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BULLET is a student-based advertising agency specializing in integrated communications to
increase brand engagement. With a fresh perspective and constant exchange of new ideas,
BULLET aims to be on-target – delivering results every time.B LLET
Mary Kay’s commitment to enriching women’s lives
has set them apart for over 50 years. A brand focused
on delivering high-quality cosmetics, Mary Kay has a
dedicated sales force of over 3 million Independent
Beauty Consultants. Their virtuous brand heritage has
earned them a place in the hearts of women across
the globe. The brand is poised to make an impactful
appearance in the lives of females 18-25.
BULLET spoke to the Gen Y Woman and found that she
currently perceives the Mary Kay brand as “outdated
and unapproachable.” These young women thrive on
technology and lead lives in a continuously connected
social network. Acquiring their trust and breaking
through the clutter is key, so simply utilizing non-
traditional media is not enough. Campaign messages
must leverage the target’s affinity for word-of-mouth
recommendations to form meaningful relationships.
Armed with this knowledge, BULLET has developed
a 360-degree marketing plan that engages her in a
modern and authentic manner. Mary Kay must become
a trusted friend.
BULLET will introduce Mary Kay to young women in a
way that is current and genuine while staying true to
the brand’s empowering identity. This message strategy,
with integrated media and promotional executions,
will increase brand awareness and drive the targeted
consumers to embrace Mary Kay as both a relevant
cosmetic company and business opportunity.
Quick Facts
According to BULLET’s secondary research of the competitive landscape, a
fundamental contrast exists between direct selling and traditional models.
Awareness of this distinction is crucial for the development of a relevant campaign
strategy for the cosmetic industry.
In order to better understand the current business climate
and the relationship between Mary Kay and the Gen Y Woman,
BULLET sought to:
•	 employ qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the target’s
perception of Mary Kay and their business model
•	 assess the advantages of Mary Kay’s unique position in the cosmetic industry
•	 segment the market in a way that is exclusively relevant to Mary Kay
•	 investigate which media platforms leave optimal lasting impressions among the desired
target audience
•	 unearth insights that lay the foundation for a strategic campaign that will engage the
Gen Y Woman
purchase centers around the brand & its product purchase centers around the salesperson
multiple distribution channels offer convenience salesperson offers personalized shopping experience
products exist in a competitve retail environment offers consumer a business opportunity
consumer is anonymous consumer is recognized & remembered
1250 surveys
personal interviews
beauty consultant interviews
mystery shops
focus groups
mary kay parties
concept tests
BULLET’s brand matrix identifies where Mary Kay sits in relation to
their competitors in terms of consumer perception and interaction.
Secondary research revealed that the Gen Y Woman is empowered and connected. She is
ambitious, independent and passionate about brands she believes in. She is “plugged-in”
and relies on technology to stay connected. Research indicates that the Gen Y Woman is
increasingly skeptical of traditional media and tends to be more attracted to brands that
communicate sincere messages. She is socially conscious and sensitive to the advice of her
peers, both online and off. For a brand to be seen as authentic in her eyes, it needs to have
currency within her network.
•	 high-quality cosmetics
•	 innovative products that
correspond with trends
•	 dedicated sales force
•	 direct sales model is inconvenient
•	 current customer base predominantly
older than the target market
•	 independent nature of salesforce creates
brand inconsistency
•	 growing preference for a personal
shopping experience
•	 homogenized environment allows
Mwary Kay to stand out
•	 tech-savvy target’s use of non-
traditional media
•	 saturated cosmetic market
•	 competitors utilize multiple
distribution channels
•	 traditional retailers offer innovative
in-store experiences
find themselves
checking for
agree they are
the generation of
a product they are
passionate about
to friends in “real
say they
that they should
return to their
place in society
I didn’t like feeling
to buy something.
Actually, I think
my mascara is
Mary Kay.
Mary Kay is
I wouldn’t
even begin to
to purchase
Mary Kay.
It’s just
to buy my
makeup at the
I don’t
EVER seeing
a Mary Kay
BULLET sought out females 18-25 and asked them about
Mary Kay and their business model:
The target doesn’t like being “SOLD TO,” but
BULLET asked:
“What would most likely
influence you to purchase a
new cosmetic product?”
said, “I would buy Mary
Kay if my friend were
an Independent Beauty
Brand Reputation
89% 69%
BULLET assessed the target’s media use, perception of cosmetic
advertising and how it affects their purchasing decisions:
BULLET found that inspirational copy and tone resonated with the
target market. Respondents also identified with the realistic look of the
“girl next door,” describing their makeup style as:
The cosmetic market is inundated with shallow messages that
perpetuate one-dimensional beauty. In order to manage these
messages, consumers create a “barrier” around themselves to
sort the relevant from the irrelevant. Mary Kay currently resides
outside this barrier for a variety of reasons. Primary research
revealed a lack of trust in the Mary Kay brand due to their
aggressive sales approach, uptight persona and outdated image.
This led BULLET to identify Mary Kay’s most substantial problem
in appealing to females 18-25. Mary Kay is perceived as
value quality
over price
said the typical
cosmetic ad gave
them unrealistic
said the typical ad
would not affect
their purchase
use facebook as
their primary
social network
describe their makeup
style as “simple” or
All-Nighter Nine-to-Fiver
In talking with the target market, BULLET found that they naturally divided
themselves into two cliques based on their stages in life. Research revealed
that females 18-25 have similar media preferences but that their lifestyles
(college or career) make them distinct. BULLET will primarily target the All-
Nighter because of her increased social influence, concentrated community
and likelihood to explore new business opportunities. The Nine-to-Fiver will
remain a secondary focus in the campaign.
•	 college student
•	 social & trendy
•	 works hard, plays hard
•	 enjoys discovering her potential
•	 wears makeup to boost confidence
•	 young professional
•	 independent & stylish
•	 healthy work/life balance
•	 actualizes her potential
•	 wears makeup to show confidence
All-Nighter & Mary Kay
The All-Nighter values personal connections, whether networking on campus or
keeping up with people, news and trends online. Her schedule is full of studying,
staying involved and going out with friends when she can. She’s investing a lot of
time and money in her future and finds herself daydreaming about what she can
achieve. With such a hectic schedule, makeup helps her feel like she’s got it all
In a market saturated with superficial messages, Mary Kay is a forward-thinking
brand who knows your name. Other brands talk, Mary Kay listens. They idolize
women, she embodies them. Sincerity beats superficiality in her book any day,
because enabling insecurities makes no sense. Empowering women does.
Despite this position, research revealed that Mary Kay is still perceived as
unapproachable. To overcome this, BULLET will leverage relationships and
introduce the target market to a contemporary Mary Kay — an advocate for
holistic beauty.
The Nine-to-Fiver works to make a name for herself. She is mindful of what her
purchasing decisions say about her. She loves her work and knows how to get the
job done in time to meet her friends for happy hour. She’s aware of her capabilities
and faces new challenges head-on. Her makeup shows the world how she sees
herself, as a tenacious and empowered woman.
Nine-to-Fiver & Mary Kay
•	 introduce Mary Kay to the target by engaging them in a concept that challenges their
misconceptions of the brand
•	 ensure the concept incorporates the role of the Independent Beauty Consultant, both
in person and online, to avoid message confusion and promote the business model
•	 emphasize the features of Mary Kay that are attractive to the target in a way that
does not change the brand or alienate older consumers and Independent Beauty
•	 incorporate executions that speak to the Gen Y Woman and recognize her tastes in
order to stimulate positive word-of-mouth
In creating a national creative campaign, BULLET sought to:
Research proved that young women see more informal relationships with brands
that are based on trust and sincerity as desirable and relevant.
BULLET took this to heart and created a campaign that breaks through the barrier
and invites consumers to connect with Mary: Mary the brand, Mary the Beauty
Consultant, Mary the more personal side of Mary Kay, Mary the quintessential
advocate of both inner and outer beauty. Have you met Mary?
grabs the audience’s attention. Consumers are typically
told things, not asked them. In a saturated market, this
line will spark curiosity.
implies the first stage
of a relationship - being
puts the audience on a first name
basis with Mary Kay, making the
brand more personable.
is a call to action. It directly
questions the target’s
perception of the brand and
encourages reassessment.
Each part of this tagline addresses Mary Kay’s brand identity. In carrying
a natural and inspiring tone, BULLET portrays Mary Kay in a way that the
target audience can appreciate. Copy will be motivational and will seek
to identify with the target audience. All executions will be brand-centric,
emphasizing relationships with Mary Kay instead of just pushing product.
This style will stand out in a superficial, product-centric environment
and, with such a powerful message, will not be ignored. The images will
showcase females aged 18-25 in natural settings wearing Mary Kay makeup
– a soft sell.
Research revealed that our target is most likely to describe their desired look as
“natural.” Additionally, BULLET’s concept tests divulged that the Gen Y Woman
is attracted to and is likely to share inspirational messages. With this in mind,
BULLET utilized an aesthetic that showcases real women with a message they
can feel good about.
BULLET’s video execution titled “You” embodies the inspiring tone of the Have
You Met Mary? campaign. In telling the short stories of multiple women as they
overcome their anxieties with beautiful, thought-provoking copy, this video
identifies with both target segments and casts Mary in a favorable light. BULLET
chose the song “Sun” by Sleeping at Last because it is current and inspirational.
(1) You are alive. Yes, you. Of skin, and lips, and hair,
and memories. (girl wakes up)
(7) ...Listen. Stop worrying. If the sky falls, you’ll be
surrounded in wonder. (girl finds clairity)
(4) You. Whose indecision keeps you cemented
because the fear of going in the wrong direction is
more risk than you can bear. (girl contemplating New
York trip)
(10) Have faith. Some will use your crayons to color
countless pages in your book. (friends have makeover)
(2) You. Who trusts like a child and shares her hopes
and fears with abandon like crayons from a box. (shot
of girl sitting alone)
(8) Choose a direction. Let your heart be your compass,
your mind your map, and go. (girl gets into taxi)
(5) You. With the anxious mind and the curious heart
who can’t take no for an answer or stop asking why.
(girl getting bad test score)
(11) Indulge in the things that bring you joy because
life is not a permanent condition. (girl studying hard)
(3) You. Who tells yourself every day that you are
strong, you are strong, you are strong, to get through
life’s messes and out of the holes you dig yourself into.
(girl lifting)
(9) Be brave, but not stupid. (hands spot the lifter)
(6) You. Whose insecurities weigh you down and keep
you from trying, flying... (girl getting flustered at work)
(12) And when it’s all swept away — the doubt, the fear,
the insecurity — all that remains is you. Look closely
and realize “you are beautiful.” (fade to black with
“Have You Met Mary?” and Mary Kay logo)
Mary Kay must mobilize their Independent Beauty Consultants to
become brand catalysts, forming relationships with young women in
the target market in order to familiarize them with the direct selling
experience and begin building trust in Mary Kay’s brand messages.
Independent Beauty Ambassador Program
Campaign Coordinators
Mary Kay Lodge
Instructional Materials
BULLET has created a way to bridge the gap between the Gen Y Woman and Mary
Kay by implementing a student ambassador program that:
In each spot market, Mary Kay will hire a Campaign Coordinator to oversee
campaign initiatives, involve current Beauty Consultants in the spots and
manage the Beauty Ambassadors. The position will begin in April and will be
salaried at $28,000.
A house will be rented in each city to allow the target market to interact with
the Independent Beauty Consultants and Beauty Ambassadors in a comfortable
and official setting. This house will serve as a hub of communication and physical
address for both teams for the duration of the campaign. At its grand opening in
April, the Campaign Coordinator will be on hand to recruit the invited Beauty
Consultants to help roll out the new campaign. Consumers will be able to use
the Mary Kay Lodge to host parties and meet with Beauty Consultants.
In BULLET’s primary research, Independent Beauty Consultants expressed
their dependency on Mary Kay for promotional materials and business ideas.
New instructional materials will be distributed through directors, placed at
Mary Kay Lodges and made available online. These materials will focus on
social media and party etiquette, as well as provide information about the Gen
Y Woman to create more knowledgeable Beauty Consultants. All material will
be cohesive with the creative campaign’s approachable, inspiring message.
BULLET has set aside funds to hire 75 undergraduate brand ambassadors for the
Fall 2015 semester (5 per spot market). Beauty Ambassadors will attend training
conference in Addison, Texas. They will receive $1,000 stipend and will be given
a personal discount to promote the product portfolio. They will not be allowed
to sell product but will work alongside current Beauty Consultants to achieve
monthly brand-building objectives. Independent Beauty Ambassadors will be able
to transition into careers as Independent Beauty Consultants at the end of their
Reach: Spot
Total Cost: $115,000
•	 offers the target market real-life experience to help further their personal career goals
•	 selects opinion leaders to advocate Mary Kay to their peers, making the brand more
relatable and desirable to the target market
•	 makes other business opportunities with Mary Kay more accessible and desirable to the
program participants
Reach: Spot
Total Cost: $420,000
Reach: Spot
Total Cost: $600,000
BULLET developed an integrated national campaign that provides
a connection with the target market, using tactics that intersect
their lifestyle in meaningful ways. In developing a plan, BULLET
sought to:
BULLET’s twelve month campaign will begin on February 1, 2015, and end
on January 31, 2016. The campaign plan will accomodate the target market’s
school and work schedules in order to effectively increase reach within the
target market. BULLET plans to reach the target audience on both national and
spot levels in order to maximize resources and maintain efficiency.
To begin choosing spot markets, BULLET looked at universities in regions
where Mary Kay was used most — the South and Midwest census regions.
From there, BULLET used the following factors to choose fifteen spot
markets for promotional events, guerilla marketing and targeted online and
social media advertisements:
Once these factors were considered, BULLET was able to narrow down to
the following fifteen spot markets:
•	 allocate the budget in a cost-effective way
•	 accentuate reach on both spot and national levels in order to raise target market
awareness of Mary Kay
•	 shape advertising and promotional schedules around the target segments’ routines
and lifestyles throughout the campaign
•	 use non-traditional media to avoid the oversaturation of traditional cosmetic
advertising and reinforce Mary Kay’s typical word-of-mouth strategy
•	 ensure that all tactics are cohesive with Mary Kay’s inspiring identity and embody
the brand as relatable and approachable
•	 population of female students at each university
•	 population of females 18-25 in surrounding city
•	 Mary Kay usage and Independent Beauty Consultant concentration by state
•	 DePaul University · Chicago, IL
•	 Florida State University · Tallahassee, FL
•	 Georgia State University · Atlanta, GA
•	 Indiana University - Purdue University
Indianapolis · Indianapolis, IN
•	 Ohio State University · Columbus, OH
•	 University of Alabama · Tuscaloosa, AL
•	 University of Florida · Gainesville, FL
•	 University of Houston · Houston, TX
•	 University of Michigan · Ann Arbor, MI
•	 University of North Carolina · Chapel Hill, NC
•	 University of Oklahoma · Norman, OK
•	 University of Tennessee · Knoxville, TN
•	 University of Texas · Austin, TX
•	 University of Virginia · Charlottesville, VA
•	 University of Wisconsin · Madison, WI
In order to effectively communicate with the target market, BULLET will create
a microsite for all Have You Met Mary? campaign messaging. The site, www., will include information to streamline the search for an
Independent Beauty Consultant, campaign event information and a direct link
to the Mary Kay website. All campaign tactics will link back to this microsite.
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
Total Cost: $400,000
According to research, BULLET’s target audience watches videos online through
YouTube and online streaming sites due to their busy lives. In order to effectively
reach out to potential consumers and raise awareness of the Mary Kay brand,
BULLET will place its Have You Met Mary? “You” commercials on YouTube and
Hulu. These advertisements will be specifically geared toward females 18-25.
BULLET will target relevant interests and content keywords to create a more
refined focus on YouTube. Each ad that appears will be linked to the campaign
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
CPM: $12.5 (YouTube) & $35 (Hulu)
Total Cost: $1,274,000
Online Commercials
The Landing Page will feature the following copy:
Mary is a believer in big dreams and being brave enough to follow
them. She’s genuine, authentic and embraces what is unique. She
advocates happy smiles, drawing confidence from within and giving
sincere compliments. She aims to inspire and is inspired by you. She
knows that “pretty” is not found in the sum of the parts, but in the
beauty of the whole. Her job is to deliver the moment when the person
you are on the inside and the person you want to be on the outside
give each other a high-five.
Simmons data indicated that music streaming services are highly trafficked by our
target audience. With this in mind, BULLET will place advertisements on Spotify
and Pandora. Spotify will feature display ads and 30-second audio ads. Pandora
will feature display ads, branded skins and 30-second versions of the Have You Met
Mary? commercial. The advertisements will only appear on the devices of women
in the target audience and will be run on all available platforms offered by Spotify
and Pandora. Additionally, the ads will be linked to the campaign microsite.
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
Average CPM: $18 (Pandora) & $18 (Spotify)
Total Cost: $2,134,000
According to secondary research, 75% of all Buzzfeed content is shared via social
media. Because of this, BULLET will partner with to create five
articles to increase awareness among the target market. BULLET will provide five
different topics for the articles that reflect the creative concept and are relevant
to the target. These articles will link to the Have You Met Mary? microsite.
Reach: National
Timing: February, April, July, October, January
CPM: $10
Total Cost: $100,000
Radio Streaming Advertisements Native Advertising - Buzzfeed
31of the
faces on the web.
sponsored by:
BULLET will implement a strategic social media plan that will advance the
relationship between consumer and Mary Kay by focusing on benefits, values
and product portfolio using posts on the Mary Kay Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram accounts. Social media interaction during the campaign will feature
#HaveYouMetMary. Promoted posts will be featured on Facebook and Twitter
to target females 18-25 that have liked or followed pages associated with beauty
and cosmetics, keeping in mind BULLET’s spot markets. BULLET will also conduct
an interactive social media exchange with the target market through an array of
contests, promotions and guerilla marketing. The Mary Kay Pinterest account will
also receive a full “makeover” to reflect the campaign’s aesthetic and message.
Reach: National and Spot
Timing: Entire Campaign
CPM: $2
Total Cost: $40,000 (Owned Posts) & $206,000 (Promoted Posts)
Social Media
BULLET will utilize paid keyword search through Google AdWords to increase
traffic to the Have You Met Mary? microsite. Paid search will also be a way to
introduce the consumer to the Have You Met Mary? campaign and Mary Kay’s
product portfolio.
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
CPC: $4.50
Total Cost: $60,000
During the weeks leading up to recruitment, all campus sororities in spot markets
will receive a gift set of Mary Kay products along with an invitation to participate
in a contest that benefits their chapter. These gift sets will be hand delivered by
the Campaign Coordinator in each city. In order to win, each sorority will post a
picture of their greek letters made out of Mary Kay cosmetic products on their
sorority’s public Facebook page using #HaveYouMetMary. The contest will drive
friends to share and like the photos on Facebook. The chapter in each spot market
with the most activity will receive free makeup applications by experienced
Beauty Consultants for “Preference Night” and $5,000 for their philanthropy.
This will generate buzz for Mary Kay on social media while showcasing Mary
Kay’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.
Reach: Spot
Timing: August
Total Cost: $80,000
Search Engine Optimization
Mary Goes Greek
BULLET will supply each spot market with a portable Beauty Booth resembling
the marykay at play™ eyeshadow trio palette. Each color will be a different
entryway. Campaign Coordinators in each city will manage Independent Beauty
Consultant participation. Each entrant will be able to touch up their makeup
with samples of the Mary Kay products. In return for tweeting about Mary Kay
using #HaveYouMetMary, participants will recieve free eco-bags containing
Mary Kay samples, #KayItForward cards and information on local Independent
Beauty Consultants, thus building awareness and positive interaction within
the target market. These booths will be placed at wedding expos, city centers
and tailgates in the spot markets as well as at Lollapalooza in Chicago, IL, and
Austin City Limits in Austin, TX, in order to engage them with the product
portfolio and introduce them to local Beauty Consultants.
Reach: Spot
Timing: May, June, July, August, September, October, November
CPM: $40
Total Cost: $108,000
Beauty Booth
Research has shown that collegiate spirit squads are perceived as trendsetters
in the target market. In each spot market, BULLET will sponsor cheer and
dance teams to increase awareness and engagement. In exchange for Mary Kay
products in a branded makeup bag, the teams will be encouraged to promote
Mary Kay via social media with #HaveYouMetMary. Twice during the semester,
spirit squads will distribute t-shirts with inspirational messages from “Mary”
and other promotional materials directing consumers to the microsite for more
Reach: Spot
Timing: August, September, October, November
Total Cost: $150,000
Go-Give Spirit Squad Sponsorships
Females 18-25 view the Mary Kay party model as intimidating and are quickly
turned off by the hard sell. BULLET created soft sell party tips that are more
focused on building relationships and will implement these parties in on-
campus dorms. Campaign Coordinators will organize local Independent Beauty
Consultants to host parties with the help of available Beauty Ambassadors. These
parties will connect students in a central location, allow them to try the products
and help foster initial friendships with Independent Beauty Consultants. Once
trust is established, these relationships can grow to include business interactions.
Reach: Spot
Timing: August, September, October, November, December
Total Cost: $180,000
Dorm Parties
Use social media check-ins to encourage party
engagement and referrals.
Use profile card that is simplified with a playful
Structure party as a natural conversation.
Friends first, sales later.
Follow up with clients using their preferred
contact method.
Force consumers to list names of unsuspecting
friends for referrals.
Use a profile card that is overly intrusive and
tedious to fill out.
Structure party like a scripted presentation.
Deliver overbearing sales pitch without genuine
consumer interest.
Pester consumers by contacting them excessively
with no response.
BULLET will distribute reusable welcome bags to incoming students in our
target audience moving into the dorms at universities in the spot markets.
These branded bags will include samples of Mary Kay products, including the
at play™, Clear Proof™ and Botanical Effects™ lines, and marketing material
for the new campaign. The bag will also have the dorm party schedule, inviting
them to join the events each month to meet friends and Independent Beauty
Reach: Spot
Timing: August & January
Total Cost: $192,000
Welcome Bags
Research indicates that females 18-25 have a financial need for a professional
wardrobe. BULLET will address this need by promoting a New York City
shopping spree contest for one winner and two of her friends. Promoted
social media posts will invite the target market to visit the Have You Met Mary?
microsite to enter. Entrants must post a picture with two of their friends and
complete the caption “Have you met ______? They inspire me by_____.” They will
then use social media to encourage friends to vote daily for their entry on the
microsite. The winning trio with the most votes will receive a trip to New York
City and $15,000 to create professional wardrobes, as well as a variety of
Mary Kay products. Video from their experiences will be featured on the Have
You Met Mary? microsite.
Reach: National
Timing: November, December
Total Cost: $21,000
Mary Suits You! (Contest)
To reach the secondary target market, Nine-To-Fivers, BULLET will gift wrap
color-changing coffee mugs filled with sample sized products of the at play™, Clear
Proof™ and Botanical Effects™ skin care lines and other promotional materials to
young professionals at popular lunch locations in the spot cities. Each mug will
feature inspirational messages signed by “Mary” as well as information on how to
find an Independent Beauty Consultant. The Campaign Coordinator for each city
will work with Beauty Consultants to distribute these gifts.
Reach: Spot
Timing: April, May, June
Total Cost: $45,000
Mary Mugs
BULLET will place life-size Instagram squares branded by Mary Kay throughout
the fifteen spot markets in high traffic areas. At the bottom of the Instagram
square, there will be instructions to post your pink-filtered photo on social media
using #HaveYouMetMary.
Reach: Spot
Timing: May, June, July
Total Cost: $10,000
Freestanding lotion dispensers will be placed in selected high-traffic areas
citywide and on campuses in each of the fifteen chosen spot markets to increase
brand awareness. These dispensers will be pearlized pink, the signature Mary
Kay color, and will contain Mary Kay Satin Hands™ hydrating hand lotion,
allowing potential consumers to try the product directly. An inspirational
message signed by “Mary” will be shown on the front followed by the microsite
as a call to action.
Reach: Spot
Timing: Entire Campaign
Total Cost: $23,000
Satin Hands
BULLET will utilize urban areas and college campuses in each spot market to
power wash messages onto sidewalks. These messages, all signed by “Mary,”
will communicate the inspirational campaign messages and drive people to the
Have You Met Mary? microsite. This is a cost-effective way to reach the target
market, with impressions lasting up to six weeks.
Reach: Spot
Timing: March, April, May, June, July, August, September
Total Cost: $6,000
Em-power Washing
BULLET will cater to the target’s desire to make a positive difference by
implementing the #KayItForward movement. This tactic is in alignment with Mary
Kay’s go-give spirit and demonstrates that even the simplest kindness can make a
difference. Participation will be encouraged by the distribution of #KayItForward
cards in the spot markets. They will be available at the Beauty Booths, at Beauty
Speaks tour and at the Mary Kay Lodge in each spot market. The cards, passed from
person to person through acts of kindness, will have a unique serial number that
can be tracked online at the campaign microsite so the positivity can be followed.
The cards will contain directions for sharing one’s experience online before passing
it on again. Additionally, a mobile application will be introduced that allows users
to view a feed of positive actions in real-time. Users will be able to order cards to
get involved, log their card information and track its history. Push notifications will
also be available.
Reach (Cards): Spot
Reach (App): National
Timing: April, May, June, July, August, September,
October, November, December, January
Total Cost: $158,000
9:25 AM
BULLET will continue to generate inspiration through a partnership with
Project RE:NEW, a philanthropic handbag company that provides opportunities
to refugee women in America. RE:NEW will be featured on the microsite and
bags will be given away to collegiate cheerleading squads, influential beauty
bloggers and the top ten social media influencers (who are determined by
interaction with positive posts and feedback about the products and the
brand). Each bag will feature the marykay at play™, Clear Proof ™ and Botanical
Effects™ lines in order to simultaneously promote values and product.
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
Cost: $24,000
Influencer Outreach - RE:NEW Partnership
According to secondary research, Gen Y would likely make a donation to
crowdfunding-based ventures. BULLET will promote the Mary Kay philosophy
of “enriching women’s lives” by sponsoring young women’s projects on the
Kickstarter website. Chosen projects will feature an inspirational woman
from the target market who embodies Mary Kay’s core values. $10,000 will
be donated to each project, which will be promoted using the microsite, social
media and PR efforts.
Reach: National
Timing: Entire Campaign
Total Cost: $120,000
BULLET will hold motivational seminars in each spot market that will further
the #KayItForward message. The Independent Beauty Ambassadors will act
as a street team to promote each event and offer information via their social
media. They will work in coordination with each event center, using campus
marketing resources. Each seminar will feature a panel of inspirational women
that will uplift the audience by touching on topics about beauty, kindness and
self-empowerment. #KayItForward cards will be distributed at these events
along with fully-stocked eco-bags in order to inspire involvement with the Have
You Met Mary? campaign.
Reach: Spot
Timing: September, October, November, December
Total Cost: $150,000
Kickstart Your Dreams
Beauty Speaks
BULLET’s campaign strategy will engage the target market in a specific and
relevant way without alienating other key targets and current Mary Kay
consumers. Educational material and support will be offered to Mary Kay’s
salesforce to help them appeal to females 18-25, allowing them to leverage
this campaign for years to come. This concept’s longevity stems from its simple
platform that challenges the perception of an outdated brand and is highly focused
on appealing to the target in a strategic way. Many of the tactics showcased in the
spot markets can be expanded to a national scale. The #KayItForward movement
is a manifestation of Mary Kay’s core values and can easily become a signature
part of their brand identity.
BULLET’s Have You Met Mary? campaign introduces the target market to Mary
Kay in a way that is personal and sincere. The inspirational undertones resonate
perfectly with the Mary Kay brand and will continue to do so for years to come.
Once the target has “met” Mary, the creative concept can evolve to represent
the next stages in their relationship. Young women will always appreciate the
support and encouragement offered by Mary Kay.
BULLET recommends that Mary Kay develop time-saving products for the All-
Nighter and Nine-To-Fiver. After asking women what is most attractive when
considering a new product, the benefit of saving time is very appealing and
would heighten product consideration. BULLET also recommends adding a hair-
product line to condition brand loyalty. The following products are suggested:
•	 dual-end liquid and pencil eyeliner
•	 eye-makeup removing wipes
•	 brush- or wipe-on concealer
•	 tinted eyebrow gel
•	 colored satin lips
•	 firming self-tanner
•	 shampoo
•	 conditioner
•	 dry shampoo
•	 hairspray
Concept Longevity Product Portfolio Enhancements
Throughout the Have You Met Mary? campaign, BULLET will implement consumer
focus groups and surveys to monitor brand awareness, positive perception and
consideration of Mary Kay. Independent Beauty Consultants and Ambassadors
will also be queried for their feedback. In auditing the campaign’s media
effectiveness each quarter, under-delivery and make-good schedules will be
managed as needed. BULLET has a contingency of $347,000 to adapt executions
as they are needed. Post-campaign, BULLET will showcase how they achieved the
client’s goals.
Increase brand awareness
Increase positive perception for target
Increase consideration for product and business opportunity
Market Share
Online-experience traffic
Wholesale purchase growth
Independent Beauty Consultant employment growth
Unique visits to the microsite
Mobile app downloads
Social media engagements
Event participation
New blogger conversations
Reach of media
Click-through rates of online ads
#KayItForward cards reach/traffic
The Catalysts 	 $1,135,000 - 11%
Digital 		 $4,214,000 - 42%
Promotions/Guerilla $839,000 - 8%
Public Relations $452,000 - 5%
Agency Fee $1,500,000 - 15%
Evaluation $500,000 - 5%
Contingency $347,000 - 3%
Production $1,000,000 - 10%
The Have You Met Mary? campaign will be successful because it translates solid
research into a meaningful strategy. BULLET spoke to the target market and
discovered a significant barrier: females 18-25 find Mary Kay unapproachable
and lack the brand trust necessary to develop a loyal relationship. The Have
You Met Mary? campaign breaks down this barrier and introduces Mary Kay as a
modern and sincere cosmetic brand that is an advocate of genuine beauty. Media
and promotional experiences were selected to meet the target where they are
and speak to them the way they want to be spoken to, encouraging goodwill and
mutual respect among women.
BULLET is confident that the Have You Met Mary? campaign will deliver results
that are right on target. We are passionate about the Mary Kay brand and its
vision, and would be proud to earn your business.
Cost Impressions
1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31
The Catalysts $1,135,000
Mary Kay Lodge $600,000
Independent Beauty Ambassadors $115,000
Campaign Coordinators $420,000
Digital $4,214,000
Microsite $400,000
YouTube $819,000 65,520,000
Hulu $455,000 12,990,000
Spotify $1,468,000 122,304,000
Pandora $666,000 36,000,000
Buzzfeed $100,000 9,900,000
Pinterest $10,000 27,827
Facebook Owned Posts $10,000 1,580,862
Twitter Owned Posts $10,000 51,100
Instagram $10,000 36,076
Facebook Promoted Posts $104,000 52,000,000
Twitter Promoted Posts $102,000 50,765,000
SEO $60,000 809,716
Promotions/Guerilla $839,000
Beauty Booth $108,000
Mary Goes Greek $80,000
Go-Give Spirit Squads $150,000
Dorm Parties $180,000
Welcome Bags $192,000
Mary Suits You! Contest $21,000
Mary Mugs $45,000
Eco-Bags $24,000
Satin Hands $23,000
Em-Power Washing $6,000
Marygram $10,000
Public Relations $452,000
#KayItForward Cards $8,000
#KayItForward App $150,000
Influencer Outreach $24,000
Kickstart Your Dreams $120,000
Beauty Speaks $150,000
Total Cost $6,640,000
JanuaryFebruary March April May June July August September October November December
Account Executive
Steven Pence
Account Planning
Ryan Russell - Secondary Research Director
Megan Anderson - Primary Research Director
Katelyn Hogan
Eddie Vargas
Brittany Long - Media Director
Ryan Dunavant - Promotions Director
Brady Gorman
Haley Ostrander
Morgan Priddy
Olivia Utley
Camille Haider - Strategy Director
Stephany Bradford - Creative Director
Bailey Baethge
Conner Drew
Christina Gutierrez
Molly Jacobs
Nicholas Kidd
Jessica Thompson
Faculty Advisor
Shannon Bichard
MarketLine Industry Profile: Skincare in the United States, 2013.
Passport: Skincare in the US Euromonitor International, 2013.
IBISWorld: Beauty, Cosmetic & Fragrance Stores in the US, 2013.
Experian Simmons OneView, 2011.
Experian Hitwise. 2013.
Kantar Media, Standard Rate and Data Service, 2014.
The Nielsen Company, 2013.
Ad-ology Research, 2013
Ben Jarvis
Copy Craft
Judy Jacobs
Robbie Rollins
Sleeping At Last
The Price Group
United Supermarkets
Special Thanks To

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Have You Met Mary?

  • 1.
  • 2. CREDITS 26 FLOWCHART 25 EVALUATIONS & CONCLUSION 24 RECOMMENDATIONS 23 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS 12-22 CATALYST 11 CREATIVE 8-10 RESEARCH 3-7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS BULLET is a student-based advertising agency specializing in integrated communications to increase brand engagement. With a fresh perspective and constant exchange of new ideas, BULLET aims to be on-target – delivering results every time.B LLET 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • 3. Mary Kay’s commitment to enriching women’s lives has set them apart for over 50 years. A brand focused on delivering high-quality cosmetics, Mary Kay has a dedicated sales force of over 3 million Independent Beauty Consultants. Their virtuous brand heritage has earned them a place in the hearts of women across the globe. The brand is poised to make an impactful appearance in the lives of females 18-25. BULLET spoke to the Gen Y Woman and found that she currently perceives the Mary Kay brand as “outdated and unapproachable.” These young women thrive on technology and lead lives in a continuously connected social network. Acquiring their trust and breaking through the clutter is key, so simply utilizing non- traditional media is not enough. Campaign messages must leverage the target’s affinity for word-of-mouth recommendations to form meaningful relationships. Armed with this knowledge, BULLET has developed a 360-degree marketing plan that engages her in a modern and authentic manner. Mary Kay must become a trusted friend. BULLET will introduce Mary Kay to young women in a way that is current and genuine while staying true to the brand’s empowering identity. This message strategy, with integrated media and promotional executions, will increase brand awareness and drive the targeted consumers to embrace Mary Kay as both a relevant cosmetic company and business opportunity. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
  • 4. Quick Facts According to BULLET’s secondary research of the competitive landscape, a fundamental contrast exists between direct selling and traditional models. Awareness of this distinction is crucial for the development of a relevant campaign strategy for the cosmetic industry. In order to better understand the current business climate and the relationship between Mary Kay and the Gen Y Woman, BULLET sought to: • employ qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the target’s perception of Mary Kay and their business model • assess the advantages of Mary Kay’s unique position in the cosmetic industry • segment the market in a way that is exclusively relevant to Mary Kay • investigate which media platforms leave optimal lasting impressions among the desired target audience • unearth insights that lay the foundation for a strategic campaign that will engage the Gen Y Woman STANDARD BUSINESS MODEL DIRECT SELLING BUSINESS MODEL purchase centers around the brand & its product purchase centers around the salesperson multiple distribution channels offer convenience salesperson offers personalized shopping experience products exist in a competitve retail environment offers consumer a business opportunity consumer is anonymous consumer is recognized & remembered 1250 surveys personal interviews beauty consultant interviews mystery shops focus groups mary kay parties concept tests 20 15 13 5 3 2 BULLET’s brand matrix identifies where Mary Kay sits in relation to their competitors in terms of consumer perception and interaction. SECONDARY RESEARCH YOUTHFUL OUTDATED PERSONALIZED IMPERSONAL 3 RESEARCH RESEARCH
  • 5. Secondary research revealed that the Gen Y Woman is empowered and connected. She is ambitious, independent and passionate about brands she believes in. She is “plugged-in” and relies on technology to stay connected. Research indicates that the Gen Y Woman is increasingly skeptical of traditional media and tends to be more attracted to brands that communicate sincere messages. She is socially conscious and sensitive to the advice of her peers, both online and off. For a brand to be seen as authentic in her eyes, it needs to have currency within her network. THE GEN Y WOMAN SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHSOPPORTUNITIES WEAKNESSESTHREATS • high-quality cosmetics • innovative products that correspond with trends • dedicated sales force • direct sales model is inconvenient • current customer base predominantly older than the target market • independent nature of salesforce creates brand inconsistency • growing preference for a personal shopping experience • homogenized environment allows Mwary Kay to stand out • tech-savvy target’s use of non- traditional media • saturated cosmetic market • competitors utilize multiple distribution channels • traditional retailers offer innovative in-store experiences find themselves compulsively checking for SOCIAL MEDIA updates consider themselves BRAND LOYAL agree they are the generation of TRENDSETTERS SHARE a product they are passionate about to friends in “real life” say they DISAGREE that they should return to their “traditional” place in society 4RESEARCH RESEARCH
  • 6. I didn’t like feeling SO PRESSURED to buy something. Actually, I think my mascara is Mary Kay. I LOVE IT! Mary Kay is OLD. I wouldn’t even begin to KNOW HOW to purchase Mary Kay. It’s just EASIER to buy my makeup at the store. I don’t remember EVER seeing a Mary Kay ad. PRIMARY INSIGHTS BULLET sought out females 18-25 and asked them about Mary Kay and their business model: The target doesn’t like being “SOLD TO,” but BULLET asked: “What would most likely influence you to purchase a new cosmetic product?” said, “I would buy Mary Kay if my friend were an Independent Beauty Consultant.”70% Referral/Recommendation Brand Reputation Advertisement Other 5 RESEARCH RESEARCH
  • 7. 87% 89% 69% 56% 57% PRIMARY INSIGHTS BULLET assessed the target’s media use, perception of cosmetic advertising and how it affects their purchasing decisions: BULLET found that inspirational copy and tone resonated with the target market. Respondents also identified with the realistic look of the “girl next door,” describing their makeup style as: The cosmetic market is inundated with shallow messages that perpetuate one-dimensional beauty. In order to manage these messages, consumers create a “barrier” around themselves to sort the relevant from the irrelevant. Mary Kay currently resides outside this barrier for a variety of reasons. Primary research revealed a lack of trust in the Mary Kay brand due to their aggressive sales approach, uptight persona and outdated image. This led BULLET to identify Mary Kay’s most substantial problem in appealing to females 18-25. Mary Kay is perceived as THE PROBLEM value quality over price said the typical cosmetic ad gave them unrealistic expectations said the typical ad would not affect their purchase decisions use facebook as their primary social network describe their makeup style as “simple” or “natural” UNAPPROACHABLE. NATURAL S I M P L E MINIMAL L I G H T CLASSICC L E A N NEUTRAL FRESH EASY CASUAL BOLD D R A M AT I C G L A M O R O U S TRENDYFA B U LO U S MODERN SEXY SOPHISTICATED 6RESEARCH RESEARCH
  • 8. TARGET SEGMENTS All-Nighter Nine-to-Fiver In talking with the target market, BULLET found that they naturally divided themselves into two cliques based on their stages in life. Research revealed that females 18-25 have similar media preferences but that their lifestyles (college or career) make them distinct. BULLET will primarily target the All- Nighter because of her increased social influence, concentrated community and likelihood to explore new business opportunities. The Nine-to-Fiver will remain a secondary focus in the campaign. • college student • social & trendy • works hard, plays hard • enjoys discovering her potential • wears makeup to boost confidence • young professional • independent & stylish • healthy work/life balance • actualizes her potential • wears makeup to show confidence POSITIONING RECOMMENDATION All-Nighter & Mary Kay The All-Nighter values personal connections, whether networking on campus or keeping up with people, news and trends online. Her schedule is full of studying, staying involved and going out with friends when she can. She’s investing a lot of time and money in her future and finds herself daydreaming about what she can achieve. With such a hectic schedule, makeup helps her feel like she’s got it all together. In a market saturated with superficial messages, Mary Kay is a forward-thinking brand who knows your name. Other brands talk, Mary Kay listens. They idolize women, she embodies them. Sincerity beats superficiality in her book any day, because enabling insecurities makes no sense. Empowering women does. Despite this position, research revealed that Mary Kay is still perceived as unapproachable. To overcome this, BULLET will leverage relationships and introduce the target market to a contemporary Mary Kay — an advocate for holistic beauty. The Nine-to-Fiver works to make a name for herself. She is mindful of what her purchasing decisions say about her. She loves her work and knows how to get the job done in time to meet her friends for happy hour. She’s aware of her capabilities and faces new challenges head-on. Her makeup shows the world how she sees herself, as a tenacious and empowered woman. Nine-to-Fiver & Mary Kay 7 RESEARCH RESEARCH
  • 9. • introduce Mary Kay to the target by engaging them in a concept that challenges their misconceptions of the brand • ensure the concept incorporates the role of the Independent Beauty Consultant, both in person and online, to avoid message confusion and promote the business model • emphasize the features of Mary Kay that are attractive to the target in a way that does not change the brand or alienate older consumers and Independent Beauty Consultants • incorporate executions that speak to the Gen Y Woman and recognize her tastes in order to stimulate positive word-of-mouth In creating a national creative campaign, BULLET sought to: Research proved that young women see more informal relationships with brands that are based on trust and sincerity as desirable and relevant. BULLET took this to heart and created a campaign that breaks through the barrier and invites consumers to connect with Mary: Mary the brand, Mary the Beauty Consultant, Mary the more personal side of Mary Kay, Mary the quintessential advocate of both inner and outer beauty. Have you met Mary? THE BIG IDEA grabs the audience’s attention. Consumers are typically told things, not asked them. In a saturated market, this line will spark curiosity. implies the first stage of a relationship - being introduced. puts the audience on a first name basis with Mary Kay, making the brand more personable. is a call to action. It directly questions the target’s perception of the brand and encourages reassessment. {MARY} {?}{MET}{HAVE YOU} Each part of this tagline addresses Mary Kay’s brand identity. In carrying a natural and inspiring tone, BULLET portrays Mary Kay in a way that the target audience can appreciate. Copy will be motivational and will seek to identify with the target audience. All executions will be brand-centric, emphasizing relationships with Mary Kay instead of just pushing product. This style will stand out in a superficial, product-centric environment and, with such a powerful message, will not be ignored. The images will showcase females aged 18-25 in natural settings wearing Mary Kay makeup – a soft sell. Tagline 8CREATIVE CREATIVE
  • 10. ONLINE ADS VIDEO -“YOU” Research revealed that our target is most likely to describe their desired look as “natural.” Additionally, BULLET’s concept tests divulged that the Gen Y Woman is attracted to and is likely to share inspirational messages. With this in mind, BULLET utilized an aesthetic that showcases real women with a message they can feel good about. BULLET’s video execution titled “You” embodies the inspiring tone of the Have You Met Mary? campaign. In telling the short stories of multiple women as they overcome their anxieties with beautiful, thought-provoking copy, this video identifies with both target segments and casts Mary in a favorable light. BULLET chose the song “Sun” by Sleeping at Last because it is current and inspirational. 9 CREATIVE CREATIVE
  • 11. (1) You are alive. Yes, you. Of skin, and lips, and hair, and memories. (girl wakes up) (7) ...Listen. Stop worrying. If the sky falls, you’ll be surrounded in wonder. (girl finds clairity) (4) You. Whose indecision keeps you cemented because the fear of going in the wrong direction is more risk than you can bear. (girl contemplating New York trip) (10) Have faith. Some will use your crayons to color countless pages in your book. (friends have makeover) (2) You. Who trusts like a child and shares her hopes and fears with abandon like crayons from a box. (shot of girl sitting alone) (8) Choose a direction. Let your heart be your compass, your mind your map, and go. (girl gets into taxi) (5) You. With the anxious mind and the curious heart who can’t take no for an answer or stop asking why. (girl getting bad test score) (11) Indulge in the things that bring you joy because life is not a permanent condition. (girl studying hard) (3) You. Who tells yourself every day that you are strong, you are strong, you are strong, to get through life’s messes and out of the holes you dig yourself into. (girl lifting) (9) Be brave, but not stupid. (hands spot the lifter) (6) You. Whose insecurities weigh you down and keep you from trying, flying... (girl getting flustered at work) (12) And when it’s all swept away — the doubt, the fear, the insecurity — all that remains is you. Look closely and realize “you are beautiful.” (fade to black with “Have You Met Mary?” and Mary Kay logo) 10CREATIVE CREATIVE
  • 12. Mary Kay must mobilize their Independent Beauty Consultants to become brand catalysts, forming relationships with young women in the target market in order to familiarize them with the direct selling experience and begin building trust in Mary Kay’s brand messages. Independent Beauty Ambassador Program Campaign Coordinators Mary Kay Lodge Instructional Materials BULLET has created a way to bridge the gap between the Gen Y Woman and Mary Kay by implementing a student ambassador program that: In each spot market, Mary Kay will hire a Campaign Coordinator to oversee campaign initiatives, involve current Beauty Consultants in the spots and manage the Beauty Ambassadors. The position will begin in April and will be salaried at $28,000. A house will be rented in each city to allow the target market to interact with the Independent Beauty Consultants and Beauty Ambassadors in a comfortable and official setting. This house will serve as a hub of communication and physical address for both teams for the duration of the campaign. At its grand opening in April, the Campaign Coordinator will be on hand to recruit the invited Beauty Consultants to help roll out the new campaign. Consumers will be able to use the Mary Kay Lodge to host parties and meet with Beauty Consultants. In BULLET’s primary research, Independent Beauty Consultants expressed their dependency on Mary Kay for promotional materials and business ideas. New instructional materials will be distributed through directors, placed at Mary Kay Lodges and made available online. These materials will focus on social media and party etiquette, as well as provide information about the Gen Y Woman to create more knowledgeable Beauty Consultants. All material will be cohesive with the creative campaign’s approachable, inspiring message. BULLET has set aside funds to hire 75 undergraduate brand ambassadors for the Fall 2015 semester (5 per spot market). Beauty Ambassadors will attend training conference in Addison, Texas. They will receive $1,000 stipend and will be given a personal discount to promote the product portfolio. They will not be allowed to sell product but will work alongside current Beauty Consultants to achieve monthly brand-building objectives. Independent Beauty Ambassadors will be able to transition into careers as Independent Beauty Consultants at the end of their employment. Reach: Spot Total Cost: $115,000 • offers the target market real-life experience to help further their personal career goals • selects opinion leaders to advocate Mary Kay to their peers, making the brand more relatable and desirable to the target market • makes other business opportunities with Mary Kay more accessible and desirable to the program participants Reach: Spot Total Cost: $420,000 Reach: Spot Total Cost: $600,000 11 CATALYST CATALYST
  • 13. BULLET developed an integrated national campaign that provides a connection with the target market, using tactics that intersect their lifestyle in meaningful ways. In developing a plan, BULLET sought to: BULLET’s twelve month campaign will begin on February 1, 2015, and end on January 31, 2016. The campaign plan will accomodate the target market’s school and work schedules in order to effectively increase reach within the target market. BULLET plans to reach the target audience on both national and spot levels in order to maximize resources and maintain efficiency. To begin choosing spot markets, BULLET looked at universities in regions where Mary Kay was used most — the South and Midwest census regions. From there, BULLET used the following factors to choose fifteen spot markets for promotional events, guerilla marketing and targeted online and social media advertisements: Once these factors were considered, BULLET was able to narrow down to the following fifteen spot markets: • allocate the budget in a cost-effective way • accentuate reach on both spot and national levels in order to raise target market awareness of Mary Kay • shape advertising and promotional schedules around the target segments’ routines and lifestyles throughout the campaign • use non-traditional media to avoid the oversaturation of traditional cosmetic advertising and reinforce Mary Kay’s typical word-of-mouth strategy • ensure that all tactics are cohesive with Mary Kay’s inspiring identity and embody the brand as relatable and approachable • population of female students at each university • population of females 18-25 in surrounding city • Mary Kay usage and Independent Beauty Consultant concentration by state • DePaul University · Chicago, IL • Florida State University · Tallahassee, FL • Georgia State University · Atlanta, GA • Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis · Indianapolis, IN • Ohio State University · Columbus, OH • University of Alabama · Tuscaloosa, AL • University of Florida · Gainesville, FL • University of Houston · Houston, TX • University of Michigan · Ann Arbor, MI • University of North Carolina · Chapel Hill, NC • University of Oklahoma · Norman, OK • University of Tennessee · Knoxville, TN • University of Texas · Austin, TX • University of Virginia · Charlottesville, VA • University of Wisconsin · Madison, WI SCHEDULING SPOT MARKETS 12MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 14. In order to effectively communicate with the target market, BULLET will create a microsite for all Have You Met Mary? campaign messaging. The site, www., will include information to streamline the search for an Independent Beauty Consultant, campaign event information and a direct link to the Mary Kay website. All campaign tactics will link back to this microsite. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign Total Cost: $400,000 Microsite According to research, BULLET’s target audience watches videos online through YouTube and online streaming sites due to their busy lives. In order to effectively reach out to potential consumers and raise awareness of the Mary Kay brand, BULLET will place its Have You Met Mary? “You” commercials on YouTube and Hulu. These advertisements will be specifically geared toward females 18-25. BULLET will target relevant interests and content keywords to create a more refined focus on YouTube. Each ad that appears will be linked to the campaign microsite. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign CPM: $12.5 (YouTube) & $35 (Hulu) Total Cost: $1,274,000 Online Commercials The Landing Page will feature the following copy: Mary is a believer in big dreams and being brave enough to follow them. She’s genuine, authentic and embraces what is unique. She advocates happy smiles, drawing confidence from within and giving sincere compliments. She aims to inspire and is inspired by you. She knows that “pretty” is not found in the sum of the parts, but in the beauty of the whole. Her job is to deliver the moment when the person you are on the inside and the person you want to be on the outside give each other a high-five. 13 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 15. Simmons data indicated that music streaming services are highly trafficked by our target audience. With this in mind, BULLET will place advertisements on Spotify and Pandora. Spotify will feature display ads and 30-second audio ads. Pandora will feature display ads, branded skins and 30-second versions of the Have You Met Mary? commercial. The advertisements will only appear on the devices of women in the target audience and will be run on all available platforms offered by Spotify and Pandora. Additionally, the ads will be linked to the campaign microsite. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign Average CPM: $18 (Pandora) & $18 (Spotify) Total Cost: $2,134,000 According to secondary research, 75% of all Buzzfeed content is shared via social media. Because of this, BULLET will partner with to create five articles to increase awareness among the target market. BULLET will provide five different topics for the articles that reflect the creative concept and are relevant to the target. These articles will link to the Have You Met Mary? microsite. Reach: National Timing: February, April, July, October, January CPM: $10 Total Cost: $100,000 Radio Streaming Advertisements Native Advertising - Buzzfeed 31of the faces on the web. sponsored by: 14MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 16. BULLET will implement a strategic social media plan that will advance the relationship between consumer and Mary Kay by focusing on benefits, values and product portfolio using posts on the Mary Kay Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Social media interaction during the campaign will feature #HaveYouMetMary. Promoted posts will be featured on Facebook and Twitter to target females 18-25 that have liked or followed pages associated with beauty and cosmetics, keeping in mind BULLET’s spot markets. BULLET will also conduct an interactive social media exchange with the target market through an array of contests, promotions and guerilla marketing. The Mary Kay Pinterest account will also receive a full “makeover” to reflect the campaign’s aesthetic and message. Reach: National and Spot Timing: Entire Campaign CPM: $2 Total Cost: $40,000 (Owned Posts) & $206,000 (Promoted Posts) Social Media BULLET will utilize paid keyword search through Google AdWords to increase traffic to the Have You Met Mary? microsite. Paid search will also be a way to introduce the consumer to the Have You Met Mary? campaign and Mary Kay’s product portfolio. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign CPC: $4.50 Total Cost: $60,000 During the weeks leading up to recruitment, all campus sororities in spot markets will receive a gift set of Mary Kay products along with an invitation to participate in a contest that benefits their chapter. These gift sets will be hand delivered by the Campaign Coordinator in each city. In order to win, each sorority will post a picture of their greek letters made out of Mary Kay cosmetic products on their sorority’s public Facebook page using #HaveYouMetMary. The contest will drive friends to share and like the photos on Facebook. The chapter in each spot market with the most activity will receive free makeup applications by experienced Beauty Consultants for “Preference Night” and $5,000 for their philanthropy. This will generate buzz for Mary Kay on social media while showcasing Mary Kay’s dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility efforts. Reach: Spot Timing: August Total Cost: $80,000 Search Engine Optimization Mary Goes Greek DELTADELTADELTA MARYKAYS 15 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 17. BULLET will supply each spot market with a portable Beauty Booth resembling the marykay at play™ eyeshadow trio palette. Each color will be a different entryway. Campaign Coordinators in each city will manage Independent Beauty Consultant participation. Each entrant will be able to touch up their makeup with samples of the Mary Kay products. In return for tweeting about Mary Kay using #HaveYouMetMary, participants will recieve free eco-bags containing Mary Kay samples, #KayItForward cards and information on local Independent Beauty Consultants, thus building awareness and positive interaction within the target market. These booths will be placed at wedding expos, city centers and tailgates in the spot markets as well as at Lollapalooza in Chicago, IL, and Austin City Limits in Austin, TX, in order to engage them with the product portfolio and introduce them to local Beauty Consultants. Reach: Spot Timing: May, June, July, August, September, October, November CPM: $40 Total Cost: $108,000 Beauty Booth 16MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 18. Research has shown that collegiate spirit squads are perceived as trendsetters in the target market. In each spot market, BULLET will sponsor cheer and dance teams to increase awareness and engagement. In exchange for Mary Kay products in a branded makeup bag, the teams will be encouraged to promote Mary Kay via social media with #HaveYouMetMary. Twice during the semester, spirit squads will distribute t-shirts with inspirational messages from “Mary” and other promotional materials directing consumers to the microsite for more information. Reach: Spot Timing: August, September, October, November Total Cost: $150,000 Go-Give Spirit Squad Sponsorships Females 18-25 view the Mary Kay party model as intimidating and are quickly turned off by the hard sell. BULLET created soft sell party tips that are more focused on building relationships and will implement these parties in on- campus dorms. Campaign Coordinators will organize local Independent Beauty Consultants to host parties with the help of available Beauty Ambassadors. These parties will connect students in a central location, allow them to try the products and help foster initial friendships with Independent Beauty Consultants. Once trust is established, these relationships can grow to include business interactions. Reach: Spot Timing: August, September, October, November, December Total Cost: $180,000 Dorm Parties DO’S DON’TS Use social media check-ins to encourage party engagement and referrals. Use profile card that is simplified with a playful narrative. Structure party as a natural conversation. Friends first, sales later. Follow up with clients using their preferred contact method. Force consumers to list names of unsuspecting friends for referrals. Use a profile card that is overly intrusive and tedious to fill out. Structure party like a scripted presentation. Deliver overbearing sales pitch without genuine consumer interest. Pester consumers by contacting them excessively with no response. 17 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 19. BULLET will distribute reusable welcome bags to incoming students in our target audience moving into the dorms at universities in the spot markets. These branded bags will include samples of Mary Kay products, including the at play™, Clear Proof™ and Botanical Effects™ lines, and marketing material for the new campaign. The bag will also have the dorm party schedule, inviting them to join the events each month to meet friends and Independent Beauty Consultants. Reach: Spot Timing: August & January Total Cost: $192,000 Welcome Bags Research indicates that females 18-25 have a financial need for a professional wardrobe. BULLET will address this need by promoting a New York City shopping spree contest for one winner and two of her friends. Promoted social media posts will invite the target market to visit the Have You Met Mary? microsite to enter. Entrants must post a picture with two of their friends and complete the caption “Have you met ______? They inspire me by_____.” They will then use social media to encourage friends to vote daily for their entry on the microsite. The winning trio with the most votes will receive a trip to New York City and $15,000 to create professional wardrobes, as well as a variety of Mary Kay products. Video from their experiences will be featured on the Have You Met Mary? microsite. Reach: National Timing: November, December Total Cost: $21,000 Mary Suits You! (Contest) 18MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 20. To reach the secondary target market, Nine-To-Fivers, BULLET will gift wrap color-changing coffee mugs filled with sample sized products of the at play™, Clear Proof™ and Botanical Effects™ skin care lines and other promotional materials to young professionals at popular lunch locations in the spot cities. Each mug will feature inspirational messages signed by “Mary” as well as information on how to find an Independent Beauty Consultant. The Campaign Coordinator for each city will work with Beauty Consultants to distribute these gifts. Reach: Spot Timing: April, May, June Total Cost: $45,000 Mary Mugs BULLET will place life-size Instagram squares branded by Mary Kay throughout the fifteen spot markets in high traffic areas. At the bottom of the Instagram square, there will be instructions to post your pink-filtered photo on social media using #HaveYouMetMary. Reach: Spot Timing: May, June, July Total Cost: $10,000 Marygram 19 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 21. Freestanding lotion dispensers will be placed in selected high-traffic areas citywide and on campuses in each of the fifteen chosen spot markets to increase brand awareness. These dispensers will be pearlized pink, the signature Mary Kay color, and will contain Mary Kay Satin Hands™ hydrating hand lotion, allowing potential consumers to try the product directly. An inspirational message signed by “Mary” will be shown on the front followed by the microsite as a call to action. Reach: Spot Timing: Entire Campaign Total Cost: $23,000 Satin Hands BULLET will utilize urban areas and college campuses in each spot market to power wash messages onto sidewalks. These messages, all signed by “Mary,” will communicate the inspirational campaign messages and drive people to the Have You Met Mary? microsite. This is a cost-effective way to reach the target market, with impressions lasting up to six weeks. Reach: Spot Timing: March, April, May, June, July, August, September Total Cost: $6,000 Em-power Washing 20MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 22. BULLET will cater to the target’s desire to make a positive difference by implementing the #KayItForward movement. This tactic is in alignment with Mary Kay’s go-give spirit and demonstrates that even the simplest kindness can make a difference. Participation will be encouraged by the distribution of #KayItForward cards in the spot markets. They will be available at the Beauty Booths, at Beauty Speaks tour and at the Mary Kay Lodge in each spot market. The cards, passed from person to person through acts of kindness, will have a unique serial number that can be tracked online at the campaign microsite so the positivity can be followed. The cards will contain directions for sharing one’s experience online before passing it on again. Additionally, a mobile application will be introduced that allows users to view a feed of positive actions in real-time. Users will be able to order cards to get involved, log their card information and track its history. Push notifications will also be available. Reach (Cards): Spot Reach (App): National Timing: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January Total Cost: $158,000 #KayItForward 9:25 AM 21 MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 23. BULLET will continue to generate inspiration through a partnership with Project RE:NEW, a philanthropic handbag company that provides opportunities to refugee women in America. RE:NEW will be featured on the microsite and bags will be given away to collegiate cheerleading squads, influential beauty bloggers and the top ten social media influencers (who are determined by interaction with positive posts and feedback about the products and the brand). Each bag will feature the marykay at play™, Clear Proof ™ and Botanical Effects™ lines in order to simultaneously promote values and product. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign Cost: $24,000 Influencer Outreach - RE:NEW Partnership According to secondary research, Gen Y would likely make a donation to crowdfunding-based ventures. BULLET will promote the Mary Kay philosophy of “enriching women’s lives” by sponsoring young women’s projects on the Kickstarter website. Chosen projects will feature an inspirational woman from the target market who embodies Mary Kay’s core values. $10,000 will be donated to each project, which will be promoted using the microsite, social media and PR efforts. Reach: National Timing: Entire Campaign Total Cost: $120,000 BULLET will hold motivational seminars in each spot market that will further the #KayItForward message. The Independent Beauty Ambassadors will act as a street team to promote each event and offer information via their social media. They will work in coordination with each event center, using campus marketing resources. Each seminar will feature a panel of inspirational women that will uplift the audience by touching on topics about beauty, kindness and self-empowerment. #KayItForward cards will be distributed at these events along with fully-stocked eco-bags in order to inspire involvement with the Have You Met Mary? campaign. Reach: Spot Timing: September, October, November, December Total Cost: $150,000 Kickstart Your Dreams Beauty Speaks 22MEDIA & PROMOTIONS MEDIA & PROMOTIONS
  • 24. 23 RECOMMENDATIONS BULLET’s campaign strategy will engage the target market in a specific and relevant way without alienating other key targets and current Mary Kay consumers. Educational material and support will be offered to Mary Kay’s salesforce to help them appeal to females 18-25, allowing them to leverage this campaign for years to come. This concept’s longevity stems from its simple platform that challenges the perception of an outdated brand and is highly focused on appealing to the target in a strategic way. Many of the tactics showcased in the spot markets can be expanded to a national scale. The #KayItForward movement is a manifestation of Mary Kay’s core values and can easily become a signature part of their brand identity. BULLET’s Have You Met Mary? campaign introduces the target market to Mary Kay in a way that is personal and sincere. The inspirational undertones resonate perfectly with the Mary Kay brand and will continue to do so for years to come. Once the target has “met” Mary, the creative concept can evolve to represent the next stages in their relationship. Young women will always appreciate the support and encouragement offered by Mary Kay. BULLET recommends that Mary Kay develop time-saving products for the All- Nighter and Nine-To-Fiver. After asking women what is most attractive when considering a new product, the benefit of saving time is very appealing and would heighten product consideration. BULLET also recommends adding a hair- product line to condition brand loyalty. The following products are suggested: • dual-end liquid and pencil eyeliner • eye-makeup removing wipes • brush- or wipe-on concealer • tinted eyebrow gel • colored satin lips • firming self-tanner • shampoo • conditioner • dry shampoo • hairspray Concept Longevity Product Portfolio Enhancements RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 25. 10% 5% 15% 5% 8% 42% 11% 3% Throughout the Have You Met Mary? campaign, BULLET will implement consumer focus groups and surveys to monitor brand awareness, positive perception and consideration of Mary Kay. Independent Beauty Consultants and Ambassadors will also be queried for their feedback. In auditing the campaign’s media effectiveness each quarter, under-delivery and make-good schedules will be managed as needed. BULLET has a contingency of $347,000 to adapt executions as they are needed. Post-campaign, BULLET will showcase how they achieved the client’s goals. Increase brand awareness Increase positive perception for target Increase consideration for product and business opportunity Market Share Online-experience traffic Wholesale purchase growth Independent Beauty Consultant employment growth Unique visits to the microsite Mobile app downloads Social media engagements Event participation New blogger conversations Reach of media Click-through rates of online ads #KayItForward cards reach/traffic The Catalysts $1,135,000 - 11% Digital $4,214,000 - 42% Promotions/Guerilla $839,000 - 8% Public Relations $452,000 - 5% Agency Fee $1,500,000 - 15% Evaluation $500,000 - 5% Contingency $347,000 - 3% Production $1,000,000 - 10% The Have You Met Mary? campaign will be successful because it translates solid research into a meaningful strategy. BULLET spoke to the target market and discovered a significant barrier: females 18-25 find Mary Kay unapproachable and lack the brand trust necessary to develop a loyal relationship. The Have You Met Mary? campaign breaks down this barrier and introduces Mary Kay as a modern and sincere cosmetic brand that is an advocate of genuine beauty. Media and promotional experiences were selected to meet the target where they are and speak to them the way they want to be spoken to, encouraging goodwill and mutual respect among women. BULLET is confident that the Have You Met Mary? campaign will deliver results that are right on target. We are passionate about the Mary Kay brand and its vision, and would be proud to earn your business. 24EVALUATIONS & CONCLUSION Goals Metrics CONCLUSION Budget EVALUATIONS & CONCLUSION
  • 26. 25 FLOWCHART Cost Impressions 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 The Catalysts $1,135,000 Mary Kay Lodge $600,000 Independent Beauty Ambassadors $115,000 Campaign Coordinators $420,000 Digital $4,214,000 Microsite $400,000 YouTube $819,000 65,520,000 Hulu $455,000 12,990,000 Spotify $1,468,000 122,304,000 Pandora $666,000 36,000,000 Buzzfeed $100,000 9,900,000 Pinterest $10,000 27,827 Facebook Owned Posts $10,000 1,580,862 Twitter Owned Posts $10,000 51,100 Instagram $10,000 36,076 Facebook Promoted Posts $104,000 52,000,000 Twitter Promoted Posts $102,000 50,765,000 SEO $60,000 809,716 Promotions/Guerilla $839,000 Beauty Booth $108,000 Mary Goes Greek $80,000 Go-Give Spirit Squads $150,000 Dorm Parties $180,000 Welcome Bags $192,000 Mary Suits You! Contest $21,000 Mary Mugs $45,000 Eco-Bags $24,000 Satin Hands $23,000 Em-Power Washing $6,000 Marygram $10,000 Public Relations $452,000 #KayItForward Cards $8,000 #KayItForward App $150,000 Influencer Outreach $24,000 Kickstart Your Dreams $120,000 Beauty Speaks $150,000 Total Cost $6,640,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $500,000 $360,000 JanuaryFebruary March April May June July August September October November December FLOWCHART
  • 27. Account Executive Steven Pence Account Planning Ryan Russell - Secondary Research Director Megan Anderson - Primary Research Director Katelyn Hogan Eddie Vargas Media/Promotions Brittany Long - Media Director Ryan Dunavant - Promotions Director Brady Gorman Haley Ostrander Morgan Priddy Olivia Utley Creative Camille Haider - Strategy Director Stephany Bradford - Creative Director Bailey Baethge Conner Drew Christina Gutierrez Molly Jacobs Nicholas Kidd Jessica Thompson Faculty Advisor Shannon Bichard 26CREDITS MarketLine Industry Profile: Skincare in the United States, 2013. Passport: Skincare in the US Euromonitor International, 2013. IBISWorld: Beauty, Cosmetic & Fragrance Stores in the US, 2013. Experian Simmons OneView, 2011. Experian Hitwise. 2013. Kantar Media, Standard Rate and Data Service, 2014. The Nielsen Company, 2013. Ad-ology Research, 2013 Ben Jarvis Copy Craft Judy Jacobs Robbie Rollins Sleeping At Last The Price Group United Supermarkets Special Thanks To Sources BULLET ADVERTISING CREDITS pew! pew!