,
Graphite, Gypsum, Ilmenite, Iron Ore, Pig Iron, Crude
Steel, Kaolin, Lead, Zinc, Magnesite, Managanese, Mica,
Nickel, Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, Potash, Sand and
Gravel Production, Silver, Sulphur & Pyrites, Tin,
Vanadium, Vermiculite, Perlite, Wollastonie, Zirconium
Did you also know that in order to mine the earth and
the universe/galaxies fully including the oceans, the
stars, the other planets, the moon etc it will take over a
Trillion years? Do you know that the deposits of all
these minerals in the earth and the galaxy of the
universe are limitless and as you uncover layers upon
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 16
layers, you will be finding different types of minerals
Do you know that there are a lot of samples of the earth
that scientists are still researching what can be produced
through them; this does not include the galaxies of
course? Did you know that the science fiction movies
that you watch are a future of what is to come in this
Do you know that the sun plays an active role in the
making of minerals and so does the weather too plus
water? Do you know that God loaded the universe with
limitless materials to keep a Trillion generations and
more alive in it?
You’ve heard of cloning of course. You’ve heard of latest
agricultural developments and techniques that will
enable man to grow limitless foods even in a shorter
period of time. More types of foods will be genetically
produced and at faster paces. Etc.
The world is moving fast and it’s a lie that you can’t
make a Trillion dollars. Only those who know that there
is limitless wealth in the earth and galaxies waiting to be
tapped and mined will become Trillionaires.
There are no resources to even mine the amount of
wealth in the earth not to talk about the universe. We
have not even used 0.000000000000001 percent of the
earth’s or the universe’s reserves. We cannot, why
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 17
because men do not know how rich the earth is or the
If the government of nations were to give everyone a
trillion dollars, the earth would still have enough to still
give 100 Trillion dollars to each man alive not including
the galaxies. The problem is that we have our minds
fixed on what the so called financial, media and
government experts tell us.
The truth is that these experts know nothing of how
much wealth God has deposited in the earth and the
galaxies. Your economy is of God and not of the media
or government or federal reserve’s or financial experts or
even their budgets.
This is the only way you can acquire a Trillion dollars,
when you start thinking and believing that there is more
than enough for everyone and stop thinking you are
greedy for having such a great dream or desire.
Here are some facts: NASA’s Kepler space telescope,
launched in March 2009, has discovered its first five
planets in addition to the ones we already have and
more are to be discovered. Scientists say there are nine
planets, but I can bet you that God might have created
over 10,000 but that’s how far mans
technology/telescope can see or has seen.
Stars are not scattered randomly through space, they are
gathered together into vast groups known as galaxies.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 18
The Sun belongs to a galaxy called the Milky Way.
Astronomers estimate there are about 100 thousand
million stars in the Milky Way alone.
Outside that, there are millions upon millions of other
galaxies also! It is still not certain that there is only one
sun until now but technology currently available says so
but scientists still believe the galaxies may have more
What do all these tell you? They tell you that there is
unlimited wealth in our universe. Only men who can
think of a Trillion dollars and go for it will understand
these truths. How do you mine the stars? You’ve got to
finish mining the earth first before you talk of the stars.
You cannot mine the earth in all totality but at least you
can go for a cool trillion dollars. Wake up Trillionaires,
there is more than enough in this our world. Set the goal,
write it and paste it by your bedside. Read it day and
night. Believe it with all your heart.
Plan to use it for the poor and finally go for it with all
your heart. You cannot be stopped. Only your negative
thinking and the wrong mindset can stop you from
fulfilling this dream. Go get the money now. Begin now.
You need some understanding of the geography of the
universe to know that there is a Trillion dollars for
everyone who can dream it. What will happen when
man begins to go to Pluto and Mars etc on holiday?
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 19
It’s started indirectly already. Check what the owner of
Virgin Atlantic airlines is doing. Remember our slogan,
“if everyone in this world can think of making Trillions
of dollars legitimately, there will be no poverty in our
world, crime would cease and creativity will know no
limits and bounds”.
To your success and greatness.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 20
Can you tell me why you shouldn’t be a Trillionaire?
Can you tell me why if others are going to be
Trillionaires, you should not be one too. I bet you; if you
will only but search your heart with all sincerity you will
discover that there is no reason why you shouldn’t be a
There is absolutely no reason on earth why man that is
made in the image of God should not be a Trillionaire. If
you were made in the image of a Baboon, I can
understand and comprehend why you do not want to be
a Trillionaire because a couple of bananas would be just
perfect for you, but if you were made in the image of
God and are a child/son of God, there is no reason under
heaven why you should not be a Trillionaire.
Start thinking Trillions from today. Start dealing with all
your fears. You were born to be a Trillionaire. Say it
right now. I am a Trillionaire. You will be a Trillionaire if
you will keep confessing your Trillionaire status to the
whole world. I was speaking to a friend and I told her
that the mouth controls all the nerves in the human
body. Your nerves will listen and obey the command
from your mouth when you tell them you are a
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 21
Trillionaire and they will all collaboratively assist you in
becoming a Trillionaire.
So what are you going to do with your Trillionaire
status? More than ever, there is only one major reason to
seek a Trillionaire status and that’s to be a blessing to
your generation. How do you become a blessing to your
You become a blessing to your generation by being a
solution provider. Who do you think all the charities in
the world are contacting for donations and assistance. Of
course they are contacting the millionaires and
billionaires of our generation for financial assistance.
Whose money is feeding the poor? Whose money is
taking care of the sick? Whose money is saving lives?
Whose money is changing our world? Whose money is
affecting all of us consciously and unconsciously?
It’s the money of the rich. Whose attention is required if
there is a problem anywhere? It’s the attention of the
rich. Whose offices are loaded with proposal after
proposal? It’s the offices of the rich. Who do you think is
employing all the job seekers? It’s the rich.
Who do you think the media and presidents of nations
listen to? They listen to the rich. Who do you think are
the king makers in any nation? It’s the rich. How do they
do all these lofty things? They let their money do the
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 22
Do you want to have unlimited influence in this world,
then seek to be a Trillionaire. Pursue it with all your
heart. Refuse to accept the status quo and say what I
have is enough for me. What you have can never be
enough except you are selfish, self centered and greedy.
Yes that’s the only reason for satisfaction. You say what I
have is enough when you are not thinking of the billions
you can help and save with more money.
Mother Theresa was a great woman that sought to help
billions in her life time, but she can tell you with all
sincerity of purpose that her greatest need had always
been money to help the poor. Nothing she ever had was
ever enough.
Take a trip to Africa and see suffering. Go to India and
see suffering. Go to Asia and see suffering. Even South
America has millions suffering. Don’t you see that poor
old widow next door? Can’t a few thousand dollars from
you make a tremendous difference in her life? Don’t you
see the poor on the streets every day? Can’t a few
thousands from you make a lot of difference in their
lives? Even Jesus and Mohammed urged their disciples
never to forget the poor.
The truth is that if you are not seeking to be a
Trillionaire, it’s clear you have no thoughts what so ever
about the poor and you are not a giver in any way and
as such can never become a Trillionaire because you do
not have the giving spirit.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 23
That’s why I say Trillionaires are sowers, always seeking
opportunity to sow seeds. Why do Trillionaires sow
seeds? They sow seeds because they know that the only
way to multiply their empires is by giving more to the
society they live in.
They understand the law of the harvest that says what
so ever good thing a man does the same and more shall
he receive from God. This is so because you always
harvest more than you plant. Don’t let the global
economic down turn stop you from giving.
Every man has a million ways he can give. It’s not true
that you have nothing to give. We all have something to
give. Remember the widow who gave her last two
mites? If she can do it then you can too.
If you don’t know what to give then give to me by
buying a thousand copies of this book and distributing
to a thousand friends and see if when these people
become great they will forget you.
This small insignificant seed can travel miles into your
destiny and give you unlimited harvests that you may
never be able to comprehend all your life. So why not
become a Trillionaire today? Why not take the challenge
and go for it big time.
Records are meant to be broken. The 4 minutes a mile
running record was broken only when men began to
think they could break it. The 10 seconds hundred
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 24
meters record was broken when men began to think
they could break it.
The billion dollar mark was broken only when men
began to think they could break it. The same is true for
the Trillion dollars mark. It can only be broken when
men begin to think its breakable.
I say again with all authority that the financial records of
Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet shall be
broken indeed when men begin to believe that their
records are no big deal and can be broken.
Be among the financial record breakers of this
generation. Desire to own a Trillion dollars and then
some more. After all, the current financial whiz kids of
our generation who are billionaires do not have ten
If they can do it with their one head, then that’s proof
beyond a shadow of a doubt that you too can indeed
have a Trillion dollars and be a Trillionaire indeed with
your one head. If anybody is going to be a Trillionaire, it
must be you.
Zero your mind on this and pursue this goal with
unrelenting focus, determination and speed.
Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 25
If you will change everything
will change for you.
Change will not come if we wait for
some other person or some other time.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek.
-Barack Obama
Change is the only thing that is constant when it comes
to becoming a Trillionaire. Unless you change, you can
never become a Trillionaire. To become a Trillionaire
you must change. The change I am talking about must
come from within you.
I’m not talking about an external change that comes
from outside of you but I’m talking of an internal change
in everything that concerns you and your financial
destiny. People who refuse to change can never become
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 26
If you continue doing the things that you have been
doing all your life, you will keep getting the same results
that you have been getting. In order to get different
results, you must change. The purpose of this book is to
bring financial change to your destiny and thinking
You are what you are today by all the changes that have
taken place in your life. People are always looking to
others for change in their lives and this is why they fail.
Nothing outside you can change you. Only you have the
power to make the decision to change your life.
No connection in this world with anyone affluent or rich
can change you. No new job with any company or
miracle or adversity can change you if you do not want
to change. If you really want to change, it must start
from within you and not from outside you.
You are the change that you want in your life and only
you can change you. It is your responsibility and yours
alone to change your destiny by changing yourself
internally first. If you read all the master secrets that we
teach you in this book and you refuse to change by not
putting to practice all that we teach you, you will never
become a Trillionaire.
If you will change, everything will change for you. This
is no lie but the blatant truth. Change is inevitable when
it comes to your success in life. The people that become
super rich in life are always changing. What matters is
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 27
not even the amount of money you accumulate but what
you become in the process of acquiring this money.
What you become is always in line with the changes that
are occurring in your life daily, weekly, monthly and
yearly. This is why a millionaire can lose all his money
and regain it again because of what he became in
acquiring the initial millions. It is the same for a
Change starts with the renewing of your mind and
thinking. Remember the golden rule of success: you
become what you think about. For true change to take
place in your life, you must change your thinking. When
I say change starts from within, I am talking of change
that starts with a change in thinking and in the mind.
You have to change your thinking in thousands of areas.
This is why the bible talks about renewing your mind
daily by reading and meditating on the words of God.
This is the major way to remove stinking thinking from
your mind and it works in the same way when it comes
to financial success and greatness. You must change
your thinking about money, wealth, the rich and riches.
You must change your habits; in most cases a change in
jobs is necessary. You must change your thinking about
the world, about traveling, about investments, about
products and services.
Change is necessary in every aspect of your life if you
are ever going to become a Trillionaire. You must
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 28
change your reading habits as a man who can read and
does not read is no different from a man who can’t read
at all.
Change is the only way to a Trillionaire status. You must
leave the norm and go for the abnormal. You must leave
the comfortable and go for the uncomfortable. You must
make the hard and difficult decisions that will change
your financial destiny forever. You must take genuine
You must pay the price for success if you intend to reap
the benefits of success. Poverty is a result of a refusal of
the poor to change. You must change your lifestyle if
you intend to become a Trillionaire. You must become
disciplined and focused on your goals and objectives.
All these are what a genuine decision to change will
cause. There is a cause and effect to everything. The
cause and effect of changing is success and the cause and
effectt of not changing is poverty and failure. If you
change you will become a Trillionaire indeed.
You do not need a prophet to tell you to change. You
must arise and speak to yourself and tell yourself the
truth. It is hard for the poor to tell themselves the truth. I
don’t know why this is so. There is absolutely no one
holding you from becoming all that you want to be other
than you and your stern refusal to change.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 29
Why don’t people change? They don’t change because
they like the status quo. They like where they are. Until
you become uncomfortable and dissatisfied with where
you are, you will never seek change. When I was a drug
addict, I didn’t want to change because I loved drugs,
but when I realized that my destiny was more important
to me and my family than the drugs, I quit the drugs
and decided to change my destiny.
Today I can write this book with confidence because I
have gone through some very powerful changes in my
life. It all began when I decided to change.
Leave the things that are making you not to change
behind and go for your dreams and goals. These things
are not worth it in the long run. They are all hindrances
to the true changes that you want in life. Your destiny is
greater than any hindrance to change. Sometimes the
hindrance to change can be friends, family, connections,
addictions, a job, security etc. Whatever the hindrance,
let it go today as this is the only way to your success,
greatness and to your becoming a Trillionaire.
Remember, if you will change, everything will change
for you.
The external changes you want in your life and destiny
will only happen in your life when you change
internally and when you become better than ever
educationally than you have ever been in your life. This
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 30
is why your primary focus in deciding to become a
Trillionaire must start and finish from within you.
Make a decision today to change everything in your life
without looking back at your past. Both your successes
and failures are in your past which is not your future.
Dream a new dream of becoming a trillionaire today. As
long as you are alive please make every moment count
Wisdom Key: Until you become uncomfortable with
where you are, you will never seek your future.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 31
You are the sum total of your
philosophy about life and money.
My philosophy of life is that if we
make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives,
then work hard toward that goal,
we never lose - somehow we win out.
-Ronald Reagan
What’s your philosophy about life? If you think life is
unfair then life will be unfair to you. If you think the
government is responsible for the circumstances in your
life then you will keep looking to the government to
change your destiny for you.
If you think your company is responsible for making
you rich then you will be poor because your company
will never do that rather they will retire and fire you.
When I was in my country, I blamed the government for
everything because I was taught the government was
responsible for everything.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 32
When there was no electricity, I blamed the government
and the political parties, but when I realized my destiny
was in my own hands and I was responsible for my own
success, I stopped blaming the government and the
political parties and decided to move to a country with
24 hrs electricity.
The government will never change no matter who rules.
The government of today will remain the government of
tomorrow and they will never ever get things right. As
soon as my philosophy changed, my destiny financially
began to change.
For a long time my philosophy was that no man could
become a Trillionaire. As soon as I changed my
philosophy on this issue, I started having faith to
become a Trillionaire. What’s your philosophy about
your health? Your health will take care of itself
naturally, of course not, you need to both eat right and
This is the only way you can stay healthy. It’s not that
complicated. It’s just that you have the wrong
philosophy about health and this is why people fall sick
all the time. They have the wrong philosophy about
Your philosophy of life and money will determine your
financial destiny. Your philosophy of life is based most
of the time on the things you have passed through and
on what you have been taught all your life.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 33
Some have been taught by their parents that money is
evil. With this type of thinking and thought, how can
you pursue wealth? Most of the time this is just an
excuse given by poor parents to justify their poverty.
They come up with words like “things are hard and
difficult”. So why wont things be hard and difficult for
them since they are confessing it everyday.
Wisdom Key: As a man thinketh in his heart so he is.
Some have been taught all their lives that the rich are all
fraudulent people who get rich by cheating people. How
can you desire to be rich with this kind of thought?
Others have been taught all their lives to go to school,
get an education and then a job, so when they get a job
they relax and feel that is all to life and depend on their
meager wages.
Some think that the way to getting rich is by investing in
stocks and bonds with their meager wages with prayer
and with patience that they become rich that way.
People do just this and hope to get rich. They do not
become rich because they have the wrong philosophy. A
job will never make you rich. A job means Just Over
Broke J.O.B. When you want to be rich, you must go into
business for yourself. Look at Jeff Bezos the richest man
in the world. He founded Amazon. Look at Bill Gates,
the second richest man in the world, he founded
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 34
This wrong philosophical thinking makes people hope
and believe that they will get or grow rich if they work
their jobs 24 hrs, 7 days a week and 30 days a month and
365 days a year faithfully. To their shock in their old age
they only get a watch or gift of sorts and a retirement
package and they then start struggling to get their
pensions and gratuity.
Many have died with this realization in their old age.
Many have even committed suicide at this realization
that they have wasted forty to fifty years of their lives
working for a company that didn’t care about what
happened to them or their destiny.
Some have been taught that it’s your connections that
make the difference in your life and they have hoped on
their fellow man all their lives to change their destinies
for them. In the end they have faced disappointment
after disappointment as numerous men that they have
hoped in have failed them.
The truth is that your destiny is in your hands and only
you can change it by a genuine decision to become all
you can be. All you can be is a Trillion dollars and more.
Believe me when I tell you this.
Some have been taught that money is difficult to come
by. The truth is that money is easy to come by. You can
get a Trillion dollars and more if you will focus on the
dream of getting a Trillion dollars and more. Money is
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 35
easy to come by. If you think I am lying ask Bill Gates or
Jeff Bezos.
To Bill, to get more money is to simply create another
software or product or service that the world will want
and the money starts flowing in. All these teachings and
more are all false and do not guarantee riches in any
If you are ever going to become a Trillionaire, you must
change your philosophy of life and money. You are the
sum total of all your judgments till date. To change your
destiny, you must change your philosophy about
What’s your philosophy about money? The right
philosophy about money is that money answers all
things and it must be gotten in abundant quantities no
matter what. In summary money is a good thing in the
hands of good people.
Money will make my family and I live in abundance and
great comfort so it’s worth pursuing and getting. Money
will pay medical bills, buy a good home, earn you
respect, promote and uplift the owner, enable you afford
an excellent education for the kids. Etc.
Money is good period. Lots of it is also good to meet just
not your own needs but the needs of the larger global
community in which you live. Money buys drugs, food
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 36
and clothes. Money in your pocket or bank is confidence
directly or indirectly.
Money solves problems. Money is good. Ask a mother in
Africa who can’t feed her children if money is good and
she will tell you with a resounding yes that money after
God almighty is everything to her. Those who live in
developed countries take a lot of things for granted
because the government of these countries provides a lot
of free stuff for them like welfare, health care etc.
This has made them believe that the government should
take care of them and that it’s not their responsibility to
pursue money and be rich. Money is not evil; it’s the
love of money that’s evil. Change your philosophy about
money and money will be attracted to you.
People’s philosophy about money is the sole reason why
the poor are poor. The poor are poor because their
philosophy about money is wrong. They think there is
never enough money. How can they be rich when they
think all the time that they never have enough money or
there is never enough money to go round to everybody?
People who have a philosophy of “I am satisfied with
what I have and where I am” will never get the true
riches in life until they change their philosophy about
life and money. The truth is that there is enough money
in this earth to share a Trillion dollars to the six billion
people in it and there will still be lots more for
governments to spend, live and administer with.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 37
It’s your philosophy about making a Trillion dollars and
more that’s stopping you from making a Trillion dollars
and more. Yes your philosophy says it is impossible for
you but mine says it’s possible for me and that’s why I
will make a Trillion dollars and more.
Ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Carlos Slim Helu or
Jeff Bezos if making a billion dollars is difficult for them
and they will tell you it’s the easiest thing in the world
for them not because they are rich or billionaires but
because they have the right philosophy about money
and wealth.
Money solves problems. Different types of problems are
solved by money. Feeding, accommodation, clothing,
transportation, sickness or health problems etc are a few
of the general problems money solves. Money cannot be
evil. It is only evil in the hands of evil men.
When you have the right philosophy about money and
wealth, nothing will stop you or can stop you from
becoming a Trillionaire and super rich. What’s your
philosophy about greatness? Greatness is for people
who want to be great.
You can never be what you do not want or desire. The
people who are great are great because they wanted to
be great. They thought about greatness all their lives and
they became great.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 38
Look at Joseph in the bible, right from the age of 12
years he had a dream of greatness and he held on to that
dream and at 30 years of age he became prime minister
of Egypt. You too can be great if and when you change
your thinking.
Don’t think that greatness is for people that are born
with a golden spoon. That is not true. Greatness is for
those that dream it, believe it and work towards it until
they achieve it.
Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Matma Gandhi
and Barrack Obama became great because they pursued
greatness and not because they were born with a golden
spoon. If you will change your philosophy about life and
money, you will become both a Trillionaire and a very
successful individual that will affect his generation
Change your philosophy today because this is where
true wealth and riches starts from. The government will
never help you to become whatever you want to become
so stop depending on the elections, the party that wins
and who becomes president to change your life and
destiny for you.
If it’s going to be its up to you and you alone and it all
starts with your beliefs and philosophy about greatness,
money and riches.
Wisdom Key: You become what you think about daily.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 39
Intensely desire a trillion dollars
and more in your life.
One must not lose desires.
They are mighty stimulants to creativeness,
to love, and to long life.
-Alexander A. Bogomoletz
Everything good and excellent that you will ever want
in life starts with an intense desire. Desire according to
the dictionary means the following:
1. The act of developing an intense want for
2. To express a wish for; to entreat; to request.
3. To require; to demand; to claim.
4. The natural longing that is excited by the
enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels
to action or effort its continuance or possession; an
eager wish to obtain or enjoy.
5. An expressed wish; a request; petition.
6. Anything which is desired; an object of longing.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 40
7. Excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite.
8. An inclination to want things; "a man of many
9. The feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state.
10. Feel or have a desire for; want strongly
11. Expect and wish
Do you really want a Trillion dollars and more? Have
you ever truly desired a Trillion dollars and more? Do
you believe that you can have and make a Trillion
dollars and more in your life time? Do you think that
you can posses a Trillion dollars and more?
If you are ever going to become a Trillionaire, you must
intensely desire firstly a Trillion dollars and more. There
is nothing that you ever want in your life that will come
to you if you do not intensely desire it. Have you ever
bought a car? Why did you buy it? You bought the car
because you intensely desired that specific car.
Why did you marry the man or woman that you
married? You married him or her because you intensely
desired him or her. Why did you choose to buy certain
stuff in the supermarket you just entered? You chose the
stuff you bought out of thousands of other stuff in the
supermarket because those were the things that you
intensely desired.
You had an intense desire for those things far and above
all the other stuff that was in the supermarket, so you
bought them. If you are ever going to be a Trillionaire,
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 41
you must intensely desire a Trillion dollars and more in
your life and destiny. Nothing in life comes to you by
accident. Your dreams attract them to your life.
Everything in life that will ever come to you comes by
an intense desire for it. A Trillion dollars and more will
never come into your life unless you have an intense
desire to accumulate it. It is your intense desire for a
Trillion dollars and more that will both force and attract
a Trillion dollars and more into your life.
Why do you think everything in life has a name?
Everything in life has a name in order for it to answer to
its name. My name is Joseph. What do you think will
happen when you call my name to my hearing? I will
answer to the call of my name and show up.
What do you think happens in the realm of the spiritual
when you call a Trillion dollars by name daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly and in a lifetime? Finally when Mr.
Trillions finally hears his name being called by you
intensely over and over again, he must show up
physically in your life.
Even God is bound to show up in your life when you
keep calling on His name. It is His law that everything in
heaven and earth must answer to their name. This is
why he commanded Adam to name everything in this
world. It’s also a natural law of life. Everything must
answer to its name.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 42
Let me tell you a golden secret in life that will change
your destiny forever. The secret is this: everything in life
whether living or dead or a thing has ears and hears the
calling of its name each time it’s called especially when
it’s called intensely. If you call a Mercedes Benz car or a
Lexus car into your life daily and keep talking about it,
sooner than later it is bound to show up in your life, the
same goes for any house or anything including sickness
and death.
Even death has a name and answers to its name. Have
you ever been in love? What name did you call daily? Of
course the name of the girl or guy you loved. Many
people are married to the man or woman whose name
they have been calling severally in dreams, discussions,
parties and with friends. When you are in love with
someone, you never cease to call the person’s name in
each conversation you make with your Dad, Mum,
Sisters, Brothers, friends, acquaintances etc. What
happened finally? You married him or her. The person
became attracted to you.
You fell in real love. Now you have kids etc. Ha Ha Ha.
A Trillion dollars and more is waiting for you to want
her just like you wanted the man or woman of your
dreams, with an intense desire and passion. This is the
only way a Trillion dollars and more will ever be
attracted into your life and come in.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 43
People go to where they are appreciated, recognized,
respected and wanted. A Trillion dollars and more is a
person. It will only go to where it is appreciated,
recognized, respected needed and wanted. If I come to
your house and you treat me badly, I will not go to your
house anymore.
So it is with a Trillion dollars and more. If you treat a
Trillion dollars and more as something unrecognized in
your life, it will never be yours. This is why people lose
money in life and business. They don’t recognize the
money they have as valuable and as such lose it.
When they do recognize it, it multiplies in their life. It’s a
natural law of life, what you respect you attract and
what you do not respect runs from you. If you think
having a Trillion dollars and more is a greedy thing, it
will never come in to your life.
If you think having a Trillion dollars and more is too
much and above you, it will never come into your life. If
you think a Trillion dollar and more dream, vision, goal
or objective is outrageous, it will never be yours.
If you think you can’t attract a Trillion dollars into your
life, it will never come into your life. If you think the rich
are all thieves and fraudulent people you will never be
rich except you become a thief and you are fraudulent.
A Trillion dollars and more will only go where there is
an intense desire and need for it. A Trillion dollars and
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 44
more will only be attracted to an atmosphere of love,
desire, recognition and respect for it.
Here are some reasons why some people never desire a
Trillion dollars and more. They kill the dream of
acquiring a Trillion dollars and more by their speech
and thinking:
 A Trillion dollars is impossible. Mr. Trillions
says impossible for you but not for those with
faith in me.
 A Trillion dollars is unrealistic. Mr. Trillions
says unrealistic for you but not for those with a
real vision and dream.
 A Trillion dollars is unachievable. Mr. Trillions
says unachievable for you but not for those who
believe all things are possible.
 A Trillion dollars is like building a skyscraper in
the air. Mr. Trillions says then put the
foundations under the skyscraper and build.
 A Trillion dollars has never been attained by any
man. Mr. Trillions says then be the first, when
they said it was impossible to get to the moon,
the US said not so and guess what they put a
man on the moon. What about the other
impossible tasks that have been accomplished
by man like breaking the 4 minute mile record,
the miracle of jets, the atomic and nuclear
bombs, cars, rockets, air-conditioners, heaters,
etc. We take all these things for granted but men
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 45
with possibility and positive thinking made all
these things happen.
 I do not have the time or the resources to make a
Trillion dollars and more. Mr. Trillions says
make the time and get the resources.
 Others can do it but not me. Mr. Trillions says
you can only if you believe you can.
 I don’t know where to start. Mr. Trillions says
start with an intense desire for a Trillion dollars
and more.
 I don’t have the skills or the knowhow. Mr.
Trillions says develop the skills and the
 I am too old for this. Mr. Trillions says age is just
a number and it shall be to you according to
your faith.
 Is it possible? Mr. Trillions says the fact that I
have a name is proof I exist and I am real.
 I live in Africa among the poorest of the poor.
Mr. Trillions says are there no planes that can
take you to anywhere in the world you want to
go to.
 I don’t have an education. Mr. Trillions says get
 I don’t have any money. Mr. Trillions says get
 I am a handicap. Mr. Trillions says being
handicapped is a state of mind, change your
thinking and change your life.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 46
 Money is the root of all evil. Mr. Trillion says it’s
not money that is the root of all evil but the love
of money is the root of all evil. You can have me
without loving me but you need to respect me
and if this is so, you can easily give me away.
There are many more excuses that make us not do desire
a Trillion dollars and more but these are just a few. The
truth is that nothing can stop a man who has an intense
desire to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
An intense desire is the first step to acquiring a Trillion
dollars and more. Destroy all your excuses today and
build an intense desire for a Trillion dollars and more
today. It is the first step to becoming a Trillionaire.
Wisdom Key: Everything in life whether living or dead
or a thing has ears and hears the calling of its name each
time it’s called especially when it’s called intensely.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 47
Set a goal to acquire and accumulate a trillion
dollars and more before you die.
In the absence of clearly-defined goals,
we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia
until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
-Robert Heinlein
Setting a goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more
in your life time is the second step to becoming a
Trillionaire. You can never accumulate a Trillion dollars
and more without setting goals to accumulate a Trillion
dollars and more.
Why do soccer stars score goals? They score goals for
only one reason and that’s because they set a goal to
score goals. The goal of soccer is to score goals. They are
paid millions of dollars because they can score goals.
Soccer stars set only one goal for them selves in any
soccer game and that is to score as many goals as
possible in any match. This is their short term goal.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 48
What is their long term goal? Their long term goal is to
be the best soccer star or player in the world.
With this goal in their minds they now ask themselves
what it would take to be the best player in the world.
This now leads to the breaking down of the long term
goal into steps or processes which they must take in
order to be the best player in the world.
These steps include, practicing daily, working on their
stamina, mastering certain football skills like the art of
taking penalties, free kicks, corners, headings, the
dribble, effective and efficient passing of the ball and
other technical aspects of the game like knowing what to
do with the ball at any particular stage of the game and
more importantly scoring at least 3 goals in every match
This list is by no means exhaustive but this is just to give
you a bird’s eye view of what setting a goal is all about
and why results are obtained by setting goals. You can
only attain something that you set a goal to accomplish.
Can a man with a bow and arrow hit a target he doesn’t
have with his arrow? The answer is no. He can only hit a
bull’s eye if and when he has a target. In life, you can
only get what you set as a goal. You will never pursue
anything that is not your goal. This helps you to
prioritize your time to what is important and what is not
important. You will instinctly know what to discard and
what to do.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 49
Wisdom key: Can a man with a bow and arrow hit a
target he doesn’t have with his arrow?
If you don’t do this, you will never be serious or
determined about it because it’s not your goal. When
adversity and trials come you will be easily discouraged
to give up. You definitely must have a strong desire for
something. That thing must be your target or goal and
when you pursue it, you definitely will get it because it
became a target and a goal in your mind and thinking.
Nothing comes to anybody by accident. It all comes by
setting goals for them. So it is with a Trillion dollars and
more. Have you ever wanted a shoe? Of course yes. You
set the goal to get the shoe and you pursued it with a
strong desire and you got it.
What about a suit or a dress? Of course you’ve wanted
some. You did the same goal setting for the shoe and the
dress and you got it. What about a car or a home or a
degree or some book or phone etc? You did likewise and
obtained them.
You did nothing extraordinary to attain all these stuff
except to consciously or unconsciously set a goal to get
them. So why can’t you set a goal to get a Trillion dollars
and more and go for it? The reason is simple, you think
you can’t acquire or accumulate a Trillion dollars and
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 50
This is the simple reason why you have not set this goal.
You can acquire and accumulate a Trillion dollars and
more only when you believe you can and you
subsequently set the goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars
and more.
The problem is not that a Trillion dollars and more is
impossible for you to attain, accumulate and acquire, the
problem is your refusal to desire and set the goal to
accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
Once you set a goal to accumulate and acquire a Trillion
dollars and more, one thing is certain and that’s you will
accumulate and acquire a Trillion dollars and more in
the same way you bought the shoe, dress, car etc. that
you set the goal of getting.
Why are there no Trillionaires in our society? There are
no Trillionaires in our society because no one has set the
goal to be one. Why do we have billionaires in our
society? We have billionaires in our society because
there are men who set the goal of being billionaires for
themselves and subsequently became billionaires.
Since this system works on the billionaire level, it is
certain that it will work on the Trillionaire level only if
men set the goal of becoming Trillionaires today. Sit
down right now and set the goal of becoming a
Trillionaire now.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 51
It’s simple, just get a sheet of paper or your journal and
grab a pen and put your goal in writing. My goal is to
acquire and accumulate twenty five Trillion dollars
before I die. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I
will get this money because I have set it as a goal.
If I can do it, a young man from Africa, its positive proof
that you too can. The Japanese are known all over the
world for one thing and that’s the setting of hundred
year goals for all their businesses, products and services
and this is why they have continued to set the pace in
several industries and with several technologies.
This system works with all successful companies all over
the world. You can have anything you desire in this
world when you take the time to set it as a goal. Why do
you think Mac Donalds, Coke, Pepsi, Shell, Yahoo,
Google, Microsoft, Toyota, Mercedes, etc are successful,
it’s because these companies set goals to open branches
all over the world in every country and because they set
goals to dominate and monopolize their areas of
Solomon, the richest man in the world, put it simply for
us in the book of proverbs, the secret to his success and
how he accumulated tremendous wealth in his life time,
but we take scriptures too much for granted because of
our familiarity with the Bible.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 52
Vision was the word Solomon used to express goal
setting. He was indirectly saying that he became the
richest man in the world because he set the goal to
become the richest man in the world and worked on his
vision and became the richest man in the world.
He also said people perish and are poor because they set
no wealth accumulation goals for themselves. If you are
ever going to be a Trillionaire, it all starts with your
setting the goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and
You have this book in your hands today because I set a
goal to not just write this book but to also sell it to you.
My dream became a reality because I set it as a goal. A
Trillion dollars and more can be yours only when you
set the goal to acquire and accumulate a Trillion dollars
and more in your life time.
Now I know the question you may be asking in your
heart. What if I set this goal and it doesn’t happen? If it
doesn’t happen, you have nothing to worry about, it’s
your goal and you can throw it away, review it, use it or
lose it.
It doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t come to pass. At least
you will be among the top three percent of the world
who set goals for themselves on a daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly and lifetime basis. Secondly, remember
you can never miss a target that you have in your sights.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 53
Let me tell you another truth, it will definitely happen
and this goal is capable of making you fight poverty,
adversity, sickness, disease, death and all negative vices
that will try to hinder you from attaining this goal.
Scientists and doctors have proven that the reason why
many survive many incurable diseases and sicknesses is
their willingness or desire to live based on their yet to be
attained goals in life. It’s easier to give up on life when
you have no lifetime goals.
It’s also easier to commit suicide when you do not have
destiny changing life time goals. A destiny changing
goal that you can have today is “To acquire and
accumulate a Trillion dollars and more before you die”.
Even if you do not attain your goal in your life time,
your children and your unborn generations are there to
fulfill your goal or dream when you take the time to
impart it to them and instruct them to fulfill it. So you
have absolutely nothing to fear in setting a goal to
accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
Another question you may have in your heart is that
people will laugh at your goal of accumulating a Trillion
dollars and more and say it’s unrealistic and
unattainable. Yes it’s true to them because they have
small minds, but when you acquire and accumulate it,
the same people will come begging you for money and
favors and claim to have always been your best friends
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 54
who have always believed in your dream of becoming a
The only solution is to keep your eyes on your goals and
not on your friends, their words or their distractions.
This is the way to make your goal of becoming a
Trillionaire a reality.
Wisdom Key: “You can never miss a target that you
have in your sights”.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 55
You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless
it’s written down.
“Writing is the only thing that, when I do it,
I don't feel I should be doing something else.”
-Gloria Steinem
God took the time to write down the Ten
Commandments as he gave them to Moses for a
purpose. He knew that what is not written down is
easily forgotten, thrown away and discarded. He also
took the time to ensure that the Holy Bible was written
down in order that His commandments are obeyed to
the letter without errors, omissions or mistakes.
He specifically instructed Moses to write down every
instruction he had giving him and to keep records of all
His dealings with him. Writing down your goals,
dreams and visions is one of the most powerful forces in
the world.
In Habakkuk 2:2,3 God said to the prophet Habakkuk:
“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 56
vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run
that reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed
time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though
it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will
not tarry”.
God was precise as to why it was important that
Habakkuk write the vision down. The purpose was to
increase speed and precision in the process of fulfilling
the vision or goal. Another purspose was so that you
and your team will not be distracted by all the drama
going on around by knowing exactly where you and
your team are going. “That he may run that reads it”.
God went ahead to add, that though it may take time
but the end of what is written down shall speak and
come to pass. It has to be first written down so that a
strong focus, attention and concentration on it can be
Note that God said he should make the vision as plain as
possible on tables. (With explanations of how you are
going to accomplish it). Why on tables. So that it will
give clarity and so that it will be real bold and
understandable to anyone that reads it and also properly
understood by anyone involved in the process of
fulfilling the dreams, goals and visions of that
Major corporations write down their goals and
objectives in manuals, notice boards, minutes of
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 57
meetings, websites etc to keep a joint concerted effort by
the whole company workers and staff on the goals and
visions of the corporations.
This is why they succeed and this is why they are able to
analyze if they are succeeding or failing in the
fulfillment of their goals and objectives each year. If they
are not succeeding they are able to restructure and
refocus on these goals and objectives easily because they
have everything written down.
They know when it is necessary to cut expenses or
increase expenses, raise prices or reduce prices, increase
or reduce research expenditure, refocus on their core
principles etc. If you do not have your goal of acquiring
a Trillion dollars and more written down in your jotter,
journal, wall, website, computer, laptop, social site and
even on a sheet of paper in full bold print the tendency
is to forget it, throw it away and leave it unfulfilled and
Writing your goal down has a motivational and
inspirational effect that lives throughout the life time of
the goal. The third step to becoming a Trillionaire is to
write down your goal of acquiring a Trillion dollars and
more stating specifically the amount of dollars you
intend to accumulate in your life time.
The purpose of writing this down is to keep you focused
on this dream, vision and goal until it’s fulfilled or
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 58
accomplished. Believe me when I say it’s easy to give up
on a dream, vision or goal that is not written down.
Writing down your goal of accumulating a Trillion
dollars and more helps you handle delay, deception and
distractions during the process of becoming a
Trillionaire. You will be attacked by these three D’s as
you seek to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
It is the written down goal, vision and dream that will
give you the fighting spirit required to overcome at each
stage of any attack by simply re-reading what you have
written down in a repetitious manner daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly and throughout your life time.
Wisdom Key: Writing is the power of focus made real in
your life forever.
Here is what you will see on my wall in my bedroom
next to my bed imprinted in bold letters on an A4 sheet
of paper.
I am a Trillionaire. I must accumulate Twenty five
Trillion dollars before I die in assets, properties,
investments and cash. I cannot be stopped. I am a
product of my thinking. I become what I think. My
wealth is in my mind and thinking and I must become a
Why did I take the time to write this and paste it on my
wall next to my bedside? The purpose of this is to keep
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 59
me in constant remembrance of this goal, vision and
dream. When I wake up in the morning I read and
repeat this to myself at least ten times before I start my
I become reinvigorated, re-inspired, motivated and
focused to continue my quest for my Trillions of dollars.
If I didn’t put this in writing and paste on my wall, my
vision, dream and goal will be somehow vague, unclear,
un-inspirational and un-motivational.
In fact I will quit on my dream when I am attacked by
three Ds, delay, denial and deception. By doing this I am
in constant remembrance of my purpose and destiny.
Remember, where the purpose of a thing is not known
abuse is eminent.
If you do not have a purpose, you will both waste your
time and your life. Writing your goal down in writing
and pasting it where you can see it over and over again
makes your time become very limited and if you have
limited time to do a thing, you realize that you suddenly
do not have time to waste and this makes you very
purposeful daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in a life
Can you imagine a man who has a plan to build a house
in his mind and starts building the house without
putting the plan of the house in blueprints or in a
written plan? Do you think he will succeed in building
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 60
an excellent house without blueprints to follow to make
sure accuracy, speed and attention to detail is attained?
Of course not. In order for him to build an excellent
house he must have his plans for the house in a plan and
he must have the blueprints in hand before he can even
start’s the project of building the house. In fact he must
look at the plan or blueprints daily to make sure he is
building according to the plans or blueprints.
If he does not do this, even though he has a plan in his
mind for his house, the project is bound to fail. When
you say something or have something you want to do in
your mind, it tends to happen but if you put it in writing
it has the tendency to happen a thousand times more
and with accuracy, speed, precision and attention to
Excellence, achievement, skill, disciplines, habits and
precision comes from writing down your goals, vision
and dreams. Without doing this, you do not have a
legitimate or genuine goal, dream and vision. I have
never met any truly successful man who doesn’t have a
diary, journal or book where they write or jot down
important stuff that pertains to their success. Yes I know
you have an excellent memory but the purpose of your
mind is for thinking and not necessarily for storing data
and this is why we all forget a lot of stuff when we leave
it to our memory to do the storing.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 61
Remember this wisdom key: A pen and a paper never
forget a thing.
If you are going to ever be a Trillionaire, you must build
the habit of writing. You must put all your dreams in
writing. You must write down all your ideas. You must
write down all your plans. You must be a writer of stuff
that matters.
When you write it down, it is impossible to ever forget it
because you can always go back to where you wrote it
and retrieve the data or information you wrote.
Secondly when you write down your dream or goal it
gives clarity. It becomes vividly clear what you intend to
accomplish and during the process of writing down
your dreams you get to ask yourself questions for which
you develop answers to with time as you keep writing
down your goal and dream.
What do I mean by clarity? Clarity means you see your
vision and dream in a more realistic and practical
manner. Your understanding of what you want to
accomplish increases tremendously.
Your foresight, insight and sight to the way and manner
your vision or dream can be accomplished become more
real. It becomes believable and once it becomes
believable, it becomes doable. Writing your vision and
dream down makes it all happen.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 62
Drawing focus which is strength for you on your way to
acquiring your Trillions of dollars comes from writing
your dreams and vision down. Have you ever focused a
magnifying glass on a sheet of paper under the sun? By
the strength of focus, the sheet of paper lights up with
This is the power and force of focus. In your quest to
become a Trillionaire, you will need to focus on your
vision and dream daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in
a life time and it all starts by putting it all in writing.
Then breaking the written down goals into minute,
hourly, daily, monthly and yearly goals will give you
the results that you always wanted with time which is
becoming a trillionaire.
Wisdom Key: Writing is thought made permanent and
the blueprints for success.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 63
Believe you can accumulate
a trillion dollars and more.
One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often,
whether the statement be true of false.
It comes to be the dominating thought in one's mind.
-Robert Collier
You must be a believer in yourself and your abilities.
People fail for only one reason and that is they don’t
believe in themselves. They allow other people to
describe who and what they are, instead of declaring
themselves who and what they are.
You are a Trillionaire. This is who you are and you
better believe it, if not you can never achieve it. Believe
in yourself. Believe you can own your own company.
Believe you can manage your scarce resources
Believe you can make the executive decisions that are
required to grow your company into a trillion dollar
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 64
company. Believe you can learn any skills necessary to
grow your company. Believe your company can get the
deals and the contracts among many competitors and
against all odds.
Believe you have what it takes to be a Trillionaire.
Believe you are favored. Believe you are fearfully and
wonderfully made. Believe in your God. Believe in your
wisdom and knowledge. Believe that you can be all that
you desire to be.
Believe you will overcome any obstacles that come your
way. Believe you are unstoppable. Believe you have the
Trillionaires mindset. Believe you are attracting a trillion
dollars and more. Believe you have an empire mindset.
Believe you are a pacesetter. Believe you will lead your
field. Believe that your company will sell a Trillion
products and services. Believe that your books will sell a
Trillion copies. Believe nothing is impossible for you as
long as you believe.
Believe you cannot be stopped. Believe you have a no
limits mentality. Believe that all you will need is coming
to you by the power of attraction. Believe it with all your
heart that you are a Trillionaire and more than ever
confess your beliefs daily to yourself and others. Say
what you want to see happen in your life. Never speak
negatively about yourself.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 65
Stop putting yourself down with negative talk and
thinking. You are somebody. Believe you are a king,
leader and pionner of your company, business or
conglomerate. Where the word of a king is, there is
power. Who can say to the king what are you doing. The
king’s word is unquestionable. It is believed and acted
upon without questions. It does not return to the king
void of having accomplished what he has said.
You are a king. Ladies you are queens. Talk like one.
Move like one. Declare things like one. Dress like one.
You are a god. The child of God is god and the child of a
pig is a pig. Know who you are. Believe in who you are.
Act based upon who you are. You will succeed because
you can’t be stopped when you believe. There may be
some temporary setbacks but that won’t stop you at all
because you know your ultimate destination which is a
Trillion dollars and more. No adversity can stop you.
No negative talk from bad people can stop you. No
misrepresentation and gathering of enemies can stop
you. Absolutely nothing can stop you except yourself.
What you pursue, you will overtake and possess.
That’s how you got the man or woman of your dreams
and the guys got the cars of their dreams by pursuit.
Wealth goes to those who don’t fear it. It responds to
those who call it by its name and ask it to manifest. Call
a Trillion dollars by name.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 66
Do not fear it. Everything in this world has a name. Why
does everything in this world have a name? They have
names so that you can call them and they can answer.
Call a Trillion dollars chicken change.
Call it small money for you to acquire. Call it a pet. Call
it anything and it will answer you as long as it knows
you are calling it. Say it with confidence, I am a
Trillionaire. Call a private jet into your life. Call all sorts
of riches into your life.
Write it with confidence, I am a Trillionaire, tell it to
your friends with confidence even though they will call
you mad that you say you are a Trillionaire. Don’t be
bothered, because they cannot see your Trillions for you.
That’s a fact. No one can see your trillions for you. It
doesn’t matter who they are.
Only you can see your trillions for yourself. So don’t
expect people to understand you. Hold on to your
dream and more than ever believe in yourself. Believing
is everything. The reason why people can’t leave their
jobs and go into private businesses is that they do not
believe in themselves.
They do not believe they can meet the bills and
payments. They do not believe they can grow the
company. They do not see or believe themselves as
super successful or as Trillionaires. God doesn’t make
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 67
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. No two human
beings have the same faces. No two human beings have
the same finger prints. No two human beings think the
same. Your DNA is unique and second to none, no one
has a copy.
There is greatness in you. Never doubt your ability. You
are a hundred percent complete in all things. Pursue
your trillion dollars by believing in yourself and your
dreams. Never ever quit as quitters never win and
winners never quit. Start the business this week. Be all
you can be.
Believing in your dreams and goals is everything in
becoming a Trillionaire. If you do not believe that you
can be a Trillionaire, you can never be one. All things are
possible to them that believe. If you will have faith as
small as a mustard seed, you will say to that mountain
be thou removed and cast into the sea and it shall be so.
Let it be to you according to your faith.
These are all bible quotes and whether you believe them
to be true or not, it makes no difference. The fact is they
are all true. Do you believe that you can become a
Trillionaire? The answer should be a resounding yes I
If the answer is a resounding yes I do, then you will
become a Trillionaire because it shall be to you
according to your faith or belief. Doubt your doubts and
believe your beliefs. You can become a Trillionaire.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 68
You can do all things through Christ that strengthens
you. There is nothing that you cannot do. You are a
perfectly created human being. When you were created,
you were made perfectly by a perfect God with the
ability to do all things.
Why don’t people succeed in their dreams and goals?
The answer is simple: they don’t believe in their dreams
and goals enough to commit to paying the price to
become all they can be. Ask Bill Gates how he became so
super successful and the richest man in the world and he
will tell you it’s because of one major reason and that’s
because he believed in his dreams and goals enough to
commit to them.
The story of Bill Gates success is one of great faith and
belief. When Bill Gates discovered Microsoft and the gift
that was in him, he quit a degree at Harvard University
to pursue his dream and goal.
What in the world will make a man quit a degree from
Harvard University if not pure faith and belief in what
he was going to do next? He was utterly convinced that
Microsoft was going to succeed and become the greatest
company in the world and also make him the richest
man in the world. He was a pace setter.
This was what made him quit the degree at Harvard.
Today he has absolutely no regrets about his decision to
quit Harvard. The results prove beyond a shadow of a
doubt that he knew perfectly well what he was doing.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 69
It may surprise you that I will say the richest man in the
world did not finish a university education and has no
degree obtained by schooling in a University. But what
is the unique ingredient that made Bill Gates what he is
It’s faith and belief in his dreams and goals. This simply
means that faith and self belief in ones dreams and goals
are by far bigger and more valuable than an education
even if it’s from the best university in the world.
Wisdom Key: Faith and belief in his dreams and goals is
all you need to become a Trillionaire.
What in the world would lead a man like Warren Buffet
to open a company called Berkshire Hathaway? Its pure
simple faith and belief in himself and his God that the
company would make him super successful and rich.
It’s your faith and belief that will take you through all
the tough times that you will pass through on your way
to becoming a Trillionaire. It was the faith and belief in
themselves and their God that led both Bill Gates and
Warren Buffet overcome all the adversity they came
across and faced when they began to pursue their
Just imagine if you were Bill Gates parents and he told
you he was quitting Harvard to start some computer
business or thing that was not popular at the time. You
would be outrageous and angry, you would even swear
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 70
and curse and threaten to pour down the rage of heaven
and hell.
You just wouldn’t understand the reason why Bill Gates
would want to waste his life and destiny. You would try
to persuade, nudge and educate him. If that doesn’t
work, you would cut him off your will and do a lot of
things that you thought at the time would be in his best
Bill Gates passed through all these things but he refused
to go back to school but to rather focus on his dreams
and vision. He didn’t mind being cut off the will of his
parents because he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt
that he would be richer than any living will. Now that’s
what I call faith and self belief in oneself.
On your path to becoming a Trillionaire, it’s your faith
and belief in yourself and your dreams and visions that
will keep you going at all times. It is certain that you will
face adversity and a lot of discouraging times and
seasons but you must hold on to your faith and belief in
becoming a Trillionaire if you really want to be a
You will be laughed at, mocked, abused, called a fool,
put down often, discouraged, deceived, delayed,
misunderstood, criticized, doubted, judged, etc but do
not let any of these things distract you from your dream
and goal of being a Trillionaire.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 71
Its all part of the price you must pay for true greatness
and success in life. In your quest to become a Trillionaire
you will have to take several executive decisions that
you may feel will be costly or expensive and very risky
like quitting your guaranteed monthly income job for a
non guaranteed business, do not hesitate to take them.
It’s your faith and belief in your dream and vision that
will give you the confidence to take these decisions and
to continue in these same decisions against all odds. We
all know what Jesus Christ went through on earth on his
way to the cross and the bible puts it excellently.
It says “who for the joy that was set before him endured
the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God”. Jesus suffered all that
he suffered because he knew there was a joy that was set
before him if only he would go to the cross.
He never bothered himself with the shame and the
ridicule. He was never moved by the pain and suffering
on the cross. He was focused on His goals and dreams
which were the salvation of all mankind and the
remission of sins.
Did he achieve his goals? The answer is yes, by faith and
belief in His goals and dreams. Every Trillionaire must
carry his cross even like Jesus in pure faith and belief
that there is a joy that will be set before us when you
become a Trillionaire and if this is your attitude, it is
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 72
certain that you will indeed get to that place of
unspeakable joy and full of glory.
Remember the simple secret is that you must believe in
your dreams and goals enough to commit all that you
have to becoming all you can be. Let me tell you another
secret, when you have such a faith and belief, making
such decisions even though they will put you in a place
of suffering and pain initially will be easy to do and go
through it all.
Even when your wife and children may not understand
why you are making such a decision to put everybody in
suffering, in the long run, you will be justified. I have
never met any truly successful man who did not have
faith and belief in his dreams and goals who became
great and rich.
Even in professional sports, music, acting, business,
education, technology, information technology etc
testimonies abound of successful men who have become
successful because they believed in themselves and their
In sports let’s look at Micheal Jordan among many
basket ballers, in music let’s look at Micheal Jackson, In
football let’s look at Didier Drogba, in information
technology of course Bill Gates, in business Warren
Buffet, in acting let’s look at Will Smith, etc. the list is
endless and they all became successful because of belief
in themselves, their gift and talents and belief in God.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 73
Becoming a Trillionaire is easy if you will only believe
that you can become a Trillionaire and work towards it
with all your heart, mind, power and strength. Why am I
writing this book today?
I am writing this book today because I believe in this
book with all my mind, heart, power and strength as the
solution to the problem of poverty in our society today,
that everyone can become a Trillionaire if they believe it
and because I also believe I will sell over fifty million
copies of this book globally in the short run by referrals
from people whose lives and destinies have been
changed by the principles in this book.
You too can achieve your dream of becoming a
Trillionaire if you will only believe that you can with all
your heart, mind, power and strength.
Wisdom Key: Why do people fail in their dreams and
goals? The answer is simple: they don’t believe in their
dreams and goals enough to commit to paying the price
to become all they can be.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 74
You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless
you develop a plan of action.
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan,
in which we must fervently believe,
and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.”
-Stephen A. Brennan
Developing a plan of action is the fourth step to
becoming a Trillionaire. If you are ever going to be a
Trillionaire, you must develop a workable plan of how
you intend to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
People fail because they fail to have a success or
achievement plan and they lack the ability to organize
details. A wealth or business plan is the blueprint to
success. To develop a Trillion dollars and more master
plan, all you need to do is to get a sheet of paper and
pen and begin to ask yourself one simple question.
This question is: “how do I make a Trillion dollars and
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 75
As you begin to ask yourself this question daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly and in a life time, sooner than later the
answers will come to your mind and you will develop
the blueprint to your master plan.
The answer comes through what I call brainstorming.
Remember, you must have a strategy to getting this
money in your mind written down in a wonderful
realizable manner. Until you have your plan written
down and it looks highly achievable and realizable, your
dream of acquiring a Trillion dollars will never be a
How do you brainstorm? You brainstorm by a method I
call count to ten and win. It is a concept taught by the
great Reverend Robert Schuller of the great Crystal
Cathedral in his book called “Tough times never last but
though people do”.
Here is a sample of how to use the count to ten principle
and win in building a Trillion dollars master plan.
Watch me count to ten and win. Notice the numbering
and you will see I just brainstormed on ten wonderful
solutions to achieving my dream of accumulating a
Trillion dollars and more.
Can you tell me which options in this list are practicable
considering the world’s population is 9 billion people
and with a time frame of 50 years and if you have the
best marketing consultant in the world in your team.
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 76
Note that the world’s population will be 20 billion
people in fifty years time and that inflation will
definitely take place within this time frame so a trillion
dollars in fifty years time may be equivalent to a
hundred billion dollars now. Don’t let this deter you.
If you can, can you also predict products and services
for each option that you think is practicable? Option one
to five can be practicable if you have a product or service
that people can buy again and again over and over.
Please note that each option equals a trillion dollars.
Remember you still have to find the product or service
and develop the marketing strategy to reach the whole
1. Find a $100 product and sell it to ten billion people.
2. Find a $200 product and sell it to five billion people.
3. Find a $500 product and sell it to two billion people.
4. Find a $1,000 product and sell it to a one billion
5. Find a $2,000 product and sell it to five hundred
million people
6. Find a $5,000 product and sell it to two hundred
million people.
7. Find a $10,000 product and sell it to a hundred million
8. Find a $50,000 product and sell it to twenty million
9. Find a $100,000 product and sell it to ten million
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 77
10. Find a $500,000 product and sell it to two million
Here are some responses I got from my brainstorming
Brainstorm Member 1: Option 4 sounds good as 1/6
response rate is a bit easier to deliver for the marketing
consultant. That's 16.7% conversion. The product must
offer outstanding value and be designed to serve as
opposed to making money. We must have a hugely
motivated team in place - whose goal is to serve
humanity and offer value above making money.
Brainstorm Member 2: Am more likely to go with
options 2 and 3. The product I would choose should be
food based, considering that people have to buy food
over and over again. Being food based, it would serve as
well as add value and cost wise, can reach a larger
clientele base.
The price tag guarantees its affordability therefore
ensuring that it cuts across virtually all cadres of society.
This can also work for clothes and apparel and also for
housing and transport considering the time frame of
fifty years.
Now these suggestions are good and workable for all
that have the faith to believe for these solutions and
make it their plan. Now let me be practical with you. I
have counted to ten and I can see a Trillion dollars in
Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 78
each solution I have offered above with a number and all
of them are practicable but not realistic so I will suggest
you abandon the above list if it’s not okay with you and
think deeper using the same formula of counting to ten
and win.
Here is my practical plan using the same formula of
counting to ten and winning. The only difference
between this and the first option above is that I
increased the number of products from one to one
hundred so as to make it both practicable and realistic.
Remember your plan must be realistic and achievable in
order for it to both work and motivate you to pursue a
Trillion dollars and more. Note once again that each
number adds to a Trillion dollars and it can either be
products or services that you create.
1. 100 products at $50 each sold to 200 million
2. 100 products at $100 each sold to 100 million
3. 100 products at $200 each sold to 50 million
4. 100 products at $400 each sold to 25 million
5. 100 products at $500 each sold to 20 million
6. 100 products at $1000 each sold to 10 million
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1
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Master Secrets to becoming a trillionaire Volume1

  • 1.
  • 2. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 1 MASTER SECRETS TO BECOMING A TRILLIONAIRE Volume 1 Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice for the utterly ambitious. By Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze An International Wealth Mastery bestseller. 20 Wisdom keys and undeniable truths that guarantee a Trillionaire status and tremendous wealth. The complete practical wealth and financial guide to becoming a Trillionaire and super rich. Radical ideas and concepts that are guaranteed to change your financial destiny forever. A motivational and inspirational series.
  • 3. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 2 MASTER SECRETS TO BECOMING A TRILLIONAIRE Volume 1 Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice for the utterly ambitious. By Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze An International Wealth Mastery bestseller. 20 Wisdom keys and undeniable truths that guarantee a Trillionaire status and tremendous wealth. The complete practical wealth and financial guide to becoming a Trillionaire and super rich. Radical ideas and concepts that are guaranteed to change your financial destiny forever. A motivational and inspirational series.
  • 4. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 3 Published by: Integrity Intercontinental Books Publishers Printed in the USA. All rights reserved under international Copy Right Law. Contents and/ or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the Publisher.
  • 5. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS MASTER SECRET PAGE Dedication 7 Introduction 8 Proof that there is a Trillion dollars for every man on earth 15 If anybody is going to be a trillionaire, why not you? 20 Master Secret 1.....If you will change everything will change 25 Master Secret 2.....You are the sum total of your philosophy about life and money 31 Master Secret 3.....Intensely desire a trillion dollars and more in your life 39 Master Secret 4.....Set a goal to acquire and accumulate a trillion dollars and more before you die 47 Master Secret 5.....You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless it’s written down 55 Master Secret 6.....Believe you can accumulate a trillion dollars and more 63
  • 6. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 5 Master Secret 7.....You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless you develop a plan of action 74 Master Secret 8.....There is only one secret to developing a product or service that sells 84 Master Secret 9.....Develop a conglomerate mindset 90 Master Secret 10....Develop an empire mindset 97 Master Secret 11....Develop an entrepreneurial and business mindset 103 Master Secret 12....Develop a monopolistic mindset 110 Master Secret 13....Develop a trillionaire’s mindset 117 Master Secret 14....Develop a long term perspective to business and investments 125 Master Secret 15....Develop an “I can do attitude” 132 Master Secret 16....Build a team of the highest quality professionals in this world 139 Master Secret 17....Be a team player 212 Master Secret 18....Know that you are a genius 217 Master Secret 19....You have only one job as a trillionaire and that is to legally present legitimate claims to your trillions in th hands of the over six billion residents of the earth 223
  • 7. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 6 Master Secret 20....Master the art of deal making 228 What you must now do for me 233 Other Books published 235 Cone of learning 236
  • 8. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 7 Dedication: This book is dedicated to the millions worldwide who are interested in learning and mastering wealth and to becoming super rich but don’t know how to go about it. To those who are already learning and practicing and are not making any progress. To my mother Mrs. Bridget ChiChi Anakwe who labored so much that I may be great and most importantly to God Almighty who made a way for me. You are my inspiration. Thanks Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze President Trillionaire Mentorship Network
  • 9. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 8 Introduction: Our goal is to simply change the lives and financial destinies of every man or woman who reads this book by changing their thinking of themselves through destiny changing words and ideas. The first step to becoming a Trillionaire is simple, set a target in trillions of dollars that you want to acquire before you die and write it down on a piece of paper and paste that paper on the wall by your bedside or ceiling and read it day and night before you go to bed and when you wake up. Do this daily until you start believing you can get this money. By the law of attraction each time you read it out loud, you attract trillions of dollars into your life. It’s very real. Just try it for a month and see. Shoot for the universe and you will hit the stars. Shoot for the stars and you will hit the sky. Shoot for the sky and you will hit the mountains. You are God's child and that makes you a god. The child of a pig is a pig. The Son of God is god. Be like your father. Be a creator. Dominate your world. Have a no limits mentality. Wealth comes by being a thinker rather than a worker. The great men of the world are great because they are thinkers.
  • 10. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 9 A great Doctor was once asked what’s the problem with men? He said it’s simple, “Men don’t think”. Great men spend more time thinking than working. To be a Trillionaire you must spend more time thinking about your trillions. Your wealth lies in your thoughts. No thinking produces no results. Wealth is attracted to thinkers. Thinkers create wealth. Be a thinker today and spend more time alone thinking through every step that you take. When you build the habit of thinking instead of following the crowd, you will set yourself apart for great success. Be a thinker today. Think, think think. To be a Trillionaire you must think like a Trillionaire. Why are there no Trillionaires in our world today? It’s simply because there are no men thinking trillions. The men who have thought billions have got their billions. If the billionaires of our world would think trillions we should have a Trillionaire pretty soon. But no one has ever thought of owning a trillion dollars except me in this world. I’m not boasting but this is just the power of dreams. Bill Gates has retired to charity. His thoughts are no more on making trillions but on giving it away, the same for Warren Buffet. He is giving most of his wealth away. What do you think will happen if the billionaires of our world would think trillions? They would get it sooner than later.
  • 11. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 10 The Trillionaire mindset is not difficult to attain. All you have to do is think trillions daily. When you think trillions daily, one question will always be on your mind and that's "How do I make a trillion dollars?" Once you keep asking yourself this question each day in your life, one day you will get the answer. The answer will come as a result of the law of attraction. This law says you attract into your life what you think about. Have you ever thought of a shoe? What happened? You went and bought it. Have you ever thought of a car? What happened? You went and bought it? Have you ever thought of a thousand dollars? What happened? You went and got it. What about a dress? What happened? You got it. By the law of attraction, whatever you think about you attract into your life. Think about your book and guess what? You will write and publish it. Man attracts into his life whatever he thinks about. Have you ever thought of a girlfriend or a wife or husband? Sure. What happened? You got yourself one. What about your current project? You are working on it now because you thought about it. Every married woman or man is married today because they thought about it. When you think of a trillion dollars, you bring it into your life. NASA thought about going to the moon and
  • 12. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 11 today man has been there countless number of times. Today they are planning to go to the stars and the planets. They are not saying impossible. Rather they are saying just like Barrack Obama, “Yes we can”. Remember, what you think about, you attract into your life. Think a trillion dollars and you will attract a trillion dollars. It’s that simple. You are a Trillionaire. Accept nothing less and say it every day. I am a Trillionaire. I see your trillions coming. Can you see it? Stay on that thought until it is fulfilled. Great men continue thinking on a particular thought until it’s fulfilled. Why do people fail in accomplishing their dreams? They don't stay on their thoughts long enough to see it fulfilled. They get distracted and that thought becomes just a thought. Thoughts are things only when you stay on them long enough to see them fulfilled. Everyday, thoughts or ideas of money making ventures come to our mind. We think about them for only a few minutes and we say great I will do this someday and make money but we never stay long enough thinking on the idea to see its fulfillment so we abandon it or rather forget it. Wisdom key: A pen and paper never forgets a thing. This is why having a journal where you can jot your ideas is very important. Once you write it down in your
  • 13. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 12 journal you can maintain a consistent focus each time you read what you wrote in your journal. As long as you are thinking on these ideas for as long as it takes to get them fulfilled, you will definitely do and become them. But if you forget about them or if you stop thinking about it, you lose it. You forget and abandon it. This is what a website does too. It acts as a thought re- activator as each time you think of your website idea and go there, you are refocusing on the original thought that made you build the website in the first place. Why do you think I opened the Trillionaire Mentorship Network on Facebook and I built a website for our network? I will tell you why. I opened it to help people keep thinking about a Trillion dollars especially myself. I don't want the thought of a trillion dollars to ever leave my mind. I know that if I can stay focused on making a trillion dollars for the rest of my life I will eventually get it because through this group I can always keep thinking of my trillion dollars till I get it. I'm keeping my thoughts focused on making a trillion dollars. I don't want it to be just a thought. I want it to be real in my life. Likewise, you have just made a trillion dollars remain in your mind forever by buying and reading this book and practicing the concepts of this book for a life time.
  • 14. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 13 As long as you keep reading this book monthly, what do you think will happen to your focus on a trillion dollars each time you reread this book? You will keep asking yourself daily, how do I make a trillion dollars? Yes, you will stay focused on the thought of making a trillion dollars and it won’t be just a mere thought because sooner than later, answers to the question will come to your mind. Why will the answers come to your mind? It’s because you are focused on the thought. It’s not a mere thought anymore, it’s been printed on your mind that its possible as nothing is impossible to them that believe and to them that keep thinking on any thought until its fulfilled. You become what you think about. Anything you want in your life, simply design ways and means to keep that idea in your mind until it’s fulfilled. If you ever forget a thought of wealth it will be a mere thought, but thoughts are things only when you keep thinking on them till they get or become fulfilled. Your enemies target is to make you forget your thoughts, dreams and ideas. That’s what drugs and an irresponsible uncultured life do to you and many other people who distract you from your thoughts. Nobody wants you thinking. As long as you are not thinking, they say you are under control.
  • 15. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 14 When you start really thinking, you become uncontrollable and unstoppable and they start saying you are insane and mad. Why will they say that, because you have just become a genius? A genius is a man who thinks and talks differently. Every great thinker was branded a mad man when he or she began to think and declare great things he wanted to do especially scientists and they were always told their dreams were impossible, unrealistic and unattainable, but as soon as they accomplished the so called impossible feat they were branded geniuses. Think Think Think. Stay focused on your thinking till the thought becomes a reality. Never let a thought of wealth accumulation die. Find ways to keep your mind on the thought or idea. This is the way to unlimited wealth and success. This is the way to becoming a Trillionaire. I celebrate your Trillions and I thank you for buying my book, but my greatest joy will be to hear that you are one of the Trillionaires in this century and that my book inspired you to become all that you can be. To your success and greatness. Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
  • 16. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 15 Proof that there is a Trillion dollars for every man on earth: Did you know that the earth’s depth including the oceans is 6250 miles (10-400 kilometers)? This is the earth’s depth only and does not include its length/circumference at the equator which is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers). Do you also know that the earth is loaded with unlimited supply of the following minerals and more? Aluminium, Rock Phosphates, Asbestos, Baryte, Bauxites, Bentonite, Borates Cadmium, Cement, Chromium Ores, Cobalt, Copper, Diamonds, Diatomite, Coal Felspar, Fluorspar, Fullers Earth, Garnet, Gold, Graphite, Gypsum, Ilmenite, Iron Ore, Pig Iron, Crude Steel, Kaolin, Lead, Zinc, Magnesite, Managanese, Mica, Nickel, Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, Potash, Sand and Gravel Production, Silver, Sulphur & Pyrites, Tin, Vanadium, Vermiculite, Perlite, Wollastonie, Zirconium etc Did you also know that in order to mine the earth and the universe/galaxies fully including the oceans, the stars, the other planets, the moon etc it will take over a Trillion years? Do you know that the deposits of all these minerals in the earth and the galaxy of the universe are limitless and as you uncover layers upon
  • 17. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 16 layers, you will be finding different types of minerals etc? Do you know that there are a lot of samples of the earth that scientists are still researching what can be produced through them; this does not include the galaxies of course? Did you know that the science fiction movies that you watch are a future of what is to come in this universe? Do you know that the sun plays an active role in the making of minerals and so does the weather too plus water? Do you know that God loaded the universe with limitless materials to keep a Trillion generations and more alive in it? You’ve heard of cloning of course. You’ve heard of latest agricultural developments and techniques that will enable man to grow limitless foods even in a shorter period of time. More types of foods will be genetically produced and at faster paces. Etc. The world is moving fast and it’s a lie that you can’t make a Trillion dollars. Only those who know that there is limitless wealth in the earth and galaxies waiting to be tapped and mined will become Trillionaires. There are no resources to even mine the amount of wealth in the earth not to talk about the universe. We have not even used 0.000000000000001 percent of the earth’s or the universe’s reserves. We cannot, why
  • 18. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 17 because men do not know how rich the earth is or the galaxies. If the government of nations were to give everyone a trillion dollars, the earth would still have enough to still give 100 Trillion dollars to each man alive not including the galaxies. The problem is that we have our minds fixed on what the so called financial, media and government experts tell us. The truth is that these experts know nothing of how much wealth God has deposited in the earth and the galaxies. Your economy is of God and not of the media or government or federal reserve’s or financial experts or even their budgets. This is the only way you can acquire a Trillion dollars, when you start thinking and believing that there is more than enough for everyone and stop thinking you are greedy for having such a great dream or desire. Here are some facts: NASA’s Kepler space telescope, launched in March 2009, has discovered its first five planets in addition to the ones we already have and more are to be discovered. Scientists say there are nine planets, but I can bet you that God might have created over 10,000 but that’s how far mans technology/telescope can see or has seen. Stars are not scattered randomly through space, they are gathered together into vast groups known as galaxies.
  • 19. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 18 The Sun belongs to a galaxy called the Milky Way. Astronomers estimate there are about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone. Outside that, there are millions upon millions of other galaxies also! It is still not certain that there is only one sun until now but technology currently available says so but scientists still believe the galaxies may have more suns. What do all these tell you? They tell you that there is unlimited wealth in our universe. Only men who can think of a Trillion dollars and go for it will understand these truths. How do you mine the stars? You’ve got to finish mining the earth first before you talk of the stars. You cannot mine the earth in all totality but at least you can go for a cool trillion dollars. Wake up Trillionaires, there is more than enough in this our world. Set the goal, write it and paste it by your bedside. Read it day and night. Believe it with all your heart. Plan to use it for the poor and finally go for it with all your heart. You cannot be stopped. Only your negative thinking and the wrong mindset can stop you from fulfilling this dream. Go get the money now. Begin now. You need some understanding of the geography of the universe to know that there is a Trillion dollars for everyone who can dream it. What will happen when man begins to go to Pluto and Mars etc on holiday?
  • 20. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 19 It’s started indirectly already. Check what the owner of Virgin Atlantic airlines is doing. Remember our slogan, “if everyone in this world can think of making Trillions of dollars legitimately, there will be no poverty in our world, crime would cease and creativity will know no limits and bounds”. To your success and greatness. Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
  • 21. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 20 IF ANYBODY IS GOING TO BE A TRILLIONAIRE, WHY NOT YOU? Can you tell me why you shouldn’t be a Trillionaire? Can you tell me why if others are going to be Trillionaires, you should not be one too. I bet you; if you will only but search your heart with all sincerity you will discover that there is no reason why you shouldn’t be a Trillionaire. There is absolutely no reason on earth why man that is made in the image of God should not be a Trillionaire. If you were made in the image of a Baboon, I can understand and comprehend why you do not want to be a Trillionaire because a couple of bananas would be just perfect for you, but if you were made in the image of God and are a child/son of God, there is no reason under heaven why you should not be a Trillionaire. Start thinking Trillions from today. Start dealing with all your fears. You were born to be a Trillionaire. Say it right now. I am a Trillionaire. You will be a Trillionaire if you will keep confessing your Trillionaire status to the whole world. I was speaking to a friend and I told her that the mouth controls all the nerves in the human body. Your nerves will listen and obey the command from your mouth when you tell them you are a
  • 22. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 21 Trillionaire and they will all collaboratively assist you in becoming a Trillionaire. So what are you going to do with your Trillionaire status? More than ever, there is only one major reason to seek a Trillionaire status and that’s to be a blessing to your generation. How do you become a blessing to your generation? You become a blessing to your generation by being a solution provider. Who do you think all the charities in the world are contacting for donations and assistance. Of course they are contacting the millionaires and billionaires of our generation for financial assistance. Whose money is feeding the poor? Whose money is taking care of the sick? Whose money is saving lives? Whose money is changing our world? Whose money is affecting all of us consciously and unconsciously? It’s the money of the rich. Whose attention is required if there is a problem anywhere? It’s the attention of the rich. Whose offices are loaded with proposal after proposal? It’s the offices of the rich. Who do you think is employing all the job seekers? It’s the rich. Who do you think the media and presidents of nations listen to? They listen to the rich. Who do you think are the king makers in any nation? It’s the rich. How do they do all these lofty things? They let their money do the talking.
  • 23. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 22 Do you want to have unlimited influence in this world, then seek to be a Trillionaire. Pursue it with all your heart. Refuse to accept the status quo and say what I have is enough for me. What you have can never be enough except you are selfish, self centered and greedy. Yes that’s the only reason for satisfaction. You say what I have is enough when you are not thinking of the billions you can help and save with more money. Mother Theresa was a great woman that sought to help billions in her life time, but she can tell you with all sincerity of purpose that her greatest need had always been money to help the poor. Nothing she ever had was ever enough. Take a trip to Africa and see suffering. Go to India and see suffering. Go to Asia and see suffering. Even South America has millions suffering. Don’t you see that poor old widow next door? Can’t a few thousand dollars from you make a tremendous difference in her life? Don’t you see the poor on the streets every day? Can’t a few thousands from you make a lot of difference in their lives? Even Jesus and Mohammed urged their disciples never to forget the poor. The truth is that if you are not seeking to be a Trillionaire, it’s clear you have no thoughts what so ever about the poor and you are not a giver in any way and as such can never become a Trillionaire because you do not have the giving spirit.
  • 24. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 23 That’s why I say Trillionaires are sowers, always seeking opportunity to sow seeds. Why do Trillionaires sow seeds? They sow seeds because they know that the only way to multiply their empires is by giving more to the society they live in. They understand the law of the harvest that says what so ever good thing a man does the same and more shall he receive from God. This is so because you always harvest more than you plant. Don’t let the global economic down turn stop you from giving. Every man has a million ways he can give. It’s not true that you have nothing to give. We all have something to give. Remember the widow who gave her last two mites? If she can do it then you can too. If you don’t know what to give then give to me by buying a thousand copies of this book and distributing to a thousand friends and see if when these people become great they will forget you. This small insignificant seed can travel miles into your destiny and give you unlimited harvests that you may never be able to comprehend all your life. So why not become a Trillionaire today? Why not take the challenge and go for it big time. Records are meant to be broken. The 4 minutes a mile running record was broken only when men began to think they could break it. The 10 seconds hundred
  • 25. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 24 meters record was broken when men began to think they could break it. The billion dollar mark was broken only when men began to think they could break it. The same is true for the Trillion dollars mark. It can only be broken when men begin to think its breakable. I say again with all authority that the financial records of Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet shall be broken indeed when men begin to believe that their records are no big deal and can be broken. Be among the financial record breakers of this generation. Desire to own a Trillion dollars and then some more. After all, the current financial whiz kids of our generation who are billionaires do not have ten heads. If they can do it with their one head, then that’s proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that you too can indeed have a Trillion dollars and be a Trillionaire indeed with your one head. If anybody is going to be a Trillionaire, it must be you. Zero your mind on this and pursue this goal with unrelenting focus, determination and speed. Anakwe Joseph Chimeleze
  • 26. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 25 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 1 If you will change everything will change for you. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. -Barack Obama Change is the only thing that is constant when it comes to becoming a Trillionaire. Unless you change, you can never become a Trillionaire. To become a Trillionaire you must change. The change I am talking about must come from within you. I’m not talking about an external change that comes from outside of you but I’m talking of an internal change in everything that concerns you and your financial destiny. People who refuse to change can never become Trillionaires.
  • 27. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 26 If you continue doing the things that you have been doing all your life, you will keep getting the same results that you have been getting. In order to get different results, you must change. The purpose of this book is to bring financial change to your destiny and thinking forever. You are what you are today by all the changes that have taken place in your life. People are always looking to others for change in their lives and this is why they fail. Nothing outside you can change you. Only you have the power to make the decision to change your life. No connection in this world with anyone affluent or rich can change you. No new job with any company or miracle or adversity can change you if you do not want to change. If you really want to change, it must start from within you and not from outside you. You are the change that you want in your life and only you can change you. It is your responsibility and yours alone to change your destiny by changing yourself internally first. If you read all the master secrets that we teach you in this book and you refuse to change by not putting to practice all that we teach you, you will never become a Trillionaire. If you will change, everything will change for you. This is no lie but the blatant truth. Change is inevitable when it comes to your success in life. The people that become super rich in life are always changing. What matters is
  • 28. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 27 not even the amount of money you accumulate but what you become in the process of acquiring this money. What you become is always in line with the changes that are occurring in your life daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. This is why a millionaire can lose all his money and regain it again because of what he became in acquiring the initial millions. It is the same for a billionaire. Change starts with the renewing of your mind and thinking. Remember the golden rule of success: you become what you think about. For true change to take place in your life, you must change your thinking. When I say change starts from within, I am talking of change that starts with a change in thinking and in the mind. You have to change your thinking in thousands of areas. This is why the bible talks about renewing your mind daily by reading and meditating on the words of God. This is the major way to remove stinking thinking from your mind and it works in the same way when it comes to financial success and greatness. You must change your thinking about money, wealth, the rich and riches. You must change your habits; in most cases a change in jobs is necessary. You must change your thinking about the world, about traveling, about investments, about products and services. Change is necessary in every aspect of your life if you are ever going to become a Trillionaire. You must
  • 29. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 28 change your reading habits as a man who can read and does not read is no different from a man who can’t read at all. Change is the only way to a Trillionaire status. You must leave the norm and go for the abnormal. You must leave the comfortable and go for the uncomfortable. You must make the hard and difficult decisions that will change your financial destiny forever. You must take genuine risks. You must pay the price for success if you intend to reap the benefits of success. Poverty is a result of a refusal of the poor to change. You must change your lifestyle if you intend to become a Trillionaire. You must become disciplined and focused on your goals and objectives. All these are what a genuine decision to change will cause. There is a cause and effect to everything. The cause and effect of changing is success and the cause and effectt of not changing is poverty and failure. If you change you will become a Trillionaire indeed. You do not need a prophet to tell you to change. You must arise and speak to yourself and tell yourself the truth. It is hard for the poor to tell themselves the truth. I don’t know why this is so. There is absolutely no one holding you from becoming all that you want to be other than you and your stern refusal to change.
  • 30. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 29 Why don’t people change? They don’t change because they like the status quo. They like where they are. Until you become uncomfortable and dissatisfied with where you are, you will never seek change. When I was a drug addict, I didn’t want to change because I loved drugs, but when I realized that my destiny was more important to me and my family than the drugs, I quit the drugs and decided to change my destiny. Today I can write this book with confidence because I have gone through some very powerful changes in my life. It all began when I decided to change. Leave the things that are making you not to change behind and go for your dreams and goals. These things are not worth it in the long run. They are all hindrances to the true changes that you want in life. Your destiny is greater than any hindrance to change. Sometimes the hindrance to change can be friends, family, connections, addictions, a job, security etc. Whatever the hindrance, let it go today as this is the only way to your success, greatness and to your becoming a Trillionaire. Remember, if you will change, everything will change for you. The external changes you want in your life and destiny will only happen in your life when you change internally and when you become better than ever educationally than you have ever been in your life. This
  • 31. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 30 is why your primary focus in deciding to become a Trillionaire must start and finish from within you. Make a decision today to change everything in your life without looking back at your past. Both your successes and failures are in your past which is not your future. Dream a new dream of becoming a trillionaire today. As long as you are alive please make every moment count positively. Wisdom Key: Until you become uncomfortable with where you are, you will never seek your future.
  • 32. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 31 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 2 You are the sum total of your philosophy about life and money. My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out. -Ronald Reagan What’s your philosophy about life? If you think life is unfair then life will be unfair to you. If you think the government is responsible for the circumstances in your life then you will keep looking to the government to change your destiny for you. If you think your company is responsible for making you rich then you will be poor because your company will never do that rather they will retire and fire you. When I was in my country, I blamed the government for everything because I was taught the government was responsible for everything.
  • 33. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 32 When there was no electricity, I blamed the government and the political parties, but when I realized my destiny was in my own hands and I was responsible for my own success, I stopped blaming the government and the political parties and decided to move to a country with 24 hrs electricity. The government will never change no matter who rules. The government of today will remain the government of tomorrow and they will never ever get things right. As soon as my philosophy changed, my destiny financially began to change. For a long time my philosophy was that no man could become a Trillionaire. As soon as I changed my philosophy on this issue, I started having faith to become a Trillionaire. What’s your philosophy about your health? Your health will take care of itself naturally, of course not, you need to both eat right and exercise. This is the only way you can stay healthy. It’s not that complicated. It’s just that you have the wrong philosophy about health and this is why people fall sick all the time. They have the wrong philosophy about health. Your philosophy of life and money will determine your financial destiny. Your philosophy of life is based most of the time on the things you have passed through and on what you have been taught all your life.
  • 34. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 33 Some have been taught by their parents that money is evil. With this type of thinking and thought, how can you pursue wealth? Most of the time this is just an excuse given by poor parents to justify their poverty. They come up with words like “things are hard and difficult”. So why wont things be hard and difficult for them since they are confessing it everyday. Wisdom Key: As a man thinketh in his heart so he is. Some have been taught all their lives that the rich are all fraudulent people who get rich by cheating people. How can you desire to be rich with this kind of thought? Others have been taught all their lives to go to school, get an education and then a job, so when they get a job they relax and feel that is all to life and depend on their meager wages. Some think that the way to getting rich is by investing in stocks and bonds with their meager wages with prayer and with patience that they become rich that way. People do just this and hope to get rich. They do not become rich because they have the wrong philosophy. A job will never make you rich. A job means Just Over Broke J.O.B. When you want to be rich, you must go into business for yourself. Look at Jeff Bezos the richest man in the world. He founded Amazon. Look at Bill Gates, the second richest man in the world, he founded Microsoft.
  • 35. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 34 This wrong philosophical thinking makes people hope and believe that they will get or grow rich if they work their jobs 24 hrs, 7 days a week and 30 days a month and 365 days a year faithfully. To their shock in their old age they only get a watch or gift of sorts and a retirement package and they then start struggling to get their pensions and gratuity. Many have died with this realization in their old age. Many have even committed suicide at this realization that they have wasted forty to fifty years of their lives working for a company that didn’t care about what happened to them or their destiny. Some have been taught that it’s your connections that make the difference in your life and they have hoped on their fellow man all their lives to change their destinies for them. In the end they have faced disappointment after disappointment as numerous men that they have hoped in have failed them. The truth is that your destiny is in your hands and only you can change it by a genuine decision to become all you can be. All you can be is a Trillion dollars and more. Believe me when I tell you this. Some have been taught that money is difficult to come by. The truth is that money is easy to come by. You can get a Trillion dollars and more if you will focus on the dream of getting a Trillion dollars and more. Money is
  • 36. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 35 easy to come by. If you think I am lying ask Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. To Bill, to get more money is to simply create another software or product or service that the world will want and the money starts flowing in. All these teachings and more are all false and do not guarantee riches in any way. If you are ever going to become a Trillionaire, you must change your philosophy of life and money. You are the sum total of all your judgments till date. To change your destiny, you must change your philosophy about money. What’s your philosophy about money? The right philosophy about money is that money answers all things and it must be gotten in abundant quantities no matter what. In summary money is a good thing in the hands of good people. Money will make my family and I live in abundance and great comfort so it’s worth pursuing and getting. Money will pay medical bills, buy a good home, earn you respect, promote and uplift the owner, enable you afford an excellent education for the kids. Etc. Money is good period. Lots of it is also good to meet just not your own needs but the needs of the larger global community in which you live. Money buys drugs, food
  • 37. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 36 and clothes. Money in your pocket or bank is confidence directly or indirectly. Money solves problems. Money is good. Ask a mother in Africa who can’t feed her children if money is good and she will tell you with a resounding yes that money after God almighty is everything to her. Those who live in developed countries take a lot of things for granted because the government of these countries provides a lot of free stuff for them like welfare, health care etc. This has made them believe that the government should take care of them and that it’s not their responsibility to pursue money and be rich. Money is not evil; it’s the love of money that’s evil. Change your philosophy about money and money will be attracted to you. People’s philosophy about money is the sole reason why the poor are poor. The poor are poor because their philosophy about money is wrong. They think there is never enough money. How can they be rich when they think all the time that they never have enough money or there is never enough money to go round to everybody? People who have a philosophy of “I am satisfied with what I have and where I am” will never get the true riches in life until they change their philosophy about life and money. The truth is that there is enough money in this earth to share a Trillion dollars to the six billion people in it and there will still be lots more for governments to spend, live and administer with.
  • 38. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 37 It’s your philosophy about making a Trillion dollars and more that’s stopping you from making a Trillion dollars and more. Yes your philosophy says it is impossible for you but mine says it’s possible for me and that’s why I will make a Trillion dollars and more. Ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Carlos Slim Helu or Jeff Bezos if making a billion dollars is difficult for them and they will tell you it’s the easiest thing in the world for them not because they are rich or billionaires but because they have the right philosophy about money and wealth. Money solves problems. Different types of problems are solved by money. Feeding, accommodation, clothing, transportation, sickness or health problems etc are a few of the general problems money solves. Money cannot be evil. It is only evil in the hands of evil men. When you have the right philosophy about money and wealth, nothing will stop you or can stop you from becoming a Trillionaire and super rich. What’s your philosophy about greatness? Greatness is for people who want to be great. You can never be what you do not want or desire. The people who are great are great because they wanted to be great. They thought about greatness all their lives and they became great.
  • 39. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 38 Look at Joseph in the bible, right from the age of 12 years he had a dream of greatness and he held on to that dream and at 30 years of age he became prime minister of Egypt. You too can be great if and when you change your thinking. Don’t think that greatness is for people that are born with a golden spoon. That is not true. Greatness is for those that dream it, believe it and work towards it until they achieve it. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Matma Gandhi and Barrack Obama became great because they pursued greatness and not because they were born with a golden spoon. If you will change your philosophy about life and money, you will become both a Trillionaire and a very successful individual that will affect his generation greatly. Change your philosophy today because this is where true wealth and riches starts from. The government will never help you to become whatever you want to become so stop depending on the elections, the party that wins and who becomes president to change your life and destiny for you. If it’s going to be its up to you and you alone and it all starts with your beliefs and philosophy about greatness, money and riches. Wisdom Key: You become what you think about daily.
  • 40. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 39 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 3 Intensely desire a trillion dollars and more in your life. One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life. -Alexander A. Bogomoletz Everything good and excellent that you will ever want in life starts with an intense desire. Desire according to the dictionary means the following: 1. The act of developing an intense want for something. 2. To express a wish for; to entreat; to request. 3. To require; to demand; to claim. 4. The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or possession; an eager wish to obtain or enjoy. 5. An expressed wish; a request; petition. 6. Anything which is desired; an object of longing.
  • 41. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 40 7. Excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. 8. An inclination to want things; "a man of many desires 9. The feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state. 10. Feel or have a desire for; want strongly 11. Expect and wish Do you really want a Trillion dollars and more? Have you ever truly desired a Trillion dollars and more? Do you believe that you can have and make a Trillion dollars and more in your life time? Do you think that you can posses a Trillion dollars and more? If you are ever going to become a Trillionaire, you must intensely desire firstly a Trillion dollars and more. There is nothing that you ever want in your life that will come to you if you do not intensely desire it. Have you ever bought a car? Why did you buy it? You bought the car because you intensely desired that specific car. Why did you marry the man or woman that you married? You married him or her because you intensely desired him or her. Why did you choose to buy certain stuff in the supermarket you just entered? You chose the stuff you bought out of thousands of other stuff in the supermarket because those were the things that you intensely desired. You had an intense desire for those things far and above all the other stuff that was in the supermarket, so you bought them. If you are ever going to be a Trillionaire,
  • 42. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 41 you must intensely desire a Trillion dollars and more in your life and destiny. Nothing in life comes to you by accident. Your dreams attract them to your life. Everything in life that will ever come to you comes by an intense desire for it. A Trillion dollars and more will never come into your life unless you have an intense desire to accumulate it. It is your intense desire for a Trillion dollars and more that will both force and attract a Trillion dollars and more into your life. Why do you think everything in life has a name? Everything in life has a name in order for it to answer to its name. My name is Joseph. What do you think will happen when you call my name to my hearing? I will answer to the call of my name and show up. What do you think happens in the realm of the spiritual when you call a Trillion dollars by name daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in a lifetime? Finally when Mr. Trillions finally hears his name being called by you intensely over and over again, he must show up physically in your life. Even God is bound to show up in your life when you keep calling on His name. It is His law that everything in heaven and earth must answer to their name. This is why he commanded Adam to name everything in this world. It’s also a natural law of life. Everything must answer to its name.
  • 43. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 42 Let me tell you a golden secret in life that will change your destiny forever. The secret is this: everything in life whether living or dead or a thing has ears and hears the calling of its name each time it’s called especially when it’s called intensely. If you call a Mercedes Benz car or a Lexus car into your life daily and keep talking about it, sooner than later it is bound to show up in your life, the same goes for any house or anything including sickness and death. Even death has a name and answers to its name. Have you ever been in love? What name did you call daily? Of course the name of the girl or guy you loved. Many people are married to the man or woman whose name they have been calling severally in dreams, discussions, parties and with friends. When you are in love with someone, you never cease to call the person’s name in each conversation you make with your Dad, Mum, Sisters, Brothers, friends, acquaintances etc. What happened finally? You married him or her. The person became attracted to you. You fell in real love. Now you have kids etc. Ha Ha Ha. A Trillion dollars and more is waiting for you to want her just like you wanted the man or woman of your dreams, with an intense desire and passion. This is the only way a Trillion dollars and more will ever be attracted into your life and come in.
  • 44. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 43 People go to where they are appreciated, recognized, respected and wanted. A Trillion dollars and more is a person. It will only go to where it is appreciated, recognized, respected needed and wanted. If I come to your house and you treat me badly, I will not go to your house anymore. So it is with a Trillion dollars and more. If you treat a Trillion dollars and more as something unrecognized in your life, it will never be yours. This is why people lose money in life and business. They don’t recognize the money they have as valuable and as such lose it. When they do recognize it, it multiplies in their life. It’s a natural law of life, what you respect you attract and what you do not respect runs from you. If you think having a Trillion dollars and more is a greedy thing, it will never come in to your life. If you think having a Trillion dollars and more is too much and above you, it will never come into your life. If you think a Trillion dollar and more dream, vision, goal or objective is outrageous, it will never be yours. If you think you can’t attract a Trillion dollars into your life, it will never come into your life. If you think the rich are all thieves and fraudulent people you will never be rich except you become a thief and you are fraudulent. A Trillion dollars and more will only go where there is an intense desire and need for it. A Trillion dollars and
  • 45. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 44 more will only be attracted to an atmosphere of love, desire, recognition and respect for it. Here are some reasons why some people never desire a Trillion dollars and more. They kill the dream of acquiring a Trillion dollars and more by their speech and thinking:  A Trillion dollars is impossible. Mr. Trillions says impossible for you but not for those with faith in me.  A Trillion dollars is unrealistic. Mr. Trillions says unrealistic for you but not for those with a real vision and dream.  A Trillion dollars is unachievable. Mr. Trillions says unachievable for you but not for those who believe all things are possible.  A Trillion dollars is like building a skyscraper in the air. Mr. Trillions says then put the foundations under the skyscraper and build.  A Trillion dollars has never been attained by any man. Mr. Trillions says then be the first, when they said it was impossible to get to the moon, the US said not so and guess what they put a man on the moon. What about the other impossible tasks that have been accomplished by man like breaking the 4 minute mile record, the miracle of jets, the atomic and nuclear bombs, cars, rockets, air-conditioners, heaters, etc. We take all these things for granted but men
  • 46. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 45 with possibility and positive thinking made all these things happen.  I do not have the time or the resources to make a Trillion dollars and more. Mr. Trillions says make the time and get the resources.  Others can do it but not me. Mr. Trillions says you can only if you believe you can.  I don’t know where to start. Mr. Trillions says start with an intense desire for a Trillion dollars and more.  I don’t have the skills or the knowhow. Mr. Trillions says develop the skills and the knowhow.  I am too old for this. Mr. Trillions says age is just a number and it shall be to you according to your faith.  Is it possible? Mr. Trillions says the fact that I have a name is proof I exist and I am real.  I live in Africa among the poorest of the poor. Mr. Trillions says are there no planes that can take you to anywhere in the world you want to go to.  I don’t have an education. Mr. Trillions says get one.  I don’t have any money. Mr. Trillions says get some.  I am a handicap. Mr. Trillions says being handicapped is a state of mind, change your thinking and change your life.
  • 47. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 46  Money is the root of all evil. Mr. Trillion says it’s not money that is the root of all evil but the love of money is the root of all evil. You can have me without loving me but you need to respect me and if this is so, you can easily give me away. There are many more excuses that make us not do desire a Trillion dollars and more but these are just a few. The truth is that nothing can stop a man who has an intense desire to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. An intense desire is the first step to acquiring a Trillion dollars and more. Destroy all your excuses today and build an intense desire for a Trillion dollars and more today. It is the first step to becoming a Trillionaire. Wisdom Key: Everything in life whether living or dead or a thing has ears and hears the calling of its name each time it’s called especially when it’s called intensely.
  • 48. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 47 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 4 Set a goal to acquire and accumulate a trillion dollars and more before you die. In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it. -Robert Heinlein Setting a goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more in your life time is the second step to becoming a Trillionaire. You can never accumulate a Trillion dollars and more without setting goals to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. Why do soccer stars score goals? They score goals for only one reason and that’s because they set a goal to score goals. The goal of soccer is to score goals. They are paid millions of dollars because they can score goals. Soccer stars set only one goal for them selves in any soccer game and that is to score as many goals as possible in any match. This is their short term goal.
  • 49. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 48 What is their long term goal? Their long term goal is to be the best soccer star or player in the world. With this goal in their minds they now ask themselves what it would take to be the best player in the world. This now leads to the breaking down of the long term goal into steps or processes which they must take in order to be the best player in the world. These steps include, practicing daily, working on their stamina, mastering certain football skills like the art of taking penalties, free kicks, corners, headings, the dribble, effective and efficient passing of the ball and other technical aspects of the game like knowing what to do with the ball at any particular stage of the game and more importantly scoring at least 3 goals in every match etc. This list is by no means exhaustive but this is just to give you a bird’s eye view of what setting a goal is all about and why results are obtained by setting goals. You can only attain something that you set a goal to accomplish. Can a man with a bow and arrow hit a target he doesn’t have with his arrow? The answer is no. He can only hit a bull’s eye if and when he has a target. In life, you can only get what you set as a goal. You will never pursue anything that is not your goal. This helps you to prioritize your time to what is important and what is not important. You will instinctly know what to discard and what to do.
  • 50. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 49 Wisdom key: Can a man with a bow and arrow hit a target he doesn’t have with his arrow? If you don’t do this, you will never be serious or determined about it because it’s not your goal. When adversity and trials come you will be easily discouraged to give up. You definitely must have a strong desire for something. That thing must be your target or goal and when you pursue it, you definitely will get it because it became a target and a goal in your mind and thinking. Nothing comes to anybody by accident. It all comes by setting goals for them. So it is with a Trillion dollars and more. Have you ever wanted a shoe? Of course yes. You set the goal to get the shoe and you pursued it with a strong desire and you got it. What about a suit or a dress? Of course you’ve wanted some. You did the same goal setting for the shoe and the dress and you got it. What about a car or a home or a degree or some book or phone etc? You did likewise and obtained them. You did nothing extraordinary to attain all these stuff except to consciously or unconsciously set a goal to get them. So why can’t you set a goal to get a Trillion dollars and more and go for it? The reason is simple, you think you can’t acquire or accumulate a Trillion dollars and more.
  • 51. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 50 This is the simple reason why you have not set this goal. You can acquire and accumulate a Trillion dollars and more only when you believe you can and you subsequently set the goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. The problem is not that a Trillion dollars and more is impossible for you to attain, accumulate and acquire, the problem is your refusal to desire and set the goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. Once you set a goal to accumulate and acquire a Trillion dollars and more, one thing is certain and that’s you will accumulate and acquire a Trillion dollars and more in the same way you bought the shoe, dress, car etc. that you set the goal of getting. Why are there no Trillionaires in our society? There are no Trillionaires in our society because no one has set the goal to be one. Why do we have billionaires in our society? We have billionaires in our society because there are men who set the goal of being billionaires for themselves and subsequently became billionaires. Since this system works on the billionaire level, it is certain that it will work on the Trillionaire level only if men set the goal of becoming Trillionaires today. Sit down right now and set the goal of becoming a Trillionaire now.
  • 52. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 51 It’s simple, just get a sheet of paper or your journal and grab a pen and put your goal in writing. My goal is to acquire and accumulate twenty five Trillion dollars before I die. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will get this money because I have set it as a goal. If I can do it, a young man from Africa, its positive proof that you too can. The Japanese are known all over the world for one thing and that’s the setting of hundred year goals for all their businesses, products and services and this is why they have continued to set the pace in several industries and with several technologies. This system works with all successful companies all over the world. You can have anything you desire in this world when you take the time to set it as a goal. Why do you think Mac Donalds, Coke, Pepsi, Shell, Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Toyota, Mercedes, etc are successful, it’s because these companies set goals to open branches all over the world in every country and because they set goals to dominate and monopolize their areas of expertise. Solomon, the richest man in the world, put it simply for us in the book of proverbs, the secret to his success and how he accumulated tremendous wealth in his life time, but we take scriptures too much for granted because of our familiarity with the Bible. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”
  • 53. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 52 Vision was the word Solomon used to express goal setting. He was indirectly saying that he became the richest man in the world because he set the goal to become the richest man in the world and worked on his vision and became the richest man in the world. He also said people perish and are poor because they set no wealth accumulation goals for themselves. If you are ever going to be a Trillionaire, it all starts with your setting the goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. You have this book in your hands today because I set a goal to not just write this book but to also sell it to you. My dream became a reality because I set it as a goal. A Trillion dollars and more can be yours only when you set the goal to acquire and accumulate a Trillion dollars and more in your life time. Now I know the question you may be asking in your heart. What if I set this goal and it doesn’t happen? If it doesn’t happen, you have nothing to worry about, it’s your goal and you can throw it away, review it, use it or lose it. It doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t come to pass. At least you will be among the top three percent of the world who set goals for themselves on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime basis. Secondly, remember you can never miss a target that you have in your sights.
  • 54. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 53 Let me tell you another truth, it will definitely happen and this goal is capable of making you fight poverty, adversity, sickness, disease, death and all negative vices that will try to hinder you from attaining this goal. Scientists and doctors have proven that the reason why many survive many incurable diseases and sicknesses is their willingness or desire to live based on their yet to be attained goals in life. It’s easier to give up on life when you have no lifetime goals. It’s also easier to commit suicide when you do not have destiny changing life time goals. A destiny changing goal that you can have today is “To acquire and accumulate a Trillion dollars and more before you die”. Even if you do not attain your goal in your life time, your children and your unborn generations are there to fulfill your goal or dream when you take the time to impart it to them and instruct them to fulfill it. So you have absolutely nothing to fear in setting a goal to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. Another question you may have in your heart is that people will laugh at your goal of accumulating a Trillion dollars and more and say it’s unrealistic and unattainable. Yes it’s true to them because they have small minds, but when you acquire and accumulate it, the same people will come begging you for money and favors and claim to have always been your best friends
  • 55. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 54 who have always believed in your dream of becoming a Trillionaire. The only solution is to keep your eyes on your goals and not on your friends, their words or their distractions. This is the way to make your goal of becoming a Trillionaire a reality. Wisdom Key: “You can never miss a target that you have in your sights”.
  • 56. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 55 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 5 You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless it’s written down. “Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else.” -Gloria Steinem God took the time to write down the Ten Commandments as he gave them to Moses for a purpose. He knew that what is not written down is easily forgotten, thrown away and discarded. He also took the time to ensure that the Holy Bible was written down in order that His commandments are obeyed to the letter without errors, omissions or mistakes. He specifically instructed Moses to write down every instruction he had giving him and to keep records of all His dealings with him. Writing down your goals, dreams and visions is one of the most powerful forces in the world. In Habakkuk 2:2,3 God said to the prophet Habakkuk: “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the
  • 57. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 56 vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”. God was precise as to why it was important that Habakkuk write the vision down. The purpose was to increase speed and precision in the process of fulfilling the vision or goal. Another purspose was so that you and your team will not be distracted by all the drama going on around by knowing exactly where you and your team are going. “That he may run that reads it”. God went ahead to add, that though it may take time but the end of what is written down shall speak and come to pass. It has to be first written down so that a strong focus, attention and concentration on it can be achieved. Note that God said he should make the vision as plain as possible on tables. (With explanations of how you are going to accomplish it). Why on tables. So that it will give clarity and so that it will be real bold and understandable to anyone that reads it and also properly understood by anyone involved in the process of fulfilling the dreams, goals and visions of that establishment. Major corporations write down their goals and objectives in manuals, notice boards, minutes of
  • 58. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 57 meetings, websites etc to keep a joint concerted effort by the whole company workers and staff on the goals and visions of the corporations. This is why they succeed and this is why they are able to analyze if they are succeeding or failing in the fulfillment of their goals and objectives each year. If they are not succeeding they are able to restructure and refocus on these goals and objectives easily because they have everything written down. They know when it is necessary to cut expenses or increase expenses, raise prices or reduce prices, increase or reduce research expenditure, refocus on their core principles etc. If you do not have your goal of acquiring a Trillion dollars and more written down in your jotter, journal, wall, website, computer, laptop, social site and even on a sheet of paper in full bold print the tendency is to forget it, throw it away and leave it unfulfilled and abandoned. Writing your goal down has a motivational and inspirational effect that lives throughout the life time of the goal. The third step to becoming a Trillionaire is to write down your goal of acquiring a Trillion dollars and more stating specifically the amount of dollars you intend to accumulate in your life time. The purpose of writing this down is to keep you focused on this dream, vision and goal until it’s fulfilled or
  • 59. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 58 accomplished. Believe me when I say it’s easy to give up on a dream, vision or goal that is not written down. Writing down your goal of accumulating a Trillion dollars and more helps you handle delay, deception and distractions during the process of becoming a Trillionaire. You will be attacked by these three D’s as you seek to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. It is the written down goal, vision and dream that will give you the fighting spirit required to overcome at each stage of any attack by simply re-reading what you have written down in a repetitious manner daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and throughout your life time. Wisdom Key: Writing is the power of focus made real in your life forever. Here is what you will see on my wall in my bedroom next to my bed imprinted in bold letters on an A4 sheet of paper. I am a Trillionaire. I must accumulate Twenty five Trillion dollars before I die in assets, properties, investments and cash. I cannot be stopped. I am a product of my thinking. I become what I think. My wealth is in my mind and thinking and I must become a Trillionaire. Why did I take the time to write this and paste it on my wall next to my bedside? The purpose of this is to keep
  • 60. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 59 me in constant remembrance of this goal, vision and dream. When I wake up in the morning I read and repeat this to myself at least ten times before I start my day. I become reinvigorated, re-inspired, motivated and focused to continue my quest for my Trillions of dollars. If I didn’t put this in writing and paste on my wall, my vision, dream and goal will be somehow vague, unclear, un-inspirational and un-motivational. In fact I will quit on my dream when I am attacked by three Ds, delay, denial and deception. By doing this I am in constant remembrance of my purpose and destiny. Remember, where the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is eminent. If you do not have a purpose, you will both waste your time and your life. Writing your goal down in writing and pasting it where you can see it over and over again makes your time become very limited and if you have limited time to do a thing, you realize that you suddenly do not have time to waste and this makes you very purposeful daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in a life time. Can you imagine a man who has a plan to build a house in his mind and starts building the house without putting the plan of the house in blueprints or in a written plan? Do you think he will succeed in building
  • 61. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 60 an excellent house without blueprints to follow to make sure accuracy, speed and attention to detail is attained? Of course not. In order for him to build an excellent house he must have his plans for the house in a plan and he must have the blueprints in hand before he can even start’s the project of building the house. In fact he must look at the plan or blueprints daily to make sure he is building according to the plans or blueprints. If he does not do this, even though he has a plan in his mind for his house, the project is bound to fail. When you say something or have something you want to do in your mind, it tends to happen but if you put it in writing it has the tendency to happen a thousand times more and with accuracy, speed, precision and attention to details. Excellence, achievement, skill, disciplines, habits and precision comes from writing down your goals, vision and dreams. Without doing this, you do not have a legitimate or genuine goal, dream and vision. I have never met any truly successful man who doesn’t have a diary, journal or book where they write or jot down important stuff that pertains to their success. Yes I know you have an excellent memory but the purpose of your mind is for thinking and not necessarily for storing data and this is why we all forget a lot of stuff when we leave it to our memory to do the storing.
  • 62. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 61 Remember this wisdom key: A pen and a paper never forget a thing. If you are going to ever be a Trillionaire, you must build the habit of writing. You must put all your dreams in writing. You must write down all your ideas. You must write down all your plans. You must be a writer of stuff that matters. When you write it down, it is impossible to ever forget it because you can always go back to where you wrote it and retrieve the data or information you wrote. Secondly when you write down your dream or goal it gives clarity. It becomes vividly clear what you intend to accomplish and during the process of writing down your dreams you get to ask yourself questions for which you develop answers to with time as you keep writing down your goal and dream. What do I mean by clarity? Clarity means you see your vision and dream in a more realistic and practical manner. Your understanding of what you want to accomplish increases tremendously. Your foresight, insight and sight to the way and manner your vision or dream can be accomplished become more real. It becomes believable and once it becomes believable, it becomes doable. Writing your vision and dream down makes it all happen.
  • 63. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 62 Drawing focus which is strength for you on your way to acquiring your Trillions of dollars comes from writing your dreams and vision down. Have you ever focused a magnifying glass on a sheet of paper under the sun? By the strength of focus, the sheet of paper lights up with fire. This is the power and force of focus. In your quest to become a Trillionaire, you will need to focus on your vision and dream daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in a life time and it all starts by putting it all in writing. Then breaking the written down goals into minute, hourly, daily, monthly and yearly goals will give you the results that you always wanted with time which is becoming a trillionaire. Wisdom Key: Writing is thought made permanent and the blueprints for success.
  • 64. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 63 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 6 Believe you can accumulate a trillion dollars and more. One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true of false. It comes to be the dominating thought in one's mind. -Robert Collier You must be a believer in yourself and your abilities. People fail for only one reason and that is they don’t believe in themselves. They allow other people to describe who and what they are, instead of declaring themselves who and what they are. You are a Trillionaire. This is who you are and you better believe it, if not you can never achieve it. Believe in yourself. Believe you can own your own company. Believe you can manage your scarce resources effectively. Believe you can make the executive decisions that are required to grow your company into a trillion dollar
  • 65. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 64 company. Believe you can learn any skills necessary to grow your company. Believe your company can get the deals and the contracts among many competitors and against all odds. Believe you have what it takes to be a Trillionaire. Believe you are favored. Believe you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Believe in your God. Believe in your wisdom and knowledge. Believe that you can be all that you desire to be. Believe you will overcome any obstacles that come your way. Believe you are unstoppable. Believe you have the Trillionaires mindset. Believe you are attracting a trillion dollars and more. Believe you have an empire mindset. Believe you are a pacesetter. Believe you will lead your field. Believe that your company will sell a Trillion products and services. Believe that your books will sell a Trillion copies. Believe nothing is impossible for you as long as you believe. Believe you cannot be stopped. Believe you have a no limits mentality. Believe that all you will need is coming to you by the power of attraction. Believe it with all your heart that you are a Trillionaire and more than ever confess your beliefs daily to yourself and others. Say what you want to see happen in your life. Never speak negatively about yourself.
  • 66. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 65 Stop putting yourself down with negative talk and thinking. You are somebody. Believe you are a king, leader and pionner of your company, business or conglomerate. Where the word of a king is, there is power. Who can say to the king what are you doing. The king’s word is unquestionable. It is believed and acted upon without questions. It does not return to the king void of having accomplished what he has said. You are a king. Ladies you are queens. Talk like one. Move like one. Declare things like one. Dress like one. You are a god. The child of God is god and the child of a pig is a pig. Know who you are. Believe in who you are. Act based upon who you are. You will succeed because you can’t be stopped when you believe. There may be some temporary setbacks but that won’t stop you at all because you know your ultimate destination which is a Trillion dollars and more. No adversity can stop you. No negative talk from bad people can stop you. No misrepresentation and gathering of enemies can stop you. Absolutely nothing can stop you except yourself. What you pursue, you will overtake and possess. That’s how you got the man or woman of your dreams and the guys got the cars of their dreams by pursuit. Wealth goes to those who don’t fear it. It responds to those who call it by its name and ask it to manifest. Call a Trillion dollars by name.
  • 67. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 66 Do not fear it. Everything in this world has a name. Why does everything in this world have a name? They have names so that you can call them and they can answer. Call a Trillion dollars chicken change. Call it small money for you to acquire. Call it a pet. Call it anything and it will answer you as long as it knows you are calling it. Say it with confidence, I am a Trillionaire. Call a private jet into your life. Call all sorts of riches into your life. Write it with confidence, I am a Trillionaire, tell it to your friends with confidence even though they will call you mad that you say you are a Trillionaire. Don’t be bothered, because they cannot see your Trillions for you. That’s a fact. No one can see your trillions for you. It doesn’t matter who they are. Only you can see your trillions for yourself. So don’t expect people to understand you. Hold on to your dream and more than ever believe in yourself. Believing is everything. The reason why people can’t leave their jobs and go into private businesses is that they do not believe in themselves. They do not believe they can meet the bills and payments. They do not believe they can grow the company. They do not see or believe themselves as super successful or as Trillionaires. God doesn’t make junk.
  • 68. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 67 You are fearfully and wonderfully made. No two human beings have the same faces. No two human beings have the same finger prints. No two human beings think the same. Your DNA is unique and second to none, no one has a copy. There is greatness in you. Never doubt your ability. You are a hundred percent complete in all things. Pursue your trillion dollars by believing in yourself and your dreams. Never ever quit as quitters never win and winners never quit. Start the business this week. Be all you can be. Believing in your dreams and goals is everything in becoming a Trillionaire. If you do not believe that you can be a Trillionaire, you can never be one. All things are possible to them that believe. If you will have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to that mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and it shall be so. Let it be to you according to your faith. These are all bible quotes and whether you believe them to be true or not, it makes no difference. The fact is they are all true. Do you believe that you can become a Trillionaire? The answer should be a resounding yes I do. If the answer is a resounding yes I do, then you will become a Trillionaire because it shall be to you according to your faith or belief. Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs. You can become a Trillionaire.
  • 69. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 68 You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. There is nothing that you cannot do. You are a perfectly created human being. When you were created, you were made perfectly by a perfect God with the ability to do all things. Why don’t people succeed in their dreams and goals? The answer is simple: they don’t believe in their dreams and goals enough to commit to paying the price to become all they can be. Ask Bill Gates how he became so super successful and the richest man in the world and he will tell you it’s because of one major reason and that’s because he believed in his dreams and goals enough to commit to them. The story of Bill Gates success is one of great faith and belief. When Bill Gates discovered Microsoft and the gift that was in him, he quit a degree at Harvard University to pursue his dream and goal. What in the world will make a man quit a degree from Harvard University if not pure faith and belief in what he was going to do next? He was utterly convinced that Microsoft was going to succeed and become the greatest company in the world and also make him the richest man in the world. He was a pace setter. This was what made him quit the degree at Harvard. Today he has absolutely no regrets about his decision to quit Harvard. The results prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knew perfectly well what he was doing.
  • 70. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 69 It may surprise you that I will say the richest man in the world did not finish a university education and has no degree obtained by schooling in a University. But what is the unique ingredient that made Bill Gates what he is today? It’s faith and belief in his dreams and goals. This simply means that faith and self belief in ones dreams and goals are by far bigger and more valuable than an education even if it’s from the best university in the world. Wisdom Key: Faith and belief in his dreams and goals is all you need to become a Trillionaire. What in the world would lead a man like Warren Buffet to open a company called Berkshire Hathaway? Its pure simple faith and belief in himself and his God that the company would make him super successful and rich. It’s your faith and belief that will take you through all the tough times that you will pass through on your way to becoming a Trillionaire. It was the faith and belief in themselves and their God that led both Bill Gates and Warren Buffet overcome all the adversity they came across and faced when they began to pursue their dreams. Just imagine if you were Bill Gates parents and he told you he was quitting Harvard to start some computer business or thing that was not popular at the time. You would be outrageous and angry, you would even swear
  • 71. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 70 and curse and threaten to pour down the rage of heaven and hell. You just wouldn’t understand the reason why Bill Gates would want to waste his life and destiny. You would try to persuade, nudge and educate him. If that doesn’t work, you would cut him off your will and do a lot of things that you thought at the time would be in his best interest. Bill Gates passed through all these things but he refused to go back to school but to rather focus on his dreams and vision. He didn’t mind being cut off the will of his parents because he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would be richer than any living will. Now that’s what I call faith and self belief in oneself. On your path to becoming a Trillionaire, it’s your faith and belief in yourself and your dreams and visions that will keep you going at all times. It is certain that you will face adversity and a lot of discouraging times and seasons but you must hold on to your faith and belief in becoming a Trillionaire if you really want to be a Trillionaire. You will be laughed at, mocked, abused, called a fool, put down often, discouraged, deceived, delayed, misunderstood, criticized, doubted, judged, etc but do not let any of these things distract you from your dream and goal of being a Trillionaire.
  • 72. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 71 Its all part of the price you must pay for true greatness and success in life. In your quest to become a Trillionaire you will have to take several executive decisions that you may feel will be costly or expensive and very risky like quitting your guaranteed monthly income job for a non guaranteed business, do not hesitate to take them. It’s your faith and belief in your dream and vision that will give you the confidence to take these decisions and to continue in these same decisions against all odds. We all know what Jesus Christ went through on earth on his way to the cross and the bible puts it excellently. It says “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”. Jesus suffered all that he suffered because he knew there was a joy that was set before him if only he would go to the cross. He never bothered himself with the shame and the ridicule. He was never moved by the pain and suffering on the cross. He was focused on His goals and dreams which were the salvation of all mankind and the remission of sins. Did he achieve his goals? The answer is yes, by faith and belief in His goals and dreams. Every Trillionaire must carry his cross even like Jesus in pure faith and belief that there is a joy that will be set before us when you become a Trillionaire and if this is your attitude, it is
  • 73. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 72 certain that you will indeed get to that place of unspeakable joy and full of glory. Remember the simple secret is that you must believe in your dreams and goals enough to commit all that you have to becoming all you can be. Let me tell you another secret, when you have such a faith and belief, making such decisions even though they will put you in a place of suffering and pain initially will be easy to do and go through it all. Even when your wife and children may not understand why you are making such a decision to put everybody in suffering, in the long run, you will be justified. I have never met any truly successful man who did not have faith and belief in his dreams and goals who became great and rich. Even in professional sports, music, acting, business, education, technology, information technology etc testimonies abound of successful men who have become successful because they believed in themselves and their dreams. In sports let’s look at Micheal Jordan among many basket ballers, in music let’s look at Micheal Jackson, In football let’s look at Didier Drogba, in information technology of course Bill Gates, in business Warren Buffet, in acting let’s look at Will Smith, etc. the list is endless and they all became successful because of belief in themselves, their gift and talents and belief in God.
  • 74. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 73 Becoming a Trillionaire is easy if you will only believe that you can become a Trillionaire and work towards it with all your heart, mind, power and strength. Why am I writing this book today? I am writing this book today because I believe in this book with all my mind, heart, power and strength as the solution to the problem of poverty in our society today, that everyone can become a Trillionaire if they believe it and because I also believe I will sell over fifty million copies of this book globally in the short run by referrals from people whose lives and destinies have been changed by the principles in this book. You too can achieve your dream of becoming a Trillionaire if you will only believe that you can with all your heart, mind, power and strength. Wisdom Key: Why do people fail in their dreams and goals? The answer is simple: they don’t believe in their dreams and goals enough to commit to paying the price to become all they can be.
  • 75. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 74 MASTER SECRET NUMBER 7 You do not have a real trillion dollars goal unless you develop a plan of action. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” -Stephen A. Brennan Developing a plan of action is the fourth step to becoming a Trillionaire. If you are ever going to be a Trillionaire, you must develop a workable plan of how you intend to accumulate a Trillion dollars and more. People fail because they fail to have a success or achievement plan and they lack the ability to organize details. A wealth or business plan is the blueprint to success. To develop a Trillion dollars and more master plan, all you need to do is to get a sheet of paper and pen and begin to ask yourself one simple question. This question is: “how do I make a Trillion dollars and more?”
  • 76. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 75 As you begin to ask yourself this question daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in a life time, sooner than later the answers will come to your mind and you will develop the blueprint to your master plan. The answer comes through what I call brainstorming. Remember, you must have a strategy to getting this money in your mind written down in a wonderful realizable manner. Until you have your plan written down and it looks highly achievable and realizable, your dream of acquiring a Trillion dollars will never be a reality. How do you brainstorm? You brainstorm by a method I call count to ten and win. It is a concept taught by the great Reverend Robert Schuller of the great Crystal Cathedral in his book called “Tough times never last but though people do”. Here is a sample of how to use the count to ten principle and win in building a Trillion dollars master plan. Watch me count to ten and win. Notice the numbering and you will see I just brainstormed on ten wonderful solutions to achieving my dream of accumulating a Trillion dollars and more. Can you tell me which options in this list are practicable considering the world’s population is 9 billion people and with a time frame of 50 years and if you have the best marketing consultant in the world in your team.
  • 77. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 76 Note that the world’s population will be 20 billion people in fifty years time and that inflation will definitely take place within this time frame so a trillion dollars in fifty years time may be equivalent to a hundred billion dollars now. Don’t let this deter you. If you can, can you also predict products and services for each option that you think is practicable? Option one to five can be practicable if you have a product or service that people can buy again and again over and over. Please note that each option equals a trillion dollars. Remember you still have to find the product or service and develop the marketing strategy to reach the whole world. 1. Find a $100 product and sell it to ten billion people. 2. Find a $200 product and sell it to five billion people. 3. Find a $500 product and sell it to two billion people. 4. Find a $1,000 product and sell it to a one billion people. 5. Find a $2,000 product and sell it to five hundred million people 6. Find a $5,000 product and sell it to two hundred million people. 7. Find a $10,000 product and sell it to a hundred million people. 8. Find a $50,000 product and sell it to twenty million people. 9. Find a $100,000 product and sell it to ten million people.
  • 78. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 77 10. Find a $500,000 product and sell it to two million people. Here are some responses I got from my brainstorming team Brainstorm Member 1: Option 4 sounds good as 1/6 response rate is a bit easier to deliver for the marketing consultant. That's 16.7% conversion. The product must offer outstanding value and be designed to serve as opposed to making money. We must have a hugely motivated team in place - whose goal is to serve humanity and offer value above making money. Brainstorm Member 2: Am more likely to go with options 2 and 3. The product I would choose should be food based, considering that people have to buy food over and over again. Being food based, it would serve as well as add value and cost wise, can reach a larger clientele base. The price tag guarantees its affordability therefore ensuring that it cuts across virtually all cadres of society. This can also work for clothes and apparel and also for housing and transport considering the time frame of fifty years. Now these suggestions are good and workable for all that have the faith to believe for these solutions and make it their plan. Now let me be practical with you. I have counted to ten and I can see a Trillion dollars in
  • 79. Master Secrets To Becoming A Trillionaire. Volume 1 Page 78 each solution I have offered above with a number and all of them are practicable but not realistic so I will suggest you abandon the above list if it’s not okay with you and think deeper using the same formula of counting to ten and win. Here is my practical plan using the same formula of counting to ten and winning. The only difference between this and the first option above is that I increased the number of products from one to one hundred so as to make it both practicable and realistic. Remember your plan must be realistic and achievable in order for it to both work and motivate you to pursue a Trillion dollars and more. Note once again that each number adds to a Trillion dollars and it can either be products or services that you create. 1. 100 products at $50 each sold to 200 million people. 2. 100 products at $100 each sold to 100 million people. 3. 100 products at $200 each sold to 50 million people. 4. 100 products at $400 each sold to 25 million people. 5. 100 products at $500 each sold to 20 million people. 6. 100 products at $1000 each sold to 10 million people.