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Principles of Master-Negotiation
  Must-Have Tools & Techniques for superior deal making

  2-3 June 2010 - Budapest

•	 Do	you	want	to	be	sure	that	you	secure	the	best	possible	deal?
•	 Are	you	afraid	of	the	ruining	your	business	relationship	with	your	best	customer	because	of	tough	negotiation?
•	 Do	you	seem	to	have	to	fight	your	corner	aggressively,	or	ally	with	others,	to	win	the	resources	you	need?	
•	 Do	you	struggle	to	get	what	you	want	from	people	whose	help	you	need,	but	over	whom	you	have	little		 	
	 direct	authority?
If	so,	you	may	need	to	brush	up	your	win-win	negotiation	skills.	Join	Stamford	Global’s	inaugural	Negotiation	
Masterclass	and	engage	in	practical	dialogues	with	senior	business	professionals	from	across	various	fields.
Principles of Master-Negotiation

Effective	negotiation	helps	you	to	resolve	situations	where	what	you	want	conflicts	with	what	someone	else	wants.	The	aim	of	win-win	negotiation	is	
to	find	a	solution	that	is	acceptable	to	both	parties,	and	leaves	both	parties	feeling	that	they’ve	won	in	some	way,	after	the	event.

This	programme	explores	the	nature	of	negotiation	and	how	skilful	negotiation	can	be	used	to	achieve	sustainable	and	successful	business	relationships.	It	
advocates	the	development	of	strategic	thinking	before	a	negotiation	to	reduce	adversarial	conflict	and	reviews	the	real	merits	of	win-win	outcomes.

The	programme	looks	at	detailed	preparation	within	the	context	of	the	business	and	the	desired	outcome	of	the	negotiation.	It	considers	the	processes	
involved	 and	 advocates	 the	 use	 of	 a	 consultative	 approach	 to	 understand	 the	 underlying	 needs,	 concerns	 and	 interests	 of	 the	 other	 party.	 The	
programme	reveals	mechanisms	to	reduce	conflict	–	inherent	in	most	negotiations,	and	looks	at	techniques	for	managing	difficult	situations.

Learning Objectives
By	the	end	of	this	interactive	programme,	participants	will	have:
•	 learnt	the	negotiation	process	and	how	to	manage	each	of	its	different	phases	
•	 obtained	detailed	knowledge	of	proven	negotiating	techniques	and	how	they	can	be	applied	in	different	situations	(including	cross-culturally)
•	 learnt	how	to	apply	the	methods	of	principled,	win-win	negotiation	
•	 benefited	from	the	maximum	opportunity	given	individually	and	in	teams	to	practise	and	integrate	these	skills	under	the	professional	guidance	of		
	 a	negotiation	specialist	who	is	using	the	concepts	and	techniques	proposed	on	a	daily	basis
•	 learnt	how	to	get	the	best	possible	deal/outcome	available	while	maintaining	and	improving	the	relationship	with	customers	and	suppliers	

Course Focus
•	 Apply	techniques	and	skills	to	reach	a	win/win	outcome
•	 Appreciate	the	needs	and	interests	of	the	other	party	to	leverage	the	negotiation
•	 Have	mechanisms	to	develop	and	maintain	a	relationships
•	 Develop	solid	communication	skills	to	reduce	misunderstandings
•	 To	be	able	to	prepare	adequately

Target Audience
This	intensive	and	highly	practical	and	interactive	workshop	is	especially	designed	for	mid	and	senior	managers	for	whom	the	success	of	their	
organisation	depends	on	their	negotiation	expertise.	

•	 Managing	Directors	&	General	Managers,	
•	 Procurement	Directors	&	Corporate	Buyers,	
•	 Legal	Advisors,	
•	 Project	Directors	&	Managers,	
•	 Sales	Directors	and	Managers,
•	 Business	Development	Directors	&	Managers	
•	 Human	Resources	Directors	&	Managers
•	 Strategy	Directors	&	Planners	and
•	 Industrial	Relations	Specialists,	

Course	attendees	will	benefit	enormously	from	the	hands-on	approach	whereby	differences	in	language	and	culture	are	taken	into	account.	This	course	
is	open	to	individual	managers	as	well	as	negotiation	teams	who	wish	to	practise	in	an	international	and	cross-functional	working	environment.	Whilst	
this	course	does	not	assume	any	previous	knowledge	of	specific	negotiating	models	and	principles,	it	is	a	fast-moving	and	intensive	programme	that	
is	suitable	for	experienced	negotiators	as	well	as	those	who	are	new	to	negotiating	roles.
Principles of Master-Negotiation

Course Agenda

Day One                                                                  Day Two

08.00		   Registration	and	Welcome	Coffee                                08.00		   	 Re-Registration

08.30     Welcome Notes                                                  08.30       Negotiation Styles
	         •	 Introduction	of	seminar	leader	and	participants             	         	 •	 Review	of	the	main	negotiation	styles
	         •	 Positioning	of	the	programme	and	objectives                 	         	 •	 Strengths	and	weaknesses
	         •	 Hopes	and	concerns                                          	         	 •	 Analysis	of	own	style

09:00     What is Negotiation?                                           09:15       Interest Based Negotiation
	         •	 Exploration	of	the	definition	of	negotiation                	         	 •	 Leveraging	negotiations	by	identifying	interests
	         •	 Pitfalls	in	misunderstanding	the	context	of	a	negotiation   	         	 •	 Value	priorities
	         •	 Exercise                                                    	         	 •	 Tradeables
                                                                         	         	 •	 Brief	role	play	exercise
10:00	    Networking	Coffee	Break
                                                                         10:00	    	 Networking	Coffee	Break
10:30     Negotiation Preparation
	         •	 Analysis	of	the	fundamentals	of	preparation                 10:30       The Process of Negotiation
	         •	 Negotiation	range                                           	         	 •	 The	key	steps	of	a	good	negotiation
	         •	 Power	analysis	in	negotiations	                             	         	 •	 Behaviours	and	skills	along	the	process
	         •	 Benchmarking                                                	         	 •	 Managing	the	process
                                                                         	         	 •	 Key	issues
11:30     Role Play Exercise
	         •	 Role	play	preparation                                       11:15       Dealing with Difficult Negotiators
	         •	 Role	play                                                   	         	 •	 Who	is	being	difficult?
                                                                         	         	 •	 What	to	look	out	for
12:30	    Lunch                                                          	         	 •	 Contributors	to	conflict
                                                                         	         	 •	 Managing	tactical	approaches	by	others
13:30     Role Play de-brief
	         •	 Analysis	of	the	role	play                                   12:00	    	 Lunch
	         •	 Group	discussion
                                                                         13:00       Role Play Exercise
14:30     Trading and Conditional Bargaining                             	         	 •	 Role/Case	play
	         •	 Consideration	of	the	principles	of	trading
	         •	 Conditional	bargaining                                      15:00	    	 Networking	Coffee	Break		

15:15	    Networking	Coffee	Break		                                      15:30       De-Brief of Exercise
                                                                         	         	 •	 Review	of	exercise
15:45     Communication Skills                                           	         	 •	 Learning	points
	         •	 The	impact	of	poor	communication	skills	on	outcomes         	         	 •	 Re-entry	into	reality
	         •	 Vocal	delivery	and	influence
	         •	 Body	language                                               16:30       Review and Close
                                                                         	         	 •	 Action	planning
17:00	    End	of	Day	One                                                 	         	 •	 Review	and	close	of	seminar

                                                                         17:00	    End	of	seminar
Principles of Master-Negotiation

Seminar Leader
                                 Nigel	is	a	founding	member	and	director	of	Competiva,	an	international	sales	consultancy	and	professional	training	
                                 firm	with	offices	in	Switzerland	and	the	UK.	

                                 A	recognised	expert	in	the	field	of	negotiation	and	sales	leadership,	he	specialises	in	the	development	of	people	
                                 particularly	in	the	Banking	and	Insurance	industry,	however	he	also	has	a	broad	experience	of	working	in	other	
                                 industry	sectors	throughout	the	world.

                                 Aware	of	the	structural	factors	that	are	now	reshaping	companies	he	has	investigated	the	causes	of	success	as	
                                 organisations	seek	sustainable	growth.	Currently	Nigel	spends	much	of	his	time	working	with	large	organisations	
                                 seeking	to	redefine	their	markets	and	create	a	differentiation	from	their	competitors.

 Nigel McConnell                 Areas of Expertise
 Director                        Industries:	Banking,	Re-Insurance,	Insurance,	FMCG,	Healthcare	           	
 Competiva AG                    Functional:	High	level	negotiations,	complex	sales,	coaching
                                 Selected consulting and training experience
                                 •	 Consulting	on	live	deals	as	an	active	member	of	the	deal	teams	(mainly	with	major	banks)
                                 •	 Sales	and	Negotiation	consultancy	and	training	in	many	financial	services	companies
                                 •	 Chief	executive	and	executive	coaching
                                 •	 Developing	sales	and	negotiation	strategies	with	clients	throughout	the	world
                                 •	 Consultancy	on	reshaping	the	clients’	sales	approach	and	increasing	their	sales	effectiveness
                                 •	 Sales	skills	assessments	and	selection	of	high	performance	sales	people

“I would be very interested to attend more courses run by Stamford Global. This course gave me a lot of tools and techniques on
business best practices”

“Nigel McConnell is spot on with his analysis on how to get what you want by exploiting the sustainable and successful business relationships.”
Vice Chairman, America Online

“Useful, practical oriented, very good subjects have been covered, very good and very well experienced trainer, well selected
participants allowing to extend true networking and establish professional relationships.”
ING Bank

“Stamford Global provided outstanding curriculum, and exceptional quality of service. Both the essential business needs and every other
small details was given due attention and fulfilled 100%.”
Blue Bridge

“I found the course extremely valuable. Not only will I find use on themes of the course, but I also admire and take on examples from the
course leader’s presentation skills.”

“Very useful information to re-consider new insights. Excellent energizer and driver for new ideas.”
Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia

“Sophisticated course in applied psychology that shows how you can change your behavior so you can sell your ideas, especially in sales
situations and other negotiations. The most effective executives will find the result astonishing.”
Member of Management Board, Dupont Corporation

“Judging from this particular event, I have assumptions that the Professionalism is the same in any other activities. Great trainer, full of
information, there was the highest quality of senior professionals in the team workshops.”
Principles of Master-Negotiation
                         Please complete the form and fax to (36) 1 999 7481

2-3 June 2010 - Budapest                                                                                 Sales Contract

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After receiving payment, a receipt will be issued. If you do not receive a letter outlining joining
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Payment is required within 5 (five) business days of receipt of invoice.                                  Position
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Client means the registering organization                                                                 Company Name
Executor means Stamford Global LLC or its representative companies
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1. Fees: Registration fees are inclusive of program materials, event organizational expenses (venue,
speakers et.), luncheons and refreshments, but exclude accommodation and travel expenses.                 Postal Code
2. Payment terms: Following completion and return of registration form, full payment is required
within 5 (five) working days. Payment must be received before the commencement of the event.
                                                                                                          Telephone                                       Fax
After registration all payment must be executed within the terms herewith irrespective of attendance.
Should a portion of the Contract price be subject to state, federal, or local taxation, or VAT if         Nature of Business
applicable, the Executor reserves the right to add such charges to the final invoice or recover such
sums from the Client at the time when they become due.                                                    Company Size
3. Cancellation/Substitution: Substitution is allowed by providing a written notice is given to
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a 50% cancellation liability of the contract value immediately after an authorized registration
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case of any dispute or cancellation The Executor will not be able to mitigate its losses for any less
than 50% of the total contract value. If, for any reason The Executor decides to postpone or cancel       Advertisement                      Other
the event, The Executor is not responsible for covering airfare, hotel or any other cost incurred by
the clients. Any cancellation received in less than 10 working days before the event carries
100% payment liability. No refund, partial refund or any alternative offer shall be made.

4. Indemnity: The Executor reserves the right to change the event content, date, and venue should
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and provided that the event is not postponed or merged with any other event at a later date, the
Client shall receive full payment returned in 14 business days after the proposed initial date of the
                                                                                                        event(s) for which I am registering and have met the necessary requirements. I have
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5. Copyright: All intellectual property rights in all materials produced and distributed by the
Executor is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is
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                      +36 1 885 7900
                                                                                                         Event Pricing EUR 2,195 per participant
                                                                                                         Book a table for 5 delegates and SAVE 20%

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Master of Negotiation 2010

  • 1. Principles of Master-Negotiation Must-Have Tools & Techniques for superior deal making 2-3 June 2010 - Budapest • Do you want to be sure that you secure the best possible deal? • Are you afraid of the ruining your business relationship with your best customer because of tough negotiation? • Do you seem to have to fight your corner aggressively, or ally with others, to win the resources you need? • Do you struggle to get what you want from people whose help you need, but over whom you have little direct authority? If so, you may need to brush up your win-win negotiation skills. Join Stamford Global’s inaugural Negotiation Masterclass and engage in practical dialogues with senior business professionals from across various fields.
  • 2. Principles of Master-Negotiation Overview Effective negotiation helps you to resolve situations where what you want conflicts with what someone else wants. The aim of win-win negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and leaves both parties feeling that they’ve won in some way, after the event. This programme explores the nature of negotiation and how skilful negotiation can be used to achieve sustainable and successful business relationships. It advocates the development of strategic thinking before a negotiation to reduce adversarial conflict and reviews the real merits of win-win outcomes. The programme looks at detailed preparation within the context of the business and the desired outcome of the negotiation. It considers the processes involved and advocates the use of a consultative approach to understand the underlying needs, concerns and interests of the other party. The programme reveals mechanisms to reduce conflict – inherent in most negotiations, and looks at techniques for managing difficult situations. Learning Objectives By the end of this interactive programme, participants will have: • learnt the negotiation process and how to manage each of its different phases • obtained detailed knowledge of proven negotiating techniques and how they can be applied in different situations (including cross-culturally) • learnt how to apply the methods of principled, win-win negotiation • benefited from the maximum opportunity given individually and in teams to practise and integrate these skills under the professional guidance of a negotiation specialist who is using the concepts and techniques proposed on a daily basis • learnt how to get the best possible deal/outcome available while maintaining and improving the relationship with customers and suppliers Course Focus • Apply techniques and skills to reach a win/win outcome • Appreciate the needs and interests of the other party to leverage the negotiation • Have mechanisms to develop and maintain a relationships • Develop solid communication skills to reduce misunderstandings • To be able to prepare adequately Target Audience This intensive and highly practical and interactive workshop is especially designed for mid and senior managers for whom the success of their organisation depends on their negotiation expertise. Particularly: • Managing Directors & General Managers, • Procurement Directors & Corporate Buyers, • Legal Advisors, • Project Directors & Managers, • Sales Directors and Managers, • Business Development Directors & Managers • Human Resources Directors & Managers • Strategy Directors & Planners and • Industrial Relations Specialists, Course attendees will benefit enormously from the hands-on approach whereby differences in language and culture are taken into account. This course is open to individual managers as well as negotiation teams who wish to practise in an international and cross-functional working environment. Whilst this course does not assume any previous knowledge of specific negotiating models and principles, it is a fast-moving and intensive programme that is suitable for experienced negotiators as well as those who are new to negotiating roles.
  • 3. Principles of Master-Negotiation Course Agenda Day One Day Two 08.00 Registration and Welcome Coffee 08.00 Re-Registration 08.30 Welcome Notes 08.30 Negotiation Styles • Introduction of seminar leader and participants • Review of the main negotiation styles • Positioning of the programme and objectives • Strengths and weaknesses • Hopes and concerns • Analysis of own style 09:00 What is Negotiation? 09:15 Interest Based Negotiation • Exploration of the definition of negotiation • Leveraging negotiations by identifying interests • Pitfalls in misunderstanding the context of a negotiation • Value priorities • Exercise • Tradeables • Brief role play exercise 10:00 Networking Coffee Break 10:00 Networking Coffee Break 10:30 Negotiation Preparation • Analysis of the fundamentals of preparation 10:30 The Process of Negotiation • Negotiation range • The key steps of a good negotiation • Power analysis in negotiations • Behaviours and skills along the process • Benchmarking • Managing the process • Key issues 11:30 Role Play Exercise • Role play preparation 11:15 Dealing with Difficult Negotiators • Role play • Who is being difficult? • What to look out for 12:30 Lunch • Contributors to conflict • Managing tactical approaches by others 13:30 Role Play de-brief • Analysis of the role play 12:00 Lunch • Group discussion 13:00 Role Play Exercise 14:30 Trading and Conditional Bargaining • Role/Case play • Consideration of the principles of trading • Conditional bargaining 15:00 Networking Coffee Break 15:15 Networking Coffee Break 15:30 De-Brief of Exercise • Review of exercise 15:45 Communication Skills • Learning points • The impact of poor communication skills on outcomes • Re-entry into reality • Vocal delivery and influence • Body language 16:30 Review and Close • Action planning 17:00 End of Day One • Review and close of seminar 17:00 End of seminar
  • 4. Principles of Master-Negotiation Seminar Leader Nigel is a founding member and director of Competiva, an international sales consultancy and professional training firm with offices in Switzerland and the UK. A recognised expert in the field of negotiation and sales leadership, he specialises in the development of people particularly in the Banking and Insurance industry, however he also has a broad experience of working in other industry sectors throughout the world. Aware of the structural factors that are now reshaping companies he has investigated the causes of success as organisations seek sustainable growth. Currently Nigel spends much of his time working with large organisations seeking to redefine their markets and create a differentiation from their competitors. Nigel McConnell Areas of Expertise Director Industries: Banking, Re-Insurance, Insurance, FMCG, Healthcare Competiva AG Functional: High level negotiations, complex sales, coaching Selected consulting and training experience • Consulting on live deals as an active member of the deal teams (mainly with major banks) • Sales and Negotiation consultancy and training in many financial services companies • Chief executive and executive coaching • Developing sales and negotiation strategies with clients throughout the world • Consultancy on reshaping the clients’ sales approach and increasing their sales effectiveness • Sales skills assessments and selection of high performance sales people Testimonials “I would be very interested to attend more courses run by Stamford Global. This course gave me a lot of tools and techniques on business best practices” Tetrapak “Nigel McConnell is spot on with his analysis on how to get what you want by exploiting the sustainable and successful business relationships.” Vice Chairman, America Online “Useful, practical oriented, very good subjects have been covered, very good and very well experienced trainer, well selected participants allowing to extend true networking and establish professional relationships.” ING Bank “Stamford Global provided outstanding curriculum, and exceptional quality of service. Both the essential business needs and every other small details was given due attention and fulfilled 100%.” Blue Bridge “I found the course extremely valuable. Not only will I find use on themes of the course, but I also admire and take on examples from the course leader’s presentation skills.” Rostelekom “Very useful information to re-consider new insights. Excellent energizer and driver for new ideas.” Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia “Sophisticated course in applied psychology that shows how you can change your behavior so you can sell your ideas, especially in sales situations and other negotiations. The most effective executives will find the result astonishing.” Member of Management Board, Dupont Corporation “Judging from this particular event, I have assumptions that the Professionalism is the same in any other activities. Great trainer, full of information, there was the highest quality of senior professionals in the team workshops.” GlaxoSmithKline
  • 5. Principles of Master-Negotiation Please complete the form and fax to (36) 1 999 7481 2-3 June 2010 - Budapest Sales Contract If you are a member of the European Union DELEGATES PLEASE UNDERLINE THE DELEGATES SURNAME please indicate your EU Community VAT Identification Number Name Position Email PAYMENT DETAILS Please Debit my Mastercard/Visa/AMEX (please specify): Name Card Type: Position Name on Card: Email Card No.: Name Start Date: Expiry Date: Position Security Code: Signature: Email Hotel Accommodation & Airport Transfer Name Accommodation and Airport Transfer are not included in the training participation fee. To arrange accommodation at the conference venue, you will receive a reservation form with our Stamford Corporate Rate. Room reservation and airport transfer should be arranged directly Position with the hotel. Confirmation Details Email After receiving payment, a receipt will be issued. If you do not receive a letter outlining joining details 2 (two) weeks prior to the event, please contact The Executor at Name Payment Method Payment is required within 5 (five) business days of receipt of invoice. Position Email THE FINE PRINT: Please read carefully before registration ORGANIZATION Client means the registering organization Company Name Executor means Stamford Global LLC or its representative companies Street This registration form constitutes a legally binding sales contract between the Executor and the Client. All terms are mutually accepted and negotiated City in good faith. Country 1. Fees: Registration fees are inclusive of program materials, event organizational expenses (venue, speakers et.), luncheons and refreshments, but exclude accommodation and travel expenses. Postal Code 2. Payment terms: Following completion and return of registration form, full payment is required within 5 (five) working days. Payment must be received before the commencement of the event. Telephone Fax After registration all payment must be executed within the terms herewith irrespective of attendance. Should a portion of the Contract price be subject to state, federal, or local taxation, or VAT if Nature of Business applicable, the Executor reserves the right to add such charges to the final invoice or recover such sums from the Client at the time when they become due. Company Size 3. Cancellation/Substitution: Substitution is allowed by providing a written notice is given to the Executor, not later than 2 working days before the event. Otherwise all registrations carry How did you learn about this course? (please tick box) a 50% cancellation liability of the contract value immediately after an authorized registration form has been received by The Executor. By signing this registration form the client agrees that in Sales Call Brochure Internet case of any dispute or cancellation The Executor will not be able to mitigate its losses for any less than 50% of the total contract value. If, for any reason The Executor decides to postpone or cancel Advertisement Other the event, The Executor is not responsible for covering airfare, hotel or any other cost incurred by the clients. Any cancellation received in less than 10 working days before the event carries 100% payment liability. No refund, partial refund or any alternative offer shall be made. 4. Indemnity: The Executor reserves the right to change the event content, date, and venue should circumstances require. In such cases no penalty, partial refund or refund or alternative offer shall AUTHORIZATION be made. In the event of the Executor permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, I certify that the above information is correct. I am aware of the prerequisites of the and provided that the event is not postponed or merged with any other event at a later date, the Client shall receive full payment returned in 14 business days after the proposed initial date of the event(s) for which I am registering and have met the necessary requirements. I have event. The client hereby indemnifies and holds the Executor harmless from and against any and all read and understand the enrolment policies. costs, damages, expenses including attorney fees, which are incurred by the Client. Name 5. Copyright: All intellectual property rights in all materials produced and distributed by the Executor is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited without written permission of the Executor. Position Signature Date +36 1 885 7900 Event Pricing EUR 2,195 per participant Book a table for 5 delegates and SAVE 20%