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Mascots Impact On Mascots
Mascots' Impact on Children Sends Strong Messages
Youngsters and Mascot Mental Images
Mascots hold a solid mental picture for a great many people that interact with one. Be that as it may,
mascots sway on youngsters is much more grounded and significant than with some other age
bunch. Kids regularly respond with affection to mascots that show positive qualities. A youngster
may be pleased by the way a mascot moves or any clever physical activity the mascot participates
in. This is particularly genuine if a mascot is the epitome of an item that a tyke needs his or her
guardians to purchase for them. Folks are frequently helpless against the advertising business. This
is valid since numerous items, for example, toys, recreations, and nourishment things are acquired
by folks for the benefit of their youngsters. Kids may be ... Show more content on ...
Yet, in latest times numerous associations have utilized mascots as a brand name. Mascots speak to
the soul of a school, which is a persisting component for any school to keep the confidence of the
group high. A mascot is an insignia that offers acknowledgment to anybody connected with the
group. Mascots are focused on their group and show genuine enthusiasm for the game, which
inspires the soul of the players.
A decent mascot moves around the field wearing inventive outfits to the pleasure of the spectators
and dependably appreciates stimulating them. Schools for the most part have a creature figure as the
mascot, which is spoken to by the different athletic groups of the school. A chose understudy wears
the Mascot ensemble upon the arrival of the school titles, homecoming, gusto arouses and other
exceptional occasions of the school. Numerous associations have additionally begun to utilize a
mascot to innovatively mark themselves in the business
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Racist Mascots Research Paper
Native Americans are often offended by racist nicknames, logos, and stereotypes in sports. The
Washington Redskins and many other teams are facing this. this makes teams look ignorant.
Mascots imply that all Natives have to be a dark brown color, have big noses, and long wavy black
hair. Examples of these stereotypical mascots are the Washington Redskins, FSU, Cherokee Braves,
and any other school with a racist mascot. Native Americans find that when we use their people as
mascots we are making them look like savages. Native Americans are offended by racist nicknames,
logos, and stereotypes in sports. Using Native American images and names in professional,
collegiate, and high school sports teams does reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes.
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Why Are Indian Mascots Be Banned
Imagine thousands of people mocking your culture everyday. Well that is what happens to the
Native American population. Sports teams falsely portray what Native Americans act and look like,
fans mock and shame the culture and unknowingly scream racial slurs toward them. This is why
Indian mascots should not be banned. ''Redskin' Is Officially a Dictionary–Defined Racial Slur–in
all cases." According to Webster Dictionary. If you didn't know a NFL team is named the
Washington R******s. The word R*****n is aired on news stations across America absolutely
demoralizing the Natives spirits everyday. According to the New York Times.To give you some
context on how bad the slur is, many newspapers will not write about the football team simply
because they would have to state the slur in the article. Also, R*****n is commonly associated with
the N word. Furthermore fans across America scream this slur every time the teams play, unaware of
how bad the word actually is. In the R******s stadium chants ... Show more content on ...
According to a video from Buzzfeed. Many professional sports teams such as the Washington
R******s and the Cleveland Indians portray there indian with having a dark red face. This is
extremely racist and does not represent their culture in any way. Also the clothes that the mascots
wear are considered sacred in their culture and they are mocked constantly at the sports games. For
example every mascot wears feathers that are highly respected in the communities, Only the leaders
of the tribes are supposed to wear the feathers on their head yet mascots across America do that
every week. Lastly at halftime of these game the mascot goes out on the field or court and dances
around mocking the Native American dances. According to In whose Honor. As the mascot is doing
this the fans are celebrating the team by doing racist gestures such as the "tomahawk
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The Battle Over Indian Mascot Research Paper
Have you ever wonder what is the big deal with teams with Native Americans name? I'm going to
tell you about the argument with teams that have Native Americans such as the Washington
Redskins. With a lot of people trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their because it's
racist, they still don't because the cost of name change and uniforms, and quiet simply their is not
enough support to change it.
First you have to know what the agreement is all about. My research is found from the a article
called "The battle over Indian mascot". Some say that when fans chant war crimes during games, it
makes Native Americans seem like savages. Now first let me start by saying this I'm not trying to
persuade you that teams should change their name, this quote is an agreement that could setup one
side of an argument. People don't like the way teams make Indians appears, with the war chants and
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This research was found in an article called "From Men to Hawks: Calgary High School Changes
Name, Logo for Sports Teams". Calgary high school is changing the nam and logo of its team after
complaints that the name was racist. Now this quote doesn't have to deal with money but it does
show that this agreement happens in all levels from high school all the way to the pros. In this article
it does state the fact that it costs a lot of money to redo the logo and get new uniforms with the new
logo and name. This cost about a range of 10,000 to 30,000 and this is just highschool. With the pros
they don't have to change their logo, and name, but they also have to change merchandise they sell
and the stadium in some way. So that would probably range from 400,000 to 500,000. Again I'm just
giving the side of why teams shouldn't change their name, I am not trying to persuade you to think
they teams shouldn't change their name. I'm just trying to inform you the struggle of people who
want the change but aren't getting enough to
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Argumentative Essay On Mascots
Currently in the NFL, the Washington Redskins are being faced with a staggering controversy:
Should they change they change their mascot as a result of Native Americans viewing it is a racial
discriminatory (Angle 2016)? Dating back to 1933, when the Washington NFL team abandoned the
original title of "Braves" and adopted "Redskins," the debate has since been longstanding (Hylton
2014). Native Americans are challenging the team to rid them, along with all team mascot names
relating to their culture countrywide, of their title, but the mascot names have no negative
connotation and should not be protested against. The controversy relates back to the 1900s when
Native Americans began to feel oppressed and teams began using their titles as mascot (Brady
2016). During this period "regulations forbade Native Americans to speak their language, practice
their religions or leave their reservations" (Brady 2016). To enforce this, laws were passed to
transform the Native Americans into the white culture (Brady 2016). In other ... Show more content
on ...
"For example, the name "Redskins" suggests that all Native Americans have red skin, which isn't the
case" (Ipatenco n.d.). Opposers of Indian names as mascots feel that the create mockery and a false
image (Brady 2016). However, this is not the accurate, studies show "that these mascots are often
viewed positively" (Sommers 2012). Furthermore, recent studies have been highly inaccurate and
unreliable. A poll done by the Washington Post announced that 9 out of 10 Native Americans do not
oppose their titles as mascots. Nevertheless, "the Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively
by telephone" (Rosenstein 2017). This resulted in a highly unreliable product. It is unknown how
many Native Americans legitimately protest these mascots. Therefore, a correct claim cannot be
argued regarding the total sum of Native Americans that object Native American
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Native American Mascot Research Paper
What kind of role does the school mascot play in the amount of spirit in a school? Whether it is an
animal, flower, or historical figure, a mascot plays a very large role in a student body's excitement
and willingness to support their school athletics. There is a large debate on whether or not mascots
can be offensive and disrespectful to certain cultures. In reality, using Native American mascots can
support stereotypes, represent the Native American culture negatively, and damage the self–image of
young Native American students. In society today there are many stereotypes, including those
surrounding Native Americans. The largest of these stereotypes is caused by the misrepresentation
of Native Americans as sports mascots. Today, most Native Americans are depicted as, "Objects,
cartoon characters, and savages" (Cummings, 2008). Often in the American ... Show more content
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Native Americans value and cherish their culture. It is something that has been learned and passed
down from generation to generation in the Native American community. Using Native American
mascots creates a misinterpretation of the Native American culture. Many Native American tribes
are offended by the use of Native American mascots because, "The symbols connected with NA
mascots (tomahawks, war paint, leather loin cloths, and feathered head dress) represent a collective
image of Native Americans", that, "inaccurately portrays the diverse natures of ritual, ceremony, and
culture of the many and varied NA tribes" (Arthur 2012). These symbols are important to the Native
American culture, and by using them to represent a mascot for a school, college, or some other
association is disrespectful to the tribe and culture. Cummings (2008) believes many people think
they have a right to use Native Americans as mascots because, "To some, American Indian mascots
represent strength, power, reverence, and dignity". People need to look at the perspective
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Native American Mascots Research Paper
Sports teams across the country are all represented by a mascot. A mascot is used in a variety of
ways, but mainly to represent a team's identity and motivate both players and fans alike to bring out
the competitive spirit. Many teams are represented with normal names and themes, while some are
more controversial such as the Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Blackhawks, Cleveland Indians, Florida
State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, and Washington Redskins (to name a few). A prickly topic for
years, even decades the usage of Native American mascots continues to strike controversy in fans,
players, alumni, as well as disinterested fans. Depending on who you talk to, it's a stain on the
organizations it affects or is it a way of honoring those who ... Show more content on ...
The reality is that most people, especially fans and some Native Americans themselves want to keep
these names. Again, depending on who you talk to keeping these names pay tribute and honor those
who have come before us. An example of this is the team Atlanta Braves. When you think of the
meaning brave, you see a person who is courageous and a person who will face and endure danger
or pain. Without teams using these names, people would not know the history or background of
some Native American tribes. We can say the actions of some mascots may be questionable or over
the top at times but they are not intended to poke fun at the Native Americans for their culture or
beliefs, they are only used for the spirit of the game and to get the crowd pumped up. In my own
opinion, I do not think Native American mascots should be discontinued. Discontinuing these
symbols or nicknames would bring a lot of pain to sponsors, supporters, the sports club, and its fans.
Bottom line, the teams that utilize these Native American themes or symbols do not utilize them in a
stereotypical or racial way. In fact, they mascots are used in a way to honor Native Americans and to
remember them
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The Morality Of Mascots
Altogether sports, groups use mascots with representable their team's pride, strength, and will with
win. The part the mascarpone assumes will be a intimidation factor, and also something with inspire
the group. Groups will need mascots that range starting with anything, starting with an creature on a
spiritless object, like An hammer alternately a orange. Mascots infrequently fall under scrutiny, but
to the mascots that representable local american tribes, individuals alternately societies. A significant
number schools and groups use A percentage sort local american reference Similarly as a
mascarpone. The local american mascots utilized extend starting with names like those Indians,
Chiefs, Furthermore Braves, which would a few of the that's ... Show more content on ...
The Washington Redskins have seen the name Redskins under investigation by people in general
frequently, in any case The point when those president might have been approached around it he
depicted the cooperation name should be An fearless symbol, What's more that it indicates the
quality of the local Americans. The reference to quality indicates the regard they bring to them on
account of a football group wouldn't need to be called something that wasn't really fearless. It will
be An sign for regard from those association utilizing An local american mascarpone of the local
american people. It Additionally reveals to admiration to those society Also advertises it letterset
printing a greater amount individuals turned into mindful of the brilliant historical backdrop of the
american Indians. It could likewise unite the one school and the tribe, On those sake may be tribal
based, However whether not it even now Might connect of the local Americans in the zone and
assistance them turn into closer for those school alternately association. If a school might decide to
utilize An mascarpone that need any connection to local Americans it might be crazy about
appreciation What's more need to Push A percentage of the social significances those
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A History Of Native American Mascots
Imagine this: thousands of stands congregating in a stadium to cheer on their football team. They are
all dressed up in their football jerseys and have their face painted to support their beloved football
team. Their mascot? The blacks. On all of their jerseys, flags, on the field have their mascot painted
on. The mascot is a derogatory depiction of the average black person and the stereotypes that are
often associated with black people. How is this scenario of having a black person as a mascot any
different than having an Indian or Native American as a mascot? It is not any different. Mascots
such as the Cleveland Indians and the Washington Redskins are derogatory and offense depictions of
Native Americans, and schools and organizations that allow these mascots to stay in place are
promoting racism. Many schools ... Show more content on ...
They are not wrong about it being part of the history of the
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Argumentative Essay On Indian Mascots
My perspective with the Indian Mascot debate before reading and watching testimonies, indicates
when high school, colleges, and also the Redskins professional football team using the logo of a
Native American, or a Indian mascot, impression were not used has a oppress, but to be used in a
positive way. When I think of a Native Americans I think the term warrior – "a person who shows or
has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics." Found from Most team sports arguments of the use of Indian imagery as team mascot;
opinion impacts are the same as mines. Indian imagers, logos, mascots, are used to symbolize the
term warrior, and harmless reference from Justin Angle source. In conclusion
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Controversial Sports Mascots Analysis
A very sensitive subject and tough question that has been asked since the early 1900's is, should
controversial sports mascots be replaced with mascots that are not offensive. It is a topic that
continues even today as people protest against what they believe is stereotypical sport mascots. In
the article, Controversial Sports Mascots Be Replaced, the authors of each article discusses how
certain groups of people, specifically Native Americans, believe certain mascots are offensive and
should from sport team names. The author attempts to create sympathy within the reader by sharing
a story from is youth that tells how his mom was displeased with a hat he wore home that had a
Chief wahoo on it. He told how his mom "jerked his hat off and threw it in the trash" because "she
had been fighting against Indian stereotypes all her life." While the author believes that these Native
Americans are right to protest and fight to have the mascots changed, his argument is not entirely
convincing because to me his perceptions of the Florida State Seminoles "war–painted and lance
threatening mascot Chief Osceola is intended to be menacing, and that's the take away many
children will have." I am ... Show more content on ...
Every decision we made. What if we started taking votes in our family and when 1 out of 4 people
was "offended", we decided to do something different. New directions, new goals, new meal plans,
new carpet or whatever it is that offends that 25% of the family. If we did that, the entire house
would never be settled and there would be consistent change, only to make sure no one is
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Native American Mascot Research Paper
In 1992, St. Bonaventure's mascot was changed from the Brown Indian to the Wolfpack. The Brown
Indian was the mascot during a time of racial tensions between the Native people and those who
immigrated. The changing of the mascot was a good idea because having a Native American mascot
negatively affects that group of people.
One of the problems with having a Native American mascot is the representation and meaning of it.
It is not represented as a tribute or support of the Native people. Its meaning is quite the opposite. It
represents racism and bigotry. It represents oppression. Its meaning is to make fun of and put down
the Native people. It is the practice of humiliating them. Professional sports teams use their platform
to spread the message
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Use of Native American Mascots Should be Banned Essay
What is considered offensive? Is it considered offensive to use obscenities around children?
According to many people in the United States, it is sport team names and mascots that depict a
certain group of people are considered offensive. People around the United States are trying to get
professional sport teams to change their names and mascots because they feel it depicts their certain
race in bad way. Teams should have to change their mascot and their name if they are named after a
certain group of people.
Aside from professional sports teams having offensive names, high school and college teams also
have offensive names. In Greenly, Colorado at the University of Northern Colorado, their mascot is
the Fightin' Reds. Of ... Show more content on ...
San Diego State University changed their mascot of Monty Montezuma from a bare chested macho
man to a graceful ambassador. (Cart, 3). Some people feel that school's named after certain people
like Martin Luther King Jr. are alright, but there should not be mascots depicting them. Making
mascots that depict certain people is just asking for trouble. When sports are involved with that
mascot, things will be said about that mascot that would just be wrong. Like at a football game when
a team is playing another team with a Martin Luther King Jr. mascot, they might have a sign that
says "Murder the Kings." That is just something that is unacceptable and unrespectable for someone
to say. So team mascots should no be able to be named after certain people. Many people do not
consider themselves supporting Native American mascots that depict them in a bad manner. But
when people walk around with a Atlanta Braves shirt on with a Indian with a tomahawk in his hand,
it is degrading to the Indians. It is stereotyping them. School mascots and Sports team's mascots are
named after groups of people for no reason known. Notre Dame was founded by Irish Catholics, but
their sports team was named the Fighting Irish. The name Fighting Irish has nothing to do with the
Irish Catholics, it depicts them in a wrong way.(Price, 3). Team names can be changed to similar
names that do not depict certain groups of people. Like the Redskins can be called the Red Hawks
or the
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Mascots : An Honor Or An Insult?
Mascots: An honor or an insult? The idea of using Native American names and images in sports has
been a topic of public controversy in the United States since the 1960's. Sports mascots that continue
to promote racial, cultural, or bias slurs should be changed so that racial discrimination can be
stopped and everyone can be treated equally/fairly. In today's society, there is no room for racism or
stereotypes especially in sports; an activity that is supposed to bring people together to support and
celebrate challenges. The use of native names or symbols by native teams is a harmful form of
ethnic stereotyping which is at best prejudicial and perhaps even discriminatory, and should be
eliminated. In 2005, then NCAA President Myles Brand issued a "self–evaluation" to 31 colleges to
examine their choice of mascots and the potential of offensive imagery. Nineteen of the schools
either changed their choice of mascot, or eliminated offensive images; it is an insult to Native
American people to those schools with offensive mascots. This research and mainstream support for
the elimination of mascots has come after decades of action and protest from Native American
groups such as the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the National Coalition
Against Racism in Sports and Media. So as a result, some schools, colleges, and professional teams
are retiring their names, images, etc. and sadly, some are not. Most notable, professional sports
teams (i.e Cleveland
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Descriptive Essay : ' Mascots '
A leopard–faced man stands at the far corner of the building. This isn't the first sight I expected to
find at my new high school. He leans against the wall with one of his legs kicked up like some sort
of cowboy. Since this is a small Midwestern town and not Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters,
something suspicious is up. He raises his right hand to his whiskered snout as if deeply
contemplating something. What curious thoughts would be on the mind of an animal man? Though
he has been facing another direction the entire time I am certain his big green eyes are following me.
I look around to see if anyone has noticed the bizarre man, but most of the other students are
walking to the entrance with their heads hung low. The end ... Show more content on ...
I take a glance through the red doors as I pass. It's the gymnasium and a few kids are playing
basketball in the center. Everyone else is sitting on the bleachers. It is a sea of white faces. The last
thing I want is to stick out among the crowd.
The indistinct stream of chatter pervades far down the hall. Posters are placed sporadically along the
lockers. 'Yearbook Needs You,' 'Be Part of Our Award–Winning Drama Program,' 'Join Lit Club'
with a collage of the standard high school canon. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and a few
classics like 1984 and The Great Gatsby thrown in to suggest legitimacy. Though I love the idea of
book clubs, the one at my old school was overtaken by kids obsessed with romantic drivel. I'll be
better off making my own reading group, but that first requires finding friends. Not my strongest
A glass display case sits between two sets of lockers. A large autographed picture of a grown
baseball player sits on the top shelf. It is surrounded by photos of a child, probably the same person.
He had gained a hefty paunch with age but I guess sports no longer require being in shape. The
bottom shelf has a few trophies. The team name is engraved on the bases. The Deckersville Braves.
Not the Leopards?
"Excuse me," a woman asks.
I slowly turn around. "Yes?"
"What are you doing here?" She looks young but her expression carries the strictness of a seventy
year old librarian. She folds her arms against her chest.
"I got a letter
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Mascot Analysis
Rationale, explanation of interest, or area of focus
This analysis will focus on the importance of mascots for the selected institutions and how they
relate to the normal livelihoods of the students in both universities. The term mascot is used to refer
to an animal, a person or object that is believed to bring some sense of good luck in various
perspectives. It is a term and phenomenon that has been consistently used through history to relate
to the success of various institutional activities, especially in the sports arena. Institutions with
mascots tend to have a deep history in terms of its selection and related significance. The two
selected universities in this assessment have peculiar mascot symbols that have been used for many
years to derive distinct meanings that represent respective cultures. ... Show more content on ...
Since then, the institution has passed a joint ideology about the nocturnal bird to its students with
emphasis put on how it represents a sense of knowledge and wisdom thus a perfect symbol to use in
any center of learning (Temple University, 2015). Also, the owl mascot has been attributed to the
goddess Athena, who is mythically known for her wisdom, knowledge, arts, skills and precision in
warfare. From nature's perspective, the owl is deemed a resourceful, perceptive, courageous and
fierce fighter. These attributes have been prescribed to the university students for years with an
objective of building a learning culture in the institution. The main problem noted with the
perception created for this mascot is that the university has not reiterated on how the symbol can be
incorporated to ensure success in the extra–curriculum activities. The university is not famous or
well–established in sporting events, and this can be attributed to the message passed by the
institution to the students (Owlsports,
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Harjo Fighting Mascots
After reading "Playing Indian" and "Fighting Mascots", the arguments and tactics that Suzan Harjo
employed in her article was relating back to the passing time of Native American history.
Specifically, Harjo explained the color that the NFL team, the Washington "Redskins". For instance,
"...impose this false identity, its name is even more vile, because it is rooted in the commodification
of Native skin and body parts as bounties and trophies" (621). Additionally, Harjo is exploiting the
history that Native people have suffered and by showing off Native Americans as some sort of
trophy does not sit well with her. Ultimately, I think that Harjo is effectively stating her argument to
the Washington Redskins NFL team by relating to past history.
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Mascots : It 's More Than Mascot Status
More Than A Mascot "It 's more than mascot status. It 's hero worship." by David Young.
Throughout history, people has used mascot to instill inspiration and fear toward an idea. Mascots
image has been utilized to impart spark and dread to our thoughts. The Egyptians had their Pharaoh,
the Greek Olympians had the Gods, and Roman Gladiators used brute and strength to flare up the
crowd's attention. This quote by David Young was simply signifying the main ideas behind an
organizational mascot. It 's more than mascot status when there is far more concept to the image it
used. Even though Native American Mascots are very offensive toward the tribal nations, Indian
Mascots should be viewed with honor and pride toward the team 's franchise where by like animal
themed mascots, Native mascots are to be viewed with equality as other teams that promote the
spirit and effort of the team organization. A mascot is any individual, animal, or thing thought to
bring fortunes or anything used to address a social affair with a common open character, for
instance, a school, capable recreations bunch, society, military unit, or brand name. Mascots are
similarly used as narrative, operators delegates for client things, for instance, the rabbit used as a
piece of advancing and promoting for the General Mills brand of breakfast oat, Trix. In the domain
of diversified sports team, mascots are in like manner used for advancing. Mascots are every now
and again confused for gathering monikers. While
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Spider Mascot
There are 1,957 four–year colleges in the United States. There are 76 with an eagle as a mascot, 46
which use the tiger, and 39 bulldogs. Yet there is only one college who has a spider as a mascot.
Spiders are often popularly known as mean and scary. So why would a university choose a spider as
a mascot? In researching this essay, I found that the answer lies in the history of baseball at
Richmond. Apparently the term "spider" was first used to describe Puss Ellyson, a baseball pitcher
in 1894 because he had "lanky arms and stretching kick" and took to the field with his teammates
like a "spider in a web". In delving into this history, what most impressed me was the suggestion
that, "the spider was the synonym of success, good judgment and painstaking perseverance." This
makes more sense; these characteristics are something to which every student at the University of
Richmond can aspire. ... Show more content on ...
However, there are great reasons to love spiders. In the United States, only two kids of spiders are
truly harmful to humans (the Brown Recluse, and the Black Widow). The remaining spider species
eat other insects we don't want around anyway. They eat mosquitoes carrying malaria (the world's
number one fatal disease) and flies carrying cholera. Spiders don't want to bite you. Spiders have
horrific eyesight and can't even see you until you are about a foot
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Native American Names And Mascots
For sports teams to use Native American names and mascots is offensive. Sports teams using their
names and mascots has been a growing debate with the NFL's Washington Redskins and Kansas
City Chiefs, the MLB's Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians, and the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks.
The mascots and names sports teams use have been negative and stereotypical, along with
dishonoring and insulting Native American traditions. These names and mascots that sports teams
are using have been negative and stereotypical towards Native Americans. Sports teams have used
names like braves, redskins, and chiefs. The word braves has been used to "dehumanize the Indian
make and equates him to something less than human." The word redskins refers to "the bloody
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Names And Mascots In American Sports
A controversial topic in American sports right now is whether some names and mascots in sports
should be changed because its racial and very stereotypical. In 2005, the NCAA ordered 19 colleges
such as Arkansas University Indians, Southeastern Oklahoma State Savages to change there name
and mascot because the team name was "hostile or abusive" to the American Indians. More than 900
teams in the U.S have N.American names including in the pros, for example some professional
teams that had to change their mascots were Chicago Blackhawks and the Atlanta Braves. More
recently, the Washington Redskins lost their trademark registration as a result that claimed that the
name was "racial designation based on skin color is disparaging to Native Americans."
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Harjo Fighting Mascots
After reading "Playing Indian" and "Fighting Mascots", the arguments and tactics that Suzan Harjo
employed in her article was relating back to the passing time of Native American history.
Specifically, Harjo explained the color that the NFL team, the Washington "Redskins". For instance,
"...impose this false identity, its name is even more vile, because it is rooted in the commodification
of Native skin and body parts as bounties and trophies" (621). Additionally, Harjo is exploiting the
history that Native people have suffered and by showing off Native Americans as some sort of
trophy does not sit well with her. Ultimately, I think that Harjo is effectively stating her argument to
the Washington Redskins NFL team by relating to past history.
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Sports Mascots Research Paper
Since the mid–1900s, the questionable legacy of Native American names used as sports mascots has
sparked debate across the United States. "After 81 years, the Washington Redskins name continues
to hold the memories and meaning of where we come from, who we are, and who we want to be in
the years to come," Washington's NFL owner, Dan Snyder, declared when faced with condemnations
of the controversial name. While many uphold Snyder's statement, others are offended, and are
determined to eliminate all team mascots with Native American symbolism. However, the
Washington Redskins are not alone in the debate against Native American logos and mascots. Any
sports team should be allowed to represent themselves by using Native American words. Although
research fails to indicate the first credible sports team represented by a Native American word, the
first recorded teams were the MLB's Atlanta Braves in 1912, and the MLB's Cleveland Indians in
1915. Originally the Boston Red Stockings in the 1870s, the team changed their name in 1912 as a
desperate hope to emerge from three consecutive 100–loss seasons. At the suggestion of the team's
president, the team adopted the title of the Braves. The name was selected because the club's new
owner was a member of a political organization in Tammany Hall, a New ... Show more content on ...
However, this fact has changed drastically in recent years. In fact, these mascots are essentially
making their team lose money. According to an Emory University sports–marketing study, MLB
teams using Native American mascots cost themselves about $2.6 million per year, and NFL teams
$1.6 million per year in revenue by continuing to use the condemned mascots. Despite successful
seasons in 2010 and 2013 for Kansas City and in 2012 for Washington, the Chiefs and Redskins
have suffered two of the NFL's harshest brand falloffs over the last
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Stereotypes Native American Mascots
Stereotyping and Prejudice of Native American Mascots
Stereotypes are a natural part of evolutions attempt to survive a constantly changing world.
Originally, psychologists and sociologist believed stereotypes were used to navigate the dangerous
world in order to survive. Stereotypes allowed people to make quick decisions about rival or
threatening groups of people, objects, and animals without having to analyze the costs and benefits
of the situation. As the world has evolved, stereotypes continue to aid the human race in making
decisions, good or bad, about another social group swiftly and usually unconsciously. Many of the
stereotypes used today are not crucial to survival but instead are used to represent social ideas and
images about another group of people. However, as useful as stereotypes were for evolution,
negativity tends to be associated with the stigmas in todays society.
Though there are millions of examples of negative stereotyping, this paper will focus on the
negativity associated with stereotypes concerning Native American mascots used to represent sports
teams across the United States. Mascots, logos, and team chants are a powerful platform that
symbolizes unity and pride. However, when that platform is used to single out and exaggerate sacred
cultural rituals of minority groups through inappropriate stereotypes there are harmful social and
personal consequences. To fully understand the impact Native American mascots have on the Native
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Native American Mascots Should Be Changed
In the recent years the media has sparked a controversy weather names such as the "Redskins"
should be changed and this debate still rages on because there is no clear cut answer. I am on the
side that Native American mascots should not be changed. First, Native American people see this as
a chance for dialogue and conflict resolution. Next, This gives people to have an insight on Native
American culture. Finally, many Native Americans feel that the names are not offensive.
Native Americans see this issue of mascots as a topic that needs discussion. This discussion is seen
by Native Americans as a way to learn about their culture as written by Paul Lukas in an interview
with Frank Cloutier, a Native American man,
"What if a high school or university wasn't interested in doing these types of cultural exchanges and
educational efforts? What would your feelings be about their use of Native imagery?
It would be completely different. If they're not willing to celebrate and show the culture, they
shouldn't have the privilege of depicting it.
What about states that have already banned all Native imagery from their high schools, like
Wisconsin and Oregon?
I think that's a ... Show more content on ...
Their proposal of changing the name and mascot can be seen as a form of censorship and this now is
a violation of the first amendment. From here the issue becomes an argument of of intent, and names
like the Redskins are not intended to be hateful they are meant to be seen as exactly that a mascot, a
figure that can be rallied about or around, not to have a hateful intent. To be censored as they see fit
this would have to fall under hate speech and to be this hate speech you have to have a hateful
intent, therefore it is not hate speech and does not have to censored and should stay how it is
because they have done nothing
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Informative Essay On Olympic Mascots
Olympic Mascots
The viewer sees a large white tiger on the screen of the TV during the opening of the olympics, of
course you know what it is, you just don't know what that tiger symbolizes. Mascots actually
symbolize the olympic games. Now to look at why mascots are important. The importance of
olympic mascots are not known to be very great. They are not crucial to the games, they just stand
for the olympics. They also represent the culture of the country the games are in. Mascots also have
interesting cultural history about the names. Time to look at the very first official olympic mascot.
Waldi the first official olympic mascot. The very first official mascot of the Olympics is Waldi, the
dachshund, designed by Otl Aicher. In the olympic games of Munich, Bavaria, 1972, Dachshunds
represent endurance, persistency, and its graceful agility. Waldi's head and tail are a light blue color,
and his body has vertical stripes with 3 of the 5 olympic colors. Now let's go to the present mascot.
... Show more content on ...
He represents wealth and power, due to the folk tales on white tigers in history. Soohorang also is
supposed to be protection against bad luck. His fur is white, because of the ice and snow. Generally
speaking, Soohorang is a mascot to remember. Mascots are the symbolization for the olympics.
Mascots symbolize the olympics. Waldi was the very first official mascot. Soohorang is this year's
2018 mascot. The mascots do hold a memorable place among the
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The California Racial Mascots Act
United States sporting teams have a storied history of satirizing or playing off stereotypes when
choosing team mascots. The use of the term Redskins, and other offensive Native American
imagery, has been justified through its intention to honor tradition and Native Americans. The
controversy surrounding the use of Native American mascots began in the 1960s with the Native
American Civil Rights Movement (Dimisa). With the nationwide debate over whether the term is
offensive or just satire, the state of California made a historic decision to become the first state to
ban the use of the term Redskins as a mascot. Following the ban of using Redskins as a mascot, it is
imperative that the nation take initiative to ban all use of Native ... Show more content on ...
Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown, a high school junior, was ecstatic when he found out about the
passing of AB 30 as it "creates an opportunity for Native youth to obtain an education free from
mockery." (Adams) When passed, the California Racial Mascots Act affected four high schools in
California; Chowchilla High School, Tulare Union High School, Calaveras High school and Gustine
High School. These four high schools had until January 1st, 2017 to change their mascot name to
comply with this law. Since enacting this law, all four of the communities experienced some level of
backlash when changing their name. To many of these communities, using the name Redskins has a
part of their history and an important part of their identity as a school. The first school to comply
with the new law was Gustine High School. The history of Gustine's Redskins mascot dated back to
the 1930s. The original mascot, the Reds, changed when a newspaper reporter called the football
players the Redskins "in reaction to the perceived communist threat pervasive at the time" (Calix).
When faced with the demand to change their name, Gustine school officials decided to go back to
their original roots and adopted the Reds as their mascot. The name references one of the school's
predominant colors. With the name change solidified, Gustine school officials have already ordered
new uniforms vacant of Redskins and have begun estimating the costs to replace
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Mascot Research Paper
Why is a school mascot important to students ? Mascots are found in schools, sports and businesses
and may date back a very long time. The word Mascot means " A person, animal, or object believed
to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization to illustrate a sports team. A
mascot symbolizes courage, strength, speed and leadership. A Mascot is any person, animal, thought
to bring luck, or anything used to represent a group with a common public identity such as a school.
Professional sports team, society, military unit, or brand name. " Mascot comes from the French
term "Mascotte " meaning lucky charm. It was first recorded in 1867 and popularized by the Opera "
La Mascotte " , performed in December 1880. It then
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Racism in Native American Mascots
When we are young, we are taught to treat everyone equally. Naturally, as children you learn and
apply and hope that another person does the same. Rights, they are basic and unalienable to all
humans upon entering a foreign or country of citizenship. Fighting for equal treatment to the
prominent race has created history that is left for future activist to involve themselves with past
history, and revive movements. Equal treatment amongst the different cultures is necessary for the
social and political success for this country. As citizens of a country, we expect that the melting pot
of cultures to be civil with one another and the representation of cultures be positive. But what
happens when a native from the North American country is ... Show more content on ...
Having a tumultuous background, the Native American history in itself should be respected, but
there seems to be a nuisance doing so. In the 1830's, after removal policy failed to prevail, "not only
did individual Indians remain, but native communities also struggled over the next century and a
half to carve out a place for themselves in the South"(Perdue 3). Native American's were challenged
to find a place in the idealistic society, but their ritualistic culture was not fit for the United States.
Further on, they dealt with poverty, discrimination, and violence against their community. The
history of discrimination against the Native American community has been very controversial. For
over 129 years, discrimination has been widely noticed specifically in the sport community. From
the racial slur of "redskins" or the identification of the Native American like in the Cleveland
Indians baseball team, Chief Wahoo; the wide range of the identifications towards Native American
causes an uproar in the educated community. In "Multicultural Training Intervention To Address
American Indian Stereotypes," Matthew and Jesse Steinfeldt, conducted psychological and
qualitative research to illustrate the damage profiling causes in the Native American community by
using other race examples to put manners in perspective. "Redskin is defined by the American
Heritage Dictionary as an "offensive slang [word that is used as] a disparaging term for a Native
American" (Redskin, n.d.)"
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The Ethical Use Of Mascots
Team mascots purpose are to add personality. It sends the right message out to your audience.
Without a team mascot you have no face to your brand then you are just another brand. You create a
physical and emotional connection with your audience. Cheerleaders and mascots keep the audience
entertained when there are timeouts. Mascots are cool to have around because they hype up the
crowd and are always doing something funny. The mascot represents the team and its personality as
the animal they are using. A mascot is there to encourage the team and to hype up the crowd to
encourage also. They give you a sense of pride and joy. Mascots can be used for anything and any
sport. I think that some sports teams use mascots because they are trying
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Native American Mascots
Some team names and/or mascots related to Native Americans are not appropriate. Three teams at
the top of this controversial topic are the NFL's Washington Redskins, the MLB's Cleveland Indians,
and the MLB's Atlanta Braves. The appropriation of a team should be based on what the name itself
represents or was based off of. The use of Native American logos, names, and "actions" are not
acceptable. The term "redskin" is a slur, the Indians' Chief Wahoo is flat out racist, and the Braves'
tomahawk chop is a stereotype. The following examples will show the reasoning.
The first team that is widely debated about is the NFL's Washington Redskins. One reason why the
Washington Redskins' name is not appropriate is because "[redskin] is a dictionary defined slur"
(Shapiro, Fox News). This is a good reason, since the term "slur" is a disparaging and minimizing
remark according to the dictionary. Another reason why the term "redskin" is not appropriate is that
it was "used with an attitude of hostility in the late 19th and early 20th centuries" (
... Show more content on ...
The Cleveland Indians' mascot, Chief Wahoo, is not appropriate."[Chief Wahoo] has
survived...despite countless protests by American Indian groups and activists over the way it
demeans them and their history" (Tayler, Sports Illustrated). This shows that some Native American
people find it offensive. One more example is when Douglas Cardinal, a member of the Blackfoot
tribe, and other activists say that Chief Wahoo "actively contributes to the mockery of American
Indians" (Tayler, Sports Illustrated). This example, supports that Wahoo is inappropriate, since it is a
distasteful representation of a traditional
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The Battle Over Indian Mascot Research Paper
Have you ever wonder what is the big deal with teams with Native Americans name? I'm going to
tell you about the argument with teams that have Native Americans such as the Washington
Redskins. With a lot of people trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their because it's
racist, they still don't because the cost of name change and uniforms, and quiet simply their is not
enough support to change it.
First you have to know what the agreement is all about. My research is found from the a article
called "The battle over Indian mascot". Some say that when fans chant war crimes during games, it
makes Native Americans seem like savages. Now first let me start by saying this I'm not trying to
persuade you that teams should change their name, this quote is an agreement that could setup one
side of an argument. People don't like the way teams make Indians appears, with the war chants and
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This research was found in an article called "From Men to Hawks: Calgary High School Changes
Name, Logo for Sports Teams". Calgary high school is changing the nam and logo of its team after
complaints that the name was racist. Now this quote doesn't have to deal with money but it does
show that this agreement happens in all levels from high school all the way to the pros. In this article
it does state the fact that it costs a lot of money to redo the logo and get new uniforms with the new
logo and name. This cost about a range of 10,000 to 30,000 and this is just highschool. With the pros
they don't have to change their logo, and name, but they also have to change merchandise they sell
and the stadium in some way. So that would probably range from 400,000 to 500,000. Again I'm just
giving the side of why teams shouldn't change their name, I am not trying to persuade you to think
they teams shouldn't change their name. I'm just trying to inform you the struggle of people who
want the change but aren't getting enough to
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Atlanta Mascots Case Study
Prior to the organization's move to Washington in 1937 they were formerly known as the Boston
Braves. In order to avoid confusion with the Boston Braves in Major League Baseball (now known
as the Atlanta Braves), following their inaugural season in the NFL the organization decided to
change the name to the Boston Redskins. Obviously a couple seasons later becoming the
Washington Redskins (Shapira, 2016). The entire culture around the team was/is revolved around
the history of Native Americans, including their two feathered Native American warrior logo, their
fight song titled "Hail to the Redskins", their Native American focused half time shows (All–Indian
Half–Time Marching Band and Pageant), and their game–day program subsections titled "On the
Warpath" and "Teepee Talk" (Shapira, 2016).
Inevitably many Indigenous people found the term Redskin and the Redskin's activity extremely
offensive. This resulted in rallying in order to encourage ... Show more content on
The controversy behind the mascot dates back decades, beginning in 1972 Native American leaders
urged former team President Edward Bennett Williams to lose the Redskin mascot. These
delegations were ineffective in changing the name. However, they were somewhat affective and
resulted in the lyrics of their fight song changing from "Scalp 'um" to "Beat 'em" (Shapira, 2016).
The controversy died down until recent years with recent up rise regarding the mascot. The
consensual argument of rallying Native Americans can be summed up by one statement by a
respondent regarding the term, "... a racist holdover from another day, a time when Indians were
depicted as violent, ignorant and savages by whites who largely were equally violent, ignorant and
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Oregon Duck's Arguments For The Mascot Hall Of Fame
Oregon Ducks Mascot The Oregon Duck was first seen in 1940. His looks may have changed and
the person on the inside may have changed, but the same school spirit and the same joy has always
been brought to peoples faces each time they see him. He always goes the extra mile to make
performances special, and makes a positive impact on the community, sports industry, and student
athletes. We think it is important that the Oregon Duck gets nominated into the hall of fame because
if a mascot can do all of these things, and he fits the criteria he deserves to be included in the Mascot
Hall of Fame.
The Oregon Duck should be nominated for the Mascot hall of fame because his design is unique,
fun and memorable. His design is unique because only Oregon ... Show more content on ...
The Oregon Duck does four events which are Nonprofit, Commercial, Personal, and Campus group
events. All of these in which the mascot The Oregon Duck can make an appearance in. If however
the Oregon University finds the meaning of the event not acceptable then they can reject the request.
The Oregon Duck should be inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame because of the things he can do
for the community. What The Oregon Duck does is he will interact with the fans. According to the
the daily Emerald it says that "According to Williams, when the Duck interacts in large crowds like
Autzen's student section..." As a general rule when a mascot is trying to show up to be an influence
on their community, they would attend to certain events to show that they support their community.
This is why The Oregon Duck should be inducted into the mascot hall of fame because he will
interact with other students at
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Pros And Cons Of Native American Mascots
Is it okay to have Native American images as mascots? Some of the mascots names are Red Skins,
Braves and Cleveland Indians. They chose these mascots because they thought that they would be
intimidating to the other team. Imagine having a pink bunny for a mascot; other teams are not going
to think that that is intimidating. Using Native American images and names in
professional,collegiate and high school sports does not reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes because
it is not harmful and it only it representing school pride. Mascots are not harmful to Native
Americans. The AP reports, " At Florida State, Wetherell said the NCAA was trying to embarrass the
school for using its nickname,even though the Seminole Tribe of Florida has given the university
permission to continue using it," (AP 2005). None of the Mascots display discriminatory or abusive
behavior towards other members of another race. The Native Americans do not feel that it displays
them in a negative light. Many sports teams want their team to show school pride. The image of the
Native Americans embodies pride. ... Show more content on ...
School mascots help to unify a school. The mascots can represent strength,power and excellent
sportsmanship. A community likes to rally behind their local team. They show support by wearing
team jerseys or they just wear whatever color their team is a to represent and to show support to the
team/school."Mascots provide a symbol that can be a focal point for a fan community. At a very
simple level,when fans wear a jersey with a Redskins or Cowboys logo they are identifying
themselves as part of a fan community."(Mascots Value
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Controversial Mascots Research Paper
Controversial Mascots "The Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies at California State University in
San Bernardino surveyed 400 individuals, 98 of them Native Americans, and found that 67 percent
of Native Americans agreed the "Redskins team name is a racial or racist word and symbol.""
(Steele). Some mascots are offensive and racist to certain cultures and races. In, 2005, the NCAA
banned schools with Native American mascots from hosting a national championship game
(ProQuest Staff). Changing the mascot won't change the history of the school or team. Some people
feel unwelcome because of certain mascots. Some mascots should be banned because they are
stereotypical, dishonor cultures, and are offensive. The first reason that certain mascots
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Indian Mascot Research Paper
Before this topic, I have no experience with the "Indian Mascot". After reading some of articles, I
am very impressive by the argument in the article which is "Redskins, Sambos, and Whities –
Racism in Sports Mascots." I am not a big fan of any sports, so I have ever not known about the
meaning of a sport team's mascot. Now, I am opened my mind. I realize that after every mascot, it
has a different meaning. Some are good, but some may hurt people's feeling. Some people said that
they think the Indian American and supporters are too sensitive when they care much of a mascot.
However, we can not understand someone if we do not stand on their position. The Indian
Americans have a indigenous culture with a lot of things we have not known. The stereotypes
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Sports Mascots Research Paper
The Sports Mascots Scam There is a contentious argument about whether to use controversial
Native American mascots and nicknames for schools or sports organizations. One side is to allow
some organizations to keep the mascots, and others vote to have other mascots be banned and force
the organizations to change the names. However, due to the positive benefits of costs, and tradition,
schools and sports organizations should not ban the use of controversial mascots even though some
mascots can provoke negative stereotypes against them. To start off, the cost of a university or sports
team to have to change the name would be incredibly expensive for that team. The reason it would
be so expensive for these organizations and teams is because they would have to replace the paint on
the locker rooms, the stadium and the uniforms. For example, according to the Bleacher Report, the
Oregon Ducks alone spent 1.3 million dollars on just uniforms. With 1.4 million dollars, you can
buy a brand new Ferrari LaFerrari which can go over 217 mph! In effect of making teams change
their names, it would cost a team alone over 1.3 million dollars. ... Show more content on ...
Originally the Boston Braves, in 1933 they changed their organization's name to The Redskins, and
in 1937 moved to Washington state (Information acquired from Washington Redskins team page).
The argument on whether to change the Redskins name or not has been going on for a while now,
however, the owner refuses to change the Redskins name to a different one. Daniel Snyder, the
owner of the Redskins, says that they cannot destroy a name of a team that has grown into the state
of Washington and has become a part of the
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Argumentative Essay On Mascots
Currently in the NFL, the Washington Redskins are being faced with a staggering controversy:
Should they change they change their mascot as a result of Native Americans viewing it is a racial
discriminatory (Angle 2016)? Dating back to 1933, when the Washington NFL team abandoned the
original title of "Braves" and adopted "Redskins," the debate has since been longstanding (Hylton
2014). Native Americans are challenging the team to rid them, along with all team mascot names
relating to their culture countrywide, of their title, but the mascot names have no negative
connotation and should not be protested against. The controversy relates back to the 1900s when
Native Americans began to feel oppressed and teams began using their titles as mascot (Brady
2016). During this period "regulations forbade Native Americans to speak their language, practice
their religions or leave their reservations" (Brady 2016). To enforce this, laws were passed to
transform the Native Americans into the white culture (Brady 2016). In other ... Show more content
on ...
"For example, the name "Redskins" suggests that all Native Americans have red skin, which isn't the
case" (Ipatenco n.d.). Opposers of Indian names as mascots feel that the create mockery and a false
image (Brady 2016). However, this is not the accurate, studies show "that these mascots are often
viewed positively" (Sommers 2012). Furthermore, recent studies have been highly inaccurate and
unreliable. A poll done by the Washington Post announced that 9 out of 10 Native Americans do not
oppose their titles as mascots. Nevertheless, "the Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively
by telephone" (Rosenstein 2017). This resulted in a highly unreliable product. It is unknown how
many Native Americans legitimately protest these mascots. Therefore, a correct claim cannot be
argued regarding the total sum of Native Americans that object Native American
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Mascots Impact On Mascots

  • 1. Mascots Impact On Mascots Mascots' Impact on Children Sends Strong Messages Youngsters and Mascot Mental Images Mascots hold a solid mental picture for a great many people that interact with one. Be that as it may, mascots sway on youngsters is much more grounded and significant than with some other age bunch. Kids regularly respond with affection to mascots that show positive qualities. A youngster may be pleased by the way a mascot moves or any clever physical activity the mascot participates in. This is particularly genuine if a mascot is the epitome of an item that a tyke needs his or her guardians to purchase for them. Folks are frequently helpless against the advertising business. This is valid since numerous items, for example, toys, recreations, and nourishment things are acquired by folks for the benefit of their youngsters. Kids may be ... Show more content on ... Yet, in latest times numerous associations have utilized mascots as a brand name. Mascots speak to the soul of a school, which is a persisting component for any school to keep the confidence of the group high. A mascot is an insignia that offers acknowledgment to anybody connected with the group. Mascots are focused on their group and show genuine enthusiasm for the game, which inspires the soul of the players. A decent mascot moves around the field wearing inventive outfits to the pleasure of the spectators and dependably appreciates stimulating them. Schools for the most part have a creature figure as the mascot, which is spoken to by the different athletic groups of the school. A chose understudy wears the Mascot ensemble upon the arrival of the school titles, homecoming, gusto arouses and other exceptional occasions of the school. Numerous associations have additionally begun to utilize a mascot to innovatively mark themselves in the business ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Racist Mascots Research Paper Native Americans are often offended by racist nicknames, logos, and stereotypes in sports. The Washington Redskins and many other teams are facing this. this makes teams look ignorant. Mascots imply that all Natives have to be a dark brown color, have big noses, and long wavy black hair. Examples of these stereotypical mascots are the Washington Redskins, FSU, Cherokee Braves, and any other school with a racist mascot. Native Americans find that when we use their people as mascots we are making them look like savages. Native Americans are offended by racist nicknames, logos, and stereotypes in sports. Using Native American images and names in professional, collegiate, and high school sports teams does reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Why Are Indian Mascots Be Banned Imagine thousands of people mocking your culture everyday. Well that is what happens to the Native American population. Sports teams falsely portray what Native Americans act and look like, fans mock and shame the culture and unknowingly scream racial slurs toward them. This is why Indian mascots should not be banned. ''Redskin' Is Officially a Dictionary–Defined Racial Slur–in all cases." According to Webster Dictionary. If you didn't know a NFL team is named the Washington R******s. The word R*****n is aired on news stations across America absolutely demoralizing the Natives spirits everyday. According to the New York Times.To give you some context on how bad the slur is, many newspapers will not write about the football team simply because they would have to state the slur in the article. Also, R*****n is commonly associated with the N word. Furthermore fans across America scream this slur every time the teams play, unaware of how bad the word actually is. In the R******s stadium chants ... Show more content on ... According to a video from Buzzfeed. Many professional sports teams such as the Washington R******s and the Cleveland Indians portray there indian with having a dark red face. This is extremely racist and does not represent their culture in any way. Also the clothes that the mascots wear are considered sacred in their culture and they are mocked constantly at the sports games. For example every mascot wears feathers that are highly respected in the communities, Only the leaders of the tribes are supposed to wear the feathers on their head yet mascots across America do that every week. Lastly at halftime of these game the mascot goes out on the field or court and dances around mocking the Native American dances. According to In whose Honor. As the mascot is doing this the fans are celebrating the team by doing racist gestures such as the "tomahawk ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Battle Over Indian Mascot Research Paper Have you ever wonder what is the big deal with teams with Native Americans name? I'm going to tell you about the argument with teams that have Native Americans such as the Washington Redskins. With a lot of people trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their because it's racist, they still don't because the cost of name change and uniforms, and quiet simply their is not enough support to change it. First you have to know what the agreement is all about. My research is found from the a article called "The battle over Indian mascot". Some say that when fans chant war crimes during games, it makes Native Americans seem like savages. Now first let me start by saying this I'm not trying to persuade you that teams should change their name, this quote is an agreement that could setup one side of an argument. People don't like the way teams make Indians appears, with the war chants and ... Show more content on ... This research was found in an article called "From Men to Hawks: Calgary High School Changes Name, Logo for Sports Teams". Calgary high school is changing the nam and logo of its team after complaints that the name was racist. Now this quote doesn't have to deal with money but it does show that this agreement happens in all levels from high school all the way to the pros. In this article it does state the fact that it costs a lot of money to redo the logo and get new uniforms with the new logo and name. This cost about a range of 10,000 to 30,000 and this is just highschool. With the pros they don't have to change their logo, and name, but they also have to change merchandise they sell and the stadium in some way. So that would probably range from 400,000 to 500,000. Again I'm just giving the side of why teams shouldn't change their name, I am not trying to persuade you to think they teams shouldn't change their name. I'm just trying to inform you the struggle of people who want the change but aren't getting enough to ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Mascots Currently in the NFL, the Washington Redskins are being faced with a staggering controversy: Should they change they change their mascot as a result of Native Americans viewing it is a racial discriminatory (Angle 2016)? Dating back to 1933, when the Washington NFL team abandoned the original title of "Braves" and adopted "Redskins," the debate has since been longstanding (Hylton 2014). Native Americans are challenging the team to rid them, along with all team mascot names relating to their culture countrywide, of their title, but the mascot names have no negative connotation and should not be protested against. The controversy relates back to the 1900s when Native Americans began to feel oppressed and teams began using their titles as mascot (Brady 2016). During this period "regulations forbade Native Americans to speak their language, practice their religions or leave their reservations" (Brady 2016). To enforce this, laws were passed to transform the Native Americans into the white culture (Brady 2016). In other ... Show more content on ... "For example, the name "Redskins" suggests that all Native Americans have red skin, which isn't the case" (Ipatenco n.d.). Opposers of Indian names as mascots feel that the create mockery and a false image (Brady 2016). However, this is not the accurate, studies show "that these mascots are often viewed positively" (Sommers 2012). Furthermore, recent studies have been highly inaccurate and unreliable. A poll done by the Washington Post announced that 9 out of 10 Native Americans do not oppose their titles as mascots. Nevertheless, "the Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively by telephone" (Rosenstein 2017). This resulted in a highly unreliable product. It is unknown how many Native Americans legitimately protest these mascots. Therefore, a correct claim cannot be argued regarding the total sum of Native Americans that object Native American ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Native American Mascot Research Paper What kind of role does the school mascot play in the amount of spirit in a school? Whether it is an animal, flower, or historical figure, a mascot plays a very large role in a student body's excitement and willingness to support their school athletics. There is a large debate on whether or not mascots can be offensive and disrespectful to certain cultures. In reality, using Native American mascots can support stereotypes, represent the Native American culture negatively, and damage the self–image of young Native American students. In society today there are many stereotypes, including those surrounding Native Americans. The largest of these stereotypes is caused by the misrepresentation of Native Americans as sports mascots. Today, most Native Americans are depicted as, "Objects, cartoon characters, and savages" (Cummings, 2008). Often in the American ... Show more content on ... Native Americans value and cherish their culture. It is something that has been learned and passed down from generation to generation in the Native American community. Using Native American mascots creates a misinterpretation of the Native American culture. Many Native American tribes are offended by the use of Native American mascots because, "The symbols connected with NA mascots (tomahawks, war paint, leather loin cloths, and feathered head dress) represent a collective image of Native Americans", that, "inaccurately portrays the diverse natures of ritual, ceremony, and culture of the many and varied NA tribes" (Arthur 2012). These symbols are important to the Native American culture, and by using them to represent a mascot for a school, college, or some other association is disrespectful to the tribe and culture. Cummings (2008) believes many people think they have a right to use Native Americans as mascots because, "To some, American Indian mascots represent strength, power, reverence, and dignity". People need to look at the perspective ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Native American Mascots Research Paper Sports teams across the country are all represented by a mascot. A mascot is used in a variety of ways, but mainly to represent a team's identity and motivate both players and fans alike to bring out the competitive spirit. Many teams are represented with normal names and themes, while some are more controversial such as the Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Blackhawks, Cleveland Indians, Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, and Washington Redskins (to name a few). A prickly topic for years, even decades the usage of Native American mascots continues to strike controversy in fans, players, alumni, as well as disinterested fans. Depending on who you talk to, it's a stain on the organizations it affects or is it a way of honoring those who ... Show more content on ... The reality is that most people, especially fans and some Native Americans themselves want to keep these names. Again, depending on who you talk to keeping these names pay tribute and honor those who have come before us. An example of this is the team Atlanta Braves. When you think of the meaning brave, you see a person who is courageous and a person who will face and endure danger or pain. Without teams using these names, people would not know the history or background of some Native American tribes. We can say the actions of some mascots may be questionable or over the top at times but they are not intended to poke fun at the Native Americans for their culture or beliefs, they are only used for the spirit of the game and to get the crowd pumped up. In my own opinion, I do not think Native American mascots should be discontinued. Discontinuing these symbols or nicknames would bring a lot of pain to sponsors, supporters, the sports club, and its fans. Bottom line, the teams that utilize these Native American themes or symbols do not utilize them in a stereotypical or racial way. In fact, they mascots are used in a way to honor Native Americans and to remember them ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Morality Of Mascots Altogether sports, groups use mascots with representable their team's pride, strength, and will with win. The part the mascarpone assumes will be a intimidation factor, and also something with inspire the group. Groups will need mascots that range starting with anything, starting with an creature on a spiritless object, like An hammer alternately a orange. Mascots infrequently fall under scrutiny, but to the mascots that representable local american tribes, individuals alternately societies. A significant number schools and groups use A percentage sort local american reference Similarly as a mascarpone. The local american mascots utilized extend starting with names like those Indians, Chiefs, Furthermore Braves, which would a few of the that's ... Show more content on ... The Washington Redskins have seen the name Redskins under investigation by people in general frequently, in any case The point when those president might have been approached around it he depicted the cooperation name should be An fearless symbol, What's more that it indicates the quality of the local Americans. The reference to quality indicates the regard they bring to them on account of a football group wouldn't need to be called something that wasn't really fearless. It will be An sign for regard from those association utilizing An local american mascarpone of the local american people. It Additionally reveals to admiration to those society Also advertises it letterset printing a greater amount individuals turned into mindful of the brilliant historical backdrop of the american Indians. It could likewise unite the one school and the tribe, On those sake may be tribal based, However whether not it even now Might connect of the local Americans in the zone and assistance them turn into closer for those school alternately association. If a school might decide to utilize An mascarpone that need any connection to local Americans it might be crazy about appreciation What's more need to Push A percentage of the social significances those ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. A History Of Native American Mascots Imagine this: thousands of stands congregating in a stadium to cheer on their football team. They are all dressed up in their football jerseys and have their face painted to support their beloved football team. Their mascot? The blacks. On all of their jerseys, flags, on the field have their mascot painted on. The mascot is a derogatory depiction of the average black person and the stereotypes that are often associated with black people. How is this scenario of having a black person as a mascot any different than having an Indian or Native American as a mascot? It is not any different. Mascots such as the Cleveland Indians and the Washington Redskins are derogatory and offense depictions of Native Americans, and schools and organizations that allow these mascots to stay in place are promoting racism. Many schools ... Show more content on ... They are not wrong about it being part of the history of the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Indian Mascots My perspective with the Indian Mascot debate before reading and watching testimonies, indicates when high school, colleges, and also the Redskins professional football team using the logo of a Native American, or a Indian mascot, impression were not used has a oppress, but to be used in a positive way. When I think of a Native Americans I think the term warrior – "a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics." Found from Most team sports arguments of the use of Indian imagery as team mascot; opinion impacts are the same as mines. Indian imagers, logos, mascots, are used to symbolize the term warrior, and harmless reference from Justin Angle source. In conclusion ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Controversial Sports Mascots Analysis A very sensitive subject and tough question that has been asked since the early 1900's is, should controversial sports mascots be replaced with mascots that are not offensive. It is a topic that continues even today as people protest against what they believe is stereotypical sport mascots. In the article, Controversial Sports Mascots Be Replaced, the authors of each article discusses how certain groups of people, specifically Native Americans, believe certain mascots are offensive and should from sport team names. The author attempts to create sympathy within the reader by sharing a story from is youth that tells how his mom was displeased with a hat he wore home that had a Chief wahoo on it. He told how his mom "jerked his hat off and threw it in the trash" because "she had been fighting against Indian stereotypes all her life." While the author believes that these Native Americans are right to protest and fight to have the mascots changed, his argument is not entirely convincing because to me his perceptions of the Florida State Seminoles "war–painted and lance threatening mascot Chief Osceola is intended to be menacing, and that's the take away many children will have." I am ... Show more content on ... Every decision we made. What if we started taking votes in our family and when 1 out of 4 people was "offended", we decided to do something different. New directions, new goals, new meal plans, new carpet or whatever it is that offends that 25% of the family. If we did that, the entire house would never be settled and there would be consistent change, only to make sure no one is ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Native American Mascot Research Paper In 1992, St. Bonaventure's mascot was changed from the Brown Indian to the Wolfpack. The Brown Indian was the mascot during a time of racial tensions between the Native people and those who immigrated. The changing of the mascot was a good idea because having a Native American mascot negatively affects that group of people. One of the problems with having a Native American mascot is the representation and meaning of it. It is not represented as a tribute or support of the Native people. Its meaning is quite the opposite. It represents racism and bigotry. It represents oppression. Its meaning is to make fun of and put down the Native people. It is the practice of humiliating them. Professional sports teams use their platform to spread the message ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Use of Native American Mascots Should be Banned Essay What is considered offensive? Is it considered offensive to use obscenities around children? According to many people in the United States, it is sport team names and mascots that depict a certain group of people are considered offensive. People around the United States are trying to get professional sport teams to change their names and mascots because they feel it depicts their certain race in bad way. Teams should have to change their mascot and their name if they are named after a certain group of people. Aside from professional sports teams having offensive names, high school and college teams also have offensive names. In Greenly, Colorado at the University of Northern Colorado, their mascot is the Fightin' Reds. Of ... Show more content on ... San Diego State University changed their mascot of Monty Montezuma from a bare chested macho man to a graceful ambassador. (Cart, 3). Some people feel that school's named after certain people like Martin Luther King Jr. are alright, but there should not be mascots depicting them. Making mascots that depict certain people is just asking for trouble. When sports are involved with that mascot, things will be said about that mascot that would just be wrong. Like at a football game when a team is playing another team with a Martin Luther King Jr. mascot, they might have a sign that says "Murder the Kings." That is just something that is unacceptable and unrespectable for someone to say. So team mascots should no be able to be named after certain people. Many people do not consider themselves supporting Native American mascots that depict them in a bad manner. But when people walk around with a Atlanta Braves shirt on with a Indian with a tomahawk in his hand, it is degrading to the Indians. It is stereotyping them. School mascots and Sports team's mascots are named after groups of people for no reason known. Notre Dame was founded by Irish Catholics, but their sports team was named the Fighting Irish. The name Fighting Irish has nothing to do with the Irish Catholics, it depicts them in a wrong way.(Price, 3). Team names can be changed to similar names that do not depict certain groups of people. Like the Redskins can be called the Red Hawks or the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Mascots : An Honor Or An Insult? Mascots: An honor or an insult? The idea of using Native American names and images in sports has been a topic of public controversy in the United States since the 1960's. Sports mascots that continue to promote racial, cultural, or bias slurs should be changed so that racial discrimination can be stopped and everyone can be treated equally/fairly. In today's society, there is no room for racism or stereotypes especially in sports; an activity that is supposed to bring people together to support and celebrate challenges. The use of native names or symbols by native teams is a harmful form of ethnic stereotyping which is at best prejudicial and perhaps even discriminatory, and should be eliminated. In 2005, then NCAA President Myles Brand issued a "self–evaluation" to 31 colleges to examine their choice of mascots and the potential of offensive imagery. Nineteen of the schools either changed their choice of mascot, or eliminated offensive images; it is an insult to Native American people to those schools with offensive mascots. This research and mainstream support for the elimination of mascots has come after decades of action and protest from Native American groups such as the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media. So as a result, some schools, colleges, and professional teams are retiring their names, images, etc. and sadly, some are not. Most notable, professional sports teams (i.e Cleveland ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Descriptive Essay : ' Mascots ' Mascots A leopard–faced man stands at the far corner of the building. This isn't the first sight I expected to find at my new high school. He leans against the wall with one of his legs kicked up like some sort of cowboy. Since this is a small Midwestern town and not Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, something suspicious is up. He raises his right hand to his whiskered snout as if deeply contemplating something. What curious thoughts would be on the mind of an animal man? Though he has been facing another direction the entire time I am certain his big green eyes are following me. I look around to see if anyone has noticed the bizarre man, but most of the other students are walking to the entrance with their heads hung low. The end ... Show more content on ... I take a glance through the red doors as I pass. It's the gymnasium and a few kids are playing basketball in the center. Everyone else is sitting on the bleachers. It is a sea of white faces. The last thing I want is to stick out among the crowd. The indistinct stream of chatter pervades far down the hall. Posters are placed sporadically along the lockers. 'Yearbook Needs You,' 'Be Part of Our Award–Winning Drama Program,' 'Join Lit Club' with a collage of the standard high school canon. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and a few classics like 1984 and The Great Gatsby thrown in to suggest legitimacy. Though I love the idea of book clubs, the one at my old school was overtaken by kids obsessed with romantic drivel. I'll be better off making my own reading group, but that first requires finding friends. Not my strongest skill. A glass display case sits between two sets of lockers. A large autographed picture of a grown baseball player sits on the top shelf. It is surrounded by photos of a child, probably the same person. He had gained a hefty paunch with age but I guess sports no longer require being in shape. The bottom shelf has a few trophies. The team name is engraved on the bases. The Deckersville Braves. Not the Leopards? "Excuse me," a woman asks. I slowly turn around. "Yes?" "What are you doing here?" She looks young but her expression carries the strictness of a seventy year old librarian. She folds her arms against her chest. "I got a letter ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Mascot Analysis Rationale, explanation of interest, or area of focus This analysis will focus on the importance of mascots for the selected institutions and how they relate to the normal livelihoods of the students in both universities. The term mascot is used to refer to an animal, a person or object that is believed to bring some sense of good luck in various perspectives. It is a term and phenomenon that has been consistently used through history to relate to the success of various institutional activities, especially in the sports arena. Institutions with mascots tend to have a deep history in terms of its selection and related significance. The two selected universities in this assessment have peculiar mascot symbols that have been used for many years to derive distinct meanings that represent respective cultures. ... Show more content on ... Since then, the institution has passed a joint ideology about the nocturnal bird to its students with emphasis put on how it represents a sense of knowledge and wisdom thus a perfect symbol to use in any center of learning (Temple University, 2015). Also, the owl mascot has been attributed to the goddess Athena, who is mythically known for her wisdom, knowledge, arts, skills and precision in warfare. From nature's perspective, the owl is deemed a resourceful, perceptive, courageous and fierce fighter. These attributes have been prescribed to the university students for years with an objective of building a learning culture in the institution. The main problem noted with the perception created for this mascot is that the university has not reiterated on how the symbol can be incorporated to ensure success in the extra–curriculum activities. The university is not famous or well–established in sporting events, and this can be attributed to the message passed by the institution to the students (Owlsports, ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Harjo Fighting Mascots After reading "Playing Indian" and "Fighting Mascots", the arguments and tactics that Suzan Harjo employed in her article was relating back to the passing time of Native American history. Specifically, Harjo explained the color that the NFL team, the Washington "Redskins". For instance, "...impose this false identity, its name is even more vile, because it is rooted in the commodification of Native skin and body parts as bounties and trophies" (621). Additionally, Harjo is exploiting the history that Native people have suffered and by showing off Native Americans as some sort of trophy does not sit well with her. Ultimately, I think that Harjo is effectively stating her argument to the Washington Redskins NFL team by relating to past history. ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Mascots : It 's More Than Mascot Status More Than A Mascot "It 's more than mascot status. It 's hero worship." by David Young. Throughout history, people has used mascot to instill inspiration and fear toward an idea. Mascots image has been utilized to impart spark and dread to our thoughts. The Egyptians had their Pharaoh, the Greek Olympians had the Gods, and Roman Gladiators used brute and strength to flare up the crowd's attention. This quote by David Young was simply signifying the main ideas behind an organizational mascot. It 's more than mascot status when there is far more concept to the image it used. Even though Native American Mascots are very offensive toward the tribal nations, Indian Mascots should be viewed with honor and pride toward the team 's franchise where by like animal themed mascots, Native mascots are to be viewed with equality as other teams that promote the spirit and effort of the team organization. A mascot is any individual, animal, or thing thought to bring fortunes or anything used to address a social affair with a common open character, for instance, a school, capable recreations bunch, society, military unit, or brand name. Mascots are similarly used as narrative, operators delegates for client things, for instance, the rabbit used as a piece of advancing and promoting for the General Mills brand of breakfast oat, Trix. In the domain of diversified sports team, mascots are in like manner used for advancing. Mascots are every now and again confused for gathering monikers. While ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Spider Mascot There are 1,957 four–year colleges in the United States. There are 76 with an eagle as a mascot, 46 which use the tiger, and 39 bulldogs. Yet there is only one college who has a spider as a mascot. Spiders are often popularly known as mean and scary. So why would a university choose a spider as a mascot? In researching this essay, I found that the answer lies in the history of baseball at Richmond. Apparently the term "spider" was first used to describe Puss Ellyson, a baseball pitcher in 1894 because he had "lanky arms and stretching kick" and took to the field with his teammates like a "spider in a web". In delving into this history, what most impressed me was the suggestion that, "the spider was the synonym of success, good judgment and painstaking perseverance." This makes more sense; these characteristics are something to which every student at the University of Richmond can aspire. ... Show more content on ... However, there are great reasons to love spiders. In the United States, only two kids of spiders are truly harmful to humans (the Brown Recluse, and the Black Widow). The remaining spider species eat other insects we don't want around anyway. They eat mosquitoes carrying malaria (the world's number one fatal disease) and flies carrying cholera. Spiders don't want to bite you. Spiders have horrific eyesight and can't even see you until you are about a foot ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Native American Names And Mascots For sports teams to use Native American names and mascots is offensive. Sports teams using their names and mascots has been a growing debate with the NFL's Washington Redskins and Kansas City Chiefs, the MLB's Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians, and the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks. The mascots and names sports teams use have been negative and stereotypical, along with dishonoring and insulting Native American traditions. These names and mascots that sports teams are using have been negative and stereotypical towards Native Americans. Sports teams have used names like braves, redskins, and chiefs. The word braves has been used to "dehumanize the Indian make and equates him to something less than human." The word redskins refers to "the bloody ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Names And Mascots In American Sports A controversial topic in American sports right now is whether some names and mascots in sports should be changed because its racial and very stereotypical. In 2005, the NCAA ordered 19 colleges such as Arkansas University Indians, Southeastern Oklahoma State Savages to change there name and mascot because the team name was "hostile or abusive" to the American Indians. More than 900 teams in the U.S have N.American names including in the pros, for example some professional teams that had to change their mascots were Chicago Blackhawks and the Atlanta Braves. More recently, the Washington Redskins lost their trademark registration as a result that claimed that the name was "racial designation based on skin color is disparaging to Native Americans." ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Harjo Fighting Mascots After reading "Playing Indian" and "Fighting Mascots", the arguments and tactics that Suzan Harjo employed in her article was relating back to the passing time of Native American history. Specifically, Harjo explained the color that the NFL team, the Washington "Redskins". For instance, "...impose this false identity, its name is even more vile, because it is rooted in the commodification of Native skin and body parts as bounties and trophies" (621). Additionally, Harjo is exploiting the history that Native people have suffered and by showing off Native Americans as some sort of trophy does not sit well with her. Ultimately, I think that Harjo is effectively stating her argument to the Washington Redskins NFL team by relating to past history. ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Sports Mascots Research Paper Since the mid–1900s, the questionable legacy of Native American names used as sports mascots has sparked debate across the United States. "After 81 years, the Washington Redskins name continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we come from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come," Washington's NFL owner, Dan Snyder, declared when faced with condemnations of the controversial name. While many uphold Snyder's statement, others are offended, and are determined to eliminate all team mascots with Native American symbolism. However, the Washington Redskins are not alone in the debate against Native American logos and mascots. Any sports team should be allowed to represent themselves by using Native American words. Although research fails to indicate the first credible sports team represented by a Native American word, the first recorded teams were the MLB's Atlanta Braves in 1912, and the MLB's Cleveland Indians in 1915. Originally the Boston Red Stockings in the 1870s, the team changed their name in 1912 as a desperate hope to emerge from three consecutive 100–loss seasons. At the suggestion of the team's president, the team adopted the title of the Braves. The name was selected because the club's new owner was a member of a political organization in Tammany Hall, a New ... Show more content on ... However, this fact has changed drastically in recent years. In fact, these mascots are essentially making their team lose money. According to an Emory University sports–marketing study, MLB teams using Native American mascots cost themselves about $2.6 million per year, and NFL teams $1.6 million per year in revenue by continuing to use the condemned mascots. Despite successful seasons in 2010 and 2013 for Kansas City and in 2012 for Washington, the Chiefs and Redskins have suffered two of the NFL's harshest brand falloffs over the last ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Stereotypes Native American Mascots Stereotyping and Prejudice of Native American Mascots Introduction Stereotypes are a natural part of evolutions attempt to survive a constantly changing world. Originally, psychologists and sociologist believed stereotypes were used to navigate the dangerous world in order to survive. Stereotypes allowed people to make quick decisions about rival or threatening groups of people, objects, and animals without having to analyze the costs and benefits of the situation. As the world has evolved, stereotypes continue to aid the human race in making decisions, good or bad, about another social group swiftly and usually unconsciously. Many of the stereotypes used today are not crucial to survival but instead are used to represent social ideas and images about another group of people. However, as useful as stereotypes were for evolution, negativity tends to be associated with the stigmas in todays society. Though there are millions of examples of negative stereotyping, this paper will focus on the negativity associated with stereotypes concerning Native American mascots used to represent sports teams across the United States. Mascots, logos, and team chants are a powerful platform that symbolizes unity and pride. However, when that platform is used to single out and exaggerate sacred cultural rituals of minority groups through inappropriate stereotypes there are harmful social and personal consequences. To fully understand the impact Native American mascots have on the Native ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Native American Mascots Should Be Changed In the recent years the media has sparked a controversy weather names such as the "Redskins" should be changed and this debate still rages on because there is no clear cut answer. I am on the side that Native American mascots should not be changed. First, Native American people see this as a chance for dialogue and conflict resolution. Next, This gives people to have an insight on Native American culture. Finally, many Native Americans feel that the names are not offensive. Native Americans see this issue of mascots as a topic that needs discussion. This discussion is seen by Native Americans as a way to learn about their culture as written by Paul Lukas in an interview with Frank Cloutier, a Native American man, "What if a high school or university wasn't interested in doing these types of cultural exchanges and educational efforts? What would your feelings be about their use of Native imagery? It would be completely different. If they're not willing to celebrate and show the culture, they shouldn't have the privilege of depicting it. What about states that have already banned all Native imagery from their high schools, like Wisconsin and Oregon? I think that's a ... Show more content on ... Their proposal of changing the name and mascot can be seen as a form of censorship and this now is a violation of the first amendment. From here the issue becomes an argument of of intent, and names like the Redskins are not intended to be hateful they are meant to be seen as exactly that a mascot, a figure that can be rallied about or around, not to have a hateful intent. To be censored as they see fit this would have to fall under hate speech and to be this hate speech you have to have a hateful intent, therefore it is not hate speech and does not have to censored and should stay how it is because they have done nothing ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Informative Essay On Olympic Mascots Olympic Mascots The viewer sees a large white tiger on the screen of the TV during the opening of the olympics, of course you know what it is, you just don't know what that tiger symbolizes. Mascots actually symbolize the olympic games. Now to look at why mascots are important. The importance of olympic mascots are not known to be very great. They are not crucial to the games, they just stand for the olympics. They also represent the culture of the country the games are in. Mascots also have interesting cultural history about the names. Time to look at the very first official olympic mascot. Waldi the first official olympic mascot. The very first official mascot of the Olympics is Waldi, the dachshund, designed by Otl Aicher. In the olympic games of Munich, Bavaria, 1972, Dachshunds represent endurance, persistency, and its graceful agility. Waldi's head and tail are a light blue color, and his body has vertical stripes with 3 of the 5 olympic colors. Now let's go to the present mascot. ... Show more content on ... He represents wealth and power, due to the folk tales on white tigers in history. Soohorang also is supposed to be protection against bad luck. His fur is white, because of the ice and snow. Generally speaking, Soohorang is a mascot to remember. Mascots are the symbolization for the olympics. Mascots symbolize the olympics. Waldi was the very first official mascot. Soohorang is this year's 2018 mascot. The mascots do hold a memorable place among the ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. The California Racial Mascots Act United States sporting teams have a storied history of satirizing or playing off stereotypes when choosing team mascots. The use of the term Redskins, and other offensive Native American imagery, has been justified through its intention to honor tradition and Native Americans. The controversy surrounding the use of Native American mascots began in the 1960s with the Native American Civil Rights Movement (Dimisa). With the nationwide debate over whether the term is offensive or just satire, the state of California made a historic decision to become the first state to ban the use of the term Redskins as a mascot. Following the ban of using Redskins as a mascot, it is imperative that the nation take initiative to ban all use of Native ... Show more content on ... Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown, a high school junior, was ecstatic when he found out about the passing of AB 30 as it "creates an opportunity for Native youth to obtain an education free from mockery." (Adams) When passed, the California Racial Mascots Act affected four high schools in California; Chowchilla High School, Tulare Union High School, Calaveras High school and Gustine High School. These four high schools had until January 1st, 2017 to change their mascot name to comply with this law. Since enacting this law, all four of the communities experienced some level of backlash when changing their name. To many of these communities, using the name Redskins has a part of their history and an important part of their identity as a school. The first school to comply with the new law was Gustine High School. The history of Gustine's Redskins mascot dated back to the 1930s. The original mascot, the Reds, changed when a newspaper reporter called the football players the Redskins "in reaction to the perceived communist threat pervasive at the time" (Calix). When faced with the demand to change their name, Gustine school officials decided to go back to their original roots and adopted the Reds as their mascot. The name references one of the school's predominant colors. With the name change solidified, Gustine school officials have already ordered new uniforms vacant of Redskins and have begun estimating the costs to replace ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Mascot Research Paper Why is a school mascot important to students ? Mascots are found in schools, sports and businesses and may date back a very long time. The word Mascot means " A person, animal, or object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization to illustrate a sports team. A mascot symbolizes courage, strength, speed and leadership. A Mascot is any person, animal, thought to bring luck, or anything used to represent a group with a common public identity such as a school. Professional sports team, society, military unit, or brand name. " Mascot comes from the French term "Mascotte " meaning lucky charm. It was first recorded in 1867 and popularized by the Opera " La Mascotte " , performed in December 1880. It then ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Racism in Native American Mascots When we are young, we are taught to treat everyone equally. Naturally, as children you learn and apply and hope that another person does the same. Rights, they are basic and unalienable to all humans upon entering a foreign or country of citizenship. Fighting for equal treatment to the prominent race has created history that is left for future activist to involve themselves with past history, and revive movements. Equal treatment amongst the different cultures is necessary for the social and political success for this country. As citizens of a country, we expect that the melting pot of cultures to be civil with one another and the representation of cultures be positive. But what happens when a native from the North American country is ... Show more content on ... Having a tumultuous background, the Native American history in itself should be respected, but there seems to be a nuisance doing so. In the 1830's, after removal policy failed to prevail, "not only did individual Indians remain, but native communities also struggled over the next century and a half to carve out a place for themselves in the South"(Perdue 3). Native American's were challenged to find a place in the idealistic society, but their ritualistic culture was not fit for the United States. Further on, they dealt with poverty, discrimination, and violence against their community. The history of discrimination against the Native American community has been very controversial. For over 129 years, discrimination has been widely noticed specifically in the sport community. From the racial slur of "redskins" or the identification of the Native American like in the Cleveland Indians baseball team, Chief Wahoo; the wide range of the identifications towards Native American causes an uproar in the educated community. In "Multicultural Training Intervention To Address American Indian Stereotypes," Matthew and Jesse Steinfeldt, conducted psychological and qualitative research to illustrate the damage profiling causes in the Native American community by using other race examples to put manners in perspective. "Redskin is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as an "offensive slang [word that is used as] a disparaging term for a Native American" (Redskin, n.d.)" ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. The Ethical Use Of Mascots Team mascots purpose are to add personality. It sends the right message out to your audience. Without a team mascot you have no face to your brand then you are just another brand. You create a physical and emotional connection with your audience. Cheerleaders and mascots keep the audience entertained when there are timeouts. Mascots are cool to have around because they hype up the crowd and are always doing something funny. The mascot represents the team and its personality as the animal they are using. A mascot is there to encourage the team and to hype up the crowd to encourage also. They give you a sense of pride and joy. Mascots can be used for anything and any sport. I think that some sports teams use mascots because they are trying ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Native American Mascots Some team names and/or mascots related to Native Americans are not appropriate. Three teams at the top of this controversial topic are the NFL's Washington Redskins, the MLB's Cleveland Indians, and the MLB's Atlanta Braves. The appropriation of a team should be based on what the name itself represents or was based off of. The use of Native American logos, names, and "actions" are not acceptable. The term "redskin" is a slur, the Indians' Chief Wahoo is flat out racist, and the Braves' tomahawk chop is a stereotype. The following examples will show the reasoning. The first team that is widely debated about is the NFL's Washington Redskins. One reason why the Washington Redskins' name is not appropriate is because "[redskin] is a dictionary defined slur" (Shapiro, Fox News). This is a good reason, since the term "slur" is a disparaging and minimizing remark according to the dictionary. Another reason why the term "redskin" is not appropriate is that it was "used with an attitude of hostility in the late 19th and early 20th centuries" ( ... Show more content on ... The Cleveland Indians' mascot, Chief Wahoo, is not appropriate."[Chief Wahoo] has survived...despite countless protests by American Indian groups and activists over the way it demeans them and their history" (Tayler, Sports Illustrated). This shows that some Native American people find it offensive. One more example is when Douglas Cardinal, a member of the Blackfoot tribe, and other activists say that Chief Wahoo "actively contributes to the mockery of American Indians" (Tayler, Sports Illustrated). This example, supports that Wahoo is inappropriate, since it is a distasteful representation of a traditional ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. The Battle Over Indian Mascot Research Paper Have you ever wonder what is the big deal with teams with Native Americans name? I'm going to tell you about the argument with teams that have Native Americans such as the Washington Redskins. With a lot of people trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their because it's racist, they still don't because the cost of name change and uniforms, and quiet simply their is not enough support to change it. First you have to know what the agreement is all about. My research is found from the a article called "The battle over Indian mascot". Some say that when fans chant war crimes during games, it makes Native Americans seem like savages. Now first let me start by saying this I'm not trying to persuade you that teams should change their name, this quote is an agreement that could setup one side of an argument. People don't like the way teams make Indians appears, with the war chants and ... Show more content on ... This research was found in an article called "From Men to Hawks: Calgary High School Changes Name, Logo for Sports Teams". Calgary high school is changing the nam and logo of its team after complaints that the name was racist. Now this quote doesn't have to deal with money but it does show that this agreement happens in all levels from high school all the way to the pros. In this article it does state the fact that it costs a lot of money to redo the logo and get new uniforms with the new logo and name. This cost about a range of 10,000 to 30,000 and this is just highschool. With the pros they don't have to change their logo, and name, but they also have to change merchandise they sell and the stadium in some way. So that would probably range from 400,000 to 500,000. Again I'm just giving the side of why teams shouldn't change their name, I am not trying to persuade you to think they teams shouldn't change their name. I'm just trying to inform you the struggle of people who want the change but aren't getting enough to ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Atlanta Mascots Case Study Prior to the organization's move to Washington in 1937 they were formerly known as the Boston Braves. In order to avoid confusion with the Boston Braves in Major League Baseball (now known as the Atlanta Braves), following their inaugural season in the NFL the organization decided to change the name to the Boston Redskins. Obviously a couple seasons later becoming the Washington Redskins (Shapira, 2016). The entire culture around the team was/is revolved around the history of Native Americans, including their two feathered Native American warrior logo, their fight song titled "Hail to the Redskins", their Native American focused half time shows (All–Indian Half–Time Marching Band and Pageant), and their game–day program subsections titled "On the Warpath" and "Teepee Talk" (Shapira, 2016). Inevitably many Indigenous people found the term Redskin and the Redskin's activity extremely offensive. This resulted in rallying in order to encourage ... Show more content on ... The controversy behind the mascot dates back decades, beginning in 1972 Native American leaders urged former team President Edward Bennett Williams to lose the Redskin mascot. These delegations were ineffective in changing the name. However, they were somewhat affective and resulted in the lyrics of their fight song changing from "Scalp 'um" to "Beat 'em" (Shapira, 2016). The controversy died down until recent years with recent up rise regarding the mascot. The consensual argument of rallying Native Americans can be summed up by one statement by a respondent regarding the term, "... a racist holdover from another day, a time when Indians were depicted as violent, ignorant and savages by whites who largely were equally violent, ignorant and ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Oregon Duck's Arguments For The Mascot Hall Of Fame Oregon Ducks Mascot The Oregon Duck was first seen in 1940. His looks may have changed and the person on the inside may have changed, but the same school spirit and the same joy has always been brought to peoples faces each time they see him. He always goes the extra mile to make performances special, and makes a positive impact on the community, sports industry, and student athletes. We think it is important that the Oregon Duck gets nominated into the hall of fame because if a mascot can do all of these things, and he fits the criteria he deserves to be included in the Mascot Hall of Fame. The Oregon Duck should be nominated for the Mascot hall of fame because his design is unique, fun and memorable. His design is unique because only Oregon ... Show more content on ... The Oregon Duck does four events which are Nonprofit, Commercial, Personal, and Campus group events. All of these in which the mascot The Oregon Duck can make an appearance in. If however the Oregon University finds the meaning of the event not acceptable then they can reject the request. The Oregon Duck should be inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame because of the things he can do for the community. What The Oregon Duck does is he will interact with the fans. According to the the daily Emerald it says that "According to Williams, when the Duck interacts in large crowds like Autzen's student section..." As a general rule when a mascot is trying to show up to be an influence on their community, they would attend to certain events to show that they support their community. This is why The Oregon Duck should be inducted into the mascot hall of fame because he will interact with other students at ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. Pros And Cons Of Native American Mascots Is it okay to have Native American images as mascots? Some of the mascots names are Red Skins, Braves and Cleveland Indians. They chose these mascots because they thought that they would be intimidating to the other team. Imagine having a pink bunny for a mascot; other teams are not going to think that that is intimidating. Using Native American images and names in professional,collegiate and high school sports does not reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes because it is not harmful and it only it representing school pride. Mascots are not harmful to Native Americans. The AP reports, " At Florida State, Wetherell said the NCAA was trying to embarrass the school for using its nickname,even though the Seminole Tribe of Florida has given the university permission to continue using it," (AP 2005). None of the Mascots display discriminatory or abusive behavior towards other members of another race. The Native Americans do not feel that it displays them in a negative light. Many sports teams want their team to show school pride. The image of the Native Americans embodies pride. ... Show more content on ... School mascots help to unify a school. The mascots can represent strength,power and excellent sportsmanship. A community likes to rally behind their local team. They show support by wearing team jerseys or they just wear whatever color their team is a to represent and to show support to the team/school."Mascots provide a symbol that can be a focal point for a fan community. At a very simple level,when fans wear a jersey with a Redskins or Cowboys logo they are identifying themselves as part of a fan community."(Mascots Value ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Controversial Mascots Research Paper Controversial Mascots "The Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies at California State University in San Bernardino surveyed 400 individuals, 98 of them Native Americans, and found that 67 percent of Native Americans agreed the "Redskins team name is a racial or racist word and symbol."" (Steele). Some mascots are offensive and racist to certain cultures and races. In, 2005, the NCAA banned schools with Native American mascots from hosting a national championship game (ProQuest Staff). Changing the mascot won't change the history of the school or team. Some people feel unwelcome because of certain mascots. Some mascots should be banned because they are stereotypical, dishonor cultures, and are offensive. The first reason that certain mascots ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Indian Mascot Research Paper Before this topic, I have no experience with the "Indian Mascot". After reading some of articles, I am very impressive by the argument in the article which is "Redskins, Sambos, and Whities – Racism in Sports Mascots." I am not a big fan of any sports, so I have ever not known about the meaning of a sport team's mascot. Now, I am opened my mind. I realize that after every mascot, it has a different meaning. Some are good, but some may hurt people's feeling. Some people said that they think the Indian American and supporters are too sensitive when they care much of a mascot. However, we can not understand someone if we do not stand on their position. The Indian Americans have a indigenous culture with a lot of things we have not known. The stereotypes ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Sports Mascots Research Paper The Sports Mascots Scam There is a contentious argument about whether to use controversial Native American mascots and nicknames for schools or sports organizations. One side is to allow some organizations to keep the mascots, and others vote to have other mascots be banned and force the organizations to change the names. However, due to the positive benefits of costs, and tradition, schools and sports organizations should not ban the use of controversial mascots even though some mascots can provoke negative stereotypes against them. To start off, the cost of a university or sports team to have to change the name would be incredibly expensive for that team. The reason it would be so expensive for these organizations and teams is because they would have to replace the paint on the locker rooms, the stadium and the uniforms. For example, according to the Bleacher Report, the Oregon Ducks alone spent 1.3 million dollars on just uniforms. With 1.4 million dollars, you can buy a brand new Ferrari LaFerrari which can go over 217 mph! In effect of making teams change their names, it would cost a team alone over 1.3 million dollars. ... Show more content on ... Originally the Boston Braves, in 1933 they changed their organization's name to The Redskins, and in 1937 moved to Washington state (Information acquired from Washington Redskins team page). The argument on whether to change the Redskins name or not has been going on for a while now, however, the owner refuses to change the Redskins name to a different one. Daniel Snyder, the owner of the Redskins, says that they cannot destroy a name of a team that has grown into the state of Washington and has become a part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Argumentative Essay On Mascots Currently in the NFL, the Washington Redskins are being faced with a staggering controversy: Should they change they change their mascot as a result of Native Americans viewing it is a racial discriminatory (Angle 2016)? Dating back to 1933, when the Washington NFL team abandoned the original title of "Braves" and adopted "Redskins," the debate has since been longstanding (Hylton 2014). Native Americans are challenging the team to rid them, along with all team mascot names relating to their culture countrywide, of their title, but the mascot names have no negative connotation and should not be protested against. The controversy relates back to the 1900s when Native Americans began to feel oppressed and teams began using their titles as mascot (Brady 2016). During this period "regulations forbade Native Americans to speak their language, practice their religions or leave their reservations" (Brady 2016). To enforce this, laws were passed to transform the Native Americans into the white culture (Brady 2016). In other ... Show more content on ... "For example, the name "Redskins" suggests that all Native Americans have red skin, which isn't the case" (Ipatenco n.d.). Opposers of Indian names as mascots feel that the create mockery and a false image (Brady 2016). However, this is not the accurate, studies show "that these mascots are often viewed positively" (Sommers 2012). Furthermore, recent studies have been highly inaccurate and unreliable. A poll done by the Washington Post announced that 9 out of 10 Native Americans do not oppose their titles as mascots. Nevertheless, "the Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively by telephone" (Rosenstein 2017). This resulted in a highly unreliable product. It is unknown how many Native Americans legitimately protest these mascots. Therefore, a correct claim cannot be argued regarding the total sum of Native Americans that object Native American ... Get more on ...