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TEAM 501
“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be
able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it
so it goes on flying anyway.”
“Everyone has an invisible sign hang-
ing from their neck saying, ‘Make
me feel important.’ Never forget this
message when working with people.”
“So many women just don’t know how great
they really are. They come to us all vogue
outside and vague on the inside.”
“If you think you can, you can. And
if you think you can’t, you’re right.”
“For every failure, there’s an alternative course
of action. You just have to find it. When you
come to a roadblock, take a detour.”
-Mary Kay Ash
13 // BUS TOUR
17 // MEDIA
As the purchasing power of Gen Y Women increases, brands are aggressively looking to capture their
loyalty by creating meaningful and lasting connections with these young women. Once she understands
the brand values that Mary Kay offers, she will not only purchase product lines like At Play™ and Botan-
ical Effects but advocate for the brand - sharing tips on Facebook, pinning new looks on Pinterest and
hosting parties with her best girlfriends. Communicating these brand values and connecting with Gen Y
women through brand experiences is the basis for this campaign.
Research shows that once introduced or tried, Gen Y enjoys the quality makeup products that Mary
Kay offers. The challenge is getting them to try the products. Many identified the Mary Kay brand as
“Mom’s makeup” - favoring instead brands like MAC and shopping experiences found at SEPHORA.
Once exposed to the Mary Kay brand through a positive experience like party attendance or consultation
with an Independent Beauty Consultant, attitudes toward the brand became much more positive.
Gen Y women are looking for brands that are trendy, bold, edgy, natural, and professional. Those who
have less familiarity with the brand do not associate it with these traits. Therefore, we must build not only
awareness but also positive associations with the Mary Kay brand. This is most effective through direct
experiences and interaction with this generation.
Mary Kay has been changing women’s lives for fifty years and their makeup and skin care products have
been the vehicle. Through strategic implementation of social media, public relations, event sponsorships,
and guerilla marketing, our campaign will create an efficient platform for the Mary Kay message. Gen Y
women will discover that Mary Kay is much more than makeup. It’s confidence. It’s becoming bold. It’s
being an individual. It’s celebrating uniqueness. It’s treasuring friendships. It’s valuing loyalty. It’s learning
to put others first despite our natural tendencies. It’s finding success. Mary Kay, it’s about discovering
more than makeup.
Mary Kay
Discover More Than Makeup!
What is it about certain companies that attract people so powerfully? What 	
	 is it about soda that has developed such a loyal fan base? After all, isn’t
it just carbonated water and corn syrup? But if you really think about it, it is so
much more than that. It’s an experience, it’s a sense of nostalgia, it’s a lifestyle.
We see this same kind of loyalty across several industries, but what about cos-
metics? If you ask a typical woman, “What’s your makeup brand?”, she will say
something like, “I don’t really have one in particular”. Why is that? Why isn’t there
a cosmetic company that evokes the same kind of emotions as other popular
Turns out, there is. Women just haven’t discovered it yet. For over
fifty years, Mary Kay has been enriching women’s lives, providing
a personalized experience, and an opportunity unlike any other
makeup brand. Mary Kay Ash, was never in the business of
selling makeup; she was in the business of changing
women’s lives.
Makeup just happens to be the best way to get there.
You see Mary Kay is much more than makeup and
it’s time to discover this.
Mary Kay strives to enrich the
lives of women. The organiza-
tion was founded on the basis
of female empowerment, valuing the gold-
en rule and life’s priorities (faith, family, and
The individual belief or group movement
success, strength, and enlightenment.
The cosmetic industry is a mature
market with relatively few product in-
novations. Although shopping and buy-
ing experiences have changed with the
emergence of specialty makeup stores
like SEPHORA and ULTA. We ana-
lyzed the various segments within the
cosmetic industry, specifically the fea-
tures that are most attractive to Gen Y
females. Those that Mary Kay delivers
better than the competition, determined
what our campaign’s focus should be.
Brand Promise
Setting the Stage
Target Market Personal
Mary Kay Parties
Focus Groups
IBC interviews
What influences
cosmetic brand se-
lection and purchase
What types of media
do they consume?
What is the level of
awareness and per-
ception of the Mary
Kay brand?
What influences
Mary Kay business
opportunity consid-
What would influ-
ence brand/product
Generation Y women grew up in a time filled with rapid change including opportunity for
females in the workplace to become leaders in the corporate world, acceptance of nontra-
ditional families, respect for cultural diversity, increased social awareness, and the emergence
of social media. They value choice, speed, entertainment, customization, collaboration, and
innovation. This generation is considered to be lively, self-absorbed and image-driven, often
making personal statements with their appearance. Their young age plays to their advantage,
as they are optimistic and ambitious towards their future goals. They want to be one-of-a-kind
and independent, while still fitting in with their peers.
This generation is considered to be the hardest to reach through traditional market-
ing. They react strongly to real life examples, and favor the truth and what is real. Peers
have a large impact on Gen Y females and often guide their product and brand choices.
Online and offline advertising in collaboration with word-of-mouth communications
are best for reaching Gen Y. Experiential marketing, event sponsorships, and electronic
media also connect well with Gen Y. Successful marketing to this group will be visual,
truthful, interactive, constantly updated, stress teamwork, and be integrated across mul-
tiple channels.
Defining Generation Y
Purchasing Behavior
•	 Experiences a high degree of shopping enjoyment
•	 Seeks shopping experiences linked to entertainment and celebrities
•	 Looks for convenience and efficiency with their shopping locations
•	 Brand loyal to cosmetic products relating to hair and skin care
•	 Willing to experiment with brands when it comes to products like mascara
•	 Brand loyalty is influenced through product trial
•	 Willing to pay a higher price for brand name goods as long as value and quality are
found within the product.
Gen Y females get information from peers through media outlets including Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Social media is very popular with this group because
they want to be up to date on everything. Gen Y is very visual, making pictures rather
than words, a more effective way of appealing to this demographic. They think highly
of friends and listen to their opinions and recommendations, therefore, word-of-
mouth is the most effective approach in generating a positive sentiment.
Information Gathering
Marketing Implications
The target market has misperceptions about the brand. They are quick to re-
fer to Mary Kay as “Mom’s makeup” without fully understanding that Mary
Kay is more. Mary Kay is about enriching all aspects of women’s lives.
While the vast majority of Gen Y females have heard of Mary
Kay and are aware that they sell makeup and skin care prod-
ucts, their familiarity with specific product lines and brand values are
very low. Only 14% of those surveyed were able to identify a product
or product line. Further more, they did not associate the brand with
values of enriching women’s lives, career opportunities, social engage-
ment, and humanitarianism.
Inever hear about
Mary Kay or see any
advertising. Makeup is
all that comes to mind.
- Janae, 24
Ithink of pink cars
and stepford wives
selling makeup.
- Blake, 21
Mary Kay makes me
think of my grand-
ma. She always sends me
stuff, and I like the prod-
ucts, but I wouldn’t use it
- Kelly, 23
Mary Kay Brand Perceptions
Mary Kay reminds me of
my mom, she uses it.“ “- Dani, 24
Brand Awareness
I think of older ladies selling
makeup, that’s about it.“
“- Kelsey, 23
Of Gen Y Women
actively use
Mary Kay
Of Gen Y Women
purchase makeup
through the direct
selling channel
6.4 %
1.5 %
When asked for “Mary Kay brand associations”
Gen Y responded:
- Janae, 24 - Amber, 21 - Kelly, 23
- Kelsey, 23
(n): the ability to see, hear, or become
aware of something through the senses.
Mary Kay users and Independent Beauty Consultants (IBCs) are considered to
be “traditional” in the eyes of Gen Y females. Tradition was primarily how
Gen Y was introduced to the Mary Kay brand in the first place.
However, “traditional”, has little appeal to this generation. They want to find their
own products and cultivate their own experiences. Our campaign will leverage the
fifty years of time-tested qualities of the Mary Kay brand while introducing all the
other attractive features that will connect with Gen Y.
In order for Gen Y ladies to consider an experience with Mary Kay, we must first
change their perception of the brand. Senior brand strategist, Thomson Dawson sug-
gests the following: “Brands become what they have proven themselves to be. Mental
perceptions are hardened by experience. People can’t form new perceptions without a
new experience.”
I was invited to a party
0 10 20 30 40 50
I saw advertising for Mary Kay
I saw a pink Mary Kay car
I know/met someone who sells it
I received it as a gift
Mom/Granma used it
How Were you First Introduced to Mary Kay?
KEY FINDINGSThe Buying Process
Our quantitative research
indicated which indus-
try channels are most popular
among the target market when
making cosmetic purchases.
The challenge is not only to
alter brand perceptions, but to
also alter channel behavior for
purchasing cosmetics.
Our research indicates that even when asked by a friend, Gen Y females didn’t
jump at the opportunity of attending a Mary Kay party. They viewed it more as an
obligation. This makes it challenging to increase product trial, which will facilitate
consideration for purchase. However our research also suggests that once they do
go to the parties, attendees have fun and make purchases. Therefore, we need to
improve Gen Y’s initial perception of Mary Kay and the parties.
Young women have busy schedules that often include entertainment. They inter-
act with brands and try products as part of this entertainment. Introducing Mary
Kay to their party and their experiences would provide an opportunity for brand
perception enhancement and product trial.
Supermarket Makeup
Online Direct Selling
“It’s too much work to buy Mary
Kay when I can just go to the
store and grab what I want.”
Direct Selling and Gen Y Where do Gen Y Most
Often Purchase Makeup?
Perception Map
Greater Knowledge
Positive Perception
Negative Perception
Less Knowledge
Before atttending
a party
After attending
a party
-Michelle, 22
Department Store Brands
(MAC, Clinique)
Gen Y identifies with brands like MAC. They consider it
to be edgy, accessible, and have a high desire to use the
Specialty stores like SEPHORA and ULTA offer
multiple brands in a single location. Gen Y
likes having these different options, as well as
the ability to get professional advice on cosmetic
products and application techniques from the
With Gen Y, price is an important factor to
consider with any purchase. These
brands offer convenience at an affordable
price. They also have a number of celebrity
endorsers which help to connect the brands
to Gen Y.
Specialty Stores
Drug/Grocery Store
High quality
Try before you buy
Social buying
Personalized service
Limited selection
Moderate price range
Wide selection
Personalized service
All price ranges
High quality
Try before you buy
Low price range
Low quality
No trial
Limited selection
No customer service
Try before you buy
High quality
Wide selection
All price ranges
Characteristics of Purchasing Channels
•	 History of enriching womens’
lives through career oppor-
tunities and philanthropic
•	 IBCs provide a very person-
alized buying experience with
new product introductions,
general tips, and education
•	 Parties provide a fun and so-
cial experience for women to
connect with one another
•	 Time tested quality products
•	 The brand and IBCs can build
awareness quickly through so-
cial media to become more rele-
vant with Gen Y
•	 Digital applications can enhance
the value that Mary Kay and
IBCs bring to the makeup appli-
cation and buying processes
•	 Create a fresh new impression
of Mary Kay to Gen Y who have
no perception of the brand
•	 Exposure to Mary Kay parties
may change Gen Y perception
•	 Mary Kay brand perception is
seen as “Mom’s Makeup”
•	 Limited on-hand inventory
at parties can reduce the
“instant gratification” features
that Gen Y seek
•	 Gen Y who have limited
brand experience perceive
the brand to be old and out-
•	 Gen Y rarely purchase through
the direct selling channel
•	 Gen Y has established prefer-
ences for MAC and SEPHORA
•	 Limited number of Gen Y IBCs
creates a challenge as Gen Y
consumers prefer to buy from
peers in direct channels
•	 Gen Y shows little interest in
becoming IBCs
he target market connects with
Mary Kay’s foundation of female
empowerment. Mary Kay doesn’t
just sell beauty products they also offer
career opportunities. These opportu-
nities provide Gen Y with the indepen-
dence and flexibility they look for in
a career. Mary Kay is also involved in
many philanthropic ventures. This factor
is important to the increasing social
and environmental awareness of Gen Y
Gen Y females look for entertainment
with their shopping which is exactly
what the Mary Kay parties provide. It al-
lows for some fun girl time and provides
her with the advice and reassurance she
seeks from her friends before she makes
a purchase.
Mary Kay provides the target market with
a dedicated beauty consultant who brings
the party to her. At the party, girls are able
to try products while discovering their
personalized look.
Enriching Women’s Lives
Social Experience
Catered Experience
Through primary and secondary research we were able to establish
several qualities offered by the Mary Kay brand that will attract Gen Y.
Mary Kay not only provides cosmetics but is dedicat-
ed to providing personalized services, career oppor-
tunities, and philanthropic work.
Connecting with Gen Y women who value experience
driven activities and connecting with brands not through
the products, but through their online and offline com-
munities. Mary Kay can facilitate sharing experiences
outside the bounds of makeup and provide involvement
and unforgettable occasions not present in other cosmet-
ic brands.
In order to improve perceptions, Gen Y women
need to experience and learn about the Mary Kay
brand. They must encounter Mary Kay first-hand
through involvement to experience all that Mary
Kay has to offer.
When Gen Y females learn about Mary Kay and
discover all of the things the brand offers beyond
just great skin care and makeup products, their
perceptions will change. Personal experiences will
create a connection with the brand leading to trial
and purchase. Mary Kay will give Gen Y females the
chance to Discover More Than Makeup.
Brand Personality:
The Opportunity:
Our Proposition:
Reason to Believe:
The “Discover More Than Makeup
Tour” is the ultimate way to give our
target market a memorable experience with
Mary Kay, and our research has shown us
that Gen Y girls make purchases because of
fun experiences.
The Color Run
College Football Tailgating Parties
Women’s Shelters
Our main focus, and tour definer, will be The Color
Run - with 39 different sponsored stops, and room
to add even more. The next major focus of this tour
will be tailgating at college football games. Anoth-
er main event not to overlook will be the Street Art
productions in major cities. Also on the tour agenda;
stopping at Women’s Shelters in between events and
travel, concerts, spring break activities and other ran-
dom local events that the ambassador team wrestles
up. The team will consist of 9 traveling employees: 1
Gen Y IBC, 4 Gen Y Brand Ambassadors, 3 Gen Y
West Coast Tour Schedule
Jan 26th Grammys (Los Angeles)
March 8th- March 31st Spring Break (South Padre
Island, Texas)
April 13th MTV Movie Awards (Los Angeles)
East Coast Tour Schedule
October 15th BET Hip Hop awards (Atlanta)
March 8th- March 31st Spring Break (Panama City, FL)
May 6th Met Ball (New York)
August 24th MTV Music Awards (New York)
The tour will provide the interactive
experience that Gen Y is looking for, and
will focus on bringing the Mary Kay party
to them. The tour will consist of two
teams, the West Coast Team and the East
Coast Team Buses will circuit the country and stop at events where there’s a high concentration of younger females. At these
events, females will be interacting with Mary Kay ambassadors to learn more about Mary Kay, how Mary Kay is more than
makeup and how Mary Kay is relative within this demographic. The brand ambassadors will be at the vendor booths and
around the bus interacting with everyone. Their activities will include connecting with Gen Y, conducting prize raffles and
giveaways, promoting the photo booth, and handing out TONS of FREE samples … very popular with Gen Y.
The tour will also include a team of cosmetologists to apply Mary Kay makeup at each event. The interior of the bus will be
converted into a Mary Kay traveling beauty parlor and shop. This will allow for demonstrating products, teaching profes-
sional application techniques, and some fun girl time.
Social media sites as well as Pandora radio ads will be the ongoing platform for advertising this tour. Brand ambassadors will
post on Mary Kay’s social media sites to inform girls where they will be next and to share photos and videos from the events.
Facebook Fans: 3.8 Million
Website Sponsor Impressions: 150 Million
YouTube View: 18 Million
COLOR RUNEvent Sponsorship
he Bus Tour is the flagship of our marketing campaign and The
Color Run is the highlight of the Bus Tour. In our research we
discovered that Gen Y girls who haven’t been to a Mary Kay par-
ty have a preconceived, unfavorable perception towards Mary Kay. Af-
ter these same individuals attend a MK party, their perception becomes
more positive and favorable towards Mary Kay. Bringing the party to
them is therefore an excellent tool to help change perception.
•	 5 free race entries (give away to local radio stations as long as they mention courtesy of Mary Kay)
•	 6-8 PA announcements. Half at starting line and ½ at finish line (use to get traffic to vendor table/bus)
•	 1 Geotargeted Facebook posting to The Color Run fans -per each race attended 39 total
•	 2 co-branded vinyl banners
•	 Vendor Space
•	 The Color Run campaign contributes a portion of entry fees to a local charity
Average turn out per Color Run event: 11,000
Of that: 77% female with 51% being 18-34 years old
•	 Raffles and free giveaways!
	 -Write down your contact info to be entered into a raffle for a 1,000 scholarship
	 -As well as 3 separate Botanical Effects packages
	 -And other single products like: cleanser, lip gloss, mascara, etc.
	 -Contact info will be used to generate leads for local IBCs (disclosure given)
•	 Meeting and interacting with Gen Y females by bringing the party to them
•	 Promoting the photo booth to take pictures with their friends being covered in color
•	 The makeover itself will be a great time for the cosmetologists to give various professional beauty ad-
vice, emphasizing the usefulness of a personal IBC
-After a fair share of pictures is taken, they’ll have the option to then get professional make
overs with MK products by the cosmetologists. Girls can use the photo booth again for a great
before and after picture, and then upload these picutres to any social media site.
200 Million
Instagram: 130,000
Twitter: 70,000
Pinterest: 31,000
What will Mary Kay do at The Color Run?
The design will be a bird’s eye view of a
Mary Kay party. The characters in the
image will be laughing, trying on makeup,
and conversing with the IBC.
Onlookers will be able to pose in an
empty “seat” drawn into the piece. This
will create the illusion that they are in the
The contents of a Mary Kay At Play™ tube
of lip gloss will be spraying out in the street
on the side of a building. It will appear to
be a real tube of lip gloss (just enlarged) that
someone stepped on, exploding its contents.
Onlookers will be encouraged to “stomp” on
the tube, creating an illusion that contents
are spraying out.
The House Party
Exploding Tube of Lip Gloss
Cost: $100,000
G en Y responds to interactive, visually appealing forms of advertising. Our plan includes a 	
	 guerrilla marketing campaign that will hit on these aspects for a relatively low cost. The
campaign will reach millions, both in-person and on the web through social media sharing.
Three-Dimensional “street art” advertisements will be produced using street chalk. Art instal-
lations like this commonly go viral when placed in high foot-traffic areas, such as busy streets
or malls. Mary Kay designs will be located in ten high traffic areas within major cities around
the United States. Artists will meet with the brand ambassadors along the Discover More Than
Makeup Tour. The artists will arrive in their respective cities with the brand ambassadors.
After each piece is complete, the public will be encouraged to photograph themselves with the art
and share their images via social media, blogs, and other online media. Brand Ambassadors will
be staged alongside the art for a day or two in order to provide information about Mary Kay and
everything included in the Discover More Than Makeup Tour.
ary Kay’s goal in their philanthropic efforts is to help women find enrichment in their lives.
Discovering the self confidence and support to better one’s life is not always an easy task.
Mary Kay will strive to help women find the counseling, motivation, and inner-beauty need-
ed to become successful in turbulent times.
Women’s shelters around the nation provide support to women suffering from abuse, addiction, home-
lessness, and disability. These women all deserve a chance to feel beautiful and become successful. Mary
Kay will make stops along the Discover More than Makeup Tour to accredited women’s shelters in
every state where they will provide funding, support, and cosmetics to women that need it the most.
Our women’s shelter campaign will stop within 3 days of each ColorRun date in the hosting city and
visit a home with women in need.
Women’s Shelters
•	 Funding for career and life counseling
•	 One-on-one makeovers with our cosmetolo-
•	 Skin care and cosmetic donations
•	 Career training
These combined experiences will
show women who have experienced
hardship that there is always time
and opportunity for a new chance
at life. Our campaign will support
the beliefs of Mary Kay Ash, that
whatever the hardship, from cancer
to domestic abuse, women can be
empowered and discover more than
makeup through Mary Kay.
Our team will provide the following support to these chari-
ties and women:
he Discover More Than Makeup microsite will integrate all the campaign components. The
purpose of this site is to serve as a next step to other social media and digital platforms and
distribution of mobile applications. The site will give visitors campaign schedule details in-
cluding ColorRun events, Bus Tour stops, and philanthropic involvement.
The microsite will also include Mary Kay’s social media feeds, makeup application technique videos
and house other digital components of the Discover More Than Makeup Campaign. Finally, the site
will include an interactive blog where visitors can ask questions, post makeup tips, and share their
favorite products and party experiences.
Cost: $400,000
Plan the Perfect Party
Gen Y females post more than 23% of all tweets on Twit-
ter, making it an ideal channel for reaching and interact-
ing with the target market. Paid tweets will be utilized to
position Mary Kay as a contemporary brand that Gen Y
can relate to. To assure that the advertisement facilitates
interaction, costs to Mary Kay will only occur when ads
are re-tweeted, favorited, replied to, or clicked. Twitter will
also be used to promote excitement and generate WOM for
events encompassed in the Discover More Than Makeup
campaign, such as the Color Run. The final element will
include a live Twitter feed displayed on the microsite exhib-
iting tweets related to the campaign.
With Facebook being the number one social media
website among Gen Y females, we can ensure that it’s
an effective way to reach the target market. Facebook
advertisements and posts will endorse campaign
events, like the bus tour, with the use of geo-targeted
promotions in areas of the tour’s upcoming stops.
Gen Y females have an average of 510 friends who
will potentially be exposed to the content they like or
share, making Facebook an effective way to gener-
ate awareness for Mary Kay and the Discover More
Than Makeup campaign.
COST: $1.5 MillionCOST: $1 Million
COST: $70,000
Social Media
Social media will be used as a supporting vehicle for the Discover More Than 	
Makeup campaign. In addition to this support, social media will be utilized
to create brand awareness through paid components such as sponsored posts on
Facebook and promoted posts on Twitter. These channels will be highly targeted
and efficient for reaching Gen Y females.
Potential Gen Y Reach: 22 million
Potential Gen Y Reach: 15.7million
Potential Gen Y Reach: 14.8 million Tumblr is great for SEO, which pro-
vides the opportunity for attracting
users to the Discover More Than
Makeup microsite. Tumblr also
gives users the ability to blog about
anything and to do so with no limit
on characters, pictures, or videos.
This blog format makes Tumblr
a vital referral and endorsement
platform for the brand. Given that
Gen Y females look to their peers
for recommendations, activity on
Tumblr will increase purchase con-
sideration for Mary Kay products.
COST: $500,000
Potential Gen Y Reach: 3.5 million
Instagram in the second most used social
media platform, where 68% of users are fe-
male. Instagram is very visual and because
Gen Y is highly responsive to this, Mary
Kay will hire a blogger who is in charge
of creating and posting content that will
appeal to Gen Y.
ocial media, in conjunction with ad campaigns promoting sponsored events, will encour-
age current Mary Kay customers to attend events. This will help to strengthen Mary Kay’s
image with people who may be new to the brand. Through the use of “Sponsored Posts”
on Facebook and “Sponsored Tweets” on Twitter we can concentrate on showcasing Mary Kay
enriching the lives of women, creating social experiences, and providing a more catered experi-
ence than other beauty brands.
Any clicked ad will lead to the microsite.
Remember back when cosmetics were
fun? Mary Kay, making cosmetics fun
again! - Discover More Than Makeup
Remember back when cosmetics were fun? Mary Kay,
making cosmetics fun again! - Discover More Than Makeup
Suggested Post
Discover more than makeup
Mary Kay
Mary Kay will be at the finish line of The
ColorRun™ on {day} at {location}, we’ll have
a photo booth to help you and your friends
capture the colorful moments. Been trying to
find the right shade? Get your makeup done
by professional MK cosmetologists and get
their personal recommendations.
Boring old job? Boring old office? Experience work in a
whole new way - Discover More Than Makeup
Suggested Post
Discover more than makeup
Mary Kay
Boring old job? Boring old office? Experi-
ence work in a whole new way – Mary Kay
- Discover More Than Makeup
Boring old job? Boring old office? Experience work in a
whole new way - Discover More Than Makeup
Suggested Post
Discover more than makeup
Mary Kay
Following The ColorRun™? So are we! Come
discover why Mary Kay is more than make-
up. We’ll be at the finish line to take your
photos while you are covered in color.
Following The ColorRun™? So are we! Come discover
why Mary Kay is more than makeup.
Suggested Post
Discover more than makeup
Mary Kay
s our research suggested, the best way to reach Gen Y is through a combination of online,
offline and word of mouth marketing. Our online marketing efforts will be strategically
executed, given the fact that this generation is so skeptical of traditional marketing. For
this reason we will advertise on a credible website that Gen Y trusts, this site is ELITE DAILY.
“Look beyond the makeup and discover what Mary Kay has
to offer. Click the banner below to visit the Discover More
than makeup webpage.
Cost: $1 Million
ELITE DAILY is a newly established website that refers to themselves as “the voice of Generation
Y.” Their mission is to provide a reliable daily portrait of the world by consolidating everything
relevant in the lives of Gen Y. The site provides information on world news, travel, culture, en-
tertainment and all things luxury. Their content is delivered to an audience with one common
characteristic: They are driven by the pursuit of success. This makes advertising for Mary Kay,
which is all about empowering women, the perfect platform for advertising to Gen Y. Given that
ELITE DAILY is a site specifically meant for Generation Y, advertising will be highly effective for
reaching our target market.
Generation Y makes up 34% of all YouTube users, making it an effi-
cient way to reach the target market. Our campaign will include pay-
per-view YouTube ads displayed between searched videos. These purpose
of these ads are to increase awareness of Mary Kay’s Discover More Than
Makeup campaign and all that the brand has to offer by directing viewers
to the Discover More Than Makeup microsite.
COST: $1 Million
She doesn’t just know what color looks best on me, she knows what’s going on in my life, she knows
when I’m sad, when I’m happy, how I feel, she knows what is most important to me. We support
each other in all aspects of our lives not only is my friend she is my Mary Kay beauty consultant.
Visit the Discover More Than Makeup website and find a beauty consultant in your area.
All my life I have been told I was
good enough. That if I went to
school and got good grades I would
get a good job. That if I got a good
job I would be successful. But this
isn’t my idea of success. I want
something more. I want to make a
difference. To feel inspired. To be a
role model to others. Like the wom-
en that have blazed the trail before
me. I want to enrich the lives of
women around me. I want to create a
legacy. I want to become the woman
I dreamed I would be. Mary Kay,
discover more than makeup.
“I Am Good Enough”
“More Than an IBC”
Potential Gen Y Reach: 18.24 million
The YouTube ad scripts are displayed below:
Cost: $500,000
Potential Gen Y Reach: 10.4 million
Generation Y is highly involved with music, whether it
be going to a concert, watching videos or streaming
music online. One of the top streaming sources is Pandora
Radio, where the average user listens for at least two hours
a day. Advertising on Pandora provides a potential reach of
10.4 million Gen Yers.
Pandora Scripts
1. Are you ready to discover summer fun? Mary Kay will be at The ColorRun in {City, State} on {Date}.
Discover your personal look with the help of professional cosmetologists, hop in the photo booth with your
friends, discover Mary Kay prizes and check out our stand at the finish line. Race you there!
2. You like adventure, thrill, living on the edge. You’ve discovered the fun things in life and know how to
have a good time. You enjoy new experiences. Now, discover more. Mary Kay will be at the color run in {lo-
cation} on {day/date}. Come visit the Mary Kay booth and Discover More Than Makeup. We’ll see you at the
finish line. Visit the Discover More Than Makeup webpage to check out the tour and find your pictures.
3. Hey sports enthusiasts, ready for the big game? Mary Kay is here to help. We’re on tour and coming to all
the big games. Stop by the Mary Kay bus to tailgate with us and we’ll help you cheer on your team in style,
by equipping your face with your team’s colors. Stand out in the crowd, and be part of the game. Mary Kay
Discover More Than Makeup.
Our campaign will utilize Pandora throughout the year
and act as advertising support for the Discover More
Than Makeup Tour. Pandora ads will be geo-targeted
to bring awareness and to generate buzz in areas of the
tour’s upcoming stops. In correlation, ads will also drive
traffic to the Discover More Than Makeup microsite by
displaying a banner ad containing a direct link to the
site. Generating more traffic to the site will help educate
visitors on each aspect of the campaign.
The banner ad will be accompanied by a voiceover.
The three campaign voiceover scripts are
represented below:
Mary Kay has used skin care classes and parties as a way to reach
out to new customers. These parties allow them to try and experi-
ence the many products Mary Kay offers. Our research concluded
that the target market was hesitant about going to a Mary Kay party instead
of doing something else. The target market saw the Mary Kay party as some-
thing that wasn’t worth her time. For Mary Kay to reach the target market,
the traditional Mary Kay party needs to be updated to make it an event that
the Gen Y female could not miss out on. Our campaign will use Pinterest, an
interactive media site, to develop the perfect party recipe to make the Mary
Kay parties more fun and exciting for these young women. Party Recipes will
be posted on Pinterest and be customized to different party styles that with
the host’s and IBCs’ interests.
ecipes will be complete with drink and food suggestions, decoration
ideas, music playlists and theme suggestions. The Mary Kay Perfect
Party Recipe provides Gen Y females with the choices and personal
customize they demand.
“Discover your endless party possibilities
with Mary Kay”
Promotional Taglines
“Discover the art of the party with
Mary Kay’s perfect party recipe”
“Customize your party with Mary
Kay’s perfect party recipe”
Themes Drinks
MEDIAMobile App
Gen Y females are constantly seeking advice when it comes
to applying their makeup. They follow the newest cosmetic
trends and looks in fashion. However, these trends and fashions
are difficult to replicate. The Gen Y female will often look on
Pinterest and YouTube for tips and technique to get the look they
The Discover More Than Makeup Mobile App will include video
tutorials and tips for the latest makeup application techniques.
Current popular techniques include the following:
Mary Kay’s current eCatalog app allows users to flip through digital pages with the slide of a finger.
Renovations to this application will allow customers to make purchases within the catalog. The app
will follow the same protocol of requiring an IBC before making a purchase as well as any other proce-
dures already in place to make an online purchase. This will make purchasing more convenient to the
target market, allowing her to shop for her cosmetics on any device.
Application App
Cost: $400,000
•	 Smokey Eye
•	 Facial Contouring
•	 Highlighting
•	 Classic Red Lip
•	 Lip Liner
•	 Eyebrow Filling
The Application app will in-
crease Gen Y female’s percep-
tion of Mary Kay by positioning
them as an innovative brand
appealing their technology-driv-
en wants and needs.
eCatalogue App Renovation
Cost: $200,000
The ColorRun
Bus Tour
Street Art
Mobile App
Micro Site
Several evaluation techniques will be used to measure how effectively the Discover More Than Makeup
campaign fulfills our objectives. The table below represents the evaluation techniques that correlate with
each campaign objective.
Campaign Objectives Evaluation Techniques
Track the amount of Mobile App downloads. Conduct surveys along the Dis-
cover More Than Makeup Tour to measure brand perception.
Track the increase in Gen Y female’s “friends” and “followers” on the different me-
dia sites, micro site web traffic, surveys, recognition testing.
Track purchases made through the e-catalogue.
Compare the difference in IBCs ages 18-25 from 2014 (when the Discover More
Than Makeup campaign begins) to 2015.
Evaluation Measure #1 – Street Team
Throughout the Discover More Than
Makeup Tour, the Brand Ambassa-
dors will acquire leads for local IBCs.
Leads will be generated when Gen Y
females sign up for raffles and free
giveaways at the events. It will be
necessary to communicate clearly
with participants that by signing up
that they may be contacted by an IBC
in the future, this will provide trans-
parency and help develop the target
market to trust the Mary Kay brand.
Brand Ambassador teams will submit
these lists to corporate. Corporate will
compile leads and distribute them by
city and state. This tracking method
will show how many Gen Y females
were reached through face-to-face
communication during this aspect of
the campaign. A new procedure will
be introduced to IBCs. Each lead giv-
en to an IBC will be tracked and the
outcome will be noted as: they come
to a party, buy product or sign up to
be an IBC themselves. This will help
track increase in customers, Mary Kay
parties, purchases, and target market
IBC enrollment.
Evaluation Measure #2 – Social Media
Facebook and Twitter both have the
ability to view demographics of fol-
lowers. This will be used to record the
number of Gen Y females at the start
of the Discover More Than Makeup
Tour, which will serve as a benchmark
for future growth. Each time a new
city is visited, the rise in followers on
all forms of social media will be count-
ed. Since the Tour targets events that
appeal to large amounts of
s, there should be a noticeable de-
crease in the average age of Mary Kay
followers. This will be documented
at during each quarter of the Tours.
With each additional city visited, and
as more of the target market reached
through the campaign, it is expected
that the average age of followers will
steadily decrease..
Evaluation Measure #3 - Perception
A survey will be distributed via email,
two weeks after each event during the
Discover More Than Makeup Tour.
Women who provide their email ad-
dress at events will be the target for
this survey. In order to generate great-
er survey responses, those who fully
complete surveys will be entered into
a lottery for a chance to win one of
ten $1,000 cash prize. This $10,000 is
allocated in the Discover More Than
Makeup Tour budget.
•	 Increase positive
•	 Increase awareness
among Gen Y
•	 Increase consider-
ation for purchase
•	 Increase consideration
for Mary Kay business

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  • 2. “Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” “Everyone has an invisible sign hang- ing from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people.” “So many women just don’t know how great they really are. They come to us all vogue outside and vague on the inside.” “If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.” “For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” -Mary Kay Ash
  • 3. PG3 MARY KAY 04 // MANIFESTO 05 // RESEARCH 07 // KEY FINDINGS 12 // CREATIVE BRIEF 13 // BUS TOUR 14 // COLOR RUN 16 // PUBLIC RELATIONS 17 // MEDIA 27 // SCHEDULE/BUDGET 28 // EVALUATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONTENTS As the purchasing power of Gen Y Women increases, brands are aggressively looking to capture their loyalty by creating meaningful and lasting connections with these young women. Once she understands the brand values that Mary Kay offers, she will not only purchase product lines like At Play™ and Botan- ical Effects but advocate for the brand - sharing tips on Facebook, pinning new looks on Pinterest and hosting parties with her best girlfriends. Communicating these brand values and connecting with Gen Y women through brand experiences is the basis for this campaign. Research shows that once introduced or tried, Gen Y enjoys the quality makeup products that Mary Kay offers. The challenge is getting them to try the products. Many identified the Mary Kay brand as “Mom’s makeup” - favoring instead brands like MAC and shopping experiences found at SEPHORA. Once exposed to the Mary Kay brand through a positive experience like party attendance or consultation with an Independent Beauty Consultant, attitudes toward the brand became much more positive. Gen Y women are looking for brands that are trendy, bold, edgy, natural, and professional. Those who have less familiarity with the brand do not associate it with these traits. Therefore, we must build not only awareness but also positive associations with the Mary Kay brand. This is most effective through direct experiences and interaction with this generation. Mary Kay has been changing women’s lives for fifty years and their makeup and skin care products have been the vehicle. Through strategic implementation of social media, public relations, event sponsorships, and guerilla marketing, our campaign will create an efficient platform for the Mary Kay message. Gen Y women will discover that Mary Kay is much more than makeup. It’s confidence. It’s becoming bold. It’s being an individual. It’s celebrating uniqueness. It’s treasuring friendships. It’s valuing loyalty. It’s learning to put others first despite our natural tendencies. It’s finding success. Mary Kay, it’s about discovering more than makeup.
  • 4. MARY KAY Mary Kay MANIFESTO Discover More Than Makeup! What is it about certain companies that attract people so powerfully? What is it about soda that has developed such a loyal fan base? After all, isn’t it just carbonated water and corn syrup? But if you really think about it, it is so much more than that. It’s an experience, it’s a sense of nostalgia, it’s a lifestyle. We see this same kind of loyalty across several industries, but what about cos- metics? If you ask a typical woman, “What’s your makeup brand?”, she will say something like, “I don’t really have one in particular”. Why is that? Why isn’t there a cosmetic company that evokes the same kind of emotions as other popular brands? Turns out, there is. Women just haven’t discovered it yet. For over fifty years, Mary Kay has been enriching women’s lives, providing a personalized experience, and an opportunity unlike any other makeup brand. Mary Kay Ash, was never in the business of selling makeup; she was in the business of changing women’s lives. Makeup just happens to be the best way to get there. You see Mary Kay is much more than makeup and it’s time to discover this.
  • 5. MARY KAY RESEARCH Mary Kay strives to enrich the lives of women. The organiza- tion was founded on the basis of female empowerment, valuing the gold- en rule and life’s priorities (faith, family, and career). The individual belief or group movement insupportoffemaleequality,independence, success, strength, and enlightenment. The cosmetic industry is a mature market with relatively few product in- novations. Although shopping and buy- ing experiences have changed with the emergence of specialty makeup stores like SEPHORA and ULTA. We ana- lyzed the various segments within the cosmetic industry, specifically the fea- tures that are most attractive to Gen Y females. Those that Mary Kay delivers better than the competition, determined what our campaign’s focus should be. FOUNDATION Brand Promise Female Empowerment Setting the Stage 368SURVEYS 27 10 7 6 Target Market Personal Interviews Mary Kay Parties Focus Groups IBC interviews 16 STATES What influences cosmetic brand se- lection and purchase patterns? What types of media do they consume? What is the level of awareness and per- ception of the Mary Kay brand? What influences Mary Kay business opportunity consid- eration? What would influ- ence brand/product trial? OBJECTIVES RESEARCH
  • 6. MARY KAY THE TARGET MARKET Generation Y women grew up in a time filled with rapid change including opportunity for females in the workplace to become leaders in the corporate world, acceptance of nontra- ditional families, respect for cultural diversity, increased social awareness, and the emergence of social media. They value choice, speed, entertainment, customization, collaboration, and innovation. This generation is considered to be lively, self-absorbed and image-driven, often making personal statements with their appearance. Their young age plays to their advantage, as they are optimistic and ambitious towards their future goals. They want to be one-of-a-kind and independent, while still fitting in with their peers. This generation is considered to be the hardest to reach through traditional market- ing. They react strongly to real life examples, and favor the truth and what is real. Peers have a large impact on Gen Y females and often guide their product and brand choices. Online and offline advertising in collaboration with word-of-mouth communications are best for reaching Gen Y. Experiential marketing, event sponsorships, and electronic media also connect well with Gen Y. Successful marketing to this group will be visual, truthful, interactive, constantly updated, stress teamwork, and be integrated across mul- tiple channels. GENERATION Y FEMALES Defining Generation Y Purchasing Behavior • Experiences a high degree of shopping enjoyment • Seeks shopping experiences linked to entertainment and celebrities • Looks for convenience and efficiency with their shopping locations • Brand loyal to cosmetic products relating to hair and skin care • Willing to experiment with brands when it comes to products like mascara • Brand loyalty is influenced through product trial • Willing to pay a higher price for brand name goods as long as value and quality are found within the product. Gen Y females get information from peers through media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Social media is very popular with this group because they want to be up to date on everything. Gen Y is very visual, making pictures rather than words, a more effective way of appealing to this demographic. They think highly of friends and listen to their opinions and recommendations, therefore, word-of- mouth is the most effective approach in generating a positive sentiment. Information Gathering Marketing Implications
  • 7. MARY KAY AWARENESS The target market has misperceptions about the brand. They are quick to re- fer to Mary Kay as “Mom’s makeup” without fully understanding that Mary Kay is more. Mary Kay is about enriching all aspects of women’s lives. While the vast majority of Gen Y females have heard of Mary Kay and are aware that they sell makeup and skin care prod- ucts, their familiarity with specific product lines and brand values are very low. Only 14% of those surveyed were able to identify a product or product line. Further more, they did not associate the brand with values of enriching women’s lives, career opportunities, social engage- ment, and humanitarianism. Inever hear about Mary Kay or see any advertising. Makeup is all that comes to mind. - Janae, 24 Ithink of pink cars and stepford wives selling makeup. - Blake, 21 Mary Kay makes me think of my grand- ma. She always sends me stuff, and I like the prod- ucts, but I wouldn’t use it otherwise. - Kelly, 23 KEY FINDINGS Mary Kay Brand Perceptions Mary Kay reminds me of my mom, she uses it.“ “- Dani, 24 Brand Awareness I think of older ladies selling makeup, that’s about it.“ “- Kelsey, 23 Of Gen Y Women actively use Mary Kay Of Gen Y Women purchase makeup through the direct selling channel 6.4 % 1.5 % When asked for “Mary Kay brand associations” Gen Y responded: - Janae, 24 - Amber, 21 - Kelly, 23 - Kelsey, 23
  • 8. MARY KAY Perception (n): the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Mary Kay users and Independent Beauty Consultants (IBCs) are considered to be “traditional” in the eyes of Gen Y females. Tradition was primarily how Gen Y was introduced to the Mary Kay brand in the first place. However, “traditional”, has little appeal to this generation. They want to find their own products and cultivate their own experiences. Our campaign will leverage the fifty years of time-tested qualities of the Mary Kay brand while introducing all the other attractive features that will connect with Gen Y. In order for Gen Y ladies to consider an experience with Mary Kay, we must first change their perception of the brand. Senior brand strategist, Thomson Dawson sug- gests the following: “Brands become what they have proven themselves to be. Mental perceptions are hardened by experience. People can’t form new perceptions without a new experience.” KEY FINDINGS Perception I was invited to a party 0 10 20 30 40 50 10% 3% 14% 20% 5% 48% I saw advertising for Mary Kay I saw a pink Mary Kay car I know/met someone who sells it I received it as a gift Mom/Granma used it How Were you First Introduced to Mary Kay?
  • 9. MARY KAY KEY FINDINGSThe Buying Process Our quantitative research indicated which indus- try channels are most popular among the target market when making cosmetic purchases. The challenge is not only to alter brand perceptions, but to also alter channel behavior for purchasing cosmetics. Our research indicates that even when asked by a friend, Gen Y females didn’t jump at the opportunity of attending a Mary Kay party. They viewed it more as an obligation. This makes it challenging to increase product trial, which will facilitate consideration for purchase. However our research also suggests that once they do go to the parties, attendees have fun and make purchases. Therefore, we need to improve Gen Y’s initial perception of Mary Kay and the parties. Young women have busy schedules that often include entertainment. They inter- act with brands and try products as part of this entertainment. Introducing Mary Kay to their party and their experiences would provide an opportunity for brand perception enhancement and product trial. Supermarket Makeup Counter Specialty Store Online Direct Selling 50% 37.5% 25% 12.5% 0 “It’s too much work to buy Mary Kay when I can just go to the store and grab what I want.” Direct Selling and Gen Y Where do Gen Y Most Often Purchase Makeup? Perception Map Greater Knowledge Positive Perception Negative Perception Less Knowledge Before atttending a party After attending a party -Michelle, 22
  • 10. MARY KAY Department Store Brands (MAC, Clinique) Gen Y identifies with brands like MAC. They consider it to be edgy, accessible, and have a high desire to use the brand. Specialty stores like SEPHORA and ULTA offer multiple brands in a single location. Gen Y likes having these different options, as well as the ability to get professional advice on cosmetic products and application techniques from the staff. With Gen Y, price is an important factor to consider with any purchase. These brands offer convenience at an affordable price. They also have a number of celebrity endorsers which help to connect the brands to Gen Y. COMPETITION Specialty Stores Drug/Grocery Store (COVERGIRL) (SEPHORA, ULTA) High quality Try before you buy Social buying Personalized service Limited selection Moderate price range Wide selection Personalized service All price ranges High quality Try before you buy Convenient Low price range Convenient Low quality No trial Limited selection No customer service Trendy Try before you buy High quality Wide selection All price ranges Convenient DIRECT SELLING DEPARTMENT STORES DRUG/GROCERY STORES SPECIALTY STORES Characteristics of Purchasing Channels
  • 11. MARY KAY RESEARCH • History of enriching womens’ lives through career oppor- tunities and philanthropic ventures • IBCs provide a very person- alized buying experience with new product introductions, general tips, and education • Parties provide a fun and so- cial experience for women to connect with one another • Time tested quality products • The brand and IBCs can build awareness quickly through so- cial media to become more rele- vant with Gen Y • Digital applications can enhance the value that Mary Kay and IBCs bring to the makeup appli- cation and buying processes • Create a fresh new impression of Mary Kay to Gen Y who have no perception of the brand • Exposure to Mary Kay parties may change Gen Y perception • Mary Kay brand perception is seen as “Mom’s Makeup” • Limited on-hand inventory at parties can reduce the “instant gratification” features that Gen Y seek • Gen Y who have limited brand experience perceive the brand to be old and out- dated • Gen Y rarely purchase through the direct selling channel • Gen Y has established prefer- ences for MAC and SEPHORA brands • Limited number of Gen Y IBCs creates a challenge as Gen Y consumers prefer to buy from peers in direct channels • Gen Y shows little interest in becoming IBCs STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES WEAKNESSES THREATS T he target market connects with Mary Kay’s foundation of female empowerment. Mary Kay doesn’t just sell beauty products they also offer career opportunities. These opportu- nities provide Gen Y with the indepen- dence and flexibility they look for in a career. Mary Kay is also involved in many philanthropic ventures. This factor is important to the increasing social and environmental awareness of Gen Y women. Gen Y females look for entertainment with their shopping which is exactly what the Mary Kay parties provide. It al- lows for some fun girl time and provides her with the advice and reassurance she seeks from her friends before she makes a purchase. Mary Kay provides the target market with a dedicated beauty consultant who brings the party to her. At the party, girls are able to try products while discovering their personalized look. Enriching Women’s Lives Social Experience Catered Experience Through primary and secondary research we were able to establish several qualities offered by the Mary Kay brand that will attract Gen Y. ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES/SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 12. MARY KAY CREATIVE BRIEF “DISCOVER MORE THAN MAKEUP” Mary Kay not only provides cosmetics but is dedicat- ed to providing personalized services, career oppor- tunities, and philanthropic work. Connecting with Gen Y women who value experience driven activities and connecting with brands not through the products, but through their online and offline com- munities. Mary Kay can facilitate sharing experiences outside the bounds of makeup and provide involvement and unforgettable occasions not present in other cosmet- ic brands. In order to improve perceptions, Gen Y women need to experience and learn about the Mary Kay brand. They must encounter Mary Kay first-hand through involvement to experience all that Mary Kay has to offer. When Gen Y females learn about Mary Kay and discover all of the things the brand offers beyond just great skin care and makeup products, their perceptions will change. Personal experiences will create a connection with the brand leading to trial and purchase. Mary Kay will give Gen Y females the chance to Discover More Than Makeup. Brand Personality: The Opportunity: Our Proposition: Reason to Believe:
  • 13. The “Discover More Than Makeup Tour” is the ultimate way to give our target market a memorable experience with Mary Kay, and our research has shown us that Gen Y girls make purchases because of fun experiences. MARY KAY COST: BUS TOUR $2,289,200 The Color Run College Football Tailgating Parties Women’s Shelters Our main focus, and tour definer, will be The Color Run - with 39 different sponsored stops, and room to add even more. The next major focus of this tour will be tailgating at college football games. Anoth- er main event not to overlook will be the Street Art productions in major cities. Also on the tour agenda; stopping at Women’s Shelters in between events and travel, concerts, spring break activities and other ran- dom local events that the ambassador team wrestles up. The team will consist of 9 traveling employees: 1 Gen Y IBC, 4 Gen Y Brand Ambassadors, 3 Gen Y Cosmetologists West Coast Tour Schedule Jan 26th Grammys (Los Angeles) March 8th- March 31st Spring Break (South Padre Island, Texas) April 13th MTV Movie Awards (Los Angeles) East Coast Tour Schedule October 15th BET Hip Hop awards (Atlanta) March 8th- March 31st Spring Break (Panama City, FL) May 6th Met Ball (New York) August 24th MTV Music Awards (New York) The tour will provide the interactive experience that Gen Y is looking for, and will focus on bringing the Mary Kay party to them. The tour will consist of two teams, the West Coast Team and the East Coast Team Buses will circuit the country and stop at events where there’s a high concentration of younger females. At these events, females will be interacting with Mary Kay ambassadors to learn more about Mary Kay, how Mary Kay is more than makeup and how Mary Kay is relative within this demographic. The brand ambassadors will be at the vendor booths and around the bus interacting with everyone. Their activities will include connecting with Gen Y, conducting prize raffles and giveaways, promoting the photo booth, and handing out TONS of FREE samples … very popular with Gen Y. The tour will also include a team of cosmetologists to apply Mary Kay makeup at each event. The interior of the bus will be converted into a Mary Kay traveling beauty parlor and shop. This will allow for demonstrating products, teaching profes- sional application techniques, and some fun girl time. Social media sites as well as Pandora radio ads will be the ongoing platform for advertising this tour. Brand ambassadors will post on Mary Kay’s social media sites to inform girls where they will be next and to share photos and videos from the events.
  • 14. MARY KAY Facebook Fans: 3.8 Million Website Sponsor Impressions: 150 Million YouTube View: 18 Million COLOR RUNEvent Sponsorship TOTAL REACH AND IMPRESSIONS T he Bus Tour is the flagship of our marketing campaign and The Color Run is the highlight of the Bus Tour. In our research we discovered that Gen Y girls who haven’t been to a Mary Kay par- ty have a preconceived, unfavorable perception towards Mary Kay. Af- ter these same individuals attend a MK party, their perception becomes more positive and favorable towards Mary Kay. Bringing the party to them is therefore an excellent tool to help change perception. • 5 free race entries (give away to local radio stations as long as they mention courtesy of Mary Kay) • 6-8 PA announcements. Half at starting line and ½ at finish line (use to get traffic to vendor table/bus) • 1 Geotargeted Facebook posting to The Color Run fans -per each race attended 39 total • 2 co-branded vinyl banners • Vendor Space • The Color Run campaign contributes a portion of entry fees to a local charity Benefits Average turn out per Color Run event: 11,000 Of that: 77% female with 51% being 18-34 years old • Raffles and free giveaways! -Write down your contact info to be entered into a raffle for a 1,000 scholarship -As well as 3 separate Botanical Effects packages -And other single products like: cleanser, lip gloss, mascara, etc. -Contact info will be used to generate leads for local IBCs (disclosure given) • Meeting and interacting with Gen Y females by bringing the party to them • Promoting the photo booth to take pictures with their friends being covered in color • The makeover itself will be a great time for the cosmetologists to give various professional beauty ad- vice, emphasizing the usefulness of a personal IBC -After a fair share of pictures is taken, they’ll have the option to then get professional make overs with MK products by the cosmetologists. Girls can use the photo booth again for a great before and after picture, and then upload these picutres to any social media site. 200 Million Instagram: 130,000 Twitter: 70,000 Pinterest: 31,000 What will Mary Kay do at The Color Run?
  • 15. MARY KAY STREET ART The design will be a bird’s eye view of a Mary Kay party. The characters in the image will be laughing, trying on makeup, and conversing with the IBC. Onlookers will be able to pose in an empty “seat” drawn into the piece. This will create the illusion that they are in the scene. The contents of a Mary Kay At Play™ tube of lip gloss will be spraying out in the street and/or on the side of a building. It will appear to be a real tube of lip gloss (just enlarged) that someone stepped on, exploding its contents. Onlookers will be encouraged to “stomp” on the tube, creating an illusion that contents are spraying out. . DESIGN CONCEPT 1 The House Party DESIGN CONCEPT 2 Exploding Tube of Lip Gloss Cost: $100,000 G en Y responds to interactive, visually appealing forms of advertising. Our plan includes a guerrilla marketing campaign that will hit on these aspects for a relatively low cost. The campaign will reach millions, both in-person and on the web through social media sharing. Three-Dimensional “street art” advertisements will be produced using street chalk. Art instal- lations like this commonly go viral when placed in high foot-traffic areas, such as busy streets or malls. Mary Kay designs will be located in ten high traffic areas within major cities around the United States. Artists will meet with the brand ambassadors along the Discover More Than Makeup Tour. The artists will arrive in their respective cities with the brand ambassadors. After each piece is complete, the public will be encouraged to photograph themselves with the art and share their images via social media, blogs, and other online media. Brand Ambassadors will be staged alongside the art for a day or two in order to provide information about Mary Kay and everything included in the Discover More Than Makeup Tour.
  • 16. MARY KAY M ary Kay’s goal in their philanthropic efforts is to help women find enrichment in their lives. Discovering the self confidence and support to better one’s life is not always an easy task. Mary Kay will strive to help women find the counseling, motivation, and inner-beauty need- ed to become successful in turbulent times. Women’s shelters around the nation provide support to women suffering from abuse, addiction, home- lessness, and disability. These women all deserve a chance to feel beautiful and become successful. Mary Kay will make stops along the Discover More than Makeup Tour to accredited women’s shelters in every state where they will provide funding, support, and cosmetics to women that need it the most. Our women’s shelter campaign will stop within 3 days of each ColorRun date in the hosting city and visit a home with women in need. PUBLIC RELATIONSCHARITABLE VENTURES Women’s Shelters • Funding for career and life counseling • One-on-one makeovers with our cosmetolo- gists • Skin care and cosmetic donations • Career training These combined experiences will show women who have experienced hardship that there is always time and opportunity for a new chance at life. Our campaign will support the beliefs of Mary Kay Ash, that whatever the hardship, from cancer to domestic abuse, women can be empowered and discover more than makeup through Mary Kay. Our team will provide the following support to these chari- ties and women:
  • 17. MARY KAY T he Discover More Than Makeup microsite will integrate all the campaign components. The purpose of this site is to serve as a next step to other social media and digital platforms and distribution of mobile applications. The site will give visitors campaign schedule details in- cluding ColorRun events, Bus Tour stops, and philanthropic involvement. The microsite will also include Mary Kay’s social media feeds, makeup application technique videos and house other digital components of the Discover More Than Makeup Campaign. Finally, the site will include an interactive blog where visitors can ask questions, post makeup tips, and share their favorite products and party experiences. MICROSITE MEDIA “DISCOVER MORE THAN MAKEUP” Cost: $400,000 Plan the Perfect Party
  • 18. Gen Y females post more than 23% of all tweets on Twit- ter, making it an ideal channel for reaching and interact- ing with the target market. Paid tweets will be utilized to position Mary Kay as a contemporary brand that Gen Y can relate to. To assure that the advertisement facilitates interaction, costs to Mary Kay will only occur when ads are re-tweeted, favorited, replied to, or clicked. Twitter will also be used to promote excitement and generate WOM for events encompassed in the Discover More Than Makeup campaign, such as the Color Run. The final element will include a live Twitter feed displayed on the microsite exhib- iting tweets related to the campaign. MARY KAY With Facebook being the number one social media website among Gen Y females, we can ensure that it’s an effective way to reach the target market. Facebook advertisements and posts will endorse campaign events, like the bus tour, with the use of geo-targeted promotions in areas of the tour’s upcoming stops. Gen Y females have an average of 510 friends who will potentially be exposed to the content they like or share, making Facebook an effective way to gener- ate awareness for Mary Kay and the Discover More Than Makeup campaign. COST: $1.5 MillionCOST: $1 Million COST: $70,000 MEDIA Social Media Social media will be used as a supporting vehicle for the Discover More Than Makeup campaign. In addition to this support, social media will be utilized to create brand awareness through paid components such as sponsored posts on Facebook and promoted posts on Twitter. These channels will be highly targeted and efficient for reaching Gen Y females. Potential Gen Y Reach: 22 million Potential Gen Y Reach: 15.7million Potential Gen Y Reach: 14.8 million Tumblr is great for SEO, which pro- vides the opportunity for attracting users to the Discover More Than Makeup microsite. Tumblr also gives users the ability to blog about anything and to do so with no limit on characters, pictures, or videos. This blog format makes Tumblr a vital referral and endorsement platform for the brand. Given that Gen Y females look to their peers for recommendations, activity on Tumblr will increase purchase con- sideration for Mary Kay products. COST: $500,000 Potential Gen Y Reach: 3.5 million Instagram in the second most used social media platform, where 68% of users are fe- male. Instagram is very visual and because Gen Y is highly responsive to this, Mary Kay will hire a blogger who is in charge of creating and posting content that will appeal to Gen Y.
  • 19. MARY KAY MEDIASOCIAL MEDIA ADS S ocial media, in conjunction with ad campaigns promoting sponsored events, will encour- age current Mary Kay customers to attend events. This will help to strengthen Mary Kay’s image with people who may be new to the brand. Through the use of “Sponsored Posts” on Facebook and “Sponsored Tweets” on Twitter we can concentrate on showcasing Mary Kay enriching the lives of women, creating social experiences, and providing a more catered experi- ence than other beauty brands. Any clicked ad will lead to the microsite. Remember back when cosmetics were fun? Mary Kay, making cosmetics fun again! - Discover More Than Makeup Remember back when cosmetics were fun? Mary Kay, making cosmetics fun again! - Discover More Than Makeup Suggested Post Discover more than makeup Mary Kay Mary Kay will be at the finish line of The ColorRun™ on {day} at {location}, we’ll have a photo booth to help you and your friends capture the colorful moments. Been trying to find the right shade? Get your makeup done by professional MK cosmetologists and get their personal recommendations. Boring old job? Boring old office? Experience work in a whole new way - Discover More Than Makeup Suggested Post Discover more than makeup Mary Kay Boring old job? Boring old office? Experi- ence work in a whole new way – Mary Kay - Discover More Than Makeup Boring old job? Boring old office? Experience work in a whole new way - Discover More Than Makeup Suggested Post Discover more than makeup Mary Kay Following The ColorRun™? So are we! Come discover why Mary Kay is more than make- up. We’ll be at the finish line to take your photos while you are covered in color. Following The ColorRun™? So are we! Come discover why Mary Kay is more than makeup. Suggested Post Discover more than makeup Mary Kay *
  • 20. MARY KAY 7+14+ A s our research suggested, the best way to reach Gen Y is through a combination of online, offline and word of mouth marketing. Our online marketing efforts will be strategically executed, given the fact that this generation is so skeptical of traditional marketing. For this reason we will advertise on a credible website that Gen Y trusts, this site is ELITE DAILY. MEDIAWEBSITE ADVERTISING 7+ MILLION UNIQUE VISITORS / MONTH 14+ MILLION PAGE VIEWS / MONTH “Look beyond the makeup and discover what Mary Kay has to offer. Click the banner below to visit the Discover More than makeup webpage. ELITE DAILY REACH GENERATION-Y “DISCOVER MORE THAN MAKEUP” Cost: $1 Million ELITE DAILY is a newly established website that refers to themselves as “the voice of Generation Y.” Their mission is to provide a reliable daily portrait of the world by consolidating everything relevant in the lives of Gen Y. The site provides information on world news, travel, culture, en- tertainment and all things luxury. Their content is delivered to an audience with one common characteristic: They are driven by the pursuit of success. This makes advertising for Mary Kay, which is all about empowering women, the perfect platform for advertising to Gen Y. Given that ELITE DAILY is a site specifically meant for Generation Y, advertising will be highly effective for reaching our target market.
  • 21. MARY KAY MEDIA YouTube Generation Y makes up 34% of all YouTube users, making it an effi- cient way to reach the target market. Our campaign will include pay- per-view YouTube ads displayed between searched videos. These purpose of these ads are to increase awareness of Mary Kay’s Discover More Than Makeup campaign and all that the brand has to offer by directing viewers to the Discover More Than Makeup microsite. COST: $1 Million She doesn’t just know what color looks best on me, she knows what’s going on in my life, she knows when I’m sad, when I’m happy, how I feel, she knows what is most important to me. We support each other in all aspects of our lives not only is my friend she is my Mary Kay beauty consultant. Visit the Discover More Than Makeup website and find a beauty consultant in your area. All my life I have been told I was good enough. That if I went to school and got good grades I would get a good job. That if I got a good job I would be successful. But this isn’t my idea of success. I want something more. I want to make a difference. To feel inspired. To be a role model to others. Like the wom- en that have blazed the trail before me. I want to enrich the lives of women around me. I want to create a legacy. I want to become the woman I dreamed I would be. Mary Kay, discover more than makeup. “I Am Good Enough” “More Than an IBC” Potential Gen Y Reach: 18.24 million The YouTube ad scripts are displayed below:
  • 23. MARY KAY MEDIAPandora Cost: $500,000 Potential Gen Y Reach: 10.4 million Generation Y is highly involved with music, whether it be going to a concert, watching videos or streaming music online. One of the top streaming sources is Pandora Radio, where the average user listens for at least two hours a day. Advertising on Pandora provides a potential reach of 10.4 million Gen Yers. Pandora Scripts 1. Are you ready to discover summer fun? Mary Kay will be at The ColorRun in {City, State} on {Date}. Discover your personal look with the help of professional cosmetologists, hop in the photo booth with your friends, discover Mary Kay prizes and check out our stand at the finish line. Race you there! 2. You like adventure, thrill, living on the edge. You’ve discovered the fun things in life and know how to have a good time. You enjoy new experiences. Now, discover more. Mary Kay will be at the color run in {lo- cation} on {day/date}. Come visit the Mary Kay booth and Discover More Than Makeup. We’ll see you at the finish line. Visit the Discover More Than Makeup webpage to check out the tour and find your pictures. 3. Hey sports enthusiasts, ready for the big game? Mary Kay is here to help. We’re on tour and coming to all the big games. Stop by the Mary Kay bus to tailgate with us and we’ll help you cheer on your team in style, by equipping your face with your team’s colors. Stand out in the crowd, and be part of the game. Mary Kay Discover More Than Makeup. Our campaign will utilize Pandora throughout the year and act as advertising support for the Discover More Than Makeup Tour. Pandora ads will be geo-targeted to bring awareness and to generate buzz in areas of the tour’s upcoming stops. In correlation, ads will also drive traffic to the Discover More Than Makeup microsite by displaying a banner ad containing a direct link to the site. Generating more traffic to the site will help educate visitors on each aspect of the campaign. The banner ad will be accompanied by a voiceover. The three campaign voiceover scripts are represented below:
  • 24. MARY KAY MEDIAPinterest M Mary Kay has used skin care classes and parties as a way to reach out to new customers. These parties allow them to try and experi- ence the many products Mary Kay offers. Our research concluded that the target market was hesitant about going to a Mary Kay party instead of doing something else. The target market saw the Mary Kay party as some- thing that wasn’t worth her time. For Mary Kay to reach the target market, the traditional Mary Kay party needs to be updated to make it an event that the Gen Y female could not miss out on. Our campaign will use Pinterest, an interactive media site, to develop the perfect party recipe to make the Mary Kay parties more fun and exciting for these young women. Party Recipes will be posted on Pinterest and be customized to different party styles that with the host’s and IBCs’ interests. R ecipes will be complete with drink and food suggestions, decoration ideas, music playlists and theme suggestions. The Mary Kay Perfect Party Recipe provides Gen Y females with the choices and personal customize they demand. “Discover your endless party possibilities with Mary Kay” Promotional Taglines “Discover the art of the party with Mary Kay’s perfect party recipe” “Customize your party with Mary Kay’s perfect party recipe”
  • 26. MARY KAY MEDIAMobile App Gen Y females are constantly seeking advice when it comes to applying their makeup. They follow the newest cosmetic trends and looks in fashion. However, these trends and fashions are difficult to replicate. The Gen Y female will often look on Pinterest and YouTube for tips and technique to get the look they want. The Discover More Than Makeup Mobile App will include video tutorials and tips for the latest makeup application techniques. Current popular techniques include the following: Mary Kay’s current eCatalog app allows users to flip through digital pages with the slide of a finger. Renovations to this application will allow customers to make purchases within the catalog. The app will follow the same protocol of requiring an IBC before making a purchase as well as any other proce- dures already in place to make an online purchase. This will make purchasing more convenient to the target market, allowing her to shop for her cosmetics on any device. Application App Cost: $400,000 • Smokey Eye • Facial Contouring • Highlighting • Classic Red Lip • Lip Liner • Eyebrow Filling The Application app will in- crease Gen Y female’s percep- tion of Mary Kay by positioning them as an innovative brand appealing their technology-driv- en wants and needs. eCatalogue App Renovation Cost: $200,000
  • 27. MARY KAY The ColorRun Bus Tour Street Art Facebook Twitter Instagram/Pinterest YouTube Pandora Mobile App Micro Site Tumblr Feb M ar April M ay June July Aug Sep O ct Nov Dec Jan SCHEDULE & BUDGET TheColorRunBusTour StreetArt Facebook Twitter Instagram /Pinterest YouTube Pandora M obileApp M icroSite Tum blr ECatalog EliteDaily Production $750,000.00 $0.00 $1,500,000.00 $2,250,000.00 $179,500 $2,289,200 $100,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $70,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $400,000 $400,000 $500,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 $861,300 BUDGET SCHEDULE
  • 28. MARY KAY Several evaluation techniques will be used to measure how effectively the Discover More Than Makeup campaign fulfills our objectives. The table below represents the evaluation techniques that correlate with each campaign objective. Campaign Objectives Evaluation Techniques Track the amount of Mobile App downloads. Conduct surveys along the Dis- cover More Than Makeup Tour to measure brand perception. Track the increase in Gen Y female’s “friends” and “followers” on the different me- dia sites, micro site web traffic, surveys, recognition testing. Track purchases made through the e-catalogue. Compare the difference in IBCs ages 18-25 from 2014 (when the Discover More Than Makeup campaign begins) to 2015. Evaluation Measure #1 – Street Team Tours Throughout the Discover More Than Makeup Tour, the Brand Ambassa- dors will acquire leads for local IBCs. Leads will be generated when Gen Y females sign up for raffles and free giveaways at the events. It will be necessary to communicate clearly with participants that by signing up that they may be contacted by an IBC in the future, this will provide trans- parency and help develop the target market to trust the Mary Kay brand. Brand Ambassador teams will submit these lists to corporate. Corporate will compile leads and distribute them by city and state. This tracking method will show how many Gen Y females were reached through face-to-face communication during this aspect of the campaign. A new procedure will be introduced to IBCs. Each lead giv- en to an IBC will be tracked and the outcome will be noted as: they come to a party, buy product or sign up to be an IBC themselves. This will help track increase in customers, Mary Kay parties, purchases, and target market IBC enrollment. Evaluation Measure #2 – Social Media Facebook and Twitter both have the ability to view demographics of fol- lowers. This will be used to record the number of Gen Y females at the start of the Discover More Than Makeup Tour, which will serve as a benchmark for future growth. Each time a new city is visited, the rise in followers on all forms of social media will be count- ed. Since the Tour targets events that appeal to large amounts of s, there should be a noticeable de- crease in the average age of Mary Kay followers. This will be documented at during each quarter of the Tours. With each additional city visited, and as more of the target market reached through the campaign, it is expected that the average age of followers will steadily decrease.. Evaluation Measure #3 - Perception Survey A survey will be distributed via email, two weeks after each event during the Discover More Than Makeup Tour. Women who provide their email ad- dress at events will be the target for this survey. In order to generate great- er survey responses, those who fully complete surveys will be entered into a lottery for a chance to win one of ten $1,000 cash prize. This $10,000 is allocated in the Discover More Than Makeup Tour budget. EVALUATION • Increase positive perception • Increase awareness among Gen Y • Increase consider- ation for purchase • Increase consideration for Mary Kay business opportunity